From: BEATLE To: BARTHOLOMEW FOX Subject: Disney Releases Date & Time: 01/20/90 18:52:43 Message Number 1451 They have been working on that Rescuers sequel a long time. I first heard it was to be relased last year. Starlog carries some updates on fantasy film releases. Fantasia will be listed in their film calandar if its re-relased. =========== From: BEATLE To: SAURON Subject: Anal Retention Date & Time: 01/20/90 19:06:05 Message Number 1452 Well, on Saturday Night Live, it means excessively and compulsively neat and proper. According to a dictionary, it has a meaning along the lines of "constapated"... =========== From: BEATLE To: RUFUS Subject: Bad movies Date & Time: 01/20/90 19:14:06 Message Number 1453 I have Dark Star and War of the Worlds on tape already. Well, Dark Star is pretty bad. But War of the Worlds is a sci-fi classic. =========== From: BEATLE To: KEN OBER Subject: Odd... Date & Time: 01/20/90 19:16:41 Message Number 1454 Enough product plugs... =========== From: BEATLE To: ANGEL Subject: It's... Date & Time: 01/20/90 19:17:32 Message Number 1455 Since TNT came on cable, I think Dark Star has been aired three times .... =========== From: TURTLE To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: abortions... Date & Time: 01/21/90 14:58:03 Message Number 1456 >god calls it murder. I'll take your (or her) word for it; I haven't talked personally with god recently, so I wouldn't know what he calls it. Considering how between 60 and 80% of all fertilized human eggs never make it to childhood naturally, the majority of which simply fail to attach to the uterus and are absorbed or expelled, I'd say that if god /does/ call it murder, it must be an activity he approves of. Otherwise, of course, one could expect that the system wouldn't have been built that way. Arguments from religion don't impress me. After all, at various times in history god has been quoted as saying that the world is flat, all non-Catholics should be tortured to death, books like "Charlotte's Web" are immoral and should be burned, and your bank account really ought to be turned over to Oral Roberts (before he gets called home). This means that either god is a real unreliable source of information or the people who are quoting him are, mistaken. =========== From: TURTLE To: BEATLE Subject: Anal Retention Date & Time: 01/21/90 15:05:47 Message Number 1457 Sigmund Freud coined the term "anal retentive;" he catagorized most people as being "oral compulsive" (these are people who are always biting the ends of pencils and the like, and are generally sloppy, fidgity, and disorganized) and "anal retentive" (these are the people who were potty trained too early; they're compulsively neat and tidy, and do things like line up sharp pencils on an otherwise clear desk). I never could fathom Freud's fascination with pencils. --A non-anal-retentive Turtle (...although Freud /does/ give me constipation.) =========== From: TURTLE To: BEATLE Subject: Bad movies Date & Time: 01/21/90 15:08:42 Message Number 1458 >Well, Dark Star is pretty bad. Bite your tongue /hard,/ boy. =========== From: CYBERPUNK To: TURTLE Subject: my bbs Date & Time: 01/21/90 16:12:20 Message Number 1459 well guess what, i got it up now!! it works!! it even answers the phone!!! neat-o huh???? well c-ya! Cy HYPERCOMP!!! 300/1200 baud 813-371-0888 =========== From: BEATLE To: TURTLE Subject: Bad movies Date & Time: 01/21/90 17:49:33 Message Number 1460 I'm sorry... But "Dark Star" is one of those bad in a good sense. If I didn't like it, it would have been erased from my tape already... =========== From: BEATLE To: TURTLE Subject: Star Trek III Date & Time: 01/21/90 17:54:41 Message Number 1461 Hey, where did you get that neat-o Star Trek poster next to your door? I collect movie posters, and I can almost guarantee that's worth something... at least the regular size posters (which are more common) are worth $20 at least... =========== From: KEN OBER To: ALL Subject: The Furry Tape Date & Time: 01/21/90 18:18:34 Message Number 1462 It has all the live-action of the Furry Party on the 20th! Over an hour of footage! The special FURRY MUSIC VIDEO which lasts 3:36 sec., and featuring TURTLE CAM II set to Eurotheme! The most complete (and only) video record of the Furry Party! Also still availible: RufusCON on video! Featuring the original TURTLE CAM set to the VPA music! Another Fun-Filled hour of Furry Fun! Get your copies via me! Just request a copy at the next CON, or drop by my place sometime ot get a copy....All copies are free if you bring the tape.... * TURTLE CAM (tm) Anarchy Now, Inc. 1990 Give me a call at my BBS! (813-378-2218) If you live in Tampa, it can be arranged to have copies mailed for a minimal fee... (You can also leave me E-Mail at this location....) So everyone, when's the next CON!? :) -Ken Obermiester =========== From: CHIP P. UNICORN To: KEN OBER Subject: The modems.. Date & Time: 01/22/90 16:37:18 Message Number 1464 Dear Ken, WHAT?!? Are you suggesting that I should drag my mighty 9600-baud modem down, castrating it, and depriving it of its need to fly -- forcing, yes, castrating my modem, and reign it in at 300 baud? Absurd! Well -- maybe... I'll try it later. Chip P. Unicorn =========== From: CHIP P. UNICORN To: RUFUS Subject: problems Date & Time: 01/22/90 16:41:58 Message Number 1465 Naaaah.... I've got this really spiffy-keen elecromagnet... that'll solve ALL our problems in just a few seconds. Chip P. Unicorn =========== From: CHIP P. UNICORN To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: abortions... Date & Time: 01/22/90 16:45:05 Message Number 1466 --- Just as a disclaimer, the opinion expressed really is that of Chip P. Unicorn, but really addressed to the Specialist's girlfriend. -- Several questions: 1. Which god? 2. How do you define murder? 3. How do you define abortion? 4. What do we do with all the unwanted children that would result if abortion wasn't legal? (If you diatribe back at me "Adoption, not abortion" -- How many children have you adopted?) 5. What real solutions do you have to the problems that cause unwanted pregnancies? 6. Is all abortion immoral? (assuming, of course, that murder is immoral.) How about diseased children who won't survive a month? Who wouldn't survive two months? A year? Two years? Twelve? What if they'll live a normal-span life, but are a vegetable for their lives? What if they're deformed? If you set a limit on when abortions can be placed, what is that limit? 