#: 19509 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 20-Dec-93 18:05:15 Sb: #19501-GNU C Fm: John R. Wainwright 72517,676 To: Zack Sessions 71532,1555 (X) > > Hmm, I jsut got GCC from cabrales and it is version 1.42?!?!? > Correction, the older version I have is ver 1.42 (the docs say 1.37) - the newer one I just got from cabrales is 2.5.6. -- I'm keeping the older one on my Hard Drive until I get to the bottom of this "signal 103" business. John R. Wainwright <> <> *********** InfoXpress ************ #: 19507 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 20-Dec-93 12:55:27 Sb: #19500-#GNU C Fm: Bill Dickhaus 70325,523 To: John R. Wainwright 72517,676 (X) John, I get the same results with 2.5.n GCC, I suspect that it was written for and on something other than a 68000 or 68070. -Bill- There is 1 Reply. #: 19512 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 20-Dec-93 21:44:29 Sb: #19507-GNU C Fm: John R. Wainwright 72517,676 To: Bill Dickhaus 70325,523 > John, > > I get the same results with 2.5.n GCC, I suspect that it was written for and on > something other than a 68000 or 68070. > > -Bill- > Uh-oh, and thanks for the confirmation, Bill. BTW, I am running it (or trying to) on a 68340. John R. Wainwright <> <> *********** InfoXpress ************ #: 19510 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 20-Dec-93 19:51:39 Sb: #19502-Printing problems Fm: keith bauer 71102,317 To: ole hansen 100016,3417 > > Are your spooler running on /p at the time you try to rint from ved ?? > > If you need it, I can post you a 'pseudo'-device-drive/descriptor that > will redirect to a spooled printer. I can print to that from 'ved'. > > regards ole@danelec.dk > Yes I am running the spooler. Please send the 'pseudo' device-drive.desc. Thanks --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Keith Bauer CIS :71102,317 Delphi :keithbauer Internet:kbauer@pids.com Via InfoXpress/OSK ver 1.01 How 'bout them Cowboys! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #: 19511 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 20-Dec-93 19:51:50 Sb: #19503-Printing problems Fm: keith bauer 71102,317 To: Bob van der Poel 76510,2203 (X) > If you are using the spooler...respond 'yes' to Ole's offer to post the > replacement /p. Otherwise, you better post some more info. > Thanks, I will ask Ole for his replacement /p. Thanks for the explanation --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Keith Bauer CIS :71102,317 Delphi :keithbauer Internet:kbauer@pids.com Via InfoXpress/OSK ver 1.01 How 'bout them Cowboys! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #: 19508 S15/Hot Topics 20-Dec-93 17:25:19 Sb: GWINDOWS for MM/1 Fm: Ed Gresick 76576,3312 To: ALL Frank Hogg in his message #19504 made several statements which require clarification and correction. Frank Hogg didn't have to call Steve Adams to find out what changes had occurred to G-WINDOWS. He need only read the current edition of the 'edition.h' file provided by Steve. All changes to G-WINDOWS are listed there. Also, Steve lists to whom and when he has sent updated versions. DELMAR CO is listed twice. First, his conversation with Steve Adams wherein he claims Steve stated the only changes to G-WINDOWS involved - > 1) The Japanese version > 2) Ultra C use > 3) GView > 4) OS9000. > There is no significant difference between 37 and 51 other than those. I wasn't privy to the conversation nor, apparantly, was anyone else. But I doubt Steve Adams made the above statements as claimed. One need only look at the 'edition.h' file provided with G-WINDOWS. I include a copy with all copies of G-WINDOWS I sell. From edition 37 through edition 50, there were over 200 changes. While many of these did deal the Kanji version, OS-9000 and some with Ultra C and GView, there are many others that deal directly with G-WINDOWS. To illustrate just a few of the changes since edition 37 - Change to WFM (the window file manager) - 'changed so CLUT is correctly set-up before background color in window is drawn when a window is made visible or moved to the top of the window stack.' Change to DESKTOP - 'Fixed bug that wrongly identified text files as shell scripts.' Change to WFM - 'Fixed task queuing mechanixm so high priority processes don't lock low priority processes on fast CPUs.' (I don't know if the 68340 qualifies as a fast cpu.) Change to WFM - 'Fixed bug in "Window_Get(W_RawScreenData)" function which would inadvertantly change contents of the BOX parameter.' Change to WFM - 'Added a cache flush so WFM would work with copy-back cache.' Added utility - 'editframe' - a frame editor for G-WINDOWS. The utility is especially important to hardware with limited resolution capabilities such as the KIX/MGA board and the MM/1. It permits reducing the width of the window border permitting a larger window area. There are other changes pertinent to G-WINDOWS including the use of many environment variables. 'edition.h' is solely the product of Steve Adams and all changes listed therein are his including the ones I extracted above. Hence, I question the veracity of Frank Hogg's report of his conversation. I will post a copy of the latest 'edition.h' I have in the library. I don't mean to imply G-WINDOWS is buggy. It isn't. But no one has yet to write the perfect code. As Steve Adams finds or is made aware of problems, he resolves them immediately. To my knowledge and experience, none of the 'bugs' will result in crashing G-WINDOWS. G-WINDOWS will simply ignore the error or respond with an appropriate error message. This is also true when you try to run certain software written under later versions of G-WINDOWS but run under earlier versions. Further, Steve has been adding enhancements to G-WINDOWS. Frank Hogg reports the following statement from Steve Adams - > As far as I know there is no changes to the drivers required to update to > newer versions of GWINDOWS from #37 on. It is true that a driver written under edition 37 will work under edition #50. Since certain library functions may've been changed