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She turned her head towards his, her mouth open, waiting for his tongue. He plunged it in. She could taste celery salt and gum as she clamped her mouth around it. He continued to circle her nipple and, with his free hand, trailed a line down her belly to her crotch. She spread her legs for him but he was patient, in control. He brushed his fingertips around the flesh of her inner thigh. Strands of rogue hair poked through her underwear. He ventured further, tantalizing her with his fingers. He could feel the dampness through the bleach-worn cotton. She groaned and arched her back, inviting him in. He pulled the elastic band of her shorts as she undulated her body out of them. She kicked them off with her ankle and they floated to the floor like a waterlogged snowflake. They laughed together as he spun her around roughly, shaking her shoulders playfully, her breasts held close to her body with taut skin. She ran her fingers through the sparse hair on his chest and pulled him close to her with a collected handful. He yelped before kissing her hard, their teeth chipping against one another. She reached down between his legs and held him fast, the heat of his skin cradled in her shifting grip. Pushing her hand away, he eased her onto her back and looked at her in the half- light. Her body stretched out before him. It was long and thin, her hips rounding with soft pads of flesh. He ran his hand up her side the same way a man might rub the polished surface of a car. Growing conscious of the attention, she pulled him down to her and rolled onto her side. He followed, their feet meshing together above the sheets. He started at her forehead, kissing her softly, slowly, on the eyebrows and eyes. His fingertips skirted her hips and crotch. He kissed her cheekbones, her lips individually, the slope of her neck and the bones that rounded out above her breasts. His hands roamed her body and face. He felt her balled calves. They were meaty and round. The hard bones of her ankle stuck out like flesh-covered mountains. Her kissed her breasts attentively, carefully. He kissed the skin beneath her breasts. It was salty from sweat. He eased her onto her back, still kissing her while doing so. Her hands went to his head, her fingers meeting through his hair. He continued further down her stomach and thrust his tongue through the ring in her navel. The metal was cool. He was careful not to pull on it too hard. He eased it away from her body with the tip of his tongue. She pulled his hair into tight balls. Tufts of black hair exploded through her clenched fingers. He slid his chin down her stomach and rested it there on the coarse hair of her crotch. He could smell her now. It was the musky smell of anticipation. He lowered his face into the black tangle and inhaled her deeply. Her legs opened slowly for him like a crypt. He darted and circled his tongue slowly inside her. He bit her gently. He sucked and pulled on her with his lips. Her body rose and fell with the tide until she could take no more. She was close now and she wanted to orgasm with him inside her. She clasped her hands underneath his armpits and drew him up to her. He fumbled briefly with the condom he had at the ready before setting it right. He too was ready. "I have to be on top," she said. "I can only cum when I'm no top." He flopped onto his back and she straddled him. She eased him into her with her hand and began to rock on him with her hips. His hands went to her breasts and he drew her down to him. "Fuck me," she cooed. "Fuck me." He could feel himself lose control. He tried with all his might to stop it but couldn't. His release was quiet and without ceremony. She sat up straight and felt him melt inside her. She began to grind her hips harder, hoping to rescue him from the abyss. "Hold on," she said. "I'm close." There was nothing for him to hold on to. His erection died like an apologetic sigh. She lifted herself off him. "It's okay, don't worry about it," she said, and rolled over and away from him. He got up to leave. "Where are you going?" "Bathroom." He stumbled to the washroom, his soft dick still encased in its ribbed tomb. The light in the bathroom was on to guide him. He stood over the toilet, his cock limp and lifeless in his hand like a dead fish. He peeled off the condom and dropped it into the water below. His dick was wet. He brought his fingers to his nose and smelled them. He could smell her. He could smell the latex. Together they reeked of defeat. He choked back the urge to urinate. Looking at his cock more closely, he could see a see a single black hair sticking out of the eye of his dick. It stuck out of him mockingly like a black tongue. He took a hold of the offending hair and tried to thrust it all the way in. He couldn't so he pulled it out as slowly as he possibly could. It wasn't painful but he could feel it. He could feel something. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- uXu #565 Underground eXperts United 2000 uXu #565 Call KASTLEROCK -> +1-724-527-3749 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- .