85596 12-FEB 17:39 General Information RE: 60' Micros (Re: Msg 85570) From: ROYBUR To: DSRTFOX i got it yesterday (friday), frank. i was just tryin' t'keep you informed of the mail's progress. 8*)........roy -*- 85618 13-FEB 19:21 General Information RE: 60' Micros (Re: Msg 85596) From: DSRTFOX To: ROYBUR You are one of the LAST to get it then! So far so good, we'll keep on for a little while. -*- 85619 13-FEB 19:26 General Information RE: 60' Micros (Re: Msg 85618) From: ROYBUR To: DSRTFOX heh heh...a friend of mine used to say "Nice guys always finish last. That's why we make such good lovers." 8*)..........roy -*- End of Thread. -*- 85597 12-FEB 17:42 OSK Applications RE: g-windows (Re: Msg 85575) From: ROYBUR To: EDELMAR thanx for the info, ed. i thought i'd seen a price for g-windows _somewhere_, but darned if i can remember where. re g-win/k-win: fair enuff! thanx again. 8*)..........roy -*- 85598 12-FEB 17:46 General Information RE: DISTO Products running Low. (Re: Msg 85590) From: ROYBUR To: DISTO (NR) lemme try again. maybe i can state my question a little more clearly. you listed some things you have for sale and included in that list you mentioned some coco 3s. i was wondering what you would like to get for them; i.e., what price are you asking? or was that a mis-type? 8*).........roy -*- 85599 12-FEB 18:16 Applications (6809) Stream From: DENNYWRIGHT To: ALL Can anyone tel me for a friend who has three floppies and a hard drive. Can stream backup a HD using more than one drive, i.e. / d0 /d1 and /d2? What would the command syntax be? -*- 85637 14-FEB 21:49 Applications (6809) RE: Stream (Re: Msg 85599) From: THETAURUS To: DENNYWRIGHT (NR) >>Can stream backup a HD using more than one drive, Hi Denny. I recently did my first complete backup in a long time and used stream, but this time used only one drive. The last time I tried a two driveckup I ran into a problem, tho I can't remember exactly what it was. I don't remember if it was Stream I was using then, but am pretty sure you can use more than one drive. Try this: Stream . 'filelist' is a list a make of all the files with the 'Files' command that comes with the hdkit package. I chd to the directory that that file resides in, the enter the '-b' command which is really default anyway. The I enter the -v command so that it will also list the process to the screen as it goes along, and then the 'l' for 'log', and the logfile is in /dd/sys/stream/backlog. That stuff he may want to change around to his liking if he knows enough End of Thread. -*- 85600 12-FEB 19:06 Programmers Den RE: 'nother C problem (Re: Msg 85578) From: COLORSYSTEMS To: WDTV5 How much data did you try to stuff into it? Did your fflush() the path? You are opening it as buffered output, right? ------------------------------------ Zack C Sessions ColorSystems "I am Homer of Borg, prepare to be assimi ... OOOOHHH, DOUGHNUTS!" -*- 85601 12-FEB 20:15 Programmers Den RE: 'nother C problem (Re: Msg 85600) From: WDTV5 To: COLORSYSTEMS Its intended to be an alternate output for test runs for pf, so as not to waste half the eastern USA's pulp capacity doing test prints. So It would have all the output that normally goes to the printer shoved thru it. It takes the shove with no errors, and the pathnum shows to 'paths', but it finds a leaky pipe someplace, a 100% leak! I think that several years ago it worked, as that part of te code has been in pf since about version 12 or so. And I can do it from a basic09 test program just fine, or from any one of a dozen or so utils, like saveing a screenfull from 'vu' to '/wp', which works just fine. I'm still puzzled, and have now rearranged that code dozens of times over the last week trying to make it work. NADA, Zip, nothin has beene the results so far. Heck, I can even use the > operator which works just fine. Thanks for the reply tho, Zack, nice to hear from you. -=Gene= -*- 85607 13-FEB 01:04 Programmers Den RE: 'nother C problem (Re: Msg 85578) From: PAGAN To: WDTV5 I hope that outpath is defined as a FILE *. 'fopen()' returns a pointer to a typdef struct FILE defined in stdio.h not an int. I'd be a little sus- picious of a value of #396 too. First OS9 allocates variable storage from high memory but a pointer value of #396 is way down in the lower 512 that level II reserves for it's own informaion and stack and suct see what happens. Stephen (PAGAN) -*- End of Thread. -*- 85602 12-FEB 20:28 General Information RE: The Future (Re: Msg 85581) From: ROYBUR To: REVWCP for now, i'll just give ya the hardware. 