30692 13-JUL 23:07 Device Drivers RE: COCO2 WORD PROCESSORS! (Re: Msg 30642) From: DENNYSKALA To: DKIRCHER I'm not quite sure what you're asking for. Are you looking for word processors which operate under Level I? Ones other than Stylograph and Last Word? I don't recall any others offhand. I have a Word-Pak RS version of the Last Word, CRC = $C6DCAC. You're welcome to that if it's different than the version you have. Or were you looking for word processors which run under Level II and are Wordpak-capable? If so, I can help you there --- I'm typing this message with Stylograph running into the Wordpak RS display. ***** Dennis ***** -*- 30695 14-JUL 00:50 Device Drivers RE: COCO2 WORD PROCESSORS! (Re: Msg 30692) From: DKIRCHER To: DENNYSKALA A WORDPAK RS version of Last word! OUTSTANDING! I just bought LWORD from COCOPRO and got a graphics screen version. Got the graphics screen version of Stylograph to. Nice as they are, when there is a wordpak on the system graphics screens are simply "also rans". I am still functioning with a COCO I LEVEL I OS9 system that has Wordpak RS. If your version of LWORD will run and that and you don't mind parting with it I would be very much in your debt. I'm just trying to get a uniform system together that will not require dos changing, or fancy taylormade bootfiles with exotic graphics screens. Thanks for the reply dlk -*- 30720 15-JUL 00:10 Device Drivers RE: COCO2 WORD PROCESSORS! (Re: Msg 30695) From: DENNYSKALA To: DKIRCHER (NR) Well, "outstanding" is not the adjective I would use. The Last Word has some serious flaws (I think I wrote a review of it and posted here - should still be there). Also, I understand that the LK Last Word actually *ATE* hard disks. Sure, I would be willing to part with it -- make me an offer in Email. ***** Dennis ***** -*- 30727 15-JUL 02:20 Device Drivers RE: COCO2 WORD PROCESSORS! (Re: Msg 30720) From: GREGL To: DENNYSKALA Dennis, Your assumption about Last Word seem to be right on the mark. I was, ummm, amazed to discover that they actuall rewrite the file *backwards* when you scroll up the screen. In my humble opinion, any good adjective and Last Word don't fit in the same sentence very well. I actually managed to type two paragraphs one time before it crashed. Most of the time it crashed before I could type two sentences. Definitely Trash Word. -- Greg -*- 30736 15-JUL 11:00 Device Drivers RE: COCO2 WORD PROCESSORS! (Re: Msg 30727) From: MRGOOD To: GREGL It's starnge, I remember a very favorable review of Last Word in a Rainbow mag of about Dec 85. I wonder which version was reviewed? Luckily, that was when I first bought my Coco, so I didn't have the money to buy it. Guess I lucked out... Hugo -*- 30738 15-JUL 14:28 Device Drivers RE: COCO2 WORD PROCESSORS! (Re: Msg 30736) From: GREGL To: MRGOOD Hugo, I remember that review of Last Word in Rainbow. I asked myself several times if the reviewer even ran the program. It is, for the most part, slow as molasses in January and it does have a tendency to trash documents and even complete drives. To the best of my knowledge, only one version has been released and, if you recall the ads during that time frame, they quickly removed Last Word from their ads and offered almost-free upgrades to Last Word owners to move up to Screen Star. Computerware must have been in dire straits by then. Screen Star is almost a character-for-character version of Word Star, including 10,000 multiple character commands that are as easy to remember as the magic formula for a nuclear warhead. -- Greg -*- 30741 15-JUL 18:28 Device Drivers RE: COCO2 WORD PROCESSORS! (Re: Msg 30720) From: DWHILL To: DENNYSKALA The best solution to last word is to take a bulk eraser to every disk copy you've got and thoroughly exorcize that defective code. It's a shame, as it had some nice features; I don't suppose the source code is available from somewhere? --Damon -*- 30749 16-JUL 18:41 Device Drivers RE: COCO2 WORD PROCESSORS! (Re: Msg 30738) From: MRGOOD To: GREGL (NR) It's really too bad about the Last Word. If it had worked correctly, it would have been a great program (according to that Rainbow article). I hate Wordstar, talk about cryptic. I much prefer