From: RUFUS To: TURTLE Subject: Cobalt Date & Time: 05/28/90 21:56:03 Message Number 5300 It's rather easy to hold a potluck in a chemistry room. Just have people bring food into the room. That's it. Why have it in there? I suppose it would be easy to heat stuff, what with all those bunsen burners [lemme tell ya, it does wonders on fondue!]. And the Chem. room may have been the only one with a fridge and oven and stove. =========== From: RUFUS To: BEATLE Subject: Future III Date & Time: 05/28/90 22:01:06 Message Number 5301 Me, I liked the ZZ Top bit, and the Frisbee Pie plate. And the wake-up juice. "That's just a reflex." =========== From: RUFUS To: CORWYN OF AMBER Subject: No more skirts! Date & Time: 05/28/90 22:04:22 Message Number 5302 I'd rather deal with a fraggle than a smurf. Fraggles have neat hair, smurfs wear dorky hates. Fraggles also sing better songs. "Papa smurf, papa smurf, Gargamels got a MX missle." The end of those wretched blue excuses for ink. =========== From: RUFUS To: RAVEN Subject: Arnie Date & Time: 05/28/90 22:13:42 Message Number 5303 Err, Saturday is O.K. with me. I'm not sure which theatre (General Cinema or AMC) it is at, since both theatres have signs up, and both player trailers for the film. If it's at AMC, midnight would be good. =========== From: DONTHEN To: BEATLE Subject: skirts Date & Time: 05/28/90 22:28:34 Message Number 5304 I believe Sigourney Weaver was contracted to appear in Alien III, but I don't know whether or not she's starring. I haven't heard anything about the project since the writers' strike in 1988, during which William Gibson had stopped working on the script. Incidentally, Sam Hamm (scripter for BATMAN) also stopped working on the second draft of ol' Bats during that strike, and the "co-writer" of the screenplay in the credits never worked with Hamm at all -- he was essentially a "scab." A lot of the boneheaded ideas in the final version as compared to the original screenplay, most notably making the Joker the murderer of Wayne's parents and the removal of Wayne's more psychotic elements -- along with some of his characterization -- came from this co-writer, who had a decidedly more Hollywood bent than Hamm does. =========== From: DONTHEN To: TURTLE Subject: Poem Date & Time: 05/28/90 22:33:20 Message Number 5305 Xanadu was a song by ELO, sung by Olivia Newton-John. It was about a divinely ordained roller skating rink and had nothing to do with the poem "Kubla Khan", despite what this weird paper about rock versions of Colerige poems I read at New College claimed. The paper complained that the song was really bad and had nothing to do with the poem. It WAS a fairly lame song (beastly complicated music that you wouldn't be able to tell by listening to it, but the lyrics, er, weren't), but it wasn't SUPPOSED to have anything to do with the poem. I hate it when people misinterpret classic literature by soft rock/country crossover artists from Australia, especially when they're really pretty soft rock/country crossover artists from Australia. =========== From: DONTHEN To: RUFUS Subject: Gadget Date & Time: 05/28/90 22:40:34 Message Number 5306 > "Moss grows on the north side of arc welding, so I must be heading > west...I think."-Gadget Quoting Gadget? Don't tell me you're ANOTHER one who wants to sleep with her? You sick... furverts. Of course, I should talk. I had a dream within a dream last night. I woke up from one dream to discover I was lying on my futon (footon? footun? gray mattress-like thing) and Tyler, Dan, Bart and Wratt -- who were all, inexplicably, spending the night in Turtle's living room with me -- were all up and talking. This, too, was a dream; I woke up from it a moment later to find myself lying on my futon with Tyler, Dan, Bart and Wratt all asleep around me. This, however, was reality, or what passed for it. The original dream was gone by this point, but I could remember only two vague impressions from the top level of the dream: Gadget looks really cute without any clothes, and she's really sexually frustrated. =========== From: DONTHEN To: CHIP P. UNICORN Subject: substitutions Date & Time: 05/28/90 22:46:02 Message Number 5307 > Libertarianism is usually considered more right-wing than left wing... Depends on who you ask. Libertarianism runs the gamut from Abbie Hoffman to Atilla the Hun, as its political philosophy isn't inherently connected to the subjects liberals and conservatives usually find to disagree on. It's "conservative" in the sense that liberals are usually presumed to like big, intrusive government and conservatives aren't, but the Reagan era seems to have shown that conservatives can be just as good as making government big -- they just concentrate on different parts. People on either side can come to the conclusion that a minimal government in ALL areas might, in the long run, be better than a huge one, regardless of whether or not more is spent on defense or welfare. Those people are libertarians, or potential libertarians. You are quite likely to find libertarians who are pro-choice and anti-gun control, which is something "conventional" liberals and conservatives are often confounded by. Of course, since you're unlikely to see this message, sending it to you is kind of pointless, isn't it? =========== From: DONTHEN To: CORWYN OF AMBER Subject: substitutions Date & Time: 05/28/90 22:52:49 Message Number 5308 This is something I'd /heartily/ agree with. If you stick your nose into a subject in what would sure as heck SEEM to be a serious fashion, especially if you do it in a manner directly attacking another BBS user (or his messages, or even general beliefs), you have to be prepared for people to take you seriously. Coming on after the fact and saying, "Gosh, it's sure nice to see all these people posting, you weren't really taking me literally, were you?" is, if nothing else, kind of odd. This nebulous concept of "tone" DOES come through in writing, and if you're writing a fairly long message on a fairly touchy subject -- especially if you're being critical of somebody else, for Pete's sake -- making sure you're saying it in the way you intend it is only logical. A cynical person would say that a "ha-ha, I wasn't serious" post is just a way to back down and try to save face after you've decided that you were either wrong or came across a lot more strongly than you had intended, but don't want to apologize for fear it'll make you look like you're changing your position. But, not being a cynical person in the least, I wouldn't think that. Ever. =========== From: DONTHEN To: SPELLWIND Subject: StarTrekkies Date & Time: 05/28/90 22:59:10 Message Number 5309 Orcs are short, too. Depending on who you ask. Some books and games have them at dwarf size; others have them up to 7 feet tall. The world, even in the realm of Generic Fantasy Adventure , does not revolve around products from TSR. You will eventually learn that plots and ideas that make great Dungeons & Dragons adventures make kind of bad stories if you're at all concerned with things like, oh, character development, originality, etc. Hell, even Weis & Hickman left the realm of AD&D. They still need to work on one, JUST ONE, book that's a cyberpunk sf novel or some such, but the stuff that they're doing now in things like DRAGON WING is stuff that TSR would never do. DRAGON WING is reasonably well-written from a technical standpoint, and from an imagination and characterization standpoint, it's pretty damn impressive, even in spite of kludgy narration problems. ...of course, it's still in a lot of trouble when compared to anything by Orson Scott Card, or even Barbara Hambly. =========== From: DONTHEN To: BLACK MAGIC Subject: ... Date & Time: 05/28/90 23:09:23 Message Number 5310 > Now it is! :) Yes, so I see. =========== From: TURTLE To: BEATLE Subject: ///--- Date & Time: 05/29/90 02:50:36 Message Number 5311 That was a joke, Son. The John Birch society is a hyper-paranoid, hyper-conservative organization that's centered around a blinding hatred of the Soviet Union. They constantly publish propaganda explaining why we are actually at war with the Reds, and why Commies and liberals should be executed or driven out of the country. Anyway, they are named after a U.S. soldier (John Birch) who was accidentally killed by Soviet troops at the end of World War II; the John Birchers claim that he was actually the first casualty of WWIII rather than the last casulty of WWII. All in all, a remarkable bunch of people--and I mean that in the worst possible way. =========== From: TURTLE To: THRUD Subject: neckwear Date & Time: 05/29/90 02:58:06 Message Number 5312 >jeez you can turn a fraze... Frazers on full, Captain! We'll fry the friggin' Ferengi to a frazzle. =========== From: TURTLE To: BLACK MAGIC Subject: Not God... Date & Time: 05/29/90 03:02:34 Message Number 5314 >You are sick. That's one of my better traits, too. --A sick Turtle You forgot warped, perverted, bad-tempered, irritable, inconsistent, incoherent, inattentive, unmotivated, stubborn, lazy, smug, unethical, irreverent, anarchistic, disrespectful, obstinant, and irreligious. =========== From: TURTLE To: BLACK MAGIC Subject: God... Date & Time: 05/29/90 03:10:45 Message Number 5315 >...but atleast my fellow classmates...don't light themselves on fire! No, they just engage in psychological torture and vicious, maliciously sadistic activities for no readily apparant reason. Don't /even/ try to out-nasty know damn well what I'm talking about. =========== From: TURTLE To: DONTHEN Subject: Poem Date & Time: 05/29/90 03:15:27 Message Number 5316 I was referring to the Rush song entitled "Xanadu," which /is/ related to the poem "Kubla Khan." (Pthpth!) The Rush song, in addition to having a connection with the poem, is lyrically and musically more interesting than the Olivia Newton-John song, has higher technical production standards, and doesn't even mention anything resembling a darned skating rink. ONJ is prettier than Geddy Lee, though. --A Rush Turtle =========== From: TURTLE To: -ALL USERS- Subject: A/R Date & Time: 05/29/90 03:21:18 Message Number 5317 Well, the system crashed *twice* yesterday (05/28), once in the wee small hours of the morning and once again at midnight. We've survived with the loss of only three messages; on the other hand, the system was unavailable for several hours yesterday because of the problems. Anyone know where I can find some RELIABLE 80-track floppy drives cheap?? These IBM drives have /got/ to go. --An annoyed Turtle Now if we take this beautiful crystal goblet, and drop it from the top of this biiiiiiig building, we'll have Alter Reality's message base scattered all about the ground... =========== From: BEATLE To: KEN OBER Subject: ST & ST:TNG Date & Time: 05/29/90 06:31:30 Message Number 5318 > Yes, but ST:TNG has no relation whatsoever to the original Star Trek > books... Where'd you get that idea? It's wrong.. WHY?? They happen in the same universe with the same Federation, and some of the same people. =========== From: BEATLE To: RUFUS Subject: moral Date & Time: 05/29/90 06:35:00 Message Number 5319 Well, the movie's point (BTTF III) was about how Marty's life would be much better since he learned not to let it bother him when someone calls him chicken. I was thinking in a larger scale, that the Romulans do things that provoke the Federation in that manner, and they shouldn't act on them... =========== From: BEATLE To: RUFUS Subject: Future III Date & Time: 05/29/90 06:38:12 Message Number 5320 > and the wake-up juice. I loved how the audience groaned when the saw the stuff being poured down his throat. =========== From: BLACK MAGIC To: DONTHEN Subject: ... Date & Time: 05/29/90 09:20:15 Message Number 5321 :) =========== From: BLACK MAGIC To: TURTLE Subject: Not God... Date & Time: 05/29/90 09:23:13 Message Number 5322 .....YOU forgot harasshole. =========== From: BLACK MAGIC To: TURTLE Subject: God... Date & Time: 05/29/90 09:23:54 Message Number 5323 Bastard from hell! I can out nasty you anyday...admit it. I'm a cpmplete bitch with no heart at all. I also have no morals, right? I am nastier than thee...ask my mum! =========== From: CORWYN OF AMBER To: RUFUS Subject: skirts Date & Time: 05/29/90 09:35:24 Message Number 5324 Yeah, I loved that line, I've got a friend who'd I'd be /really/ nervous driving with sober... He hasn't had any practice! "Trust me, I got an /angle/"{{ - Corwyn =========== From: CORWYN OF AMBER To: RUFUS Subject: No more skirts! Date & Time: 05/29/90 09:38:59 Message Number 5325 I would like to see Gargamel /and/ the smurfs drowning in thier own stupidity... (what does stupidity taste like?) - Corwyn =========== From: CORWYN OF AMBER To: DONTHEN Subject: StarTrekkies Date & Time: 05/29/90 09:48:14 Message Number 5326 > ...of course, it's still in a lot of trouble when compared to anything > by Orson Scott Card, or even Barbera Hambly. Now isn't that a little unfair, comparing any Mortal to Card? Sheesh, Barbara Hambly ranks as a gifted-demigod herself, How can mortals compete. - Corwyn =========== From: CORWYN OF AMBER To: TURTLE Subject: A/R Date & Time: 05/29/90 09:53:19 Message Number 5327 I'll pitch a 1.2Meg drive your way after the summer, If I can remember to P'req it (Parent Request) Leaves you with a summer of IBM manufactured Hardware hell! (Sheesh, at least I'm smart enough not to use any of their disk drives.) - Corwyn =========== From: KEN OBER To: BEATLE Subject: ST & ST:TNG Date & Time: 05/29/90 13:01:46 Message Number 5330 Star Wars is also in the same universe......So is Dr. Who....They have no plot relation, and they don't refer to one another... =========== From: CORWYN OF AMBER To: KEN OBER Subject: ST & ST:TNG Date & Time: 05/29/90 13:50:20 Message Number 5331 Dr. Who is not in the same 'universe' the definitions of time, space, etc are different in Dr Who, and Star Wars gives no indication of being in the same Universe, except for the placement as "A long, long time, ago, in a Galaxy far, far away." What Beatle meant by 'universe' was similar to the "Marvel Universe" the "Greyhawk Universe" etc. It's not the technical definition, but it's in common use. - Corwyn =========== From: RUFUS To: DONTHEN Subject: Gadget Date & Time: 05/29/90 15:15:17 Message Number 5332 Your weird! Ack! =========== From: RUFUS To: BEATLE Subject: moral Date & Time: 05/29/90 15:20:22 Message Number 5333 >how Marty's life would be much better since he learned not to let it >bother him when someone calls him chicken.  