84941 16-JAN 01:07 Telecom (6809) RE: Boca modems (Re: Msg 84931) From: MITHELEN To: WTHOMPSON The harris ACIA chip really only makes a difference when using the coco to SEND to a SLOWER system... That is because it "fixes" a "bug" with CTS in the "standard" 6551 ACIA. The v3.24 rz/sz programs basically have some asm optimized code for CRC calcs, and also, I finally got buffered writes to the modem port working. -- Paul Jerkatis - SandV BBS (708)352-0948: Chicago Area OS-9 Users Group UUCP ...{balr|tellab5}!vpnet!sandv.chi.il.us!sysop Internet: MITHELEN@Delphi.com "Did you ever notice how cheep 99% of all BBS users are?" - Unknown -*- 84950 16-JAN 13:00 Telecom (6809) RE: Boca modems (Re: Msg 84931) From: BANANAMAN To: WTHOMPSON I wish I was up to the task of fixing the compiler, too. :( The 687 CPS was the same as the original 6551, but it also registered 1200 CPS on an XModem-1K download, too. About the best I've been able to get out of the new ZModem is 751 CPS. -*- 84954 16-JAN 14:00 Telecom (6809) RE: Boca modems (Re: Msg 84950) From: WTHOMPSON To: BANANAMAN Are you calling Delphi at 9600? Wayne -*- 84957 16-JAN 18:02 Telecom (6809) RE: Boca modems (Re: Msg 84954) From: BANANAMAN To: WTHOMPSON (NR) Yep. It really flies compared to the 2400 baud nodes. There appears to be less traffic, so you don't get the long delays. You picked up a high speed modem yet? Just wondering...I don't want any competition for the 9600 baud phone number. :) Andy -*- End of Thread. -*- 84942 16-JAN 01:42 Telecom (6809) RE: Telcom (Re: Msg 84924) From: REVWCP To: BANANAMAN I formatted and cobbled a new disk. Then I ezgenned in Sacia and T2. Still no luck. -*- 84943 16-JAN 01:44 Telecom (6809) RE: Telcom (Re: Msg 84925) From: REVWCP To: RANDYKWILSON There is no MPI, I have a Disto SC-11, 4-in-1 and a Tandy RS232 on a Y cable. I'll try the other suggestions. -*- 84946 16-JAN 09:09 Telecom (6809) RE: Telcom (Re: Msg 84943) From: PHILSCHERER To: REVWCP Maybe it's a hardware problem Br. Jeremy. Do you have another Coco? -*- 84953 16-JAN 13:58 Telecom (6809) RE: Telcom (Re: Msg 84946) From: REVWCP To: PHILSCHERER Dear Phil: The problem appears to be in the modem. The carrier detect light goes on but it wasn't getting through to the RS232 pak. I have a Tandy Mini-Tester on the line so I can see whats going on. I changed modems and it seems to be working. I will have to check further. With all best wishes, Brother Jeremy, CSJW OS9 User Group Treasurer -*- 84956 16-JAN 15:12 Telecom (6809) RE: Telcom (Re: Msg 84953) From: REVWCP To: REVWCP Here's the latest, I went back to the Infotel Modem but I changed from the RS232 pak to a COCOPRO modified ModemPak. The software will not respond to the CD light, but upon breaking out of the autologon part of Supercom, I was able to complete the logon manually. With all best wishes, Brother Jeremy, CSJW OS9 User's Group Treasurer -*- End of Thread. -*- 84944 16-JAN 01:46 Games & Graphics RE: Shanghai for Level 2 (Re: Msg 84932) From: EARTHER To: WTHOMPSON "How about a Missle Command type game for OS-9?" You read my mind. I've played the Microsoft Arcade games on 486 machines and wished OS-9 had them. -*- 84947 16-JAN 11:55 Games & Graphics RE: Shanghai for Level 2 (Re: Msg 84944) From: COLORSYSTEMS To: EARTHER > "How about a Missle Command type game for OS-9?" > > You read my mind. I've played the Microsoft Arcade games on 486 > machines and wished OS-9 had them. > You know, someone else mentioned Missile Command a few weeks/months ago right here and Mark Griffith (I think it was Mark, sorry Mark if it wasn't!) said in effect, "Why port 15 year old arcade games to our current computer systems? Bring us something FRESH, something NEW." In a way, I kind of agree with Mark, as porting over old games seems a lot like re-runs on TV. But in another way, I'd kindof like to see this myself, as I was quite a Missile Commander on the original Atari home video game machines. Dazzeled my friends by racking up impressive scores. Most didn't seem to mind having to wait for so long before it was their turn, as I could take as long as a half an hour or more at a single game!! ------------------------------------ Zack C Sessions ColorSystems "I am Homer of Borg, prepare to be assimi ... OOOOHHH, DOUGHNUTS!" -*- 84949 16-JAN 12:46 Games & Graphics RE: Shanghai for Level 2 (Re: Msg 84947) From: DSRTFOX To: ALL Anyone remeber playing