#: 4438 S7/Telecommunications 17-Jun-90 11:47:32 Sb: #4437-#View Fm: Bill Dickhaus 70325,523 To: Steve Wegert 76703,4255 (X) Steve, Not to mention what it would have done to Al's message! Look at all those "#:"s! There are just some basic assumptions that have to be made in order for offline message processing to work. The possible combinations of scrambled data boggle the mind, and the actual messages themselves can contain confusing information, even TAPCIS will barf on a message within a message. It does help to be a little flexible, though, maybe the scan routine in view can be modified to ignore leading blanks when searching for "#:". Bill There is 1 Reply. #: 4445 S7/Telecommunications 17-Jun-90 18:28:58 Sb: #4438-View Fm: Steve Wegert 76703,4255 To: Bill Dickhaus 70325,523 (X) Perfect example! I recall thread upon thread of automated folks cringing at phrases such as _off at_ being part of message text. :-) I've played with View a bit, but I still do most of my stuff interactively. Seems more personal, I suppose. I'm gonna have to look to the automated stuff just from a time saving standpoint. It's all I can do to keep up with what few forums I visit now. And there's always something new to take a look at here! Steve #: 4485 S7/Telecommunications 18-Jun-90 23:28:41 Sb: #4432-View Fm: Jim Peasley 72726,1153 To: Al Fleagle 72527,1354 (X) ~ Al; Try this : comment out the line just AFTER "READ #inpath, i$" and just before or after it add this line : "IF SUBS R(prompt1,i$) > 0 OR LEFT$(i$,L2)=prompt2 THEN" and see if this works for you. It would seem that you're getting line noise or other stray chars. in your data stream. Although this MIGHT cause you to miss a occasional message, the program should re-synch after reading the next message header. Yours is the first report that I've had on this problem, so I'm at a bit of a loss right now. The problem with this fixtis that the program will probably not be able to pick up the message number which sets the reply flag, and it won't allow you to reply to the message. I'm working on the program right now, and will keep your problem in mind and try to incorporate a more positive method of ID'ing the message start. ...Jim #: 4439 S4/MIDI and Music 17-Jun-90 11:54:40 Sb: #4378-#MORE MUSIC Fm: Mike Knudsen 72467,1111 To: Everett Chimbidis 76370,1366 (X) 4.6.1 is the latest one that's out there. 4.6.2 is beiong tested by one person. I'm the author so I'm slogging thru what could be called 4.6.3. If you have 4.6.1 you're not missing much, or even 4.6.0. 4.6.0 is quite a bit more powerful than 4.5.0 tho. --mike k There is 1 Reply. #: 4478 S4/MIDI and Music 18-Jun-90 22:13:53 Sb: #4439-#MORE MUSIC Fm: Everett Chimbidis 76370,1366 To: Mike Knudsen 72467,1111 (X) I have 4.6.0 how do i get an upgrade? There is 1 Reply. #: 4567 S4/MIDI and Music 22-Jun-90 21:59:58 Sb: #4478-#MORE MUSIC Fm: Mike Knudsen 72467,1111 To: Everett Chimbidis 76370,1366 (X) Well you'd have to call or write Ed at 2nd City SW and beg a bit. Actually, 4.6.1 isn't that much an improvment over 4.6.0. It does fix bugs in Part Copy and saving file on exit, so if you use Part Copy a lot, you have grounds for asking. A much more serious upgrade is coming soon. --mike k There is 1 Reply. #: 4577 S4/MIDI and Music 23-Jun-90 08:43:47 Sb: #4567-MORE MUSIC Fm: Everett Chimbidis 76370,1366 To: Mike Knudsen 72467,1111 How soon will that be? #: 4440 S15/Hot Topics 17-Jun-90 11:56:38 Sb: #4380-oh THAT Darn Computer Fm: Mike Knudsen 72467,1111 To: Jim Williams 72157,3524 (X) He he, my eyes are pretty weird too. Just have to wait and "see" for myself. I know some Amigoids really complain of headaches and all sorts of gripes, while others say they hardly notice flicker. Maybe humans are like Coco 3s -- some have sparklies and BLOBs, some don't....grin. #: 4443 S10/Tandy CoCo 17-Jun-90 13:59:32 Sb: #Drive stepping Fm: Denise Tomlinson 71021,3274 To: all Why, exactly, does os9 use the stepper motor in the drives much more than the familar Disk Basic Dos system. I am getting familar with os9 and am finally understanding it a little better. It seems to take a lot longer to load programs in because of the searching of the step motor. Would a hard drive step just as much? thanks, Denise There are 4 Replies. #: 4446 S10/Tandy CoCo 17-Jun-90 18:32:42 Sb: #4443-Drive stepping Fm: James Jones 76257,562 To: Denise Tomlinson 71021,3274 If information one needs isn't on the disk track the head currently is on, then one has to move the head (i.e. seek, which on floppies uses the stepper motor). Not much that an operating system can do to get around that, save for keeping information in memory in one of several ways: 1. have it in ROM (e.g. DECB, all of whose commands are in ROM) 2. cache it (a la Sardis Tech and at least some other "no-halt" controllers) 3. explicitly load it (using the OS-9 load command to snarf stuff you use a lot into RAM so that it doesn't have to get it from the disk every time) In my startup file, I have a line that reads "load /dd/cmds/misc.utils", and I have in that file the various commands that I have found that I use a lot. That can speed things up quite a bit. Give it a try. #: 4449 S10/Tandy CoCo 17-Jun-90 18:36:42 Sb: #4443-Drive stepping Fm: Steve Wegert 76703,4255 To: Denise Tomlinson 71021,3274 Denise, Os9 is very disk intensive ... that's why folks insist on a two drive system as a mere minimum, then a hard drive as soon as possible. If money's too tight for one of those ... make good use of a ramdisk. Without anything being loaded into memory, a simple set of commands to do nothing but call up a directory, find a file then load it will hit the disk many times. Lessee ... first it gotta find DIR ..then it's gotta find LOAD then it can go after the file you need. You can cut down a lot of this by merging a lot of your more frequently used commands/utilitys and loading them into memory. Working from the ramdisk also helps in this way. It's a trade off, tho .. less memory for instant access. Steve #: 4456 S10/Tandy CoCo 17-Jun-90 20:28:26 Sb: #4443-Drive stepping Fm: Pete Lyall 76703,4230 To: Denise Tomlinson 71021,3274 Denise - One other item as well.... Coco Disk Basic allocated the disk into fewer, larger chunks (68 all total, each being 9 sectors long). While it was much less prone to having file parts scattered all over the disk, you could only have a maximum of 68 files on the disk (frequently less). Also, even the smallest Basic program used 9 sectors. Pete #: 4459 S10/Tandy CoCo 17-Jun-90 20:32:48 Sb: #4443-Drive stepping Fm: Kevin Darling (UG Pres) 76703,4227 To: Denise Tomlinson 71021,3274 It depends on what you're doing. Programs seem to take a little longer to load, often because of the CRC checking being done to make sure it's a good program load. If you don't have some commands in memory (like list or load or dir), then using those ("list /d1/file") would seem to move the disk around more because first List must be loaded and then the target file accessed. Otherwise, no, you really shouldn't see much diff. A hard disk is so much faster that you won't notice stepping around that much, btw. Hmmm. Got an example or two of something which seems to step the motor more? #: 4444 S1/General Interest 17-Jun-90 18:27:46 Sb: #4244-#Hard Drive Blues Fm: Art Doyle 71565,262 To: Kevin Darling (UG Pres) 76703,4227 (X) Hi Kev! I don't really know what happened [grin] except that I was adding and/or changing things again. This thing works fine - if I would just leave it alone./.But you don't have this problem. Thirty seven directories and 18 files are in my root directory. All seems to behave normally save that 60,000 sector reduction in diskspace. Bob Santy could probably fix this mess in 2 minutes, but I'vee simply got to learn how to extricate myself solo from these problems. The dir e when performed on the root directory, gives no evidence of an inflated file...Must I follow each trail to its end to find the problem file with 'dir' or is there a shortcut???? Art There is 1 Reply. #: 4457 S1/General Interest 17-Jun-90 20:28:39 Sb: #4444-Hard Drive Blues Fm: Kevin Darling (UG Pres) 76703,4227 To: Art Doyle 71565,262 (X) Art - maybe not (following trails). Usually a dcheck can point out all the "sectors allocated but not in file structure" sectors, which can then be given back to the disk. But that assumes that dcheck will work, and with 55 file/dirs in your root, it may not. Depends. Hmmm. Dumping the disk raw and checking the allocation bitmap is the thing I'd do first... see if the end of the bitmap has been used for some reason. Or check LSN 0 and see if the bitmap size info has become corrupted for some reason. You haven't changed the descriptor lately, have you? #: 4447 S7/Telecommunications 17-Jun-90 18:32:56 Sb: #UUCP Beta testers wanted Fm: Mark Griffith 76070,41 To: All Call for UUCP beta testers: The OS9 UUCP port is nearing completion. To test the package as much as possible, additional testers are needed. Anyone wishing to become a beta tester please read the following requirements: 1. You must have access to a UUCP site to test file transfers. You also must be able to establish a UUCP login account on this system, Either setting it up yourself or getting the system administrator to do it for you. 2. You must have dial-in access to your OS9 system and you must have a modem setup for auto-answer available at least during the night to receive UUCP calls. 3. You must be able to make some long distance phone calls, at least during the night, to call other UUCP testers. The number of calls you are willing to make depends on how much money you can afford. You WILL NOT be required to make lots of calls (perhaps one or two a week). 4. You must have Pete Lyall's CRON utility, or be able to download it from here and implement it on your OS9 system. 5. You must be willing and able to replace any existing login system with one of two new systems to have UUCP work correctly. 6. You must have a mail utility, or be willing to install one of several available on your system. 