#: 11974 S15/Hot Topics 26-Aug-91 21:26:51 Sb: #11957-MM/1 & floppies Fm: John R. Wainwright 72517,676 To: William Phelps 75100,265 (X) Funny you shold ask. the A.R.R.L (Ham Radio) Convention hit my home town and I picked up a 1.2 Meg 5-1/4 (TEAC) drive fairly cheap. The drive descriptor that I finally got to work (after many tries) looks just like the d0 and d1 supplied for the 3-1/2 inch disks, except for sct and tos, which are both hex 1c (28 sectors per track). That gives me 1.14 megs. I also played with a "standard" 360k 5-1/4 drive, but never could get it to work. I have also failed miserably in attempts to get the 1.2m drive to read a 360k disk - not sure it can be done. I found that 28-sector figure for the 1.2 meg disk by experiment - started with 16 sectors and it worked - 30 bombed, 26 worked, 29 bombed, 28 seems to be the max. If you haven't checked out the moded command yet, try it - I used it to make a d2 descriptor out of d1. I load and iniz it from my startup file (couldn't do that with level II). Good Luck John Wainwright #: 11982 S15/Hot Topics 27-Aug-91 03:47:14 Sb: #11957-MM/1 & floppies Fm: Scott t. Griepentrog 72427,335 To: William Phelps 75100,265 (X) Yes, I have a 5.25 floppy on my MM1. And, it works correctly. And, I recall that it was a major pain in the rear end to figure out the one cable combination that would make it work right. If you have one of those 'twisty' cables, then I suggest doing: 1) replace it with a 'straight' cable (use drive select 0 and 1) 2) PC drives (who use the twisted cables) use only DS 1 and 2. Because they skip #0, try re-assigning your drives for 1 and 2. Then play with which connector works on which drive... If you still can't get it to work, give me a buzz @ 317-668-8878. STG #: 11975 S3/Languages 26-Aug-91 21:56:48 Sb: #Copyright? continued Fm: John Semler 70324,633 To: James Jones It sounds like you know alot about copyrights so I ask a few questions. Is a "copyleft" legally binding? Was there any court cases where GNU went after people violating this so called "copyleft"? Does the international community recognize the term "copyleft"? Is there a book on how to copyleft software? I got the book "How to Copyright Software" by M. J. Salone, and it said nothing about copyleft. I personally suspect GNU is trying to intimidate people from protecting their intellectual property. The book says nothing about incorporating routines from a library (I am most worried when it is public domain, i.e. "CLIBT.L"). Instead it makes the claim that the copyright office doesn't make a distinction between compiled program and source code. (medium independence?) I just want to display my copyright to remind people not to exploit my work for commercial purposes. (BTW I am unemployed) Re: "copyrighting concepts": Your right, I only want to copyright my work! John P.S. Sorry I can't thread the message. This message was uploaded using B+ protocol but CompuServe doesn't let on on how to chain it into the thread. Seems like most of the bucks is spent in fighting the system! There are 2 Replies. #: 11976 S3/Languages 26-Aug-91 22:02:55 Sb: #11975-Copyright? continued Fm: James Jones 76257,562 To: John Semler 70324,633 (X) To the best of my knowledge, "copyleft" has yet to be tested legally. It is an attempt to further Richard Stallman's notions of intellectual property (he thinks there's no such thing), and is typically accompanied with derogatory labels applied to those who disagree (e.g. "software hoarders"). I'm not a lawyer, though, nor do I play one on TV. :-) If you really want good advice, ask a lawyer. #: 11985 S3/Languages 27-Aug-91 08:23:26 Sb: #11975-Copyright? continued Fm: Bill Dickhaus 70325,523 To: John Semler 70324,633 (X) John, Assuming that you are using the COMpose command, then using /UPL to invoke B+, all you need to do is use REPly #, instead of COMpose, where # is the message number you are replying to. The rest is the same, and all you'll have to do at the