#: 18354 S1/General Interest 27-Jun-93 19:17:10 Sb: COCO3 SALE Fm: RONALD BYRAM 71705,1313 To: ALL Hey I hate to say this But I have all of my coco 3/OS( stuff up for sale or Donation. I hate to do it THe Coco has been a great friend over the past 13 years.... Anyone interested Leave me Email 512k coco 3 rs232 multi pak music board 2 disk drives. software. if no one interested any idea who I can donate it too? Ronald Byram Charlotte NC #: 18361 S1/General Interest 30-Jun-93 19:14:11 Sb: PNW Coco Fest Fm: Bob van der Poel 76510,2203 To: all Just thought I'd give you all a short report on the PNW coco-fest I attended over the weekend. A good time was had by all! I'm not sure of the exact number of attendees, but I figure there were about 75. About the same as last year. Chris Burke was there with his Rocket. I understand that he is going ahead with this and will ship in the early fall. This should be a neat way for folks to get into 68K for very little (the board with OSk and 1meg memory is under $300). There were some other vendors there too (including BVDP Software ). Don't know how well anyone did. Oh, and someone had a KIX20 there too. Looks like a nice toy. Unfortunately, FHL hadn't yet sent out the the video board so he was running it on a coco set up as a terminal. FHL told the owner that the video board would be coming RSN. Folks were there from Alaska, Georgia, California, and all around the PNW. I enjoyed it and look forward to the next one. #: 18367 S5/OS9 Users Group 01-Jul-93 13:37:36 Sb: PRM! Fm: Tony van der Hoff 100113,2200 To: Richard Proctor 100031,604 Richard, >> Actually I wonder what the average usage of CIS is? << My use doesn't come anywhere near yours... On average, I log on twice a week, Wednesday evenings, and Saturday mornings, but if something exciting is brewing, then other times as well. Very occasionally, even at peak times, but only for urgent EMAIL. Mostly this is to read/send EMAIL (about 3 messages/week each way), and to access the forums: UKCOMP (read 05; scan 11), CEFORUM (scan 11), VIRUSFORUM (scan 01, 02 & 05), MSLANG (scan 01, 15 & 17), OS9 (read 11, scan 01, 05, 12, 14 & 15). In all, about 3 minutes average on-line time per session. Occasionally, interactive access to the various databases, (afraid I tend to use CIM :-( for that, because it makes it easier to navigate around the system if you don't know your way). On-line time varies, but may be up to 1/2 hour per session. I haven't (yet) distributed software through EMAIL, instead using Telix point-to point; but hope to do so in the future, for which I would choose Arctic. My modem handles no more than 2400 baud I'm afraid. I thought I was really pushing the limits of technology when I bought my first (300 baud) modem some 10 years ago; when that got hit by lightning (like yours - only it took my COM1 port on the PC out as well), I replaced it with the present WS3000 about 3 years ago. I don't think for my present usage 9600 would be cost-effective, especially given the higher on-line charges. Tony #: 18387 S5/OS9 Users Group 05-Jul-93 16:52:30 Sb: OS9 Contractors Fm: Nick Terry 100042,3116 To: All Can anybody put me in touch with some contract software engineers with OS9 experience? We are located in Cambridge, England and have a number of contracts that we need people for. Experience of machine control systems is of particular interest. All leads gratefully received, Cheers Nick Terry #: 18392 S5/OS9 Users Group 06-Jul-93 17:16:08 Sb: OS9 Contractors Fm: Nick Terry 100042,3116 To: Graham Trott 100115,1075 (X) Thanks for the lead. I will contact them and see what their terms are. At the moment we have 6 big projects on 5 of them using os9 and we are a bit overrun with work. Still this should be seen as a good thing after months of silence! Cheers Nick #: 18373 S6/Applications 02-Jul-93 16:06:31 Sb: #OS 2, v2.0 or 2.1 Fm: Anne Callot 71333,155 To: All Hello! Does anyone have experience with the OS 2 v2.0 or 2.1 systems? Entrepreneur Magazine is doing an article for our Computer Survival Guide this Sept., and we'd like to interview you if you have knowledge of this system. Email me your name and the location, name, duration, address, and phone number of your business and someone from the magazine will get back to you soon. Thanks! Anne Callot Entrepreneur Magazine Books Research Department 71333,155 There is 1 Reply. #: 18378 S6/Applications 04-Jul-93 00:44:21 Sb: #18373-OS 2, v2.0 or 2.1 Fm: Bob Palmer 74646,2156 To: Anne Callot 71333,155 You may have more luck finding alternate views to OS2 on this SIG since it is fairly clearly dedicated to OS9 and its younger brother OS9000 both of which operating systems long predate OS2 (OS9 is over 10 years old) and offer many of the same features such as multi tasking, loadable device drivers, memory management. One major difference is that these systems support multi users as well as multi tasking. Anyhow OS2 - them's fightin words. DOS - them's