From: TURTLE To: THRUD Subject: Laws of... Date & Time: 08/13/90 00:33:15 Message Number 7601 A conservative is a liberal who got mugged yesterday. No, I'd really rather not have voted for Mr. Dukaka, The Most Boring Man on Earth. On the other hand, your side has Jesse Helms, the man with the direct line to God, the purveyor of common decency everywhere, the man whose role models are Archie Bunker and Idi Amin, the man who only just recently was caught secretly funding white supremecist organizations in his home state... I think I'd rather have Mike. =========== From: TURTLE To: THRUD Subject: ZIP/ARC Date & Time: 08/13/90 00:37:07 Message Number 7602 >Of course, a determined hacker will get by casual users like us >anyway... Ahem. I wish people would stop confusing hackers with vandals. =========== From: TURTLE To: BEATLE Subject: Beatlemania Date & Time: 08/13/90 00:38:26 Message Number 7603 I have some Pink Floyd, including both the album and movie "The Wall." (If you've never seen the movie, I highly recommend it. And Brazil, which I happen to have on the same tape.) Didn't know there was a group called Futz. That's pretty funny. The word "futz" as in "futz with it" is Beetle hacker terminology; "Yep, soon as I ream this Type I out to 2.2 and put the Webber on it, she'll do a quarter mile in thirteen seconds. 'Course I'll have to futz with the timing a little..." =========== From: TURTLE To: YNGLING Subject: Nuke Kids Date & Time: 08/13/90 00:41:48 Message Number 7604 How do I /really/ feel about the New Kids? I don't know; never given it much thought. On the whole, I think I'd rather spend six hours listening to Jesse Helms explain how Martin Luthor King, Jr. was a Communist whilst being stapled to the floor than spend five minutes listening to the New Kids spewing the inane to a viciously, mercilessly repetitive computerized beat. The fall TV schedule /is/ going to suck wombat droppings. =========== From: TURTLE To: -:- Subject: Hey! Date & Time: 08/13/90 00:50:09 Message Number 7606 "Hey, Rufus, you don't look so good. Are you--" As Rufus kissed the ground, Turtle gazed at him in perplexity. "Um-OW!" he said eloquently as a sudden sharp pain hit him between the eyes. "Uh, Rufus, wake up! Rufus, dude, we got problems. Um--there's someone here who's psionic, and, um, I think you should wake up now." He shakes the prone insurance salesman by one shoulder. "Rufus, there's...who are you?" The reptile looks at Zot Gnop with suspicion. "This day is definitely going down- hill." He straightens and surveys the bar with the look of a man who's just realized that he's wandered into the middle of a cage full of pit bulls and is beginning to feel distinctly like a rabbit. "This is definitely going to be a bad day." =========== From: KEN OBER To: RUFUS Subject: Three's Bimbos Date & Time: 08/13/90 03:15:24 Message Number 7607 Actually, nope ... It is really on a People Magazine commercial ... I had just seen it about 0.11019191 seconds berfore posting that mesage... =========== From: KEN OBER To: YNGLING Subject: Beatlemania Date & Time: 08/13/90 03:23:55 Message Number 7608 > I will be happy to make copied of my extensive Pink Floyd collection. Ack! Remember This line is being tapped ... You don't want the FBI at your door taking away your computer, stereo, and Pink Floyd collection just 'cause you copied tapes, do 'ya!? =========== From: KEN OBER To: YNGLING Subject: Mythagoras Date & Time: 08/13/90 03:25:32 Message Number 7609 Hmmm ... MI - THAG - O - ROUS (!?) =========== From: KEN OBER To: BEATLE Subject: Nuke Kids Date & Time: 08/13/90 03:27:19 Message Number 7610 Hey! Hey! HEY!!!!! Watch that Turtle Bashing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But atleast there's Dave to save us all! =========== From: RUFUS To: YNGLING Subject: Nuke Kids Date & Time: 08/13/90 11:02:09 Message Number 7611 And in other Nuke Kids news, they have produced about six comic books featuring our favorite group. Of course there is an additional one that actually (gasp) pokes fun at the Nuke Kids. if Henry orders 60 copies of these, I'm gonna be real angry. =========== From: RUFUS To: YNGLING Subject: Mythagoras Date & Time: 08/13/90 11:04:54 Message Number 7612 Myth-a-Gore-ass! =========== From: RUFUS To: KEN OBER Subject: Three's Bimbos Date & Time: 08/13/90 11:08:53 Message Number 7613 Well, I was in a gas station in the middle of no where and I saw that cover. Eee gads... =========== From: BLACK MAGIC To: JONBOY Subject: Ziggy Date & Time: 08/13/90 12:16:40 Message Number 7616 :) No, she isn't...and you made her smile again. Lady =========== From: BLACK MAGIC To: JONBOY Subject: Lacey Date & Time: 08/13/90 12:17:26 Message Number 7617 Lace panties... Of course! Lacey =========== From: BLACK MAGIC To: KEN OBER Subject: VH-1 Date & Time: 08/13/90 12:18:37 Message Number 7618 :) Hah! I can walk through the sun in 45...or so I'd like to think! Ah, to burn. The Lady =========== From: BLACK MAGIC To: AJ-- Subject: Rights? Date & Time: 08/13/90 12:35:40 Message Number 7619 Air cleared....:) The Lady =========== From: BLACK MAGIC To: RUFUS Subject: VH-1 Date & Time: 08/13/90 12:37:14 Message Number 7620 Ha-ha-ha-ha-HA! Of course I don't have a dirty mind...I'm too much a lady for that. :> The Lady =========== From: BLACK MAGIC To: RUFUS Subject: VH-1 Date & Time: 08/13/90 12:38:14 Message Number 7621 Yes I have...and I'm going back today as a matter of fact! QED! Lacey =========== From: BLACK MAGIC To: RUFUS Subject: Ziggy Date & Time: 08/13/90 12:39:11 Message Number 7622 How did you read my e-mail? And, yes you'd better run....for I'm going to kick your ASS! ;> The Lady =========== From: BLACK MAGIC To: YNGLING Subject: Beatlemania Date & Time: 08/13/90 12:44:32 Message Number 7623 GeesH! I'm home now, so where the hell are you? ;) The Lady =========== From: YNGLING To: BLACK MAGIC Subject: Lacey Date & Time: 08/13/90 14:45:45 Message Number 7625 >Lace panties...of course! I think I need a respirator! Quick! Someone call 911 (or William Shatner) for me. The Yngling =========== From: BIG LEW To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: OPINIONS Date & Time: 08/13/90 14:55:52 Message Number 7626 OF COURSE, I have my own opinions - on EVERYTHING! No one else's opinion REALLY matters, now does it? It's just great for conversation. Without opinions, we couldn't have conversations and without conversations, we couldn't have relationships and without relationships, we couldn' I'll stop there..........I'm sure the faggots can carry on....... =========== From: BIG LEW To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: Truth Date & Time: 08/13/90 15:01:37 Message Number 7627 Do you have faith in anything that hasn't been verbally, personally addressed to you? I understand that it is hard for some people to accept that the Bible is the Word of God. It goes back to what you want to believe and Christians (for whatever reasons) want to believe that the Bible and everything written is from God himself and that they should obey what He has written. Have you ever read the Bible and what part or is all of it bullshit to you? As a Christian, I should try to convert you, but I'm afraid I would be up against more than I could, if Turtle is a Christian, I know he could "save" you. I agree, Turtle has an envious quality for expressing himself. =========== From: BIG LEW To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: Gays Date & Time: 08/13/90 15:33:44 Message Number 7628 I have a question for you? What if you found out that someone you really, really loved and cared for was a homosexual? Would you retract anything you have said and would your feelings remain the same? I have the same opinions as you have expressed (they are my very own opinions though) and have agreed with you on almost everything, except the Bible. This weekend I found out that my "little" sister has had an ongoing affair with another woman for a long time. This broke my heart and I am very confused. I still maintain that it is a "sickness", but that is hard to admit when it is about someone I love so much. I don't think there is a "cure" though; it is just like alcoholism, unless she admits that she has a problem, who can help her? Certainly, not me as I'm as "normal" and old-fashioned as they come. BTW, my sister is a VERY intelligent and beautiful woman. I really can't go on with this right now as it hurts to even think about it. But, I was curious as to if you were in this position, how would you feel? Thanks to our wonderful sysop for allowing handles on this board;other- wise I could not have written this.......... =========== From: BIG LEW To: SUNTAN Subject: arc Date & Time: 08/13/90 15:45:25 Message Number 7629 ARC,PAK,ZIP - all files that have been condensed. You need to unarc the arc files just like you unzip the zip files. I will check and see where I d/l-ed the unarc file and get back to you. a NoviceII =========== From: JONBOY To: TURTLE Subject: Judgement Date & Time: 08/13/90 17:32:09 Message Number 7630 