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MAGIC BALLOON BY: DIzzIE (C)2000 Here is a nice fun activity for you to do on a boring day, any day in fact. What you need is one of those big plastic garbage bags. Next you also need access to a high place, such as a roof. Then you need to fill the garbage bag with as much vile liquid, or semi-liquid, as you can, without breaking the baggie, not yet at least. Some suggested items to put in the baggie are: excrement, piss, honey, soda, vinegar, mayonnaise, mustard, alcohol, pickle juice, boiled eggs, hot sauce, oil, and on... Then just close the bag, get on top of the roof, wait for a big crowd of well-dressed people to pass, and let your magic balloon drop. Email me at : xcon0@yahoo.com ----- CAMPING TIPS BY: DIzzIE (C)2000 Here are some tips to make your camping experience most safe and enjoyable: * Keep the tent doors and other openings closed at all times so nothing can get into the tent. * At night pack all of the food away tightly in your car or tent, so no animals can get to the food, leave no food in the open as it will attract animals and insects. * Tell someone where you are going camping and when to expect your return, so they can notify authorities if something happens to you. * Don't wear baggy pants. Put the tips of your pants into your socks (so nothing [like ticks or scorpions] can crawl under your pants and bite you), and wear shoes that protect and comfort your feet. * Keep your sleeping bags zipped during the day so nothing can crawl in. Before going to sleep take your sleeping bag outside and shake it a few times to make sure there's nothing in it. * Keep your shoes inside the tent at night, and in the morning turn them upside down and shake them to make sure there is nothing inside. * Make sure to bring a first aid kit with you on your trip. * If you don't have any mosquito repellent you can cover your face with the soot from the fire or/and put a plastic bag around your head and make opening for the eyes, nose, and mouth. * If you need to go to the bathroom, but there is no bathroom, do your business away from the campsite. * When hunting wear clothing that doesn't stand out but blends in with the background. * Always wear thick shirts with longs sleeves, thick long socks, and thick pants to avoid coming in contact with such irritable plants as poison ivy. When you get home wash your clothing. * Keep a bucket of water (make sure it's water) near the fire at all times just in case it gets a little too big, and sets the overhanging tree on fire... * Don't eat plants that you can't identify, even if they don't look so poisonous, and never eat any mushrooms, those cunning bastards can be very deceiving. Email me: xcon0@yahoo.com ----- FUN WITH CATS WAYS TO KILL/TORTURE CATS BY: DIzzIE (C)2000 Cats are the most annoying household pets (with the possible exception of dogs). Here are some ways to have fun with those deceivingly cute felines: *NOTE* Before performing most of those techniques it is best to give the cat a mild sedative, so it will fall asleep for a little while, while you "prepare" it. You can mix the sedative with the cat's food. NOW: * Put the cat in a metal garbage can and make sure the cat can't get out. Pour some gasoline in there (make sure you pour some on the cat too), then light a match :). * Nail the cat's tail to the ground (while it's still attached to the cat). * Tie the cat's hind feet together, watch it try to walk, laugh your ass off. * Tape the cat's asshole shut and put some laxatives in its food. * Make a noose, and hang the cat on a lamppost in front of the owner's house. * Put two poles in the ground, tie each of the cat's legs to the poles, sort of like this: |x|. Then you can watch the cat squirm and try to break free. You can also start a fire underneath the cat... * Chop off the cat's paws, so it just has four bloody pawless legs. * Put the cat's feet in quick dry cement. * Get a big water jug with a lid, fill it up 1/2 of the way with water, toss the cat in there, and lock the lid tightly. If the jug is clear you get to watch the cat try to swim. * Put the cat in the freezer, hold the door so it can't get out. * Put the cat in the microwave... * Tie the cat's hind paws to something solid, like a tree, tie the front paws to the back bumper of your car. FLOOR IT! * Skin the cat...while it's alive. * See how flat you can make a cat: drop a big boulder on it, until it's almost completely flat. * Put the cat in the toilet, sit on the lid, and flush repeatedly. -Have fun kiddies! email me: xcon0@yahoo.com ----- GETTING RID OF THE BODY BY: DIzzIE (C)2000 So you've finally killed someone (it's about time Junior!) and because (unfortunately) most of us aren't cannibals you now need to dispose of the body. There are two things you need to do before