[32mPrompt for Reply ([33mY/n[32m) [37m [36m Public Message [31m(Rec) [36mMessage # 1 *MM1_TECH Echo*[32m To : Dave Kelly [33mFrom : Dean Leiber [35mSubject : Re: Disks [37mDate : 96/05/04 11:09:53[33m Hi Dave! Thanks for finding the newsletters! I just sent your OCN disks back yesterday (May 3) so they might be there before you have a chance to read this. Thanks again! Dean [37m--- RiBBS OSK Beta * Origin: Ocean Beach MM/1 BBS (619) 224-4878 (1:202/745.1) [36m Public Message [31m(Rec) [36mMessage # 2 *MM1_TECH Echo*[32m To : Dave Kelly [33mFrom : Dean Leiber [35mSubject : Re: CoCo Format [37mDate : 96/05/04 11:11:48[33m Hi again Dave! Yes, the disk you sent me were HD with a Coco Format. It is surprising it even worked if you formatted them on the Coco. My drives can't reliably write to HD disks period (CoCo of course). When I inserted them into the MM/1 the drives could not reliably read them; sometimes it could, sometimes lots of seek errors. My Coco seemed to be able to read them, so I went out to Office Depot, bought 50 DSDD disks and backuped up your Disks to them. That solved the problem. So, yes you can still buy DSDD but they are as much as HD (sometimes actually more expensive!!!) and are getting harder to find, but if you buy them bulk, you can go the mail order route. BTW, ever notice Unformaatted disk are now more expensive than formatted ones??!! Go Figure! Well thanks again. I'll begin working on them this week! Dean [37m--- RiBBS OSK Beta * Origin: Ocean Beach MM/1 BBS (619) 224-4878 (1:202/745.1) [36m Public Message [36mMessage # 3 *MM1_TECH Echo*[32m To : All Mm/1b Users [33mFrom : Warren Hrach [35mSubject : MGR Update [37mDate : 96/05/07 10:59:10[33m I have put the latest versions of MGR from Carl Krieder for downloading in my MM/1b support download section. Filenames are ; mgr.tar.gz 898 k part1.tar.gz 1002 k part2.tar.gz 540 k I also have a copy of tterm.lzh in my osktel section for OSK systems. Warren Hrach, RiBBS/RiBBS_MM1 beta sysop [37m--- RiBBS OSK Beta * Origin: Ocean Beach RiBBS_MM1 support BBS (619) 224-4878 (1:202/745.1) [36m Public Message [31m(Rec) [36mMessage # 4 *MM1_TECH Echo*[32m To : Dean Leiber [33mFrom : Dave Kelly [35mSubject : Re: CoCo Format [37mDate : 96/05/05 12:58:00[33m I think some of the problem in MY reading 720k disks between my coco and MM1b was head alignment. I noticed that older coco disks (5 or 6 years ago) read better that ones formated last year. My 3.5 drive was new 5 or 6 years ago. Yes I noticed the price difference between formated and unformated disk. About a month ago I saw an ad for 100 disk for $49 with a $40 mailin rebate. Alas I had just bought 200 and could not justify the 9 cents apiece. 200 will last me a year. I have not passed by a postoffice to mail the newsletters yet, 5-May. [37m--- Maximus 2.02 * Origin: THE GOLDEN COCO other's COMPUTER (1:106/941) [36m Public Message [31m(Rec) [36mMessage # 5 *MM1_TECH Echo*[32m To : Dave Kelly [33mFrom : Dean Leiber [35mSubject : Re: CoCo Format [37mDate : 96/05/09 18:51:32[33m Hi Dave! I just wan't to make sure that yuo got the disks back. PLease let me know. Thanks! Dean [37m--- RiBBS OSK Beta * Origin: Ocean Beach MM/1 BBS (619) 224-4878 (1:202/745.1) [36m Public Message [31m(Rec) [36mMessage # 6 *MM1_TECH Echo*[32m To : Dave Kelly [33mFrom : Dean Leiber [35mSubject : VGA to TV [37mDate : 96/05/09 18:54:57[33m Hi Dave! If I'm not mistaken, you asked about the Computer/TV converter. I know you asked for PD, but there are a few commercial versions of what you ask. I believe Jameco/JDR and a few others carry them. Hope this helps! Dean [37m--- RiBBS OSK Beta * Origin: Ocean Beach RiBBS_MM1 BBS (619) 224-4878 (1:202/745.1) [36m Public Message [36mMessage # 7 *MM1_TECH Echo*[32m To : All [33mFrom : Warren Hrach [35mSubject : bmp viewer [37mDate : 96/05/10 10:28:07[33m I have a copy of Joel Hegbergs .bmp viewer available in my OSK applications dir for downloading. Joel is going to upload to Delphi also. Warren Hrach, RiBBS/RiBBS_MM1 beta sysop [37m--- RiBBS OSK Beta * Origin: Ocean Beach RiBBS_MM1 support BBS (619) 224-4878 (1:202/745.1) [36m Public Message [36mMessage # 8 *MM1_TECH Echo*[32m To : David Graham [33mFrom : Dave Kelly [35mSubject : Re: MW Compiler v3.2 [37mDate : 