#: 19873 S1/General Interest 04-Apr-94 19:28:36 Sb: #19866-#The 'DISK-MAG' Fm: John R. Wainwright 72517,676 To: Frank Hogg of FHL 70310,317 (X) Frank, I have been looking for one of those for a long time. Another think I never could find was something that an Air Force Sergeant in a comm center sent me looking for many years ago -- you got a good deal on a "bucket of line feeds"? ******************************** "Don't take life too serious - it ain't nohow permanent" (Pogo) John R. Wainwright <> <> There are 2 Replies. #: 19874 S1/General Interest 04-Apr-94 21:25:39 Sb: #19873-The 'DISK-MAG' Fm: Zack Sessions 71532,1555 To: John R. Wainwright 72517,676 (X) > I have been looking for one of those for a long time. Another think I > never could find was something that an Air Force Sergeant in a comm center > sent me looking for many years ago -- you got a good deal on a "bucket of > line feeds"? Sounds like a few things we used to send the new Navy boots on board ship. Like: 10 yards of water line a bucket of steam some relative bearing grease ------------------------------------ Zack C Sessions "We did not inherit the Earth from our Ancestors, we borrowed it from our descendants." Ancient proverb #: 19875 S1/General Interest 04-Apr-94 21:28:08 Sb: #19873-The 'DISK-MAG' Fm: Frank Hogg of FHL 70310,317 To: John R. Wainwright 72517,676 (X) John, I looked all over my garage for a "bucket of line feeds". I coulda swore I had some. Used to store them next to the nulls I used after my carrage returned from the shop. (Space reserved for pithy remark, if I think of one) Frank #: 19878 S1/General Interest 06-Apr-94 22:47:23 Sb: #Bad Header? Fm: Mark Logan 73354,1245 To: All I'm having trouble restoring downloads from this forum with the ARC utility. Every time I try it, I get an error message that says the file has a bad header. I'm downloading files onto my Mac, then porting them via DOS floppy to my Philips 605 running OS-9. Are the files possibly coming across as Mac Binary during the download? I've looked but can find no switch to force the downloads not to be treated as Mac Binary. Or maybe I'm barking up the wrong tree. Any ideas? A reply via Compuserve mail would be most appreciated. Thanks, Mark Logan There is 1 Reply. #: 19879 S1/General Interest 07-Apr-94 00:59:47 Sb: #19878-Bad Header? Fm: Wayne Day 76703,376 To: Mark Logan 73354,1245 Mark, Your terminal program on the Mac should have a switch that allows you to engage MacBinary or not. If you don't, trash that stupid program and get one of the ones that does.... TermPlus, ZTerm, ClarisWorks, etc. Once you've got it in straight binary form, well.... it's anyone's guess from there. Wayne #: 19881 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 07-Apr-94 19:01:37 Sb: Sorts Fm: John R. Wainwright 72517,676 To: ALL OSK users: This has been bugging me for a while - never got around to asking about it before. On the distribution disks for the MM/1 there are two sort utilities, "qsort", documented in the OSK manuals, and "sort", documented absolutely NOWHERE. They seem to do about the same thing, but sort is bigger, and seems to handle input a little differently. "qsort file" will print file (sorted). sort will do it too, but you have to tell it: "sort > <> Press !> .