31269 14-AUG 21:52 Utilities RE: Ed (Re: Msg 31268) From: RADARBUZZ To: DODGECOLT Mike, ED 3.0 ?! Did I read that right (3.0)? If so I didn't know that version was available yet. If so, where can I locate it? -Jeff -*- 31292 15-AUG 19:22 Utilities RE: Ed (Re: Msg 31269) From: DODGECOLT To: RADARBUZZ (NR) Well, it is not PUBLICLY available yet... I am still working the bugs out, but very soon..... I don't have a lot of time these days, so it only gets worked on a little each night. -Mike -*- End of Thread. -*- 31271 14-AUG 22:45 General Information "Coco4" From: TJFRANCAIS To: ALL How can I get more info on these so-called "coco4" machines (MM/1, TC-9, etc)? How many competing brands are out there? Will my current OS9 software need to be patched? How much will it cost? OS9 is great but Im really tired of tinkering with the coco3 hardware. -*- 31272 14-AUG 22:57 General Information RE: "Coco4" (Re: Msg 31271) From: RADICAL To: TJFRANCAIS Both are advertising in the Rainbow. Both seemed to be swamped with requests and/or understaffed as they are very slow to respond to information requests. Len -*- End of Thread. -*- 31273 14-AUG 23:14 General Information RE: UUCP port (Re: Msg 31256) From: EDDIEKUNS To: RICKADAMS One of the sickest addresses I ever used was an odd hybrid: ruthep::zodiac:: bitnet%"ekuns@fnald" which I of course sent from fnald! Yes, the mail message successfully made two hops over DECNet and then dutifully came back via the bitnet! When I was reporting this to a professor I work with, his response was, "You're easily amused." Hahaha! I couldn't deny it. I'm also used to using gateways like Eddie_Kuns%mts@itsgw.rpi.edu which look really odd but work. :) It takes a while to get used to mishmashing networks. I still don't quite have a handle on the UUCP networks. (A better example of chaos than the internet!) Eddie -*- 31277 15-AUG 01:20 General Information RE: UUCP port (Re: Msg 31273) From: THEFERRET To: EDDIEKUNS (NR) What are the "%" signs for? -*- 31281 15-AUG 02:15 General Information RE: UUCP port (Re: Msg 31273) From: RICKADAMS To: EDDIEKUNS (NR) Well, of course, there's always the address I use for loopback testing: fico2! ccentral!rickadams. See, it goes from ccentral... then to fico2... then right back to ccentral again. -*- End of Thread. -*- 31274 14-AUG 23:36 General Information New Machines From: COLINMCKAY To: GREGL Greg: If there is any interest, I would like to suggest a conference on Delphi with Paul K. Ward, Frank Hogg, and Kevin Darling about the MM/1, TC70 and the Open Look clone that Kevin is working on. Many people here are planning to spend a fairly large amount of money on one of the new machines, but are really planning this as an act of faith. Those chasing the MM/1 constantly see Paul Ward saying "I can't really comment on that," or "I can't really say right now" or "call" (the woman at the 1-800 number, who reads quite well, but really doesn't know. Nothing against her, I doubt that she is allowed to speculate, and I doubt that she is planning to buy one of the new machines.) Those after the TomCat don't know what software support they are getting, or whether they should expect the graphical user interface (Open Look Clone) that the MM/1 is supposed to be coming with. There are also MANY questions about the interface that Kevin Darling is working on. As far as I know, there has been no information released on what this will look like, other than the words "Unix", "Open Look" etc. Really tells us nothing. How about an upload of a screen? Aside from the efforts of Matthew Thompson, there has been absolutely NO information about the VSC (SCC66470) chip that the MM/1 and TomCat use for graphics. At this point, no one can even agree on the maximum resolution that these chips will support on NTSC systems. Information on the 68070 has been sketchy (It has DMA,)(It is faster,)(It has a built-in serial port etc...) Hard and fast figures would be nice. I realise that PKW has mentioned performance in Dhrystones compared to an Amiga, and claims to leave the Amiga standing in the dust, but please be specific as to which Amiga you are bashing. Somehow, I really don't think that the MM/1 will leave the Amiga 3000 alone in the dust. Paul Ward has claimed that the MM/1 is 20 to 50 % faster than the TomCat70. Frank Hogg says it isn't. The issue of compatability with your existing hardware has been brought up by both parties. PKW says you can use "lots of other hardware that you already own." The hard drive that I have is MFM with an Eliminator, and I know several people who use the B&B system, not SCSI. Now, while I am planning to use my CoCo3 as a bulletin board after I get the MM/1, many people have no such plans. Thus, they will be pointed towards the TomCat. Little info has been given on the "OSGateway" of the MM/1. Frank Hogg has posted a Q&A file on Compuserve, but not here. Frank, there are a lot of people that just use this service. Remember, Delphi Users are people too! What software will be available? Paul Ward has mentioned QuickBasic. Big deal you say? He never mentions that it offers such things as the ability to compile with a runtime module, like Basic09/RunB. Or compile all the way to stand alone machine language. Or is this supported under the OS-K version? What other software is available? As far as I know, I was the first to announce on Delphi that the MM/1 was not being shipped until mid-September. Found this out on the International OS-9 Echo, about a week after it was mentioned