7. If you say abortion cannot be performed under any circumstances, what of a child born with AIDS -- and would cost his parents literally tens (maybe hundreds) of thousands of dollars to keep? Who pays for that? Or, who helps "crack babies"? Mind you -- I'm not attacking you. I'm honestly asking for answers -- your answers, please... -- to those questions. Myself, I'm a born- again Christian who isn't so certain that either side of the abortion question are right. But, I'm interested in talking with both sides... You might convert me.... Chip P. Unicorn =========== From: CHIP P. UNICORN To: TURTLE Subject: abortions... Date & Time: 01/22/90 16:57:13 Message Number 1467 Dear Turtle, Your heretical views have been noted, and St. Pedro will ensure that your soul will be purged an extra 500 years in the "Blue Lucifer's Tickle-Torture" device. Yarg! Chip P. Unicorn =========== From: CHIP P. UNICORN To: CYBERPUNK Subject: my bbs Date & Time: 01/22/90 17:00:14 Message Number 1468 Well, gosh golly gee wow whiz, oh boy oh boy oh boy!!!! neat-o, and golly wow whiz bang! jeepers creepers and the bees knees! soooper, dood, and more power to ya. Chip P. Unicorn Yes, but does it make a good cup of coffee? =========== From: BEATLE To: CHIP P. UNICORN Subject: abortions... Date & Time: 01/22/90 18:21:39 Message Number 1469 Just as an interesting fact, I saw on the news that about 64% of Seniors (I believe High School) are pro choice. This figure increased 9% from last year... =========== From: BEATLE To: KEN OBER Subject: The Furry Tape Date & Time: 01/22/90 18:24:00 Message Number 1470 To everyone else: Beware of the fourth generation copy. TYLER, I watched both copies of the video (the SLP and SP, remember?) and the big difference was that the SP was less fuzzy than the SLP. I reccomend that you make second generation copies for everyone from the camcorder. You left too much empty space on the VHS copy... By the way, show the music video to Jennifer. I told her you probably would. Wouldn't you say she missed a good time? =========== From: RUFUS To: KEN OBER Subject: The Furry Tape Date & Time: 01/22/90 20:25:52 Message Number 1471 I want a copy. I'll arrange to get you a tape. You should really do a documentary on what furry is. You could probaly do a pretty good job of it. =========== From: RUFUS To: BEATLE Subject: abortions... Date & Time: 01/22/90 20:29:19 Message Number 1472 Gee, I heard it was Freshmen in college. Then again, when have I paid attention to the news? :) You know what I really hate? Simulated crimes. I watched as some guy beat up a girl, 'shot' her, then ran her over. Like we couldn't get it from "He hit her, shot her twice, then ran her over in a '77 whatever." =========== From: RUFUS To: CRYSTAL Subject: And Turtle Date & Time: 01/22/90 20:32:06 Message Number 1473 Many thanks for hosting the Furry Party last Saturday. Once again, you baked us food (those brownies were good, but when mixed with Mountain Dew real early in the morning, uhh), you let us raid your supply of Mountain Dew, you let us be loud, use your bean bags, etc..etc.. May your new neighbors be night watchmen!! =========== From: RADAGAST To: TURTLE Subject: Well... Date & Time: 01/22/90 20:44:10 Message Number 1475 I like the idea about puting the back ground in the D/l's, you could also put the story so far in the d/l's too. One of my biggest hang ups as a latecomer was that i only knew the last 100 messages or so, which were exciting, but not all that helpful for entering the gets very complicated, and unless you have been following the story, its nearly imposible to find a little nooke where a new player would fit. If you could go off line, and read the messages through, at your own pace, and find a spot where a new person would be benefichal to the story, and you could get some idea of where this is all supposed to be going. On WD the basic quest was discovered early in the story, and basically only the sub problems were discussed for a long time, so its hard to tell what you should be trying to help/hinder accomplishing...well, its only a suggestion, an long time, but hopefully it will help at least a little... =========== From: KEN OBER To: BEATLE Subject: 2nd Generation Date & Time: 01/22/90 21:03:17 Message Number 1476 Okay, but the tape line-up (if you get a copy) is like this: The Main video will be 2nd generation because I /had/ to edit out about 10 minutes where the tape *royally* screwed up.... The TURTLE CAM is 2nd generation as well... The music video is 3rd generation...I had to copy from camcorder to to vhs (the main copy) and back to camcorder for the flying erase head, and then, finally, back to VHS to add the music....The picture isn't /that/ bad, but it would be better if Iactually used /new/ camcorder tapes, and had something /besides/ a 2-head vcr...basically, the tape in SP looks like a 1st or 2nd generation in SLP mode.... ANyways, you'll all see when you get your copies or at the next party.... SP FOREVER! LP & SLP SUCK EGGS!!!!! =========== From: KEN OBER To: RUFUS Subject: Documentary Date & Time: 01/22/90 21:08:30 Message Number 1477 HHmmm, sounds like and interesting idea, hhmmm....How would we go about it, tho? I guess we could have people like Watts and Turtle and You speaking on the subject of what "exactly" a furry is, and we could show a few examples..... OH! I /almost/ have enough money for my AmiGen! YA! And after my birthday, Ishould get enough money from relatives to do it...Ithink it'll be nifty, If Iget oit within A week, Imay even have a desire to re-do the furry tape to include captions... Beatle -- Next Party or CON, try to bring your 4-Head stereo VCR so that we can make really nifty copies, otay'? -TRR =========== From: KEN OBER To: ALL Subject: Don't Forget Date & Time: 01/22/90 21:13:15 Message Number 1478 To thank Rocky for getting 2 extra 12-Packs of Mountain Dew for everyone!!!! -TRR =========== From: TURTLE To: CHIP P. UNICORN Subject: heresy Date & Time: 01/22/90 23:33:20 Message Number 1480 >Your heretical views have been noted... You know, I was faxing a copy of "Satisfaction" to God just last week, and he told me that he /really/ gets annoyed when people presume to assign their moral views to him, and then wander around imprisoning or murdering other people who don't have the same view of him. He also made some remark along the lines of "Check these guys out! I made them in my image, and now they turn around and try to return the favor. Some people, I swear to me!" --An irreverant Turtle =========== From: TURTLE To: RUFUS Subject: And Turtle Date & Time: 01/22/90 23:37:50 Message Number 1481 It was an honor and a privelege, doode! I'm looking forward to the next one... =========== From: TURTLE To: KEN OBER Subject: 2nd Generation Date & Time: 01/22/90 23:39:10 Message Number 1482 You should make a "master" copy on vhs, then give it and a bunch of blank tapes to me some time and let me copy them with the professional video editing system in the New College media center. (BTW, I'd like a copy of the RufusCon and Furry Party tapes...) --A video Turtle =========== From: BEATLE To: RUFUS Subject: The Furry Tape Date & Time: 01/23/90 07:09:27 Message Number 1483 Documentaries are hard to do. I tried a pseudo-documentary once and never finished it. I tried a REAL documentary once and never got past the first minute. =========== From: BEATLE To: RUFUS Subject: abortions... Date & Time: 01/23/90 07:11:19 Message Number 1484 Might have been Freshmen in college. I dunno. I just glanced at it and caught it.... =========== From: BEATLE To: KEN OBER Subject: 2nd Generation Date & Time: 01/23/90 07:13:47 Message Number 1485 And everyone MUST have SP because SLP will degrade your work! (almost a quote) =========== From: BEATLE To: KEN OBER Subject: Documentary Date & Time: 01/23/90 07:15:06 Message Number 1486 Like that's gonna be easy. "Hey, Dad. Lemme take that steeo VCR all the way over to Tyler's, OK?" "You mean he doesn't have one?" "No, I don't believe it either." Actually, I have a friend with a