#: 12518 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 05-Oct-91 16:18:07 Sb: #12509-#Unix news feeds Fm: Steve Wegert 76703,4255 To: Jim Vestal 70372,3651 (X) Jim, I'm not aware of any 'free access' to USENET feeds here on CompuServe. What you might have heard about was that CompuServe Mail supports a gateway to INTERNET .... or possibly about the INTERNET mailing list that supports the CoCo (better said, OS9) that I routinely capture and post in LIB 14. Unfortunately, both do ring up connect charges. Steve There is 1 Reply. #: 12519 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 05-Oct-91 17:41:42 Sb: #12518-Unix news feeds Fm: Jim Vestal 70372,3651 To: Steve Wegert 76703,4255 I guess I was mistaken...oh well... what is the difference between the INTERNET and USENET? Are they one in the same... Jim #: 12520 S1/General Interest 05-Oct-91 18:23:00 Sb: SLED Fm: JOERG SATTLER 74016,631 To: 76070,41 There is on Genie a file called WP31.AR that is so much like your SLED editor the resemblance is uncanny. Did you give up your copy right in this ????? A Thomas Kocorec OS9 Sigop. ACS BBS posted it with his name attached to it. With some minor style diffe differences its SLED updated . JS #: 12521 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 06-Oct-91 16:24:05 Sb: #12493-I've defected! Fm: David J. Campbell 72707,1346 To: PaulSeniura 76476,464 (X) Paul, Well... Tandy isn't *100%* IBM. They still have the Model 102, a pocket computer, and 2 word processors.:-) Dave #: 12522 S15/Hot Topics 06-Oct-91 18:34:06 Sb: Atlanta Fest Fm: Mike Haaland 72300,1433 To: All So... How's it going in Atlanta? Anyone? I know, you're all to busy at the CoCo Fest to get on CIS, right? Mike #: 12523 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 06-Oct-91 20:18:23 Sb: #LOGO just might work Fm: REX GOODE 73777,3663 To: All While browsing through my D.L. Logo manual, I noticed a remote control section that described how to use Logo to control remote devices. This may be the answer I was hoping for to update D.L. Logo to work with my CM-8 monitor. I might even be able to get more colors and higher resolution. When "LOGO" is executed from OS9, it checks for a module in memory called "Turtle". If such a module is in memory, then all Logo Turtle commands are routed through that module as a subroutine, with registers holding the command and parameters, returned with an RTS. I'm a fair EDTASM programmer under RSDOS, but I don't even have an assembler for OS9 and don't know where to begin. If I can figure out how, I can write this assembler program to control the turtle on the higher resolutions instead of artifact screens. Is there a way to write the module mostly under RS-DOS and then somehow transfer it to OS9? Is there a cheap (almost free) way to program in assembly or machine language in OS9? What entries and exits must my module have? Am I wasting my time? Rex There is 1 Reply. #: 12528 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 07-Oct-91 08:42:04 Sb: #12523-LOGO just might work Fm: Pete Lyall 76703,4230 To: REX GOODE 73777,3663 (X) Rex - I submitted a file called 'boiler.asm' some years ago here that was a boilerplate os9 assembler template. Showed you what was necessary and where to insert your code and data. You could probably use that for starters. The hardest part is that the os9 assembler has one or two hardcoded macros for generating the start of module header.... you'd have to emulate that in edtasm to get things to work, or at least leave room for it and generate the header after the fact. Pete #: 12524 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 06-Oct-91 22:56:24 Sb: Krnl.ar Fm: Paul Rinear 73757,1413 To: Kevin Darling Using the kernal patch in krnl.ar, I find that I have 8k less free memory after booting than if I use the 'mega' command. This isn't alot of memory to worry about but do you know why this happens? 