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These murders were for insurance fraud/money laundering purposes. Check out the Yogurt Shop Murders, by Eric Moebius (use Yahoo!)) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- This story can be corraborated at: http://www.antishyster.com/news/asmoeb.txt (copy and paste this link to your browser line, if necessary). United States Reserve Insurance Fraud, an Escaped Victim's Story By A Survivor, Ralph Singleton Jr United States citizens are being murdered in an international money laundering scheme that has the tacit acquiescence of all US law enforcement agencies. Because foreign cash is electronically transferred INTO the US economy, nothing is being done to stop these staged murders and staged fatal automobile accidents. This is not fraud AGAINST an insurance company, but against the victims and claimants. This is my synopsis of the reserve insurance fraud scheme, as described by Eric Moebius in the previously cited text. I have a unique insight into this operation. There was a "contract" on my life for me to die in a staged fatal accident. This "contract" existed for several years. I have taken steps to make this contract "unenforceable." Mr. Moebius was an Assistant Attorney General in Texas. He is now disbared and in hiding. There was no justification for his disbarment. He attempted to expose the reserve fraud/money laundering scheme that is corrupting the southern United States, at least. The attorneys who instigated Mr Moebius disbarment attempt to prove his "mental incompetence." The jury rejected this, since there was no evidence of mental incompetence. A judge disbared him anyway. The method of reserve insurance fraud is to stage a fatality that creates a liability claim. This could be accomplished by a staged fatal automobile accident. The fatality would appear to be a victim of someone else's negligence. Actually, the death was the result of a carefully planned accident! The scheme doesn't stop with a staged accident. The insurance company for the "negligent" party creates a contingency reserve, in the event the insurance company pays for damages. The claim is then denied, often by a higher Federal court. But, a paper trail remains to justify maintaining the contingency reserve. The claim is not paid, but the reserve remains. Where comparable cases might involve damages of one million dollars, the contigency reserve established for money laundering/reserve fraud would be ten million. In the Yogurt Shop Case, Mr Moebius cites evidence that each dead, mutilated girl was worth twenty five million in laundered money! The claimants receive nothing. The contingency reserve remains as a money laundering vehicle. This laundered money may include the profits of organized crime, embezzlement or tax evasion from outside of the United States. This money is being transferred into the United States from other countries. It is being laundered through reserve insurance fraud schemes. A liability is created, often with a planned death (murder). A reserve fund is created, against the contingency of being held liable for pay damages. The claim becomes denied, but the reserve remains. This reserve becomes a vehicle for money laundering. This story is written with the hope of somehow initiating action to stop horrendous murders and human rights abuses occurring in the United States. These crimes are the result of international money laundering. As this essay explains, embezzled, stolen or tax evading funds are being transferred through an international system of electronic money transfers. They are exiting the international monetary transfer system through reserve insurance fraud in the United States. As the corraborating article cited above describes, family members often become involved in these intricate schemes. With as much as twenty five million dollars laundered from a single death, the entire family can become Cain attacking a vulnerable Abel. My former wife asked me to cause my own planned fatal accident. She said that the accident needed to be in an employer owned vehicle. She said that it would be "all over" once I was in an ambulance. My former wife is employed as a medical support technician. She said the fatal accident would make our daughter rich. I have a police incident report describing a staged fatal accident attempt I escaped. My supervisor told me to drive a company owned pickup to a specific location, at a specific time, by a specific route. This was unusual for the construction site testing business we were engaged in. I was traveling on a six lane interstate highway, toward the destination prescribed by my supervisor. I was in the middle lane, of three westbound lanes. A tractor trailer approached at a much higher speed. It positioned itself in front of me, and slowed to match my speed. A second truck approached and positioned itself on my left. A third truck positioned itself behind me. A pickup truck positioned itself in the lane to my right. This was the lane my boss had ordered me to drive in. A fourth tractor trailer came screaming down an entrance ramp on my right. It was traveling faster than the congestion I was in the midst of. If I had followed orders completely, I would have been completely sandwiched between the tractor trailers in an accident. The economy model pickup I was driving would have been no match for the four tractor trailers. I downshifted the pickup and manuevered between the tractor trailer behind me and the other pickup. The driver of the other pickup signaled to the tractor trailer drivers by rotataing his arm outside his side window, index finger extended. United States law enforcement has not responded to my crime information appropriately. On one occasion, law enforcement engendered a situation intended to discredit me. This followed my submission of a police incident report. A gasoline tanker truck was used. It appeared to be part of another staged fatal accident attempt against me. The tanker approached rapidly from behind, then match my speed. It remained in closely front of me, despite my intentional variations in spedd. This was on an interstate highway. No one would dare to use a loaded gasoline tanker in a staged accident, unless they were willing to be burned alive! When I called the detective's office where I had made the previous incident report, his secretary answered that