read new nonstop follow 89414 19-AUG 18:13 General Information RE: multivue (Re: Msg 89413) From: PHILSCHERER To: ALAIN1155 If you leave off the 'dir /dd' does it come up ok? -*- 89437 20-AUG 07:34 General Information RE: multivue (Re: Msg 89414) From: ALAIN1155 To: PHILSCHERER no problem with that everything is fine -*- End of Thread. -*- 89415 19-AUG 20:28 Programmers Den Pprogrammers From: DENNYWRIGHT To: ALL I was wondering if anyone has ever attempted to write a program to figure out the best way to cut a 4 x 8 sheet of material? A p A panel optimization program. I am a cabinetmaker but no programmer! I would love to collaborate on such a project but all I could offer is a knowledge of wood working and material sizes. I would be interested in knowing if anyone has written anything like this in Basic09 or maybe C for the coco 3 w/512K? Thanks -*- 89416 19-AUG 20:58 General Information RE: VGA (Re: Msg 89411) From: HAWKSOFT To: MMCCLELLAND Mark > So, does this mean that GWindows will run on it? That was basically why I > was asking. I want to buy an OSK system, but first I need to make sure > that it will run what I want it to. > > -=Mark=- (KE6JKS) > YES YES YES !!! G-Windows WILL run on an MM/1!!! I'm running it now! Contact Frank Hogg Labs ( FHOGG on delphi ). If he doesn't contact you first. There are a few of us running it. Chris -*- 89456 21-AUG 08:36 General Information RE: VGA (Re: Msg 89411) From: NIMITZ To: MMCCLELLAND Yes, GWindows will run on the MM/1 ask Chris Hawks about that. The package is available from Frank Hoggs Lab. David -*- End of Thread. -*- 89417 19-AUG 22:19 General Information RE: Conference Announcement:OS-9 Late Ni (Re: Msg 89350) From: CPERRAULT To: DSRTFOX >>You mentioned Monday at 10:00pm.. your 10:pm or mine??? ;> << OUR 10:00 pm :-) I am eastern time also. >>Really, the TIME ZONE would help! << Hehe, I know, I have to get off my high horse. Just because I'm 4 hours ahead of the west coast, I have this ego trip because I think I'm more Up-to-date or ahead of the times compared to the other time zones. Actually the whole reason I shedualed it at 10:00 was because of the west coasters. Granted, my eyes will probably start getting heavy by 10:30, it is the earliest I can schedual it consider it's only 6:00pm out in California as Jim was mentioning. That's one of the reasons I like Sundays for Conferences. The thing with Sunday is people are usually with family during the day or still have day jobs then(such as Brother Jeremy :-) ), so you would only have to schedual it at night anyway. Btw, if you have interest in doing a Farna Software related conference(or any topic you can relate to actually) let me know. >>And I'd REALLY like to sit in on the Level II version 3 thing. Many OS-9 people think that Rick Ulland pretty much put that together when he made up patch OS-9 at my request.<< I am pretty much in agreement, but I do think the package could use a bit of work. I think Rick was planning on doing an update on it, but probably hasn't had the chance, since he is probably devoting most of his energy to the hardware right now. Also, once the package is complete, be it his, or another one that could come out of the conferences, I would like to see it officially recognized as the new version, or standard package. I could really care less about the source code right now, I'm more for getting it all together as Rick did, and then having it recognized by the UG,Vendors, and users. See Ya >Chris< -*- 89418 19-AUG 22:19 General Information RE: Conference Announcement:OS-9 Late Ni (Re: Msg 89355) From: CPERRAULT To: JOHNBAER >>Great! Just one dump question . I AssUme the 10 PM is EDT ??? << Sure is. That is, Eastern time, not that it was a dum(p) question ;-) >Chris< -*- 89467 21-AUG 17:19 General Information RE: Conference Announcement:OS-9 Late Ni (Re: Msg 89418) From: DSRTFOX To: CPERRAULT Chris, I've sold just over 150 copies myself, and I'm pretty sure Rick has sold at least half that many. A LOT of the buyers were old-time OS-9 users who just wanted updates at first (they were also the most trouble! Wouldn't follow directions and use the plain-jane Tandy disks with the auto-install program!! ;> ). The old-timres were the first to point out that this was the best practical way to "upgrade" the system in one fell swoop. Other patches can be added to it pretty easy, and the source for the auto install program comes with it. If there are some other items that should be added, please let me know. Bear in mind that ONLY patches that are pretty much universally useable/ accepted will be incorporated. Odd or specific hardware patches won't. The only thing that has been added in the way of hardware is the option to patch CC3Disk to read PC and DECB disks. Maybe a conference on "PatchOS-9... the OS-9 upgrade?" could be scheduled? -*- End of Thread. -*- 89419 19-AUG 22:19 General Information RE: Compilor Video Magazine (Re: Msg 89357) From: CPERRAULT To: TELENUT >> After the June issue I DID feel like blowing up something.<< LOL, you were NOT a happy camper! >>The lines are the sync frequency showing because the camera's shutter speed. You can't see the line normally.<< That explains it. I wasn't sure what the deal was, but I do remember someone bringing it up here before, that is, either here or on another online forum someplace, but since I had no idea what they were talking about at the time, I payed no attention. Thanks for clearing that up. >Chris< -*- 89420 19-AUG 22:19 General Information RE: Atlanta Fest (Re: Msg 89352) From: CPERRAULT To: MRUPGRADE >>Are there any OS9 guys comming?<< Well, if you would just hurry up and install Level II on your machine... ;-) See Ya >Chris< -*- 89421 19-AUG 22:20 General Information RE: OSK/AMIGA (Re: Msg 89376) From: CPERRAULT To: DSRTFOX >>Rumour is that a version is available, but about the same price as the Mac version.<< I have heard quotes from people in various online areas on Amiga OSk prices ranging from $300-$1000, with $600 being the price I hear most. I'm not at all aware where such packages can be found, but I know there were at least two vendors carrying it. One may have stopped the support since, but I honestly am not sure. I hope someone researching this does come up with the true deal :-), and hopefully someone will keep in touch with the supplier(s) so sometime in the future a promotional program for the Amiga crowd might be feasible. >Chris< -*- 89431 20-AUG 01:25 General Information RE: OSK/AMIGA (Re: Msg 89421) From: KSCALES To: CPERRAULT > I hope someone researching this does come up with the true deal :-) Here is some info that was posted to the Princeton CoCo list about a year ago. Hope it doesn't exceed Delphi's message length limit. ------------------------------- #192 24-Sep-1993 22:55 From: IN%"Bob@SPLAT.AARNET.EDU.AU" "Bob Devries" To: IN%"COCO@pucc.Princeton.EDU" "Multiple recipients of list COCO" Subj: Amiga OS9 Hi All, I received the following summary from Digby Tarvin, the person who ported OS9 to the Amiga. ---- Summary follows -- Firstly, let me quickly review the products available from Microware. The initial 6809 product, which was available as level I or II (the latter supporting an expanded memory model) has been discontinued. Its successor, OS-9/68000, is available as either "Industrial" or "Professional". Industrial OS-9 is Kernel and serial I/O only, and is intended for imbedded systems. Professional is intended as a multi user development system including everything in industrial, plus file system and tape support, a full range of utilities and the Microware C compiler. An earlier "Personal" OS-9 package intended for hobyists has unfortunately been discontinued. A variation on the above packages is required for use with 68020 or better processors. This version is called OS-9/68020 and comes with a different kernel and enhanced C compiler to allow access to the more powerful instruction set. The correct kernel must be used for the host CPU, but there is no difference for application software. The OS-9/68020 versions cost about 50\% more than their 68000 counterparts. Finally, Microware have released a kernel which has been re-coded in C, called OS-9000. The main effect this has is to allow non Motorolla systems to be supported. It does, however, require a more powerfull CPU. For example a minimum 68020 for Motorolla or 386 for Intel platforms. The Microware product that we have licenced is Professional OS-9\/68000 Version 2\.4. We are attempting to keep the price at US\$600.00 in line with Microwares price for the equivalent Atari product. Unfortunately, even though this is quite a bit below the the recommended retail price, it is expensive for hobyist use. An OS-9/68020 version of our port has been tested on an A3000, but we are waiting for some definite interest before comitting the money for a licence. Consequently, I cannot quote an exact price at this stage. We have not licensed the OS-9000 product yet as it could only be used on a small subset of Amiga machines (those with 68020 or better processors), and the 68000 product is still better supported (new products are usually available for OS-9/68000 before OS-9000). It is also quite a bit more expensive, so it will probably wait till there is some evidence of demand. We use the system in house on A1000, A2000 and A3000. It has also been used at Microware on A500s. It is a bit difficult to summarise the technical details in a couple of pages, but I would be happy to answer any specific questions you may have about the implementation or support for specific disk controllers and other hardware. As a very brief outline, the system takes over the Amiga completely so it retains its realtime qualities and performs like a very standard OS-9 environment. It requires no rom replacement or other hardware modification, so switching between OS-9 and Amigados (or any other operating system) requires only a re-boot. The Amiga display is supported as a colour text terminal with customizable emulation and font module support. It also supports multiple virtual screens much like that provided by Amiga Unix. Several graphical environments are available for OS-9, including Rave, X11, gwindows and MGR. However these are not currently supported for the Amiga display. We are looking at these but the main problem is the substantial price increase that would result and of course deciding on the most appropriate choice. Rave would allow CDI application compatibility which may be of interest to hobbyists and developers, X11 of course provides increased UNIX workstation compatibility, and gwindows/MGR a Mac style operating environment. A company in Switzerland have volunteered to undertake a port of MGR which I will be very interested to see. To summarise some answers to some common questions: Operating System Vers: Professional OS-9/68000 V2.4 Booting: Can boot from any floppy or hard disk OS9 Kickstart may be used on A1000 to gain an extra 256K of write-protectable ram. Supported by AmigaDOS Terminals: VT100 emulation on amiga display Full support for amiga serial port Driver for ASGD serial card available Commodore A2232 driver under development Disks: Internal floppy drive supported Primary format is amiga standard encoding OS-9 Universal format supported for compatibility Driver for A2090 HD available Driver for A2091/A3000/A590 HD available soon (new SCSI driver technology will support SCSI tape disk etc) Amiga Utilities: AmigaDOS file system access utility Convert amiga font files to OS9 font modules SSM: SSM may be used when hardware supports it. Price: US$600.00 We are currenty updating our licence to include the new Microware 'Ultra C' Ansi C compiler technology. This will add about US$150.00 to the price of a license. The compiler if purchased separately from Microware will be priced at US$1,300. This would seem like a good buy for professional users, but does increase the entry cost for hobyists. I would be interested in any thoughts you may have on this. Thank you again for your enquiry. I hope this information is of some assistance. Digby Tarvin Tesseract Pty Ltd 53 George St. REDFERN. NSW. 2016 Australia FAX: +61 2 698 8881 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ken Scales Delphi:KSCALES CIS:74646,2237 -*- End of Thread. -*- 89422 19-AUG 22:20 General Information RE: OS9UG (Re: Msg 89366) From: CPERRAULT To: MROWEN01 Hi again Mike. The OS-9 Users Group CAN provide a great deal of support for Level II users, but just like all other users, it depends on how active the community is. If we all sit back and expect everyone else to do things for us, then we can just lock the door on the UG, BUT if we all pitch in, even just little things, I believe we can make a big difference. I say let's go for it and see how long we can our 'dead' OS. Level II is officially Dead as far as far as sales are concernced, since it isn't sold no more, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't support it. The only thing that can keep the Coco and OS-9 from a decent prosperity is us. That's why I'm doing the conference, as well as TRYING to do some other things. While I'm not the greatest programmer nor am I really an OS-9 guru( I can help some newcomers in OS-9 but I can't promise more than that yet), I would like to be able to say I did more than just send a $25 Check to the UG. Not that there's nothing in it for me granted. I really treat this as a real learning experience for me, and I think I will gain knowledge that will definately come in handy when I'm out there in the real world, hopefully working with OS-9. It's fun and educational, just like school was. >Chris< -*- 89427 20-AUG 00:10 General Information RE: OS9UG (Re: Msg 89422) From: MRUPGRADE To: CPERRAULT > I would like to say I did more then send $25 to the OSUG.... I've been trying to find out, , if th OSUG actually supports OS Level II any more,, or if it's primarily OSK? all I've heard is if enough people join and ask foro OS level II support they will. But theoretically that would be true even if it were a C-64 group. Though it really happening is slim. Other then 6 newsletters per year foro twenty five dollars (whatta deal),, what can an OS level II user expect to receive in support for his CoCo? Just asking,, Terry Simons -*- 89429 20-AUG 00:38 General Information RE: OS9UG (Re: Msg 89427) From: MITHELEN To: MRUPGRADE Welp, seeing that the UG Bylaws provide specifically for a V.P. of OS-9/6809 for the users that are interested in "CoCo" OS-9, I would say that definately is support for OS-9 Level II. What to expect from the UG (regardless of what "flavor" of OS-9 you use) is dependant on how much the members support the Group. The Officers cannot do everything, input, and outright legwork is needed from the membership. -- Paul Jerkatis -*- 89430 20-AUG 00:44 General Information RE: OS9UG (Re: Msg 89427) From: MROWEN01 To: MRUPGRADE I've been having some dialog with the UG officers to answer some of the same questions you have about the UG. What I have found is that there is not much communication going on in a meaningful way. We can change that (all you Level II users)! My contact with the officers, even though I'm not a member has put me in touch with people that can help me and have similar levels of knowledge. The UG is soliciting input from the Coco community and all OS9 users (OSK and OS9) I believe they can act as a centralized body to connect members together whether it's to learn how to build a boot disk or see if someone is working on a program similar to yours. The UG is ideally positioned to nurture colabrative efforts by various UG members. I mentioned that I am having a tough time because I can't get any of the out of print refereneces Starting OS9 and possibly Kevin Ds Inside OS9 back into circulation. Support from all Level II users is what is needed to create a UG that supports us. Really, the UG is in a position to allow us to help each other in a more effectove way. I plan to join soon. I STRONGLY encourage any Level II user to submit your ideas to the OS9UG. I have been posting some similar info on the Cocolist. Some of the are on-line here and are all willing to listen to your ideas. We've been complaining because we don't hear from them. They are complaining that they never hear from us. Let's all quit complaining and start talking. I think you'll find there are some meaningful projects we can all push to start. The UG is truly what the OS9 community makes it. Mike Rowen -*- 89457 21-AUG 08:43 General Information RE: OS9UG (Re: Msg 89430) From: NIMITZ To: MROWEN01 I now have the electronic copy of Paul Ward's 6809 version of START OS-9. I am working on arrangements to get that back into print, if enough people are interested in buying it. Cost will be $25 to $30 - depending on number of copies sold. Any takers?? -*- 89461 21-AUG 13:33 General Information RE: OS9UG (Re: Msg 89457) From: REVWCP To: NIMITZ Yes. With all best wishes, Brother Jeremy, CSJW OS9 User's Group Treasurer -*- 89480 21-AUG 22:11 General Information RE: OS9UG (Re: Msg 89457) From: REVKAK To: NIMITZ I'll take a copy! Just let me know when and how much to send. Also where to send it. I have been looking for that for some time. Best wishes, Keith -*- 89482 21-AUG 22:55 General Information RE: OS9UG (Re: Msg 89457) From: MROWEN01 To: NIMITZ I am interested. I will check with some people I know and see if they to? I have heard of it, but I don't know if it's stuff I already know or not. This would help me tell other people about it as well. Thanks. -Mike -*- End of Thread. -*- 89423 19-AUG 22:20 General Information RE: OS-9 Live (Re: Msg 89370) From: CPERRAULT To: MROWEN01 Mike, you are similar to me, in that while I do want to upgrade to one or more of the OSK machines(boy am I ambitious ) I would like to understand more about level II while waiting. I still plan on learning Level II and using it even after I go OSK, simply for the fun of it. One thing I don't think you need to worry about is, you don't necessarily need to understand Level II in order to use OSK effectively. As you know you will get much more power out of OSK, and also, you can probably now count on more applications, and the applications are of higher quality, with that aspect improving with time. And most importantly, OSK is STILL SUPPORTED by Microware and the businesses who provide it(Delmar,FHL, Blackhawk etc...). This means that Unlike the Coco, where due to Tandy's lack of support, we HAD to hack the thing to bits and understand the innards to make it reach it's potential, hacking on the OSK machines is an option, and not a requirement. You will find it is a better programing environment, and a better software environment, where you don't have to have 15 different bootdisks, and the patches are minimal. As a matter of fact, from what I understand, and someone please correct me if I'm wrong, any patches for OSK are mostly for cosmetic purposes and really aren't required to run any of the commercial programs. I would put OSK machines more in the PC category as far as ease of use is concerned compared to the Coco, and consider it easier to use than Dos(ever try comparing Dos and OS9 pathlists? There is none). Not that it matters to the Dos community since most probably never realize an OS is even there, but it is of value to those here considering jumping to a clone. The bottom line is, if you want to upgrade to OSK, and have the money, don't hesitate due to any lack of understanding Level II. It really isn't that expensive to go OSK either. The MM/1 is priced competitively with the 386 machines, which is is pretty low, and Delmar's and Fhl's 68020 systems only average about $2000.00 to $2500.00 I think, depending on what you get with it. It sounds expensive to a lot of people, but this is a Unix oriented system, and thus the market reflects that. Besides, if I hear one more Coco user complain because he can't find a fully loaded osk system for under $500.00 .... See Ya >Chris< -*- 89448 20-AUG 21:19 General Information RE: OS-9 Live (Re: Msg 89400) From: DBREEDING To: MROWEN01 > I know that I can get some really low cost OSK systems. > Unfortunately, I'm up to my neck with medical bills. I may be able to move > up in late 95. We'll see. Until then, I will keep moving with my Coco 3. Hang in there, Mike. I think you can have several years of good service with the CoCo. To be quite frank, I still find some functions remain a little smoother with the CoCo than with OSK. OSK is still developing on a user level - well, so is the CoCo, I suppose but it's had more time. Still, as James said, when it comes to some of the raw crunching functions, zipping/unzipping files, compiling huge C code, etc, then when I move over to the CoCo, it *DOES* seem a little slow. However, there's a familiarity there that is hard to get away from. -- David Breeding -- CompuServe : 72330,2051 Delphi : DBREEDING *** Sent via CoCo-InfoXpress V1.01 *** ^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^ -*- 89449 20-AUG 21:22 General Information RE: OS-9 Live (Re: Msg 89423) From: DBREEDING To: CPERRAULT > of it. One thing I don't think you need to worry about is, you don't > necessarily need to understand Level II in order to use OSK > effectively. Right. If you are going to program, most of what you learn under L-2 will carry right over, but if you are going to be basically a user, then this knowledge is not necessary. > business taking their product line with them.