8. You SHOULD have a hard disk drive, but this is not required. A floppy disk system must be able to hold all the UUCP files. A system using 720K disks should be fine, but a 360K system with only one drive will not. In any case, a floppy based system may not be fast enough. 9. You SHOULD have the OS9 C compiler and know enough about C programming to be able to make minor changes if needed. However, those without the compiler can still be a tester, but you'll have to settle for the defaults built into the UUCP package. 10. You must be able to work with myself and the other testers. Anyone just looking for an advance copy of the port need not reply. Source code will only be given out to those showing an express need. If you need more information, post a message here, in E-Mail, or call me There is 1 Reply. #: 4550 S7/Telecommunications 21-Jun-90 14:43:49 Sb: #4447-#UUCP Beta testers wanted Fm: Scott t. Griepentrog 72427,335 To: Mark Griffith 76070,41 (X) I am interested in beta-testing your UUCP software. I have a UUCP node locally, and meet all of your other requirements easily. I am also still waiting to hear if I can obtain a copy of the source... Thanks, StG There is 1 Reply. #: 4592 S7/Telecommunications 24-Jun-90 08:04:37 Sb: #4550-UUCP Beta testers wanted Fm: Mark Griffith 76070,41 To: Scott t. Griepentrog 72427,335 Scott, I'm not sure you would want to test the uucp port since it will require one of two different login packages which are probably much different then yours, as well as a different mailer. In any case, I'll put you on the list. As far as getting source code for the 'g' protocol stuff, I'd like to know exactly what you plan on doing with it. I really don't want to see it used in someone elses commercial package. Know what I mean? Mark #: 4448 S7/Telecommunications 17-Jun-90 18:34:22 Sb: UUCP Beta testers needed Fm: Mark Griffith 76070,41 To: All UUCP Beta testers: My last message was cut off at the end. It was supposed to read: call me at home in the evening from 6 PM to 11 PM at 904-736-1535. Mark #: 4450 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 17-Jun-90 18:42:28 Sb: #serial ports Fm: SCOTT HOWELL 70270,641 To: 76576,3312 (X) Hi Ed, You can rest easy now because after I reconfigured my baud rate to 2400 and swapped pins 8,20 things worked great. Evidently there is a mistake in Fred's new manual. There is 1 Reply. #: 4491 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 19-Jun-90 04:08:14 Sb: #4450-serial ports Fm: Ed Gresick 76576,3312 To: SCOTT HOWELL 70270,641 (X) Hi Scott! Just got my board - haven't installed it yet. I looked at the manual - from what I can tell, Fred has simply changed his designations. What was called 'DTR' he now calls 'CTS'. The connections are the same as before (by the book). Ed #: 4451 S10/Tandy CoCo 17-Jun-90 18:52:46 Sb: #palette Fm: LUTE MULLENIX 70721,2230 To: 76703,4227 (X) Kevin; Iv'e got a question on changing the colors on bootup. Iv'e done a bit of changing on the /TERM, and /W discriptors already. Things like changing my bootup colors'to yellow on blue, and changing /W2 into a hardware text window. Now what needs to be done, is to change palettes on bootup. What I would like to do is do a patch to boot up on a (display 1b 31 09 08), without,doing the command line. Am I getting across what I want? example: I used to have wcreat /w2 -s=2 etc.. Then went to the manual and modpatched the bytes so /w2 is a -s=2 ect. So now it just gets iniz, shell ia. Necessary? Maybe not, but I knew it could be done. >Lute< P.S. I have posted this on the Hayes system too, you only need answer once. There is 1 Reply. #: 4467 S10/Tandy CoCo 18-Jun-90 14:29:28 Sb: #4451-#palette Fm: Kevin Darling (UG Pres) 76703,4227 To: LUTE MULLENIX 70721,2230 (X) Lute - I think I see what you mean. First, I might mention that WMODE.AR here in Lib 10 lets you "xmode" your window descriptors to be of any type, size and default palette numbers... and I recommend that everyone wmode's all the descriptors to 80x24 type 2 windows so that "program <>>>/w&" works okay. You've done that by hand, but wmode is easier (and then people can just save those out to disk and make a new os9boot of course). Anyway.. ok, you want to change the default palette values, I think. SS.DfPal can be used for that, or you can actually modify Grfint/Windint's default internal tables. Look around offset $2F2 or $2F3 in whichever of those you use for this sequence of values: $3F,$09,$00,$12,$24,$36,$2D,$1B (pals 0-7) $3F,$09,$00,$12,$24,$36,$2D,$1B (pals 8-15) Those are the default 16 palette values for pals 0-15 (they repeat as you can see for 0-7 and 8-15). The colors are White, Blue, Black, Green, Red, Yellow, Magenta, and Cyan. You can change them to whatever you wish, altho some programs may assume the original default colors. - kev There is 1 Reply. #: 4529 S10/Tandy CoCo 20-Jun-90 21:44:10 Sb: #4467-palette Fm: LUTE MULLENIX 70721,2230 To: Kevin Darling (UG Pres) 76703,4227 (X) Kevin: That's what I was looking for. I saw that SS.dfpal and I thought it should work, but I am somewhat ignorant in much of the world of OS-9, and have no idea what it is or how to get it to work. Once I get those down, I'll probably be totally out of control. Thanks much for the help. >Lute< #: 4452 S10/Tandy CoCo 17-Jun-90 19:02:07 Sb: #4430-#SCREEN DUMP Fm: John Dickey 76537,2631 To: Kevin Darling (UG Pres) 76703,4227 (X) Kevin, Had Winfo, forgot that it gets the screen location. Thanks for the point to Sprint - it will do the trick for me. Zack Sessions pointed out that use of such a method will make my Sculptor code un-portable, which at the present time is OK as I am going to use the Screen Print Function to dump screens for a SCULPTOR tutorial for the COCO3. Just can't stand MPD's manual. Thanks again for the quick help. John There is 1 Reply. #: 4458 S10/Tandy CoCo 17-Jun-90 20:32:11 Sb: #4452-#SCREEN DUMP Fm: Kevin Darling (UG Pres) 76703,4227 To: John Dickey 76537,2631 (X) PS: one thing about Sprint, in case you run into it (it bit me a few times): When it saves the underscore "_" char, it uses the coco version vs the normal ascii version. So be careful snapping screens and then using them in say, an asm source file... errors! Gets me once in a while. There is 1 Reply. #: 4482 S10/Tandy CoCo 18-Jun-90 22:28:10 Sb: #4458-#SCREEN DUMP Fm: John Dickey 76537,2631 To: Kevin Darling (UG Pres) 76703,4227 (X) Kevin, Thanks much for the tip... I'll watch out for that one.. BTW the program works tremendously! Ron did a fine job on it. And he credits you for the pointers etc that he got from you. Thats what I like about this place, people helping people get the most out of their systems. John There is 1 Reply. #: 4483 S10/Tandy CoCo 18-Jun-90 22:37:24 Sb: #4482-#SCREEN DUMP Fm: Kevin Darling (UG Pres) 76703,4227 To: John Dickey 76537,2631 (X) Any time, John. BTW, I admit to loading in Sprint/winfo on bootup these days, I use it so much . Great for snarfing a msg off my terminal screen when I forget to turn on buffer capture. There is 1 Reply. #: 4494 S10/Tandy CoCo 19-Jun-90 18:48:32 Sb: #4483-SCREEN DUMP Fm: John Dickey 76537,2631 To: Kevin Darling (UG Pres) 76703,4227 (X) Hmmmm... Now you're giving me ideas... I am learning a lot looking at the code for those two utilities and your Wdir program. When I get it all figured out I may try my hand at an assembly lang subroutine that combines the two. Gone for now, John #: 4453 S10/Tandy CoCo 17-Jun-90 19:05:57 Sb: #4434-SCREEN DUMP Fm: John Dickey 76537,2631 To: Zack Sessions 76407,1524 (X) Zack, Kevin D pointed me to WINFO and SPRINT in DL10, which will do exactly what I am looking for at the present time. I need to dump sculptor screens to a file for use in a SCULPTOR tutorial that I am going to write for the COCO3. As far as use within an application, it would probably be an easy matter to change the source code to access other operating systems screen print function or just have the user hit the SCREEN PRINT key (messy-dos) etcettera. Thanks again for the help. John #: 4454 S10/Tandy CoCo 17-Jun-90 19:43:36 Sb: #4429-Gfx PUTs Fm: Darrell Coffey 76106,767 To: Dan Robins 73007,2473 (X) Well, I see that I am going to have to purchase this package before I can do any programming. Thank you for your help. Darrell Coffey #: 4455 S10/Tandy CoCo 17-Jun-90 20:10:43 Sb: #4413-#database Fm: PHIL SCHERER 71211,2545 To: John Dickey 76537,2631 (X) Hi John--I've heard about SCULPTER but I didn't hear about the one from Clearbrook. Thanks for the lead. By the way where is QBS?? There is 1 Reply. #: 4481 S10/Tandy CoCo 18-Jun-90 22:25:41 Sb: #4455-database Fm: John Dickey 76537,2631 To: PHIL SCHERER 71211,2545 (X) Phil, Susquehanna QBS is located in the burgeoning metropolis of Lancaster, PA. Basically Find Harrisburg PA on a map and head South East. Glad to point you to the programs ... if you need more information feel free to yell at me on here or by landline. John #: 4460 S13/Atari ST 17-Jun-90 20:33:38 Sb: #Atari Comm Programs Fm: DENIS CHARTRAND 72561,2714 To: David George 72240,134 (X) If you speak about the Aterm program available here in OSK database, I'm the guy who wrote it. At the time I did the upload of that program, it was still under test and development. I did upload it because a few users were complaining about the lack of comm programs under OSK. Due to a lack of time, I didn't at the time had enough free hours to continue, so I passed a copy of the assembly source to one of my friend who was able to correct a few bugs left in it (especially the xmodem lock-up) and he add a few others features, like YModem, extended dialer, parity control, screen and shell enhancements, etc. I've just upload it in Lib 12 under the name AtermV2_6.ar, so use it and let's hope your xmodem problem is resolved. It's hard to spot the exact cause of the xmodem lock-up. While on my machine with the original aterm program this problem never appears, my friend had the same problem than yours on his Mega ST2 computer. When I used his new aterm version 2.6 on my 1040ST, I have problem with parity settings, while on his side everythings OK. It seems that there too many versions of ST computers on the market; if you