#: 3206 S10/Tandy CoCo 30-Apr-90 23:42:34 Sb: #3194-C arrays Fm: Bruce MacKenzie 71725,376 To: Mark Griffith 76070,41 (X) But Mark, the use of a declaration such as: func(array) int array[][6]; is standard. I don't have K&R, but it's clearly stated in Gehani's "C: Food For The Educated Palate" (Gehani's with Bell Labs and states in the preface that he follows the C Programming Language Reference Manual). It is understood that what is passed is a pointer to the array and that the array is not copied as are normal variables. The brackets and the second dimension tell the compiler the pointer points to a 2D array and is partioned in six column rows. The COCO compiler accepts this declaration but due to a bug uses the wrong dimension to partion the array, ie the first rather than the second. By the by, I checked out your more complex declaration ie: int (*array)[6]; and it compiles just fine on the COCO compiler. You are to be thanked for pointing out what I think is the best way to program around the bug. #: 3216 S10/Tandy CoCo 01-May-90 22:16:53 Sb: #3173-#C arrays Fm: Bill Dickhaus 70325,523 To: Mark Griffith 76070,41 (X) Mark, Since you seem to have all the answers , how do I define a ointer to an array of pointers with a variable number of elements? I have a situation where I want to define an array of pointers to strings, but I don't know in advance how many strings I need to point to. I want to be able to malloc() the array of pointers, and then use a pointer to get to each element. I know how to define a variable array of integers, and a pointer to a fixed array of pointers to characters (which is how I've got it working now, just defining a large array) but haven't found any examples of how to define a pointer to an (undefined) array of pointers. Bill There are 2 Replies. #: 3227 S10/Tandy CoCo 02-May-90 17:07:45 Sb: #3216-C arrays Fm: Pete Lyall 76703,4230 To: Bill Dickhaus 70325,523 Bill - This may appear overly simple, but have you considered using a NULL string as the nth entry to indicate the end of the array(s)? Make that a NULL pointer. Pete #: 3230 S10/Tandy CoCo 02-May-90 18:43:35 Sb: #3216-C arrays Fm: Bruce MacKenzie 71725,376 To: Bill Dickhaus 70325,523 Bill, This will do what you want: char **sp; /* declare a pointer to a character pointer */ sp=calloc(MAX,sizeof(char *)); /* assign it to the base of a block of memory to hold the pointer array */ sp[0]="string 1"; sp[1]="string 2"; /* now you can use your pointer as an array */ In C array variables are pointers to the base address of the array memory, and any pointer may be used as an array variable so long as you assure that it points to a free block of memory of the appropriate size. #: 3207 S10/Tandy CoCo 01-May-90 08:53:54 Sb: #3201-#tsmon HELP! Fm: Pete Lyall 76703,4230 To: Paul Rinear 73757,1413 (X) Paul - Dropping characters is a classic symptom... do you have the IRQ hack installed? Do you have an upgraded multipak? Pete There is 1 Reply. #: 3210 S10/Tandy CoCo 01-May-90 17:42:59 Sb: #3207-#tsmon HELP! Fm: Paul Rinear 73757,1413 To: Pete Lyall 76703,4230 (X) The multipak is upgraded and the diode IRQ hack was done. Something I've always been curious about: I use a Disto RS-232 Superpack in slot2 as /T2. The instructions that came with this pack contained a modpatch for AciaPak that I've tried using. It has never made any difference in operations. So I don't use it. Do you know what the story is with that? To quote them; "If you are using a COCO3, the Aciapak driver can inadvertently turn off the interrupts via the GIME chip. A fix using modpatch will prevent this". They then give the patch. Doesn't seem to do anything. ???? Paul There are 2 Replies. #: 3211 S10/Tandy CoCo 01-May-90 17:46:36 Sb: #3210-tsmon HELP! Fm: Kevin Darling (UG Pres) 76703,4227 To: Paul Rinear 73757,1413 (X) Paul - the patch is a common one to ACIAPAK. If you use one of its serial ports, and then cease using it (so that say, /t2 deinizes), then ACIAPAK normally shuts off interrupts from the MPI. For the interrupt-driven SC-II (or any other interrupt-driven device out there on the MPI), this would be catastrophic. I guess they must have included the patch "just in case" . - kev #: 3212 S10/Tandy CoCo 01-May-90 18:05:59 Sb: #3210-#tsmon HELP! Fm: Pete Lyall 76703,4230 To: Paul Rinear 73757,1413 (X) Paul - I have heard of mixed results using the diode version of the hack. The straight IRQ hack is simplest, and works well. Also, it is slot insensitive. BTW - any particular reason you're not using slot 1 (the recommended slot)? Pete There is 1 Reply. #: 3222 S10/Tandy CoCo 02-May-90 12:35:47 Sb: #3212-#tsmon HELP! Fm: Paul Rinear 73757,1413 To: Pete Lyall 76703,4230 (X) I don't know what the "straight interrupt hack is". What I did was connect all the slots together on one pin (pin 8 if I remember-it's been awhile) and then do that diode thing. Haven't had any problems. Paul There is 1 Reply. #: 3226 S10/Tandy CoCo 02-May-90 17:04:12 Sb: #3222-tsmon HELP! Fm: Pete Lyall 76703,4230 To: Paul Rinear 73757,1413 (X) Paul - The