#: 4222 S10/Tandy CoCo 10-Jun-90 13:49:13 Sb: #pictures Fm: Darrell Coffey 76106,767 To: all help! I'm currently designing a new program for a bussiness application, and my main menu and the other's are getting to where the graphic's they have to draw on-boot up in each of the windows are knocking up a lot of time. So I decided that loading them from disk would be the best method, no such luck. the best way I found to save and load the pictures are in 4 8k buffers. (Can you make a 32k buffer so you don't have to split it up?) then I tried to use the os9 call SS.MpGPB (Function code $84) I opened a path to the window (/w7 a 32k 640 x 200 4 color) set the a register to the path set the b register to $84 set the x register to $0101 (High group byte, log buffer byte) set the y register to 1 for map buffer run syscall ($84,regs) and all I get back is a set of negative numbers in the x,y registers. Am I missing something important? Is theyre a better way to get the window screen location for each window? is there a better way to Save/Load a picture to/from a disk? any help greatly appreciated! Darrell Coffey There are 2 Replies. #: 4230 S10/Tandy CoCo 10-Jun-90 15:23:25 Sb: #4222-pictures Fm: Kevin Darling (UG Pres) 76703,4227 To: Darrell Coffey 76106,767 (X) Darrell - SS.MpGPB is a setstt (I think early manuals said getstt instead). In any case, that would make it RUN syscall ($8E,regs) I believe. See, the number you pass in reg.b is the statcall number. What you pass in the first param to syscall is the F$ or I$ system call. See the SYSCAL tutorial in Lib 2, and also see WLOAD.AR (?) in Lib 10 for an example of loading a picture. Gotta run, but will be back. Ask away! - kev #: 4234 S10/Tandy CoCo 10-Jun-90 18:04:16 Sb: #4222-pictures Fm: Zack Sessions 76407,1524 To: Darrell Coffey 76106,767 (X) There is a BASIC09 program called WLOAD in the utils lib which demonstrates how one can load a picture file from disk. It is a simple exercise to figure out the inverse function, WSAVE. Zack #: 4224 S13/Atari ST 10-Jun-90 14:49:22 Sb: #4220-Atari Comm Programs Fm: Scott t. Griepentrog 72427,335 To: David George 72240,134 I use Kermit, and have had no problems with file transfers per se, although the T1 driver has a tendency to lock up the whole machine now and then on me. Kermit behaves rather well, so I would tend to blame your Aterm for the problems you're (oops) having. What version of OSK are you running? StG #: 4229 S13/Atari ST 10-Jun-90 15:19:34 Sb: #4220-Atari Comm Programs Fm: Kevin Darling (UG Pres) 76703,4227 To: David George 72240,134 There seem to have been vague problems reported here and there. Some say that iniz'ing the serial port helps. Something about when it deiniz's that it messes up (using normally without an iniz by hand). But this is folktale stuff... try it and see ;-). #: 4225 S10/Tandy CoCo 10-Jun-90 14:54:18 Sb: #4221-Carrier Detection Fm: Scott t. Griepentrog 72427,335 To: Pete Lyall 76703,4230 (X) There is a way to have the driver kill the program if CD is lost thoughset the TYP (parity) byte to hex 10 to flag ACIAPAK's auto-kill routine. Be wary though that the program gets no warning, just killed - and any other processes with the port open will get killed too. Otherwise the only safe way to take a look at the status of CD is as Pete says, do a peek. If you link to the module (may a little much for basic09) and get the unit address, you can then operate correctly even if multiple ports are being used. Oh, and you should check to insure that the descriptor is using ACIAPAK as a driver too in case somebody runs the program on a nonACIAPAK device... StG #: 4277 S10/Tandy CoCo 11-Jun-90 22:26:34 Sb: #4215-#Carrier Detection Fm: Bruce Isted (UG VP) 76625,2273 To: Floyd Resler 72500,2572 (X) ~ Floyd, If you grab my "ELIMSW.AR" file from Lib 10 here you'll get a version of ACIAPAK that has a getstat for the DCD and DSR status. You can access it through Basic09's syscall subroutine. The getstat is not a standard one, but its better than none at all and is more-or-less freely available. Bruce There is 1 Reply. #: 4286 S10/Tandy CoCo 12-Jun-90 05:48:35 Sb: #4277-Carrier Detection Fm: Floyd Resler 72500,2572 To: Bruce Isted (UG VP) 76625,2273 (X) Thanks. I'll download it. #: 4226 S10/Tandy CoCo 10-Jun-90 14:58:14 Sb: #4204-#database Fm: Scott t. Griepentrog 72427,335 To: PHIL SCHERER 71211,2545 (X) I have been developing a data base for OS9/OSK (and also runs on msdos and unix) for some time. The user development interface is not done yet, so it will be a while (at least into next month) before I release it. At this point it's just a bunch of C routines for ISAM-like indexes and screen/report handling. Interfaces to BASIC09 are also planned, so that you can write your own processing routines. StG There is 1 Reply. #: 4233 S10/Tandy CoCo 10-Jun-90 16:36:25 Sb: #4226-#database Fm: PHIL SCHERER 71211,2545 To: Scott t. Griepentrog 72427,335 (X) Hi Scott--Do you mean release for sale or PD? I know some of youe work has been commercial and good stuff! There is 1 Reply. #: 4236 S10/Tandy CoCo 10-Jun-90 20:20:35 Sb: #4233-#database Fm: Scott t. Griepentrog 72427,335 To: PHIL SCHERER 71211,2545 (X) It will be released commercially. I've spent a lot of time on the key handler routines, and would like to get some of that back. As with the Login Pkg, the main core of it will be kept to myself but the outer layer/user interfaces will become available (in C of course). Meaning that you'll have to buy the package to use it, but I'll be distrubuting 'extras' across the many networks so that improvements will be available w/o charge. Oh, and those key handler routines 1) use OS9's inherent record locking and 2) are faster than ISAM, DBIII, and others... I developed my own key storage format which allows lookup of an entire record keyed by say last/first name in about 6 disk reads or less for a file as big as about half a million records. Gimme a month to get some other stuff out of the way. StG There is 1 Reply. #: 4266 S10/Tandy CoCo 11-Jun-90 17:52:39 Sb: #4236-#database Fm: PHIL SCHERER 71211,2545 To: Scott t. Griepentrog 72427,335 (X) Can I count on a month?? There is 1 Reply. #: 4369 S10/Tandy CoCo 14-Jun-90 11:52:54 Sb: #4266-database Fm: Scott t. Griepentrog 72427,335 To: PHIL SCHERER 71211,2545 (X) They way I'm keeping myself busy, don't count on anything. But the code is already functional, it's just a matter of making it useful to the average joe. I.E. user interface doesn't exist. I'm too busy to even think about it this month, but as soon as the first issue of the OSKer is out the door I should have a lot more time on my hands... StG #: 4232 S10/Tandy CoCo 10-Jun-90 16:24:37 Sb: #4218-database Fm: PHIL SCHERER 71211,2545 To: CRAIG WYNN 72125,466 (X) Thanks for the reply Craig--I think I heard that Frank Hogg sold that a while ago. I didn't think about it. Thanks again!! #: 4237 S1/General Interest 10-Jun-90 21:25:01 Sb: #Hard Drive Blues Fm: Art Doyle 71565,262 To: All Oh...Boyeee. I've done something to the directory