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Perhaps we have been too spoiled with all the goods our democratic societies have brought us, so that we have slacked in protecting its internal principal borders. We do no longer have to be criminals to fear being completely examined, valued and controlled; modern technology has made it possible for any state-paid civil servant to check everything we do. It does no longer take hundreds of people to record an individuals life, merely some taps on a keyboard. Please note that we do not advocate the popular yet simplified "we and them" caricatures in relation to definitions of "the state" and "the common people"; i.e. that "the state" is an inherently evil conspiracy that does everything they can to control and oppress "the common people" for fun. Such descriptions will not fit the western world (Europe and USA) of today. Brave New World and 1984 did not predict the future; and perhaps the reason why we have overlooked what has actually happened is due to that we have stared us blind on such publications, exaggerating their possibilities of predicting the future. Therefore this product is necessary. Its purpose is to distort certain parts of the elegant machinery of surveillance that has been erected during the past years. Its ultimate goal is to make the machines of control useless. Not for the sake of criminals, but for the sake of the personal freedom of common people. Two objections will be raised against this product. Firstly, some will claim such trite clichés that "it makes it hard for the police to catch real criminals". Such people obviously forget that all wrong-doing against the common people in this century have always been justified in those very terms. "It is for your own good", "if you do nothing wrong, you have nothing to fear", and so on. These are nothing more than clichés, and they have been repeated over and over again through time by such organisations as CIA, KGB, Stasi and Gehemie Stadspolizei - organisations filled to the limit with people who seriously believe they work for "the public good". Secondly, need not the police keep up with the sophisticated methods of operations that criminals use today? Indeed. But to what extent? Do criminals have access to hi-tech monitoring devices, radar and satellites? Do they keep databases which tells you everything about a single individual, all the way down to their shoe sizes? Of course not. The police is not "keeping up" with the criminals of today. The police have outrun them hundreds of miles ago. The reason why they still are not able to catch criminals is because they are to occupied monitoring the wrong people. Anyhow, none of these objections are interesting. This is certainly not a controversial product. It will only serve its purpose if lots of people use develop it (and now we are talking about much more people than all criminals available in this world). And if lots of people use this product, have we not found a good reason for believing that the common people of today do not fancy the new world order that is being constructed this very minute? =============================================== Program description. There is Echelon. You have other nosy friends, employers, neighbors, ISPs. There are several ways to attack this problem. One way is encryption, another way is information overload. This product is a follower of the latter. Ignoring the fact that someone is reading your private information is not an option. The following is from the BBspam package: -- NOTE: This is a demonstration program. It is not a complete, nor perfect program package. There is little to no error handling and a lot of things are taken for granted. This is Intended Imperfect-Ware, to inspire/force others to do their own versions. The purpose of this program is solely to inspire others to create similar programs. The whole purpose of the BBspam concept is actually lost if there are only one or a few different programs to choose from. The more, the merrier - i.e., more problems for your favorite spying organization. -- Explore it, understand it, install it. Love it. Visit http://www.uXu.org/ for the BBspam program and news. As of now, there is only a Linux/Unix version available, but a Windows version is under development. //Bravemoore, uXu Editor --------------------------------------------------------------------------- uXu #529 Underground eXperts United 1999 uXu #529 http://www.uXu.org/ --------------------------------------------------------------------------- .