Post Action prompt is enter POSt. The Subject: and To: fields will be filled in for you. If you want to fool around with learning the system, GO PRACTICE, this is a _free_ forum (except for network charges) . Bill #: 11977 S15/Hot Topics 26-Aug-91 22:53:30 Sb: #11953-MM/1 delivery Fm: GLEN HATHAWAY 71446,166 To: Mike Knudsen 72467,1111 Hi Mike... You bet! I will definitely be shopping for some midi software. I also plan to write some (if I ever have time). Maybe I'll actually finish a project for once in my life! #: 11978 S1/General Interest 27-Aug-91 00:28:23 Sb: #11969-curses.ar Fm: Kevin Darling 76703,4227 To: Semi-Gas Systems 76047,151 (X) Hi again :-) Are you downloading to an os9 computer, and using the "ar" command (AR68.BIN from Library 9) to break the file apart? Unfortunately, no one has ported Ar to other operating systems yet (we're all being terribly lazy :-), and the PC Arc doesn't work on them. best - kev #: 12021 S1/General Interest 30-Aug-91 19:09:59 Sb: #11969-curses.ar Fm: Semi-Gas Systems 76047,151 To: Semi-Gas Systems 76047,151 Hi Kevin, Thanks for the lead. I'll download AR68 from lib 9. I had previously downloaded AR.BIN from the 68000 lib. Corey #: 11980 S14/misc/info/Soapbox 27-Aug-91 03:31:17 Sb: #11950-PCoid keyboards & CTRL Fm: Scott t. Griepentrog 72427,335 To: Mike Knudsen 72467,1111 That would be great! Yah, and there is plenty of pitfalls to converting code over. One recommendation: create a list as you think of or run into such problems and before long you'll have an article already half written... Looking forward to publishing ya' StG #: 11981 S15/Hot Topics 27-Aug-91 03:35:51 Sb: #11952-Serial ports? Fm: Scott t. Griepentrog 72427,335 To: Mike Knudsen 72467,1111 Naw, from the poking over the machine and schematics that I have (mind you, things may have changed - though I doubt they would have this), the MIDI-able port is selectable for either normal serial or MIDI clock rate. The MIDI crystal isn't on the paddle board, as they just stole the midi clock rate needed from some other circuitry (don't have the schematic's here or I'd refresh my memory) and bring both clocks to a jumper select on the main board. Maybe your 'quickie hack' system is earlier than mine (late last year)?? Although, I see no reason why someone couldn't bring their own clock into the select jumper... StG #: 11983 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 27-Aug-91 06:43:45 Sb: #11955-#DS-69B Fm: Mike Haaland 72300,1433 To: Lee Veal 74726,1752 (X) Oops! My goof! No Sir! I hadn't been aware of the problem you mentioned. What print dump are you using and for what printer? I've used the Epson, IBM, DMP105 and CGP-220 drivers here and had no problems. Does the problem go away if you print with Squashing off, (From the menu), or if you print Squashed pictures from disk? Mike There are 2 Replies. #: 12004 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 28-Aug-91 17:44:46 Sb: #11983-DS-69B Fm: Lee Veal 74726,1752 To: Mike Haaland 72300,1433 (X) Mike, I use the Epson driver, even on my Citizen Printer. The other printer that I use is a 'real' Epson FX-1050. The problem of squashing/unsquashing seems to be unrelated to the print problem. (One of my previous messages appears to have gotten squashed itself, making it look like I was saying that the two problems were connected. As aar as I can tell, they're not.) And I haven't noticed any differences in the printing problem between printing from the MVCanvas menu or directly from a command line using PRTDMP. Here's a more detailed explanation of what appears to be happening. The squashing/unsquashing problem seems to have a tendency to clobber RAM. If I deal only with unsquashed .VEF files then I don't have any problems with RAM being stepped on. However, if I deal with squashed .VEF files, then I generally get my RAM stepped on. The system doesn't completely crash, usually I can still switch from window to window using the key. If I try to do