#: 11124 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 20-Jun-91 21:00:02 Sb: #Downloads Fm: thomas aubin 70540,1666 To: ALL I am running a Tandy coco2 and Deskmate. I have tried several times to download files from CIS and have failed on every one. How do I get a download to work, I have tried xmodem and the host always times out. I would like to download a real terminal program if I could only get it to work. Can anyone help me? Tom There are 3 Replies. #: 11138 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 21-Jun-91 00:20:47 Sb: #11124-#Downloads Fm: Kevin Darling 76703,4227 To: thomas aubin 70540,1666 (X) Hi Tom - hopefully someone can help you out. Are you using an RS232 pak and some kind of modem? Or a modempak? Logging on and everything else goes okay? best - kev There is 1 Reply. #: 11148 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 21-Jun-91 19:42:48 Sb: #11138-#Downloads Fm: thomas aubin 70540,1666 To: Kevin Darling 76703,4227 (X) Kevin, I'm using a modem pak, I just added the m1 driver for it about a month ago. I did so with the help of the folks here and it works great! I have no trouble logging on, reading messages , etc. the only problem I have is downloads. Thanks for the reply. Tom There is 1 Reply. #: 11152 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 22-Jun-91 08:39:51 Sb: #11148-#Downloads Fm: Steve Wegert 76703,4255 To: thomas aubin 70540,1666 (X) Thom ... What trouble downloading do you have? If you're using Sterm, it should be a snap. Steve There is 1 Reply. #: 11159 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 22-Jun-91 19:11:21 Sb: #11152-#Downloads Fm: thomas aubin 70540,1666 To: Steve Wegert 76703,4255 (X) Steve, Here we go again. I am still using Deskmate, I would like to download STERM but I can't. I cannot seem to get this program to accept the download. Any Ideas? Tom There is 1 Reply. #: 11165 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 23-Jun-91 11:24:41 Sb: #11159-#Downloads Fm: Steve Wegert 76703,4255 To: thomas aubin 70540,1666 (X) Thom, I can't stand to see you suffer any longer! Leave me your address and I'll send you a disk with Sterm. (we haven't done this alreay? I have a sense of deja vu). Steve There is 1 Reply. #: 11170 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 23-Jun-91 18:55:28 Sb: #11165-#Downloads Fm: thomas aubin 70540,1666 To: Steve Wegert 76703,4255 (X) Steve, I know the feeling, it does seem like we did this before. Thanks for the offer, if you like I'll send you a blank disk to make a copy on. My mailing address is: Thomas Aubin PO Box 1593 Woonsocket, RI 02895 Thanks again, I hope someday I can help you out as much as you have helped me. Tom There is 1 Reply. #: 11174 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 24-Jun-91 07:45:51 Sb: #11170-#Downloads Fm: Steve Wegert 76703,4255 To: thomas aubin 70540,1666 (X) Don't sweat the disk, Thom ... there's plenty in the basement. I'll whip something together and get it out in a day or two. Steve There is 1 Reply. #: 11178 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 24-Jun-91 19:16:29 Sb: #11174-#Downloads Fm: thomas aubin 70540,1666 To: Steve Wegert 76703,4255 (X) Steve, Thanks Look forward to recieving it. BTW what do you do for work anyway? Are you some kind of computer expert or is this just a hobby. You seem to know your stuff with these things . Thanks for helping me out again. Tom There is 1 Reply. #: 11210 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 27-Jun-91 07:52:47 Sb: #11178-Downloads Fm: Steve Wegert 76703,4255 To: thomas aubin 70540,1666 (X) Thom, No expert here ... just a guy that's covered some of the same ground ahead of you ...that's all. In real life, I work for Datapage Technologies. We're a commercial typesetter that produces legal reference, directories and catalogs. We're also very heavily involved in producing bar coded labels for harsh environments and database manipulation. Steve #: 11143 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 21-Jun-91 01:07:15 Sb: #11124-#Downloads Fm: Rick Ulland 70540,3305 To: thomas aubin 70540,1666 (X) Sorry Tom, but the original DeskMate doesn't support xmodem as far as I know. If it does,you'll get a XModem? yes/no window after selecting download. Without XModem, CIS times out since no CTS can be sent if DeskMate doesn't know what's going on. If STERM runs under Level 1 I'd be glad to sent a copy, but with CoCo3's going for $60, it might be time to upgrade. I even bought a spare Level2 for $4.95 just to get another manual! Otherwise, Rickeyterm and GregEterm are cheap and work, to boot. Best of luck, -Rick There is 1 Reply. #: 11149 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 21-Jun-91 19:47:13 Sb: #11143-#Downloads Fm: thomas aubin 70540,1666 To: Rick Ulland 70540,3305 (X) Rick, Thanks for the info, I don't know if sterm will work under level 1 or not. Where did you get the level 2 for 4.95? For that matter I haven't seen coco 3's for $60.00 either. They are $99.99 here. Where are you finding these bargains? Tom There are 2 Replies. #: 11151 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 22-Jun-91 07:11:36 Sb: #11149-#Downloads Fm: Mike Haaland 72300,1433 To: thomas aubin 70540,1666 (X) Thomas, All the CoCo stuff is SOWG (Sold out when gone) and Tandy has a sale list that should have the real low proces on the stuff. Here in Las Vegas, they never tell you about the SPIF (sp?) List pricing. YOU have to ask. Maybe you should ask your local shack manager "Why can the whole country get CoCo's for XX amount and Level II for $4.95, and You're selling it for XXX?" Happy shopping!!! Mike PS If you can't get a good deal at your local RS, post a message and someone may be able to pick you up what you need and ship it to ya. There is 1 Reply. #: 11158 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 22-Jun-91 19:08:36 Sb: #11151-Downloads Fm: thomas aubin 70540,1666 To: Mike Haaland 72300,1433 (X) Mike, Thanks ,I'll check it out. I have a friend that works in a local Radio Shack store . I'll see what he has to say. Thanks again Tom #: 11155 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 22-Jun-91 12:30:07 Sb: #11149-#Downloads Fm: Rick Ulland 70540,3305 To: thomas aubin 70540,1666 (X) Tom, I found all of this in the Milwaukee area. There is a wide range, some stores are selling all software for $4.95 while others still have some things at full price. Been driving everywhere, (probably a dozen stores this week), and then buying stuff on the way back home. When the 502 dropped to $60, a few stores sold CoCo's for the same price. Guess it depends on how much room and patience each individual manager has! Somebody bought most of the remaining CoCos here last week, so I'm expecting to see 'em on Home Shopping Network next week. Hope ya find an XModem, the libraries here are GREAT! - Rick There is 1 Reply. #: 11160 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 22-Jun-91 19:17:18 Sb: #11155-#Downloads Fm: thomas aubin 70540,1666 To: Rick Ulland 70540,3305 (X) Rick, I guess the stores in my area are alittle slow. Did you say you saw a FD-502 for $60.00? They are getting $199.95 for them here. I would like to solve my downloading problem so I can take advantage of the libraries here. I agree , they are GREA GREAT! (oops ) Thanks for the info. Tom There are 2 Replies. #: 11180 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 24-Jun-91 20:19:25 Sb: #11160-#Downloads Fm: Rick Ulland 70540,3305 To: thomas aubin 70540,1666 (X) Tom, I'm glad I'm not in Rhode Island. If you ever get the hardware bug I can definately recommend a '3 (80 column doesn't [exp.del.]) and windows are even better! Hope RI catches up, for your sake! Best- Rick There is 1 Reply. #: 11197 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 25-Jun-91 21:08:23 Sb: #11180-Downloads Fm: thomas aubin 70540,1666 To: Rick Ulland 70540,3305 (X) Rick Me too!!! I checked with my local store and they don't have any level 2, and if they did it would be priced at the normal price listed in the software catalog. As for the coco 3, they still want 99.95 , so I'll wait them out. Maybe I should move (ha ha) Tom #: 11182 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 24-Jun-91 20:31:11 Sb: #11160-#Downloads Fm: Rick Ulland 70540,3305 To: thomas aubin 70540,1666 (X) Down'ed STERM 1.3 on the 19th,after I RTFM on DeskMate3.Also down'ed 1.5 on the 20th (surprize update!). If anybody can help me on this one final problem, I'd REALLY be thankful, and besides, can finally use DeskMate for a frisbee: STERM 1.3 will work ONCE after boot, STERM 1.5 never! The error is always 'no MODEM defined' with the one exception above. (I'm using sterm /m1 to start both versions) Do I need the new TERMCAP thats bundled with 1.5 source? I took a few days to reflect/retry and mebbe avoid another Stupid Question, but this has me whupped. Thanks for all the help- Rick There are 3 Replies. #: 11198 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 25-Jun-91 21:14:32 Sb: #11182-Downloads Fm: thomas aubin 70540,1666 To: Rick Ulland 70540,3305 (X) Rick, I'm not fimaliar with sterm, I am using Deskmate. However 1 question, do you have an m1 driver in your boot file. Check your module directory and see if it's there. What are you using for a modem? a modem pak or rs-232 and external modem. I could be wrong but if you are using rs-232 and a modem you need to use /T2, and a modem pak uses /M1 Hope that helps. Tom #: 11199 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 26-Jun-91 08:21:13 Sb: #11182-Downloads Fm: Bill Dickhaus 70325,523 To: Rick Ulland 70540,3305 (X) Rick, I'm not sure what the problem with Sterm 1.3 is, but with 1.5, you must specify the modem port on the command line, like: sterm -l /m1 Bill #: 11211 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 27-Jun-91 08:00:34 Sb: #11182-Downloads Fm: Steve Wegert 76703,4255 To: Rick Ulland 70540,3305 (X) Rick, Bill has given you the NEW syntax for Sterm 1.5. A quick reference of the syntax can be had by typing STERM -?. Mark's added a nmber of command line options. The termcap in place for 1.3 should be forward compatable with 1.5. Might be a few minor entry updates, but nothing major. I wasable to replace my old version of sterm with 1.5 by exchanging binaries. Nothing else. Steve #: 11156 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 22-Jun-91 17:37:01 Sb: #11124-#Downloads Fm: John R. Wainwright 72517,676 To: thomas aubin 70540,1666 (X) You might look at lib 7 (or maybe 10) for XCOM9. It runs on OS9 Level one and it does XMODEM. Of course, its a binary file, and you need XMODEM or CIS-"B" to get it. (Catch 22). Do you have an RS-DOS term program that does XMODEM (Mikeyterm, Gregeterm, ULterm ) - then you could use one of the RS-DOS to OS9 transfer utilities? Good luck & keep trying. JohnW There is 1 Reply. #: 11161 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 22-Jun-91 19:22:21 Sb: #11156-#Downloads Fm: thomas aubin 70540,1666 To: John R. Wainwright 72517,676 (X) John, No, all I have is deskmate and a modem pak. The modem pak will do an xmodem but I have no way to put it on a disk. The modem pak without os9 will only access cassete. Any way to download the file you mentioned and copy to disk? In other words it MUST have line numbers or the computer will give an IO error. If it does have line numbers it should work if not I guess it's catch 22 again. Any Ideas? Thanks TOM There is 1 Reply. #: 11164 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 23-Jun-91 08:52:09 Sb: #11161-#Downloads Fm: John R. Wainwright 72517,676 To: thomas aubin 70540,1666 (X) Hmmmmm, Plan A: I could convert it to an "S-record" ASCII file (see EXBIN and BINEX in your OS9 manual) and then EMAIL it to you. It might take you a few tries to get a good download with no error correction. This assumes you have the OS9 Level I operating system (not just the bare boot that comes with Deskmate). Plan B: Send me your address - I'll mail you a disk. John Wainwright There is 1 Reply. #: 11171 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 23-Jun-91 18:57:55 Sb: #11164-Downloads Fm: thomas aubin 70540,1666 To: John R. Wainwright 72517,676 (X) John, Thanks for the offer, I have recieved a similar offer from someone else. I have already accepted. Thanks again. TOM #: 11125 S4/MIDI and Music 20-Jun-91 21:02:36 Sb: #11086-#UMUSE3 Fm: Mike Knudsen 72467,1111 To: Bert Schneider 70244,427 (X) Hi. Yes, there is some outift that will really rebiuild your MT32, for a pretty stiff price. Also I can buy a ROM upgrade to my Korg SW-8000 (that's DW, not SW) that will add lots of features. No I don't know the XTGEN2 interface -- just WD-1000A or whatever I got 4 years ago for my B&B. Yes, if your directory has more than 42 (I think) .UME files, Umuse3 knows it can't save that much background, so it opens the window for the file names in Non-Save mode. I really should add code to redraw everything when you do that.... Meanwhile, try splitting your UME files up by type of music, or synth model, or mood, or whatever. Regards, mike k There are 2 Replies. #: 11140 S4/MIDI and Music 21-Jun-91 00:25:53 Sb: #11125-UMUSE3 Fm: Bert Schneider 70244,427 To: Mike Knudsen 72467,1111 I'll do that. As soon as I get my hard drive working again. I am so close but yet so far. I think I need to work on a select circuit for my CTS* line. I think I'll use a flip flop and a bus driver to make one hi-Z while the other gets the CTS* line from the CoCo. Take care. #: 11228 S4/MIDI and Music 28-Jun-91 15:42:42 Sb: #11125-UMUSE3 Fm: Paul K. Ward 73477,2004 To: Mike Knudsen 72467,1111 Mike, What's that DW8000 upgrade you're talking about? And send along what you've got on UMUSE, please. Paul IMS #: 11126 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 20-Jun-91 21:32:10 Sb: #11114-#Help a Monk Fm: Brother Jeremy, CSJW 76477,142 To: Kevin Darling 76703,4227 (X) If I was writing DIM statements, would I use DIM Column:INTEGER to convert a C statement such as "int column;"? --Thank you, JEREMY, CSJW There is 1 Reply. #: 11139 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 21-Jun-91 00:22:24 Sb: #11126-Help a Monk Fm: Kevin Darling 76703,4227 To: Brother Jeremy, CSJW 76477,142 (X) Jeremy - yep, DIM variable:INTEGER should work just fine. If you can figure out what their intent was, of course, that'd be even a better way to see if an integer is the best choice. #: 11231 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 28-Jun-91 15:54:49 Sb: #11106-#Help a Monk Fm: Paul K. Ward 73477,2004 To: Brother Jeremy, CSJW 76477,142 (X) There was a rumored version of a Level 2 upgrade that allowed you to use the right button just for the purpose of switching windows. Right now, the MM/1 does that with the right button. CoCo OS-9 will be going strong for at least another two years, I think. Paul IMS There is 1 Reply. #: 11253 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 29-Jun-91 21:53:06 Sb: #11231-Help a Monk Fm: Brother Jeremy, CSJW 76477,142 To: Paul K. Ward 73477,2004 (X) I hope that the OS9/COCO community will keep going strong. Many of us cannot afford to move to one of the new machines. I realize that the commercial programmers have to go where the money is. I also realize that the hobbyist will support whatever machine they use the most. For example, MAX-10 is the only RS-DOS program I ever use. I just noticed COCOPRO listed a NEWSPAPER-09 in this mnonths Rainbow. Does anyone have any info on it? I still hope that the OS9 Level 2 upgrade will materialize. I hate to keep haunting people about it...but... we need it badly. -Br. Jeremy, CSJW. #: 11127 S14/misc/info/Soapbox 20-Jun-91 21:36:03 Sb: SALE OF COCO STUFF Fm: JOERG SATTLER 74016,631 To: ALL Selling my entire inventory of COCO III hardware and software. Have the following on hand: Two (2) COCO 3 with 512k RAM ea 150.00 Disto Super controller II w 4 in 1 board. 150.00 WD 1002 harddisk controller (2 controllers) 125.00 All necessary cables all hardware included of course Eliminator and WD 1002-05 controller 200.00 Two (2) Tandon 10meg Full hight HD ea 35.00 Standard J/W floppy controller 25.00 3.5" 720k drive and two 5.25" 360K drives. ea 55.00 Zenith data systems green mono monitor. 35.00 Magnavox 8CM515 color monitor. 