read new [1;1H[2J84202 19-DEC 18:22 OSK Applications RE: MM/1 Monitors (Re: Msg 84124) From: ALWESTON To: MRGOOD Thanks Hugo. In regards to connecting monitors to an MM/1 or MM/1a: Your reply prompts me to wonder: How do I "massage" the RAMDAC into providing a 31 kHz horizontal scan? Since I don't have any concrete info about this chip I can only wonder... Can someone give me some insight on this? Thanks, Alan FORUM>Reply, Add, Read, "?" or Exit> [1;1H[2J84203 19-DEC 18:30 Games & Graphics RE: JPEG files (Re: Msg 84186) From: ALWAGNER To: WRHAMBLEN (NR) Then why is the extension .lzh???????????????????????? FORUM>Reply, Add, Read, "?" or Exit> [1;1H[2J84205 19-DEC 18:35 OSK Applications RE: 14.4 help (Re: Msg 84197) From: COLORSYSTEMS To: RANDYKWILSON > /t0 - 68070 with a few control lines handled by m/b 68901 > /t1 - m/b 68901 with no control lines You caught an error several others who shouldn't missed! Yes, /t1 and for /t1 and one on the IO board for /t2. The only serial line on a MM/1 which is directly supported by the '070 is /t0. > /t2 - i/o board 68901 with a few control lines handled by same > /t3 - i/o board 68681, all control intact > /t4 - ditto Yes, the 68901 on the IO board is just like the 68901 on the mb, they each support a single serial port. The 68681 on the IO board supports two serial ports, on the MM/1 and MM/1a, devices /t3 and /t4. > Infering from your post, and Zack's info, I would guess the 340 has two > serial ports, one replacing /t0, the other as /t5. How does /t1 and /t2 More? > gain control lines from this? And how would additional control lines from > the /t0 connecter make it to the 68340 chip (the current board sends them > to 68901)? Sorry for all the misinformation so far. Here is the "straight skinny". The 340 two serial ports as opposed to the 070's one. This adds device /t5. There is a new driver, SC68340, which supports /t0 and /t5 on the 68340 and is "smarter" than the SC68070 driver which was used to previously support /t0 with the 070. Reason why ports /t1, /t2, /t3 and /t4 all benefit with the 340 is that there are new SC68901 (#30) and SC68681 (#32) drivers!! ------------------------------------ Zack C Sessions ColorSystems "I am Homer of Borg, prepare to be assimi ... OOOOHHH, DOUGHNUTS!" Enter FOLLOW for related Message(s). FORUM>Reply, Add, Read, "?" or Exit> [1;1H[2J84206 19-DEC 19:03 OSK Applications RE: 14.4 help (Re: Msg 84200) From: NIMITZ To: RANDYKWILSON Should be receiving new boards within 2 weeks - Pease underestimated our ability to sell, and is waiting for some adapter sockets. FORUM>Reply, Add, Read, "?" or Exit> [1;1H[2J84207 19-DEC 21:34 Standards RE: OS9 UG and Standards group (Re: Msg 84148) From: DSRTFOX To: EDELMAR (NR) Well, you ARE a major distributor in the "hobby/personal" OS-9 market anyway! FORUM>Reply, Add, Read, "?" or Exit> [1;1H[2J84208 19-DEC 21:39 General Information RE: OSK Systems (Re: Msg 84150) From: DSRTFOX To: MROWEN01 (NR) I won't be building a complete system in the near future. I WILL be describing such a system in the next couple issues of 268M. The reason I won't be putting such a system together is that not many have responded as of yet. I had intended to make a one-tim e purchase of the components, pack and ship the items to the individuals wanting them, and charge enough to cover shipping and handling... no more than $75 each... over my cost. Some people can get surplus cases, drives, etc, cheap enough locally, others c an't. What I am going to do is list some sources for the components. As it turns out, if I collected and redistributed components, you wouldn't save anything... might not pay much more, though. So I'll let everyone collect their own components, just give t hem the where and how to obtain most of them. FORUM>Reply, Add, Read, "?" or Exit> [1;1H[2J84209 19-DEC 21:41 Programmers Den RE: Shanghai OS-9 (Re: Msg 84118) From: DSRTFOX To: MICHAELJN (NR) It is in the UTILITIES database in the CoCo SIG. Search for "shanghai" and