#: 12092 S1/General Interest 05-Sep-91 23:41:50 Sb: #11989-#Atlanta 'Fest Fm: Eric A. Cottrell [WIT] 76327,515 To: Kevin Darling 76703,4227 (X) Hi Kev, When is Atlanta? Sure miss the easy drive to New Jersey! 73 Eric.... There is 1 Reply. #: 12096 S1/General Interest 06-Sep-91 01:48:41 Sb: #12092-Atlanta 'Fest Fm: Kevin Darling 76703,4227 To: Eric A. Cottrell [WIT] 76327,515 (X) Eric - I think it's Oct 5-6. Anyone know? All I know is that it's, as usual, coming up too quickly for me :-) #: 12093 S7/Telecommunications 06-Sep-91 00:09:13 Sb: #12065-Sterm 1.5 Fm: Rick Ulland 70540,3305 To: Bob Palmer 74646,2156 I've also had a variant-CS goes away for a while, but comes back right in the middle of something after say a minute (in the newstuff menu) or two (someplace in TOP).It's also pretty consistent-haven't seen the whole login BS in months. -Rick #: 12094 S7/Telecommunications 06-Sep-91 00:13:39 Sb: #12078-#sterm 1.5 Fm: Paul Hanke 73467,403 To: Bob Palmer 74646,2156 yes, I meant that what I saw typed via echo was all in lower case! But when I logged off and back on, re-checking the posted message showed that some caps were correct (those at the beginning of a sentence) others were still in lower case (those in the middle of a sentence). But even the CIS log-on lines were in lower case! Where sterm seemed to hang up is where CIS goes to check on your mailbox for new mail. Sterm never got past that point. Mebbe there's an incompatibility with Sterm's 8N1 parameter requirement. -ph- There is 1 Reply. #: 12100 S7/Telecommunications 06-Sep-91 07:28:37 Sb: #12094-#sterm 1.5 Fm: Steve Wegert 76703,4255 To: Paul Hanke 73467,403 (X) Paul .... I've been using Sterm 1.5 for months .... even before Mark released it to the public. I've not noticed any trouble at all ... I have my CIS parameters set to notify me of waiting mail ... and it does, nicely. Then I'm taken to my customized personal menu. No muss ... No fuss. Has something else changed on your setup? Steve There are 2 Replies. #: 12105 S7/Telecommunications 06-Sep-91 20:50:55 Sb: #12100-sterm 1.5 Fm: Paul Hanke 73467,403 To: Steve Wegert 76703,4255 (X) The only thing to change is the terminal program: I usually use UTRM40, DM3, or CIM (via 1000TL/2). Sterm is new to me and I tried it just for the experience of running from an os9 shell other than DM3 (which I haven't yet tried to run in MV). -ph- #: 12106 S7/Telecommunications 06-Sep-91 22:56:17 Sb: #12100-#sterm 1.5 Fm: Paul Hanke 73467,403 To: Steve Wegert 76703,4255 (X) Success! It seems that previous attempts were done when power line glitches were occurring (house wiring - complete with intermittant circuit breakers; lights would flicker in other parts of the house). I even downloaded a file using B send ahead protocol. It took 99 sec. to dl a 17733byte file (2 errors); net baud rate 1423. Two questions arise: during library browsing, text transfers, etc., some lines are repeated, and some menus get scrambled on screen. Sometimes ctrl-c must be used to stop repeat scrolling. What causes this (note- power line problem isn't yet resolved fully, but doesn't seem to be a factor at this moment) Lastly- can't get sterm to even boot using MV, only OS9. MV gives a >can't open /t2< error. Any special changes to env.file? I've never run a comm program in MV. -ph- There are 2 Replies. #: 12110 S7/Telecommunications 07-Sep-91 10:18:35 Sb: #12106-sterm 1.5 Fm: Steve Wegert 76703,4255 To: Paul Hanke 73467,403 (X) Paul, Last things first .... Sterm can run from Multiview ... used to do it all the time. Make sure the env.file lists /t2 as a valid device in the SCFDEV line. (I'm assuming that /t2 and ACIAPAK is already in your bootfile.) Back to the sterm issues. It sure sounds like a combination of buffer over-run and missing interupts. Have you installed thhe IRQ hak? Have you installed the patch to ACIAPAK to increase the buffer size and have you installed the patches to MV to speed things up ... greatly. These are all required modifications for happy computing with the CoCo 