150.00 OS9 level 1 original system 10.00 OS9 level 2: 25.00 Basic system, Developers pack, Multi Vue. ea 25.00 Sculptor Data base system 50.00 Dynacalc spreadsheet 25.00 Stylograph Wordprosseing system for COCO3 25.00 C for OS9 and PASCAL for OS9. ea 10.00 DESKMATE 3 25.00 OS9 PROFILE database system. ----- OS9 Flight simulator II ----- A bunch of RAINBOW on tape as well as RAINBOW on disk All original manuals and the Tandy service manual The Rainbow guide for OS9 and the BASIC 09 Tour guide A couple of 6809 assembly language books All documentation and books for all programs are available All prices are somewhat adjustable depending on the level of interest. Prefer to sell in one big shot off course, but will break up the set if necessary. All sales are C O D via UPS land. Call or write via E-Mail here on Compuserve 74016,631 VOICE (914) 478 5848 or send FAX (914) 478 5851 #: 11128 S4/MIDI and Music 20-Jun-91 21:41:54 Sb: #10650-#latest SMF stuff Fm: Mike Knudsen 72467,1111 To: PaulSeniura 76476,464 (X) Say Paul -- I thought you had my docs on the UME file format. Or aren't they clear enough towrite code from? I appreciate that you might not want to rely on my VIrtual Memory scheme, which won't work on GIMIX boxes et al. But my scheme could be easily converted to Data Modules, which *do* work on any flavor OS9-L2. Sounds like MFF1 files are like LYRA files -- you have to watch all the tracks to see who's playing next! Right, a RAM disk will help a lot, but virtual memory would be much faster. I do intend to upload a sanitized copy of my virt mem routines so anyone can use them. I just uploaded my bit-banger serial MIDI driver. {_Sheesh, you wastiong your gorgeous video theatre setup on RERUNS?!? --mike k There is 1 Reply. #: 11163 S4/MIDI and Music 23-Jun-91 00:22:33 Sb: #11128-latest SMF stuff Fm: PaulSeniura 76476,464 To: Mike Knudsen 72467,1111 Hi Mike, CIS costs too much and I *wish* the OS9UG would "move" to a cheaper place to "live". So I left you a reply on Delphi to your messages here on CIS, after remembering you wanted to "move" our discussions there, too. Let me know if you'd rather use CIS. -- Thx, Paul Seniura (76476,464). #: 11130 S4/MIDI and Music 20-Jun-91 21:48:41 Sb: #10753-latest SMF stuff Fm: Mike Knudsen 72467,1111 To: James Jones 76257,562 (X) Hi James. I got that source a while back -- don't remember whether it was from you or someone just uploaded it. Bet it was from you after all. I got it working enuf to test it, but haven't seriously fooled with it. Would like to, but many other things to do, like new UME features. BTW, the MM/1 port has already helped add features and remove bugs from the Coco version -- it can now enable/disable individual Parts and/or MIDI channels. --mike k #: 11131 S4/MIDI and Music 20-Jun-91 21:51:32 Sb: #10834-#latest SMF stuff Fm: Mike Knudsen 72467,1111 To: Ches Looney 73016,1336 (X) Hi Ches. I finally broke down and allowed a PC-AT compatible into the house, so I wonder what SongWright sells for, and from whom. Sounds like a PC versin of UME. Or can you record your own hand playing into it also? Thanks, mike knudsen There is 1 Reply. #: 11154 S4/MIDI and Music 22-Jun-91 10:18:43 Sb: #11131-latest SMF stuff Fm: Ches Looney 73016,1336 To: Mike Knudsen 72467,1111 Mike, it is similar. I'll send you an eazyplex message. Ches. #: 11129 S4/MIDI and Music 20-Jun-91 21:46:08 Sb: #10738-latest SMF stuff Fm: Mike Knudsen 72467,1111 To: PaulSeniura 76476,464 (X) There is a very old MTPanel program for diddling the MT32 -- pretty nice, all written in C. I have it here, but forget who wrote and uploaded it too. Larry Miner did the Yamaha PSS480 version called PED. Soon UME will have MIDI Events, both little 2-3 byte zaps from in the score plus whole file writes. Yer right, the factory patches could use a LOT of work. So could Roland's cursed note-dropping algorithms. --mike k #: 11132 S4/MIDI and Music 20-Jun-91 21:55:29 Sb: #10853-#Bad Download Fm: Mike Knudsen 72467,1111 To: Lester Hands 70135,430 (X) Hi Lester. Wish I'd had my screen-saver mode on -- I caught you recommending UltiMuse, grin! Axctually, I steered at least one PC owner on a tight budget towards Lyra-PC, so I guess we're even. Is Lyra-PC still marketed? I got a used PC-AT and ran your demo verions of that in CGA mode OK. Regards, mike knudsen There is 1 Reply. #: 11420 S4/MIDI and Music 21-Jul-91 10:16:20 Sb: #11132-Bad Download Fm: Lester Hands 70135,430 To: Mike Knudsen 72467,1111 Hi Mike! Yep, I try to recommend the best thing for what the person wants. Ultimuse is a good program (!) and I don't mind saying so. PC-Lyra is still around, though I am not personally marketing it now. It is being sold as a part of a FM synthesizer board (that comes with digital sampling and a MIDI interface) produced by an Oregon company, Covox. You really have a PC?!! I can imagine it is gathering dust most of the time . Lester #: 11133 S4/MIDI and Music 20-Jun-91 21:57:31 Sb: #10802-UltiMuse3 Fm: Mike Knudsen 72467,1111 To: Mark Wuest 74030,332 (X) Just to tie this off -- I gave Mark the patch to ShellPlus to fix that DirRead problem. Patch location $130F from $1F to $11. Yes, patching to $00 will work, but $11 helps utility programs run faster. --mike knudsen #: 11134 S4/MIDI and Music 20-Jun-91 21:59:28 Sb: #10805-UltiMuse3 Fm: Mike Knudsen 72467,1111 To: James Jones 76257,562 (X) James, inc case you haven't hread, Mark is using ShellPlus v2.1 whjich itself does explicit memory allocation of #31 or 7+3/4 K. As you know that messes up C programs that malloc() their own RAM. The patch I gave takes that out, or replaces it with #4K. --mike k. #: 11136 S4/MIDI and Music 20-Jun-91 22:03:44 Sb: #10817-#UltiMuse3 Fm: Mike Knudsen 72467,1111 To: Mark Wuest 74030,332 (X) Mark, thanks for an idea for a little fix to go in the next version,grin (well no grin at your end, sorry!). Yes it's funny to see it save a score named "". Actually, it might have created a file name .UME -- did you look with a DIR E? Not clear what Umuse would show on a Read DIR screen. There is 1 Reply. #: 11146 S4/MIDI and Music 21-Jun-91 10:37:57 Sb: #11136-UltiMuse3 Fm: Mark Wuest 74030,332 To: Mike Knudsen 72467,1111 Mike, I've gotten over that little one, and have really had a good time entering and play scores. I bought a hi-res mouse adapter for $5.00 and it improves the "feel", but it worked great without it, IMHO. I bought dynacalc for $5.00 at the same Rat Shack, BTW. Now, after not running my CoCo for almost two years, it runs umuse3 on /term, dynacalc in /w1, and ubox3 in /w2, and stay on most of the time. After noting how nice the windowing is on my home computer, we'er getting Sun Workstations at work, using Sable C++ interpreter for debugging. Now *that* may spoil me ! Mark att!docs!mdw att!corona!mdw attmail!wuest (They keep moving us around: I have more logins than a New Yorker has attitudes.) #: 11135 S15/Hot Topics 20-Jun-91 22:03:11 Sb: #11123-#MM/1 delivery Fm: Colin J. Smith 73777,1360 To: Jim Peasley 72726,1153 (X) Well, I originally ordered last July, and switched to a kit last December, and I am still waiting on mine. Mary Kay at IMS said it should have been shipped last week or early this week, so we'll see (hopefully SOON!). Waiting with baited breath, --Colin There is 1 Reply. #: 11233 S15/Hot Topics 28-Jun-91 16:05:08 Sb: #11135-MM/1 delivery Fm: Paul K. Ward 73477,2004 To: Colin J. Smith 73777,1360 (X) Colin, Mary Kay sent out some preliminary information that has been updated. Your computer is actually shipping int he shipment right AFTER Jim Peasley, so he'll be a happy camper about two days before you will. Let me know if there's anything more we can do. IMS PAUL WARD 202 232 4246 #: 11145 S15/Hot Topics 21-Jun-91 05:43:13 Sb: #11123-#MM/1 delivery Fm: James Jones 76257,562 To: Jim Peasley 72726,1153 (X) Let's see. I'm one of those who picked up most of my MM/1 at RAINBOWFest. I'm still waiting on the I/O board (though there was a UPS sticker saying something was left at the condo office addressed to me--I'll probably peek in the window of the room where they keep such stuff this morning, since they keep pretty short hours. I don't know what it is, but I am hopeful). There is 1 Reply. #: 11234 S15/Hot Topics 28-Jun-91 16:06:23 Sb: #11145-MM/1 delivery Fm: Paul K. Ward 73477,2004 To: James Jones 76257,562 (X) No, not the I/O board. Testing will take place all next week. It is not trivial to test hundreds of boards, so be a little patient! As you have been so far. Best regards, Paul IMS 202 232 4246 #: 11157 S15/Hot Topics 22-Jun-91 17:49:01 Sb: #11123-#MM/1 delivery Fm: John R. Wainwright 72517,676 To: Jim Peasley 72726,1153 (X) Original order in June or July last year - switched to kit in December (about the same as Colin). I was told that I was # 20-something (maybe 26, don't remember for sure) on the list. Watchin & Waitin. Will advise. JohnW There are 3 Replies. #: 11166 S15/Hot Topics 23-Jun-91 12:42:22 Sb: #11157-#MM/1 delivery Fm: Jim Peasley 72726,1153 To: John R. Wainwright 72517,676 (X) John; Me too... ordered in July and opted for the kit when it looked as though the FCC was going to hold things up. I've been told that I'm #39. Talking to Paul last week he said that they're shipping out 35 computers twice weekly (this starting 6/10). There's 2 ways of interpreting this... 35 x 2 = 70 computers/week or 17 x 2 = 35 computers/week Either way, it would seem that both you and I should have received our MM/1ds by now. Paul said that mine is scheduled to be shipped on 6/30, which doesn't compute at all... unless they're shipping NEW orders before those from us that ordered almost a year ago. One would think that back orders would be shipped out first, and then new orders... at least that's the way I'd do it - support those that believed enough in me to plunk down their hard-earned cash when this was just an idea! Either something is rotten in Denmark, or we're not getting the full story, and I'm almost ready to chuck the idea of an MM/1. ...Jim There are 3 Replies. #: 11167 S15/Hot Topics 23-Jun-91 15:32:19 Sb: #11166-#MM/1 delivery Fm: Kevin Darling 76703,4227 To: Jim Peasley 72726,1153 (X) Jim - or it might mean that there were a lot of people who plunked down cash a long time ago :-) Dunno. Very likely, all the small companies hand-assemble/pack the final computers, and hand-copy the disks... that's a lot of work there alone. And there's always the unexpected. Lots of that, in parts, cases, deliveries by suppliers etc. You should see some of the complaints on other forums... and they're about multimillion dollar companies! So I think continued patience will work out in this case. Y'all ever decide to move, btw? best - kev There is 1 Reply. #: 11176 S15/Hot Topics 24-Jun-91 08:53:58 Sb: #11167-#MM/1 delivery Fm: Jim Peasley 72726,1153 To: Kevin Darling 76703,4227 (X) Kev; > Jim - or it might mean that there were a lot of people who plunked down > cash a long time ago :-) Dunno. Yeah, that's me. I was paid in full for my MM/1 on 12/31/90. > And there's always the unexpected. Lots of that, in parts, cases, > deliveries by suppliers etc. Understood -- no problem with the unexpected.. I kinda expected that . My problem comes from the lack of and mis-information coming from IMS. It's kinda like standing at the counter in a busy store and being 'invisible' to the clerks there. > Y'all ever decide to move, btw? best - kev Yep, we decided to move after our first trip out there last summer. Fell in love with the place. Only things holding us up are getting the house put back together and a job offer on that end. Latter may be a while, former is coming along nicely, although slowly. ...Jim There is 1 Reply. #: 11237 S15/Hot Topics 28-Jun-91 16:19:06 Sb: #11176-#MM/1 delivery Fm: Paul K. Ward 73477,2004 To: Jim Peasley 72726,1153 (X) Jim, I hope our mistakes are not viewed by you as a slight. They are not meant to be. In general, our colleagues are damn impressed by what we've done, and IMS is very proud of its staff and of our customers. Now that we are through the major hump, we'll be very informative because now we have the TIME to be up here and elsewhere! If you have specific data you would like to see, let us know. Paul IMS 202 232 4246 There is 1 Reply. #: 11252 S15/Hot Topics 29-Jun-91 12:29:34 Sb: #11237-#MM/1 delivery Fm: Jim Peasley 72726,1153 To: Paul K. Ward 73477,2004 (X) Paul; > I hope our mistakes are not viewed by you as a slight. > > Now that we are through the major hump, we'll be very informative > because now we have the TIME to be up here and elsewhere! By the same token, I would hope that my comments about information (lack of and mis-) were not construed as 'casting aspersions'. My intent was to veice my frustrations about being 'in the dark' for so long and to hopefully clear up some of the mis-information that's been spread about. Case in point: In the 1/7/91 kit announcement it was mentioned that the MM/1 has been shipping to industrial users and developers since April, 1990. At the end, there is an invitation to place orders for FEBRUARY delivery. In the update file after the Rainbowfest: IMS announces widespread shipping of MM/1 computers. Currently, dozens of computers have been shipped... The pace of shipping is now brisk. This week has seen the shipping of dozens... I could go on, but I think younsee my point. In a dynamic situation, info must be updated on a regular basis when you're dealing with customers. I can appreciate your busy schedule and coping with unforseen events as I'm in the same situption. My customers, while they might not like the delivery schedule we've worked out, understand delays that are beyond my control, and are quite understanding when they happen -- but ONLY when I inform them that a situation has occurred! Communication, therefore, has become a major part of my job description. I apologize for putting you on the spot like this, but it looks as though my note DID trigger the info we've all been looking for. ...Jim p.s. Why don'tcha replace that crashed PC on your desk with a REAL computer? There is 1 Reply. #: 11264 S15/Hot Topics 01-Jul-91 14:45:17 Sb: #11252-MM/1 delivery Fm: Paul K. Ward 73477,2004 To: Jim Peasley 72726,1153 (X) No need to apologize for putting me on the spot, Jim! Keeping you informed has been one thing we've LIKED doing -- once again, the time crunch has been horrendous. Now things look a little freer, so we'll be up often. Sure, we've made some missteps by not communicating better, but we now have some new policies and procedures that will fix this problem. BTW, that damn PC on my desk that has crashed will be replaced VERY soon. I am really tired of not having full-screen windows on it, at the very least. Paul Incidentally, I noted that DOS 5.0 includes some neat features, like line editing and an editor better than Edlin. Wow, I'm impressed. Paul #: 11204 S15/Hot Topics 26-Jun-91 21:22:44 Sb: #11166-MM/1 delivery Fm: John R. Wainwright 72517,676 To: Jim Peasley 72726,1153 (X) Jim, I suspect the problem is the same as it has always been - surprises keep lousing up Paul's predictions on shipping dates. I WAS told that the units will be shipped in the same order that orders were received. I believe they will stick to that. I'm hanging in there, and I will sing out when I get mine. JohnW #: 11236 S15/Hot Topics 28-Jun-91 16:16:51 Sb: #11166-MM/1 delivery Fm: Paul K. Ward 73477,2004 To: Jim Peasley 72726,1153 (X) Jim, You misunderstood my numbers, but they are not far off. Still, as I told you on the phone, we ship out approximately in the order that we received the orders. The variables that go into shipping are exactly these, just so you don't think I'm keeping anything from you: Who ordered what When do we receive cables for floppies, parallel ports, etc. When are the modified cases ready Cash flow for that week When quantity purchases need to be made Man power assigned to a given day Once these factors are considered, a schedule is set up. When gaps occur, simple to assemble kits are inserted from folks who ordered later. That means that, in a given month, like June, we have approximatedly 10% of the folks being shipped out that ordered somewhat later (like a few weeks later) than folks who ship out in early July. The difference is only a few days. We work three people around the clock to get these systems out. Each system, with case and two board set, manuals, cables, boxing, labeling, and shipping, takes approximately four hours. Others take longer when we go throught inventory for extra drives, hard drives, custom cables, monitors, keyboards, and so on. It is very complex. No one here at IMS is holding you up. Data has been fluid as we have been handling literally thousands of details. Incidentally, ALL computer companies experience delays. Compaq recently told a major customer that they were unable to ship for three months. Reason? Memory chip availability at the price they wanted. In other words, they were pinching dimes and holding up big customers. At least IMS doesn't do THAT! Please do stay in touch at 202 232 4246. We'll tell you exactly what we know, and what we cannot know, and we will tell you the day your kit ships. Yours truly, Paul Ward IMS #: 11181 S15/Hot Topics 24-Jun-91 20:24:35 Sb: #11157-#MM/1 delivery Fm: Colin J. Smith 73777,1360 To: John R. Wainwright 72517,676 (X) Say John, if you call IMS, they can now tell you about what day your system will be shipped. Paul Ward hisself told me that mine would be shipped on or before July 3'rd, based on the number of people before me and the rate at which they are going out. --Colin There are 2 Replies. #: 11206 S15/Hot Topics 26-Jun-91 21:31:42 Sb: #11181-#MM/1 delivery Fm: John R. Wainwright 72517,676 To: Colin J. Smith 73777,1360 (X) Thanks, Colin, just from following the messages here and on other forums, I have a pretty good idea of the shipping progress. I hope EVERYBODY will report when they receive the computers - that will keep us all up to date. JohnW There are 2 Replies. #: 11213 S15/Hot Topics 27-Jun-91 12:44:45 Sb: #11206-#MM/1 delivery Fm: Bill Dickhaus 70325,523 To: John R. Wainwright 72517,676 (X) John, I got my MM/1 on tuesday, although I don't know what number I was on the list. One small problem, though, I forgot all about a monitor cable, so I haven't been able to fire it up yet. Do you know if its easy to make a cable for a CM-8? I'm going to try calling IMS this afternoon about one of their adapaters. Bill There are 2 Replies. #: 11214 S15/Hot Topics 27-Jun-91 20:05:55 Sb: #11213-#MM/1 delivery Fm: John R. Wainwright 72517,676 To: Bill Dickhaus 70325,523 (X) Bill, I don't know what the Monitor End of the CM8 cable looks like, but I do have the pin-out for the COCO end (that 10 pin connector that comes with the CM8) I had to make up a cable for the Magnavox monitor for my coco. Knowing the arrangement for the plug on the computer end of the cm8 cable, it shouldn't be too hard to cook up an adaptor for the MM1. Here goes. 1. Ground 2. Ground 3. Red 4. Green 5. Blue 6. No Connection 7. Sound 8. Horiz Sync 9. Vert Sync 10. Ground Hope this helps. JohnW There is 1 Reply. #: 11215 S15/Hot Topics 27-Jun-91 20:27:54 Sb: #11214-#MM/1 delivery Fm: Bill Dickhaus 70325,523 To: John R. Wainwright 72517,676 (X) John, thanks for the info on the CM8 cable, now all I need is info on the MM/1 connector. The documentation for the MM/1 kit refers to an additional information sheet that contains board layout, jumper configuration, etc. but it didn't come with the kit. I have tried calling IMS for two days, but all I get is an answering machine or a busy signal. Bill There are 3 Replies. #: 11216 S15/Hot Topics 27-Jun-91 22:17:08 Sb: #11215-#MM/1 delivery Fm: Kevin Darling 76703,4227 To: Bill Dickhaus 70325,523 (X) Bill - wish I had the dope on the monitor pinout, but I don't. It's supposed to be the same as a "standard PC connector", whatever that means :-) Won't swear to it, but P8 must be the Hsync/Vsync inversion jumpers if needed. Paul's wife just got back from being away on a job for a coupla months, so mebbe he's busier than usual right now :-) Married types understand There are 2 Replies. #: 11217 S15/Hot Topics 28-Jun-91 06:37:53 Sb: #11216-#MM/1 delivery Fm: Bill Dickhaus 70325,523 To: Kevin Darling 76703,4227 (X) Thanks, Kev. I'll look around for the standard PC pinout, maybe someone else will have it. I can understand why its a little difficult to get through at IMS, but its so frustrating to finally have an MM/1 and not be able to use it! Bill There are 2 Replies. #: 11218 S15/Hot Topics 28-Jun-91 07:17:44 Sb: #11217-#MM/1 delivery Fm: Mike Ward 76703,2013 To: Bill Dickhaus 70325,523 (X) I'm not sure this will help but there is a