512k 6809 coco3, 1-40trk DS drive, 1-80trk DS 5.25" drive (uh, the 40 track is 5.25" also), 1-80trk 3.5" drive, SC2 with rs232/hd interface and a home-brew para. port (based on Tony D.'s TotS port), an old 20M hard drive (MFM), Magnavox 8CM515 monitor and an old 2400B modem. the computer, controller and drives are in an AT-style case. i think that's about it. 8*)...........roy -*- 85611 13-FEB 15:41 General Information RE: The Future (Re: Msg 85581) From: TEDJAEGER To: REVWCP Just to relay my CoCo 3 experiences - I was gradually adding on to my system until Tandy shut things down and then 3rd party support got scarce. I had reached the point where I had a KenTon SCSI interface and 65 meg HD and was quite happy with the increased throughput thaily, the 6309 addressed that but my interest had largely passed by then to my MM1. However, thinking about installing a 6309, getting the SCSI drivers that support 512k sectors and speed up access, and using GuiB does get my blood flowing again. I will probably get arounf to revving up the old CoCo in the aforementioned manner, but I dont have any real time frame for it. Currently, my CoCo is at my office and I use a word processor (Window Writer) and a personal information manager (DeskTamer) on it extensively. Bests ---TedJaeger -*- 85612 13-FEB 17:07 General Information RE: The Future (Re: Msg 85581) From: ALWAGNER To: REVWCP My current systems are as follows: Operational: 512k Coco3 w/ Mpi (unmodified), RS232pak, Zoom 2400bps modem, Owl HD adapter, ST251 Hard Drive(40meg & full to capacity), 1.2meg 5.25 fllopy, Disto SC1, (2) 360k 5.25 floppy, and a CM-8 monitor. 512k Coco3 w/ FD502, (2) 360k 5.25 floppy, mouse w/hi-res adapter, and a i s primarily for MAX10. It is also the computer my daughter (13yrs) uses for homework and games. The Coco1 and 2 are mostly a nostalgia kick, although they do see occasional use to run things like the old Appliance and Light Controller that don't run on the Coco3. The 128k Coco3 is a backup, a hedge against the day when one or both of the others fail and parts are just not available. From that last statement it may correctly be extrapolated that the Coco's meet my current needs quite adequately and will continue to do so for the forseeable future. Yes, I would like to be able to handle larger databases more easily and be able to get data from Mess-Dos to OS9 more easily, but I do not find this a reason to go out and invest as heavily as would be needed in a computer just to have compatability with Mess-Dos. Although a computer running OS9-68k seems to be the future of OS9, I can't justify an investment in that direction just yet either. As for soa exhaustive list of my software, it does cover those programs used most frequently not counting utility commands. -*- 85615 13-FEB 18:45 General Information RE: The Future (Re: Msg 85581) From: THETAURUS To: REVWCP I get a feeling, this will be another long winded message of mine, so beware. I'm glad you brought this subject up Brother Jeremy, since not only is it very important for us in the 6809 world to come up with a sort of basic hardware 'guideline', it is also a very reachable goal if only the Coco users will speak up and give a little information, and voice themselves through the process, so no one or almost no one is upset later on when all is said and done. Wow, talk about a run on sentence! Anyhow if we get together, through conferencesn here and other services we could make way for a basic setup that programmers can use when writing programs. I agree OSK is the future, but there is no reason to stop using the Coco unless you need to move on. I think a lot of people are getting to caught up in the 'Coco is Dead' attitude, which seems to come from some people who have moved on and use OSK or another system exclusively. It is understandable how this can happen, since it obviously isn't being sold any more, but it is also important to remember this one question. Why NOT use,support and enjoy it? I say use it as if the market is growing and who knows what we may be able to do yet? Of course your not going to see a big surge of Coco's out there, but the people that ARE using them may become more involved, and who knows, we may even pull a few out of the closets! Remember, a lot of what is learned from the Coco can very easily be applied to the bigger, machines of the future :-) I tried too he UG, but for obvious reasons, that never came to be. Ok, to get my info out of the way, here is what I am running on... 1. 