GO RATES for current information #: 9102 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 12-Jan-91 09:20:06 Sb: #9101-OSK Clib.l Order Fm: Pete Lyall 76703,4230 To: Mike Haaland 72300,1433 (X) Mike- I guess a key question is DO your programs link? Secondarily, do the libraries have indexes in them that allow nonlinear access? James Jones is a good fellow to ask these questions... Pete #: 9111 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 13-Jan-91 02:49:00 Sb: #9101-OSK Clib.l Order Fm: Bob Taylor 73270,3124 To: Mike Haaland 72300,1433 (X) I checked ALL *.l files in directory LIB and found the same in all library files clib*.l. I haven't noticed any problems to date, however ... Bob #: 9103 S3/Languages 12-Jan-91 11:49:02 Sb: #9082-#'C' help Fm: Steve Wegert 76703,4255 To: Jim Peasley 72726,1153 (X) Jim, I use your Basic09 version regularly. I'd be happy to test your C version. Steve There is 1 Reply. #: 9118 S3/Languages 13-Jan-91 20:35:14 Sb: #9103-#'C' help Fm: Jim Peasley 72726,1153 To: Steve Wegert 76703,4255 (X) Steve; O.K., you got it. I'll upload it to DL10, I guess, marked for your use only. Since you're using the Basic09 version, it'll use the same file, so I'll just upload the source, as I know you've got the compiler also. Command line options are "+", "?", month N, or namestring. There's a bit of sanity checking for date input and I find that for annual recurring events such as Christmas which always fall on the same date, entering the year as "00" saves having to change it annually. Maybe someone reading this knows the rules for figuring when dates such as Thanksgiving, Easter, etc. fall -- I think I _used_ to know, but have forgotten. Might be an idea to incorporate some date calcs for such holidays in the program. While I've got you, if I wanted to send it to someone other tha a sysop, I'd have to use Email, but not having done it before, I'm not sure of the procedure... do I just type UPL at the compose message prompt? Will this work for binaries also? And what's the maxsize? ...Jim There is 1 Reply. #: 9129 S3/Languages 14-Jan-91 08:28:09 Sb: #9118-#'C' help Fm: Steve Wegert 76703,4255 To: Jim Peasley 72726,1153 (X) Jim, Thanks for the file. I see the gents here have flagged it for me. I'll nab it directly and give it a work out. Regarding the use of CompuServe mail via the forum ... It a lead pipe cinch. Create a message any way you're comfortable ... and jes, you can type UPL at the MESSAGE prompt and upload your efforts via protocol. Instead of SAVEing the message type MAIL and it will prmpt you for an address. Now ... a couple of cautions: Mailing via the forum may be limited to ASCII files only (Not sure .. I"ll have to check. Other limitations will make this a non-issue, however). You're limited to a 'message' length in file size ... apprx 2K. You'd be better served going to CompuServe Mail and uploading the the thing. Once it's uploaded, you have some neat options as 'send to multiple users' that may be helpful in a use like this. Over there ... the file size limits are more forgiving. On a text transfer it's 50,000 . Binaries can go up to 512,000. Help any? There is 1 Reply. #: 9148 S3/Languages 15-Jan-91 00:19:26 Sb: #9129-#'C' help Fm: Jim Peasley 72726,1153 To: Steve Wegert 76703,4255 (X) Steve; While you're playing with the program, I'm not sure how much 'C' experience you have, but I'd appreciate some feedback on my coding style - readability, commenting level, etc. I'm not too thrilled with the ANSI recommendation on style, and have tried to format the source to be as "readable" as possible; i.e. indentation levels, braces underneath one another, etc.. Also, input on use of #defines, macros, and function calls would be appreciated. 'C' isn't all that difficult if the original programmer wants to make his/her programs understandable, imho. That's what I'm striving for. ...Jim There is 1 Reply. #: 9154 S3/Languages 15-Jan-91 08:02:28 Sb: #9148-'C' help Fm: Steve Wegert 76703,4255 To: Jim Peasley 72726,1153 (X) How much C experience do I have ??? My usual level of expertise .... just enough to be dangerous! :-) Actually .. I'm working steadily at understanding C code. Sounds as if your programming goals should make this a snap. Steve #: 9104 S7/Telecommunications 12-Jan-91 20:42:39 Sb: #9017-#uucp Fm: Greg Law 72130,23 To: Pete Lyall 76703,4230 (X) Pete, The byte ordering used on Intel processors is the same as the VAX, I believe. It's a simple case of little-endian versus big-endian. Thus, the value $ABCD would be seen in memory as CDAB. I assume that in your examples, you used 4-byte numbers. (Otherwise you'd be implying that the VAX swapped the order of the two nibbles within a byte.) On Intel processors, the most common data types and their values are stored as follows: int CDAB ($ABCD) long CDAB2301 ($0123ABDC) far ptr CDAB:2301 ($0123:ABCD) Of course the colon isn't stored in memory, but it helps to clarify a far pointer consisting of a segment:offset. The values in parantheses are the actual values you'd feed to the assembler. Oops, that should be ($0123ABCD) for the long - I accidentally swapped C and D. -- Greg There is 1 Reply. #: 9106 S7/Telecommunications 12-Jan-91 21:32:59 Sb: #9104-#uucp Fm: Pete Lyall 76703,4230 To: Greg Law 72130,23 (X) Greg - I seem to recall that when I ran the VAX test using a LONG of $01020304, accessing it bytewise brought it back as $04, $03, $02, $01. For reference, this was an older VAX 11/750 running SysV (now it's running 4.3BSD). I can recheck, if you like... Pete There is 1 Reply. #: 9182 S7/Telecommunications 18-Jan-91 19:08:29 Sb: #9106-uucp Fm: Greg Law 72130,23 To: Pete Lyall 76703,4230 (X) Pete, That sounds normal. If I recall correctly, storing a long integer in memory ($01020304) will be read byte-wise as $04, $03, $02, $01 on both the VAX