>, and the applications > are of higher quality, with that aspect improving with time. And most > importantly, OSK is STILL SUPPORTED by Microware and the businesses > who provide it(Delmar,FHL, Blackhawk etc...). Good point. This is one big aspect in my decision to upgrade. I think it is only realistic to face the fact that someday, there will be an end to the road for the CoCo. However, there's still plenty going on, and I believe if one really wants to, he can hold out for several years. > requirement. You will find it is a better programing environment, and > a better software environment, where you don't have to have 15 > different bootdisks, and the patches are minimal. As a matter of fact, > from what I understand, and someone please correct me if I'm wrong, > any patches for OSK are mostly for cosmetic purposes and really aren't > required to run any of the commercial programs. Correct again. I got my system already set up, but so far as I know, it is totally stock M-Ware. Of course, I reckon the drivers are specific to my machine. Then, too, I'm sure there are bugs still there, but I'm sure you can never find an OS that is TOTALLY 100% bug-free. > It really isn't that expensive to go OSK either. The MM/1 is priced > competitively with the 386 machines, which is is pretty low are a much less lower volume market>, and Delmar's and Fhl's 68020 > systems only average about $2000.00 to $2500.00 I think, depending on > what you get with it. To be quite frank, I'm sure it would be reasonable to expect to have to spend probably $2000 for ANY system to be totally self-sufficient. I mean with its own monitor, a hard drive (you should have at least 200Meg). The real beauty of all these systems is that you CAN, if you want to, first set them up as terminal systems - no monitor, keyboard or even HD if you Really want to keep initial costs down. You can hook your CoCo to one of the serial ports and get to work. -- David Breeding -- CompuServe : 72330,2051 Delphi : DBREEDING *** Sent via CoCo-InfoXpress V1.01 *** ^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^ -*- 89466 21-AUG 17:12 General Information RE: OS-9 Live (Re: Msg 89449) From: DSRTFOX To: MROWEN01 Mike, I can understand your position! Just hang in there. I don't even have an OSK system yet! No real need (or room right now) for one. So keep on with your CoCo and I'll keep you informed as to what is avaialble in the OSK world (as well as OS-9 for the CoCo!). -*- End of Thread. -*- 89424 19-AUG 22:20 General Information RE: OS9UG Town Meeting (Re: Msg 89380) From: CPERRAULT To: JOELHEGBERG It's good to see the Town Meeting a reality. Depending on when/if I have to work on Thursday, I will try to be there, even if it means I can only stay for a few. See ya >Chris< -*- 89425 19-AUG 23:11 General Information RE: Sculptor (Re: Msg 89402) From: FHOGG To: MIKE_GUZZI The run time sculptor is everything but the compiler. So if you did not have compiled programs to run it would be useless. Well not entirely. The menu part of it could be used. Menu uses a text file to run so nothing has to be compiled. If you don't hace the dev system for 6809 I wouldn't bother with the runtime. Frank -*- 89459 21-AUG 12:53 General Information RE: Sculptor (Re: Msg 89425) From: MIKE_GUZZI To: FHOGG Ok, i was just wondering, Thanks. -*- End of Thread. -*- 89426 19-AUG 23:41 General Information RE: Hard Drive (Re: Msg 89401) From: MICHAELJN To: MROWEN01 So far, I haven't received any info on it. Thanks for the reply. -*- 89428 20-AUG 00:29 General Information RE: Hard Drive (Re: Msg 89389) From: MROWEN01 To: MICHAELJN You've got a rare drive I guess. You may want to check the numbers again. I can't find much on Olivetti drives; However, I have some info on the 662/12. Not that it will help you but maybe a bit. The 662/12 is a 20MB drive with 4 heads 612 cylinders, it's an MFM drive, 17 sectors and is a half height form factor. All of the Olivetti drives I have reference to are ALL MFM drives so you should be able to use the 563/12 on a Coco. You could try 612 cy;inders and expect 20 Meg of space. All of their 10MB drive had a /11 and the 20MB have a /12. If anyone else here can help more please do so. Sorry I couldn't be more exact! :( -Mike -*- 89444 20-AUG 18:39 General Information RE: Hard Drive (Re: Msg 89428) From: MICHAELJN To: MROWEN01 Hey! It's a start. I got it free and I'm not complaining! Thanks for the help. -*- 89468 21-AUG 17:33 General Information RE: Hard Drive (Re: Msg 89444) From: DSRTFOX To: MROWEN01 Mike, could you tell me what the jumpers are for drive number selection on a Connor CP2040? This is a SCSI drive. I got it with no jumpers installed, and assumed it was set for device 0. I'm having some trouble getting the driver set up, and want to verify this if possible. I don't have any HD references available here! -*- 89483 21-AUG 23:11 General Information RE: Hard Drive (Re: Msg 89468) From: MROWEN01 To: DSRTFOX (NR) I don't have anything exact on the Conner CP2040. I have lots of info on heads, cyliders, etc. Controllers are more specialized. Most SCSI drives have either a dual row of jumper pins or a big matrix of jumpers. Some also have DIP switches. It may help if you tell me how many pins you have. No jumpers is usually address 0. There is also a SCSI parity jumper on some drives. This may be the problem. The most common layout I've seen is : o o o o o o o o o o 5 4 3 2 1 1,2, &3 are address jumpers (binary 0-7). Jumper 4 is parity enable/disable. 5 is usually not used. Sometimes 4 is not used and 5 is a parity jumper. The Hitachi, Seagate, Miniscribe, and Fujitsu SCSI drives follow this pattern in one fashion or another. Some have a sixth jumper for diagnostics. This may not help, but it's what I have on SCSI drives. I mostly have MFM/RLL specs. Good Luck! -Mike -*- 89484 21-AUG 23:16 General Information RE: Hard Drive (Re: Msg 89483) From: MROWEN01 To: DSRTFOX (NR) YUCK! Line up the (o)s in the last message! They represent the jumper pins! Sorry for the botched alignment. I keep using Del instead of Ctrl H for the BS character! -Mike -*- End of Thread. -*- 89432 20-AUG 04:09 General Information Gone temporarily From: JOELHEGBERG To: ALL This is just a quick note. Any mail sent to me may not get a reply for a couple days, depending on the local SprintNet node (actually phone connections). The problem is due to a very bad storm that hit DeKalb yesterday (at least 4 funnel clouds sighted, 2 touched down on my side of town). There really isn't lots of damage... trees down and snapped telephone poles, downed power lines, streets littered with branches and such. The SprintNet connection is very sporadic now as repairs go underway, and power will be out for a bit tomorrow as they try to restore power to the South East side of town and to right the telephone poles. I was at work when the storm hit (I work at a restaurant to get me through college) and was safe inside the store's cooler while one of the tornadoes passed by, while others hid under the tables. (I'm not sure why they did that... really no protection and there are about 10 huge glass windows in the main room, which would really cause some injuries if they were blown in!) I'm connecting to Delphi via the local University using a friend's system, but won't be on again until SprintNet comes back up, so talk to everyone shortly! -- Joel Mathew Hegberg. -*- 89435 20-AUG 06:07 General Information RE: Gone temporarily (Re: Msg 89432) From: MITHELEN To: JOELHEGBERG ARGH... And I was gonna go out storm chaseing tonight that way, but had to stick around home to go do a late night job... just my luck.... Glad to hear you "survived"... -- Paul -*- 89499 23-AUG 00:09 General