Bjork's BASH? Well, Northern Xposure has an OS-9 game now that is nearly identical, only better! They sent me a copy for review, and I've never got anything up and runnning from OS-9 so easy! You can also edit the levels with a text editor to make your own levels. For those unfamiliar with BASH, you have probably seen "Arkanoid"... similar. The game is colorful and smooth when running alone (no background processes). Alan DeKok wrote it. He says that graphics smotthness will be better if you use "VRN", available from the database here. The game is $25, an d full source code is available for $30. The source is over 150K with 10K docs, and includes the sprite library he developed. So programmers may want to pick that up also! Contact Northern Xposure, 7 Greenboro Cres, Ottawa, ON K1T 1W6, CANADA. I don't norm ally "expose" one of my reviews like this, but there are very few OS-9 graphic games to go around! -*- 84951 16-JAN 13:33 Games & Graphics RE: Shanghai for Level 2 (Re: Msg 84947) From: BOISY To: COLORSYSTEMS So you had an Atari 2600 system eh Zack? I had one as a kid, and boy, I loved it. Recently I acquired one just for nostalgia. The cartridges are real cheap nowadays. And yes, I have Missle Command. ;-) -*- 84952 16-JAN 13:58 Games & Graphics RE: Shanghai for Level 2 (Re: Msg 84944) From: WTHOMPSON To: EARTHER I just played on a friend's 486 too and I was wishing for it too! -*- 84955 16-JAN 14:05 Games & Graphics RE: Shanghai for Level 2 (Re: Msg 84947) From: WTHOMPSON To: COLORSYSTEMS Why port 15 year old games to our current system? Because it is a classic game, enjoyed by many. It must make SOME sense to port it to a current computer system, Micrsoft did it. :-) And while we may not always like what they put out, they seem to be doing alright. :-) Thanks, Wayne -*- 84958 16-JAN 18:34 Games & Graphics RE: Shanghai for Level 2 (Re: Msg 84951) From: COLORSYSTEMS To: BOISY > So you had an Atari 2600 system eh Zack? I had one as a kid, and boy, > I loved it. Recently I acquired one just for nostalgia. The cartridges > are real cheap nowadays. And yes, I have Missle Command. ;-) To be honest, I never owned a 2600 myself. I had several friends who did when they were at their heyday. One was where I got all my Missile Command playing time. We are showing our age, here, Boisy. You as a kid and me as an old timer. My first experiance with video games was at the beer halls at the beach when I was 23-24, timeframe was 74-75, when PONG hit the scene with a smash. It was immensely popular with a certain set of beer hall gamers. In those days it was hard to compete against pinball machines, and the previous newcomer during that time, the foosball tables. But PONG endured, and I got right good at it. Another one I liked (can't remember the name) was a game which started out with a screen of dots which were equally distributed on the screen. You had a "ball" which was the same size as the dots which once it came up from the bottom would bounce around the top and sides and any dot it ran over was erased. Going down the bottom of the screen lost the ball. You got two or three balls per game. Object was to clear off the screen of dots. Oh yes, you had a paddle at the bottom of the screen to bounce the ball back up with. I got my first video game late in 1976, a Breakout game I got from Sears. I think it was made by Atari. ------------------------------------ Zack C Sessions ColorSystems "I am Homer of Borg, prepare to be assimi ... OOOOHHH, DOUGHNUTS!" -*- 84959 16-JAN 18:35 Games & Graphics RE: Shanghai for Level 2 (Re: Msg 84955) From: COLORSYSTEMS To: WTHOMPSON (NR) I agree with you to some extent. You should address your comment to Mark. ------------------------------------ Zack C Sessions ColorSystems "I am Homer of Borg, prepare to be assimi ... OOOOHHH, DOUGHNUTS!" -*- 84962 17-JAN 02:18 Games & Graphics RE: Shanghai for Level 2 (Re: Msg 84958) From: REVWCP To: COLORSYSTEMS Zack, I remember I was working for Lafayette Radio in New York while going to college. I remember when Pong came out, 4 variations, tennis, handball, and I can't remember the others, after all it was twenty(20) years ago. I know what you mean about being an oldtimer. I remember calling a software vendor that had advertised in Rainbow. Their business hours were 3:30 pm - 8:300 pm. I thought that it was strange, but perhaps it was to allow for time zones. Anyway