VI (Rick Adams' patched TSEDIT) along with MROFF. Hugo -*- End of Thread. -*- 30693 13-JUL 23:08 Patches RE: b&b + PBJ CC-BUS (Re: Msg 30679) From: DENNYSKALA To: SALZARD I wouldn't recommend using the B&B interface with the PBJ CCBus. It was the death of mine, and the reason I finally broke down and bought an MPI. First problem is that you need to add the 12 volt DC circuit to the CCBus (or power the HD interface card with a separate 12 VDC). Then because the CCBus doesn't switch the SCS and CTS lines separately, you must use a floppy controller which is fully decoded to $FF4x, so that it doesn't conflict with the B&B interface, which is at $FF5x. This means no Tandy floppy controller, as well as many others. Or --- you could fully decode the offending floppy controller. I did that, and it's fairly easy. I don't recall having to patch any software for the sake of the hard disk interface itself (of course to use the CCBus with OS9, a few system patches were required for other stuff). When I put the whole thing together, it worked for about 15 minutes and blew out the average size wall transformer. I found the absolutely biggest one of the proper voltage, rigged a plug to it, and gave it a try. It held out, but ran super hot too. I used this setup for a while until I noticed that the power supply on the CCBus board was running so hot that it melted the plastic cover. The standard PC hard disk interfaces are apparently quite power hungry. At that point I gave up and got the MPI. A *LOT* more reliable (if physically more inconvenient). ***** Dennis ***** -*- 30733 15-JUL 03:31 Patches RE: b&b + PBJ CC-BUS (Re: Msg 30693) From: SALZARD To: DENNYSKALA Thanks for the info. I've solved the power supply problem and am forced to use the PBJ due to the unreliablity of the RS Multipak using a ribbon cable. -*- 30752 16-JUL 21:19 Patches RE: b&b + PBJ CC-BUS (Re: Msg 30733) From: DENNYSKALA To: SALZARD (NR) Glad you were able to solve the power supply problem. A couple of other things occurred to me: Make sure to keep the connecting ribbon cable as short as you can. I had some *VERY* subtle problems when my cable got longer than 10.5". In a nutshell, continuous disk I/O would hang the machine after a moderate time. Have you made the PBJ recommended hack to block the bus from GIME conflicts on the Coco 3 (analogous to the MPI upgrade)? Probably would be a good idea. On U9, cut the trace to pin 13. Then jumper pin 1 to pin 13 on U9. I did it, and observed no problems. ***** Dennis ***** -*- End of Thread. -*- 30694 13-JUL 23:08 General Information Comm Problems From: DENNYSKALA To: ALL Has anyone else run into this problem on Delphi? After 5 - 10 minutes of nonstop ASCII download of forum messages, I suddenly get repeating garbage, e.g. DUIDUIDUIDUIDUIDUIDUI --- ad nauseum. Or VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV seems to happen a lot too. This has happened to me probably 5 - 7 times over the last few months. Always here, never on CI$ or on other boards. I'm running Wizpro at 2400 baud, and coming in through Telenet. When this happens, I usually can't break out with a line break. I have to kill the process and manually switch off the modem to hang up. Has anyone else experienced this? Any ideas what's happening? ***** Dennis ***** -*- 30696 14-JUL 02:03 Telcom RE: OSTerm autodial (Re: Msg 29939) From: KMTHOMPSON To: BILLBEISSERT (NR) Bill, Was just going through the Forum messages I hadn't read yet, and I realized that this hadn't been responded to. Have you figured out your OSTerm Dial setup yet? I haven't used Tandy protocol in awhile, but I may be able to be of help. I use OSTerm v2.0.8 and use the autodial regularly, and I really like OSTerm's LEARN mode to watch you logon and repeat it later. Anyway, the "garbage on the screen" that you get before the USERNAME prompt I found would quickly clear up if you setup OSTerm to 7 _MARK_ 1 (7M1 as opposed to 8N1 or 7E1). For some ODD reason MARK parity gets rid of the garbage ALMOST ANYWHERE you need 7bits EVEN parity. Try it. I've heard alot on the forum lately about ways to set up Telenet so it won't send garbage. I'd like to hear if 7M1 works there, as I use it all the Tyme