#: 15923 S1/General Interest 16-Jul-92 00:34:11 Sb: New CoCo sale list Fm: Erich Schulman 75140,3175 To: ALL Now available to CIS users, pending sysop approval, is the new version 4.0 of my frequently updated list of CoCo software and hardware for sale. New to this version include a new listing, a little reorganization and fine tuning, and 16 price reductions ranging from 17 to 40 percent. All recent sales are reflected in this new list. OS-9 programs are going fast so make your inquiries soon to avoid disappointment. Volume discounts are still available when you order four or more items from the list. And as always, all prices include insured shipping within the continental U.S. This descriptive list is available in the Color Computer Forum (GO COCO) in Library 14 as CC3ITM.LST. Be sure you are downloading the new version 4.0. #: 15924 S15/Hot Topics 16-Jul-92 01:17:54 Sb: OS9 Underground Fm: Jim Sutemeier 70673,1754 To: Wayne Day 76703,376 (X) Wayne: Nice to hear from you....been a long time since we had anything to say to each other. Re: me and the OS9 Underground Actually, what I am doing is helping a friend out, more than any other consideration. Alan and I go back to about 1985 sometime, when he became a user on my BBS. He eventually became a SysOp of an StG System, which I liked well enough to eventually change my BBS from PBBS to StG. Well, Alan helped me out many times. When I set up my own Sirius Software & Hardware, Alan helped me by designing my logo, and also my ads, for practically nothing. He set up, a few months ago, the Underground. I was >100%< for this magazine, having thought some 5 years ago that such a magazine would be GREAT for the OS9 community. Well, the opportunity finally came for me to pay back many of the kindnesses that Alan had afforded me over the past few years. It was my idea to set up my Sirius Software & Hardware phone line as an answer machine line that could take 'freebie' calls for a free issue of the Underground, while still advertising my own company. Alan agreed with me, especially since his phone is often quite tied up with calls to/from writers, etc., for the Underground. I am helping him out as far as I possibly can. For one reason, because he has been quite helpful to me both as an StG SysOp and also as a Company owner. But more importantly, I believe in what this magazine is, and what it stands for. The OS9 community has desparately needed a magazine to help unite us all for years now (and, obviously, Rainbow just doesn't cut the mustard, with it's primarily 'token' addition of OS9 materials). This OS9 Underground COULD keep us united for the next few years, even adding more to our numbers. It is this idea of something to keep us united that propels me more than any other factor. This community NEEDS ANY and all help it can get in unification. jim #: 15928 S15/Hot Topics 17-Jul-92 00:51:50 Sb: #15841-#6309 & /t2 Fm: BOB LEET 72020,2536 To: Pete Lyall 76703,4230 (X) Pete, I am now on to my next project, putting it all in a PC case. I have bn out collecting parts today. This should be a fun one. What do you suggest to clean the connector edges with? Ammonia, like you do with gold jewelry? See ya, Bob////// There is 1 Reply. #: 15931 S15/Hot Topics 17-Jul-92 08:44:19 Sb: #15928-6309 & /t2 Fm: Pete Lyall 76703,4230 To: BOB LEET 72020,2536 Bob - I used to use denatured alcohol (91% pure... NOT rubbing alcohol, which is only about 70%). Pete #: 15933 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 17-Jul-92 18:18:36 Sb: #Paul Ward Fm: Ernest Withers Jr. 71545,1117 To: All Has anyone heard anything from Paul Ward? I've left him messages on the answering machine in Washington twice in the last week. I also left him two messages on the Ocean Beach BBS. The first was left on June 26th and has been marked as received. The second was left on July 8th and hasn't been received yet. I know his office was closed July 6th thru July 10th. His answering machine still had the message from July 13th at 11:00 A.M. today. Thanks for any information any of you can give e. Ernie. There is 1 Reply. #: 15935 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 17-Jul-92 23:26:50 Sb: #15933-#Paul Ward Fm: GLEN HATHAWAY 71446,166 To: Ernest Withers Jr. 71545,1117 Hi Ernie... Did ya ever get the impression that Paul sometimes gets sick of the business and hides? It's probably not like that at all, but sometimes he seems awfully hard to get ahold of. I manage a business myself - I have been known to turn off the phone sometimes (for a short while) just to get a break from the bullsh**, ya know ! There is 1 Reply. #: 15936 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 18-Jul-92 03:38:18 Sb: #15935-Paul Ward Fm: Kevin Darling 76703,4227 To: GLEN HATHAWAY 71446,166 "I manage a business myself - I have been known to turn off the phone sometimes (for a short while) just to get a break from the bullsh**, ya know !" Yah, like right now my brain has gone fuzzy, so I just have to take a break from answering questions and the phone (altho I've saved all the questions to answer in a few days -- sorry for delays). Interestingly, a similar topic has been coming up in other forums lately (about one-person businesses needing to get away or just plain work, for that matter). For example, in an Amiga group recently: "I started out with one phone that stayed busy much of the time, I now have three lines that again are busy so much of the time that not much else seems to get done. A small one to two person company that has a shipping product can spend so much time on the phone with support calls that there isn't any time left for upgrades or new developments. At some point a decision has to be made, is the effort put into answering calls as they come in, or is the time spent developing new products." #: 15934 S15/Hot Topics 17-Jul-92 20:38:02 Sb: #15902-6309??? Fm: DOUG 72667,1433 To: Bill Dickhaus 70325,523 Thanx Bill Doug Press !> .