nice Hi-Fi stereo model from Sharp (as opposed to my Goldstar generic linear stereo-big difference). He'S interested in coming to a Con sometime and he'd probably be willing to unhook his VCR and bring it. He takes it to Elenton sometimes... =========== From: BEATLE To: TURTLE Subject: 2nd Generation Date & Time: 01/23/90 07:19:39 Message Number 1487 Does the diting system clear up the picture? Every time Tyler made a new copy, it got worse. He does have a sloppy VHS master, though... =========== From: CORWYN OF AMBER To: SAURON Subject: catchy slogans Date & Time: 01/23/90 16:18:53 Message Number 1489 Brickbats. =========== From: CORWYN OF AMBER To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: abortions... Date & Time: 01/23/90 16:20:30 Message Number 1490 So, has she talked to god recently, and which god might that be? Do they let her out of her padded room on week-ends? (Or does she not usually speak of her conversations w/ god?) - Corwyn =========== From: CORWYN OF AMBER To: CORWYN OF AMBER Subject: catchy slogans Date & Time: 01/23/90 16:22:56 Message Number 1491 At 200 yards. =========== From: CORWYN OF AMBER To: ALL Subject: shadow Date & Time: 01/23/90 16:24:02 Message Number 1492 To anybody who's tried calling The Shadow, I apologize. The modem was sent in for repairs... hopefully we won't have any more problems w/ my modem not talking to other people's modems... Should be up at 11:00 tomorrow night tho' - - Corwyn =========== From: BEATLE To: TURTLE Subject: Me, the stupid Date & Time: 01/23/90 16:34:17 Message Number 1493 ARGGH!! I called over to Wyvern's Den last night after a long hiatus and I forgot to write down my stupid password. Someone tell Donthen to mail me my password somewhere! (Or even more stupidly, why didn't I address this to DONTHEN?????) ARGGGHHHH! =========== From: RUFUS To: TURTLE Subject: 2nd Generation Date & Time: 01/23/90 16:49:54 Message Number 1494 Maybe we can get together this weekend and do the CalArts tape, along with a few other tapes. =========== From: RUFUS To: BEATLE Subject: abortions... Date & Time: 01/23/90 16:51:08 Message Number 1495 >I just glanced at it and caught it.... What did you do once you caught it? Do you still have it? Did you let it go? =========== From: TURTLE To: BEATLE Subject: 2nd Generation Date & Time: 01/23/90 21:25:45 Message Number 1497 It can't actually clean up a signal that's already degraded, but the copies it produces look pretty much like the original--no degredation at all. I think it can sort of maybe fix a graphled sync signal, too, a little bit, sometimes, possibly. It's a pretty neat machine. =========== From: TURTLE To: CORWYN OF AMBER Subject: shadow Date & Time: 01/23/90 21:28:19 Message Number 1498 Hey, like, welcome back, dude. Niklaus Wirth still sucks eggs. =========== From: TURTLE To: RUFUS Subject: 2nd Generation Date & Time: 01/23/90 21:28:59 Message Number 1499 I dunno about this weekend; I have acquired a fairly nasty illness, and as I sit typing this my head is filled with cottony fog, I keep having hot flashes, and simple motion is painful or impossible. So why am I logged on rather than being in bed? Because I'm stoopid, that's why! It's one of the consequences of being a /real/ hacker. --A foggy Turtle =========== From: TURTLE To: YOU (YES, YOU!) Subject: News Flash Date & Time: 01/23/90 21:31:12 Message Number 1500 BBS COMMUNITY IN MOURNING AFTER EXPLOSION Sarasota (Turtle Press): The Sarasota BBS community suffered a tragic loss this afternoon when Remote Control went down due to a catastrophic failure of a mass storage device. Tyler Robinson, sysop of Remote Control, reports that the system was experiencing difficulty with its serial I/O devices earlier this week. A call to a local repair shop produced a technician who suggested that he switch around the cables running into his 1581 disk drive. When this was done and the computer was powered up, Tyler says, "It shot out lots of sparks from the 1581, and it caught fire." The extent of the damage is not yet known, but the board may be down for "a real long time." No one was injured in the explosion. (c) 1990 Turtle Press Ltd. =========== From: CHIP P. UNICORN To: ALL Subject: Proverb Date & Time: 01/24/90 11:12:33 Message Number 1502 (Referring, of course, to FurSchism...) If there are three furries in a town, there will be one furry fan club. If there are four furries in a town, there will be two furry fan clubs. Chip P. Unicorn =========== From: CHIP P. UNICORN To: BEATLE Subject: abortions... Date & Time: 01/24/90 11:13:50 Message Number 1503 Dear Beatle, All that I can think of is that this means the nation's turning more liberal... (Maybe. At least on one issue.) Then again, what age group uses abortions the most? Chip P. Unicorn =========== From: CHIP P. UNICORN To: RUFUS Subject: Simulated crime Date & Time: 01/24/90 11:15:32 Message Number 1504 Dear Rufus, Personally, I prefer simulated crime to the real thing. :) Chip P. Unicorn =========== From: CHIP P. UNICORN To: TURTLE Subject: heresy Date & Time: 01/24/90 11:19:04 Message Number 1505 Dear Turtle, Hate to say this, but God doesn't have a fax machine. His Son bought one to keep in touch with some of His business associates, and His Wife occasionally sends recipes through it, but as far as I know, He Himself hasn't used it. However, He does have a two hundred line telephone system to His house... if you can get past His secretary. And occasionally His Uncle answers for Him, but only occasionally. The Southern Baptists usually reach the Uncle... How do I know this? Visited His House one night, when I was dating His Daughter. Although I hate to say it, I agree with you. Too many people have used God as an excuse to force their views on others. The God of the New Testament threw away the old laws -- why do people still feel that they're under them? (Some of the moralizing reminds me of comments by Jesus to the Pharisees...) Chip P. Unicorn =========== From: CHIP P. UNICORN To: CORWYN OF AMBER Subject: abortions... Date & Time: 01/24/90 11:37:59 Message Number 1506 Dear Corwyn, Of course they let God out of her padded room on week-ends. She can leave whenever She wants! Personally, I have no problems hearing that people speak to God. It's only when they claim they've heard Her voice that I have problems. Chip P. Unicorn =========== From: CHIP P. UNICORN To: RUFUS Subject: 2nd Generation Date & Time: 01/24/90 11:40:04 Message Number 1507 Dear Rufus, One of these weekends, we'll have to take you up to Tampa. We've discovered another furry up there... talked with her on the phone. Maybe even induct her into the halls of MSTF? Chip P. Unicorn =========== From: CHIP P. UNICORN To: TURTLE Subject: shadow Date & Time: 01/24/90 11:41:51 Message Number 1508 >Welcome back, dude. You misspelled d00d. Chip P. Unicorn =========== From: KEN OBER To: BEATLE Subject: Gee, thanks Date & Time: 01/24/90 14:09:17 Message Number 1509 it isn't like Ihave any professional video editing equipment or anything of that nature....And it isn't like I'm getting paid for it! hehhehe....but you have to admit, the tape is fairly good for what I have...of course, it'd be much better if I bought a video mixer and probably a genlock & Deluxe Video III for my Amiga.....I'll