on Tymnet. Let me know if you haven't figured out the dialer yet with Tandy protocol. (If you can use Hayes protocol, you'll find it much easier. It looks more confusing at first, but turns out to be simpler!) I have an old Tandy command card here from my old Modem, and I may be able to help you out! --]. --] If you have the Old GIME and didn't really notice your clock before SmartWatch, it might be GIME, but that sounds unlikely to me. Sorry if I'm not much help! --Mr. ] I go to CSU, and will be back in the fall. I'm in Casper Wyoming right now, tho. I do want to come down and see your system sometime, as I've said before. Maybe this school year will be a bit less hecktic... --] From what I did hear, however, many people were worried about their personal lives being thrown into the "Affectionate History," and in the process, being exposed to public scorn to the extent that they called the Witness Protection program in the U.S., and are now being relocated under the aforementioned assumed names. (Hope I didn't spoil this for too many of you...) --] \ | ___ | | | | \ | / \ | | | | | | \ | / \ \______| | \ |-------| | \| / -*- 30705 14-JUL 11:23 Programmers Den RE: Speeding up the coco3 (Re: Msg 30633) From: NES To: TIMKOONCE (NR) I was thinking of maybe trying to get the TC9's 2.5Mhz, anything to speed things up, I have been thinking of a 6809 simulator to replace the coco's 6809, except the simulator would exicute all commands at one clock cycle instead of 1-4 clocks, this would increase preformance by 2 to 3 times I would think. oh well, guess I wait on a MM1 or TC70 when the price comes down. -Eric S. -*- 30708 14-JUL 12:03 General Information [DShell+ 2.1 From: DBEARISTO To: ALL Can somebody please tell me what improvements Sshell+ 2.1 has over thew standard shell? What about patches I kepp hearing about? Thanks, Darryn (DBEARISTO) -*- 30709 14-JUL 15:57 Utilities UNZIPing files From: PAULRINEAR To: ALL Hi, I left this message once before with no results. Here goes again: Using the UNZIP utility available here as Unzip11.pak, or the update available on Compuserve called Unzip2.pak, I run into a lockup condition after the unzipping is done. I am using a COCO3 with 512k LII and 192k Ramdisk that came with the dev. pak. I load a 4k file into the ramdisk and unzip it getting three extracted files (that's all of 'em) and then a lockup. It is necessary to reboot at this point. The file in question unzips fine under MS-DOS using PKUNZIP (Ver. 102). Any ideas? PaulRinear -*- 30710 14-JUL 17:34 General Information Downloading From: REVWCP To: ALL I keep encountering the same problem on arced (.AR) files, no matter where I download them from. For example, I downloaded HELPMSG.AR from the General Information area. When I attempted to use the AR utility I get the following message AR: file not archive or damaged ERROR #001 This, as I said is a consistant problem. I use OSTERM v 1.37 (I think that is the version) What am I doing wrong? As I said it makes no difference if it is mainly a text file or a combination such as docs and programs. It does not happen all the time, but to rule out telephone problems, I will re-download the file and I still get the same problem. s it something in the files them -selves? Any help on this will be greatly appreciated. Thankyou, Brother Jeremy, CSJW (REVWCP) -*- 30712 14-JUL 18:07 General Information RE: Downloading (Re: Msg 30710) From: GREGL To: REVWCP Most of the time that message doesn't have any significant meaning and can be ignored. When AR is extracting the files from the archive file it finds xmodem pad characters at the end of the file. It's simply telling you that it found this garbage at the end and expected to find another file. If all of the files are extracted, ignore that error. -- Greg -*- 30716 14-JUL 20:53 General Information RE: Downloading (Re: Msg 30712) From: REVWCP To: GREGL Thank you for your reply. The problem that I am having though, is that in some cases that extracting process stops part way through a file. It seems to happen most often in large text archives. As soon as I get a chance I will get you a list of the files that have given me trouble. Thank you, Br. Jeremy (REVWCP) -*- End