read new nonstop follow 86815 17-APR 12:45 General Information RE: Printer (Re: Msg 86797) From: JEJONES To: REVWCP > Has any one had any experience with the Epson Stylus 300 Ink-Jet Printer? Not directly, but I have a Stylus 800, which probably uses the same escape sequences, (the so-called ESC/P2). > It is available for around $300.00 dollars. ??!?! You should look around. I think the Stylus 800 these days is less than that... Yup, USA*FLEX in the April 94 *Computer Shopper* quotes $249 for the Stylus 800, and $229 for the Stylus 300. Looks like that's counting a mail-in rebate, so it's a good idea to check the fine print. > Of course I would like to > use it with MAX-10. I would guess that for most things, it should work as a > standard Epson printer. I will have to get more information on it. Make a point of finding someone who has the printer, and ask said person if he or she could run it with some program configured to output the stuff appropriate for the kind of Epson printer MAX-10 supports. I find that when I try to print out an UltiMusE score on the Stylus 800, it comes out looking pale gray, and I'm not sure why. (One wild guess that just came to mind--gee, do you suppose that it's spitting out 360 dpi sized dots at 1/72 inch intervals?) Opinions herein are those of their respective authors, and not necessarily those of any organization. Clipper Chip: Big Brother Inside -*- 86816 17-APR 12:45 General Information RE: Canada mail (Re: Msg 86813) From: JEJONES To: MRUPGRADE > The finacial part,, is (shrug) better then my 7 years of upgrading (in > RSDOS) has achieved; with more features. Just think, if you'd started learning OS-9 a few years ago... :-) > This shouold be a $49.95 package,, but of course foro CoCo will be much > less. So, will he do an MM/1 port? Opinions herein are those of their respective authors, and not necessarily those of any organization. Clipper Chip: Big Brother Inside -*- 86818 17-APR 13:26 General Information RE: Canada mail (Re: Msg 86816) From: MRUPGRADE To: JEJONES An MM/1 port foro the Home-Manager is not presently in theh works. Though oyu're suggestion is a good one. Perhaps also,,, > "Just think, if you'd started learning OS-9 a few years ago..." But I gotta tell ya James,,,, I doubt I'd be at Chris's level. He handles OS-9 with such ease,, I give 'em an error number,, and he knows right away what it si,, and how to fix it. My fears always were if it were ported to OS much would be left out,,, due to theh programmers lack of ability to do, this or that in OS. But not so with Chris Dekker. Every little userfriendly feature is there, with more added! . (~~~~~~~~~~~~))) (---- -----))) l l l\\\\ l l l~~~~ il l l l hen l l l erry g \\\\\\\ ~~~~~~~ -*- 86821 17-APR 15:38 General Information RE: Canada mail (Re: Msg 86818) From: KSCALES To: MRUPGRADE > An MM/1 port foro the Home-Manager is not presently in theh works. > Though oyu're suggestion is a good one. Terry, an observation from the last Atlanta fest: It looks to me like there has been a major shift in buying patterns towards L2 OS-9 and OSK. For example, the Northern Xposure booth had a mix of products for DECB, L2 OS-9, and OSK. I just spoke with Colin, and he estimates that about 95% of his sales were L2 OS-9 and OSK. Although he had some nice stuff for DECB (including the Oblique Triad games), these customers were just browsing, and not spending money. The 95% OS-9/OSK breakdown was roughly 60% for OSK, 40% L2 OS-9. The OSK users are the ones who are investing in their systems. Bob van der Poel also remarked that he was quite surprised by the division. At the Mid-West fest a few months before, his sales had been mostly L2. But in Atlanta they were very much dominated by OSK. I also suggest that the OSK version be made generic (not K-Windows specific). I have noticed the number of non-MM/1 users has been growing over the last year. > My fears always were if it were ported to > OS much would be left out,,, due to theh programmers lack of ability to > do, this or that in OS. Actually, it is just the opposite: the Operating System should be an "enabler", allowing the programmer to concentrate on the application, rather than on details of how to read a directory, read/write a file, etc. DECB (I consider it a Basic programming environment rather than a DOS, so avoid the misnomer "RS-DOS") is extremely weak in providing programmer support. Just my opinions ... / Ken -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ken Scales Delphi:KSCALES CIS:74646,2237 -*- 86850 18-APR 00:21 General Information RE: Canada mail (Re: Msg 86821) From: MRUPGRADE To: KSCALES My fears of loss of versitility,, came form my observation of RS OS-9 software. If yoouo even lok at theh key baord,, theh drive has oto turn on and load something. I just assumed Os on the CoCo was a cumbersome race to get enopough in to run the program. And was surprised to see Chris's version of Home-Pac. Like the RS counterpart,, all is there,, quick and easy,, theh only disk accessing is for files. Til then,,, Terry Simons -*- 86860 18-APR 19:40 General Information RE: Canada mail (Re: Msg 86850) From: DSRTFOX To: MRUPGRADE With a 64K CoCo, your observation of the disk drive having to do a lot of work is right on target. you can only load so much into 64K (heck, even 128K!) and still have room for a program to function properly. Does Home-Pak OS-9 require 512K? Actually, if all you're doing is running that single program and not trying to do someth ing else at the same time, 128K is sufficient. It's when you try multi-tasking or loading enough commands for a general purpose system that you run out of memory fast. When I use my 512K boot, I have 384K left after I load some general, much used commands. I did nearly the same on a 128K system, and only had 40K left.... not even enough to format disks! -*- 86870 18-APR 21:56 General Information Home Manager (Re: Msg 86860) From: MRUPGRADE To: DSRTFOX (NR) 512K may have more RAM disk available,, but th program preforms beautifully, in memory of a 128K. I love theh instantoneous reponse of a computer (being th impatient type),,, andn don't care for programs that or wehre youo have to wiat for another program to load (or module) every time youo make a menu choice. Touch a key,, and see your option on screen. That's th way, I like it. That's theh way Home-Pac operates, unless oyu're going oto a different portion of the package,, Mailer, etc. Til then,,, Terry Simons -*- 86871 18-APR 21:59 General Information Home Manager (Re: Msg 86821) From: MRUPGRADE To: KSCALES > I just spoke with Colin (Northern Xposure), and he estimates that > about 95% of his sales were L2 OS-9 and OSK. Although he had > some nice stuff for DECB (including the Oblique Triad games), > these customers were just browsing, and not spending money. Re: Granted DECB is pretty much ended for Fests. And the trend toward OSK seems to be more dominate in (do we still call 'em) CoCo-Fests? However this is "Fests". The communuty at large is still buying both some DECB and more OS-9. Wittness: > Bob van der Poel also remarked that he was quite surprised by > the division. At the Mid-West fest a few months before, his sales > had been mostly L2. <<<<< I keep saying the route to success and sales, is diversity. With our (The UPGRADE) support; having the broad base support in mind: The Van der Poel statement doesn't surprise me. I keep telling vendors there is a good market for OS L2. Yet most ad requests go of the edge of the earth. But the CoCo market place has never made good marketing sence. No reason to change now. I think really, though some may not like to admit it,,, what we're talkimg about here is a hobby. "Be it user or vendor". And if the vendor happens to like his OSK (which many do), that's what he'll sell and support. (irreguardless of what he could sell) In America we can do that. And remember to some; The Fests represent, the community. For others it's certain mags, Fidonet, or Delphi. To me they all comprise the CoCo community. end of speech (ain'tcha glad) Anyhue,,, Home-Pac though a very nice and powerful home manager, is a highly practical program. I learned (grin) how that goes over in a Rainbow Fest booth next to MAXSOUND playing Startrek routines. As my prospective buyer heres Captian Kirk bellowing,, he sez,, lemme get back in a minute. GIMMESOFT flew home and bought his Lazor Printer that year. So it goes,,,, Finally Ken,, I'd agree this home-management package would sell a few in OSk. Problem is; the author has only OS-9, and if you can understand,,, we're not yet itching for a chance to pass out source code. Hopefully there will be a few CoCo'ists, at the CoCo Fest. Til then,, Terry Simons -*- 86880 18-APR 23:33 General Information RE: Home Manager (Re: Msg 86871) From: JRUPPEL To: MRUPGRADE So eloquently put! Not all OS-9'ers are 68K users, or even intend to go to OSK! Thanks, Terry! John Ruppel >>>>>>GO WINGS>>>>>> -*- End of Thread. -*- 86817 17-APR 12:46 General Information RE: Chess (Re: Msg 86812) From: JEJONES To: ILLUSIONIST > I have not seen a good chess program anywhere for OS-9, I was wondering > if one exists and where I can get it Which chess programs have you seen, and what would you say makes for a good chess program? The only thing that comes to my mind is Chris Burke's package that does for a cartridge chess program for the CoCo 3 what he did for Color BASIC some years ago, but you may have already seen that one. > I would be willing to up to $50 for a good chess game for the coco, of > course I would enjoy nice looking graphics on it, but I wouldnt want it > "overly done" 3d-like boxes and such are too slow on the CoCo, esp when > downloading Any chess program is necessarily a major time cruncher, walking all those game trees and evaluating positions. You'll probably have to drop the priority on any chess game you run while you're downloading. Opinions herein are those of their respective authors, and not necessarily those of any organization. Clipper Chip: Big Brother Inside -*- 86822 17-APR 16:02 General Information RE: Chess (Re: Msg 86812) From: COLORSYSTEMS To: ILLUSIONIST > I have not seen a good chess program anywhere for OS-9, I was wondering > if one exists and where I can get it, I doubt one