From: BEATLE To: RUFUS Subject: Jam Date & Time: 04/20/90 06:34:46 Message Number 3852 >...found a video store that has "The Stuff." I've heard of that. I was ice cream if I remember properly. Although, it could be yogurt. I never saw it. Anyway, it's hard to believe you haven't seen that in a video store. I've seen it in a few around my area .... I could find just about anything if I get the incredible urge. The people all over Manatee and Sarasota counties must've got sick and tired of me calling up for movies that only Martians on hallucinogens would want to see. A friend and I did come to the conclusion that no video store around here is brave enough to carry "Santa Claus Conquers the Martians." =========== From: BEATLE To: TURTLE Subject: A LONG LINE Date & Time: 04/20/90 06:41:05 Message Number 3853 >difficult to tell what movies...can and can't show... But, as in the case you mentioned, a big enough fuss can be made to keep people from seeing the film. I heard something a while back that was going to be a new obscenity law somewhere, and because of the impending threat, vendors pulled some R-rated tapes. That was going a bit far. The law never came out I guess, because the tapes went back on the shelves. The only movie I can remember being pulled was "Animal House"... I'm sure once I see it uneditted, I see why it was pulled... =========== From: BEATLE To: DONTHEN Subject: Animation Date & Time: 04/20/90 06:46:14 Message Number 3854 I haven't seen any episodes of TMNT, but do you think because of all the hype, they are conforming to a typical kiddie fare, aka: crap?? =========== From: BEATLE To: TURTLE Subject: Animation Date & Time: 04/20/90 06:48:57 Message Number 3855 >...anatomically purple bears with laser guns. Now, THAT has to be the oddest thing I have ever heard of. I'm not sure if I actually want to see that, but I have a strange curiosity. =========== From: BEATLE To: KEN OBER Subject: no problem... Date & Time: 04/20/90 06:55:01 Message Number 3856 >...and I'll be all set... Did ya forget something in that message? It would help in Fidoing if you have the software... -- An annoying literal Beatle =========== From: BEATLE To: TURTLE Subject: A LONG LINE Date & Time: 04/20/90 07:13:08 Message Number 3857 >...and The Martian Chronicles. I was wondering when that would come up. I knew /someone/ would be out to get that book. > I never could understand /that/ one... I suppose you're talking about why people don't like the book (Trying not to use the word "banning", as hinted in an earlier message). Well, I read it and it was an excellent book. Those people just don't want us young people to read some curse words. That's about all I saw to be censored from that book. It also had some violence, but that wasn't bad. =========== From: DONTHEN To: BEATLE Subject: Animation Date & Time: 04/20/90 14:22:10 Message Number 3858 They're not crap because of all the hype; the TMNT cartoons are crap because they're bad, plain and simple. Immense popularity may have little to do with quality, but that works both ways--just because something /is/ immensely popular doesn't somehow make it bad. The Turtles cartoons are bad not because they're being treated as a children's show, and they're not even bad because they're using cheap animation companies. They're bad because the writers are hoseheads, and have made the Turtles into California surf dudes with a collective IQ roughly equal to a large Domino's pizza with anchovies and extra cheese. And, by making the Shredder and his ninja clan virtually identical to, say, Cobra on "G.I. Joe," they've cleverly limited the plot possibilities the same way the "Joe" creators did--every episode has to have a nefarious plot by Shredder that the Turtles have to stop in a five-minute action sequence near the end of each episode, during which nobody can get seriously hurt. Replace "Turtles" with "G.I. Joe Team" and "Shredder" with "Cobra", and you have the same formula. You'd think somebody at the Turtles' studio would have noticed that the most popular, longest-running & best-received afternoon 'toons of recent years--"Duck Tales" and "Real Ghostbusters"--don't have the same tunnel vision about plot complications, but evidently you'd be wrong. =========== From: TURTLE To: BEATLE Subject: Jelly Date & Time: 04/20/90 17:33:07 Message Number 3859 "Santa Claus Conquers the Martians"--now /that/ sounds like a real classic. I want to see that one--seems like it could even be up there with "Killer Klowns From Space"... =========== From: TURTLE To: BEATLE Subject: Animation Date & Time: 04/20/90 17:35:38 Message Number 3860 >I'm not sure if I actually want to see that... No, you don't. Watching seven-foot-tall purple bears engage in sexual intercourse in three-frame-per-second animation is about as entertaining as listening to a chorus of thirteen-year-old crack addicts reciting Pi to seven thousand decimal places over a cheap Radio Shack bullhorn. --An unimpressed Turtle =========== From: TURTLE To: +ALL+ Subject: Download Time! Date & Time: 04/20/90 17:39:30 Message Number 3861 Now available in the download area: another file about the PC-Z, plus a description of the PC-Z's graphics card (eat your heart out, chintzy VGA!) and a proposal for a new Z-280 based personal computer. If you like IBM machines and think the 80486 is the latest word in sophisticated high-technology, you'd best not read it; you'll only hurt yourself. On the other hand, if you have an interest in /really/ powerful machines, I suggest you check it out; it will probably interest you. --A Z Turtle =========== From: CHIP P. UNICORN To: ACAPULCO Subject: ROAD RALLY Date & Time: 04/20/90 18:17:23 Message Number 3862 >...and I'd have trouble fitting the unicorn in the back seat. Well, just convince the Raven and the Fox (if he's going to be part... I haven't heard this...) to ride on the wings. No problem. Chip P. Unicorn =========== From: CHIP P. UNICORN To: RUFUS Subject: Furry Paries Date & Time: 04/20/90 18:20:13 Message Number 3863 >...I bet that pesky ceiling fan would get in the way. It would get in the way of my HORN, too! Actually, I know what you mean about storage space. I tamed a small black hole to hide all my papers in. Unfortunately, it sometimes gets hungry. Usually when I insert homework. Chip P. Unicorn =========== From: CHIP P. UNICORN To: TURTLE Subject: The six Date & Time: 04/20/90 18:22:22 Message Number 3864 Well, hmph! Do you have to bring REALITY into this? Guacamole. Anyway, the original intent of my message was of furry FEN, not animated (or written) furries... Chip P. Unicorn =========== From: CHIP P. UNICORN To: TURTLE Subject: A short LINE Date & Time: 04/20/90 18:23:56 Message Number 3865 >Why? On a macroscopic level, the universe /is/ ordered. How far macrosocpic? The galaxies are strewn randomly throughout the universe. Although stars themselves revolve around the galactic center, within those limits, they're not very well ordered. At one point, the universe might have been well ordered. Then the Big Bang came, and entropy has ruled since. The universe is rapidly losing order. Chip P. Unicorn =========== From: CHIP P. UNICORN To: BEATLE Subject: Jam Date & Time: 04/20/90 18:31:19 Message Number 3866 "Santa Claus MEETS the Martians" is available at one BlockBuster Video store in Jacksonville. Chip P. Unicorn =========== From: RAVEN To: CHIP P. UNICORN Subject: A LONG LINE Date & Time: 04/20/90 21:02:34 Message Number 3867 The last one sounds like many of the religious pamplets that one finds all over the place. Gee isn't the logic of fanatict great! =========== From: RAVEN To: KEN OBER Subject: Hard Drives Date & Time: 04/20/90 21:08:23 Message Number 3868 You may wish to look into miniscribe SCSI drives. Apple is using them after having a bad experiance with Seagate 40meg SCSI (ST-157N). The Quantum is good as long as the ROM on the drive is version 10 or later. Raven =========== From: RAVEN To: CHIP P. UNICORN Subject: ROAD RALLY Date & Time: 04/20/90 21:25:17 Message Number 3869 I'm game. But can I bite the fox if he ends up on the same wing? Pleeease Pleease can I, can I huh huh huh!!!!???? =========== From: BEATLE To: TURTLE Subject: ROAD RALLY Date & Time: 04/21/90 01:07:48 Message Number 3870 Hey, maybe he managed to gea spare stealth bomber from the government. He could evade the speed traps that way! =========== From: BEATLE To: TURTLE Subject: S&M Date & Time: 04/21/90 01:10:48 Message Number 3871 >...and I'm ready for a really shitty day... You should have had one of my days from the past week or so. They weren't too bad, but, hey, I didn't like 'em. And to top it off, it's 1:20 AM, and there are people driving slowly down the street. I also swear I heard a shot earlier... (no fooling, I'm not making this up!!) I need to get a good psychiatrist... I need help! =========== From: BEATLE To: RUFUS Subject: Furry Paries Date & Time: 04/21/90 01:23:59 Message Number 3872 You know, kids, this is Dave.... no, seriously... no one seems to have noticed that I mistyped the subject of this message chain when I started it... take a look. =========== From: BEATLE To: TURTLE Subject: Jelly Date & Time: 04/21/90 01:30:46 Message Number 3873 >"Santa Claus Conquers the Martians" Yep, it's out there. We just need to look for it. I think we should reference some of those books on movies. They seem to be quite complete. =========== From: BEATLE To: TURTLE Subject: Animation Date & Time: 04/21/90 01:32:56 Message Number 3874 >...crack addicts reciting Pi to seven thousand decimal places over a >cheap Radio Shack bullhorn. Turtle, save that message. I have to show that to some people. It might go well in the next Mythagoras... also, it makes me think: What happened to the supposed "Best of Alter Reality"??? =========== From: BEATLE To: CHIP P. UNICORN Subject: Jam Date & Time: 04/21/90 01:37:16 Message Number 3875 >"Santa Claus MEETS the Martians" Hmmmm.... serious research time needed. This has to be sorted out/ =========== From: TURTLE To: CHIP P. UNICORN Subject: A short POINT Date & Time: 04/21/90 05:58:28 Message Number 3876 >The universe is rapidly losing order. That's not all it's losing. I don't know why, but I just can't keep a pair of socks in this universe. It keeps losing them. I hate that, because then I have to wear socks of different thicknesses and it makes my shoes sound funny. Actually, they don't really /sound/ funny, but