My favorite is calling their bluffs. I got off one night and a cop trie to pin me for an improper turn because my taillight was out. Before it was all over he was saying he could take me jail for said offense. That' where I said "Ok M****RF**KER - Let's go!" and held out my hands for the cuffs. It was in fact a memorable court appearance a couple of weeks later... A (mostly) Law-Deriding JonBoy =========== From: JONBOY To: SNAKEBYTE Subject: Moral/Popular Date & Time: 08/13/90 17:40:21 Message Number 7631 Funny how one day you're a "normal" bloodthirsty little brat and then * poof * ya got morals. I used to do all sorts of really horrible thing to the local toads and frogs and such. Then one day it was just no fun then actually repulsive. Persoanlly I'm glad. =========== From: JONBOY To: AJ-- Subject: Association Date & Time: 08/13/90 17:42:57 Message Number 7632 AJ>... S & M ... are all perverted sexualual acts.... Huh! where do you draw the line? I have been known to indulge in "mild" bondage and think that it's quite fun with a partner of like mind. I really can't even see a lot wrong with people that feel the need for a "stronger" discipline/submission arrangement. It would become quite another story if it were forced on someone tho... A fit-to-be-tied JonBoy =========== From: JONBOY To: RUFUS Subject: VH-1 Date & Time: 08/13/90 17:49:24 Message Number 7633 Actually your body depends on at least 15 minutes of exposure a day to create the vitamin D that you need (unless you want to get it from milk - in which case - avoiding the sun will give you like coloration). Girls like to look brown and "beachy" fits their nature . I'd be the last to say that the wood nymph look is out... =========== From: JONBOY To: RUFUS Subject: dog Date & Time: 08/13/90 17:53:51 Message Number 7635 Nah, *that's* cruel. Better yet get a couple of water bottles and tighten the plastic tie wraps /just/ enough to lock a plastic hose to the water bottles which could be draped across its' back like saddle- bags. =========== From: JONBOY To: BLACK MAGIC Subject: Ziggy Date & Time: 08/13/90 18:07:00 Message Number 7636 C'mon - what is this? *Twice* now? (caught Rufus yet?) =========== From: JONBOY To: BLACK MAGIC Subject: Lacey Date & Time: 08/13/90 18:07:51 Message Number 7637 Ooh! OOhhh! This is getting too much - the MindPolice will be here any minute! Next question (glare when this gets too personal) How did lace panties figure in a nickname? =========== From: JONBOY To: BIG LEW Subject: Gays Date & Time: 08/13/90 18:12:08 Message Number 7638 BL>I found out that my "little" sister has had an ongoing affair with BL>another woman .. This broke my heart and I am very confused. Why? She needs your support. You have to learn to accept people with their warts intact. My folks were dazed and confused when my next to youngest sister went to "live in sin" with a man that is as old as our dad! Since my sister and I have always been very close my mother wanted me to "talk" to her. I asked my mom: Does he beat her, does she love him? Does he love her? Are they happy? She replied "Iguess so to all of them" so I said - "then leave them the hell alone! There is enough misery in a person's life without those you love the most adding to the problems!". I would say the same to you, my friend. She is still the same person, merely a different facet of her has been revealed. She can not change what she is. The very best she could do would be to hide it or fake it. Both of which would take a tremendous toll on her personally and condemn her to the personal hell of hypocrasy. She needs your love and acceptance. Be a *real* brother and not just a biological sibling. JonBoy =========== From: SUNTAN To: THRUD Subject: dumb questions Date & Time: 08/13/90 19:09:44 Message Number 7639 First off, thanks for your help. What I have downloaded so far if PKZ 110.EXE, and 102.EXE. When I ran them on a floppy they exploded differ- ent files and filled the disk befere they got to the PKUNZIP portion. I`m reluctant to put them on my hard disc (which would take an hour of reading to figure out how), which is full of stuff I'll eventually have taken off and put on floppies. I guess what I`ll try is erasing every- thing on the disc except PKZ110.EXE and running like your suggest. I`ll let you know if it works. While scanning files I don`t remember seeing a PKUNZIP but if I do, I`ll try it. Will it work by itself? Thanks again, I`ll keep you posted. (gawd i feewl dum) =========== From: SUNTAN To: TURTLE Subject: ZIP/ARC Date & Time: 08/13/90 19:34:26 Message Number 7640 I might try that. I`m leery of what I put on the hard disc but I am going to have someone (maybe me) transfer all but dos to floppies any way. Just think, someday after I get this figured out I'll be asking you about strings and batch files!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! =========== From: SUNTAN To: TURTLE Subject: tx Date & Time: 08/13/90 19:38:43 Message Number 7641 I almost forgot,------ thanks. =========== From: SUNTAN To: BIG LEW Subject: dumb questions Date & Time: 08/13/90 19:41:09 Message Number 7642 THANKS!!!!!!!!!!!!--------- NOVICEIII------who is novice I? =========== From: BEATLE To: TURTLE Subject: Beatlemania Date & Time: 08/13/90 21:06:17 Message Number 7643 > "The Wall"..."Brazil" Okay, I'll tell ya, I saw part of "Brazil" on television, and I was confused. Of course, the late show isn't the best place to watch a movie and concentrate. I watched up to the part with Bob Hoskins and went to bed... On the other topic, what do you find in the film version of "The Wall" to warrant an R rating? =========== From: ZOT GNOP To: TURTLE Subject: Nuke Kids Date & Time: 08/13/90 23:12:28 Message Number 7644 HALLELUJA AND PASS THE AMMUNITION, BROTHER! =========== From: ZOT GNOP To: BLACK MAGIC Subject: Lacey Date & Time: 08/13/90 23:25:08 Message Number 7645 Drool drool mumble mumble....Please stop....I've a weak heart and a strong imagination. :) =========== From: ANGEL To: TURTLE Subject: Futz Date & Time: 08/14/90 00:01:18 Message Number 7646 What is "Beetle hacker terminology"? Anyway, I always thought "futz" was a very old term. My grandmother was the only person I knew who extensively used the word. I always assumed it had a Dutch derivation. Hmmmm, have to look that up in my Funk & Wagnal. =========== From: ANGEL To: MAX Subject: Myth #2 Date & Time: 08/14/90 00:13:20 Message Number 7647 Congratulations on a wondrous issue #2 of Mythagoras. It's gorgeous! I really enjoyed "Travelling Music" and am impatient for #3 so that I can continue the story. Is this a two-parter, three-parter, a conti- nuous saga? It's a delight. I'll never drive SR 70 again without looking for some of the magic you've described. Again, congratulations, and looking forward to more. =========== From: TURTLE To: RUFUS Subject: Nuke Kids Date & Time: 08/14/90 02:49:39 Message Number 7648 Hey, I was at the airport picking up Lori tonight and saw this little brat wearing a New Kids T-shirt, carrying a New Kids notebook... AAAARRRRGGGGHHHH!!!!! What's next, New Kids condoms? New Kids teflon- coated "Cop Killer" bullets? I thought the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles marketing machine was getting a little absurd, but this New Kids thing is totally out of hand. Plus they can't play anything and don't sing terribly well, either. =========== From: TURTLE To: BLACK MAGIC Subject: VH-1 Date & Time: 08/14/90 02:53:51 Message Number 7649 >Of course I don't have a dirty mind... That's funny! I get it. };> Hey, when do you want that computer shipped to your doorstep? I also need to show you around the business end of a logic probe. I found a totally virgin TRS-80, no mods at all. This is gonna be fun! =========== From: TURTLE To: BIG LEW Subject: OPINIONS Date & Time: 08/14/90 02:57:09 Message Number 7650 >I'm sure the faggots can carry on...... Tsk, tsk, tsk. And you were doing so well before that line, too. Let us try to remember that use of terms like "faggot" is not likely to win anyone over to your side, but it does project an image of an Archie Bunker attitude that you probably want to avoid if you're going to continue to be perceived as a rational person. =========== From: TURTLE To: BIG LEW Subject: Truth Date & Time: 08/14/90 03:03:53 Message Number 7651 Were Turtle a Christian, it's unlikely that he'd attempt to "save" anybody. I think you may have inadvertently hit a vital point when you said that Christians /want/ to believe the Bible. After all, it promises immortality, which is something many people want so badly that they will willingly accept almost any statement if by doing so they can be con- vinced that they'll get it. I am curious about two things. First, you claim that you are a Christian, which makes me wonder how many other faiths you've been exposed to. Did you become a Christian after examining a number of belief systems and deciding for yourself that Christianity was the most likely to express the nature of man's relationship with the