W.a.R.e.Z. MaGaZiNe iSSue # FouR PD TouGH GuYZ + PD /<-RaDz Welcome to issue four of the W.A.R.E.Z. Magazine..One quick introduction.. Issue 4 and issue 5 were release a week ago, but were bad files and were taken off the W.A.R.E.Z. Issue list..at least issue 4 was..THIS IS THE NEW ISSUE 4..Issue 5 will be released in a little bit. Issue five will have some very good information in it for ansi bomb makers and phreakers. Okay, I am now going to tell you about a wonderful and FUNNY FUNNY experience I had on a BBS these past few months. Well I went under my undercover handle, (Hell, I have a billion of them) and heh, this time instead of those totally /<-rad 3133+ boardz flaming me, I actually got those "LAME PDBUTTFUCKS" flaming me. Hahahaha, now ain't that funny. Overlord, the totally /<-rad PDBUTTFUCK tried to actually flame me. Man-0-Man what is happening to the BBS World? Later on in this issue I will put in some actuall QUOTES that the people say to me. It's a total joke. For some reason, the f00lz think I am a 12 yr. old. Hahaha, then, this Overlord d00d finds out who I REALLY am and says, "Oh hey man, So I hear you guys (Me and another W.a.R.e.Z. Mag writer) are hackerz and phreakerz and stuff, is that true?" Then later he just says to me, "Hey man I wasn't trying to flame you or anything, I was just trying to find out who the hell you were!" Hahahha..so, the little /<-rad Overlord is getting a lil' scared eh..Why the fuck would he kiss my ass..only little L4m3rz would do that..Heh.. Anyways, Sorry I couldn't pull out any txt for you to identify these fucking lamerz. But remember : __________________________________________________ BLaCKLiST : | | OVERLORD (Let me know what the # is to his board) | --------------------------------------------------| Good Boards to call : PHiNFo uToPiA - 9i6.689.o846 (W.a.R.e.Z. Mag DiSTRo) Phed Land - 9i6.395.273i (W.a.R.e.Z. Mag DiSTRo) LoST MiNDs - 9i6.428.8559 (New board : Call it ) Thats it for this issue. Ansi Bomb Makers and Phreakers, be sure to take a look at Issue 5 (NEXT ISSUE RELEASE) for some g00d iNFo. -HeaDaCHe .