it is the only file that will come up! FORUM>Reply, Add, Read, "?" or Exit> [1;1H[2J84210 19-DEC 21:55 Applications (6809) Profile From: THETAURUS To: ALL If there is anyone out there with experience with OS-9 Profile, I need a little help. I am pretty close to finishing my project of creating a database for all OS9 and Coco Clubs and UG's, and one for all Coco and OS9 related BBS'. I am of course using OS9 Profile. What I first worked on was the database for the Club listing. I created the fields for that and defined the display format. Then I started working on the BBS base, defined the fields, and then defined the display format, in the process deleting some fields which I later found unnecessary, and adding others that I later felt I needed. The Display format is now finished, and I have now gone onto the report format. This is where my problem is. Is there any way, possibly through a patch, that you can get more than *5* detail lines? I can't believe it is limited to only five, since I want to include all the data from the record, and that will take up a whole page for each record. I finished the first report format. I am now just creating different formats for different purposes, while I wait to find a way to devote a whole page to each record. For instance my first report is for records sorted by area code, and then there will be another for the ones sorted by state, etc, with only applicable info in each report. Once I get this figured out, I will finish up the Club base. On a side note, now that I've had a bit of experience with profile and did some learning, I think it still is a pretty good program on the whole. I really wish a 3rd party was able to pick this up and continue it's support, as it could have really shaped up to be a heck of a program. The bad part is, it's slow, it is short on documentation, and of course it is lacking some features. Keep in mind tho, this was created for Level I back in about 1985, so at the time it was probably cutting edge. On the bright side, it is solid, funtional, bug free, and pretty flexible in the amount of Display and report formats you can have. It would be nice to be able to have more memory to add more fields, but so far that is bearable. I still say this is better than the bug fest I had with Data Windows. Btw, if you have any suggestions as to what info I should include in the databases, please let me know. I've never run a BBS or a Club or UG, so there may More? be info I am missing. If you want I can't post what the display format looks for each base, showing what info is included so far. >Chris< FORUM>Reply, Add, Read, "?" or Exit> [1;1H[2J84211 19-DEC 22:30 New Uploads RE: GWINDOWS available for the MM1 (Re: Msg 84127) From: FHOGG To: ALL Date: 12/19/93 Further Clarification Of the FHL Offer for GWINDOWS for the MM1. Issues have been brought up by Delmar, a competitor of ours about what we have offered to do. First let me state that when I posted my message I was unaware that Delmar had extended their offer until February. If you look at the message time you will see that they were posted within 1 minute of each other. My reasons for making this offer were triggered by Ken Scales comments. It triggered my thinking and was the catalyst for me to make my offer. If I had known that Delmar was extending their offer I would not have made mine. However Delmars comments annoyed me and I have decided to pursue this. I had a long talk with Steve Adams about statements Gresick More? made in his message and what follows is the truth about GWINDOWS on the TC70 and other platforms as stated by Steve Adams. FH: What is the difference in GW from edition #37 on. SA: As far as I know the only changes involved 4 things. 