I got what I thought was a woman on the phone. As we talked, for some time, I was very impressed with the persons programming knowledge. Finally, out of curiosity, I asked "Why those business hours." "Well", came the reply, "I get home from school at 3:15 and I have to get ready for bed at 8:30". How old are you, I asked. "I just turned thirteen." And of course I remember the morning I was talking to Microcom Software and the programmer helping me had to cut the call short, the school bus was coming. Gosh Zack, I'm getting old. Thanks for triggering some memories, maybe I need a 2 meg upgrade...... With all best wishes, Brother Jeremy, CSJW OS9 User's Group Treasurer -*- 84965 17-JAN 14:52 Games & Graphics RE: Shanghai for Level 2 (Re: Msg 84947) From: CBJ To: COLORSYSTEMS I know what you mean about missle commander Zack. I had a marathon session of a little over 4 hours before my hands were too cramped to continue. Boy do I wish I has a decent joystick back then. I wouldn't mind seein some of the better older games ported over but would also like to see new games as well. I like adventure games...I haven't seen too many of them for OS-9 (any flavor). Seems to me there is an automatic opening for new games right there. If you have ever played starflight then you can see how OS-9 could really help a good graphics based adventure game be more playable. Bot do I wish we had enough of a user base to attract companies like Electronic Arts to port some of their games over. Carl -*- 84967 17-JAN 19:48 Games & Graphics RE: Shanghai for Level 2 (Re: Msg 84965) From: DSRTFOX To: CBJ Read msg 84949 if you want an arcade game for OS-9! -*- 84990 18-JAN 20:46 Games & Graphics RE: Shanghai for Level 2 (Re: Msg 84965) From: DAVGEORGE To: CBJ (NR) Yes, I like adventure games also. But I am a die hard text adventurer. I just can't get used to these graphical adventures. I just downloaded the Infocom interpreter and tried out the Infocom adventures that I have for MS-DOS. So far they all work!!! All I had to do was copy the data files from MS-DOS to OS-9. -*- 85005 19-JAN 03:23 Games & Graphics RE: Shanghai for Level 2 (Re: Msg 84952) From: EARTHER To: WTHOMPSON (NR) My brother, Kevin, is writing a Doctor Mario game for OS-9 Level II. It looks impressive so far. That's the game where you throw pills into a bottle to get rid of viruses inside. -*- End of Thread. -*- 84945 16-JAN 09:04 General Information RE: os9 vs. unix (Re: Msg 84928) From: PHILSCHERER To: ILLUSIONIST (NR) I can agree with you on the UNIX/OS9 comparison. I have used OS9000, SCO and also OS2 on the same 486 and OS9000 is far and away better and easier. -*- 84972 17-JAN 22:51 General Information RE: os9 vs. unix (Re: Msg 84929) From: ROYBUR To: BROWN80 thank you. and also thanks to BANANAMAN, JOHNREED, ILLUSIONIST and PHIL- SCHERER (boy, i hope i got those all spelled right! 8*) i'll pass all this info on to the asker; he's DOS guy, btw...but i don't hold that against him! .........roy -*- End of Thread. -*- 84948 16-JAN 12:33 General Information RE: problem with os9k (Re: Msg 84914) From: DSRTFOX To: COLORSYSTEMS I guess you answered the only comment I truly had, as you mentioned a "6.2 utility". I assume you have the 6.2 upgrade then. I use "Stacker" on mine, have never had any problems to date, but don't have OS9K either. OS-2 also has a problem with Stacker AND DoubleSpace, only it doesn't mess up the drives... checks for the driver, then if it finds it refuses to recognize the drive (a friend has OS-2 on his machine.. had to buy a bigger drive because of all this!). OS9K obviously doesn't check for the driver be fore trying to read, and therefore corrupting, the compressed drive. Hope that helps some! Stacker has released a version for OS-2, don't know if it works with DOS and OS-2 though, might be something to look into.. maybe the compressed drives are protected in some way, or use a different method of deginating whetehr the drive is compressed or not??? -*- 85002 19-JAN 02:13 General Information RE: problem with os9k (Re: Msg 84948) From: JOSEFL To: DSRTFOX (NR) Yah. Stacker and/or DoubleSpace don't know anything about OS9K nor does OS9K know anything about such 'compressed' drives. I am a bit surprised that OS9K messes up things for MS-DOS. I would think that theoretically it shouldn't touch the DOS partition. But OS9K does do writes to the disk at times when you wouldn't think it would be. (i.e. 