cuss words. Bob #: 18365 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 01-Jul-93 04:32:39 Sb: #17723-#One Meg upgrade Fm: OSSIAN WISECUP 70731,327 To: randy pischke 75460,205 (X) WHOOOOPP , hold on, I must have missed something. Did you say there was a 2-meg upgrade? and if so where can I get it? Thanx O.W. There is 1 Reply. #: 18372 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 02-Jul-93 03:29:29 Sb: #18365-#One Meg upgrade Fm: randy pischke 75460,205 To: OSSIAN WISECUP 70731,327 (X) Actually, I didn't say there was a 2-meg upgrade. Someone told me about it on CIS. I did find out that one has to call Tony Distofano direct to get one. His home number is 514-747-4851, and you should call him after 6 P.M. Central Time. Good Luck. Randy There is 1 Reply. #: 18375 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 03-Jul-93 03:46:50 Sb: #18372-One Meg upgrade Fm: OSSIAN WISECUP 70731,327 To: randy pischke 75460,205 Thanx, will do. Ossian Wisecup [70731,327] #: 18358 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 29-Jun-93 17:52:15 Sb: #18348-Home Pub and File Cat Fm: Rogelio Perea 72056,1204 To: Dan Robins 70007,3264 (X) Thanks! I'll try that!!! #: 18376 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 03-Jul-93 13:55:30 Sb: #Upload Fm: Brother Jeremy, CSJW 76477,142 To: SYSOP (X) I mis-spelled Kent Meyers name in the description of Gshell.ar. I typed Keny instead of Kent, could we please fix it? --Jeremy. There is 1 Reply. #: 18380 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 04-Jul-93 04:44:09 Sb: #18376-Upload Fm: Mike Ward 76703,2013 To: Brother Jeremy, CSJW 76477,142 (X) All taken care of. #: 18381 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 04-Jul-93 14:16:12 Sb: #Home Publisher Fm: STEVE SANDISH 70712,2447 To: 72056,1204 (X) Rogelio, I too am looking for better fonts for the Tandy Home Publisher. I couldn't find anything specific here on Compuserve but I suspect that something like a Basic09 font editor may help. I find that I need someething to produce a smaller font like a normal word processer 8 point style. I don't use any other service but Compuserve but if you downloaded any shareware from someplace else with a smaller font I would appreciate it if you could put it on Compuserve. Lacking that I will try and devote some time to a font editor. Sincerely, Steve Sandish There is 1 Reply. #: 18396 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 07-Jul-93 14:45:44 Sb: #18381-#Home Publisher Fm: Rogelio Perea 72056,1204 To: STEVE SANDISH 70712,2447 (X) Steve, let me gather up my font collection for Home Publisher and I will upload it as soon as I can. This collection I found it in several BBS's around the US that support the CoCo.... Rogelio Perea There is 1 Reply. #: 18403 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 08-Jul-93 19:16:01 Sb: #18396-Home Publisher Fm: STEVE SANDISH 70712,2447 To: Rogelio Perea 72056,1204 (X) Rogelio, Sounds great, thanks! It is tough to send out a newsletter with font taking up 1/3 more than it should. Steve #: 18395 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 07-Jul-93 02:19:49 Sb: #CoCo chips Fm: LEONARD H. REED 72400,1365 To: all Need parts ! am out in the boonies and have broke CoCo3 need 6309 CPU and 21P. Who sells these ? Local RS doesn't seem interested. reply Len Reed 72400,1365 There is 1 Reply. #: 18404 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 09-Jul-93 00:07:51 Sb: #18395-CoCo chips Fm: Bob van der Poel 76510,2203 To: LEONARD H. REED 72400,1365 If you are in the west, try calling Terry Laraway at 206-692-5374 (he is in Bremmerton, WA). #: 18366 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 01-Jul-93 08:28:52 Sb: #18320-#68k bus errors Fm: Chris Hann (Mass UK) 100064,1431 To: ole hansen 100016,3417 (X) OK Ole, sorry this has taken some time, however my project ends tomorrow and I have not been able to get on. Also the PC I used had 512k and wouldn't send this message! The following is the last cut of my test program:- * This is a short 'C' program that jiggers the bus trap and spurious * interrupt traps on a Radstone 68-41 card to make them do something a * good deal more sensible than the standard OS-9 reaction (crash in one * case and system reset in the other!). * Basically the program hijacks the bus error and also installs a system * approved bus error handler, I have less time for the spurious interrupt * so I increment a counter and 'rte'. * On a bus error the system calls my handler, this saves some interesting * info and then calls the system bus error handler. The system bus error * handler deletes all the iteresting information, replaces it with stuff * we can get from (a5) anyway, then calls the second bus error trap * handler (the os-9 legal one) this looks to see if a continuation address * has been given. If it has it restores the processor from one of the * stacks and jumps there, if not it exits with a decent error message. * * I