N Public Message Message # 3504 *MM1 TECH Echo* To : All From : Erik Jan Tromp Subject : Wanted: Cross Assembler Date : 94/03/27 23:35:00 (Crossposted to COCO,MM1_TECH,OS9,RIBBS via EnMasse v2.31) WANTED: ------ What: 6800/6802/6808 cross assembler to operate in OS9/6809 (preferred) or MSDOS environment. Why: Rewrite of the Puppo 101-keyboard (not Eagle, sorry) interface software. Some of the possible enhancements include: - TAB becomes shift-right (presently right) - shift-TAB becomes shift-left (presently left) - END becomes shift-HOME (presently break) - SCROLL LOCK becomes ctrl-s (presently ` ($60)) - PAUSE BREAK becomes break (presently not translated) - PRINT SCRN SYSREQ becomes macro key (presently F10) - F11 becomes alt-i (presently not translated) - F12 becomes alt-j (presently not translated) Extreme enhancements (not necessarily possible/probable): - show PASS/FAIL status of keyboard self-diagnostic on reset - re-init keyboard on reset (clear caps/num/scroll lock) - toggle QWERTY/DVORAK layouts & re-init (hot keyed - change on the fly) (NOTE: None of the above enhancements are 'cast in stone'. If you have an idea you would like to include, post a message in this echo.) --> Erik <-- --- RiBBS v2.10 * Origin: TimeShare Data Systems, London, Ontario (519)679-1332 (1:2401/121) Public Message Message # 3524 *MM1 TECH Echo* To : Alan Dages From : John A Donaldson Subject : Re: oskbox Date : 94/04/03 14:34:00 Alan, OSKBOX is a fully Amatuer Radio Packet Mailbox, with auto fowarding and retreiving of mail. It will run on either a 68000,68070, or 68020 system. John A. Donaldson --- RiBBS v2.10 * Origin: THE-GOLDEN-COCO-bbs,RIBBS/OS9/OCN,HOUSTON,TX (1:106/941) Public Message (Rec) Message # 3576 *MM1 TECH Echo* To : Warren Hrach From : George Hine Subject : Re: KTERM PATCH Date : 94/04/06 06:27:05 Previous Reply is Message 3184 Next Reply is Message 3583 On Saturday, March 26th, 1994 - Warren Hrach wrote: Dear Warren: Calvin Dodge called me with a small patch to Kterm which he said would allow the program to process control codes in a slightly different way. I think it was a byte at a time rather than as a string. This seemed to make the screen responsive to changes on a word by word basis. Now I can use a vt100 emulation on a local library service and have both bold highlighted words and regular text alternating on the screen. Before the poke all I would have is bold text for everything. Calvin made the change because he was having problems with the host line editors messing up and he said this helped them work. You might try communicating with him on FIDO. I think he uses the same local BBS that I do, although I have not received a reply to my last message to him. Also, I did hear from David Graham about windio51. He said it was forwarded to me on may 28th. I still havent seen it yet so I checked to see if it was here. Quess Not. Thanks very much, George --- RiBBS v2.10 * Origin: Ocean Beach BBS 619-224-4878 MM1 TECH moderator (1:202/343) Public Message Message # 3583 *MM1 TECH Echo* To : George Hine From : Warren Hrach Subject : Re: KTERM PATCH Date : 94/04/06 08:54:19 Previous Reply is Message 3576 George, This may be related to the latest bug that has been fixed in the commercial version of Kterm. John A Donaldson said it was apparent when the host sent a string of ANSI cntrl codes and the 2nd and/or 3rd ones would be ignored. It should work well now as it has been tested on my RiBBS system and David Graham has tested it on MS Dog BBS's also. It should be available in a few weeks as soon as David gets the docs rewritten. It will be on sale from BlackHawk, Me and at the Chicago Fest. (warren_hrach@f343.n202.z1.fidonet.org) --- RiBBS v2.10 * Origin: Ocean Beach BBS 619-224-4878 MM1 TECH moderator (1:202/343) Public Message Message # 3591 *MM1 TECH Echo* To : John A Donaldson From : Warren Hrach Subject : UUCP Date : 94/04/06 09:39:10 John, I just saw a msg. from Boisy Pitre on the OS9ECHO concerning Bob Billson's UUCP port. He says it is uploaded to the OS9 site on chestnut.cs.wisc.edu and should be available there and on the mirror site, wuarchive soon. He says 'for OSK you need an earlier version of LHA V2.01. which I have. It is supposed to compile with the C compiler V3.2 or Ultra C. He says it allows running a UUCP node but is not a terminal program. One still needs to connect to an Gateway or somesuch Internet system. Anyway it is a big step for us MM/1 users (providing no bugs) and I hope you can pick it up and it will compile ok. Boisy's msg is dated 94/04/05 at 1:15 AM. Note that Bob Billsons's Internet address is (bob@kc2wz.bubble.org) (warren_harch@f343.n202.z1.fidonet.org) --- RiBBS v2.10 * Origin: Ocean Beach BBS 619-224-4878 MM1 TECH moderator (1:202/343) Public Message Message # 3679 *MM1 TECH Echo* To : All From : Warren Hrach Subject : UUCP stuff Date : 94/04/08 08:42:41 Some new files I have for download and also are available on the OS9CN libraries are ; LTERM10d.lzh (Alan Westons MM/1 term program) [osk_tel section] UUCPBB20.lzh (Bob Billson's latest release) " " " UUCPBM20.lzh (docs for above) " " " README.ubb (A uucp readme file, what else) " " " The lterm is a nice term program for the MM/1 but does not include Ansi. (it is a demo version of a shareware program) BTW I did test my beta version of Kterm and Zyxel modem using zmodem and got over 2,000 CPS on downloading from a Wildcat Ms Dos BBS. And Kterm has a nice ANSI setup now. I have a color config that makes RiBBS look good. The UUCP stuff was received over the OS9CN network and was orginated by Brian Stewart, Thanks Brian. Now to see if I can compile it on my MM/1. There is a makefile for the MW C compiler I have so maybe it will be a go. Anyway look for the above new files at Ocean Beach BBS in the OSK_TEL section, and on other Libraries in the OS9_TEL section. BTW there is makefiles for both CoCo OS9 Lev2 and OSK V3.2 C compiler. There is also a makefile for MW's Ultra C compiler. (warren_hrach@f343.n202.z1.fidonet.org) --- RiBBS v2.10 * Origin: Ocean Beach BBS 619-224-4878 MM1 TECH moderator (1:202/343) Public Message (Rec) Message # 3701 *MM1 TECH Echo* To : Warren Hrach From : Colin Mckay Subject : Re: UUCP Date : 94/04/07 15:54:00 Next Reply is Message 3710 I picked up the UUCPbb package yesterday, compiled it (40 minutes for the compile), and fired it up today. Haven't got it sending mail, but I can receive mail right now. Haven't figured out all the stuff related to news groups yet though. At any rate, it's the best-documented UUCP package for OS-9 I've seen yet. TTYL. Colin. --- Maximus-CBCS v1.02 * Origin: Micro80 Computer Club of Ottawa BBS (1:163/306) Public Message Message # 3707 *MM1 TECH Echo* To : All From : James Jones Subject : ladial demo version Date : 94/04/09 14:48:10 If you've gotten the ladial demo version to work, I'd like to hear from you about how you did it. I suspect my "modem init" string; as far as I can tell, my modem comes up in an appropriate mode, so that all I have in my dial.sys file for the "init strings" are "DT". The bps rate for all of them is 38400, because I have my modem set up to always communicate at that rate whatever the other end talks at--but I haven't gotten that far, so I don't know whether that will cause a problem. The symptoms I see are that ladial emits the "init string" and then comes back immediately with NO DIALTONE. If I let it redial, it just goes offhook and I eventually get a warning message and howler tone (what they play to let you know your phone in the other room is off hook and not doing anything). Any advice would be appreciated. LaTerm looks very nice, and the external protocol setup is something we've needed for a long time. I just need to figure out how to get it to actually dial. --- RiBBS v2.10 * Origin: Ocean Beach BBS 619-224-4878 MM1 TECH moderator (1:202/343) Public Message Message # 3710 *MM1 TECH Echo* To : Colin Mckay From : Warren Hrach Subject : Re: UUCP Date : 94/04/09 18:42:43 Previous Reply is Message 3701 On Thursday, April 7th, 1994 - Colin Mckay wrote: CM> At any rate, it's the best-documented UUCP package for OS-9 I've seen CM> yet. Colin, The UUCP came over the OCN distribution net. I had it balk on compile at rmail.c and found an extra space at line 1030 in that. After fixing that it compiled fine. Now I have been trying to connect to a local UNIX system and we cant get it to recognize his (l)ogin and send my site name and password. I have been able to call my BBS and send my name and password but of course the rest is glorp as RiBBS just thinks it is a user. Maybe tomorrow we can get it working better. Warren, (warren_hrach@f343.n202.z1.fidonet.org) --- RiBBS v2.10 * Origin: Ocean Beach BBS 619-224-4878 MM1 TECH moderator (1:202/343) Public Message Message # 3733 *MM1 TECH Echo* To : All From : Calvin Dodge Subject : math module fix Date : 94/04/10 12:47:17 Oh no! Yes, it's version 1.8 of the math module!! Two more bugs have been found (thanks to Bob van der Poel). I'm uploading the new version now - it should be available on this board Real Soon Now. Sorry for the mess! --- RiBBS v2.10 * Origin: Ocean Beach BBS 619-224-4878 MM1 TECH moderator (1:202/343) =*= FIDO ECHO MESSAGES MENU =*= <1> Scan \ <2> Read > OS9 Echo mail <3> Leave / <4> Scan \ <5> Read > CoCo Echo mail <6> Leave / <7> Scan \ <8> Read > CoCo_Club Echo mail <9> Leave / Scan \ Read > MM1_TECH Echo Mail Leave / o back to Main Menu

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