anything on the GSHELL+ screen, like refresh the screen by clicking on the directory bar, I find that some of the font area has been clobbered as well as the location in RAM where the icons and mouse pointers are stored. That in itself is pretty weird, because if the mouse pointers have been clobbered, then I shouldn't be able to see it on the GSHELL+ screen in order to place it on the Directory bar in order to refresh the screen display. Makes me wonder if just some address pointers are getting corrupted somehow. When I load a squashed VEF file the mouse pointers on the MVCanvas dosappear, too. Things go down hill from there. When GSHELL+ redisplays the directory, the icons are gone, the file names still display but the icons don't appear on the screen anymore. --------------- The printing problem appears to happen when there's a lot of dithering on the screen. If I use colors other than black and white, the MVC PRTDMP program tries to simulate those colors by dithering the output. That forced dithering seems to cause the printer to jump about skewing lines, sometimes even dropping out of graphics mode and printing double wide, #: 12005 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 28-Aug-91 17:46:19 Sb: #11983-DS-69B Fm: Lee Veal 74726,1752 To: Mike Haaland 72300,1433 (X) .....continued from previous message... special fonts, or even narrow characters. As I recall, the dithering that occurs somewhat naturally even with just black and white will throw the printer into a tail spin. I'll have to check that again to make sure, though. ---------------- One other quick questions. Please review the steps that I must follow in order to use one of the fill patterns. ----------------- I can send you copies of printouts that are badly scrambled. And I can send you copies of the same picture that printed okay when I changed the colors to black and white only. Thanks, Lee P.S. And now for something completely different... I purchased a copy of ShellMate through FHL. I sent Frank a letter detailing some of the problems that I had with the program just in the first couple of hours of use. He said that he had sent the letter to you because you were acting as distributor for the product. Do you know if you've even received my letter from Frank? What's the status of ShellMate? Is the product dead? Should I try to get my money back? What? LV #: 11984 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 27-Aug-91 08:01:18 Sb: #11970-#OSK Fm: Mark Wuest 74030,332 To: Dave Philipsen 73627,710 (X) Dave, I have talked Microware out of source in the past and severely altered the Z8530 driver for our MVME147 system. I can't upload it as it is still basically Microware's copyrighted source. What you *can* do is disassemble it with debug. You will obviously have no symbols, but it might help. Maybe the people who sold you your system will give you source to the drivers you do have. You are correct in assuming they will be very similar, though the device set-up and configuration stuff (eg: baud rates, bits/character) can be challenging, especially if you want to provide hooks (setstat()'s) to change them on the fly. That was 3 years ago. Since then, we wrote our own block-oriented file manager (for protocol conversion) and *every* device driver I have written has been doing some protocol's level II under *that* file manager. Good luck! Mark There is 1 Reply. #: 11992 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 27-Aug-91 20:35:09 Sb: #11984-OSK Fm: Dave Philipsen 73627,710 To: Mark Wuest 74030,332 (X) Thanks for the info. I've contacted Peripheral Technologies and they're going to send me the 68681 driver source code for a small fee ($25). That should get me going. I don't think I'll have any problems with the GetStat & SetStat functions...the main thing I need is a basic skeleton program that will help me to see how the IRQ stuff is set up and how the buffers are set up in system memory. If I get a decent driver for