of my hard drive to reduce the available sectors from 66,000 to 6000. Dcheck shows only the allocated sectors locked out by format and a "segment out of range" error on the last file of the root directory. When I tried to delete this file, the segment out of range moved to the file immediately preceding the deleted filename. As Murphie's law would dictate, the defect has been inadvertently introduced to my hard disk backup (so much for backups keeping you out of trouble [grin]). I remember a problem I generated like this 2 years ago -- but have forgotten the procedure to get rid of it. Any ideas Guys????? Artid of it. There is 1 Reply. #: 4244 S1/General Interest 10-Jun-90 22:50:42 Sb: #4237-Hard Drive Blues Fm: Kevin Darling (UG Pres) 76703,4227 To: Art Doyle 71565,262 Art - I think Pete has mentioned that DCheck freaks out on large root dirs... that is, ones with more than one segment's worth of entries. So dcheck might be lying to you. Can you tell about when this happened? If you do a "dir e" on the main dirs, do you see any incredibly large filesizes show up? How many names in your root dir, btw? #: 4238 S7/Telecommunications 10-Jun-90 21:42:26 Sb: #3931-PT68K Fm: Jim Williams 72157,3524 To: Paul K. Ward 73477,2004 (X) Paul, sorry it took me so long to get back to you. I moved (well, am still moving). I'll phone you as soon as possible. --Eet-- #: 4239 S15/Hot Topics 10-Jun-90 21:44:14 Sb: #4053-That Darn Computer! Fm: Jim Williams 72157,3524 To: Mike Knudsen 72467,1111 (X) I heard awhile ago that they will have 2 versions, eventually. 1 with 512K, sold by 'mass merchandisers', and a dealer version with 1 meg, at that pricing. --Eet-- #: 4240 S15/Hot Topics 10-Jun-90 21:48:00 Sb: #4057-#oh THAT Darn Computer Fm: Jim Williams 72157,3524 To: Mike Knudsen 72467,1111 (X) well, I don't like to 'defend' any computer, really. I like to get accurate info on other systems, and I think other people are the same way. No OSK for the Amiga, yet, other than the Aussie port, which, as far as I can tell, only Kevin Darling has seen. Yes, I hope to see it (I stopped by microware May 22nd, and was intrigued by OS/9). What do you mean by 'grafix'? Drawing packages? CAD packages? games? Raytracers/fractals? I'm considering doing some OS/9 development, myself, someday. --Eet-- There are 2 Replies. #: 4344 S15/Hot Topics 13-Jun-90 17:27:12 Sb: #4240-oh THAT Darn Computer Fm: Paul K. Ward 73477,2004 To: Jim Williams 72157,3524 Jim, I can get you a copy of the Amiga port, just call 202 232 4246. The IMS answering machine in DC is sick and limping, so if I'm out or in a meeting, just try back. Paul #: 4347 S15/Hot Topics 13-Jun-90 21:09:34 Sb: #4240-oh THAT Darn Computer Fm: Mike Knudsen 72467,1111 To: Jim Williams 72157,3524 OK -- I've been getting an educatioion in Amiga lately, and enjoying it. Seems to be doing better than Atari. My main use for graphics is music notation scoring, but I just like the idea that you can throw an X-Y graph plot or whatever into your Basic or C program any time. It's trivial to do that on a bare Coco with the built-in BASIC, and about as easy on our ports of OS9. A text-only computer is of no interest to me exc epot for word processing, and even that needs grafix for WYSIWYG. Sorry that Aussie OSK isn't going anywhere, tho we MM/1 supporters should be glad, he he. #: 4346 S15/Hot Topics 13-Jun-90 21:04:07 Sb: #4172-oh THAT Darn Computer Fm: Mike Knudsen 72467,1111 To: Kevin Darling (UG Pres) 76703,4227 (X) OK -- sounjds like alot of money, plus the price of a high-speed RGB monitor. Methinks I'll just put up witht he flicker -- I can buy a LOT of Bufferin for that money, grin. Maybe someday the MM/3 will have it built in, too.... #: 4242 S15/Hot Topics 10-Jun-90 21:52:13 Sb: #4170-#oh THAT Darn Computer Fm: Jim Williams 72157,3524 To: Mike Knudsen 72467,1111 (X) not just action games, but animations. Yes, Microware's FlickerFixer (which requires a multisync monitor) fixes the flicker beautifully, but expensively. The new A3000 has a deinterlacer built in. --Eet-- There is 1 Reply. #: 4349 S15/Hot Topics 13-Jun-90 21:13:47 Sb: #4242-oh THAT Darn Computer Fm: Mike Knudsen 72467,1111 To: Jim Williams 72157,3524 Animations! Well, I don't need Roger and Jessica on my screen just yet, but I can see it for "multi-media" work. But does anyone make a longer-persistence RGB monitor? #: 4241 S15/Hot Topics 10-Jun-90 21:50:06 Sb: #4058-#oh THAT Darn Computer Fm: Jim Williams 72157,3524 To: Mike Knudsen 72467,1111 (X) well, you could use 1 black line for the stave, and then a lighter color above/below the line, and (say) white for the background. This would reduce the flicker quite a bit. --Eet-- There is 1 Reply. #: 4348 S15/Hot Topics 13-Jun-90 21:11:48 Sb: #4241-oh THAT Darn Computer Fm: Mike Knudsen 72467,1111 To: Jim Williams 72157,3524 Yes, that would be "anti-aliasing" gray-scale grafix. I've thought of that, and am itching for the equipment to try it out. Also, does a black line on light background flicker as much as the reverse? I'd guess not, but till I get that equipment (MM/1), I'll take your word. #: 4299 S15/Hot Topics 12-Jun-90 12:07:37 Sb: #4191-oh THAT Darn Computer Fm: Paul K. Ward 73477,2004 To: Jim Peasley 72726,1153 (X) Jim, Go ahead, post away! You may wish to give them some more background info on OSK. After all, when Interactive Media and Kenneth-Leigh announce OSK as the MM/1's official operating system (as we did last week), it generates excitement, awe, palpitations. But on the IBm forum, it'll be a differen matter. They'll surely say, "Don't you mean OS/2?!" Ugh. Paul "long way to go to re-education IBMers" Ward #: 4345 S15/Hot Topics 13-Jun-90 17:30:02 Sb: #4211-#oh THAT Darn Computer Fm: Paul K. Ward 73477,2004 To: Dan Robins 73007,2473 (X) Dan, And it may be a few days longer until I get my strength back! grin. Paul There is 1 Reply. #: 4351 S15/Hot Topics 13-Jun-90 21:37:40 Sb: #4345-#oh THAT Darn Computer Fm: Dan Robins 73007,2473 To: Paul K. Ward 73477,2004 (X) Paul, You ANIMAL! BTW....I sent your package out UPS Wednesday, look for it to arrive shortly. Dan There is 1 Reply. #: 4355 S15/Hot Topics 13-Jun-90 22:49:49 Sb: #4351-#oh THAT Darn Computer Fm: Paul K. Ward 73477,2004 To: Dan Robins 73007,2473 (X) Thx Dan, for the help -- look forward to seeing the stuff. Does not come with visual time code, eh? Paul There is 1 Reply. #: 4361 S15/Hot Topics 14-Jun-90 06:41:37 Sb: #4355-#oh THAT Darn Computer Fm: Dan Robins 73007,2473 To: Paul K. Ward 73477,2004 (X) Paul, Sorry, but S-VHS doesn't allow that. There are some VISC codes available, but I dont have that machine. Dan There is 1 Reply. #: 4368 S15/Hot Topics 14-Jun-90 11:49:40 Sb: #4361-oh THAT Darn Computer Fm: Paul K. Ward 73477,2004 To: Dan Robins 73007,2473 (X) Gotcha. Paul Then how should a person log shots? Is there a working solution that you use? #: 4300 S15/Hot Topics 12-Jun-90 12:09:26 Sb: #4192-oh THAT Darn Computer Fm: Paul K. Ward 73477,2004 To: Jim Peasley 72726,1153 (X) Jim, By all means, stop on by the office! We'll