don't claim this is a fantastic cure all method, however it has made my * system considerably more reliable ( reduces unexplained crashes by 95%). * * Obviously this is unlikely to be a plug in and go solution for similar * problems on other machines, the VBR is unlikely to point to the same * address on another machine for example, (look in systype.d) and I don't * think you will have a great deal of joy on anything less than an '020, * however here it is for what it's worth... sorry I can't devote more time * to explaining but I have a customer to keep happy and a bos breathing * down my neck! * * Good luck one and all (and why doesn't OS-9 do something like this, it * was hardly difficult once I had found the vector table!). * * Chann * #include /* Define C function to provide user information at trap */ void bus_err_handler(); /* Define global variables to hold registers at trap */ unsigned r_a0,r_a1,r_a2,r_a3,r_a4,r_a5,r_a6,r_a7, r_d0,r_d1,r_d2,r_d3,r_d4,r_d5,r_d6,r_d7, r_pc,r_ccr; unsigned program_counter, effective_address, fault_address, os_berr_trap; unsigned spurious_count = 0; unsigned old_spurious; unsigned spurious; unsigned cont_addr; unsigned test_result; int isram(); /* Main function... installs trap then does something illegal */ int main() { int *i; /* Temporary variables for illegal access */ int j; cont_addr=0; printf("going to install trap\n"); #asm move.l #0,a0 use current stack lea ExcpTbl(pc),a1 Point to exception programming table os9 F$STrap Install trap handlers move.l ($40008),(os_berr_trap,a6) read and store bus error vector lea FastBusError(pc),a0 get new bus error vector move.l a0,($40008) overwrite vector in VBR #endasm /* Print out info on trap installation */ printf( "old bus error = $%08x, new=$%08x\n", os_berr_trap, *(unsigned *)0x40008 ); printf("installed trap\n"); /* Now kill the spurious interrupt handler!!!!! */ #asm move.l #$40060,a0 can't use a constant here... crap compiler move.l (a0),(old_spurious,a6) lea Spurious(pc),a1 move.l a1,(spurious,a6) move.l a1,(a0) #endasm printf( "replaced system spurious irq, wrote $%08x to $%08x... was $%08x\n", spurious, 0x4003c, old_spurious ); /* Wait so printing is done before fault access */ tsleep(100); if(isram(0x20000000)) printf("memory agg82,b&z.620c&23d_63<6236*7zxx003,7sn20_2t6/bgp&27*j6400000000t:7zp20N_+6*+_3+'"s :ep "10000000(7.:7*3Nwd10+'"j600000000hv"30000 "g00000t:7zp200idq 6ep(_'&q :e00 "1,':722dz28&.3g(7.3_*720c6gyc300xgxp200"q "100000000000000<62307.33 22*7./j640000p6&zp200x~+'vC6*7gZ2GZ6'2GZ2 22*7./j60000T:7ZP200"Q,Z2_'22*S :g There is 1 Reply. #: 18382 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 04-Jul-93 17:51:56 Sb: #18366-#68k bus errors Fm: ole hansen 100016,3417 To: Chris Hann (Mass UK) 100064,1431 (X) hello Chris I need your 'mail' once more. Some of it was scrambled. regards ole There is 1 Reply. #: 18390 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 06-Jul-93 05:55:30 Sb: #18382-68k bus errors Fm: Chris Hann (Mass UK) 100064,1431 To: ole hansen 100016,3417 (X) For completeness here, I keep trying to post this reply... no joy, I think I'll try and add it to the Library, never done that before. Chann #: 18350 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 27-Jun-93 03:25:15 Sb: #BGFX & Mouse Fm: LARRY OLSON 72227,3467 To: all Has anyone got an idea of why the following Basic program doesn't work ? This is just a test program to try to read the mouse on an MM1 using Kevin's BGFX. The "MOUSE" function works fine, if you stay in the original window, but if you try SELECT another window the MOUSE function returns nothing. Is there a new version of BGFX ? I have version #4, crc DBE1D0. PROCEDURE mtest2 DIM path:INTEGER DIM Valid,Area,Control,wx,wy,b1,b2:INTEGER DIM count:INTEGER DIN response:STRING[1] OPEN #path,"/w":UPDATE RUN bgfx(path,"DWSet",0,0,0,80,26,0,1) RUN bgfx(path,"Clear") RUN bgfx(path,"Select") count=0 REPEAT count=count+1 RUN bgfx(path,"Mouse",Valid,Area,Control,wx,wy,b1,b2) PRINT #path,"Valid = "; Valid; PRINT #path," Area = "; Area; PRINT #path," Control = "; Control; PRINT #path," wx = "; wx; PRINT " wx = "; wx; PRINT #path," wy = "; wy; PRINT " wy = "; wy PRINT #path," b1 = "; b1; PRINT #path," b2 = "; b2 UNTIL b1<>0 OR count=500 GET #path,response RUN bgfx("Select") RUN bgfx(path,"DWEnd") CLOSE #path END Any help would be appreciated. Larry Olson There is 1 Reply. #: 18351 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 27-Jun-93 11:22:26 Sb: #18350-#BGFX & Mouse Fm: Zack Sessions 71532,1555 To: LARRY OLSON 72227,3467 (X) Don't you need to use the path to the new window in the Mouse call? ------------------------------------ Zack C Sessions ColorSystems via InfoXpress/OSK by Bill Dickhaus There is 1 Reply. #: 18352 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 27-Jun-93 16:19:40 Sb: #18351-#BGFX & Mouse Fm: LARRY OLSON 72227,3467 To: Zack Sessions 71532,1555 (X) Zack, I thought I did.. DIM path:INGEGER OPEN #path,"/w":UPDATE