Oh, so this has nothing to do with ZZ Top promoting galactic peace with their new album? =========== From: RUFUS To: TURTLE Subject: Once again... Date & Time: 05/29/90 15:33:29 Message Number 5335 |No, it's not Deja Vu folks, I just took off the tail ending [he he]. I sit for a few seconds trying to assimilate the flood of information Sam presented me. "Lesse, the golf course owner wasn't real happy about the Harrier landing on the eigth, but I don't think he was that angry" I mumble to myself. "What?" Sam prompts. "Nothing, just mumbling to myself, trying to figure out who's pissed off at me." I run through my mental list of recent assignments, crossing out all the uneventful ones. Sam waves her hand in front of my eyes and says "Hello, anyone in there?" I shake my head, responding with: "Oh, just thinking. It must be IBM. They sent a nasty letter to the company blaming me for the destruction of the only existing 986 machine, and calling for my death. IBM is fairly nasty. I don't see how it was my fault. Their guard /was/ the one who fired the RPG at me. And, if I remember correctly, the dead cat was the one who traced down the stolen merchandise to IBM. See, Cray-Sinclair had insured their prototype computer, and IBM stole it, along with the blue prints. So I went in to get it, and a /small/ firefight broke out. Like I said, it wasn't me who blew up the room, and the 986." Sam looks bewildered, and starts to ask "What's a 986?" but stops at the 'a,' hoping to avoid further confusion. "Got any pop-tarts?" I ask. =========== From: TURTLE To: BEATLE Subject: moral Date & Time: 05/29/90 16:32:04 Message Number 5337 Marty went hopping all over time just to learn that it shouldn't bother him when people call him a chicken??!! Seems like he coulda learned THAT in the comfort and convenience of his own home! Ghods, what's next? Marty hijacks a space shuttle to Vega to learn how to brush his hair? =========== From: TURTLE To: BLACK MAGIC Subject: Not God... Date & Time: 05/29/90 16:34:57 Message Number 5338 >Bastard from hell! Bastard from Long Beach Island, actually... >I am nastier than thee...ask my mum! I'm only interested in an unbiased opinion, and I don't think she'll give me one. =========== From: TURTLE To: CORWYN OF AMBER Subject: A/R Date & Time: 05/29/90 16:39:11 Message Number 5339 Thanx, it'd be appreciated. Of course, I can always try to figure out how to hook up an IEEE hard drive to a TRS-80, but I suspect that'd be a losing proposition...I'd have to write my own hard disk driver... *whine!* (Stomp off into distance, grumbling about IBM microfloppies...) =========== From: BEATLE To: KEN OBER Subject: ST & ST:TNG Date & Time: 05/29/90 16:57:45 Message Number 5341 > they don't refer to one another... That may be true about Star Wars and Star Trek and Dr. Who and Star Trek, but to say Star Trek and the Next Generation can't be cross referenced like that is stupid. They are almost one and the same. That's the way the creators saw it: as an extension of the Trek universe. That term universe used as a reference to a body of fictional characters and incidents related. Such as the Star Wars universe is not the same as the Doctor Who universe. =========== From: BEATLE To: BEATLE Subject: Movies Date & Time: 05/29/90 17:05:29 Message Number 5342 I guess no one is gonna be there... =========== From: DONTHEN To: TURTLE Subject: Poem Date & Time: 05/29/90 20:57:21 Message Number 5343 No, the ONJ song probably has higher technical production standards; it WAS an Electric Light Orchestra song, and even when Jeff Lynne is recording white noise, he seems to do it in three-part harmony on 48-track digital equipment. "Rock and Roll is King" is one of the most cheerfully useless songs I can remember, but it was produced damn well. =========== From: DONTHEN To: CORWYN OF AMBER Subject: StarTrekkies Date & Time: 05/29/90 21:00:50 Message Number 5344 I've only read three books by Barbara Hambly (the "Time of the Dark" series) and they didn't impress me THAT much. They were fairly good, but the Dark was completely unmotivated -- nebulous evil-for-evil's-sake as an antagonist generally bothers me (Card & Tolkien can get away with it, but they're also writing in a much more mythically-conscious way than Hambly was), and I couldn't shake the impression that the main character was a shadow of Hambly herself; wish-fulfillment stories, even when well-done, make me twitch just a little. I've also grown to be suspicious of books with the general plot skeleton of person-from-this world-goes-into-a-high-fantasy-world-and-discovers-his/her-hidden-powers in-a-battle-against-ultimate-evil stories; I've seen it done really well exactly twice, once in Marion Zimmer Bradley's "House Between the Worlds" and once in Stephen Donaldson's "Mordant's Need"--the latter of which wasn't, actually, against ultimate evil. I also think he did it really well in "Thomas Covenant", but I seem to be among the minority on this BBS in believing the series' good points outweigh its problems. Most of those problems went away in "Mordant's Need", although it wasn't as grandly theologically metaphysically mythical as "Covenant" was (some might say that's a change for the better, of course). =========== From: DONTHEN To: KEN OBER Subject: ST & ST:TNG Date & Time: 05/29/90 21:08:17 Message Number 5345 > Star Wars is also in the same universe...So is Dr. Who...They have > no plot relation and they don't refer to one another... That's because they are not in the same universe when you are speaking in a creative sense instead of an obstinately literal one. Technically, none of them are in ANY universe because they're fictional. Remember? Both "Star Trek" shows are in the same universe because they're created by the same writer(s), share the same history, and one is supposed to take place a few generations after the other one. Look at it this way: Spider-Man's story is set on modern-day earth. So is the CBS sitcom "Murphy Brown." But that alone doesn't mean they're going to be connected in any way, shape or form; for practical purposes, they are in different universes. Likewise, just because "Star Wars", both "Star Trek" series, "Battlestar Galactica" and Ken Mitchroney's "Space Ark" funny animal comic all take place in space doesn't make them in the same universe. As for the Star Treks, /obviously/ they have a plot relation. They are in the same Federation, the same "universe" in any sense of the word. Do you think "Alien" and "Aliens" had no relation and didn't refer to one another? They are SEQUELS. Likewise, "Star Trek" and "The Next Generation" are SEQUELS to one another, in much the same way "Battlestar Galactica" and the decrepit "Galactica 1980" were sequels. =========== From: DONTHEN To: RUFUS Subject: Gadget Date & Time: 05/29/90 21:15:01 Message Number 5346 > Your weird! > Ack! Yes, but do you want to sleep with Gadget? =========== From: DONTHEN To: ALL Subject: Mythagoras Date & Time: 05/29/90 21:16:50 Message Number 5347 The deadline for submissions for issue #2 of MYTHAGORAS is June 14. We are looking, especially, for artwork and any certain stories that involve fox morphs that female BBS users talked to Mythagoras' own fox morph, Bartholomew, about. Stuff to look for in issue #2 that we already have: an 8-page comic story, "Deception," by Chuck Melville; the beginning of a hard sf serial by the mysterious mad professor, Lawrence Schoen; a fantasy horror short, "Of the Father, Upon the Son," by Kevin Higgins; art by Juan Alfonso, Maggie de Alarcon, Eric Blumrich and others. Other subjects to-be-written or submitted & under consideration include a response to Franklin Veaux's "Object-Oriented Environmentalism" from issue #1, an article about environmentalism and animal rights as viewed through science fiction and comics by, er, Watts Martin, and a certain story involving fox morphs that a female BBS user talked to Mythagoras' own fox morph, Bartholomew, about. =========== From: RAVEN To: RUFUS Subject: Arnie Date & Time: 05/29/90 21:30:44 Message Number 5348 Ok. Check your e-mail. -R- =========== From: RAVEN To: TURTLE Subject: Not God... Date & Time: 05/29/90 21:38:06 Message Number 5349 and let's add egotistical, opinionated, anal-retentive, antagonastic, and irritating . . . =========== From: RAVEN To: BLACK MAGIC Subject: God... Date & Time: 05/29/90 21:41:38 Message Number 5350 Oh. . . You seem so sweet and inocent all the time aaaH Bulsht! (O \ \ / (O / -R- =========== From: RAVEN To: DONTHEN Subject: Gadget Date & Time: 05/29/90 21:48:28 Message Number 5351 Or al least have a 2 or three hour round of energetic sex. a perverted and loving it Raven =========== From: JONBOY To: RAVEN Subject: religion Date & Time: 05/29/90 22:07:41 Message Number 5352 Just as a thought - any change (even on a deathbed) /is/ still a change. =========== From: JONBOY To: ANGEL Subject: validation Date & Time: 05/29/90 22:14:58 Message Number 5353 Sheesh did I say that?!!! Sorry - I get really fritzed trying to banzai thru here and make sense at the same time. I get the impression that Chip thinks I wasd referrin to him when I said no one was inter- ested in a philosophical conversation - I gotta clear this up but first I gotta catch up! I use the NIV which has been critically called a "design by committe Bible, a Ryrie and the KJ versions with the Thompson chain reference and the Schofield study systems. Alas , I consider myself truant the last couple of years in my studies. As a small sideline - continued reading and meditation on the Bible can be interesting in it's own right (ie non-religious). As an example the book of Job isn't really understood to be either factual (there is evidence that says it is) or allegorical (plenty to belive here!). A small interesting study is on the background of Jobs three "friends". Their ancestry says that they probably had no love for any of Yahweh's "chosen". So what is their true relationship and how does this affect the general "plot"? Stuff like this interests me when I have the time to dig around. I think a lot of people find the Bible a "hard" book. I was really turned on to it in a new light when I took it as an advanced Literature course (graduate level) in college. =========== From: JONBOY To: CHIP P. UNICORN Subject: SAJW & You Date & Time: 05/29/90 22:25:37 Message Number 5354 Nahhh - the mormons teach that God lives on a planet named Kolab. (this is serious BTW). Theye even have a small town named this in Utah =========== From: JONBOY To: DONTHEN Subject: they're back!!! Date & Time: 05/29/90 22:28:01 Message Number 5355 Lessee - that would be a religion known as synopticism! Wasn't that banned? Haven't I seen this script on Bullwinkle (fractured fairy tales?) =========== From: JONBOY To: SPELLWIND Subject: validation Date & Time: 05/29/90 22:29:52 Message Number 5356 Do you have the /slightest/ idea of that which you mumble? The Mormons are considered a cult by "mainstream" Christian groups. They have been beating their drums for the past 150 years or so and isn't anything new. I have no idea of where you gleaned the fact they kill their relatives to "save" them unless you refer to their practise of research into their family tree and baptism by proxie for those that did not hear their beliefs here on earth. Also: what 10 rules do you refer - the ten commandments? The entire book of Leviticus consists of Jewish law - the 10 commandments were the "catchy" phrases. The entire Christian belief as taught by Christ was stated as the Golden Rule - "Love thy neighbor as you love yourself" =========== From: JONBOY To: TURTLE Subject: Ynty... Date & Time: 05/29/90 22:36:31 Message Number 5357 Sheesh - it had nothing of ther ring of "commandment" tyo it at all. It was merely a clever way to make the Pharisee's look like the dweebs that they were and to emphasize the spiritual nature of God. The Pharisee's (and the Jewish culture in general) had this belief that God's pleasure with you was directly reflected in wealth. This is why Job's neigbors and such really figured he had done something really terrible to be in the shape he was in (he lost it all). Jesus was merely pointing out to the Pharisee's that Taxes had nothing to do with the kingdom of God. Essentially the thrust was to trick Jesus into either being a traitor (pay taxes like a good roman citizen) or a rebel (refuse to pay tribute!). Hope this made sense,,, =========== From: JONBOY To: TURTLE Subject: Real Pagans Date & Time: 05/29/90 22:43:04 Message Number 5358 I find it interesting that a hedonist is included in the definition of Pagan - does this mean I can't have fun ? Is there such an anomoly as a Pagan Christian Hedonist? =========== From: JONBOY To: TURTLE Subject: hack/cough Date & Time: 05/29/90 22:45:27 Message Number 5359 Jeez and I just felt silly when I ported a routine that calculkated the values for a Chebychev thrid order filter and plotted the results on a log-log graph to my Sinclair ZX-80!!! I admit that I used to know most of the MACRO that comes with the 8700 and I used to code in raw binary on the Apples.... I just called it overzealous. =========== From: JONBOY To: BLACK MAGIC Subject: Xnty... Date & Time: 05/29/90 22:55:33 Message Number 5360 Like Tacos? What's your pleasure Madam? =========== From: JONBOY To: KEN OBER Subject: Bungee! Date & Time: 05/29/90 22:58:51 Message Number 5361 Kinda reminds me of the quarter I watched a guy learning Curses on UNIX (yes to all of the unspoken questions). Net sum result as described by my favorite prof: "You spent all f*****g quarter learning how to make a twirly go around the screen?" =========== From: JONBOY To: RAVEN Subject: ect. Date & Time: 05/29/90 23:02:21 Message Number 5362 I just got my new "Pyramid Books and New-Age Collection" catalog in the mail... I got a real hoot out of some of the Titles. I believe our Feminist Wiccan friend's mentor is represented within. I'd have to go back and look.... I love seeing books that will tell me all about the Atlanteans sexual preferences and education system . I have observed the same tho. they just look at you - I haven't figured out if Ramtha is trying to get thru and kickc my butt or they are thinking "crystals can cure that..." =========== From: JONBOY To: TURTLE Subject: telix Date & Time: 05/29/90 23:08:26 Message Number 5363 *I've* never had a problem (aside from when the board decided to doublespace everything.) =========== From: JONBOY To: CHIP P. UNICORN Subject: God... Date & Time: 05/29/90 23:12:22 Message Number 5364 Wow -= I did that from morning to afternoon nothing but VAX guts strewn all over the place - what made it really bad was studying UNIX in 2 classes and VMS in the others. Since he saw the same smiling faces in most of the classes he was *most* liberal about carrying over info from one to the other - worst quarter I ever had with pipes getting mixed up with messages and mailboxes and shared resources with IPC's and INODE's. EEeeeeeeeeyaahhhhhhhhhhhh!!!! =========== From: JONBOY To: CHIP P. UNICORN Subject: generous Date & Time: 05/29/90 23:16:50 Message Number 5365 Ronnie made references to BAC . Funny how they consulted a "New Age" medium isn't it? =========== From: JONBOY To: YNGLING Subject: validation Date & Time: 05/29/90 23:19:22 Message Number 5366 Wow - I wish my memory was that good. We had to go thru all that in Philosophy (stupid statement !!! Where else would you bump into Parmenides?!!!) I really enjoyed some of the theories and ideas put forth. Isn't Parmenides the one that asserted that if you put your foot intop a stream, removed it and put it back - that it was not the same stream as it was before? =========== From: JONBOY To: YNGLING Subject: Doghouse Date & Time: 05/29/90 23:22:51 Message Number 5367 Mmmmm me too! I gotta be careful tho - since I quit smoking last Thanksgiving It's been far too easy to put on Lbs!!! I'm trying to get rid of a few right now - funny thing... I eat less, I exercise more and I eat better (nutritious) food and I still put it on!!! I had a guy explain that the body is trying to correct a skewed acidity (nicotine - like most respectable poisons is an alkaloid) and this brings it about. Hell I'm about ready to start again! Anyway - so how will I know you? Should I jump up and shout "Ranea forever!"