divine, or are you Christian because that's the only religion you've ever seen and by some happy coincidence you believe you've found the truth in the first (and only) place you looked? Secondly, Christianity tells its adherents to witness and spread the word, but it does not instruct Christians to win converts at any cost. The Specialist has already indicated that he has been exposed to Christianity and has no particular desire to be saved; would you attempt to do so anyway, over his objections, if you were able? =========== From: TURTLE To: BIG LEW Subject: Gays Date & Time: 08/14/90 03:10:30 Message Number 7652 The fact that your sister is involved in a relationship with another woman does not change who she is, does it? I would maintain that for love to be genuine, it must also be unconditional; you cannot love someone if and only if that person believes the same way you do or makes the same decisions you would in that position. Is your sister happy where she is? If so, what is more important to you: her happiness, or her living by the conditions you've established? Why is it necessary for you to believe that homosexuality is "sick," rather than simply different? I don't know how helpful this message is; but personally I would say: Either you love her, /completely/, or you don't. She has made her own decision; if she is happy with it, by what right can you not be happy for her? =========== From: TURTLE To: JONBOY Subject: Moral/Brats Date & Time: 08/14/90 03:20:20 Message Number 7653 >Funny how one day you're a "normal" bloodthirsty little brat and >then * poof * ya got morals. A fine argument to support the premiss that morality is something which originates within a society and must be taught to its members--there is no inborn "moral sense." "Anyone who believes in the goodness of man has never watched a child play." --Mark Twain =========== From: TURTLE To: SUNTAN Subject: dumb questions Date & Time: 08/14/90 03:36:48 Message Number 7654 To uncompress everything to the hard disk, just copy PKZIP over to drive C:, log onto that drive (type C: at the MS-DOS prompt), and run it from there. PKZIP lets you create or disassemble ZIP files; PKUNZIP only takes 'em apart. If you already have PKZIP you don't really need PKUNZIP. =========== From: TURTLE To: BEATLE Subject: Beatlemania Date & Time: 08/14/90 03:39:01 Message Number 7655 >What do you find in the film version of "The Wall" to warrant an R >rating? That one's easy. Partial frontal nudity, /very/ (ahem!) suggestive animation sequences, and a fair amount of violence. =========== From: TURTLE To: ANGEL Subject: Futz Date & Time: 08/14/90 03:40:38 Message Number 7656 "Beetle hacker terminology" is terminology used by Beetle hackers, of course! If that doesn't help very much, Beetle hackers are those individuals who love and cherish their Volkswagen Bugs, and spend endless amounts of time futzing with them to get them to go very, very fast and look really impressive. I picked up the word "futz" from some friends of mine who are to Volkswagen Bugs what Leonardo Da Vinci was to canvas. =========== From: KEN OBER To: RUFUS Subject: Three's Bimbos Date & Time: 08/14/90 06:40:29 Message Number 7657 What are you doing in Gas Stations out in the middle of no where reading covers of magazines, eh? Inquiring minds wanna' know! =========== From: KEN OBER To: BLACK MAGIC Subject: VH-1 Date & Time: 08/14/90 06:42:20 Message Number 7658 > Of course I don't have a dirty mind.... I'm sorry, but if you hang around Turtle, it is /impossible/ to avoid "learning" to have a dirty mind! :) :) :) =========== From: KEN OBER To: YNGLING Subject: Lacey Date & Time: 08/14/90 06:43:46 Message Number 7659 > Quick! Someone call 911 (or William Shatner) for me. William Shatner is, in fact, God... I believe he should do some Mountain Dew commercials.... "Hello, maybe you don't recgonise me ... I'm God, and I drink Dew..." =========== From: KEN OBER To: TURTLE Subject: VH-1 Date & Time: 08/14/90 06:52:54 Message Number 7660 > }:> Antlers? That make's you look like a deer ... I really think you'd much rather have Devil horns! ]:> Unless you /want/ to be a deer.... "Only Amiga Makes It Possible. (And Then Crashes)" =========== From: ICEFALCON To: TURTLE Subject: Innovation Date & Time: 08/14/90 11:19:58 Message Number 7661 If you're at all interested in techical innovation, listen to some real pioneers in modern music instead of the tried-and-true Floyd sound. Don't get me wrong, Pink Floyd is great, but the real innovation out there is with Steve Vai and Depeche Mode. =========== From: BIG LEW To: TURTLE Subject: OPINIONS Date & Time: 08/14/90 12:03:16 Message Number 7662 Thank you for the reprimand. I do get carried away - my mouth has got me in trouble many times. To be compared to Archie at one time in my life would have been a compliment, but I have changed (just a little) since those days. You know, all last night I wished I wouldn't have typed that. And, because of a personal situation, I probably won't ever use that term again. =========== From: BIG LEW To: TURTLE Subject: Truth Date & Time: 08/14/90 12:10:11 Message Number 7663 I became a Christian when I was 12 years old; it was the only religion I had been exposed to. I have been exposed to other religions over the years, and I am very happy and satisfied that my beliefs will give me eternal life after this "life". I believe it is the true Christian's obligation to convert non-believers. I trust Matthew 25:46:"And these will go away into everlasting punishment, but the righteous into eternal life." If I was able, yes, I would try to convert The Specialist, and you, too! Here's one for anybody to go with: Keep in mind that I am an environ- mentalist. The careless hunting practices and the destruction of nature and habitats make me ill. But, there is a certain irony to this concern for animals. While we spend millions of dollars and hours of time to ensure the continued existence of animals, we fail to do anything about the eternal destiny of people. I will continue in my efforts with many organizations to save the whales, manatees, elephants, etc.; but I would also like to spend some of my time and energies saving God's human creatures. =========== From: BIG LEW To: TURTLE Subject: Gays Date & Time: 08/14/90 12:26:38 Message Number 7664 I was really trying to get The Specialist to respond to how he would feel or if he would change since he is so dead-set against gays. This is not to say I don't appreciate your message. I have accepted my sister's choice, maybe because it has been suspected for some time now. I guess what bothers me is that it is "out of the closet" now, which, by the way, does not make her happy. My love for her is genuine, not conditional, but now she is not happy because some asshole decided to make her living conditions public - in a very dispicable (sp?) way, I might add. I am worried about her, as I think she chose this way becaus her past experiences with men were not pleasant,in any sense of the imagination. I have got past my initial reaction of repugnancy and, as I have said, I doubt I will make any more slanderous remarks about gays. When it hits so close to home, the scathing comments hurt more than just one. I'm not sure, but I think The Lady hit on this point a week or 2 ago. =========== From: BLACK MAGIC To: YNGLING Subject: Lacey Date & Time: 08/14/90 13:15:19 Message Number 7665 :> Black lace, too.... ;> Lacey ..s =========== From: BLACK MAGIC To: JONBOY Subject: Association Date & Time: 08/14/90 13:17:36 Message Number 7666 Bondage and S&M are a bit different, though...I had a boyfriend who was heavily into S&M, he was constantly wanting to vut me while having sex. I like light bondage, but when you get into S&M I want's no longer fun...there is something about extremely bloody sex I lack an interest for. Lighter forms of S&M and bondage may be fun, but when the y get harmful, you get out. The Lady =========== From: BLACK MAGIC To: JONBOY Subject: Lacey Date & Time: 08/14/90 13:21:30 Message Number 7668 When I was in my freshman year of high school this guy named Rick Mattern decided he didn't like my real name, and I was sitting improperly, he noticed my undergarments, and I became LACEY, almost instantaneously. :) =========== From: BEATLE To: TURTLE Subject: Beatlemania Date & Time: 08/14/90 15:03:53 Message Number 7669 > /very/ (ahem!) suggestive animation sequences, and a fair amount of > violence... Is there something REALLY subtle about how all this was used? Seems from that description, the film would be a good case for the anti-rock religious groups... But anyway, call me a baby, but I don't like any sickening violence. Would the film include any dismemberments or something? Could you please elaborate on "/very/ suggestive"? All I've heard about the film is 20 minutes of sex and a meat grinder... I've also seen part of "Another Brick In the Wall" (from the movie) on MTV. =========== From: YNGLING To: BLACK MAGIC Subject: Lacey Date & Time: 08/14/90 15:54:39 