and/or added, the driver should be re-compiled with the new library/header files to insure these are picked up. In fact, this was neccesary for the 2 releases I received. Sometimes Steve includes suggestions on new algorithms to perform some of the functions in the driver. I'm learning others. A new release is a good time to review the driver code to insure everything is optimized and is wholly consistent with the other modules comprising G-WINDOWS. A new release is not because of the driver. The Window File Manager (WFM), Desktop and a whole host of related programs and utilities may be updated. These updates come from Steve Adams. An update is really a whole new G-WINDOWS package and DELMAR CO distributes them as such. I suppose it's a matter of how we perceive our responsibility to our customers. My preference is to provide the best and latest I can to my customers. The following dialogue is most interesting - > FH: What about ControlCalc? And how much does it cost? > SA: ControlCalc may be the only difference. It may > require a newer edition. I don't know the cost for sure > but I think it's $6,000. > FH: Well if it costs that much then it is not an issue here. ... The statement 'it is not an issue here' is presumptuous. Following FHL's reasoning would preclude the MM/1 or MM/1A being considered as a platform for ControlCalc and perhaps other programs which might be developed and released in the future. I don't believe the distributor of a package of this type should pre-judge the market for other hardware. More info on ControlCalc and G-WINDOWS. It is true that the Developer's version of ControlCalc costs $6000.00. But the Run-Time is only $995.00. ControlCalc uses G-VIEW. Also a very expensive package (but included in the price of the Developer's version of ControlCalc). It is G-VIEW that is sensitive to the version of G-WINDOWS being used. I don't think we can expect the average G-WINDOWS user to purchase G-VIEW, but a demo version of G-VIEW is included with G-WINDOWS. Except for the size of the source code it can process, it is a full-fledged, working version. (I think it's limited to about 100 lines of source code.) I am aware of one programmer who is using this version of G-VIEW and will be including the gadgets, etc. generated in his software. There is no reason other programmers can't take advantage of the demo version of G-VIEW as well. Will a user with an older version of G-WINDOWS be able to run his software? I think it really will depend on what the programmer has done but I don't see why anyone should take chances. > ... Delmars comments annoyed me and I have decided to pursue this. Since Frank Hogg credits my comments with causing him to withdraw his offer of an obselete and unsupported version of G-WINDOWS, I feel my efforts were worth while. In message #19505, Frank Hogg is now offering a current, supported version of G-WINDOWS. Fine - I have no problem with that _if_ he follows through and is committed to continued and ongoing support. But I think the OSK community might feel more comfortable had he pursued this course of action originally without being 'annoyed' by me. His own statement creates doubts as to his motivation. Judging by his past actions, he does not seem interested in providing up-to- date products. In fact, he appears obsessed rationilizing his failure to provide current software. The TC70 was delivered with Version 2.3 of OSK and, according to the best information I've been able to get, he is still providing Version 2.3 OSK with his KIX series of computers. I believe all other providers of OSK hardware have long ago switched to Version 2.4. It would appear that his MGA board is being shipped with edition 37 of G-WINDOWS. So, does he demonstrate a history of providing up-dated products and support? Before making a decision, you may wish to consider the following factors - Several TC70 customers purchased G-WINDOWS from FHL. What kind of support have they received including upgrades? What version of G-WINDOWS is being shipped for the KIX/MGA? What support are these customers receiving? Since Ray Tremblay is an independent agent, what is his long term commit- ment for support and upgrades. What will Frank Hogg do in the event Ray, for whatever reason, is unable or unwilling to continue his support? Can you call Frank Hogg most any time and get support? Is he knowledgeable about G-WINDOWS? The developer's pak? G-VIEW? What documentation is included? In addition to the official documentation for G-WINDOWS, DELMAR includes a comprehensive tutorial to assist new users get started using G-WINDOWS. Because of the commitments already made, I will continue my offer and permit the market to decide who is capable of best serving them. Those who have placed orders with me and wish to cancel certainly may do so. Just let me know. Ed Gresick DELMAR CO #: 19513 S15/Hot Topics 20-Dec-93 23:42:44 Sb: GWINDOWS on the MM1 Fm: Frank Hogg of FHL 70310,317 To: all Please refer to message #80584 on DELPHI. In that message we showed how we caught Ed Gresick red handed deliberately falsifying benchmark results. He lied about us and about our products. That message was the culmination of many weeks of grief where Ed Gresick put all of us thru the wringer. Now he has the unmitigated gall to question MY veracity when it was he who has been proven BY HIS OWN WORDS and IN HIS OWN HAND to be deceitful! Shame on him. Now he wants to start this all over again with another long winded flame about our port of GWINDOWS to the MM1. Not me! Not again! You will notice in message #80657 (again going back to the old DELPHI thread) that he did not admit in full to what he had done. His 'apology' such as is was was NEVER accepted by Mike Smith or myself. This is all I have to say on this matter in this forum. All further comments from Ed Gresick and his past lies will be dealt with in a different venue. Frank Hogg -- FHL PS. If you do not have access to DELPHI I will be happy to email you the two messages referred to above. #80584 and #80657. Press !> .