3. (You can confirm the buffer over run problems by stepping down to 300 baud. If you don't notice the repeating text, then that's it!) Steve PS ... I'll nab the file names of the above mentioned patches ad pass then along. #: 12111 S7/Telecommunications 07-Sep-91 10:27:34 Sb: #12106-#sterm 1.5 Fm: Steve Wegert 76703,4255 To: Paul Hanke 73467,403 (X) Paul, The needed files all can be found in LIB 10. Look for : IRQHAK.TXT ACIAPK.IPC or PAKMOD.TXT Then run in order: MV2PAT.AR GSHELL.AR GSHELL2.AR It goes without saying ... apply patches to back up copies of required modules, eh whot? Steve There are 2 Replies. #: 12114 S7/Telecommunications 07-Sep-91 19:11:35 Sb: #12111-sterm 1.5 Fm: Paul Hanke 73467,403 To: Steve Wegert 76703,4255 I'm almost done with the gshell2 patch; the gshell patch sure took a long time to run, tho. But I'm not sure I ever did the mvpatch. Guess this means I have to start all over again? -ph- p.s. yes, I've done the grfdrv speed-ups quite a while ago. #: 12115 S7/Telecommunications 07-Sep-91 19:14:09 Sb: #12111-sterm 1.5 Fm: Paul Hanke 73467,403 To: Steve Wegert 76703,4255 Ok, I just nabbed those files; will have to apply them when time permits. One other thing, when using deldir to delete everything in a directory, I can clear out everything except the directory name itself. Deldir reports bad pathname or pathname not found and leaves it active! -ph- #: 12098 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 06-Sep-91 07:21:09 Sb: #12091-232 help! Fm: Steve Wegert 76703,4255 To: Everett Chimbidis 76370,1366 (X) It's a bit more complicated than just adding a descriptor to pick up another serial port, Everett. If you already have /t2 installed and are using a stock addressed rs232 pak, plugging in another stock 233pak won't work. It's hardware address will need to be modified so as not to be in conflict with the other. If you get hold of one of the paks from Ken-ton, it's addresses will be set up so they don't confilct. Steve #: 12099 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 06-Sep-91 07:23:53 Sb: #12091-232 help! Fm: Steve Wegert 76703,4255 To: Everett Chimbidis 76370,1366 (X) In LIB10 look for MPI232.TXT. It will give you the info you need to modify a second 232pak to co-exisit with a stock addressed rs232 pak. Steve #: 12101 S5/OS9 Users Group 06-Sep-91 09:20:25 Sb: #12087-Cross Assembler Fm: Mark Wuest 74030,332 To: Pete Lyall 76703,4230 (X) Pete, I think I remembered the name - Software Development Systems (SDS) in Downers Grove. I'll try dirctory assistance. Mark #: 12102 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 06-Sep-91 09:42:52 Sb: #mod help Fm: Everett Chimbidis 76370,1366 To: all Wwhere Do I find os9p3 or aciadrv?? There is 1 Reply. #: 12103 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 06-Sep-91 14:27:55 Sb: #12102-#mod help Fm: Erich Schulman 75140,3175 To: Everett Chimbidis 76370,1366 (X) os9p3 is available for download here. Just go to LIBrary 9/Utilities. The file is os9p3.ar which means you will need to extract it with ar.bin which you can also download. The size of os9p3 is less than 10K. It will take you about 45 seconds to download it at 2400 baud, or about 8.5 minutes if you use 300 baud. Be sure to carefully follow instructions for installing it in your system or you will not be able to boot os9. One more thing: I presume you have Level 2 which is required. There is 1 Reply. #: 12107 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 07-Sep-91 02:19:28 Sb: #12103-#mod help Fm: Everett Chimbidis 76370,1366 To: Erich Schulman 75140,3175 (X) Yes thanks for the info do you know how to set up your boot disk? with the blocks in the right spots? There is 1 Reply. #: 12121 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 07-Sep-91 23:45:54 Sb: #12107-#mod help Fm: Erich Schulman 75140,3175 To: Everett Chimbidis 76370,1366 (X) The way I have come to prefer is to use the program EZGen. You cannot download it; you must buy it. EZGen, however, is not good for those who are not already