on Compuserve. Anyway, you get my drift. I would really like to see a conference held here. Something to discuss anything of interest to all the potential users of the new machines with those who can answer the questions. I am writing this on my own, not on behalf of the Ottawa club. However, I am sure that my comments reflect the opinions of many others. Colin McKay Co-President Ottawa-Carleton OS-9 Users' Group Ottawa, Ontario Canada. -*- 31280 15-AUG 02:06 General Information RE: New Machines (Re: Msg 31274) From: JENG To: COLINMCKAY Colin, As far as I know the so called GUI from Kevin Darling will not be ready by the time the MM/1 or the TC70 is available to the public ! I talked to Frank Hogg last week and also Mark Sheffield of IMS yesteday and so far Kevin has device windows only ! A GUI like a Mac or Open Look on Sun work stations would take a long time to "write" and I suspect it won't be ready till next year (hopefully). The Insider newsletter from IMS will probably explain alot more than I can, and I think Mark said it should be sent out sometime this week. He said that the part of the holdup was that they were waiting for a written agreement from a software firm so they could have it in the Insider as Mark put it an "extremely exciting software announcement" but he wasn't going to tell me about it though ! He also told me there was CoCo and MSdos programs being ported over to the MM/1 ! The TC70 was going to be sent off to Kevin Darling this week for testing I guess and the TC9 was almost finished on the drawing that is. Frank said that minor changes was in order for it , like 1 Meg Simm rams, I'm not sure if our 512k upgrades will work now ! My own feelings on the "Gateway" from IMS, it probably won't be ready till next year if at all ! By the way, going to the Atlanta "CoCoFest" ?! John Eng Pincher Creek AB. -*- End of Thread. -*- 31275 14-AUG 23:55 Applications RE: RS-DOS disk routine (Re: Msg 31049) From: FRANCALCRAFT To: RTHOM (NR) In order to patch DOS 1.1 to handle double-sided drives: poke &HD89F,&H41 poke &HD8A0,&H42 The first is for drives 0/2 and the second for drives 1/3. There is a program from Rainbow June 1985 called "Disk Supercharger" which patches DOS. It is worth getting. -*- 31278 15-AUG 01:48 General Information RE: SDir (Re: Msg 30396) From: ALPHASOFT To: GREGL I read in "THE OSKer" that the group attributes are embedded into the system somewhere. I'm not quite sure how, but it is supposed to have group attributes. I'll have to read that more closely... Keith. -*- 31279 15-AUG 01:54 Programmers Den RE: MM1 & C (Re: Msg 30359) From: ALPHASOFT To: NES Eric, I'm pretty sure that the new microware 68k C compiler will be somewhat different than the old one, but how much is not known. There have been quite a few changes in C since 1983, let's face it, thats an old compiler. The new changes will probably have a lot to do with the newer ANSI spec. Mostly this will only add to the compiler and not take away anything. but where there's additions there's changes. It is possible that the compiler may have a switch for backward compat. either way, I don't think porting will be a real bad problem, but I don't no problem at all eitheer! -*- 31282 15-AUG 06:21 Utilities help From: ROYBUR To: ALL Can anybody recommend a decent hard-to-floppy backup program that runs under os9? Thanx in advance Roy -*- 31335 17-AUG 23:58 Utilities RE: help (Re: Msg 31282) From: THUNDERFNGRS To: ROYBUR Try HDKIT in the database here. While I admit not using it yet, it seems to be pretty flexible. -*- 31336 18-AUG 01:32 Utilities RE: help (Re: Msg 31335) From: ROYBUR To: THUNDERFNGRS (NR) Thanx muchly :) I'll get it, fore shore! Roy -*- End of Thread. -*- 31283 15-AUG 10:52 General Information Coco 3 Items For Sale From: JAYTRUESDALE To: ALL The company that I work for has the following Color Computer hardware and software for sale: * 26-3334 Color Computer 3 (87 GIME) w/Hemphill 512K, $100.00. * 26-3124 Multi-Pak Interface w/PAL upgrade installed, $50.00. * DS/DD 5.25" Teac 40 track floppy disk drive (not used very much, should be in very good condition), $50.00. * Dual 5.25" floppy disk drive cabinet with power supply and power connectors for two floppy drives (drives mount vertically), $40.00. * Disto Super RamDisk Cartridge with 1 Megabyte (!) RAM installed, all RS-DOS and OS-9 level 1 & 2 software drivers included, $100.00. * Disto Super (floppy) Controller 2 with no-halt operation under OS-9, drivers for OS-9 included, $50.00. * Disto Real Time Clock & Parallel Printer Adaptor Board for Disto products with Mini Expansion Bus (Disto Super Controller, Super Ramdisk, or MEB adaptor), parallel printer cable included. Includes RS-DOS and OS9 software, $25.00. * 26-3031 OS-9 Level 2 Operating System, $40.00. * 26-3032 OS-9 Development System (with RMA manual from Microware), $50.00. * 26-3038 OS-9 C Compiler, $50.00. * D.P. Johnson's SDisk3 & MSF - read/write/format all OS-9 formats, MSF is a file manager that adds the capability to read, write, format MS/PC DOS disks and comes with utilities to get a MS-DOS directory, change file attributes, copy and delete files from MS-DOS diskettes, $40.00. Feel free to make your own offer for any of these items. All original manuals, documentation and diskettes are included, shipping via UPS ground. If you are interested, please leave me E-Mail here or give me a call at JBM Electronics between 8:30 AM and 4:30 PM CST at (314) 426-7781. PLEASE NOTE: I will be on vacation until