have a bunch of stuff up for demos and so on. Ship date is mid-August, as we have always said. Looks like we ahead of schedule (phew!) but that's because we have a large team working around the clock setting up the hardware and exclusive software deals for MM/1 support. Regards, Paul #: 4243 S7/Telecommunications 10-Jun-90 22:48:00 Sb: #OSTerm Ascii Upload Fm: Al Fleagle 72527,1354 To: all Why doesn't OSTerm work in the ASCII upload mode? I've written my messages off-line but can't upload them using OSTerm. Can anyone help? There is 1 Reply. #: 4248 S7/Telecommunications 10-Jun-90 23:14:58 Sb: #4243-OSTerm Ascii Upload Fm: Mike Ward 76703,2013 To: Al Fleagle 72527,1354 (X) Al, the last time I used Osterm I noticed it had nothing designed in that would allow a plain ascii upload of any kind. It IS possible to upload a message using xmodem if you'd like to try it but it's not nearly the same thing. #: 4245 S6/Applications 10-Jun-90 22:51:41 Sb: #View buglet Fm: Al Fleagle 72527,1354 To: Jim Peasley 72726,1153 (X) Jim, I'm having some problems with your view program. Unless the first characters are '#:' it seems to get lost and skips two-thirds of the messages without giving you the opportunity to reply. I think it might have something to do with assuming the leftmost characters read in will be '#:'. Check around line 150. Thanks. Al There are 2 Replies. #: 4317 S6/Applications 12-Jun-90 17:39:56 Sb: #4245-View buglet Fm: Bill Dickhaus 70325,523 To: Al Fleagle 72527,1354 Al, Butting in here, but view simply processes text files of messages you have captured. It has to make some basic assumptions. The most important part of any message is the message header. The message header is identified by the "#:" in column one of the text file. There really is no other way for view to recognize the message header, and therefore the beginning of any message. Its one of the drawbacks of using any offline message processor, including the highly popular TAPCIS program used by IBM users. Bill #: 4332 S6/Applications 13-Jun-90 06:14:27 Sb: #4245-View buglet Fm: Jim Peasley 72726,1153 To: Al Fleagle 72527,1354 ~ Al; You are correct in that the program expects the first 2 chars to be '#:'. This is the delimiter that the program uses to know when a message ends and the next one begins. Let me ask you a few Q's : #1 - Is your CIS profile set to a 24 X 80 screen size? (shouldn't really matter though, never mind) #2 - Are you opening your capture buffer and reading messages non-stop? If you aren't, then it's possible that you're missing the first part of each message. Try running the program in "search" mode, looking for "#:" - it should stop and let you read the message when the screen fills no matter where the delimiters are. ...Jim p.s. As a suggestion, why not try STERM v.1.3 by Mark Griffith? STERM will allow you to 'T'ransmit ASCII files (such as replies), it also does XMODEM up/downloads, AND it supports B+ which is faster than XMODEM. #: 4246 S10/Tandy CoCo 10-Jun-90 22:51:57 Sb: syscall Fm: Darrell Coffey 76106,767 To: kevin darling that's where I have been goofing. I've been sending the function code in the syscall line! I'll try this, and get back with the results. thanks! Darrell Coffey #: 4247 S1/General Interest 10-Jun-90 22:56:08 Sb: #Compuserve crazy Fm: Al Fleagle 72527,1354 To: all OK, here's a tuffy question for all you Compuserve experts out there. I'm having trouble uploading pre-written replies to messages I've downloaded here so I tried to get on at 300 baud so it wouldn't cost so much to compose online. However, when I connect at 300 baud, Compuserve will NOT recognize my password, the same password it will recognize at 2400 baud. So I'm paying the higher rates to compose this message online because Compuserve doesn't know me at 300 baud. Why? What can I do about it? Thanks. Al There is 1 Reply. #: 4259 S1/General Interest 11-Jun-90 08:04:45 Sb: #4247-Compuserve crazy Fm: Steve Wegert 76703,4255 To: Al Fleagle 72527,1354 (X) Al, That's a new one! While CIS maintains different parameter files for each baud rate you use, the user id and password is the same. I can log in at 300/1200 and 2400 baud using the same password across the board. Are you positive you're not mistyping something? A strange things happened to me when I tried logging in at 300 just last week. I was using my Model 100 and it just wouldn't let me in! I stammered and cursed a bit until I noticed my NUM lock key was depressed. That had turned part of the keyboard into a keypad and I was sending numerics when I all I wanted was the appropriate alphas! Just a thought. Steve Steve #: 4254 S1/General Interest 11-Jun-90 01:22:51 Sb: #3784-#dead TTX Fm: Eric A. Cottrell [WIT] 76327,515 To: Steve Wegert 76703,4255 (X) Hi Steve, One suggestion on getting a used terminal is to try local Amateur Radio fleamarkets. They are not just for radio equipment anymore. In fact I got SDISK for my level 1 system at a ham fleamarket. 73 Eric,,,, There is 1 Reply. #: 4258 S1/General Interest 11-Jun-90 07:56:59 Sb: #4254-#dead TTX Fm: Steve Wegert 76703,4255 To: Eric A. Cottrell [WIT] 76327,515 Eric, Thanks for the tip. I get a bit green with envy when I hear folks meniton the deals they pick up at such events. I watch for 'em .. but they never seem to be around my area. In a city as large as St. Louis you'd think .... Steve There is 1 Reply. #: 4273 S1/General Interest 11-Jun-90 21:24:27 Sb: #4258-#dead TTX Fm: Donald R. Spoon 76417,1302 To: Steve Wegert 76703,4255 (X) Steve, I bet there are some ham flea-markets around St. Louis. There were when I lived there back in the late 70s. Trot on down to some of the "ham" stores and ask around, or look on the bulletin boards that they usually have around them. One possible place is the Zenith/Heathkit store. These things are not usually advertised too well in the normal publications, but are frequently posted in the stores that hams frequent. A place that I used to frequent was a surplus electronics store on Page just west of Lindbergh Ave. I forget the name, but they had an unusual selection of NEW, but surplus parts for rediculous prices. Sort of a hardware hackers paradise!! Better yet, if you know a "ham" ---- ask. If he don't know, he can sure steer you in the right direction. Good luck! I managed to get to the Dayton, OH "Hamvention" this year for the first time. It was the grandaddy of all hamfests, and was an impressive spectacle!! I am still paying off all the "good deals" I found!! -Don Spoon There is 1 Reply. #: 4291 S1/General Interest 12-Jun-90 08:13:19 Sb: #4273-#dead TTX Fm: Steve Wegert 76703,4255 To: Donald R. Spoon 76417,1302 (X) Thanks for the tip, Don. There's still a great surplus shop on Page but it's a bit further east than Lindberg. Gateway Electronics. I wandered in there a couple of weeks ago. What a fun place! Steve There is 1 Reply. #: 4327 S1/General Interest 13-Jun-90 00:16:36 Sb: #4291-#dead TTX Fm: Donald R. Spoon 76417,1302 To: Steve Wegert 76703,4255 (X) Thats the place!!! My memory is getting kind