of Thread. -*- 30713 14-JUL 18:38 Device Drivers RE: clock (Re: Msg 30666) From: DISTO To: RADICAL We used to have just a clock and parallel printer port, but not sure if there are any left. You will have to call CRC to find out. -Tony -*- 30714 14-JUL 18:40 Patches RE: step Rates (Re: Msg 30664) From: DISTO To: JANG What kind of controller do you have? -Tony. -*- 30717 14-JUL 21:20 Patches RE: step Rates (Re: Msg 30714) From: JANG To: DISTO (NR) Oh, sorry I didn't mention that. I'm sure it's important... I recieved a WD-1002 TAN controller The "TAN" had been painted over something else that was there origionally.. I assume SHD (maby modified slightly).. I got it from the guy at "Arizona Small" with a 10 Meg CMI-5412. Since then I put the CMI on the shelf and am using the ST-125 OK. I am, however, trying to apply Ken Scales SASI Patch(new uploads) to improve it's performance.. but no luck With it so far... Thanks for you concern.. where do we go from here... Jerry -*- End of Thread. -*- 30715 14-JUL 20:49 General Information No FORMAT after 1-Meg upgrade! From: RADARBUZZ To: ALL HELP! For the last 3 days I've been trying to format a disk in /d0 (3.5 720K). It appears that this problem started after I installed my 1 MEG upgrade. Symtoms: About 5 - 15 seconds after I run format the head stops stepping, the drive lite stays lit, and the computer is frozen. The format module checks ok. Here is an Ident: Header for: Format Module size: $0C3E #3134 Module CRC: $744268 (Good) Hdr parity: $1A Exec. off: $009B #155 Data Size: $2B41 #11073 Edition: $16 #22 Ty/La At/Rv: $11 $81 Prog mod, 6809 obj, re-en, R/O The problem exists before and after MEGA is run. ALL other disk I/O works with no problems. Any ideas? -Jeff -*- 30734 15-JUL 10:56 General Information RE: No FORMAT after 1-Meg upgrade! (Re: Msg 30715) From: MRGOOD To: RADARBUZZ Could it be the infamous BLOB problem? I've had problems formatting disks when my bootlist was set up 'wrong.' Hugo -*- 30739 15-JUL 15:19 General Information RE: No FORMAT after 1-Meg upgrade! (Re: Msg 30734) From: RADARBUZZ To: MRGOOD Hugo, I dunno, but I have reason to think it the problem may be module specific. "Format /d0" always fails. "Format /dd" is successful about 80% of the time. This is strange, as the /dd descriptor is a copy of /d0. "Format /d1" works 100% of the time. It is a 40 track, single sided drive. About the BLOB, I don't know. I've never had it (yet). Maybe I got it now, but I doubt it. I haven't changed my boot list since back before I installed my 1 Meg upgrade. I've got a new GIME on order - I bet (hope?) that will fix it. But in case you can spot something questionable, here is my boot list order: os9p2 os9p3 ioman init cc3go clock.60hz rbf.mn vdd.dr r0.dd cc3disk.dr ddd0_80d.dd d0_80d.dd d1_40s.dd scf.mn sio.dr t1.dd aciapak.dr t2.dd printer.dr p.dd cc3io.dr grfint.io vdgint.io v1.dw v2.dw v3.dw v4.dw term80_win.dt w.dw w1.dw w2.dw w3.dw w4.dw w5.dw w6.dw w7.dw pipeman.mn piper.dr pipe.dd -Jeff -*- 30750 16-JUL 18:44 General Information RE: No FORMAT after 1-Meg upgrade! (Re: Msg 30739) From: MRGOOD To: RADARBUZZ (NR) As far as boot order, it seems that each individual machine has its own preferred method. I also had selective failures in that I could format my SSDD 5 1/4" drive just fine (with the /d0 descriptor) but not the 720K 5 1/4". From the surface, I suspect BLOB, but who knows, it ould be the mem upgrade but I kinda doubt it's the GIME (not that I would really know for sure). Hugo -*- End of Thread. -*- 30718 14-JUL 21:38 Utilities WizPro From: AARONS To: WBRADY (NR) Bill, I have the WizPro share-ware disk and would like to send for the unabridged version disks and laser printed manual, but I'm not sure of your address (the documentation lists- 1503-I Flanders Lane and Delphi Member lists- 4776-B Carmodl Ct.) which is correct?? Also you mentioned about being carefule about patches. So, will WizPro work with Sdisk3 ??? I have Clearbrook software groups MSF (MS Dos File manager) which requires Sdisk3 to run. I'm also looking for a print spooler to use with CSG IMS (Clearbrook softwaregroup IMS) data base system, that will work with WizPro or at least with the same