? Like I said - just about every week I'm there... maybe we can drag Lady along for a real get together - MAYBE all of the Ranea gang should invade!!! =========== From: JONBOY To: DONTHEN Subject: validation Date & Time: 05/29/90 23:34:04 Message Number 5368 C'mon, just because there is a cause and effect proposed don't mean that it is inherently mercinary - that may well be the way things are... Aniother pairt of glasses? The way that Christainity is stated preclude any attempts at labelling it another attempt at understanding some "Great Truth" that is bigger than any religion. It's either true or it ain't. There can be questions as to the mechanism but the underlying premise is rock-hard. =========== From: JONBOY To: CHIP P. UNICORN Subject: New Subject: Date & Time: 05/29/90 23:38:18 Message Number 5369 My brain needs some Ti-d-bowl right now - let me get back to ya... =========== From: JONBOY To: SPELLWIND Subject: FUCK YOU Date & Time: 05/29/90 23:41:02 Message Number 5370 Ever heard the quote on vulgarity being the last refuge of the incompetent? Use it creatively and it becomes an aid - you simply resort to it as an insult. Besides? Why would anyone want to wish me such a nice thing when I've apparently been bad? =========== From: JONBOY To: TURTLE Subject: JW & You Date & Time: 05/29/90 23:44:45 Message Number 5371 Oh boy! Did you get like - you know /real descriptive/??? I know the type - I have on occasion met the odd JW that was so polite and accepting of my "no thanks" that I felt prompted to invite them in and talk about something else for a change. It's all in the persona. Some people are born assholes and use religion as a shotgun to spread that which was given to them at birth... Your right - it /is/ an imperfecT world.... =========== From: JONBOY To: TURTLE Subject: IBMs Date & Time: 05/29/90 23:47:42 Message Number 5372 Oooh OOohhh - Byte actually gave the court ammo when they came up with a quote from the design team that the interface didn't even have icons and such until they saw the Xerox interface and copied it/.. Talk about egg in the face!!!! =========== From: JONBOY To: TURTLE Subject: Simple Subject Date & Time: 05/29/90 23:49:15 Message Number 5373 'Tis true - ya know if I were *really* motivated I'd have to start with the ol' "well let's hear *your* proof of the nonexistence of God" that can get pretty funny. But - I notice some really veiled and outright hostilities.... Maybe the new moon...Arruuuuuu! Sorry I can't seem to get the energy up - I gotta get to a quack - I mean MD. (whadda synonym) =========== From: JONBOY To: DONTHEN Subject: New Job? Date & Time: 05/29/90 23:53:45 Message Number 5374 wow a premier synopticizer and critic to boot! No kidding, I wish I'd have said that... =========== From: JONBOY To: YNGLING Subject: hostility Date & Time: 05/29/90 23:56:08 Message Number 5375 How'd I know you were gonna say that??? =========== From: SPE11WIND To: BEATLE Subject: Movies Date & Time: 05/30/90 02:10:01 Message Number 5376 Me if I can get transp0rt. =========== From: SPE11WIND To: C.C.A. Subject: Question Date & Time: 05/30/90 02:14:11 Message Number 5377 I wasn't trying t0 amuse y0u =========== From: SPE11WIND To: BLACK MAGIC Subject: Poem Date & Time: 05/30/90 02:16:34 Message Number 5378 Y0u're a gifted eng. t00? I try n0t t0 sh0w it, th0ugh. BTW when's the 1ast time y0u were s1apped? =========== From: SPE11WIND To: RUFUS Subject: skirts Date & Time: 05/30/90 02:18:39 Message Number 5379 I..10ve the dead, I...10ve the dead, yeah I... 10ve the dead, s much! I'm in a n0sta1gic A1ice C00per m00d. =========== From: SPE11WIND To: RUFUS Subject: Sma11 Creatures Date & Time: 05/30/90 02:22:06 Message Number 5380 I 1ike the gn0mes better than b0th, especia11y with T0m B0s1ey's v0ice as David the Gn0me. =========== From: SPE11WIND To: DONTHEN Subject: StarTrekkies Date & Time: 05/30/90 02:31:27 Message Number 5381 I was using the 7ft 0rc fr0m Ang1e games =========== From: SPE11WIND To: TURTLE Subject: Not God... Date & Time: 05/30/90 02:34:50 Message Number 5382 frustrated, and n0isy =========== From: SPE11WIND To: BLACK MAGIC Subject: God... Date & Time: 05/30/90 02:38:05 Message Number 5383 And that's what I 1ikeab0ut y0u m0st (y0u kn0w why). =========== From: SPE11WIND To: TURTLE Subject: Not God... Date & Time: 05/30/90 02:43:24 Message Number 5384 Here's my unbiased 0pini0n. =========== From: SPE11WIND To: DONTHEN Subject: Mythagoras Date & Time: 05/30/90 02:49:55 Message Number 5385 I'm a1m0st finished with sh0rt st0ries, w0u1d y0u 1ike them? =========== From: SPE11WIND To: JONBOY Subject: Hmm. Date & Time: 05/30/90 03:03:25 Message Number 5387 Very g00d. I'm impressed. Th0ugh I didn't expect a ret0rt (vi01ent) fr0m y0u. Y0u've earned my ap010gy. I am s0rry. (and Spe11wind d0esn't ap010gize t0 every0ne.) =========== From: THRUD To: TURTLE Subject: neckwear Date & Time: 05/30/90 06:30:16 Message Number 5389 blast the bastards into bits of Borg bullsh*t I'm glad I didn't really need full brain function to reply, the caffiene hasn't kicked in yet - it's got to give me more power, capn =========== From: THRUD To: DONTHEN Subject: spidy Date & Time: 05/30/90 06:37:11 Message Number 5390 I seem to recall reading that spiderman will be doing a guest spot on Murphy Brown - but with a twist ending, in that he goes to bed with Murphy, Corkey and MaryJane, but wakes up with Suzanne Pleshete in the middle of the US Open. =========== From: C.C.A. To: SPE11WIND Subject: Question Date & Time: 05/30/90 06:59:18 Message Number 5391 >I wasn't trying t0 amuse y0u.  Somehow I gathered that much.  =========== From: CRYSTAL To: RUFUS Subject: DWEEBS and TNG! Date & Time: 05/30/90 12:09:42 Message Number 5392 Now I make a great french toast. * CRYSTAL * =========== From: DONTHEN To: JONBOY Subject: validation Date & Time: 05/30/90 13:04:36 Message Number 5393 > The way that Christianity is stated precludes any attempts at labeling > it another attempt at understanding some "Great Truth" that is bigger > than any religion. This is also true of many (most) theistic religions. Wicca isn't supposed to be an attempt to tune into the cosmic consciousness all religions are based on, it's just supposed to be The Truth, Q.E.D. That doesn't necessarily mean that it's true. And, the common threads between it and Christianity don't necessarily mean it's a "shadow" of Christianity in some Lewis-ian sense; if it could be construed that way, the reverse (Christianity as a Wicca shadow) could also be true. I've also never completely bought the "well, Christianity has to be true because its claims are so outrageous they have to be" line of reasoning. That's a patently hokey argument if you use it to defend, say, advertiser claims or any run-of-the-mill crackpot religion. No, actually, I've /never/ bought it. It just doesn't hold water; by making outrageous it's-this-or-nothing claims, it makes people pay attention to it -- just like any other revolutionary social movement. If such claims weren't made, it wouldn't be around today. Longevity does imply that there's something to it, yet, but it doesn't imply that ALL its tenets are true. =========== From: TURTLE To: DONTHEN Subject: StarNuttin' Date & Time: 05/30/90 14:49:54 Message Number 5394 "House Between the Worlds" was a really good--and BIZZARE--book. It seemed to have set out to turn a lot of the "person-from-our-world- travels-to-another" cliches around, or at least skew them somewhat... I /love/ the scene where the main character uses a bootleg drug to try to transport himself to the alternate world, and ends up getting sidetracked talking about good and evil with a brick wall... =========== From: TURTLE To: DONTHEN Subject: Gadget Date & Time: 05/30/90 14:55:09 Message Number 5395 >Yes, but do youi want to sleep with Gadget? Is this a trick question? =========== From: TURTLE To: RAVEN Subject: Not Real Date & Time: 05/30/90 14:56:52 Message Number 5396 >and let's add egotistical, opinionated, anal-retentive, antagonistic, >and irritating... I am NOT anal-retentive. =========== From: TURTLE To: JONBOY Subject: validation Date & Time: 05/30/90 15:01:09 Message Number 5397 >The entire Christian belief as taught by Christ was stated as the >Golden Rule - "Love thy neighbor as you love yourself." Amend that to read "Love thy neighbor and thy planet as you love yourself" and you'd have a more nearly adequate ethical code... =========== From: TURTLE To: JONBOY Subject: VAXen as God Date & Time: 05/30/90 15:09:02 Message Number 5398 >I did that from morning to afternoon nothing but VAX guts strewn all >over the place... And you're COMPLAINING??!! I have to fight, finagle, and fidgit to get even minimal access to VAXen these days... =========== From: TURTLE To: SPE11WIND Subject: Poem Date & Time: 05/30/90 15:14:48 Message Number 5399 >Y0u're a gifted eng. t00? I try n0t t0 sh0w it, th0ugh. We11, n0b0dy wi11 ever accuse y0u 0f being pretenti0us, at least... =========== From: RUFUS To: DONTHEN Subject: Mythagoras Date & Time: 05/30/90 17:07:25 Message Number 5401 Bartholomew (Mythagoras' own fox morph, if you didn't know) said the deadline was sometime in July. Oh well, that's what you get when you talk to a fox while trying to watch "Heavy Metal." ...not like I would actually submit anything, but ask Turtle about my Fuzzy Bunny poem. =========== From: RUFUS To: JONBOY Subject: SAJW & You Date & Time: 05/30/90 17:11:12 Message Number 5402 >Nahhh - the mormons teach that God lives on a planet named Kolab. And this planet is in the middle of the universe. And he's waiting for a starship. ...Bill should stick to Rescue 911. =========== From: RUFUS To: CRYSTAL Subject: DWEEBS and TNG! Date & Time: 05/30/90 17:25:50 Message Number 5403 >Now I make great french toast. > * CRYSTAL * O.K., when's breakfast? =========== From: DONTHEN To: TURTLE Subject: Gadget Date & Time: 05/30/90 17:42:52 Message Number 5405 > > Yes, but do you want to sleep with Gadget? > Is this a trick question? Depends on how nicely you ask her, I suppose. =========== From: DONTHEN To: RUFUS Subject: Mythagoras Date & Time: 05/30/90 17:44:40 Message Number 5406 No, it's June 14. It better damn well be OUT by some time in July. Grr! =========== From: CORWYN OF AMBER To: DONTHEN Subject: StarTrekkies Date & Time: 05/30/90 17:59:25 Message Number 5407 I've read her "Dark Tower" "The Silicon Mage" and (hmm can't remember the name of the last in the trilogy) but it wasn't as good as her 'Witches of Wenshar' in my book. She took the theme of a Wizard who didn't want to be. I the first trilogy, (The Dark Tower) the evil is quite well represented as a greedy guy who get's ahead of himself, he's pretty powerful, but not nebulous at all. Like I said, It's hard to think of anyone doing better than Card (for me anyway) There are books I like, (Like the Myth-Adventures series) and there are books which really impress me.. and they don't necessarily coincide. Anyway.. Read her series on Sun Wolf, I've got the book club "The unschooled wizard" which has the first two books. I'll loan it to you sometime. - Corwyn =========== From: RUFUS To: ALL Subject: Courts of Chaos Date & Time: 05/30/90 21:07:34 Message Number 5408 So, anyone know what's up with C of C? =========== From: THRUD To: ALL Subject: accounting Date & Time: 05/30/90 21:14:04 Message Number 5409 HELP, I'm being held prisoner by Horngren & Harrisons Accounting Text! (class tested for accuracy) I've been trapped in my office with this insidious beast for two hours, and I'm not sure if I should debit my allowance for uncollectable free time or credit my lack of equity - I certainly can't credit interest because I HAVE NONE. I'd hate to have a negative adjusting entry to my GPA, but I'd also rather have my head waxed by bloodsucking denubian pygmies than continue my homework. HEAVY sigh. Well, back to reality. A Thrud of no account ya know, it seems like being able to hit a 250 yard tee shot would be sufficent to make it in the business world (along with a good spell-checker) =========== From: KEN OBER To: BEATLE Subject: ST & ST:TNG Date & Time: 05/30/90 21:42:03 Message Number 5410 > To say Star Trek and the Next Generation can't be cross referenced > like that is stupid.... But true. Name similarities besides the fact that the ship's name is the same, the federation is similar, and they have the same, old, dumb enemies? =========== From: RUFUS To: KEN OBER Subject: ST & ST:TNG Date & Time: 05/30/90 22:48:39 Message Number 5411 >Name similarities... The new series has reffered to old series a # of times (the 2nd episode in the first season pops to mind. Dr. Crusher refers back to the medical logs of the first Enterprise). Not to mention McCoy was on the new series, as was Sarek. I'm sure there are many more examples =========== From: DONTHEN To: RUFUS Subject: Courts of Chaos Date & Time: 05/30/90 23:22:28 Message Number 5412 Courts of Chaos moved. Turtle tells me that when he calls one of the three new numbers Random had listed, he got diddly, but I haven't tried it myself. Hopefully we'll all hear from Random via cheesy BBS ads in the next few days with the new numbers and such. =========== From: CRYSTAL To: RUFUS Subject: toast up Date & Time: 05/31/90 01:20:30 Message Number 5413 >O.K., when's breakfest? When ever you want it. =========== From: ANGEL To: BEATLE Subject: watch it again Date & Time: 05/31/90 02:36:52 Message Number 5414 Sarek wouldn't necessarily have mentioned another son in the quoted phrase if he really hated his guts. Sarek was just listing the people he loved. Maybe he was just in logic with Sybok. =========== From: ANGEL To: JONBOY Subject: validation Date & Time: 05/31/90 02:41:04 Message Number 5415 > a design by committee Bible What version of the Bible is NOT designed by committee. It certainly was written by committee; look at the number of authors. I'm kicking myself as I delete