Message Number 7670 Dear Lady, This is extremely cruel....Im an old man with a weak heart....and an active imagination. ;> The Yngling =========== From: YNGLING To: BEATLE Subject: Pink Floyd Date & Time: 08/14/90 16:00:42 Message Number 7671 "The Wall" (the film) is intense, imaginative, and classic. The animat- ed sequences are brilliant. The entire film is thought provoking and startling. "20 minutes of sex and a meat grinder" is obviously a description from someone who has never seen the film since it makes no sense in that context (N.S. alert). There are no scenes of "sickening violence." If you havent seen it take the time to watch it. The Yngling =========== From: MAX To: DIONYSUS Subject: Commodore Date & Time: 08/14/90 16:42:30 Message Number 7672 >Not that you'd know, but Commodore does have a few very entertaining >games. Why WOULDN'T Turtle, or I, or most of the other people on this board know? Several of us have been using Commodore computers since the days the 64 was introduced (in my case, since the days of the original PET), even if we've never owned one. =========== From: MAX To: THRUD Subject: Laws of... Date & Time: 08/14/90 16:47:37 Message Number 7673 >Gee, don't ya wish you'd >voted for Mikey Dukaka? (this 'quoting feature' of Telemate's doesn't like systems that don't have type ahead, no indeed) EVERYONE should have voted for Michael Dukakis. Why? As Mark Russell said, he was the only candidate whose name was fun to say. As for Kitty, well, at least she had a mind to lose, which put her a step or two ahead of Nancy. Although given a choice between Barbara Bush and Dan Quayle in the event George kicks the bucket, I wish the first lady and VP would switch places. (Make things a little uncomfortable in the Oval bedroom, though, I suppose.) =========== From: MAX To: YNGLING Subject: Mythagoras Date & Time: 08/14/90 16:54:14 Message Number 7674 >Now, if I only knew the correct way to pronounce the title I would >a happy camper. It's not that difficult; the accent is on the second syllable, the first word is "Myth" and beyond that it's pretty much the way it looks. Glad you liked the 'zine. =========== From: MAX To: TURTLE Subject: Nuke Kids Date & Time: 08/14/90 16:57:58 Message Number 7675 > The fall TV schedule /is/ going to suck wombat droppings. Not necessarily. Every season has its dogs. The same season that both "Beauty & the Beast" and "Max Headroom" were on, so was "The Charmings" and "Full House," which is, sadly enough, the only survivor of the four (although I don't think it's returning next year). At any rate, there could be some interesting stuff turn up, and maybe it'll even last more than a season (very rare for "genre" shows, alas, but with non-sf/fantasy series, intelligence /occasionally/ beats the ratings-game odds and lasts). =========== From: MAX To: ANGEL Subject: Myth #2 Date & Time: 08/14/90 17:06:30 Message Number 7676 It is two parts; the conclusion just got sent out to Terrie Smith, a very good comic artist (from several anthology titles and recently the second issue of "Red Shetland," a Red Sonja babes-with-swords spoof), who foolishly offered to illustrate the next part if she has time before the deadline. Anyway, glad you liked it -- we're hoping to have issue #3 out by Necronomicon (toward the end of October), depending on both submissions and available funds. =========== From: MAX To: ICEFALCON Subject: Innovation Date & Time: 08/14/90 17:13:46 Message Number 7677 > ...the real innovation out there is with Steve Vai and Depeche Mode. Hmm. Steve Vai's music hasn't struck me as terribly innovative, just technically proficient. The /real/ innovation would seem, by definition, to be with people who are trying at least to sound different. As far as new groups go, I can't think of that many really innovative ones, with the exception of Animal Logic. To varying degrees, I'd say over the years the Alan Parsons Project, Flock of Seagulls (the ones Depeche Mode sounds like a disco version of), ELO, Fleetwood Mac and Pink F. have been pretty innovative, along with lesser-known groups like Shadowfax, Renaissance, Clannad, Steeleye Span and the like. And possibly Jethro Tull and, of course, Roxy Music and Bryan Ferry. While I've never been completely sure how innovative Rush is musically (they vary from extremely imaginative to slightly annoying), they've certainly got most groups beat lyrically. But Steve Vai? Good guitar player, but he's no Malmsteen. Or Parsons, Peart, Fleetwood, Waters, Lynne, Ferry or Sommers. =========== From: MAX To: BIG LEW Subject: Truth Date & Time: 08/14/90 17:22:08 Message Number 7678 > While we spend millions of dollars and hours of time to ensure the > continued existence of animals, we fail to do anything about the > eternal destiny of people. We're not spending money to ensure animals' "eternal destiny," if by that you mean something other than continuing to exist in this world for an indefinite period of time into the future. And we are most certainly doing the same thing for the human species; 99% of our actions are geared towards that goal. I have often heard people ask, "How can you care so much about animals and not about humans?" These people fail to realize (or choose not to see) that it is not an either/or situation. Everyone works towards the preservation of humankind; some of us have to work to make sure the rest of humanity doesn't survive in the short term at the expense of the ecosystems. The local squawk about the moratorium is a good example of this. Yes, CRS (the opposing group) is right, it WILL cause the loss of jobs. A lot of what they are saying is exaggeration (for instance, most of our economy is tourist-based, and anyone who believes that tourists pick their destinations based on the county's rate of growth has a few screws loose -- the tourist traps and beaches will still be here regardless), but they're right, the moratorium WILL hurt. What they ignore is that the current growth management plan really does suck as badly as GEO says it does, and the problem won't go away until actions are taken to protect the remaining environment that DO "negatively impact" the construction and growth industries. The longer we wait, the more urgent the choice will be, and the more damaging it's going to be when it finally is made. If we wait until we have no choice at all, it won't be a very pretty sight. On some summer days over Tampa, the sky is as smoggy gray as it is in Los Angeles. At the current rate of growth, 10 years from now it'll be that way every day in Tampa...and you'll be seeing it on hot summer days here. =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: JONBOY Subject: Real analogs Date & Time: 08/14/90 18:39:43 Message Number 7679 >>TSbecause I know what they are really like. JB>You admitted tht you have never known a homosexual. Please maintain JB>a consistent (ie believable) line. J> Ah, I can see that I have to be much more precice in my expressions. What I meant was that "I know what they do." I stand corrected. I mino A minor point. =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: TURTLE Subject: Real analogs Date & Time: 08/14/90 18:57:28 Message Number 7680 T>...depending on the situation, I may just walk up and introduce T>myself, yes. I've done it before. Manifest bullshit (tm). I gave you the situation...don't say that "it depends". T>Pray tell, what is a homsexual individual "really like"? [I] want to T>know. Oh, please. You KNOW what they do and what they are like. And "stereotype" is just a fancy word so that you can claim that they *don't* all do the same thing. Hell, doing the same thing is what makes them GAY to *start* with! They all have sexual relations with a member or thier own gender. THAT is what makes them all the same. That's not a stereotype. Thats a fact. That is why I find them totally and utterly disgusting. Anything I could also list would simply be a variant of that same theme, and equally disgusting. =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: TURTLE Subject: Defective... Date & Time: 08/14/90 19:08:02 Message Number 7681 T>I do not believe that homosexuality is wrong. You disagree. If I were T>to fail to associat with people who disagree with my beliefs, I would T>not associate with you. Is simple, n'est pas? Oui. C'est tres facile. Mais, you said that if you had no tolerance for other peoples' views, then you would not associate with me. But, if you had no tolerance, you would have no tolerance for gays. Therefore, you would agree with me, because I CERTAINLY have no tolerance for them. C'est tres facile, aussi. N'es ce pas? T>Not all bigots are gay bashers. T> And not all gay bashers are bigots. You got somethin' ta say? =========== From: AJ-- To: JONBOY Subject: S & M Date & Time: 08/14/90 19:25:05 Message Number 7682 Well I too have "experienced" a little bondage, but I have a little reservation on whom it was with.....So maybe I just might have a little "complex" about the Idea again....But I will agree with you that It was something different....I mean having someone put me in handcuffs tied to the bed in a very "unique" position was fun having them "force" their HARD body on me..and poor little ol' me sitting there helpless...