Technical Reference Manual for the PC-XT at the office on a shelf (or in a drawer) behind Ed's desk. It has pinouts for various things in it. Maybe you'll get lucky! There is 1 Reply. #: 11219 S15/Hot Topics 28-Jun-91 07:56:10 Sb: #11218-#MM/1 delivery Fm: Bill Dickhaus 70325,523 To: Mike Ward 76703,2013 (X) I managed to find a couple of files on the IBMHW and Zenith forms. It looks like the pins match up one for one on a DB9 connector, so I'm going to go pick up a coulple of DB9 connectors, I need one for the serial port too. Bill There is 1 Reply. #: 11220 S15/Hot Topics 28-Jun-91 08:07:18 Sb: #11219-#MM/1 delivery Fm: Colin McKay 73340,2275 To: Bill Dickhaus 70325,523 (X) MM/1 Connectors Video Female 9 Pin D 1 NC 3 Red 5 Blue 7 NC 9 V-Sync 2 Gnd 4 Green 6 NC 8 H-Sync These are the pinouts for the MM/1 that I got from Paul Ward over the phone the other day. Best time to talk to him seems to be between 2 pm and 3pm. (At least that's when I usually talk to him.) There is 1 Reply. #: 11222 S15/Hot Topics 28-Jun-91 10:30:50 Sb: #11220-#MM/1 delivery Fm: Bill Dickhaus 70325,523 To: Colin McKay 73340,2275 (X) Thanks, Colin, I almost had it right, that is exactly what I needed. I have tried calling him then, but apparently everyone else does too, since its usually busy. The problem is compouned by the fact that I can't make long distance credit card calls from work, so have to go outside to a pay phone. Bill There is 1 Reply. #: 11242 S15/Hot Topics 28-Jun-91 16:26:53 Sb: #11222-MM/1 delivery Fm: Paul K. Ward 73477,2004 To: Bill Dickhaus 70325,523 (X) Bill, Just leave an office number when you call. Right now my IBM PC with my database of phone numbers has CRASHED -- well, serves me right -so I can't get to your number until find and fix the faulty sector. Paul Who is, incidentally, using an MM/1 for EVERYTHING else! #: 11241 S15/Hot Topics 28-Jun-91 16:24:59 Sb: #11217-MM/1 delivery Fm: Paul K. Ward 73477,2004 To: Bill Dickhaus 70325,523 (X) Bill, One thing we have begun to implement is a voice contact with each customer before shipping. It seems as though what people order and what we send are accurate, but what people actually NEED is different, and we are learning the questions to ask, e.g., what monitor are you using? Best, Paul IMS #: 11227 S15/Hot Topics 28-Jun-91 15:42:42 Sb: #11216-MM/1 delivery Fm: Bill Dickhaus 70325,523 To: Kevin Darling 76703,4227 (X) Kev, I did have the jumper descriptions all along, I was looking for an actual diagram, but the jumpers are listed in the back of the kit installation guide. The descriptions could have been more thorough, but the info is adequate for what I need. P8 does set logic of HSYNC and VSYNC. Bill #: 11240 S15/Hot Topics 28-Jun-91 16:23:24 Sb: #11215-MM/1 delivery Fm: Paul K. Ward 73477,2004 To: Bill Dickhaus 70325,523 (X) Bill, I got your call on the machine, but did not catch your phone number. I will email you jumper configuration. CM-8 video and MM/1 video connectors are pin for pin compatible. Just ignore line 10. Paul IMS #: 11293 S15/Hot Topics 05-Jul-91 07:11:37 Sb: #11215-#MM/1 delivery Fm: Colin J. Smith 73777,1360 To: Bill Dickhaus 70325,523 (X) Bill, If you ordered soon enough (as in when IMS said that the MM-1 was standard with a CM-8 connector) then they will give you a cable FREE (if you really care to wait for them to ship it, that is...). There is also the pinout for the MM-1 video connector in the latest issue of The OSK'er. I believe it matches the MM-1 pin-for-pin. If you want me to look it up for you, just yell and I'll be glad to do it. -- Colin There is 1 Reply. #: 11295 S15/Hot Topics 05-Jul-91 09:36:22 Sb: #11293-MM/1 delivery Fm: Bill Dickhaus 70325,523 To: Colin J. Smith 73777,1360 (X) Colin, thanks, but I have it working now. I think I will ask IMS to send me one of their adapters. Bill #: 11239 S15/Hot Topics 28-Jun-91 16:21:48 Sb: #11213-#MM/1 delivery Fm: Paul K. Ward 73477,2004 To: Bill Dickhaus 70325,523 (X) Bill, We ar getting a new passle of CM-8 adapters next week. Call me and I'll expedite one to you. They ar emade by the loving hands of Mark Griffith. Paul IMS 202 232 4246 2pm - 5pm There is 1 Reply. #: 11251 S15/Hot Topics 29-Jun-91 10:51:44 Sb: #11239-#MM/1 delivery Fm: Bill Dickhaus 70325,523 To: Paul K. Ward 73477,2004 (X) Paul, Thanks, but I managed to put one together myself, not only that, but it works! I was temporarily stumped by the "backwards" color command, thought I had red and green reversed in the adapter, then, of course I noticed the color.note file. Bill There is 1 Reply. #: 11263 S15/Hot Topics 01-Jul-91 14:40:15 Sb: #11251-MM/1 delivery Fm: Paul K. Ward 73477,2004 To: Bill Dickhaus 70325,523 (X) I think Brett Wynkoop is selling some OSK / MM/1 stuff with a neato enhanced color command. Give him a call at home at 212 567-7617 to order. Or you can just place the order with us. Try Brett first though, so he can get hte benefit of the work he has put in so far. Best, Paul IMS #: 11292 S15/Hot Topics 05-Jul-91 07:08:21 Sb: #11206-#MM/1 delivery Fm: Colin J. Smith 73777,1360 To: John R. Wainwright 72517,676 (X) BTW, due to memory chip delays, my shipping date has been bumped from July 3 to July 8. Oh well, after waiting this long, what's a few more days? -- Colin There are 2 Replies. #: 11300 S15/Hot Topics 05-Jul-91 20:47:49 Sb: #11292-#MM/1 delivery Fm: John R. Wainwright 72517,676 To: Colin J. Smith 73777,1360 (X) Oh, well, probably not too much moving in this country between the 3rd and the 8th anyway. Hang in there. JohnW There are 2 Replies. #: 11304 S15/Hot Topics 06-Jul-91 11:26:27 Sb: #11300-MM/1 delivery Fm: Colin J. Smith 73777,1360 To: John R. Wainwright 72517,676 (X) Like I've said before, when you've waited this long, what's a few more days? :-) --Colin #: 11338 S15/Hot Topics 10-Jul-91 23:43:52 Sb: #11300-#MM/1 delivery Fm: Paul K. Ward 73477,2004 To: John R. Wainwright 72517,676 (X) John, Shall we doublecheck your order? Please call Thursday or Friday. In the meantime, I'll try to call you. Best, paul IMS There is 1 Reply. #: 11356 S15/Hot Topics 12-Jul-91 22:09:16 Sb: #11338-#MM/1 delivery Fm: John R. Wainwright 72517,676 To: Paul K. Ward 73477,2004 (X) Hi Paul, Since I live alone and work during the day, I am hard to catch on the phone before 5 or 6 EST. I am home most evenings and weekends. I will call you Thursday or Friday. Ummm, when we "doublecheck" my order, which of us will be looking at a box of computer parts? - In other words, does this mean it will be shipped sometime after next Thursday or Friday, (whimper), or you have already shipped it and want to know if I got everything I wanted (LARGE Grin)? How's it going with the "old" SCSI chips in the second boards? (If you toss a few in the box with my MM1, I'll be happy to test them and ship back all but one- hehe). John Wainwright There is 1 Reply. #: 11359 S15/Hot Topics 12-Jul-91 23:36:27 Sb: #11356-#MM/1 delivery Fm: Paul K. Ward 73477,2004 To: John R. Wainwright 72517,676 (X) GRIN. Your box is being burned in now. Shipment will be by UPS going out sometime Tuesday or Wednesday. Sorry I can't be more specific, but you are one of fourteen machines going out on those two days. Anyway, BEFORE we send it, we need to make sure we are synchronized. We have an order summary printed, but often Mary Kay Weglein did not ask questions like: Do you need a CM-8 adapter cable? Do you need a 5.25" floppy to transfer data to the MM/1 from your CoCo? So give a call.If you will be in over the weekend, call 202 232 4246 and leave a message to that effect. I check the office voice mail once a day over the weekend. Best, Paul IMS There is 1 Reply. #: 11366 S15/Hot Topics 13-Jul-91 19:00:33 Sb: #11359-#MM/1 delivery Fm: John R. Wainwright 72517,676 To: Paul K. Ward 73477,2004 (X) (GRINNING) I will be at home on Sunday morning - will leave a message on your machine. In case I miss connecting, here is some info. Monitor - I have a Magnavox analog monitor xCM535 (forgot first character of the model) - 640x200 analog or digital - uses an 8-pin DIN plug for input. I have a home-made cable to connect it to the COCO, planned to just put a second plug on the same cable when I got the MM1, but if you have a pre-made cable for the magnavox, I'll buy it. Disks - My COCO has both 5-1/4 and 3-1/2 disks. As long as the highdensity drive in the MM1 can read a 720k 3-1/2 floppy, I should have no problem with data transfer. I have a keyboard (NOT the brand that someone mentioned he had trouble with). (I also have a 40m SCSI hard drive that I hope will work when the second board comes through). I also have a large box of tools and a lot of assorted connectors and wire - that MM1 WILL be up and running the day it arrives. John Wainwright There is 1 Reply. #: 11378 S15/Hot Topics 15-Jul-91 01:30:21 Sb: #11366-#MM/1 delivery Fm: Paul K. Ward 73477,2004 To: John R. Wainwright 72517,676 (X) John, I got a confirmation Saturday that your machine will be shipped on Tuesday. OK, Actually he said Monday. But with Murphy's law, Tuesday. Sounds like you're set. No need to throw in a CM-8 adapter cable for ya. I would recommend you start making that monitor cable. Best, Paul IMS There is 1 Reply. #: 11387 S15/Hot Topics 15-Jul-91 22:15:30 Sb: #11378-#MM/1 delivery Fm: John R. Wainwright 72517,676 To: Paul K. Ward 73477,2004 (X) Paul, Great! I'll be looking for the delivery truck. Digging out soldering iron. (Who was it that said "Murphy was an optimist"?) John Wainwright There is 1 Reply. #: 11392 S15/Hot Topics 16-Jul-91 17:00:22 Sb: #11387-#MM/1 delivery Fm: Paul K. Ward 73477,2004 To: John R. Wainwright 72517,676 (X) John, Bad news! No, your computer WAS shipped! But you WON't need a soldering iron! Too bad.... Grin. Paul IMS There is 1 Reply. #: 11416 S15/Hot Topics 20-Jul-91 20:32:00 Sb: #11392-MM/1 delivery Fm: John R. Wainwright 72517,676 To: Paul K. Ward 73477,2004 Paul, It's HERE. The MM/1 arrived Thursday. I am a "happy camper". Re the message on your office phone, the 3.5 in high density drive that came with it was DEAD. It took me a while to make sure I didn't have some jumper in the wrong place (tried everything but exorcism and explosives) I bought another drive (I had planned to get a second one anyway) - the second drive worked, but wouldn't get all the way through a FORMAT - hung up at cluster 58h - sometimes a little further. Now I was sure I had fouled up somewhere (nobody gets TWO bad drives in a row, right?). More checking. After several hours, I took BOTH drives to my local PC guy and hooked them to a working "286". Sure enough, first one DEAD, second one wouldn't format. Third drive did it. Just finished making backups of all the distribution disks so I can do some serious fiddling. Wanted to use the MM/1 to post this message, but the 9 to 25 pin Rs-232 adaptor I have is the wrong gender (Murphy is with me) - I'll get one tommorrow. This message complements of my faithful old Tandy 2000 - can't use the COCO either, it lost its monitor to the MM/1. I'd swear I heard the COCO whimper when I swiped it's Magnavox - I may have to get it one of those close-out CM-8s to console it. Back to my new toy. Later, Oh, I almost forgot, where do I ship that DEAD drive? John Wainwright #: 11337 S15/Hot Topics 10-Jul-91 23:42:56 Sb: #11292-MM/1 delivery Fm: Paul K. Ward 73477,2004 To: Colin J. Smith 73777,1360 (X) Colin, We got your machine in from the factory today. We are checking ALL of the new boards out, and presuming that they all pass, yours should be along quickly. Paul IMS #: 11238 S15/Hot Topics 28-Jun-91 16:20:31 Sb: #11181-MM/1 delivery Fm: Paul K. Ward 73477,2004 To: Colin J. Smith 73777,1360 (X) Colin, Actually, I read off our schedule when yours is going out. We are one day behind in that schedule, and I predict we will pick up that day next week. So you are on for the 3rd. Best, Paul #: 11235 S15/Hot Topics 28-Jun-91 16:08:26 Sb: #11157-#MM/1 delivery Fm: Paul K. Ward 73477,2004 To: John R. Wainwright 72517,676 (X) John, According to my records, you were either shipped today or will be shipped next Monday. The schedule I have was printed about ten days ago. It should be relatively up to date. Give a call to me next Monday afternoon, i should be able to let you know if it went out that day! Best regards, Paul IMS 202 232 4246 2pm to 5pm There is 1 Reply. #: 11246 S15/Hot Topics 28-Jun-91 19:17:05 Sb: #11235-MM/1 delivery Fm: John R. Wainwright 72517,676 To: Paul K. Ward 73477,2004 (X) Good news! Thanks, Paul - I'll try to call Monday to confirm. JohnW #: 11190 S15/Hot Topics 25-Jun-91 10:35:27 Sb: #11123-#MM/1 delivery Fm: Colin McKay 73340,2275 To: Jim Peasley 72726,1153 (X) I am number 19 on the list. According to Paul Ward, my system was shipped out last Thursday, June 20. I haven't received it yet though. (I live in Canada, so it is probably tied up at customs.) Anyway, I dispute Paul's statement in his posting on 14 June that "dozens" of systems had been shipped. Better not have been, as I was number 19 on the list. ;-)!! Hopefully mine will be here soon. Ken Scales (#21) has his machine, but it was initially sent without the disks. They arrived yesterday though. (24 June) There is 1 Reply. #: 11207 S15/Hot Topics 26-Jun-91 21:37:49 Sb: #11190-#MM/1 delivery Fm: John R. Wainwright 72517,676 To: Colin McKay 73340,2275 (X) Wellllll, if you are speaking in "dozens" and you have shipped 13 of them, --that's more than a dozen, so it's dozens. (Right?) ;) JohnW There are 2 Replies. #: 11212 S15/Hot Topics 27-Jun-91 11:36:36 Sb: #11207-#MM/1 delivery Fm: Colin McKay 73340,2275 To: John R. Wainwright 72517,676 (X) Well, no. Dozens implies (at least to me) more than one dozen, ie two dozen, or three dozen. Not a dozen plus one. Anyway, a moot point since mine has been shipped. Its probably sitting in customs right now. There is 1 Reply. #: 11244 S15/Hot Topics 28-Jun-91 16:30:42 Sb: #11212-MM/1 delivery Fm: Paul K. Ward 73477,2004 To: Colin McKay 73340,2275 (X) Colin, Yes, it has been confirmed by North Carolina that yours was seen sitting waiting for UPS a couple of days ago, so it surely is either on its way on the Big Grey Truck, or at customs. Paul IMS #: 11243 S15/Hot Topics 28-Jun-91 16:29:33 Sb: #11207-MM/1 delivery Fm: Paul K. Ward 73477,2004 To: John R. Wainwright 72517,676 (X) You gotta count the people at the Fest we shipped to, as well. Your system is going out with 19, 20, 23, 24 and 25 -- so you can see there is a LITTLE skipping around -- as explained before it has to do with several variables. But we are only one day behind now! Feels good, BTW. Paul IMS 202 232 4246 #: 11137 S1/General Interest 21-Jun-91 00:04:31 Sb: #The REPLY Command! Fm: Keith H. March 70541,1413 To: All Hello: How do I reply to a forum message? I have tried typing REPLY and it come back, invalided command> Help, Keith There is 1 Reply. #: 11142 S1/General Interest 21-Jun-91 01:06:01 Sb: #11137-The REPLY Command! Fm: Pete Lyall 76703,4230 To: Keith H. March 70541,1413 (X) Keith - Just type REP at the 'Read Action !' prompts. Also, type HELP anytime you're unsure of what to do next. Pete #: 11141 S7/Telecommunications 21-Jun-91 01:01:20 Sb: #11122-Sterm1_4 parameters Fm: Pete Lyall 76703,4230 To: Jim Peasley 72726,1153 (X) Nothing to review.... Kevin Pease has graciously floated me an 020 as a nasty trick to keep me immersed in os9, and to keep from from becoming exclusively Unix (grin). It's a Gimix 68020 SBC, and he's outfitted it with 16 serial ports, a SCSI drive, and os9 2.3 for the 68020. Actually, I'm engaged in working on grafting the autobaud mechanisms into Mtsmon so we can get some reliable, secure, and baud rate agile login facilities for UUCP and general use. My travel schedule (and school) is playing hell with my progress, but I will get it done shortly. Pete #: 11191 S7/Telecommunications 25-Jun-91 14:18:53 Sb: #11010-Sterm1_4 parameters Fm: Carl Kreider 71076,76 To: Pete Lyall 76703,4230 (X) Ooofff! I just realized I haven't been on in a month. Sorry. Should be 'sterm /t7' unless it is the latest version. In that case it is 'sterm -l /t7' (like kermit ;-) #: 11147 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 21-Jun-91 14:47:54 Sb: OSK 68000 Archives Fm: CHUCK LOUGHRY 70615,213 To: Pete Lyall 76703,4230 (X) P}iete - Thanks for the help on the 68000 OSK problem. I have been trying to figure out how to get some of the great software out here but didn't know which archiver to use. Again, Thanks Pete. CHUCK [ 70615,213 ] #: 11162 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 23-Jun-91 00:19:59 Sb: #still need help! Fm: PaulSeniura 76476,464 To: all Well, once again I thought I'd remind everyone I'm *still* awaiting responses of any kind from the various articles and documentation I've uploaded over the past 8 months or so. I'm even dreaming up more projects to do on the CoCo3. I've not typed up or uploaded other things I've already accomplished because I see we're not getting anywhere at all on the current items. The Rainbow magazine has even mentioned some of the articles (some are still too new), but I've gotten no useful feedback whatsoever. (I capture *every* message in the OS9 forums on CIS and Delphi and look at my E-mail if any.) Have we actually lost that many CoCo/OS9ers to the other wolves? The only other thing I can assume at this point: Is everyone too busy with other projects? I'm *very* much ready to commence on the 12-bit Timer Driver/SVC for OS9, and possibly updating the set of SMF Converters/Players to utilize it. What I need help with is already mentioned in the TMRDRV.TXT file I uploaded some months ago already, so please read it before responding if you wish to help. -- Thx, Paul Seniura. There are 2 Replies. #: 11223 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 28-Jun-91 13:59:31 Sb: #11162-still need help! Fm: Tom Napolitano 70215,1130 To: PaulSeniura 76476,464 (X) -> ->Have we actually lost that many CoCo/OS9ers to the other wolves? The ->only other thing I can assume at this point: Is everyone too busy with ->other projects? -> Paul, No, we're still out here. I'm currently working on a graphical japanese kanji dictionary and study aid. Pretty far removed from your work with music. Just thought I'd let you know we weren't ignoring you for personal reasons. Keep the faith. tom n #: 11279 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 02-Jul-91 17:04:19 Sb: #11162-still need help! Fm: Kevin Darling 76703,4227 To: PaulSeniura 76476,464 (X) No, despite what some editorials and people say, I don't