when you're an auditory-fixative personality like I am you tend to express your entire worldviewq using sound-oriented metaphors. And your worldview-no-q, too. See, it's like this--it's kinda like how sometimes things are similar, and at other times they're not because they're different from what they were when they were the same. I hate when that happens, too. Veet! Veet! --A disoriented Turtle =========== From: TURTLE To: BEATLE Subject: ROAD RALLY Date & Time: 04/21/90 06:03:01 Message Number 3877 >Hey, maybe he managed to [get a] spare stealth bomber from the >government. He could evade speed traps that way! And you think that's in jest, boy. There's a firm in California that manufactures those front-end covers for cars from radar-absorbent material; it reduces the car's RCS (radar cross-section) by a factor of about 10, so a radar installation that can normally clock the car from 1,000 feet can't even "see" it until it's only 100 feet away, by which time the driver's had ample opportunity to slow down. If you're driving a Corvette, it gets even better; the body is fiberglass, all you need to do is pad the ends of the axles, the engine compartment, and the chassis edges with RAM and the car is essentially radar- invisible. I know someone who's actually done that, in fact; he runs an icehouse in Pinellas Park. --A high-tech Turtle =========== From: TURTLE To: BEATLE Subject: Animation Date & Time: 04/21/90 06:08:29 Message Number 3878 >Turtle, save that message. doesn't your terminal program have a capture function? >What happened to the supposed "Best of Alter Reality"??? It's been put on hold indefinitely, or at least until I have time to work on it again. I started it, and got about 1/5th of the way through the first section of captured messages, but kinda ran out of time. Maybe soon, though... --A busy Turtle =========== From: CHIP P. UNICORN To: RAVEN Subject: ROAD RALLY Date & Time: 04/21/90 09:18:19 Message Number 3879 >But can I bite the fox if he ends up on the same wing? Somehow or another, I think the fox will have more pressing things on his mind than bothering you. But... well, okay. If you just nip him a little. Chip P. Unicorn =========== From: CHIP P. UNICORN To: BEATLE Subject: Furry Paries Date & Time: 04/21/90 09:20:33 Message Number 3880 So, what are wrong with Furry Paries, anyway? Might be fun. =========== From: CHIP P. UNICORN To: TURTLE Subject: A short POINT Date & Time: 04/21/90 09:21:45 Message Number 3881 The law of conservation of mass and energy in the universe states that the sum total of E+mc*c must be conserved throughout the universe (though the law of entropy says that the energy gets harder and harder to use (and Hofstadter's law speaks "Everything takes longer than you realize, even when you take Hofstadter's law into account.")) Therefore, there are several possibilities as to where the missing socks went: 1. Though their component atoms all still exist, they have been chemically transformed into portions of a new structure or structures. 2. Though the chemical bonds remain, they have been shredded and repackaged into a new form or forms. 3. A nuclear transformation has hit a sufficient number of the atoms in the socks to transmute them into a heavier element, such as gold. 4. They have spontaneously completely and totally converted into energy, and will now power the state of Florida for the next five years. Of course, any combination of the above might possibly have happened; perhaps radioactively tagging your socks will significantly improve the likelyhood of discovering which (if any) of the above might have happened to the socks. The only fault of radioactively tagging socks is that of growing cotton in heavy water. Plants tend to self-terminate under such conditions. Sprinkling plutonium on a freshly-bought pair of socks seems the best solution. The ever-helpful Chip P. Unicorn =========== From: THRUD To: ALL Subject: Are you there? Date & Time: 04/21/90 12:51:02 Message Number 3882 Where's my old Nemisis ? Missed you since the last showdown. How 'bout Blondes, Fanny or What 'is name, the limey car salesman who never stood a chance. Ring me, I can still whip you all. Especially Blondes. Schuss. =========== From: BEATLE To: TURTLE Subject: Animation Date & Time: 04/21/90 14:19:17 Message Number 3884 I wonder if Tyler and I took the captured message blocks and sorted through them for you, it might produce an interesting "Best of AR"... Of course, we might miss something that should be left in. Or possibly we shouldn't even mess with the thing at all... =========== From: RUFUS To: TURTLE Subject: Jelly Date & Time: 04/21/90 15:20:49 Message Number 3885 "Santa Claus Conquers the Martians" is not even close to "Killer Klowns..." ...Was that the name of the movie? I thought is was like "...Saves Christmas" =========== From: CORWYN OF AMBER To: TURTLE Subject: Scat rally Date & Time: 04/21/90 17:07:00 Message Number 3886 Yeah... I was all exited that we might be able to get a hovercraft for the Bahamas (for my grandmother to drive) bI mean, Travel over water, over land.. whichever's most convenient.. sounds great... but taking corners at the bottom of a hill, aren't hovercraft's strong suit. Although, if you decrease rear lift, (and let air spill out the front) a scat will stop very quickly... I think if you were careful, you could stop at all the red lights, however, the corners would kill you, probably quite literally. - Corwyn =========== From: CORWYN OF AMBER To: TURTLE Subject: ROAD RALLY Date & Time: 04/21/90 17:18:16 Message Number 3887 Didn't you read about Road and Track's "Stealth Porshe" They lined evry- thing with RAM, and then tested it w/ a few radar guns, /none/ of them could lock onto it at all. I'm definitely trying this whenever I get my own car.. Estimated cost = $85 Get a cheap radar detector, and you've got the next best thing to God on your side. (Or if the don't happen to believe in God... this is about the best you can do.) - Corwyn =========== From: CARRENTHEON To: RUFUS Subject: Fine Leather.. Date & Time: 04/21/90 17:39:52 Message Number 3888 Yeah.. well it is just a coincedence.. i had carrentheon b4 he came out with that leather.. hehe... Ah well... Carrentheon with leather armour.. Later dude Carrentheon =========== From: ACAPULCO To: CORWYN OF AMBER Subject: ROAD RALLY Date & Time: 04/21/90 18:47:33 Message Number 3889 Now you have my interest... where can I spend $85 for the RAM to keep my car ticket-free? Sounds like the perfect accessory for _any_ car! {Acapulco} =========== From: DONTHEN To: THRUD Subject: Are you there? Date & Time: 04/21/90 19:38:33 Message Number 3890 I /know/ the name "Thrud". What BBS did you used to be on in this area? Inner Sanctum? =========== From: SAURON To: TURTLE Subject: S&M Date & Time: 04/21/90 22:54:20 Message Number 3891 If that`s how you feel about it, then I`LL have it instead. Huh? =========== From: JONBOY To: CHIP P. UNICORN Subject: A LONG LINE Date & Time: 04/22/90 09:11:58 Message Number 3893 I agree - it's just that it Seems a lot of the books deal with somebody' ingrained prejudice. Seems kinda silly to me (and most other rational folks) that it is kin of silly to be scared of something that if it offends you - simply close the cover! How tuf can it be? =========== From: JONBOY To: CHIP P. UNICORN Subject: Drummer Date & Time: 04/22/90 09:14:20 Message Number 3894 It's the personal gratification that counts.... Musicians are *such* a self-adulating lot... =========== From: JONBOY To: CHIP P. UNICORN Subject: Qmodem script.. Date & Time: 04/22/90 09:15:26 Message Number 3895 Never had that problem, so I can't comment. Telix has worked & worked for me with no hitches. Do you have version 3.1? I think 3.21 is the latest. I like Telix 'cause the script language looks like C. =========== From: JONBOY To: CHIP P. UNICORN Subject: A LONG LINE Date & Time: 04/22/90 09:17:39 Message Number 3896 I was simply pointing out that indeed, there are a group of people that DO believe that way. Simply a relevance issue and not a contention. JonBoy =========== From: JONBOY To: TURTLE Subject: TeX Date & Time: 04/22/90 09:20:10 Message Number 3897 I tried but things like that fall under an even older law... the law of diminishing returns (ha!). My favorite argument was that if any two students handed in identical (or even real similar) code they would be accused of cheating. With that kind of expected variance it obviously ain't no Science - Just show me 3 radically different ways to build say - a road surface. I pick roads cause the science of soils and such have some real "iffy" seat of the pants type calculations. Point is - aside from materials and depth of application the underlying mechanisms for the engineering disciplines are well defined and under- stood. Not so with Computer Science. Enuf of a very old and Dead horse. =========== From: JONBOY To: TURTLE Subject: S100 fast ? Date & Time: 04/22/90 09:26:52 Message Number 3898 No - sorry - nothing very new just a hacked to shit Z80 processor card I DO believe I have a 512K Ram card (unpopulated or even soldered on). The disk controllers and shit went with the 2 systems I gave away in Utah. =========== From: JONBOY To: TURTLE Subject: Z stuff Date & Time: 04/22/90 09:29:36 Message Number 3899 I remember when the SB-180 was a construction project in BYTE. Yeah, we did a lot of graphics and EMACS work so we in fact did run a straight line in to a pair of 320's Even so we ported the ray tracing program from an Amiga and Gawd was it slow ( I really HATE DEC's implementation of SIXEL graphics). All in all tho - I'd rather be hooked to a VAX - ANY kind of VAX. We have one at work tho that - get this shit - we talk to an 8700 in Lexington OHIO over a 19.2KB leased line. To boot this thing is lorded over by a MIS Nazi that believes the only good user is NO user. Hard as hell getting any priveledges from this SOB - so right now I'd RATHER work on an MSDOS machine - because the options are to pucker up. Siggghhh. I hate f****** office politics! A VAXless JonBoy =========== From: JONBOY To: TURTLE Subject: me myself and I Date & Time: 04/22/90 09:35:47 Message Number 3900 Get real - the only GOOD reason (aside from not knowing any other language) to write in assembly is for SPEED. If you are really cramped for space - use overlays and an overlay linker. A BBS or any system that spends most of it's time