of fuzzy about St. Louis geography. I left there about 12 yrs ago and my exposures since have been limited to changing planes at the airport or blitzing through on IS-70 infrequently enroute to Kansas City to visit the parents. This may not mean much to you, but in 1976 I bought ten 60 MHZ presetable decade counter chips from them at $1.00 each!! That was an amazing price then - probably about 1/10 the cost they would be selling for retail. The purchase of those chips started me on my road to fooling with digital ICs. I "homebrewed" a decade frequency counter good up as high as I could generate a signal (40 Mhz) and made a digital read-out for my ham rig. Another place that I used to frequent just brousing for "junk" was a place called HOOD's. Mostly hardware store items. They would sell things by the pound rather than pricing them per item. I stocked by tool chest with a whole bunch of very good high speed drill bits for about $5.00. Oh well, those were the days when I was having fun. Good memories. Cheers, Don Spoon There is 1 Reply. #: 4335 S1/General Interest 13-Jun-90 07:46:34 Sb: #4327-dead TTX Fm: Steve Wegert 76703,4255 To: Donald R. Spoon 76417,1302 (X) Heheh ... Yes, Hood's is still around. In fact, I'm about 10 minutes from the North err..ahh.. store. :-) It is a place where you need a couple of hours just to wander through. Steve #: 4256 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 11-Jun-90 05:28:54 Sb: New t1..t3 & sc68681 Fm: SCOTT HOWELL 70270,641 To: 76576,3312 (X) Ed.. I did a cmp on the sc68681 that I have and the one you send me and both are the same. Should'nt the one you gave me be the sc68681a version. Also since you gave the the 'term' descriptor should'nt there be a 'monokbd' driver too. #: 4262 S3/Languages 11-Jun-90 13:34:01 Sb: #4214-#BASIC09 Help Fm: MOTD Editor..Bill Brady 70126,267 To: Floyd Resler 72500,2572 (X) That's right Floyd. That's how you can easily write 200K plus programs in the CoCo under Basic09! There is 1 Reply. #: 4264 S3/Languages 11-Jun-90 15:10:24 Sb: #4262-BASIC09 Help Fm: Floyd Resler 72500,2572 To: MOTD Editor..Bill Brady 70126,267 The PMap utility makes writing programs of that size much easier. When something goes wrong, I use PMap to see what is in the workspace. I can then use DirM to see which procedure is the co culprit. Very nice. I just wish I had known this a long time ago! Floyd #: 4263 S11/Non-CoCo OS-9 11-Jun-90 15:04:44 Sb: #4184-#Am I crazy? Fm: Wendell Benedetti 72766,2605 To: Pete Lyall 76703,4230 (X) Pete, I beginning to think the problem is with my non-standard computer: I can format a single-sided, single-density disk. But I can't read or write to it without horrendous errors. The machine has been 'hardwired' to give me a headache. Perhaps it is time for another pilgrimage to the far west-end of the San Fernando Valley: to the great Gimix, where OS9 standards are adhered to with religious fervor. Let me know when it's convenient with you. Thanks. Wendell There is 1 Reply. #: 4265 S11/Non-CoCo OS-9 11-Jun-90 17:48:10 Sb: #4263-#Am I crazy? Fm: Pete Lyall 76703,4230 To: Wendell Benedetti 72766,2605 (X) Wendell - Best deal might be to mail me the disk. I'm blocked until Sunday, and then I may be taking the system down for shipping. Mon & Tues are school, Wed is bills, Thu a new bass player is coming over, Friday is possibly open, Saturday is clogged until late afternoon. Pete There is 1 Reply. #: 4267 S11/Non-CoCo OS-9 11-Jun-90 18:58:04 Sb: #4265-Am I crazy? Fm: Wendell Benedetti 72766,2605 To: Pete Lyall 76703,4230 (X) Pete, The U.S. Mail sounds fine to me. I'll send the Southeast Media disk, a freshly formatted 80-track disk and postage to cover return mail. To: 524 Kitty, Newbury Park, 91320. I assume that's correct. Thanks, Pete. Wendell #: 4268 S10/Tandy CoCo 11-Jun-90 20:55:31 Sb: #ar? Good upload? Fm: Everett Chimbidis 76370,1366 To: 71211,2545 (X) Can Not Seem to unarc you column.ar file?? is this ar ok? There are 2 Replies. #: 4271 S10/Tandy CoCo 11-Jun-90 21:05:34 Sb: #4268-#ar? Good upload? Fm: James Jones 76257,562 To: Everett Chimbidis 76370,1366 Couldja give complete symptoms? If it just gripes after doing a bunch of files, you may be suffering from XMODEM droppings (if you're using XMODEM, that is). There is 1 Reply. #: 4279 S10/Tandy CoCo 11-Jun-90 23:24:41 Sb: #4271-ar? Good upload? Fm: Wendell Benedetti 72766,2605 To: James Jones 76257,562 (X) James, I had to filter out the first 128 bytes of the file in order to de-arc it. And, yes, I used XMODEM. The first half-sector was just scrambled code. After getting rid of it, AR worked fine. Wendell #: 4376 S10/Tandy CoCo 14-Jun-90 19:05:47 Sb: #4268-ar? Good upload? Fm: PHIL SCHERER 71211,2545 To: Everett Chimbidis 76370,1366 Hi Everitt--I dearced it before I uploaded it and it seemed OK. If you have trouble check with the sysop and if there's a problem I'd be glad to send it again. Thanks for downloading it. Phil. #: 4269 S10/Tandy CoCo 11-Jun-90 20:57:07 Sb: #Depths! Fm: Everett Chimbidis 76370,1366 To: 72500,2572 (X) I have replaced the depthsmod in my cmds and i get an error 43?? Do i need to do more?? There is 1 Reply. #: 4287 S10/Tandy CoCo 12-Jun-90 05:50:28 Sb: #4269-Depths! Fm: Floyd Resler 72500,2572 To: Everett Chimbidis 76370,1366 Well, nuts! Sounds like this will require voice contant. I'll give you a call and see if we can work it out. Floyd #: 4270 S4/MIDI and Music 11-Jun-90 20:59:28 Sb: #MORE MUSIC Fm: Everett Chimbidis 76370,1366 To: 73577,256 Do you have any more UME files?? Can you get any more? There is 1 Reply. #: 4350 S4/MIDI and Music 13-Jun-90 21:16:07 Sb: #4270-MORE MUSIC Fm: Mike Knudsen 72467,1111 To: Everett Chimbidis 76370,1366 Have you downloaded all .ume files of interest here? Then have you tried the Delphi service? Lots of .ume there too, most of it different from those here. What version of UltiMusE are you using? #: 4272 S9/Utilities 11-Jun-90 21:24:14 Sb: #4142-#Project Management Fm: tom farrow 72701,543 To: James Jones 76257,562 (X) I may seem somewhat out of touch but your reference to the MM/1 is unknown to me is this like the Tomcat or am I off track completely? There is 1 Reply. #: 4289 S9/Utilities 12-Jun-90 06:44:33 Sb: #4272-#Project Management Fm: James Jones 76257,562 To: tom farrow 72701,543 (X) The MM/1 is a 68070-based computer that Kenneth-Leigh Enterprises (actually, IMS, but I don't remember what that stands for :-) is working on (and that should be out in a month or two, I hope). The best thing I could do is refer you to DL15, where some descriptive material and press releases have been uploaded. (I have no association with KLE or IMS, other than having my deposit on an MM/1 sent off.) There is 1 Reply. #: 4318 S9/Utilities 12-Jun-90 17:39:57 Sb: #4289-Project Management Fm: Bill Dickhaus 70325,523 To: James Jones 76257,562 (X) IMS=Interactive Media Systems #: 4274 S10/Tandy CoCo 11-Jun-90 22:04:55 Sb: #syscall blues Fm: Darrell Coffey 76106,767 To: all I tried you're tips, but I'm still having trouble... I must not be