(smile) I too AGREE this will be another interesting story that I would like to explore some more.....Any takers????? TopGun Strikes Again..... Sysop Of ALTnet BBS =========== From: AJ-- To: BIG LEW Subject: Gays Date & Time: 08/14/90 19:31:53 Message Number 7683 Lew, I can understand..(yes its hard to think that we can both see the same), but I can understand what you are going through and I can also see (and respect BTW), your religious beliefs.....If there is anything that I may help you try to understand your "little sister's" lifestyle I would be more than happy to offer an ear to listen or suggestions. Anonominity I can understand and I will honor if you choose to continue this further. I will leave Email of my Home # if you want to talk. TopGun Strikes Again..... Sysop Of ALTnet BBS =========== From: AJ-- To: BIG LEW Subject: Religion Date & Time: 08/14/90 19:41:18 Message Number 7684 I am curious, what Denomination do you follow? TopGun Strikes Again..... Sysop Of ALTnet BBS =========== From: RUFUS To: BLACK MAGIC Subject: Ziggy Date & Time: 08/14/90 19:54:40 Message Number 7685 >How did you read my e-mail? I didn't read your e-mail. See message 7519 (Entertainment Media). >...for I'm going to kick your ASS! that a promise? =========== From: RUFUS To: JONBOY Subject: VH-1 Date & Time: 08/14/90 19:59:59 Message Number 7686 >Actually, your body depends on 15 minutes of exposure a day to create >the vitamin D that you need I hear that the Apple "Green Screen" has the same results as the sun. >I'd be the last to say that the wood nymph look is out... Okay, you've got me on this. What look is the wood nymph look? I've seen two or three nice lookin' wood nymphs, but what look are /you/ talking about? =========== From: RUFUS To: JONBOY Subject: Ziggy Date & Time: 08/14/90 20:02:13 Message Number 7687 >I hope she catches you! Oh, no doubt that she'll catch me. I imagine she'll be hiding behind some tree on the first day of school, rocket launcher in hand. =========== From: RUFUS To: JONBOY Subject: dog Date & Time: 08/14/90 20:03:15 Message Number 7688 I'm really pissed at my sister's dog. He walked (or what passes as walking for a daushund) into my room and stepped on my poster of Kei & Yuri. NO ONE DOES THAT TO KEI & YURI! ARRRRGGGHHHH!!!!!!! Damned demon dog from hell. HE SHALL PAY!!! ...sorry, I get carried away sometimes. =========== From: RUFUS To: KEN OBER Subject: Three's Bimbos Date & Time: 08/14/90 20:10:42 Message Number 7689 >What are you doing in Gas Stations out in the middle of no where >reading covers of magazines, eh? Inquiring minds wanna' know! Waiting for Roy to pay the nice cashier. =========== From: RUFUS To: BLACK MAGIC Subject: Ziggy Date & Time: 08/14/90 20:14:02 Message Number 7690 >I caught Rufus a LONG time ago! ;> Now you have to grant me my three wishes! =========== From: MIKE GREENAWALD To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: hello Date & Time: 08/14/90 23:14:11 Message Number 7691 Hello It has been sometime. Did you have a good vacation? Got a question for you now. Is there a good source of information on the Apple Profile hard disk around about? I have one and I want to use it for something other than a door stop. =========== From: MIKE GREENAWALD To: RUFUS Subject: apple plus Date & Time: 08/14/90 23:21:22 Message Number 7692 Rufus (sorry I almost forgot the pen name) I have that Apple Plus for yo ur use. On the sasme terms as before. =========== From: SNAKEBYTE To: BLACK MAGIC Subject: Really placid Date & Time: 08/15/90 01:01:15 Message Number 7695 A response is not necessary, a nice "Hi" would do fine :) Thanks for the kind words.... =========== From: SNAKEBYTE To: JONBOY Subject: Zappa Date & Time: 08/15/90 01:03:09 Message Number 7696 Hey, don't think Zappa is out there to just make a joke with his music. He jams out (invented the WAH-WAH peddle from what I hear). Some of his older stuff had some really hot licks in it. Seen him twice myself. Even got an original "Freak Out" album and two copies of "200 Motels" with posters (in both I think). Even got an album called Rhinocerous that was a band made up of Flo and Eddie (Mother's of Invention) before Zappa (Flo and Eddie....big with Billy the Mountain and The White Album (Penis Demension and stuff...). Broken Hearts are fo Assholes, Yellow Snow, Help I'm a Rock.....awww, I know 'em all by heart =========== From: SNAKEBYTE To: JONBOY Subject: Defective... Date & Time: 08/15/90 01:12:27 Message Number 7697 Welp, open dem things in your face called "eyes" if you can't relate to your post. You referred to (Post #7033) to "how in the hell did you manage to include bona-fide criminal acts...". My last post, which you seem to fail to comprihend (maybe read it again), is asking you how you can judge something on the basis of societies determination of what is or isn't a "bona-fide criminal act". Maybe I'm loosing you at what your definition of a "crime" is....well, what is it???? Or is society making that judgement for you???? I wsas pointing out in my last post, that some "illegal acts (ie crimes)" are quite STUPID by morale standards (at least mine) and the majority of the discussions here are based on PERSONAL ideas and beliefs, not social ones. If you care to discuss legal stupidity, well, let us know. And as far as an "abomination and crime" that means something you hate which is against PUBLIC law....huh???? "Crime" itself is a social issue, not a morale one. If you wish to follow topics, let's ALL do so. Oh SHIT is quite WELL together!!!!!!! =========== From: SNAKEBYTE To: JONBOY Subject: Bias in bias Date & Time: 08/15/90 01:21:39 Message Number 7698 >influential to someone who has resolved.....simplistic views...etc Well, Mr. I'm-Living-Like-I-Want-To-So-Keep-Your-Views-To-Yourself, why then are you so DEFENSIVE about your opinions? I have no quarrel with anyone questioning mine (in fact, that is the point behind a good debate), and HEY!!!! have you noticed I haven't made rash, full- swing judgements against you. I could care less if my beliefs influence you or anyone else here. I'm voicing MY (yes, my...not THE) opinions and open to allow everyone to voice theirs. I should hope anyone who is old enough and mature enough to be diving into BBSing would be stable enough to NOT be influenced by what is posted by some other user with a 'puter in his face......geeeze, if you think that's what I attempting, get real.......I don't expect to influence you and I damn well don't expect you to influence me...but I will hear you out..... =========== From: SNAKEBYTE To: JONBOY Subject: AJ =========== From: SNAKEBYTE To: MAX Subject: Moral/Popular Date & Time: 08/15/90 01:31:32 Message Number 7700 >both gerbilling and high school level lab dissections ARE sick Okay, now that we aggreed on that, what do we talk about now???? But I do think there are some pissed off rodents out there that would LOVE to chew a humans intestines to crap from the inside, even if it was their last act of defiance. And there's a few humans I'd like to see it done to...... =========== From: DONTHEN To: ALL Subject: continuing... Date & Time: 08/15/90 01:54:39 Message Number 7702 Mulligan appears somewhat disturbed by Rufus' inconsiderately timed faint. "Who the hell are you?" he starts to say to Zot, but is cut off by the repitle's babbling about psionics. He muttes something under his breath, then glares at Rufus until it seems the salesman is nearly coherent. "I want to know everything you know about what's going on, and I want to know it NOW!" Rufus blinks. "Two murders, illegal weapons, dimensional transients, assassins and mechanical arms...." Mulligan mutters to himself. "All at this bar within 24 hours. And it's not even late afternoon. What's next? Vampires and werewolves?" --- "So what do you want me to do about your guests?" Xon says to Wezip irritably. "Just wanted to let you know that they'd be coming, that's all. I'm hoping I can get the new one to stay here." "This isn't a boarding house --" "I don't mean stay to sleep," the fox sighs. "Unless you have --" "No." "Right. Well, basically, I'm hoping you can give him a few leads on where to get some part-time work, that sort of thing... hopefully a place to stay other than mine as soon as he gets money." Xon grunts, heading back towards the more populated end of the bar to check on everyone's drinks and food. =========== From: TURTLE To: KEN OBER Subject: VH-1 Date & Time: 08/15/90 02:05:35 Message Number 7703 I BEG YOUR PARDON??? Since when does Turtle have a dirty mind? Black Magic is quite capable of having a dirty mind without /my/ assistance, thank you very much! ....besides, I don't usually preach to the converted. =========== From: TURTLE To: KEN OBER Subject: Stacey Date & Time: 08/15/90 02:07:26 Message Number 7704 >"Hello, maybe you don't