and Intel processors. It's only service is to make porting software a big pain in the neck. -- Greg #: 9105 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 12-Jan-91 21:02:11 Sb: #9076-#data base Fm: Greg Law 72130,23 To: Ed Gresick 76576,3312 (X) Ed, In the case of Sculptor versus IMS, the issue of 'best' is extremely particular to the sections you are speaking of. Overall, I think Sculptor is the better database engine and it has a lot more functions than IMS. On the other hand, I think IMS was implemented better. Where Sculptor generates tokenized files in the current data directory, IMS creates executable code in the current execution directory. All you need is a simple 4-byte patch to Shell (Type/Lang=$1B, run-time module=imsi) and you can run IMS database applications directly. I.E., I run 'menu' for a database I developed and Shell turns that into 'imsi menu' and gets me up and running. Sculptor requires a little more manual labor. IMS also came with a screen-form generator (screen painter) and the original version of Sculptor didn't. I don't know if one has been developed for Sculptor yet. In my humble opinion, I'd like the language features of Sculptor merged into the rest of IMS. I think Sculptor is more powerful, but IMS is easier to set up and get going. -- Greg There is 1 Reply. #: 9138 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 14-Jan-91 12:41:33 Sb: #9105-#data base Fm: Ed Gresick 76576,3312 To: Greg Law 72130,23 (X) Greg, Whoops! You threw me a curve ball!!! Forgot all about that trick. It's very useful and should be used more often. Maybe you should write an article about this. Also, this might induce some vendors (MPD) to change the header of their compiled programs to permit this kind of execution. (Jeez, making me look things up!) I told John Dickey about it. John was heavily into IMS and is converting over to SCULPTOR. He hadn't heard about it but tried it after we figured out where and how to patch 'shell'. Worked just fine. We were curious whether we could do the same thing with the SCULPTOR programs 'sage' and 'sagerep'. The SCULPTOR compiled programs ___.g and ___.q are simply data files as far as OS9 concerned so we had to fake it. We made a dummy data module named with the program we want to run. Patched 'shell' and it worked. The actual sequence is - shell looked for the program in memory - data module was there with that name. shell found a module name associated with the type byte in this case 'sage'. shell called 'sage' and passed the program name to it. sage looked for that program in the CWD with a .g extension and then executed it. Interesting experiment - value ???? I agree with most of what you said (except I think the SCULPTOR 'menu' program is better and easier to use but ...). One point I feel should also be made (sorry MPD); CLEARBROOK's IMS is easier to learn. As I recall, their tutorial is very good. The documentation provided by MPD for CoCo SCULPTOR leaves much to be desired; a terse reference manual with a very sparse 'tutorial' section. The reference manual for version 2.0 of SCULPTOR has been much improved and I think is pretty good. MPD is supposed to be working on a tutorial but it's not available yet. There are 2 Replies. #: 9139 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 14-Jan-91 12:42:50 Sb: #9138-#data base Fm: Ed Gresick 76576,3312 To: Ed Gresick 76576,3312 (X) --- Continued --- The latest version of SCULPTOR for the CoCo is 1.16. MPD has no plans to update it. The official reason is that the size of the code for version 2.0 will not fit into the 64K work-space allowed by the 6809. IMO, I believe the real reason is that they don't feel the market is large enough to justify the work necessary for the 2.0 port and that CoCo users will not pay what they (MPD) think is a fair price. Also IMO, when GIMIX and others (not Tandy) stopped making 6809 machines, MPD felt the 8-bit market was dead. Incidently, the CoCo version is basically the same as the 6809 version with the addition of a vdu descriptor for the CoCo. SCULPTOR version 2.0 does include a screen painter, improved utilities and more functions and commands. It also provides a 'windowing' environment within 'sage' (up to 8 screens per program). A pre-proccessor has been added which allows all kinds of neat things including conditional compilation, the ability to include library files, manifest constants and some additional commands. I do have a copy of CLEARBROOK's IMS but it goes back a few years. I had considered it for my purposes. I selected MPD's SCULPTOR because of its portability, acceptance by the business community and my perception of its power. Software written in SCULPTOR and compiled for the CoCo will run on almost any OS and machine including mainframes using the appropriate runtime module. As far as I know, no other DBM system runs on such a wide variety of platforms without recompiling. And its performance is respectable - holding its own or superior to other systems (Oracle, Informix, SyBase, etc.). Also, it is easier to program in than the others. Ed Gresick - DELMAR CO There is 1 Reply. #: 9141 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 14-Jan-91 20:41:17 Sb: #9139-#data base Fm: Dan Robins 73007,2473 To: Ed Gresick 76576,3312 (X) Ed, RE: "no other DBM system runs on such a wide variety of platforms..... Although it's not on OS9...I'm impressed with Progress! Are you familiar with it? Dan There is 1 Reply. #: 9161 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 16-Jan-91 04:52:53 Sb: #9141-#data base Fm: Ed Gresick 76576,3312 To: Dan Robins 73007,2473 (X) Dan, I've heard of it - good reports. No, I've never used it. None of my customers use it. Ed Gresick - DELMAR CO There is 1 Reply. #: 9162 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 16-Jan-91 06:32:30 Sb: #9161-#data base Fm: Dan Robins 73007,2473 To: Ed Gresick 76576,3312 (X) Ed, It runs on many platforms (unfortunatly, not OS9 or OSK), but having both Sculptor and IMS, in comparison, it's so much simplier and much more powerful! Of course, that's my opinion...but then you know what people say about opinions, dontcha? Dan There is 1 Reply. #: 9171 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 17-Jan-91 02:40:15 Sb: #9162-#data base Fm: Ed Gresick 76576,3312 To: Dan Robins 73007,2473 (X) Dan, How does it compare with either Informix or Oracle? Ed There is 1 Reply. #: 9172 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 17-Jan-91 05:19:13 Sb: #9171-data base Fm: Dan Robins 73007,2473 To: Ed Gresick 76576,3312 (X) Ed, Can't speak on Informix, as I've seen it demonstrated only once, and then, it wasn't much of a demo. However, in comparison to Oracle, both the setting up of the database (and linking in to other produced relational database files) and it's ability to make both viewable & printable reports could roughly be done in about half the time. To be honest, when I saw Progress being demoed and then with assistance (a Progress programmer looking over my shoulder) being able to create a simple database, I was in awe at the speed that I could do it. My exposure to the product was not by any salesman but a guy who works for a company that develops under the system. It's an awesome system...if you can take a gander at it...it's worth the time! Dan #: 9183 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 18-Jan-91 19:27:38 Sb: #9138-data base Fm: Greg Law 72130,23 To: Ed Gresick 76576,3312 (X) Ed, I can't argue with that. IMS is easier to learn than Sculptor, if for no other reason than the included tutorials. I always wondered why MPD decided to go the data file route for its database applications, especially since the modular organization of OS-9 makes it very easy to create new executable modules with a known run-time module. It soon dawned on after seeing the MS-DOS version of Sculptor. I had forgotten that MPD is offering Sculptor for so many different platforms, including OS-9, Unix, MS-DOS, and others. Even so, I think MPD can do a much better job with the manuals. Of course, the reference manual should be included. Unfortunately, a reference manual doesn't tell you diddly-squat about how to actually use the program or to develop applications. It also comes with so many executable files that you're CMDS directory will be swimming with files that you'll quickly forget where they came from. I wonder if it would have been better to split the CMDS directory on the distribution disks to the master executable in CMDS and the maintenance/reorganization stuff in the CMDS/MAINTENANCE or CMDS/SCULPTOR directory. -- Greg #: 9107 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 12-Jan-91 21:47:07 Sb: #9097-mroff & Kreider docs Fm: Paul Rinear 73757,1413 To: Pete Lyall 76703,4230 (X) Thanks, will do. #: 9108 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 12-Jan-91 22:03:14 Sb: #ST/OSK new version? Fm: BILL HEALTON 73367,357 To: Kevin Darling 76703,4227 (X) Kevin, I just receiveda flyer from Microware announcing verion 2.4 OS9. I'm still at v2.2 on my ST. Do you know if the ST version will be upgraded also? It took an extra3-5 months before they released v2.3 for the ST, and from what I heard there was little if any improvement in the Port(drivers/ROM calls). If you or anyone else has info on if, what, and when the ST will gain from this, please let the rest of us know. I haven't worked on the windows since before Christmas, too many other things (work,printer upgrades,memory upgrades, floods, etc.). As they stand now I feel pretty good about the keyboard portions(untested), but I was just beginning the replacements for the text and cursor control routines. Did you ever get those defs files done for your graphics window driver? I would still like to work with the same defs and try to insure your driver(s) will couple with anything I do. ps. have you heard about the 32MHz '030 + 8 Meg(additional) upgrade in the works by Gadgets by Small? Looks like the STs aren't going to run short for a while. Thanks..... Bill Healton 73367,357 There is 1 Reply. #: 9159 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 15-Jan-91 23:13:25 Sb: #9108-#ST/OSK new version? Fm: Kevin Darling (UG Pres) 76703,4227 To: BILL HEALTON 73367,357 (X) Hi Bill (I've been at the beach - quick chance to go, and couldn't pass up a vacation! :-)... Hadn't seen that about the Small 030 thingie. thx! Yah, busy here too. Keep meaning to send you the window code and let you start the ST port (really should be pretty easy). Are you pretty free for time these days? - kev There is 1 Reply. #: 9188 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 18-Jan-91 23:33:11 Sb: #9159-ST/OSK new version? Fm: BILL HEALTON 73367,357 To: Kevin Darling (UG Pres) 76703,4227 (X) Kevin- Welcome back, vacations are tuff, but someone's got to take them No such thing as free time, but without some guidelines it has been difficult to get back to the windows(I have been working with GEM based stuff like the program I now use to read/reply to messages and Graphical WPs). If you can send the code, I will try to get back to it. Also if you (or your code) can clarify how the drivers differential between screens(ie. the areas I have been working with) and windows (ie. your drivers, multiples per screen). I left off looking at how the different screen resolutions are bit- mapped, and how to but pixels on the screen. That brings up one more question, how elaborate must the basic screen(text) driver be (mixed text sizes?)