#: 19310 S9/Utilities 11-Nov-93 10:07:34 Sb: #19105-AR Fm: Lee Veal 74726,1752 To: Carl Kreider 71076,76 Carl, Keith Alphonso had some sort of a problem with Shell+ when he tried to run his HDTree program (as I recall), so he supplied instructions on how to allow Shell and Shell+ to co-exist. As I recall he made a copy of the original shell in an unpacked form, then used ded or some other utility to change the name in the header to "shelp" which matched the name that he'd copied shell to. When he need to run his HDTree (or whatever program had the problem with SHELL+), he'd start "SHELP" in a window instead of "Shell"(+). It's been a long time since I saw the demo that he was doing, back at one of the Chicago Rainbowfests, but I remember doing a "PROCS" and seeing that both SHELL and SHELP were in the task list. I asked what "SHELP" was and he then explained about his program's problem with shell+. It could be that he internally called SHELP and passed stuff to it, it's been along time since I got the explanation. Lee p.s. How are you and Debra doing? LV #: 19311 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 11-Nov-93 10:27:45 Sb: #19262-#Shell+V2.1 fix Fm: Ron Lammardo 75706,336 To: Bill Dickhaus 70325,523 (X) Bill, So I have the dilemma.....do I take the currently unsupported stuff out of Shell+...or wait for the other stuff to come out? In fact will it come out? Have the other features been offically (or unofficially) dropped, never to be seen again? As a point of interest.....have you realized that the 5 year time restraint has passed? Ron There are 2 Replies. #: 19316 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 12-Nov-93 07:40:33 Sb: #19311-Shell+V2.1 fix Fm: Bill Dickhaus 70325,523 To: Ron Lammardo 75706,336 Ron, I don't know what the status of the other features is at this point. I had either forgotten about the 5 year limit, or never knew about it. I looked for my copy of the agreement, but didn't find it, although I didn't look all that hard. Kevin has all of it, and he was the one that set the whole thing up, so I guess its up to him. The new new improved Users Group is trying to persuade Microware to release the source to 6809 OS9 to them. I'm sure they would be interested in getting their hands on the LII upgrade, too. If I were you, I'd wait a bit to see what happens. If nothing looks like its going to happen, release a version without the new stuff. You can always release the new stuff if/when the rest of the upgrade appears. You could also talk to whoever wrote the stuff you need, didn't Chris Burke do all the data module code? But then it might need other parts of the upgrade to function. I need to dust off that set of utilities I started working on that take advantage of the Shell+ 3.0 features. -Bill- #: 19317 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 12-Nov-93 17:33:42 Sb: #19311-#Shell+V2.1 fix Fm: Ian Hodgson 72177,1762 To: Ron Lammardo 75706,336 I'm not sure exactly what new features Shell+ will gain if you go ahead, but I can tell you one or two I would dearly love to have (both of which, I am reluctant to say, are standard in MSDOS' shell). First, the ability to pass parameters to a script file by including them on the command line. This would allow script files to look just like programs, and would allow programs with complex parameters to be called via a simple script. For example, using the script file called "print" which contains vpt %1 -e -i=vpt..dwp -o=/p1 could be used to print a file by simply typing print myfile and "myfile" would automatically be passed to %1 without the need for a var.1 command. Second, expanded wild card handling. With MSDOS shell, for example, I can do something like: rename *.prn *.txt to rename all matching files in a directory. I really miss this in OS9. Whaddya think? Ian There is 1 Reply. #: 19320 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 13-Nov-93 05:00:41 Sb: #19317-Shell+V2.1 fix Fm: Ken Flanagan 75460,2514 To: Ian Hodgson 72177,1762 There is a utility available called ren that will rename files that way. It has it's own wildcard handling, so you'll have to put the ":" in front of the command line. It's sort of like a batch program though as it calls the rename command (or at least appears to). #: 19318 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 12-Nov-93 23:24:53 Sb: #19305-thanks Fm: Michele Dalene 72652,2765 To: Bill Dickhaus 70325,523 (X) Probally the reason. oh well Incidently you do not know if there is any programs for the Coco other than STERM that uses the TERMCAP LIBRAIRY of the sterm package do you? Michele Dalene #: 19319 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 12-Nov-93 23:31:38 Sb: Termcap stuff for 6809 Fm: Michele Dalene 72652,2765 To: [F] all Dear sir: I am looking for a program that goes with the Mark Griffith C Termcap Librairy called Setterm which configures the /dd/sys/ttype file have you seen this program around? I did not check my orignal archive but I think I downloaded it from either a BBS or DElphi so I thought I would ask if you have seen it or maybe you know of who has this ditty? I also am looking for a copy of SLED (NOT SCRED!!!!) that is compiled for Termcaps? Aparently the oldie I have could be compiled but everytime I try I get nasty Syntax errors during C.pass2 so I gave up on the program. I want the finished 6809 Object code!! I also would die for any disk editors that are Termcap based instead of getting Nasty with DED and MODPATCHING the whole monster for a specific terminal type and get stuck with a DED verson for the Coco or my VT100 compatible terminal (A Visual 100 brick :)) Please respond ASASP with some input. Also I did download when it was here a tiny ditty calleld Tcap.ar which allows termcap I/O from the command line but... it uses NAMED PIPES in OS9 Level 2 and I have yet to decide a good substitute for this lacking feature. Does anyone have shareware pipes? Michele Dalene #: 19314 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 12-Nov-93 03:05:28 Sb: #19291-Screen program for OSK Fm: Ed Gresick 76576,3312 To: Bob van der Poel 76510,2203 (X) Bob, Haven't had time to try your version of screens yet. Ed #: 19313 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 12-Nov-93 03:05:02 Sb: #19288-Screen program for OSK Fm: Ed Gresick 76576,3312 To: robert brose 72067,3021 Bob, Do you have the current email address for Peter? With some changes he's made, the addresses I have aren't any good. Ed #: 19309 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 11-Nov-93 02:49:02 Sb: #19303-Sculptor Problem Fm: Bob Taylor 73270,3124 To: Frank Hoffman 72733,3655 Frank, >I've written a lot for 1.14:6 and still have good original disks. I >don't know if that is a help to you or not. I'm thinking there is a bug in 1.14:5 somehow related to VT100's clear screen home cursor escape sequences. If there is a vdu file for the VT100 for this version I would be interested in seeing it. Thanks, Bob Press !> .