the 8250 written, I'll be sure and U/L it here. -Dave Philipsen #: 11988 S1/General Interest 27-Aug-91 12:12:14 Sb: #Atlanta 'Fest Fm: Ches Looney 73016,1336 To: ALL What's the story on Atlanta? Anyone going? Any new announcements expected? Regards to all - Ches There are 2 Replies. #: 11989 S1/General Interest 27-Aug-91 14:15:54 Sb: #11988-#Atlanta 'Fest Fm: Kevin Darling 76703,4227 To: Ches Looney 73016,1336 (X) Marsha and I are going. Should be another good one! There is 1 Reply. #: 12001 S1/General Interest 28-Aug-91 11:27:09 Sb: #11989-Atlanta 'Fest Fm: Ches Looney 73016,1336 To: Kevin Darling 76703,4227 (X) We're still trying to settle our schedule but hope to attend. Regards, Ches. #: 12009 S1/General Interest 29-Aug-91 01:51:08 Sb: #11988-Atlanta 'Fest Fm: Scott t. Griepentrog 72427,335 To: Ches Looney 73016,1336 (X) I'll be there, with a few friends... StG #: 11990 S8/BBS Systems/TSMon 27-Aug-91 18:44:15 Sb: #11956-#ZModem Fm: Jim Sutemeier 70673,1754 To: Lee Veal 74726,1752 (X) There are none. Most of the terminal programs that we have were written a few years ago, before Zmodem was available for the OS9/6809. What I do, with zmodem and kermit, from OSterm, is set up for downloading, then go into the OSterm shell, and 'kermit .....' or 'zmodem ....' the file. Jim Sutemeier SysOp BBS StG International Network Node 818:772-8890 There is 1 Reply. #: 11996 S8/BBS Systems/TSMon 27-Aug-91 22:33:13 Sb: #11990-ZModem Fm: Lee Veal 74726,1752 To: Jim Sutemeier 70673,1754 (X) Thanks for the info. Lee #: 11991 S4/MIDI and Music 27-Aug-91 18:53:38 Sb: #11946-Bad Download Fm: Jim Sutemeier 70673,1754 To: Mike Knudsen 72467,1111 ->the "coco 4" field is pretty confusing these days Sorry to disagree with you, Mike, but there is only ONE true "CoCo 4" on the market today, and that is the Tomcat9 by Frank Hogg. The TC9 is the ONLY machine that has a 6809 engine in it. The TC70, MM/1 and System IV I would call 'upgrades' to our OS9 system.... but I wouldn't call any of them "CoCo 4's". Jim Sutemeier Sirius Software & Hardware SysOp BBS StG International Network Node 818:772-8890 #: 11993 S7/Telecommunications 27-Aug-91 21:35:03 Sb: #11960-#%&#$&" y cable Fm: Rick Ulland 70540,3305 To: Steve Wegert 76703,4255 (X) Steve, Sure enough! Never even THOUGHT to RTFM. In fact, took a while to find it. Thanks for pointing out the obvious. -Rick There is 1 Reply. #: 12000 S7/Telecommunications 28-Aug-91 09:01:51 Sb: #11993-%&#$&" y cable Fm: Steve Wegert 76703,4255 To: Rick Ulland 70540,3305 Don'tcha just hate when that happens? :-) Actually, it happensso often at this end, I have Kevin's digitized voice reminding me of the same! Steve #: 11994 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 27-Aug-91 21:36:51 Sb: #11963-#TOPS Games Fm: Timothy J. Martin 71541,3611 To: Mark Wuest 74030,332 (X) I've gotten the chess program to work, from TOPS release #1. Assume that it still works in TOPS release #2. I'm using vt100 as defined in mw termcap. There is 1 Reply. #: 12012 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 29-Aug-91 07:24:31 Sb: #11994-TOPS Games Fm: Mark Wuest 74030,332 To: Timothy J. Martin 71541,3611 Oh, yeah - I got that one working, too. It was actually quite good, as I recall. I just don't run any PD stuff w/o source at work. (Virus paranoia) Mark #: 11997 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 27-Aug-91 23:01:48 Sb: #11959-basic09 Fm: Brother Jeremy, CSJW 76477,142 To: Kevin Darling 76703,4227 (X) I'm just crazy enough to do it... Br. Jeremy, CSJW #: 11998 S1/General Interest 28-Aug-91 00:16:15 Sb: textrc.b09 Fm: Paul Hanke 73467,403 To: all There is a bug in my textractor program in that it will not produce a sub-file of the original if the user enters a at the endstring prompt. If the file is not to be truncated, an endstring must still be used so that an unlikely seed string should be entered, such as: xyzabc, jjjjvvvv, etc. If I submit any upgrades in the future, this will be corrected