--------------------* w0ol #3: gourmet food, gourmet boredom *--------------- ok hi its w0ol again, i guess you probably have built up some type of hate for me by now so i just wanna say... PLEASE COME BACK TO ME!#% i love you!@!#, ok, now that thats over its on to...ta da! w0ol number three! or in roman numerals: ]I[, ok --------------------------------* go on *------------------------------------ ok, today im gonna tell you about...my dads house!#@, *applaus* ok, anyway, my dads house is pretty big and stuff and uh, oh yeah, uh, i go there sometimes, and you know what? the food there is really good. its very good in fact, in fact its really really good cause if its not pizza (woo!) its something like shrimp or some other great thing i like, which is pretty cool, this is what the GOURMET FOOD bit means, ok, aside from eating i do other things there too: 1) sit 2) stand 3) ask to use the computers 4) do homework and misc sshit 5) not sleep (which i do anyway, so its not that special) ok, youve probably caught on the teh gourmet boredom thing so ill start here -----------------------------* day at dads *--------------------------------- my day at my dads starts like this, i wake up at about 5:15 (regular time for me to wake up) and yawn, then i say "FUCK@!#@!" when i look at my watch because i just fell asleep at around 5:00 or 5:05.. then i get up, take a shower, which i hate doing at my dads, for some reason, i dunno, its just like i hate doing it there.. taking a shower HERE is fine tho, ok, so i take my shower as quickly as possible to avoid getting clean, then i go downstairs and eat something, usually cereal, or if i can find something like a pizza ill eat that, or if i can find a peice of charcol ill also eat that, then i go "ugh" because i realize that i have nothign to do.. ok, so i ask my dad if i can use one of the like 3789 computers, he says no so i go "ugh" and sit down or read or somethign, now, then i wait, its like 5:00 (pm) before he goes "oh yeah they didnt have lunch yet" and ive already asked like 40 times to go to lunch BEFORE then but he was doing other stuff, ok, after all that stuff and we finally get somewhere to eat, most likely pizza, we order our food, the drinks (jug of soda of some sort) arrive and he only lets us have like a quarter glass before we get our food, then we can have drinks for real, isnt that dumb? ok, and then after we eat and get home i sit around for a few more hours until dinner, which i eat and then i sit some more and crawl upstairs and crawl into bed, where i promptly lie awake all night. wow.. ok then i see the begning of sunrise eventually and look at my watch and go "ugh" and start to sleep and wake up, its cool... ok im done now, wait, you didnt read that did you? hah, you mustve eaten some gourmet boredom to have read it --------------------* you know what is cool? a knife *----------------------- uh ok readerperson...oh..yeah..i have one, wow, let me brag, its a boot knife!#@# its got blood grooves!@!#@ i could kill you@#@@! phear me!@! ---------------------------* are you done? *-------------------------------- yeah i think i am, which means only one thing -----------------------------* oh god no *----------------------------------- yep, HORRIBLE ASCII ART TIME!#@#@ ok right now i dont have anythign to draw@ ok ill draw my knife /\ |~~~|--------||-------------------,._ |---| | | | | | <==============> `~-., |___|--------||------------------------'` \/ phear me no ill draw a clock _.,-~`'~-,._ .------------------------. | .------------------. | | | w0ol clock 5:00a | | | `------------------' | `------------------------' ok hmmm heh oh yeah let me show you my bots motd.... here you go.......... . . _._ _._ . db db dOOOOOb dOOOOOb db HD HD HP KYH HP YH HD HD dOb HD HD K OH HD OH HD HDdb dbHD HLK JH HL JH HD ZP YZ ZY YOOOOOY YOOOOOY HOOOOOI `` '' ~'~ ~'~ ~~~~~~~ --------------------------------+ InDeX +------------------------------------ this is so you can find them: #1: w0ol comes from sheep (nettle) #2: the elecrtic santa claus (nettle) #3: gourmet food, gourmet boredom (nettle) wow -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+[ people in w0ol ]+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- nettle (thats all right now.) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~_ email addresses _~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ nettle: nettle@nevermind.lag.novasys.com nettle@novasys.com nettle@nexxus.novasys.com well i guess thats it .