512k Color Computer 3(6809), Upgraded MultiPak,Tandy RS232 Pak, Tandy Fd-502 40 track DS drive with the Tandy (halt) controller which is used as /d0, a 720k 3 1/2" drive which I use as /d1, a Seagate 20 meg HD which Burke&Burke Coco XT-RTC, and an AMT Star 2400e modem I think the MultiPak or equivilent is such an obvious requirement, that it is almost silly to even include it. I don't think any hardware should be limited to one vendor's product. For instance I think a hard drive with interface should be standard, but all supported interfaces should be supported, not just B&B,Ken Ton,Disto, Etc. Personally, while I don't own a NitrOS9 or PowerBoost package, I wouldn't be against most future devolpement being centered around the 6309 chip. For 1, there is alreadywll run on the 6809 will be able to run on a 6809 Coco, tho a bit slower, unless of course it is assembler. That could present a problem. Well that's all I can offer off the top of my head at this time, but I'll also respond to a couple points you made. >>What software you would like to see. Obviously there are many of us in the 6809/os9 world who still want to see the Level 2 upgrade released. This is a mandatory project for the Users Group to undertake. True. There is no question getting the code will greatly increase the chances of people staying with the machine, rather than leaving it due to aggravation caused by the patching needed. A regularly updated version maintained by the User Group, most likely under the care of Zack Sessions, or whoever is the librarian at the time, will also help bring a few more users back, or even new users in, that were originally intimidated by the amount of hacking required. I know it sounds likeith OSK, but unfortunately OSK is still a little out of reach for many users, and the code, as well as SBF like you mentioned in your next point, presents a good alternative for those who can't upgrade, or are just comfortable with what they have. Personally I think the prices for the current machines are fine especially given the market we are trying to open, but a lot of people just don't have the money, no matter how well priced the machines are. >>5. Certain RSDOS programs to be ported to 6809/OS9. Of course I'm sure you don't think Max-10 should be among those... ;-) I agree this should be considered, but it isn't quite as important as the level II code and SBF projects. I think it might be a little more important to put more emphasis on getting NEW programs developed, as well as trying to get our hands on portable code from other systems. The latter might end up not being doable but it can't hurt to try. I think the problem with RSDos is that most if not all the good stuff there is written in Assembler, which even if we get the rights to rewrite them, it will REWRITES, and not a port :-( If it can be done tho, I say why not!? Another goal should be getting in touch with vendors of yesteryear, and try to get a hold of some of the good programs that lost support. We should try and get them in the hands of a vendor who can sell it and support it commercially, and if that isn't possible see if it can be released to shareware, as another program added to the OS9 UG library. A big boost to the UG's shareware library could be helpfull in generating a some funds. Now the challenge of pulling through with this project is getting users from all over involved. Right now we are just the Delphi community. We also have the members of other online pay services, as well as the small isolated BBS's all over, plus Fidonet,STGNet,and Internet users. With a little effort and coordination, we can get all of them involved. The harder part is going to be getting the interest and involvement of the people without the benefit of a modem and/or a service to get on. One of the goals of the UG is to try and bridge this gap as much as possible, and one of the (pardon the pun ;-) blessings of this whole project is, it will probably provide the UG with it's first test to see if it can indeed make such communication possible. The only way to go is up, so I'm interested to see how this will work out :-) Let me know where you stand concerning my ramblings :-) >Chris< -*- 85629 14-FEB 18:38 General Information RE: The Future (Re: Msg 85612) From: MIKE_GUZZI To: ALWAGNER (NR) well "just for what its worth" here is my list of online hardware CoCo3, 6309 modified with Nitros9 1 meg memory, comm-4 4 serial ports. 