be able to afford that stuff after next month, probably, so, the next CON video will be /much/ better, and I'll have fun making it too! =========== From: KEN OBER To: TURTLE Subject: Well, NOW! Date & Time: 01/24/90 14:12:38 Message Number 1510 You tell me....BRINg ME ALONG...the problem, the *master* I have of the music video is already 3rd generation on a 2head VCR...not too great, but livable, as long as it is recorded in SP, it looks fairly good....I should re-do my master tape, tho, it has a few blank spots and stuff like that that I should be removing.....I saw a pro VCR in a magazine...only $2000! I wanna' get it, of course, Idon't have to take it to MCC, the video tape wasn'T that good as an original in the first place.....both tapes Iused had been recorded over many times, and Video 8 doesn'T give a spectacular pucture anyways, so, there's no need to bring it there...if Ireally wanted to, anyways, I could just use the equipment the Booker Radio/TV VPA uses.... Ihave a few friends there, maybe Icould borrow the $20,000 camera they have down there for the next party, eh? hehehhe =========== From: KEN OBER To: TURTLE Subject: FLASH REVISED! Date & Time: 01/24/90 14:19:18 Message Number 1511 It was amazing! Shot sparks 5-feet across the room! I never knew my computer was capable of sending that much power through the serial port! Initial diagnosis points to the printer interface short-circuting and sending a power jolt along the srial cable to everything Iown except my Amiga! Fortunately, the only damaged parties seem to be the 1581 and my seems the 1581 absorbed the shock and triggered an auto- shutdown, which gave me the impression my 128D was dead, but it was just because the 1581 made /everything/ shut down and blocked the serial cable output to keep the surge contained.....pretty smart drive if you ask me! Anyways, the BBS is back up on a /very/ limited basis running off of only one drive, Hopefully my 1581 will be fixed /very/ soon, the repair tech said that since the 1581 still turns on and tries to boot a disk that "You were lucky, it should be fixed this afternoon." But, that's what they always say...anyways, stay tuned for updates.. -TRR REMOTE CONTROL! - 378-2218 - 300/1200 Baud =========== From: TURTLE To: CHIP P. UNICORN Subject: Simulated crime Date & Time: 01/24/90 14:31:07 Message Number 1512 >Personally, I prefer simulated crime to the real thing. The real thing is more profitable. =========== From: TURTLE To: CHIP P. UNICORN Subject: God & Stuff Date & Time: 01/24/90 14:32:21 Message Number 1513 When we talk to God, we're praying. When God talks to us, we're insane. =========== From: BEATLE To: CHIP P. UNICORN Subject: abortions... Date & Time: 01/24/90 16:05:02 Message Number 1515 > Then again, what age group uses abortions the most? Good point. =========== From: BEATLE To: CHIP P. UNICORN Subject: Simulated crime Date & Time: 01/24/90 16:05:51 Message Number 1516 It's much more fun and safe, wouldn't you say? =========== From: BEATLE To: KEN OBER Subject: Gee, thanks Date & Time: 01/24/90 16:08:07 Message Number 1517 Sorry, but you're the one who kept griping to me about the same kind of picture degradation. =========== From: RUFUS To: CHIP P. UNICORN Subject: 2nd Generation Date & Time: 01/24/90 16:54:18 Message Number 1519 Another furry, wow, they're popping up all over. Anyone know where I could get a list of cons in the Florida area ( South/Central would be best)? =========== From: RUFUS To: TURTLE Subject: sick Date & Time: 01/24/90 16:59:48 Message Number 1520 Well, I hope you and Crystal recover from being sick. =========== From: KEN OBER To: KEN OBER Subject: NEW FLASH! Date & Time: 01/24/90 20:57:43 Message Number 1521 HHmm, well, the BBSis now /totally/ up and in /completely/ working order...The amazing thing is, nothing broke, an nomatter how hard we tried, we couldn't recreate the problems I was experienciing at the shop... (eg--Printer screwing up, sparks shooting, etc...) Ican't believe what I just think Irealized...Ithink I'll have to check this out....hhmm, anyways, the BBS is totally open, so call! REMOTE CONTROL! - 378-2218 - 300/1200 Baud =========== From: MIKE L To: ALL ATARI WANTERS Subject: ATARI Date & Time: 01/24/90 21:34:55 Message Number 1522 ATARI 130XE FOR SALE WITH 1050 DISK DRIVE AND XM301 MODEM WITH ALL DISKS I HAVE TWO MODEM PROGRAMS ABOUT 10 MISC. PROGRAMS AND A GEOS LIKE PROGRAM WITH JOYSTICK ASKING 160$ =========== From: MIKE L To: ALL Subject: R/C PLANES Date & Time: 01/24/90 21:38:31 Message Number 1523 I HAVE TWO REMOTE CONTROL PLANES FOR SALE,ONE IS A LANIAR SEA BIRD AND THE OTHER IS A BIG STICK 40 WITH A SUPER TIGER 40 ENGINE AND ARISTO CRAFT 4 CHANNEL RADIO COME COMPLETE WITH ACCESORIES TOOOOOOO MANY TO LIST OVER 550$ INVESTED SELL FOR 299 OR TRADE FOR A COMMADOR COMPUTER WITH DRIVE AND MODEM CALL 756 6344 MIKE OR LEAVE MAIL =========== From: DONTHEN To: RUFUS Subject: 2nd Generation Date & Time: 01/25/90 10:50:17 Message Number 1525 > Anyone know where I could get a list of cons in the Florida area? Well, there are a few coming up that I'll try to track down. Other big Florida cons besides Necro include Omnicon and Tropicon, and it occurs to me that we should be trying to organize furry parties at these cons, too, if possible. =========== From: TURTLE To: RUFUS Subject: sick Date & Time: 01/25/90 14:34:43 Message Number 1526 Roumors of our dissolution into the halls of the Mountain King have been mildly overstated; I don't think I'm actually going to die, I just wish I would, that's all. (Hack cough sputter) My internal temp is finally below 103, though, which is really cool; I can think coherently again, or at least as close to coherently as I ever get, without being distracted by images of people stroking pianos under the full moon. I think I was having a dream about that last night, but I'm not quite sure. I also just realized that I wildly misspelled "rumours" up there a few lines ago, so I think I'm going to stop ranting now. Crystal feels better, too. --A recovering (but not fast enough) Turtle =========== From: BEATLE To: TURTLE Subject: sick Date & Time: 01/25/90 16:15:42 Message Number 1527 You didn't misspell "roumours" if you're speaking with a British accent. =========== From: SAURON To: DONTHEN Subject: IBM's Date & Time: 01/25/90 16:51:02 Message Number 1529 Yes, and I wish a more sensible brand would become dominant in the home market. "Big Blue" will have us at their mercy much as General Motors did 30 years ago. On the other hand, look what happened to them! =========== From: SAURON To: DONTHEN Subject: VGA Date & Time: 01/25/90 16:54:31 Message Number 1530 Wait a there someone alive today who NEEDS more than 4096 colors? =========== From: SAURON To: RUFUS Subject: It's... Date & Time: 01/25/90 16:56:01 Message Number 1531 "Dark Star" has become a genuine cult classic. "War of the Worlds" (the 1953 Gene Barry film) is interesting, if only for it's advanced (for 1953) special effects. =========== From: SAURON To: CYBERPUNK Subject: my bbs Date & Time: 01/25/90 17:17:30 Message Number 1533 Glad to hear you finnaly got it up and runnig. Good luck with it. Were you using an un-regestered copy before? =========== From: SAURON To: CHIP P. UNICORN Subject: abortions... Date & Time: 01/25/90 17:29:19 Message Number 1534 All the truth in that last message is contained in one sentence. >Myself, I'm a born-again Christian... =========== From: SAURON To: TURTLE Subject: heresy Date & Time: 01/25/90 17:33:14 Message Number 1535 Devastating! Keep that wit turned in the right (so to speak) direction. =========== From: SAURON To: BEATLE Subject: abortions... Date & Time: 01/25/90 17:41:59 Message Number 1536 Hmmm, Are these the same high school seniors who can't find the Pacific Ocean on a map? It figures. =========== From: CHIP P. UNICORN To: TURTLE Subject: Simulated crime Date & Time: 01/25/90 19:18:58 Message Number 1537 Dear Turtle, Not really. In most cases, simulated crime people (including the stoorkeeper) get paid a sure amount. In real crime, the amount made is either piffle -- or, there's a fair chance of getting caught and losing more than one gained. (in court costs.) Of course, there's white-collar crime, which pays wonderfully well... Chip P. Unicorn =========== From: CHIP P. UNICORN To: TURTLE Subject: God & Stuff Date & Time: 01/25/90 19:21:42 Message Number 1538 >When God talks to us, we're insane. Not necessarily. Depends on your god. I mean -- if Karsten Henckell were your god, there'd be no problem with him talking with his servant. Then again, C. S. Lewis admitted that Christ must have been either insane, lying through his teeth -- or real. (Guess which one he picked?) An objective reader (I am NOT one!) would probably pick the first. Chip P. Unicorn =========== From: CHIP P. UNICORN To: BEATLE Subject: Simulated crime Date & Time: 01/25/90 19:24:48 Message Number 1539 >It's much more fun and safe, wouldn't you say? Fun, no. Safe, yes. And everyone makes money from it (especially TV stations.) Chip P. Unicorn =========== From: CHIP P. UNICORN To: DONTHEN Subject: 2nd Generation Date & Time: 01/25/90 19:27:02 Message Number 1540 Sounds like fun. I can get a list from Jennifer ("Guinivere Cat") of cons in North Florida -- she's already payed for my membership for one of them (in August.) Chip P. Unicorn =========== From: CHIP P. UNICORN To: SAURON Subject: VGA Date & Time: 01/25/90 19:29:11 Message Number 1541 Dear Sauron, If you're an exacting artist who wants absolutely true-to-life colorization, you might need more than 4096 colors. Then again, it depends on what the 4096 colors ARE, exactly. Heck, if they're all just slightly different shades of carambola, we might want a few more. Chip P. Unicorn =========== From: CHIP P. UNICORN To: SAURON Subject: abortions... Date & Time: 01/25/90 19:32:51 Message Number 1542 Dear Sauron, You've misunderstood me. I actually AM quite interested in hearing the responses of the Specialist's girlfriend to those questions. Heck -- I'd be interested in hearing MY answers to those questions. I am neither pro-choice nor pro-life. (Okay, okay... neither pro- death nor anti-choice.) I have not been convinced that either extreme is what our country needs. Although I am born-again, I am also a Libertarian -- and my born-again-edness does NOT mean I am necessarily conservative, politically. I have met many born-again Christians (one of which lead the New College Bible Study four years ago) who are also vehemently pro-choice. I am opposed to the pro-lifers in that they don't really provide solutions to the problems that would happen if abortion were outlawed. Many mistake slogans for solutions. Thousands have "Adoption, not abortion" bumper stickers, but they themselves haven't adopted any children -- let alone the children who would be difficult to adopt. (That is, "crack babies," or babies born with genetic diseases.) They have no solutions for should happen after abortion is made illegal, and they generally don't practice what they preach. I am opposed to the pro-choicers because one of their main reasons: "If abortion were outlawed, people would still seek them out." is worthless. This argument also works perfectly for murder and rape -- heck, any crime. A second issue "the reproductive freedom of the woman" is probably better taken care of by birth control. I'll admit -- I don't have a solution. In my "perfect world," abortions wouldn't ever be necessary, because there would exist a 100%-successful birth control device that's easy to use (preferably a one-application thing that lasts forever), easily reversable, and does not detract from the joy of sex, and cheap, and that EVERYONE knows about it. (Through schooling.) If this existed, abortions would become unnecessary, and could be removed. Chip P. Unicorn =========== From: RUFUS To: DONTHEN Subject: 2nd Generation Date & Time: 01/25/90 20:34:23 Message Number 1543 And plan on attending well enough in advance so that the younger furries can let their parents stew on it for a while. Not like "Hey guys, wanna drive to California next weekend?" Another reason for planning in advance is to scrape together enough money for the trip. =========== From: RUFUS To: TURTLE Subject: sick Date & Time: 01/25/90 20:36:15 Message Number 1544 Last time I got sick, I had this medicine which was about 5% alchol, and contained some opium. For some reason I enjoyed, even craved for my medicine. Wish I could find that stuff, but it's been lost in the kitchen jungle. =========== From: RUFUS To: SAURON Subject: abortions... Date & Time: 01/25/90 20:38:53 Message Number 1545 I can't believe people in Florida can't find the Pacific Ocean on the map. It is right smack dab in the middle of our state! Yarg! Yarg! Yarg! =========== From: DONTHEN To: SAURON Subject: VGA Date & Time: 01/26/90 12:24:51 Message Number 1546 > is there someone al ive today who NEEDS more than 4096 colors? Not displayed at one time, but I can think of applications where a greater palette range would be necessary--for instance, if you were doing video animation work, i.e., recording each frame of the movie separately onto a VCR, or digitizing external video sources in order to add animation or special effects. Right now, the Mac II is the only microcomputer whose off-the-shelf graphics capabilities are at this level, but the Amiga can be shoved into that range for less than the price of a low-end Mac II -- and the software for doing animation and complex VCR control (genlock, frame grabbing, sound synchs, etc.) is considerably better for the Amiga than for any graphics system I've seen, including a few $40K dedicated graphics workstations. =========== From: DONTHEN To: CHIP P. UNICORN Subject: God & Stuff Date & Time: 01/26/90 12:31:39 Message Number 1547 > ... Christ must have been either insane, lying through his teeth -- > or real. I've seen that argument. It's interesting, but it eliminates the second possibility by stating that anyone who was lying must be doing it for evil ends, which would have been at odds with the teachings, therefore that couldn't have been what was really going on -- Q.E.D. For an eloquent (if probably unintentional) rebuttal to that line, see David Brin's novel THE POSTMAN, in which the main character ends up claiming to be a legal representative of the U.S. Government after a nuclear war; even though he is not what he says he is, and he knows he's lying through his teeth (i.e., he's not insane), both he and what he "represents" become reasons