August 21, 1990. - Jay Truesdale  -*- 31284 15-AUG 11:41 General Information RE: Interrupts (Re: Msg 30963) From: PKW To: BRIANWHITE Brian, Gosh, not being a systems programmer myself, I can't answer your interrup- related question. Kevin Darling is surely the best person for this. I think the way that OSK uses coprocessors is to include a math library designed for one if one is present. This library is implemented above software/hardware /firmware that handles the differing ways the coprocessor can be attached -- eg, on the bus, on chip, etc. We have just started work on a math coprocessor for the MM/1. Will keep you informed! In the meantime, you may wish to send email to KKD. Paul -*- 31285 15-AUG 11:44 General Information RE: MAGNAVOX 8 CM 515 (Re: Msg 31000) From: PKW To: DAVEBEAN (NR) Well, I hope it's not too late to interest you in at least the base con- figuration for the MM/1. At $779 for the computer, 1.4 Meg floppy, OS, C compiler, etc. it's a steal. Also, there are several ways to "interoperate" with the Mm/1. First, you can order from us a product called PC9 that allows your IBM to run multiple sessions on one screen of your PC from your MM/1. Also, you can now order (from elsehwere, I'll check if you want) PC NFM, a PC based version of Microware's Network File Manager, which we include with the MM/1. This way, you can network any number of MM/1's and PC. BTW, the MM/1 includes a 100 KBaud network interface for no extra charger. Ooops, Charge, that is. The drivers WILL be an extra charge, but not a high charge. Stay in touch! Paul 202 232 4246 -*- 31286 15-AUG 11:54 General Information RE: MM/1 (Re: Msg 31002) From: PKW To: COLINMCKAY Colin, Yeah, I saw that typo, too. It's the kind of word that doesn't grab the eye as a typo because "form" and "from" are both legit words. About the MS-DOS stuff. First, QuickBasic IS being ported. This will give you access to thousands of applications and programs (and lots more BORING and STUPID stuff) for free. Even more important -- in terms of free stuff -- DOS 5.0 is being BUNDLED with QuickBasic, so you should see an onslaught of programs that you'll be able to run on the MM/1. And ESPECIALLY important are the COMMERCIAL programs written in QuickBasic or Basic that we are going to port to the MM/1 over the next few months. We're in the middle of negotiations with TWO companies now for such programs. More later. Also, we are not limiting ourselves to QuickBasic. We are also in the middle of negotiations with two other companies that have development environments for the DOS world. Just ONE of these environments has produced hundreds of top quality applications. In addition, we are planning some straight ports of DOS stuff. We are also heavny into negotiations with a binary cross compiler company that should give our customers the ability to run all the big name software as each gets cross compiled. This particular negotiation is delicate, but going along well. We are also looking into a V20 and 386SX daughterboard, but these plans are not as far along as the software solutions. I hope this clears up some of the confusion. I admit some fault here, but how do you phrase in one sentence what I have just described above, except to say that, with IMS behind your MM/1, you'll have access to thousands of programs developed under MS.DOS? Do you say, You'll have access to dozens of DOS programs, plus thousands more programs developed under DOS development systems? Do you see the problem I was faced with? Anyway, let me know if there is any more info you need. Paul -*- 31287 15-AUG 11:59 Programmers Den RE: Speeding up the coco3 (Re: Msg 31033) From: PKW To: NES Howdy, Eric! How's things in Charlotte? You should check out the latest Rainbow for a look see. Also, we WILL be offering financing on the complete MM/1 system. The monthly payment is around $50, and we're working with our financing partner to keep this monthly payment low. We hope that this financing offer will get the full system out to more people more quickly. Our full system should run anywhere from 50% to 100% faster than the base system due to better memory management. We're playing with the PALs now to help keep the speed up. This should boost us to about 30% faster than competitors. Sort of like having the full speed of an AT in each of several multitasking windows! Paul Good to hear from you again. -*- 31295 15-AUG 21:46 Programmers Den RE: Speeding up the coco3 (Re: Msg 31287) From: NES To: PKW (NR) Paul, Let me know about the Financing, also when is a new newsletter coming out I got the post card, but would like to see more about the finnal spec's on the MM/1 production model. Hope to see ya in Atlanta. Eric -*- End of Thread. -*- 31288 15-AUG 12:00 General Information RE: CoCo 4? (Re: Msg 31140) From: PKW To: TIMKIENTZLE Congratulations on the nuptial news! Sorry I missed you, too. Tim, email your phone number and address, and I'll to get in touch. Oops, I mean I'll try to get in touch. Best regards! Paul -*- 31289 15-AUG 16:11 General Information 4-in-1 board and ST-157N From: ANTNIE To: DISTO (NR) Disto! Help!!! I bought a 4-in-1 board and SC 2, and a Seagate 157N hard drive for it. I can't get the basic format program to work, it gives an error afteer like 3 seconds of formatting. The drive light doesn't even go on. It's not the cables, and I got a new disk. Do you know of anyone that has gotten this set up to work?! CRC said it worked for them. Help me!! I have $550 invested in this setup and I want to