'chd') I tried DoubleSpace on my system and OS9K could definitel NOT see the DOS disk anymore. So I took it off and bought a bigger drive. This is pertinent to me because I need to be able to read the DOS side from OS-9000. By the way, I used to be Tech support manager at Microware, and now that I am independent of the corporate grind, maybe I'll be able to answer a few more questions here. Maybe I'll even learn how to type and space my messages! ;-) Josef Laake -*- End of Thread. -*- 84960 16-JAN 20:41 Applications (6809) RE: Profile (Re: Msg 84778) From: THETAURUS To: ALWAGNER (NR) >>Have you considered transferring the data to Dcalc? That is an idea. I'll think about that one. It shouldn't be too hard. I may just end up buying IMS tho IF Wes still carries it, and it does what I need. I will be doing a lot of DB stuff in the near future. >Chris< -*- 84961 17-JAN 00:16 General Information UltiMuse 4.9 w/NitrOs9 From: NICKJOHNSON To: ALL I've been inactive in this forum for a while, so I apologize if this question has been asked before. I can't get UltiMuse III version 4.9 to work with NitrOS9. The program will load, spit out "Um3..." to the screen (yes, it is a VDG), and then crash after about a half-second of processing (I can hear it on the monitor speaker). All functions are then locked up; apparently the interrupts get turned off, since even thhe clear-key ceases to function. I've tried using the standard grfdrv, as I thought ultimuse might just be having a conniption about 25 line screens, but that wasn't it. It also won't run even with my old version of PowerBoost and standard grfdrv. What is the latest version of Ultimuse anyone can get to work with NitrOS9? Nick -*- 84966 17-JAN 19:10 General Information RE: UltiMuse 4.9 w/NitrOs9 (Re: Msg 84961) From: BANANAMAN To: NICKJOHNSON Which version of Nitros-9 are you using? I've had similar problems with version 1.07, but they were fixed with 1.15. Andy -*- 84979 18-JAN 01:41 General Information RE: UltiMuse 4.9 w/NitrOs9 (Re: Msg 84961) From: WDTV5 To: NICKJOHNSON Hi Nick; Gene Heskett (WDTV5) here. I'm running 4.7.2, ran it with 1.07 and 1.15/1.16 now, no apparent problems *once* I'd patched vdgint with the correct patches from Wes G. & Co. for the 2 megs I've since put in. Prior to that, I did have some weird problems, but not anything that I'd have called a crash. My probs were not loading up the full song when it was running, and then seeing all those memory allocation failures displayed on the green screen in those few milliseconds it was visible before the system de-allcocated the vdg screen on exiting. One for each song I had loaded. So the next Q is which version of Nitros9 are you running? My latest vdgint is $0D6D long, and has a CRC of $AFDFF4 as patched for the 2 megs and 1.15 or 1.16. I'd offer to do a makpatch, but there were apparently several vdgints in the os9 distribution at various times. I have two copies of level 2, and the vdgints are different on each master copy. I got the second one used so it could have been patched at some point by the previous owner. Get back to me in email, I may have an idea. I'd like to upgrade to a later version of UmUse3, but so far have been unsuccessful with my correspondence to Ragtimer, or to Ed Hathaway, KalaSoft, 3801 Brown Bark Drive, Greensboro NC 27410. UmUse3 was up to 4.8.0 when I wrote the letter requesting a COD shipment. Its 4.9.something now eh? That was in '92, you mean its '94 now? I've heard of snail-mail, but this is sublime! Ragtimer, if you're copying this, its time to reply! I don't want to appear to be like this in public, but I now feel as if I don't have any other choice. If I wasn't using the program, then I sure wouldn't have spent the time to work out the native mode patches for my version of Um3play and publish them for others not so fortunate in coding skills. NICK, *if* you are running native mode, then Um3Play will not drive your keyboards via the bit banger as the effective baud rate of 31250 for a midi driver is cranked up to approximatly 38000 by running in native mode due to the pipelining of instructions by the 6309 in native mode. Once you get the correct patches for vdgint, take a look here in the music database, there are 2 sets of patch instructs for Um3Play that I know of there which will restore it provided they are for your version of Um3Play. I've no