RUN BGFX(path,"DWSET",0,0,0,80,26,0,1) RUN BGFX(path,"SELECT") RUN BGFX(path,"MOUSE",valid,area,control,wx,wy,b1,b2) Unless there is a different way to specify a path in the mouse command, this should work. Larry There is 1 Reply. #: 18353 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 27-Jun-93 18:42:08 Sb: #18352-#BGFX & Mouse Fm: Zack Sessions 71532,1555 To: LARRY OLSON 72227,3467 (X) > Zack, I thought I did.. Hmmm, and so you did. Sorry, I obviously didn't look too close before I replied. Your code looks OK to me, but I don't use basic or BGFX. If all of the calls are working like the corresponding calls in the cgfx.l then I see nothing wrong with your code. For the heck of it, what happens if you use the standard input path JUST in the mouse call? ------------------------------------ Zack C Sessions ColorSystems via InfoXpress/OSK by Bill Dickhaus There is 1 Reply. #: 18355 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 28-Jun-93 00:26:08 Sb: #18353-#BGFX & Mouse Fm: LARRY OLSON 72227,3467 To: Zack Sessions 71532,1555 (X) Zack, I tried that also, same result. That little test routine shows that for some reason VALID is returning zero, whenever I try to read the mouse from anything but the original window. I was trying to do a quick port on some of this Basic09 stuff I have around here, but this stopped me cold. I guess I will have to try reading the mouse with syscalls, that should bypass any problems in BGFX. Larry There is 1 Reply. #: 18357 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 28-Jun-93 18:34:46 Sb: #18355-BGFX & Mouse Fm: Zack Sessions 71532,1555 To: LARRY OLSON 72227,3467 (X) Yup, sounds like BGFX's Mouse routine is brain dead all right. Yes, you should be able to do the same thing with SYSCALLs. Good luck. ------------------------------------ Zack C Sessions ColorSystems via InfoXpress/OSK by Bill Dickhaus #: 18359 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 29-Jun-93 21:29:25 Sb: #c GET/PUT Fm: LARRY OLSON 72227,3467 To: all Does anyone know if there is an alignment problem when using GET/PUT buffers in C on the MM1 ? Is there a fix or a way to get around what seems to be a problem. Does the alignment problem come from the location you GET an object or the location where you PUT an object. In the routine I'm trying to get working, I draw and fill a 24x8 box, then I GET this box and put it in a buffer. Later I have a couple of FOR loops that will PUT 200 of these boxes on the screen in a 20x10 grid. The problem is that, horizontally every third box has part of the box missing. I hope there is a fix for this.... larry olson There are 2 Replies. #: 18363 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 30-Jun-93 22:30:04 Sb: #18359-#c GET/PUT Fm: Zack Sessions 71532,1555 To: LARRY OLSON 72227,3467 (X) Are you using Edition #48? A problem like what you describe was present in some earlier versions of WindIO. ------------------------------------ Zack C Sessions ColorSystems via InfoXpress/OSK by Bill Dickhaus There is 1 Reply. #: 18364 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 01-Jul-93 04:11:59 Sb: #18363-#c GET/PUT Fm: LARRY OLSON 72227,3467 To: Zack Sessions 71532,1555 (X) Zack, yes I'm using ed #48. The problem is definitly there but I have found a way around it. I found that by using the LSet(path,code) function, I can get around the problem. Maybe that is where the problem is, because LSet(path, 0) (default) is where the problem shows up. Using a code of 1,2,3,4, or 5 the problem isn't there. Is anyone in contact with Kevin ? I wonder if he already has this fixed. larry There is 1 Reply. #: 18369 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 01-Jul-93 22:28:44 Sb: #18364-c GET/PUT Fm: Zack Sessions 71532,1555 To: LARRY OLSON 72227,3467 (X) > Is anyone in contact with Kevin ? I wonder if he already has this fixed. > Dunno. I'm not. ------------------------------------ Zack C Sessions ColorSystems via InfoXpress/OSK by Bill Dickhaus #: 18368 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 01-Jul-93 14:00:51 Sb: #18359-#c GET/PUT Fm: Bob van der Poel 76510,2203 To: LARRY OLSON 72227,3467 (X) Larry, I ran into a get/put alignment problem with earlier versions of windows when I was still working on my cribbage program. However, with the current version (#48) all seems to be okay. Better let us know the version of windio you are using and the screen type of the application. As I recall, forcing a get to a even pixel value and doing all puts to even values helped when the problem as around. There is 1 Reply. #: 18370 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 02-Jul-93 01:13:26 Sb: #18368-#c GET/PUT Fm: LARRY OLSON 72227,3467 To: Bob van der Poel 76510,2203 (X) Bob, I'm using ed #48 of windio. the screen type is 320x208 type 3, I'm GETting a 24x8 rectangle. I'll upload a little test routine I have been playing with. That should make it easier too see the problem I ran into. larry