#: 4130 S6/Applications 06-Jun-90 01:49:24 Sb: #3915-AIF -> DYNACALC Fm: Mike Stephenson 71655,415 To: TONY CAPPELLINI 76370,2104 ~ Tony; Sorry for replying late .. I only get on here weekly. Zack's reply was right on the mark. That is what I meant to say. You place an AIF file in your HD tree and it gets read throughout the system. Because DynaCalc saves its files with a '.cal' extension do the following. . Make your file AIF.cal and place it early in your tree. Then when using Multi-Vue in other parts of your system, when MV comes upon the any DynaCalc saved file with a '.cal' extension it refers back to the AIF.cal file and loads DynaCalc, executes it, and loads the '.cal' file automatically. I didn't say RSDOS version of Dynacalc. I said RS-OS9. In my previous message . . >>>"There is a 'trick' to using the RS-OS9 version 1.0 of DYNACALC."<<< Best, Mike #: 4131 S6/Applications 06-Jun-90 01:49:36 Sb: #3941-AIF -> DYNACALC Fm: Mike Stephenson 71655,415 To: Zack Sessions 76407,1524 (X) ~ Zack; Thanks for helping Tony out. You were right. Your explanation of using AIF's and multiple files was correct, and that is what I did intend to say. Best; Mike #: 4132 S10/Tandy CoCo 06-Jun-90 01:49:48 Sb: #4109-/V0../V4 Fm: Mike Stephenson 71655,415 To: Joseph Cheek 76264,142 (X) ~ Joe; Go to Library 10 and download WINVDG.AR. It is by Bruce Isted and contains windows W thru W15 descriptors which are full 80 column screens and also includes V1 thru V7 which are VDG. Also includes the source. You will need AR to 'de-archive' this file. Best; Mike #: 4133 S3/Languages 06-Jun-90 06:01:43 Sb: BASIC09 Help Fm: Floyd Resler 72500,2572 To: All I'm having a problem with I-Code modules. I'm working on a BBS and have the most often used modules merged together and loaded into memory. The other modules I pull from disk when I need them. After I use the module, I KILL it. Using this method, I get no Module Not Found errors. However, when I try to call a module again that I previously called and KILLed, I get a memory full error! Why? #: 4134 S10/Tandy CoCo 06-Jun-90 06:18:57 Sb: #4126-#Reading disk tracks Fm: Mark Griffith 76070,41 To: Pete Lyall 76703,4230 (X) Pete, I'm not sure about that (reading a track of sectors, including the interrecord gap stuff). Wouldn't this be much like reading 16K or so of data from a file using read()? You don't get anything there except for the file data. I know this is different because the disk was opened as a file, but I believe all the disk bilge is eaten by the controller and never seen at the applications level. Maybe I'm confusing the issue -- does this guy want only a tracks worth of data or does he also want the inter-record stuff? Mark There is 1 Reply. #: 4135 S10/Tandy CoCo 06-Jun-90 10:01:04 Sb: #4134-Reading disk tracks Fm: Pete Lyall 76703,4230 To: Mark Griffith 76070,41 Mark - If you read the Western Digital 1793 data sheet, look at the READ TRACK command. That 'bilge' as you refer to it is stripped off only when you perform normal sector reads. Track read is effectively the converse of track write (which is what FORMAT uses to put all the lowe level data on the disk.. gaps track & sector headers, and sector templates. Pete #: 4136 S10/Tandy CoCo 06-Jun-90 12:37:57 Sb: #4123-Reading disk tracks Fm: William Phelps 75100,265 To: Mark Griffith 76070,41 I don't mean read every sector on a track. I am talking about doing a raw read of the complete track. William #: 4137 S10/Tandy CoCo 06-Jun-90 12:40:02 Sb: #4125-Reading disk tracks Fm: William Phelps 75100,265 To: Pete Lyall 76703,4230 (X) I knew there was a reason I kept that DECB zapper around. William #: 4138 S7/Telecommunications 06-Jun-90 17:57:01 Sb: UUCP Fm: Hugo Bueno 71211,3662 To: Mark Griffith Mark, Here's Bob's reply. I guess he's really interested in UUCP! Msg#:28818 *COCO* 06/06/90 12:21:29 (Read 4 Times) From: BOB BILLSON To: HUGO BUENO (Rcvd) Subj: REPLY TO MSG# 28736 (UUCP) I forgot to add some info yesterday. Since I don't have a CI$ or Delphi account, tell Mark he can reach me via UUCP. My Internet address is: kc2wz@ka2qhd.uucp OR kc2wz%ka2qhd@tsdiag.ccur.com My UUCP "bang path" is: ...uunet!rutgers!tsdiag!ka2qhd!kc2wz Bob Toegel, whom I mentioned is also very interested in getting involved in the beat and bash testing, doesn't have a UUCP address....yet. :-) I can relay any messages to him. #: 4139 S10/Tandy CoCo 06-Jun-90 18:37:25 Sb: #BREAK KEY Fm: PHIL SCHERER 71211,2545 To: ALL Is there any way to disable the Break key in Basic09 ?? There is 1 Reply. #: 4144 S10/Tandy CoCo 06-Jun-90 22:25:23 Sb: #4139-BREAK KEY Fm: Pete Lyall 76703,4230 To: PHIL SCHERER 71211,2545 Phil - You can to a few things: 1) Use the SHELL command to invoke a TMODE QUIT=0 ABORT=0 2) Better but harder, use the SYSCALL subroutines to do an i$getstt of the path's options (SS.OPT), modify the affected bytes, and then set 'em back in place with a i$setstt command 3) Use ON ERROR routines to trap the key Note that while in the interpretive (non packed) mode, the break key is always enabled as a means of debugging the program, or stopping a runaway routine. Pete #: 4140 S9/Utilities 06-Jun-90 21:07:14 Sb: #Project Management Fm: tom farrow 72701,543 To: James Jones 76257,562 (X) Thankyou James but I really do not have the time or the inclination to get into that type of programming yet I am fairly new to os9. Could there be a way of getting MacProject II from the MacIntosh to the CoCo3? There is 1 Reply. #: 4142 S9/Utilities 06-Jun-90 22:10:33 Sb: #4140-Project Management Fm: James Jones 76257,562 To: tom farrow 72701,543 You'd have to talk to the folks who own MacProject II, or persuade a programmer to do something similar for the CoCo. (Now, Paul Ward et al. are working on porting, or having someone port, applications to OS-9/68K for the MM/1, and I'd be surprised if a scheduling/project management package hadn't crossed his mind, though of course you'd have to ask him whether anything is being done. The only association I have with the folks making the MM/1 is that I've already sent off my deposit on ordering one when they finally officially come out.) #: 4141 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 06-Jun-90 21:48:07 Sb: #OSk BASIC Fm: Zack Sessions 76407,1524 To: ALL Is OSK BASIC a tr{ue compiler or does {it generate IxD-Code like Basic09? t( Sorry {for the line noi{se{{. Zack There is 1 Reply. #: 4143 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 06-Jun-90 22:11:02 Sb: #4141-OSk BASIC Fm: James Jones 76257,562 To: Zack Sessions 76407,1524 It does in fact generate I-code like BASIC09. Press !> .