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This is a list of the worst types of human beings there are. This is kind of like a Real-Life Lamer's Guide. (By the way - all you album lyric seekers - we have word that we will be getting some great death metal lyrics in soon). Anyhow maybe this will be the last racist, predujiced file VaS will write? AHHAAHAHA NO WAY JOSE (SPICK). Anyhow here's the list... Negroes: Niggers, Spear Chuckers, Tar Babies, Moon Crickets, Alabama Porch Monkeys, Jungle Bunnies, Jerri-Curl Drippers. These are the most loathesome of all creatures. The only good nigger is a dead nigger. But we have many other issues on why niggers suck so we will continue. Fat Chicks: This is another really nasty creature. These females are always really bitchy too. Like they can afford to be. They always come in to the resteraunt I work at and fucking eat the food faster than the cooks can make it, and always complain, and they always get stuck in the doorway trying to get out. Then they expect you to feel sorry for them. What do you do if a fat chick likes you and wants to go out on a date? Set up a blind date with one of your "friends" ahahaha. Arabs: These people all seem to work at Gas Stations and Party Stores. These sand niggers wouldnt be so bad if they spoke fluent english at all. Every time I go to a party store i have to carry my sand flea to american dictionary to figure out what the hell they are saying. Plus these are the fuckers who formed OPEC and keep raising our GAS prices while those little specks of sand pay like 5 cents a gallon over there. College Preppies: These are the super cool d00dZ with all the beer t-shirts who always go down to Florida on spring break in their convertables and drink lots of beer and act really tough and fuck lots of women. They would be OK except for the fact that they have super huge egos and do lots of really asshole-like things. Wiggers: These are the white folks who seem to have a desire to dress up like black people. They are all pussies, and will gang up in groups of 20 or more before they come after you. They suck just because they act and look like niggers. Oriental: This is the squinty eye posse gook chink dude who you can blindfold with a piece of dental floss. They have tiny dicks and walk around with stupid looks on their faces and have buck teeth. They may own half of America economically, but alas with no armed forces, they could easily be taken over or destroyed by us. I would think they would be more willing for fair trade with the US. Bodybuilders: These are the people who work out 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, some of them take steroids too. They seem to think there is some reason they need to be able to lift 900 tons and be super duper huge. When you get that big you are slowed down a lot by your bulk, and a skinnier person could beat your ass. They also have the super huge egos and think they are soo fucking cool and bad because they can throw cars at you. Nerds: These are the people who spend all their time doing school work and school activities . This is also the 99% majority of computer users. I mean, if you guys had real lives you would be out partying right now instead of reading all this shit!. This also applies to the lamers who call your board, you lock them out, and they keep calling back again and again. Church Nuts: These are the people who go to church at least once a week and own a copy of the bible. I am not saying i worship the devil, I don't even beleive in the devil or god. I think all religion is a bunch of bullshit, too many loopholes in the bible, they leave out large parts of known history . Anyhow send us mail (you know how to reach us by now), if you have any more types of people you really dont like that much! Maybe it will appear in a future issue! ÄÄÄÍÍÍÍÍ[ VaS DiSTRiBuTioN SiTeS ]ÍÍÍÍÍÄÄÄ ÉÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ» º BBS Name Number Baud Sysop Title º ÇÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄĶ º LiVe WiRE BBS (313)464-1470 14.4 Studmuffin World HQ º º PoT BBS (313)462-1906 24oo Phreak_Accident World HQ º º TcH BBS (713)373-4031 14.4 One Meg Cacher Dist. #1 º º Floating Pancreas (305)551-0311 14.4 Majestic Cockster Dist. #2 º º Phantasm III (313)884-2617 14.4 Scavenger Dist. #3 º ÈÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍͼ .