29231 3-MAY 21:19 General Information RE: 4IN1 (Re: Msg 29162) From: DISTO To: DAVIDBARNES It may be just the descriptor is not set right. I have used them with no problems. It the SASI drivers work, great. -Tony. -*- 29363 9-MAY 02:13 General Information RE: 4IN1 (Re: Msg 29231) From: WAYNELAIRD To: DISTO hey tony, i have one of your sc-1's that i use under decb, and have ahard time booting ultimaterm. Little behind, but i had heard of cures to this problem but have'nt located them. any help? best, wayne -*- 29387 10-MAY 20:55 General Information RE: 4IN1 (Re: Msg 29363) From: DISTO To: WAYNELAIRD (NR) Wayne, how old is your SC1 and do you have problems running any other disks? - Tony. -*- End of Thread. -*- 29232 3-MAY 21:20 General Information RE: Help! My computer hates me! (Re: Msg 29198) From: DISTO To: EDDIEKUNS Must have been Marty's side of the connector you were having problems with. < hehe> No, not a good idea to use the COCO's transformer. -Tony. -*- 29233 3-MAY 21:23 General Information RE: Help! My computer hates me! (Re: Msg 29222) From: DISTO To: EDDIEKUNS What is the date on your GIME again? I think you should beg, borrow or steal a newer GIME and try it. -Tony -*- 29299 6-MAY 19:08 General Information RE: Help! My computer hates me! (Re: Msg 29023) From: RAGTIMER To: OS9UGVP Right! I left everything just as for my Hemphill, and got no bugs, no bits, and NO SPARKLIES! Very clean, and my regards to Tony D. for a good job, and to Kev for the patches. -*- 29300 6-MAY 19:11 General Information RE: Help! My computer hates me! (Re: Msg 29035) From: RAGTIMER To: OS9UGPRES Hey Kev, do you have micro-Emacs on the MM1 yet? THAT would be my favorite program editor. Also Pete has to convert you to MIDI music, then you'd have something to do on your Coco 3 till I get the port made. Hope you get the basic grfdrv in time so I don't have to do ANOTHER VDG job!!!! Well I should stop sendijng you mail and let you do some work, mike k. -*- 29301 6-MAY 19:17 General Information RE: Help! My computer hates me! (Re: Msg 29085) From: RAGTIMER To: OS9UGPRES Didn't put your ground plane back on? Does Marsha compalin about the FM and TV getting hosed? Seriously, a ground plane is not just a "smog control device" that anyone with brains would throw away to improve performance. A ground plane help the logic singalas on the board behave better -- less ringing, oscillation,l overshoot, and all the other "anbalog" effects that can cause flakey, erratic operation, such as sparklies and bad bits and of course maybe The Blob. Oh well I guess yours is working just fine, but some users could push their Coco over the edge by removing the ground plane. --mike k (Yeah, I'm old enuf to have heard all this EE stuff, grin) -*- 29302 6-MAY 19:22 General Information RE: Help! My computer hates me! (Re: Msg 29212) From: RAGTIMER To: EDDIEKUNS Eddie, maybe you really should get a new GIME chip... Thanks for asking my question about using the unregulated juice in the Coco. Anyway, I heartily recommend desoldering that power adapter jack from the DISTO board and screwing it into the Coco case bottom -- neater on your case and no worries about jerking the DC power cable and wrecking your ! Meg upgrade stack. --mike k -*- 29303 6-MAY 19:25 General Information RE: Help! My computer hates me! (Re: Msg 29222) From: RAGTIMER To: EDDIEKUNS Eddie, your garbage may be related to the momentary flash of garbage I'd get when CLEARing out of a green screen into a window. However, I no longer get that these days! Maybe it was cased by my running MEGA on the old 512K Boot but with the new GrfDrv -- definitely not recommended, tho everything works just fine that way except UltiMusE. -*- 29307 6-MAY 20:05 General Information RE: Help! My computer hates me! (Re: Msg 29300) From: OS9UGPRES To: RAGTIMER (NR) Mike - I'm pretty sure os9 pro comes with uemacs. I'm still needing to port my favorite editor to osk, but others use emacs and the vt100 stuff now on the mm/1. Working, working... grin -*- 29315 6-MAY 23:57 General Information RE: Help! My computer hates me! (Re: Msg 29233) From: EDDIEKUNS To: DISTO Right -- I have the older GIME. I'll see if I can borrow a newer GIME from someone to test. If that fixes the problem, well, it's news! Eddie -*- 29320 7-MAY 04:02 General Information RE: Help! My computer hates me! (Re: Msg 29299) From: OS9UGVP To: RAGTIMER Yes, my 1 meg upgrade has been running very nicely... but I still haven't made enough use of it to fill up the entire meg. I guess I just don't work the machine hard enough! Bruce -*- 29330 7-MAY 22:28 General Information RE: Help! My computer hates me! (Re: Msg 29320) From: RAGTIMER To: OS9UGVP Yeah, me too -- haven';t seen an MFREE go below 300K yet, grin. Time to re-iniz the /R0 to 128K or something like that, or maybe (horrors) use GShell...no, not that desparate. -*- 29352 8-MAY 22:05 General Information RE: Help! My computer hates me! (Re: Msg 29302) From: EDDIEKUNS To: RAGTIMER (NR) Yeah -- I'm hoping a new GIME will fix my ills. For now, the wire for my 1-meg upgrade goes behind my computer setup against the wall, but eventually, I plan on doing SOMETHING with it. Hmm. Actually, the *huge* plug for the power adaptor caused me more grief than anything other than the timing problems! I had to rearrange nearly every plug to make that monster fit in my power strip without leaving anything else unplugged. Perhaps I'll buy a DC converter that supplied just a little bit less power and cool off the heat sync. That thing gets unbelievably hot!!! The RAM itself is reasonably cool to the touch, but the CoCo case above that heat sync is untouchable! Eddie -*- 29353 8-MAY 22:07 General Information RE: Help! My computer hates me! (Re: Msg 29303) From: EDDIEKUNS To: RAGTIMER (NR) What's wrong with running mega on your old 512k boot w/ new Grfdrv? Just the fact that VDGInt is unpatched you mean? Anyway -- did you get that momentary flash of garbage with the old GIME, perhaps, and it went away with the new one? If so, that would increase my motivation for getting a new GIME! Eddie -*- 29404 12-MAY 19:34 General Information RE: Help! My computer hates me! (Re: Msg 29043) From: DICKWHITE To: EDDIEKUNS Gad! I have not been on since April 22. How did your thesie committee come out? Are they going to let you granulate? -*- 29411 13-MAY 00:36 General Information RE: Help! My computer hates me! (Re: Msg 29404) From: EDDIEKUNS To: DICKWHITE (NR) Hehehe ... they're quite willing to let me be part of the solution. (ie: not granulate for a while) Only a couple more of these yearly meetings, and then the big one. I was happy ... this meeting went well. Esp after all the work & energy I put into trying to be ready, I was relieved! Eddie -*- End of Thread. -*- 29234 3-MAY 21:31 General Information RE: DACIA tech info needed (Re: Msg 29223) From: OS9UGVP To: POLTERGEIST In the source for DACIA the status register offset (from the base hardware address) and the DCD and DSR bits are defined (near the beginning of the file). But I think you're going at this from the wrong direction... if the $99 getstat call is made, then [A] contains a status byte that is exactly equivalent to the 6551 (RS-232 Pak) ACIA's DCD and DSR bits in it's status register. I suppose I'll have to Ron a call and see whats up. I'll lete you know what find out, though it'll probably have to wait until tomorrow, because I'm on my way out the door right now (for tonight). Bruce -*- 29243 3-MAY 23:46 General Information RE: DACIA tech info needed (Re: Msg 29234) From: POLTERGEIST To: OS9UGVP Sure, Bruce, no problem! And thanks for the help! I was looking at the source code last night, and while I don't know that much about ML, I did see the definitions that you put in for the registers. One thing though, what does the % mean at the beginning of a binary number? I also would like your permission for me to send a copy of the DACIAa source code to Ron Bihler, more or less so he can see for himself the way DACIA works. At the moment, he has RiBBS set up for the stock ACIAPAK based system, using either the stock /T2 driver, or Bill Brady's, Wiz/WizPro drivers. I tried the Eliminator version of M2W, no luck. :-( Ron's BBS, RiBBS HQ, is available at 1-303-343-6707, and supports 2400 bps. Thanks, and take care! -- Brian -*- 29272 5-MAY 12:30 General Information RE: DACIA tech info needed (Re: Msg 29243) From: OS9UGVP To: POLTERGEIST Brian, I was talking to Guy Loucks (our local club BBS sysop) about DACIA, and he gave me h*** for a mistake I made. In the SS.CDSta getstat call in DACIA it seems I store the 6551-equivalent status byte to the caller's [A] register, as I said, and as the manual says... but in order to match the modified ACIAPAK driver, the status byte should be stored in the caller's [B] register! Anyway, if you look into the source you can fix it bychanging the line that says "SaveCDSt sta R$A,x set ACIAPAK style DCD/DSR status in caller's [A]" to "SaveCDSt sta R$B,x set ACIAPAK style DCD/DSR status in caller's [B]", and the assemble the new version. Its actually just a one byte patch, plus CRC, but there are a couple different versions of DACIA out there, so I can't tell you the exact offset. I will be uploading a new DACIA source and binaries ARchive, most probably with an updated manual file included. Oh... feel free to send Ron Bihler a copy of DACIA's source, but I think he already has one... unless Guy didn't send him one after all. Bruce -*- 29304 6-MAY 19:41 General Information RE: DACIA tech info needed (Re: Msg 29272) From: POLTERGEIST To: OS9UGVP Thanks, Bruce!1 No need to feel embarresed, we all screw up once in awhile! But, I tested the fix. Result? Boffo success! I was preparing a MODPACTH script based on differences found by CMP on both the original and new DACIA source code. --Brian -*- 29321 7-MAY 04:06 General Information RE: DACIA tech info needed (Re: Msg 29304) From: OS9UGVP To: POLTERGEIST Brian, Great! I'm glad the fix worked, though I was assured by Guy Loucks that the one simple change was all thats required. I've got the new Eliminator software ready to go, except I want to test it just a little longer before I ARchive everything up and upload it here there and everywhere. The DACIA driver has a few small changes in addition to the SS.CDSta fix, but nothing too drastic. The biggest change is the addition of SS.CDSta and SS.HngUp to the ACIAPAK driver, and of course the manual changes to explain everything. Bruce -*- 29334 7-MAY 23:20 General Information RE: DACIA tech info needed (Re: Msg 29321) From: POLTERGEIST To: OS9UGVP Proof positive that a lot of pestering can get bugs sqashed. Let's hope that you don't create any new ones in the process! -*- 29341 8-MAY 08:14 General Information RE: DACIA tech info needed (Re: Msg 29234) From: BILLDICKHAUS To: OS9UGVP Bruce, I gave Ron Bihler a patch for ACIAPAK ages ago that returns DCR/DCD status in register B (if there's no error, of course) for the $28 (SS.ComSt) getstat call. I also gave him a patch to swap the meaning of DSR/DCD in ACIAPAK. Since the DSR/DCD swap isn't needed for a 6552, it seems like replacing the $28 call with a $99 call, and checking register A instead of register B would be all the changes required to get it to work with DACIA. Bill -*- 29357 8-MAY 23:03 General Information RE: DACIA tech info needed (Re: Msg 29341) From: OS9UGVP To: BILLDICKHAUS Bill, Good to hear from you... its been quite a while! As it turns out, I have already put together a package containing a fixed CDStat call (still at $99) that returns the 6551-equivalent DSR and DCD status in the [B] register. I guess Ron Bihler assumed the [B] register would always be used in his DCD check routine... and since that was what matched your ACIAPAK patch, thats what I've changed to. Bruce PS: I will be uploading the new eliminator software+manual ARchive tonight. -*- End of Thread. -*- 29235 3-MAY 21:39 Patches RE: TSWORD (Re: Msg 29225) From: OS9UGVP To: KNOT1 Jamie, The only problem with comparing the data size (page count in [B]) to zero is that if some Forked module has a default data size of 0, Shell will let that pass. Of course, F$Fork will fix it up with at least 1 data page, but its still what I consider "bad form" to even attempt a fork with no data memory. That aside, if you *DO* fork a program that has a default of 0 data memory, then a compare to 0 does nothing at all, but a compare to 1 would get your forked program 31 data pages, which may mess the program up. So far as I know the only reason the compare to 31 pages is in there was because Ron Lammardo hated to see any program use only a small portion of 1 8K block, even if that's all it needs! Beyond that, if a program needs more memory than its default data amount specified in the module header, then the M$Mem entry should be adjusted to suit what the program really needs. Most programs should be OK if the recommended 200 bytes for parameters plus 200 bytes for stack plus program variables memory allotment was adhered to. Bruce -*- 29247 4-MAY 04:25 Patches RE: TSWORD (Re: Msg 29235) From: KNOT1 To: OS9UGVP Bruce: Yes, using a value of 1 does sound a little "safer," even though I suspect (but don't know) that the original Shell does use a zero value, or at least that was what I was tring to emulate. I not sure if you realized, but what is being compared to 31 is what the user enters on the command line, not M$Mem in the module. Only F$Fork looks at that, and uses either M$Mem or the optional data size (passed to F$Fork when called), which ever is the larger. If you already knew this, then "never mind!" I tried patching both bytes, and now everything works as expected. So, good job there, Bruce. So, for anyone who wants it, this is the NEW-and-IMPROVED patch to Shell+ to disable it's automatic memory allocation: * Disables shellplus's automatic 31 data block allocation * when a process is forked (as if "#31" had been used on * the command line). l Shell c 130F 1F 01 c 1313 1F 01 v That should pretty much resolve this matter. Thanks for woring this out with me. -Jamie Wilmoth (KNOT1)- -*- 29273 5-MAY 12:34 Patches RE: TSWORD (Re: Msg 29247) From: OS9UGVP To: KNOT1 Jamie, Yes, its been a while since I looked at it, but that is how I recall that F$Fork works. Thanks very much for confirming it all! I'd have checked it out for myself, except I don't have TSEdit, and for that matter I rarely use Shell+ V2.1 ... Bruce -*- End of Thread. -*- 29236 3-MAY 22:16 General Information RE: opps.................. (Re: Msg 29195) From: ENDOTSON To: GREGL Actually, i appreciate all of the info i can get. This is the first time that i have ventured this deep into the disk structure and it is a learning experience. I had gathered about the variable map size from the recent VERY helpful Rainbow article on disk structure, but it sounds like i may still be missing something: I am only referring to doing a logical format, and understand that it would have to rewrite the id sector and the map. But it has been my understanding that it would leave any data in LSNs above the map untouched, at least untouched enough for ded to get a look at it. Is this correct?? I was thinking that i would then be able to manually rebuild the id sector and root directory (with ded) and use dcheck to generate a new map that i could transplant in with ded. Some of this is from a description from someone else about what they did in a similar situation. ttfn -*- 29239 3-MAY 22:37 General Information RE: opps.................. (Re: Msg 29236) From: GREGL To: ENDOTSON Ernest, Whether or not you partition the drive with the first partition as only the first cylinder and logically or physically reformat is pretty much immaterial. It doesn't matter if you physically format or logically format the first cylinder. The only real "point" is the amount of work you'll have to do to recover once you do it. For example, if the root directory and the file descriptor for the root directory are in the second cylinder then you don't have much of a problem. Just restore LSN 0 and the sector allocation table and you're done. If the root directory is in the first cylinder then you have a mass of work on your hands. You'll have to manually rebuild LSN 0, the sector allocation table, file descriptor for the root directory, the root directory itself, and possibly some files. The difference is that rebuilding the sector allocation bit map isn't much of a problem - dcheck will actually build it for you (albeit, in a standard file) so you could just copy the file built by dcheck into the right LSN's to rebuild it. On the other hand, rebuilding a directory from scratch is not an easy task. Believe me, I had to do it once and I thought I was going to have a heart attack before I got finished. It's definitely not a task I have a desire to do again. -- Greg -*- 29246 4-MAY 03:04 General Information RE: opps.................. (Re: Msg 29239) From: ENDOTSON To: GREGL Hmmmm, i see what you are saying. So basically to see if it is worth fooling with, i need to make a final determination of whether the root directory was defined inside of LSNs 0-31 or later. If later, no big deal. If inside 0-31, it looks like i should consider forgetting about it , reformat, and restore from my two month old (blush) backup set. Many thanks for helping me understand this stuff. ttfn -*- End of Thread. -*- 29237 3-MAY 22:18 General Information rs controller From: TEDJAEGER To: DPHILIPSEN Dave, a couple of months ago you hacked my floppy controller to further decode its memory address. I want to check on something: you said that as a result of the hack it could be used on a y-cable with the Burke and Burke HD interface, right? I may have to go that way to get my system in an AT case. Is there not any problem on the Y-cable created by the fact that the B&B needs 12 volts? Is there any hacking necessary for the B&B product? Thanks and by the way, I am still using SUperComm (good job!). --TedJaeger -*- 29244 4-MAY 01:10 General Information RE: rs controller (Re: Msg 29237) From: TIMKOONCE To: TEDJAEGER Getting a floppy controller and a B&B to co-exist off a Y-cable requires three changes: 1) You need to alter the addressing on the floppy controller so it doesn't respond to the $FF5x range. 2) You need to disable the ROM decoding in the B&B. (Cut one trace and a resistor to pull it high/low I don't recall offhand.) 3) You need a 12-volt supply to power the B&B. It is possible to use a little wall transformer, just requires a bit of wiring, and some filtering to get a stable supply. Good luck, Tim Koonce -*- 29270 5-MAY 11:15 General Information RE: rs controller (Re: Msg 29244) From: TEDJAEGER To: TIMKOONCE Thanks for the info on B&B and Y-cable, Tim. The reason I was asking is I have been trying to use a Howard Medical Slot Pak II with my RS HD interface and floppy controller and, while the slot switching works fine, I keep buring out the slot pak after about 1 hr use. I know it is installed right but I have lost two slot paks the same way. You have any ideas what could be going on? There is a 12 volt supply to the slot pak from a wall transformer and the slot pak takes it 5 volts from pin 9 on the coco interface I suppose. Could there be anything backing up from the disk drive power through the controller to the slot pak? Thanks for any thoughts, TedJaeger -*- 29277 5-MAY 16:42 General Information RE: rs controller (Re: Msg 29237) From: DPHILIPSEN To: TEDJAEGER Ted, you can use your floppy controller with the B&B HD interface on a Y cable now. There will be no address conflict on the SCS ($FF40-FF5F). But, make sure that only ONE of the devices has a ROM in it (either the XT ROM in the B&B or the RSDOS ROM in the floppy controller but not both!) Also, I think you may need to supply the 12 volts onto the correct pin on the edge connector (as outlined in a CoCo 1 Tech manual). Basically if you do these things, it would be identical to my setup which has been working great for a couple years now. By the way, I boot directly from the HD using XT ROM and I don't have a ROM in the floppy controller. Also, supplying 12 volts on the correct conductor of the ribbon cable is not a problem as long as you put it on the right conductor! -Dave -*- 29310 6-MAY 22:04 General Information RE: rs controller (Re: Msg 29277) From: TIMKOONCE To: DPHILIPSEN Actually, Dave, just