part of this message ... just now realized what KJ stood for. (I have friend who goes by the name of K.J. and I was sure she hadn't written any inspired scripture.) Anyway, shoot the critics who complain, a Bible that wasn't assembled and translated by committee is suspect. =========== From: ANGEL To: MUSIC-LOVERS EVERYWH Subject: encore! encore! Date & Time: 05/31/90 03:04:33 Message Number 5417 Angel knew she was somewhat rusty on keyboard, but she wasn't use to people, or rather unicorns, walking out in the middle of the performance. She hoped it wasn't something she played. Perhaps the next tune would be more appealing the crowd. "And now for my next selection..." Angel thought she heard a groan from the corner of the bar. Gamely ignoring the comments from the rabble, she continued, "I'd like to sing a love song. A charming little tune untitled 'Nonsense Written to the Boy I Thought I Loved." If you don't want me, Why did you tell me That you would hold me, That you would love me? Whispering softly Whispering to me. Whispering love You never did feel. Hysterical tears I Cried in the night Have all passed away -- The pain's gone away. Now you don't move me. Now you can't soothe me. Did not want me then, Don't come to me now! Just drop dead, beloved, I'm free of you now. Angel wondered when Donthen had started serving snacks, as an olive pit hit her in the back of the head. "Critics! Aw, hell, Xon get me a scotch. By the way, whatever 'appened -- Happened! to that charming fox that used to frequent this establishment?" =========== From: SPE11WIND To: DONTHEN Subject: Courts of Chaos Date & Time: 05/31/90 03:42:50 Message Number 5418 The temp0rary number is 0n Bey0nd Cha0s. Ca11 there f0r a change. =========== From: BEATLE To: KEN OBER Subject: ST & ST:TNG Date & Time: 05/31/90 06:52:42 Message Number 5419 Read Donthen's message on this subject. I can't see your reasoning, so I'm not going to start arguing. Why don't YOU give me proof that they're NOT in the same universe?? =========== From: BEATLE To: DONTHEN Subject: Courts of Chaos Date & Time: 05/31/90 06:55:02 Message Number 5420 GTE messed up. The new lines will be up later. Until then try 371-0009... KNow what's scary? I had to go on Beyond Chaos to learn that. The only seemingly inteligent people on there are Rocky and Snakebyte. =========== From: DONTHEN To: ALL Subject: . Date & Time: 05/31/90 11:26:19 Message Number 5421 [From Xonzoff] I get Angel her drink, picking up the miscreant olive pit and tossing it in the trash. I don't remember serving any drinks with olives today and the only garnishes you get with sandwiches are pickles. Hmm. "Don't know where Wezip is," I say when I brink the drink back. "He was here a minute ago." I start to walk back to the bar, then pause for a second. "Don't take Donthen too personally. Strange people keep wandering into the bar and committing felonies; so far today he's been questioned by yet another Guard, had somebody carrying an illegal weapon wander in here and claim we're all illusory, and gotten the wind knocked out of him. He really doesn't have anything against you, or pianos. Hopefully he'll have calmed down in an hour or two." Although I don't think he can spell 'apology,' I add silently. =========== From: SPE11WIND To: BEATLE Subject: Courts of Chaos Date & Time: 05/31/90 13:42:04 Message Number 5423 Y0! Y0u f0rg0t me! =========== From: TURTLE To: RUFUS Subject: Mythagoras Date & Time: 05/31/90 15:06:16 Message Number 5426 Actually, DON'T ask Turtle about the Fuzzy Bunny poem. He'd really rather not think about it... =========== From: TURTLE To: ANGEL Subject: validation Date & Time: 05/31/90 15:12:24 Message Number 5427 The KJ Bible itself is something of a problematic was TRANSLATED by committee, and one that frequently took an ad-hoc hit-or-miss approach to translation. It also doesn't help that the KJV is in several places a third generation translation--the translators frequently didn't have access to the Hebrew texts, and had to translate from the Latin Vulgate bible and the Greek scriptures. (The Vulgate itself was rife with errors, and some of 'em managed to creep into the KJV; for example, the name of the Christian devil is not "Lucifer." The word "Lucifer" appears only in Job and the passage in which it appears is a study in translation error.) It also doesn't help that in a few places the translators /deliberately/ garphled the text to avoid offending King James... =========== From: YNGLING To: TURTLE Subject: Whorf Date & Time: 05/31/90 15:58:04 Message Number 5428 It is ONE time Whorf has been involved in a brawl and hasnt gotten his clock cleaned. I honestly can't think of one. The Yngling =========== From: YNGLING To: BEATLE Subject: ST & ST:TNG Date & Time: 05/31/90 16:03:27 Message Number 5429 There isnt a reason NOT to have a cloaking device, for christs sake. The have the technology, they have the know-how, they have an erector set.....This "science vessel" and "exploration ship" explaination is not gonna cut it. I'm sorry, but there is no /reasonable/ explaination for the Enterprise not to have cloaking ability. The Yngli...(look I cloaked the last part of my name) =========== From: YNGLING To: BEATLE Subject: Whorf Date & Time: 05/31/90 16:13:00 Message Number 5430 Whorf couldnt pop a pimple on my little sisters ass. He';s been in more fights than anyone else on the bridge crew (who said anything about /away/ missions - he gets his ass kicked on his own freaking ship) and has lost them ALL. The Yngling =========== From: RUFUS To: DONTHEN Subject: Courts of Chaos Date & Time: 05/31/90 17:27:07 Message Number 5431 I've gotten a person, a ringing, and a "do do Doo, the number you have reached..etc.." =========== From: RUFUS To: CRYSTAL Subject: toast up Date & Time: 05/31/90 17:27:45 Message Number 5432 > When ever you want it. Gee, your very accomodating. Right now, I'm stuffed. I just ate two porkchops, some frosting, then some cake. I tried getting the frosting on the cake, but it didn't work. I figured that my stomach and intestines wouldn't know the diff. But I digress. =========== From: RUFUS To: BEATLE Subject: Courts of Chaos Date & Time: 05/31/90 17:31:30 Message Number 5433 >GTE messed up. No. They never mess up. Except when the installed a dead line for my new number. Or the time they somehow connected my line with that of a retirement home. =========== From: RUFUS To: TURTLE Subject: Mythagoras Date & Time: 05/31/90 17:33:11 Message Number 5434 >Actually, DON'T ask Turtle about the Fuzzy Bunny poem. He'd really >rather not think about it... Hurumph! There was an impromptue dramatic reading of it a few weeks back in Journalism class. Everyone there seemed to like it. BTW, I found "We Can Remember It for You Wholesale," the story you said was hard to find. That library thing has several books, at least two or three dozen. =========== From: RUFUS To: ALL Subject: A Poem... Date & Time: 05/31/90 17:37:55 Message Number 5435 And now, a dramatic typing of "The Fuzzy Bunny," the authors first published poem. Ahem... There was a little bunny. He lived by a nuclear reactor. And he would grow and grow and glow and glow. Until he was a big bunny and he ate Mr. Funny. Soon, the townspeople asked how Mr. Funny and a cow had died. Until, one night, he was eyed. The rumor was spread why so many were dead. Most folks got read to run, but Mr. Jones got his gun. Mr. Jones saw the bunny and blew off his head. And finally, the bunny was dead. Thank you very much, and good day! =========== From: ACAPULCO To: DONTHEN Subject: Incidentally, Date & Time: 05/31/90 18:38:23 Message Number 5438 Yes, I just need to take the time to download your edited version. Time. A commodity I'm finding less and less available. Did I tell you InfoWorld accepted me for contract database review work? Things are starting to look up, finally. {Acapulco} =========== From: ACAPULCO To: CHIP P. UNICORN Subject: Real solutions Date & Time: 05/31/90 18:44:01 Message Number 5439 Looks like before to me... now, which verse says man was created after? {Acapulco} P.S.: Do you recall seeing or hearing ANYTHING REMOTELY SIMILAR to flying pigs in Genesis? I bumped into such a discussion on PLINK, but failed to note the source verses. =========== From: RAVEN To: JONBOY Subject: religion Date & Time: 05/31/90 19:59:02 Message Number 5441 A change on the deathbed, however, is of little signifance as it only applies to one's last few hours, and has no bearing on how one has lived one's life. Deathbed conversion is the ultimate form of hypocracy, as one is denying everything one has held true, and claiming that this will make it all better now. I do not believe that a life-long sadist could absolve himself by merely 'converting' to a religion for the last few hours of their life. a Hipocracy is the only mortal sin Raven =========== From: C.C.A. To: TURTLE Subject: New Subject: Date & Time: 05/31/90 20:30:36 Message Number 5442 >Does an individual...go to Hell for commiting the...sinof ignorance? The answer to that is NO! =========== From: C.C.A. To: SPE11WIND Subject: Courts of Chaos Date & Time: 05/31/90 22:21:37 Message Number 5443 The temporary # is 813-371-0009. =========== From: C.C.A. To: SPE11WIND Subject: Courts of Chaos Date & Time: 05/31/90 22:24:31 Message Number 5444 No, Spe11wind, I talked to Beatle earlier, He didn' forget you.  He INTENTIONALLY left you off the "Intelligent Users List",and I have to admit, I certain1y can onderstand where he w0u1d get reas0n too... =========== From: C.C.A. To: TURTLE Subject: validation Date & Time: 05/31/90 22:30:21 Message Number 5445 Lucifer is also used in Isaiah, I believe. =========== From: C.C.A. To: RUFUS Subject: A Poem... Date & Time: 05/31/90 22:35:45 Message Number 5446 Not fast enough...SPLAT.......SPLAT.........WHUMP!(I tried to keep them from throwing Watermelons, mbut I couldn't stop them). =========== From: C.C.A. To: RAVEN Subject: religion Date & Time: 05/31/90 22:40:04 Message Number 5447 If the conversion is true, it matters not when it takes place, so long as itis before the phisical death of the person. =========== From: CORWYN OF AMBER To: C.C.A. Subject: religion Date & Time: 05/31/90 23:43:32 Message Number 5448 Why the (arbitrary) point of physical death?? Seems if we /do/ have an afterlife.. why don't they allow conversions five minutes after death.. some poeple don't get much warning, you know. - Corwyn =========== From: TREE BEARD To: CORWYN OF AMBER Subject: afterlife Date & Time: 06/01/90 01:30:58 Message Number 5451 I think we are given a warnin after death, but before whatever comes next. My mother was clinicaly dead when she was having my sister. She relates the story of seeing herself from above, very peacefully. But she had a great longing to be back with her daughter. So she went away from this light that she had seen, and back into her own body. I believe her experience to be true. She was dead for a short time. Now you can choose to believe what you want. But I think it was a choice she had to make. So perhaps we can't change our religious views before death, but maybe we can postpone death for awhile. (There is an interesting article in June '90 "Discover" on the >the search for eternal youth< very plossible. Anyway, since this isn't really controversial stuff, I leave the rest to the "GLOBE"... By for now, Tree P.S. my sister is three years older than me. My mother made a good desision, otherwise I might have been born an EAR MITE, or something equally noxiouse. =========== From: SPE11WIND To: C.C.A. Subject: Courts of Chaos Date & Time: 06/01/90 01:48:21 Message Number 5452 We11 Mr. CCA, I must be pretty stupid t0 n0t make Mr. Beat1e's Int. 1ist, th0ugh my IQ was tested at 180..... -Pr0b1em- CCA =========== From: SPE11WIND To: C.C.A Subject: Y0u Date & Time: 06/01/90 01:53:12 Message Number 5453 What's CCA stand f0r, Cr0tchedy Christian Assh01e? =========== From: DONTHEN To: RUFUS Subject: Courts of Chaos Date & Time: 06/01/90 02:29:20 Message Number 5454 I was on Courts of Chaos earlier today -- 371-0009, just like whoever said that, er, said. It dropped carrier on me. I always thought that Random just had a flakey phone line; now I'm convinced he has a flakey modem. =========== From: DONTHEN To: ACAPULCO Subject: Incidentally, Date & Time: 06/01/90 02:31:25 Message Number 5455 Well, that's good (about Infoworld, that is). I'm still looking for some sort of permanent employment I like enough to keep permanent (the only attempts so far have been one I didn't like enough to complete the training on, and another that kept me two days before deciding they wanted someone with AutoCAD experience -- the others have all been temporary, either through Kelly Services or just running into them on my own). Just how does one become an independent computer consultant, anyway?... =========== From: PSYCHE To: C.C.A. Subject: Courts of Chaos Date & Time: 06/01/90 04:18:49 Message Number 5456 Supposed permanent number is 371-7022. =========== From: SPE11WIND To: DONTHEN Subject: Courts of Chaos Date & Time: 06/01/90 15:03:11 Message Number 5457 N0W the NEW 1ine is up! (P0st in the Tavern) =========== From: C.C.A. To: SPE11WIND Subject: Courts of Chaos Date & Time: 06/01/90 16:09:15 Message Number 5458 > IQ was tested at 180....... So was mine, in first grade. =========== From: C.C.A. To: SPE11WIND Subject: Y0u Date & Time: 06/01/90 16:11:49 Message Number 5459 Actually, it came off of the cover of ca Reader's Digest. It stands for C>astro, C>ocaine, and the A>-bomb. (All of which I think stink.)  