?...or should I assume a change in character sizes allows a clear screen. This greatly impacts the row/column cursor control (ie. backspacing). Any and all description/definition/code will help me to understand what I need to write, and how much my driver needs to handle. If I can simplfy(eliminate rewriting something you have addressed, the less "free-time" I have to use). Maybe then I can take a vacation..."Honey, the roof needs fixed,ETC.,ETC....". Thanks Bill #: 9109 S5/OS9 Users Group 12-Jan-91 22:32:06 Sb: #Need a file Fm: Paul Rinear 73757,1413 To: Steve Wegert Steve, Pete Lyall said to drop you a message. He said you are in daily contact with Mark Griffith. I need to get a hold of his version of 'mroff' to be able to print one of the files here (Kreider C-lib docs). Thanks, Paul R. 73757,1413 There is 1 Reply. #: 9113 S5/OS9 Users Group 13-Jan-91 10:33:19 Sb: #9109-#Need a file Fm: Steve Wegert 76703,4255 To: Paul Rinear 73757,1413 (X) Will pass your request along, Paul. Infact ... I'll try to verify CRC on the modules I have here with those of Mark's. Perhaps I can short circuit the request some. Steve There is 1 Reply. #: 9140 S5/OS9 Users Group 14-Jan-91 16:21:56 Sb: #9113-#Need a file Fm: Paul Rinear 73757,1413 To: Steve Wegert 76703,4255 (X) Thanks alot. Let me know what happens. Paul There is 1 Reply. #: 9144 S5/OS9 Users Group 14-Jan-91 22:13:04 Sb: #9140-Need a file Fm: Steve Wegert 76703,4255 To: Paul Rinear 73757,1413 (X) Paul, MROFF should now be present in LIB 9. Have fun and let me know if it solves the problem. Steve #: 9110 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 12-Jan-91 22:34:17 Sb: Renegade Windows Fm: Paul Rinear 73757,1413 To: Kevin Darling Something I've been afraid to ask about for a long time and have just been tolerating. I have a Coco3 running OS9 level II, 1 Meg upgrade, and three double-sided floppies, RS-232 Pak, and CM-8 Monitor. After the 1 Meg is activated, I load View, Viewgif, and sometimes Max09 (Is that one of yours?). Both these view programs have modes that permit rapid switching of images to simulate more than 16 colors or 4 gray shades. Say I'm watching a picture that contains 2 vef files alternating in this manner, and then I break the program to stop it. Once in awhile one of the images will remain in memory somewhere (you can see it flash by when hitting the clear key to change windows, but you can't stop on it). When this happens, an attempt to view another 2-file image with either view or viewgif will result in a 'window already defined' error. Using 'procs' you can see there is no process running keeping this window active. Similarly, 'deinizing' the windows doesn't matter. More detail: I boot with a vdg TERM, and define W1 type 2, W2 type 8, and W3 type 7. Running a viewer program from one of the graphics windows will sometimes turn W1 into the renegade window described above. The only way I've been able to view multi-window pictures again after this happens is to reboot. Got any ideas on what is happening here ? Paul #: 9112 S7/Telecommunications 13-Jan-91 10:20:48 Sb: Bobbyterm Fm: Butch Mooney 76702,1126 To: Bob Ayella 71356,1102 Hi Bob, I try using your Bobbyterm program and I ran into trouble. When I pick up a carrier the program locks up. Has anyone else had a problem like this? Thanks, Butch Mooney #: 9114 S7/Telecommunications 13-Jan-91 12:35:39 Sb: #Sterm P_R_oblems Fm: Art Doyle 71565,262 To: All After downloading sterm to obtain a B+ transfer capability, I7m having problems initializing the .bin module to a useable format. Whenever I use sterm with the /m2w device descriptor, it produces a string like "C_o_m_p_u_serve " with each letter separed by an underscore. What am I doing wrong?????? Art There are 2 Replies. #: 9119 S7/Telecommunications 13-Jan-91 20:59:29 Sb: #9114-Sterm P_R_oblems Fm: Jim Peasley 72726,1153 To: Art Doyle 71565,262 (X) Art; Gee, you seem to come up with the dangdest problems!! I myself have never seen this, or even seen any messages relating to something like it. Maybe Steve'll pick up on it, as he's in touch with Mark Griffith often. Meantime, how 'bout posting some system config stuff... Version of STERM modem type modem driver -- did you really mean to type /m2w ? baud, parity, etc. and anything else you can think of that may be related. What term program were you using previously? ...Jim #: 9128 S7/Telecommunications 14-Jan-91 08:18:37 Sb: #9114-Sterm P_R_oblems Fm: Steve Wegert 76703,4255 To: Art Doyle 71565,262 Art, Did you mean to type /m2w ? Isn't that Bill Brady's specialized descriptor for his Wiz product? Could that be part of the problem? Have you tried using sterm with the normal stock driver / descriptors (aciapak and /t2 or Modpak and /m1)? Steve #: 9115 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 13-Jan-91 15:56:30 Sb: #9052-#Eliminator repair Fm: Bruce Isted (UG VP) 76625,2273 To: JOERG SATTLER 74016,631 (X) Joerge, I meant to get on CIS and tell you a while ago, but I just haven't had the time... anyway, your Eliminator has been repaired, and you should receive it any day now. The WD 1002-05 interface was pretty much popped, as was the Tx data line on one of the serial ports. Do you have an extra tough static problem there? Thats the only thing I can think of that'd cause the damage I saw. Anyway, not to worry, just don't let it happen again, OK? Bruce There is 1 Reply. #: 9117 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 13-Jan-91 17:27:05 Sb: #9115-Eliminator repair Fm: JOERG SATTLER 74016,631 To: Bruce Isted (UG VP) 76625,2273 There is some occasional static but I dont use T1 for outside (modem) connections, only for remote terminal service. Could you gine me the name of the HD controller repair again ?. Seen to have lost the original notes I made at the time. Thank you. Joerg #: 9116 S7/Telecommunications 13-Jan-91 16:41:22 Sb: #Sterm Problems Fm: Art Doyle 71565,262 To: ALL Are there any "tricks of the trade" that I'm missing when I use sterm? In the