2 us robotics sportsters 14400 modems. ken ton scsi interface using matt thompsons scsi drivers (registered) two 85 meg scsi hard disks, 360k disk drive, 720k 5.25" and 720k 3.5" disk drives using the sardis DMC no halt controller upgraded to 32k cache. modified multipak (newer style) all hardware operates off a external 150 watt power supply. second system: 512K 6309 coco3. two rs232 paks, no modems, but linked to main system via null modem. burke & burke controller with a small 20 meg hard disk (i have a second one, but not hookedup since I don't need it) 360K disk drive and two 3.5" disk drives. that system uses the magnavox 1cm515 monitor the main one uses a sony kv1311cr. i also have several coco3's on the shelf as spares somce are 512k, others 128 Mike -*- 85639 14-FEB 21:50 General Information RE: The Future (Re: Msg 85629) From: THETAURUS To: MIKE_GUZZI (NR) >>i also have several coco3's on the shelf as spares some are 512k, others 128 No wonder there aren't as many Coco users as we would like to see right now. YOU have ALL the machines! ;-) >Chris< -*- End of Thread. -*- 85603 12-FEB 22:13 General Information COCO STUFF FOR SALE From: BOISY To: ALL ..nf *** COLOR COMPUTER 3 SYSTEM FOR SALE *** I'm selling my Color Computer 3 system to make room for an MM/1. Items are sold as-is, first come, first serve. Buyer pays shipping. Minimum order $20.00 Please send all inquiries to: boisy@microware.com Hwon-working CoCo 2s great for parts $20 for all thre e CoCos CM-8 RGB Monitor $40 Orchestra 90-CC $10 X-Pad $10 2 button color mouse $10 Two single half-height drive case with power supply $15 each MC-10 Micro CoCo (sans power supply) $10 SOFTWARE ======== [All manuals and documentation are included with each package] KBCom $15 CoCo Max 3 w/ hi-res interface $15 Towel disk utility for Level 2 $10 Tandy Software: Multi-Vue disk/manual set $5 Dynacalc $3 OS-9 Profile Apiions RE: SC (Re: Msg 85567) From: KSCALES To: BROWN80 > Is there a version out that uses termcap rather than terminfo. Yes, two, both from EFFO. There is an earlier version (something like 6.1) available in the EFFO library here in the database. That is probably the one Paul emailed to you. They also have a port of version 6.21, but it falls under EFFO's new distribution policy, which requires ordering the disks from Switzerland, and payment of a distribution fee. Sorry, I don't have a complete address handy. > The vt100 > terminfo file doesn't work very well with G-Windows ( I have to redraw > the screen a lot). I think it's because there are some vt52 controls > mixed into the G-Windows description. What problems are you having? What version of the Terminfo files are you using? You should be using the version from Trminf1a.lzh, which was posted to the database with Rogue. This has updated Terminfos for G-Windows. Also, what version of G-Windows afwor things. (See Ed Gresick's post of the GW "edition.h" file, in the Database New area.) > I don't know how to come up with a > custom terminfo file for G-Windows. I'm going try one more time but > G-Windows comes with a fairly complete termcap file and that should make > life easier. Wouldn't it? Yes, so long as the termcap is fully supported. I did not distribute the tools for creating Terminfos because they were just too buggy for general release. I had to use several workarounds to coax them to work. As noted previously, I am thinking of doing an updated port once I finish my current projects. This would use Termcap, and should be much faster. Regards... / Ken -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ken Scales Delphi:KSCALES Internet:kscales@delphi.com CIS:74646,2237 -*- 85625 14-FEB 03:38 OSK Applications RE: SC (Re: Msg 85604) From: BROWN80 To: KSCALES Thanks a lot, Ken. The problem I was having is proh t problems that I have with this and and InfoXpress. In the meantime I'll look up Rogue and check on the Terminfo file and see if I can find the EFFO file. Thank you so much for the programs you have recompiled for us. Non-C types like me would never have gotten anywhere withouyou. John Brown -*- End of Thread. -*- 85605 12-FEB 22:35 General Information RE: bible database (Re: Msg 85548) From: TOMFANN To: DANBEACH (NR) I just searched the database here and it isn't there, so someone must be selling it. I would be interested in it too. Maybe DSRTFOX will tell us where to find it 8-). ...Tom Fann -*- 85606 12-FEB 23:18 System Modules (6809) 4in1 problems From: WTHOMPSON To: ALL Someone on fido told me how to make the scsi drive cable correctly but after correcting that I STILL get no response fron the hard drive. One question: who out there has a 4in1/sc2 on their coco3 with the 6309 cpu? I am wonderPO To: COCOKIWI I have a Seagate 157n. I'm pretty sure that has the contoller on it. As far as 256/512 byte sectors, I am using the scsisys so I