think we've "lost that many to the wolves" :-) Times are just tight, and people are very busy, at the moment. All you have to do is to read other computer forums to find out that this is universally true. I was going to reply to your grfdrv article months back, but lost both it and my answer when my ramdisk got clobbered during a thunderstorm glitch. I'll try again. Grfdrv uses a max window size table (which you gave patches for), and figures the max gfx coords on the fly. So no, it doesn't use IT.ROW directly. The scaling math is hardcoded to 191 tho. Your suggestions for either extending grfdrv into the extra block in the graphics system map, or using it to map in longer screens, are valid. What I used it for in the end, was as a place to map in a lookup mask drawing to covered/overlapped windows. You've given me another idea tho. The OSK window system has totally separate driver internals for each gfx mode. The CoCo window system had it all together within the 8K grfdrv module. Perhaps if we split up grfdrv into specialized modules, we could add more functionality and speed without using up more graphics map space for a larger grfdrv. That wasn't possible back when we had to worry about 128K systems, but how many people have those now? :-) best - kev #: 11172 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 24-Jun-91 00:04:33 Sb: #11101-#zmodem for osk Fm: BILL HEALTON 73367,357 To: Clyde C. Price, Jr. 76616,3452 (X) Clyde - My name is Bill Healton, I have an Atari 520STfm. I have been running OSK version 2.2 since mid-1988. I tried rz/sz but came up with the ever prominent(on ST/OSK) Error #000:102; a bus error. This is apparently due to the fact that unlike most of the other OSK systems, the ST leaves the low RAM area available to Atari TOS calls (I/O mostly). The ST also has a hardware generated bus error when this area is accessed in non-system mode. This typically keeps most of the good programs from running. I would like to see more programs work. I believe this can be accomplished by installing a bus error handler routine if I can establish what is generating the errors. The following is what running sz &rz with a "-?" option generates: sz -? Send file(s) with Zmodem/Ymodem/Xmodem Protocol (Y) = Option applies to YMODEM only (Z) = Option applies to ZMODEM only Error 000:102 rz -? rz 1.08 09-15-86 for Error 000:102 If you can determine what code could be generating the Error 000:102 this would be a big help in trying to resolve this problem. I suspect any non-variable/non-OS9 call, especially a D_xxxx direct access. Thanks for your help...Bill Healton 73367,357 There is 1 Reply. #: 11177 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 24-Jun-91 11:32:05 Sb: #11172-zmodem for osk Fm: Clyde C. Price, Jr. 76616,3452 To: BILL HEALTON 73367,357 (X) Bill, Your question got above my head quickly. I'll pass it along to the C-slingers that I'm working with in the Atlanta Computer Society. We're trying to find as high a degree as possible of compatibility between the different OSK machines, but we're hindered until our better programmers get their MM1 kits delivered. --Clyde #: 11173 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 24-Jun-91 04:14:16 Sb: #11051-Multistart bug Fm: William Phelps 75100,265 To: Mike Haaland 72300,1433 (X) After doing some tests, it seems that the bug I have is in Shell+; Is 2.0 the latest version? William #: 11175 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 24-Jun-91 08:42:21 Sb: #FD-502 wiring Fm: David Betz 76704,47 To: all I just purchased an FD-502 at the new $59 price and want to add the second drive to it. When I opened the case, I noticed that RS used strange power connectors for the drives. Does anyone know where I can get adaptors for normal floppy power connectors? Alternatively, I suppose I could cut off the connectors and replace them with normal connectors. Does anyone know how the new connectors should be wired? One last question: there is a second connector coming from the power supply in addition to the power cable for the second drive. Any idea what that is for? There doesn't seem to be any corresponding cable connected to the first drive. Thanks in advance, David Betz There is 1 Reply. #: 11179 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 24-Jun-91 20:03:29 Sb: #11175-#FD-502 wiring Fm: Rick Ulland 70540,3305 To: David Betz 76704,47 (X) David- The weird little connector is for the fan Tandy includes with /d1. Personally, I've never used it, although I always reroute the ribbon cable so it doesn't cover up the power suppy! I tried color to color on the weird drive power, that didn't work on a TEAC 55B. So the old 501 pwr. supply is hacked in for now (BTW the Kings Quest card exactly covers my TEAC as a case!) Although you can get an adapter from CoCoPro! 1334 Byron Ave. Ypsilanti MI 48198 for $6.00. Best, Rick There is 1 Reply. #: 11221 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 28-Jun-91 08:08:37 Sb: #11179-FD-502 wiring Fm: David Betz 76704,47 To: Rick Ulland 70540,3305 (X) Thanks for the info! #: 11183 S1/General Interest 24-Jun-91 20:38:52 Sb: Hard Drive For Sale Fm: PHILLIP TAYLOR 72067,3430 To: ALL If anyone is interested,I have a 40 meg Hard drive (St251-1).It comes with case and power supply,Manual and a controller card.Its all ready to to go, All you need to do is to hook it up. The case and power supply or used,But the drive is only 3 weeks old. everything works...If your interested,You either call me voice,Or you can call my bbs. Please if your going to buy it,Send only a money order,Include $21.00 for shipping and for insurance. Phillip L Taylor Jr (703)-560-7612 East Coast Time. (703)-573-2246 BBS 2446 Shenandoah St Vienna Va 22180 Selling For $340.00 #: 11185 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 24-Jun-91 20:58:53 Sb: #Allocation help Fm: Bob van der Poel 76510,2203 To: all I'm wondering if anyone has a suggestion for me. I'm using a singly linked list to store strings of an unknown length. We I started I set up the following structure: struct data{ struct data *next; char *text; } Then I'd malloc() memory for the structure and for the text storage. Of course, the two memory requests are not necessary, so I'm now getting enough memory for the 'next' pointer plus the text. The question is: is there an elegant way to ensure portablility and make this a bit more readable later. For some reason, the following leaves a great deal to be desired: woof=malloc(sizeof(struct foo)+strlen(buffer)); ...check for valid p & setup links strcpy(woof+1,buffer); I tried setting up a dummy pointer in the structure, but that doesn't seem to work. The other solution is to have 'text' in the structure defined as 'char text[1]' and then do the malloc() for sizeof(struct data)-1+strlen(buffer). One of the problems with this is that we have to assume the order of the data in the structure, and I don't believe that element 1 in a structure HAS to follow element 2 (even though it does in most implementations). Guess the safest is to do 2 malloc()s. Any ideas? There is 1 Reply. #: 11186 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 24-Jun-91 22:07:42 Sb: #11185-#Allocation help Fm: James Jones 76257,562 To: Bob van der Poel 76510,2203 (X) The canonical C sleaze method is the trailing one-element array method. C *does* guarantee that the order of declaration corresponds to the order of fields in memory for structures, aside from some fine print concerning bit fields (the vagaries of byte ordering and the like don't let one say quite as much about them as about plain old members of structures). Strictly speaking, the method doesn't *have* to work (an interpreted C, or some system with bounds checking, --er, attempts--to go past the end of the array as declared), but in practice it will work. There is 1 Reply. #: 11187 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 24-Jun-91 22:21:02 Sb: #11186-#Allocation help Fm: Pete Lyall 76703,4230 To: James Jones 76257,562 (X) Not just that JJ/Bob, but aren't several compilers setup so that structures start on word or longword boundaries? That could screw this up, and two mallocs may be the best way to do it. Don't forget, malloc() may not have to call the system twice if it preallocated a large enough block to begin with. Pete There is 1 Reply. #: 11202 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 26-Jun-91 21:15:33 Sb: #11187-#Allocation help Fm: Bob van der Poel 76510,2203 To: Pete Lyall 76703,4230 (X) Pete/JJ, I think that the 'nicest' way to do the allocation *is* with two malloc()s. But, even if malloc() doesn't need to call the system at all for memory it still exacts a fairly heavy price in overhead. Each malloc() has to keep track of the memory point and the size (I believe it uses a linked list for this). Something like 8 bytes per call? The other un-nice thing about two malloc()s is that two free()s are needed to get rid of the stored stuff--again, not a big deal, but one more thing to go wrong! BTW, I "discovered" an interesting thing about the the 68K compilier--it does structure assignments and will pass structures by value (pushes the whole thing onto the stack!). Don't ask just how I found this out . There is 1 Reply. #: 11205 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 26-Jun-91 21:28:59 Sb: #11202-Allocation help Fm: James Jones 76257,562 To: Bob van der Poel 76510,2203 (X) Since you ned, I bet it was by passing a structure (sounds painful, eh? :-) when you meant to pass its address. If that's it, don't feel bad; I've done it too. #: 11189 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 24-Jun-91 22:49:57 Sb: #OSK Unzip? Fm: Kevin Darling 76703,4227 To: all Hey... does anyone have an IBM unzip for OSK? I've been running into files which are just way too large to unzip using the 6809 version (because of limited disk space on my CoCo). Much thanks - kev There is 1 Reply. #: 11203 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 26-Jun-91 21:16:08 Sb: #11189-#OSK Unzip? Fm: Randy Donahoo 72520,3607 To: Kevin Darling 76703,4227 (X) kevin, There is a UN*X unzip written in C with source code available. I have not tried to port it to OS9/68000. randy donahoo There is 1 Reply. #: 11208 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 27-Jun-91 00:43:19 Sb: #11203-OSK Unzip? Fm: Kevin Darling 76703,4227 To: Randy Donahoo 72520,3607 Thanks, Randy.. I guess I should start learning C again :-) #: 11195 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 25-Jun-91 20:09:21 Sb: #11108-More MM/1 Questions :) Fm: Paul K. Ward 73477,2004 To: Keith H. March 70541,1413 (X) Thanks for the questions! I'll give you a call and upload the answers here. Best, Paul IMS #: 11196 S1/General Interest 25-Jun-91 20:15:35 Sb: For Sale Fm: PHILLIP TAYLOR 72067,3430 To: All Here are some Color Computer Stuff I am selling.If your interested you either leave me message or you can call me voice. If you want to buy something,Please send only a money order.Shipping Cost is not included. St251-1 (40 Meg Hard Drive).Case and power supply are used,But the Drive and the controller card are only 3 weeks old.Ready to run. (Add $21.00 for Shipping)========================>$320.00 Radio Shack Cm8-monitor==========================>$ 60.00 Color Computer two with 64k======================>$ 50.00 Pbbs Os9 Level 2 Bulletin Board (Req 512k Mem)===>$ 40.00 File System Repack (Docs and 1 Disk)=============>$ 25.00 Disk Anti Pirate (Coco 2)Coco 2)=================>$ 15.00 Multi View (Os9 Level 2) Coco3ual)===============>$ 20.00 King Quest 3 (Coco 3) ===========================>$ 19.00 Deskmate (Coco 3 Comes with Disk and Manual)=====>$ 19.00 Colorama (Cooco 2) Comes with 1 Disk And Manual==>$ 9.00 Warrior King Coco 3,Comes with 1 Disk And Manual=>$ 19.00 Sub Battle (Coco 3),Comes with 1 Disk and Manual=>$ 15.00 Flight Simulator (Coco 3),=========(Used)========>$ 12.00 Quickpro II Automatic Progrtam Coco 2============>$ 10.00 Os9 Level 2 Comes with 2 disk and Manual=========>$ 15.00 Cash Budget Management Disk======================>$ 10.00 Color Profile (Coco 2).Disk===================== >$ 15.00 Disk Edtasm (Coco 2) Disk and Manual=============>$ 15.00 Flight Simulator II Coco 3,(Never used)==========>$ 20.00 Cont to Next Message help #: 11200 S1/General Interest 26-Jun-91 18:03:28 Sb: Hard Drive For Sale Fm: PHILLIP TAYLOR 72067,3430 To: All Here are some Coco Stuff for sale.If you see something you like,Please leave me a message,Or you may call me voice. St251-1 Seagate 40 meg.Case and and power supply are used,But the drive and controller card are only 3 weeks old.===========================================>$340.00 Phillip Taylor Voice (703)-560-7612 BBS (703)-573-2246 2446 Shenandoah St Vienna,Va 22180 Ps Checks will be held for 7 days,If you use a money order,It will be sent to you within three days. #: 11201 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 26-Jun-91 21:13:21 Sb: #11075-Want Graphics Fm: Randy Donahoo 72520,3607 To: Robert Heller 71450,3432 (X) Robert, Vigra has a board for the VMEbus actually two boards of which one might meet your needs. The MMI-100B with 1024x1020 pixels and 256 colors uses a video memory controller with palette. This board also has a Motorola 56001 DSP for audio capabilities. The multi-media interface card. It also has 2 AT type (9 pin DIN) serial ports and a PC keyboard. Microphone input for recording sounds. They have a MMI-150 same as above without audio support. oops three boards and a MMI-250 with VME and VSB interface. Programmable resolution to 1280x1024 with 1,2,4, or 8 bits per pixel. 2 Mbyte of multi-ported video RAM and 2 rs-232c ports, AT keyboard port and programmable sound generator. MMI-250-2 2 meg MMI-250-4 4 Meg memory. MMI-100B 1Mbyte memory Vigra, Inc 4901 Morena Blvd. Bldg. 502 San Diego, CA 92117 (619) 483-1197 I have a MMI-100B that we use at work here in Stillwater, OK...I do not work for Vigra..... Randy Donahoo #: 11209 S14/misc/info/Soapbox 27-Jun-91 07:45:26 Sb: IMS status Fm: Steve Wegert 76703,4255 To: All Mark Griffith responds to several comments regarding IMS status ... ------------------------------------------------------------------------ To All Those Waiting for an MM/1: I understand how frustrating it can be waiting for a machine that you have paid for so long ago. I also realize how easy it is to let thoughts of misdeed creep into your mind while thinking of your hard earned cash being someplace else and not seeing anything for it. Let me assure you that IMS is not intentionally withholding any machines from anyone, nor are they shipping machines to new customers forcing older customers to wait. The process is slow. Everyone involved has a steady full-time job other than IMS and can only process orders evening and on the weekends. Also, as Kevin pointed out, it is slow copying disk and putting everything together by hand. Also, there are the ever present problems with manufacturing the boards. What do you do when the manufacturer makes a mistake and the first batch of boards don't work? You have to fix them all by hand which takes even more time and pushes everything back. What is something else happens on the second batch? Everyone is trying hard to get the machine out the door, but there are always delays that cause expected shipping days to pass by with out reaching the goals that were set. Compound all this with the perchived absence of Paul Ward from the public eye and people start crying "foul". Paul is spendin ALL his spare time trying to get the thousand and one things done that need to be taken care of each day to keep this all running. Add to that the need to promote the machine and talk to financial backers, give demos, etc., he just doesn't have time to appear here or on other forums. So, give IMS a break. They are working hard at it, and implying something is rotten in Denmark just isn't being fair. Mark Usenet ....!uflorida!ki4pv!macs!stetson!rewop!sysop UUCP direct (904) 736-1849 rewop!sysop Internet griffith@stetson.bitnet US Snail 953 W. Wisconsin Ave. DeLand FL 32720 Phone (904) 736-1535 #: 11224 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 28-Jun-91 15:34:49 Sb: #11077-Dir Fm: Paul K. Ward 73477,2004 To: Paul Rinear 73757,1413 (X) The MM/1 comes with an exclusively licensed LS command that lets you find out, among other things, the decimal file size. This LS also allows you to find total byte usage in a directory, complete pathnames, and UNIX style markings -- / for directories, * for executables. Paul #: 11225 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 28-Jun-91 15:36:07 Sb: #11085-Dir Fm: Paul K. Ward 73477,2004 To: Paul Rinear 73757,1413 (X) I've used Sdir on the Coco 3 -- works great. In fact, there is also an alias command for OS-9/6809 -- I used that so that, every time I typed Dir, Sdir was called. With certain options on it, too. (Otherwise, you could just rename the file.) Paul #: 11226 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 28-Jun-91 15:41:43 Sb: #11079-Me and my MM/1! :) Fm: Paul K. Ward 73477,2004 To: Keith H. March 70541,1413 (X) Keith, and others curious about the I/O board -update, Western Digital is shipping a defective host adapter mask. We have found nondefective chips and are checking them out. I/O boards were received this week at IMS. Give us some time to make sure all is well with these new chips. Incidentally, preliminary tests with our new hard disk drivers put throughput at up to 1.8 Mbytes per second. That's screaming fast. Paul IMS #: 11229 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 28-Jun-91 15:47:03 Sb: #11104-Questions about the MM/1 Fm: Paul K. Ward 73477,2004 To: Ed Gresick 76576,3312 (X) Ed, Thanks for the informative response to Keith's question. Best regards, Pau IMS #: 11230 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 28-Jun-91 15:47:37 Sb: #11097-dEd 68000 Fm: Paul K. Ward 73477,2004 To: Pete Lyall 76703,4230 (X) Pete, There is a ded for OSK. Keith is getting it. Paul IMS #: 11232 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 28-Jun-91 15:58:15 Sb: #11113-Help with the MM/1 Fm: Paul K. Ward 73477,2004 To: Keith H. March 70541,1413 (X) Keith, Nothing was buggy at all, Keith! We left off one file and we are updating two files. Also, we are now including some public domain fonts! Did you have the impression that something was buggy on the disks? If so, how did you get htat impression? Thanks! Mark's CServe ID is 76247,1332. He gets on about