exits for the CoCo, but Chris Burke (Burke & Burke) sells a product he calls "World Class Chess" for the CoCo3 and OS-9 Level 2. It requires that you have the Cyrus Chess cartridge which was produced for the CoCo3. It's my impression the way it works is that you run some setup type program which copies the necessary contents of the cart to an disk file. It either patches this file with the necessary code to make it work under Level 2, or there is then a "front end" which accesses this disk file to play the game. Either way, it is Chess for OS-9 Level 2. Last price I am aware of was $29.95 for Chris's program. I have no idea as to the availability of the Cyrus cart. It still may be availble by mail order as a lot of CoCo3 software still is. There is a program called GNU Chess which has been ported to OS-9/68000 and works fine, but I doubt if it can be ported to OS-9 Level 2. The main program is just under 200K and when it is running eats up just under 700K!!! I guess with the new 1 and 2 meg CoCo's it might be possible, but how many CoCoists who are still around have 1 and 2 meg systems? shamless plug follows: At the Chicago Fest I will be unveiling K-Windows Chess which is a GFX front end for GNU Chess. Total point and click interface with full color graphics. Requires a 3M MM/1 (or more) running Edition #51 or greater of K-Windows. ------------------------------------ Zack C Sessions "We did not inherit the Earth from our Ancestors, we borrowed it from our descendants." Ancient proverb -*- 86824 17-APR 16:33 General Information RE: Chess (Re: Msg 86812) From: LLASHER To: ILLUSIONIST On one of the T&D disk there is a wonderful chess game.... decb though -*- 86837 17-APR 21:13 General Information RE: Chess (Re: Msg 86824) From: DSRTFOX To: ILLUSIONIST Check with Colin McKay of Northern XPosure.... he has a new chess program, I think! -*- 86840 17-APR 21:29 General Information RE: Chess (Re: Msg 86812) From: ISC To: ILLUSIONIST Mike, I have "World Class Chess" by Chris Burke of Burke & Burke. I think I paid $29.95 for it about 2 years ago. Zack Sessions (COLORSYSTEMS) is correct. It requires the Tandy "Cyrus Chess" cartridge. By the way, the Cyrus Chess cartridge does NOT by itself run on the CoCo III. Maybe it was a CoCo II program? In any case, the "World Class Chess" program instructs you as to how to "unload" the cartridge "Cyrus Chess" program to a disk (floppy). After this is accomplished, the diskette becomes your chess diskette. I find the graphics very good for the CoCo - certainly fast enough for a game of chess - it is also possible to select a fast or slow speed if one should want to play speed chess. The board has settable colors, the program has 9 levels of play. I am an average chess player, and I find it to be a better than average chess player - as good or better than most computer chess games - except for the most expensive ones available for more powerful computers. The program is MUCH better than the program which comes bundled with OS2 for the IBM compatibles. "Cyrus Chess" also allows you to set up the pieces in any configuration for solving chess problems. You can store and recall games or games in progress, making it perfect for chess by mail as well. The Cyrus chess cartridge is probably available from Tandy though I have not checked recently. If it is not available through normal channels, check with your store manager for the special order catalog mentioned here in a thread authored by TOMFANN. The only deficiency in the "World Class Chess/Cyrus Chess" package which I have found is pawn promotion will only allow you to promote a pawn to a Queen, even though the program asks you which piece you would like. That is the only bug. Otherwise, I have spent many hours battling "Cyrus". He anticipates your moves about 8 or 9 moves ahead and even allows you to read the constantly updated move analysis or turn it off if you prefer. I think this program is a great bargain. I hope you can find a copy. Bill -*- 86846 17-APR 23:05 General Information RE: Chess (Re: Msg 86817) From: ILLUSIONIST To: JEJONES I have seen Chris burkes software for that cartridge, the game play is fair, but since I dont have the cartridge..... I have seen various chess program on other systems (but I am no means pretending we could get something like that for the CoCo) I am not concerned with flashyness of the game graphics for whatever, just so long as it plays a decent game of chess at higher levels.. A game that could play at grandmaster chess level would be great, but I dont expect to see advanced game of chess is fine for me.. Too bad the CoCo market it slowly drying up, but hey, who knows, a program like this could fly on OSk.. -* Mike -*- 86847 17-APR 23:07 General Information RE: Chess (Re: Msg 86837) From: ILLUSIONIST To: DSRTFOX Do you have an internet or delphi address fo Colin McKay? I would like to send him some email.. -*- 86848 17-APR 23:10 General Information RE: Chess (Re: Msg 86840) From: ILLUSIONIST To: ISC Yes, I have seen cyrus, and while it isnt the best chess game I have seen it is the best I have seen for the coco, but unfort. I cannot find