have followed the PC-DITTO II saga in the ATARIVEN conference, you have surely noticed incompatibility between ST's. While some machines have CPU under the keyboards, others have the same chip near the floppy drive. Bad lots of MMU and GLUE chips also give problems. Here in Montreal ST machines have mostly disappear from stores; they are replaced by STE machines, with 4096 colors, stereo outputs, SIMMS RAM. The 64 pins 68000 CPU is replaced by a square grid array package. That means that PC-DITTO II will not work on those machines. Atari TT 68030 machines were introduced here in Montreal two weeks ago, I don't know if it's still using a 68901, or even if OS9/ST will boot on it. As soon as I have time I'll go in a Atari store, bring a copy of OSK with me and try to boot it. Price is around $3200 US for a basic machine with 2 MBytes of RAM and 40 MBytes hard disk. There is a Motorola VME bus on that machine, so maybe we can add a few boards. There are 2 Replies. #: 4559 S13/Atari ST 22-Jun-90 12:33:50 Sb: #4460-Atari Comm Programs Fm: David George 72240,134 To: DENIS CHARTRAND 72561,2714 (X) Thanks for the info. I also use the Mega ST 2. I haven't been in the ATARIVEN section yet, but I had heard about the compatibility problems with PC-DITTO II. Just to add a little to your statement about compatibility between ST's: My Mega 2 came with a little circuit board with a 74LS74 on it going to pins 12 through 18. In the process of messing around with the hardware I blew up my CPU and had to desolder it (I put a socket in after I removed the old CPU) and replaced it with a 68000P10 (that at the time I bought it was 4 weeks old by the date code). With the new CPU I didn't need the satelite board anymore so I removed it. Another thing I noticed is that most Mega 2's come with a composite sync signal on the monitor connector, NOT MINE !? Iwill download the new version and try it out. Thanks again. #: 4583 S13/Atari ST 23-Jun-90 19:22:56 Sb: #4460-Atari Comm Programs Fm: David George 72240,134 To: DENIS CHARTRAND 72561,2714 (X) I just tried out aterm v2.6 and it seems to work. The only problem I had was with trying to Ymodem download here on CIS. I could Ymodem download from my Coco3 fine. I get a CAN from Host and too many retransmissions ??? from CIS ??? I don't suffer from Xmodem lockup anymore either. I like the new ATerm as a whole. Thanks. Dave #: 4461 S3/Languages 17-Jun-90 23:52:37 Sb: #4422-#Running Basic09 Fm: George Gavaghan 76236,421 To: Kevin Darling (UG Pres) 76703,4227 (X) Kevin- The trouble is that I can load but not run Basic09. I forget the error code I recieve, but I will try your sugestion and get back to you soonest. Thanks for your help. --->GG There is 1 Reply. #: 4465 S3/Languages 18-Jun-90 01:56:37 Sb: #4461-#Running Basic09 Fm: Kevin Darling (UG Pres) 76703,4227 To: George Gavaghan 76236,421 (X) George - okay, please let us know what the error code is... and also what else you had loaded into memory. - kev There is 1 Reply. #: 4473 S3/Languages 18-Jun-90 20:18:00 Sb: #4465-#Running Basic09 Fm: George Gavaghan 76236,421 To: Kevin Darling (UG Pres) 76703,4227 (X) Kev- I tried your sug. on looading Basic09, PERFECT. Now for the next onslaught of questions. First, what does that UG in your title stand for? Second,I tried a small prog. from the manual(OS9) in the Basic09 section. No can do chief. I've been programming Basic for about 3 years now and I can't figure this stuff out. Look at pg.9-37 in the Basic09 sec. When I create then change to the window,all I get are a bunch of dots, no letters. I know it has to be the merge command, I'm not getting the fonts into /w1 or something. Big problem is that once I ex the terminal screen,I have to BOOT-UP again because the window doesn't work!(or rather I can't tell if it's working 'cause I don't read morse code. Run it and you'll know what I mean) I'm asuming you have the manual,though it might have a little dust on it(it sounds like youu don't need it much any more.), if you don't, I'll give you the command sequense next message. Thanks for all your help. -->GG There are 2 Replies. #: 4475 S3/Languages 18-Jun-90 20:54:06 Sb: #4473-#Running Basic09 Fm: James Jones 76257,562 To: George Gavaghan 76236,421 (X) UG stands for "user group". Shouldn't matter what window you merge fonts into; SCF snarfs the escape codes on the way out and stores the font data away. You should be very sure that the font group and number your program asks for matches that of one of the fonts you merged, or you'll get the Morse code consistently! (That's the voice of experience speaking about that last bit...Sigh.) There are 2 Replies. #: 4496 S3/Languages 19-Jun-90 20:52:37 Sb: #4475-Running Basic09 Fm: George Gavaghan 76236,421 To: James Jones 76257,562 (X) James- Thanks for the info. Do you happen to know the code(s) I would have to use, the manuual falls short in a lot of areas including this one as far as information goes. --->GG #: 4503 S3/Languages 19-Jun-90 21:51:15 Sb: #4475-#Running Basic09 Fm: George Gavaghan 76236,421 To: James Jones 76257,562 (X) Hi, George again. Kevin had me merge prior to wcreate'ing and it worked perfect. I don't think I needed any code(s) in this instance. Thanks for the info anyway, I'll file it for future reference. Now mabey you could help me with anotherr little problem I'm having. Whan I try to "PACK" a procedure I get error code 214-NO PERMISSION. No permission for what !!?? It's my procedure,I changed all ATTR to on and it still wont work. I also tried to load "PACK" prior to using it(just in case) and that didn't work either. Any sugestions? Nothing I try seems to work. ---->GG There are 2 Replies. #: 4506 S3/Languages 19-Jun-90 21:59:52 Sb: #4503-Running Basic09 Fm: Kevin Darling (UG Pres) 76703,4227 To: George Gavaghan 76236,421 (X) George - ah, I caught your message to James. "Pack" is built into basic09. (Be sure to save your program source to disk first!) If you just type "pack" it'll try to convert/save the program to your commands directory. If you'd swapped disks on OS9, then it could get confused and try to open a new file in a wrong place on disk... thus a common 214 "no permission" error causer. Be sure writeprotect is off the disk, that there's enough room on disk, and that you've done a "chx /d0/cmds" for example, first. If there's not enuf room, pack to somewhere else: stick in a fresh disk, "pack >/d0/filename". Back later. #: 4521 S3/Languages 20-Jun-90 07:45:25 Sb: #4503-#Running Basic09 Fm: James Jones 76257,562 To: George Gavaghan 76236,421 (X) When you pack a procedure, BASIC09 creates a file by the name of the (first, if you do a pack*) procedure named in the current execution directory. Perhaps it is permission on an already-existing file there by that name that is being referred to. There is 1 Reply. #: 4527 S3/Languages 20-Jun-90 18:10:25 Sb: #4521-Running Basic09 Fm: George Gavaghan 76236,421 To: James Jones 76257,562 (X) JAMES- THANKS FOR THE INFO, BUT I HAVE ALREADY BEEN INFORMED THAT I MUST CHX TO CMDS BEFORE I CAN PERFORM A "PACK". THANKS FOR YOUR ASIST ANYWAY, I WILL KEEP THAT IN MIND WHEN I TRY IT AGAIN. --->GG #: 4489 S3/Languages 19-Jun-90 03:06:43 Sb: #4473-#Running Basic09 Fm: Kevin Darling (UG Pres) 76703,4227 To: George Gavaghan 76236,421 (X) Geo - Ah. What happened was that wcreate'ing the window automatically defaults the font to stdfonts... unfortunately they don't exist yet . So do the same lines, EXCEPT do the stdfonts merge BEFORE wcreating the window. Now when the window is made, os9 finds the font in memory and can use it right away. Also, you might want to say "merge /d0/sys/stdfonts" instead of the way they did it, as you might not be sitting on the root dir of the disk with the SYS subdirectory like they assume. You can tell they assumed this because they used a relative pathlist "sys/stdfonts" instead of an absolute pathlist like "/d0/sys/stdfonts". Which reminds me of a side tip which always helps new OS-9 users: when you CHD or CHX to a new disk/dir, OS9 remembers that spot on that *one* particular disk (not the pathnames themselves)... so switching disks and not using chd/chx again (or not using full pathnames with the drive name in front) will often cause confusion on the part of os9 and yourself . Hope you can get 512K soon... the machine really opens up enormously when you do... almost no limit, practically speaking. Keep at it! best -kev PS: you could also have blindly typed "display 1b3a c801" while in the dots, which means "use font c8 01", which are the stdfonts group/buffer numbers. Bing. It'd have come up. Try "display 1b3a c802" just for fun, also. That's the stdfonts 6x8 version. There is 1 Reply. #: 4498 S3/Languages 19-Jun-90 21:02:27 Sb: #4489-#Running Basic09 Fm: George Gavaghan 76236,421 To: Kevin Darling (UG Pres) 76703,4227 (X) Kev- You DO know what your doing , don't you.As far as the CHD and CHX, I've found it easier to just stay in the root for now. At least till I get more comfortable with the system. Can you tell me if there is any other DEPENDABLE documentation on OS9 I might be able to use, I really am gettiing tired of fighting with this manual.