recognise me ... I'm God, and I drink Dew..." I /like/ that. I'm not convinced that William Shatner is the person to be doing it, though...perhaps Clint Eastwood would be more appropriate. All he has to do is squint, and he's the spitting image of God. Same squint, same (lack of) hair... Hey, don't suppose...?? =========== From: TURTLE To: ICEFALCON Subject: Innovation Date & Time: 08/15/90 02:10:14 Message Number 7705 Real pioneers in modern music...Steve Vai...yabbidabbidabbidabbida.... Don't DO that to me, dude! You trying to kill me or what? Good thing I wasn't drinking anything when I read that. Steve Vai may be technic- ally very, very good, but he's hardly the most innovative force to sweep rock and roll since the Beatles were still pupae... =========== From: TURTLE To: BIG LEW Subject: Truth Date & Time: 08/15/90 02:15:25 Message Number 7706 I can understand that you believe you've found the Truth with a capital T, but you should bear in mind that faith alone is not enough to convince anyone else that your Truth has any validity. I think your intentions are good, but I don't really think you have considered the fact that for all your conviction there is a very real possibility that you are wrong. I also don't think you realize how arrogant it sounds for you to say that you want to "save" people who don't believe the way you do, as if you know God from personal experience and he himself faxed you his personal plans for mankind just yesterday after dinner. I don't see anything in your religion that's particularly convincing; in fact , I would say that some of its major tenants are very dubious. The idea that Jesus dies on the cross for man's sins makes no theological or philosophical sense; the need for God to judge man is not filled by an act of man against God, no matter how appropriate a "perfect sacrifice" seems. This entire idea would have philosophical validity only if the person who died on the cross had done so by God's hand, not man's, neh? =========== From: TURTLE To: BLACK MAGIC Subject: Lacey Date & Time: 08/15/90 02:26:27 Message Number 7707 And Lacey shalt thou be until the end of thy days. And thou shalt be called many other things too, like "Stacey," and thou shalt walk in lace, and lace shall be thy raiments. Surely unto the very Ends of the Earth shalt thou be known by thy vestments. =========== From: TURTLE To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: Defective... Date & Time: 08/15/90 02:38:51 Message Number 7708 A bigot is one who judges other people, as a group, based on a single aspect of those people. A gay basher judges all gays based solely on their sexual preference. A gay basher, therefore, is a bigot. The point I was trying to make is this: You and I disagree. If I hated everyone with whom I disagreed, I would not put up with you. It is possible to have no toleration for dissenting views while still tolerating homosexuality. =========== From: TURTLE To: RUFUS Subject: Ziggy Date & Time: 08/15/90 02:44:01 Message Number 7710 BM>...for I'm going to kick your ass. R> that a promise? Rufus, dude! You've been hanging out with the wrong element again, haven't you? =========== From: TURTLE To: RUFUS Subject: Kei & Yuri Date & Time: 08/15/90 02:45:48 Message Number 7711 >NO ONE DOES THAT TO KEI & YURI! Yeah, but some people spend six hours undressing 'em. (Results available in the download area; no pushing, shoving, or cutting in line. Offer void where prohibited.) =========== From: KEN OBER To: RUFUS Subject: Three's Bimbos Date & Time: 08/15/90 03:13:45 Message Number 7712 Roy? Roy? Roy? Oh ya.... ROY! Okay ... I know now ... did you have fun with Roy an Mark? You shoulda' brought more people along! :) =========== From: KEN OBER To: TURTLE Subject: VH-1 Date & Time: 08/15/90 03:16:30 Message Number 7713 That is true ... I do believe that Black Magic had a dirty mind WAY before you got involved with her! ;) =========== From: KEN OBER To: WILLIAM SHATNER Subject: Hi! Date & Time: 08/15/90 03:19:31 Message Number 7714 You know, God ... I know you drink Dew, and I wish *I* could drink Dew, but my parent's just won't get it for me ... Some things never change ... U know what else is screwy? I have this real cool BBS called The Armdaillo Connection BBS (Yes, I know The Armadillo is 2nd in line after the Aardvark for God's favorite creatures...) that real neet peopl like The Specialist, Angel, Black Magic, and Snakebye aren't calling! I mean, I've gor FurNet echos ... National chatter echos ... Toons 'N' Morphs ... Turtle's Warped Zone ... and even a game ... What else could anyone want? Will you zap the message into 'em!? THE ARMADILLO CONNECTION RAS 813/378-2218 * Sarasota, Fl * 300/1200/2400 Baud -[ An MSTF and FurNet Member System ]- (Fido 1:137/111) (CandyNet 42:1003/2) Call It! (Pleeeeeeezzzzzzzzzzzzzeeeeeeeeeeeee!?!?!?!?!?) =========== From: THRUD To: TURTLE Subject: Laws of... Date & Time: 08/15/90 05:56:15 Message Number 7715 Mike Dukaka - a vocabulary in search of a cogent thought. I propose that the most famous and libereral Jesse and the most famouse and conservative Jesse be locked up together. I'm sure two great statesman like that would have some deep meaningful conversations and be able to reach the compromises necessary to help America stride in the 21st century. Or they'd kill one another, and that'd be ok tool =========== From: THRUD To: TURTLE Subject: fall tv Date & Time: 08/15/90 06:00:43 Message Number 7716 I thought the fall scedule looke good - football and STNG on Sunday, then don't turn the damn thing on for the rest of the week. =========== From: THRUD To: SUNTAN Subject: dumb questions Date & Time: 08/15/90 06:08:55 Message Number 7717 what's the saying - the only dumb question is the one that didn't get asked? I have four different decompression programs includeing all the PK stuff on one 720K disk, so size shouldn't be a problem. I like to edit all the device drivers,'s, ads, update docs and anything not pertinent to what I'm gonna use. No reason to feel dumb - I was asking the same questions not to long ago. =========== From: THRUD To: TURTLE Subject: Nuke Kids Date & Time: 08/15/90 06:15:46 Message Number 7718 Six months ago my daughter was infatuated with one of the Nukids. He's catholic, cleancut, rich and unreachable. Now she's infatuated with the 13 year old dweeb down the street. He's an atheist, doesn't seem to shower much, she has more money than him(I mean allowance) and is far too reachable to suit me. While I abhor the music, the nukids to provide a wholesome alternative to a lot of the garbage in the world. Yes, they're extremely immature, but kids are supposed to be immature. =========== From: THRUD To: TURTLE Subject: Nuke Kids Date & Time: 08/15/90 06:20:44 Message Number 7719 I forgot - my main point is that I prefered it when my daughter liked the unreachable guy. =========== From: THRUD To: MAX Subject: Laws of... Date & Time: 08/15/90 06:28:26 Message Number 7720 Hey, Danny's gonna be a good veep when he grows up. George is gonna dump him for Jack Kemp in '92 - ya heard it here first. =========== From: THRUD To: MAX Subject: moritorium Date & Time: 08/15/90 06:31:54 Message Number 7721 Ya, some very good points have been raised by GEO. Their intentions are good, but their methods leave a lot to be desired. As one who would be unemployed in the event of a moritorium, I'm forced to oppose a group with whom I'm in agreement in many areas. The best scenario - the moritorium referendum is soundly defeated, but so is Jean McElmurry. Get Elling Eide on the the county commission, and start compromising. If Ford and company could actually sit down with the CRS people and start working on real management plans we'd start moving forward economicly and environmentaly. Once again, if the same energy expended in the fight was directed towards R&D and real solutions, we could have licked it by now. I could go on and on, but I gotta get to work while I still have a job. Vote NO on September 4. =========== From: BEATLE To: MAX Subject: Nuke Kids Date & Time: 08/15/90 11:45:30 Message Number 7722 >...same season..."Max Headroom"..."Beauty and the Beast"..."Th Charmings"..."Full House". I could have sworn those shows were on different seasons. I think "Max Headroom" and "The Charmings" were on in 1987, and "Beauty and the Beast" and "Full House" were on in 1988. Also, "Full House" has not been cancelled. =========== From: AJ-- To: SNAKEBYTE Subject: Insecurity Date & Time: 08/15/90 13:13:55 Message Number 7724 SB<....hmmmm, signs of an insecurity about one's self image and/or SB Well, for starters, I am NOT insecure, nor am I confused, at least not about myself...I am curious though what makes you think you are "secure" ....tables turned now. TopGun Strikes Again..... =========== From: MAX To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: Defective... Date & Time: 08/15/90 15:03:22 Message Number 7725 > ...if you had no tolerance, you would have no tolerance for gays. This obviously isn't true. I have no