the cyrus chess cart. i will however follow up with tandy, thanks for the lead.. -*- 86858 18-APR 19:32 General Information RE: Chess (Re: Msg 86848) From: DSRTFOX To: ILLUSIONIST I'll see if I can dig Colin's internet address up... -*- 86861 18-APR 20:19 General Information RE: Chess (Re: Msg 86847) From: KSCALES To: ILLUSIONIST > Do you have an internet or delphi address fo Colin McKay? I would like > to send him some email.. Colin may be reached at: Internet: IN%"" or, Internet: IN%"cmckay@UUISIS.ISIS.ORG" I don't believe that Colin (Northern Xposure) currently has any Chess programs in his catalog. Regards... / Ken -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ken Scales Delphi:KSCALES CIS:74646,2237 -*- End of Thread. -*- 86819 17-APR 13:38 General Information Bill's Book From: MRUPGRADE To: ALL I have a flyer on Bill Bardens book: Connecting the CoCo to the real world there is no return at theh address listed. Does any one know hwere this book can be purchased? or would you be willing to sell or lend a copy? Til then,,, Terry Simons -*- 86820 17-APR 15:38 General Information RE: New MM/1 Monitor (Re: Msg 86814) From: KSCALES To: TEDJAEGER (NR) > Mostly I wish > we'd get support for VGA as I understand the hardware can do 35 > HZ sync and then we could just VGA monitors. Ah well! Sorry, Ted, we've been through this one before in the forum. The 31 KHz output mode on the MM/1 is pretty much a USELESS capability which provides a half-width, double-height display. To use a VGA monitor on the MM/1 in any practical way will require a new hardware interface and new driver software. Until these become available, only 15.75 KHz monitors will be of any use. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ken Scales Delphi:KSCALES CIS:74646,2237 -*- 86825 17-APR 20:01 General Information RE: New MM/1 Monitor (Re: Msg 86766) From: JOHNBAER To: JEJONES James, > When I look at monitors, I see them list the *maximum* scan rate they > can handle, but I don't see a minimum listed. Is there a minimum, or > can any of them handle 15.whatever KHz? > In this day'n age, everybody WANTS the Max . Yea, there's a minimun alright.. they just don't bother to `list' that spec. You have to pull teeth to get it sometimes. I believe the lowest rate the most of the Multi sync goto now is 30 khz (sigh). I'm still looking . -- John - *** Posted with Ved 2.3 & IX 1.0.1 *** -*- 86832 17-APR 20:48 General Information RE: New MM/1 Monitor (Re: Msg 86820) From: DSRTFOX To: KSCALES Ken, you're the first one I've seen mention that the display is distorted when using VGA sync... maybe I missed that one. The main reasons I've seen that the VGA sync rate wasn't implemented was 1) to keep a hapless user from blowing his 15.75KHz monitor a nd 2) the driver didn't support it. Would a driver be capable of correcting the problem alone, with no additional hardware? -*- 86845 17-APR 22:47 General Information RE: New MM/1 Monitor (Re: Msg 86832) From: KSCALES To: DSRTFOX > Ken, you're the first one I've seen mention that the display is distorted > when using VGA sync... maybe I missed that one. Took me a bit of digging through the Forum, but there was a thread on "MM1 graphics". At least one message in there (81248 from MITHELEN/Paul Jerkatis) mentioned the uselessness of the 31.5 KHz modes on the MM/1 -- I was going to post something then as well, but Paul beat me to it ;-) I have the Signetics docs for the VSC chip here, and that mode just gives you a tall, narrow display that wouldn't be of much practical use. > The main reasons I've seen that the VGA sync rate wasn't implemented was > 1) to keep a hapless user from blowing his 15.75KHz monitor and > 2) the driver didn't support it. The driver doesn't support it for the following reasons: 1) to keep a hapless user from blowing his 15.75KHz monitor 2) it wouldn't be much use, anyways. > Would a driver be capable of > correcting the problem alone, with no additional hardware? No. Well, I guess maybe if you were willing to live with only having a 48-column (in overscan mode) display... Regards... / Ken -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ken Scales Delphi:KSCALES CIS:74646,2237 -*- End of Thread. -*- 86823 17-APR 16:02 OSK Applications RE: PGP for OSK? (Re: Msg 86811) From: COLORSYSTEMS To: RHELLER > Has anyone ported PGP to OSK? I just made a first stab at compiling it > (using gcc 2.5.6), but although I got everything to compile and link, it > does not seem to work. Rather than re-invent the wheel, I thought I > might ask around and see if someone else has built a working version. Enlighten the unenlighted. What is PGP? ------------------------------------ Zack C Sessions "We did not inherit the Earth from our Ancestors, we borrowed it from our descendants." Ancient proverb -*- 86828 17-APR 20:02 OSK Applications RE: PGP for OSK? (Re: Msg 86823) From: JOHNBAER To: COLORSYSTEMS Zack, > Enlighten the unenlighted. What is PGP? > PGP stands for `Pretty Good Protection. It's a encryption (sp?) program that let's you send/receive mail that's real tough to crack. The `key' can fill half of a 80 x 24 screen . BTW: The C