idea how many diffferent actual versions of Um3Play might exist, but the patching I did is described well enough to allow the same idea to be applied at a slightly different offset in the file. I first bought a hardware midi adapter and modifed an rs-232 pack with a 3 megahertz crystal to drive it. I had visions of also recording thru the device, but apparently the 6551 I have in that pack won't receive at that clock frequency. I expected to have probs with lost data, but I get absolutly none when I open a path for reading from it! It drove my 2 keyboards rather nicely but I also wanted to drive the bit-banger in the event I needed that slot in my mpi for something else. The patches I uploaded were the result. They'll also start it up from a multiview icon dbl-click. Cheers, Gene -*- 84983 18-JAN 11:24 General Information RE: UltiMuse 4.9 w/NitrOs9 (Re: Msg 84979) From: MITHELEN To: WDTV5 Mike hasn't called into delphi in almost a year... You'd have more luck trying to reach him at his Internet address at "m.j.knudsen@att.com" No idea on Ed Hathaway and KalaSoft... I know Mike talks with Ed periodically so perhaps he can get you a current phone number, and make sure the mailing address you have is current. -- Paul Jerkatis - SandV BBS (708)352-0948: Chicago Area OS-9 Users Group UUCP ...{balr|tellab5}!vpnet!sandv.chi.il.us!sysop Internet: MITHELEN@Delphi.com "Did you ever notice how cheep 99% of all BBS users are?" - Unknown -*- 84985 18-JAN 19:06 General Information RE: UltiMuse 4.9 w/NitrOs9 (Re: Msg 84983) From: JOHNBAER To: MITHELEN > > No idea on Ed Hathaway and KalaSoft... > Sorry to bust in, but.. here's Ed's new number: 1 910 294 1558 Hope that helps... - John Baer johnbaer@delphi.com jbaer@pacs.pha.pa.us *** InfoXpress 1.01.00 *** -*- 84989 18-JAN 20:30 General Information RE: UltiMuse 4.9 w/NitrOs9 (Re: Msg 84985) From: MIKE_GUZZI To: JOHNBAER (NR) isn't that 1-919-294-1558 and not 910 ??? north carolina? -*- 84993 18-JAN 22:23 General Information RE: UltiMuse 4.9 w/NitrOs9 (Re: Msg 84966) From: NICKJOHNSON To: BANANAMAN (NR) I'm using Nitro version 1.15. -*- 84994 18-JAN 22:27 General Information RE: UltiMuse 4.9 w/NitrOs9 (Re: Msg 84979) From: NICKJOHNSON To: WDTV5 Try giving Ed a call: (919) 294-1558. I'm running ver 1.15 of Nitro, and I have not a clue about what is causing the problems. Like I said, it wouldn't even run with Powerboost in the non-native mode. I'll worry about patching Um3Play after I get the program to execute in the first place :) I have the 2-meg upgrade, but I haven't installed it yet. I would suspect that my problemnn is most likely interrupt-releated however. Nick -*- 84997 19-JAN 00:48 General Information RE: UltiMuse 4.9 w/NitrOs9 (Re: Msg 84979) From: KSCALES To: WDTV5 Hi, Gene - > I first bought a hardware midi adapter and modifed an rs-232 pack with a > 3 megahertz crystal to drive it. I had visions of also recording thru the > device, but apparently the 6551 I have in that pack won't receive at that > clock frequency. I expected to have probs with lost data, but I get > absolutly none when I open a path for reading from it! Just a thought, tho you have probably already covered it. Have you connected the CD line to anything? The 6551 refuses to see incoming data unless the CD line is true. (e.g., strap DTR to DCD.) Regards... / Ken -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ken Scales Delphi:KSCALES Internet:kscales@delphi.com CIS:74646,2237 -*- 85000 19-JAN 01:14 General Information RE: UltiMuse 4.9 w/NitrOs9 (Re: Msg 84997) From: WDTV5 To: KSCALES (NR) Humm, I bet you've got something there! At the moment, I don't know about the cd line, and its been several months now since I fooled with it. Guess I'll have to move the snooper and find out. In nearly 60 years, I've lost a lot of things, but I miss my mind the most! :-) Gene -*- End of Thread. -*- 84963 17-JAN 03:18 OSK Applications RE: 144e_help (Re: Msg 84916) From: LARRYOLSON To: RANDYKWILSON Randy, Thanks for the info. I wasn't sure about that 6 wire cable, even though it seemed to work, so I went back to that 9 wire cable. I just wasn't 100% sure I was using the correct lines between the DB-25 & DB-9 on the 9 wire cable. larry -*- 84964 17-JAN 09:03 Applications (6809) vdgint From: DONALDS To: KSCALES Ken; I have a Disto 2-meg upgrade and I tried the new VDGINT mod by Alan. But; it crashes everytime I cannot get it to