straight interrupt hack is under IRQHAK.TXT in DL2 (or DL10), I believe. Pete #: 3218 S10/Tandy CoCo 02-May-90 00:02:47 Sb: #3197-#tsmon HELP! Fm: Everett Chimbidis 76370,1366 To: Lee Veal 74726,1752 Can't find the dev pack (or login) in any store! No longer availble! There is 1 Reply. #: 3223 S10/Tandy CoCo 02-May-90 13:38:36 Sb: #3218-tsmon HELP! Fm: Shawn Thomas 72300,2066 To: Everett Chimbidis 76370,1366 Everett- The Dev Pack may be a special order item only. Check around. #: 3208 S6/Applications 01-May-90 09:48:39 Sb: Daynaform Fm: Butch Mooney 76702,1126 To: ALL Hi, I'm having trouble getting Daynaform to print single line. I use a Citizen 120D printer that works the same as a Epson. No problems using RSDOS. I have changed the df.init file many times and it doesn't make any difference. I anyone has any suggestion it would be of great help. Thanks, Butch #: 3209 S15/Hot Topics 01-May-90 12:01:18 Sb: #3196-#That Darn Computer! Fm: Paul K. Ward 73477,2004 To: Colin Smith 73777,1360 (X) Colin, For the best price on a 2 meg upgrade, you can look around now in Computer Shopper. Look for SIMMs, 1 meg by 8. These are the same SIMMS used in the Mac ii series, so they'll remain pretty inexpensive. It was one of our design goals to use a lot of standard parts. The more standard a part is, the more reliable and cheaper it is. Hence, you can have a full >>3<< meg system for far less than you would think. BTW, we showed the MM/1 at a special meeting of folks from a Charlotte NC computer club -- we could have sold quite a few of 'em! We had a great time, and look forware to meeting with Color Computer users up and down the east coast. Paul There is 1 Reply. #: 3214 S15/Hot Topics 01-May-90 20:54:11 Sb: #3209-That Darn Computer! Fm: Steve Wegert 76703,4255 To: Paul K. Ward 73477,2004 (X) Paul, When is the info on the new system gonna hit the mail? I'm still waiting for some publisihed details to drool over. Did you miss my name on the list? Steve #: 3213 S10/Tandy CoCo 01-May-90 20:52:55 Sb: #Home Publisher help Fm: Bruce Isted (UG VP) 76625,2273 To: All Hi all, I've had a request from a local CoCo club member for a fixed printer driver for Home Publisher and a DMP-110 printer. Does anyone know where I can get such a thing? The problem is apparently due to the DMP-110's horizontal dots-per-inch, which is denser than most DMP printers. I'm told that circles print up as ovals (squished in sides), and so forth. Any help is greatly appreciated! Bruce There is 1 Reply. #: 3224 S10/Tandy CoCo 02-May-90 13:39:59 Sb: #3213-Home Publisher help Fm: Shawn Thomas 72300,2066 To: Bruce Isted (UG VP) 76625,2273 (X) Bruce- Tandy is selling a disk of printer drivers thru special order for the Home Publisher. You might check to see if the disk includes on for the dmp-110. Shawn #: 3215 S14/misc/info/Soapbox 01-May-90 22:09:07 Sb: check it out Fm: Zack Sessions 76407,1524 To: ALL I my latest ad in the CoCo Clipboard piqued youed interest, go to lib14 and download games.ar and give it a read. (Even you Shareware users of my games!) Zack #: 3217 S3/Languages 01-May-90 22:37:23 Sb: #3199-#F$Chain question Fm: Bill Dickhaus 70325,523 To: Zack Sessions 76407,1524 (X) Zack, As Pete said, use something other than 0, since the data area is at least 256 bytes, then leas 255,u should always work. Using 0 causes the stack to start 0 off of U, but since the stack is used "backwards", the page preceding the one pointed to by U will get zapped. (You probably already know this, but in case someone else is wondering) a PSHS X instruction does the same thing as STX ,--S. Whenever a register is pushed on the stack, the stack pointer is decremented. So the stack pointer is usually set to the end of the area to be used for the stack. Bill There is 1 Reply. #: 3225 S3/Languages 02-May-90 16:24:39 Sb: #3217-F$Chain question Fm: Zack Sessions 76407,1524 To: Bill Dickhaus 70325,523 Thanks, Bill, (And You TOO Pete) the leas 255,u solved the problem perfectly! Thanks a bunch, guys. Zack #: 3219 S10/Tandy CoCo 02-May-90 00:06:00 Sb: t3 help Fm: Everett Chimbidis 76370,1366 To: all Nedd to know how to use /t3 with my second computer. I have 2 232 ports 1 for each computer. how do I try on into the other? 1St one has the harddrives 2nd dosn't. Any HELP? #: 3221 S15/Hot Topics 02-May-90 11:07:06 Sb: #Smoke Signal Fm: DOUG 72667,1433 To: all Hey, did SSB go belly-up, move or just don't want to be found anymore? D There is 1 Reply. #: 3228 S15/Hot Topics 02-May-90 17:10:54 Sb: #3221-Smoke Signal Fm: Pete Lyall 76703,4230 To: DOUG 72667,1433 Doug - I believe SSB is still up here in Westlake Village, CA. Their building is supposed to be right behind mine, but I have never been over there. Try 1-(818)-555-1212 and ask information if they are listed.... Pete #: 3229 S4/MIDI and Music 02-May-90 17:38:51 Sb: Music Fm: Ches Looney 73016,1336 To: Larry Miner 73577,256 Larry, nice job on Entertainer and Elephant Walk (I'll look in the big job later). A few changes in instruments and they sound real good on my Yamaha. Thanks. Ches. Press !> .