pulling the ROM from the B&B isn't enough. I need to occasionally use RSDOS, so I need a ROM in the floppy controller, and had to do a little minor surgery to the B&B to keep it from driving the bus during ROM accesses. Although it depends on the particular hard disk controller you're using. - Tim -*- 29311 6-MAY 22:06 General Information RE: rs controller (Re: Msg 29270) From: TIMKOONCE To: TEDJAEGER Burning out the Slot pak sounds evil. YOu should try to narrow down more closely exactly what's burning out. One potential problem is that the CoCo 3 doesn't have a very beefy 5 volt supply, and that may be causing a problem. It might be worth checking into getting a separate 5 volt supply for the Slot Pak. - Tim Koonce -*- 29393 11-MAY 19:18 General Information RE: rs controller (Re: Msg 29310) From: DPHILIPSEN To: TIMKOONCE (NR) Oh, well I guess I never use RSDOS anymore (haven't for several years). I suppose a person could wire in a little switch to do the trick... -Dave -*- End of Thread. -*- 29238 3-MAY 22:25 General Information RE: No permission? (Re: Msg 29229) From: DCJR To: BILLBEISSERT If you can chd to /d0/bootlist, then bootlist must be a directory, right? os9gen needs a text file to drive it, and can n't read a dire ectory file, which gives you the permission error. Try a chd to /d0/bootlist and use build or edit to make a list of the modules you want, and use that text file to drive os9gen. -*- 29248 4-MAY 06:21 General Information RE: No permission? (Re: Msg 29238) From: BILLBEISSERT To: DCJR THAT is exactly the problem! Now it makes sense. I suppose that if I had read a little farther that would have been mentioned in one of the manuals...and I thought that I knew what I was doing. Well, at least I didn't try to CHD to a textfile . Thanks... Bill -*- 29249 4-MAY 06:28 General Information RE: No permission? (Re: Msg 29230) From: BILLBEISSERT To: OS9UGPRES Being the "rookie" I had built a directory BOOTLIST and copied all the needed modules to it rather than a textfile as pointed out in msg #29238. I'll get the hang of this yet. Just started START OS-9 and probably should've waited until I had finished the tutorials. I'm learning...the hard way. Thanks... Bill -*- 29265 4-MAY 23:57 General Information RE: No permission? (Re: Msg 29248) From: DCJR To: BILLBEISSERT Glad I could help! <> Doug James(DCJR) -*- End of Thread. -*- 29240 3-MAY 23:08 Tutorials & Education Two Ramdisks? From: ZACKSESSIONS To: ALL I want to create a second ramdisk called /r0. When I tried this, I made a copy of the /r0 DD and patched it to be drive $01 and device /R1 (making sure to have the upper bit of the 1 turned on). But when I boot from a bootfile with the DD in it, both drives /r0 and /r1 seem to contain the same information. What am I doing wrong? Zack -*- 29252 4-MAY 18:34 Tutorials & Education RE: Two Ramdisks? (Re: Msg 29240) From: DODGECOLT To: ZACKSESSIONS Zack- I think that most Ramdisk drivers are written to access only one drive. Two drives requires a separate block map and extra data space. -Mike -*- 29259 4-MAY 19:47 Tutorials & Education RE: Two Ramdisks? (Re: Msg 29252) From: ZACKSESSIONS To: DODGECOLT I didn't mention (I think) in my original message, but I am using the "official" Tandy/Microware ramdisk drivers and modules. From what Kev tells me, it can be done, and will try as soon as I'm offline. Will let you (and Delphi) know the results. Zack -*- 29274 5-MAY 12:38 Tutorials & Education RE: Two Ramdisks? (Re: Msg 29240) From: OS9UGVP To: ZACKSESSIONS I'd suspect you aren't doing anything wrong... but rather the ramdisk driver is ignoring the physical drive number, and treating the $00 and $01 drives alike. Short of disassembling and fixing, or writing a new ram driver, I don't know what you can do. Bruce -*- 29275 5-MAY 13:19 Tutorials & Education RE: Two Ramdisks? (Re: Msg 29274) From: ZACKSESSIONS To: OS9UGVP FYI, Bruce (and anyone interested), I got it to work with a little trial and error. I was patching the IT.DRV (Drive Number @ $13) frorm $00 to $01. That was not necessary, and in fact rendered the device unusable. You do need to change the device name from /R0 to /R1 (turning on the upper bit in the 1, of course!), and you have to increment the Address field in the module header. Works just fine! (This IS using the Microware Ramdisk driver which comes with the Dev Pack. Dunno if other ramdisk drivers would work like this or not.) Zack ps, I get some weird looks when I try to spend that Canadian $20! :-) -*- 29319 7-MAY 03:59 Tutorials & Education RE: Two Ramdisks? (Re: Msg 29275) From: OS9UGVP To: ZACKSESSIONS Zack, Thanks for the information about the ramdisk... I hadn't thought about changing the address, which makes sense now that I've been told it works! In any case, its something else that may be useful in future, though I have no need of multiple ramdisks right now. Oh, I meant to mention this before, but I think I ripped you off on the exchange... it should've been about $17.00US, rather than the exorbitant amount of $18.00US that I charged you! I guess this means I'll have to add an extra dollar when I send you the shareware money I've been meaning to send to you for ages now! Bruce -*- 29325 7-MAY 18:06 Tutorials & Education RE: Two Ramdisks? (Re: Msg 29319) From: ZACKSESSIONS To: OS9UGVP :-) -*- End of Thread. -*- 29241 3-MAY 23:16 Utilities MSDOS From: JACKOBRIEN To: ALL I'm new at this and I need help! I had a CoCo several years ago, and now I have [A talking about CoCo files that are on a DOS disk. I would appreciate any help. JACKOBRIEN -*- 29282 6-MAY 01:12 Utilities RE: MSDOS (Re: Msg 29241) From: GREGL To: JACKOBRIEN Jack, It looks like a lot of your message has fallen into a bit bucket somewhere. From appearances, it looks like you sent a VT-52 or ANSI escape sequence that threw the message into the dirt. Try it again using the backspace keys for editing instead of the arrow keys. -- Greg -*- 29285 6-MAY 09:21 Utilities RE: MSDOS (Re: Msg 29282) From: JACKOBRIEN To: GREGL Thanks, Greg. I need to know if their are any easy utilities for transfer- ing coco files that are on MSDOS disks over to coco format disks. Such as public domain or shareware. I need a way to get a terminal up on my coco3. I have the basic programs for Mikeyterm on my DOS machine, but ...you get the idea.. thanks for any help.... Jackobrien -*- 29305 6-MAY 19:46 Utilities RE: MSDOS (Re: Msg 29285) From: GREGL To: JACKOBRIEN Jack, There's a utility in the databases called PCDOS.AR that will allow you to read and write MS-DOS format disks. Search on MS-DOS and/or PC-DOS to find it. You'll need to grap PCDOS.AR and CC3DISK.IPC from that group and you might grab RSDOS.AR from the group as well - it'll read and write RS-DOS formatted disks. Then you'll need to download IPATCH from Utilities to patch the CC3DISK driver with. You'll also need AR if you don't have it. -- Greg -*- 29374 10-MAY 07:03 Utilities RE: MSDOS (Re: Msg 29305) From: JACKOBRIEN To: GREGL Thanks Greg, I'll give pcdos.ar and those other utilities a try. Jack -*- End of Thread. -*- 29242 3-MAY 23:17 Users Group RE: MOTD (Re: Msg 29209) From: DWHILL To: OS9BERT Yeah, I got my copy last Saturday, I think it was. Since it went out bulkmail, it's likely to arrive at very irregular intervals, if my past experience with the Post Awful is any indication. --Damon -*- 29360 9-MAY 00:53 Users Group RE: MOTD (Re: Msg 29219) From: OS9BERT To: ZACKSESSIONS I got mine in the mail too. The folks at work didn't like the part about MS-DOS (since they all have MS-DOS machines at home as well!!). Glad you liked it, maybe a follow up review is warrented! Bert -*- 29361 9-MAY 00:55 Users Group RE: MOTD (Re: Msg 29242) From: OS9BERT To: DWHILL It would be interesting to plot out when people got their copy. It would also be interesting to plot this over the map of the U.S. and see an animated display over time! Then we could video tape the animated display and send it to congress to tell them what we think of the new price hikes in postal rates!!! ---> More time for your money (it keeps some people off the streets) Bert -*- 29385 10-MAY 20:02 Users Group RE: MOTD (Re: Msg 29360) From: MIKEHAALAND To: OS9BERT ~ You got yours too! I STILL have not got my MOTD! I know I'm still a member sice I just sent in 2 years worth of dues. Did you get the new version from me, Burt? If not lemme know and I'll get a review copy out to ya. Mike -*- 29412 13-MAY 00:48 Users Group RE: MOTD (Re: Msg 29385) From: OS9BERT To: MIKEHAALAND No I didn't! You should get your MOTD soon. Like I said to someone here on the board, we should plot the time it takes the MOTD to get out to everyone and send the results in to Congress. Show them what a great postal service we are getting with the increase in "user fees", i.e. higher stamp prices!!!! I'd like to do a follow-up review (and perhpas get Bill to get it out sooner). He must have forgot or had trouble getting the pictures printed in his desk top publishing software. I had two .vef pictures of you screens so people could see what it actually looks like rather than just talk about it. By the way, my better half said that I can buy a sound box this fall!!! I can't wait to hook it up to my CoCo!!!! Take care, and keep on doing great things. P.S. I am in the process of developing a fractal program for the CoCo in OS-9 and I'm writting it in C! All I have to do is get the user interface written, the rest is done. The user interface always takes the longest. -*- End of Thread. -*- 29250 4-MAY 08:59 Device Drivers Ribbs From: GUYLOUCKS To: POLTERGEIST Hello there, Bruce was telling me you had some questions about the Eliminator and RiBBS, well the problem is a simple one there was an apparent mis understanding in reguards to the SS.Cdsta call. Bruces driver returns the status in register A, and the BBS looks for it in REG B. So to fix this you must zap a byte in the driver You could use ded or whatever. The fix is: I have to appologize, I have made some other changes, I can not give you a ZAP fix the way to fix it is to look for this. Save CDST STA R$A,x set aciapak style Dcd/dsr status in callers [A] change this to SAVECDST Sta R$B,x set ........ Then re-assemble the package. That first line was supposed to be SaveCdst, no spaces, I am having problems with noise here again. Hop I was of assistance. -Guy -*- 29266 5-MAY 03:25 Device Drivers RE: Ribbs (Re: Msg 29250) From: POLTERGEIST To: GUYLOUCKS (NR) Guy, THANK YOU for the information! I didn't quite understand the fix, I understand you had trouble with line noise. Could you repost it again for clarity's sake? Thanks! --Brian -*- End of Thread. -*- 29251 4-MAY 18:02 General Information RE: cocobin file extentions (Re: Msg 29146) From: CAPTSWOOSH To: TRIX thansks for the help... Ron -*- 29253 4-MAY 18:38 Programmers Den G/P mapping... From: DODGECOLT To: OS9UGPRES Kev- I know this is a bad time, but is there any way of forcing GRFDRV to map G/P buffers into low blocks first? Right now my editor is $5f13 bytes long and leaves the last block free... Problem comes when I try to map in a buffer which is almost 8k long- it gets put into the last block, and then I change the contents of that buffer and wipeout the $FExx and $FFxx areas by accident! -Mike -*- 29279 5-MAY 16:53 Programmers Den RE: G/P mapping... (Re: Msg 29253) From: OS9UGPRES To: DODGECOLT Mike: how about this instead: map in some other buffer first which you don't intend to access. You can check the mapped-in address returned to your program to make sure things went okay (in other words, so if you program grew or was merged with another, then you could figure out if this fake mapping was needed or not). So I'd just map stdfonts, then map the buffer you REALLY want to use... which should then come in at a safe spot. - kev -*- 29309 6-MAY 21:14 Programmers Den RE: G/P mapping... (Re: Msg 29279) From: DODGECOLT To: OS9UGPRES Hmmm, good idea. Now I just have to fix up all the OTHER bugs! :) -Mike -*- End of Thread. -*- 29254 4-MAY 19:38 General Information RE: Rainbowfest New 68000 Machine Report (Re: Msg 28803) From: PKW To: MARTYGOODMAN (NR) Marty, Sure, we can get back to the real issues. I and you both are pretty affable fellows, so as far as we're concerned we can just move right along. Concerning your comment about the other guys machine eventually being used as an intelligent I/O board, you are probably right. I am glad there is an alternative to that concept though, for if it were the only choice, by the time folks REALLY got fed up with the OS-9/6809, there wouldn't be a reachable market of any size for OSK. Remember, we've got to have a sizeable market to get developers interested, and I KNOW that a good number of the 6809 developers are jumping ship to OSK and 68K machines now. So, as I have maintained all along, there is an excellent place for the MM/1 and if the other guys keep a few more 6809ers in our domain, great. Paul -*- 29255 4-MAY 19:42 General Information RE: Rainbowfest New 68000 Machine Report (Re: Msg 28804) From: PKW To: MARTYGOODMAN (NR) Marty, I would disagree with the ability of FHL (actually Hazelwood's) machine to be MORE expandable. Card size for our bus is not intrinsically limited, and our bus is a true 32 bit bus, allowing for better performance from a 68030. I know the designer of the other guys machine -- he's a prince of a guy -- so I'm not trying to detract from him. But the K Bus is 16-bits wide. And in the volumes that FHL will sell, they won't get economies of scale to make the cards affordable. Paul -*- 29260 4-MAY 19:55 General Information RE: Rainbowfest New 68000 Machine Report (Re: Msg 28800) From: PKW To: MARTYGOODMAN (NR) Marty, Your absolutely right about the resolution of the MM/1 not comparing to Super VGA (a rather unstable "standard" -- there are many tales of woe trying to get Super VGA boards to work at all ....) Super VGA is great when you want to do desktop publishing, and of course, no resolution is enough for long -- 1k by 1k will be fairly common on desktops in three or four years, RAM prices continuing to be cheap. One of the biggest pluses for high res is the ability to put lots of little windows on the same screen. Of course, with OS-9, this is not so much of an issue since you can have TWO screen to hold half as much data each. So, two 640 x 400 windows do about the same work as one 1200 x 400 (Amiga 3000 style) or one 800 x 600. Now, with the GIME based machines, you'd need four screens to hold the same number of windows. Considering, too, that National Parts only has a limited number of GIME chips LEFT, I think that the trend for higher resolution is going to leave some of us behind. BTW, we DO have a 720 x 560 mode, IF you buy a multisynchronous monitor to view it. Looks nice, I use such a mode on a VGA system from time to time. 50 lines per screen looks quite readable. Paul -*- End of Thread. -*- 29256 4-MAY 19:43 General Information RE: MM/1 (Re: Msg 28816) From: PKW To: DODGECOLT Kits -- yes, we're thinking hard about introducing a kit. We have an EXCELLENT strategy for this that may really give the CoCo user an exciting and easy project. Kit prices will vary depending on the size of the chip bag we send out. We'll keep you informed as we know what we're going to do. Yours, Paul -*- 29278 5-MAY 16:44 General Information RE: MM/1 (Re: Msg 29256) From: DODGECOLT To: PKW (NR) Thanks. Anxiously drooling! -Mike -*- End of Thread. -*- 29257 4-MAY 19:46 General Information RE: MM/1 (Re: Msg 28828) From: PKW To: THEREB I'd be glad to send you press release info -- just drop me your address in email! Now, seriously, how can you GUARANTEE that you'll review the MM/1 favorably!? Take a look at it. See if it's for you. See if the COMPANY behind it is doing the right things for support. Then make the right decision. And if you get a review machine, all we ask for honesty and a chance to respond! Thanks so much for you interest. Paul -*- 29258 4-MAY 19:46 General Information RE: The New CoCo 4 (Re: Msg 28829) From: PKW To: KEITHMARCH Keith, It's been sent! Paul -*- 29261 4-MAY 19:59 General Information RE: OS9/68K (Re: Msg 28812) From: PKW To: DRSPOON Actually, if you have a need for a PC compatible with OSk, I have a cheaper solution. Give me a call at 202/232-4246, M-F, 9:30 - 5:30. Paul -*- 29262 4-MAY 20:27 Telcom Osterm From: NEWKID To: ALL I need a little help. I'm using Osterm2.08 ( I believe ) and when I echo to path, (path = /h0/downloads/file_name ) the modem, or software doesn't stop transmission when buffer is being dump to disk. So, what happens, I lose a lot of characters. Is this the way it is supposed to act? Is there a way to have transmission halted when data is to be dumped to disk? When I used xcom9 I didn't have this problem. Any hints will be apprieciated!!! James Mc Daniel Newkid -*- 29264 4-MAY 22:42 Telcom RE: Osterm (Re: Msg 29262) From: ZACKSESSIONS To: NEWKID (NR) I have never used XCom9, but I always echo to a ramdisk device with OSTerm and have no problems with lost characters. Zack -*- 29268 5-MAY 10:36 Telcom RE: Osterm (Re: Msg 29262) From: AJMLFCO To: NEWKID (NR) I have been fighting this problem also for quite a while. When I echo to my hard disk, I lose about 12 characters per disk access. When I use a ramdisk, I lose 1 or 2 characters per access. Sometimes the lost characters are spaces so that you don't notice them as much. I am suspect that Osterm does not use any flow control. I wonder if there is some way to turn on the X-ON/X-OFF in Osterm? I am thinking of going back to either "WIZ" or "WIZPRO" since they both support X-ON X-OFF. Ever try to do something in another window while using Osterm? I get errors in xmodem and ymodem transfers if I try to use a program in another window at the same time. Allen -*- End of Thread. -*- 29263 4-MAY 21:37 Utilities HDB/HDR From: JOHNREED To: COCOXT (NR) Hi Chris, Struggling back from a bad Hard Disk crash here. It was a 15meg (old) full- height Tandon and it died hard. Blew a fuse in the 150W PC power supply I use to run the drive motors. So, I swiped the new 20 MEG Seagate ST-225 out of my home-built XT-Clone and put it on the COCO 3. Here is the problem - the HDB/HDR utilities that came with my Burke and Burke interface expect to restore to another 306-cyl 6-head disk. A lot of the more important stuff was backed up in other ways too, so I have most of it, but there are still a few things SOMEWHERE in the 14 720k disks created by HDB that I would like to retrieve. My best idea so far is a disk editor (DED) and a lot of patience. Got any suggestions or shortcuts? Does HDB simply copy all sectors of the hard disk in order onto the backups, or does it follow directory trees? Are there any "flags" in there I could get the disk editor to hunt for? Lets see, 14 disks, * 2880 sectors (whimper!). JohnW -*- 29267 5-MAY 10:05 General Information Adding Startup files From: BILLBEISSERT To: ALL I bought a couple of games from Radio Shack that are written in OS-9 Level One version 2.00 and since they are going to be used by a younger child I added a Startup file to make them auto execute (there was none originally). The file simply consists of the CMD to get the game going. After adding the file the game will not go beyond the opening logo/title screen and locks up. Removing the file puts everything back into place and the game runs perfectly. Is this caused because I am using Level Two to build the file or is there something else that I must include in it (SHELL is in the OS9Boot). Bill -*- 29269 5-MAY 11:07 General Information RE: Adding Startup files (Re: Msg 29267) From: ZACKSESSIONS To: BILLBEISSERT I know next to nothing about Level 1, but in Level 2 you can put a copy of the program in the CMDS directory and have it's filename be autoex and it will automatically execute at boot up. Zack -*- 29281 5-MAY 23:18 General Information RE: Adding Startup files (Re: Msg 29267) From: CIZZIJR To: BILLBEISSERT bill, make sure you redirect standard input and standard output. here is a sample startup file: *Sample game startup file echo Loading game game >>/1 this works for level 2 operating system. just use game >>/term if you are using OS-9 level 1. this should get you going, Carmen Izzi Jr. [cizzijr] -*- End of Thread. -*- 29271 5-MAY 11:57 Utilities RE: TRANSFER OF PROGRAMS (Re: Msg 29174) From: DSRTFOX To: GREGL This is just