#: 20841 S1/General Interest 13-Mar-95 14:36:42 Sb: Os9 Fm: Gilbert C. Steve 76151,2353 To: David Breeding 72330,2051 (X) Thanks for the update, David. I was wondering about OsK, and the MM1. The MM1 was just coming out as I was Migrating away from the motorolla chip set. Thanks again ... who knows maybe I'll break out my old Coco III and give it a go! Steve #: 20838 S1/General Interest 12-Mar-95 15:21:58 Sb: #20829-#Yes, I'm still alive. Fm: David L. Kaleita 72657,2775 To: David M. Horn 73260,242 (X) Where was it announced? I didn't see any mention of it in the last issue of PIPELINES that I received. There is 1 Reply. #: 20843 S1/General Interest 13-Mar-95 20:22:20 Sb: #20838-#Yes, I'm still alive. Fm: David M. Horn 73260,242 To: David L. Kaleita 72657,2775 (X) David, I think you have to ask your area Microware sales guy real nice. I think I received a product announcement and a white paper. If you need help getting your hands on the information, send a response or email with your address and fax number and I will try to dig the stuff out of my messy desk. David Horn There is 1 Reply. #: 20845 S1/General Interest 15-Mar-95 19:08:53 Sb: #20843-Yes, I'm still alive. Fm: David L. Kaleita 72657,2775 To: David M. Horn 73260,242 (X) Great! David L. Kaleita 35757 Drake Drive Sterling Heights, MI 48310-7406 Home FAX: (810) 264-6030 #: 20848 S9/Utilities 18-Mar-95 18:18:41 Sb: Call Fm: Paul Hanke 73467,403 To: Sysop (X) I've been trying to use the >call< utility which causes a repeat action with a command word such as attr or ident, etc. but can't seem to get it to do anything. Using suggested command lines in the docs, or the basic command line, nothing happens and I must hit >ctrl-e< to get back the cursor. What do 'ls' '*' '!' and '$' have to do with the syntax, which are not explained when executing >call< alone. -ph- #: 20844 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 15-Mar-95 18:07:51 Sb: Ugrades Fm: Paul Hanke 73467,403 To: Sysop (X) I've been away from the OS/9 and Coco scene for a while but the new emulators have stimulated a return, for a while at least. When I broke away before, certain disks had crashed, and the boot drive had acted up, and I lost much of the upgrades to various modules in OS/9 and MultiVue. So my question is: will there be, or is there already, a kind of history of the important module modifications which show the new idents, describe the reasons for, and benefits to, the upgrades; all in one file, preferably? My partially upgraded MV disks have an error: the version is 1.24a and the icon titles are way out of register with the icons themselves, actually bleeding across the window borders. What's wrong? Also, where does one obtain SDISK as mentioned in RSDOSPlus, or a substitute for same? thx, -ph- #: 20849 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 21-Mar-95 08:25:15 Sb: #20835-UUCP/SMTP Fm: ole hansen 100016,3417 To: Boisy G. Pitre 74464,3005 Hello Boisy Thanks for the info.. I grapped it and will try it out. The reason for wanting SMTP on OS-9/OS-9000 is that we today use a UNIX-system to handle mail too, but UNIX is hard to maintain in good shape.. ole@danelec.dk #: 20839 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 12-Mar-95 18:23:43 Sb: #CDL Basic demo reupload Fm: Frank Hogg of FHL 70310,317 To: sysop (X) Hi, I re uploaded both 'CBDEMO.AR' and 'CBDEMO.LZH'. The previous upload would not work 100% with 68000 based cpus. Please replace the original with the current one. Sorry for any inconvience this may have caused. Frank There is 1 Reply. #: 20842 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 13-Mar-95 17:32:33 Sb: #20839-CDL Basic demo reupload Fm: Steve Wegert 76703,4255 To: Frank Hogg of FHL 70310,317 (X) All taken care of, Frank. Thanks for the uploads! *- Steve -* #: 20846 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 17-Mar-95 14:45:49 Sb: #OS9 v3.0 ISP Fm: Niels Peter Bogholm 100566,2262 To: sysop (X) Hi everyone ! I'm using OS9 v 3.0 developing client (unix) / (realtime)server (os9) applications and this (the os9-part) certainly keeps me busy producing questions, here just a few: WHY is it not possible to let a connectionrequest signal an event (_ss_sevent(..) only signals event on data ready). Did you all not always miss such a function (look at unix-select) cause how can you ever create ONE process that waits on more events (ethernetcommunication / shm-event/..) at the same time or with other words: WHY is the user access to ISP not eventoriented (like TLI - oh by the way when will that be implemented !!) so that the user could request the state (ex. connection- request arrived, connectiont closed,...) WHY does the ISP crash when more than ca. 500 connections (499 TIME_WAIT and 1 established). Well I know why (namely 500 connections) but that's bad stuff... WHY is the internal TCP-process (or is it IP or XY-process) slow. Try this programstructure for a client: while(..){ sock=socket(type and family) bind(localaddress&port); connect(to the server); write (stuff); read (stuffstuff); close(sock); /* this must be done after the server so that this endpoint will be free */ /* now this endpoint has the state "closed" */ } The second bind--call returns EADDRINUSE although the endpointstate is closed!? WHY did microware not test this package (oh did they..what about all my questions) or listen(sock, maxrequests) <-this does not work. If you still reading (I know my WHY's are very specific) I will be apriciated to hear from you and your experiences with developing realtime and IP-software with os9. Perhaps we could open a WHY-club (all questions cc:microware) so that the next os9-version (os9 v 4.0 = os9-95?!) will be a real improvement with lots of new features.. By the way: How can I get a subscription on PIPELINE. Thank God for the word WHY and some answers ! Niels Boegholm. Does anyone have experience with the ISP Package (v 2.0) There is 1 Reply. #: 20847 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 17-Mar-95 23:05:19 Sb: #20846-#OS9 v3.0 ISP Fm: Pete Lyall 76703,4230 To: Niels Peter Bogholm 100566,2262 (X) Actually, if you contact Microware, I believe they have a version of the select() call that you can have as an example. It's been a while since I os9'ed, but I recall having a similar problem when writing socket based code under os9/68k. Pete There is 1 Reply. #: 20850 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 21-Mar-95 14:57:43 Sb: #20847-#OS9 v3.0 ISP Fm: Niels Peter Bogholm 100566,2262 To: Pete Lyall 76703,4230 (X) Hi Pete ! Thanks for your Info! I'll try to contact MW although I at the moment don't know how to contact them from my residence in Munich,Germany (- MW's Inetaddress ?). Anyway the point is how did (do) they realise the select, with events/signals or by polling (unacceptable cause waste of CPUtime) ? Niels. There is 1 Reply. #: 20851 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 22-Mar-95 12:09:57 Sb: #20850-OS9 v3.0 ISP Fm: Pete Lyall 76703,4230 To: Niels Peter Bogholm 100566,2262 Niels - I don't recall - I haven't looked at OS9 in over a year now. I believe Microware is accessable via the Internet by using username@microware.com. Start with Kim Kemf (kkemf? Kim.Kemf?) @microware.com. Pete Press !> .