There is 1 Reply. #: 18377 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 03-Jul-93 20:00:53 Sb: #18370-#c GET/PUT Fm: Bob van der Poel 76510,2203 To: LARRY OLSON 72227,3467 (X) Larry, it appears that you PUTs are overlaying each other. If I change the x increment in you code from 26 to 28 it all appears to work okay. It appears that you are drawing the box at 10,10,33,17; the GET is from 10,10,24,8. Hmmm, you have a type 3 screen which is only 320 pixels wide and I think that is the problem. Try making the block a bit smaller? There is 1 Reply. #: 18379 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 04-Jul-93 03:24:16 Sb: #18377-#c GET/PUT Fm: LARRY OLSON 72227,3467 To: Bob van der Poel 76510,2203 (X) Bob, I maybe should have used some more remarks in the test program. I'm drawing a box with the upper left corner at 10,10 these are the horizontal & vertical pixel locations, so I use: SetDPtr(Wpath, 10, 10); Now the BOX function wants the lower right corner info, it uses the current draw position for the upper left corner, so now I use: Box(Wpath, 33, 17); The GET function only needs the upper left corner h & v, which would be 10,10 . You don't give GET the lower right info, you give it the width and height in pixels. In this case (33-10)+1= 24 and (17-10)+1= 8, these are what are given to Get. GET(Wpath,10,10,24,8); So these boxes are 24 pixels(actually 48) wide, and 8 pixels high, and using a step of 26 in the loop there should be 1 blank pixel between the boxes. The boxes would actually be 48 pixels by 8 pixels, with 2 pixels between the boxes, because even though I'm in a 320 pixel wide screen, you still have to calculate pixel width as if you were in a 640 wide screen. A single POINT on a 320 screen would be 2 pixels wide, 1 high. Did you try remarking out the fill ? That really shows something is wrong. larry There is 1 Reply. #: 18383 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 04-Jul-93 20:49:18 Sb: #18379-#c GET/PUT Fm: Bob van der Poel 76510,2203 To: LARRY OLSON 72227,3467 (X) Larry, I've not done the math on the get/put stuff. However, if memory serves, setting lset to 2 enables ORing the data. Leaving it at default means that the PUTs overlay the existing data. Could it be that there is a problem with the get expanding to a full-byte boundary or something? Have you fooled around with the GETs to try for a smaller area to see what happens? Interesting...I assumed that successive puts were destroying the right edge of the early ones. However, when I put in a 'wait' routine after the PUTs I see that the right edge isn't being PUT at all. Guess we'll have to hammer at Kevin to get an answer to this one. There is 1 Reply. #: 18384 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 05-Jul-93 01:40:04 Sb: #18383-#c GET/PUT Fm: LARRY OLSON 72227,3467 To: Bob van der Poel 76510,2203 (X) Bob, I have tried moving the drawn box to location 9, which would be the first bit of byte two, and then GETting the box from there, but with the same results. I just thought, what I didn't try was drawing the box, starting at location 16, which would be the first bit of byte 3. Maybe its a 16 bit alignment problem, not an 8. What is strange is by using LSET(path,2), the box is put on the screen correctly, so I would assume that the correct data is in the GET/PUT buffer. It is when the buffer data is placed on the screen, the problem shows up. Right now I'm kind of working around the problem. I leave LSet at 0 until its time to put that grid on the screen, then I set LSet to 2, place grid, and then reset LSet back to 0. This works ok for now, I'll have to wait and see if the bug shows up again in this program I'm writing. larry There is 1 Reply. #: 18388 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 05-Jul-93 22:45:58 Sb: #18384-#c GET/PUT Fm: Bob van der Poel 76510,2203 To: LARRY OLSON 72227,3467 (X) Since some of the PUTs are working okay, I suspect the problem is not with the GET...I recall Kevin mentioning a problem with 16 bit alignment when I was having some problems...but that seemed to get fixed. Have you tried seeing what happens in a type 0 screen? There is 1 Reply. #: 18389 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 06-Jul-93 00:37:38 Sb: #18388-c GET/PUT Fm: LARRY OLSON 72227,3467 To: Bob van der Poel 76510,2203 (X) I havn't tried other screen types, to see if this crops up. I can say that I'm sure the problem is in Kwindows, and not CGFX.l, because the same thing showed up when I tried at first to just convert this program from CoCo3 Basic09 to the MM1 using BGFX. When I ran into that alignment problem plus not being able to read the Mouse on any windows that the program opens, I decided to convert the Basic09 to C. larry #: 18371 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 02-Jul-93 02:05:15 Sb: get/put problems Fm: LARRY OLSON 72227,3467 To: all /* GET/PUT block test */ /* This is a test routine, written to show the */ /* problem that cropped up with PUTting a GET block. */ #include #include #define STDIN 0 #define STDOUT 1 #define STDERR 2 main() { int P_id, Wpath, xx, yy, chrcnt ; char response; P_id = getpid(); Wpath = open("/w",3); DWSet(Wpath,3,0,0,40,26,7,0,0); Palette(Wpath,7,0,140,170); /* Set color to med. blue */ Clear(Wpath); CurOff(Wpath); Select(Wpath); SetDPtr(Wpath,10,10); Box(Wpath,33,17); /* Draw box */ SetDPtr(Wpath, 12,12); /* Remark this out to see problem clearer */ FFill(Wpath); GetBlk(Wpath,P_id,1,10,10,24,8); Clear(Wpath); CWArea(Wpath,3,2,37,7); writeln(Wpath," This example is with LSET(path,0)\n",35); writeln(Wpath," notice alternating wide gaps.