WAITING for user input (and even at 140 wpm it would still wait most of that!) does not need to be coded in something as tedious and error prone as assembly. Let's understand each other - I cut my teeth on assembly because ANYTHING had to better than BASIC on the early Apples and CP/M machines. With the advent of languages like C this became really an exercise in self-abuse to write in assembly. You can tell most good C compilers to dump the output as assembly code if you really want to tweak it. I do because I still love to tinker with it! But I do not under any circumstances believe that doing it all from scratch in assembly is a necessary thing (for the type programs we're talking about). A non-self-abusive JonBoy =========== From: JONBOY To: TURTLE Subject: History Date & Time: 04/22/90 09:43:49 Message Number 3901 You are correct in most respects except the south was not avoiding industrialization - the North stifled it by excessive tariffs and trade embargos. The war was actually precipitated because the South entered into trade discussions directly with France & Britain. We were trying desperately to get some industry but the North for some reason took this as an issue to try and cram "We know What's Best" down our throats and impose the trade tariffs on us. If Cotton could not be sold overseas at a profit (the North wanted to get it super- cheap see) then we had to use the domestic market. A very complex trade/political situation. BTW the original "white sheets" started with an organization known as the "Knights of the White Camelia". Their original purpose (are you ready for this?) was to protect the blacks in Louisiana from the carpetbagger governments. Turns out the carpetbaggers used to hold rallys with the blacks and then massacre them. Then they would use this as a reason to get martial law declared. See, the military (under Lincoln) had the power to REMOVE any legislative body which did not suit their fancy. This is how the carpetbaggers raped the South and put her in financial ruin. The military would put someone "friendly" to the North in the governors seat and the carpetbag government was then legalized plundering. The KWK (back to the subject) figured this had gone too far and disrupted these rallies. Then they took the WHITE carpetbaggers and Scalawags and hung them. Y'see the first lynchings were actually WHITES. It was done to keep the uneducated blacks from being used and killed by the Yankee carpetbag governments. This technique, look and style were later adopted by the cowards of the KKK. For purposes of racial hatred and terrorism. Surprised? An Informed JonBoy =========== From: JONBOY To: KEN OBER Subject: Hard Drives Date & Time: 04/22/90 10:01:29 Message Number 3902 Yes the 20 ms difference is well worth the few measly dollars you indicated. =========== From: JONBOY To: TURTLE Subject: A LONG LINE Date & Time: 04/22/90 10:02:38 Message Number 3903 Ahhh why pay for it? I have loads of fractal programs for free and - yes- they came that way. FRACTINT ver 1.9 has about 8 kinds of fractals and uses integer math so it is really fast. I Luv watchin the purty colors. =========== From: YNGLING To: DONTHEN Subject: TMNT Date & Time: 04/22/90 14:59:30 Message Number 3905 There was an interesting segment on Saturday Night With Connie Chung about the TMNT. If you missed it I'll summarize enough to show how it relates to this conversation: A guy who's name escapes me heard about the comic TMNT and liked the name. He bought a copy and said to himself, "self, I could get rich selling action figures based on these comic characters (shades of G.I. Joe!)." He approached the two gentlemen who created the TMNT and offer ed them a deal (everyone gets one third). They accepted. He approached a toy company who said "Action figures are blase - they are no longer selling. /But/ if we created a CARTOON first, /then/ they might sell." So that is what they did...BUT they had to tone it down as the original comic was geared for age group 14-18 and everyone knows not many 14-18 year olds play with toys. The rest of course is history and the TMNT action figures and accessories are the hottest selling toys of ALL TIME. ***** My point is, the reason why the quality of the TMNT is poor (If in fact it is, I have never seen it/them) is probably because it was created with the SOLE purpose of selling toys and therefore they used a formula that had a pretty good track record of success (G.I. Joe). All in all it was pretty nauseating to watch these guys sit around grinning and counting their $10 million a piece (not including their cut of the recent movie) gloating over how they manipulated the young people of America in such a blatent manner. The Yngling =========== From: YNGLING To: TURTLE Subject: RAM Date & Time: 04/22/90 15:19:54 Message Number 3906 Turtle, I sure couldve used some of that radar absorbant material last week. FHP nailed me on the interstate doing 90 and then added careless driving and attempting to evade just because I did a U-turn across the median when I saw those rollers in the rearview! A /very/ expensive ticket. I dont even want to hear what my insurance is going to go up to! My wife is /very/ pleased....... The Yngling =========== From: CORWYN OF AMBER To: ACAPULCO Subject: ROAD RALLY Date & Time: 04/22/90 19:16:34 Message Number 3907 I'll see if I can find the old Road & Track somewhere... I've never subscribed, but I've got a friend who reads every issue cover to cover, and keeps a mental cross-referenced database. No kidding, when I was home for spring break, I asked him when R & T reviewed the Calloway Corvette, He gave me month & year of the original article, /then/ he told me about the two follow-up articles... sheesh, there's gotta be something more usefull to remember than that! - Corwyn =========== From: CORWYN OF AMBER To: JONBOY Subject: Qmodem script.. Date & Time: 04/22/90 19:21:00 Message Number 3908 Actually the newest version of Telix is 3.12 but anyway, there's also the fact that Qmodem get's upset if you have "only" 400k or so available I tried using Qmodem.. for about 5 minutes.. yuck! - Corwyn =========== From: TURTLE To: RUFUS Subject: Jelly Date & Time: 04/22/90 19:48:16 Message Number 3910 >"Santa Claus Conquers the Martians" is not even close to "Killer >Klowns..." Thank the little green gods, makers of Savior on a Stick (tm)... =========== From: TURTLE To: CORWYN OF AMBER Subject: ROAD RALLY Date & Time: 04/22/90 19:50:11 Message Number 3911 Of course, if you don't want to go the Stealth route you can always invest in technology and engage in some electronic warfare of your very own--acquire a radar jammer and you're ready to rock. Put a radar jammer in a Stealth car and God with a radar gun couldn't clock you... --A hi-tech Turtle =========== From: TURTLE To: SAURON Subject: S&M Date & Time: 04/22/90 19:52:26 Message Number 3912 You're certainly welcome to a nice day or two, provided you stop using those weird backward apostrophes (`) in your messages...they do weird things to my mind. I keep getting these mental images of tiny crowbars straining to pry the letters apart, a futile endevor since everyone knows you need a jackhammer to unstick stubborn head hurts. --An irrelevant Turtle =========== From: TURTLE To: JONBOY Subject: Telix Script... Date & Time: 04/22/90 19:55:21 Message Number 3913 >I like Telix 'cause the script language looks like C. Are there any terminal programs out there whose script language looks like assembly? It'd be nice... --An assembly Turtle =========== From: TURTLE To: JONBOY Subject: TeX Date & Time: 04/22/90 19:59:06 Message Number 3914 >Enuf of a very old and Dead horse If you put a cart before a beaten dead horse, can you make him drink? =========== From: TURTLE To: JONBOY Subject: S100 fast ? Date & Time: 04/22/90 20:00:10 Message Number 3915 >No - sorry - nothing very new just a hacked to shit Z80 processor card Got an operating system for it? =========== From: TURTLE To: JONBOY Subject: Z stuff Date & Time: 04/22/90 20:05:04 Message Number 3916 >To boot this thing is lorded over by a MIS Nazi that believes the >only good user is NO user... Yeah, I had that problem when I was working on the DECssytem-20 in Pennsylvania. The Powers That Be in User Services (or Loser Services, depending on my mood) were about the most paranoid, hostile lot I've ever come across--sexually frustrated, no doubt. They became slightly aggravated when I made an end-run around their security by writing my own TOPS-20 command processor that would execute the service calls for most of the neat things I wanted to do directly-- didn't like that at all, no, no, no. Of course, they liked it even less when I suggested that since I obviously knew the system better than they did, I was by default better able to manage it than they were...*sigh* No sense of humor in those types (a requirement for an MIS degree, I suspect). --A DEC Turtle =========== From: TURTLE To: JONBOY Subject: me myself and I Date & Time: 04/22/90 20:12:16 Message Number 3917 >With the advent of languages like C this became really an excercise >in self-abuse to write in assembly. I've been accused by more than one person of being masochistic... Actually, assembly has more than just a speed advantage over high- level languages, like efficiency and compactness. When I'm given the choice, I prefer not to mess around with writing overlays; I run a floppy-only system, and waiting for the suckers to load gets really annying very fast. Plus I'm a great fan of techniques like self- modifying code and other non-computer-science tricks (I've been known to use the system stack pointer as an index register...), whinh you (oops.../which/ you) generally can't do in high-level languages. Besides, I don't have a /good/ C compiler. that I think about it, I have what's supposed to be a really good C compiler on a Cromemco C-DOS formatted disk where I can't get to it--it's formatted double-sided and my transfewr utility claims C-DOS formats are single-sided only. *sigh* I still like assembly. --A masochistic Turtle =========== From: DONTHEN To: YNGLING Subject: TMNT Date & Time: 04/22/90 21:31:41 Message Number 3918 That is the way most cartoon shows get on television now. A lot of production companies aren't willing to go to the trouble of making an animated show unless it has a toy line behind it, because they figure it's the only way it'll become popular. Not