source is here on Delphi. In the writer's forum I believe.. I'll check if you wish ? -- John - *** Posted with Ved 2.3 & IX 1.0.1 *** -*- 86829 17-APR 20:13 OSK Applications RE: PGP for OSK? (Re: Msg 86823) From: RHELLER To: COLORSYSTEMS PGP == Pretty Good Privacy -- it is a Public Key Encryption package. Robert -*- 86844 17-APR 22:23 OSK Applications RE: PGP for OSK? (Re: Msg 86823) From: JEJONES To: COLORSYSTEMS > Enlighten the unenlighted. What is PGP? PGP = Pretty Good Privacy, a public-key encryption system. For some info about it, and about the Federal Government's plans to make sure that you can't send any information that they can't read, check out the next-to- most-recent issue of *Wired*. Opinions herein are those of their respective authors, and not necessarily those of any organization. Clipper Chip: Big Brother Inside -*- 86852 18-APR 05:23 OSK Applications RE: PGP for OSK? (Re: Msg 86844) From: PAGAN To: JEJONES >PGP = Pretty Good Privacy, a public-key encryption system. For some info >about it, and about the Federal Government's plans to make sure that you >can't send any information that they can't read, check out the next-to- >most-recent issue of *Wired*. I'm getting on my soapbox so you might want to skip this message. The author of PGP is Phil Zimmerman. He may be a little hard to reach since he could be in jail by now. It seems that someone OTHER than Zimmerman posted PGP to internet ftp sites that are accessible from outside the U.S. Our freedom-loving government deccided that this violated Export Regulations Regarding Encryption and decide to haul Zimmerman into court over it. This action has put a damper on PD software using any kind of encryption being distributed and is, I think, a blatant attempt by the government to clamp down on "independent" programmers and bring them "into line". Governments are going to do their best to control whatever the currency of power in the world happens to be. Four hundred years ago it was religion and every government in the world regulated what church you could go to and when and where you had to pray. Today the currency of power is technology. With the advent of the personal computer, a large part of that technology became controllable by individuals without requiring large investments. This effectively bypassed the 'traditional' controls on things like "freedom of speech and of the press". With a computer and a dot matrix printer anybody can go into the newspaper business. Even this message represents the new freedom that the personal computer brought. Not only will it be read by many more people than would have seen it before the advent of cheap online sevices but is much more difficult to censor. Believe me, modern governments just HATE it when they don't have control over everything. The push for 'standardization' of hardware and operating systems and the whole Information Superhighway are two examples of how government is trying (succeeding) in establihing it's control over the technology of computers. BTW, I noticed source for DES on chestnut - wonder how long it'll take Big Sister to close them down. Opinions expressed herein are mine but you can freely distribute them. Stephen (PAGAN) -*- 86853 18-APR 09:05 OSK Applications RE: PGP for OSK? (Re: Msg 86852) From: ILLUSIONIST To: PAGAN I totally agree. There isnt much more I can say than that. (running off to chestnut now, I wanna get a copy of that DES source..) -*- End of Thread. -*- 86826 17-APR 20:01 General Information RE: MM/1 Sound (Re: Msg 86787) From: JOHNBAER To: BOISY Boisy, > .... I ran across the ideal MM/1 speaker > console. It's called the S3 Under Monitor Speaker System made by Addison > Tech. It's 13" x 11" and over 3" high and sits under your monitor. > Good lord! Boom Box's for computers!! . Myself, I have the old rat shack SA-150 mini amp and 2 of there Minimus 7's that I got on sale along while back. The 7's were on sale at 50% off, that's when I jumped on them . I'm pleased with the way they sound for there size.. not bad. -- John - *** Posted with Ved 2.3 & IX 1.0.1 *** -*- 86827 17-APR 20:02 OSK Applications RE: MM/1 Monitors + (Re: Msg 86774) From: JOHNBAER To: NIMITZ OK, here go's David... Still running winio 48, 3meg, 2 floppies 1.44, 1 HD 120 meg Maxtor 1720, tape backup, CM 8 (age'n), LineLink 144e and soon to be installed.. second Maxtor 1720, CD Rom unit. I did want to go the 9 meg route, but it looks like the CM 8 has to be replaced first... -- John - *** Posted with Ved 2.3 & IX 1.0.1 *** -*- 86836 17-APR 21:08 OSK Applications RE: MM/1 Monitors + (Re: Msg 86774) From: HAWKSOFT To: NIMITZ Hi Dave! > Actually, I'd like anyone who has an MM/1 to forward to me as complete a > description as possible of their system setup, and escppecially any > monitors, hard drives , tape drives or CD ROM drives in use. Here's mine (left to right, top to bottom) MM/1 KOSS Hard Driver speakers RS Headset Phone CDrom 60meg HD Magnavox 8CM515 Emerson 2400 modem 2 3.5 floppies Rapid Mouse Flytech Mini keyboard Comrex 128k Printer Buffer :-> :-> :-> :-> :-> :-> :-> Chris "HAWKSoft" <-: <-: <-: <-: <-: <-: <-: Delphi: HAWKSOFT