As to your 0's and 1's, I don't read binary. =========== From: C.C.A. To: PSYCHE Subject: Courts of Chaos Date & Time: 06/01/90 16:16:46 Message Number 5460 There will be 4 lines. only line no.2 will support anyone on 300bps. That number will (hopefully) be 371-7231. =========== From: TURTLE To: YNGLING Subject: Whorf Date & Time: 06/01/90 18:11:23 Message Number 5464 Okay...there was an episode whose name I don't know which involved a bunch of renegade Klingons attempting to overrun the Enterprise...Whorf displayed admirable fighting skills there... Of course, it /still/ doesn't really matter all that much; Kirk may have been the best barroom brawler in the galaxy, but he was still a lous (oops, LOUSY) starship captain. His ship was taken over, overrun, diverted, and wrested away from him by a bunch of hippies so often it's a miracle he wasn't court-martialed. You'd think he would have learned not to let everyone who beams aboard his ship have access to the auxiliary bridge...and the manual "How To Take Over the Enterprise Without the Lech and the Pointy-Eared Fellow On the Bridge Catching On" (in its fourth printing by the time the third season drew to a close). --A Star Trek Turtle =========== From: TURTLE To: YNGLING Subject: ST & ST:TNG Date & Time: 06/01/90 18:18:17 Message Number 5465 Yes, the Enterprise should have a cloaking device, for what it's worth. Cloaking technology doesn't really seem to be all that far advanced in the 23rd century (like I should talk...we got the Stealth bomber that can be picked up by a ground radar installation twelve miles away...); how often does it really seem to matter that the various nasties are cloaked? "Captain, the Romulan ship has cloaked, but I think I can compensate by patching the sensor system into this Ginsu combination alpha-wave integrator and toaster oven..." Still, it'd probably be helpful against some of the Federation's dumber opponents, like, say, the Ferengi and Ken Ober... --A Turtle =========== From: TURTLE To: RUFUS Subject: Philip K. Dick Date & Time: 06/01/90 18:24:29 Message Number 5466 >That library thing has several books... Yes, but does it have movies, too? I won't go there if it doesn't have movies. And MTV. I want my MTV. BTW: A whole bunch of Philip K. Dick's books are back in the bookstores again, always something that's nice to see...still can't find "A Scanner Darkly," though. =========== From: TURTLE To: C.C.A. Subject: validation Date & Time: 06/01/90 18:28:37 Message Number 5467 >Lucifer is also used in Isaiah, I believe. Not in the King James Version... =========== From: TURTLE To: TREE BEARD Subject: afterlife Date & Time: 06/01/90 18:30:13 Message Number 5468 >...but maybe we can postpone death for a while. I don't think that's an option for people who get hit by trains and die in similarly spectacular ways... ...isn't it /neat/ what your brain can do when it's deprived of stimulation?? --A still-skeptical Turtle =========== From: THE DOCTOR To: TURTLE Subject: godtalk Date & Time: 06/01/90 20:04:11 Message Number 5469 No big thing, and it adds little to this discussion, but there are several organisims more advanced than planaria which are asexual. There are a number of amphibians and reptiles which are totally parthinogenic. Every single member of the species is a female, and the exact genetic copy of each other (the posibility of mutation exists though). This is true of several geckos (lizards) and some newts. I don't know how they feel about violence but they are carnivores even if they don't vote. the for what it's worth dept. (and my PhD is in Anthropology) the mother goddess (Earth mother? Diana?) pre dates the Horned God, and gatherers predate hunter/gatherers. (finder/collecters came before seekers). .. .. .. rwb......carion before beef on the hoof..... =========== From: THE DOCTOR To: SPELLWIND Subject: godtalk Date & Time: 06/01/90 20:16:18 Message Number 5470 I think blacks have a right to be racists too, but whoever engages in those activities shouldn't raise their hackles if they are called what they are....and who was it that said that color was a race?...somewhere in this message train someone said something like that. Blacks can have racist attitudes towards other blacks just as easially as whites can be racist towards other whites, right? .. .. .. rwb....I mean damn, it's a free country..... =========== From: THE DOCTOR To: TURTLE Subject: FemTalk (tm) Date & Time: 06/01/90 20:21:12 Message Number 5471 Everybody has the right to be whatever they want wheather it's biggoted or chauvanistic or whatever. It's the individuals right. No one has the right to act on those feelings if it is going to interfear with someone else however. Being something, and doing something are seperate concepts We have the right to hate each other, we just can't act on it without each others consent (same with love obviously) .. .. .. boundry starts and stops with me =========== From: BLACK MAGIC To: TURTLE Subject: Not God... Date & Time: 06/01/90 20:46:17 Message Number 5472 This is true...this is true! :) -The Lady =========== From: BLACK MAGIC To: RAVEN Subject: God... Date & Time: 06/01/90 20:46:55 Message Number 5473 Thanks, love! What was that all about? -The Lady =========== From: BLACK MAGIC To: JONBOY Subject: Xnty... Date & Time: 06/01/90 20:47:29 Message Number 5474 Tacos are good. =========== From: BLACK MAGIC To: SPE11WIND Subject: Poem Date & Time: 06/01/90 20:48:39 Message Number 5475 Thanks a helluva lot! Ga-ahead, slap me. I love it. =========== From: BLACK MAGIC To: SPE11WIND Subject: God... Date & Time: 06/01/90 20:49:22 Message Number 5476 I know. =========== From: SPE11WIND To: C.C.A. Subject: Courts of Chaos Date & Time: 06/02/90 00:48:52 Message Number 5477 3 1ines. 371-0009 his r00m mate's v0ice # =========== From: SPE11WIND To: BLACK MAGIC Subject: Poem Date & Time: 06/02/90 00:54:15 Message Number 5478 0n1y if y0u s1ap me back. =========== From: BEATLE To: SPE11WIND Subject: Courts of Chaos Date & Time: 06/02/90 01:06:35 Message Number 5479 Alright, everyone, I have to appologize for starting some vicious cycles here. Since Spellwind didn't make a post saying "My keyboard is broken", I assumed that he was doing it on purpose. The numbers really bugged me, and they persisted... I started writing yelling messages to stop it. Bad idea. Sorry everyone. =========== From: BEATLE To: DONTHEN Subject: Courts of Chaos Date & Time: 06/02/90 01:09:00 Message Number 5480 WELL, everyone! GTE got off their lazy butts and got Rocky his line. The new number is 371-7022!! And the multi-lines will be in Monday. Sounds like a good idea to me! =========== From: BEATLE To: TURTLE Subject: Whorf Date & Time: 06/02/90 01:12:25 Message Number 5481 Have you forgotten? Kirk WAS court martialed. The episode was called "Court Martial" as a matter of fact. =========== From: BEATLE To: TURTLE Subject: ST & ST:TNG Date & Time: 06/02/90 01:13:48 Message Number 5482 > dumber opponents, like, say, the Ferengi and Ken Ober... Does this validate his theory that you hate him?? (By the way, I like that sentence!) > -- A Turtle I like that too, but would you de-cloak, or ve shall havf to svoot you down... into a nuclear wessel. =========== From: RUFUS To: TURTLE Subject: Whorf Date & Time: 06/02/90 02:53:29 Message Number 5483 Have you seen the slide show on ST at Necronomicon? It's very funny. One slide shows an enlargment of the plague on the bridge, with instructions on how to take-over the Enterprise. Something like: 1)Get access to the aux. bridge. 2)something I forgot 3)Watch out for the pointy eared one on the bridge, he's tough. =========== From: RUFUS To: TURTLE Subject: Philip K. Dick Date & Time: 06/02/90 02:56:41 Message Number 5484 >still can't find "A Scanner Darkly," though. Wow, Zot, who's in back of me, is holding [placing book in his hand] it in his hot little paws. Actually, the library does have some movies, and the Anime group meets there every month. ...not to mention the magazine "American Atheist," but the librarians keep ranting on about how Satan order them the subscription. =========== From: C.C.A. To: TURTLE Subject: validation Date & Time: 06/02/90 09:17:44 Message Number 5485 Sorry, wrong version. I don't really trust the KJV all that much. =========== From: C.C.A. To: SPE11WIND Subject: Courts of Chaos Date & Time: 06/02/90 09:22:49 Message Number 5486 It wasn't two days ago... =========== From: C.C.A. To: BEATLE Subject: ST & ST:TNG Date & Time: 06/02/90 09:26:26 Message Number 5487 >...or ve shall hevf to svoot you down... into a nuclear wessel. Almost. If you are trying to emulate Chkov the quote would be more like this: or ve shell hev to shoot shoot you down... into a nuclear wessel. Please note some miner(get it?) changes. I hev to go now, A hopefully helpful C.C.A. =========== From: RAVEN To: JONBOY Subject: ect. Date & Time: 06/02/90 10:05:55 Message Number 5488 =========== From: RAVEN To: JONBOY Subject: Doghouse Date & Time: 06/02/90 10:15:55 Message Number 5489 > I eat less, I excercise more and I eat better (nutritious) food and I > still put it on!!! Hmm. Stop eating nutritious food. Junk food is your friend. All the preservatives will help to keep you the same. You will live forever if you get enough junk food. A smoking, junk food junkie Raven Please don't hit me. No not the chair... =========== From: RAVEN To: TURTLE Subject: Not Real Date & Time: 06/02/90 10:27:53 Message Number 5490 > I am NOT anal-retentive. Ok, I apologise. You are no more anal-retentive than Bart is. -R- =========== From: RAVEN To: CORWYN OF AMBER Subject: StarTrekkies Date & Time: 06/02/90 10:33:37 Message Number 5491 From Barbara, who is looking over my shoulder : "That's because there is no trilogy, you twit" An ardent fan of Darkmage Barbara. =========== From: RAVEN To: C.C.A. Subject: religion Date & Time: 06/02/90 10:46:40 Message Number 5492 See my last messages on this thread and reread them. =========== From: RAVEN To: SPE11WIND Subject: cca Date & Time: 06/02/90 10:49:05 Message Number 5493 I think the first letter stands for conservative. =========== From: RAVEN To: BLACK MAGIC Subject: God... Date & Time: 06/02/90 10:56:37 Message Number 5494 Well, there was supposed to be a big face w. an evil grin, but this software eats backslashes. (O ) ) (O ) -R- =========== From: TURTLE To: BEATLE Subject: Worf? Where? Date & Time: 06/02/90 14:51:28 Message Number 5495 >Have you forgotten? Kirk WAS court martialed. Yes, but for the wrong reasons--and he was acquitted. Kirk should by all rights have been court-martialled for gross incompetence and negligence...and for breaking the Prime Directive, several times... and for recklessly endangering his ship and his crew, several times... and for using a Federation Starship for personal ends (Amok Time)... Kirk may have been good at fighting and laying, but as a starship captain he was lousy. =========== From: TURTLE To: BEATLE Subject: ST & ST:TNG Date & Time: 06/02/90 14:55:06 Message Number 5496 --A Turtle . . . . . .:. >I like that too...b.**/*:ld you please de-cloak...or ve shall have to >svoot you down...***%*#**"%*$r wessel... HA! Go ahead, TRY to shoot me down, I /dare/ you! I've just crippled a verb phrase and a prepositional phrase with ONE SHOT. HA! =========== From: TURTLE To: C.C.A. Subject: Advertise here! Date & Time: 06/02/90 14:59:26 Message Number 5497 >I don't really trust the KJV all >that much. That's because it's a Godawful bad translation. I don't think there are /any/ translations of the Bible other than the KJV and its offspring that mention Lucifer, though...that would be totally against the entire Hebrew belief system. The ancient Hebrews believed that to know a thing's name is to have power over that thing (hence God asks Adam to name all his earthly creations, thereby giving Adam power over them); to know the name of God or Satan is to claim to have power over them, which is blasphemy. "Lucifer" is Latin for "light giver," and is the Latin name for the Eastern Star. That particular word is an artifact of the Vulgate Bible and no analog of it can be found in any older document. (Think about it..."Lucifer" is not a Hebrew name by a long shot!) =========== From: TURTLE To: RAVEN Subject: ect. Date & Time: 06/02/90 15:05:42 Message Number 5499 >Pseudo science, the wave of the doomed. Ignorance never goes out of style. It was the fashion yesterday, it's the trend today, and it will set the pace tomorrow. =========== From: JONBOY To: TREE BEARD Subject: skirts III Date & Time: 06/02/90 21:46:09 Message Number 5501 Unfortunately - the world will judge your intelligence (perceived of course) by what they see of you. It's not right but it IS the way of the world.. I see this every day with a young guy we have. He's sharp and has a better than average brain but his spelling is the shits. Therefor people judge him by that... Moral? Work at it a little harder - anyone that reads 3 books a day should have a better idea of the way those books are assembled. JonBoy =========== From: JONBOY To: ANGEL Subject: Vulgarity Date & Time: 06/02/90 21:52:07 Message Number 5502 Now now - don't get your hopes up... =========== From: JONBOY To: SPELLWIND Subject: Richard Nixon Date & Time: 06/02/90 22:00:48 Message Number 5504 You know who I'm surprised no one bashes? LBJ was the crookedest SOB to EVER walk in the White House - next comes Lincoln with his personal civil, and editorial rights violations... =========== From: JONBOY To: RUFUS Subject: abuse Date & Time: 06/02/90 22:08:12 Message Number 5505 I live in Bradenton - I'd prefer (because of my schedule (or lack there of) for you to leave a message on my machine at work - hell for the next day if it comes to that. I'm flexible -- 355-9761 ext 2029 =========== From: JONBOY To: CORWYN OF AMBER Subject: substitutions Date & Time: 06/02/90 22:16:38 Message Number 5506 #1 - I happen to be *extremely* busy at this time. I've rapped with Turtle about how hard it is to keep up when the stuff is flying fast and furious and I can't get on the board for a couple of days. If this is "running" from the issues - sorry for the perception but I have a hell of a lot of programming to do at work (some even at home). #2 - Ok lemme ask you this: What sort of "proof" or "support" are you looking for? What would you accept? * A deep fried JonBoy =========== From: JONBOY To: TURTLE Subject: Small fib Date & Time: 06/02/90 22:23:35 Message Number 5507 Now that's a small fib Turtle - I used to smoke and my drive heads were glued together with some nasty gunky brown shit that actually stuck to the media. * A reformed JonBoy Actually - he has a point - smokers are being browbeaten for what is essentially a right on their part. I was always a considerate smoker in that I was careful WHEN I smoked and made sure that it did not go around anyone that didn't smoke. =========== From: JONBOY To: TURTLE Subject: PARTY!!! Date & Time: 06/02/90 22:28:00 Message Number 5508 Hell - I've got it! We can reserve Turtle Beach - we had a company party there not too long ago and you must admit it is appropos. =========== From: JONBOY To: BEATLE Subject: Movies Date & Time: 06/02/90 22:29:34 Message Number 5509 Count me in!!! Where is this theatre?? =========== From: JONBOY To: DONTHEN Subject: substitutions Date & Time: 06/02/90 22:37:58 Message Number 5510 Isn't that what 'A' for abort is for? =========== From: JONBOY To: TURTLE Subject: Poem Date & Time: 06/02/90 22:40:26 Message Number 5511 I was wondering if you *really* had said that about Olivia - jeez I'm so relieved to hear it was Rush (even tho I find the lead-singer tirsome to listen to for long - kinda reminds me of a group known as White Witch). =========== From: JONBOY To: CORWYN OF AMBER Subject: Orson Scott Car Date & Time: 06/02/90 22:43:37 Message Number 5512 I bought a book the other day - it looked like a sequel to "A Planet Called Treason" (One of my favorites of all time!) - the dirty bastard decided that he was a better writer now and rewrote the damned thing! I'm pissed! An OSC fan (maybe) JonBoy =========== From: JONBOY To: TURTLE Subject: Complete Date & Time: 06/02/90 22:58:02 Message Number 5513 No , think about it... the planet as an abode for your