all shows done this way have to be trash, but the only real exception was "Robotech"--which was a toy line quite some time before it was a TV show. However, Revell (the company that made the Robotech models) had nothing to do with the TV show; the production company that made it originally decided to adapt a Japanese animated series for American TV and discovered that all the American rights to it had been licensed to Revell, who had named all the models "Robotech." So, Harmony Gold rewrote the series trying to be faithful to both the anime shows it was taken from and what Revell had already 'created' for their toy line. Luckily, unlike the other American companies which had done exactly the same thing (i.e., license Japanese giant robots from TV cartoons), Revell had made all the Robotech "mecha" the equivalent of F-14's and the like rather than giving them cute little robot personalities. Anyway, I suppose I can't blame Eastman & Laird for making their non-children's book into a typical bad commercialized cartoon, seeing how much money they're making from it. Richard & Wendy Pini of ElfQuest want to get their elves animated; unlike the TMNT people, they want at least veto power over any productions. If EQ gets to the screen it'll be real good, but they've been trying since 1979 and still have little to show for it. =========== From: SCOTT E To: NERISSA Subject: your name Date & Time: 04/22/90 22:38:39 Message Number 3919 hello merissa I brought you a dozen -->--->--@ red roses for a beautiful name hopefully you are female. [ I hope to talk to you more in the future have a wonderful week. a new fr iend scott e =========== From: CORWYN OF AMBER To: TURTLE Subject: ROAD RALLY Date & Time: 04/23/90 08:04:20 Message Number 3920 Nice idea.. actually I'd prefer something which would damage a radar gun to a "simple" jammer, however both are illegal, while RAM is not. (I should hope not.. all us computer freaks would be in jail hundreds of time over) <- Stupid pun joke.. please ignore. - Corwyn =========== From: ACAPULCO To: CORWYN OF AMBER Subject: ROAD RALLY Date & Time: 04/23/90 17:16:25 Message Number 3923 I know... I've a friend who can quote a very detailed set of specifi- cations for heavy & light military equipment. He has little practical use for the information (except when playing certain role playing games) but still he stays well versed on the subject, though he's never been in the military or officially connected with any military in any way. Go figure. {Acapulco} =========== From: ACAPULCO To: TURTLE Subject: ROAD RALLY Date & Time: 04/23/90 17:19:51 Message Number 3924 I've been told that you can successfully challenge a radar-based speeding ticket by insisting the officer in question produce an FCC license for operation of such a device. Apparently few officers are actually licensed to use radar. I know no one brave enough to risk such a challenge just to prove the point, however. {Acapulco} =========== From: BEATLE To: RUFUS Subject: Jelly Date & Time: 04/23/90 20:21:43 Message Number 3925 > ...was like "...Saves Christmas" Uh, "Ernest Saves Christmas" (a close contender for worst movie ever) or what? What are you thinking? What are you saying? Some kind of other Santa Claus movie? =========== From: SNAKEBYTE To: TURTLE Subject: DRINK??? Date & Time: 04/23/90 22:52:01 Message Number 3926 I think it is (or was) a definition of 'horticulture' and it went (or goes) like this...... "You can lead a whore to culture, but you can't make her think..." haha =========== From: SNAKEBYTE To: DONTHEN Subject: Who???? Date & Time: 04/23/90 22:55:27 Message Number 3927 Just left the store tonight listening to a little kid asking his mom who The Green Lantern, Buck Rogers, and Sky King were to which his mom replied "I dunno???". The last thing I heard from the kid as I was laughing away was "This place ain't no good. Dey got no Ninja Turtle stuff here!!!".......gotta go wash my gray hairs =========== From: SNAKEBYTE To: ALL Subject: rOAD rALLY..... Date & Time: 04/23/90 22:59:28 Message Number 3928 Okay boys and girls....just drove the course last Sunday, and after a few modifications in the clues (didn't want to send you to someone's house...whWich a few places turned out to bn|e), it was a trip. It took about an hour and a half, and I knew where I was goin' (well, sort of). I've got all the stuff together and everything is here it is again..... START: Saturday May 5th 1:00pm at the rear parking lot at Klockner- Bartelt (used to be Rexham) at the corner of 301 (N. Washington) and DeSoto Road. Parking lot enterance is directly across from the Crown Restaurant. Be there a little earlier, we want to START at 1:00. It will be $5 per person to cover food an' stuff at the Bar-B-Q and the trophies for the first 3 places. If you want to just show up, that's fine, but I'd rather know who's coming. I've gotten responses from Chip P. Unicorn Turtle, Ken Ober, Beatle, Rufus and Acapulco and whoever they are bringin'.....anyone else??????? Leave a note..... \/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ ..........sssssssssssSNAKEBYTE . . =========== From: TURTLE To: CORWYN OF AMBER Subject: ROAD RALLY Date & Time: 04/24/90 04:38:15 Message Number 3929 >...actually I'd prefer something which would damage a radar gun to a >"simple" jammer, ... That's easy enough to do. Take your radar jammer, run a shielded coax cable from the Gunn diode in the business end of the resonant antenna to the input of a nice, big microwave amplifier ('bout 300 watts would work nicely). Then stick an antenna on your roof and attach the jammer to a radar /detector/ so it goes off automatically when you find a speed trap. The amplifier will generate an RF signal that's powerful enough to overload the Gunn diode in the radar gun, and blooie! no more radar! 'Course, if the FCC catches you with that gizmo... --An RF Turtle =========== From: TURTLE To: BEATLE Subject: Not Jelly Again Date & Time: 04/24/90 04:42:26 Message Number 3930 >..."Ernest Saves Christmas" (a close contender for worst movie ever)... "Ernest Saves Christmas" can't even come close to "Pee Wee's Big Adventure." Now there's one sorry movie, despite what Scvm may tell you (of course, his idea of a classic is "Day of the Dead," so there you go...). --A critical Turtle =========== From: CHIP P. UNICORN To: THRUD Subject: Are you there? Date & Time: 04/24/90 09:06:40 Message Number 3931 >Where's my old Nemisis? Who? Huh? What? How? Why? How often? >Ring me, I can still whip you all. One Ring to find them all... and in the darkness bind them. >Especially Blondes. I'm completely confused at this point. First you dare us to put a ring on your finger, then you want to whip us all. Personally, I'm not much into S & M. But -- hey; that's your choice. Why do you want a blonde to put a ring on your finger? The confused Chip P. Unicorn =========== From: CHIP P. UNICORN To: JONBOY Subject: A LONG LINE Date & Time: 04/24/90 09:11:20 Message Number 3932 >If something offends you - simply close the cover! Basically, most people who try to ban books (and ideas) are afraid of the ideas in the books -- and really have no original ideas of their own to "battle" their opponents with. Therefore, they try to stomp out the books. I just remembered why the Martian Chronicles might have been banned. It has the "House of Usher" scene, where the ignorant are killed one by one by the Poe-loving madman. Fanatics usually HATE to see themselves portrayed in a bad light. Chip P. Unicorn =========== From: CHIP P. UNICORN To: JONBOY Subject: Qmodem script.. Date & Time: 04/24/90 09:15:20 Message Number 3933 I use Telix 3.21. Almost everything else seems to work, though I haven't yet gotten to scripts. Chip P. Unicorn =========== From: CHIP P. UNICORN To: JONBOY Subject: A LONG LINE Date & Time: 04/24/90 09:17:00 Message Number 3934 Fair enough. I know there are some cultures which believe in a hierarchy of gods. (Both ancient and modern!) But, for some reason, most fundamentalists can't just "live and let live." Chip P. Unicorn =========== From: CHIP P. UNICORN To: CORWYN OF AMBER Subject: ROAD RALLY Date & Time: 04/24/90 09:22:57 Message Number 3935 >...sheesh, there's gotta be something more usefull to remember >than that! Do you think you're learning it at Gnu College? Chip P. Unicorn =========== From: CHIP P. UNICORN To: TURTLE Subject: ROAD RALLY Date & Time: 04/24/90 09:24:22 Message Number 3936 Turtle, et al you anarchists- My father has received two tickets within the last three years. NEITHER of them were clocked from radar... in fact, he had a radar detector. Both were due to helicopters clocking him from above... and NO amount of stealth material, radar jammers, radar detectors, or whatever can stop that... the elliptical Chip P. Unicorn =========== From: CHIP P. UNICORN To: TURTLE Subject: me myself and I Date & Time: 04/24/90 09:29:20 Message Number 3937 >I've been known to use the system stack pointer as an index register. Why not the flags register? Hell -- why not the program counter? Chip P. Unicorn =========== From: CHIP P. UNICORN To: SNAKEBYTE Subject: rOAD rALLY..... Date & Time: 04/24/90 09:33:21 Message Number 3938 Well -- I hate to say this, but... I'm not going to be able to go to the Rallye. Ya see, I haven't seen my filly for a while -- and, if I don't go that weekend, I won't be seeing her for an even longer time. This will be the first weekend we both have off, and well... I miss her. It's nothing personal, you understand. But, I can't go. =========== From: CHIP P. UNICORN To: TURTLE Subject: Not Jelly Again Date & Time: 04/24/90 09:36:47 Message Number 3939 "Day of the Dead"? A movie based on the Mexican holiday of November 2? Well -- I admit, the holiday is a bit strange, but I wouldn't call it much of a plot for a movie... =========== From: DONTHEN To: SNAKEBYTE Subject: Who???? Date & Time: 04/24/90 12:30:13 Message Number 3940 That's odd. Green Lantern and Buck Rogers still have comics (well, the new Buck Rogers may not have started yet, but it's going to come back real soon if it hasn't). Evidently his mother didn't do the comics thing at all; of course, if she's in her late twenties or thirties, she was growing up in the 60's, when it seems a lot of comics were kind of being ignored by both the general public and the companies that put them out. There were always notable exceptions over the decades, but for the most