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Poor people make me sick. Some say I do not have the * right to think this way, but I say I do. With what right does the * poor people take up so much space everywhere? This space could the * rich people use much better. If I just had some money, I would * make sure we had some more space. * * Writers marching through the files this time are: Laurence Overmire, * Duane Locke and Eric Chaet. All brand new contributors, but they * are backed up with our regular staff: The GNN and myself. * * * Yes way http://uXu.org/ . * * * Between xmas and another year, * Bravemoore, uXu Editor * (anything) mailto:editor@uxu.org Current uXu Writers .. Members and writers thru the latest three releases .. * Visit uXu.org For additional information on our writers. Name Specialities Status ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Bravemoore - Fiction, Manuals, Humor - Editor The GNN - Anarchy, Weirdness, Fiction - Staff Max West - Detailed reality - Contributor Robert James Berry - Stimulator of emotions - Contributor Jay DeKalb - Poetry for late night depressions - Contributor Mobys Dick - Fiction for the fictionless - Contributor BJ Moore - Commuter poetry - Contributor Cindy - Poetry of times past - Contributor Kevin James Miller - Creator of real tiny t-files - Contributor Absolute Zero - Tearing apart who you once were - Contributor Nadene Wiggins - Fearful poetry - Contributor Utahna Faith - Love to be missing love - Contributor Mark Broomhall - Too much to do - Contributor Ivy Lou - Dark, dark, dark - Contributor Murphdog - Lifting his own weight - Contributor Stormavik - Norwegian representative views - Contributor Gene M Higney - Tricking you into cleverness - Contributor Chieftain - The bringer of happiness hints - Contributor Michael W Dean - Rock'n Roll writer - Contributor DisordeR - F.U.C.K. defector - Contributor Travis Ray Cole - Tons of Poetry - Contributor * Eric Chaet - Travelling Eric - Contributor * Duane Locke - Doctor with license to write - Contributor * Laurence Overmire - Writes, acts and directs - Contributor * Roz - Poetry straight from the heart - Contributor ----------------------------------------------------------------------- uXu Lifetime Honorary Members Name For... ---------------------------------------------------------------------- The Chief uXu founder, leader & long time uXu defender Ikonoklast Writing that great piece of work, Technophilia Leon Felkins His great and serious essays for serious people ---------------------------------------------------------------------- __________________________________________________________________________ * I N D E X - Standard Releases 517 - 530 [30 December 1999] For the complete list of uXu files, check out our web or FTP sites, or send a mail to index@uxu.org or longindex@uxu.org No Title Author Size -------------------------------------------------------------------------- * [517] Killers The GNN 2k * [518] We The People & Mythical Advice Roz 2k * [519] In The Western World Laurence Overmire 7k * [520] Aesthetics The GNN 6k * [521] Ionization Eric Chaet 34k * [522] The Investigator's Problem Bravemoore 5k * [523] The Perfect Mechanical Clone The GNN 4k * [524] Regarding My 'Signs' Eric Chaet 5k * [525] End Of Noise Bravemoore 5k * [526] Worlds The GNN 5k * [527] Wild Orchid Moments Duane Locke 3k * [528] Anatomy Of The Cynic The GNN 8k * [529] BBspam v0.1 The uXu 6k * [530] uXu Index #35 Bravemoore 15k __________________________________________________________________________ * I N D E X - Swedish Releases 57 - 59 [30 December 1999] * F|r en lista p} svenska uXu-filer, skicka e-post till index@uxu.org Nr Titel Skribent Storlek ------------------------------------------------------------------------- * [57] Backlash och Dalarna The GNN 4k * [58] Krig {r feminint Pierce Peter Paul 3k * [59] Sajber The GNN 5k ------------------------------------------------------------------------- * uXu - Description Index Standard Releases ^ / \ / \ /\ /\ / \ / \ Underground eXperts United < uXu > Release Update #35 \ / \ / Dec 30, 1999 \/ \/ \ / \ / v September December September December September December 1999: 517: "Killers" by The GNN. They are all around us. Most of them (we sincerely hope) are nice and dedicated to their work. But some of them are homicidal maniacs. Perhaps you will be the next victim. Who are they? 518: "We The People & Mythical Advice" by Roz. Here Roz gives us two poems to interpret, contemplate, analyze, criticize and then finally comment on. Some of us just enjoy them as they are. Step on in to Roz's poetry corner. 519: "In The Western World" by Laurence Overmire. Mr Overmire present five poems from his collection. Not your everyday writer, displaying both funny and disturbing texts, all typed with the energy you expect from a dedicated poet. 520: "Aesthetics" by The GNN. All living people have one thing in common: their bodies. No body - no life. Is this finally going to change with the help of technology? On the other hand, what would be able to stop this from becoming commonplace? Not the ones you would expect... 521: "Ionization" by Eric Chaet. This is a story about a man who hitchhikes around USA. His humble mission is to change not only America but the whole world for the better forever. Based upon true events - in a sense still going on. Fascinating reading. 