#: 21262 S1/General Interest 08-Nov-95 11:45:39 Sb: #21193-OS-9 Literature Fm: James M H 74273,2742 To: Jon P. Ward 102714,2410 You could try thier advertised web page at: http://www.microware.com I haven't tried this yet though. #: 21265 S1/General Interest 11-Nov-95 10:07:32 Sb: #OS9 lives on... Fm: Rogelio Perea 72056,1204 To: ALL Hello fellow OS9ers. This appeared in FidoNet's OS9_echo: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- From : DAVID JACKLIN Number : 202 of 202 To : ALL Date : 10/16/95 10:51am Subject : OS9 & Interactive TV Reference : NONE Read : [N/A] Private : NO Conf : 17 - OS9 National Echo I saw a bit this morning on PBS's The Computer Chronicles which featured a new interactive television system from Microware. The system is called DAVID (caught my attention at once) which stands for Digital Audio Video Interface Device and it uses OS9 as its operating system. Note that it's OS9, not OSK or similar. This appears to be a classic "industrial" OS9 implementation, with the system resident in ROM and accessed through heirarchical menuing. The interface device? A standard-looking TV remote control! The software offers view-on-demand movies, interactive commercial and retail services, weather and emergency connections and, of coures, game playing ability. More, as well. No fixed release date, yet, but very interesting, none the less. OS9 lives on! -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Rogelio Perea AZ-TEC Group There is 1 Reply. #: 21266 S1/General Interest 11-Nov-95 11:06:31 Sb: #21265-OS9 lives on... Fm: John Murphy 73077,2305 To: Rogelio Perea 72056,1204 >> The system is called DAVID (caught my attention at once) which stands for Digital Audio Video Interface Device and it uses OS9 as its operating system. Note that it's OS9, not OSK or similar. << Actually, OS-9 is the correct "generic" term for all versions of of the operating system. OSK is just a contraction of "OS-9 68000" or "OS-9 68K". I believe that DAVID currently makes use of a 68k type chip, rather than a 6809. John #: 21260 S5/OS9 Users Group 05-Nov-95 13:49:21 Sb: CDI Fm: bernard schelfau 100537,2103 To: All Hello, I have to prepare my end of cursus work. I do on the CDI. I have to know if the CDI works with the OS/9 otherwise with witch king of operating system. What are the software aviable on the mark to create a CDI. Thanks for the answer. #: 21261 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 06-Nov-95 03:28:22 Sb: #21256-OS9 3.0 crashes if ... Fm: Rainer Thieringer 100544,1230 To: Ian J Shearer 100410,2733 (X) Ian, since it the difference between user/group and task is very important for me I will try to find out the real truth about these Private Alarms. My hardware vendors support division is happy about questions like this one! So whenever I know something new, I will let you know. Bye - Rainer Thieringer HAAS LASER GmbH Germany #: 21263 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 10-Nov-95 04:08:40 Sb: #ftpd source ? Fm: Gerd Gotthard 100135,262 To: all Hello, I would like to write an application similar to the Microware implementation of ftpd. It would be great if someone could supply the sources of ftpd or a similar utility. ftpd solves some programming problems: - ftpdc has no parent process (parent ID: 0), but it is forked by ftpd. - ftpd has to F$WAIT for ftpdc. But it doesn't. ftpd accepts immediatly new client connections. - ftpd cleans up any socket resource (no 'address already in use' errors) Any help will be appreciated Gerd There is 1 Reply. #: 21264 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 10-Nov-95 08:27:08 Sb: #21263-ftpd source ? Fm: Pete Lyall 76703,4230 To: Gerd Gotthard 100135,262 Check the LINUX archives. LINUX is a FREE implementation (and a GOOD one) of Unix, and the sources to everything in it are available. You'll hav to do a little bet surfing. A good place to start would be ftp.infomagic.com or sunsite.unc.edu. Pete Lyall Press !> .