1) The Japanese version 2) Ultra C use 3) GView 4) OS9000. There is no significant difference between 37 and 51 other than those. FH: Can applications made for earlier versions of GWINDOWS work on later versions and vice versa. SA: I have always tried to make GWINDOWS upward compatible. As far as I know all applications will work on 37 and up thru 51 of GWINDOWS. FH: What about updating to newer versions of GWINDOWS? More? SA: As far as I know there is no changes to the drivers required to update to newer versions of GWINDOWS from #37 on. FH: What about ControlCalc? And how much does it cost? SA: ControlCalc may be the only difference. It may require a newer edition. I don't know the cost for sure but I think it's $6,000. FH: Well if it costs that much then it is not an issue here. Do you have any objection if I were to appoint a single MM1 owner as my agent to port and provide updates to the port on the MM1? SA: I would have no problem with that as long as it was just that one person who has the port pack. -+- Now about my release of the source code for the driver. More? I have a lot of confidence in the ability of OS9 users who have proven in the past to be of a high caliber. The updates and improvements made to the coco OS9 over the years are a testament to the quality of people in our community. It is my belief that with commented source these users would be able to provide a far better product than any one self appointed expert could ever do. The driver as disassembled by Ray can be reassembled without any of the port pack libraries. The source that we used to do the original port can be used as a reference to the disassembled source. Considering that Ray got GWINDOWS running on his MM1 in a few weeks justifies my high opinion of OS9 users capabilities. I have always held you guys in high regard. Perhaps others should also. Ray has been running GWINDOWS for over a year! It is available NOW. He has been running demos of both ControlCalc and GView on his MM1. If you want to go the other route then you will have to wait until May or June at LEAST. That is only IF he gets his 20 orders. I calculated this by using his guess that it would take 2-3 months to do the port after the February deadline. After talking to Ray More? about some oddities in the MM1 I suspect it would take him longer. The GWINDOWS I was offering is available NOW! At any rate I have decided to cancel my offer to provide GWINDOWS for the MM1 in the unsupported form. Stand by for further information. Sincerely Frank Hogg -- FHL Enter FOLLOW for related Message(s). FORUM>Reply, Add, Read, "?" or Exit> [1;1H[2J84212 19-DEC 22:32 New Uploads RE: GWINDOWS available for the MM1 (Re: Msg 84211) From: FHOGG To: ALL Date: 12/19/93 GWINDOWS AVAILABLE FOR THE MM1... NOW! Frank Hogg Laboratory is pleased to announce the availability of a FULLY SUPPORTED version of GWINDOWS for the MM1. We do not require any commitment to any particular quantity as has been offered by other companies. The version we are offering is the current version that has been ported to the MM1 by an MM1 owner, Ray Tremblay. Ray is acting as our agent and has complete documentation and all necessary files to properly maintain the port for the MM1 *. In addition Ray has no other interests in other OSK machines and is committed to providing the best possible port of GWINDOWS for his fellow MM1 owners. This version of GWINDOWS supports both 640X400 and 768X420 resolutions on the MM1. * We are shipping this information to Ray this coming week. More? QUICK START OPTION Get running on GWINDOWS immediately. In the interim while Ray is finishing the port to version #51 we will send you the current working version of GWINDOWS. The one Ray has been using for over a year. Then when the newest version (#51) is available we will send that at no additional charge. Probably in January of 1994. GWINDOWS for the MM1 $200 QUICK START OPTION $10 GWINDOWS Development Package $290 CHRISTMAS SPECIAL Order GWINDOWS for the MM1 and save $25! PLUS get the QUICK START OPTION FREE! A total savings of $35! That's GWINDOWS for the MM1 for ONLY $175 and it's available NOW! CHRISTMAS SPECIAL Offer expires 12/31/93 so get your [1;24r[;H[2J #1 19-DEC-1993 20:45:29.27 NEWMAIL From: BOS::MIKEHAALAND "Mike Haaland" To: BOS::ALWESTON CC: Subj: RE: cgfx problems I've been playing with the problem code you sent and can't reproduce the problems your having. Do you have a complete short program that messes up as you describe? It's easier if you send a complete, owrking program, that way I can look at it without having to redesign the whole thing. I'm not asking for your entire source, just a compilable complete program that displays the problem. Thanks, - Mike - MAIL> reply To: BOS::MIKEHAALAND Subj: RE: cgfx problems Enter your message below. Press CTRL/Z when complete, or CTRL/C to quit: Thanks for the reply. I'll get some code togerther quickly to illustrates the problems. Back to you soon. Thansks, Alan ^Z Press RETURN to continue reading your mail MAIL> [;H[2J #1 19-DEC-1993 20:45:29.27 NEWMAIL From: BOS::MIKEHAALAND "Mike Haaland" To: BOS::ALWESTON CC: Subj: RE: cgfx problems I've been playing with the problem code you sent and can't reproduce the problems your having. Do you have a complete short program that messes up as you describe? It's easier if you send a complete, owrking program, that way I can look at it without having to redesign the whole thing. I'm not asking for your entire source, just a compilable complete program that displays the problem. Thanks, - Mike - MAIL> No more messages MAIL> help [;H[2J HELP Allows you to obtain information about the Mail Utility. To obtain information about all of the MAIL commands, enter the following command: MAIL> HELP * To obtain information about individual commands or topics, enter HELP followed by the command or topic name. Format: HELP [topic] Additional information available: /EDIT /PERSONAL_NAME /SELF /SUBJECT ANSWER ATTACH BACK COMPRESS COPY CURRENT DEFINE DELETE DIRECTORY EDIT ERASE EXIT EXTRACT FILE FIRST Folders FORWARD GETTING_STARTED HELP KEYPAD LAST MAIL MARK MOVE NEXT PRINT PURGE QUIT READ REMOVE REPLY SEARCH SELECT SEND SET-SHOW SPAWN V5_CHANGES Topic? prge Sorry, no documentation on PRGE Additional information available: /EDIT /PERSONAL_NAME /SELF /SUBJECT ANSWER ATTACH BACK COMPRESS COPY CURRENT DEFINE DELETE DIRECTORY EDIT ERASE EXIT EXTRACT FILE FIRST Folders FORWARD GETTING_STARTED HELP KEYPAD LAST MAIL MARK MOVE NEXT PRINT PURGE QUIT READ REMOVE REPLY SEARCH SELECT SEND SET-SHOW SPAWN V5_CHANGES Topic? ex EXIT Allows you to exit from MAIL. You can also exit from MAIL by pressing . When you enter the EXIT command, any messages in the WASTEBASKET folder are deleted unless you have entered the SET NOAUTO_PURGE command. Format: EXIT EXTRACT Places a copy of the current message into a sequential file. If you want to copy a mail message to a folder in an indexed sequential mail file, use one of the following commands: o COPY o FILE o MOVE Format: EXTRACT file-spec Additional information available: Parameters Qualifiers /ALL /APPEND /MAIL /NOHEADER Examples Topic? MAIL> purge 0 messages deleted MAIL> read [;H[2J #1 19-DEC-1993 20:45:29.27 NEWMAIL From: BOS::MIKEHAALAND "Mike Haaland" To: BOS::ALWESTON CC: Subj: RE: cgfx problems I've been playing with the problem code you sent and can't reproduce the problems your having. Do you have a complete short program that messes up as you describe? It's easier if you send a complete, owrking program, that way I can look at it without having to redesign the whole thing. I'm not asking for your entire source, just a compilable complete program that displays the problem. Thanks, - Mike - MAIL> delete 1 MAIL> read No messages MAIL> bye Unrecognized command verb - check validity and spelling \BYE\ MAIL> ex >[m OS9 Online Menu: Announcements Topic Descriptions Conference Voting Booth Databases (Files) Who's Here Entry Log Workspace Forum (Messages) Help MAIL (Electronic) Exit Member Directory Classifieds Questions & Feedback Portal to Coco Sig Set Preferences Rainbow Services OS9>What do you want to do? bye ALWESTON off at 20-DEC-1993 00:35:19 Session time: 6 minutes. Thank you for using DELPHI. µ0<2 .