work infact I cannot get it patched for 2-meg. Has there been a patch or some other way of getting this new VDGint mod to work with the 2-meg upgrade? Don -*- 84973 17-JAN 23:24 Applications (6809) RE: vdgint (Re: Msg 84964) From: KSCALES To: DONALDS (NR) Don - > I have a Disto 2-meg upgrade and I tried the new VDGINT mod by Alan. > But; it crashes everytime I cannot get it to work infact I cannot get it > patched for 2-meg. Has there been a patch or some other way of getting > this new VDGint mod to work with the 2-meg upgrade? Yes, the small VDGInt versions will only work with 512K. Alan is aware that there is a problem, but has been busied out with university and other things lately. He isn't sure when/if he will get a chance to look at the problem. There was a possibility of another user working on it, but I don't know whether that happened. I will post a message here when there is an update. Regards... / Ken -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ken Scales Delphi:KSCALES Internet:kscales@delphi.com CIS:74646,2237 -*- 84984 18-JAN 18:27 Applications (6809) RE: vdgint (Re: Msg 84973) From: PHILSCHERER To: KSCALES Hi Ken--Did you catch my E-mail on the descriptor?? -*- 84998 19-JAN 00:49 Applications (6809) RE: vdgint (Re: Msg 84984) From: KSCALES To: PHILSCHERER (NR) > Hi Ken--Did you catch my E-mail on the descriptor?? Yes, and I made a note to myself to reply, but have been really busy lately. It looks like that drive has characteristics similar to the Seagate ST225N, so you could try that descriptor. But I have a "better idea" -- I suggest that you get hold of Matt Thompson's SCSISYS drivers. My "scsi47.ar" package did its job, but time moves forward, and I don't have the facilities to support it now. And Matt has now released a package with extra features and utilities. It also supports sector sizes other than 256 bytes, but I don't think that's necessary with your drive. A share-ware version is available in the database here. The registered version contains several enhancements (including caching), and is now distributed by Northern Xposure. Contact Colin McKay on Internet at "cmckay@UUISIS.ISIS.ORG" for ordering details (or send me email, and I will forward it.) Regards... / Ken -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ken Scales Delphi:KSCALES Internet:kscales@delphi.com CIS:74646,2237 -*- End of Thread. -*- 84968 17-JAN 22:37 OSK Applications CD-ROM for OSK From: DAVGEORGE To: ALL Is anyone using a CD-ROM drive on their OSK machine? I have an NEC external CD-ROM that I would like to add on to my KiX\30, and I need a driver for it. -*- 84999 19-JAN 00:56 OSK Applications RE: CD-ROM for OSK (Re: Msg 84968) From: WA2EGP To: DAVGEORGE (NR) I have one running on my MM/1. I don't think the driver will work on your machine. Got it from Dirt Cheap Computer (MARKGRIFFITH). I don't know if he has one for that machine. -*- End of Thread. -*- 84969 17-JAN 22:39 OSK Applications UUCP for OSK From: DAVGEORGE To: ALL Has anyone found a COMPLETE UUCP package for OSK that works? I have GNU UUCP 1.04 (by Ian Lance Taylor) and I have started to port it to OSK, but if someone has a better alternative I am open. Also, how about a UUCP mail package? I have the TOP stuff, but the docs on the mail are very weak. Thanks. David George -*- 84970 17-JAN 22:47 OSK Applications RE: UUCP for OSK (Re: Msg 84969) From: MRGOOD To: DAVGEORGE There is work going on for an OSK uucp package. Boisy Pitre (BOISY) can probably fill you in on the details. Last I corresponded with him, it should be released sometime this month. I too have been waiting a LONG time for an OSK uucp package. Hugo -*- 84971 17-JAN 22:50 OSK Applications RE: UUCP for OSK (Re: Msg 84969) From: RANDYKWILSON To: DAVGEORGE Rumor has it that there is a fairly complete UUCP package, with an elm-ish mailer, currently in beta. I can not say any more, because I don't know any more. :> Randy -*- 84978 18-JAN 00:42 OSK Applications RE: UUCP for OSK (Re: Msg 84971) From: MITHELEN To: DAVGEORGE Mike Haaland was working on putting together a complete UUCP package, with SMail and CNews, and Elm... I _think_ he might have recently put it up on the cabrales FTP site (I kinda recall seeing it there the other night whil I was browsing)I don't know what News Reader he included... I have Elm 2.4 PL21 running on my MM/1, with a ported version of Rick Adams UUCP 4.2 for the CoCo... Works OK... but not very robust. I haven't treied to install Mikes package (He sent me the archives back in Dec) mostly because I am working on setting up a Sun 3/160 Server as The SandV BBS with all the "latest" UUCP/Usenet software. (All the software is actually all set, just need to get the BBS interface working) -- Paul Jerkatis - SandV BBS (708)352-0948: Chicago Area OS-9 Users Group UUCP ...