familiar with boot files and the like. If you have two disk drives, follow the directions in your OS-9 manual for the command os9gen. Using os9gen on a single drive is possible but rather difficult. To build your new bootlist, you must first find out what is already in your os9boot. You can do this with Modbuster or Bootsplit both of which can be downloaded. You can also use ident -s os9boot. The order in which modules appear in your boot list ranges from important to absolutely vital, and you have no easy way to know just how critical it is on your CoCo3. In some cases, you even have to get certain modules into one block of memory. So follow direcctions for where to insert os9p3 and build your bootlist accordingly. For the future, you might find EZGen a good program to have. So if you want to get it now anyway, I'll help you do it right. Tip No. 1: Make at least one backup of your present boot disk so you can always wipe the slate clean. I've been quite successful with EZGen, but I have had to restore my system disk from the backup before. Don't learn the hard way. There is 1 Reply. #: 12125 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 08-Sep-91 11:01:59 Sb: #12121-mod help Fm: Everett Chimbidis 76370,1366 To: Erich Schulman 75140,3175 I have ezgen I just don't know how to make them fit into the blocks!! How do you know when you have a block filled, or overfilled? I will send you a copy of my boot (idented -s ) if you think you can help! #: 12104 S6/Applications 06-Sep-91 20:13:26 Sb: GLABEL Fm: Chuck Watters 70115,536 To: 74126,2736 JONATHAN: I HAVE A NEW PRINTER AND TRIED TO HACK THE BASIC09 FILE OF GLABEL BECAUSE I NEED 5 BYTES TO PROGRAM SOME OF THE FONTS ON MY PRINTER. WHEN I TRIED TO RUN GLABEL FROM BASIC09 IT WOULDN'T RUN. I THEN NOTICED THAT IT CALLS A FILE NAMED "MV_SUBS". THE TITLE IS SHOWN IN THE ARCHIVED FILE, BUT THERE IS NO FILE. I THOUGHT MAYBE MY ORIGINAL DOWNLOAD WAS SCREWED UP BECAUSE MY HARD DISK CRASHED SOME TIME AGO, SO I DOWNLOADED GLABEL.AR AGAIN. STILL NOTHING EXCEPT THE TITLE. CAN YOU UPLOAD OR HELP ME TO PROGRAM PRT_DRV.LBL TO ACCOMMODATE THE 5 BYTES MY NEW OKI-293 NEEDS. #: 12109 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 07-Sep-91 04:54:10 Sb: #12052-RSM.PAK Fm: Kevin Darling 76703,4227 To: James Whitaker 70355,431 Hey James... got down your RSM program, and it's pretty neat... especially the custom request overlays. Just had to say "thanks!". #: 12112 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 07-Sep-91 13:15:42 Sb: #12047-Speech/Sound Pak Fm: Sunny Lowe 72447,1037 To: CHUCK WALKER 71161,205 Have you upgraded the cartridge for the 2 mz speed of the COCO 3? It won't work if you havn't. Sunny #: 12113 S1/General Interest 07-Sep-91 18:45:34 Sb: #12088-#Execution path Fm: JOERG SATTLER 74016,631 To: James Jones 76257,562 (X) OK. But how do you get more than 1 searchpath recognized by the shell that you are currently working out off. I am not worried about shells that are temporary (spawned) through a term program or equivalent techinique. There is 1 Reply. #: 12119 S1/General Interest 07-Sep-91 21:24:18 Sb: #12113-Execution path Fm: James Jones 76257,562 To: JOERG SATTLER 74016,631 In the OS-9/68000 shells, you simply setenv PATH ::...: to get that effect. I never used the 6809 shell+ path stuff, but I bet it is analogous. #: 12116 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 07-Sep-91 20:02:58 Sb: #Intercepts Fm: Bob van der Poel 76510,2203 To: all I'd like to use an intercept to check for the user hitting the keyboard abort key. When the key is hit my program should go and delete a bunch of temporary files and do some other cleanup chores, then it should terminate. The example on page 82 of the Microware C manual shows an example of this. The interecpt routine sets a global flag which the main loop of the program monitors. This is not workable, since I don't have a main loop which is checked on a continuous basis--control could be in any of several areas, so checking a flag is out. On the other