The W.A.R.E.Z. Magazine iSSue # PART ONE--More iNFo oN THe WaReZ d00dz! PART TWO--REAL hacking is NOT...blah blah I have come across an interesting point about thoze HaRD C0Re WaReZ d00dz...AGAIN..heh these guys never stop..what the hell is their pro- blem? Anyways, there was this KID, 13, maybe 14 years old. I have a board that is dedicated to H/P..yet, SOME (very little) warez. Well this little fucker thinks he is hard core, and tells everybody that he can get ANY THING for anybody..Well, any f00l could tell that this l00zer getz all his WaReZ from friends. Hahaha, so, he claims that he is NOT a lamer. This idi0t was flamed to hell on a PD board! Now who the HELL does he think he is? So, anyways this dumby posts a few messages on my board..He had posted a message, "Hey my board will be up from ?pm to ?am..nobody better hack it though." 0h, isn't that like a prime target now for some LAME hacker to hack the shit outta his board? (See part 2 for more info on a "LAME" hacker. So, this other guy who is really into h/p stuff mentions to this kid, "HAHAHA, do you think somebody is really gonna hack your board? That is NOT what hacking is all about." Heh, next this c00l wanna-be WaReZ d00d, replied and said, "FUCK YOU! YOU LAMER!" HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHHAHAH!!!! Is that a joke or what? Now what did the other guy say for that kind of remark to be said back? NOTHING AT ALL! That is a TRUE TRUE TRUE sign of those FUCKING lameass WaReZ d00dz! That is what you will see in the message bases at ANY warez board (if there is a "lamer" on that board) It is sorta funny, you see the message base topic as maybe "Feedback to Staff" or "BBS ADS"/ heh then you say hey, lets take a look at some bbs ads... READ MSG 1... From: c00l d00d To : Bob CD> FUCK YOU MUTHA FUCKIN LAME ASS SUNNA BITCH YO MOMMA IS SO FAT YOU CD> COULD USE HER AS A MEASURMENT FOR THE 2 MILE RACE AT A TRACK MEET! CD> JUST RUN AROUND HER!! THATZ RIGHT BiTCH..DonT FUcK WiTH ME YOU CD> PDBUTTFUCK! YEEEEAA, FUCK YOU! YOU ARE A LAMER! GO PLAY L.O.R.D! REPLY B> Um, shut up REPLY FROM c00l d00d CD> WHAT? FUCK YOU BiATCH! YOU WANNA FIGHT? LETS FIGHT YOU LAMER! CD> 3:00am at TOWER RECORDS STORE! REPLY FROM BOB B> YA! ok ill be there you shithead! REPLY from c00l d00d CD> Oh um *shiver* *scared shitless* hey i am really sorry if i said CD> anything to hurt your feelings..i wasnt having the greatest day. CD> Please, this doesnt have to end up in a fight..because i am a CD> c00l WaReZ d00d. I don't wanna make myself look bad by getting CD> my fucking ass beat in when all these people think i am HaRD C0Re! 1 Day Later B> YOU FUCKING PUSSY! I thought you were hard core d00d! Go download B> for 30 days straight off the iNET..make a new lame couriering group. REPY From c00l d00d CD> YES SIR! Anything to be kissing your ass sir! I do not wanna get my CD> ass kicked! 10 Days later NEWUSER LOGON: FRED SMITH From: c00l d00d To : Fred Smith CD> YOU FUCKING LAMER BLAH BLAH BLAH! GET OFF THIS BOARD YOU LAME ASS CD> PDBUTTFUCK! FS> Uh, if you didn't know, this is your grandma unercover checking out FS> things. Grandson, I thought we had a talk about using bad language. FS> I am 97 years old, but i can still kick the living shit out of you. CD> Oh i am so sorry grandma! I didnt even know who you were and actually CD> posted to the wrong person! Please forgive me! FS> Haha..shut the fuck up..this aint your granny you fucking "LAMER!" FS> If you were so c00l, then why the fuck would you think your granny FS> called here? CD> Oh, i am just having a bad day thats all..(for 20 times in a row that CD> a new user has logged on and had no handle) Please forgive me! FS> Lookout, i am at your doorstep! *BOOM!* CD> ah ew arghhhhh.....splat.... c00l d00d died of being shot in the heart. His last words were : "HAND OVER MY COURIERING GROUP AND MY HANDLE TO MY SON.." "Oh ya, don't forget to finish downloading the rest of OS/2!" "BAHHH" (DIED) What a sad story of that l<-rad d00d eh? Well i am tired of writing and making jokes/storys about those lame l<-radz out there. But, there will be more issues to come! C-ya next time! .