part, the idea of writing/drawing a comic without saying "we want to appeal to demographic group 'X', so we should use plot formulas 'Y' and 'Z' for this title"--in other words, the revolutionary idea that it was possible to tell an intelligent story that would appeal to adult science fiction/fantasy fans without using any of the boneheaded comics cliches that were becoming old in the late 40's--didn't show up until the late 70's. (Yes, I'm deliberately ignoring underground comics in that definition, because I think they did the "we want to appeal to 'X' by using 'Y' and 'Z'" just as much as Marvel & DC did: they just set the variables differently.) =========== From: DONTHEN To: CHIP P. UNICORN Subject: A LONG LINE Date & Time: 04/24/90 12:38:49 Message Number 3941 Also, there was the scene in the MARTIAN CHRONICLES with the priest and the glowing balls of light, the aliens who were effectively angels. I don't remember the specifics of the scene, but a lot of people took it to be implying that the aliens were gods and that Christianity was a crock and that everything the priest had done in his life was promptly rendered mush by this revelation. I suspect this is what gets a lot of ultra-fundamentalists: any time you show an ordained Christian minister thinking, it pisses off the Christians who don't, regardless of whether or not the scene could qualify as "sacreligious" without bending the concept into a big, soft pretzel. =========== From: KEN OBER To: ALL Subject: The BBS Date & Time: 04/24/90 13:05:06 Message Number 3942 NOTICE: Remote Control! is now officially down...... I have begin phase #1 of converting the BBS over to the Amiga, which involves sale fo my hardware -- The BBS /will/ be up running on a limited 1 message base, E-Mail, and chat.....The BBS will then be moved (In a few days) to and even /more/ limited BBS on the Amiga (Chat Only). Finally, the BBS will be running off Paragon BBS Software with a 22 Megabyte 40ms Supra-Drive. (Sorry to everyone about the 40ms, but It doesn't seem I'll have enough money for anything faster -- You'll live!) The BBS will be The A/B/R/A/C/A/D/A/B/R/A BBS -- We will support MANY Furry, Sci-Fi, Fantasy, Anime, and Comic echos! I am also working out deals to connect to UseNet Anime and Comic echos! This is all due to the great help of Turtle, Donthen, Steve Hall, Niccoli Shapero (sp), and some other Japaneese guy in California that runs the Valley Of The Wind BBS for AniMag... (I will not even /try/ to spell his name -- It begins with a "T"....hehehehe) As far as I can tell, I my be picking up atleast 10 echos and possibly many more On my agenda for echos includes 2 Anime echos, 2 Furry Echos, 3 Sci-Fi/ Fantasy Echos, A Few Storyboards, a Comic Echo, and a Movie Review echo, as well as the TRans-Versal Chat Line..... The paragon System will allow some great UD areas - I will also be finding some games to go online -- One includes a tradewars clone...If I encounter any problems with game playing, they /will/ be removed. The UD areas will include transcrips and translations of ANIME stuff, as well as furry/Sci-Fi/Fantasy stories, GIF's and IFF's and MAC's, as well as Amiga...Cp/M....and Z-System support areas. I may even include Apple, but don't look for IBM files on /MY/ board! (OOhhh, I forgot C=64/128 stuff will be there, too) Hopefully 22 Megs will be enough for what I want to support....Stay with me folks! -Tyler Robinson SysOp: The Abracadabra BBS -[ AN MSTF SYSTEM ]- 813/378-2218 8-N-1-2400 VT100/ANSI/ASCII emulation * C =========== From: CORWYN OF AMBER To: ACAPULCO Subject: ROAD RALLY Date & Time: 04/24/90 13:35:38 Message Number 3943 You can also ask them to produce recent calibration tests... but the problem is in paying the court costs until you can appeal to a level where the actual /written law/ counts. =========== From: CORWYN OF AMBER To: TURTLE Subject: ROAD RALLY Date & Time: 04/24/90 13:39:21 Message Number 3944 I think the FCC would probably be so upset.. you'd be better of just getting an M60 and destroying the cop's car... If you don't shoot him, they can't get you for murder.. hmm.. premeditated attempted murder?? I dunno.. maybe the FCC wouldn't be /quite/ that mad.. - Corwyn =========== From: CORWYN OF AMBER To: CHIP P. UNICORN Subject: ROAD RALLY Date & Time: 04/24/90 13:44:25 Message Number 3945 Sure, things like: Don't drink too much, it's bad for your breath. Dancing w/ tree's may not be as fun as dancing w/ girls, but it's a lot safer. Don't smoke pot, or eat Hash Brownies.. you'd act even stupider than you normally do... On, and on and on... The wisdom of the ages (12-17) - Corwyn =========== From: CORWYN OF AMBER To: CHIP P. UNICORN Subject: ROAD RALLY Date & Time: 04/24/90 13:46:57 Message Number 3946 Yes, but looking for broad white lines on the highway will... My driver's Ed teacher taught me that one.. She had me driving about 70 on a 45 Mph 2 lane road.. she saw a line on the road, and had me slow down to about 40 till we hit the next one.. then back on our merry way at 70! No amout of stealth material, radar jammers, or radar detectors will ever make vigilance when breaking silly laws unneccessary. - Corwyn =========== From: YNGLING To: DONTHEN Subject: TMNT Date & Time: 04/24/90 14:49:04 Message Number 3948 The extremely nauseating thing about this is that the toys were not created to help boost the ratings of the show - the show was created with the sole intention of creating a market for the toys. =========== From: YNGLING To: CHIP P. UNICORN Subject: RADAR Date & Time: 04/24/90 14:56:21 Message Number 3949 Chip - For that I believe a Surface-to-Air missle will do. The Yngling "SAM means never having to say you're sorry." Richard Aellen =========== From: BLACK MAGIC To: JONBOY Subject: Hugo's there? Date & Time: 04/24/90 16:32:49 Message Number 3953 HI! I'm sorry I haven't replied...been busy and I'm sick again! UGH!!! I'd love to give you the video...just remind me which one. :) The Lady =========== From: BLACK MAGIC To: RAVEN Subject: Gee..... Date & Time: 04/24/90 16:34:06 Message Number 3954 :) Gee, haven't I seen yyou somewhere before? :> =========== From: BLACK MAGIC To: RAVEN Subject: sleeping and >< Date & Time: 04/24/90 16:34:38 Message Number 3955 I have her address and I wrote her, too! =========== From: BLACK MAGIC To: BEATLE Subject: song Date & Time: 04/24/90 16:35:19 Message Number 3956 I hate the B-52's, but I asked a friend, she told me, and I bought the tape...I hate the song, though, too! I just really like the lyrics.... =========== From: BLACK MAGIC To: YNGLING Subject: $%#&@#$$/ Date & Time: 04/24/90 16:36:35 Message Number 3957 :) I'm baaaaaaaaaaaaack! So, where are you? =========== From: RAVEN To: SNAKEBYTE Subject: rOAD rALLY..... Date & Time: 04/24/90 21:40:03 Message Number 3958 One more member of the team in the green wench =========== From: RAVEN To: CHIP P. UNICORN Subject: rOAD rALLY..... Date & Time: 04/24/90 21:43:42 Message Number 3959 AAARGH!! So why can't she come down! =========== From: RAVEN To: BLACK MAGIC Subject: Gee..... Date & Time: 04/24/90 22:04:02 Message Number 3960 Gee.. You know the 11-34 in turtles closet? They talked me out of trying to put it in my apartment. Donthen mentioned something about the quality of the wiring in the place. I think he is worried about dying in an electrically coused fire. Oh well, guess I will have to deal with out it. :) Good luck with your project. Hope it goes well. Raven. \/- ++ \/ =========== From: RAVEN To: BLACK MAGIC Subject: sleeping and >< Date & Time: 04/24/90 22:09:01 Message Number 3961 So give me a copy please. Need to get my VCR running (it rewinds great but will _not_ deal with the useful direction) so I can see her video when she gets it done. =========== From: TURTLE To: CHIP P. UNICORN Subject: ROAD RALLY Date & Time: 04/25/90 00:38:32 Message Number 3962 >...NO amount of stealth material, radar jammers, radar detectors, or >whatever can stop that... FuzzBuster now makes a gadget called the SkyBuster that will say "Warning! Low flying aircraft assuming parallel course!" No joke. I have /no/ idea how it works. --An anarchist Turtle =========== From: TURTLE To: DONTHEN Subject: a long line Date & Time: 04/25/90 00:46:41 Message Number 3963 >...any time you show an ordained Christian minister thinking, it pisses >off the Christians who don't, regardless of whether or not the scene >could qualify as "sacreligious" without bending the concept into a >big, soft pretzel. There's a place in the Edison Mall that makes the most /amazing/ soft pretzels...let's eat!!! --A hungry Turtle =========== From: TURTLE To: CORWYN OF AMBER Subject: Anarchy Now Date & Time: 04/25/90 00:53:25 Message Number 3964 You can actually go one better than simply watching for the neat white lines painted across the highway--make your own! (A relative of Crystal's decided he'd had enough of being nabbed from the air one day, and took a bucket of white paint on a road trip with him one fine afternoon; he found all the white lines he could and painted several new ones parallel to the old ones so you couldn't tell which ones to use from the air...) --An amused Turtle While we're on the subject of thwarting authority, I have a friend who used to take an E-tool to Ft. Lauderdale Beach with him and dig tank traps in the sand for the cops who buzzed around on those little three-wheeled ATV's they've outlawed now...) =========== From: TURTLE To: YNGLING Subject: Missiles Date & Time: 04/25/90 00:59:05 Message Number 3965 >For that I believe a Surface-to-Air missile will do. No problem...the going rate for a Stinger on the armament black market right now is only about $500,000...'course, it takes 'bout 15 minutes to prep one of those things... =========== From: BEATLE To: YNGLING Subject: TMNT Date & Time: 04/25/90 06:17:36 Message Number 3966 Yeah, I saw it. And, I agree. The only thing is, they have the option to do what they did under our national system. They got their money, and they're gonna make MORE. Wait 'til they find out that a big thing can start going down the drain. I can't begin to imagine all the money Kenner lost pursuing their Star Wars line when the market was almost non-existant. What did they do? MakeNEW toys! I think they goofed. =========== From: BEATLE To: CORWYN OF AMBER Subject: remembering Date & Time: 04/25/90 06:23:06 Message Number 3967 > There's gotta be something more usefull to remember