hand, I can't do I/O, etc. until after I leave the intercept . . . and simply branching to another routine IS NOT leaving the intercept. So, what I need is a method to tell OS9 than it's okay to leave system mode, then I'll call my cleanup routines and exit. Anyone know how I tell this lie to the system? BTW, I guess the same problem occurs using longjmp() if you want to restart the program after a signal. The fact that OS9 leaves you in system mode after a signal interecpt is a real pain if you are writing an application. Too bad there isn't some kind of flag which could be set when the intercept is set up to signal system or user mode. There are 2 Replies. #: 12117 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 07-Sep-91 20:40:46 Sb: #12116-#Intercepts Fm: Kevin Darling 76703,4227 To: Bob van der Poel 76510,2203 Ummm. Where does it say that intercept routines are in system mode? You can do I/O from it... I have! There is 1 Reply. #: 12118 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 07-Sep-91 21:17:27 Sb: #12117-Intercepts Fm: Pete Lyall 76703,4230 To: Kevin Darling 76703,4227 (X) Me too.... There should be a number of utilities in DL9 that I have done over the years that trap interrupts and the like. Pete #: 12122 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 08-Sep-91 00:43:10 Sb: #12116-Intercepts Fm: Bob Taylor 73270,3124 To: Bob van der Poel 76510,2203 Bob, Microware does not recommend doing I/O while in the intercept routine as signals to that process are enqueued while in the intercept. You could lose signals. Use of I/O in an intercept is therefore an application decision. #include intercept(sig) { switch (sig) { case SIGINT: case SIGQUIT: cleanup(); } } Bob #: 12120 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 07-Sep-91 21:27:50 Sb: #Mouse_Hlp Fm: Brother Jeremy, CSJW 76477,142 To: Kevin Darling, 76703,4227 (X) Dear Kevin: I am working on a project and I need to show the x/y co-ordinates of the mouse on the screen. The only code I could find in the Tandy OS-9 manual was for the low or medium resolution joystick. I used the sample from your Syscall Tutorial PROCEDURE SS_Mouse TYPE stack=CC,A,B,DP:BYTE; X,Y,U:INTEGER DIM reg:stack BASE 0 DIM I_GetStt,SS_Mouse,mouse(32):BYTE I_GetStt=$8D SS_Mouse=$89 LOOP reg.A=0 reg.Y=0 reg.X=ADDR(mouse) RUN Syscall(I_GetStt,reg) PRINT "Mouse X = "; mouse(28)*256+mouse(29); " "; PRINT "Mouse Y = "; mouse(30)*256+mouse(31) EXITIF mouse(8)<>0 THEN PRINT "Left button Hit" ENDEXIT ENDLOOP I get the following: PRINT "Mouse X = 31091 Mouse Y = 25441 Left button Hit What I would like to be able to do is get numbers like x=(between 0 to 639) y=(between 0 to 191) Plus the numbers didn't change when I moved the mouse. What am I doing wrong? Confusedly yours, Br. Jeremy, CSJW There is 1 Reply. #: 12123 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 08-Sep-91 03:27:13 Sb: #12120-Mouse_Hlp Fm: Kevin Darling 76703,4227 To: Brother Jeremy, CSJW 76477,142 Br Jeremy - you/we forgot to set the reg.B to the statcall! PROCEDURE SS_Mouse (* message 12120 TYPE stack=CC,A,B,DP:BYTE; X,Y,U:INTEGER DIM reg:stack BASE 0 DIM I_GetStt,SS_Mouse,mouse(32):BYTE I_GetStt=$8D SS_Mouse=$89 LOOP reg.A=0 reg.B=SS_Mouse \ (* <======== aha! reg.Y=0 reg.X=ADDR(mouse) RUN Syscall(I_GetStt,reg) PRINT "Mouse X = "; mouse(28)*256+mouse(29); " "; PRINT "Mouse Y = "; mouse(30)*256+mouse(31) EXITIF mouse(8)<>0 THEN PRINT "Left button Hit" ENDEXIT ENDLOOP Also, this assumes autoselect of mouse; that is, that you've run one of those gshell or setmouse or etc utils or patches first so that the system knows that your hires mouse is in the right (or left) port. - kev #: 12124 S7/Telecommunications 08-Sep-91 10:27:39 Sb: sterm 1.5 Fm: Paul Hanke 73467,403 To: Steve Wegert 76703,4255 PAKMOD.TXT refers to a file called PAKMOD.SCR in the same dl10 but it doesn't seem to be there (?) How's 'bout a collective summary of all patches & mods describing each and including module idents for each step of a particular upgrade? -ph- Press !> .