\n",32); writeln(Wpath," To really see the problem, remark\n",35); writeln(Wpath,"out the FFill(Wpath) function call.\n",36); CWArea(Wpath,0,0,40,26); /* LSet is not being called, I assume default LSET is 0 */ for (xx=60; xx <= 554; xx += 26) { for (yy = 70; yy <= 151; yy += 9) { PutBlk(Wpath,P_id,1,xx,yy); } } CurXY(Wpath,9,23); writeln(Wpath,"Press key to continue\n",22); chrcnt = (read(Wpath, &response, 1)); Clear(Wpath); CWArea(Wpath,3,3,36,5); writeln(Wpath," This example is with LSET(path,2)\n",35); writeln(Wpath,"notice, no alternating wide gaps.\n",34); CWArea(Wpath,0,0,40,26); LSet(Wpath, 2); for (xx=60; xx <= 554; xx += 26) { for (yy = 70; yy <= 151; yy += 9) { PutBlk(Wpath,P_id,1,xx,yy); } } CurXY(Wpath,9,23); writeln(Wpath,"Press key to continue\n",22); chrcnt = (read(Wpath, &response, 1)); Select(0); KilBuf(Wpath, P_id, 1); DWEnd(Wpath); close(Wpath); exit(0); } #: 18374 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 03-Jul-93 00:52:42 Sb: OS 2 upgrade Fm: LARRY OLSON 72227,3467 To: all Referring to message #18373, here is a chance to really put one over for OS9/OSK. It appears these people think OS9 is an advanced version of OS 2. When I read that sentence back, I find I have to agree. Some creative writer could do a great article for this magazine, telling of all the advanced features in OS9 compaired to OS 2. Then in the last paragraph of the article they would mention that OS9 in available from Microware not Microsoft. #: 18393 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 06-Jul-93 19:04:49 Sb: #Kwindows Fm: Bob van der Poel 76510,2203 To: All Just made an interesting discovery working with kwindows...and it probably explains why some gfx programs return you to the original window when they exit and others don't. The following section of code ends the program in a 'random' window: close(path); /* close the display window */ Select(0); /* select the original window */ However, reversing the order of the these calls returns the proper closing window. Guess kwindows gets confused when the display screen is deselected or something. Hope this helps someone. There are 2 Replies. #: 18398 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 07-Jul-93 18:02:12 Sb: #18393-#Kwindows Fm: Zack Sessions 71532,1555 To: Bob van der Poel 76510,2203 (X) > > close(path); /* close the display window */ > Select(0); /* select the original window */ > > However, reversing the order of the these calls returns the proper closing > window. Guess kwindows gets confused when the display screen is deselected or > something. Hope this helps someone. This may be a legacy from Level 2. Seems there was some "bug" in Level 2 which *required* you to select the original window's standard input path before closing (after DWEnding) the application window for you to properly select back to the original window. ------------------------------------ Zack C Sessions ColorSystems via InfoXpress/OSK by Bill Dickhaus There is 1 Reply. #: 18400 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 07-Jul-93 23:34:21 Sb: #18398-#Kwindows Fm: Kevin Darling 76703,4227 To: Zack Sessions 71532,1555 (X) Hi guys! Yup, it (Select, then Close) is a L-II legacy... but it's there for a purpose. The reason you have to select the original (or any other) window *before* closing the current window path, is that otherwise WindIO would have no way of checking to see if your process has permission to flip windows. In other words, if your program DOES have a path to the currently displayed window, then we know that the computer user was looking at your program's window on purpose, and thus your program can flip windows without surprising the user. But if your program DOESN'T have a path to the currently displayed window, then most likely the user isn't using your program at that moment, and it would be (to say the least) inappropriate for WindIO to allow window flipping. So what happens is that the window select does not take place, and it's actually a later DWEnd (automatic or on purpose) which causes the flip you see to a previous (ie: "random") screen. The "wrong" method (Close, then Select) is also handy, btw. If you select a new window and then fork off a subprogram in it, then by closing the new path before reselecting the original window, the new subprogram