boot. I saw the one that was recently uploaded to Delphi database , but I don't have an assembler to assemble it. Hope to hear from you soon. Thanks, AARONS -*- 30719 14-JUL 23:58 General Information RE: ROBOT ODYESSY I (Re: Msg 30667) From: OS9BERT To: WAYNELAIRD (NR) Yes I have. All of the modules are there. There is nothing special. The only thing about the program is that they change the execution and working directories to the root of drive 0. That is stupid! It makes it very hard to patch to some other directory on the hard drive. Bert -*- 30722 15-JUL 00:21 Utilities DEARC From: OS9BERT To: GREGL I can't find DEARC on this board. There are several places that says it is on here but yet I can't find it. Did someone forget to post it. It is referenced several places in the data bases and some of the files require its use. Thank you. Bert Schneider -*- 30735 15-JUL 11:00 Utilities RE: DEARC (Re: Msg 30722) From: ZACKSESSIONS To: OS9BERT (NR) You'll find the source (only!) in a group called "3D GRAPHICS PLOTER." in the Programmer's Den. (Note spelling of plotter) Zack -*- End of Thread. -*- 30723 15-JUL 00:43 General Information RE: One Megabyte CoCo-3 !! (Re: Msg 30653) From: RAGTIMER To: GREGL Oh, so that's what the BOS1 crud stands for! I thought that was the OS'es name or something. A neat improvement would be to add Email access to the aoutside world via Bitnet, UUCP, etc. I can actually send mail between CI$ and my work site, or anywhere in the world on those freebie networks. --mike k -*- 30728 15-JUL 02:25 General Information RE: One Megabyte CoCo-3 !! (Re: Msg 30723) From: GREGL To: RAGTIMER (NR) Yeah, I think BOS1A is Telenet and BOS1B is Tymnet or vice versa. We used to be able to send mail to CompuServe and a few other places at one time via links but CompuServe decided it was in their 'best interest' to sever those lines. It seems that CompuServe never has been fond of other pay services. -- Greg -*- 30740 15-JUL 18:17 General Information RE: One Megabyte CoCo-3 !! (Re: Msg 30690) From: DWHILL To: CHYDE (NR) I think your message (#30690) got chopped. Want to try that again? --Damon -*- End of Thread. -*- 30724 15-JUL 00:47 General Information RE: 1 Meg problems? (Re: Msg 30673) From: RAGTIMER To: DWHILL I was about to instal the IRQ hack when I got hold of OSTerm, which works fine without it. If I had to stay with XCom9, I'd have hotwired every hack known to man by now. Yes, feeding the 1 Meg regulator should offload the Coco's regulator, at the expense of more load on the transformer and diodes (those diodes get TOASTY enuf already!). Also the Coco's capacitor may not hold enuf between 60-Hz cyclces to give you good "headroom" when the lights dim as the washing machine cuts in, etc. Otherwise I'd have done that by now. FOrtunately that power plug is back in a corner where nobody can see that obscene C= logo, grin. -*- 30725 15-JUL 00:52 General Information RE: shell+ 2.1 (Re: Msg 30686) From: RAGTIMER To: MIKEHAALAND OK Mike. Actually, when I first told Paul Seniura about the problem with Shell+, I didn't have the patch in front of me, so I described the reasons for the bug. A day or two later I sent him the one-woprd patch. Meanwhile, thru some feversih research, he seems to have discovered the patch on his own, plus the second one. So he deserves some credit for it, tho it constitutes reinventing the wheel. There's still some quewstion about whether to patch the 31 pages to 1 or to 0. Seems that either one works. Hmmm, now that I have 1 Meg I should start using Shell+ myself, grin. -*- 30726 15-JUL 01:12 General Information RE: OS9 vs. PCDOS -- gripe bucket (Re: Msg 30631) From: RAGTIMER To: TIMKOONCE (NR) Hey Tim, how many shott-em-up games can you play at once, grin? Actually, even if only one window is covering the entire screen for a video games, there is still that fundamental problem with hardware sprites-- there are only so many of them. If the hardware handles only 4 sprites, then no game can ever fire 5 or more missiles at your ship/plane/ninja at once. So build in 10, and some game programmer will need 12. And so it goes... Then there's the question of whether KLE and FHL want to push "game machines". Well