than that! Sure! Just about every fact about Star Wars will be useful someday, or how about facts on Steven Spielberg and his movies, that's gotta be of some usefulness. =========== From: BEATLE To: ACAPULCO Subject: ROAD RALLY Date & Time: 04/25/90 06:32:46 Message Number 3968 > I know no one brave enough to risk such a challenge just to prove the > point, however. Well, I bet Ken Ober would do it. Also, I have no trouble imagining Turtle trying it. =========== From: BEATLE To: TURTLE Subject: Not Jelly Again Date & Time: 04/25/90 06:38:07 Message Number 3969 Yes, but I /liked/ "Pee-Wee's Big Adventure". ON the other hand, the "Ernest" moviealmost put me to sleep... =========== From: CHIP P. UNICORN To: DONTHEN Subject: A LONG LINE Date & Time: 04/25/90 08:15:57 Message Number 3970 Dear Donthen, I don't remember that scene in the Martian Chronicles -- better dust of my old copy and look through for it. It's not impossible to find a thinking Christian minister. Or one that can't make fun of his own religion. It's just damn, damn hard. Fanatics rarely have senses of humor. Chip P. Unicorn =========== From: ACAPULCO To: CHIP P. UNICORN Subject: ROAD RALLY Date & Time: 04/25/90 19:56:33 Message Number 3973 Stealth may not affect the helicopters, but that's why God gave us SAM's...! {Acapulco} =========== From: SCOTT E To: CRYSTAL Subject: hi Date & Time: 04/25/90 22:39:25 Message Number 3975 hello crystal how are you i love your name and would like to leave you a dozen red roses -->--->--@ I hope to tlak to you soon see ya! =========== From: DARION To: ALL Subject: Star Trek club Date & Time: 04/25/90 23:01:54 Message Number 3976 Greetings, Are you a fan of Star Trek ? Would you be interested in joining a fandom group here in Bradenton / Sarasota. If you answered "YES" to the above then we want to hear from you. The Starship Magellan, an offical cpter of the Starfleet fan club is currently recrutoing new members. If you would be interested in joining us please leave a post to this message or send E Mail to "Darion Live Long and Prosper, Lt. Darion Ridenow USS Magellan NCC-2594 =========== From: TURTLE To: BEATLE Subject: No Authority! Date & Time: 04/26/90 00:26:09 Message Number 3978 >I have no trouble imagining Turtle trying it. Never been in that situation (clocked by radar with an opportunity to ask for the officer's FCC license), but I did almost incite an officer to strike me when he tried to ticket me for parking in a handicapped zone and I pointed out that according to Florida statutes it wasn't legally marked as a handicapped zone... --An anarchist Turtle =========== From: TURTLE To: BEATLE Subject: Pee Wee Date & Time: 04/26/90 00:28:16 Message Number 3979 You liked Pee-Wee's Big Adventure? I used to regard you as something of an informed source on movie quality, but liking Pee-Wee's Big Adventure strikes me as even /worse/ than believing Howard The Duck is the best movie produced in the last decade...yech! If I pay money for a movie, I generally won't get up and walk out of the theater no matter how bad it is, but for that one I made an exception. It boggles the mind that you were able to sit through the entire thing, much less /enjoy/ it... --An unimpressed Turtle =========== From: CORWYN OF AMBER To: BEATLE Subject: remembering Date & Time: 04/26/90 05:58:27 Message Number 3980 And what are Carmen Berg's (Playboy Miss July 198"8?") measurents.. Important stuff.. all of it. - Corwyn =========== From: CRYSTAL To: SCOTT E Subject: hi Date & Time: 04/26/90 14:26:50 Message Number 3981 No one needs to ask to leave me flowers. Thank you very much. I love my name too. Turtle picked it out for me. Talk to you soon, see ya! * CRYSTAL * =========== From: SCOTT E To: CRYSTAL Subject: hi again Date & Time: 04/27/90 08:18:17 Message Number 3983 :D I wasn't asking you if I could leave flowers I was telling you that I was giving them to you. This has been a rough week 2 finals this week up At USF and both were real suckers. I hope your week went a lot better. By the way what do you do for a living? [] for you (nothing serious though just a friendly one. Have a great weekend. seeeeee yaaaaaaa =========== From: SCOTT E To: TURTLE Subject: Pee Wee Date & Time: 04/27/90 08:24:23 Message Number 3984 I too used to think that Howard the Duck was the worst movie ever shown on the big screen. Pee wee is not that bad, I mean he is from sarasota so we can show him a little respect. not much, but a little. Among other worst movies of the last decade incluse the serpant and the rainbow and Ernest goes to camp. MY worst ever picture very close to Howard the Duck has got to be Under the cherry moon with prince in it. well this is sene giskel with my review of the 80's and hope not to see ya at the movies =========== From: KEN OBER To: ALL Subject: -=*><*=- Date & Time: 04/27/90 12:40:09 Message Number 3985 Some people believe in Religion.....Some people don't.... There is a philsophoy around that religion /was/ OK to explain stuff when we didn't know anything about nutin'.....But now it isn't OK 'cause we know (or have theories) to explain everything except where the first matter came from.....Here is the problem..... Science states you can not create nor destroy matter/energy. This means that the same amount of matter and energy have always been here. So, there has /always/ been the universe. The universe had no beginning and will never have an end. The universe isn't irrational, it is undefined. It is kinda' like 0 divided by 2.....You just can't do it....It just can't be explained in any way.....It is undefined. This brings up the problem -- Could god be applicable in this situation. Does /he/ have the power to overide the physical laws of nature and create matter and energy. And if so, god must be made of /something/. Science states everything is matter or energy. This brings up the question....WHO MADE GOD!? He must be made of either matter or energy, but it can't be created or destroyed! What we have is not just an undifined and irrational universe. It is an infinite loop! Not just that, but it's completely confusing! This brings up the problem of multiple dimensions -- Could a hole have opened to another dimension that brought the matter and energy from /that/ place -- But what laws apply there? We may never know... =========== From: DELIA To: SCOTT E Subject: hi again Date & Time: 04/27/90 14:23:24 Message Number 3987 Well, I'm a new user trying to figure out how to use bulletin boards and landed in this message area. How does one get help in learning what this stuff is about? I'm still in CP/M, but I can access via modem. I really don't even know who you are or what I'm doing. The help files either move too fast or I don't understand most of them. Any suggestions? Thanx =========== From: DELIA To: CHIP P. UNICORN Subject: Godtalk Date & Time: 04/27/90 14:34:33 Message Number 3988 Interesting conversation on religion, etc. Have you ever considered god/goddess as process? What if reality is a synchronistic dialectic, a multidimensional dance of materialism vs. existentialism in dialectic resulting in thesis, except that the thesis is accentuated and sent into active be-ing or motion by multicolorful spirituality... This tosses out the theists but does not endorse materialists. It also bypasses patriarchal religions such as Christianity. =========== From: YNGLING To: BLACK MAGIC Subject: :) Date & Time: 04/27/90 14:54:07 Message Number 3989 Dearest Lady, Where have you been? The bbs hasnt been the same without your lovely presence. Hope you are no longer under the weather. I have been work- ing my butt off on a very difficult case, a double fatality, which could cost my client $1,000,000 if I screw up, hence my absence for the last few days. (Besides, the last time I tried to get on Turtle wouldnt let me. I think its personal as this is about the third time this month he' s either kicked me off or refused access...*sniff*) Aside from your illness, how is life? The Yngling The dragonfly hunter- today, what place has he got to, I wonder... -Chiyo (written after the death of her young son) =========== From: YNGLING To: TURTLE Subject: Missiles Date & Time: 04/27/90 15:06:02 Message Number 3990 Turtle, Can you think of a better way to spend $500g? The Yngling =========== From: YNGLING To: BEATLE Subject: ROAD RALLY Date & Time: 04/27/90 15:07:53 Message Number 3991 When I was 17 I had my license revoked for two years for telling a traffic court judge to "get f***ed." It was pretty dumb (in retrospect) but made me a legend in my own mind for a while. Besides, I really /hated/ driving around without a license for 2 years...I felt like such a criminal...good thing they didnt have America's Most Wanted back then...... The Yngling =========== From: CRYSTAL To: SCOTT E Subject: hi again Date & Time: 04/27/90 15:20:08 Message Number 3992 Well that's much better. It has been a bad week for me. You see I have been very sick all week, I have missed about a week of work, I am an Assistant Manager for Eckerd Drugs. My weekend will be bad, for I have to work all weekend folowed by all week. Thanks again for the flowers. * CRYSTAL * =========== From: CHIP P. UNICORN To: CORWYN OF AMBER Subject: ROAD RALLY Date & Time: 04/27/90 15:55:12 Message Number 3993 Dear Corwyn, Yeah -- but a lot of the roads I drive on have LOTS and LOTS of those little white lines -- and I never know which ones are used by helicopters. Chip P. Unicorn =========== From: CHIP P. UNICORN To: TURTLE Subject: ROAD RALLY Date & Time: 04/27/90 16:01:26 Message Number 3995 >FuzzBuster now makes a gadget called the SkyBuster that will say >"Warning! Low flying aircraft assuming parallel course!" Has it been made illegal yet? (Remember: radar detectors ARE illegal in this country. They became illegal when Congress rose the national speed limit to 65.) Chip P. Unicorn =========== From: CHIP P. UNICORN To: TURTLE Subject: a long line Date & Time: 04/27/90 16:05:04 Message Number 3996 Repunctuate the last five words. -- The ever-helpful Chip P. Unicorn =========== From: CHIP P. UNICORN To: TURTLE Subject: No Authority! Date & Time: 04/27/90 16:09:34 Message Number 3997 >...and I pointed out that according to Florida statutees it wasn't >legally marked as a handicapped zone... Wha' happened? And, how must a site be marked under Florida statutes to be a handicapped zone? Chip P. Unicorn =========== From: CHIP P. UNICORN