Internet: HAWKSOFT@DELPHI.COM ******************< Uploaded w/ InfoXpress vr. 1.01.00 >****************** -*- 86854 18-APR 19:18 OSK Applications RE: MM/1 Monitors + (Re: Msg 86806) From: NIMITZ To: WA2EGP (NR) Thanks! We need that! -*- 86855 18-APR 19:19 OSK Applications RE: MM/1 Monitors + (Re: Msg 86836) From: NIMITZ To: HAWKSOFT (NR) Thanks, Chris! -*- End of Thread. -*- 86830 17-APR 20:38 General Information RE: workspace (Re: Msg 86753) From: DSRTFOX To: COLORSYSTEMS I was thinking more of something the sysop could do to keep users from asking and wondering about those files.... guess same method could be used by them too. -*- 86831 17-APR 20:42 General Information RE: Disk backup (Re: Msg 86758) From: DSRTFOX To: MODEL299 We'll have to look for each other! I'll be easy enough to find in the FARNA Systems booth... -*- 86839 17-APR 21:24 General Information RE: Disk backup (Re: Msg 86831) From: MODEL299 To: DSRTFOX I will be at the Budgetware table. The system I have should be easy to identify. A COCO 3 in a Z-150 case with a SyQuest drive and a walnut keyboard. Will look for you there and I hope we all do well. Mark -*- 86859 18-APR 19:35 General Information RE: Disk backup (Re: Msg 86839) From: DSRTFOX To: MODEL299 (NR) I've found a source for some low cost Data Technology removable hard drives. SCSI, 20MB capacity, case, PS, and all for under $100, with one cartridge. Checking tonight to see if I can find some additional cartridges. Might be worthwhile then! They are similar to the older Bernoulli boxes, with 40-60ms access times, but for a CoCo they should be plenty fast! -*- 86863 18-APR 20:40 General Information RE: Disk backup (Re: Msg 86859) From: JRUPPEL To: DSRTFOX (NR) That sounds very interesting. If you find that it is an accessible source, why don't you post thier name nad number. I , for one, would like to add a hard drive to my system and why not one with a replacable cart! John Ruppel >>>>>>GO WINGS>>>>>> -*- 86866 18-APR 21:12 General Information RE: Disk backup (Re: Msg 86859) From: REVWCP To: DSRTFOX (NR) One Monk wants one. -*- End of Thread. -*- 86833 17-APR 20:52 General Information RE: OS-9 modules (Re: Msg 86781) From: DSRTFOX To: MROWEN01 Just rename ACIA ACIA.Tandy and rename SACIA the same as ACIA was, then run OS9gen using the same bootlist as before. Instant correction! -*- 86834 17-APR 21:01 Programmers Den RE: FPO9 (Re: Msg 86792) From: DSRTFOX To: ILLUSIONIST This is a software math module, right? I have the specs for the 68000 math coprocessor (68881, I think). Did you know it will interface to an *8 bit* bus???? -*- 86849 17-APR 23:14 Programmers Den RE: FPO9 (Re: Msg 86834) From: ILLUSIONIST To: DSRTFOX the 68881 will interface to an 8 bit bus? I didnt know that, yeah I would love to see the day that the coco gets a math co-processor..that would be great.. But the math module I have is a software module (its in here in the database (programmers den)) I was wondering if there is anyway to access it from Basic,or Pascal.. -* Mike -*- 86856 18-APR 19:27 Programmers Den RE: FPO9 (Re: Msg 86849) From: DSRTFOX To: ILLUSIONIST Problem with ANY math module is that the software has to know it's there then be able to take advantage of it. I had seen floating point units in industrial controller catalogs for 6809 controllers and wondered where it came from, as Motorola doesn't list one. I recently ordered some 68000 lit, and there it was! "designed to be accessed by 8 to 16 bit processors". And the indication is that it can be accessed by ANY processor, not just 68000 (though it doesn't specifically state that, it does lead one to that conclussion). But software would have to be written specifically for the 68881. Do that and you could evne use it with an Intel pr ocessor! Least it could do something right then! -*- 86865 18-APR 21:12 Programmers Den RE: FPO9 (Re: Msg 86856) From: REVWCP To: DSRTFOX (NR) I'm not sure where it comes from either. I know that the Atlanta Computer Society BBS has docs for it, but beyond that...? With all best wishes, Brother Jeremy, CSJW OS9 User's Group Treasurer -*- End of Thread. -*- 86835 17-APR 21:04 Programmers Den RE: Pixel_Blaster (Re: Msg 86795) From: DSRTFOX To: REVWCP I have the rights to sell Pixel Blaster. I will have some at the Chicago show. I'd never heard of anyone doing anything with it, so haven't been advertising it at all, seemed like a dead-end package. So you can let everyone know it IS still available for $25, S&H included. -*- 86851 18-APR 01:37 Programmers Den RE: Pixel_Blaster (Re: Msg 86835) From: REVWCP To: DSRTFOX I am going to write a few demo's for it. I'll try to get them to you before the end of the month. With all best wishes, Brother Jeremy, CSJW OS9 User's Group Treasurer -*- 86857 18-APR 19:28 Programmers Den RE: Pixel_Blaster (Re: Msg 86851) From: DSRTFOX To: REVWCP Will you be in Chicago? I'll have a booth there, you could drop a disk by then. I may have misquoted the price on Pixel Blaster. What did CocoPro sell it for "way back when"??? -*- 86864 18-APR 21:04 Programmers Den RE: Pixel_Blaster (Re: Msg 86857) From: REVWCP To: DSRTFOX (NR) I'll be