Welcome to the only directory on the WHOLE ENTIRE Internet entitled "Whatever Ramblings" * Whatever Ramblings - Issues #11, 12 and 13 are on here. #13 is a whopping 189K of pure insanity for your viewing enjoyment. Not for those with overactive imaginations or heart problems (no, i'm serious!) Back issues are available if you ask REAL nicely. * How to publish an E-Zine - Sure, why not? I don't see anyone else writing about it. I take submissions for my E-Print Zine called Red Dye Number Five. Send all fiction/non-fiction less than two pages in length (proofread, spellchecked,etc) in ASCII format only to t3@vnet.net. I am looking for brilliant insane writings. As well, issues of Red Dye Number Five will end up here approximately two months after they come out in print. MY EMAIL ADDRESS HAS CHANGED. MY PREVIOUS PROVIDER HAS GONE BANKRUPT. THIS IS A FUCKING PAIN IN MY ASS. No sweat. My new one: t3@vnet.net Spraypaint it on your mom so you won't lose it. Have Fun and remember, "I drink more beer than you." Updated 9-20-95 .