neighbor would require care and concern on your part not to screw it up. The Golden Rule obtains it's power from it's elegant simplicity. JonBoy =========== From: JONBOY To: TURTLE Subject: VAXen as God Date & Time: 06/02/90 23:00:09 Message Number 5514 Nahh what's that Joni Mitchell song "you never know what you got till it's gone...". I *liked* writing realtime and interprocess communica- tions code on the VAX's - we never could get our routines to work across the network with different OS's tho - not enuf time and Ultrix is so freewheeling but stashes everything for later (buffered I/O) and VMS is such a damned nazi when it comes to resources... hell I *miss* school!!!! An Alma-mattered JonBoy =========== From: JONBOY To: ANGEL Subject: validation Date & Time: 06/02/90 23:05:40 Message Number 5515 I was sold on the fact that it used the latest texts and was cross- referenced to keep secular influences OUT. Now I understand that there's an even newer version that is actually modified KJ in language (which is beautiful in it descriptiveness) and has some other claims to fame - I'll have to peek at one just out of curiosity. Amazing that after all these centuries it is still THE premier book. JonBoy =========== From: JONBOY To: RAVEN Subject: religion Date & Time: 06/02/90 23:11:08 Message Number 5516 Actually - It doesn't really matter WHAT you think - you and I are not in a position to determine the sincerity of the persons belief or in fact anything about the person. The traditional Christian viewpoint that even many Christians have trouble understanding is that grace and absolution of sins really is free. I have heard more people grumbel that "such and such" couldn't possibly deserve it and couldn't possibly get it at the last minute like that - wrong! It is a free gift so why begrudge it to someone else? It doesn't affect you so ditto. Matter of fact - the whole process is not dependant on anyone except that individual and Jesus. Kinda like complaining that since your neighbor is a jerk flowers should die in his flowerbed... JonBoy (no that is not non-sequitar) =========== From: JONBOY To: SPE11WIND Subject: Courts of Chaos Date & Time: 06/02/90 23:18:18 Message Number 5517 I *really* hate pompous idiots like yourself... You would be an international phenomenon to have tested that high - besides - which scale? Which test? I must say candidly that I don't believe you! Buckminster Fuller wasn't that high, Leonardo Da Vinci was estimated as the highest IQ of all time at 220. Now - IQ has never been correlated to ANYTHING significant! This is through extensive MENSA and psychological research. I belong to MENSA but would be the last to say that my IQ qualifies me for anything.... grumble mumble-.,./,./ JonBoy =========== From: JONBOY To: DONTHEN Subject: Comnputer Consu Date & Time: 06/02/90 23:23:45 Message Number 5518 >How does one become an independant computer consultant, anyway?... By hanging out your shingle and pronouncing to the world at large: "I know my shit! - Pay me big bucks." The tough part is proving it. JonBoy =========== From: DONTHEN To: JONBOY Subject: Arfritis Date & Time: 06/02/90 23:59:33 Message Number 5519 Grrrrr! Yip! Yip! Woof! Yip! =========== From: DONTHEN To: JONBOY Subject: substitutions Date & Time: 06/03/90 00:02:21 Message Number 5520 Aborting a message only lets you take back something before anyone else has seen it. If you've already put your foot in it and people are jumping on your ass -- either because they don't agree with your point or because you phrased your point in a way that pissed them off, intentionally or not -- it's too late to abort the message; you're either stuck defending the point you made badly (or even defending a point you didn't mean to make at all), apologizing, or trying to find a way to back away from the stance without apologizing, like, "Gosh, how could you all take that so seriously" or "It's so nice to see my trick of getting conversation going again worked." This, of course, can piss people as much as the original message did. =========== From: SNAKEBYTE To: RUFUS Subject: A Poem... Date & Time: 06/03/90 00:46:28 Message Number 5521 The creak of the floor could be heard from a distance away as all the famous authors and critics who had passed away, had come back to life to claim another poet(?) for thier lunch........ =========== From: SNAKEBYTE To: THE DOCTOR Subject: godtalk Date & Time: 06/03/90 00:49:25 Message Number 5522 Okay, I still don't get it? Which was the hunter/gatherer, the chicken or the egg???? =========== From: SNAKEBYTE To: THE DOCTOR Subject: godtalk Date & Time: 06/03/90 00:51:00 Message Number 5523 I prefer the attitude that the 'human' race is the one to be racist about. We all s*ck the big one. This planet would be better off with us around, or would the cockroaches and rats take over????? =========== From: SNAKEBYTE To: THE DOCTOR Subject: FemTalk (tm) Date & Time: 06/03/90 00:53:08 Message Number 5524 Would you agree that if WHAT you are affects WHAT I am, then I should have the right to ACT upon it? If WHAT you are has no bearing on HOW you ACT/INTERACT with society, then WHAT you are is HIDING in a closet (or somewhere). The gays down the road didn't ask if they could make-out in thier front yard while I'm riding my kids past on thier bikes, but WHY can't I act upon it? The guys down the road don't have to explain to my kids what's going on down there...I DO!!! =========== From: SNAKEBYTE To: CHIP P. UNICORN Subject: Griffin dormant Date & Time: 06/03/90 00:58:49 Message Number 5525 You've got friends???? =========== From: SNAKEBYTE To: RUFUS Subject: Griffin dormant Date & Time: 06/03/90 01:00:44 Message Number 5526 At time like this, you should remember to climb a tree, cut the soles off of your shoes and learn how to play the flute. (oops, stole that from Fireside Theatre....sorry) =========== From: SNAKEBYTE To: ACAPULCO Subject: Incidentally, Date & Time: 06/03/90 01:03:29 Message Number 5527 InfoWorld?????? Congrat''s like the Enquirer of computer rags. Nawwwwww, just kiddin'. Really sounds good. Wish ya luck.........sssssssSNAKEBYTE . . =========== From: SNAKEBYTE To: DONTHEN Subject: Incidentally, Date & Time: 06/03/90 01:05:44 Message Number 5528 If you did have AutoCAD experience (and I mean a lot), I could of lined you up with someone in Atlanta that needs someone REAL bad and] they're willing to pay in the 50's. I just hate Atlanta...yuck. =========== From: SNAKEBYTE To: YNGLING Subject: Volvos Date & Time: 06/03/90 01:10:30 Message Number 5529 "knockin' me out with those American thighs...." =========== From: SNAKEBYTE To: BEATLE Subject: Courts of Chaos Date & Time: 06/03/90 01:19:02 Message Number 5531 >seemingly inteligent people...... I guess I can take that as a compliment......Beyond Chaos is a newly birthed board and I'm there to see if it grows or becomes a still-born. It's not hard to have some 'trash' ruin a board REAL fast. (BTW-still up for a B'town Rally?? not REAL soon, but sometime....) =========== From: SNAKEBYTE To: RUFUS Subject: Courts of Chaos Date & Time: 06/03/90 01:22:24 Message Number 5532 Last time I was able to get on to CC was May 26th. I was still using the old number. My speaker's about shot on my modem, so it's hard to tell what I'm getting bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz BUSY =========== From: SNAKEBYTE To: SPE11WIND Subject: Courts of Chaos Date & Time: 06/03/90 01:26:29 Message Number 5533 >tested at 180...... wow, must be hard to write when you're goin' that fast..... =========== From: SNAKEBYTE To: C.C.A. Subject: Courts of Chaos Date & Time: 06/03/90 01:28:01 Message Number 5534 The tests used to determine IQ are gaged to whatever age you are testing It is not likely that an IQ will change much over someone's lifetime. It is a measure of how well you can learn and how well you will retain is not a quantitative measure of knowledge as you may be implying. I know people with high-100's IQs that couldn't get a spark plug out of their car if their life depended on it. "Those of you who think you know everything are really annoying to those of us who do....." =========== From: SNAKEBYTE To: BEATLE Subject: Courts of Chaos Date & Time: 06/03/90 01:32:44 Message Number 5535 1t'5 n1ce t0 5ee 50me0ne adm1t 0pen1y when a m15take ha5 been d0ne... 5555555555nakebyte =========== From: SPE11WIND To: JONBOY Subject: Courts of Chaos Date & Time: 06/03/90 01:49:22 Message Number 5536 MENSA is just a gr0up f0r sn0bbish geniuses. Just because y0u're smar ter, y0u sh0udn't make y0rse1ves seem better. F0r instance, I have a g00d brain, but I'm sh0rt and n0t g00d in any sp0rt. I'm sure y0u have fau1ts, t00. I'm a high sch001 dr0p0ut(th0ugh I started 0ff bad in 8th grade), and I was tested at 180 =========== From: SPE11WIND To: SNAKEBYTE Subject: godtalk Date & Time: 06/03/90 01:55:01 Message Number 5537 I think we (humans) sh0u1d c0exist with a11 creatures. I'm n0t a big fan 0f science and techn010gy (th0ugh I have an Amiga). I w0u1d rather we revert back t0 the way we were bef0re what we are destr0ys us. =========== From: ANGEL To: TURTLE Subject: validation Date & Time: 06/03/90 02:16:12 Message Number 5538 Yes, lots of problems with the KJ translations. But considering the times and the limited amount of time allotted the committee, they did tolerably well. Despite many flaws in accuracy, in my opinion it's still the most beautiful translation available in the English language (that's from a literary standpoint). I have problems reading many of the contemporary translations. I guess I'm old- fashioned, but I don't really want to read that Mary was preggers, I prefer her being 'with child'. What really irks me are the churches that use the paraphrased Bibles as their main texts. All the generations of scholarly research to try to get the most accurate translations ... and some bozos come along and paraphrase it any old way they want just to make 'their' interpretation the ONLY one. And generally these are the same churches that preach the Bible is 100% accurate and infallible and handed down directly from God. Argggh! =========== From: ANGEL To: THE DOCTOR Subject: godtalk Date & Time: 06/03/90 02:33:09 Message Number 5539 > several organisms more advanced than planaria that are asexual I know, I've dated several. =========== From: ANGEL To: THE DOCTOR Subject: godtalk Date & Time: 06/03/90 02:34:26 Message Number 5540 > rwb....I mean damn, it's a free country..... There's something I've meaning to ask you.... What the heck does rwb stand for? =========== From: ANGEL To: JONBOY Subject: Mitchell Date & Time: 06/03/90 02:47:30 Message Number 5541 The Joni Mitchell song is "Big Yellow Taxi". =========== From: ANGEL To: DONTHEN Subject: substitutions Date & Time: 06/03/90 02:56:09 Message Number 5542 I find it interesting that your third choice re:controversial posts is the only one you say will 'piss people as much as the original message." Seems that point one (defending your position) is pointless after three rounds... worse, it's BORING and people get tired of it. Point two, apologizing, would be hypocritical if you truly believed in your original message. This might not piss-off people who like to be kow-towed to, but hypocrisy from a friend I find unacceptable and insulting. Choice three is trying to get past the unpleasantness with good spirits. Would you truly prefer arguements with no resolution to continue escalating? =========== From: TREE BEARD To: TURTLE Subject: afterlife Date & Time: 06/03/90 03:30:53 Message Number 5543 You are correct... not all death is can be postponed. But I was not refering to tramatic deaths. A cardiac arrest is tramatic, but it is not do to unforseable circumstances. Nor does it usually have any thing to do with massive hemoraging. Nearly all deaths are directly related to the heart stopping. The only death I can not think of that is not caused by the heart stopping in some way or another is a severe head trauma. Anyway, our mind can control our involentary muscles such as the heart, the diaphram ect. Studies in biofeedback have shown that our mind can do many things... yes it is > /neat/ what our brain can do. So, if we can control those muscles in a relaxed situation, why couldn't we control them when our bodies are dead, but our brain is still barely functioning. Who knows what our brain is capable of doing. Most people don't even use 75% of their brain, so who is to say what we can a can't do. One thing we can do to postpone death is not to step out in front of an onrushing train! Skeptical but not pessomistic Tree =========== From: TREE BEARD To: JONBOY Subject: skirts III Date & Time: 06/03/90 03:44:21 Message Number 5544 I meant 3 books a week. But that aside, when I read a book, I do not look at the individual letters, or even the individual words for the most part. Rather I look at groups of words, sometimes whole sentences. Even then, I am looking for concepts and Ideas. Syntax is important to be sure. But when one reads quite a bit and writes rarely, one tends to overlook things like spelling. By the way, the only valid IQ tests deal only in symbols... universal symbols. People should not judge other people by how they speak, if the people who are judging do not know the people language who they are judging, then it would not matter how inteligent the person was, the person would sound like a gibbering idiot. Use of Language is not a valid indication of IQ. But I agree that it can help get an Idea across. Spelling Tree =========== From: SPE11WIND To: ANGEL Subject: validation Date & Time: 06/03/90 04:01:44 Message Number 5545 Ekk1esea(sp?) greek. 0r hebrew. 