you actually get rid of the body: 1) Check the body for any easily identifiable marks, such as tattoos or birth marks. Cut those off and dispose of them separately, by burning them or cutting the chunk of skin into very small pieces. Also take out and cut or burn any ID cards or photos the person has with him. 2) To conserve space it is best to get a sharp butcher knife or axe and chop the body into pieces no bigger than 6 inches, and chop easily identifiable parts, like fingers, into smaller pieces. Now the actual ways to dispose of the body: * Soak all of the pieces of the body in gasoline or other flammable liquid and put them in a big fire. Make sure that you do this away from other people as the smell will be very strong. If you keep the fire going long enough the bones will become very brittle and fragile, and once the flesh has burned away you can take a hammer and break the bones with ease into little pieces and then put them in a dark bag and toss it in the middle of some trash canister. * Bury the pieces in the ground (make sure the hole is 5-7 feet deep). Do not bury them in your own backyard but in some place away from people, like in the midst of a forest or the outskirts of a city (not the city where you live). * Put the pieces in a dark plastic bag, drop a couple of car (or other) air fresheners in there to hide the smell of rotting flesh, then put that plastic bag into another, and so on until you have about ten layers. Next tie the bag securely, pour some sticky liquid (like motor oil) over the bag to discourage people from touching it and looking in it. Put the bag in a big trash canister far away from where you live, once you put the bag in, pile some other trash bags on top of it, so it's not on top. Well, you should be able to pick on of those methods, or come up with your own "creative" ways. Have fun kiddies! email me: xcon0@yahoo.com ----- HERBAL SMOKES BY: DIzzIE (C)2000 Are you tired of smoking those darn cigarettes? Well then waste your money no more, I have found a healthy and tasty alternative. Smoke teabags! They taste good, depending on what type of tea you smoke. It will also be harder for people around you to find out that you smoke, because the odor will be a pleasant tea-flavored one. You can take a cigarette and take out all the bad tobacco and put in the tea, or just roll some tea into a piece of paper. Then just puff away! Yeay! Email me: xcon0@yahoo.com ----- HITLER, THE GREAT BY: DIzzIE (C)2000 Before I begin there are two things that need to be said: 1) Hitler was a great man, 2) I am not a nazi. What Hitler did to all those Jews, homosexuals, and others, is of course, inexcusable. The problem is that most people are blinded by that aspect, that's the only thing they see. When asked about Hitler they would reply "racist dickhead, hope the fucker burns well." Yes, that's fine, but I want to broaden your opinion, so your reply would be "racist dickhead, hope the fucker burns well, he was a hell of a leader though." Hitler was a great leader, among other things. You must remember that he started out alone. He had no followers. Basically he stood on a crate in the middle of a street and started preaching his beliefs, and people listened! Not only that, but they believed him and agreed with him. From having zero followers to having well over a hundred thousand followers, some who still believe his ideas to this present day (neo-nazi skinheads, and others), is pretty impressive. You have to wonder how he did it. You may say that some people were forced to either accept his views or be killed. Yes, it was like that, but during the later years. In the beginning Hitler had no authority, he just got out of jail. What he did was pretty amazing. He discovered a brand new way of getting lots of people's agreement. He invented, or perhaps re-invented, the saying "blame someone else." Of course the mass public agreed, why not blame someone else, like the Jews, everybody hates them... Not only did Hitler manage to get thousands of followers but he also managed to setup a successful army, prison camps, and start a war. Yes, I think that, no matter how evil, that is pretty amazing for one individual. We also mustn't forget what Locke said, that the people have the power, they chose to give Hitler power, they could have taken it away, in the beginning. Hitler did what modern politicians are doing right now: he told a bunch of lies (and a few truths too), gained support, and then began his tyranny. Hitler showed us, perhaps unintentionally, what so many philosophers have been talking about, the power of the human will, and the spirit of the individual. Hitler knew what he wanted, and he worked hard to get it, he should be a role model for all. Remember: it is not what his goals where, but that he achieved them (not his goals