at that time. -ph- #: 12006 S6/Applications 28-Aug-91 18:58:55 Sb: #Delete some files Fm: John Semler 70324,633 To: sysop (X) Please delete the file sc68[73107,507] from data library 6. I no longer own that account number so I can't delete it myself. As you probalbly know, I uploaded new files under the account number 70324,633. Thanks - John -5s/probalbly/probably/ There is 1 Reply. #: 12007 S6/Applications 28-Aug-91 20:49:50 Sb: #12006-Delete some files Fm: Mike Ward 76703,2013 To: John Semler 70324,633 (X) OK John, we'll take care of it. #: 12008 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 29-Aug-91 00:51:53 Sb: #232 help! Fm: Everett Chimbidis 76370,1366 To: all I would like to use My Harddrive with more than one coco! I have 2 80meg harddrives in to a multipack and in the multi pak i have the disk card and the harddrive card and 2 rs-232ports. Also have another 232 port that i can plug into A coco 2 or 3! WHAT do i use the 2 or the 3? And will the program in the 232 pak work from 232 to 232? Any help? There is 1 Reply. #: 12013 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 29-Aug-91 09:17:31 Sb: #12008-#232 help! Fm: Steve Wegert 76703,4255 To: Everett Chimbidis 76370,1366 (X) Everett, Perhaps it's just too much coffee this morning .... but you lost me. Would you take it from the top ... slowly, and try again to tell us what your question is? Steve There is 1 Reply. #: 12023 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 31-Aug-91 02:42:45 Sb: #12013-232 help! Fm: Everett Chimbidis 76370,1366 To: Steve Wegert 76703,4255 I would like to have a shell on another computer and use the hard drive on another computer! (see I have 3 coco 3s and 4 coco 2s) OK? #: 12014 S1/General Interest 29-Aug-91 10:17:48 Sb: The Rescue Fm: Paul Hanke 73467,403 To: anyone Has anyone been able to get past level 23 in Floyd Resler's game called The Rescue? It seems that there are not enough keys to be found to get past the 3rd lock at L23. Tried contacting Floyd but my Email was returned. Seems he's no longer a member of CIS. -ph- #: 12015 S5/OS9 Users Group 29-Aug-91 18:59:17 Sb: #HELP... Fm: CHUCK WALKER 71161,205 To: ALL I JUST PURCHASED A (Y) CABLE FOR MY COCO AND IM PRETTY HEAVY INTO PROGRAMMING BUT IM STUMPED ,ALTHOUGH I COULD BUILD A ADAPTOR FOR MY PROBLEM IT SEEMS THEIR MUST BE AN EASIER WAY.*AND HERES THE PROBLEM*... I CANT GET THE SPEECH/SOUND CARTRIDGE TO WORK WITH OS9,IT USUALLY LOCKS UP MY COMPUTER.ANY IDEAS WITHOUT A WIRING JOB? CHUCK WALKER There are 2 Replies. #: 12016 S5/OS9 Users Group 29-Aug-91 20:36:50 Sb: #12015-HELP... Fm: Kevin Darling 76703,4227 To: CHUCK WALKER 71161,205 Chuck - does it lock up the computer just being plugged into the Y-cable? kex (oops - kev :-) #: 12018 S5/OS9 Users Group 30-Aug-91 08:33:09 Sb: #12015-HELP... Fm: Steve Wegert 76703,4255 To: CHUCK WALKER 71161,205 Chuck, If you're trying to get the speech pak to work on a CoCo3, there is a hardware problem that must be resolved first. All the details can be found in a file called SSPAK.AR, in Library 10.. Happy hunting! Steve #: 12019 S1/General Interest 30-Aug-91 17:58:47 Sb: OS-9 Exhibits Fm: Lee Veal 74726,1752 To: All On September 17, 1991 from 8:30am to 4:00pm at The Westin Galleria Hotel 5060 West Alabama Houston, Tx 77056 and later on September 19, 1991 from 8:30am to 4:00pm at The Doubletree at the Campbell Center 8250 North Expressway Dallas, Tx 75206 there will be Real-Time Computing Exhibitions. September 17, 1991 is a Tuesday, and September 19, 1991 is a Thursday. The Exhibition is being arranged by Concept Development, Inc. and Systran Corporation and sponsored by a variety of leading real-time system manufacturers. I'll try to have brochure copies at the next OS9/CoCo meetings, if we meet in September before the Exhibition. According to the letter that I got from Microware, they will be exhibiting the following real-time software products: - Professional OS-9 Operating System (68030/VME) - Industrial