understanding things properly. here is what I have written, please let me know if you notice anything wrong. my picture I have drawn is in window number 7 type registers=cc,a,b,dp:BYTE; X,Y,U:integer dim regs:REGISTERS dim path,callcode:byte dim group:byte dim bs,bl:integer run syscall($0c,regs) group=regs.a open #path,"/w7":update run gfx2(path,"GET",group,1,0,0,639,1) regs.a=path regs.b=$84 regs.x=group*256+1 regs.y=$1 run syscall($8d,regs) bl=regs.x bs=regs.y close #path print "Buffer at :";bl print "Buffer lgt:";bs end the first time I run this procedure, It returns 22803 in x and 1 in y and anytime after that It returns 257 in x, and 1 in y. Boy, I don't think I'm ever going to catch on to syscall.... any help greatly appreciated. thank you Darrell Coffey There is 1 Reply. #: 4288 S10/Tandy CoCo 12-Jun-90 06:44:23 Sb: #4274-#syscall blues Fm: Kevin Darling (UG Pres) 76703,4227 To: Darrell Coffey 76106,767 (X) Darrell, You're real close. As I think I mentioned just before, SS.MpGPB is a SETstt, not a getstt as shown in many early manuals. So that should be $8E, not $8D. Also, some other tips: 1. Once you get it working, be sure to change it so that your process ID is used as the group number... and Killbuff the group first so that any previous attempts don't return an error. Oops! I see you're doing the ID bit. Good! 2. Check the returned error code. RUN syscall (blah, lah) IF land(reg.cc,1)<>0 then PRINT "Error number: "; reg.b PAUSE END ENDIF 3. There's an oddity with the Grfdrv length checking. You can't do a GET(0,0,640,1) to get the entire line. But no problem for now, as the 639 actually ends up getting the last pixel into the buffer anyway (watch out for PUTs tho). A lot of us do half the line at a time instead (320). 4. Get my GPMAP.B09 from Lib 10, if you don't have it. Good for checking on the buffers. 5. If you do map in a buffer, and then later kill it... it may still be taking up space in your basic09 map. Use PMAP to check, and if needed, save the program and quit/restart basic09. Debugging a new program is about the only time you should have to, tho. 6. If you need to post your program again, just send it and then do a "su" for "store unformatted" in a message. So you don't have to type it in by hand or make spaces on each line. Do this only for code, tho. I think that's all for now. Keep at it! best - kev There are 2 Replies. #: 4309 S10/Tandy CoCo 12-Jun-90 17:27:57 Sb: #4288-syscall blues Fm: Darrell Coffey 76106,767 To: Kevin Darling (UG Pres) 76703,4227 (X) thanks again for your assistance. I'll try the new tip's and will let you know how it turn's out later tonight. thanks, Darrell Coffey #: 4320 S10/Tandy CoCo 12-Jun-90 18:56:49 Sb: #4288-syscall blues Fm: Darrell Coffey 76106,767 To: Kevin Darling (UG Pres) 76703,4227 (X) here is the revised module; ..... ERROR #215 Ready B: Name Proc-Size Data-Size *dstat 532 45 6379 free Ready B:list PROCEDURE dstat 0000 TYPE registers=cc,a,b,dp:BYTE; x,y,u:INTEGER 0025 DIM regs:registers 002E DIM n:INTEGER 0035 DIM path,callcode:BYTE 0040 DIM group:BYTE 0047 DIM buffsize,buffloc:INTEGER 0052 RUN syscall($0C,regs) 0060 group=regs.a 006B PRINT "user number:"; group 007F ON ERROR GOTO 10 0085 RUN gfx2("killbuff",group,0) 009D 10 ON ERROR GOTO 100 00A6 OPEN #path,"/w7":UPDATE 00B4 RUN gfx2(path,"get",group,1,0,0,639,1) 00D9 regs.a=path 00E5 regs.b=$84 00F1 regs.x=group*256+1 0104 regs.y=$01 0110 RUN syscall($8E,regs) 011E buffloc=regs.x 0129 buffsize=regs.y 0134 CLOSE #path 013A PRINT buffloc 013F PRINT buffsize 0144 RUN gfx2("killbuff",group,0) 015C END 015E 100 CLOSE #path 0167 END Ready B: As you can see I have awaken to the fact that I was using getstat instead of setstat, I havent put the little error checker in there yet. But the bad news, is i'm still getting the same results... the very first time it is ran I receive a 22803 in x and 160 in y, which sounds right.. is it? then anytime after when I run it I get 768 (user number 3*256) and in y I get 1 I must be tripping over something very simple, it's probably jumping up and flashing a big neon sign saying *** ERRoR over here dummy *** !!! ha, Darrell Coffey #: 4275 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 11-Jun-90 22:26:01 Sb: #slow transcendentals Fm: SCOTT HOWELL 70270,641 To: all I am wondering why the Microware 'c' compiler is so 'slow' in calculating transcendental functions (sin..log, etc). Not meaning to compare machines, my 286 (ie my DOS system, I am ashamed to say) does these transcendental functions lighting fast. I am wondering if K&r specifically stated the that transcendentals must be done by Taylor's Series approx. instead of linear 'look-up' table approxs. which would be much faster. There is 1 Reply. #: 4293 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 12-Jun-90 09:15:54 Sb: #4275-#slow transcendentals Fm: Mark Wuest 74030,332 To: SCOTT HOWELL 70270,641 (X) Scott, I assume you are running on a CoCo, not a Mot 68040! The CoCo 3's < 2 mhz 6809 performs in my observations about the same as a 4.77 mhz 8088 - what was in the original IBM PC. It does some things faster, some slower. Assuming you have a 10 mhz 80286, you're wondering why your $5000 Hyundai cannot keep up with a $30,000 Corvette! Try os9 on a 25 mhz 68030 w/ 68881 coprocessor, and all kinds of things run faster! Mark There is 1 Reply. #: 4305 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 12-Jun-90 16:31:46 Sb: #4293-slow transcendentals Fm: SCOTT HOWELL 70270,641 To: Mark Wuest 74030,332 (X) I don't have a 68030 'Corvette' but I do have sup'ed up Chevy as in a 68000 running at 12 Mhz. I am just wondering how the Microware 'c' compiler computes the trascendental {_fxyx fx's. #: 4276 S10/Tandy CoCo 11-Jun-90 22:26:31 Sb: #4207-VIEW feedback Fm: Bruce Isted (UG VP) 76625,2273 To: Pete Lyall 76703,4230 (X) ~ Pete, Yeah, the additive quoting is also done on various BBSes, although most I've seen use about 4 characters or even more for each quote level, so you might see something like: -> This is a quote. -> -> This is a quoted quote. or even something like: PL>> This is a line quoted from a message from Pete Lyall. PL>> PL>> BI>> This is a line quoted from a message from Pete Lyall quoting a PL>> line PL>> BI>> from a message from Bruce Isted. Needless to say, if the quote adds a few characters each time it doesn't take very long before the older quotes get pretty chopped up. Fortunately you don't see quoting back more than 2 levels very often. Bruce #: 4278 S10/Tandy CoCo 11-Jun-90 22:53:49 Sb: 512K CoCo System Sale Fm: Kraig Brockschmidt 76701,265 To: All Coco Items for Sale: All prices OBO Coco III 512K $180 FD500 Disk 2 SS w/ ADOS $250 (and 50 disks) Magnavox CM-8505 RGB $250 DMP-105 printer + cable $80 TP-10 Thermal Printer $20 Speech/Sound Pack $25 Orchestra-90 Pack $20 OS-9 and Multivue $70 Games: Sands of Egypt $5 Gantelet $10 Micro Illustrator $5 Shamus $5 Others $30 for all (about 30, including Pooyan, Zaxxon, Lancer, many Spectral Associate games). Joystick, 2 button $6 Paddle $5 300 baud Modem $15 2 Volume BASIC Games $4 (written by Ahl) Super ECB Unravelled $5 Disk BASIC Unravelled $5 All for $800 OBO Email Kraig Brockschmidt 76701,265, or call (206)869-2587 and leave a message. #: 4280 S9/Utilities 12-Jun-90 00:47:49 Sb: #VIEW.AR Fm: TONY CAPPELLINI 76370,2104 To: Jim Peasely Jim I have a full 512K. But you know you can still run out of system meemory, while still having tons of user memory. Thats what looks like is happening now. No I didn't use the special script initially, but will try it this time. 10 q TC There is 1 Reply. #: 4358 S9/Utilities 14-Jun-90 01:22:50 Sb: #4280-VIEW.AR Fm: Jim Peasley 72726,1153 To: TONY CAPPELLINI 76370,2104 ~ Tony; If you still have problems after merging gfx2, syscall, and inkey, let me know. What's in your bootlist? And do you have a bunch of stuff merged in with Shell? There's gotta be an easy explanation for your out of memory problem. I've got View, TSed, and 3 windows going right now, and have 8K left. ...Jim #: 4281 S3/Languages 12-Jun-90 01:03:31 Sb: #%#**$"## C Compiler Fm: TONY CAPPELLINI 76370,2104 To: ALL I know every computer and OS has it's own quirks but can anyone tell me what strange myths are waiting to jump out at me from this dang C compiler we are bound to. I'v been doing all my programming on a PC, and when I started to use the Microware C compiler, boy wuz I in for a surprize. No unsigned chars ? No formal function prototypes allowed void function(char, int); Ok I guess I can live with that, but when I try to do a simple input from the keyboard and the program jumps over the getchar() call like it wasn't even there, that takes the cake. When I had this problem on the PC, a simple fflush(stdin) would take care of it. But it aint woikin on dis cawmpyootur ! Y knot ? My code looks like this printf("\nSelect on e of the following 1,2,3 "); fflush(stdin); ch = getchar(); ch = toupper(ch); switch(ch) { case 'A' : do something break; case 'B' : do something else break; case 'C' : here too break; } This part works ok. But when I do the same input and switch statement that is just after this one, the secondd GETCHAR() doesn't even wait for keyboard input. Where is it going in such a hurry ? By the way, the printf above should have A, B, C instead of 1, 2,3. My ch variable wuz declared as a char originally, then I tried making it an int, out of desperation. Any clues to this one ? While your at it, is there anything else I should no about this compiler before it's tOOOOOOOO late ?? I know this works on my PC's compiler (sorry about the comparison) so it seems it must be something in the Microware version. Thanx for da help guys ! TC There are 4 Replies. #: 4290 S3/Languages 12-Jun-90 06:52:15 Sb: #4281-%#**$"## C Compiler Fm: James Jones 76257,562 To: TONY CAPPELLINI 76370,2104 (X) Well...considering that the Microware 6809 compiler was written in the early to mid-80's, it would be hard for them to foretell what X3J11 was going to do. It only claims K&R 1st edition compliance, and if you look carefully at said book, you'll find that it says nothing about being able to have anything unsigned but int. (Actually, the exceptions to K&R 1st edition compatibility are the #if directive and bitfields.) I'm not sure what fflush() is supposed to do on an input stream, so I will have to go consult a reference before I can say anything sensible about that. #: 4294 S3/Languages 12-Jun-90 09:24:09 Sb: #4281-%#**$"## C Compiler Fm: Mark Wuest 74030,332 To: TONY CAPPELLINI 76370,2104 (X) Tony, 1. Look in the C compiler manual, and you will find that getchar() does indeed return an int. 2. Immediately after the getchar() that seems to return immediately, add the following line: printf("getchar returned %d\n",ch); This will tell you what it returned. I don't know what you will find, but it is almost always "obvious" enough to make you feel stupid. ('Ever notice how, when you lose something, you always find it in the *LAST* place you look? ) Mark #: 4323 S3/Languages 12-Jun-90 19:44:26 Sb: #4281-%#**$"## C Compiler Fm: Bruce MacKenzie 71725,376 To: TONY CAPPELLINI 76370,2104 (X) Tony, First, fflush() only works for output buffers, it does nothing to an input buffer. Assuming stdin is buffer, during your first getchar() call the object code does a readln system call which reads characters from the keyboard up to and including a CR. So you press a key and hit [ENTER]. Both the keypress and a CR are placed in the C buffer, and the keypress is read out by the getchar(). The second time through, the getchar() call reads the CR from the first call rather than going back to the keyboard with a second readln--not what you want at all. The quick and dirty solution is to always do a second getchar to clear the CR after reading a keypress in this manner. #: 4372 S3/Languages 14-Jun-90 12:10:02 Sb: #4281-%#**$"## C Compiler Fm: Scott t. Griepentrog 72427,335 To: TONY CAPPELLINI 76370,2104 Okay, your first problem is trying to use 'C Standard I/O' on OS9. It will work, but only if you are wanting line based input, not character based. This is due to the way that TEXT versus BINARY paths are handled in OS9. A TEXT path will be serviced via the I$READLN call, which gets one line, whereas the BINARY paths (fread) will be serviced by I$READ call, which will get x chars. There is a way to tell the C compiler to use BINARY mode on an input stream, so that you can still use getchar() however: Look on page 4-11 of the C compiler manual - getchar() page. to set the stdin path for BINARY handling, do the line: stdin->_flag|=_RBF; BEFORE any input on stdin. This way the C compiler will pull a I$READ instead of a I$READLN, and you will get the char you wanted instead of a whole line at once. However, I *highly* recommend that you do the following (low level i/o) instead, as it will work a heck of a lot better: read(0,&c,1); Which reads stdin directly, into char c, one char. That's the best way to get just one byte from input. Any more q's? StG #: 4282 S6/Applications 12-Jun-90 01:04:53 Sb: #Play VS Dynacalc Fm: TONY CAPPELLINI 76370,2104 To: Mike Guzzi Does anyone know why dynacalc starts snoring in the monitors speaker after running the play utility ?????????? zzzzzzzzzz TC There is 1 Reply. #: 4295 S6/Applications 12-Jun-90 10:09:34 Sb: #4282-Play VS Dynacalc Fm: Pete Lyall 76703,4230 To: TONY CAPPELLINI 76370,2104 (X) Tony - It probably has to do with the fact that Dynacalc also does getstat's to figure out if you're using a mouse or joystick to do cursor positioning. The PLAY command is also mucking with that same PIA port, and probably doesn't get all the bits reset as cleanly as it could. My bet is that it leaves the 'single bit sound' line setup for output. Pete #: 4283 S3/Languages 12-Jun-90 01:09:07 Sb: #C and Screen I/O Fm: TONY CAPPELLINI 76370,2104 To: Zack Sessions Zack. Is it possible for me to print out text (each of 5 lines in a different color) from C ? For example the word red would be in red, the word green would be green , extc.. If so how do I accomplish this ? TC There is 1 Reply. #: 