once every two weeks. Paul IMS 202 232 4246 #: 11250 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 29-Jun-91 08:41:21 Sb: #11113-Help with the MM/1 Fm: Mark B. Sheffield 76247,1332 To: Keith H. March 70541,1413 (X) Keith - Your kit installation instructions should be there by now. Some files were missing from the original MM/1 distribution disk set. The new set now has those files. -mark #: 11245 S15/Hot Topics 28-Jun-91 17:27:52 Sb: #MM/1 up and running Fm: Bill Dickhaus 70325,523 To: all Well, after a few startup problems (all mine, by the way, the kit went together flawlessly) I now have a working MM/1. Lots to learn, now that I can really get my hands on OSK. From what Paul Ward has said (msg 11226) we should be getting I/O boards soon, then I can really get going, since I can hook up a hard disk. I picked up a CM-8 for $134 at a local Radio Shack today, so that will be my MM/1 monitor for now. Bill There are 2 Replies. #: 11247 S15/Hot Topics 28-Jun-91 19:25:07 Sb: #11245-#MM/1 up and running Fm: John R. Wainwright 72517,676 To: Bill Dickhaus 70325,523 (X) (applause) Should have mine soon - Paul said shipping today or Monday. There is 1 Reply. #: 11266 S15/Hot Topics 01-Jul-91 14:48:18 Sb: #11247-MM/1 up and running Fm: Paul K. Ward 73477,2004 To: John R. Wainwright 72517,676 (X) John, We are copying floppies today for those shipments. Some new stuff on those disks,too! Further word will be announced here. Best, Paul IMS #: 11265 S15/Hot Topics 01-Jul-91 14:47:33 Sb: #11245-#MM/1 up and running Fm: Paul K. Ward 73477,2004 To: Bill Dickhaus 70325,523 (X) Bill, We are now beta testing a hard disk driver that is a screamer. The driver that you have on your distribution disks is quite nice -- but THIS ONE ... screech, ROAR!!! Takes off like a bat out of he**. Quantum Pro logs in at 1.8 Megabytes/sec. Paul IMS There is 1 Reply. #: 11270 S15/Hot Topics 01-Jul-91 17:47:37 Sb: #11265-#MM/1 up and running Fm: Bill Dickhaus 70325,523 To: Paul K. Ward 73477,2004 (X) Paul, That's fast! I'm online now with the MM/1 and Sterm. What is out there in the terminal program market that I could use for VT52 or VT100 emulation? I need to dial in to the mainframe at work (they're buying me a 9600 baud modem) but I need something like VT100 to pull it off. I wrote my own terminal program for my CoCo, but really don't want to do that again! Bill There is 1 Reply. #: 11275 S15/Hot Topics 02-Jul-91 10:50:21 Sb: #11270-MM/1 up and running Fm: Paul K. Ward 73477,2004 To: Bill Dickhaus 70325,523 (X) Bill, You should ask Kevin Darling about VT52 or VT100 emulation stuff. I know he's been trying to get some compatibility, based on his own instincts about What Is Good To Do, and based on pressure he's getting from NC State. Best Paul IMS #: 11249 S1/General Interest 29-Jun-91 00:34:42 Sb: #B&B Interface Fm: Don Kircher 76346,3475 To: all Has anyone heard from Chris Burke? I've been trying to get in touch with him for a month now for some assistance with his XTRTC. There are 2 Replies. #: 11254 S1/General Interest 30-Jun-91 08:58:40 Sb: #11249-B&B Interface Fm: Steve Wegert 76703,4255 To: Don Kircher 76346,3475 (X) Don, According to forum records, Chris last checked in June 16, 1991 at 15:50. His ID is [72240,304]. You might try leaving MAIL or a message here is his box is full. Steve #: 11269 S1/General Interest 01-Jul-91 17:11:40 Sb: #11249-B&B Interface Fm: Hugo Bueno 71211,3662 To: Don Kircher 76346,3475 (X) Don, You're best bet is to just call Chris. I had absolutely no trouble getting in touch wuth him by phone about a month ago. The regular # is 206-432-1814. I don't have the 800 # handy. Actually, he called *me* back after I left a message. -- ================================================================== Hugo Bueno | Delphi: MRGOOD Compuserve: 71211,3662 Fanwood, NJ | UUCP: ...!(rutgers,njin)!fdurt1!kc2wz!bluehaus!hugo | ...!hugo@bluehaus.uucp CoCo 3 UUCP | ...!uunet!bluehaus.uucp!hugo ================================================================== #: 11255 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 30-Jun-91 13:07:27 Sb: CoCo 3 w/ST157N SCSI HD. Fm: Keith H. March 70541,1413 To: All Hello I need help on getting a ST157N SCSI HD to work with the DISTO HD-II board . What do I need to change in the program called "FMTSGATN" on the RS-DOS side of the DISTO HARD DISK DRIVER{ disk Please HELP! Keith #: 11256 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 30-Jun-91 13:37:04 Sb: gshell patch Fm: Rick Ulland 70540,3305 To: all I downed the GSHELL.AR file for Multi-Vue, but can't seem to make it work. Always get 'data mismatch @ $0002 - is $FF, should be $3F'. Size of gshell is $3FEB, edition is 1. What am I doing wrong? or do I need to do something with gshell.ipc before using in IPatch? BTW, I'd like to thank everyone here who has responded so far. Made more improvements in two months than the previous year. SUCH A DEAL! Thanx - Rick #: 11257 S7/Telecommunications 30-Jun-91 14:53:35 Sb: OSTerm v2.0.8 patch Fm: Bruce Isted 76625,2273 To: All I've figured out where OSTerm v2.0.8 "cheats" and have changed it to call some routines I've tacked onto the end. These routines depend on a driver that supports the enhanced SS.ComSt call (which returns 6551 style DSR+DCD status info in the [B] register), such as DACIA/SACIA and most of the RiBBS supporting drivers. This allows the auto-dialer and some other functions to work fully, no matter what serial hardware is used. I have put together an ARChive containing the IPatch file and brief instructions, and uploaded it here. Look for "O208IP.ARC" in the telcom (7) data library. DeArc is required to extract the files from the ARChive, and Bob Santy's IPatch utility (from "PATCH.AR") is also required. Bruce #: 11258 S1/General Interest 01-Jul-91 00:24:08 Sb: #11094-#Apple Mac Fm: BRUCE MOORE 70075,143 To: Keith Jacobs 72331,712 My new catalog from Frank Hogg Laboratories says they have os9 for the mac Which runs concurrently with mac operating system, combining for the best of both worlds. I think it was about the same price as a os9 computer with software around $1000. There is 1 Reply. #: 11267 S1/General Interest 01-Jul-91 14:50:44 Sb: #11258-#Apple Mac Fm: Paul K. Ward 73477,2004 To: BRUCE MOORE 70075,143 (X) Bruce, Good to hear from ya', buddy! How are things in the printing biz? Best, Paul IMS There is 1 Reply. #: 11286 S1/General Interest 04-Jul-91 09:59:01 Sb: #11267-#Apple Mac Fm: BRUCE MOORE 70075,143 To: Paul K. Ward 73477,2004 (X) The printing biz which has been rough with many big shops closing their doors does seem to be improving. I hope the rexession is over. Still using os9 level 2 on my coco and basic09 software to do estimating, history of jobs, paper orders, customer database, and a few other things. I want to buy a new osk machine, learn C and connect my coco as a graphics terminal along with 2 or 3 other terminals in the shop. What about extra rs232 ports on the mm/1 I know you have 5 but I will likley need more? I hope to convert some of my printing programs to run under osk and make them available. There are 3 Replies. #: 11289 S1/General Interest 04-Jul-91 17:04:37 Sb: #11286-#Apple Mac Fm: Jim Sutemeier 70673,1754 To: BRUCE MOORE 70075,143 (X) What about a 'simple' step upwards?? Get a Tomcat9 instead of going into the 6800 series completely. The TC9 is 6809 based, so you can use ALL of your current B09 and OS9 software, plus, if you get the Tiger Card, you can run background animation from the Tiger, while the TC9 runs another program. (That's an EXAMPLE, the possibilities with the Tiger Card are limitless). The TC9 (which I have ordered), will cost literally hundreds less than the MM/1; run ALL of my current software at 2+ times the speed; plus with the Tiger, opens up new programming possibilities. While I do respect the possibilities of the 68000 based computers, the TC9 seems to me to be a more logical choice. (It's a 'minor' step upwards, yet could be a huge leap, too!) As to C programming, that is the wave of the near future for computers. I signed up for 3 courses in a local University on the language, as C (for the next 10 or so years) WILL become the language of choice. It is able to be ported to other systems, can manipulate bytes, data, strings, arrays, unlike B09. (I'd be a fool to say it's 'user-friendly'..., but in it's simplicity, the power is overwhelming, compared to B09) Good luck on your projects....also, please consider the TC9....might just be what the doctor ordered.... Jim Sutemeier There is 1 Reply. #: 11290 S1/General Interest 04-Jul-91 18:17:21 Sb: #11289-#Apple Mac Fm: James Jones 76257,562 To: Jim Sutemeier 70673,1754 (X) I'd be very interested in hearing the basis on which the claim of a 2* speedup between the CoCo 3 (presumably running at about 1.8 MHz, as it does under OS-9) and the TC9 is made. Is that overall, or for I/O bound or CPU bound programs, or what? There is 1 Reply. #: 11296 S1/General Interest 05-Jul-91 10:54:07 Sb: #11290-#Apple Mac Fm: Jim Sutemeier 70673,1754 To: James Jones 76257,562 (X) Welp, Frank explained it to me...about 6 weeks ago....and (darnit) I've crammed my 'lil ole brain with so much stuff about the TC9, TC70 and MM/1, I can't respond properly to you right now. Tell you what, as soon as I get my TC9, I'll post a message (or three - grin) up here, and will report if I see any significant speedups in programs. As I do run a BBS, and am quite familiar with loading times, etc., of my software, if there is a noticable change, I'll spot it quickly. Jim Sutemeier SysOp BBS 818:772-8890 There is 1 Reply. #: 11299 S1/General Interest 05-Jul-91 19:56:35 Sb: #11296-Apple Mac Fm: James Jones 76257,562 To: Jim Sutemeier 70673,1754 (X) Thanks! Will look forward to hearing from you. #: 11298 S1/General Interest 05-Jul-91 19:53:48 Sb: #11286-#Apple Mac Fm: Steve Wegert 76703,4255 To: BRUCE MOORE 70075,143 (X) Ahhh a printer! How large is your shop? Offset? Flexo? Letterpress? Web? What type of software are you running for your applications? 4GL or something from scratch. Steve There is 1 Reply. #: 11302 S1/General Interest 05-Jul-91 23:48:13 Sb: #11298-#Apple Mac Fm: BRUCE MOORE 70075,143 To: Steve Wegert 76703,4255 (X) small commercial offset printer. Just duplicator size presses. We run some basic09 software that I wrote and continue to improve upon. Originally we only did estimating then came printing job jackets, invoices, paper orders , customer mailist, ink orders, production schedule, production data, job data, I thing thats about it now I can not operate so efficiently without my coco3 .... I have 3 in caseof failure! I hope to learn c, and port my software over to osk then I may try to market the package as a value added guy. I am running out of process memory for some of the things I want to do and so osk instead of tc9. There is 1 Reply. #: 11303 S1/General Interest 06-Jul-91 09:48:37 Sb: #11302-#Apple Mac Fm: Steve Wegert 76703,4255 To: BRUCE MOORE 70075,143 (X) Sounds great, Bruce! I've ink in my blood from way back having managed a couple of the larger school district's In-Plants as well as a larger Direct Mail company's press room. It looks like your decision to move to OSK is sound. Your apps should move easily while you master C. Might want to discuss your marketing ideas with Paul Ward or Ed Gresick. Both are always looking for new packages. Steve There are 2 Replies. #: 11330 S1/General Interest 10-Jul-91 22:04:16 Sb: #11303-Apple Mac Fm: BRUCE MOORE 70075,143 To: Steve Wegert 76703,4255 (X) I have mentioned it to Paul Ward and he has some interest, however I cannot guarantee that I will reach a point that I can adequatly document or support another printers use of it. Also all my printing friends I have approached to test my system are not willing to buy the hardware. I could not run my shop without it and we are more efficient, give our customers faster and more accurate info, and make fewer mistakes than with manual systems. Yet I cannot be sure another shop will be able to use it as well as I can. Should I find someone to beta test I will have something going in the marketing direction #: 11335 S1/General Interest 10-Jul-91 23:41:09 Sb: #11303-#Apple Mac Fm: Paul K. Ward 73477,2004 To: Steve Wegert 76703,4255 (X) Steve, Hey, you're into printing! We should talk. I have a project for you, if you want to splurge on an MM/1. Compugraphic support, PCL5 libraries .... (drool) Paul ims There is 1 Reply. #: 11342 S1/General Interest 11-Jul-91 07:48:10 Sb: #11335-#Apple Mac Fm: Steve Wegert 76703,4255 To: Paul K. Ward 73477,2004 (X) >if you want to splurge on an MM/1 Hmmmm .... make me a deal big guy! I could be convinced. ;-) By the way, I've been yammering the benefits of the MM/1 to Barry Bond, recently. A lightning storm cooked his 68000 system recently. Last word from Frank Hogg (he purchased it years ago from him) was the damage was too extensive to repair, so he finds himself in the market. Might want to give him a call at 407 382-2816 and discuss his options. I'd bet he'd get a kick out of a call from the head guy at IMS! Steve There is 1 Reply. #: 11357 S1/General Interest 12-Jul-91 23:29:24 Sb: #11342-Apple Mac Fm: Paul K. Ward 73477,2004 To: Steve Wegert 76703,4255 (X) Thanks for the tip about Barry, Steve! Sorry to hear about the storm. Best, paul IMS #: 11332 S1/General Interest 10-Jul-91 23:33:22 Sb: #11286-#Apple Mac Fm: Paul K. Ward 73477,2004 To: BRUCE MOORE 70075,143 (X) If you need more that 5 serial ports, give me a call at 202 232 4246 and we can work out an architecture that makes sense for you. I can't wait to see your setup! In fact, we should do an appointment soon. Pal Paul IMS There is 1 Reply. #: 11421 S1/General Interest 21-Jul-91 16:14:14 Sb: #11332-Apple Mac Fm: BRUCE MOORE 70075,143 To: Paul K. Ward 73477,2004 Does that mean you cannot connect 5 terminals to the 5 serial ports? As far as an appointment, you are welcome to come to my Shop and see what we do with os9. Also I would be interested to know of any public showings in the northern VA or dc areas. #: 11259 S1/General Interest 01-Jul-91 02:05:39 Sb: #Happy Birthday! Fm: Wendell Benedetti 72766,2605 To: Kevin Darling 76703,4227 (X) Kevin, According to my handy-dandy computerized calendar, today is your 83rd... make that, your 38th birthday. Soooo, Happy Birthday, Kevin! Wendell There is 1 Reply. #: 11271 S1/General Interest 02-Jul-91 02:38:09 Sb: #11259-Happy Birthday! Fm: Kevin Darling 76703,4227 To: Wendell Benedetti 72766,2605 (X) Ha! Thanks! Yep, your computer was correct. Funny thing is, I spent almost the entire year thinking that I was already 38, for some reason. I feel like I got another year for free, now . Thanks again - kev #: 11260 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 01-Jul-91 05:38:07 Sb: #xmode /t2 Fm: BRUCE BAKER 73747,3137 To: sysop (X) I have a 512 (brand new!) upgrade for my coco, a Slot Pack III, and a COCOPRO! RS232 Pak. My modem is a U.S. Robotics 1200 baud Hayes compatible. It all works fine with Mikeyterm. I recently DOWed BBTERM.AR and it won't go! I'm thinking that the XMODE parameters aren't set right (baud=?, type=?) for /t2. I'm booting from the Level II system master. I experimented with XMODE (baud, type) from the book, but couldn't get it. HELP!!! Bruce There is 1 Reply. #: 11261 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 01-Jul-91 07:52:32 Sb: #11260-#xmode /t2 Fm: Steve Wegert 76703,4255 To: BRUCE BAKER 73747,3137 (X) Bruce, If you could dump the output of an xmode /t2 here so we can look at it, a few suggestions might pop up. Steve There is 1 Reply. #: 11326 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 10-Jul-91 01:20:40 Sb: #11261-#xmode /t2 Fm: BRUCE BAKER 73747,3137 To: Steve Wegert 76703,4255 (X) Steve, Here is the standard dump. I used the book and changed baud to 22 (I think) I was going for 7bits, even par. I also tried something with type= (I don't remember what) but nothing seemed to work. Here it is: -upc bsb bsl echo lf null=0 pause pag=24 bsp=08 del=18 eor=0D eof=1B reprint=04 dup=01 psc=17 abort=03 quit=05 bse=08 bell=07 type=00 baud=06 xon=11 xoff=13 If you have any suggestions, they would be greatly appreciated. Bruce There is 1 Reply. #: 11343 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 11-Jul-91 07:54:28 Sb: #11326-xmode /t2 Fm: Steve Wegert 76703,4255 To: BRUCE BAKER 73747,3137 Bruce, The dump looks fairly standard with the xception of the baud rate. You might try coming up in 8bit mode, (baud=4) and type = to 0 and see what happens. With it set to 6, you're set to 9600 baud when you execute. Make the changes before you run the term program. Steve #: 11272 S1/General Interest 02-Jul-91 06:51:40 Sb: #device w/in a dr Fm: Keith H. March 70541,1413 To: All Hello: A friend l Hen ATend of mine ask me to post this question: as1kn you open a device within a device driver, for ex: ith iy I have KEYBOARD.DR and K1.DD, can I use F$OPEN to open ACIAPAK.DR and T2.DD (Open T2 within KEYBOARD) 2.DDK (Ope. There are 2 Replies. #: 11273 S1/General Interest 02-Jul-91 07:07:33 Sb: #11272-device w/in a dr Fm: Steve Wegert 76703,4255 To: Keith H. March 70541,1413 (X) Keith, Your messages is all garbled (type RP after this one to see what I mean). Could you repost? Be sure to thump the key every 80 characters or so. Steve #: 11278 S1/General Interest 02-Jul-91 14:22:32 Sb: #11272-device w/in a dr Fm: Kevin Darling 76703,4227 To: Keith H. March 70541,1413 (X) Keith - if I read your message right, then the answer is yes... you can open a path to another device from within a device driver. However, don't do so within the driver's INIT routine, because the device table is incomplete at the time, and can get screwed up on many versions of os9/osk. I assume this is for a BBS thingie? - kev #: 11280 S14/misc/info/Soapbox 03-Jul-91 10:13:25 Sb: Submarine uses OS-9 Fm: Kevin Darling 76703,4227 To: all Thought y'all be interested in this: It seems that MIT's Sea Grant Program, in the Autonomous Underwater Vehicles Lab, uses OS-9 on a robot sub. The MIT Artificial Intelligence Lab wrote the main software. Grad students get to work on it. So now you know where to go to college :-) More information on this later. #: 11281 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 03-Jul-91 19:06:29 Sb: #multistart and path Fm: KENHEIST 71750,551 To: all I've been using the new CC3GO that reads a file /dd/sys/shell.parameters on boot-up. This allows me to set path= when the startup shell dies. i.e. path=/dd/cmds/apps /dd/cmds/utils /dd/cmds/rs. The problem shows up when I run mutliview. The shell it creates doesn't respect PATH LIST of the parent shell and even if I open a window using the gshell s-key and do a path= it doesn't help. The $20,000 question it can it be done, how and who's got e beef. There is 1 Reply. #: 11333 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 10-Jul-91 23:36:59 Sb: #11281-multistart and path Fm: Paul K. Ward 73477,2004 To: KENHEIST 71750,551 (X) Hi, Ken! Hope you are well. Mary Kay and I think of you often, wondering how you are getting along. TTFN, and stay in touch. Best, Paul IMS #: 11282 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 03-Jul-91 19:41:04 Sb: #gshell patch Fm: Rick Ulland 70540,3305 To: all One last plea for help. The Gshell+ patch still won't go. Is $3F @ $0002 right? Mine shows $FF, so Ipatch won't run. I tried the stocker and one that has the MacPatch,neither work. Now, not only does the new 502 have the head-banger bug, but so do I. Wistfully - Rick There is 1 Reply. #: 11283 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 03-Jul-91 22:07:55 Sb: #11282-#gshell patch Fm: Kevin Darling 76703,4227 To: Rick Ulland 70540,3305 (X) Rick - since the length of the module is at offset 2,3... then $FF is definitely not right (that would be a length of $FFxx, which is huge). Change it back to $3F. (or whatever dir e shows it to be) Don't bang your head too long :-) There is 1 Reply. #: 11291 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 04-Jul-91 20:59:26 Sb: #11283-gshell patch Fm: Rick Ulland 70540,3305 To: Kevin Darling 76703,4227 (X) Kevin - Thanks for the info. Wonder how that happened with good CRC? Guess I should have realized offset 2 would be in the header, and looked itup, but my head (and heads! :-) are a little overheated from all these patches! Off to patch for the patch so I can use the other patch! Thanks again - Rick #: 11284 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 03-Jul-91 22:29:16 Sb: #DISTO+ADAPTEC+TANDON!?!? Fm: Sandy Tipper 72060,76 To: all I just bought an ADAPTEC 4000A controller for my DISTO 4-in-1 board to run my two TANDON 503 drives (SCSI controller for 15Meg MFM drives... it is supposed to work), but I cannot get the low-level format to work (DECB -- "FMTADPC/BAS", modified for #cylinders/heads). It won't pass the initial drive select -- with any number for the drive number (0,1, or 2). Anybody else ever use this combo, or something similar? The drives worked FINE under my old XEBEC controller I got from Owlware (which doesn't work very well with the DISTO interface). HELP!! How should the jumpers on the ADAPTEC board be set (got it from a surplus place, no docs, and ADAPTEC won't support retail customers)? Sandy There is 1 Reply. #: 11288 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 04-Jul-91 16:53:57 Sb: #11284-DISTO+ADAPTEC+TANDON!?!? Fm: Jim Sutemeier 70673,1754 To: Sandy Tipper 72060,76 (X) Didn't know you could use MFM drives with a SCSI controller..... #: 11305 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 06-Jul-91 18:54:42 Sb: #Tape drive(r) problems Fm: Robert Heller 71450,3432 To: anyone I recently upgraded to OS-9/68K V2.4 on my Force CPU-30 and now have some time to fuss with the tape drive (after backing up 25Meg to 40 floppies). With this version of the SCSI drivers, my "oddball" (Archive Scorpion (5945C) + Adaptec ACB3530 SCSI <=> QIC-36 controller), seems to work. Sort of. Using the Viper driver (meant for Archive's QIC-150 SCSI drive) it reads QIC-24 tapes fine. What it writes is another matter. I did a fsave and then tried a frestore -v and got a message that the ident block was bad. I then tried using a PD tar program, but when I tried to read it, got a tar header checksum error and my home-grown tar clone on my other machine (Stride 440 - same type of drive, with Archives QIC-02 <=> QIC-36 controller board) also had trouble reading the tape (various errors). What I'd like to know: do I need to write a completly new driver for this combination or is there some minor thing I need to change with one of the existing drivers to make this work? Or is there something wrong with the drive or controller board? No driver errors are reported in any case. I would like to be able to use the tape for backups - using floppies is a pain... Robert There is 1 Reply. #: 11314 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 08-Jul-91 09:11:39 Sb: #11305-Tape drive(r) problems Fm: Mark Wuest 74030,332 To: Robert Heller 71450,3432 (X) Robert, Since you just bought your upgrade, you should have some free tech support coming from Microware (I believe 90 days). I know they support the Viper drives, but do not know about others. You may have to write your own driver. The driver for the Viper is sbviper. Good luck. Mark #: 11306 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 06-Jul-91 23:44:21 Sb: #A Parson to Person Call Fm: Brother Jeremy, CSJW 76477,142 To: All Dear Friends: I have been working on converting Mike Sweet's CGFX library from C to BASIC09. I almost have the dialog boxes routine converted. I have figured out how to do radio buttons, and am now working on clickable buttons,etc. Still some bugs though. I will be uploading what I have developed in about 2 to 3 weeks. I would like to offer a suggestion. Often people develop little sub -routines such as these while working on larger programs. For various reasons, they choose not to make the source code of the entire finished program available. While I have no problem with this, since most ask for a small donation and then will offer the code to registered users, I would like all to consider being willing to share these subroutines, or "snippetts" of code. Perhaps a sort of Programmers Den or Tool Box Area. I think that with the RS version of the COCO discontinued, and this time of transition to the new machines, we need every one to support our little COCO's. and share code, etc. I originally bought mine to interface with a Model Railroad, as per a series by Bruce Chubb in Model RailRoader magazine (Feb '84-Aug '86), later reprinted as Build your Own Universal Computer Interface, by Tab Books. Next one of my altar boys gave me a copy of Rainbow. Before long, diskdrives, monitors, printers, etc entered my life. I bought a word processor program. And after trying several settled on MAX-10. I recented noticed that Rainbow had a COCOPRO add for a new OS9 WP. Has anyone tried it. It is called Newspaper-09.I will be ordering one soon. I can already think of several enhancements that I would like to see in it. (See MVWORD) With all best wishes, Jeremy, CSJW. There is 1 Reply. #: 11339 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 10-Jul-91 23:46:13 Sb: #11306-#A Parson to Person Call Fm: Paul K. Ward 73477,2004 To: Brother Jeremy, CSJW 76477,142 (X) jeremy, How are you, Brother? It was nice to meet you at the Fest. I would be greatly interested in seeing the Basic09 code for Sweet's GFX library. It would be great to convert it to the MM/1, and allow all those Basic programmers ont he MM/1 create stuff for the CoCo3. Best, Paul IMS There is 1 Reply. #: 11347 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 11-Jul-91 20:50:09 Sb: #11339-#A Parson to Person Call Fm: Brother Jeremy, CSJW 76477,142 To: Paul K. Ward 73477,2004 (X) It was a pleasure meeting you too, Paul. I should have the code up in a few weeks. I have undertaken a new ministry, working with developmentally disabled adults, and I do find that I return to the monastery a little too tired to spend as much time programming, but it should be soon, WIth all best wishes, Br. Jeremy, CSJW. There is 1 Reply. #: 11358 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 12-Jul-91 23:33:16 Sb: #11347-#A Parson to Person Call Fm: Paul K. Ward 73477,2004 To: Brother Jeremy, CSJW 76477,142 (X) Jeremy, I think on the rising incidence of rape, of fascist conservatism in the US, of intolerance, and I wonder if many of the adults we see who appear to be healthy are not in fact in need of ministering. We are all a little developmentally disabled, and it is often only through extensive self-deception that we make it through life with ego intact. On the other hand, facing one's weaknesses, meeting the challenge, and growing, make you strong. Only by admitting incompleteness can one hope to be more complete. Also, avoid wise advice such as this. The wise don't need it -- the fools won't heed it! Grin. Best, paul ims There is 1 Reply. #: 11391 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 16-Jul-91 16:37:08 Sb: #11358-A Parson to Person Call Fm: Brother Jeremy, CSJW 76477,142 To: Paul K. Ward 73477,2004 (X) It is often a thin line, often not we or them but all of us... --Jeremy. #: 11307 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 07-Jul-91 00:27:24 Sb: ##11306 subroutines Fm: Rick Ulland 70540,3305 To: 76477,142 (X) To Brother Jeremy and ALL- An excellent idea! Think I'll go cruise the floppies for suitable material. Mebbe we can form and area, or at least a LIB ext. for routines like this. The CoCo is dead, long live the CoCo! - Rick There is 1 Reply. #: 11317 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 08-Jul-91 22:03:59 Sb: #11307-#11306 subroutines Fm: Brother Jeremy, CSJW 76477,142 To: Rick Ulland 70540,3305 (X) Great. I'll have some code to upload soon. I think that this Sub-routine library could really be a good thing. Jason Bucata posted a forum message and some files on what is known as copylefting over on Delphi. I will try to upload it when I get the chance. Basically it is a plea for material to be released uder copyright simply so that no one can claim exclusive rights to it. There is talk of working out a deal for OS9 Level Two with Microware. Imagine full source code available. Then the patches could be posted because the code was no longer a "trade secret." I will try, as I said to post it in the next few days. Jason explains this much better than I am doing so here. I hope that this Programmers Library will get good response. With all best wishes. Br. Jeremy, CSJW. #: 11308 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 07-Jul-91 00:40:23 Sb: ##11282-gshell patch Fm: Rick Ulland 70540,3305 To: Kevin Darling Kevin - This is what I found out about the ipatch problem: The 'incorrect data byte @' had nothing to do with the module in question. IPatch apparently gives this error when 'oldfile' and 'newfile' have the same name! Don't know why, but the few .ipc files I've got all do the same thing, some weird value @ offset 2. Simple, but difficult. - Rick There is 1 Reply. #: 11309 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 07-Jul-91 01:35:50 Sb: #11308-##11282-gshell patch Fm: Kevin Darling 76703,4227 To: Rick Ulland 70540,3305 (X) Rick - good find! That info should help out others, no doubt about it. So it works now? thx! - kev There is 1 Reply. #: 11312 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 07-Jul-91 20:18:07 Sb: #11309-#11282-gshell patch Fm: Rick Ulland 70540,3305 To: Kevin Darling 76703,4227 (X) Kevin - Works great! Even threw in the MacFonts so I can aggravate(sic) my co-worker. He still thinks a GUI with windows costs $10,000. - Rick #: 11310 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 07-Jul-91 08:32:23 Sb: #STERM & OSK Fm: DENIS CHARTRAND 72561,2714 To: All Maybe it was already discussed, but again, to what must be set the MODEM port for the last STERM upload for the OS9/68000? Thanks There is 1 Reply. #: 11311 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 07-Jul-91 18:29:55 Sb: #11310-#STERM & OSK Fm: Steve Wegert 76703,4255 To: DENIS CHARTRAND 72561,2714 (X) Denis, I may have mis-understood your question, but proper syntax for the newest version of Sterm is: Sterm -f -l /t2 where the -f option is the 'non-floppy' mode to allow B+ protocol, and the -l option is used to indicate which serial port to use. Sterm -? will net a nice list of new options supported. Steve There is 1 Reply. #: 11371 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 14-Jul-91 08:04:45 Sb: #11311-#STERM & OSK Fm: DENIS CHARTRAND 72561,2714 To: Steve Wegert 76703,4255 (X) OK, now it works with "sterm -l /t1" command line. Before, when I used to type only "sterm /t1", the program exit almost rigth away and said: No MODEM port defined! I'm using Atari ST with OSK v2.3 Thanks. There are 2 Replies. #: 11381 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 15-Jul-91 07:30:10 Sb: #11371-STERM & OSK Fm: Steve Wegert 76703,4255 To: DENIS CHARTRAND 72561,2714 (X) Glad things are working for you. The -l option threw me for a loop as well. Steve #: 11399 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 17-Jul-91 06:09:57 Sb: #11371-STERM & OSK Fm: Mark Griffith 76070,41 To: DENIS CHARTRAND 72561,2714 (X) Hi, If you read the docs, you'll notice you can define a modem port as an environment variable and then you don't have to use the -l option to start Sterm. This applies for OSK only. Put this in your startup file: setenv MODEM /t2 (or whatever port you want) Mark #: 11313 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 07-Jul-91 20:36:52 Sb: #Smartwatch Fm: Ken St.Clair 71615,267 To: all Can anyone tell me what I have to do to install a Tandy Smartwatch in my FD-502 disk controller (if it can be done)? Thanks Ken There is 1 Reply. #: 11349 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 11-Jul-91 23:55:30 Sb: #11313-#Smartwatch Fm: Paul Rinear 73757,1413 To: Ken St.Clair 71615,267 (X) This isn't hard. You unplug the Rom chip inside the disk controller and then remove its socket. You then solder the smartwatch in its place, plug the Rom into this, and solder a small jumper wire. If you can solder small IC pins to printed boards reliably, you can do this. Don't make the mistake I made: I soldered the smartwatch in place of the disk controller chip. It goes under the ROM chip. Paul There is 1 Reply. #: 11362 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 13-Jul-91 12:04:05 Sb: #11349-#Smartwatch Fm: Ken St.Clair 71615,267 To: Paul Rinear 73757,1413 (X) Thanks Paul, that sounds easy enough. Where does the small jumper wire go? I think I can handle the rest. Thanks again Ken There is 1 Reply. #: 11372 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 14-Jul-91 11:10:51 Sb: #11362-Smartwatch Fm: Paul Rinear 73757,1413 To: Ken St.Clair 71615,267 (X) The wire goes from the board to one of the chip pins. It's easy and comes with instructions. Paul #: 11315 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 08-Jul-91 20:22:10 Sb: #Window switching Fm: Ian Hodgson 72177,1762 To: All Is there any way to open a window and switch to it within a shell script (CoCo OS9)? Opening them is no problem, but I always seem to end up in the parent window. I have used the "type" program, which does open and switch, but if I use type in a shell script then follow it with a command line, the command line takes effect in the original window. Suggestions? Basically, I would like to open a type 2 window, change to /r0 in that window, and run sterm with parameters, all from a shell script. There is 1 Reply. #: 11320 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 09-Jul-91 02:21:58 Sb: #11315-Window switching Fm: Kevin Darling 76703,4227 To: Ian Hodgson 72177,1762 (X) Ian, yep you sure can. Hope this does what you need: * script to create and select type 2 sterm window * (display 1b20 2 0 0 50 18 1 0 2 1b21 >/1&) >/w Here's how that works. The "(....)>/w" starts a subshell with its standard output pointing to a new window descriptor (and remember, scripts all begin with the script file itself as the standard input!). Stderr is still the current window, tho. The subshell then runs "display ...", which dwsets to stdout (the new window) and then selects to stdout (the new window) using the extra ">/1", which is also the new window. All this must take place within the same subshell () because we're doing this all to one main path. Work it through... it's kind of fun to figure it out . - kev #: 11316 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 08-Jul-91 20:27:36 Sb: #STERM 1.2 Fm: thomas aubin 70540,1666 To: 76703,4255 (X) Steve, Thanks for sending the disk, now I have a new problem. I tried loading STERM 1.2 in memory and then typed STERM /M1. What I got was current baud = 300 and couldn't get anything else. I could not get a connect with CIS and couldn't even return to the shell without re-booting. Also all the commands are listed as esc + some character. I don't have an esc key. What should I use for esc. Thanks for the help. TOM There are 2 Replies. #: 11319 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 08-Jul-91 23:31:14 Sb: #11316-#STERM 1.2 Fm: Erich Schulman 75140,3175 To: thomas aubin 70540,1666 (X) It took me a while to get this, but here is how you do those sterm commands. Press and hold CTRL, and while holding it, press BREAK. This generates your ESCape for sterm. Now release both keys. Press the letter of the command. The ESCape is "sticky", which means you don't have to press all three keys at the same time. Do this for ESC-Q and you should return to the shell OK. Since I didn't see anything you posted earlier I can't diagnose exactly what's wrong. It seems you do it the same way I do when I use sterm. Now if I can just get sterm to work with my Hayes-compatible modem.... There are 2 Replies. #: 11322 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 09-Jul-91 20:20:46 Sb: #11319-STERM 1.2 Fm: thomas aubin 70540,1666 To: Erich Schulman 75140,3175 (X) Thanks for the info. I'll try it and let you know how I make out. Sorry but I can't offer any advice on the Hayes modem, I'm using a modem pak on a coco. Thanks again. TOM #: 11327 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 10-Jul-91 04:49:30 Sb: #11319-#STERM 1.2 Fm: Mark Griffith 76070,41 To: Erich Schulman 75140,3175 (X) Erich, What sort of problems are you having with Sterm? You say it won't work with your modem. What doesn't work? Sterm itself knows nothing about and doesn't care about modems. All it does is open the port. If something is not working it is probably your serial port and/or driver. If you can give some details maybe we can help. Mark There is 1 Reply. #: 11328 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 10-Jul-91 17:28:25 Sb: #11327-#STERM 1.2 Fm: Erich Schulman 75140,3175 To: Mark Griffith 76070,41 (X) I had an unsuccessful thread on my sterm problems a while ago. Last