To: KEN OBER Subject: Religion... Date & Time: 04/27/90 16:13:03 Message Number 3998 Oh, boy, oh, boy... metaphysics. And questions that have existed for the past three or four thousand years. Here goes nothing: Under the current laws of the universe, matter and energy can be created and destroyed: Einstein showed this quite nicely in the equation E=mc*c. (matter*the speed of light squared can be converted into energy. And vice-versa.) A common example of this is something like a fire: you are converting a tiny percentage of the mass into energy. (If you claim the energy was already stored within the wood, I'd ask which force was "stored" in the wood: gravity, electric, strong, or weak.) _But_ this total of mass and energy in the universe is constant, at least. You said the universe had no beginning or ending: you're making the assumption that the universe always has been exactly the same as it is now. It is quite conceivable that God created the universe exactly five minutes ago, and fabricated everything (including your memories.) (This is usually not a good assumption...) Going to something a little less strange, scientists believe the current laws of the universe didn't exist before the Big Bang -- and that our laws were created only after the first five minutes or so of the Bang. The universe might have possibly had a beginning. Will it ever end? Ask me after a few more trillion years. Who made God? To some theists, that might be as silly of a question as "Why can't I play compact sics on my record player?" Most theists believe God is outside of time, so phrases that refer to time cannot refer to God. It's also equally possible that God is within time, but He is eternal anyway -- that is, He was never created. I'll have to ask Him next time I stop in for tea. Chip P. Unicorn =========== From: CHIP P. UNICORN To: DELIA Subject: hi again Date & Time: 04/27/90 16:27:43 Message Number 3999 Dear Delia, From what you've shown, you seem to be doing really well already. You can send (and receive) messages. Welcome to aLTER rEALITY, Delia! If you're lost, just ask any question, and we'll be glad to answer. Chip P. Unicorn =========== From: CHIP P. UNICORN To: DELIA Subject: Godtalk Date & Time: 04/27/90 16:29:12 Message Number 4000 A god/goddess as process? Synchronistic dialectic? Materialism vs. existentialism? Pardon me while I get out my Philosopher's Unabridged Dictionary. *>BLOW!<* THumbing through the dictionary... Actually, no. I haven't. I'm somewhat confused by your terminology. If you mean by your first statement: "The only god or goddess there is, is the universe itself in its process of changing." then I disagree. I'm mystical enough to believe the god or gods that exist can exist outside of our own time and space: interacting, yet separate. Also, I tend to think of the god or gods that exist in roughly anthropomorhic terms: not in human bodies, but with human-understandable motives. Is reality a synchonistic dialect? If you mean by synchronistic "all running at the same time" -- that is, with matter moving through time at the same rate -- and dialectic as "able to influence other items by some means," then I'd say yes. Every item in the universe exerts its (usually weak) gravitational pull on every other. A multidimensional dance of materialism vs. existentialism in dialectic resulting in thesis. What's wrong with materialism existing along with existentialism? I tend to favor the idea that humanity is both matherial and spiritual -- and neither is necessarily "better" than the other. Both are necessary for a complete human. Tossing out both theists and materialists is a bad idea. Too many of both in the world. I'm no philosophy major, and I tend to prefer to take on myself a more informal style than yours. But, could you PLEASE (in the future) define your terms fairly carefully so that we're both talking the same language? I'll try to do the same. Chip P. Unicorn =========== From: DONTHEN To: CHIP P. UNICORN Subject: ROAD RALLY Date & Time: 04/27/90 17:21:14 Message Number 4001 No, radar detectors are only illegal in some states. If they were completely illegal, do you think you could walk into any K-Mart or Radio Shack and pick one up?... =========== From: KEN OBER To: CHIP P. UNICORN Subject: God... Date & Time: 04/27/90 17:57:36 Message Number 4002 Well, so God is like that Giant Roman dude in that one Star Trek episode....HHmmmm.....So the universe has never been the same, so all our laws are /not/ really laws at all... -Me- =========== From: BIG BLACK DUDE To: BLACK MAGIC Subject: Black is Back Date & Time: 04/27/90 20:36:58 Message Number 4003 Hey Magic Baby, How would you like to meet a Big Black Dude? =========== From: THRUD To: CHIP P. UNICORN Subject: Am I here? Date & Time: 04/27/90 22:23:03 Message Number 4004 Take care, young hobbit, lest you behold the Cracks of Doom. Thrud the Grey =========== From: BEATLE To: BLACK MAGIC Subject: song Date & Time: 04/28/90 00:13:33 Message Number 4005 It just deosn't seem like the B-52's are bad, it's just that they don't do typical music.... damn, I should move to one of the places where a lot of people like the B-52's. Ah well, so much for trying to get people interested in their music... Isn't there even one song on the tape that you liked? =========== From: BEATLE To: ALL Subject: article Date & Time: 04/28/90 00:19:09 Message Number 4006 A friend and I have written an article that we would like to publish in the next Mythagoras. It's the "Scientific Sytem of Furry Classification". Yes, just like Biology class! No really, here's a sample: (Memebers of the Family Anthropomorphates) Furrius Domesticus (house-owning furry) Foxus Bartus (Mythagoras publishing furries) Turtalius Franklus (BBSing turtles) So, does everyone like it??? How do I submit it? =========== From: TURTLE To: KEN OBER Subject: -=*><*=- Date & Time: 04/28/90 01:10:50 Message Number 4007 Thpth! to you, my friend, for that excellent discourse on religion and the universe, which is fascinating but for the fact that the prohibition against creating or destroying matter does not mean that the universe has always been here. Two problems: (1) The universe has not always existed in its current form, and won't always exist in its current form, simply because the processes which power it are finite; and (2) if the universe did in fact come from a singularity, which the Big Bang theory predicts that it did, then all bets are off because the normal laws which govern the behavior of matter and energy break down at singularities. So there! Nyyah... --A scientific Turtle =========== From: TURTLE To: DELIA Subject: Hello... Date & Time: 04/28/90 01:14:15 Message Number 4008 Greetings, and welcome aboard. I'm Turtle, the person responsible for all of this. A few pointers you might be interested in: On this BBS, and in fact most BBSes, you can "freeze" the display by pressing ^S (Control-S) and unfreeze it again by pressing ^Q, so when you're looking at the help files (or anything else) hitting ^S will stop it so you can read it. Also, out of curiosity, what sort of CP/M machine are you using? I'm something of a CP/M phile, and there are several others floating around on this board, so if you ever end up needing a resource for assistance or whatever feel free to drop a line here. Have fun... =========== From: TURTLE To: YNGLING Subject: Missiles Date & Time: 04/28/90 01:18:34 Message Number 4009 Can I think of a better way to spend $500g? Well, for starters, I'd prefer to spend it on something that doesn't go "Ffffffffffft!" and explode...durable goods (like, say, a Lamborghini or a VAX 9000) are always nice. 'Course, that's just me... --A durable Turtle =========== From: TURTLE To: CHIP P. UNICORN Subject: Provoking Cops Date & Time: 04/28/90 01:21:57 Message Number 4010 What happened was after I pointed out to the nice officer that the parking spot wasn't really a handicapped parking place (in a really obnoxious manner: "Yeah, go ahead, gimmee the ticket; we both know it won't stand up, so I'm game to waste a day in traffic court if you are"), he turned bright red, started to take a swing at me (!! I was thinking "Oh please! Oh please! I know sleazy lawyers who /live/ for that!!), then got under control and told me "I'm going to let you go this time, but if I ever catch you again...yap, yap, yap, yap..." and drove away. According to Florida statutes, in order to be a "marked handicapped parking zone" the space must have the universal handicapped symbol (the little wheelchair figure) painted on the ground in reflective paint, and have a reflective blue sign with the same symbol and the words "Handicapped Parking" displayed over the space at approximately eye level to the driver of a passenger vehicle. The space I was in lacked the blue reflectorized sign. --An anarchist Turtle =========== From: TURTLE To: CHIP P. UNICORN Subject: Religion... Date & Time: 04/28/90 01:27:30 Message Number 4011 >According to the current laws of the universe, matter can be created >and destroyed... Shouldn't that read "can not be created and destroyed"? >Some theists believe that God is outside of time... If he/she/it existed before the creation of the universe, than he/she/it exists outside of time by definition. According to most theories I'm aware of, it doesn't make any sense to talk about the time before the universe because in a very real sense time did not exist before the universe did. --A non-theistic Turtle =========== From: TURTLE To: DONTHEN Subject: Radar Detectors Date & Time: 04/28/90 01:31:09 Message Number 4012 I still wonder about the legality of prohibiting radar detectors, myself...I wonder what would happen if someone with a great deal of money were to challenge it before the FCC. Technically, any signal which can be legally transmitted can legally be received, so I suspect that with a suitable amount of money and a really sharp lawyer an ambitious individual could cause all sorts of headaches for a legislative body that outlawed radar detectors... --A receptive Turtle =========== From: SNAKEBYTE To: CHIP P. UNICORN Subject: rOAD rALLY..... Date & Time: 04/28/90 03:17:56 Message Number 4013 Saddle her up and bring her along......... =========== From: SNAKEBYTE To: RAVEN Subject: rOAD rALLY..... Date & Time: 04/28/90 03:19:45 Message Number 4014 I'll set a perch aside for ya'........ =========== From: SNAKEBYTE To: KEN OBER Subject: -=*><*=- Date & Time: 04/28/90 03:25:40 Message Number 4015 And what about the theory that the planets are just atomic particles in a VERY VERY VERY large other system. And maybe our atomic material house VERY VERY VERY small other systems, but because of the difference in time perception, none of us can perceive the others.... =========== From: SNAKEBYTE To: YNGLING Subject: ROAD RALLY Date & Time: 04/28/90 03:29:06 Message Number 4016 >revoked licence...... What's the Statute of Limitations on that.......hmmmmmmm? hehe =========== From: SNAKEBYTE To: BLACK MAGIC Subject: ummmmmm Date & Time: 04/28/90 03:33:03 Message Number 4017 Hello.....saw you were back and posting again. Glad to see it. Hope all is well.....we were worried. Take care and stick around, ssssssssssssseee ya' SNAKEBYTE =========== From: CORWYN OF AMBER To: CHIP P. UNICORN Subject: ROAD RALLY Date & Time: 04/28/90 06:05:20 Message Number 4018 Keep your speed random, they can't ticket you for being an inconsistent driver. =========== From: CORWYN OF AMBER To: CHIP P. UNICORN Subject: ROAD RALLY Date & Time: 04/28/90 06:06:21 Message Number 4019 Nope.. Never was an FCC descision sorry... some states made it illegal at this point.. but according to FCC regulations you can still "listen to the radio" as much as you want! - Corwyn =========== From: CORWYN OF AMBER To: CHIP P. UNICORN Subject: Godtalk Date & Time: 04/28/90 06:09:03 Message Number 4020 > Tossing out theists and materialists is a bad idea. Toss out theists, materialists, dualists, emotivists, compatiblists, tensionalists, incompatiblists, soft determinists, and hard determinists actually, just shoot them. - Corwyn =========== From: ACAPULCO To: SCOTT E Subject: Pee Wee Date & Time: 04/28/90 10:56:28 Message Number 4021 Just because "Pee Wee" is from Sarasota doesn't mean he automatically deserves respect. Everyone has to be from _somewhere_. If I said Ted Bundy was from Sarasota, would you automatically offer him respect? {Acapulco} =========== From: ACAPULCO To: CORWYN OF AMBER Subject: Godtalk Date & Time: 04/28/90 11:07:54 Message Number 4022 If you "toss" all those folks out, there will be no one left to do the shooting! {Acapulco} =========== From: KEN OBER To: SNAKEBYTE Subject: -=*><*=- Date & Time: 04/28/90 12:54:07 Message Number 4023 > And what about the theory that the planets are just atomic particles > in a VERY VERY VERY large other system.... That theory has already been disproven due to inconsistancies (SP?)... =========== From: CORWYN OF AMBER To: ACAPULCO Subject: Godtalk Date & Time: 04/28/90 14:51:57 Message Number 4025 Nope.. I'll do it, I'm an Isolationist Deist. (I think I'm a god, and everyone should leave me alone) - Corwyn =========== From: CORWYN OF AMBER To: KEN OBER Subject: -=*><*=- Date & Time: 04/28/90 14:53:02 Message Number 4026 Nope.. not disproven.. just been made unlikely, they weren't able to come up w/ anything that would actually disprove it, it just holds absolutely no weight as a scientific theory. - Corwyn =========== From: TURTLE To: ACAPULCO Subject: Pee Wee Date & Time: 04/28/90 17:18:08 Message Number 4027 >If I said Ted Bundy was from Sarasota, would you automatically offer >him respect? Hey, go easy on Ted! He liked cats and loved (frequently stole, in fact) VW Bugs, so he couldn't have been all bad! He just had a few problems with interpersonal relations, that's all. =========== From: SAURON To: TURTLE Subject: Hard Drives Date & Time: 04/28/90 18:33:30 Message Number 4028 But the question was; is it germane for a BBS? I certainly don't know, but it would seem that it shouldn't. Then again - what do I know? =========== From: SAURON To: TURTLE Subject: S&M Date & Time: 04/28/90 18:39:20 Message Number 4029 ....oh sure, humiliate me cause I'm ( <*=- Date & Time: 04/29/90 01:13:36 Message Number 4038 ....and I guess there is NO chance that we all percieve colors differently and we all actually have the same favorite color, but our brain interpruts it to be somewhere different on the spectrum of light. Like if I saw a leaf through you perception, I would call it BLUE, but you call it GREEN......It's all perception, including the "disproven" things. Anything you state as fact, I can say is not, and you cannot prove me wrong because I perceive things as I do, and you as you yourself, dude!!!! =========== From: SNAKEBYTE To: SAURON Subject: thermodynamics Date & Time: 04/29/90 01:18:16 Message Number 4039 > "nostalgia"..... You could have the opening credits be the Alka-Seltzer Man, or maybe paging Phillip Morris. Or "blue dot" lights..........geeeezzzzz =========== From: SNAKEBYTE To: ALL Subject: Movies???? Date & Time: 04/29/90 01:21:56 Message Number 4040 Okay gang, I hate to admit this, but I just got back from taking my kids to see TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES and SPACED INVADERS. I feel so ashamed I felt I should bare my soul and take my punishment. At times I almost enjoyed them......whip me, beat me.....ahhhhhhhhhhhhh =========== From: SCOTT E To: SNAKEBYTE Subject: call the doctor Date & Time: 04/29/90 07:54:02 Message Number 4041 First I must say I have also gone to see TMNT and I also brought a child to the movie. Snakebyte I believe that within yourself you really wanted to see this movie more then your children did, but you felt you needed to bring them so you weren't embarassed sitting there by yourself. At least that is the reason I bring small children to movies that I wouldn' t see myself i.e. Bambi,American Tail and the little mermaid. All of which I enjoyed. Now for the thrashing. I heard from the critic who loved Howard The Duck that he enjoyed Spaced Invaders so much more then Howard. He liked that real original story of martians spending spring break on earth. Come on how dumb can you get. At least They could have called it Debbi does the Space Invaders. Oh well I hope at least at the movies you were laughing at the movies and not at yourself for being there. Have a good week!!!!!! =========== From: KEN OBER To: SNAKEBYTE Subject: TURTLE POWER! Date & Time: 04/29/90 13:47:31 Message Number 4043 Well, I just saw Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles for my 3rd time Friday. So far, everyone I have taken to see it has loved it, or atleast enjoyed the movie -- ANyways, if you haven't seen the movie, it is a /MUST/!!!! =========== From: KEN OBER To: SCOTT E Subject: SPACED INVADERS Date & Time: 04/29/90 13:49:54 Message Number 4044 Cowabunga, dudes! Is SPACED INVADERS worth seeing? I was thinking of going to see it sometime in the near future -- I hear it isn't like TMNT, where you want to go see it again & again, but people say it is Okay.... =========== From: JONBOY To: BLACK MAGIC Subject: Hugo's there? Date & Time: 04/29/90 17:14:55 Message Number 4045 Hi!! Glad to see ya back - I was wondering... My friend just found a version with Anthony Perkins? Ya know I'm not sure WHO was in the one I dearly love (it's been years since I've seen it - sigghhh) but it is in B&W (or was that 'cause the TV was???) Anyway - educate me - which is in your esteemed opinion (and I say esteemed because anyone who has my tastes has to be a wonderful, kind, charismatic and otherwise brilliant person ) anyway - oh yeah - which is best? Can I get a blank tape to you for a dup - do you have the facilities to do it? What's the plan? I'm excited! One of my favorite movies - now if I could only find a very hard to find one called "BS - I Love You" - ever heard of that one? I think it is almost up there with Rocky Horror as a cult classic. Too bad about the sick - me too this week plus a round of general depression - enuf to wanna make ya quit sometimes... JonBoy =========== From: JONBOY To: TURTLE Subject: Jammer Date & Time: 04/29/90 17:36:49 Message Number 4046 Seems that the radar gun is going laser tho - there are a couple of experimental setups around Dallas that are also coupled to the infamous "smile yer on candid camera" system that I poked around until the HWY Patrol told me to 'go 'way (it was mounted on an overpass). InfraRed anyone? I have the Road&Track article on the stealth tech stuff which has the company name that sells the bras and raw material. JonBoy =========== From: JONBOY To: TURTLE Subject: S100 fast ? Date & Time: 04/29/90 17:41:04 Message Number 4047 We are talking dangling parts here - I really meant hacked to shit! I got it from an amateur rocket scientist at Thiokol. JonBoy =========== From: JONBOY To: TURTLE Subject: Z stuff Date & Time: 04/29/90 17:42:56 Message Number 4048 No it's really bad - I'm locked into a silly menu system with NO way into the real guts - worse than a simple user - I worry them because I know what it is. I still remember the scream when I asked for access to MACRO and the C compiler. They IMMEDIATELY told me where I stood... sighhh. She sounded like such a _nice_ lady. JonBoy =========== From: JONBOY To: TURTLE Subject: me myself and I Date & Time: 04/29/90 17:46:11 Message Number 4049 I wrote a nifty little scheme that used SMC (self mod code) once. It was such a bear to debug - 'course it was /supposed/ to be! Assembly is only efficient if you stay away from macros and if you program anything of serious size you /will/ use macros - then POOF your code size goes up and some stuff isn't quite as tight anymore. JonBoy PS : Ithought you said you had 6ms floppies in an earlier message??? =========== From: DELPHI To: CHIP P. UNICORN Subject: Godtalk Date & Time: 04/29/90 18:54:28 Message Number 4050 Okay. Sometimes terms can be confusing and I tend to get carried away. Also, the Process keeps going and I'm always questioning the previous conclusion. I do believe that humanity is material/physical and spritiua l and that the physical is spiritual. But I see the Process -- that kind of god/goddess -- as active Be-ing, a verb rather than a noun. The existence of entities such as angel-like gods and goddesses are another matter to me. They seem to be more a part of conscious, less active but nonetheless existing reality that we can experience more passively. Just because we are visually on this plane does not mean there are no others that may cross over and interact with us here. Maybe it is simply where our concentration is focusing at that moment. Well, is this making sense yet? I've been inactive in philosophy but am reawakening this interest and look forward to further conversations. =========== .