N Public Message Message # 695 *MM1 TECH Echo* To : Colin Mckay From : David Graham Subject : Re: new programs Date : 94/06/15 21:25:07 Previous Reply is Message 649 Next Reply is Message 774 Colin, one more possible difference is that KTerm uses a resizable and movable window for the shell. That will be emphasized more in future releases. Thanks for the comments. I'm looking forward to comparing products at Atlanta, If we both can get there! BTW - any of you guys interested in a Dallas Fest? We're thinking of having one for OS9er's only called 9Con '95. Probably in February..... David --- OSkTag + Fax me no questions, I'll Fax you no lies! --- RiBBS v2.10 * Origin: Ocean Beach BBS 619-224-4878 MM1 TECH moderator (1:202/343) Public Message Message # 700 *MM1 TECH Echo* To : Colin McKay From : Larry Olson Subject : OSTerm Date : 94/06/16 22:33:41 Next Reply is Message 749 Colin, I just bought OSTerm at the Chicago fest, and I am using it to send this message, but,(I bet you knew this was coming), it seems to be working alright, till I try to do a download. I tried once on the Ocean Beach board and once on Delphi, but with the same result. I would go through all the setup's for an Xmodem download, and still everything seemed ok, but when the download is done, from that point I get nothing but garbage characters on the screen. It acts like the baud rate or parity has been changed. I know that it is probably something that I am just not settin up correctly, but I'm hoping you could give me some clue as to what I am doing wrong. Larry --- RiBBS v2.10 * Origin: Ocean Beach BBS 619-224-4878 MM1 TECH moderator (1:202/343) Public Message Message # 712 *MM1 TECH Echo* To : John A Donaldson From : Tim Jones Subject : Re: new programs Date : 94/06/13 17:21:00 They both sound pretty impressive John. Who markets Kterm? Suppose there will be any "feature borrowing" between the two? Tim --- Maximus/2 2.01wb * Origin: If I Only Had 1/MM - [512-280-6578] (1:382/107) Public Message Message # 733 *MM1 TECH Echo* To : Colin Mckay From : Tim Jones Subject : Re: new programs Date : 94/06/14 22:28:00 Colin, Thanks for the great comparison between OSTerm and KTerm. They both sound great. You guys are making it tough for folks who are in the market for a term program. What other new and exciting things are in the works for the MM/1? Tim --- Maximus/2 2.01wb * Origin: If I Only Had 1/MM - [512-280-6578] (1:382/107) Public Message Message # 744 *MM1 TECH Echo* To : Tim Jones From : John A Donaldson Subject : Re: new programs Date : 94/06/15 19:49:00 KTerm is sold by Blackhawk enterprises. Warren Hrach of OcenaBeach BBS is a Dealer, He can give you the price and even take the order. John D. --- RiBBS v2.10 * Origin: THE-GOLDEN-COCO-bbs,RIBBS/OS9/OCN,HOUSTON,TX (1:106/941) Public Message Message # 749 *MM1 TECH Echo* To : Larry Olson From : Warren Hrach Subject : Re: OSTerm Date : 94/06/17 14:36:07 Previous Reply is Message 700 Larry, If you can give a bit more info on your setup, ie; term port, baud rate of modem, I can give some help. I just tested xmodem1k on my /t0 prot with my old 2400 baud modem and it is doing fine. Note that other than /t0, /t3 or /t4 you will not be able to download. I found this the hard way and also the tech manual will tell you that the other ports are missing essential parts. -Warren (warren@ocnbeach.jd.com) --- RiBBS v2.10 * Origin: Ocean Beach BBS 619-224-4878 MM1 TECH moderator (1:202/343) Public Message Message # 774 *MM1 TECH Echo* To : David Graham From : James Jones Subject : Re: new programs Date : 94/06/17 18:08:58 Previous Reply is Message 695 Of course, I can't vouch for Colin, but I know *I* would be interested in heading for Dallas in February to an OS-9 event. (Gee...perhaps I should post the message that Russ Hoffman posted to comp.os.os9 and the BITNET CoCo mailing list. Suffice it to say that people interested in an OS-9 gathering in Pittsburgh in late summer or early fall should contact him at reh@fore.com. That last period ends the sentence and isn't part of the address. :-) --- RiBBS v2.10 * Origin: Ocean Beach BBS 619-224-4878 MM1 TECH moderator (1:202/343) .