522: "The Investigator's Problem" by Bravemoore. Your genetic code is unique and you cannot escape it. So why bother use gloves, wipe the gun, wash the knife - when a single damn eyelash found at the crime scene will be all the police needs to catch you? Until now, that is. Now you can get away with murder. The uniqueness of DNA is now your partner in violence... 523: "The Perfect Mechanical Clone" by The GNN. Would it not be nice to own a robot that is a perfect copy of you? Imagine! It could go to work (instead of you), fight with your spouse (instead of you), raise your children (instead of you). In short: do just about everyting you do not want to do! But then... who are 'you'? 524: "Regarding My 'Signs'" by Eric Chaet. Would You like to take part in a global artistic project? It will not cost you anything but time (and perhaps a photo and a letter, if you want to). Read this text, then contact Eric Chaet. Staff members of the uXu have already done so. (And we had lots of fun in Sweden and Finland.) 525: "End Of Noise" by Bravemoore. You know how it is. You try to get around. Live your life. But there are just too many people, too many problems, too much to do, so little time, distress distress, and all of this painfully framed in noise noise noise, I just can't take it any more! KILL KILL KILL 526: "Worlds" by The GNN. Virtual Reality. Actual Reality. Who can really say which is which? If you are able to simulate actual reality, does that mean we could all be living in a computer with a poor, crash prone operating system just waiting to die and when it does, take every living being with it... Where was I? 527: "Wild Orchid Moments" by Duane Locke. Dr Locke serves us his short/quick and sometimes traumatic poetry without mercy. If your friends likes when you read them your own poetry, try these ones on for size. Surprising icebreaker when the "quiet moment" arrives when visiting your mother in law. 528: "Anatomy Of The Cynic" by The GNN. Some people reveal and analyze important and complex problems in our world with sound arguments. Others just see their own nose and whine. Some people are philosophers. Others are merely plain cynics. Cynics believe they make the world a better place, but the truth is that they just make it worse. Learn their anatomy; avoid them. 529: "BBspam v0.1" by The uXu. We strongly recommend you to put the software available through this file into use before it is too late. Perhaps you are not already examined, monitored, controlled and valued by certain forces. Perhaps you do not care. But oh! You soon will! Believe us. Unless you do something. Quickly. 530: "uXu Index #35" by Bravemoore. In the last index this year, we give you what you expect to find here, such as: list of the latest uXu files, how to contact the uXu crew, the URL to our website and much, much more. Enjoy! [#530 also includes an index of the latest uXu-S series] -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Call our Fine Distribution Sites: [Smokin' 'til Release #36] Name Number Speed Country SysOp +Ripco ][ [773]-528-5020 [14.4] US Dr. Ripco KastlerocK [724]-527-3749 [28.8] US Jamie Kowinsky +The Young Gods [+351]-1XX-XXXXX [33.6] Portugal bOOMERANG IIRG (telnet) pfte.iirg.org [ -] US Black IC * Terraniux Underground [+46]-8-7777388 [33.6] Sweden mxonfrost + = Headquarters for this country ------------------------------------------------------------------------ The uXu Connection ------------------------------------------------------------------------ E-Mail - bm@uxu.org (Bravemoore, Editor) - gnn@uxu.org (The GNN) - joseph@uxu.org (Joseph) - hedge@uxu.org (Hedge) - knyttet@uxu.org (Knyttet) - chief@uxu.org (The Chief) FTP Sites - ftp.lysator.liu.se /pub/texts/uxu - ftp.etext.org /pub/Zines/UXU Main Website - www.uxu.org Subscribing - subscribe@uxu.org (The uXu Distribution list) - notify@uxu.org (The uXu Notification list) Back Issues - backissues@uxu.org (Back issues by mail) Note: Specify file numbers in the subject line and/or in the message body. Submissions - submission@uxu.org IRC Channel - EFnet / #uxu (practically never) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Underground eXperts United Copyright Notice ------------------------------------------------------------------------ The files spread by the uXu are copyrighted by the author, however spreading is allowed as long as the few following rules are followed: - No commercial spreading whatsoever. This includes so-called shareware CD-ROMs and other kinds of digital bundling. - Filenames are in the format UXU-nnn.TXT where nnn is the valid number of that file. You may re-archive it, but keep the UXU-nnn.aaa format (where aaa is the archive-extension, e.g. ARJ, ZIP, LZH etc.) - You are NOT allowed to add, subtract or in any way change the texts. Please note that neither the uXu nor the authors take any responsibility for the information contained in the files nor for any psychological or physical damage or injuries caused by use or misuse of the contents of the files. If anything is unclear or if you want to get more material from the uXu, please write directly to the editor: editor@uxu.org ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ .