#: 13037 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 13-Nov-91 21:58:42 Sb: #13035-FAX SOFTWARE? Fm: James Jones 76257,562 To: Keith H. March 70541,1413 (X) I think that's Brent (Bret?) Wynkoop who's doing that. #: 13038 S7/Telecommunications 13-Nov-91 22:07:43 Sb: #13014-#Quick-B Problems Fm: Paul Rinear 73757,1413 To: Erich Schulman 75140,3175 (X) Having trouble installing the 720k drive or are you just short on time? I used mine to hold just my CMDS for a long time. Wouldn't be without it. There is 1 Reply. #: 13043 S7/Telecommunications 14-Nov-91 00:37:52 Sb: #13038-#Quick-B Problems Fm: Erich Schulman 75140,3175 To: Paul Rinear 73757,1413 (X) The problem is with my drive cable, the one that came with the FD-502. The 34-pin connector for /d1 could not reach the card edge on the drive. I called the dealer for help and I was told to zigzag-route the ribbon cable so that it will reach. He said it definitely will reach then. And it did, only problem was that I could no longer close the case with the ribbon cable now in the way. So I called again. This time he got a FD-502 case and the same drive I bought and proceeded to try to make the cable reach and the case close. And sure enough he couldn't do it either. He offered to have one of his people create a new drive cable for me with a real FD-502 case and the same drive as a guide. A cable that will zigzag but will reach and still let the case close. This cable would completely replace the present one, incl. for /d0. It's been nearly a fortnight and I'm still waiting for the cable. The delay may be caused by delays in being able to ship some other items I ordered so it would be in 1 big pkg, but I've not yet enquired. There is 1 Reply. #: 13052 S7/Telecommunications 14-Nov-91 22:14:38 Sb: #13043-Quick-B Problems Fm: Paul Rinear 73757,1413 To: Erich Schulman 75140,3175 Good luck with it. I've built those cables myself; it's not too hard. There are these connectors that you press onto the ribbon cable at any point you want. They have teeth that bite through the cable; sort of like those blue Radio Shack RS-232 connectors. Paul #: 13039 S7/Telecommunications 13-Nov-91 22:13:22 Sb: #13025-#Finally! Fm: Paul Rinear 73757,1413 To: Steve Wegert 76703,4255 (X) I dial directly into a CIS node in Metuchen NJ via Atlantic (NJ) Bell. I get no errors using X-Modem. That test that showed up the 3 errors; I was downloading a file to ramdisk while doing all kinds of disk accesses and things with the remote terminal just to see if I could lock it up. How many devices do you have hooked to your IRQ line. I have 3 6551's and 2 disk controllers. Paul There is 1 Reply. #: 13045 S7/Telecommunications 14-Nov-91 07:57:33 Sb: #13039-#Finally! Fm: Steve Wegert 76703,4255 To: Paul Rinear 73757,1413 (X) Well ... with that much activity going on, I don't feel so bad about 3 errors. I've got 3 serial ports as well as the usual disk controller and Hard drive interface. Steve There is 1 Reply. #: 13053 S7/Telecommunications 14-Nov-91 22:19:15 Sb: #13045-Finally! Fm: Paul Rinear 73757,1413 To: Steve Wegert 76703,4255 So you've got basically the same amount of stuff on the line. Does yours make errors if you start doing alot of things on a remote terminal while downloading? I remember when I was getting lots of errors that taking the RS-232 port to the printer off line seemed to decrease the errors. That didn't make any sense to me as it shouldn't be generating any interrupts. I'm going to try it with that pak pulled for kicks. Paul #: 13044 S7/Telecommunications 14-Nov-91 07:55:52 Sb: #13027-#Finally! Fm: Steve Wegert 76703,4255 To: Pete Lyall 76703,4230 (X) .... caught me! ;-) The office is served by GTE while the house is SWBT. Actually, I'm rather pleased with the GTE merger. As a result, I can drop my dedicated long distance line at the office and go 1+. Contel could never say 'equal access'. Cut over is mid-December. I can hardly wait! Steve There is 1 Reply. #: 13046 S7/Telecommunications 14-Nov-91 12:15:20 Sb: #13044-#Finally! Fm: Pete Lyall 76703,4230 To: Steve Wegert 76703,4255 (X) Well, not only did we merge, but I also transferred to a whole different business area. Used to work in Government Systems doing secure stuff for the Air Force & DIA. Now I'm in Telephone Operations as part of the Data Services division. Pete There is 1 Reply. #: 13055 S7/Telecommunications 14-Nov-91 22:39:19 Sb: #13046-Finally! Fm: John R. Wainwright 72517,676 To: Pete Lyall 76703,4230 Hmmm Air Force & DIA, huh? Got my intro to computers in the 60's when I was in the Air Force & stationed at NSA. However, the real reason I jumped into this thread was: If you didn't get an offer on the "286" board you mentioned in another area yet - I'll take it. I have a kinda home-built "XT clone" that could stand an upgrade. Send me an est of total cost (incl ship), and I'll mail you a check (unless someone already grabbed it). John Wainwright (72517,676) #: 13040 S1/General Interest 13-Nov-91 22:58:47 Sb: #13028-#The Computer Chronicles Fm: Paul Rinear 73757,1413 To: Toni Long 73517,2713 (X) Hey thanks. I don't see it anywhere in the TV guide. What's the CCIT network; something local to you? Paul There is 1 Reply. #: 13049 S1/General Interest 14-Nov-91 20:04:52 Sb: #13040-#The Computer Chronicles Fm: Toni Long 73517,2713 To: Paul Rinear 73757,1413 (X) Hi handsome I forgot what the letters CCIT stadnd for, it's the Conn. cable tv educational channel. Toni There is 1 Reply. #: 13054 S1/General Interest 14-Nov-91 22:22:03 Sb: #13049-The Computer Chronicles Fm: Paul Rinear 73757,1413 To: Toni Long 73517,2713 Hmm. Will need a very long piece of cable. I'm going to call NJN just for kicks since they carry some PBS stuff. OK beautiful? Paul #: 13050 S1/General Interest 14-Nov-91 20:08:37 Sb: #13030-The Computer Chronicles Fm: Toni Long 73517,2713 To: Kevin Darling 76703,4227 Hi handsome Cheer up. An 8 is the highest number I have given so far. Besides, Marsha is your wife & has seen you in many ways I have not. Toni #: 13041 S11/OS9/6809 (Non-CoCo) 14-Nov-91 00:18:08 Sb: #13032-Non-CoCo 6809's? Fm: Erich Schulman 75140,3175 To: Jim Sutemeier 70673,1754 (X) I heard about the GIMIX a time or two but I never knew that it used a 6809. For that matter, about all I know about it is that it exists. I have no objections to OSK coming of age. I just wish, however, that uploaded files that are not in a Lib (or Delphi topic (esp. New Uploads)) specifically set aside for OSK be denoted as such in the description. Just like all the "(C3)"'s you see appended to the Group Names for old files in Delphi's CoCo SIG denoting that the group is for the CoCo 3 only. I've already wasted time and money downloading some things that I can't do anything with only because I didn't know it was OSK until I read the documentation. Since Delphi allows descriptions to run on for multiple screens, typing an extra 3 letters at the beginning or end isn't that much to ask for. Not really even for CIS's 549-char limit on descriptions either. #: 13042 S9/Utilities 14-Nov-91 00:28:10 Sb: #13034-Using DMode Fm: Erich Schulman 75140,3175 To: Brother Jeremy, CSJW 76477,142 I found it too!:-) Unfortunately I may find that installing it will be a problem. As the Ar remains unextracted I can't say for sure. If the IPatch calls for the original CC3Disk.dr, I'm not going to be able to complete the installation. I have already patched CC3Disk for use with PC-DOS/RS-DOS and I do not want to lose that patch. With that patch being an IPatch as well (and the doc for the PC/RS-DOS CC3Disk patch does call for the original) I'm not going to be able to reinstall the IPatch if I IPatch the original for caching. And if both want to change the same bytes even constructing a table to keep track of both patches to facilitate manual rebuilding of the module....! So if the caching IPatch will not work with my patched CC3Disk, I have to wonder if I will have any alternative short of creating and maintaining two separate boot disks--a normal one and one for when I want to use PC-DOS or RS-DOS. #: 13047 S4/MIDI and Music 14-Nov-91 14:09:17 Sb: shell+ Fm: Mark Wuest 74030,332 To: all Does anyone have/know/remember the patch to shell+ 2.1 to help UltiMuse work? I lost the old HD and cannot find the patch or a patched version of my shell+. Thanks! Mark #: 13048 S5/OS9 Users Group 14-Nov-91 17:23:43 Sb: Good Tune on MIDIFO Fm: Ches Looney 73016,1336 To: MIDI Users For users of MFCONV (Thanks, Paul), the song "Until the Real Thing Comes Along" (MIDIFORUM - DL10 - UNTIL.ZIP) is a real nice addition to a music library - I enjoy it! I'm using MFF120, MFCONV, and MFPLAY with a Roland MT32 and used MFCONV to select the intended instruments, and move the drum channel from 3 to 10, but there was one sour sounding drum beat. Exploring with trace and MTMIDI, the offending sound was found to be MT32's sound called Electric Snare Drum. I have a short Basic09 routine to change from Electric to Acoustic Snare in the CMF0 file - any interest?? Ches. #: 13051 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 14-Nov-91 21:31:42 Sb: snapbug Fm: GLEN HATHAWAY 71446,166 To: all Hi all... To all those who downloaded the version of Snap.ar in the database , check the size of the AR. If it is 7424 bytes long, or if the Module CRC for your Snap file is not $850691, delete it! Don't risk using it and possibly destroying something. I wanted it removed from the database the day after I uploaded it, but nothing has happened so far. The proper AR is 7420 ($1CFC) bytes long and the proper Snap Module CRC is $850691. It has been uploaded, but has not yet been posted. When you get it, NOTE: Read the docs! You MUST have the 25 line patch installed. Snap will crash big-time on a stock window system. I may write a small-screen version - wouldn't be too hard... Also, you MUST have Winfo in your CMDS dir. Press !> .