what I've been looking for! BUT....when you say files, are we talking ASCII files or programs? I would like to D/L some OS-9 programs, but don't have an OS-9 terminal program. Will this method work? It sounds good, since M/L is the same under both DOSes. -*- 29283 6-MAY 01:30 Utilities RE: TRANSFER OF PROGRAMS (Re: Msg 29271) From: GREGL To: DSRTFOX (NR) Francis, We are talking either ASCII or Binary files. The most useful conversion utility is called RSDOS.AR and is in the group named PC-DOS and/or MS-DOS in Utilities. However, this one works under OS-9 and allows you to copy ASCII/binary files to/from RS-DOS disks and needs a patch to the CC3Disk driver. The patch file is included in the group and you'll need IPatch in Utilities, as well. -- Greg -*- End of Thread. -*- 29276 5-MAY 14:11 General Information RE: help (Re: Msg 29226) From: KENHALTER To: DCJR I wish I could afford a hard drive. Actually, the drives are getting fairly cheap but then I need the case, power, controller, interface drivers etc. That's when it gets expensive. It took a year for me to save up for the level 2 and 512k so maybe by the year 2010 I'll have my hard drive. Ken Halter -*- 29284 6-MAY 03:24 General Information RE: help (Re: Msg 29276) From: DCJR To: KENHALTER I heard that... hit the hamfests and computer shows in your area. I managed to pick up a 5 1/4 720k floppy for $15 and two seagate st212 hard drives for $30 each! All unuseed! Doug James(DCJR) -*- 29396 11-MAY 22:10 General Information RE: help (Re: Msg 29284) From: KENHALTER To: DCJR Now that's what I call a deal! I thought I was doing pretty good when I bought a multipak& fd501 drive for $35.00 from radioshack. both were unopened and brand new. I really do want to get a hard drive tho. Hopefully someday....... Ken Halter -*- 29414 13-MAY 02:16 General Information RE: help (Re: Msg 29396) From: DCJR To: KENHALTER (NR) One warning tho... a hard drive will spoil on floppies forever! DCJRDoug James -*- End of Thread. -*- 29280 5-MAY 21:50 General Information RE: ATCoCo (Re: Msg 29216) From: MIKEHAALAND To: JIMHARRISON Great!!!! I'm gald you finally got everything working correctly! and happy to be of any assistance. Yup! That keyboard is one of my favorite parts of the AT case transplant too.... Mike -*- 29286 6-MAY 09:37 Device Drivers disk drives From: RCDRCD To: ALL Any one know of a way or system call to test for a floppy disk not installed in a drive with out hanging the system. -*- 29287 6-MAY 10:42 Telcom Trade Wars From: NES To: ALL Is any one running trade wars under the Alpha Soft bbs software? I have downloaded a file for it from the Alpha BBS, but seem's to have a file missing. I you are running it, please let me know how to setup the game. and also where I can get the complete file for it. NES The OverBoard BBS (704)-822-1337 -*- 29288 6-MAY 12:52 Programmers Den readreading a directory From: NES To: ALL Hay, how do you read a directory in C, I am trying to use the Kreider dir.h function's: opendir() readdir(). NES -*- 29290 6-MAY 16:15 Programmers Den RE: readreading a directory (Re: Msg 29288) From: ZACKSESSIONS To: NES There are several programs in the Utilities and Prog Den libs which illustrate the use of these functions. Did you get a copy of my Super Directory program? It uses them. Zack -*- 29332 7-MAY 22:58 Programmers Den RE: readreading a directory (Re: Msg 29290) From: NES To: ZACKSESSIONS Zac, Had your program but it got zap!!!, thought I had a hard copy of it some where. Is it in the Utilities? thanx for you help NES Eric -*- 29342 8-MAY 18:06 Programmers Den RE: readreading a directory (Re: Msg 29332) From: ZACKSESSIONS To: NES I am releasing that program along with a bunch of other utilities on an "OS9 Utilities Disk", so I had the sysop remove it (and others) fromthe libs. For you, though, look for me to upload it to your BBS tonight. Zack -*- 29390 10-MAY 23:01 Programmers Den RE: readreading a directory (Re: Msg 29342) From: NES To: ZACKSESSIONS Zac, thanx for the upload, I did have it had to look thur alot of disk but it was there, agian thanx for the help and upload, I got the directory read working now. my next set is to get file load menu working,so you can use the mouse to select the file, BTW is there a command in the kreider lib for that? I send you the first working copy of IKE when I am finnished, also we are have a demo of the MM1 at our Club meeting in June. Have you seen it yet. also hope maybe to meet you at the Alanta Fest... latter and Thanx. NES (Eric Stringer) -*- 29392 11-MAY 18:12 Programmers Den RE: readreading a directory (Re: Msg 29390) From: ZACKSESSIONS To: NES Yes, I saw the MM1 prototypes at the Chicago fest, VERY impressive. No, there is not a Krieder function for point and click file selection. I think Burke&Burke Sells a C function library which does have a point and click file pick routine, though. Yes, I am looking forward to the Atlanta Fest, too. Be C'ing you, Zack -*- 29397 11-MAY 22:20 Programmers Den RE: readreading a directory (Re: Msg 29392) From: DODGECOLT To: NES I'm going to have a point-and-click file pick function uploaded fairly soon ( working on docs now...) which does a nice job. It is part of my CGFX replacement lib, which also provides some other mouse-related functions. Expect to see it sometime within the next week or so (now that finals are over!) -Mike -*- End of Thread. -*- 29289 6-MAY 16:09 General Information smartwatch help! From: RICKLT To: ALL I tried to install the Tandy smartwatch in the old 12v model tandy disk con- troller. I could not get it to opperate, with the smartwatch installed the disk basic would not execute. The computer would act as if the disk controller was not installed in the multipak. I have the old multipak also, it has been up graded to opperate with level II os9. If anybody could help me with this prob- I would greatly appreciate it. I almost forgot, the computer does come up in ex- tended color basic and opperates normally with the smartwatch installed but the computer refuses to see the disk basic. Thanks in advance, Ricklt (Rick Tackett) -*- 29372 10-MAY 05:43 General Information RE: smartwatch help! (Re: Msg 29289) From: PAGAN To: RICKLT Rick, I had some problems with the smartwatch a few months back. When I replaced the 24 pin socket in my controller I made a little mistake in wiring. Double check to be sure the new socket is wired correctly. Stephen (PAGAN) -*- End of Thread. -*- 29291 6-MAY 16:38 Graphics & Music RE: VIEW 3.0 comments wanted. (Re: Msg 28249) From: DOCTORASCII To: GREGL PCX is for PC Paintbrush which runs unde{ Microsoft Windows. -*- 29292 6-MAY 18:21 General Information Basic09 Help!!!! From: OLDGROUCH To: ALL I need someone's (anyone's) help with Basic09. I started writing a very large application program for OS9 but ran into a problem. Let me explain... The program I'm working on is large enough that it will have to be broken down into modules that will be loaded off disk as needed ("new module replaces old module" method.) I want to write all the Basic09 code, Pack it, and then execute the program as a standalone piece using RUNB. So, I wrote my menu application and a dummy module to have it load and replace itself with when asked to. I packed both my programs (both of which ran inside Basic09 fine). Then I loaded my menu program off my execution directory and tried to execute it (as follows...) OS9: RUNB MENU (The packed MENU procedure is under 5000 bytes and ERROR #043 GFX2 and SYSCALL are already in memory when the program is executed.) OS9: Well, it seems both RUNB and MENU loaded, but it all stopped when OS9 reported an error #43. Well, come to find out, the error stems from a gfx2 call I make in the program (it goes a little longer without that command... until it hits another one!) But it should be noted that the gfx2 module is in memory and linked several times! So, why the error? So, to add to all this, stumbling upon this by accident, if I changed the memory requirements (RUNB MENU #6k, for example), it works fine. That is, until I try to load in the dummy module. But I'm assuming if I play around with the memory allocation for the dummy program a bit, it would probably work as well. But, I don't want to have to mess with all this (or place it on the user), so any suggestions for all this mess? Maybe use a different chaining method (Shell "Fork program", Run Program, or whatever.) Thanks for all your help. If there's something that needs a bit more explaining, please let me know. Thanks again. I certainly appreciate any and all help that may be provided. - Eric Wolf (OLDGROUCH) -*- 29306 6-MAY 20:03 General Information RE: Basic09 Help!!!! (Re: Msg 29292) From: GREGL To: OLDGROUCH Eric, It sounds like you are getting memory allocation errors, although probably not the way you would think. When you load RunB into memory it occupies consecutive 8K blocks - 24K total for the code. When you load SysCall it uses an 8K block even though it is very small. Ditto for Gfx2. Plus your program is loading into 8K blocks so round it's code size to the nearest multiple of 8K. So your program needs 24K for RunB, 8K for Gfx2, plus the size of your program (in a multiple of 8K) plus whatever data area both you and RunB need. When you use an 8K block size, your 64K process memory disappears rather quickly. The easy solution is to cut down on the number of blocks needed. You can do that by merging RunB with whatever other tools it needs, such as SysCall and Gfx2. When you merge them together, they take up a lot less memory since OS-9 will squeeze them into contiguous areas of memory. -- Greg PS: If your Menu is 5,000 bytes then you are using 24K for RunB, 8K for SysCall, 8K for Gfx2, 8K for Menu, and maybe an additional 8K for data. That's around 48 to 56K plus additional memory it needs to link in your secondary program. Merge RunB with SysCall and Gfx2, that should help. -*- 29328 7-MAY 20:26 General Information RE: Basic09 Help!!!! (Re: Msg 29306) From: OLDGROUCH To: GREGL Greg I have merged the RunB, Gfx2, and Syscall code together into one piece and the menu program now seemingly works fine with the inclusion of passing on a director for the