tolerance for lima beans and country music, but that doesn't mean that I have no tolerance for anything else. Something that has apparently never occurred to you is the concept that it's possible to like a homosexual/bisexual person without approving of that aspect of their personality. I think I can say safely that I've known a lot more homosexual and bisexual people than you have (or at least been aware of their sexual orientation) and I can state for a fact that the "stereotype" of all gay males as lisping pantywaists or gay females as butch bikers isn't true. Yes, I've met one or two lisping pantywaists. A friend of mine in California who moved out there specifically to live with another man (whom he now hates, but that's a different story), on the other hand, used to go around with his girlfriend through the seedier parts of Tampa looking for skinheads to beat up. He's pretty good with knives now, since he's been in over a hundred knife fights. And he's as far away from your stereotype as you can get. The first homosexual female I met, on the other hand, had a lot more in common with Paulina Poriskova than she did with the "Roseanne Barr in leather" image. I also noticed you didn't respond to my plea to actually THINK about what I'm saying. I know that it is, truly, easier to rant than to ask serious questions about your preconceptions and prejudices, but it is disappointing to see someone as intelligent, and usually reasonable, as you are refuse to consider the possibility that you might be wrong on this point. =========== From: MAX To: THRUD Subject: Nuke Kids Date & Time: 08/15/90 15:18:06 Message Number 7726 Dating an athiest isn't so bad. As for the New Kids, "wholesome" they may be, but let's face it, they make the Monkees' "work" on the original TV show (before it got cancelled and they tried, albeit with mixed success, to become a real rock group) look scintillatingly innovative. Would't /thoughtful/ alternatives to "the garbage in the world" be better? New Kids songs are still about puppy love and/or puppy lust, and challenging the pop icon of a great love life as the ultimate height of existence would occur to Paula Abdul and George Michael long before Donnie and Joe ever get a clue. Even Donny Osmond stopped singing that sort of stuff (and stopped looking like a smurf who shops at Chess King); if Donny Osmond can get a life, there's no excuse for the New Kids. =========== From: MAX To: THRUD Subject: moritorium Date & Time: 08/15/90 15:25:32 Message Number 7727 I still haven't figured out whether Eide is as brilliant as you can get in local politics or he's a basket case. I don't think an acceptable compromise can ever be reached with CRS. Despite their name, they aren't "Citizens For Responsible Solutions," they're "Developers Against the Moratorium." They've spent an amazing amount of money telling us why the moratorium is a bad idea, to the point of wild exaggeration (their budget is literally thirty times that of GEO's, so they can afford to) -- but they haven't come up with any alternative, except "Give APOXSEE a chance." APOXSEE's big claim to fame is "concurrency," the idea that you can't build in an area until a public utilities infrastructure is in place. Fine. Tell me how this is supposed to protect the environment? It means that when you knock all the trees down and destroy the ecosystem, you're doing it to build the roads and lay pipes first and THEN put up the buildings instead of the other way 'round. I don't know what's going to come of the moratorium proposal, but if it's defeated (which I expect it will be), it won't go away. To stop growth to a point where it'll have any measurable effect on the ecology, there will have to be a conscious choice for the environment when the question "Which is more important, maintaining the status quo for growth industries or protecting our natural resources?" -- and this will mean that some people will be adversely affected. As for how long you (or anyone else) has, Swiftmud has estimated (but not publicized) that the water table in the Tampa Bay area, given the present rate of consumption combined with the present rate of growth, is likely to be unusable by the turn of the century. Token water restrictions notwithstanding, there's a small but real chance you won't get anything the next time you turn on your tap. If growth isn't slowed drastically ASAFP, EVERYONE'S in trouble, not just builders. =========== From: MAX To: BEATLE Subject: Nuke Kids Date & Time: 08/15/90 15:35:46 Message Number 7728 Both Max Headroom and the Charmings lasted into the season that Beauty & the Beast premiered in; I remember when Max was on Friday nights at 10, right after B&tB at 9 (albeit on different channels). Full House hasn't been cancelled? I'm sorry to hear that. =========== From: BIG LEW To: AJ-- Subject: Gays Date & Time: 08/15/90 15:46:50 Message Number 7729 I'm utterly speechless at your kindness. I am trying to deal with this on my own, mainly because nobody else wants to discuss it - you know, some things make people uncomfortable to talk about. That is why your message means a lot to me. Since we don't know each other, I prefer anonominity. I just received a letter from my sis which she wrote on Sunday - after she knew I knew - and there was not word one about "it". She, too, seems hesitant to discuss it now. Is this good? I love her very much and am so concerned. I feel better now that I am past MY feelings and am now concentrating on hers. I am sure that she liked it when it was "in the closet" - should I just let her TRY to put it back in there? Thank you very, very much for your understanding and support. =========== From: BIG LEW To: AJ-- Subject: Religion Date & Time: 08/15/90 15:53:43 Message Number 7730 Currently, I am attending a brethren church. I grew up attending and being a member of the Congregational Christian Church, and attending a First Brethren Church with my grandmother on occasion. I have also attended a Lutheran (due to first marriage "obligations", although I only put up with that for about 3 months!), a Baptist, and a First Methodist. =========== From: BIG LEW To: TURTLE Subject: Truth Date & Time: 08/15/90 16:03:01 Message Number 7731 To each his own, then..................... =========== From: SUNTAN To: THRUD Subject: discsize Date & Time: 08/15/90 17:55:25 Message Number 7732 How many k on a 5 1/4" floppy? =========== From: SUNTAN To: TURTLE Subject: zips Date & Time: 08/15/90 17:59:24 Message Number 7733 I'll try it and let you know..........tx =========== From: BEATLE To: MAX Subject: Nuke Kids Date & Time: 08/15/90 20:36:39 Message Number 7734 > Max was on Friday nights at 10... Nope, Max Headroom aired in three spots. Tuesday at 10 PM for six weeks in mid-'87, Friday at 9 PM for ten weeks, and Thursday at 8 PM in mid-'88. =========== From: BEATLE To: BEATLE Subject: Nuke Kids Date & Time: 08/15/90 20:40:23 Message Number 7735 An addendum to the last message: the mid-88 run on Thursday night was only for two weeks. =========== From: RUFUS To: TURTLE Subject: Ziggy Date & Time: 08/15/90 22:04:26 Message Number 7736 >Rufus, dude! You've been hanging out with the wrong element again, >haven't you? Damn, caught in the act. That Francium, nothing but trouble. My mom warned me to stay away from the alkali metals, but nooooo, I didn't listen. =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: MAX Subject: Stuff Date & Time: 08/15/90 23:15:57 Message Number 7738 Yes, you are right. I have descended into name calling again. If I have offended anyone on the board by my rudeness to BM, then, my apologies and a sincere promise that I won't do it again. Homosexuality is sick. That's my opinion. God, everybody knows it, I'm sick of trying to defend it. Let's drop it and just let me have my opinion. Feel pity for me if it'll make you feel better (hell, I kno know that I'll feel that for you all for NOT believing that). P.S. To discourage any replies to this message, let me clarify one line above-"everybody knows it", meaning that they know my opinion. Just do me a favor...don't introduce any to me. =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: YNGLING Subject: Something else Date & Time: 08/15/90 23:22:34 Message Number 7739 Y> windmills, bud. Uh-huh. Y>...quit...storyboard because... Virus, huh? Drag. I hope you made it through ok.... Y> Heinlein's "Grumbles... No, that's one I *haven't* read! Where did you get it? Can I borrow it? =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: JONBOY Subject: Bias in bias Date & Time: 08/15/90 23:31:27 Message Number 7740 JB>So i'm you know. JB> Yes, but it is an admirable trait, sometimes. I can appreciate a good sneak. (As in verb, not noun.) That's why I like cats...that and the fact they are very independent. =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: JONBOY Subject: not guitars Date & Time: 08/15/90 23:34:02 Message Number 7741 JB>Quit using mask a bigoted brain. Ok. =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: JONBOY