WORD OF GOD Written By: Number SIX (6) SAM HAIN for June 1990 -=Ministry=- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Okay. I guess a bunch of guys quit so I should just call it By Sam Hain instead of ministry... Oh well... Anyways, Hydra's files are good, but the problem is that it makes it hard to convert into a text file if one wanted to (why would we want reviews of games when they will get old anyways?) Oh well.. Still pick it up though. BTW - Tower Books by Seattle Center no longer carries 2600. Be looking for a -=Ministry=- Bbs soon. It's almost done. Anyone see Clifford Stoll on T.V. the other day? Someone hacked his personal system and filled up all the extra space with a file containing WELL NOW... LOOK WHO'S GOT EGG ON HIS FACE.. over and over. Very funny joke, since he was scheduled for a tv appearance that day.. (BTW- if you're dumb, he wrote The Cuckoo's Egg, about catching West German, KGB-spawned hackers) I think someone should start a group which takes relative lamer dumbasses, and teaches them EVERYTHING that they can about hacking so more people know what to do... Okay, enough of this.... How about.. ----------------________________________________------------------------------- WIRE LESSS TRANSMITTERS ----------------~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~------------------------------- Ingredients: Resistors (1/4 watt, %5) R1 - 100 ohms R2,R4 - 10,000 ohms R3 - 1000 ohms R5,R7 - 47,000 ohms R6 - 2.2 megohms R8 - 4700 ohms Capacitors C1 -1.5 pF, ceramic disk C2 -100 pF, NPO C3,C4 -330 pF,,NPO C5,C9 -0.1 uF, NPO C6 -.001 uF,NPO C7 -22 uF, electrolytic C8 -6.8 uF.electrolytic C10 -10-40 pF trimmer capacitor SemiConductors Q1 -BF199 or NTE229 or equiv. NPN transistor Q2 -BC183C or NTE199 or equiv. NPN transistor Other Parts L1 - Coil, approx. 1 uH M1 - Electret Microphone S1 - SPST toggle Switch Misc. 9 volt battery 9 volt battery connector wire for connections project box solder soldering iron breadboard / pc board (KIT AVAIL. $13.85 - PROSPECT ELECTRONICS P.o. Box 9144 Allentown, Pa. 18105) For the coil(L1), you'll need to either coil a wire or set an adjustable coil around 1uH. Make sure there's no bridged or bad joints when you start it. Schematics ---------- ____ |----+-----+--------+---------------------+--------+--------| \ / ___ | | | | | | \/ C10/ \ L1 | | | | | Antennae | | | | R7 | B | + | | | | | | | a ----- | C1 | | | ___ | | t _ |___I<_____!____| R4 C3/ \ | | t _____ | | | +---+ | e _ +-----\ | | +-R6---+ | | | r | - | \ | | C9 | | R8 | | y | | I--+--------+-I<----+ | | C7| | C6 | ___ / | | \ | | \| + | / | C2 / \ v | | I----+------+ --- --- | | | Q1 | | / | / \ / \ | +---| | | v Q2 | | | | | | | | +-------| | | | | | | | | | | | | | R1 R2 | | C8___ + M1 | | | | | ___ | / \ - | | | | | | C4 / \ R3 | | | | | | | | | | | | | S1 | |__________|________|______|_______|______|___|____|_+ +___| | \ ----- + ---Ground - Use: ---- Now you have to set the frequency, so get a normal FM radio and find an unused area and have someone constantly talk into the microphone and adjust the dial until you pick it up... _____________________________________________________________________________ PRODIGY ======= Being a paying member of Prodigy, I can tell you what they do to prevent hackers... They leave every member notes saying change your password due to hackers. No one does it, so it's a waste of their space. It's generally hard to guess an account, but this is the format.. LLLL##O where LLLL is ANY letter, ## is a number, and O is the position it is in the account. When you buy one account, you can make up to 25 more accounts off of it. So, Mr. Smith buys an account. His ID is: PWRB21A (A - being the first account and the only one to add on new accounts with) homever, his wife and three kids want on, so they get accounts: PWRB21B C D E So, instead of 1 account, you have 5. If it's a higher letter (C and above) you can bet it's a kid and start using stupid, easy to guess passwords. ONCE YOU get a valid id and password, you can get BILLIONS more just by (J)umping to THE CLUB. Here, go to the music section and read any message about The New Kids on The Block. There are around 200-300 little, tasteless girls with no pubic hair, who love them. Just write down their accounts and start hacking using Info on the Newkies. (Names, songs, lyrics, album names, etc.) I have obtained over 15 accounts this way... There isn't a lot to do there once you get in.. No Chatting or anything. You can get info about a lot of other systems by reading all the LOOK things. However, you need the software package to use Prodigy, but that's available everywhere now... _____________________________________________________________________________ Okay, the rest of the files will be included in this ZIP. They are loops for all over the country. More on loops later... .