there. I think $24.95. With all best wishes, Brother Jeremy, CSJW OS9 User's Group Treasurer -*- End of Thread. -*- 86838 17-APR 21:21 General Information Help with LZH files From: 10BAUD To: ALL I can't decompress lzh files that I have downloaded from DELPHI. I have lzh 1.0 which I downloaded from DELPHI on Nov 11, 93. Every time I try to use 'lzh x' I get a CRC error on every file. The file that has the CRC error is created but contains garbage. I have also tried to use a command called unlzh. It tells me that there is an extended header of length 15. This behavior has been consistent on a number of .lzh files. I have been using y-modem batch in Osterm, which has always worked for .ar files. -*- 86841 17-APR 21:56 General Information RE: Help with LZH files (Re: Msg 86838) From: WDTV5 To: 10BAUD lzh.10 isn't what everyone is using now, get lha2_11 I think its called. Do a "sea lha" in the database and it should fall out, the key string is the 2.11 or 2_11b. lzh.10 was Matt Thompsons, and while it did a nice job of smashing and reinflating its own files, was not compatible with the rest of the industries header information. The lha can inflate almost any machines output that has an .lzh extension. That should handle the problem. Cheers. Gene, -*- 86842 17-APR 21:57 General Information RE: Help with LZH files (Re: Msg 86838) From: MODEL299 To: 10BAUD I had the same problem. There is another program called LHA that seems to work very well. Look for this one and it should do what you need. Mark -*- 86843 17-APR 22:13 General Information RE: Help with LZH files (Re: Msg 86838) From: DBREEDING To: 10BAUD > I can't decompress lzh files that I have downloaded from DELPHI. > I have lzh 1.0 which I downloaded from DELPHI on Nov 11, 93. > I have also tried to use a command called unlzh. It tells me that > there is an extended header of length 15. > This behavior has been consistent on a number of .lzh files. I've had similar experiences. "unlzh" will decompress them though, right? I feel that lzh 1.0 has problems handling exttended headers or something. I also found that if you compress files with 1.0, if you don't use the "e" option, to suppress the extended header that 1.0 adds (see docs), other LHA's cannot expand them. (I caused an MS-Dos system to crash with a file with the extended header that I uploaded). I would suspect that 1.0 needs a little more work. -- David Breeding -- CompuServe : 72330,2051 Delphi : DBREEDING *** Sent via CoCo-InfoXpress V1.01 *** ^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^ -*- End of Thread. -*- 86862 18-APR 20:35 General Information RE: Eliminaotr (Re: Msg 86454) From: DOCBEAR To: CHYDE (NR) Actually the Eliminator had a proprietary interface that used a WD1002-05 Hard/Floppy Controller. The floppy controller section used a WD2797 controller chip. I have a few of these controllers and at least 2 have been tested as good. I also have access to a person who still has a Coco 3 / Eliminator system up and working. The Disto HD II and the Disto 4-in-1 had an interface that could be used with SASI controllers or with SCSI drivers. I believe Kenton also had a SCSI interface for the Coco 3. I also have a Disto SASI system up and running if anyone needs a little help, plus some spare Disto stuff.... I probably have a few 512K upgrade lying around too... Someday I will have to inventory and get rid (i.e., "sell Cheap") of this stuff... -*- 86868 18-APR 21:18 General Information Rick Ulland From: CHARLESAM To: ALL Has anybody spoken to Ricku lately. I can't seem to reach him. Hope he's okay. Please let me know if you have heard or seen him. Thanx Charlie -*- 86874 18-APR 22:27 General Information RE: Rick Ulland (Re: Msg 86868) From: REVWCP To: CHARLESAM Rick is all right. He has had a few financial problems, one of which has caused him to temporarily suspend his Delphi account. He is away from his home for work. I will relay any message posted to him. With all best wishes, Brother Jeremy, CSJW OS9 User's Group Treasurer -*- 86879 18-APR 22:51 General Information RE: Rick Ulland (Re: Msg 86874) From: CHARLESAM To: REVWCP Thanx brother Jeremy. Just ask Rick if he got my pkg sent about 2 weeks past. He can call me collect after 10pm edt if he wants. He's probably too busy to write. Charlie -*- End of Thread. -*- 86869 18-APR 21:53 General Information Chess From: CHARLESAM To: ILLUSIONIST I was going to tell you what most here have offered already. What I do is play my Rat Shack Chess Champion 2150L while waiting. It costs a little more than a chess program but if you can play Grand Master level chess, its worth the cost(approx 169, but not certain.) Believe me, this machine will test you. And you can take it with you when you turn off your computor. Good luck though, and if you find a good chess game, post the info here. Charlie -*- 86872 18-APR 22:02 Telecom (6809) composite monitor From: CHARLESAM To: RANDYKWILSON Randy, I have a monochrome monitor and was wondering if I could set it up to run concurrent with my rgb under os9. AND, if I could assign it to a different window other than the one I might be in with my RGB. I figure