to make the whole earth be anti-Jewish, he did come close to that though...), he had will power, he went from nothing to everything. I shall close this short essay with one lesser-known fact of Hitler that may spite and shock some of you: Hitler was a catholic, and he made the cross be one of the most valued treasures. For any comments email me at: xcon0@yahoo.com ----- HOUSE TRASHING BY: DIzzIE (C)2000! What is house trashing? House trashing is the wonderful art of breaking into someone's house and completely trashing it. You shouldn't need a phile on house trashing, as this type of thing should come naturally, but we must remember that there are some "special" people who need all the guidance they can get, so: Materials: Here are some things you should always have with you on house trashing expeditions: - Baseball bat (smashing things) - Axe (chopping things) - Knife (cutting things) - Spray paint (writing on things) - Flashlights (seeing things) - Bottle of nonremovable staining liquid (for spilling on things), such as motor oil, soda, gasoline, cooking oil, melted lard, something along those lines, even dog shit! - Gun (eliminating those who want to stop you) - Gloves (to leave to prints) - Hat (to leave no hairs lying around) - Car (without license plate)/bicycle/fast legs (for fast getaway) Trashing: * First of all, make sure that no one is in the house and won't be coming back for at least two hours. * Cut the power to the house to turn off any possible security alarms and to cause more damage for the residents of the house. There should be metal green or gray boxes around the side or back of the house, they should have cables coming out of them, those are probably the power cables, use your axe here. Sometimes there are cables coming from the "T"-like posts near the house, get those too. * Enter through the back door or back window. * It would help if you know the general layout of the house so you know where everything is, if not, you can use your flashlights to find your way around. * If you have other people with you, everyone can get at least one room to trash, and then you all can trash the remaining ones. * Smash the TV with the baseball bat, as well as the stereo system, as well as all the other electronic equipment. * Pour some motor oil or other staining liquid of choice all over the carpets, beds, furniture, etc... * Use the axe to chop up bookshelves, chairs, tables, etc... * Knock down all the furniture. Knock down the bookshelves and rip all the books. * Use your knife to cut chairs, mattresses, pillows, couches, etc... Spread all the cotton, foam, feathers, etc... throughout the house. * If the walls are really weak use the baseball bat to make nice little holes in them. * Spray paint messages of your choice (the more obscene the better) such as "I fuck dead animals for fun and profit" or "If you think what I did to your house was bad wait till you see what I'm going to do to you" OR if the people in the house have children: "Wait till you see what I'll do to your kid(s)." You can also spray paint pentagrams, crosses, or other evil symbols. * Turn on all the water faucets and clog up the sinks. * If there's a dog in the house you can shoot it, then get some nails and a hammer and nail it to a wall. Nail it by its 4 paws, and spray paint stuff on it. * In the kitchen you can take all the food and splatter it on the ceiling and throughout the house. * Don't set any fires or your masterpiece will be destroyed. * In the bathroom get a couple rolls of toilet paper and spread it throughout the house. * Use the axe to chop any doors to shreds (excluding the front door, because someone may easily spot you). * Take the garbage from the trashcans and spread it throughout the house. * Finally, as you are leaving, the last thing to do is to smash all the glassware (plates, vases, etc...) and to break all the windows. * As you are running out give the mailbox a few swings with your bat. Then hop in your car and get the hell out of there! Remember the four goals of successful house trashing: 1) Leave no incriminating evidence! (Meaning don't jack-off, bleed, shit, piss, loose hair, leave fingerprints, shed skin, etc...anywhere near or in the house. Also don't leave any of your "tools" lying around.) 2) Be as quiet as possible! 3) Get out as fast as possible! 