normal terminal mode, characters are separated by the _ c_h_a_racter and when B+ or quick B+ is activated, a transfer initialization failure is produced after a few minutes Comments??? Art There is 1 Reply. #: 9120 S7/Telecommunications 13-Jan-91 20:59:31 Sb: #9116-#Sterm Problems Fm: Jim Peasley 72726,1153 To: Art Doyle 71565,262 (X) Art; Almost forgot.. are you invoking STERM with the "-f" option (using a HD or RAMdisk) And, did you patch ACIAPAK for the 1024 byte buffer? ...Jim There is 1 Reply. #: 9123 S7/Telecommunications 13-Jan-91 22:28:31 Sb: #9120-#Sterm Problems Fm: Art Doyle 71565,262 To: Jim Peasley 72726,1153 (X) Ooopps!!! No Aciapak patch....I've been using /m2w that comes with the Wiz. @ Thanks for the tip. Art There is 1 Reply. #: 9149 S7/Telecommunications 15-Jan-91 00:19:34 Sb: #9123-Sterm Problems Fm: Jim Peasley 72726,1153 To: Art Doyle 71565,262 Art; Great! Glad I could help. ...Jim #: 9121 S15/Hot Topics 13-Jan-91 21:29:46 Sb: #mm1kit.txt Fm: Mark B. Sheffield 76247,1332 To: Steve Wegert 76703,4255 (X) Steve - Good grief! There is so much stuff on the MM/1 that I overlooked the 1.44 MB disk drive and a couple of other things. Rest assured that I have checked the version of mm1kit.txt that I just uploaded to DL 15 and it seems to cover everything. Thanks for replacing it in DL 15. -mark There is 1 Reply. #: 9130 S15/Hot Topics 14-Jan-91 08:29:20 Sb: #9121-mm1kit.txt Fm: Steve Wegert 76703,4255 To: Mark B. Sheffield 76247,1332 (X) No sweat, Mark. I'm sure the Constitution went though several draft releases before it 'made it'. :-) We'll take care of it. Steve #: 9122 S4/MIDI and Music 13-Jan-91 22:05:32 Sb: #File correction. Fm: R. Larry Miner 73577,256 To: Sysop (X) Well, I have discovered a small math error in one of the programs (decode) that I uploaded... so, how do I go about replacing the bad file with a new file? I have it ready (actually, last week sometime, but I just got back in town) to upload, so let me know about the procedure and I'll get it done pronto. Thanks - LM There is 1 Reply. #: 9124 S4/MIDI and Music 13-Jan-91 22:40:37 Sb: #9122-File correction. Fm: Mike Ward 76703,2013 To: R. Larry Miner 73577,256 (X) Easy as cake. Just upload the new file with the same name as the old one. The new upload will replace the existing file when the library is merged. #: 9125 S4/MIDI and Music 13-Jan-91 23:37:04 Sb: #8504-Fallin.UME Fm: Lester Hands 70135,430 To: Mike Knudsen 72467,1111 Mike, how's come I don't see an ad for your program in the January Rainbow? Do you have any interest in marketing Umuse through MusicWare? I'm due to have an 800 number in the March issue. #: 9126 S9/Utilities 14-Jan-91 03:30:49 Sb: #9035-Defragmentation Fm: WAYNE LAIRD 73617,3042 To: Bob van der Poel 76510,2203 (X) yes I was looking into VED not ded, I was wondering it's latest price? Another thing on the back of my mind was that some of the rsdoser's have mentioned wanting a bigger text buffer in the tw128, now that 512k is availible, is it possible to adjust the program for the bigger text files? I've only seen the program once but I liked it myself and I've occausionally wanted a program that I could use in decb. Have you ever thought about it? Best, Wayne #: 9127 S7/Telecommunications 14-Jan-91 03:34:13 Sb: #9073-BBS Fm: WAYNE LAIRD 73617,3042 To: edward langenback 73510,145 (X) thanks for the new ones, always looking for new coco/os9 bbses Best, wayne #: 9133 S14/misc/info/Soapbox 14-Jan-91 09:23:50 Sb: #Coco Goodies For Sale Fm: Mike Passer 72750,420 To: All I'm getting overrun with equipment (running out of room to sleep) so I'm offering the following items for sale. Note that the terminal is very heavy and will probably cost big $$$ to ship-- would prefer someone who can pick up in Southeastern Connecticut. Any inquiries, offers, etc. about these items, please call (203) 445-2285 or leave mail to MPASSER (Delphi) or 72750,420 (CIS). Thanks, and happy shopping! General Stuff ------------- DC-2212 1200 bps Non-Hayes-Tandy AD/AA Modem (no manual) $20.00+s/h Modem 2 300 bps Non-Hayes-Tandy AD/AA Modem $10.00+s/h PBJ CC-Bus 6 Slot Expander (case broken, works) $18.00 Speech-Sound Pak w/speed sw (no manual, case not pretty) $10.00 Orchestra-90 Music Synthesizer $9.00 ROM Packs - Polaris, Downland, Canyon Climber, Checkers, Reactoid $2.50ea ROM Packs - Videotex (2) $ FREE+s/h EDTASM+ Rom Pack w/Manual & Barden's Book $15.00 FD-502 case (only) modified to take standard P/S plug $25.00+s/h Bare 5.25" 35 track SS drive (no P/S, cables) $ FREE+s/h OS-9 Stuff ---------- Visual-100 VT-100-similar (no manual, works with Coco!) $25.00+s/h PBJ 2SP dual ACIA (may or may not work, w/OS9 drivers) $8 OS-9 Level I (complete v2.00 w/manuals) $15.00 Basic-09 (for Level I free with OS-9 Level I purchase) $6.00 Elite Calc V1.1 (complete w/manual - Coco 1 or 2) $8.00 O-Pak from FHL (51x24 screen on Coco 1/2 in OS-9) $9.00 O-Term OS-9 Level I terminal program $5.00 OS-9 Solution (works best under Level I) $4.00 Thanks for the opportunity to sell these items! There is 1 Reply. #: 9146 S14/misc/info/Soapbox 15-Jan-91 00:19:18 Sb: #9133-#Coco Goodies For Sale Fm: Jim Peasley 72726,1153 To: Mike Passer 72750,420 (X) Mike; Whereabouts in SE Conn? Anywhere near my old stomping grounds of Stratford? You sure got a passel of stuff to sell! Might also try posting the f r-sale list to Internet -- always someone looking for something over there as most seem to be 'starving students'. ;-) ...Jim There is 1 Reply. #: 9153 S14/misc/info/Soapbox 15-Jan-91 07:42:56 Sb: #9146-#Coco Goodies For Sale Fm: Mike Passer 72750,420 To: Jim Peasley 72726,1153 (X) Jim, Not too close to Stratford; I'm in Groton (but, really, when in CT, can you say you're far away from any other city in the state? :> ). Is it OK to post the for sale stuff to the Coco mailing list, or do I need