use it! Thanks for any help anyone can give Later Anthony (antnie) -*- 31306 16-AUG 05:25 General Information RE: 4-in-1 board and ST-157N (Re: Msg 31289) From: MATHOMPSON To: ANTNIE (NR) Anthony, There is nothing wrong with your hardware at all. You never needed to exchange your drive at all. The problem is the crummy SCSI driver S/W written for Disto boards, not by Disto, but by Brian Lantz. I had the exact same problem as you did, but I took my drive to the store I got it from and their SCSI diagnostics tester said AOK. Turns out that Lantz's driver software just doesn't quite hack the protocol just right every time. Basically I ran the format program a number of times until it "just happened" to work. The OS/9 drivers are just as flaky, often failing to INIT or CD /H0 until after a few tries. Dunno how many times I stared looking at a green OS9 BOOT FAILED screen because of this. Frustrating. Disto can't help in this situation, because even Tony DiStefano himself didn't know what my problem was. I suspect that they are using 225N's or SASI boards which seem to always work OK with Brian Lantz's drivers. There are a number of solutions to this dilemma. Basically, get your driver S/W from elsewhere. KENSCALES has some SASI drivers he recently uploaded to forum. Dunno if they work with SCSI, but I figure they should. Dunno if it includes a BASIC formatter program, but it doesn't matter. All you need is to get the one that came with your Disto to work once. Another source of driver S/W is RGB Computer Systems. They have a driver program that will work with any SCSI drive, reliably, for $19.95. But the docs are lousy, so consult with me if you go this route. If you don't want to part with any money, then wait 3-4 weeks. I am writing SCSI drivers myself, and will post them on Delphi, public domain, for anyone to use as they wish. Besides actually working properly, they will give you 7 more megabytes of room (the full 48 vs 41 previously available to CoCo users) on your 157N than any other SCSI/SASI driver available. If you are wondering how, and if you would like more information on getting a Disto hard drive system up and running, see the *LONG* message I posted to MATTSINGER (msg 31191). I myself have an SCII, 4-in-1 and 157N, and it was a few months before I got it working reliably. I phoned CRC/Disto, Tony DiStefano, Roger Krupski (RGB) and even Seagate ($100+ in phone bills!) to figure out what the heck was the problem, and after many a late night hacking drivers and hardware, I can say that I have alot of experience getting a Disto system working. Actually, now that I think of it, there could be two hardware problems with your drive, one serious, the other not: Didja remember to remove the parity jumper? If you are using your 157N as a drive 0, then on a CoCo system with no parity, you must remove ALL jumpers, or else the drive won't do ANYthing. This is not serious. Serious is if you have an older version of the 157N that doesn't support 256- byte blocks, because the drive will hiccup on the format command if this is the case. If your drive was made before fall 1988, or if the ROM revision level of the drive is less than 104, time to trade in your drive for a newer one. Maybe. Unless you wait for my drivers, which will handle 512-byte blocks. See my message to MATTSINGER for more details. Hope all this helps you and anyone else on the forum who is having the same trouble. And don't ask Disto. Ask someone who's been through it all before... Matthew Thompson Ottawa, Canada -*- 31318 17-AUG 00:37 General Information RE: 4-in-1 board and ST-157N (Re: Msg 31289) From: KSCALES To: ANTNIE (NR) Anthony - Matthew Thompson's info in message #31305 is pretty much dead on -- he speaks with the voice of experience. But let's see if we can't get you up and running a bit quicker. All of the RS BASIC formatting programs contain a bug that could cause problems for folks who have their hard drive interfaces plugged into slots 1 through 3 of an MPI -- a command is written to the interface BEFORE the slot has been selected! There may also be a timing problem on Seagate STxxxN series drives that could cause the program to fail. And on top of all this, the ST157N formatter seems to be missing a few lines of code! Try the following experiment (I can't check it for you, and, besides, what have you got to lose?): Load the Seagate ST157N formatting program. Add the following lines to the program: 25 PRINT "WHAT SLOT IS THE HARD DISK" 26 PRINT " ADAPTER?" 27 PRINT " 0 TO 3 (0 FOR NO MULTIPAK)"; 28 INPUT X: IF X>4 OR X<0 THEN 25 ELSE POKE &HFF7F,X 29 POKE BA+1,0: FOR I=1 TO 5000:NEXT I Then try running the program again. Please let me know if it works. (Remember, there will be a delay when it runs the loop in line 29). Once you have succeeded in getting your drive formatted, check in the "New Uploads" section of the database for the SCSI version of my patches for the Disto CCHDisk driver. I uploaded it Aug 15, and it should be available within a few days. Adds several fixes and enhancements to the original driver. Good luck. Your gonna love that hard drive once you get it going. ... / Ken PS - One request -- please don't tell anyone that I gave you some code in RS BASIC. I will deny it. I have a reputation to protect. -*- 31321 17-AUG 01:18 General Information RE: 4-in-1 board and ST-157N (Re: Msg 31318) From: KSCALES To: ANTNIE (NR) Oops -- I think that I may have goofed in my earlier message. (Serves me right for monkeying around in RS BASIC!) In my suggested change, I copied some of the code that is used in the other provided formatting programs. Unfortunately, there are yet MORE bugs associated with this code -- the original author forgot to adjust the slot number to its "logical" number (by subtracting one). Argh! Try the following correction: Add the following lines to the program: 25 PRINT "WHAT SLOT IS THE HARD DISK" 26 PRINT " ADAPTER?" 