96/05/10 16:57:37[33m On Friday, April 19th, 1996 - David Graham wrote: DG> Dave, are you in Texas, or Alabama? Just got an inquery on the MM/1B DG> from a Dave Kelly, is that you? I am in Texas. Wonder why I havent seen this messge. I guess the MM1 echo doesnt get distributed correctly all the time. There was a guy sending out letters wanting to buy a used MM1 in March or there abouts. I think everone on the OS9UG mailing list got one. [37m--- RiBBS OSK Beta * Origin: Ocean Beach MM/1 BBS (619) 224-4878 (1:202/745.1) [36m Public Message [36mMessage # 9 *MM1_TECH Echo*[32m To : James Jones [33mFrom : Dave Kelly [35mSubject : Re: PowerPC & OS9 [37mDate : 96/05/10 17:01:03[33m On Saturday, April 27th, 1996 - James Jones wrote: JJ> Yes, it has been ported. (Technically, it's OS-9000, the version that JJ> is written mostly in C. Moving 68xxx assembly language to PowerPC is JJ> (or would be) a significant job.) Does it run on a Power Mac? I JJ> don't know; your best bet would be to call or ask Microware. Thanks for the reply. If I can convence my daughter to let use here PowerMac I may call. [37m--- RiBBS OSK Beta * Origin: Ocean Beach MM/1 BBS (619) 224-4878 (1:202/745.1) [36m Public Message [31m(Rec) [36mMessage # 10 *MM1_TECH Echo*[32m To : Dean Leiber [33mFrom : Dave Kelly [35mSubject : Re: Disks [37mDate : 96/05/10 17:02:56[33m On Saturday, April 27th, 1996 - Dean Leiber wrote: DL> in the mail to you by the mid to end of next week. I'll keep you I got them last week. This Friday 10. [37m--- RiBBS OSK Beta * Origin: Ocean Beach MM/1 BBS (619) 224-4878 (1:202/745.1) [36m Public Message [31m(Rec) [36mMessage # 11 *MM1_TECH Echo*[32m To : Dean Leiber [33mFrom : Dave Kelly [35mSubject : Re: Disks [37mDate : 96/05/10 17:04:58[33m On Saturday, May 4th, 1996 - Dean Leiber wrote: DL> Thanks for finding the newsletters! I just sent your OCN disks The newletters left in the mail on Friday 10, today. [37m--- RiBBS OSK Beta * Origin: Ocean Beach MM/1 BBS (619) 224-4878 (1:202/745.1) [36m Public Message [31m(Rec) [36mMessage # 12 *MM1_TECH Echo*[32m To : Dean Leiber [33mFrom : Dave Kelly [35mSubject : Re: VGA to TV [37mDate : 96/05/10 17:07:12[33m On Thursday, May 9th, 1996 - Dean Leiber wrote: DL> If I'm not mistaken, you asked about the Computer/TV converter. I know DL> ask. I believe Jameco/JDR and a few others carry them. Hope this Can you or someone post a address for Jameco/JDR? [37m--- RiBBS OSK Beta * Origin: Ocean Beach MM/1 BBS (619) 224-4878 (1:202/745.1) [36m Public Message [31m(Rec) [36mMessage # 13 *MM1_TECH Echo*[32m To : Dave Kelly [33mFrom : James Jones [35mSubject : Re: CoCo Format [37mDate : 96/05/11 03:55:18[33m Yes, you can buy 720K floppies--this is good, because my Clavinova CVP-89 wants them as well as CoCos. I found them at Office Max. [37m--- RiBBS OSK Beta * Origin: Ocean Beach MM/1 BBS (619) 224-4878 (1:202/745.1) [36m Public Message [31m(Rec) [36mMessage # 14 *MM1_TECH Echo*[32m To : Dave Kelly [33mFrom : James Jones [35mSubject : Re: schematic needed [37mDate : 96/05/11 03:57:44[33m Do you really really want to build one? Look in Computer Shopper; it's easy to find them for sale. [37m--- RiBBS OSK Beta * Origin: Ocean Beach MM/1 BBS (619) 224-4878 (1:202/745.1) [36m Public Message [31m(Rec) [36mMessage # 15 *MM1_TECH Echo*[32m To : Dave Kelly [33mFrom : Warren Hrach [35mSubject : Re: VGA to TV [37mDate : 96/05/11 08:00:00[33m On Friday, May 10th, 1996 - Dave Kelly wrote: DK> Can you or someone post a address for Jameco/JDR? Dave, JDR is : JDR Microdevices 1850 South 19th Street San Jose, CA 95112-4108 800-538-5000 [37m--- RiBBS OSK Beta * Origin: Ocean Beach MM/1 Support BBS (619) 224-4878 (1:202/745.1) [36m Public Message [36mMessage # 17 *MM1_TECH Echo*[32m To : James Jones [33mFrom : Dave Kelly [35mSubject : Re: schematic needed [37mDate : 96/05/12 20:05:00[33m Will check on the VGA to TV converter the next time I buy a CS [37m--- Maximus 2.02 * Origin: THE GOLDEN COCO other's COMPUTER (1:106/941) [37m [31m=*= [32mFIDO ECHO MESSAGES MENU [31m=*=[36m <1> Scan \ <2> Read > OS9 Echo mail <3> Leave / <4> Scan \ <5> Read > CoCo Echo mail <6> Leave / Scan \ Read > MM1_TECH Echo Mail Leave / o back to Main Menu

revious Menu (Messages Menu) [35m[[37m56[35m][33m Command [37m>>> .