to put it in some kind of special "for sale" area? Thanks! Mike There are 3 Replies. #: 9155 S14/misc/info/Soapbox 15-Jan-91 08:52:26 Sb: #9153-Coco Goodies For Sale Fm: Pete Lyall 76703,4230 To: Mike Passer 72750,420 (X) Groton CT? Them's my old stomping grounds. I was raised (early years) in Ledyard, and then later across the river in Waterford. My parents still live there, and I have a brother in New London. How's the (cough) weather? Pete #: 9156 S14/misc/info/Soapbox 15-Jan-91 14:01:29 Sb: #9153-#Coco Goodies For Sale Fm: Mike Passer 72750,420 To: Mike Passer 72750,420 (X) Pete, It's partly cloudy and 46 degrees right now -- rather unseasonably, to say the least! Mike There is 1 Reply. #: 9157 S14/misc/info/Soapbox 15-Jan-91 14:34:49 Sb: #9156-Coco Goodies For Sale Fm: Pete Lyall 76703,4230 To: Mike Passer 72750,420 (X) Shoot - the Thames river should be iced over... you guys are getting off light (g)... Pete #: 9173 S14/misc/info/Soapbox 17-Jan-91 21:56:07 Sb: #9153-#Coco Goodies For Sale Fm: Jim Peasley 72726,1153 To: Mike Passer 72750,420 (X) Mike; Yah, point A and point B on the CT map sure didn't seem as far apart when I was growing up as they seem here in parched CA. My first 'steady' lrved in Old Saybrook and I didn't think anything of popping in any day of the week. Oh, to be young and foolish again!! re: list of items for sale I see guys listing things for sale all the time on the CoCo list, so I'm pretty sure it'd be o.k. to post it there. ...Jim There is 1 Reply. #: 9193 S14/misc/info/Soapbox 19-Jan-91 07:29:31 Sb: #9173-Coco Goodies For Sale Fm: Mike Passer 72750,420 To: Jim Peasley 72726,1153 ~ Jim, I take it that since you're not young and foolish, you don't make it to the Shorline much these days? :) Mike #: 9134 S15/Hot Topics 14-Jan-91 09:48:54 Sb: #9098-#MM/1 Kit Available Fm: Mark B. Sheffield 76247,1332 To: Jim Peasley 72726,1153 (X) Jim - Mr. UPS will get your manuals the end of this week so you can get familiar with OS-9/68000. The computer should be ready to go in a 3-4 weeks or so There is 1 Reply. #: 9145 S15/Hot Topics 14-Jan-91 23:30:10 Sb: #9134-MM/1 Kit Available Fm: Jim Peasley 72726,1153 To: Mark B. Sheffield 76247,1332 (X) O.K. Mark; That helps a bit. Guess I'll only need one valium tonight! ;-) ...Jim #: 9135 S15/Hot Topics 14-Jan-91 09:49:00 Sb: #9098-#MM/1 Kit Available Fm: Mark B. Sheffield 76247,1332 To: Jim Peasley 72726,1153 (X) Jim - Mr. UPS will get your language and operating system manuals the end of this week. About three weeks later he will receive the kits. And then it will be on its way to your desk. We'll call you before shipping to let you know the actual date you can expect the machine, etc. We're almost there!!! -mark There is 1 Reply. #: 9147 S15/Hot Topics 15-Jan-91 00:19:20 Sb: #9135-#MM/1 Kit Available Fm: Jim Peasley 72726,1153 To: Mark B. Sheffield 76247,1332 (X) Mark; AlllRIGHT! Now, when can we expect to see the specs on the MM/Ws (68040 33Mhz Workstation) ?? Geez, just kidding! It's been a long road, eh? ...Jim There is 1 Reply. #: 9152 S15/Hot Topics 15-Jan-91 07:06:14 Sb: #9147-MM/1 Kit Available Fm: Mark B. Sheffield 76247,1332 To: Jim Peasley 72726,1153 (X) Jim - Only 33MHz? Why not hold out for 50? A long and winding road, but we are nearly there! Thanks for your patience and support. -mark #: 9136 S15/Hot Topics 14-Jan-91 09:49:09 Sb: #9094-#MM/1 Kit Available Fm: Mark B. Sheffield 76247,1332 To: Robert A. Hengstebeck 76417,2751 (X) Robert - Because OS-9/6809 has instructions for the 6809 CP and because no one is manufacturing a 6809 consumer computer any more, IMS did not feel it was in your long term interest to offer binary compatability with the 6809. The MM/1 uses a Motorola 68000-compatable CPU. There are two big advanteges to using OS-9 on this architecture. First, the 680x0 series has a lot of life left in it. Second, Basic and C source code from OS-9/6809 is easily portable to OS-9/68000. In fact, with the current windowing system for the MM/1, Mike Haaland ported Zack Sessions' Pyramid Solitaire in a couple of days. IMS is talking with various CoCo vendors to ensure that a lot of your favorite software becomes available for the MM/1. At least one vendor mentioned that he would be interested in providing an upgrade discount for the MM/1 version. Keep in mind that as products are ported up to the MM/1 that many of them will be greatly enhanced. And of course, thanks to the faster CPU, multitasking will be even more convenient than it is under Level 2. BTW, send me your address and I'll send you more information, or call (202)232-4246 and ask to speak with our Sales Director. -mark There is 1 Reply. #: 9137 S15/Hot Topics 14-Jan-91 11:22:10 Sb: #9136-#MM/1 Kit Available Fm: Robert A. Hengstebeck 76417,2751 To: Mark B. Sheffield 76247,1332 (X) Mark, my address is 408 Grandview Ave., Feasterville, PA, 19053. Financially I am not in a position to aquire another computer right now. However I am constantly having problems with the multipac interface connection in the computer. And so I am looking for something better. But over the last 10 years have a termendous investment in software on this CoCo III, and I seem to be the only CoCo consultant working for Radio Shack in Philadelphia. So there has got to be a better way. There is 1 Reply. #: 9150 S15/Hot Topics 15-Jan-91 06:54:49 Sb: #9137-MM/1 Kit Available Fm: Mark B. Sheffield 76247,1332 To: Robert A. Hengstebeck 76417,2751 (X) Robert - I'll send you some information about the MM/1, so you'll be familiar with it when you are ready to consider a new computer. Buying a new computer does not necessarily mean you have to throw your CoCo away. -mark (IMS) #: 9142 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 14-Jan-91 21:37:35 Sb: #Gshell Fm: NAM PUI 73347,3324 To: Kevin Darling Thanks Kevin, and Zack