I heard, the xmodes of /t2(?) were to blame. When I try to use my CoCoPRO! RS232 pak and Hayes modem (DCD line forced high) with sterm 1.2, everything just locks up. CIS will not recognize me when I ctrl-c; local boards don't either. The AT commands really don't even seem to work at all. And neither does the esc-p phone dialer. Let me know what xmodes or anything else you need to know and I'll see about sending it up. There is 1 Reply. #: 11344 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 11-Jul-91 08:01:30 Sb: #11328-#STERM 1.2 Fm: Steve Wegert 76703,4255 To: Erich Schulman 75140,3175 (X) Erich, Sorry to hear you're still having trouble with sterm. Tell us, do the modem lights dance when you hammer onthe keyboard in sterm? (is sterm commuicating with the port?) On the off chance that I somehow gave you a patched copy of sterm 1.2 to a port other than /t2 (I use /t5), try calling the program and specificly indicate the port: Sterm /t2 And by the way ... don't fret about the the dialer code. Mark yanked it in later versions. It never worked the way he wanted. Steve There is 1 Reply. #: 11360 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 13-Jul-91 01:05:31 Sb: #11344-STERM 1.2 Fm: Erich Schulman 75140,3175 To: Steve Wegert 76703,4255 (X) Nope, nothing seems to ever reach the modem. I especially suspect that considering no AT command does anything. I always specify a port since it seems to be required. Just sterm didn't work with anything (incl. the modem pak) when I tried that. It's been a good while, so I no longer recall exactly what happened. #: 11321 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 09-Jul-91 07:12:25 Sb: #11316-#STERM 1.2 Fm: Steve Wegert 76703,4255 To: thomas aubin 70540,1666 (X) Tom, Glad the diskette arrived in one piece! Erich has explained how to do the sequences. A bit of finger gymnastics, but you'll get use to it. You're calling it correctly ... you should just be able to pick up the phone ad place a call to your local CIS number as you'd normally do. Get carrier, then press the modem's connect button. Can you give m a few more details on what exactly you're doing (step by step would be helpful) ad what response (if any) you get back for either the system or CIS. Steve There is 1 Reply. #: 11323 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 09-Jul-91 20:24:03 Sb: #11321-#STERM 1.2 Fm: thomas aubin 70540,1666 To: Steve Wegert 76703,4255 (X) Steve, Yes it arrived in one piece. The package you sent it in kept it safe,and the boys at the post office couldn't bend it to fit in the box. I'll try the commands the way Erich explained and get back to you with the results. Thanks for all your help. Tom There is 1 Reply. #: 11341 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 11-Jul-91 07:36:46 Sb: #11323-#STERM 1.2 Fm: Steve Wegert 76703,4255 To: thomas aubin 70540,1666 (X) I'll pass your comments on to Richard, my shipping and receiving clerk. He lives to defeat the postmaster! Steve There is 1 Reply. #: 11353 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 12-Jul-91 21:40:50 Sb: #11341-#STERM 1.2 Fm: thomas aubin 70540,1666 To: Steve Wegert 76703,4255 (X) Steve, Well he certainly did defeat him. Now I have a question for you, I still haven't gotten STERM to work yet. The local RS store has come down to earth with there coco prices and I'm buying a coco 3 tommorw. I also picked up a copy of level 2 os9 for the coco 3 . What will it take to make it work on that? I think I will be better off with the coco 3 so I'd like to make it work with that. Thanks Tom There is 1 Reply. #: 11361 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 13-Jul-91 09:18:24 Sb: #11353-STERM 1.2 Fm: Steve Wegert 76703,4255 To: thomas aubin 70540,1666 (X) Tom, You have everything you'll need to make sterm work on a CoCo 3 so keep us posted. #: 11318 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 08-Jul-91 23:15:23 Sb: #11100-TROUBLES Fm: DAVID GUESS 72237,2244 To: James Jones 76257,562 (X) I'LL PROBALLY TRY TO FIND A 4 IN 1 CARD SOMETIME OR ANOTHER, BUT I'M GONNA MISS USING MY OL' DS69, SOMETIME I NEED TO SEE WHAT THE DS69B IS LI KE .. LATER. #: 11324 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 09-Jul-91 22:02:37 Sb: #DOOMED TO DESKMATE Fm: thomas aubin 70540,1666 To: thomas aubin 70540,1666 (X) Steve, I tried to get the esc function to work and be able to use sterm, but I have had no success. I pressed cntrl(clear) and while holding it hit break and then tried 1 at a time every command on the list. None of them responded. I start off typing sterm/m1 and I get what appears to be a help menu with a list of commands. The curser is at the bottom of the screen and isn't blinking. If I try to connect with the modem nothing happens. None of the commands listed work even if I hit all 3 keys at once. H E L P Thanks Tom There are 2 Replies. #: 11325 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 09-Jul-91 22:20:05 Sb: #11324-#DOOMED TO DESKMATE Fm: Rick Ulland 70540,3305 To: thomas aubin 70540,1666 (X) Tom- Just started using sterm myself, but here is what's happened to me so far- STERM won't accept anything from me without a connect. If this is always true that might explain the dead keyboard. My modempak is Y'ed in, so can't help with slot placement,etc. After booting deskmate, STERM won't work anymore! DM seems to do something wierd to the ports. If you are booting deskmate and then closing it to get a shell, try killing startup and running STERM first, that's the only way I can get mine to work.Mebbe someone can explain why this is so? Luck - Rick There is 1 Reply. #: 11329 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 10-Jul-91 21:48:14 Sb: #11325-#DOOMED TO DESKMATE Fm: thomas aubin 70540,1666 To: Rick Ulland 70540,3305 (X) Rick, Thanks for the info, actually I have tried two different ways, first booting deskmate and exiting to shell. Second I tried a system master disk that contains an M1 driver we created here a while back and got the same results both ways. If I understand you correctly I have to connect first and then run STERM. I'll try that and see what happens. Thanks again TOM There is 1 Reply. #: 11346 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 11-Jul-91 20:13:15 Sb: #11329-#DOOMED TO DESKMATE Fm: Rick Ulland 70540,3305 To: thomas aubin 70540,1666 (X) Tom- Actually, what I'm doing is booting STERM and waiting for the 'STERM is online at 300 baud'. At this point, it won't accept any commands, but dailing up anything gets it scooting along. Just a thought- I know all the CoCo3's with multipaks need an IRQ mod, consisting of a diode and connecting all the pin 8's together (see DIODE.TXT in Lib10). Don't know if a '2 needs this at all, but it sounds like you are basically up and running in software,so maybe hardware? Luck- Rick There are 2 Replies. #: 11352 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 12-Jul-91 03:27:30 Sb: #11346-DOOMED TO DESKMATE Fm: edward langenback 73510,145 To: Rick Ulland 70540,3305 (X) Hmmmm...... just a thought here, but have you tried forcing carrier detect on your modem high? #: 11355 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 12-Jul-91 21:46:45 Sb: #11346-DOOMED TO DESKMATE Fm: thomas aubin 70540,1666 To: Rick Ulland 70540,3305 (X) Rick, Thanks , I'll check it out. TOM #: 11345 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 11-Jul-91 08:05:16 Sb: #11324-#DOOMED TO DESKMATE Fm: Steve Wegert 76703,4255 To: thomas aubin 70540,1666 (X) Tom, A bit of diagnostics: Bring up sterm by typing sterm /m1 Depress the connect button on the modem pak. This will give the impression of having a carrier. Now ... try and , does the the help screen repeat itself? If so ... then you're doing things right, and shold be ready to go. If not, give a shout, ad I'll bring sterm up on my old CoCo 1 and see if I can't duplicate your problems. Steve There is 1 Reply. #: 11354 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 12-Jul-91 21:44:29 Sb: #11345-DOOMED TO DESKMATE Fm: thomas aubin 70540,1666 To: Steve Wegert 76703,4255 (X) Steve, Thanks for the help. I'll give it a try and let you know what happens. TOM #: 11331 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 10-Jul-91 23:11:32 Sb: #TMRDRV.TXT addendum Fm: PaulSeniura 76476,464 To: all Be on the lookout for an update to the original TMRDRV.TXT article called TMRDR2.TXT. A synopsis: With help from some fellow OS9ers on Delphi, I've been narrowing down the different methods that could be used in our Timer Driver. Keep in mind the need for much MUCH higher accuracy and resolution than the ol' VIRQ way, and we also need absolutely the quickest way possible to action the user program into gear when the timer does pop. I also need to SET STANDARDS on the SVC Number(s), GetStat/SetStat numbers, and the parameter structures. We gotta have these things acceptable and "official" with the community so people can write programs to use the 12-bit timer and to have it behave in expected ways, not to mention a common access method. We apparently no longer have a User Group -- we won't have an "official" body who'd normally analyze and approve of an access method used by these kinds of functions and projects. You and I are the only ones that can tandemly agree how to design and use these kinds of interfaces. So I need your support .. and I need it NOW, please? -- Thx, Paul Seniura. (written 07/10/91) There is 1 Reply. #: 11340 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 11-Jul-91 00:12:01 Sb: #11331-TMRDRV.TXT addendum Fm: Kevin Darling 76703,4227 To: PaulSeniura 76476,464 (X) How fast do you plan for the timer to go (interrupt)? Ooops. I'll wait for the file. Have you written any code yet? - kev #: 11348 S6/Applications 11-Jul-91 21:45:13 Sb: Database Editor Fm: Art Doyle 71565,262 To: all Hi! Do any of you have suggestions for a very usable "editor" to use with the "data" ASCII sequencial file that seems to be present in almost all conventional databases? I have been using datamaster for a rather large mailing list, and it is beginning to crash from overload. The loss of the "paradox style, on the fly" record change would hurt. How can I use an editor to edit Sculptor data? Art #: 11350 S1/General Interest 12-Jul-91 01:18:43 Sb: #FIDO echo Fm: DonVail 70233,2037 To: 76703,4227 (X) Hello Kevin, We, on the FIDO echo would like your presense. I know that you use to visit the Falcon's Lair which noe carries the OS-9 echo. Why not drop by sometimes if possible. DonVail There is 1 Reply. #: 11351 S1/General Interest 12-Jul-91 03:00:15 Sb: #11350-#FIDO echo Fm: Kevin Darling 76703,4227 To: DonVail 70233,2037 Thanks... I actually called Chicago last night just to read FIDO so that I could see what people were up to. If I get more time, I'll try to get back on sometime. Seemed like things were okay tho. best - kevin There is 1 Reply. #: 11415 S1/General Interest 20-Jul-91 15:31:47 Sb: #11351-FIDO echo Fm: John Wight 76370,2100 To: Kevin Darling 76703,4227 (X) I also would like to see you come by the FIDONET OS9 and COCO echos. I am the moderator of these echos, and one of the hot topics currently is forming a new users` group with the help of FIDONET and its members to take over where the old group left off. I have seen your message to Warren Hrach in another network on the matter. I would sure like to see you come around for advice, and to answer those difficult questions about OS-9, even if you don&t have the desire to be a large part of the new group, and I`m sure the users of the echos would agree. Bruce Isted has been available on the echos for quite sometime, so I hope to see you there, too. #: 11363 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 13-Jul-91 13:31:13 Sb: #UUCP Source and a MM/1 Fm: Keith H. March 70541,1413 To: All Hi, I hope someone can help me. I have the Rick Addams UUCP Ver 2.0 source code. I would like to recompile it on my MM/1 Do I have to edit the makefile? Please help me get this set up on my new computer. any help will be greatly appreacted Thanks keith There are 2 Replies. #: 11364 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 13-Jul-91 13:55:05 Sb: #11363-UUCP Source and a MM/1 Fm: James Jones 76257,562 To: Keith H. March 70541,1413 (X) That depends on the particular make that the makefile is written to work with. There was long ago a sort of primitive make, makefiles for which can, if I recall correctly, be recognized by the = that appear at the beginning of some of the lines. There is a freely-copyable make that is more like Unix make than Microware's make, and there's a make (I think freely copyable also) that was written to work like Microware's make. What it boils down to is, we'll need to see a sample of it before we could say. Could you post the first few lines? #: 11365 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 13-Jul-91 18:39:18 Sb: #11363-UUCP Source and a MM/1 Fm: Mike Haaland 72300,1433 To: Keith H. March 70541,1413 (X) reply 11363 Kieth, I've played with Rick's UUCP package, and it's nice! BUT, you need to make quite a few changes to the source code to get it to compile under OSK. He used the _os9() 6809 routine for Get/Setstat calls which need to be changed to the equivalent _gs_xxx or _ss_xxx functions in OSK. What I did is used the preprocessor directive #ifdef OSK _gs_xxx #else ... ... _os9() #endif Other than that, you need to use -DOSK when compiling the thing. So, if you haven't done it before (Ported a program from the COCO) it will be a challenge, but very doable. I have sent E-Mail to Rick, asking for permission to port/post a new version that will support both OSK and 6809 OS9. SO you may want to hang on for a while till I get a reply. If he says "go for it", I'll post the sources here. Mike #: 11367 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 13-Jul-91 20:35:47 Sb: #IT WORKS!!! Fm: thomas aubin 70540,1666 To: 76703,4255 (X) Steve, I am writing this message on my new coco 3 using sterm 1.2. It works!!! Thanks for all your help. One more question, Which one of the terminal programs that you sent me do you think I should use? I am now using a coco 3, multi-pak,2 drives and a modem pak. Now all I need is a rs-232 pak so I can get a faster modem. Thanks again. TOM There are 2 Replies. #: 11374 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 14-Jul-91 15:16:56 Sb: #11367-#IT WORKS!!! Fm: Rick Ulland 70540,3305 To: thomas aubin 70540,1666 (X) Tom- Glad you're STERMin! Thought I'd jump on your thread and leave a few comments on CoCo3- Do you have 512K? If so, get a RAMDisk driver from Lib10. You can chd /r0 and start STERM with -f /m1 (or -f -l ?m1 for 1.5), and B+ downloads really fly! Just remember to save the RAMDisk(oops!). Word of caution- if you haven't upgraded the multipak do it right away. Semms the MPak and the '3s GIME 'fight it out' for control of the system buss, so even when it works, it doesn't work. Things could explode! I've noticed Marty Goodman made a kit to convert your ModemPak into a real RS-322 pak for cheap. If you're into hardware hacking at all, call CoCoPro for a price.(Used to be about $25). Welcome to 80 columns and big bootfiles - Rick There is 1 Reply. #: 11375 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 14-Jul-91 20:10:03 Sb: #11374-#IT WORKS!!! Fm: thomas aubin 70540,1666 To: Rick Ulland 70540,3305 (X) Rick, First of all I'm at 128K, but want to upgrade to 512K soon. Second it may sound silly but I've heard the term alot and still don't know what it is. Could you tell me what is a RAMDISK? Also I would like to know more about this conversion for the modempak, I want to get a faster modem but need an rs-232 pak to use it. Hardware hacking is no problem, went to school for electronics and understand how that stuff works. Thanks for the info. TOM There are 2 Replies. #: 11376 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 14-Jul-91 20:47:44 Sb: #11375-#IT WORKS!!! Fm: James Jones 76257,562 To: thomas aubin 70540,1666 (X) A RAM disk is one that exists solely in random-access memory; it's used to keep stuff that wants to be accessed quickly and is either temporary, copied from a permanent source, or copied back to a more permanent medium (because its contents are forgotten as soon as you power down the system!). My system has a 96K RAM disk; the device is named r0. I can type "dir /r0" just as I can type "dir /h0", and the analogous thing will happen. I can type "mdir >/r0/mdir.out" and the output of "mdir" will go to a file on the RAM disk, named "mdir.out". See what I mean? There is 1 Reply. #: 11383 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 15-Jul-91 21:54:15 Sb: #11376-IT WORKS!!! Fm: thomas aubin 70540,1666 To: James Jones 76257,562 (X) Thanks for the education. I needed that. I will look into getting one as it sounds very useful. Thanks again Tom #: 11382 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 15-Jul-91 20:11:02 Sb: #11375-#IT WORKS!!! Fm: Rick Ulland 70540,3305 To: thomas aubin 70540,1666 (X) Tom- An expansion or the previous answer-CServ (and STERM) can use the 'B+' protocol,where CompuServ doesn't wait for your CoCo to check out the last block sent before it sends the next one. The fly in the ointment is the stock RS disk controller, which stops the CPU while it writes/reads the disk. SIince a RAMDisk is a imaginary disk drive, it doesn't use the RS controller and saves at the speed of RAM. Do a CTRL-ESC-Z on an xmodem download and see what all those HALTs do for you! The RS-232 kit I told you about converts a modempak into a 300-9600 baud serial port,although you lose the crappy modem. Best- Rick There is 1 Reply. #: 11385 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 15-Jul-91 22:01:07 Sb: #11382-#IT WORKS!!! Fm: thomas aubin 70540,1666 To: Rick Ulland 70540,3305 (X) Rick Thanks for the info, It would appear as though I should invest in a ramdisk. Thanks again Tom There is 1 Reply. #: 11386 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 15-Jul-91 22:11:24 Sb: #11385-#IT WORKS!!! Fm: Rick Ulland 70540,3305 To: thomas aubin 70540,1666 (X) Tom- Yup.. Esp. since the ones in Lib10 cost about a dollar, and the 512 upgrade (to get some RAM to put it in) is getting cheaper daily. I'm panting for 1Meg myself. Will it ever end? -Rick There is 1 Reply. #: 11393 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 16-Jul-91 20:23:55 Sb: #11386-IT WORKS!!! Fm: thomas aubin 70540,1666 To: Rick Ulland 70540,3305 (X) Rick, 1 meg sounds nice but I think you need the 512K to be able to use it. That was how I understood the ad I saw, the 1 meg upgrade required a 512K machiene to start with. Any way they are getting cheaper all the time and who knows mabe they will come out with even more. Someone has got to support these things since Radio Shack won't. Tom #: 11380 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 15-Jul-91 07:25:14 Sb: #11367-#IT WORKS!!! Fm: Steve Wegert 76703,4255 To: thomas aubin 70540,1666 (X) You're using my favorite, already! Sterm offers the best for the least hassle on CompuServe. The only suggestion I could make would be to move up to the latest version (1.5) when you're ready. There isn't much difference in features for your application but Mark has improved the throughput slightly. There's no hurry to do so. 1.2 is a solid implementation. Steve There is 1 Reply. #: 11384 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 15-Jul-91 21:58:10 Sb: #11380-#IT WORKS!!! Fm: thomas aubin 70540,1666 To: Steve Wegert 76703,4255 (X) Steve, Thanks for the advice, I think I will just try them one at a time and see waht happens. 