4) MAKE AS MUCH DAMAGE AS POSSIBLE! -have fun kiddies! Email me: xcon0@yahoo.com ----- FUN WITH NAILS BY: DIzzIE (C)2000 Nails are ever so much fun. Here are ways you can find the path to simple amusement with simple nails: *NOTE* When I say to put the nails "standing up" that means that the sharp end should be sticking out from the ground. Also, sometimes nails fall down so it's best to nail them through a board to steady them. * Get some rusty nails and take them to the beach with you. Put them standing up in the sand, and in the shallow water. * Put some nails standing up right next to a person's bed. * Put some nails standing up under a person's pillow, "fluff" the pillow so the nails aren't noticeable. * Nail a door shut by nailing some nails right in front of the door, on the ground. So when the person will try to open the door the nails will prevent him from doing so. * Put some rusty nails standing up in the sand at playgrounds, you can also nail them through the plastic tunnels, stand underneath the tunnels and hammer the nails. * Hammer a nail into a person's car keyhole, or house keyhole. * Nail some lengthy, but thin nails through a wooden baseball bat (careful not to split the bat), and then go and smash somebody's face in. * Spray paint the nails white and then superglue them to the bottom of the shallow end of the pool. * Hammer the nails through a hated neighbor's water pipes. * Get about 5 black cats or stronger firecrackers, tie their fuses together, then tape the black cats together, next attach about 10-20 nails with tape to the black cat bundle, then light the fuse and run, you can toss the bundle in a crowded area for more fun! * Superglue a nail to the seat of a chair and to the back of the chair. * Superglue a small nail to the underside of a doorknob or a car door handle. * Nail some animal's tail to the ground. Have fun kiddies! email me: xcon0@yahoo.com ----- SIMPLE REVENGE TECHNIQUES BY: DIzzIE (C)2000 Yes, there are lots and lots of revenge files out there, but here are some simple methods that I have not seen yet: + you will need to know some information about your victim, such as : name, address, phone number, and email + * You'll be surprised how easy it is to cancel or change a magazine/newspaper subscription. All you have to do is call the magazine/newspaper, tell the victim's name ("your" name) when prompted, and then tell the new address or cancel the subscription. That's it. * Write your victim's phone number everywhere, add slogans such as "free queer phone sex." * Call your victim at odd hours of the night, or got to the website www.mrwakeup.com, it is a free service that offers to call "your" house at any time, to wake you up, if you have a plane to catch. It also has a handy feature that can call every 5 minutes...I'm sure you see the possibilities * If you know you victim's email address you can post it everywhere on the internet, especially in gay chatrooms and message boards, and subscribe him to different newsletters... * Post the victim's phone number in chatrooms and message boards. * If you know the emails of the victim's friends you can setup your own free email account with yahoo.com, or hotmail.com, and then send an email to all of the victim's friends saying that you are "mark" (replace with the name of your victim), and that this is your new email. So now you'll be able to read all the email his friend's send him, while your victim will wonder why nobody is emailing him. You can also tell his friends that "you" got a new phone number, and tell them yours, or somebody else's. * There are many product offers that say "send no money now! We will bill you later." Take advantage of such glorious opportunities, and of course, use your victim's name and address. He'll be getting lots of stuff and lots of bills... * Subscribe your victim to all of those mail-order music clubs (like Columbia records), and book clubs (like QPB paperback). He'll be getting monthly books and records, and monthly bills. Well, those things should be enough to drive your victim to mental instability. -T0o0tles everyone! Email me at: xcon0@yahoo.com ----- SHOCKER BY: DIzzIE (C)2000 Here's a really fun 'n' easy way you can electrocute and mess someone up pretty bad (even kill them). The only materials you need are two wires, some tape, and an electrical outlet (the thing you plug your stereo or TV into...). The length of the wires should depend on where the desired electrical outlet is, and where you want to place the wires to shock your victim. Crisscross the wires together, leaving both of their ends uncrossed (one end will go in contact with the victim, other will go into the outlet), if the wires are insulated (have that plastic stuff on them) then make sure the 4 ends of the wires are not insulated and actually have the metal tips exposed (if not cut off the plastic covering): (crude ASCII pic) =<><><><><><| . "=" the exposed wire ends that will come in contact with your target. "><" crisscrossed wires "<" the ends of the wires that will go into the outlet. "|" outlet Before you stick the wires in the outlet you need to turn off the electricity in the house so that you wont get shocked because of your clumsiness. Stick both (2) uncrossed tips from one end of the crossed wires into the 2 holes of the