27 PRINT " 0 TO 4 (0 FOR NO MULTIPAK)"; 28 INPUT X: IF X>4 OR X<0 THEN 25 ELSE POKE &HFF7F,X-1 29 POKE BA+1,0: FOR I=1 TO 5000:NEXT I Please let me know if this works. ... / Ken -*- End of Thread. -*- 31290 15-AUG 18:56 Programmers Den RE: Window Procedure (Re: Msg 31144) From: PHILSCHERER To: KNOT1 Thanks Jamie--I'll try it and get back! -*- 31291 15-AUG 19:09 Programmers Den reply From: PHILSCHERER To: AARONS Hi AArons--I'll let you jknow if I find the answer. Kevin Darling thimks it's in CC3IO and he's working on it. -*- 31293 15-AUG 19:38 Programmers Den GFX2 From: PHILSCHERER To: KNOT1 Hi Jamie I tried your suggestion----No cigar. Kevin Darling thinks it might be in CC3IO and he's looking into a fix. Thanks for your help. -*- 31303 16-AUG 02:43 Programmers Den RE: GFX2 (Re: Msg 31293) From: KNOT1 To: PHILSCHERER Phil, Oh well. Sorry it didn't help. But if it's fixable, Kevin will probably find it! Good luck. -Jamie (KNOT1)- -*- End of Thread. -*- 31294 15-AUG 21:16 General Information RE: Journal bites dust???? (Re: Msg 31231) From: KINGTRENT To: BERGMANN I can't find a copy of that durn magazine and I live VERY close to where it is printed. In fact, I have been there. Seems very poorly organized. I would just LOVE to get my hands on their Level 2 GIMIX for a few hours though..... -Mike -*- 31296 15-AUG 21:48 General Information Repeating keys From: KINGTRENT To: ALL One problem I have when downloading long files is that all my keys tend to repeat VERY fast. Makes multi-tasking difficult to say the least. I don't know if this is a software or a hardware problem, but is there a cure? I have the oldest IRQ hack, just a single wire from the RS232 to the CPU. Would maybe one of the newer HACKS fix it? This only happens when I'm online, so I'm sure it is RS232 related, but I'm no hardware person. - Mike -*- 31340 18-AUG 14:40 General Information RE: Repeating keys (Re: Msg 31296) From: TIMKIENTZLE To: KINGTRENT (NR) Couple of other people have had this problem, and I beleive in every case I've heard of, upgrading the Multi-Pak fixed it. Is your MPI upgraded? Also, with the "tried and true" IRQ hack you're using, you did remember to disconnect the IRQ line through the MPI, right? - Tim -*- End of Thread. -*- 31297 15-AUG 22:07 General Information 15 meg Tandy HD From: TEDJAEGER To: 6809ER (NR) 'bout a month ago you mentioned you had a Tandy 15 meg HD that you could sale. Still have it? I am trying to get mine fixed, it spins again, but the controller needs work too. --Thanks,TedJaeger -*- 31298 15-AUG 22:13 Graphics & Music Ultmuse III From: NES To: ALL Hay is anybody have Ultimuse III working on a hard drive (burk & burk) I download the patch, but cant seem to get it working... -Eric -*- 31299 15-AUG 22:15 Graphics & Music RE: Ultimuse III (Re: Msg 31195) From: RAGTIMER To: OS9BERT OK Bert -- I'll remember that when I write the British export version of Umuse, grin! Seriously, I should add the ability to suppress the line feed -- I think I can. I myself would like to set my printer like yours, so I could dump parts of Dynastar files to it from Dynastar, but lots of my other programs screw up then, and you lose the ability to control it thru the XMODE setting. Too bad priointers don't put that switch right on the front. Some models you can toggle it on and off with an ESCape sequence; even some Tandy printers. Have you checked yours in that regard? Pretty sure my Panasonic (Epson) can do it. PS: Full-score dumps are working in my basement right now, will be out after a little more testing. --mike k. -*- 31300 15-AUG 22:16 Graphics & Music RE: Ultimuse III (Re: Msg 31205) From: RAGTIMER To: THEFERRET Right you are! See message 31299 in this thread. You'll love it, in about a month. --mike k. -*- 31315 16-AUG 23:29 Graphics & Music RE: Ultimuse III (Re: Msg 31299) From: OS9BERT To: RAGTIMER (NR) Sounds Great! And speaking of export versions, are you putting together a version for the PC? A friend of mine, Gene Francisco is interested in helping you Beta test a version for MS-DOS if you are. He is a hardware hacker, builder, and into MIDI! He loves UltiMuse 3 on the CoCo and has a great deal of MIDI gear. He doesn't have a Modem so if you could drop him a line he would appreciate it. His number is (813) 971-8341. Thanks. And take care. Oh, by the way, do you have UMUSE ported over for the MM/1 yet? -*- End of Thread. -*- 31301 15-AUG 22:27 General Information RE: Shell+ (Re: Msg 31242) From: RAGTIMER To: TIMKIENTZLE Right Tim, it's the size they're rouunding up, so you can store an integral number of LONGs or single-prec FLOATs. Why they didn't go all the way to 8-bit DOUBLES I don't know. There are artificats in that ciomplier, like the messy code around GOTOs and their labels, that seem to have been started or planned but never finished. Or maybe "finished" and out the door before they were debugged. At this point we're dabbling in archaeology -- hmmm, this chamber was used either to sacrifice veirgins or to store palm fronds....mike k. -*- 31302 16-AUG 00:01 General Information Solid State Disk SRAM PACK From: ADLSL