input path: "RunB MainMenu but I seem to remember a similar problem with error #043. Try using KILL procedure immediatly after RUN procedure where "procedure" is a string variable containing the module name. Do NOT use some thing like RUN gfx2(....) followed by KILL gfx2 or you may find your program going off into la-la land. Stephen (PAGAN) -*- 29375 10-MAY 12:15 General Information RE: Basic09 Help!!!! (Re: Msg 29350) From: GREGL To: OLDGROUCH Eric, Post the source code either into the database or into my mailbox. You can send to me via E-Mail by uploading it to your workspace and typing SEND FILENAME.EXT at the MAIL> prompt. This seems to getting strange. -- Greg -*- 29386 10-MAY 20:21 General Information RE: Basic09 Help!!!! (Re: Msg 29375) From: OLDGROUCH To: GREGL Greg, I will upload the source if things don't improve. I went back just to using a CHAIN "ex Basic09 #16k <>>>/1 Program" and that seems to work. The only problem is that I'm not sure if variables will be passed if I use a chain command. Well, now that I think about it, I know they won't. I have already made plans to make a get/put buffer an environment buffer. So I can store program essentials in there, move about program to program as I wish and just map the buffer in and grab the data I need if I need to access it. But, the base problem is OS9 seemingly forcing me to use the whole Basic09 module when the RunB would certainly be better for me memory wise (roughly a 12k savings between the two.) What you might want to try is a quick little test program that shouldn't be too hard (or time consuming to punch in.) Power up Basic09 with about a 16k buffer and type in the following line into the editor. RUN gfx2("clear") / PRINT"=================(80 of these)=============" (Enter all that on one line. I can't generate a reverse slash from this term program.) Then simply keep doing a ctrl+a to repeat the line over and over untill the program exceeds about 9000 bytes of space. Then run the program under basic09. If it works, try packing it, and running it again under RunB. And if it works, I'll kill myself!!!!! Well, at least let me know how it goes and I'll get back to you (possible with the source in your mailbox) Thanks - Eric Wolf -*- End of Thread. -*- 29293 6-MAY 18:54 Device Drivers Hard Drive Woes From: DERFT To: ALL I've been using an Arizona Small Compouter Peripjherals 20 mb hard drive [D its got about 5 meg on t it, and it won't take any more data (error 247). The last time I talked to the gut at Arizina, he mumbled something ablout a different initialization string for it (thru DMODE). Repeated attempts to reach him on the phone or in writing during the past year have proved unfruitful. Can anyone help? Thanks in advance. (current init string is 026704 (plus "whatever was in there)".Thanks in advance!! Shneor Sherman -*- 29294 6-MAY 18:55 General Information RE: ShellPlus blowing Umuse3 memory (Re: Msg 28999) From: RAGTIMER To: GREGL OK. Turns out that requesting even just 8K more RAM is enuf to stop Umuse3 from linking in the subroutines and data areas it needs. I just got a patch from someone on CIS to fix Shell+ -- just one byte needs to be zapped -- but I have it on disk so can't type it here now. Thanks for the Fork and system() info -- looks like I can stick with system() for now, since speed isn't important where I use it. I do use Fork to start up Fran with the pipeline in between, tho. --mike k -*- 29295 6-MAY 18:58 General Information RE: ShellPlus blowing Umuse3 memory (Re: Msg 29001) From: RAGTIMER To: OS9UGPRES Kev, your logic is correct, but maybe, just maybe, the #31 means "31 MORE pages than natural" so it goes over 8K. Just guessing. However, someone on CIS patched out the 31 to 0 and got Umuse3 to work under Shell+, so that seems to be the problem. Umuse3 does malloc() (in C) some temporary memory, tho not till you try to read a file, so I don't know why the problem occurs. But we do know how to fix it. I'll find the patch and send it on. --mike k -*- 29296 6-MAY 19:01 General Information RE: ShellPlus blowing Umuse3 memory (Re: Msg 29005) From: RAGTIMER To: KNOT1 Thanks for the extra info. Umuse3 only want about 5800 bytes, but tries to malloc() some temporary stuff later. That's a C library function, and I still don't know whether it takes its memory out of what you already have requested, or must go BEYOND your original request. If the former, great. Otherwise Sell+ ruins it for you. Someone on CIS patched out the 31 in Shell+ and Umuse3 worked fine after that. --mike k -*- 29297 6-MAY 19:03 General Information RE: ShellPlus blowing Umuse3 memory (Re: Msg 29025) From: RAGTIMER To: OS9UGVP Thanks. SOmeone on CIS patched a $1F to $00 and that fixed it. I have his offset in a file, not on paper, so can't check it now (no multitasking while modem is running, if ya know what hurts.) --mike k -*- 29298 6-MAY 19:05 General Information RE: ShellPlus blowing Umuse3 memory (Re: Msg 29036) From: RAGTIMER To: MIKEHAALAND Thanks, Mike. I just got your same message over on the rich-man's service. Hope everyone's thread ends up here and reads your posting. The best minds are still trying to figure out *why* the 31-page request causes the problem, but I figure it's 'cuz malloc() always looks for memory *beyond* what your program started up with. Any ideas? --mike k -*- 29308 6-MAY 20:12 General Information RE: ShellPlus blowing Umuse3 memory (Re: Msg 29295) From: GREGL To: RAGTIMER Mike, If you're using the standard malloc() call then you should be ok, at least theoretically. The standard malloc() will allocate the additional memory from your workspace - the free RAM area between the data area and the stack. Unless you have a modified version, I don't think malloc() will request external memory via the F$Mem call. If you don't have enough memory preallocated, malloc() will return a memory allocation error. -- Greg -*- 29329 7-MAY 22:26 General Information RE: ShellPlus blowing Umuse3 memory (Re: Msg 29308) From: RAGTIMER To: GREGL Greg, that's interesting to know, if it's so. My impression from my Fran process is that malloc() would also go after any data space left over until your full 63.5K was used up. But I never really tested it, so may be wrong. I'm using Carl K's first clib set -- don't know if that's "modified" in that respect or not. Never have disassembled any of the stuff, which is a shame, but I never spent the $$$ for a OS9 dis-asser. Actually, I'm pretty sure that malloc() wioll get you at least as much memory as remains within the current 8K block of data space. Do you base your statements on a disassembly? Thanks, mike k -*- 29347 8-MAY 18:41 General Information RE: ShellPlus blowing Umuse3 memory (Re: Msg 29329) From: GREGL To: RAGTIMER (NR) Mike, Yes, my statements are based on a disassembly of the original ROF files a year or more ago. I'll take a close look at Carl's library tonight and see if he does anything differently. The originally malloc() performs a SUB StackTop,RamTop or similar and compares the result to your request. If the result is zero or more it grants the request and adjusts ramtop. As I recall, if you want more memory than you have currently allocated then you had to use an explicit call to ibrk(). The memory allocation scheme used under Level 2 is pretty fuzzy to me. I'm not sure if the entire 8K block is considered part of the "preallocated" memory or not. I vaguely remember Kev telling me that OS-9 keeps track of the DAT blocks allocated to the process as well as the number of 256-byte "pages" used so that would mean that you are allocated even multiples of 256 bytes within blocks, not the whole block. So it would seem that if you request additional memory via the F$Mem system call OS-9 would check the number of "pages" currently allocated against the number of "pages" that you need and allocate the difference; you wouldn't get a new block allocted unless you leaped across an 8K boundary. Kev - is that right? -- Greg -*- 29356 8-MAY 23:01 General Information RE: ShellPlus blowing Umuse3 memory (Re: Msg 29308) From: BILLDICKHAUS To: GREGL Greg, malloc() does go beyond current memory allocation. I think it probably keeps issuing F$Mem calls until it uses up all of the available space. But I know from experience that it goes way beyond whatever memory is initially allocated. Bill -*- End of Thread. -*- 29312 6-MAY 22:27 Programmers Den RMA/RLink boo-boo. From: TIMKOONCE To: ALL I just found a design problem in RMA/RLink. I wonder if the 68k versions have a similar problem. Basically, the design problem is that ROF format files don't distinguish between "signed byte" offsets and "unsigned byte" offsets. More concretely, all DP vars are referenced with a 1-byte offset when used as index register offsets. That decision is made in RMA, which then tags the reference as a "byte" offset. The problem is that if you have enough DP vars, then you might have a DP var which is at an offset of more than $7f, which is negative when used in a constant offset. i.e. DON'T USE INDEXED ADDRESSING WITH DP VARS IN RMA!!!! For C types, be careful of over-using "direct" storage class, it could get you in trouble. This is all fine if you don't have more than 127 bytes of DP vars, but is a bugger to track down if you do! - Tim Koonce -*- 29313 6-MAY 23:22 Programmers Den RE: RMA/RLink boo-boo. (Re: Msg 29312) From: ZACKSESSIONS To: TIMKOONCE (NR) Tim, I'm interested in this. Can you give me more detailed info. EMail will be OK. (Don't reallyunderstand, I occasionally use reg A or B as index registers, but never have use a DP variable to do this. And have found a similar problem with register indexing.) Zack -*- 29354 8-MAY 22:14 Programmers Den RE: RMA/RLink boo-boo. (Re: Msg 29312) From: EDDIEKUNS To: TIMKOONCE (NR) The question for C users is: under what circumstances will the C compiler generate an index-register offset access to a direct variable? Hmmm ... I wonder if this causes any of the irritating and highly history-dependent bugs that I've observed in KBCom and never been able to track down? Yes, KBCom has quite a few direct variables, some of them arrays. Eddie -*- 29368 9-MAY 21:00 Programmers Den RE: RMA/RLink