want to go to 512 sectors but the 157n is capable of both. Thanks, Wayne -*- 85620 13-FEB 22:05 System Modules (6809) RE: 4in1 problems (Re: Msg 85606) From: DIETER To: WTHOMPSON (NR) > 6309 cpu? I am wondering of the 6309 is causeing some difficulties > when pluggin the sc2/4in1 directly in the coco. > Thanks, > Wayne > Your 4in1 board needs 12 vold from an extra power supply, do You have on installed? Dieter Dieter -*- 85630 14-FEB 18:52 System Modules (6809) RE: 4in1 problems (Re: Msg 85620) From: DSRTFOX To: DIETER (NR) Why does the 4-N-1 need 12V? Anything to do with the clock? Mine doesn't keep the right time. Haven't tried the hard drive controller yet, but expect to use it soon. Or does just the RS-232 use 12V? -*- 85647 15-FEB 02:06 System rve in the system. An then, the RSDOS basic program did not seem to work for the ST157N and larger drives. I have a patched version of it around somewhere. Let me know if you need it. I almost forgot to mention that I do not use the multipak. The SC-II/4n1 and a Rs232 pack are on a ribbon cable. You can, if you are adventerous, bypass the on-board voltage regulator on the SC-II and feed it 5v directly from the PC power supply. Allen -*- 85648 15-FEB 02:15 System Modules (6809) RE: 4in1 problems (Re: Msg 85630) From: AJMLFCO To: DSRTFOX (NR) I believe the 12 volts get regulated down to 5 volts with a 7805-type chip, the excess energy being dissapated as "heat"! If you are putting it in a PC system, you can solder a wire on the output of the regulator and take regulated +5 from the PC power supply. A ground (common) wire is a good idea, too. Allen -*- End of Thread. -*- 85608 13-FEB 02:08 System Modules (6809) RE: new 4in1 (Re: Msg 85594) .. the co. who built it in the first place! -*- End of Thread. -*- 85614 13-FEB 18:44 General Information RE: GaleForce (Re: Msg 85572) From: THETAURUS To: PHXKEN (NR) Hi Ken, Wes Gale can be contacted here at username WESGALE. I don't think he gets on real often, but send him some e-mail. I just got a reply from him recently, so he is still here, and Gale Force is still active. The voice number I have, which should still be the one he is using now, is (604) 589-1660. Good Luck >Chris< -*- 85622 14-FEB 01:16 General Information RE: GaleForce (Re: Msg 85572) From: BUDDCAR To: PHXKEN (NR) I have had trouble getting to the BBS but Wes is still operational. Was on the BBS in the evening only about a week ago at 604 - 589 - 1660 He has been using that line as a day business phone so try again. Usually you will at least get the answering machine. If at first you don't succeed - et cet. NRFOX To: JES68K That the source code is available IS very interesting! After a C version was running, it should be easier to convert that to M/L than to start with M/L from scratch... -*- 85641 14-FEB 22:46 General Information RE: SIM09 - 6809 Simulator (Re: Msg 85616) From: JES68K To: DSRTFOX (NR) Yes, you are so right ... Thomas Kocourek (Atlanta area) is porting a lot of things to OS9000 and the SIM09 is something he has shown interest in of late. He just finished porting AR to OS9000 and I am looking for LHA 2.13 source code so he can port it ... if someone has not already. === Jesse === -*- End of Thread. -*- 85621 13-FEB 23:44 General Information RE: 268'm (Re: Msg 85500) From: LUCKYONE To: NEALSTEWARD (NR) Hi Frank, I received the Feb. issue on the seventh of Feb. in the Chicago area. It's a very fine issue to. Keep up the good work. Howard Howard Luckey delphi LUCKYONE CIS 74746,3207 ****pication notes and articles on various Motorola processors and controllers. Everything is going according to schedule so far, the real shake-out will be in the June-July time frame when the first subscriptions are due for renewal. Once that hurdle is crossed, will be great! That's also when I'll buy my own laser instead of having the printer print my masters on his. Will allow me a lot more flexibility with fonts, and save a few bucks also. -*- End of Thread. -*- 85623 14-FEB 02:01 General Information RE: LHA Port to OSK (Re: Msg 85574) From: MIKEHAALAND To: JES68K LHA 2.06 for OSK is completely compatible with MSDOS LHA 2.13. So, your problem is solved. :) If you have any trouble with LHA please drop me a note. - Mike - -*- 85643 14-FEB 22:51 General Information RE: LHA Port to OSK (Re: Msg 85623) From: JES68K To: MIKEHAALAND (NR) I thought the LHA revision on Delphi was 2.01, your last message states 2.06 ...... please straighten me o ************ /\/\ark ************/ (uploaded with InfoXpress Ver 1.01) -*- 85627 14-FEB 14:29 General Information RE: Microware in