{balr|tellab5}!vpnet!sandv.chi.il.us!sysop Internet: MITHELEN@Delphi.com "Did you ever notice how cheep 99% of all BBS users are?" - Unknown -*- 84980 18-JAN 01:59 OSK Applications RE: UUCP for OSK (Re: Msg 84969) From: BOISY To: DAVGEORGE There is a UUCP package coming out for both OS-9/6809 and OSK very shortly. Bob Billson has been working on Rick Adams' UUCP 4.2 for several years along with myself, Brad Spencer and a few others. Bob is integrating the package right now and getting ready to release it. Also coming out within a week is a full port of PALM (an ELM-like mail reader) for OSK. This is an excellent program from Jeff Shepler, who I think has done an outstanding job on it. Right now I'm fixing a few bugs with it and will be forwarding it to Jeff in a couple of days, whereupon he will upload it to Delphi. UUCP 2.0 and Palm make for a dynamite package. And best of all, it will come with source code which compiles under both OSK and OS-9/6809. The UUCP port still has a few bugs, but works fine from my 68030 machine. Hang in there... it's almost ready... -*- 84991 18-JAN 20:56 OSK Applications RE: UUCP for OSK (Re: Msg 84978) From: DAVGEORGE To: MITHELEN Thanks for the info re: UUCP and mail. I tried ELM once on my Unix system at work, but went back to mailx. I will have to give it a second chance. -*- 84992 18-JAN 20:57 OSK Applications RE: UUCP for OSK (Re: Msg 84980) From: DAVGEORGE To: BOISY OK, I wil wait for UUCP 2.0 and Palm. Thanks for the info. -*- 85003 19-JAN 02:26 OSK Applications RE: UUCP for OSK (Re: Msg 84992) From: JOSEFL To: DAVGEORGE (NR) Is there any plan to port this UUCP thang to OS9000? Should be fairly trivial if an OS-9 version is being done. If the authors are listening, I'd be glad to help with the port. Of course, I'd need the source... ;-) Josef -*- End of Thread. -*- 84974 18-JAN 00:12 General Information News story From: RANDYKWILSON To: ALL And yet more evidence that the times do indeed change. The UPI newswire, national news section, contains a book review... for the latest edition of _The_New_Hacker's_Dictionary_ . :> Randy -*- 84975 18-JAN 00:18 General Information RE: InfoXpress (Re: Msg 84825) From: THETAURUS To: TEDJAEGER >> Anyway, I'll bet youre going to like this program! Stop making me drool Ted! >Chris< -*- 84976 18-JAN 00:18 Games & Graphics RE: MM/1 Joystick (Re: Msg 84848) From: THETAURUS To: AJMLFCO (NR) >>Here are two things to add to your demonstration list: Thanks for the advice Allen! I'll keep all that in mind. First meeting in the new place is tomorrow. :-) >Chris< -*- 84977 18-JAN 00:18 General Information RE: OS-9 Underground v.2 no.1 (Re: Msg 84930) From: THETAURUS To: JEJONES >>I just got *OS-9 Underground* volume two, issue one. Strikes me as a milestone of a sort. Yeah, I was impressed also. Here's too at least 100 years of the Underground :-) >Chris< -*- 84981 18-JAN 04:21 General Information RE: display problems (Re: Msg 84908) From: JWILKERSON To: ALWAGNER (NR) There is no doubt it is dirty. Also, being a smoker, assures a nice buildup of gunk. I can discharge the caps and spray out the thing. I'm familiar with the methods of dealing with high voltage sections, and can safely render the monitor harmless before getting into any work. Thanks for the info -- John -*- 84982 18-JAN 05:17 OSK Applications OPutBlk () From: MREGC To: ALL Has anyone else here tried using the OPutBlk (), (offset put block) call in KWindows? Or, more to the point, has anyone gotten it to work? I can use the function. However, though it does only "put" the correct *size* of the buffer I tell it to, regardless of what I set the offset values to, it "puts" starting at the upper left hand corner of the buffer. As I understand it, the correct syntax is: OPutBlk (path,grp,buf,x,y,xoff,yoff,xlen,ylen); I don't even remember if this call has ever been documented, so perhaps it was never perfected? Anybody got any ideas? ....Thanks... ....Eric... -*- 85001 19-JAN 01:31 OSK Applications RE: OPutBlk () (Re: Msg 84982) From: JOELHEGBERG To: MREGC Eric, > Has anyone else here tried using the OPutBlk (), (offset put block) > call in KWindows? Or, more to the point, has anyone gotten it to work? I've not heard about nor have any documentation for that function. Is that the function that lets you put only part of a get/put buffer on the screen, so theoretically you could have several icons in one get/put buffer and select the one you want by knowing it's offset into the get/put buffer? -- Joel Mathew Hegberg. Delphi : JOELHEGBERG GEnie : j.hegberg Internet : JoelHegberg@delphi.com -*- 85004 19-JAN 02:33 OSK Applications RE: OPutBlk () (Re: Msg 85001) From: MREGC To: JOELHEGBERG Joel, > Is that the function that lets you put only part of a get/put buffer on the > screen... That's exactly what it is. And, come to think of it, the example you gave about multiple icons in one buffer is somethink Mike actually does in one of his programs, so he function must work properly. Either I'm doing something wrong or I've got an older version of the library. ....Eric... -*- 85007 19-JAN 05:44 OSK Applications RE: OPutBlk () (Re: Msg 85004) From: JOELHEGBERG To: MREGC (NR) Eric, > That's exactly what it is. And, come to think of it, the example you > gave about multiple icons in one buffer is something Mike actually does in > one of his programs, so he function must work properly. Either I'm doing > something wrong or I've got an older version of the library. Yeah, I believe Mike uses it in DeskTop, and it's a nice K-Windows feature. It shouldn't be too difficult to write your own replacement OPutBlk() function if it comes down to that. :) -- Joel Mathew Hegberg. Delphi : JOELHEGBERG GEnie : j.hegberg Internet : JoelHegberg@delphi.com -*- End of Thread. -*- 84986 18-JAN 19:42 General Information RE: Hi Speed number (Sprintnet/Tymnet) (Re: Msg 84893) From: STEWARD To: JSHEPLER If you still live in Akron, OH like your /whois file says, then a 9600 baud number for tyment is 434-0014. -*- 84987 18-JAN 20:21 General Information RE: Hi Speed number (Sprintnet/Tymnet) (Re: Msg 84913) From: JSHEPLER To: JOHNBAER (NR) John, Thanks for that number, it gave me a local access line, and it works! :) -Jeff -*- 84988 18-JAN 20:21 General Information RE: Hi Speed number (Sprintnet/Tymnet) (Re: Msg 84986) From: JSHEPLER To: STEWARD (NR) I'll give that a try, thanks! -Jeff -*- End of Thread. -*- 84995 18-JAN 22:46 General Information Microware in the WSJ From: FHOGG To: ALL Microware in WSJ There is a very interesting article about Microware in The Wall Street Journal no less! It is on page B1 of the Tuesday January 18, 1994 issue. The title is: "Little Microware Aims to Be a Multimedia Giant" Even has one of those WSJ dot ink pictures of Ken Kaplan. He looks good in the pic too. Talks about the CoCo and lots of other very interesting things. Check it out. Frank -*- 84996 18-JAN 23:47 General Information gnu From: TMF To: ALL Does anyone have a copy of gnuplot that I could get for my system iv? If you do then I would be very grateful. Thanks TOM (TMF) -*- 85006 19-JAN 03:40 OSK Applications Makpal_fix From: LARRYOLSON To: ALL For those of you with a 3meg MM/1, and found that the save function didn't work in the Makpal program that I had uploaded, no , it wasn't a shareware thing. It was an errant pointer problem that didn't show up on my 9meg MM/1. Thanks goes to Colin McKay for pointing out the problem and finding the fix for it. So for those that are interested, the fixed version should be available in the downloads, as soon as its ok'd. Thanks again Colin Larry Olson -*- 85008 19-JAN 05:44 OSK Applications RE: Makpal_fix (Re: Msg 85006) From: JOELHEGBERG To: LARRYOLSON (NR) RE: MakPal > So for those that are interested, the fixed version should be available > in the downloads, as soon as its ok'd. Thanks for the great utility and for uploading a newer version, Larry! Best wishes, -- Joel Mathew Hegberg. Delphi : JOELHEGBERG GEnie : j.hegberg Internet : JoelHegberg@delphi.com -*- End of Thread. -*- 85009 19-JAN 06:33 General Information Looking for Keith March From: MARKGRIFFITH To: ALL Hello! I'm looking for the username for Keith March. Does he have an account here? I looked through the member directory and found nothing. Can anyone help? /************* /\/\ark ************/ (uploaded with InfoXpress Ver 1.01) -*- FORUM>Reply, Add, Read, "?" or Exit> .