window stays as the displayed one. Very handy for graphic-shells, etc. best - kevin There is 1 Reply. #: 18405 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 09-Jul-93 00:07:51 Sb: #18400-Kwindows Fm: Bob van der Poel 76510,2203 To: Kevin Darling 76703,4227 (X) Hey...a message from the guru! How nice to hear from you. Hope you've not forgotten about some of those promised fixes, etc. #: 18406 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 09-Jul-93 04:03:22 Sb: #18393-Kwindows Fm: Mark Griffith 76070,41 To: Bob van der Poel 76510,2203 (X) Bob, > Just made an interesting discovery working with kwindows...and it > probably explains why some gfx programs return you to the original window > when they exit and others don't. Yeah, selecting the current window (actually, stdin) before closing a path to another window has always been the method used to return to the parent window. This was the same in Level II CoCo windows. I pointed this out in my skeleton program a few years ago. Glad to see someone else has 'discovered' this (grin). /************* /\/\ark ************/ (uploaded with InfoXpress Ver 1.0) #: 18394 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 06-Jul-93 21:22:29 Sb: #Cribbage+Kwindows Fm: Bob van der Poel 76510,2203 To: All Okay, MM/1ers. I've just finished off my cribbage game (the same one I sell for the coco) so that it runs on the mm/1. I know I'm not the only person who wants to play crib on my computer....so I'm asking for some help: For now I've not decided if (1) I should make this into a commercial product (rather tough to market considering the limited number of kwindows users out there); or (2) if I should post it as freeware; or (3) if I should just post it and forget all about it. However, I figure that my time should be worth something (and product sales do support my computer hobby) so I don't like (3); and I've heard that very, very, few (none?) send in freeware registration fees; and I've already commented on (1). So...what do you guys think I should do with the program. If no comments ensue, I'll just keep it for myself. BTW, I'm only on this service so if someone wants to repost this elsewhere, please feel free to do so. There are 3 Replies. #: 18397 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 07-Jul-93 17:31:58 Sb: #18394-Cribbage+Kwindows Fm: Steve Wegert 76703,4255 To: Bob van der Poel 76510,2203 (X) Bob, Sounds as if you've answered your own question. If it were me, I'd post it as Freeware and understand you're not gonna get rich writing software for a limited market machine. Just my two cents .... :-) *- Steve -* #: 18399 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 07-Jul-93 18:02:25 Sb: #18394-Cribbage+Kwindows Fm: Zack Sessions 71532,1555 To: Bob van der Poel 76510,2203 (X) Bob, I'd try to sell it first. Why not? Whatever you get back is gravy, and I have found that the MM/1 user market is willing to shell out a few bucks for some decent software, be it games or whatever. Judging on my guess of how many people own an MM/1 and how many people use Level 2 on a CoCo3, a higher percentage of MM/1 owners have bought my game programs than Level 2 owners have. One thing though, MM/1 owners tend to prefer to buy in person like at fests. Later, post it as shareware, not really caring in any money comes in and if any does, more gravy! best of luck! ------------------------------------ Zack C Sessions ColorSystems via InfoXpress/OSK by Bill Dickhaus #: 18407 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 09-Jul-93 04:03:31 Sb: #18394-Cribbage+Kwindows Fm: Mark Griffith 76070,41 To: Bob van der Poel 76510,2203 (X) Bob, > Okay, MM/1ers. I've just finished off my cribbage game (the same one I > sell for the coco) so that it runs on the mm/1. I know I'm not the only > person who wants to play crib on my computer....so I'm asking for some > help It's really your choice. There are enough MM/1 owners out there to make a few bucks off this. I'm having good success selling the stuff I have. /************* /\/\ark ************/ (uploaded with InfoXpress Ver 1.0) #: 18401 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 08-Jul-93 01:49:25 Sb: GET/PUT Fm: LARRY OLSON 72227,3467 To: Kevin Darling 76703,4227 (X) Kevin, did you happen to catch the discussion Bob and I were having about problems with GET/PUT in windio #48 ? If you could take a look at the thread, starting at message# 18359, and see what you think is wrong, and what can be done to fix it. I also uploaded a C test program, message #18371, that shows where the problem crops up. I was able to work around the problem, by setting LSet to something other than zero, until yesterday. I'm PUTting a small dark blue square to the screen, the size is 12x5 pixels, and the alignment problem showed up again, but when I try setting LSet to something other than zero, I lose my blue square. The closest I can get is by using LSet(path, 2), this gives me the complete