OS-9 Embedded Operating System (68332/68340) - OS-9000 Operating System (80386) - RAVE (Real-Time Audio Video Environment) - OS-9 X-Windows According to the brochure, there will be more than 25 sponsoring companies involved with the exhibition. (Some local, some from out of state.) Motorola, SimPact Associates, Inc, Ready Systems, Force Computers, Inc.' and many more will be showing off their wares. Now to the important stuff... Admission to the exhibits is FREE.... and according to the brochure... Food constituting a light meal and refreshments are available throughout the aday at NO CHARGE. If you want to attend simply RSVP, or for further information call 1-800-733-1811. CoCo3/OS-9ers should not expect there to be any 6809-based OS-9 system up and running at the exhibition. The preponderence of equipment looks to be 80386- and 680x0-based. Lee (It looks like we are having an OS-9 'Fest here in Dallas (and earlier in Houston), unfortunately it doesn't look like there's likely to be any CoCo3-related stuff, but it could be fun to see some of the 68K/386 exhibits. Hmmmm... I wonder if we could whip up an CoCo3/OS-9 exhibit in time for the show. Of course, there'd probably be a really high booth fee. Just a thought.) LV #: 12020 S14/misc/info/Soapbox 30-Aug-91 18:00:06 Sb: OS-9 Exhibitions Fm: Lee Veal 74726,1752 To: All On September 17, 1991 from 8:30am to 4:00pm at The Westin Galleria Hotel 5060 West Alabama Houston, Tx 77056 and later on September 19, 1991 from 8:30am to 4:00pm at The Doubletree at the Campbell Center 8250 North Expressway Dallas, Tx 75206 there will be Real-Time Computing Exhibitions. September 17, 1991 is a Tuesday, and September 19, 1991 is a Thursday. The Exhibition is being arranged by Concept Development, Inc. and Systran Corporation and sponsored by a variety of leading real-time system manufacturers. I'll try to have brochure copies at the next OS9/CoCo meetings, if we meet in September before the Exhibition. According to the letter that I got from Microware, they will be exhibiting the following real-time software products: - Professional OS-9 Operating System (68030/VME) - Industrial OS-9 Embedded Operating System (68332/68340) - OS-9000 Operating System (80386) - RAVE (Real-Time Audio Video Environment) - OS-9 X-Windows According to the brochure, there will be more than 25 sponsoring companies involved with the exhibition. (Some local, some from out of state.) Motorola, SimPact Associates, Inc, Ready Systems, Force Computers, Inc.' and many more will be showing off their wsres. Now to the important stuff... Admission to the exhibits is FREE.... and according to the brochure... Food constituting a light meal and refreshments are available throughout the day at NO CHARGE. If you want to attend simply RSVP, or for further information call 1-800-733-1811. CoCo3/OS-9ers should not expect there to be any 6809-based OS-9 system up and running at the exhibition. The preponderence of equipment looks to be 80386- and 680x0-based. Lee (It looks like we are having an OS-9 'Fest here in Dallas (and earlier in Houston), unfortunately it doesn't look like there's likely to be any CoCo3-related stuff, but it could be fun to see some of the 68K/386 exhibits. Hmmmm... I wonder if we could whip up an CoCo3/OS-9 exhibit in time for the show. Of course, there'd probably be a really high booth fee. Just a thought.) LV #: 12022 S14/misc/info/Soapbox 31-Aug-91 01:21:51 Sb: #misc Fm: Fred Wintrobe 70505,1006 To: all does anyone know why tandy has stopped advertising at back cover of byte magazine??? There is 1 Reply. #: 12024 S14/misc/info/Soapbox 31-Aug-91 04:08:46 Sb: #12022-misc Fm: Dan Robins 73007,2473 To: Fred Wintrobe 70505,1006 Fred, Well, I'm pretty darn sure it's not for the lack of money! If like any other company, you set up a budget, with a campaign, and go for it.....their campaign probably ended....nothing more, nothing less, and certainly no sign of impending disaster. Dan Press !> .