To: ALL Can anyone give me a lead on a product advertised in older editions of Rainbow. It is not in current issues. The product was a solid state static RAM pack for the multiport. It had a battery backup and included OS9 drivers to function as a hard disk. I want to buy one and need the name, address, and/or phone number of the vendor. -*- 31331 17-AUG 22:47 General Information RE: Solid State Disk SRAM PACK (Re: Msg 31302) From: SCG To: ADLSL (NR) You might try DISTO/CRC they used to have a ram card for the multi-pak. Steve -*- End of Thread. -*- 31304 16-AUG 03:48 General Information network for MM/1 From: THEFERRET To: PKW (NR) MM/1 comes with 100 Kbaud network "connection"? what kind? and are the drivers you are talking about the standard OSK NFM drivers? Phil -*- 31305 16-AUG 05:24 General Information RE: network for MM/1 (Re: Msg 31304) From: MATHOMPSON To: THEFERRET Might be the I^2C 100 kbaud interface on the 68070. Not the greatest LAN around, but it'll cut it. No extra H/W at all is needed. Matthew Thompson -*- End of Thread. -*- 31307 16-AUG 05:26 Device Drivers RE: New DIsto Driver (Re: Msg 31235) From: MATHOMPSON To: MATTSINGER Matt, Dunno, I've been waiting for those new drivers from Disto myself. Somebody said they were written by Kevin Darling. All I've heard is rumours. In the absence of any concrete knowledge, my guess is that you are likely to never lay your eyes on them. So try KENSCALES' SASI drivers for now. The *should* work with SCSI, but I won't make any bets. Then get my drivers once I upload them. Then you'll be all set. Hang in there... Matthew Thompson, Ottawa, Canada -*- 31311 16-AUG 21:41 Device Drivers RE: New DIsto Driver (Re: Msg 31307) From: MATTSINGER To: MATHOMPSON (NR) Great...I don't want to pin you to any time, but how are the drives coming along? I'm really looking forward to getting tmy 84 meg up and running...I'll probably only get 72 megs out of it until I get your drivers, though. BTW, do you happen to know if the patch to the Disto drivers to fix the interrrupts works? -*- 31319 17-AUG 00:38 Device Drivers RE: New DIsto Driver (Re: Msg 31307) From: KSCALES To: MATHOMPSON (NR) Hiya, Matt. Any idea how you turn "readcertify on" on Delphi? I don't recommend my SASI driver patches for those folks who are using SCSI. Instead I recommend the SCSI driver patches that I uploaded Aug 15, and which should be available in the New Uploads section real soon now. Same price, much better fit! Cheers... Ken Scales, Sort-of-Ottawa Canada PS - Hope to spend some time this weekend trying to transfer those files for you. Have safely "keepfile"d them so they won't evaporate out of my reader on me. You gonna upload that other stuff soon? -*- 31320 17-AUG 00:38 Device Drivers RE: New DIsto Driver (Re: Msg 31311) From: KSCALES To: MATTSINGER Rather than trying the patched SASI driver, I suggest that you check the New Uploads database over the next few days... I have uploaded another patchfile specifically for the Disto SCSI driver that should help you out. It still uses the standard 256-byte sectors, but should fix a lot of the other problems with the original driver. ... / Ken -*- 31326 17-AUG 19:57 Device Drivers RE: New DIsto Driver (Re: Msg 31320) From: MATTSINGER To: KSCALES Great. By the time I get my HD, all the new drivers/patches I may need will probably be up for download. .My ETA is 2-3 weeks as of now. It will be great because I can patch the drivers before I even format the drive for the first time, and get off to a great start. -*- End of Thread. -*- 31308 16-AUG 05:26 Grits & Gravy RE: d3 (Re: Msg 31228) From: MATHOMPSON To: DWEBER (NR) First of all: Tim, I already diagnosed his problem on Sunday (see msg number 31192 :-) Well, by hardware hacking, I had in mind a TTL chip, and hacking the driver S/W. I couldn't help you with you with the driver S/W, but the TTL chip idea is using some sort of two-to-four decoder, and using this to trigger the correct drive, as there is only three bits available for drive selection in the control byte of coco drive controllers. This would circumvent the problem. The driver S/W would be hacked to use this 2-to-4 sheme, as opposed to one-bit-per-drive scheme now used. You might also have to kludge the cable. As for more details, I dunno know much about floppy drive controller schematics... but maybe someone else out there on the forum does... hmmmm??? Matthew Thompson -*- 31312 16-AUG 22:20 Grits & Gravy RE: d3 (Re: Msg 31308) From: TIMKIENTZLE To: MATHOMPSON (NR) Several people have already done this, actually. If you use three drive-select lines, you can have up to 8 drives. Of course, current CC3Disk only has space in it's drive table for 4 drives, but that shouldn't be hard for any dedicated hacker to fix! Has anyone on here done this? (added decoder circuitry to handle more drives?) - Tim -*- 31313 16-AUG 22:22 Grits & Gravy RE: d3 (Re: Msg 31308) From: TIMKIENTZLE To: MATHOMPSON (NR) Sorry, Matt, didn't mean to step on your toes! I guess I answered his question before I saw you had already replied. Oh, well. (Going back to hide head in shame...) -*- End of Thread. -*- 31309 16-AUG 21:09 General Information RE: os9 upgrade (Re: Msg 31255) From: THUNDERFNGRS To: EDDIEKUNS (NR) I got a message from Kevin Darling one time and he told me that I would have to convert my data for a new type of integer variable, more bytes I guess. I think the mm/1 software package sounds great... even amazing, it's what I wanted in a computer..... great software! I