Information RE: Gone temporarily (Re: Msg 89435) From: JOELHEGBERG To: MITHELEN Paul, > ARGH... And I was gonna go out storm chaseing tonight that way, but had > to stick around home to go do a late night job... just my luck.... Glad > to hear you "survived"... A few friends of mine went chasing after the storm and got to see one of the tornadoes... said it was quite weird, sort of inverted being skinny close to the clouds and thicker near the ground. They also were concerned about a big cloud over their heads that looked like an "eye"... you storm chasers are nuts... ======================================================================= = Joel Mathew Hegberg M.O.T.D. Editor = = ( 68'micros Columnist = = ( Sub-Etha Software Programmer = ======================================================================= -*- End of Thread. -*- 89433 20-AUG 04:28 General Information 64K or not 64K.. From: DIGIGRADE To: ALL Hi all, I just bought a Color Computer 2 at a yard sale. I noticed the warranty sticker was replaced and wondered if it was a 64K machine. Having nothing but a composite monitor at the time I couldn't do a ?MEM. I opened it up and there is a foil covered board, inverted, on plastic sand-offs right next to the ROM port. It has all kinds of things (the extra board) stuck on it. There are alot of empty chip "areas" on the motherboard. I never remembered my 16K Color Computer looking bare like that. Is this a 64K upgrade I'm looking at? Thanks Dave -*- 89434 20-AUG 05:03 General Information RE: 64K or not 64K.. (Re: Msg 89433) From: COCOKIWI To: DIGIGRADE That one sounds like a 64k upgraded one! typing Free will only give you 32k actualy <21 or 22k> the upper memory is NOT recognized by BASIC..... There was a CoCo II that I know of that to be upgraded to 64k another board had to be installed,and the old chips removed That one was a weird oddball unit...if memory serves me !!! I had heard of this one ,but never seen one! MartyGoodman might be able to put more light on this! What we used to do with the 64k was to put other stuff into the upper 32k with RSDOS...being able to add other goddies was fun! ADOS was one! now it is on the an extended format! ARRRR! Those were the days! Dennis -*- 89469 21-AUG 17:46 General Information RE: 64K or not 64K.. (Re: Msg 89434) From: DSRTFOX To: DIGIGRADE If this is a 26-3134A or 26-3136A, or same numbers with "B", then it is possible that it was indeed upgraded with a plug-in board to 64K. The board would have 8 4164 chips on it. It is a "B" model if there are empty chip locations. These were for 4164 chips (or sockets). This machine could be upgraded by using those blank locations, the plug-in board, or replacing the two 4416 chips with two 4464 chips. Sounds likr that might be what you have. Note that if it IS a plug-in board upgrade, it is RARE!! Most that came as 64K models had 4164s soldered to the board, and 16Ks came with a pair of 4416s. Most upgrades were with 4464s, with very few of the boards being used. -*- 89474 21-AUG 19:14 General Information RE: 64K or not 64K.. (Re: Msg 89469) From: BOISY To: DSRTFOX My first CoCo was a CoCo 2, 26-3136B, 16K Extended. I think I paid $180 for it. It had the newer VDG chip, though at the time, I was a bit naive about the internals of the CoCo. I often wish I still had that old CoCo, since it was my very first one. I found a 26-3136B a while back, but it had the 8 4164's soldered in it. I bought it anyway, but still would like to get my hands on a nice 26-3136B 16k Extended, just for old times. -*- 89490 22-AUG 10:08 General Information RE: 64K or not 64K.. (Re: Msg 89469) From: DIGIGRADE To: DSRTFOX (NR) Facinating! I'll be shure to cover this in my Mag. I say again, facinating. Thanks, Dave -*- End of Thread. -*- 89436 20-AUG 06:46 Programmers Den RE: Make command (Re: Msg 89286) From: ALWAGNER To: BOISY I went back and checked. I did have the proper indentation. I then changed the wording of the dependency to the version you had suggested. I believe I am using the make 1.1 from this sigs database but it still comes back with the error," make: Don't know how to make /dd/rels/func.r". Func.r is the first file it must create into a .r from a .c. It gives this error even though I created a /dd/rels/func.r by hand to see if it would go around this error. I'm stuck. Thanks for your help. -*- 89438 20-AUG 08:43 Programmers Den RE: Make command (Re: Msg 89436) From: BOISY To: ALWAGNER Send me the makefile via e-mail. I'll make sure it works, then send it back annotated. Thanks. -*- 89451 20-AUG 21:23 Programmers Den RE: Make command (Re: Msg 89279) From: DBREEDING To: BOISY > Note that all is a pseudo target, in that there is no 'all' program being > made. So each time make is run on the makefile, it checks the dates > of del, os9gen and ainst del.r, os9gen.r and mfree.r respectively. Hmm... hadn't thought of this technique.. I've never utilized "make" to its fullest. Now, if you didn't have the "all" specifier, then you could make just one of the programs by specifying _THAT_ program on the command line, right?? -- David Breeding -- CompuServe : 72330,2051 Delphi : DBREEDING *** Sent via CoCo-InfoXpress V1.01 *** ^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^ -*- 89452 20-AUG 21:29 Programmers Den RE: Make command (Re: Msg 89451) From: BOISY To: DBREEDING Yes. You could make one target in a makefile with multiple targets by saying: make I do it all the time with the UUCP package. If I'm working on one program, I don't want make to attempt to make everything before it, so adding the target to the command line makes things move much quicker. -*- 89486 21-AUG 23:42 Programmers Den RE: Make command (Re: Msg 89452) From: MITHELEN To: BOISY Another inpoortant point is, makes default target is always thefirst target it fines in the makefile, regardless of what that targets name is. -*- End of Thread. -*- 89439 20-AUG 10:27 General Information For Sale From: BOISY To: ALL I have a brand new Media Vision CD-ROM drive for sale. It's a SCSI drive, external model with power supply and SCSI cable. It's single speed, will read CD-i and CD-ROM disks, and comes with OS-9 software. I'm asking $100 + S/H for the drive. With some cabling work, it will hook up to the MM/1, and probably other OSK systems. If interested, leave me e-mail. -*- 89477 21-AUG 21:15 General Information RE: For Sale (Re: Msg 89439) From: HAWKSOFT To: BOISY Boisey! > I have a brand new Media Vision CD-ROM drive for sale. It's a SCSI > drive, external model with power supply and SCSI cable. It's single > speed, will read CD-i and CD-ROM disks, and comes with OS-9 software. > > I'm asking $100 + S/H for the drive. With some cabling work, it will > hook up to the MM/1, and probably other OSK systems. > > If interested, leave me e-mail. > Selling out already??? Seriously, did you find an inexpensive internal drive??? That's what I'm looking for! Chris -*- 89481 21-AUG 22:21 General Information RE: For Sale (Re: Msg 89477) From: BOISY To: HAWKSOFT Yes, I don't have the heart to make the cable you just posted about, nor do I have the time to search for the male 50 pin connector that would mate to my 50 pin female on my ribbon cable which would go to a 50 pin centronics. Too much headache... and I you're right, I would be better served by