for hope in what seems to be a hopeless situation. =========== From: DONTHEN To: CHIP P. UNICORN Subject: 2nd Generation Date & Time: 01/26/90 12:37:31 Message Number 1548 August, huh? With any luck, Turtle, Bart Fox and I will be in California then, going to the '90 Comic Con.... =========== From: BEATLE To: SAURON Subject: VGA Date & Time: 01/26/90 15:43:26 Message Number 1549 I dunno if I NEED 4096 colors, but they would sure look neat and make computer graphics REAL realistic! =========== From: BEATLE To: SAURON Subject: It's... Date & Time: 01/26/90 15:44:50 Message Number 1550 Well, the film "War of the Worlds" inspired the TV series. I see no comparison. I think the show sucks, but it has its fan. I prefer ST:TNG, but (as with WOTW), some people think it sucks. =========== From: BEATLE To: SAURON Subject: abortions... Date & Time: 01/26/90 15:46:55 Message Number 1551 > Are these the same high school seniors who can't find the Pacific > Ocean on a map? Probably. That fact makes me sick. In a similar vein, my Geography tests have a curve. This gives a B student an A grade. It works well, but I think the class should be smarter than that. =========== From: BEATLE To: CHIP P. UNICORN Subject: Simulated crime Date & Time: 01/26/90 15:50:19 Message Number 1552 If it's not fun, then why do they simulate it? =========== From: BEATLE To: DONTHEN Subject: 4096 colors Date & Time: 01/26/90 15:54:09 Message Number 1553 Now with computers that can use 1000's of colors, don't you just want to puke when they just HAVE to colorize a movie with less than 10 colors in a frame? I mean, if they have to desecrate a movie, why not do it WELL! Make it look real! Color inside the lines! Don't make the suits look like they've been puked on. Don't make the water GREY with NO COLOR !!! Does anyone agree? =========== From: BEATLE To: BEATLE Subject: It's... Date & Time: 01/26/90 15:58:42 Message Number 1554 OOPS! I seemed to imply something in a message. I was speaking about the TV series "War of the Worlds" and Iforgot ONE letter at the end of a word, giving the sentence a different meaning I didn't intend. The sentence ending: " has its fan." should read: " has its fans." I didn't want to anger anyone who watches the show regularly and likes it... =========== From: CORWYN To: TURTLE Subject: Reformat Date & Time: 01/26/90 18:11:39 Message Number 1555 SpinRite (Now in version //), Norton Disk Doctor, and I Think Paul Mace's Gold Utilities all have non-destructive Low-level format routines Sorry, I don't have any of 'em. - Corwyn =========== From: BLACK MAGIC To: TURTLE Subject: No Problem! Date & Time: 01/26/90 21:34:07 Message Number 1556 Turtle, sorry I didn't answer any sooner....I can never get a hold of this BBs, so I kinda slacked off as far as calling goes. I'm going to the Keys in March to do some reef diving. I dive every so often, took Marine Biology, but I don't think I'll pursue it as a career...haven't yet decided. I dive in the Gulf of Mexico, or where ever. Not too crazy about lakes because the visibility tends not to be really wonderful! Who exactly is Lorelei? Haven't seen her on the BBS's.... Anyway, talk to you later... The Lady In Black =========== From: DONTHEN To: BEATLE Subject: 4096 colors Date & Time: 01/26/90 22:09:16 Message Number 1558 Actually, I would rather they not bother to colorize movies at all. Some motion pictures, like pen-and-ink drawings, look better in black and white, especially if (like the drawings) they were created with that "limitation" in mind. Colorizing a movie correctly would require extremely sophisticated shading effects and wouldn't be cost-effective, hence, the dopey colors colorized films end up with. Anyone who would refuse to watch a movie because it is black-and-white probably isn't able to "get" complex movies to begin with, color or not, and would be just as baffled by "Blade Runner" as by "Citizen Kane". Such people are better off sticking to "Ice Pirates" and drooling in their Kool-Aid. =========== From: YNGLING To: CHIP P. UNICORN Subject: abortions... Date & Time: 01/26/90 23:34:19 Message Number 1559 Unfortunately Chip we dont live in your "perfect world," and while I find myself in the same boat as you - I dont have a solution either - I think that I would rather err on the side of caution and consider abortion a most horrible form of homicide until /proven/ otherwise. =========== From: YNGLING To: BEATLE Subject: Colorization Date & Time: 01/26/90 23:40:19 Message Number 1560 Colorization of the classics makes me sick! I refuse to watch them. At X-mas I had to go to six different places before I could purchase a copy of "Its A Wonderful Life" that hadnt been ruined with colorization! I dont care if they perfect the methods so that it comes out perfect - if they ever desecrate "Casablanca" I'll hunt down Ted Turner and shoot him like a dog in heat!!! =========== From: RUFUS To: YNGLING Subject: Ted Turner Date & Time: 01/27/90 00:32:31 Message Number 1561 Ted Turner should be beat over the head with a blunt object for colorizing movies, but his choice in bad films in impecable. Night of the Lepus Dark Star lessse...geesh, I can't remeber, but there were so many bad ones. ---- HELP!!! I've been lulled into watching Flash Gordon, help.. accck...arrghh (oh yea, it's on TBS!) =========== From: KEN OBER To: SAURON Subject: 16,000,000 Date & Time: 01/27/90 10:48:46 Message Number 1562 Personally, Iprefer 16,000,000 possible colors on the Amiga...hehehehe Well, Digi-View can manage to squeeze 16,000,000 colors, of course, that's what they /claim/... -- A Digi Ken Ober =========== From: KEN OBER To: SAURON Subject: Cy's BBS Date & Time: 01/27/90 10:50:29 Message Number 1563 did I remember to tell everyone here that his BBSis again DOWN? He ran up a $1000 (yes, THREE ZEROS) Compu$erve bill, and his parents password-locked him out of the computer....hehehhehe =========== From: TURTLE To: BEATLE Subject: sick Date & Time: 01/27/90 13:31:35 Message Number 1564 "Rumors" and "rumours" are both correct (the latter is British); "roumors" and "roumours" are not. However, "roumours" is the correct spelling of the Sanskrit expression meaning "My, what a colorful rabbit that is"--a linguistic oddity, since rabbits are not native to any part of the world where Sanskrit is spoken. It is believed that the phrase was coined by intrepid archeologist Sir Raymond Misnomer, upon returning to his tent one day and discovering that a large and ill-tempered bear had been there before him and absconded with his backpack, notebook, and two assistants; this is, however, apocrypha, and the true origin of the expression is rightfully shrouded in mystery. --A linguist Turtle =========== From: TURTLE To: CHIP P. UNICORN Subject: Simulated crime Date & Time: 01/27/90 13:42:01 Message Number 1565 Well, fine, how do I become a stoorkeeper and engage in simulated crime, then? (And what is a stoorkeeper?) The real thing is more fun and profitable, IF THE PERSON ENGAGING IN IT HAS A BRAIN THAT WORKS. If the prospective criminal /doesn't/ have a brain, well, then it's just one more example of Social Darwinism at work... --A Social Darwinist Turtle =========== From: TURTLE To: SAURON Subject: VGA Date & Time: 01/27/90 13:45:15 Message Number 