0r s0mething. means assemb1y. referred t0 as church... =========== From: JONBOY To: RAVEN Subject: ect. Date & Time: 06/03/90 08:24:04 Message Number 5549 I agree, some of it *sounds* pretty weird. Like there are several books listed that purport to be "messages" from a "wise, kind, loving etc ad nauseum" race that live "in the future/past/galaxy/alternate universe" that want to show us the way. The "message" is usually received by telepathy which I guess is still more *respectable* than channelling. Lemme see - oh yeah one race is cat people (morphs!!!), another kinda resembles the Mayans but are "much older" - sheesh. Some other strange reading is to be had if you pusue Kabbalism. I got interested in the allegation that when Christ impressed the Rabbis at the age of 12 he was indoctrinated into the Essene sect. Now the Essene sect are known as the Jewish Mystics and Tarot cards, and Kabbalism (orders of like - The Golden Dawn) claim to be related and descended from the Essenes plus teachings that are far older than recorded Hebrew faith. Anyway - you wanna see some strange stuff about treading the universe in the spacecraft of your imagination - it's all there. JonBoy =========== From: JONBOY To: DONTHEN Subject: substitutions Date & Time: 06/03/90 08:44:32 Message Number 5550 This is true - I thought you were referring to those messages that had one kind of vibes at the top and by the bottom had run outta steam and the tone is now flabby. Like "maybe I was a little strident so I'll chill out". Wimp! JonBoy =========== From: JONBOY To: SNAKEBYTE Subject: Incidentally, Date & Time: 06/03/90 08:48:20 Message Number 5551 Not to mention the '50's' barely gets it in Atlanta unless you commute 50 miles. Getting as bad as San Francisco. =========== From: JONBOY To: SPE11WIND Subject: Courts of Chaos Date & Time: 06/03/90 08:51:44 Message Number 5552 Screeeeetttttttccccchhhhhhhhhhh! Slam on the brakes whoa!!!! #1 - While there may well be "snobbish geniuses" in MENSA, that is NOT what it is for. It is simply a social forum for intelligent people along with some research into IQ and the gifted plus some work with young people (like in school). #2 - I seem to recall that I stated my IQ did not qualify me for DIDDLY except MENSA membership. My common sense, wit, panache and general aura of benevolent charisma is what qualifies me as "better". #3 - being short and not good at any sports hardly qualifies as faults. They are simply conditions that shaped your life in ways that reflect *your* perception of yourself and *your* attitude towards coping with life. #4 - Dropping out of High School was a decision on your part that is a direct indicator of a lack of common sense on your part - and frankly puzzles me in a discussion on IQ. The whole intent of my message was simply to state my belief that the figure of "180 IQ" was: A) Some really weird test that gives outrageous numbers to stroke your ego. (let's see... if I use pi as a multiplier does that give it the blessings of the ancient Greeks?) B) You made it up to try and impress/intimidate someone. Bad course of action on a board where most of the denizens really are of a higher mental calibre than J.Q. Public. JonBoy =========== From: JONBOY To: ANGEL Subject: validation Date & Time: 06/03/90 09:07:48 Message Number 5553 I sincerely hope that Turtle gets off his butt and starts the Best of Altered soon or I will have to volunteer. That line about Mary deserves to be in it... I think the whole idea behind the paraphrased Bibles is for people that complain about how hard the language is and how they can't understand it. These are the Pablum Christians that are waiting for someone to spoon-feed them what they should believe. This is how jerks like Bakker get into power and unfortunately tragedies like Jonestown happen. The Bible is one of those books that has to be read in the context of what you are trying to get out of it. You wanna read a story - there are a lot of pretty good ones - some pretty racy. Take , for example, after the flight from Sodom & Gomorrah and Lot's wife was turned into a pillar of salt. I will leave it an an exercise to the interested to read what Lot's daughters decided about dear old dad. Remember that they are a product of the environment of Sodom & Gomorrah JonBoy =========== From: JONBOY To: ANGEL Subject: Mitchell Date & Time: 06/03/90 09:17:21 Message Number 5554 I knew that! Who could ever forget it? Her voice, the tune, the words they all met in celestial harmony!!! Well.... maybe it was just a good song. Heheh... Seriously - I still confuse it with the song by Harry Chapin (now THERE's a guy I miss!!!). There's a new guy from Ireland (Luka Bloom) that plays a mean 12 string (my instrument of choice) that is a pretty good bard - but I do miss Chapin. =========== From: JONBOY To: TREE BEARD Subject: skirts III Date & Time: 06/03/90 09:24:46 Message Number 5555 I beg to differ sir. Why do you think that it apparent to all on this board? Reading is fundamentally an exercise in pattern matching. If the pattern is flawed then the reading process is interrupted while the offending bit of ink gets studied an extra millisecond or so. To do this - the brain calls on higher level functions and thus it is "noticed If what you say is true - you don't notice - then your lower level functions are either in control totally , in which case they should be sent to Siberia to do time for their impudence - or the higher functions are playing golf/looking at pretty girls and should be locked in a closet with an abacus and not let out until they have computed pi to the 90'th decimal place. All recognized IQ tests have MOSTLY symbolism as the vehicle. MENSA even goes to the extent to give you at least 2 supervised tests one of which (in my case ) was British - I guess to measure what effect cultural differences made in the administering of the test. JonBoy =========== From: JONBOY To: BLACK MAGIC Subject: Get together Date & Time: 06/03/90 09:39:58 Message Number 5556 Hey Lady! Why don't you give me a call at work - 355-9761 extension 2029. If I'm not there my digital mail can take a number to call you back on. It's kind of difficult to break the ice sometimes - this board is tuff because of the handles. Anyway - I would just like to do something that interests us both. I'd be just as happy going for a bike ride as anything. Tacos are just a very informal thing that I do on Wednesdays after a hard day at work. The time varies depending on when I decide I've had enuf! I don't know if you like to drink, or even if you are old enough to drink (legally that is - and I personally think that it's stupid). Anyway I like doing most things except dancing - mostly because I never learned (I was always in the band or rapping with them). I like going to any kind of museum or art gallery, I like to walk/hike/camp out, bike ride/sunday drive, I even like to (careful - don't faint!) to go shopping. All I really need to know is when where and what. Oh yeah - Monday night is Buffalo Wings nite! We usually look like jackals at a carcass on the Serengeti when we do wings so it's not for the faint of heart! Jon =========== From: BEATLE To: TURTLE Subject: Worf? Where? Date & Time: 06/03/90 11:31:52 Message Number 5557 > (Amok Time) Ah, but Kirk got off easy there. Right after he hijacked the ship to  Vulcan, they said he could divert. Maybe he would just stretch it a bit and say he waited for the response... Anyway, T'Pau might have had something to say the the Federation if Kirk WAS court martialed. =========== From: BEATLE To: JONBOY Subject: Movies Date & Time: 06/03/90 11:40:59 Message Number 5558 Litchfield Cinemas in on Cortez Road in Bradenton. From US 41, it's out towards the beaches. =========== From: BEATLE To: SNAKEBYTE Subject: Courts of Chaos Date & Time: 06/03/90 11:46:05 Message Number 5559 > still up for a B'town Rally?? Yeah! I actually can't wait. I want to do it RIGHT this time. And get some revenge against people who like to blame others for mistakes made by the whole team...(Siesta Key-ha!!) =========== From: BEATLE To: SNAKEBYTE Subject: Courts of Chaos Date & Time: 06/03/90 11:48:57 Message Number 5560 >5555555555nakebyte PLEASE! Don't do that unless you have a problem with your keyboard! It's /really annoying/... =========== From: TREE BEARD To: JONBOY Subject: skirts III Date & Time: 06/03/90 12:33:00 Message Number 5562 Pattern matching, hmmmm. Correct, i'm sure you are right. But the fact is, I am an artist. If I were to look at each individual brush stroke every time I looked at one of my paintings, I would never get finished. This is not to say that It does not take a long time to do a piece of art, because it does. Now as to how this relates to what you were speaking of, the fact is that most artist start with broad, bold strokes. They try not to limit themselves until the very end of the picture. Now, that is not to say that our higher brains are out to lunch, but it does mean that both conscience, and un- conscience parts of the brain are working in tandem. Many people deny their sub (not un)conscience completely. And many criminals, habitual drug users ect. deny there conscience or upper brain level functions. Now, when I read a book, I let both my conscience and subconscience absorb the words. (and or patterns which are actually SYMBOLS) Now think of your brain as a spellchecker on Word Perfect. Suppose you were typing along at a furiouse pase. Now this typing is actually the relating of a thought. Spellchecker is trying to keep up with you. It could not possibly, as you said the brain slows down and tries to call on a higher brain function. But the higher brain says "Wait Im trying to think about my own thought here (the sentence), leave me alone, well do lunch or something), so the brain merrily passes over the misspelling and continues to type out the Idea. Ahhh, now we get to a period, the brain says hold on, I have time for a Ham and Cheese sandwich, maybe I'll check my spelling! Nahh, my Ideas are to important, I have to get them out of my head before they fragment! Now this, I believe is why I have trouble spelling, and why it does not bother me if someone else is a poor speller! Perhaps you did hit on something when you mentioned a culteral difference. Spelling and use of word could be directly related to ones culture. Not a new thought! Tree =========== From: DONTHEN To: SNAKEBYTE Subject: Incidentally, Date & Time: 06/03/90 13:33:30 Message Number 5563 Ah well, I *don't* have a lot of AutoCAD experience. I'm a fast learner but Performance Computers wasn't willing to train (even odder when you consider all they really wanted me to know how to do was install the program in the field). =========== From: DONTHEN To: SPE11WIND Subject: godtalk Date & Time: 06/03/90 13:35:49 Message Number 5564 Co-existing with all creatures and co-existing with science and technology are not mutually exclusive options. "What we are" cannot destroy us any more than a dolphin's dolphin-ness can destroy the race of dolphins, and reverting back to pre-technological days (assuming this is what you're implying) will not help things. After all, we weren't aware of how badly things were going for the planet until we had enough scientific knowledge to learn the damage we were doing to the biosphere, and until fairly recently, we didn't have the technology to reverse it. If the planet had the same population level it does now -- or even the same population level it had in, say, the '50s -- and we had the same *knowledge* level that we had before the industrial revolution -- well, we probably wouldn't have made it to the '90s to begin with. What can destroy us is "what we do." =========== From: DONTHEN To: ANGEL Subject: substitutions Date & Time: 06/03/90 13:42:56 Message Number 5565 I've seen debates (not necessarily on this BBS) where people end up saying things they don't really agree with because they start feeling defensive; this usually happens because they jumped into an discussion in a way that immediately turned it into an argument. Sometimes apologizing for what has been said is the most logical option, but it's one that almost nobody ever takes. Also, as I (think I) said, the apology may well be for the way the point was made, not for the point itself; a lot of people would rather duck the issue with a "gosh, I was just kidding" type line than say, "I guess I said that a little too strongly, and I'm sorry about that." =========== From: DONTHEN To: JONBOY Subject: substitutions Date & Time: 06/03/90 13:51:53 Message Number 5566 > ...Like "maybe I was a little strident so I'll chill out". I've seen some of those; I think it's generally better to erase the entire message and start over if you get to that point, assuming you think the point is worth saving. It is very easy to be over-strident in debates, especially, it seems, in BBS debates. This might be because you can't gauge how others involved are reacting to what you say while you're saying it, and it's very easy to post long stretches of purple prose passionately defending your point when nobody can stop you in process to say, "you're going overboard here." Despite the fact that you have a lot longer to compose responses, it is paradoxically a lot easier to put one's paw in one's mouth on a BBS, too -- and, it seems, a lot harder to remove it., =========== From: TURTLE To: JONBOY Subject: Richard Nixon Date & Time: 06/03/90 14:09:16 Message Number 5567 >LBJ was the crookedest SOB to EVER walk into the White House... And let us not forget Ronnie Raygun--while he wasn't terribly corrupt himself, he turned such a blind eye to the goings-on in his government that we ended up with blatant, rampant corruption in every level of the bureaucracy. It's hard to say which is more distressing--the fact that the corruption existed on such an enormous scale or the fact that everyone was so relaxed about enforcing minimal standards that nobody even bothered trying to hide it. =========== From: TURTLE To: JONBOY Subject: Small fib Date & Time: 06/03/90 14:16:02 Message Number 5568 >...smokers are being browbeaten for what is essentially a right on >their part. I could, of course, point out that one could argue smokers don't have a /right/ to smoke any more than heroin junkies have a /right/ to shoot up; smoking is simply a more tolerated form of self-abuse (but one that can be regulated just as easily as any other form of recreational drug use). But, since I really don't want to open that particular can of flames, I won't. --A tactful Turtle =========== From: TURTLE To: JONBOY Subject: PARTY!!! Date & Time: 06/03/90 14:19:26 Message Number 5569 >We can reserve Turtle Beach... The problem with Turtle Beach is the abundance of sand coupled with the lack of video equipment. While it's somehow appropriate, I'm not sure how successful a beach Furry Party would be... =========== From: TURTLE To: SNAKEBYTE Subject: godtalk Date & Time: 06/03/90 14:38:10 Message Number 5570 >This planet would be better off with[out] us around, or would the >cockroaches and rats take over????? Humanity won't last forever; eventually the world will in fact be free of us, and will probably get along quite nicely. We may take a good deal of the indigent life on this planet when we go, but that's no biggie; mass extinction is nothing new (no land animal with a body mass of over about 13 kg or so survived the dinosaurs...) We may also physically destroy the planet itself, but that's unlikely, and in any event is a risk any planet runs anyway...we may work out our differences and get splattered into eternity by a rogue asteroid (just like in the video game). No big deal; just wait around long enough and you'll get your wish. --A fatalistic Turtle Wait around long enough after that and you'll get to see the heat death of the entire universe... =========== From: TURTLE To: SNAKEBYTE Subject: FemTalk (tm) Date & Time: 06/03/90 14:42:36 Message Number 5571 >The guys down the road don't have to explain to my kids what's going >on down there...I DO!!! So what's your point? Are you trying to put that forward as a