outlet (the top 2 rectangular holes, not the bottom round hole), one wire tip in each hole. Stick the wires in about 1 inch or so. To make sure that they don't fall out put some tape over the outlet and the wires. Next stretch the crisscrossed wires towhere you target will get shocked. You can tie them to a metal doorknob,put them in the target's pillow, in a chair cushion, by their bed, etc...You can even stretch the wires under your shirt (wear a long sleeved one), and to your hand, placing a piece of wood to block the wires' contact with your skin, then shake hands with someone...Don't forget to turn the power back on. You'll know when your victim got shocked by theloud screaming. Know that a standard Amerikan household outlet will deliver a 110 volt shock, while one of those big appliance outlets, like the type you plug a fridge or a washing machine into, will deliver a 220 volt shock. Enjoy! But not too much! email me: xcon0@yahoo.com ----- FUN WITH SMOKE BOMBS BY: DIzzIE (C)2000 So you got some smoke bombs but all that ganja has made your brain a little fuzzy, so you can't come up with anything to do with them? Well never fear! DIzzIE's here! Here are some ways to amuse yourself: * Toss a couple smoke bombs in the middle of a busy intersection, let the crashes begin! * Set a couple off in a movie theater and yell "Fire!" * If you see a house with an open window toss one right in. * Creep up to a car with an open window and people inside, toss and run. * Light some at large public events like parades, or town meetings, it helps if you add some nice phrases like "Fire!" or "Mustard gas!" or "We're all gonna die!" * If you set one or two off in a classroom (don't forget to yell "Fire!") the whole school will be evacuated, and lots of fire engines will come. All-in-all, you'll miss at least an hour or two of school. * If you want to waste firefighters' time (and therefore prevent them from putting out real fires :)) call in a fire, then run over to where you said the fire was and light a few smoke bombs. Once they arrive they can't blame you for anything, because you saw a lot of smoke and got worried, if anything you should be praised, remind them of that. * Set a lot of them off in stores, and while there is a bunch of smoke and nobody can see you steal as much stuff as you can, and get out of there. * Bring some on an airplane for all sorts of fun. * Put one heads-down (so the smoke goes into the anthill) in an anthill. This will make all the ants run out, it's pretty cool to watch. That should be enough to start you off, you should be able to come up with more ideas, if you can't then you're one stupid fuck! Ahahaha! -Have fun kiddies! Email me: xcon0@yahoo.com ----- SODA BOMB BY: DIzzIE (C)2000 Here's a simple little activity that will give you lots of joy, or is at least a good time killer. Get one of those aluminum (12oz) cans of Coke, or Dr.Pepper, or whatever, and shake it up, a lot, a whole lot. Then toss the now "pressurized" can on a hard or jagged surface in the middle of a crowd. You can also use the big plastic bottles, but those need to land on a sharp point. Or you can always tie a good ol' M-80 or firecracker to the cans or bottles, to make sure they explode. Yup, nothing like tossing some of those at weddings, or barmitsfah. Enjoy.....but not too much... Email me at: xcon0@yahoo.com ----- HOMEMADE STINK BOMB BY: DIzzIE (C)2000 Stink bombs, so easily assembled, yet so nauseating. There are many chemicals you can mix that will produce a bad smell, but to get those chemicals you have to go to some special store or find them on the internet, and that's way too much work while you already have the stuff to make a stink bomb in your very own kitchen (assuming you have a kitchen...). The amount of materials to put in the stink bomb depends on how big you want to make it (ex. 2 spoons of mayonnaise for a regular-sized stink bomb, the whole can for a big one). Use common sense (know what that is?) when rationing. You will need a jar with a firm lid. Add all of the following into the jar [amounts are for an average-sized stink bomb]: Mayonnaise (2-3 spoonfuls) Milk (1 cup) Fish (1) Cream of mushroom soup (uncooked) (1/2 cup) Beer (1/2 cup) Sour cream (1-2 spoonfuls) Egg (broken) (1) Canned sour lettuce (1 spoonful) Sour pickle (several slices) Urine (1/3 cup) Water (to help mix things) (1/3 cup) Don't worry if you don't put in a couple ingredients. Now put the lid on and shake the jar for about a minute. Take the lid off (or you can keep it on, if you must), and store it in a hot and/or sunny place, preferably outdoors (like a balcony), for about a week or two, then come back to it and take a sniff, if you feel your stomach contents coming up your throat you have made a successful stink bomb! Pour it wherever you want it to stink really