'Mega' didn't work so hot at times; certain programs would not run correctly if I had run 'mega' already. So I was happy to see this patch. Just curious, Paul R. #: 12525 S3/Languages 07-Oct-91 03:12:03 Sb: #Logo and MASM Fm: REX GOODE 73777,3663 To: Pete Lyall 76703,4230 (X) Pete, I don't know if you've seen my other messages about trying to get Logo to work on a CM-8, but I think I've come up with something that will work. Problem is, I'm so green in OS9, that I don't quite know what to do. I stumbled on MASM.BIN in the libs and thought, "Hey, that's just what I need." I haven't got Deskmate working yet and still don't have a smooth way of getting files from CIS to OS9, so I tried the following: 1. I downloaded MASM.BIN to my IBM AT. (also DEMO1.TXT) 2. I used AS9TOOLS to copy MASM.BIN to RS-DOS diskette. I tried two versions: [TOC MASM.BIN p b] & [TOC MASM.BIN d b]. If you aren't familiar with AS9TOOLS, "p b" is program file/binary and "d b" is data file/binary. (also DEMO1.TXT) 3. I then tried to use DOSOR9 to make an OS9 disk out of it, but TOC must write the files to track 0, therefore DOSOR9 wouldn't work. 4. Then I use RSDOS' copy to get a new RSDOS diskette with MASM.BIN. 5. Then I use DOSOR9 successfully to make an OS9 disk. 6. Then I used OS9 to copy to a regular OS9 disk. (just to be safe) 7. I had a few problems with write permission on the files but I seemed to have solved them. [More] There is 1 Reply. #: 12526 S3/Languages 07-Oct-91 03:12:13 Sb: #12525-#Logo and MASM Fm: REX GOODE 73777,3663 To: REX GOODE 73777,3663 (X) [Continued] 8. When I do the following commands, I get a #215 error. OS9: chx /d0 OS9: chd /d0 OS9: MASM demo1.txt Both MASM and demo1.txt are on the root directory. I've tried more specific versions of that last command, like: /D0/MASM /D0/DEMO1.TXT, always with the same result. I've never, ever, in my whole life, run anything on OS9 that I didn't buy a whole disk for, meaning, I don't really even know how to get an executable binary file to work. Where did I go wrong? Rex There is 1 Reply. #: 12527 S3/Languages 07-Oct-91 08:37:03 Sb: #12526-#Logo and MASM Fm: Pete Lyall 76703,4230 To: REX GOODE 73777,3663 (X) REx - Did you set MASM's file attributes so that they allow execution? Try this (assumes you have only 1 disk drive): 1. Load attr 2. Insert MASM disk 3 chx /d0;chd /d0 4. attr /d0/masm e pe Now it should execute. Pete There is 1 Reply. #: 12530 S3/Languages 07-Oct-91 09:49:36 Sb: #12527-#Logo and MASM Fm: REX GOODE 73777,3663 To: Pete Lyall 76703,4230 (X) Pete, Thanks, that works. I'll check out BOILER.ASM. DEMO1.TXT didn't work so well. Got tons of errors. I can almost taste that hi-res LOGO. Rex There is 1 Reply. #: 12531 S3/Languages 07-Oct-91 17:12:08 Sb: #12530-Logo and MASM Fm: Pete Lyall 76703,4230 To: REX GOODE 73777,3663 Rex - Bear in mind that BOILER.ASM was written with OS9's ASM in mind. If using MASM, it may have a different MACRO for header generation, etc. Also - if you're getting errors, it may be because you don't have the files or path specified in the USE nnnnnn... directives. Essentially,, USE is just saying 'include file nnnnn at this point'. Frequently used for specifying EQUATES, RMBs, etc. Pete #: 12529 S4/MIDI and Music 07-Oct-91 09:29:45 Sb: #11946-Bad Download Fm: Lester Hands 70135,430 To: Mike Knudsen 72467,1111 Mike, this is rather late in reply, so you may already know the answer. Covox advertises in a number of magazines; ones that come to mind are Compute, PCMagazine, and PC World. Here's the address: 675 Conger St., Eugene, OR 97402. The phone number is (503) 342-1271. #: 12532 S1/General Interest 07-Oct-91 17:15:18 Sb: module upgrades Fm: Paul Hanke 73467,403 To: Kevin Darling 76703,4227 I made the kernel upgrade recently; some questions- since OS9 now recognizes 1 & 2 meg upgrades, is the MEGA command still necessary during startup; and is the upgraded MFREE needed yet? ------------------- A coupla days ago I upgraded SCF, CC3Disk, CC3IO, & ACIAPAK. Before placing them into MultiVue, I decided to install 'em into the OS9 boot. I found that all windows got messed up except for vdg. I replaced the new kernel with the old one, & booted again. This time, the window created by INIZ /W7; SHELL i=/W7& was ok, but all graphics windows created by INIZ /W#; DISPLAY 1B 20 7 0 0 50 18 2 0 2 >/W#; SHELL I=/W#& somehow got background &/or foreground munged; border color was correct. Since I replaced 4 modules at the same time I haven't a clue as to which the offending one might be. The new crc's are: module crc CC3DISK $E11F29 SCF $B41573 CC3IO $D5CD91 ACIAPAK $946661 My only guess is that ACIAPAK has nothing to do with the problem. -ph- #: 12533 S7/Telecommunications 07-Oct-91 19:55:13 Sb: Help w/ Sterm Fm: BRUCE BAKER 73747,3137 To: All Can someone please help me with Sterm? I have the executable and termcap files, but I keep getting a "NO TERMINAL NAME" error when I enter "sterm -f -l (doesn't matter)". My terminal program doesn't have a big enough buffer to d-l the whole AR. Thanks, Bruce Press !> .