reason to limit their (the guys down the street) activities? Sooner or later your kids will be exposed to that sort of behavior no matter what you do, and I for one have never bought the "We must protect our children!" argument. Is your argument really "I want to protect my childern," or is it "I'm uncomfortable with this idea and would rather be able to ignore it than to be forced to answer questions about it"? =========== From: TURTLE To: SNAKEBYTE Subject: IQ & Courts... Date & Time: 06/03/90 14:46:47 Message Number 5572 >It is not likely that an IQ will change much over someone's lifetime. That's not true; while that's the way the theory goes, it seems that the younger the testee the more likely he is to get a higher score. My IQ was tested at around 150 when I was in 1st grade and at 132 in junior high...figure at that rate it should be about 76 now (applying statistical formulae upon those two points, of course). I am inherently distrustful of IQ tests in general and all the claims people make about their stability and relevance to anything in particular. --A Turtle who's slippin' fast... =========== From: TURTLE To: SPE11WIND Subject: godtalk Date & Time: 06/03/90 14:51:40 Message Number 5573 >I w0uld rather we revert back t0 the way we were bef0re what we are >destr0ys us. can't feed 4 billion people without technology, dude. You wanna see death and destruction on a wide scale, try going back to "the way we were"... =========== From: TURTLE To: TREE BEARD Subject: afterlife Date & Time: 06/03/90 14:57:07 Message Number 5574 >We can control the muscles of the heart... Not if the heart has stopped functioning because its blood supply has been cut off, which is the root cause of most heart attacks to begin with. Once the muscle starts dying, you can't expect it to respond to commands from your brain very well any more. >Most people don't use 75% of their brains... I /HATE/ that!!! I see it everywhere, and I HATE when people say that! It sounds neat, but it just plain isn't true. That statistic came from early research involving training rats to run through a maze, then removing chunks of their cerebrum and seeing if they could still do it-- the point being to try to localize the center of memory. Well, it turns out that there is no center of can remove tissue from about three-quarters of the cerebrum (as long as you don't hit anything immediately involved with sustaining life) and the rat will still remember the path through the maze. It'll limp or stagger or show some other defecit, but it can still get through the maze. In humans, the visual association cortex, audio association cortex, and motor areas together account for more than half of the processing power of the cerebrum, so it's obviously and /provably/ untrue that "people only use a quarter of their brains." Even very localized damage anywhere will cause /some/ sort of functional impairment in people. --A neurological turtle =========== From: TURTLE To: WYVERNERS Subject: -*- Date & Time: 06/03/90 15:28:06 Message Number 5575 "Hm, um, huh? Hey! Where7d Chip go?" the reptile says as Angel's song fades away into the void of eternal nothingness. "Um, where'd the glowing chick go, too?" The turtle looks around him with the air of someone who's trying to remember what he had for breakfast exactly twenty-two years and three days ago and is being hampered by a large and rabid dog trying patiently to gnaw his left foot off. "Um, where'd Wezip go, for that matter? I think I should sit down." Turtle seats himself at the bar and treats the establishment's occupants at large to one of his favorite puzzled expressions. "You know," he observes with his trademarked incicisive insight into the world at large, "this is turning into an odd day." =========== From: SPE11WIND To: BEATLE Subject: joke Date & Time: 06/03/90 15:43:00 Message Number 5576 Why did Richard Nix0n watch Deep Thr0at 5 times? Because he wanted t0 get it d0wn (P)pat. =========== From: SPE11WIND To: DONTHEN Subject: godtalk Date & Time: 06/03/90 15:45:42 Message Number 5577 I'11 rephrase it. What we d0 because 0f what we are... Y0u'11 see, s0mething big'11 happen and then we'11 get smart. =========== From: SPE11WIND To: TURTLE Subject: godtalk Date & Time: 06/03/90 15:51:16 Message Number 5578 My ideas are st0p making cures! 0verp0pu1ati0n is due t0 a11 the cures t0 m0st every disease! Pe0p1e 90 years 01d sh0u1dn't be put 0n a 1ife supp0rt machine, they're n0t enj0ying it! Think. If s0me 0f the cures weren't ar0und the p0pu1ati0n w0u1d be a bit m0re stabi1ized and the cyc1e 0f 1ife w0u1dn't be s0 dragged 0ut! =========== From: C.C.A. To: SNAKEBYTE Subject: Courts of Chaos Date & Time: 06/03/90 17:45:37 Message Number 5579 I was about to post a message to that end. Thank you for saving me tim e =========== From: TURTLE To: ALL Subject: -?- Date & Time: 06/03/90 19:51:45 Message Number 5580 This is a test message. Yep, that's right, we had system trouble again today...during routine maintenance, a message appeared that couldn't be deleted, and, well, have you ever seen those neat things that are made of two panes of glass with water and sand between, that make all the swirly designs when you flip 'em over? Have you ever seen what happens when you DROP one of them? That's kinda like what the message base looked like. So, Yours Truly had to spend a good deal of time cleaning sand out of the message base, and while he was at it wrote a program to kinda collect some of the mess semi-automatically. Sorta. Anyway, this message might explode when I try to save it, so I'm delaying things as long as I can, but, well, here goes... =========== From: KEN OBER To: TURTLE Subject: IQ & Courts... Date & Time: 06/03/90 20:26:49 Message Number 5583 The tests are screwed up -- I think the younger you are, the more accurate the test is -- When you get older, IQ tests become a combination of academic & learning potential tests -- One moment they are asking you "What's Missing In This Picture?" and then the next "Who was the vice-president of the 14th President of the United States?" Whereas if you are younger, you aren't expected to know the 2nd question, so they give you a certain amount of information to learn from or utilities to use, and you have to figure things out. BTW -- My IQ was tested at either 134 or 136 when I was in 5th grade, I forget which one -- I'd like to take one again and see how much it has "changed." =========== From: ANGEL To: SPE11WIND Subject: validation Date & Time: 06/03/90 21:37:26 Message Number 5584 > Ekk1esea(sp?) greek. 0r hebrew. 0r s0mething. means assemb1y... Thanks for the info, but what are you talking about? =========== From: ANGEL To: BEATLE Subject: Worf? Where? Date & Time: 06/03/90 21:44:49 Message Number 5585 Speaking of AMOK TIME, I always wondered who had the unenviable task of telling T'Pau she had been suckered by a lowly, illogical human. =========== From: ANGEL To: TREE BEARD Subject: grammar again Date & Time: 06/03/90 21:50:03 Message Number 5586 As long as we seem to be trouncing the spelling/grammar debate again, thought I'd share a section from writer's guidelines from Asimov's SF Magazine: "Another common cause (all too common, we're afraid) of rejection is the obvious lack of basic English compositional skills on the part of the author. By this we mean that the writer has misspelled or misused everyday words, and/or mispunctuated same. Stories are rejected on this basis because a writer _must_ be familiar with the tools of his or her trade, just as an electrician or carpenter must." Or, as in your example, an artist must know his tools. You say your "Ideas are to important..." in that case, I would think you would want to make sure they were communicated so that everyone could understand them. =========== From: ANGEL To: SPE11WIND Subject: godtalk Date & Time: 06/03/90 22:04:05 Message Number 5587 No, thank you. I rather like the advent of modern medicine. I don't long for the good-ole-days of the black death, and routinely quarantining entire towns for bubonic plague, or burning the homes of small pox victims, or the annual yellow fever epidemics, etc. I still remember two summers as a child when no one was allowed to go swimming anywhere because of the fear of polio. The combination of black wreaths and yellow quarantine placards on front doors is a nostalgic treat I would wish to avoid. =========== From: ANGEL To: DONTHEN Subject: ??????? Date & Time: 06/03/90 22:26:55 Message Number 5590 Donthen, what's your problem? =========== From: ANGEL To: DONTHEN Subject: ??????? Date & Time: 06/03/90 22:30:21 Message Number 5591 Considering the way you are interpreting my messages of late, allow me to clarify my last post. It is NOT insulting, derisive, meant to offend or any other nasty connotations anyone may wish to read into it It is simply a question by which I am seeking information. Namely, what is your problem [i.e., in regards to me]. Frankly, I am baffled. Is there animosity between us that I should be aware of? You seem to be indirectly requiring an apology from me. For what? What have I done to you that I am supposed to apologize for? How have I hurt you? Please tell me. I, at least, will tell a person when I am offended, and why, and then leave it at that. I try not to leave a friend guessing, or have a third party try to extricate an apology for me for the unspecified offense. If this is a board where a person cannot express unpopular opinions, why bother to communicate at all? And, honest to God, I don't know what you are upset about (I know which message you are upset about, but what the heck was in there to trigger anger? None was felt here when I wrote it. And don't tell me that that is cop-out. It's the truth. And, Donthen, the message wasn't even addressed to you. The person it was sent to, has not publicly required an apology or even in the text of his messages, seemed at all upset; it is YOU who says he is upset, yet YOU are the only one expressing that emotion.) In the original message, I expressed respect for Turtle and his intelligence. I think he's more than capable of fighting his own battles.... do you think he is not? Whatever problem you have with me, address it TO me, not to someone else. Why do you think I'm lieing in my posts (I read 'cop-out' as a pretty euphemism for 'lie')? Is there really any point in discussing anything with you in regards to this subject if I am not to be believed? How long do we continue in this stalemate with YOU convinced you're RIGHT (capitals) and I'm wrong? This is your territory, if you wish me to disappear, tell me. (...contin =========== From: ANGEL To: DONTHEN Subject: ??????? Date & Time: 06/03/90 23:12:21 Message Number 5592 But don't talk around me. I'm not used to being dealt with in so round-about a fashion. And you have always struck me as a direct individual. This is getting quite long, but I'm trying to be up-front with you. And, to be honest, you're starting to piss me off. What the heck is going on? Please, tell me. =========== From: DONTHEN To: ANGEL Subject: ??????? Date & Time: 06/03/90 23:18:33 Message Number 5593 I don't think I deserved that flame.... did it occur to you that the reason those messages were "round-about," not directed at you and pretty general in nature was because THEY WERE INTENDED TO BE? Yes, I was mildly annoyed at the posts both you and Jonboy made after setting off your respective flamechains (his about Christianity, yours about conservative-bashing) that were essentially "Gosh, I was just amazed at the reaction I got, let's sweep it under the electronic rug and go on." And yes, I still believe you took Turtle's post far too seriously and shouldn't have been nearly as surprised as you were when people told you that, considering you wrote a very vehement spew about it that would have been very difficult for anyone on this board NOT to take seriously. However, I was writing about general debating tactics because, well, that's the subject that came up. The statements could have as easily been applied to Jonboy's "It's so swell how I got things going again" message. They also could be extremely easily applied to cartoonists Dan Flahive and Chris Grant, whom I frequently get flamed by on the Rowrbrazzle BBS -- in fact, some of it (the part about continuing to defend a point, becoming more and more volatile, even when other people are only attacking the way the point was stated) was written with them in mind more than anyone on this board at all. I apologize if you thought my message to Jonboy was a veiled attack against you, but that reaction is somewhat mystifying to me. You already knew I thought you were guilty of weedy debating tactics, but that's hardly a devastating complaint. As I said, my message sounded general because it WAS general. I'm sorry it offended you; it should have, at most, expressed a distaste for a method of "debating" I see too often on BBS's. =========== From: SPE11WIND To: ANGEL Subject: godtalk Date & Time: 06/03/90 23:55:00 Message Number 5594 If y0u trace s0me diseases back, they were started by us, in 0ur quest t0 better 0urse1ves, we f0rg0t what rea11y c0unted...sigh I wish I had a p0ny... =========== From: BEATLE To: ANGEL Subject: Worf? Where? Date & Time: 06/04/90 05:04:46 Message Number 5595 >...telling T'Pau she had been suckered by a lowly, illogical human. Well, evidently they didn't have any problems with Kirk, since they performed the ancient ceremony of transfering the katra into a person (Star Trek III) =========== From: BEATLE To: A LL Subject: animation Date & Time: 06/04/90 05:10:32 Message Number 5596 First of all, I was told by Ken Ober that a bunch of people will be heading up to Tampa on the 16th to see "Akira"(sp?) and I was sort of invited to tag along. Anyways, if I'm going, I need to know if the date above is correct, what time everyone will be meeting at the car pool location, when we'll all be back, and (most important) how much it will cost... Another animation thing I heard about was that the new film "Rescuers Down Under" (out this summer) weill be the first ever animated motion picture fully computer-colored. I assume since cartoons are a different matter than live action, the result will look MUCH more impressive than a colorized movie... they also use more colors. =========== From: KEN OBER To: ANGEL Subject: ??????? Date & Time: 06/04/90 13:29:49 Message Number 5597 Donthen has been a Dip for a ew days now -- Nooke knows why! :) =========== From: KEN OBER To: KEN OBER Subject: ??????? Date & Time: 06/04/90 13:33:31 Message Number 5598 Gee, Ken, my typing is getting bad as of late! Duh! EEEwwww.... =========== From: RUFUS To: TURTLE Subject: PARTY!!! Date & Time: 06/04/90 17:22:20 Message Number 5600 If we could find some extension cords, an electrical outlet, and find a way to keep all the bugs away, and cool the beach down, it would be fine. =========== .