1566 > there someone alive today who NEEDS more than 4096 colors? Yes. Professional video editing technicians, artists, in some cases professional modeling and simulation programmers, special effects people... On the other hand, I've never seen the compelling need for sixteen million colors, particularly where the human eye can only differentiate between two to four million distinct colors. --A colorful Turtle =========== From: TURTLE To: RUFUS Subject: sick Date & Time: 01/27/90 13:49:12 Message Number 1567 When I was going to college in Pennsylvania, I got a really nasty cough, so the nice campus doctor gave me this really neat-O green cough syrup. Unfortunately, he forgot to mention that it was 15mg coedine per ml, and I took my first dose of it on my way to my calculus final exam. This Was A Bad Mistake. Since then I have had an aversion to the color green; any time I see a green liquid I break down into complete hysterics and start singing old Slim Whitman songs while trying to differentiate seventh-degree polynomials in my head. But there is hope! I have just recently found out about a new cure for this tragic affliction; doctors in Berne can treat it in a rigorous ten-day program that involves skiiing in the Swiss Alps and receiving Swedish massages from Nastassia Kinski. Unfortunately, the program is /very/ expensive; so if you could perhaps find it in your heart to assist a long-suffering Turtle, all donations (c/o the Save Turtle Foundation) are joyfully accepted. Thank you, and God bless. --A neurotic Turtle (c) 1990 The Save Turtle Foundation, Inc. =========== From: TURTLE To: BLACK MAGIC Subject: No Problem! Date & Time: 01/27/90 13:59:22 Message Number 1568 Lorelei is a friend of mine who calls this board rarely and other BBSes never. She is, however, a fanatic diver/dolphin watcher/etc, as well as being a really neat person. =========== From: TURTLE To: YNGLING Subject: abortions... Date & Time: 01/27/90 14:01:45 Message Number 1569 >...I would rather err on the side of caution and consider abortion >a most horrible form of homicide until /proven/ otherwise. Since that is essentially a value judgement, I don't see how you're going to /prove/ that abortion is or is not homicide. The decision to have an abortion is an individual one with absolutely no hard and fast moral rules to guide it, despite what all the fanatics on both sides of the issue say, and those who think it's wrong have no right to impose that view on people who don't agree with them. If you are uninvolved with the people in question, you simply don't have the authority to tell them how to decide--unless perhaps you were planning to adopt the unwanted baby. If you /aren't/ willing to go that far for your beliefs, well, don't try forcing them down someone else's throat. =========== From: TURTLE To: YNGLING Subject: Colorization Date & Time: 01/27/90 14:08:02 Message Number 1570 >Colorization of the classics makes me sick! So watch them with the color control turned all the way down. =========== From: MIKE G. To: SYSOP Subject: SAYING HELLO Date & Time: 01/27/90 22:23:14 Message Number 1571 THANK YOU FOR ALLOWING ME TO USE YOUR BOARD TONIGHT. I hope that you liv e long and prosper. =========== From: RUFUS To: TURTLE Subject: sick Date & Time: 01/27/90 23:42:38 Message Number 1572 >skiiing in the Swiss Alps and receiving Swedish massages from Natassia >Kinski. Weird, they said that was sure to cure all my problems! I suppose it's a universal cure-all. The question is, will it clean up my Cal-Arts tape? :) =========== From: ICEMAN To: A REALITY Subject: CHANGE PHONE NO Date & Time: 01/28/90 09:43:28 Message Number 1574 CHANGE NUMBER TO READ: (813) 484-6554 FOR MODEM. THX. =========== From: DONTHEN To: KEN OBER Subject: 16,000,000 Date & Time: 01/28/90 13:01:47 Message Number 1575 DigiView digitizes in 16M colors, but it still only displays 4096 on the screen! It does use dithering effects, though, so in hi-res mode on an expensive monitor it looks like you're getting around 100,000. DigiView and a few other Amiga graphics programs, like Turbo Silver, use 16M or 24M-color "virtual palettes" so if you port their pictures over to a high-end graphics system that can display all those colors, their output takes full advantage of it. I know of at least one case where a company uses the MS-DOS Targa display system for the final output, but uses Turbo Silver to do all the actual "work" because the Targa's software lags far behind the Amiga's-- despite the fact that Targa has been around for about 6 years... =========== From: BEATLE To: DONTHEN Subject: 4096 colors Date & Time: 01/28/90 18:25:10 Message Number 1576 Good point. I would not refuse to watch a movie in balck and white. One of my favorite movies is "A Hard Day's Night" which is black and white.Some films would loose something in black and white though (ever see "Yellow Submarine"???) I'm getting better at watching more dramatic movies and movies with a heavy message. Well, I mean movies that are complete opposites of things like you mentioned (Ice Pirates)... =========== From: BEATLE To: YNGLING Subject: Colorization Date & Time: 01/28/90 18:29:46 Message Number 1577 Uhhh, I think they did colorize "Casablanca" already. I have a black and white (albeit cheap) copy of "It's A Wonderful Life". I think it's black and white because it's a public domain version and the colorized version is copyrighted. =========== From: BEATLE To: RUFUS Subject: Ted Turner Date & Time: 01/28/90 18:31:44 Message Number 1578 Yeah, there are a lot of bad films on TBS and TNT.. (well, the type that you're speaking of) =========== From: BEATLE To: TURTLE Subject: Colorization Date & Time: 01/28/90 18:39:20 Message Number 1579 Well, that works to some extent, but when you put a color over some- thing which already has a value, it's value is changed. Some parts may be lighter or darker than the original black and white film. =========== From: TURTLE To: MIKE G. Subject: SAYING HELLO Date & Time: 01/28/90 18:54:25 Message Number 1580 Well, you are most graciously welcome. Live long and prosper, dude! =========== From: TURTLE To: RUFUS Subject: sick Date & Time: 01/28/90 18:55:12 Message Number 1581 >The question is, will it clean up my Cal-Arts tape? Further research is indicated to obtain an answer to that question...and I believe this is just the turtle to engage in that research! I always was really big on the quest for truth. Wonder if I can get a grant... --A scholarly Turtle Hmm...What's Nastassia Kinski's phone number? =========== From: TURTLE To: BEATLE Subject: 4096 colors Date & Time: 01/28/90 18:58:18 Message Number 1582 Will youse guys stop with the "Ice Pirates" already? I /loved/ that movie! I thought it was touching, poignant, and cast a new light on the human condition. It wasn't quite as profound as some movies I've seen, like, say, "Death Wish 3" or "Cobra," but on the whole I think it displayed a remarkable sensitivity to the plight of its characters and was in general just a milestone on the road of cinematographic achievement...a masterpiece future generations will gaze at in awe. Yarg! Yarg! --A two-thumbs-up Turtle =========== From: TURTLE To: ALL Subject: * Date & Time: 01/28/90 19:39:35 Message Number 1583 F yu cn rd ths, itn