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A little black book, to be exact. Only two weeks after being picked up by a small publishing house, "The Little Black Book Of Computer Viruses" has initiated as nasty and divisive a free speech battle as this community has seen. That is because the 178-page ebony volume is chock full of the necessary source code for creating potentially destructive viruses. And for $15, the less technically inclined can simply send in a coupon and order floppy disks already loaded with compiled and executible virus programs. ANGER FLAMES Professional virus fighters such as Alan Solomon at S&S International are madder than angry hornets over the publication. They are encouring anti-black book campaigns that include picketing author Mark Ludwig's house, boycotting shops that sell the book, petitioning congress and even bringing in lawyers. Others said the books is relatively harmless because any hacker who really wants to get virus source code only has to dial up one of the innumerable hacker bulletin boards to quickly and easily download dozens of viruses. Critics dismissed Ludwig's First Ammendment defense as the computational equivalent of yelling "Fire" in a crowded movie theater. INHERENTLY 'EVIL' "Any virus, by its nature, is evil, and Ludwig presents sample after sample of ways to go about writing damaging code," said David Stang, chairman of the International Computer security Association in Washington, D.C. "The fundimental atraction of computers is that we can understand, control, and predict what they do." he added. "We do not want that data messed with, but Ludwig seems to think it's okay." Not true, according to Ludwig, who claimed the purpose of this book is not destructive but educational. "Computer viruses are not evil, and programmers have a right to create them, possess them and experiment with them," Ludwig said. "These viruses are designed so that security people can see what a virus looks like and how it behaves. How can anyone realistically be in charge of security without having ever seen a virus?" The book's hacket cautions that those who misuse its viruses can be held legally liable, even if the misuse is unintentional. Additionally, Ludwig said, the viruses in the book are protected by copyright law and anyone who uses them without his permission will be subject to both civil and criminal prosecution. Stang has suggested that if Ludwig's althrustic claims are true, then he should offer to donate the proceeds from "The Little Black Book Of Computer Viruses" to a fund that would fight the spread of damaging viruses. Others have suggested that Ludwig should have included "pseudo-code" versions of the viruses, which contain enough information to illustrate a point without providing a full working virus. FIRST IN A SERIES. The book is scheduled to be the first in a series of three books about computer viruses. Ludwig first published the book himself last year and became its primary salesman after it was reportedly turned down by a succesion of publishers. The Upland, Pa-based Diane Publishing Co. picked up the distribution rights to "The Little Black Book Of Computer Viruses" earlier this month. "We see nothing wrong with it," Diane Publising President Herman Baron said. "We put it out for the simple reason that it fits with our catalog of computer security books". ... And there it is... Kind of interesting sounding book. I am kind of wondering if this Ludwig guy is a member of a virus writing group such as NuKE or Phalcon/Skism or whatever. Also you may be saying, wow this book sounds really cool. Where do I get it? Ahh well apparently the magazine didn't feel obliged to tell us that. So here is a place you can order it from : ------------------------------------------------------ The Little Black Book Of Cpomputer Viruses Teaches You how computer viruses work with 60 pages of assembly language examples. 192 pages, $14.95 ppd. Flyer for SASE. American Eagle Publications, Box 41401-S, Tuscon AZ 85717. ------------------------------------------------------ Anyhow hope ya like it. We will probably be having more re-print type stuff coming up in VaS and less racially insulting papers (Thats all been done already hehe). Anyhow keep reading these VaS files. That's why we write them! 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