I could set up SC to the mono and use the rgb for playing a game while downloading from delphi. Of course this is not a priority thing but I was curious. I appreciate any input. Thanx Charlie -*- 86873 18-APR 22:23 Telecom (6809) RE: composite monitor (Re: Msg 86872) From: RANDYKWILSON To: CHARLESAM Ah, no. Not with the CoCo as we know it. The Gime chip is responsible for the video display. It takes the data in the designated video ram, and assembles the picture. It then puts this picture out to the three video ports concurently. SO, though I see no reason you couldn't run a RGB, a composite, and a normal TV all at the same time, you would get the exact same picture on all three monitors. However, if some enterprising young fool would design and market a VGA-style video card to go into the cartridge port, then what you want would be possible. That's what it's gonna take, though. A complete seperate video port with it's own memory. Randy -*- 86878 18-APR 22:48 Telecom (6809) RE: composite monitor (Re: Msg 86873) From: CHARLESAM To: RANDYKWILSON Thanx Randy, but at this stage of coco developement, thats doubtful. -*- 86882 19-APR 08:23 Telecom (6809) RE: composite monitor (Re: Msg 86878) From: ILLUSIONIST To: CHARLESAM (NR) Actually, all it would take is drivers for the VGA card, an 8-bit PC VGA card would work fine with the coco, all you would need is the CoCo-XT interface from B&B, however, I too doubt the software will get written.. HOWEVER.. there IS a way to use a mono monitor with an RGB monitor at the same time, with different displays in each, Randy forgot about the WordPAK cards.. you could get a Wordpak and have that drive the mono monitor, and have the RGB monitor display something else, however you wont be able to run SuperComm on the Mono monitor, as it uses OS-9 controls and such that wont display on the wordpak monitor. You could use another terminal program though.. if you are interested in buying a wordpak, I will look around and see if I can find one for you.. I know a few local guys that might have one or two.. -* Mike -*- End of Thread. -*- 86876 18-APR 22:34 Programmers Den OS9 ASM Programmers From: REVWCP To: ALL WANTED OS9 ASSEMBLY LANGUAGE PROGRAMMER I have a project in the works which at the moment I am not free to divulge publically. If you have experience in OS9 Assebly Programmer (RMA) please contact me in EMAIL for details. I will go public with the information as soon as I recieve permission. With all best wishes, Brother Jeremy, CSJW OS9 User's Group Treasurer (REVWCP) -*- 86877 18-APR 22:41 General Information Internet From: REVWCP To: ALL Dear Friends: How do I send a message to everyone on the OS9 section of the Internet? With all best wishes, Brother Jeremy, CSJW OS9 User's Group Treasurer -*- 86883 19-APR 08:27 General Information RE: Internet (Re: Msg 86877) From: ILLUSIONIST To: REVWCP (NR) go to the internet sig, and take the usenet option, then usenet again from that menu, (called gopher) take option 2 (to read/post to any news group) when it asks for the group name, enter comp.os.os9 that will give a listing of messages in the OS-9 section, from there just post the info.. -* Mike -*- End of Thread. -*- 86881 19-APR 06:26 General Information Printers From: MROWEN01 To: ALL I need a high quality printer for my Coco3. I don't really care much about graphics, but I want something with laser quality that won't break the bank. I need to print strictly text. What's everybody using these days? Just an additional comment to everyone. I've spent much time reading the forum here in the OS-9 SIG. I find your interchanges highly educational if not entertaining ;) I have been looking at many different 68XXX based machines besides the ones discussed here. This has sent me to many Internet groups and forums as well as other forums here on Delphi. When I discussed systems with other users, I found myself going on about the capabilities of OS-9. So much so that I realized that I have no reason to leave the OS-9 community. I also notice that the OS-9 forum usually has many more forum messages than other forums with considerably more content to be gleaned. The OS-9 SIG is much more special than I originally realized. So keep the dialog going. You're doing myself and others more good than you realize! -Mike OS-9 On-Line's humble disciple -*- 86884 19-APR 08:35 General Information RE: Printers (Re: Msg 86881) From: ILLUSIONIST To: MROWEN01 I use the HP DeskJet 500 on my CoCo and the 500c on my UNIX box, both printers give real nice output, and there are a good amount of font cartridges for it there is also an epson emulation board, to allow compat. with programs that drive epson printers, I have the 256k RAM upgrade cart. for the HP 500, and an external font cart. There is a screen dump in the databases for the HP 500, so, overall the HP is a pretty good printer for the coco, as you are only concerned with text, I would possibly lean more toward a cannon bubblejet for text.. these are both inkjet printers..which give high quality output, I havent looked to much to lasers.. -*- End of Thread. -*- FORUM>Reply, Add, Read, "?" or Exit> .