he was expecting my call. She said that he would listen to my story of "whatever I thought I saw." I did not report the gasoline tanker incident. The US Treasury Department has a policy of benign neglect toward illegal money flowing into the United States. An excellent essay on this subject can be located at web address: http://www.crimes-of-persuaion.com/Criminals/problemfactors.htm Illegal money flowing out of the United States is pursued by law enforcement. Illegal money flowing into the United States is received with an open palm. It is my observation that various levels of US law enforcement facilitate this national policy of accepting flight capital. They do nothing about the fatal accident insurance fraud and murders that make it possible to launder this money. The gasoline tanker incident indicates that United States law enforcement is directly involved. Here is my summary of the history of the insurance fraud ring. My father worked for a company that was owned by a citizen of the United Kingdom. During my father's 38 year career, he was in a logistical position. He controlled the positioning of company owned vehicles throughout the region. My father's career, especially during the 1950s, 60s and 70s, ocurred with British tax rates were at their peak. The owner of the company employing my father had motive and opportunity to launder money for tax evasion purposes through my father's operation in the United States. Catastrophic liability insurance claims involving company owned vehicles would have been an effective method of money laundering. My elderly aunt administered an important project in the development of the Internet, during the 1970s and 1980s. Although she had no computer education, she was placed in charge of an important United Nations connected project. People under her supervision had the knowledge and skill to develop a system of electronic money transfers. She would have not been able to monitor their work activities, due to her lack of computer knowledge. She could only monitor that the requirements of her project were being met. My father has sponsored an annual family gathering every Labor Day weekend. I attended the 1981 gathering and several others. I recall my brother in law becoming very excited in a conversation with my aunt. My brother in law seized upon the opportunity created by my aunt's Internet personnel connections. Someone working for her set up an electronic "back door" for the expiditious international transfer of money. Of course, twenty years later, there are numerous international vehicles for the undisclosed electronic transfer of funds. My sister and brother in law moved to Texas around 1983. Then they hastily moved from Texas at the same time that publicity was created about the insurance fraud connection to local murders and automobile accidents in 1994. This exposure was primarily the work of Mr. Moebius, as cited previously. The exact location of my sister's family's present home is kept secret. Their years in central Texas coincide with an epidemic of site specific murders, staged fatal automobile accidents and reserve insurance fraud activity in that region. She is a perpetrator of fatal accident/reserve insurance fraud, who can be associated with the Yogurt Shop Murders. Several members of my extended family are part of the insurance fraud ring. My supporting evidence for this conclusion is too lengthy for this article. Many members of this group are also a group of international travelers. They use the clever guise of being elderly US tourists. My parents traveled to Belfast, Northern Ireland. Don't you find it odd that elderly US tourists would visit a combat zone? My mother expressed her fear of the British soldiers to me. Why should she be afraid of the army sent there to protect her from "terrorists?" This same couple has visited Israel and China. Israel has high taxes/tarrifs, an incentive for money laundering of exit capital. China is also known as a country where capital exits through money laundering. Privatization has created many opportunities for laundering electronically embezled funds. My aunt traveled, with a friend, to Azerbaijan and Russia about eight years ago. I believe that the insurance fraud ring has made contact with embezzlers, tax evaders or organized crime in their foreign travels. The embezzled money is electronically transferred to a US insurance company. It is held in a reserve fraud scheme, and laundered through a liability death claim. I wrote a novel based upon my own "insight" into the workings of a fatal accident liability insurance fraud operation. These same "insights" coincide with Mr. Moebius' observations in the cited article at antishyster.com. My sister has sent me an email, chastising me for exposing the murder attempts on my life on the Internet. She has perjuired herself concerning my medical history. I have more information implicating my sister, father and many others in this activity. My sister and her family resided in central Texas at the time of the Yogurt Shop Murders and many other crimes related to reserve insurance fraud. She and her family quickly moved from the region coincidental to publicity about these crimes. There is more recent evidence related to this activity near her present home. My father and aunt have traveled to the world's prime money laundering "hotspots" for exiting capital. The US government does nothing to prevent the inflow of flight capital into our financial system. It is "free money." Perhaps the strongest evidence is in the omission of the obvious by various organizations. All United States anti-money laundering operations focus on capital exiting the United States. Anti-corruption organizations omit US corruption, while finger pointing at corruption in developing countries. Russian money laundering is chastised, while its economy has been drained of capital. The capital base of the United Kingdom has also been eroded by this insurance fraud ring. This corruption is eroding United States society. The value of a death is so high, that family members become willing to become accessories to each other's murder. Are you next? --------------------------------------------------------------------------- uXu #577 Underground eXperts United 2001 uXu #577 http://www.uXu.org/ - info@uxu.org --------------------------------------------------------------------------- .