why not, but I agree that game-specialized hardware is not worth it. Phillips does have a 3rd chip (after the 68070 and VSC) for the CD-I system, that is a grafix co-processor, like the copper & blitter in the Amiga, and maybe it does sprites too. But they haven't released much info on that mystery chip yet, at least not to "our" folks. (maybe they'll accidentally mail something to the "wrong" IMS Corp, grin). -*- 30729 15-JUL 03:27 General Information C Questions From: BRIANWHITE To: ALL I've got a couple of questions for all you C guru's out there... Question #1: ------------ Everybody knows that when Intel defined how they would store words and longwords in memory, they did it backwards (unlike Motorola who showed a little foresight). Therefore, I'd assume that when a C program on an Intel chip writes to a disk file, it als o writes backwards. But, what about bit fields? They seem pretty standardized according to my C book. Do these also suffer from the little-endian syndrome? If not, it would provide a pretty acceptable way to force a C program to always write in big-e ndian format. Question #2: ------------ What exactly is the memory format for an Intel longword in memory? If a Motorola longword is 44332211, would the Intel memory look like: a) 11223344, b) 33441122, or c) 22114433 Thanx in advance... Brian -*- 30737 15-JUL 14:19 General Information RE: C Questions (Re: Msg 30729) From: GREGL To: BRIANWHITE (NR) Brian, Data stored on disk is an exact image of that stored in memory. That is, when data is written to disk the DMA controller picks it up from memory in a character stream format. As for the layout of bit-fields, that seems to be pretty much compiler dependent. Also, you can't define a bit-field of more than 8 bits. ANSI, in their infinite wisdom?, precluded that. It would have worked very nicely for several applications to create 24-bit long integers. Oh, maybe the maximum is 16 bits - the size of an integer. As far as the storage, consider all data types that are more than one byte in size to be stored backwards. Character arrays are stored forward. Nothing like consistency, eh? Blithering idiots. So the format of several data types will be: 0------->8 int 0011 long 00112233 ptr 0011 far ptr 0011:2233 (ffo:ges) In that "chart," 0-->8 represents the memory address from 0 upward and the numbers referenced are the byte ordering, from LSB to MSB. The larger the number, the higher the significance. Note that (ffo:ges) is (seg:off) backwards! -- Greg -*- End of Thread. -*- 30730 15-JUL 03:28 General Information Shell+ From: BRIANWHITE To: PAULSENIURA (NR) While your patch to Shell+ is all very nice and well, you are way off your mark in your interpration of things. Giving a program a minimum of 8k of data space is not "a huge waste" as you say. In fact, it is just the opposite! Any program using only 2 0 bytes will require a whole 8k block anyway because of the design of OS-9 L2, so why not tell the program that it has 8k to work with in the first place. This increases the efficiency of programs like copy, merge, ascii, etc. which check their availabl e memory and use all of it. The problem comes from programs that don't expect any more memory than they ask for and yet still go ahead and allocate more. Not that there is anything wrong with this tactic, it's just a different approach. The creaters o f Shell+ should be commended for their foresight into wasted memory in an 8k block, not condemmed for it. Maybe Shell+ should have had an option to enable/disable this auto-extra memory. Either way, it isn't Shell+ that is wasting the memory! Also, while it goes against what the OS-9 manual says, for my past experience, passing F$Fork and F$Chain a data size of $0000 causes OS-9 to automatically give the new process the data size in it's header. And if you don't believe me, disassemble CC3GO . It F$FORKs & F$CHAINs shell in just that way. Brian -*- 30746 16-JUL 00:50 General Information RE: Shell+ (Re: Msg 30730) From: MIKEHAALAND To: BRIANWHITE (NR) ~ Brian, I have to open my mouth on that last outburst! Shell+ IS a very nice Shell and I know the author and think he did a great job on it. I didn't read what you were