1.2 seems to work very well and is fairly simple to use, one question How do I keep the help menu from scrolling half off the screen? I still haven't seen the first part of it yet as it just flys by. Thanks again Tom There is 1 Reply. #: 11389 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 16-Jul-91 07:23:02 Sb: #11384-#IT WORKS!!! Fm: Steve Wegert 76703,4255 To: thomas aubin 70540,1666 (X) No can do, Tom ... at least as Mark wrote it. You can redisplay the the help screen at any time. Just . There's also a script around here somewhere that allows you to split your window, write the help message to the upper, nd use the lower for your com session. I'll see what I can dig up. Steve There is 1 Reply. #: 11394 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 16-Jul-91 20:26:58 Sb: #11389-#IT WORKS!!! Fm: thomas aubin 70540,1666 To: Steve Wegert 76703,4255 (X) Steve, Thanks, I'll look forward to hearing from you. Any way to print the help screen to a printer? That way I would have a hard copy of all the commands. Just an idea. Tom There is 1 Reply. #: 11401 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 17-Jul-91 07:35:56 Sb: #11394-#IT WORKS!!! Fm: Steve Wegert 76703,4255 To: thomas aubin 70540,1666 (X) Might try: Sterm /m1 >/p or Sterm /m1 >>/p and see what happens. Steve There is 1 Reply. #: 11403 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 17-Jul-91 20:51:29 Sb: #11401-IT WORKS!!! Fm: thomas aubin 70540,1666 To: Steve Wegert 76703,4255 (X) Steve, Thanks, I'll try it and let you know what happens. Tom #: 11368 S6/Applications 14-Jul-91 01:09:48 Sb: Datamaster Blues Fm: Art Doyle 71565,262 To: ALL Hi! I have one of those strange mailing list applications where only the free form spreadsheet data editing features of datamaster have proved adequate. Unfortunately, I seem to have uncovered a bug in the program which prevents it's use with a file of over 1000 records (24K), since it insists on crashing with complete window lockup. I have tried experiments with known clean files, and in every case, I can induce this problem when I get to the stated limits. Since I have tried unsuccessfully on at least three separate occasions to buy the latest copy of datamaster from Computerware, I am left with migration to another program or possibly another platform to perform my tasks. Other possibilities might include breaking the files up by using separate windows or by indexing with profile's??? sorter. In the past few years, I have purchased and put aside Sculptor, data-windows and Van der Poels mailing list program as unsuitable. Datawindows may not be the greatest filer out there, but it does perform this function well. If any of you have the newer version of datamaster (1.01), and are not in need of it, I would like to purchase it for full price. Alternately, if one of you could prevail on Mr. Paul (Serby?) to sell me a copy it would be much appreciated. As you have probably surmised, my copy of datamaster was not purchased. It was acquired ONLY after Computerware refused to sell it to me 3 times. It is the only piece of software which I have ever obtained in this way. Unfortunately, even this fact did not sway Computerware. After selling me the other programs to interact with this code, they blocked completion of my system. I don't know why Computerware became so embittered on this market, but hopefully time has softened Mr. Serby's stance. Suggestions? Art Doyle 817 283 8380 #: 11369 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 14-Jul-91 07:31:10 Sb: #Reply to #11364 Fm: Keith H. March 70541,1413 To: 76257,562 (X) This here is the makefile from the uucp package, written under level II OS9. The makefiles for OSK looks a little different ALSO: Does anyone have the source code (.a) for dEd, I miss it, as I used it under level II almost dayly? * * File: makefile for the UUCP package * * First define the global macros * * CC = the C compiler executive program * LIB = library(s) to include in all links in addition to clib.l * GFXLIB = library containing graphics commands * CC = cc2 LIB = -l=/dd/lib/sys.l -m=1k GFXLIB = -l=/dd/lib/cgfx.l * *CC = cc *LIB = -l=/dd/lib/cgfx.l -t -m=1k *GFXLIB = ODIR = /dd/cmds * * Trick used to make everything. Type: make all * all: uucico readnews rmail mail postnews expire \ rnews uuxqt uucp uuencode uudecode fixtext @echo @echo --done- _FIXTEXT = fixtext.r getline.r fixline.r fixtext: $(_FIXTEXT) $(CC) -f=fixtext $(_FIXTEXT) $(LIB) _UUDECODE = uudecode.r uudecode: $(_UUDECODE) $(CC) -f=uudecode $(_UUDECODE) $(LIB) There is 1 Reply. #: 11370 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 14-Jul-91 07:53:48 Sb: #11369-Reply to #11364 Fm: James Jones 76257,562 To: Keith H. March 70541,1413 (X) Hmmm...looks like a Unix-like makefile to me. (Microware's make thinks that targets without suffixes have to be executables, which does sometimes get in the way.) You should look for one of the freely-copyable makes that take that sort of makefile. #: 11373 S7/Telecommunications 14-Jul-91 12:47:06 Sb: Sterm Fm: KENHEIST 71750,551 To: 76070,41 (X) Mark been using the latest Ver. of Sterm amnd have one problem. When I download and it opens the overlay window its OK but it nt kill the window when its done , the curser jumps back to the main screen below the window and the window must roll off the screen to clear. I'm using a COCOIII w/ 512k DCII w/ 4n1 and 1200 ba Avetex running on a 150 watt IBM pwr. supply. Yes even the 4n1 is running on the 150w through a lm317 volts reg. set to 9v. and pwr'ed off the 12 volt line. P.S. How about a stand alone B-Plus module that will work with my WizPro? I know you like sterm and its ok but wizpro has a lot of features and I miss being able to run CIS th it except as a boot for sterm. #: 11377 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 14-Jul-91 21:34:19 Sb: #10970-King Quest, Laser Surg. Fm: geo 76120,3535 To: Rod Motto 73247,424 I run Kings Quest from hard disk.. edit the toc.txt file and only change the the disk # to 1 and the side # to 1 for all the volumns and then run the toxgen utility to creat the new toc file. Hope this helps #: 11388 S15/Hot Topics 15-Jul-91 23:59:19 Sb: Upload Fm: Frank Hogg of FHL 70310,317 To: [F] sysop (X) Hi I uploaded a file to dl15 on the Tiger/TC9. Did you get it? Could you post it? Thanks Frank #: 11395 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 16-Jul-91 20:29:24 Sb: STERM Fm: Rick Ulland 70540,3305 To: ALL Has anyone got STERM 1.5 up from a Multi-Vue icon? Mine looks like: sterm -l /m1 ..... To a type 7 window.All I get for the trouble is a pink screen with a large white block in the upper left. Puzzle since pink isn't even in the palette! I can start a shell (type 7),clear over, and run it just fine from there, with the inherited directories,same boot,same parameters,etc.What gives? Rick #: 11397 S1/General Interest 16-Jul-91 23:06:53 Sb: Upload Fm: Frank Hogg of FHL 70310,317 To: sysop (X) OK took 3 tried but I beleave I got it. Thanks Wayne Frank #: 11402 S14/misc/info/Soapbox 17-Jul-91 07:51:55 Sb: #local help Fm: Steve Wegert 76703,4255 To: Ed Gresick 76576,3312 (X) Ed, I met with Allan Browning yesterday and got him set up with a copy of dEd. He was sure appreciative of your help and pointing him my way. Sounds like he's got a dandy problem on his hands! There is 1 Reply. #: 11407 S14/misc/info/Soapbox 19-Jul-91 03:48:16 Sb: #11402-#local help Fm: Ed Gresick 76576,3312 To: Steve Wegert 76703,4255 (X) Steve, Thanks for helping him out. It sure is nice knowing there are knowledgeable people scattered around the country/world that we can refer people to when they have problems. BTW, did you suggest he join CIS? Ed Gresick - DELMAR CO There is 1 Reply. #: 11413 S14/misc/info/Soapbox 20-Jul-91 08:33:49 Sb: #11407-local help Fm: Steve Wegert 76703,4255 To: Ed Gresick 76576,3312 (X) I mentioned my involvement, but didn't push too hard. Hope he gets his problems solved ... and you get the sale! Steve #: 11404 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 18-Jul-91 19:46:45 Sb: #Sterm 1.2 Fm: thomas aubin 70540,1666 To: 76703,4255 (X) Steve, Sterm /M1 >/P works , it gives a nice printout of the entire help page. Thanks for the help. Tom There is 1 Reply. #: 11414 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 20-Jul-91 08:35:08 Sb: #11404-#Sterm 1.2 Fm: Steve Wegert 76703,4255 To: thomas aubin 70540,1666 (X) Thanks for the feed back, Tom. Nice thing about OS9 is the ability to direct and redirect input, output and standard error lines. Steve There is 1 Reply. #: 11419 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 20-Jul-91 21:29:58 Sb: #11414-Sterm 1.2 Fm: thomas aubin 70540,1666 To: Steve Wegert 76703,4255 (X) Steve, Sterm works well and I like using it however there is one feature that is missing. My deskmate telecomm program allows you to send ID and Password using only 2 keys. I wonder is there any way to add this to Sterm? Also I agree with you on os9, being able to redirect inputs and outputs is nice. I still haven't finished reading the manual for level 2 yet but I'm finding out new things about this system all the time. Catch you later, Tom #: 11405 S1/General Interest 18-Jul-91 21:44:01 Sb: OSK MultiMedia Job Fm: Jay Truesdale 72176,3565 To: all Interested in a job using OS-9/68000? A MultiMedia company is looking for OS9 System Software Engineers to work with CD-I. Must have an interest in Video and Graphics Programming. If interested please call Mark Tokay ASAP at (704) 652-1801 for more information. Please tell him that you heard about this on Compuserve in a message posted by James Truesdale. Good Luck! -J #: 11406 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 19-Jul-91 03:17:38 Sb: #GIME Chip Fm: George Hendrickson 71071,2003 To: all I was wondering what Rainbow has the article in it about the GIME chip. I've been having trouble with my CoCo3 just stopping and printing garbage on the screen. It seems I read an article in Rainbow about the GIME chip needing upgraded or to that effect. I need to read it again and see what I need to do. Any help will be appreciated... There is 1 Reply. #: 11408 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 19-Jul-91 11:32:04 Sb: #11406-GIME Chip Fm: Erich Schulman 75140,3175 To: George Hendrickson 71071,2003 From what I've heard on the CoCo Forum, the gime chip is probably loose. Open your CoCo if it is no longer under warranty and push the chip firmly back into its socket. Be sure you ground yourself (Radio Shack's antistatic wrist strap is fine--attach the clip to the RF out jack). To find the gime chip, the CoCo Forum has a graphic called INSID.PIX or something like that which will show you about where it is. #: 11409 S1/General Interest 19-Jul-91 15:50:30 Sb: #User Interface Util Fm: Semi-Gas Systems 76047,151 To: All Hi, I'm new to this forum (and compuserve in general!) and would appreciate any help y'all can offer. I'm looking for utilities that deal with user interface management. I quickly perused the libraries section but didn't see anything off hand. Can anyone point me to a specific area in Libraries that I should be looking at? Also, on a related note, how does one obtain a summary of the available files? Is there some sort of READ.ME doc somewhere? Thanks in advance! There is 1 Reply. #: 11410 S1/General Interest 19-Jul-91 17:29:31 Sb: #11409-User Interface Util Fm: Kevin Darling 76703,4227 To: Semi-Gas Systems 76047,151 Hi! First, I guess we need to know what flavor of OS-9 you're using... the 6809 or the 680x0 version? Perhaps even what kind of system, in case someone else has one (unless you're making your own, of course). You might also want to change you forum name to your own name, instead of using a company name (or use both, if possible). Use the OPTions menu to do that. Some of the libraries have summary files, but I find it easiest to just go to each library and capture the output of a "sca/sho" command... which gives names, dates, size and a one-line comment. Again, welcome! best - kevin #: 11411 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 19-Jul-91 21:09:16 Sb: #forks and pipes Fm: Bob van der Poel 76510,2203 To: all I'm having a weird problem with pipes and forks (sounds like a dinner...). Here's the deal: 1. Process1 opens a pipe, 2. '1' starts process2 (a filter of some kind), 3. '1' sends a bunch of data down the pipeline, 4. '1' closes the pipe and waits for the child (process2) to end. All this works fine if the program forks process2 directly. However, if I fork 'shell' with process2 as a param things hang up. The stuff I send down the pipeline gets processed okay; but the child(ren) never die. I suppose I could just forget about using the shell, but it'll take care of setting up the command line for me which I'd have to do otherwise. Besided, it's really bugging me. This is all in C on OSK using os9exec() with fork(). I suspect that I have to terminate or wakeup someone with a signal. Not sure who or what. Any suggestions? There is 1 Reply. #: 11412 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 19-Jul-91 22:57:04 Sb: #11411-#forks and pipes Fm: Kevin Darling 76703,4227 To: Bob van der Poel 76510,2203 (X) Can I assume that you add a "&" on the shell line forking the child? Hmm. I guess you must or your parent program wouldn't continue operation until the child died. I would think that when the parent closes the pipe, the child should die, assuming the child dies when it detects the read error (or eof? not sure) on the pipe. Hmm. Got a tiny example code which would fit up here? - kev There are 2 Replies. #: 11417 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 20-Jul-91 21:09:29 Sb: #11412-forks and pipes Fm: Bob van der Poel 76510,2203 To: Kevin Darling 76703,4227 (X) Kevin, Here's a bit of code. Remember, this is 'C' -- but since it just calls the system F$Fork even die-hard assembler types like you should be able to help : First off, a bit of the section which starts the pipeline: char *argv[MAXARGS]; FILE *out_file; int childnum, pipe, oldin, oldout, os9fork(); extern char **environ; if((pipe=open("/pipe",S_IREAD+S_IWRITE))<0) terminate("Unable to open '/pipe'");; oldin=dup(0); /* save current stdin/out */ oldout=dup(1); close(0); /* set stdin to new pipe file */ dup(pipe); close(1); /* set stdout to current output file */ dup(fileno(out_file)); argv[0]="shell"; argv[1]=newprog; argv[2]=0; childnum=os9exec(os9fork,argv[0],argv,environ,0,0); close(0); /* restore original stdin */ dup (oldin); close(oldin); close(1); /* restore original stdout */ dup (oldout); close(oldout); if(childnum<0){ /* fork failure, close the pipe file */ childnum=0; close(pipe); terminate("Unable to fork pipe process"); } else{ fclose(out_file); /* close old output file */ out_file=fdopen(pipe,"w"); /* set to pipefile */ } And here is the snippet which gives the problem. fclose(out_file); /* close down the pipeline */ /* wait for a pipe process to finish it's thing... */ if(childnum){ wait(0); childnum=0; } Continued next message. #: 11418 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 20-Jul-91 21:10:08 Sb: #11412-#forks and pipes Fm: Bob van der Poel 76510,2203 To: Kevin Darling 76703,4227 (X) Continued... I can get the code in the last section to work perfectly simply by changing the argrument list to: argv[0]=newprog; argv[1]=0; When this is done 'newprog' is forked directly (and runs concurrently) with its stdin/out redirected as needed. Then when its input is closed it nicely dies. However, as written, there is a shell in between my main process and the child. In this case the closing of the pipeline just causes things to hang forever. Well, not forever -- if I hit CTRL-E the shell(?) dies along with the child and things continue on as needed. I suppose I could send a terminate signal, but am I guaranteed that the child will have finished if I do that? The reason for using shell as an intermediary is that I don't want to have to rewrite the parseing code to break up arguments (under OSK the shell, not cstart breaks up the command line into null-terminated strings) and do redirection. Help. There is 1 Reply. #: 11422 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 21-Jul-91 17:35:20 Sb: #11418-forks and pipes Fm: Pete Lyall 76703,4230 To: Bob van der Poel 76510,2203 Bob - A) Is it that the children never die, _or_ that the parent (actually GRANDPARENT) never get a death notification? If this is the case, it's because Shell breaks the parent/child lineage, and the child would have noone to report to if the Shell goes away. B) Have you tried the 'popen()' call? (if 6809)... If not, that's what you probably want. Mirrors Unix 'popen()' exactly.. i.e.: int path; path = popen("procs", "r"); /* fork a 'procs' command; read its output */ ..... pclose(path); Actually - I can't remember if popen is high level (fgets, etc.) or lower level... I think now that it's HIGH level... In any case, there should be a code fragment around that implements popen() in LIB 3 if you're running 68K and haven't got it in the library. Pete #: 11423 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 21-Jul-91 17:50:31 Sb: updated kernel patch Fm: Bruce Isted 76625,2273 To: All Hi All, This message is to announce the release of the updated F$PrsNam and memory check kernel patch ARchive. Look for "krnl.ar" in the CoCo OS-9 library. Bruce Press !> .