an internal drive. Save all the hassles. Thanks for your help! -*- 89488 22-AUG 00:00 General Information RE: For Sale (Re: Msg 89477) From: MITHELEN To: HAWKSOFT I've seend internal single speeds for about 60-80$ on the net lately. Next time I see a message go by, I'll send you, and other interested parties a copy. -- Paul Jerkatis -*- 89489 22-AUG 07:41 General Information RE: For Sale (Re: Msg 89488) From: COCOKIWI To: MITHELEN single speed Cd-rom drives are out of date in the Pc world already! Double speed drives are in right now! $160.00.....I paid $219..Last May 93...for a Single! They are cheep now but on the way out,as far as Pc,s are concerned ......Most games now need Double speed! Next..will be Quad drives! they skipped the triple speed...only one place making them! Dennis -*- 89492 22-AUG 19:49 General Information RE: For Sale (Re: Msg 89489) From: MITHELEN To: COCOKIWI Ya.. but, for an OSK system, at least right now, people are just using them for developement purposes, or maybe a a data devie for a BBS, or to play audio CD's... Single speed drives are suficient for these purposes. and can be picked up dirt cheep. -*- End of Thread. -*- 89440 20-AUG 14:35 General Information RE: OSK Software (Re: Msg 89233) From: DENNYWRIGHT To: MIKE_GUZZI I know someone who had contacted you thru the fido-net about hooking up more tha n 3 drives to the coco 3 under os9. Can you send me that info for our cl ub here in central Ohio? Thanks! -*- 89460 21-AUG 12:54 General Information RE: OSK Software (Re: Msg 89440) From: MIKE_GUZZI To: DENNYWRIGHT Yes i have a file that tells you how to do that, when i get a chance ill upload it -*- 89491 22-AUG 19:26 General Information RE: OSK Software (Re: Msg 89460) From: DENNYWRIGHT To: MIKE_GUZZI (NR) Thanks I'll be watching for it. -*- End of Thread. -*- 89441 20-AUG 15:07 General Information RE: Atlanta Fest (Re: Msg 89372) From: TEDJAEGER To: DISTO (NR) Tony, I would like to hear about that digitizer for the MM1 too. I have an anniversary coming up and it would be great to tell Susan "look, I can make the MM1 take family pictures!" Save me some hot water for spending too much time at the machine too! Bests ---TedJaeger -*- 89443 20-AUG 17:46 General Information RE: Atlanta Fest (Re: Msg 89441) From: MITHELEN To: DISTO (NR) I'd be interested too Tony... -*- 89500 23-AUG 01:25 General Information RE: Atlanta Fest (Re: Msg 89372) From: MREGC To: DISTO (NR) I would be very interested in one of those digitizers if the project was ever finished. ...Eric... -*- End of Thread. -*- 89442 20-AUG 17:45 General Information MM1 game From: MRGOOD To: ALL Just saw an interesting release over on CIS. There's apparently a new MM1 game that will be available starting 8/25 called Gold Runner 2000. Sounds interesting from the description. I would guess the announcement will be up here shortly. Anyway, the company is: Digital Frontier Productions 2300 W. San Angelo #2070 Gilbert, AZ 85233 Hugo -*- 89445 20-AUG 20:01 General Information New MM/1 Action Game From: MREGC To: ALL Anyone interested in a new MM/1 action game should check out the New Uploads section of the database for the Announcement of the release of Gold Runner 2000. ...Eric... -*- 89446 20-AUG 21:18 General Information RE: New Conference(Ideas Welcome) (Re: Msg 89325) From: DBREEDING To: MROWEN01 > As if that weren't enough....I have never gotten a decent explanation of > all of these different display modules like VDG VDGINT WINDINT....etc. > What are each of these, can they co-exist, and what do they really do? Yes, vgint and windint can coexist. I have both in my OS9Boot. You need VDGInt if you need the 32-col screen, also, several games (Flightsim, Kings Quest, etc) use VDGInt. This is because VDGInt, although hogging more memory for a window, updates faster. VDGInt doesn't have the higher-level windowing capabilities of GRFInt, and WindInt can be considered an upgrade, I suppose, for GrfInt. WindInt contains the native functions needed for Multi-View. Any driver, descriptor, or any other system module you need more than on extremely *RARE* occasions SHOULD be in OS9Boot, since here, they utilize memory much better. -- David Breeding -- CompuServe : 72330,2051 Delphi : DBREEDING *** Sent via CoCo-InfoXpress V1.01 *** ^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^ -*- 89447 20-AUG 21:18 General Information RE: downloading (Re: Msg 89321) From: DBREEDING To: MITHELEN > The error043 I believe can be caused by not starting up Basic09 with > enough memory... not sure on that one... You also get this error if you don't have enough memory in your 64-K address space to load a module you need. (Should have addressed this to the one with the problem. :-) -- David Breeding -- CompuServe : 72330,2051 Delphi : DBREEDING *** Sent via CoCo-InfoXpress V1.01 *** ^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^ -*- 89450 20-AUG 21:23 System Modules (6809) RE: cc3disk (Re: Msg 89270) From: DBREEDING To: SMITHBA (NR) > You mentioned in a letter about a patch for cc3disk, so it will clear > it's interupt when it is done. I assume you are talking about the super > controller 2 no halt drivers. that is exactly what I have been looking > for. Yes, SC-2. I got it over on CIS. the name of the file is "ccdisk.ipc". It was dated 25-Sep 94, filesize = 384. Keywords there were: OS9 DISTO SCII PATCH CC3DISK. This is a raw Ipatch file with no text. If you will look and see if it is here, do so, if you can't find it, let me know and I'll give uploading it to you via e-mail a shot.. (never tried it here ). Else maybe Tony (DISTO) himself will see it and help you out. Let me know how you come out. -- David Breeding -- CompuServe : 72330,2051 Delphi : DBREEDING *** Sent via CoCo-InfoXpress V1.01 *** ^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^ -*- 89453 20-AUG 21:51 Telecom (6809) RE: Need more speed! (Re: Msg 89399) From: WDTV5 To: CHARLESAM Pretty much a standard hack. What it does is bypasses the selector switch on the front of the mpi for irq's only. The rest of the system siftware (software) takes care of the polling for the source of the irq, but if the irq can't get past the slot selection logic in the mpi, there is no effective irq. The character gets lost, often several, as in up to 4 if your interface speed is 2400 because conceivably 4 chars could come in since the last time the clock module initiated an irq scan at its 60 per second. Chances for 4 misses are awfully slim, but 1,2,3 are rather common. You get almost exactly the same effect from not using the latest clock modules also, since those before Edition 9 do not handle the toggling of the gime chips irq registers correctly. So get yourself the proper version of the edition 9 clock for your hardware configuration, they are available here in the data base. Between the two fixes, and the latest versions of sacia to replace aciapak.dr, there will not be any lost characters even at a 9600 baud coco<->modem rate. Your ability to run at 9600 will be determined by your modem. If it autobauds for those rates above 2400, then run the interface at 9600, the modem will down-translate to the 2400 baud phone line most of us have to use to call this service. Cheers, Gene -*- 89464 21-AUG 16:48 Telecom (6809) RE: Need more speed! (Re: Msg 