am looking forward to hearing more about it. -*- 31323 17-AUG 05:54 General Information RE: os9 upgrade (Re: Msg 31309) From: ROYBUR To: THUNDERFNGRS Hi. Just use a REAL or an INTEGER as a LSN counter in your program. Roy Mf*w3 -*- End of Thread. -*- 31310 16-AUG 21:20 Programmers Den large data file problem From: THUNDERFNGRS To: ALL I have written and have used a basic09 program for my printing business. I have been using some version of this software since sept of what ever year os9 level 2 was sold by tandy. I have created a complex variable that is 453 bytes long and I read and write this variable with get and put many times. Now with storing more and more historical data some of my files go screwy once they reach a certain length, like 256 lsn ( I know from using a disk editor. When I try to read what looks like good data stored beyond that point I get garbage, as if there is an extra byte or the seek command is confused. My guess is that there is something special about LSN 256 I just wish I knew what. Please help if you can, I am going to try to redimension some of my byte variables ( like the path number) to integer but I do not have my hopes up. We need to be able to have os9 data files as big as we want, not just 256 sectors. thanks -*- 31325 17-AUG 19:21 Programmers Den RE: large data file problem (Re: Msg 31310) From: DODGECOLT To: THUNDERFNGRS From your problem I assume you are using an INTEGER variable to seek within the file? BASIC09 INTEGER variables are only 16 bits longs (meaning you can only use 65536 different values...) Since each sector in OS-9 is 256 bytes long, once your file hits 256 sectors, you run into problems. Switching to a REAL variable will solve the problem. Unfortunately, BASIC09 doesn't have a 'long' integer type.... -Mike -*- 31334 17-AUG 23:51 Programmers Den RE: large data file problem (Re: Msg 31325) From: THUNDERFNGRS To: DODGECOLT Thanks for your help and suggestions, I was able to resolve my problem. It turns out that my data file was fine all along its just that the 'SEEK statement I was using to read the file was not working! It worked fine until the expression that determined the location to seek got too big. SEEK #path, (count-1)*SIZE(rec) did not work even though count, which was dimensioned as an integer was not out of range. However the answer was to dimension count as a real! The tip off was in the Basic09 tour guide where they said it was to be a REAL expression, well I guess SEEK statements don't think integers are real, or maybe it does not convert the whole expression to REAL, which it would need to do since the evaluated expression is going to be bigger than 32767 or whatever the integer limit is. I hope that if someone else has this problem that I can pass this along. Bye fo now -*- 31341 18-AUG 14:43 Programmers Den RE: large data file problem (Re: Msg 31310) From: TIMKIENTZLE To: THUNDERFNGRS (NR) OS9 works fine with files of almost any size. I periodically (in the process of backing up my hard disk) create files of over 10 megabytes! As someone else mentioned, it sounds like your problem is using an integer variable for your seeks. In C or assembly, the solution is to use bigger integers, but I'm not sure about Basic09. - Tim -*- End of Thread. -*- 31314 16-AUG 22:32 Graphics & Music Sound Master From: JMLSOFT To: ALL Appears to be a bugs in version 1.2 of sound master. Error 48 keeps popping up. Solution for some odd (unexplainable as yet) reason seems to be to use the new GFX2 available in the forum. If any are having other problems pls let me know. -- Jim McDowell -*- 31316 17-AUG 00:34 General Information RE: OSK'er magazine (Re: Msg 31132) From: KENHALTER To: JENG Thanks for the info... Ken Halter -*- 31317 17-AUG 00:37 General Information RE: GFX2 & MM/1 (Re: Msg 31244) From: KENHALTER To: TIMKIENTZLE Thanks for clearing that up. Real machines....eh That's hittin' below the belt. Ken Halter -*- 31322 17-AUG 02:51 General Information Atlanta CoCoFEST From: DAVEMYERS To: ALL *** ATLANTA CoCoFEST *** October 6-7,1990 Holiday Inn Northlake As you may know, the traditional Fall gathering of CoCo enthusiasts has been cancelled...BUT, you can make plans NOW to join your favorite CoCo vendors, online pals, and CoCo fans from far and near at the 1st Annual Atlanta CoCoFEST! Join us in the sunny Southeast this fall for two days of: ----> Exhibits and demonstrations (and special show prices) from leading CoCo vendors. A GREAT opportunity to "try before you buy" those items you have had your eye on! VENDORS: Sundog, Burke & Burke, Microcom, IMS, Gimmesoft, Specialty Projects, T & D, Spectrosystems, Zebra, ColorSystems, Alpha, Rulaford Midwest (CoCo Corner), Supersoft, Peripheral Technologies, Robt. Offerman, CoCoPRO!, Second City Software, and MORE! ----> Introductions of striking NEW products, such as the long-awaited MM-1 from KLE/IMS! ----> Free, informative seminars conducted by leading CoCo experts...covering MANY areas of CoCo interest! Scheduled SEMINARS Kevin Darling ----------------- OS-9/OSK Glen Dahlgren ----------------- Games Programming Art Flexser ----------------- Extending BASIC J.D. Walker ----------------- CoCo-3 Graphics Chris Burke ----------------- Programming in C Ed Hathaway ----------------- Desktop Publishing Mike Knudsen ----------------- CoCo MIDI Dan Robins ----------------- Writing for publication Phil Anzalone ----------------- Signetics 68070 prgmng. and other SURPRISE guests!! -----> Free chances to win valuable door prizes, courtesy