4306 S3/Languages 12-Jun-90 16:40:57 Sb: #4283-C and Screen I/O Fm: Zack Sessions 76407,1524 To: TONY CAPPELLINI 76370,2104 (X) Sure you can do that, but only on a graphics window which supports enough colors. Here is a code segment: DWSet(path,8,0,0,40,24,0,1,2); Select(path); Palette(path,3,8); Palette(path,4,36); Palette(path,5,18); Palette(path,6,54); FColor(path,3); puts("This line is BLUE"); FColor(path,4); puts("This line is RED"); FColor(path,5); puts("This line is GREEN"); FColor(path,6); puts("This line is YELLOW"); . . . The trick is to use the FColor() function to change the current value of the forground color register. Zack #: 4292 S1/General Interest 12-Jun-90 08:46:51 Sb: #DynaStar Fm: Butch Mooney 76702,1126 To: ALL Hi, I'm using DynaStar, Level II, and a Citizen 120D printer. I get some strange printing when I print the buffer. Just some letter look strange not all. Never had any problems with this using any RS-DOS program. Anyinformation on thes would be of great help. Thanks, Butch There is 1 Reply. #: 4296 S1/General Interest 12-Jun-90 10:14:49 Sb: #4292-#DynaStar Fm: Pete Lyall 76703,4230 To: Butch Mooney 76702,1126 (X) Any other OS9 programs print funny as well? If so, you may need to run TUNEPORT to tweak your printer's BAUD RATE DELAY in the printer driver... Pete There is 1 Reply. #: 4336 S1/General Interest 13-Jun-90 09:00:57 Sb: #4296-DynaStar Fm: Butch Mooney 76702,1126 To: Pete Lyall 76703,4230 (X) Hi, Thanks for info. I will give it a try. Butch #: 4297 S6/Applications 12-Jun-90 11:59:33 Sb: #4110-#AIF -> DYNACALC Fm: Paul K. Ward 73477,2004 To: Zack Sessions 76407,1524 (X) Zack, Great to see ya. Sorry we didn't have more time to chat. Considering the drive you made, we should have bought you diner! Well, next time, eh? We spend a lot of time in the Raleigh, Charlotte, Davidson area. Let's stay in touch for the face-to-face meetings. Best regards, Paul There is 1 Reply. #: 4307 S6/Applications 12-Jun-90 16:43:38 Sb: #4297-#AIF -> DYNACALC Fm: Zack Sessions 76407,1524 To: Paul K. Ward 73477,2004 (X) Nice to finally meet you, too, and all yer "cohorts"! Let me know the next time y'all in Raleigh, I'll come up. It's MUCH closer than Charlotte! Working on a proposal, should I send it to IMS or KLE? Zack There are 2 Replies. #: 4330 S6/Applications 13-Jun-90 04:19:34 Sb: #4307-#AIF -> DYNACALC Fm: Dan Robins 73007,2473 To: Zack Sessions 76407,1524 (X) Zack, Next time we haul 'ole Paul into Raleigh, it'd be kinda nice meeting you as well! And I agree, the folks at KLE & IMS are a nice group of folks! Dan There is 1 Reply. #: 4341 S6/Applications 13-Jun-90 16:18:45 Sb: #4330-AIF -> DYNACALC Fm: Zack Sessions 76407,1524 To: Dan Robins 73007,2473 (X) Keep me posted of any special events! Zack #: 4343 S6/Applications 13-Jun-90 17:21:56 Sb: #4307-AIF -> DYNACALC Fm: Paul K. Ward 73477,2004 To: Zack Sessions 76407,1524 (X) IMS, 1840 Biltmore St NW Suite 10 Washington DC 20009 For all development systems, financing is available. Paul #: 4298 S1/General Interest 12-Jun-90 12:03:39 Sb: #4124-Word Processor Fm: Paul K. Ward 73477,2004 To: Butch Mooney 76702,1126 (X) Butch -Welcome aboard CompuServe! Glad to hear you liked Start OS-9. There OUGHT to be more manuals on OS-9. It's the first time in a long time an affordable REAL operating system has been available. And books on it help consumers like you and me up to speed. I really have enjoyed Dibble new book from Microware, too. I hope it is the first of many from him. Paul #: 4301 S8/BBS Systems/TSMon 12-Jun-90 12:36:19 Sb: New BBS Fm: judd terrell 72217,714 To: 73617,3042 Thanx for stopping by the Thermal Fusion BBS... You're welcome to visit any time you like... Please add the information to your next BBS update.... Thermal Fusion BBS operates 24 hours a day 3/12/24 8-n-1 located in Fountain Inn, SC (803) 862-7544... Thanx... Judd... #: 4302 S10/Tandy CoCo 12-Jun-90 12:45:11 Sb: #RMA help Fm: Joseph Cheek 76264,142 To: all Anyone: Can you tell me what is wrong with this code segment? When executed, all it does is produce garbage. I am using RMA and linking it with c.link (as my rlink died). Thanx. entry lbsr doscreen lbra exit doscreen clrb lda #1 STDOUT leax Keep at it, you're becoming one of the gfx experts! I assume that you're only mapping in the buffer ONCE, and then using it until ready to unmap it, right? Also, do you have the FSTGRF.AR patch installed? That really speeds up PUTs in Grfdrv... up to 10 times as fast or more. For the utmost in speed (but non-portability).. use Ron's VEFIO.AR in Lib 10. It allows you to snapshot a screen out to disk as a VEF file... or load it back in. It cheats (going directly to video ram), but the speed is there if you need it.. for full-screens only, tho. best - Kev There is 1 Reply. #: 4354 S10/Tandy CoCo 13-Jun-90 22:04:03 Sb: #4338-#Gfx PUTs Fm: Darrell Coffey 76106,767 To: Kevin Darling (UG Pres) 76703,4227 (X) Yup! I'm going to download the FSTGRF.ar tonight. Thanks again for your help. I will let you know how it turn's out (Hopefully superb!) P.S. I wrote a procedure that when you send it a title, and upto 10 lines of text, folowed by the x,y,z,z2 co-ordinates it does all of the menu handeling, (using keyboard/mouse) and returns the option selected (if one) If I upload it here will anyone laugh? Darrell Coffey There is 1 Reply. #: 4371 S10/Tandy CoCo 14-Jun-90 11:57:56 Sb: #4354-Gfx PUTs Fm: Kevin Darling (UG Pres) 76703,4227 To: Darrell Coffey 76106,767 Something like that would be great! People are always needing source code examples of doing menus, etc... who knows .. you might help someone over a rough spot. thx! #: 4334 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 13-Jun-90 07:39:24 Sb: PT Fm: Ed Gresick 76576,3312 To: 4256 re 4256 Hi Scott! I though Fred modified Simmy's code - guess not. Only sc68681 is required. All four (4) serial ports use the same driver. Check your '/h0/DEFS/systype.d' file - if any of the serial ports specify sc68681a, you can change them to sc68681. (Fred's old driver could not handle 4 ports, therefore there were two drivers in memory, sc68681 and sc68681a.) I don't have a mono (or color) board installed. I use terminals only. My TERM is actually t1, T1 is actualy t2, etc. You can't eliminate 'TERM'. Several of the system modules, and I think the boot ROM, specifically call for 'TERM'. Ed /exit #: 4339 S11/Non-CoCo OS-9 13-Jun-90 13:46:32 Sb: #What it is! Fm: Wendell Benedetti 72766,2605 To: Pete Lyall 76703,4230 (X) Pete, Thanks for the midnight upload! I was really surprised. I've installed the Virtual Terminal program and so far it seems to work as advertised - almost like Windows. If you'd like to give it a try, load vmods, type (switch 0 1), then when the screen goes blank hit a carriage return. To open the other demo window, hit a tilda and then 1. That will put you into the second window. Again, hit a carriage return to initiate the shell. To jump back and forth between windows in this demo program, just type the tilda and either 0 or 1. To exit close