tyg k myxbl cd. =========== From: RUFUS To: TURTLE Subject: sick Date & Time: 01/28/90 21:04:46 Message Number 1584 >Hmm...What's Nastassia Kinski's phone number? Ha! You think I'd tell you! No, never, not in a million years. Me and the Cal-Arts tape are going over sometime, but I doubt we'll get around to the tape! :) =========== From: RUFUS To: TURTLE Subject: 4096 colors Date & Time: 01/28/90 21:06:33 Message Number 1585 Come on, Ice Pirates did have it's moments. Lesse, umm....errrr. O.K., so it had no value. =========== From: DONTHEN To: TURTLE Subject: Ice Pirates Date & Time: 01/28/90 22:19:45 Message Number 1586 Ice Pirates is notable, albeit in a warped way, for starring Ron Perelman, who went on to play Vincent on "Beauty & the Beast". Ice Pirates was the second of two or three stupid movies Perelman was in, and in all of them he was wearing heavy facial makeup. After Pirates he told his agent to never give him another role that required six-hour effects make-up before each scene. The agent, of course, ignored him. =========== From: DONTHEN To: TURTLE Subject: Weirdness. Date & Time: 01/28/90 22:24:57 Message Number 1587 I just got out of a 2-hour long Real Time Conference with Wendy and Richard Pini, along with a few other people, on GEnie. Very, very odd, especially when we were talking about computer animation and the Mac II and the Amiga, and somebody interjected "Mac is just a passing fad. CP/M computers never die, they just become less user friendly", and I discovered that 2 other people there were using CP/M computers... and one of them immediately asked "Watts, do you use Z-System"? I explained that all of this is on topic, because all elves use LS-DOS and think that Bill Gates is Winnowill's second cousin. Richard Pini thinks I'm weird now. Someone suggested that Phil Foglio do an ElfQuest/XXXenophile (Phil's X-rated nasty book) crossover and Richard asked him "Is Watts doing your market research"? (This was after I suggested that they make their new slogan "From Warp Graphics come Warped products".) =========== From: CHIP P. UNICORN To: RUFUS Subject: 2nd Generation Date & Time: 01/28/90 23:35:08 Message Number 1589 >Not like "Hey guys, wanna drive to California next weekend?" Awww... you take all the fun out of it! Chip P. Unicorn =========== From: CHIP P. UNICORN To: RUFUS Subject: sick Date & Time: 01/28/90 23:36:11 Message Number 1590 Dear Rufus, 5% alcohol? That's it? Sheesh... Turtle's gotta introduce you to H. and H. Foxes. (But I know what you mean by opium. I've taken a stronger opium product while I was in Mexico -- they lace it with belladonna so you won't get addicted. But it makes you feel wonderful, nonetheless.) Chip P. Unicorn =========== From: CHIP P. UNICORN To: DONTHEN Subject: 2nd Generation Date & Time: 01/28/90 23:40:13 Message Number 1591 '90 Comic Con? I wanna go... I wanna go... I wanna go... (Of course, it depends if my summer job will allow me to take time off...) Chip P. Unicorn =========== From: CHIP P. UNICORN To: BEATLE Subject: Simulated crime Date & Time: 01/28/90 23:41:40 Message Number 1592 Dear Beatle, >If it's not fun, then why do they simulate it? The answer to all questions: money. =========== From: CHIP P. UNICORN To: YNGLING Subject: abortions... Date & Time: 01/28/90 23:43:49 Message Number 1593 Dear Yngling, I';ve been erring on th liberal side, calling abortion a "necessary evil" -- by no means even a good solution, but unfortunately a solution that people rely on. If George Bush is really anti-abortion, he should give a lot of money to scientists to create better birth control methods -- and money to educate students about the importance of birth control. A lot of conservatives are shocked by this idea -- but if there's no abortion, there has GOT to be some alternative to keep unwanted children from being procduced. (Please don't quote from the Gospel of Abstention. It doesn't work in a mass scale.) Chip P. Unicorn =========== From: CHIP P. UNICORN To: KEN OBER Subject: Cy's BBS Date & Time: 01/28/90 23:49:53 Message Number 1594 Dear Ken, How many tickets did he buy on the OAG? Chip P. Unicorn =========== From: CHIP P. UNICORN To: TURTLE Subject: Simulated crime Date & Time: 01/28/90 23:53:15 Message Number 1595 >And what is a stoorkeeper? Glad you asked. According to Webster's New Universal Unabridged Dictionary (you know, the one which gives hernias to everything under the size of a Clydesdale...), it gives the following definition of a stoor: 1. Combat or conflict. 2. Turmoil. 3. A storm. 4. Wind-blown dust. So, then a stoorkeeper is one who keeps either combat, conflict, turmoil, storms, or wind-blown dust. If you wish to become a stoor- keeper, I woud advise the last one... it's the easiest to box, and you might be able to sell some. Then again, some sysops of local BBS's are excellent at keeping the first two. >The real thing is more fun and profitable, if the person engaging in it >has a brain that works. The problem most people who try the real thing have is that they forget that some policemen have brains that work as well. Chip P. Unicorn =========== From: CORWYN OF AMBER To: CHIP P. UNICORN Subject: God & Stuff Date & Time: 01/29/90 02:40:29 Message Number 1596 > -- if Karsten Henckell were your god, there'd be no problem with him talking to his servant. ^ A very scary thought... get rid of one problem and get a plethora of others... I mean Karsten's pretty nice in general.. but a /god/ ??? NO. - Corwyn =========== From: CORWYN OF AMBER To: DONTHEN Subject: Harry Date & Time: 01/29/90 02:43:25 Message Number 1597 - The Postman was at times deluding /himself/ into beleiving that the Eastern United States /did/ really exist. By most measures he would be deemed at least partially insane. But I do get your point. Most people who die for causes are clinically insane.. doens't necessarilly mean they should be locked up though. - Corwyn =========== From: KEN OBER To: CHIP P. UNICORN Subject: OAG Date & Time: 01/29/90 13:05:05 Message Number 1598 Sorry, that message was above my head and under my feet... =========== From: KEN OBER To: ALL Subject: Did I Tell You? Date & Time: 01/29/90 13:05:48 Message Number 1599 I dunno' if I have told anyone (besides on my board), but I found a cable that we had hooked up to our 2nd ver...One of those German deals that are like gold or something...ANyways, I re-did the "Furry Tape" with that in place, and cleaned the VCR's heads & used a new tape...anyways, the result is a dramatic improvement in tape quaility...for easier duplication, I have combined the Rufus CON and Tampa Bay Furry Party into a 2 hour spectatular! It'll fit perfectly on a T-120 tape in SP mode...Anyways, remember that it is still availible...I have had alot of "I want it" messages, but noone seems to do anything about getting it...The tape features TURTLE CAM I & II and rthe music video....the cost is nothing, and it is great fun, and I think it accuarately represents what goes on at a "Furry Party".... * TURTLE CAM (tm) Anarchy Now, Inc. 1990 -Ken Ober (A Note To Callers Of My BBS: No, the 2400 baud didn't come in the mail last week like it was /supposed/ to, but hopefully it will be in today..) P.S. -- Is noone ggoing to wish me a happy birthday? (Was Sunday) =========== .