89453) From: CHARLESAM To: WDTV5 Thanx Gene, I'll do the wiring aspect asap. I have Ed#9 already and I believe I have the latest Sacia. I haven't had much problem lately at 2400 but I plan to try 9600 in the Fall. I also use Vrn with its drivers in my boot and that adds a little to smooth operation, at least it seems that way. I have no lost characters since installing Nitros-9. Charlie -*- End of Thread. -*- 89454 20-AUG 22:04 General Information RE: rma assembly language (Re: Msg 89412) From: WDTV5 To: ALAIN1155 In scanning the rest of the replies, it appears that most of what I could tell has already been suggested. I don't have much experience in writing code for rma as a direct asm.source code, what I do is stop the compiler's output at either the .a or .o stages and then look the assembly code the compiler has generated over to see if it could be improved upon. Not a lot as a general rule, but the zmodem you are using if its 3.24 is about 10% faster because I optimised one function that way. If you don't have the compiler, its a lot harder I'd think. I expect, and I've seen many messages here regarding it, that the compiler is still available from Tandy's Special Order Software. Probably as replacement disks only, or without the manuals. The manual itself, other than describbing some things the compiler doesn't do, and giving a few templates for the lib calls, really isn't a large loss. See WaldenBooks of C reference manuals. s/b for, not of. With the latest front ends for the compiler, its pretty close to 'ansi' C now. Those front ends are: replace the module "c.prep" with the c_prep from the database file cprep19.lzh, and get a copy of CC_2_5_2, the newer executive that lets you use Vaugn Cato's latest "ansifront". Between those 3 items, this compiler is now as close to being a fully ansi compliant compiler as it will ever get. Unless of course Vaugn surprises us some more. Cheers, Gene -*- 89455 21-AUG 08:31 General Information RE: rma assembly language (Re: Msg 89454) From: ALAIN1155 To: WDTV5 Thanks for the tips alain -*- 89470 21-AUG 17:50 General Information RE: rma assembly language (Re: Msg 89454) From: JRUPPEL To: WDTV5 Gene, Just for the record (and future reference), the Shack's current release of the Developement Sysytem includes full doc's, although they are photocopied and they don't come with a binder any more. The price,it seems to me was less than $80, but I'm not positive. It's been a while (6 months ) since I got my copy. Regards, John -*- 89476 21-AUG 20:20 General Information RE: rma assembly language (Re: Msg 89470) From: WDTV5 To: JRUPPEL Thanks for bringing the rest of us up to speed on that. My last msg re that indicated only the disks were available. Having the genuine docs does seem to give one a warm and fuzzy feeling sometimes. Cheers, Gene -*- End of Thread. -*- 89458 21-AUG 08:49 OSK Applications Digitizer for MM/1 From: NIMITZ To: DISTO (NR) By all means, I'd like to see a digitizer for the MM/1. Any chance you'll design a scanner??? DAvid -*- 89462 21-AUG 14:32 General Information Why CoCos? From: DAMNGOOD To: ALL Why do you still use CoCos? I have an old CoCo 2 sitting around, but haven't touched it in years. I've heard good things about OS9 in the past, but know nothing about it. Is it cool enough for me to look into? -*- 89471 21-AUG 17:57 General Information RE: Why CoCos? (Re: Msg 89462) From: JRUPPEL To: DAMNGOOD Cool is as cool does! It all depends on yerself! Regards, John Ruppel CocoNuts in Lansing -*- 89472 21-AUG 18:01 General Information RE: Why CoCos? (Re: Msg 89471) From: DSRTFOX To: DAMNGOOD OS-9 on a CoCo2 with 64K was pretty rough. If you are serious about learning some OS-9, you really need a CoCo3 with 512K. Complete systems can be bought for around $300 with an RGB monitor. You can learn a lot on the CoCo 2 if you already have disk drives though, but Level I (for 64K) is very limited. -*- 89493 22-AUG 20:16 General Information RE: Why CoCos? (Re: Msg 89462) From: JEJONES To: DAMNGOOD (NR) > Why do you still use CoCos? People still use them because they do what people want at a price they can afford. > I've heard good things about OS9 in the past, but know nothing about it. > Is it cool enough for me to look into? That's a subjective matter, but put it this way: on the CoCo 2, which you haven't looked at for years, a fellow has run a BBS and had a caller on while he was assembling some code--not bad multitasking for a computer with only 64K of memory. For several years I used a CoCo 3 under OS-9, initially with a couple of 720K floppy drives and eventually with a hard drive added, and had a windowing multitasking system going comfortably with 512K RAM (this despite an infamous Bill Gates statement that one can't really multitask with less than 4 Mbytes of RAM). It's possible to run a CoCo 3 with 2 Mbytes of RAM, but that's almost more RAM than one knows what to do with, aside from running a large RAM disk and having lots of stuff loaded into memory so that it's instantly available to run. I'm still using OS-9 now, but it's OS-9/68000, on a 68340 running at about 15 MHz with eight megabytes of RAM and a 100 Mbyte SCSI hard drive that I'm thinking of replacing with a larger drive. The windowing is a superset of that on the CoCo 3, the operating system is enough like OS-9/6809 that making the move was trivial. Opinions herein are solely those of their respective authors. Clipper Chip: Big Brother Inside -*- End of Thread. -*- 89463 21-AUG 16:02 Applications (6809) RE: Database Deletion of DScan V4.0!! (Re: Msg 89308) From: 01GEN40 To: MITHELEN Hi Paul, No disrespect was intended in my message here. I had sent E-Mail to Eddie since he is the "senior" man here, I figured the message would have been passed on to you as well, obviously not, oh well. It is quite a bummer that the submission cannot be reversed by hit- ing CTRL-C. This seems to be everywhere else such as here in FORUM, in MAIL, in downloading, to abort the operation, you use 3 CTRL-Cs, etc. I just checked and my terminal emulation is ANSI and not VT100. When I first configured OSTERM I had used VT100 and thought I still was. I guess I will have to reset it when I get off-line. I did not know of a full screen mode for the editor out here. The Official Guide does not inpart a lot of useage information, I have found that a lot of the things have to be learned by trial and error. I will check into this. Thank you Paul. See ya. LONG LIVE OS-9! ** In whatever form it is in! -= 01GEN40 =- -*- 89485 21-AUG 23:38 Applications (6809) RE: Database Deletion of DScan V4.0!! (Re: Msg 89463) From: MITHELEN To: 01GEN40 (NR) Trial and error... that is how I learned most of what I know about Delpi (and many other things) I did spend a lot of time on a VAX/VMS system (which is what Delphi is) when I was at collage, so I learned a bit about system internals that arn't really documented in the Delphi info. OSTerms VT-100 mode might not be quite up to snuff for using the full screen mode. KBcom is much more capable in that respect... -*- End of Thread. -*- 89465 21-AUG 17:07 General Information RE: '68 Micros' (Re: Msg 89398) From: DSRTFOX To: CHARLESAM Thanks Charles! Hope the next will be as good at least! -*- 89473 21-AUG 18:39 General Information OS9 Vendor Information From: PAGAN