Sessions. After reading the messages from both you I searched the library and downloaded all patches related to Gshell. Applied most of it to get gshell+ 1.24a. It worked great. No more hangups. With the new Grfdrv. It is fast. Now I am getting greedy. Is there a patch to get a 80*24 window (or 40*24) after you click on a file and click on list to lis the file to screen? Also, Is there a cc3io patch to patch the cc3io patched for the Dynastar keytable. I use the -<:> to get the cursor keys to work under Dunastar a lot. I also liked the ability to use the button on the joystick/mouse to move the screen. One more thing, does the serial mouse driver work with MV? Thanks again, guys, for all the helps. Nam There is 1 Reply. #: 9160 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 15-Jan-91 23:20:56 Sb: #9142-#Gshell Fm: Kevin Darling (UG Pres) 76703,4227 To: NAM PUI 73347,3324 Nam - glad to help, and even gladder that you managed to apply all the patches ! A bunch, eh? Don't think there's a DS key patch (I could be wrong). No patch yet for a bigger list window either. The serial mouse driver should work, I'd think... the mod should be to CC3IO, which means Windint and Grfdrv are left alone as you've patched them. Stay "greedy", btw... keeps us on our toes . best - kev There is 1 Reply. #: 9192 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 19-Jan-91 07:29:05 Sb: #9160-Gshell Fm: Mike Passer 72750,420 To: Kevin Darling (UG Pres) 76703,4227 ~ Kevin, If when you mentioned "DS key patch" (I didn't get the whole thread) you meant a patch for Dynastar keys, there is indeed one in the DL's from Ken Scales. It works quite well, and Ken is a heck of a guy! Mike #: 9167 S14/misc/info/Soapbox 16-Jan-91 19:02:14 Sb: #INFO NEED ON ARCHIVING Fm: roy wood 72320,1070 To: ALL I AM LOOKING FOR INFO ON RETRIEVING ARCHIVED DATA DOWNLOADED FROM COMPUSERVE. I HAVE A OS9 68K SYSTEM AND HAVE NOT BEEN ABLE TO EXTRACT ANY MEANINFUL DATA FROM THE GIBBERISH RECIEVED. I HAVE EVEN TRIED THE PKZIP AND ARC PROGRAMS ON AN IBM PC (UGH!) WITH NO LUCK. ANY INFO APPRECIATED... ROY WOOD There are 2 Replies. #: 9168 S14/misc/info/Soapbox 16-Jan-91 19:19:38 Sb: #9167-INFO NEED ON ARCHIVING Fm: James Jones 76257,562 To: roy wood 72320,1070 (X) If you have grabbed the archived stuff from this area, chances are you need a version of Carl Kreider's "ar" program to uncrate it. A binary for OS-9/68K can be found in the 68xxx download area. More details on an example file that is giving you problems (name, how you're downloading) would help. #: 9169 S14/misc/info/Soapbox 16-Jan-91 20:04:55 Sb: #9167-INFO NEED ON ARCHIVING Fm: Kevin Darling (UG Pres) 76703,4227 To: roy wood 72320,1070 (X) Hi Roy. If the filename had .AR on the end, get AR68.BIN and AR.DOC from Library 9 here. Be sure to ask if you have more questions! best - kev #: 9170 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 17-Jan-91 00:31:53 Sb: #memory Fm: Everett Chimbidis 76370,1366 To: 76703,4227 (X) Any help puting boot strap in the right order? I have pmap and dirm but don't know how to use them! Can I rearange the mods in memory then cobble back to disk? Want to make the most out of my memory (running bbs) sometimes errors out! Any help? There is 1 Reply. #: 9177 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 18-Jan-91 17:31:05 Sb: #9170-memory Fm: Bill Dickhaus 70325,523 To: Everett Chimbidis 76370,1366 (X) The only way to reorder your boot file is to use os9gen or an equivalent utility. Its just a matter of making up a file of all system modules (an "ident -s" of OS9Boot is one way to get the current list of modules) and redirecting the file as input to os9gen. If you are having system memory problems, rearranging your boot won't help. Any (or all) of the following will help. Unless you really need it for something, remove VDGInt from your boot. Remove any unecessary device descriptors (if your just running the BBS you will only need a couple of window descriptors, for example). If you are using serial drivers with large buffers, make sure you really need all the buffer space (which comes from system memory). Keep the number of processes to a minimum, don't start up a bunch of shells if you don't really need them. Keep the number of open paths to a minimum, you can check this with Kevin's paths command. Make sure you don't have any duplicate modules in your OS9Boot file (this can't happen if you use cobbler to create the boot file). Make sure that both GrfInt and WindInt are not in your boot, and unless you need WindInt functions, you could use GrfInt (which is smaller). Anything you can do to reduce the size of the OS9Boot file without eliminating required functions will help. You can use Kevin's smap utility to display current system memory utilization. The pmap utility will show which processes are using how much memory, and how much (in 8K chunks), the system process (PID 1) is using. The dirm utility is similar to "mdir e", but includes additional information. It is invaluable in seeing where in memory a system module is relative to another system modules (and therefore helps in shuffling modules around to fix the BLOB). Bill #: 9174 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 18-Jan-91 16:48:18 Sb: #Link shell command Fm: Denise Tomlinson 71021,3274 To: All Is it necessary to use a "link shell" command in the startup file? Also, if I want to autoboot a os9 program that is on my system disk, what is the name of the file I must use? I tryed booting "ultimusic" by inserting the line in the startup file but it bombs out. If I type "ulitmusic " after the os9 prompt everything works fine. I read somewhere that I have to rename "ultimusic" something else to autoboot it? Thanks, Denise There are 2 Replies. #: 9178 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 18-Jan-91 17:38:33 Sb: #9174-Link shell command Fm: Kevin Darling (UG Pres) 76703,4227 To: Denise Tomlinson 71021,3274 Denise - no need to "link shell" in the startup file... but it speeds things up. The CC3Go program first runs "shell startup", and then "shell". So linking itself in startup saves having to load it again. Trick to starting programs in scripts (such as Startup): their standard input is the script itself, which means normal window calls using path #0 won't work in the programs and they stop. So you redirect the stdinput in the script to be the same as the std output (which is usually the window), like this: ultimusic There is 1 Reply. #: 9189 S1/General Interest 19-Jan-91 00:25:54 Sb: #9184-need access to usenet Fm: Kevin Darling (UG Pres) 76703,4227 To: PaulSeniura 76476,464 Pete, Mark and others will correct me, but perhaps you could try sending him email via: >internet:tjt@glimmer.twitch.att.com This is just a novice guess at an Internet address translation (talking way over my own head now :-). #: 9185 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 18-Jan-91 22:16:38 Sb: #12-bit timer: help! Fm: PaulSeniura 76476,464 To: all I am thinking about using the 12-bit timer in the CoCo3 in a Timer Driver or SVC for OS9 Level 2. It could help the Standard MIDI File player and other projects to do critical timing more easily. I came across some recent messages on Delphi by Eddie Kuns that relates to how the Sleep SVC isn't accurate when multitasking. This might explain why Mike Knudsen's UME is bogging down at times during thick (vertical) parts of the score (even after he rewrote the Play module for more efficiency). I had asked Knudsen way back in 1989 to consider precompiling the score before playing it, to offload some of the "gathering" logic beforehand. But using the hardware timer in the CoCo3 would be much more accurate and easier, permitting the application to carry on to generate the next chunk of notes etc. Has someone already come up with an OS9 Driver/SVC for the 12-bit timer register in the ACVC/GIME? If so, could you document how to use it and how to order/buy/download it? (I'll gladly go on to the next step in developing our SMF Player.) If not, have any of the OSK developers come up with a similar function for the MM/1, Tomcats, Delmar, etc., machines? Again if so, could you document how to use it so I can make our timer somehow compatible? This would encourage OSKers to make a CoCo3/OS9 version of their software, too. Hint hint. In the meantime, I'll type my notes & thoughts of how I will write a Timer Driver in an uploaded text file TMRDRV.TXT in the CoCo/OS9 section. I'm hoping with your inputs we can make a standard one with enough functionality to let Knudsen and others adopt it. (I'll keep these message threads separate from the other stuff on SMFs for sanity's sake.) -- Thx, Paul Seniura. (CIS: 76476,464. Delphi: PAULSENIURA. GEnie: PSENIURA.) //^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\\ There is 1 Reply. #: 9190 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 19-Jan-91 00:33:58 Sb: #9185-12-bit timer: help! Fm: Kevin Darling (UG Pres) 76703,4227 To: PaulSeniura 76476,464 I believe it's pretty easy to use the timer, Paul. Just write a 12-bit countdown value to the timer (forgot address: read gime docs here), turn on the IRQ enable bit, and that's it. It reloads and interrupts each time it passes down through 0000. Oh, and you can set the counter freq in the GIME to either horizontal scan rate (15khz) or something very much faster (again, check the docs. GIME.TXT I think?). Long time ago I did an IRQ-driven timer-based sound output driver (crude effort)... and found that around 3KHz the interrupts overwhelmed the coco. (I could be wrong about rate: long time ago). For MIDI use, you'd probably want it to simply increment a global system variable, and have the serial input driver read that for a timestamp. Dunno about output. #: 9186 S7/Telecommunications 18-Jan-91 22:33:34 Sb: #8954-ACPDS7.DOC help needed Fm: PaulSeniura 76476,464 To: Steve Wegert 76703,4255 Ah I have done the steps in FAST.DOC ... very good. I do type my messages to "All" off-line and get 'em as succinct as I can, then upload them with CIS B+ or QB with STerm 1.3 (btw is 1.3 the latest? it messes up in the "fake" pop-up window during downloads once in a while). STerm, SuperComm, C pgms in general, all work with the test version of AciaPDS7 I got going. Ron Bihler & a couple of others are testing it, too. Big Rx and/or Tx buffers w/o ruining the "Y" register. ;-) Oh the test RiBBS site got hit by Okla. Gas & Electric company's *ZAPS* about two weeks ago. The phone # is 405-670-6666 or Fido address 1:147/40 but I asked to be marked as 'Down' for a while -- going to try hooking up all those 6.5 amp-hour 12-volt batteries for UPS backups. Using a 25-amp fully regulated 13.8-volt Tripp-Lite power supply. I think lifting that thing was where I got my hernia (seriously). Good grief I forgot whether I posted the text file on our UPS plans for the entire CoCo/MPI/disk drive system. I'll upload it if not here already. Actually this msg should be for "All" ... sorry! -- Thx, Paul S. #: 9187 S1/General Interest 18-Jan-91 22:40:02 Sb: #8960-CDROM - are we? Fm: PaulSeniura 76476,464 To: Kevin Darling (UG Pres) 76703,4227 (X) Hi! Thanks for helping. I'll study the other replies before saying much, unless we can find some technical books or such about these CD things. I *am* hoping I can contribute (re: "become a good C/gfx programmer"). Hint hint. But I can't afford to buy much of anything right now unless an offer comes up. I kinda figured we'd need to get record formats et al. and do that porting ourselves *if* those CD companies would help out, and I have become a Realist on things like that: Realistically Pessemistic. -- Thx, Paul S. Press !> .