of participating vendors and the Atlanta Computer Society! GRAND PRIZE ------ a new MM/1 courtesy of IMS! -----> The opportunity to turn unwanted/unused CoCo soft- and hardware into CASH! Tickets for the Atlanta CoCoFEST are available NOW at a special advance sale price of $10 for one day, $15 for both days. We also offer a special show price of $49/nite + tax for onsite lodging (single or double). To recieve the special room rate, your reservation MUST be placed through CoCoPRO! For tickets, hotel reservations, or further info, contact us at CoCoPRO! - 1-313-481-DAVE <3283> (1-8 P.M.. 7 days). Modem users may place ticket/room orders using VISA or MC, by calling our BBS at 313-663-6207 (3 lines, 7-E-1, 3-1200 on all lines). -*- 31324 17-AUG 18:47 New Uploads bad upload!! From: ZACKSESSIONS To: ALL My apologies to all who have downloaded my zoom.ar, Zoom Viewer Program, only to find that it will not work. A last minute untested change to the program makes it impossible to run. I have uploaded a replacement which I hope Greg will process as soon as possible. Again, please accept my apologies for this blunder. Zack -*- 31327 17-AUG 21:26 General Information RE: 80 Track Drive (Re: Msg 31210) From: DRDUDE To: MPASSER (NR) Ok, thanks for your help! But now my perspectives have changed a little, a friends dad GAVE me a 20 meg INTERNAL hard drive and IBM controller and cables!! ! What a surpise! He already has 80 megs on his IBM and decided not to put the extra 20 in, and gave it to me... so now all I need is a case power supply, controller, and to be able to put my floppy into the case so I don't have to slots taken on my system and two drive cases on my desk.. but I know NOTHING about this, so ANY help (again I stress ANY help) would be APPRECIATED!!! I want a cheap way to hook this up... Anyone out there got any ideas?? Thanks for everything... -Andy DePue -Dr. Dude -*- 31328 17-AUG 21:28 General Information RE: Cave Walker (Re: Msg 31243) From: DRDUDE To: TIMKIENTZLE Ok, thanks for your help, I might as well give up, the box said it worked with OS-9 Level II and it doesn't... oh well! -Andy DePue -Dr. Dude -*- 31329 17-AUG 22:27 Telcom Terminal Programs OS9 From: SQUAREB To: ALL Category of dumb questions. Do you need an OS9 terminal program to download in XMODEM? Currently running AUTOTERM 5.0 and a bit busy typing in code in edit since my write is to regular disk. Second question: Is there a comm program in the database? --BOB BELT -*- 31332 17-AUG 23:11 Telcom RE: Terminal Programs OS9 (Re: Msg 31329) From: FRANCALCRAFT To: SQUAREB Your terminal program does not need to be OS9-based to have XMODEM. I use Ultimaterm, which is DOS-based, and has Xmodem and Ymodem. Also, there are Delphiterm and Greg-e-term, which both have Xmodem, and are not OS9 programs. These programs are all in the Color Computer database, under telecommunications. -*- 31333 17-AUG 23:17 Telcom RE: Terminal Programs OS9 (Re: Msg 31332) From: SQUAREB To: FRANCALCRAFT (NR) Thanks. Problem is that I can't read RSDOS disks in OS9 L2. And yes, I know B&B has a program to cross read. Anyway, I'll check telecom --BOB BELT -*- 31337 18-AUG 03:31 Telcom RE: Terminal Programs OS9 (Re: Msg 31333) From: THEFERRET To: SQUAREB (NR) WRONG! you can read rsdos disks there are TWO ways. Oone is the prpogram rs2os9.bas, an RS-DOS program that converts the WHOLE disk to be readable by os9. The other way is to find the PCDOS/RSDOS utility, which requires you to do a bit of software patching, but enables you to read and write both rsdos, and pcdos (MS-DOS) disks, at ANY TIME, from os9 directly!! Phil B-) -*- 31339 18-AUG 12:04 Telcom RE: Terminal Programs OS9 (Re: Msg 31329) From: CBJ To: SQUAREB (NR) The version of AUTOTERM you are using is out of date. You should enquire about an upgrade. I am using version 6.3 and am happy on the most part with it. You should check the databases for a program that transfers files to-from OS-9. I think there are one or two on file. ---Carl--- -*- End of Thread. -*- 31330 17-AUG 22:44 Device Drivers 80track qume From: SCG To: ALL I just recieved and installed an 80 track full hieght QUME drive. While reading the docs that came with I noticed that it can step up to 3ms. I was wondering if any one knew how to get my descriptor to accept 3ms. I know that setting it to $03 set it to 6 ms and with that I tried $04 but it seemed to be stepping at about 20 or 30ms. Could there be a hardware limitation in the controller that only allows stepping down to 6ms? Well if I can squeaze a little more performance out of it, it would be nice but if not I guess I'll have to tuff it out at 6ms. Steve Gilbert (SCG) -*- 31338 18-AUG 08:38 Device Drivers RE: 80track qume (Re: Msg 31330) From: DODGECOLT To: SCG (NR) Unfortunately, the standard CoCo disk controller ( and the SCII) can only step up to 6ms. I believe the Eliminator can do it, but otherwise you are out of luck... -Mike -*- End of Thread. -*- 31342 18-AUG 14:48 General Information RE: Cave Walker (Re: Msg 31328) From: TIMKIENTZLE To: DRDUDE (NR) Well, in a final act of desperation, here's a couple of other random ideas... - run it on a VDG /TERM screen (may need a new boot to do this) - check to see if there are any funky drivers in the OS9Boot file on the game disk (Flight Sim and others require special drivers) - Try it with/without the hi-res mouse adapter. Does your startup file set any mouse information? That's about all I can think of. We must be overlooking something. (Hrmph) - Tim -*- .