square, but it is green. larry #: 18402 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 08-Jul-93 01:56:15 Sb: BGFX-MOUSE Fm: LARRY OLSON 72227,3467 To: Kevin Darling 76703 4227 Kevin, While I'm thinking about it, has anyone mentioned having problems with reading the Mouse with BGFX ? The MOUSE function works great, as long as you stay in the original window, but if I open another window and select it, the MOUSE function returns nothing. The window was opened and selected with no problem because I'm getting output from it, but MOUSE returns no values. Valid stays at 0. larry #: 18408 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 09-Jul-93 19:33:25 Sb: #GNU-C Fm: Bob van der Poel 76510,2203 To: All Does anyone know if it is possible to set the directory for .r files using the GNU-C compiler. Using microware Make (maybe this is the problem) all command lines have a '.r=' command in them (which gcc reports as an unknown flag, but ignores). I like to have all my .r files in their own directory, which I do with the microware compiler by setting $RELS in my makefile. There must be a way to do this with GNU!!!! HELP!!! There is 1 Reply. #: 18409 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 09-Jul-93 20:50:18 Sb: #18408-#GNU-C Fm: Mike Haaland 72300,1433 To: Bob van der Poel 76510,2203 (X) Hi Bob, You have to make a new 'rule' for make. Here's the lines to add before any command lines. c.r: $(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) -o $(RDIR)/$*.r $*.c This will tell GCC to (-c) compile to .r and (-o) put the RFILE in the RDIR. Hope this helps. - Mike - BTW: Did you get a chance to play with the newer FM I sent ya? There is 1 Reply. #: 18410 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 10-Jul-93 13:57:28 Sb: #18409-GNU-C Fm: Bob van der Poel 76510,2203 To: Mike Haaland 72300,1433 I didn't realize that you could redefine make rules...thanks. BTW, the line isn't "c.r:", it is ".c.r:"... also, if the new rule contains any macros, like $(CC), you have to define the macros first. Oh well, it works! Thanks. Too bad that MW didn't document this. Yes, I have played with FM. Getting real good. I do have a problem with it though...and that is the choice of keys. (I'm doing this as a public message so that others can contribute...yours is not the only program with similar problems, I have a similar problem with EPHEM). On my terminal the left arrow key is defined as a CTRL-D (this is in the termcap). So, using the arrow keys works fine. However, FM expects ctrl-d to have its own binding (in EPHEM this is the exit key...which means I have to reset one machine to get out of the program). I suggest that programs should check for duplicate keys like this and then remap things if necessary. With a small command set like FM this shouldn't be too big a deal. Guess the other solution would be to have a separate file with the keybindings in it (that's what I ended up doing in Ved, but it is a lot of work for a small program). I guess the only other solution is to only use keys which have been explicitly defined in a termcap entry...but that might leave too many functions undefined. Of course, if I finished off my Kn defs in my termcap entries for the function keys that would solve the problem too...but I've seen very few (none?) complete termcap entries. Heck, a lot of termcap files are just plain wrong. Oh, here's another interesting tidbit...one of the arrow keys on my terminal is defined as a CTRL-W (xon!). Makes for real interesting interactive sessions when the serial line is set for xon/off handshaking. Also, the screen updates for FM are now very fast. I assume this is the new curses library? #: 18349 S14/misc/info/Soapbox 27-Jun-93 01:41:59 Sb: #18344-Good Sector Editor Fm: Mike Haaland 72300,1433 To: Bob van der Poel 76510,2203 (X) Ok the ascii side has been fixed, and can do key entry now. Fixed the /dd problem, I was opening directories in non-sharable mode, which was keeping the terminfo routines from getting the TERM entry. &:-o Now only files are opened with non-share set. dEd doesn't appear to use the non-share bit at all. The slow screen refreshes are the fault of the curses.l I'm using. It's the version that uses terminfo. The EFFO version is supposed to be much faster and uses termcap instead of terminfo. (I'm grabbing it now and will see if it speeds things up). Yeah, the edit-mode-all-the-time took a few time to get used to, but before any writes are done, it always prompts. ESC will undo your changes before you write to disk too. I'm trying to decide what to load the MM/1 Fn keys with, so you won't have to use Cntl keys. I thought about that too, but it seems like major work to get FM to scroll and still keep you informed of any changes you've made, etc. Press !>$f The OS-9 Forum+ Read Menu Read 1 [NEW] messages 2 Message NUMBER 3 WAITING messages for you (0) Search [new] messages 4 FROM (Sender) 5 SUBJECT 6 TO (Recipient) Enter choice !> .