referring to that Paul wrote, but If there is a problem with a program because of a 'feature' of the new shell, then there is a problem with the shell, not the program. You have to remember that on a CoCo 3, you only have 64k of process space for a program. With a little util, like you mentioned, this is no problem at all since giving an extra 8k to an 8k util does no damage. BUT if you need an 8k block free and your program already uses an 8k block for data, and the binary file itself is say 42k long, then you have some MAJOR problems by forking a program with and extra 8k. By Shell+ doing this, it prevents ANY LARGE program that needs all it's process space for things like, mapping and unmapping GET/PUT buffers, Malloc'ing tables, holding text (Word Processing), or linking to device descriptors, even mapping in memory blocks for system tables, etc. This can really mess things up in these cases and I'm sure you'll agree. I hope you see the other side of the coin! It's a nice feature if you only use small utils, but if you're using a program that doesn't want the space, why should it be given it anyway? Granted, this is not a common problem, but with programs getting more sophisticated and breaking new ground this does pose some unanticipated results. Why do you think there's a place for the info in the module header anyway? If you want to give a program extra memory then do it on the command line. But don't dictate extra memory because YOU think is an advantage and should be to ALL programs. Didn't mean to flame you, but I didn't like the 'tone' of your last message. (Expressing my humble opinion), Mike -*- End of Thread. -*- 30731 15-JUL 03:28 General Information CP From: BRIANWHITE To: KNOT1 Jamie, I like your new "cp" utility. Very nice! Just one comment about your docs, though. When I wrote "DupFile", I tested it with the OS-9 "Del" command and the "I$Delete" system call and never had a problem with corrupt files. OS-9 does seem to check and handle link counts properly. Brian -*- 30747 16-JUL 02:52 General Information RE: CP (Re: Msg 30731) From: KNOT1 To: BRIANWHITE (NR) Brian, Thank you! Yes, you are right about the "del" command working correctly, as I found out from Tim Koonce/Kientzle. You say that the "I$Delete" also works fine? Good, because that was the next thing I was going to find out. I had thought I heard somewhere that they didn't work correctly, but apparently not. At least it was better to error on the safe side. I will update the docs with new smaller version of "cp". I have it under 8K, but not under 7-1/2 K yet. Thanks for the input! -Jamie (KNOT1)- -*- End of Thread. -*- 30732 15-JUL 03:28 General Information Groups From: BRIANWHITE To: TIMKOONCE (NR) Tim, Hmmm... Interesting thought. But it doesn't accomplish anything security wise. Oh well. Brian P.S. Ever think of changing your username to just "TIMK" to avoid this two-name problem? :) -*- 30742 15-JUL 21:01 General Information SASI Driver Patch From: KSCALES To: ALL Thought I would post some notes on my patch for the Disto Hard Disk SASI driver (New Uploads area), resulting from feedback I have received: A couple of folks have reported a problem where their system locks when Grfdrv is loaded. Both are now running successfully. Recently, when doing some customizations on the system here, I found I had to do things a certain way, or I also encountered Grfdrv initialization problems. Right now, I don't believe the new driver itself is causing the problem, but it is making the system vulnerable to other things that were previously hidden by the interrupt masking of the original driver. (This isn't a cop-out, though I know it sounds like one. I recall similar problems being reported here about 2 years ago in relation to another Hard Drive system.) Some guidelines that may help for now: 1) set up Term in your bootfile to be hi-res -- boot to a hi-res Term rather than a VDG/lo-res screen. 