bad! -have fun kiddies! email me: xcon0@yahoo.com ----- WASTING THEIR TIME By: DIzzIE (C)2000 This is a fun thing to try when you want to piss someone off, are bored, or want to get someone fired. If you know someone who has a job such as: car salesman, furniture salesman, virtually any kind of salesman, you probably know that those jobs sometimes pay on the amount of sales made. But we don't want any of those sleazy car salesmen getting rich, do we? What you do: * Go to a car dealer, or a used car dialer. Find your victim (one of the salesmen), tell him that you want to buy a car, but you don't know much about cars...He'll be happy to assist you. He'll show you one car, you'll spend a lot of time asking him every tiny detail about the car, like if it has a cup holder, or if the back seats can be taken out, or if it comes in green, or if it has a free cellphone with purchase, you get the point. When he's done answering your questions about that car, slowly stroke your chin with your hand and shake you head slowly, then say that you don't think this car is right for you because your inner spirit wont be comfortable in such a vehicle. Then go on to the next car. Keep this up for a couple of hours, or until the day is over. The salesman will probably start to get annoyed and start being just a tad bit rude, that's when you go to his superior... and somebody looses their job. * You can use the above method with almost any sales job: you can make a furniture seller take you to every piece of furniture in the store, you can even occupy one of those telemarketers or door-to-door salesmen with pointless questions. * For added affect, pretend to speak really poor English and make the seller repeat everything 5 times. This is just one way to strike back at corporate America. It works especially well if you get all your friends to come and do the same thing to the same business every day for a month. You'll block all the possible business they could have made and eventually they will go bankrupt... Also, nothing hurts a business more than an upset customer. By posing as a seller and being rude to a customer you can make sure the business gets a kick in the ass. Have fun kiddies! Email me at: xcon0@yahoo.com -T0oOtles! ----- FUN AT THE BOOKSTORE Here are some ways to amuse your simple little mind at a bookstore: * Get some books about homosexuality, coping with death, Satanism, overcoming drug abuse, dealing with divorce, etc... Then put the books in the Kids book section. Also put in some Playboy magazines. * Ask the sales people if they have unique books with titles such as "Bestiality For Dummies" or "Kiddie Porn: The Complete Guide For Pedophiles." Come up with more obscene names and keep asking to "double check" for the books. * Pick some expensive book and tell the sales person you want to order a hundred copies of the book. Give a fake name, address, and phone number (or the name, address, and phone of someone you hate). * Come up to the manager and pretend that you're the author of some book and ask if you can "talk about your book" in the store. You can arrange a date and then either not come, or come and pretend(?) to be drunk. Say that you're some famous author so more people will show up. * Get some lame joke book like "1,001 Knock-Knock Jokes" and start laughing hysterically. * Take a bunch of books and magazines with you and then go and sit in a corner of the bookstore and start muttering things, an occasional scream will help too. * Make flyers that say the bookstore is going out of business and all books will be discounted 75%. Put the flyers around town and set a date for the sale. Then come and watch a lot of angry people, help start a riot! * Some larger bookstores also have stuffed animals for sale, like Winnie the Poop or the Telefuckies. Arrange the toys in sexual positions like "69." * Get a bunch of magazines and take them to the other end of the store, pretend like you're reading them, and then leave, leaving the pile of magazines there. The employees will have lots of fun putting all the magazines back in the right place, especially if you scatter them throughout the store...You can make it a scavenger hunt by leaving vague notes taped on to the magazines that hint the location of others. * Come in to the store with a big bag, go to the end of the store, pretend to be putting books in the bag and then run out of the store, laughing evilly, boy will they be embarrassed when you show them your bag has no books in it... Have fun kiddies! email me: xcon0@yahoo.com --------------------------------------------------------------------------- uXu #555 Underground eXperts United 2000 uXu #555 Call PFTE BBS -> telnet:www.iirg.org | http://www.iirg.org/~black_ic/ --------------------------------------------------------------------------- .