(I can't be the first person to have all these problems. Can I?) Thanks again. ---->GG P.S. I can PACK only from a window, is this true. There are 2 Replies. #: 4504 S3/Languages 19-Jun-90 21:55:12 Sb: #4498-Running Basic09 Fm: Zack Sessions 76407,1524 To: George Gavaghan 76236,421 (X) For more "user-friendly" documentation you might try "Start OS9" from KLE, and two books (whose titles escape me for the moment) something like "Complete Rainboe Guide to OS9" and Rainbow Guid to OS9 Windows" available from any Radio Shack store. Zack #: 4505 S3/Languages 19-Jun-90 21:55:16 Sb: #4498-#Running Basic09 Fm: Kevin Darling (UG Pres) 76703,4227 To: George Gavaghan 76236,421 (X) George - A lot of people recommend "Start OS-9", a book which should be advertised in Rainbow mags... newcomers seem to like it a lot. It leads people thru examples that work , and comes with a disk to help out. There are only a few major mistakes in the stock manual... but they're lulus! Just where a newcomer can get most confused, usually ;-). The most important thing to remember is that 99.9% of the time, there's a simple reason you get errors. Just a matter of keeping cool and tracking it down. We reserve our greatest admiration around here for people who keep at something until they figure it out. And of course, questions are welcome. PS: Ummm, you can Pack from any kind of device which you can type "pack" on . I'm not sure I understand what you mean? There are 2 Replies. #: 4515 S3/Languages 20-Jun-90 06:25:03 Sb: #4505-#Running Basic09 Fm: George Gavaghan 76236,421 To: Kevin Darling (UG Pres) 76703,4227 (X) Kev- When I "PACK" I get error 214. Even in the window, should I CHX to CMDS? And I tried to config for both sides of thre disk, and failed. Is there a way I can just add the modules to my current disk? ---->GG There is 1 Reply. #: 4522 S3/Languages 20-Jun-90 07:47:53 Sb: #4515-Running Basic09 Fm: James Jones 76257,562 To: George Gavaghan 76236,421 (X) Perhaps the thing to do is to describe for us the sequence of events leading up to the 214. Be sure to mention any and all swapping of disks, chd and chx commands (either that you do yourself or that may be in a BASIC09 procedure you are running), and the like that you do. #: 4532 S3/Languages 20-Jun-90 22:59:53 Sb: #4505-Running Basic09 Fm: George Gavaghan 76236,421 To: Kevin Darling (UG Pres) 76703,4227 (X) KEV- I used chx /d0/cmds for "pack" and it worked fine. I also managed to config a disk with ddd0-40d and d0-40d, thaat also worked fine. Now, how doo I transfer my files to the new disks? I tried copy (error 244) and when I try to config on the new dsk it aborts just after I enter the new disk in to be scratched. When I tried "BACKUP" I get error 249(media mismatch). I tried to "keep cool" and track it down but this is getting down right frustrating! At it now for 3 hours now with no luck. Any ideas? ----->GG P.S. Alsoo you might have noticed double characters from time to time in my messages. My keyboard seems to like doing that. Anything I can do to fix that? #: 4462 S3/Languages 17-Jun-90 23:56:39 Sb: #4433-Running Basic09 Fm: George Gavaghan 76236,421 To: Zack Sessions 76407,1524 (X) Zack- As for the memory, as soon as I get the money I plan on the upgrade. As to the "difficulty", I can load the Basic09 module into memory but can't run it using the Bassic09 command, all I get is an error code. I recieved a suggestion from Dave and will try it then let you know how it goes. Thanks for your reply. -->GG #: 4463 S9/Utilities 18-Jun-90 01:35:22 Sb: #4431-RBF Fm: Ken Drexler 75126,3427 To: Mark Griffith 76070,41 (X) Mark, I am now running one of my systems at my law office. Most of the files have the attributes set for both the owner and public read and write. On some of the files the modification date is important for backup purposes. I began to notice that the modification dates got out of sync and eventually figured out it was when the user who did not own the file updated it. (At the office, neither my secretary or I run as super user.) I checked this out on my system here and confirmed that an update by a person with write permission only updates the file date if the person is also the owner. The version of RBF I run is $10 with a CRC of $C199E8. It is circa 1983 and purchased from Smoke Signal Broadcasting. For further information you might ask Carl Kreider. He has a revised version of RBF which he did and gave me a copy of years ago. It does not reflect the bug described above. Hope this helps. Ken #: 4464 S11/Non-CoCo OS-9 18-Jun-90 01:39:48 Sb: #GIMIX going away? Fm: Ken Drexler 75126,3427 To: Pete Lyall 76703,4230 (X) Pete I saw your message to Wendell Benedetti #4177. "The GIMIX will be going down for good shortly." Another SS-50 user bites the dust? What hardware will you be running post GIMIX other than your Coco? Say, I was able to find some SS-50 memory. I found a 1985 ad for D.P. Johnson's 1 Meg dynamic ram board and on a lark called him. After getting by his answering machine, he said he has several blank boards around and would build me a 512K board. I expect to get it in the next week or two. He has a Smoke Signal machine like mine, so I hope it will work without a hitch. Ken There is 1 Reply. #: 4534 S11/Non-CoCo OS-9 20-Jun-90 23:22:05 Sb: #4464-#GIMIX going away? Fm: Pete Lyall 76703,4230 To: Ken Drexler 75126,3427 (X) Ken - Well, with luck I'll be navigating up the learning curve on a developmental MM/1... Pete There is 1 Reply. #: 4540 S11/Non-CoCo OS-9 21-Jun-90 00:33:16 Sb: #4534-GIMIX going away? Fm: Ken Drexler 75126,3427 To: Pete Lyall 76703,4230 (X) I hope you will keep all of us on here advised on it as you get into it. It has been fascinating to watch the MM/1 and the Tomcat develop here. Ken #: 4466 S13/Atari ST 18-Jun-90 10:36:53 Sb: #4394-#Atari Comm Programs Fm: Mark Wuest 74030,332 To: David George 72240,134 (X) David, I have set environment variables in C, and can give a pointer to avoid the pits *I* fell into. Make sure that you have storage in the program that sets or changes environment variables for the entire array of pointers *and* the strings to which they point. Do *NOT* just change the values you are passed, as there is no C data structure implicitly declaring storage for them and the code that would "find out" how much storage was there will make the program hard to read later. Here's what I do: char *env[20]; /* storage for 19 envir pointers and NULL */ ..... env[0] = "TERM=vt100"; evn[1] = "PORT=/term"; env[2] = "SHELL=ksh"; env[3] = 0; Of course you can use getenv() to pass on variables you were passed. Note that getenv() returns an int, not a char * as the manual says (I know, in OSK they are the same - this will save you a warning by doing the cast). Good luck! Mark There is 1 Reply. #: 4560 S13/Atari ST 22-Jun-90 12:37:23 Sb: #4466-Atari Comm Programs Fm: David George 72240,134 To: Mark Wuest 74030,332 Thanks for the reply, but I already figured it out. Documentation is a little scarce on how to treat the environment, but I was able to scrape up enough info (mainly from reading os9exec() repeatedly). And that was almost how I did it. (add a few strcpy()'s here and a few strcat()'s there). #: 4502 S13/Atari ST 19-Jun-90 21:50:28 Sb: #4394-#Atari Comm Programs Fm: Scott t. Griepentrog 72427,335 To: David George 72240,134 (X) Yup, there is an easy way to set environment variables in a C program. Keep an eye on upload area, I will release a routine I'm developing for this soon. I already have a new login (part of StG Login pkg, v4) that encrypts passwords, as well as a lot of other major improvements.. It *should* become available online at some point, as I am planning on placing a limited version of the login package in shareware when complete (in a few weeks). Thanks for letting me know what you are after though - anythinng else you're wanting to have? StG There are 2 Replies. #: 4517 S13/Atari ST 20-Jun-90 06:50:43 Sb: #4502-#Atari Comm Programs Fm: Steve Wegert 76703,4255 To: Scott t. Griepentrog 72427,335 (X) I'm curious, Scott... I played with your older version of LOGIN for quite some time before I started working with the one that I have now. One thing that caused me no end of trouble was the non-standard format of the password file. Have you changed that in newer releases? Steve There is 1 Reply. #: 4548 S13/Atari ST 21-Jun-90 14:27:50 Sb: #4517-#Atari Comm Programs Fm: Scott t. Griepentrog 72427,335 To: Steve Wegert 76703,4255 (X) The format of the password file was actually derived from the "standard" onei.e. what the original login module used. However, I added several fields at the end, which the original one barfs on, and I accidently got the user and exec dirs backwards. I also change the "defaulting" of several of the fields, i.e. a blank user directory is not illegal but will default to /dd/user/(name). The V3 package still uses this format - but in the V4 release (soon to be out) I have corrected the user/exec dir being exchanged. Also being added to the V4 release is a password.dat format (with fast username/name/number index files) as an option - which is necessary to use several additional features. Anything before V3 is considered garbage - especially the 0.9 that I had a long time ago (3 years?) uploaded here. The V3 itself works quite well, and since all the C libraries and some source have been released on the net, writing routines to interact with it is quite easy. But yes, what some people would call stanard routines will not work with the older formats. This is being completely fixed in the new V4. StG There is 1 Reply. #: 4553 S13/Atari ST 21-Jun-90 21:24:33 Sb: #4548-Atari Comm Programs Fm: Steve Wegert 76703,4255 To: Scott t. Griepentrog 72427,335 Glad to hear that version 4 will be compatable with conventions already in place. Steve #: 4561 S13/Atari ST 22-Jun-90 12:41:51 Sb: #4502-Atari Comm Programs Fm: David George 72240,134 To: Scott t. Griepentrog 72427,335 I figured out the environment stuff. I might be interested in your login package, but only if the password file routines are available (even if it costs extra). I would only expect .r files, so that I can link them into some of my programs that require access to the password file. (like SU, CH (like SU, and CHOWN). My SU asks for a password to change user unless you are root (just like the UNIX version). And CHOWN will take a username as well as a usernumber for the user to change ownership to. Dave #: 4501 S13/Atari ST 19-Jun-90 21:47:06 Sb: #4392-Atari Comm Programs Fm: Scott t. Griepentrog 72427,335 To: David George 72240,134 (X) Actually, I use kermit for everything - almost. I haven't had any problems with v2.2, so I doubt it's the cause. Actually, I am writing my own... StG #: 4468 S10/Tandy CoCo 18-Jun-90 19:17:17 Sb: #4353-Hard drives Fm: David Jones 76256,1223 To: Kevin Darling (UG Pres) 76703,4227 (X) Thanks for the info. I sold my Disto hard drive interface and baught the B&B with a WD1002wx1 controller. Thats MFM right? The B&B and WD Controller only cost me $60 so if have invested $110 in the HD system. If you know anyone with a IBM PC