boo-boo. (Re: Msg 29354) From: XLIONX To: EDDIEKUNS Howdy Eddie, I was told by Kim (forgot last name) that the compiler drops the "DIRECT" off arrays "in general". Might want to check this out. This was about three years back when I was on C'serve. Was long and tangled thread of other stuff. Seems like it should be easy for someone with ERINA or SERINA to track down the indexing problem in RMA/RLINK for the DIRECT signed/unsigned bug. Gotta go, Mark W. Farrell XLIONX (DELPHI) SigOp - ProSIG (Pinball Haven-RIBBS) -*- 29376 10-MAY 12:29 Programmers Den RE: RMA/RLink boo-boo. (Re: Msg 29312) From: GREGL To: TIMKOONCE (NR) Tim, You are experiencing a very basic problem with the direct page addressing mode and linkers. As you are probably aware, when RMA assembles your source code into a ROF object file it keeps track of the number of direct page variables declared. If there are less than 128 it uses an 8-bit offset unless you explicitly tell it otherwise, via LDA >DP_Var. If another source file also contains direct page variables, RMA doesn't know about it and assumes there aren't any more. When you link the files, RLink looks up the symbol table to apply the fixups. When it reaches a DP variable access it sees an 8-bit offset and cannot alter it to use a 16-bit offset without throwing off the whole object file and really screwing things up. The end result is to do a little mental calculation on the number of DP vars declared and force 16-bit offsets on those that are more than 127 bytes into the direct page. It's not really a bug, it's a deficiency in 8-bit offset calculations when you don't know what else is declared in other object files. -- Greg -*- 29382 10-MAY 19:45 Programmers Den RE: RMA/RLink boo-boo. (Re: Msg 29368) From: EDDIEKUNS To: XLIONX (NR) Right -- I know that arrays are accessed with extended addressing basically because there are no direct indexed addressing modes. I'm not sure if that's related to the problem tho. Greg Law and I think we understand it. Eddie -*- End of Thread. -*- 29314 6-MAY 23:51 Programmers Den RE: Text screen attributes (Re: Msg 29228) From: PAGAN To: OS9UGPRES Kevin, First off, a "button" is a thing (can't think of a better word) that enables the user to jump from one node to another. That is by "pressing" a button the software will access the node that has been attached and dispaly it for the user. When I use the term "fixed location" I mean the type of button used in Apple's Hypercard. This type of button has it's location fixed relative to the screen and if the user makes changes to the node buttons may have to be re-positoned. In Hypercard this has to be done manually and is something I was trying to avoid. It is, in my estimation, a serious weakness in Hypercard and one of several reasons I've abandoned it as a serious hypertext tool. A "sticky button" will remain attached to whatever text it was assigned to during any editing. This, I feel, is a superior method but, as I said before , the bookeeping can get really hairy (and I DO mean hairy). The fixed position button is better for a graphic front end since the software only needs to check the cursor position when the mouse is clicked to determine which jump has been requested whereas with sticky buttons some calculation has to be done to determine which button was "pushed". I've done some experimenting with both types on the COCO and still can't decide which I like the best. With a keyboard driven interface (which I personally prefer) the sticky button seems easiest to implement but since the rest of the worls seems to have fallen in love with graphics front ends I'll prpbably have to compromise somehow. Maybe a few of you out there have some suggestions. Can you believe that this started out as a recipe filing database for a lady friend? Stephen (PAGAN) -*- 29322 7-MAY 05:34 Programmers Den RE: Text screen attributes (Re: Msg 29314) From: OS9UGPRES To: PAGAN Thanks Stephen... nice explanation and I see what you mean now. Sounds like both kinds of buttons would be handy tho (fixed button on top of world map, for example). thx again! - kev -*- End of Thread. -*- 29316 7-MAY 00:10 Applications liesure suit larry From: BANCROFT To: ALL Is there a hint file on liesure suit larry somewhere? -*- 29318 7-MAY 01:47 Applications RE: liesure suit larry (Re: Msg 29316) From: KEVINLEGER To: BANCROFT What do you need to know? I have made the max pionts on several ocasions. also , Sierra has a BBS (209) 683-4463 up 24 hrs. a day! Kevin -*- 29326 7-MAY 18:09 Applications RE: liesure suit larry (Re: Msg 29316) From: ZACKSESSIONS To: BANCROFT I hate to plug the "other place", but CI$ has a gamers forum which has points files for all of the major Sierra games, including LLLLL. I don't know if Delphi has these on file anywhere or not. Sysop? Zack -*- 29331 7-MAY 22:31 Applications RE: liesure suit larry (Re: Msg 29316) From: RAGTIMER To: BANCROFT I'd like some hints too, tho I have some ideas to try yet, having found the claw hammer. -*- End of Thread. -*- 29317 7-MAY 01:46 Device Drivers SCII reads, but write hangs From: SANDYT To: DISTO (NR) I just got a SuperController II, and am having trouble using it under OS9 LII on my COCO3 (I have a Owlware hard drive, so I have to use the alternate addresses for the SCII to avoid conflict in $FF7x). The system boots, and I can read with no trouble, and for sure, no-halt, etc. but when I attempt any write (format, backup, etc) the drive light comes on but then the process hangs (other processes continue, but will become stalled if they try for floppies, naturally This happens with either the cc3disk.slp or cc3disk.irq module. Other hardware in the multipak is: Owlware HD (driver does not rely on interrupts), and LRTech Super-IO Board (uses irqs, but I have the external wire irq hack installed, and the comm ports and RTC on the superboard work flawlessly with the SCII installed, regardless of what's going on with the floppies concurrently). I have played around to try to correct any BLOB effect, b ut with no effect. Any ideas? I don't want to have to revert to my Tandy FD501 controller. Sandy -*- 29323 7-MAY 05:38 Device Drivers RE: SCII reads, but write hangs (Re: Msg 29317) From: OS9UGPRES To: SANDYT Sandy - pretty weird alright. You must have changed the jumper in the SC-II for the alternate address also, right? Does this happen right after booting also? I mean, before messing with the serial ports on the MPI, and so on? (anything which might shut off MPI interrupts). What kind of floppy drives do you have? Using same cable as before? Oh... you said FD501. Hmmm. Should be okay, I think. Old controller still write okay to drives? thx - kev -*- 29324 7-MAY 12:05 Device Drivers RE: SCII reads, but write hangs (Re: Msg 29323) From: SANDYT To: OS9UGPRES (NR) Yes, jumper changed appropriately; am using LEVEL2.ALT/cc3disk.irq, and yes it works as described immediately after booting. Have 3.5" 80tkDS disk for /d0 and another for /d1, and a 5.25" 35tkSS (old) disk as /d2. The primary hard disk is /dd and /h0, also have /h1 and /r0 (pure software). Under CDOS 1.2 (built into controller), DSKINI 0 works correctly, so I do not suspect a purely harware error. (BTW, the 3.5 drives are 0 and 2, and 1 and 3, and the 5.25 drive is inaccessable under CDOS). Simply replacing the old controller (and cc3disk) lets everything work the old halting way. Cables etc. not touched at all. I have checked, no hw address conflicts with any equipment (when using the alternate SCII addresses). Thanks for thinking about it. Sandy -*- End of Thread. -*- 29327 7-MAY 19:25 Telcom From: WB4GCS To: ALL Help! I have tried, to no avail to kill oro reduce the RFI coming from my coco3. It completely wipes out my hf rig, so forget about using it to work hf packet. There is some noise (tolerable) from the video display, and hard disk when accessed. Tthe real killer is when xcom9 is erunning, with either /t2 and/or / t4 (another aciapak hacked to operate at a different address) running. The noise is spread throughout the hf spectrum, and sounds like a keyboard scan or interrupt polling rate. In my present temporart y location, the noise even goes up to VHF so that I can't work packet on my hand-held with an inside antenna, unless I digipeat through a guy 4 blocks from here. Has anyone successfully solved this???? I have installed extra shielding inside the coco3, the mpi, and around all cables. This made NO difference. Aany ideas would be greatly appreciated. 73, Jim -*- 29333 7-MAY 23:20 General Information Auto-Follow Mouse From: DENNYSKALA To: ZACKSESSIONS Zack, Is there a convenient way to set up the auto-follow mouse *WITHOUT* firing up Multivue? I often run programs which require it from shell. Without writing a little program to do it, I can't see a convenient way to activate it. Or am I missing something obvious (seems like I solved this very problem about six months ago, but senility fast approaches ). ***** Dennis ***** -*- 29343 8-MAY 18:11 General Information RE: Auto-Follow Mouse (Re: Msg 29333) From: ZACKSESSIONS To: DENNYSKALA (NR) I assume you really mean how to you set up the system wide mouse characteristics like hi-res IF and right joystck port, right? One way is to do a: OS9: control -e (Using the control command from the MV disk) Other that that, you could write a quickie BASIC09 program which does a SYSCALL to the SS.GIP SetStat function. (In the Tech Ref, pg 8-147) Zack -*- End of Thread. -*- 29335 8-MAY 01:41 Utilities Scf problem with Gshell+ From: COCOKIWI To: ALL I am having a problem ! I cannot IPATCH the Scf files for The Norm! SCF. or the Fixed SCF. I have 2.00.01 Lv II ? and get a 'not the correct File' error ! Now I know ! that mine has not been moded" and KD's SCFfix worked fine ! I cannot IPATCH either one! According to Docs I need to do these mods to fix another bug! Any insite into this would help! I noted no other Mods That would explain the difference!Ipatch I think checks the crc and drops out if it is different! Anyone had the same problem with setting up Gshell + any help would be a help regards Dennis -*- 29336 8-MAY 03:07 General Information Help with Equipment and Downloading From: KNOT1 To: ALL Hello, all. I have a couple of questions I hope to get some help on. First: I'm finally going to do some hardware hacking (in particular, Marty's * CART fix -- have gotten tired of being 90+% thru a long download and having everything come to a halt!), and was wondering if anyone has any suggestions on what equipment to get. Such as type/power of soldering iron and solder, heat sinks, and any other miscellaneous general equipment. Second: I'm using YModem BATCH when downloading from the data bases. When there is more than one file in a group, I can't seem to figure out how to tell Delphi to send more than 1 file at a time, which would be ntce, since I am using BATCH. Any help? Thanks a milloin! -Jamie Wilmoth (KNOT1)- -*- 29344 8-MAY 18:13 General Information RE: Help with Equipment and Downloading (Re: Msg 29336) From: ZACKSESSIONS To: KNOT1 Although Delphi supports Ymodem Batch, it doesn't support multiple file downloading from the libs yet. (Unless the sysop has new news for us!) Zack -*- End of Thread. -*- 29337 8-MAY 03:21 Telcom HELP!!!!!! From: CTL56 To: ALL HELP!!! I need some help with my computer and downloading files. I have changed attr on the files. The Main problem I am having is on the .AR files. When I type AR -t filename I get a list and then AR prints File not archive or damaged. ERROR #001 The files appear to work and I am not sure if there is a problem. I am now using OSterm V2.07 with a Disto SC2 plus a 3 in 1 board and a Radio Shack DCM-6 Modem (for now) The computer sometimes locks up and drops the carrier. Any suggestions or comments would be nice. Thanks -*- 29345 8-MAY 18:15 Telcom RE: HELP!!!!!! (Re: Msg 29337) From: ZACKSESSIONS To: CTL56 The error from Ar that you are getting can be ignored. The files are being de-arced just fine. If you really want to get rid of the error message, even though it is a moot exercise, you can edit the archive with dEd a diddle with the file length, chopping off the $1A xmodem padding bytes at the end of it. Zack -*- End of Thread. -*- 29348 8-MAY 19:34 General Information new user From: CAROLYNA To: ALL I'm brand new to OS-9, so please excuse apparently stupid questions. I'm trying to make Multi-Vue recognize my 512K as instructed in manual. After I type the "+3", I always get "*FAIL*. My 512 upgrade passes its test so must be good. What am I doing wrong? Neither manual ever mentions the *FAIL* message, that I can find. Thanks for any help. -*- 29355 8-MAY 22:29 General Information RE: new user (Re: Msg 29348) From: EDDIEKUNS To: CAROLYNA (NR) The problem you're probably having is typos on page 1-6 of the MultiVue manual. Step 4 should be: type edit /d0/sys/env.file [ENTER] (ie: not /do/sys/env.file [ENTER]) There are a lot of typo's in the MultiVue manual, unfortunately. If you have another editor that you are familiar with under OS-9, then use that editor instead. What you are doing on page 1-6 of the MultiVue manual is changing which 'RAM = ' line is commented out. You want the line saying 'RAM=512' to be uncommented (no '*') and the line saying 'RAM=128' to be either commented (beginning with a '*') or deleted. Eddie -*- 29391 11-MAY 00:32 General Information RE: new user (Re: Msg 29348) From: CIZZIJR To: CAROLYNA (NR) Carolyna, You get the *FAIL* message because you are trying to move three lines past the end of the edit buffer. Before you type +3 type -* first. Then type +3 and continue as the manual states. If you would like to find out more infromation about the use of edit, check out your Operating System manual under the commands section, page 7-1. This should get you on your way, Carmen Izzi Jr. [CIZZIJR] -*- 29400 12-MAY 11:31 General Information RE: new user (Re: Msg 29348) From: NES To: CAROLYNA (NR) Look for the env.file located in the SYS directory, use edit command to remove the * in front of the RAM=512 and remove the RAM=128. Here is my env.file: RBFDEV=/dd,/d0,/d1 SCFDEV=/p,/t1,/t2 MONTYPE=1 RAM=512 EXEC=/dd/MV/CMDS PROGRAM=Shell PARAM=i=/term REPSTR=3 REPSPD=4 PTRRES=1 PTRSID=1 LFTMRGN=5 LNLEN=70 PGWDTH=80 HDRSIZ=5 TRLSIZ=5 PGLEN=66 TABSIZ=4 PGPAUS=0 PRPORT=/p PRNAME=DMP105 PALET0=3,3,3 PALET1=0,0,3 PALET2=0,0,0 PALET3=2,2,2 PALET4=1,1,1 PALET5=2,2,2 PALET6=1,0,0 PALET7=2,0,0 PALET8=3,0,0 PALET9=0,1,0 PALET10=0,2,0 PALET11=0,3,0 PALET12=0,0,1 PALET13=0,0,2 PALET14=0,0,3 PALET15=3,3,3 That should get you full use of the 512k with MV. Note: RBF= /dd,/d0,/d1 remove the /d1 if you have only one drive. also the EXEC= your exicution directory usely /dd/cmds. MONTYPE=1 for RGB. hope this helps NES -*- End of Thread. -*- 29358 8-MAY 23:40 Programmers Den tmode problem From: ZACKSESSIONS To: ALL I can't seem to turn off pause in a window from a program. I have tried using a SetStt SS.OPT call, and forking a "tmode -pause" call. Neither appear to work. The problem is apparent when displaying several character strings in a overlay window. If I have pause turned off prior to running the program, all is fine. If pause is turned on, the character string display in the overlay window pauses after displaying 22 strings. Any ideas, guys? Zack ps, when pause is turned on and the display pauses after 22 strings being displayed, hitting BREAK or clicking the mouse makes the program continue. -*- 29362 9-MAY 01:15 Programmers Den RE: tmode problem (Re: Msg 29358) From: KNOT1 To: ZACKSESSIONS I'm not positive that you HAVE to, but did you do a GetStt SS.OPT first, then the SetStt? Also did you use path #1 (or whichever the window is opened on) insted of path #0? "Tmode" also relies on path #0, so sosething like "tmode - pause char *getblock(group, bufnum, start_x, start_y, size_x, size_y) int group, bufnum, start_x, start_y, end_x, end_y; { struct registers regs; char buffer[20]; /* KilBuf - Kill the buffer before using it */ buffer[0] = '\x1B'; buffer[1] = '\x2A'; buffer[2] = (char) (group & 0xFF); buffer[3] = (char) (bufnum & 0xFF); /* GetBlk - Get contents of screen into a buffer */ buffer[4] = '\x1B'; buffer[5] = '\x2C'; buffer[6] = (char) (group & 0xFF); buffer[7] = (char) (bufnum & 0xFF); buffer[8] = (char) ((start_x >> 8) & 0xFF); buffer[9] = (char) (start_x & 0xFF); buffer[10] = (char) ((start_y >> 8) & 0xFF); buffer[11] = (char) (start_y & 0xFF); buffer[12] = (char) ((size_x >> 8) & 0xFF); buffer[13] = (char) (size_x & 0xFF); buffer[14] = (char) ((size_y >> 8) & 0xFF); buffer[15] = (char) (size_y & 0xFF); write(1, buffer, 15); /* SS.MpGPB - A=path, B=$84, X=Group/Buffer, Y=map(1)/unmap(0) buffer */ regs.rg_a = 1; regs.rg_b = 0x84; regs.rb_x = (group * 256) + bufnum; regs.rg_y = 1; if((_os9(GETSTT, ®s)) == -1) return(0); /* Return address of buffer - X=address, Y=length in bytes */ return(regs.rg_x); } With this function you pass the group and buffer number of the Get/Put Buffer you want to use as well as the starting X and Y coordinates and the size of the block and it will return a pointer to the block or zero if something failed. Notice that I issued a KilBuf first to deallocate a buffer that might already be in use. That prevents an error in case the new buffer is larger than the older one. -- Greg -*- End of Thread. -*- 29403 12-MAY 18:56 Programmers Den os9gen trouble From: NES To: ALL Has anyone ever had a disk stop being able to make boot disk from it?? also cant make a boot disk from the harddrive (burk&burk). I can cobble the disk to make a boot, but cant make a new boot with added modules. Is there a size limmit on a boot? Here is my new boot I would like to have boot the system: OS9P2 Init IOMan CC3Go Clock.60hz RBF.mn CC3Disk.dr_new D0_40D.DD D1_40D.DD BBFhdisk.dr SCF.mn ACIAPAK.dr SIO.dr T1.DD T2.DD PRINTER.dr P.DD CC3IO.dr VDGINT.IO WINDINT.IO TERM_WIN.DT W.DW W1.DW W2.DW W3.DW W4.DW W5.DW W6.DW W7.DW W8.DW W9.DW W10.DW W11.DW W12.DW W13.DW W14.DW W15.DW PipeMan.mn Piper.dr PIPE.DD dd/cmds/H0.dd dd/cmds/DD.dd /* note this where supposed to be after BBFhdisk.dr */ NES -*- 29408 12-MAY 23:20 Telcom OSTerm From: ELM To: ALL I'm a newcomer to OS9 and am sort of hobbling along trying to learn the system. A friend lent me a copy of OSTerm which I did manage to get up and running in a fashion. The docs for OSTerm seem pretty skimpy. Is there some detailed instruction for its use? I frequently find myself with a locked up keyboard, and often the drive light will come on and stay on. I'd appreciate any help in finding further documentation for this program. -Len -*- 29410 12-MAY 23:47 Utilities 3 1/2" From: BANCROFT To: ALL I have a 3 1/2" high density drive. I have switched the jumper to make it work only as a double density drive. My device descriptor is set up for SID=2, CYL= 50, DNS=3. I can format the disk. I do a DCHEKC and it comes out OK. But when I store something there, I get a error 219, then the disk is unreadable I keep getting error 244 from then on until I put in a new disk. -*- 29413 13-MAY 01:35 General Information OS9 via RS-DOS? From: BILLBEISSERT To: ALL I'd like to download a decent terminal program for OS9 using Ymodem under an RS- DOS system. What steps must be taken to accomplish this task? I have a Coco3 with 512k and would like to get Osterm V 2.0.8 that's here on the SIG. I have OS9 Level 2, also. I did notice that there are no doc's for Osterm so I assume that it is menu driven and fairly self-explanatory. Sure would appreciate some help towards my goal. Bill -*- 29415 13-MAY 03:03 General Information Music Formats From: BRIANWHITE To: RAGTIMER (NR) Hi. You told me (at least, I THINK it was you...) to remind you after the 'fest about some info dealing with Symphony-12 and other music programs. Just tell me how you'd like to perform the transfer and I'll work it out. Thanx, we (Matthew and myself) real ly appreciate this!!! Brian -*- 29416 13-MAY 10:40 Telcom tel From: AEJ To: ALL Just a little note... I have been a sysop of a OS9 BBS for a few years now (PBBS, which has served me fine) and like all COCO users have been on the look out for anything new. I suggest that any sysops or future systops take a look at the new BBS program RCIS......very impressive...I have looked at most of the OS9 BBSs and this one is a gem! Home BASE.....(201)967-1061 Mine is (902)539-4473 -*- FORUM>Reply, Add, Read, "?" or Exit> .