To: ALL To: All OS9 vendors out there Chance for some free advertising! I'm putting together a list of vendors for OS9/OS9000 systems, software, consultancy, etc for the San Diego OS9 User Group booth at the San Diego Computer Fair next month. I have the list from the 11th edition of the OS9.FAQ but if you're not on that list, the information therein is outdated or incorrect or you'd like a short blurb about your company included, please contact me via E-mail as with correct information. Please include your company name, complete address (including country - some of the visitors last year were from overseas) phone number, fax number, email address and, if desired, a short paragraph about your company's OS9 offerings. This data will be distributed as a hard copy list and, if time permits, be included in a hypertext online information program for our G-Windows machines. +--------------------+----------------------------------------------+ | Stephen Carville | Ninety percent of failures come from people | | | who have the habit of making excuses. | +--------------------+----------------------------------------------+ -*- 89494 22-AUG 20:41 General Information RE: OS9 Vendor Information (Re: Msg 89473) From: KSCALES To: PAGAN > This data will be distributed as a hard copy list and, if time permits, > be included in a hypertext online information program for our G-Windows > machines. Hi, Stephen - If you are planning to set it up using the port of GNU 'vh' (vh_1.4.lzh) that was ported by Andrzej Kotanski, you will probably want to check the code for a busy loop, insert a "tsleep(x);", and recompile. Colin used it to provide online access to the Northern Xposure catalog at the Chicago fest, and we found that all the other processes became glacial... not something you will want when trying to demonstrate how well OS-9 multitasks . Cheers... / Ken -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ken Scales Delphi:KSCALES CIS:74646,2237 -*- 89497 23-AUG 00:09 General Information RE: OS9 Vendor Information (Re: Msg 89494) From: PAGAN To: KSCALES (NR) Ken, >If you are planning to set it up using the port of GNU 'vh' (vh_1.4.lzh)... I didn't even know that there was any hypertext viewer for OS9 available. Where can I get the file? I checked the Delphi databases as well as chestnut and lucy and couldn't find it. If it's text based and/or can work with hyper_rez files, I'd really like to see it. I'm writing the the program from "scratch" (I'm using some GView stuff) for G-Windows and tailoring it specifically for the kind of format an FAQ is usually in. A list of questions in a scrollable list, click on a question and the answer is displayed. That sort of thing. I'm adding minor cross referencing (within the file) and, if time permits, it'll be able to jump files on a major link as well. Who knows, I may even be able to add sticky buttons in the text stream as well. No worry about slowing the system down, I'm getting pretty good at this event driven programming :-) Stephen (PAGAN) -*- End of Thread. -*- 89475 21-AUG 19:32 General Information David Versus Goliath From: OS9CN To: ALL Has anyone had a chance to read the article with the above title in the Sept. issue of 'WIRED'? Besides being quite humorous, it also gives a good brief description of the history of Microware and OS-9. DAVID (Digital Audio Video Interactive Decoder) is desribed and is a good follow-up to the January 18th Wall Street Journal feature story. '|' () |'| -*- 89478 21-AUG 21:15 General Information SCSI.cables From: HAWKSOFT To: ALL Hi Folks! I have had a few requests regarding the nature of SCSI cables for the external CDRom Drives. Here is the scoop on how I made mine: Three items are required. You need a 50 pin IDC plug (connects to the SCSI connectors on your existing SCSI cable), a DB25 female (innie?) connector (connects to the DB25 male on the cable supplied w/ CDRom), and 2 feet of 50 conductor ribbon cable. First, crimp the 50 pin IDC plug to one end of the ribbon cable. Match pin #1 of the cable (usually a red stripe) to pin #1 of the connector (usually has a small arrow-head pointing to it). Second, at the other end of the ribbon cable, separate all 50 wires of the cable for about two inches. (I'll whistle while I wait .) Third, cut off all of the odd numbered wires from the ribbon cable. (be careful!) Fourth, solder (or crimp, depending on the type DB25 you have) the wires of the ribbon cable to the DB25 as follows. Ribbon Cable end DB25 Signal 2 8 data bit 0 4 21 data bit 1 6 22 data bit 2 8 10 data bit 3 10 23 data bit 4 12 11 data bit 5 14 12 data bit 6 16 13 data bit 7 18 20 data parity 20-------7 Gnd 22-------9 Gnd 24-------24 Gnd 26 25 terminator power 28-------18 Gnd 30-------14 Gnd 32 17 attention 34-------16 Gnd 36 6 busy 38 5 acknowledge 40 4 reset 42 2 message 44 19 select 46 15 command/data 48 1 request 50 3 I/O The connections with dashed lines are all ground connections and may be interchanged if you like. Last, install the DB25 connector in a cut-out on the back of your MM/1 case and plug the 50 pin connector into your SCSI cable. Then the external SCSI cable can be used to connect your CDRom! Have Fun!!!! Chris -*- 89479 21-AUG 21:15 General Information termcap From: HAWKSOFT To: ALL Hi Guys (and Gals): I just aquired a Hazeltine Esprit terminal (for free!) and am looking for a termcap entry for it. All I found here on delphi was a file for the TC70. Thanks in advance! Chris -*- 89498 23-AUG 00:09 General Information RE: termcap (Re: Msg 89479) From: JOELHEGBERG To: HAWKSOFT (NR) Hi, Chris! > I just aquired a Hazeltine Esprit terminal (for free!) and am looking > for a termcap entry for it. All I found here on delphi was a file for the > TC70. I also have one of those babies hooked to my MM/1... They can emulate about 3 different terminal types (all old, unfortunately). I have yet to get a termcap entry working for it. I do have one for "adm3a" emulation, but it doesn't seem to work completely, either. ======================================================================= = Joel Mathew Hegberg M.O.T.D. Editor = = ( 68'micros Columnist = = ( Sub-Etha Software Programmer = ======================================================================= -*- End of Thread. -*- 89487 21-AUG 23:45 OSK Applications RE: many (Re: Msg 88915) From: AJMLFCO To: BOBROGERS (NR) Whew!, I don't remember the question number but I have been using a Zoom 28.8kbps modem (v.FC) for a while. It DOES require hardware handshakingto achieve any reasonable throughput, which I believe you will find true for all of the newer modems. I run the Kix\30 at 38.4 or 19.2k. One really needs 57.6k or higher to effectively use the power of one of these! I, too am still at OSK 2.3, a sore point for sure! IS FHL/Hazelwood still in business? Allen Morgan -*- 89495 22-AUG 21:30 General Information Northern Xposure From: MMCCLELLAND To: ALL Can somebody please give me some info on how to contact Northern Xposure? I have heard that they sell Nitros-9, and I need it to break the "4800 Baud Barrier". -=Mark=- (KE6JKS) -*- 89496 22-AUG 22:14 General Information RE: Northern Xposure (Re: Msg 89495) From: MROWEN01 To: MMCCLELLAND You can reach Colin McKay on the internet -Mike -*- End of Thread. -*- FORUM>Reply, Add, Read, "?" or Exit> .