that needs a 10meg MiniSscribe drive let me know I am not sure what format it is. Tthanks again. #: 4469 S1/General Interest 18-Jun-90 19:59:21 Sb: #OS/9 Cartoon Fm: Eric A. Cottrell [WIT] 76327,515 To: ALL Hi All, I recently received a premier issue of a magazine dealing with the OS/2 operating system. I program with MSDOS at work and have no desire to lower myself even further. But anyway... One of the interesting things in the magazine is a cartoon captioned "OS/2 Cat ponders future lives." It shows a cat looking at a gravestone that has "DOS CAT R.I.P." on it. The bubble says "Goodbye old friend! Heck, I wonder what OS/9 will be like?" Now I planning to write a letter to the editors and tell them what OS9 IS like! The Cartoon is on Page 116 of the Premier 1990 Issue. David Nelson is the Editor-in-chief, Linda Stephenson is the Managing Editor, and Leonora Wimmer is the Publisher. The Address is The Silicon Beach Operation Inc., 1101B Eugenia Place, Carpinteria, Ca 93013. In fact they mention they have a BBS at 1 (805) 684-0589. It mentions you can send letters to the editor. Maybe I can get some experts (esp. ones that like cats hint.. hint...) to help me tell the story of OS9. A mention of OS9000 is also in order. One suggestion is to mention about the great record locking capability of OS9 Level 2. OS/2 assumes the application will do the record locking (Just what does OS/2 do to take 2 megabytes????). Of course I got a chuckle out of the cartoon on another level since DOS is not dead and it may be several years before OS/2 is an OK operating system. This very well could be when 80686 chips are out and once again an operating system is behind the level of the hardware. The same as DOS is with 80286 and 80386 systems. 73 Eric..... There are 2 Replies. #: 4471 S1/General Interest 18-Jun-90 20:05:27 Sb: #4469-OS/9 Cartoon Fm: Kevin Darling (UG Pres) 76703,4227 To: Eric A. Cottrell [WIT] 76327,515 (X) That's a great story! I'd blow that cartoon up and stick on my wall! #: 4474 S1/General Interest 18-Jun-90 20:51:41 Sb: #4469-#OS/9 Cartoon Fm: James Jones 76257,562 To: Eric A. Cottrell [WIT] 76327,515 (X) Could you mention the name of the magazine? I'd be interested in grabbing a copy of it just for the cartoon. :-) There is 1 Reply. #: 4497 S1/General Interest 19-Jun-90 20:58:56 Sb: #4474-#OS/9 Cartoon Fm: Eric A. Cottrell [WIT] 76327,515 To: James Jones 76257,562 (X) Hi James, Why it is "OS/2 Magazine"! I managed to read some stuff and it seems to have a very strong "DOS" bashing stanch. Pro-OS/2 at all cost! I read some article on why "DOS is dead or should be" that was confusing. I think it is because the person did not know the subject. Limitations of current applications were taken as OS limitations. That DOS could not handle multiple protocols. I take protocols to mean communications protocols, but even if it was data protocols I feel it is a applications issue instead of an OS issue. DOS has capability for Device Drivers, make one! You also got the impression that DOS programs have to be rewritten when new versions of DOS are released and that interrupts and data structures of DOS change often. OS/2 was presented as a OS that will not chamge. There are shortcomings with DOS, but this magazine did not mention them. Could it be that OS/2 also has the same shortcomings? I think in my letter I will mention, "Well if OS/2 will not change, then I will not use it because it's shortcomings will never go away and it will not take advantage of new stuff". DOS changed as new hardware and needs became available. I can still use wordstar written for DOS 1.0 under DOS 3.3 so what's the problem? It says on the cover that it is an independent magazine, but IMHO, it looks like something out of a PR department of Microsoft. It is also strange that there is no date on the magazine other than the "1990 Premier Issue" on the bottom of the page. I sorry to get on my soapbox, but I've programmed in enough OSs to know that no OS is perfect (not even OS9). People on this forum are Pro-OS9, but readily admit to the problems and help you get around them or fix the problem in OS9! Look at all the work that was done to remove dead code in GSHELL! Could one problem with OS/2 be that it has 1 meg of dead code??? 73 Eric... There is 1 Reply. #: 4523 S1/General Interest 20-Jun-90 07:52:08 Sb: #4497-OS/9 Cartoon Fm: James Jones 76257,562 To: Eric A. Cottrell [WIT] 76327,515 (X) Well...OS/2 sounds like it suffers from "second-system syndrome" (the desire, once one has done one system, to throw in every possible feature, egged on by hubris at having done the first system--Fred Brooks, in *The Mythical Man-Month*, may be the originator of this phrase). At least the reference to OS/2 in the new "jargon file" seems to think so (they mention OS/2 because, they say, it's always good for a cheap laugh among programmers). This would be highly ironic, because technically, OS/2 is Microsoft's first operating system, since they bought the first version of MS-DOS from elsewhere! #: 4472 S15/Hot Topics 18-Jun-90 20:06:32 Sb: Motorola Supports CD-I Fm: Kevin Darling (UG Pres) 76703,4227 To: all (edited) LONDON - Motorola Semiconductor Products Monday announced their intent to provide CD-I silicon chip sets to hardware manufacturers worldwide. This latest development coincides with the Multimedia Conference on Interactive CD hosted by Philips, Sony, Matsushita and Polygram. The chip set includes the MC68340 32-bit microprocessor, a highly integrated solution for graphics applications, plus dedicated still video and video processing devices. A part of this set is a full screen, full motion decompression processor for the CD-I standard. By providing a global source of high quality silicon, Motorola aims to ease the development of hardware products conforming to the CD-I standard. This will accelerate the acceptance of CD-I as a Multimedia standard and add momentum to its rate of growth as the next major consumer product innovation. Availability of this revolutionary video processing device is timed to coincide with major CD-I equipment launches in 1991. More details will be made available following the meeting of the MPEG committee in September 1990. (MPEG - The Motion Picture Experts Group is a joint ISO/CCITT standard committee, tasked with defining a global standard for video compression.) Over 100 companies have signed up to support CD-I, the majority of them developing the innovative software titles which will drive consumer and pro usage. Motorola will be assisting Philips IMS and their partners to realize CD-I as a global success in consumer electronics and Multimedia computing. Based on this latest announcement, the hardware companies will be able to accelerate their product developments, while guaranteeing conformance to the standard. This standardization is critical for such a global consumer product, guaranteeing that any disk bought anywhere in the world will play on any manufacturer's hardware. #: 4479 S1/General Interest 18-Jun-90 22:15:01 Sb: #4258-#dead TTX Fm: Eric A. Cottrell [WIT] 76327,515 To: Steve Wegert 76703,4255 (X) Hi Steve, It is a classic problem. One suggestion is to ask over in the Hamnet forum. The summer is a slow time for ham flea markets, but I'll see if I can find any in the ham magazines. I am sure that the St. Louis area big enough 8->. I suggest you visit Gateway Electronics, 8123 Page Blvd., St. Louis. (314) 427-6116. They are listed in the 73 Magazine's Dealer Directory. They are an electronics parts supplier, but may set up at the local fleamarkets. 73 Eric... There is 1 Reply. #: 4493 S1/General Interest 19-Jun-90 07:25:14 Sb: #4479-#dead TTX Fm: Steve Wegert 76703,4255 To: Eric A. Cottrell [WIT] 76327,515 (X) Eric, And visit Gateway Electronics, I did. I managed to find a schematic of a similar power supply that gave me enough info to feel comfortable about replacing the dead one in the TTX. To make a short story very long ... Well .. nevermind :-) The TTX is back amongst the living thanks to a new and beefier power supply. Steve There is 1 Reply. #: 4500 S1/General Interest 19-Jun-90 21:11:40 Sb: #4493-#dead TTX Fm: Eric A. Cottrell [WIT] 76327,515 To: Steve Wegert 76703,4255 (X) Hi Steve, Well I can guess that you picked up another power supply! You can usually assume that +5 volts is used if it is TTL (+12 volts on CMOS) amd +12 and -12 for the RS232. The negative supplies are the lightest amperage while the +5 is the heaviest. If it is an eariler microprocessor then -5 could also be used. You can get into some weird stuff. One terminal I remember used +70 volts for the monitor. It sounds like ratings were stamped on the PS. I will still look up the area's hamfest and post them tomorrow. 