the shell (with an escape) go to next window, escape again and then type tilda and Q. That's all. So far, it seems to work. I've got Dynastar in window one, Dynaspell in two, and Xcom9 in three. Thanks again. Wendell There is 1 Reply. #: 4340 S11/Non-CoCo OS-9 13-Jun-90 14:59:36 Sb: #4339-#What it is! Fm: Pete Lyall 76703,4230 To: Wendell Benedetti 72766,2605 (X) Wendell - Happy to help! The only thing I had heard about the Vterm package was that it sucked up a lot of the system memory... izzat the case? Pete There is 1 Reply. #: 4342 S11/Non-CoCo OS-9 13-Jun-90 16:25:05 Sb: #4340-What it is! Fm: Wendell Benedetti 72766,2605 To: Pete Lyall 76703,4230 (X) Pete, I believe you're right about system memory hogishness. But I know so little about Level Two that I'd be hard pressed to prove it. I do know that each window (datamodule, descriptor, shell and whatever else is in play) takes up about 16k. Of course, I made all the datamodules maximum size (for complete screen refresh when jumping from one window to another). I can pare that down when I finally figure out what I'm doing. I can also incorporate the whole mess into the bootfile. That also may help. But, now I have a new problem. Where did all my memory go? I used to have plenty. Now, in my quest to run everything at once (grin) I'm as parched as the Santa Barbara water supply. And Creative Micro Systems wants $495 for a 256K (EXORbus) memory board (they still make Level One and Two OS9 computers - in Los Alamitos). $2 per K is .. ah ... a LITTLE HIGH!!!! Give me a break! Nevertheless, so far so good. Thanks again. Pete. Wendell #: 4352 S10/Tandy CoCo 13-Jun-90 21:51:01 Sb: #Hard drives Fm: David Jones 76256,1223 To: ALL I have got a Disto no-halt controller with 4 in 1 board and am wanting to add a hard drive to the system (CoCo-3) I use only OS-9. I am wanting information on SASI and SCSI controllers. What advantages/disadvantages do these two systems have? Also, would I be better off getting a Seagate N-series drive with the SCSI controller built in, or getting a seperate controller such as an adaptec controller? Any info would be greatly appreciated. Thanks There are 2 Replies. #: 4353 S10/Tandy CoCo 13-Jun-90 21:59:22 Sb: #4352-Hard drives Fm: Kevin Darling (UG Pres) 76703,4227 To: David Jones 76256,1223 The advantage to using a controller (get SCSI in case you ever move to another machine/interface) separate is that you can almost always add another bare hard drive to it if you wish to give you two drives. You can also sometimes upgrade to a larger HD cheaper this way. OTOH, embedded SCSI drives like the Seagate N-series have gotten ridiculously inexpensive (someone was telling me $370 for a 85 megger??)... and is a first choice for many people. Hard to decide. #: 4373 S10/Tandy CoCo 14-Jun-90 12:16:35 Sb: #4352-Hard drives Fm: Scott t. Griepentrog 72427,335 To: David Jones 76256,1223 SASI is slow, SCSI is fast. B&B and SCSI are close enough that it doesn't matter, but SCSI is fast becoming a standard among all machines, whereas the B&B drive is a standard among PC's. Personally, I recommend going SCSI, and getting a 40 Meg QUANTAM hard drive - very fast unit. It's 19ms step w/a 64K built-in cache if I'm not mistaken, for under $400. StG #: 4357 S3/Languages 14-Jun-90 00:52:49 Sb: #Polling Fm: GLEN HATHAWAY 71446,166 To: All Hi all... I've run into a small snag in writing a program: I want to use CTRL-H to call a help screen. The program also polls for various other keys, including LEFT-ARROW, for other functions. Microware defined both LEFT-ARROW and CTRL-H as #8. Is there a good way to differentiate? I've tried all kinds of things, including SS.KySns, but so far the program is still too easily confused. I don't really want to have to use ALT-H, as I don't find it as comfortable to push quickly as CTRL-H, but if I can't find a work-around I may have to do it. HELP! P.S. I'm working in RMA assembler. There is 1 Reply. #: 4365 S3/Languages 14-Jun-90 09:35:51 Sb: #4357-Polling Fm: Wayne Day 76703,376 To: GLEN HATHAWAY 71446,166 Glen, Not to tell you how to write your own program, but Control-H is as a backspace or DELete, and unless you're the only one that may ever use your program, that may lead to confusion. The PC world has pretty well standardized on F1 as the "Help" key.. have you thought about Control-"?" or something like that? Wayne #: 4359 S3/Languages 14-Jun-90 06:15:07 Sb: #help with 'c' index() Fm: SCOTT HOWELL 70270,641 To: all Help!!!!! Will some one help me this is 'mysterous' C function called index(). Here is what the Microware 'c' compiler says about index() synopsis char *index(ptr,ch) char *ptr; ch index() returns a pointer to the first occurence of the character ch in the string pointed to by ptr. Returns null if char not found. What I want to do is to print an integer indicating the location of that ch (ie it would print the integer '3' for 'm' in 'computer'.) Could someone write a small program that does this. The example in the manual makes abs no sense. There is 1 Reply. #: 4363 S3/Languages 14-Jun-90 08:27:10 Sb: #4359-#help with 'c' index() Fm: Jeff Dege 76426,211 To: SCOTT HOWELL 70270,641 What you need to keep in mind is that a string is an array of characters, and the name of array variable is treated as a pointer to the first elemnt. Once you have a pointer to the first 'm' in a string, all you have to do is subtract to get the index. #include #include main() { char string[80], *p; puts("Enter a string"); fflush(stdin); /* flush the output buffer */ gets(buffer); p = Index(string, m); printf("The first 'm' occurs in location %d\n", p - string); } If you'll notice, if the string starts with an 'm', this program will print 0 (all C arrays start at 0.) There is 1 Reply. #: 4366 S3/Languages 14-Jun-90 10:29:24 Sb: #4363-help with 'c' index() Fm: Pete Lyall 76703,4230 To: Jeff Dege 76426,211 (X) Just a couple of quickie additions to Jeff's code: 1) m should be 'm' in the index() call... 2) You may want to make the position (p - string + 1) so you can enumerate from 1, as is typical in other languages for string operations. This is purely optional. Pete #: 4374 S10/Tandy CoCo 14-Jun-90 14:26:16 Sb: #4151-Play VS Dynacalc ? Fm: Lee Veal 74726,1752 To: TONY CAPPELLINI 76370,2104 Tony, the only "hack" of Kevin's original PLAY commnand that corrects the Dynacalc buzzing problem (that I'm aware of, anyway) is PLAY3.AR. Browse file area 10 for NOBUZZ and you'll get the file description that summarizes the exact problem which you describe with PLAY5. When PLAY5 showed up, I noticed that the annoying BUZZ had surfaced again, even though the author of the PLAY5 hack said that he had incorporated ALL features of the previous hacks of PLAY. He had no resolution for the problem and didn't seem to interested in trying to figure out what the problem was Oh, well... BTW, that buzzing will show up in several programs that have tone calls. For instance, the PACMAN game found here develops an annoying click after PLAY5 is used to play a file. Lee Press !> .