the WSJ (Re: Msg 85626) From: CBJ To: MARKGRIFFITH (NR) Mark, I'm sure you are right, most of the programs we see in the OS-9 areas are programs written by hackers and they assume that other "hackers" will use them. This is a shame because that is one of the things that keeps the RS-DOS users away from OS-9, the need to understand OS-9 at the command line level before you can use it. I was lucky. I was given a configured system that had all the utilities and patches in place when I took the plunge into OS-9. I was able to use a lot of programs only because they were already configured to work on my system. I am still learning how to do certain things under OS-9 but I have had a lot of use from my system because somebody else set it all up. It shouldn't be that hard. I had tried OS-9 many times before that bihte directory that the program will create, create your own directory-you name a directory and if it doesn't exist the program will make it for you, and exit. Obviously if you exit then the program isn't installed. Carl -*- 85632 14-FEB 19:01 General Information RE: Microware in the WSJ (Re: Msg 85626) From: DSRTFOX To: CBJ (NR) Check out some of C. Dekkers programs for good install examples. He doesn't sell source code with his programs, but the install programs work well. He even has hard drive install programs, but some of the older OS-9 guys.. user time wise... don't like the idea. They want to see source code so they can see what's going to happen first. All he does is creat a directory and install the program though. You still have to edit your boot file if you want anything to autostart or an ything. Chris will be at the Chicago fest... write him and see if he'll give a talk on writing user friendly install procedures forS-9!! -*- 85633 14-FEB 19:58 General InM 85626) From: COLORSYSTEMS To: MARKGRIFFITH (NR) I wrote installation programs for all of my CoCo based products. So far all the MM/1 stuff only needed to dsave everything to CMDS and that's it, so I didn't write an installation program for it. Besides, most MM/1 owners are also developers who know how to install a few program binaries. But, yes, I agree with the concept and plan to have install programs for any other product which is more complex to install. Microsoft Visual C++ has a special facility which makes it easy to package up your Visual C++ based project as a "standard MS-Windows installation" style program. generates a program called SETUP.EXE, of course. :-) ------------------------------------ Zack C Sessions "Always in motion is the future." - Yoda -*- End of Thread. -*- 85634 14-FEB 20:12 General Information Disto Controllers for sale From: BOISY To: ALL I have a Disto SC-II (no-halt) controller with 3-n-1 board (real time clnsrial cable and external power supply for $70. I also have a Disto SC-I with a 2-N-1 board (real time clock and parallel port) with RS-DOS for $40 (disk controller has no case). If interested, please respond. -*- 85635 14-FEB 21:48 General Information RE: Printer (Re: Msg 85592) From: THETAURUS To: WTHOMPSON (NR) >>You really can't go wrong with either one. Sounds great. I have a local Circuit City nearby, so I'll check it out. I'm sure they have a better selection then the other smaller stores in the area. >Chris< -*- 85636 14-FEB 21:49 Music & Sound RE: Sound program (Re: Msg 85587) From: THETAURUS To: LUCKYONE (NR) >>I don't understand this error at all because if I am starting sound in a window that is already on the screen how can it not be defined? Chances are, the program itself is trying to create another window to run the process in, and instead of seeking the next availableaghai'ed From: KSCALES To: ALL The following message is being posted at the request of Colin McKay of Northern Xposure. Regards... / Ken ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ATTENTION OS-9ers! Can't say too much right now, but... BLOW THE DUST OFF OF YOUR SHANGHAI ROMPAKS! More details later this month. Colin McKay Northern Xposure -*- 85644 14-FEB 22:58 General Information AR From: JES68K To: BOISY AR is available on ACS BBS in 68K/OS9000 file section right now. I guess I could be persuaded to upload here .... if I here any OS9000ers pleading for it. === Jesse === -*- 85645 15-FEB 02:04 General Information VDGINT2.AR From: DONALDS To: KSCALES I saw a message last week that Alan had uploaded these files around the 5th. of this month it has been along time comming. from looking at the first file that he posted on the smaller VDG module. don -*- 85646 15-FEB No more messages. FORUM>Reply, Add, Read, "?" or Exit> .