73 Eric... There is 1 Reply. #: 4516 S1/General Interest 20-Jun-90 06:43:50 Sb: #4500-dead TTX Fm: Steve Wegert 76703,4255 To: Eric A. Cottrell [WIT] 76327,515 (X) The ratings were stampped on the new power supply ... I made sure of that! :-) There were severall flavors of this type of ps ... some had ratings on the board some did not ... I chose the former. I didn't want to be guessing any further than I already was. Yes ... in hindsight, +5 and +/- 12 make sense. But this tube is weird ... and they have a nasty habit of devouring power supplis. Bill and Mark both had a couple I sent them and both got tied of feeding 'em! ;-) Do appreciate the effort on the ham fests. Just lemme know. Steve #: 4480 S10/Tandy CoCo 18-Jun-90 22:17:04 Sb: #2 tied Fm: Everett Chimbidis 76370,1366 To: all What do I need to do to run Two RS 232 packs in one computer and 1 rs232 in another and tie them together? (VIA 232 cable) ANy help? What do i use (/t3,m2,??) There is 1 Reply. #: 4509 S10/Tandy CoCo 19-Jun-90 22:13:26 Sb: #4480-#2 tied Fm: George Gavaghan 76236,421 To: Everett Chimbidis 76370,1366 (X) Everett- I'm a little new here, but I may be able to help you out anyway. First, what is your system configuration (what ya' got?) and what kind of 232's are you trying to use? Do you have a MULTI Pak or a "Y" cable? Read and reply. ---->GG There is 1 Reply. #: 4576 S10/Tandy CoCo 23-Jun-90 08:42:59 Sb: #4509-2 tied Fm: Everett Chimbidis 76370,1366 To: George Gavaghan 76236,421 I have A COCO 3 with 1 meg and a multipack (upgraded) with 2 232 packs and 2 60 meg harddrives with a 4800 baud modem. And I have another coco 3 512 with a multipack (upgraded ) and 1 232 pack and 2 5 1/4 & 1-3 1/4 Drive! I want to use t2 for my bbs and then at the same time i want to use the other rs 232pack to work the other computer . ok? #: 4484 S15/Hot Topics 18-Jun-90 23:28:32 Sb: #4415-#MM/1 s/w Fm: Jim Peasley 72726,1153 To: Jim Williams 72157,3524 (X) ~ Jim; The Amiga designers did a good job on the hardware, I'll agree! There's lots of things about it that I really like - just hope the MM/1 equals or exceeds it. The PS/2 keyboard (AT 101 style) does NOT have a HELP key. I've been using one for about 18 months now, and it's really well thought out and easy to learn. The one that I got (don't remember the mfg.) has the large ENTER key, left/right CTRL and ALT keys, ESC in the upper left, 12 PF keys in groups of 4 across the top, a keypad off to the right, etc. The I*M world has adopted the F1 key as the standard for HELP in the past few years... all the systems that I use at work, with the exception of areas of PROFS use F1, as do almost all the DOS based programs that I've come in contact with. I'm not saying that we need to stick to this standard, only that we should adopt SOME standards for all the MM/1 software that is bound to appear. If, at the same time, we could remain compatible with the user interface, it would probably make the computer easier to learn for DOS types. ...Jim There is 1 Reply. #: 4487 S15/Hot Topics 19-Jun-90 02:30:25 Sb: #4484-MM/1 s/w Fm: Jim Williams 72157,3524 To: Jim Peasley 72726,1153 (X) Oh, I agree. If there isn't a help key, there should be a standard key for it. --Eet-- #: 4488 S10/Tandy CoCo 19-Jun-90 03:01:13 Sb: #Disk Drive Discriptors Fm: William Phelps 75100,265 To: ALL Why does OS9 seem to ignore the IT.SCT field in a drive discriptor? The system will use the IT.T0S value on all tracks when a disk is formatted. William There is 1 Reply. #: 4490 S10/Tandy CoCo 19-Jun-90 03:12:24 Sb: #4488-#Disk Drive Discriptors Fm: Kevin Darling (UG Pres) 76703,4227 To: William Phelps 75100,265 (X) Does it? Are you using the latest format version? I know some versions had things hardcoded. I believe the L-II coco version does use the SCT value properly, but could be wrong. There is 1 Reply. #: 4512 S10/Tandy CoCo 20-Jun-90 01:48:11 Sb: #4490-Disk Drive Discriptors Fm: William Phelps 75100,265 To: Kevin Darling (UG Pres) 76703,4227 (X) I am using format from L2 version 2.00.01. William #: 4492 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 19-Jun-90 05:06:35 Sb: #TOP Munich Release 2.0 Fm: Ed Gresick 76576,3312 To: All OSK'rs The latest release (release 2.0) from TOP in Munich, Germany is available. Lots of good utilities, a UUCP program and some games. This software is FREE (their efforts to get good software for the 680x0 machines running OSK). If you want a set, you can get them from DELMAR CO PO Box 78 Middletown, DE 19709-0078 Attn: Ed Gresick Phone 302-378-2555 Currently, I can only copy them to 80 track 'MIZAR' format (tos=16, sct=16) discs; either 5 1/4" or 3 1/2". It requires 15 discs so please send a check for $50.00 to cover the costs of the discs, shipping in the US, etc. Please allow me 2 to 3 weeks to ship. I have to do the copying when I have time. Sorry, 6809 OS9 users, these programs are only for 680x0. Ed There is 1 Reply. #: 4511 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 20-Jun-90 01:44:27 Sb: #4492-#TOP Munich Release 2.0 Fm: Wayne Day 76703,376 To: Ed Gresick 76576,3312 (X) Any chance you might be able to upload them in .AR format to the library? WAyne There are 2 Replies. #: 4513 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 20-Jun-90 04:40:55 Sb: #4511-#TOP Munich Release 2.0 Fm: Ed Gresick 76576,3312 To: Wayne Day 76703,376 (X) Hi Wayne! The TOP discs are over 11 Megabytes long - Most of the data is already compressed. I don't think its practical. (TOP has placed *NO* restrictions against doing this.) At an average transfer rate of around 1200 - 1500 bytes per second, this would take around 2 1/2 hours (no errors). Do you have enough disk space available in the OS9 forumn? Ed There are 3 Replies. #: 4518 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 20-Jun-90 07:00:47 Sb: #4513-TOP Munich Release 2.0 Fm: Steve Wegert 76703,4255 To: Ed Gresick 76576,3312 (X) Hi Ed! Wayne, I'm sure, will have a reply as well but let me drop a few pennies in the hat. While space is a precious commodity on any system, if the files that are taking up such space are usefull and getting a lot of action, then the space is certainly justified. With the added interest in OSK system comming about recently, anything to shore up our OSK library is gonna see a lot of action. Upload time is free ... and the advanced warning about disk space is good to know as we can pre shuffle some block aound so you're not inconvenienced by a 'lack of space' error. Many folks will still want to send off for the diskettes as they weight their time against the total download time. But many will opt to roll their own, piece by piece. The forum would seem to be a great way to 'help get the word out'! Steve #: 4525 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 20-Jun-90 15:28:15 Sb: #4513-TOP Munich Release 2.0 Fm: Wayne Day 76703,376 To: Ed Gresick 76576,3312 (X) If we don't have enough available, we can certainly acquire enough, Ed. That's not really a problem, like Steve mentioned. What I'm thinking of is the fact that the Mizar format is not universal, and some folks may be left out because of that.. plus.. others may not want the whole thing. Is the library broken down into logical sections, or is it just a mixmash of files? Could there be some way you might choose a bit of "The Best Of.." and see if there's enough interest to justify uploading the rest of the material? That might help us gauge the interest in OSK here, as well. As I said... we're interested in helping out the average user, but don't wanna make things a hassle for you at the same time. Wayne #: 4549 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 21-Jun-90 14:36:50 Sb: #4513-#TOP Munich Release 2.0 Fm: Scott t. Griepentrog 72427,335 To: Ed Gresick 76576,3312 (X) The TOPS stuff is also available via FTP over internet- I have the address of the machine on the local unix machine I access through. It's in tar form, and I'm working on getting a copy... If broken down in to .ar's for separate dirs/apps that would work pretty well for uploading here. I'd be willing to do it (I have 2400 baud local access and a spare line)... StG There are 3 Replies. #: 4555 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 22-Jun-90 08:50:09 Sb: #4549-TOP Munich Release 2.0 Fm: Ed Gresick 76576,3312 To: Scott t. Griepentrog 72427,335 Hi Scott! Thanks for your offer - may need your help. I'll upload the docs, etc. tomorrow morning and follow that up with the contents of 'disk 1' next week. Then we can asses the interest. Ed #: 4575 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 23-Jun-90 03:57:02 Sb: #4549-TOP Munich Release 2.0 Fm: Ed Gresick 76576,3312 To: Scott t. Griepentrog 72427,335 Hi Scott! I understand some additional updates have been posted to USENET by TOP. This is also supposed to contain source code. I don't have access to USENET, but if you can get this and upload them, that could be a major contribution and a big help. I haven't gotten the updates from Germany yet, will probably be another couple of months. Ed #: 4578 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 23-Jun-90 12:41:30 Sb: #4549-#TOP Munich Release 2.0 Fm: Robert Heller 71450,3432 To: Scott t. Griepentrog 72427,335 I have access to the InterNet - what is the internet address of the machine with the TOPS stuff - I assume they support anonymous FTP. Robert There is 1 Reply. #: 4582 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 23-Jun-90 18:00:44 Sb: #4578-TOP Munich Release 2.0 Fm: Steve Wegert 76703,4255 To: Robert Heller 71450,3432 Robert, This is the third or fourth time I've seen mention of 'anonymous FTP'. I'm assuming FTP stands for file transfer protocol, but ... How about a brief explaination as you understand the topic? Steve #: 4542 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 21-Jun-90 04:59:34 Sb: #4511-#TOP Munich Release 2.0 Fm: Ed Gresick 76576,3312 To: Wayne Day 76703,376 (X) Hi Wayne! OK - I'll try to upload. Give me a couple of days to set-up for it. Do you plan a special directory or should I just transfer to dl12? The reason for the 'MIZAR' format is that some of discs are full - 0 bytes left - and this after setting SAS to 1! BTW, I made a *small* error in my arithmetic - it should have read 1200 - 1500 *bits* - 120 - 150 bytes. Transfer time will be about 25 hours - WOW! (If my wife balks at the phone bill, you'll have to defend me!) Ed There are 3 Replies. #: 4545 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 21-Jun-90 08:28:10 Sb: #4542-TOP Munich Release 2.0 Fm: Steve Wegert 76703,4255 To: Ed Gresick 76576,3312 (X) Gadz Ed! 25 hours! Break that up in small chunks, will ya? :-) Can't have your wife screaming bloody murder. #: 4552 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 21-Jun-90 17:31:13 Sb: #4542-#TOP Munich Release 2.0 Fm: Wayne Day 76703,376 To: Ed Gresick 76576,3312 (X) I think the OSK library would probably be fine for the initial uploads, Ed. If, at some time in the future, you (or someone else) decides to upload the whole library, we can make some changes in that decision. No problem on the Mizar format.. I can read and write it with no problem, but only 40 tracks... it's not that common, methinks. Anyway.. like I said.. don't feel you have to upload the whole thing.. a sample of what you feel folks would like would be fine with us. Wayne There is 1 Reply. #: 4556 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 22-Jun-90 08:54:29 Sb: #4552-#TOP Munich Release 2.0 Fm: Ed Gresick 76576,3312 To: Wayne Day 76703,376 (X) Hi Wayne! I'll upload the docs, etc. tomorrow morning and sometime next week, the contents of 'disc 1'. AR'd, the docs *only* take 113,000 bytes but 'disk 1' looks like about 650,000 bytes. (Can I send the phone bill to Steve ,grin.?) Question - Each disc contains sub-directories. Is there a way to do the AR and preserve the directory structure?. I tried "ar -u ./*" and "ar -u top_1/*". Neither worked and my docs don't cover the subject. (BTW, this is for a 68000 machine.) Ed There are 2 Replies. #: 4558 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 22-Jun-90 09:36:15 Sb: #4556-#TOP Munich Release 2.0 Fm: Wayne Day 76703,376 To: Ed Gresick 76576,3312 (X) Uh, I'm not sure about that, Ed... hopefuly someone else will be able to tell you. About the phone bill.. lemme emphasize again, if this is gonna be a hassle for you, we can see about making different arrangements. Wayne There is 1 Reply. #: 4572 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 23-Jun-90 03:52:33 Sb: #4558-TOP Munich Release 2.0 Fm: Ed Gresick 76576,3312 To: Wayne Day 76703,376 (X) Hi Wayne! Uploaded TOP6.ar, documentation, etc. to DL12. The transfer efficiency was double what I expected and no errors. The phone bill, per se, is not a problem (but don't tell Steve . This line is also used for UUCP transfers, FAX, etc. so I can't tie it up too long. I'll transfer TOP DISK1 next. Ed #: 4571 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 23-Jun-90 02:59:05 Sb: #4556-#TOP Munich Release 2.0 Fm: Bob Taylor 73270,3124 To: Ed Gresick 76576,3312 (X) Ed, Try ar -u /* /* etc. This will archive _all_ files in directory NAME and its sub_directory NAME. Please note that ar preserves the _case_ of the directory names fed to it. Bob There are 2 Replies. #: 4573 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 23-Jun-90 03:53:24 Sb: #4571-TOP Munich Release 2.0 Fm: Ed Gresick 76576,3312 To: Bob Taylor 73270,3124 (X) Hi Bob! Thanks. Does this force 'makdir' when burst? Ed #: 4587 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 24-Jun-90 03:53:14 Sb: #4571-TOP Munich Release 2.0 Fm: Bob Taylor 73270,3124 To: Bob Taylor 73270,3124 Ed, Unfortunately ar will return an error if the directory does not exist. Bob #: 4557 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 22-Jun-90 09:09:13 Sb: #4542-#TOP Munich Release 2.0 Fm: Jim Peasley 72726,1153 To: Ed Gresick 76576,3312 (X) Ed; Just as a suggestion, why not create an index file of all the goodies and upload that. Then as you get requests, upload the files of intererest. Gotta keep those wives smilin'!! :-) ...Jim There is 1 Reply. #: 4574 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 23-Jun-90 03:54:35 Sb: #4557-TOP Munich Release 2.0 Fm: Ed Gresick 76576,3312 To: Jim Peasley 72726,1153 (X) Hi Jim! Good idea - I'd like to have an inex myself. Probably can make one from 'dsave' or 'du' - I'll look into it. Ed #: 4495 S13/Atari ST 19-Jun-90 20:38:39 Sb: #UUCP & OSK 2.1 Fm: Dwight D. McKay 75776,1521 To: all I'm having trouble getting the uucico program from the TOP 2.0 package to run on a 1 Meg. Atari ST running OSK 2.1. It seems to have problems setting the parity on /t1, resulting in being unable to correctly read the responses given my the UNIX host I'm trying to connect to. Has anyone else had this problem? What's the current version of OSK for the Atari? I've recently re-surrected this system, so I'm sure what I have is out of date... --Dwight D. McKay --75776,1521 -or- mckay@harbor.ecn.purdue.edu -or- ...rutgers!pur-ee!mckay There are 2 Replies. #: 4508 S13/Atari ST 19-Jun-90 22:01:43 Sb: #4495-UUCP & OSK 2.1 Fm: Kevin Darling (UG Pres) 76703,4227 To: Dwight D. McKay 75776,1521 Dwight - hmmm, they use a different OSK/ST port over yonder. Could be that the parity byte is encoded differently? #: 4543 S13/Atari ST 21-Jun-90 05:04:11 Sb: #4495-UUCP & OSK 2.1 Fm: Ed Gresick 76576,3312 To: Dwight D. McKay 75776,1521 Hi Dwight! The members of the TOP groupd use ATARI STs also. However, I understand the machine sold in Europe is different from the one sold here - (differences in archeture?). They (TOP) tell me the machine sold there is superior to the one sold here. I don't know - I use a PT68. One of their members, Frank Kaefer, occassionally drops in on this forum. You may want to leave him a message. His CIS number is 72427,2101. You can also reach him through INTERNET. His address is '>INTERNET:fkk%stasys@doit.sub.org'. He has to pay for calls to CIS and EMAIL from INTERNET (overseas charges) so please take it easy on him. Ed /ex #: 4499 S10/Tandy CoCo 19-Jun-90 21:03:26 Sb: #4406-#VEF Fm: Joseph Cheek 76264,142 To: Joseph Cheek 76264,142 (X) Thanks, I found some VEF specs in VEFSQS.AR, thanx anyway. There is 1 Reply. #: 4510 S10/Tandy CoCo 20-Jun-90 00:01:59 Sb: #4499-#VEF Fm: Mike Haaland 72300,1433 To: Joseph Cheek 76264,142 (X) Great! I was going to point you to that file. I've been offline and took a small vacation down to Cal for the past 5 days, or I would have seen your message earlier. Mike There is 1 Reply. #: 4547 S10/Tandy CoCo 21-Jun-90 12:02:39 Sb: #4510-VEF Fm: Joseph Cheek 76264,142 To: Mike Haaland 72300,1433 (X) THanks. I took a man page from vefsqsh and converted it into some VEF specs, and I will upload those as soon as I find it so that people will not have to bother everyone for them 8-). #: 4514 S10/Tandy CoCo 20-Jun-90 06:10:32 Sb: #4148-#Dungeon Depths Fix Fm: Tom Napolitano 70215,1130 To: Floyd Resler 72500,2572 (X) Floyd, Pardon my ignorance, but what is "Dungeon Depths"? I've been looking for some new games. Thanks, tomn There is 1 Reply. #: 4524 S10/Tandy CoCo 20-Jun-90 13:10:43 Sb: #4514-Dungeon Depths Fix Fm: Floyd Resler 72500,2572 To: Tom Napolitano 70215,1130 The Dungeon Depths is a game I wrote in BASIC09. Basically, you maneuver a man around each level trying to kill (or avoid) monsters and attempting to find your way to the next level. The object of the game is to get to the final level and get the Power Gem. How many levels are there? Only the author knows! Anyway, I've receive a lot of compliments on it and I still enjoy playing it. I've only solved it once if that gives you any indication on how challenging it is. If you download it, be sure to get DUNGN1.AR. I believe that's what I called it. It's in the Tandy CoCo library. Floyd #: 4530 S7/Telecommunications 20-Jun-90 21:46:43 Sb: #Sterm Fm: LUTE MULLENIX 70721,2230 To: 76070,41 (X) Mark: I have a couple of questions for you. I'm using Sterm 1.3 on CIS now, but with a modified termcap. I have only the very basic commands in it. If I try to use the one that comes with 1.3 I end up with a very interesting display, and a locked up system. So where can Isget this CC3io patch? Please don't tell me it was with the AR file. When I downloaded Sterm, I was still using a CoCo 2, so much of the stuff just got filed, and when I looked for the AR file I can't seem to fi d it. Must have scratched it at some time. Also what term set should I be using on CIS? At this time it's set to (other). Is this what I want? >Lute< There is 1 Reply. #: 4589 S7/Telecommunications 24-Jun-90 08:04:08 Sb: #4530-Sterm Fm: Mark Griffith 76070,41 To: LUTE MULLENIX 70721,2230 Lute, The termcap entries that Sterm use only need to be simple. Sterm uses the code for erasing the screen, reverse video, and cursor movement only. Any fancier entry is just wasted with Sterm. There have been problems with the termcap port on the 6809. I don't know how to correct it tho, and really haven't looked into it to much. The main reason I used termcap was to allow porting Sterm 1.3 to different OS9 systems including Pete Lyalls GIMIX (now deceased), and OSK machines. It's a shame the 6809/OS9 termcap port was not better since it does cause system lockups as you have noticed, simply by changing one byte in an entry. To correct your problem, I'd stay with the entry that works for you. The patch for CC3IO is included in the archive for the latest Gshell patches. Can't remember the name, but if you go to DL10 and look for the latest Gshell patches, it should be in there. You can also use the other patches in that file. As far as you terminal settings for CIS, I'd use a CRT and have it send formfeeds. This clears your screen between each menu and looks neat. Mark #: 4531 S8/BBS Systems/TSMon 20-Jun-90 22:11:02 Sb: #4301-New BBS Fm: WAYNE LAIRD 73617,3042 To: judd terrell 72217,714 (X) got judd, stay tuned for the next release in mid july. best, wayne #: 4533 S4/MIDI and Music 20-Jun-90 23:10:34 Sb: #Midi Fm: Fenton Hunt 75340,3527 To: 72467,1111 (X) Mike, I have UltimuseIII ver. 4.5.0. It was ordered around the first of the year. Can I put in a request here for an upgrade to 4.6.2 or so? I hear it has midi clock controlling capabilities. thanks... Fenton Hunt There is 1 Reply. #: 4568 S4/MIDI and Music 22-Jun-90 22:03:13 Sb: #4533-Midi Fm: Mike Knudsen 72467,1111 To: Fenton Hunt 75340,3527 (X) OK Fenton, I'll put in your request for you, since 4.6.x is a big improvement over 4.5.x. Your MIDI clock, plus lots more Tools (like Part Copy) and a point-n-shoot FIle System. Also Percussion Clef, very importatn standard for everyone to start using. --mike k #: 4537 S3/Languages 21-Jun-90 00:10:13 Sb: #4381-Maybe another C bug Fm: Paul K. Ward 73477,2004 To: Bob van der Poel 76510,2203 (X) Bob, Gosh, a speedy spell checker in the public domain! Great! Paul #: 4538 S3/Languages 21-Jun-90 00:12:04 Sb: #4384-#Maybe another C bug Fm: Paul K. Ward 73477,2004 To: Mark Griffith 76070,41 (X) Mark, You know, some time you and I should button hole Simmy (for a LOT of reasons!) and get a comprehensive C compiler bug list out of him. Our staff is looking forward to supporting the software we're sending out with the MM/1 -- but of course it would be nicest if we had several interpretations of the C compiler bug list for reference. Paul There is 1 Reply. #: 4590 S3/Languages 24-Jun-90 08:04:15 Sb: #4538-Maybe another C bug Fm: Mark Griffith 76070,41 To: Paul K. Ward 73477,2004 Paul, Sheeesh, I've never kept a list of compiler bugs since I've never seen them...probably due to the