2) using dEd on your OS9Boot file, link to INIT, and ensure that it is pointing to the floppy drive that you boot from (normally /D0). While you are at it, ensure that the byte at offset $0C in INIT is $0C. Don't forget to "V"erify the file after any changes are made. 3) use the ORIGINAL CC3GO module. I want that OS9 copyright message to be output on a GrfInt-type "/Term" by CC3GO. This forces GrfInt/WindInt to load "../CMDS/Grfdrv", where ".." is the device defined by INIT in step 2. Once you have the system successfully booting, you can then try making changes, such as changing "/H0" and "/H0/CMDS" to "/DD" and "/DD/CMDS" if you want. Also, repeating info from my message #30482, just to keep things together: With this new driver, the interleave (skip) factor now becomes important. The old driver dedicated the 6809 to waiting for the data to start coming in, even if this took a seek and a disk revolution. The new driver releases the 6809 to do other things if the data takes a while to start coming. If your interleave is not set properly, you may find that your "read" times using Bruce Isted's Megaread utility jump by about 68 seconds. This is NOT an indication of major problems... it means that with this new driver, the Interleave factor should be correct, and you may need to reformat your drive (ouch) with a different interleave to get the full benefit. I found an interleave of 3 to be about right for a ST225 with a WD1002 controller. .... / Ken -*- 30743 15-JUL 21:08 Patches RE: SASI PATCH (Re: Msg 30676) From: KSCALES To: JANG Hi, Jerry - Sorry you have encountered a problem -- but I am sure we can get things working for you. Please read my message #30742 for a general "bulletin" containing some general help info related to the patched driver. That info may help to get you up and running -- hopefully. If you still need further help: Could you please provide me with a bit more information/details about how the system is failing to boot, and also about your system configuration? At what point does it fail? Do you get the infamous "Boot Failed" screen, or do you just lock and get screen streaks? Perhaps it might be best if you send the info to me via E-mail. I assume you have a CMDS on your boot floppy, containing both Shell and Grfdrv, and both have E and PE attributes set. Does an "Ident" of your new bootfile look OK? No module duplications/omissions? Do all Hard Drive descriptors point correctly to CCHDisk, and have the $15th (21st decimal) byte set to $82 for slot 3? Regardless, you DEFINITELY should upgrade that MPI. It may cause false interrupts and other problems which, yes, could affect the performance of my driver and other software -- as well as endangering your GIME. Good luck, and keep me posted. ... / Ken -*- 30751 16-JUL 20:46 Patches RE: SASI PATCH (Re: Msg 30743) From: JANG To: KSCALES (NR) Oh, thank you, i'll get more info to you as soon as I can put it all together... Perhaps I'll try E-Mail.. Jerry -*- End of Thread. -*- 30744 15-JUL 22:03 Utilities cp From: 2WHEELER To: KNOT1 Hi! Just wanted you to know that I downloaded your program _cp_ and have been using it for a week and think it is great! It has replaced at least three other programs I used regularly. Thanks for a great program Sal Morreale -*- 30748 16-JUL 02:53 Utilities RE: cp (Re: Msg 30744) From: KNOT1 To: 2WHEELER (NR) Thanks, Sal! I'm always glad to hear favorable news! I had the idea when someone on the SIG mentioned that it would be nice to combine them into one program. I already had the Copy and a partially compleated Link, and it was a program that I wanted (unfortunately that's almost the only reason I write them) , so I put it together and uploaded it. I use it quite often myself too! :-) Thanks again. -Jamie (KNOT1)- -*- End of Thread. -*- 30753 16-JUL 21:56 General Information downloading From: TEDJAEGER To: ALL I downloaded MVFinance from the Rainbow section using Xmodem and when I try to load it into BASIC09 I get error 255 and then a system crash! Did I get some of those extra Xmodem blocks at the end of the download? What do I do to get rid of them? --Thanks, TedJaeger -*- 30754 16-JUL 22:18 General Information RE: downloading (Re: Msg 30753) From: RAYMAYEUX To: TEDJAEGER (NR) I usually load the source into a word processor then go the - oops - go to the end of the file and then delete all after the cursor position. This usually clears things up. -*- End of Thread. -*- FORUM>Reply, Add, Read, "?" or Exit> .