way I use it. Others here might have that available for you. I assume you mean the 6809 compiler?? Wouldn't you want a bug list for the OSK compiler though? Mark #: 4541 S3/Languages 21-Jun-90 01:28:12 Sb: #4384-#Maybe another C bug Fm: Bob van der Poel 76510,2203 To: Mark Griffith 76070,41 (X) Mark, I am refering to the spell checker in the UG library. I've got most of the stuff running quite nicely now. The amazing thing is the increase in speed--the thing is actually useable now! I want to do a few final touch-ups and then I'll upload the whole package (without the dictionary!). Also, I will see if I can figure out the GOTO bug and post it here. There is 1 Reply. #: 4591 S3/Languages 24-Jun-90 08:04:26 Sb: #4541-Maybe another C bug Fm: Mark Griffith 76070,41 To: Bob van der Poel 76510,2203 21-Jun-90 02:28:12 Sb: #4384-Maybe another C bug Fm: Bob van der Poel 76510,2203 To: Mark Griffith 76070,41 Bob, I think errr.....I can't remember his name right now.....and ex UG president uploaded an archive of the spell checker already ported to 6809 and the archive included source and binaries for both 6809 and OSK versions. No fixing required (grin). You probably came up with the same thing only faster. Mark #: 4580 S3/Languages 23-Jun-90 14:15:37 Sb: #4384-#Maybe another C bug Fm: Jim Peasley 72726,1153 To: Mark Griffith 76070,41 (X) Mark; I may have found an 'anomaly' in STERM. I was downloading some files this morning, and after the 2nd one, I checked the transfer rate (ctrl Z). I don't believe that it was only 34%, but that's what it told me. Anyway, on the third file, after entering the name of the file for my computer, instead of creating the 'download box', I got a line at the bottom of the screen in reverse video of "*--------------------*" and another line at the top of the screen, also in reverse video, of garbage chars. As the download progressed, the byte counter incremented properly (and was readable), and after completion (yes, it was successful), everything returned to normal. Upon checking the xfer efficiency again, it was a phenomintl 327.6% !!! Specifics: CoCo3, STERM v.1.3, invocation "sterm13", baud=2400, 38ms HD w/ B&B interface. Next time I dl something, I'll see if I can duplicate the problem. ...Jim There is 1 Reply. #: 4593 S3/Languages 24-Jun-90 08:04:52 Sb: #4580-Maybe another C bug Fm: Mark Griffith 76070,41 To: Jim Peasley 72726,1153 Jim, Sterm Version 1.3 does have an elusive bug somewhere that causes that. I'm not sure if it is in the termcap code, or Sterm's logic. I only noticed it a couple times here, but I'm been running a slightly different version for the past year or so. I'll be uploading that version in the near future and I hope it fixes that bug for you. Also, I noticed that you arn't using the -f flag when you start Sterm. If you don't used this, Sterm assumes a "Classic" B transfer, which means no packet send-ahead. You'd very likely get a 34% efficiency rate then. If you are downloading to your hard drive, use the -f flag and you should get transfer rates of around 72% - 78%. Mark #: 4539 S15/Hot Topics 21-Jun-90 00:15:53 Sb: #4390-MM/1 Fm: Paul K. Ward 73477,2004 To: Kevin Darling (UG Pres) 76703,4227 (X) Kev, Actually, we should be getting a machine out to a guy who has a very nice file utilitity thingie. So don't worry 'bout that stuff. BTW, I saw a reference today in UNIX Review about ANSI standard display codes for text attributes. Give me a call about that! Paul #: 4546 S15/Hot Topics 21-Jun-90 11:42:57 Sb: #Special deal Fm: Paul K. Ward 73477,2004 To: All All, Please take a look in the Hot Topics section. We at IMS and KLE have finally made public a private offering originally made to subscribers to our insider mailing. The offering is for $50 off an MM/1 base system (or better system, too; the MM/1 kit is excluded). Let me know here, in email, or at 202 232 4246 if you have questions. If you WANT to follow up on the special offer, call 1 800 866 9084. Thanks for all. Paul There are 2 Replies. #: 4554 S15/Hot Topics 21-Jun-90 23:03:02 Sb: #4546-#Special deal Fm: Jim Williams 72157,3524 To: Paul K. Ward 73477,2004 (X) Read the file... Nice to hear that it'll have a C compiler with it... When do you expect to be able to ship the Millenium? Also, what keyboard would you recommend with it? (I was gonna ask about a portable version, but, I'll call you RSN, I promise :) --Eet-- There is 1 Reply. #: 4570 S15/Hot Topics 22-Jun-90 23:19:05 Sb: #4554-Special deal Fm: Paul K. Ward 73477,2004 To: Jim Williams 72157,3524 (X) Jim, Yeah, call us about the portable idea. I would hate to have you duplicate any efforts here. BTW, the MM/1 is on schedule, should be ready at the end of the Summer, as planned. Call 202 232 4246 for details. Paul #: 4594 S15/Hot Topics 24-Jun-90 08:32:29 Sb: #4546-Special deal Fm: JOHN R. WAINWRIGHT 72517,676 To: Paul K. Ward 73477,2004 Hey Paul! The deal looks good. I'm thinking. Meanwhile, what is this about a "KIT". I saw that word once before in connection with the MM1, but I don't recall seeing any details. Can I buy a schematic and a bag of parts (well - maybe some instructions too, I'm not THAT good as a "hardware hacker"). If I want to put a hard drive on the MM1, I must get the second board, right? And it must be a SCSI type? Is there any way to tie my existing Burke & Burke interface into the basic MM1? Decisions, decisions, - it's a good thing I don't have any hair to tear out. John Wainwright #: 4562 S3/Languages 22-Jun-90 17:26:30 Sb: #Help 'c' problem again Fm: SCOTT HOWELL 70270,641 To: all Why is'nt this program working. I want the program to keep looping until a character other than 'd' is pressed char c; main() { while(c=='d'); { printf("this is a test\n"); c=getchar(); } printf("\nIt works\n"); } This is another reason why I think 'c' is such a confusing language. There is 1 Reply. #: 4563 S3/Languages 22-Jun-90 17:52:51 Sb: #4562-#Help 'c' problem again Fm: Bruce MacKenzie 71725,376 To: SCOTT HOWELL 70270,641 (X) Scott, The culprit is the semicolon after the while(c=='d') statement. Delete it and your routine should work fine. There is 1 Reply. #: 4565 S3/Languages 22-Jun-90 21:10:18 Sb: #4563-#Help 'c' problem again Fm: SCOTT HOWELL 70270,641 To: Bruce MacKenzie 71725,376 (X) Well it does in a way. It repeats but it never escapes the loop even when I type 'd'. I changed scanf(..) to c=getchar() and it does work in a way. In Turbo 'c' there is a function called 'getche()' which returns a character when the key is pressed, NOT after a CR. Is there a function in microware 'c'. There are 2 Replies. #: 4566 S3/Languages 22-Jun-90 21:21:19 Sb: #4565-Help 'c' problem again Fm: Robert A. Hengstebeck 76417,2751 To: SCOTT HOWELL 70270,641 (X) Take a look at my program in the dl 10 area called EZDIR.AR . Also if you need it, I can upload some short C codes that I wrote to test single key entries. The program HDO.AR also in dl 10 use single key entry exclusively. #: 4581 S3/Languages 23-Jun-90 17:00:16 Sb: #4565-Help 'c' problem again Fm: Bruce MacKenzie 71725,376 To: SCOTT HOWELL 70270,641 Buffered FILE I/O using the standard library functions is line oriented and not well suited to reading single keypresses. It's better to use the low level system call functions for this purpose: read(fileno(stdin),&c,1); This will stop and return the next keypress. If you don't want the routine to hang until a key is pressed use getstat() to check for data available: if(getstat(1,fileno(stdin))==0) read(fileno(stdin),&c,1); #: 4564 S3/Languages 22-Jun-90 19:56:06 Sb: #"C" programming Fm: Rodney Harper 75130,1321 To: All I am interested in learning "C". Could anyone possibly introduce me to some reference material for this language. Also, what is the "C" compiler that you recommend. Thanks, >>Rod<< There is 1 Reply. #: 4579 S3/Languages 23-Jun-90 14:14:34 Sb: #4564-"C" programming Fm: Jim Peasley 72726,1153 To: Rodney Harper 75130,1321 (X) Rodney; C compiler depends on which machine you have. For the CoCo, there's only the Tandy C compiler for about $100. There used to be others at a substantially higher price, but I'm not sure if they're still available. For reference materials, there's a file in (I think) Lib 1 called CTUTOR.AR which has many, many source code examples and some explanatory text. There's also 'C Primer+' by the Waite Group (a SAMS book) which should be available at any B. Dalton's or Waldenbooks. Easy reading and very helpful, although a bit shy on some examples. Another one that I've found helpful is 'ABC A Book on C', but it's at work and I don't remember the author's name. For specific questions, be sure to ask here... there's a several hundred years of experience available right here (I'm not one of them tho! ;-) ). ...Jim /exit s #: 4584 S7/Telecommunications 23-Jun-90 22:32:53 Sb: ArcNet Fm: BOB GLAD 71046,1134 To: 76703,4227 (X) Kevin- How ya been? I have not heard anything out of you for some time. Frank came over tonite and he had gotten a lot of files thru his work which originated from ARCNET. How do we get on this. Seems to be a pretty interesting place. I've been using WizPro a lot and was wondering how much difference there was between CIS B+ and YModem. They both seem to use packet sizes of one K. Is YModem just as good as B+? Frank ordered his modem this week. He should have it soon. Would you like to trade modems with me? I like this Supra Modem because of its front power switch. Mine in newer and works just fine. Its a Smart One 2400 baud. I have packaging and manual. I think that I can start to put together pieces for my hard drive I'm looking at a 42 meg. and eventually replacing my drives with 3.5 80 tracks. By the way-- Picked up something on one of the arcnet messages. Is there much trouble with the Disto 1 meg board with the Tandy 512k upgrade or is this something that has already been fixed up? Hope to hear from you soon. Trucker-Bob -eof #: 4588 S8/BBS Systems/TSMon 24-Jun-90 07:07:15 Sb: #login Fm: Everett Chimbidis 76370,1366 To: all Need to get the login from level 1 . Can you upload it? also can you send a copy of the patched version for lev 2? Press !> .