Subject: OOps! Date & Time: 08/15/90 23:35:17 Message Number 7742 JB>Let's play gay poker where .... You'd lose, I'm afraid. JB> Fine. =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: JONBOY Subject: Bias in bias Date & Time: 08/15/90 23:37:12 Message Number 7743 JB> rapidly regressing to the infantile state. ...I'm JB>suprised that the weight of reason hasn't pooped you out yet. JB> I could continue to argue with "reason" until we wore Turtle's disks out. Your "reason" has made no effect on me, I retain my opinion. I am not going to argue with you about it. =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: MAX Subject: Defective... Date & Time: 08/15/90 23:44:25 Message Number 7744 Um hmm. =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: BEATLE Subject: Really placid Date & Time: 08/15/90 23:49:59 Message Number 7745 You have met gay people and didn't know it. I have met gay people and DID know it. (Hell, he propositioned a freind of mine, who is DEFINATELY not gay.) I am (I think) a little older than you, and possibly more well travelled. I have met gays who I could tell were gay. (And people who I didn't know if they were gay, but who acted the stereotype of gay.) Beatle, I'm not going to argue this point with you any more. =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: BEATLE Subject: Truth Date & Time: 08/15/90 23:55:06 Message Number 7746 Hmmm...quite a coincidence. What do you make of it? (Beatles...lightning...KLUE) =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: BEATLE Subject: dog Date & Time: 08/15/90 23:59:38 Message Number 7747 B>And people who pay [big money for shoes because they're in fashion and B>get expensive Reebox for doing nothing] B> Hear, hear...bash the Yuppie scum. Trash thier imported junk! And let me add...I resent the Bolleteri larvae too. Who the hell are they to laugh at me? No, I don't wear bright orange & pink shorts.. or idolize Andre' Agaussi. He plays what? (And if you think I'm jealous of thier're damn right!) *sigh* Oh, well.... =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: YNGLING Subject: Gun control Date & Time: 08/16/90 00:08:21 Message Number 7748 [Frame one-Man dressed in overalls standing in front of Milo, at the Bloom County Beacon] Country man - "I'M HER TO ARTICOOLATE MY VIEWS WITH THIS LETTER TO THE EDITOR ON GUN CONTROL. [Holds up paper] [Next frame] Country man - "LEMME TELL YA...OO!...WHEN GUNS ARE OUTLAWED, ONLY OUTLAWS WILL BE KILLING PEOPLE...'CAUSE GUNS DON'T KILL PEOPLE...PEOPLE KILL GUNS. FROM OUTLAWS." [Milo takes paper] [Third shaking clenched fists] Country man - "THOSE *@#! ANTI-GUN NUTS...OO! THEY JUST...OO! I'LL TELL YA SOMETHIN'...OO...MY CONSTITUTIONAL...OO...THEY REALLY...SELF- DEFENSE!" [Milo reading paper] [Fourth frame] Country man - "'s all there in the letter." Milo - "Verbatim." =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: TURTLE Subject: Laws of... Date & Time: 08/16/90 00:32:09 Message Number 7749 ....huh? I don't get it.... =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: KEN OBER Subject: New fags on... Date & Time: 08/16/90 00:34:44 Message Number 7750 KO>"They're the newest sensation since the Beatles. They're New Kids on KO>The Block!" -- People magazine commercial... Oh, how low! What an insult! I don't idolize the Beatles but the worst of the "drivel" that they sang puts NKOTB's (NFOTB's) best to shame! (Actually, I don't know why I feel so outraged...other than the fact that they all wear makeup and are so SICKENINGLY poppy I should have nothing against NKOTB. But they should never have compared them and the Beatles! Bon Jovi, maybe...or Rick Ashley.) =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: AJ-- Subject: Rights? Date & Time: 08/16/90 00:47:41 Message Number 7751 grrrr. =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: TURTLE Subject: Laws of... Date & Time: 08/16/90 00:57:07 Message Number 7752 *sigh*...I still don't get it. =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: XTEVE Subject: coprocessors Date & Time: 08/16/90 01:06:03 Message Number 7753 So, did you tell Charles that I sent you? By the way, sorry about your hard card...maybe we can work out a deal on a hard drive...gimme a call at my work. Allied Computer Systems. Great...I can use as many ORCAD drivers as I can get my little greedy hands on... - an ORCAD greedy Specialist... =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: KEN OBER Subject: New f... Date & Time: 08/16/90 01:16:00 Message Number 7754 KO>But at least there's Dave to save us all! KO> Huh? Not any more.... =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: BIG LEW Subject: OPINIONS Date & Time: 08/16/90 01:20:25 Message Number 7755 You crack me up. Well, I'm probably going to drop that thread, anyway...I haven't changed my mind, just have figured out that these people can't be helped. *sigh* oh, well. =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: BIG LEW Subject: Faith Date & Time: 08/16/90 01:22:44 Message Number 7756 I have no faith. Turtle remarked to me that an agnostic could be influenced by a monotheistic belief. Ok, so I probably am. Yet, I feel that something (not 'things') had to come, who created Turtle's 'gods'? Actually, I have read very little Bible...but I don't see the point of wasting my time on something which I am not convinced about in the first place. Kind of circular reasoning there, but then it's circular to want to read it, too. "I want to know, therefore I'm willing to believe this." That doesn't prove anything. No, I don't like to believe anything that hasn't been proven to me. Proof. I NEED proof. I will accept circumstancial evidence, occasionally. But even that has to be verified in some manner. =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: BIG LEW Subject: Gays Date & Time: 08/16/90 01:30:15 Message Number 7757 Wow,, I really feel for you. Honestly. I don't know. I really don't know. My own sister? Yes, I'd be really upset, too. I guess that you really can't "disown" your own sister...I would have to just deal with it, I guess. I would treat it like any other disease...not condone, but not condemn. She needs help...that much is clear. You can't help her by yourself. I'm sure that NAME would reccomend prayer. That's the neat thing about religion; you can pray and God will take care of it..."It's in God's hands now..." Sounds wierd, I'm sure, that I would tell you to pray, but, hell, I can' can't think of anything else to tell you. Just be cool, and don't get too upset. Take it'll be alright. =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: SUNTAN Subject: ZIP/ARC Date & Time: 08/16/90 01:44:54 Message Number 7758 Do you have a Phone # I can call you at by voice? I would like to speak with you about Zipping & Arcing. Maybe I can help you with your situation. If you need references, ask Xteve! =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: ICEFALCON Subject: Innovation Date & Time: 08/16/90 01:55:35 Message Number 7759 Ah, a fresh viewpoint! Depesh Mode is great, but what is Steve Vai? =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: BIG LEW Subject: Truth Date & Time: 08/16/90 01:58:16 Message Number 7760 BL> to spend some of my time and energies saving Gods human BL>creatures. BL> Thank you! Even though I won't get (GRR) saved, I appreciate the thought. I hope you are looked upon favorably by your God. =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: MAX Subject: Laws of... Date & Time: 08/16/90 02:05:11 Message Number 7761 M>EVERYONE should have voted for Michael Dukakis. M> Wrong. Bush is not much better, but the difference is the difference between getting clubbed to death and getting injected with poison (with Mikey as the clubbing)...Bush still comes out on top. Reminds me of a joke... Man jogging in the park (before the Bush/Dupa election) gets accosted by a man with a handgun. "Who you would you rather have as president?" the hood growls. The jogger shifts nervously, not answering. "Who do you want, Dukakis or Bush?!" the man points the gun. The jogger makes a face, and then lowers his head. "Go ahead and shoot." Besides, that incompetent cowardly liberal would never have taken the stand that Bush has on that maniac in Iraq...he'd have backed down. But, that's a liberal for you...take the easy way out. Never mind if we look like cowards. We'll get over it. After all...who's gonna invade us? (Not that we'll fight back if they do....) =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: AJ-- Subject: S & M Date & Time: 08/16/90 02:18:52 Message Number 7762 SICKSICKSICKSICKSICKSICKSICKSICKSICkSICKSICKSICKSICKSICKSICKSICKSICKSICK SICKSICKSICKSICKSICKSICKSICKSICKSICKSICKSICKISKCISCKISCKISCKSICKSICKSICK Look, AJ, you disgusting freak, we all know that you are proud of your defect. It turns my stomach to know what you do without you taking the time to describe it in detail. I can practically HEAR your LISP when you post. Especially when you make a special effort to describe your "HARD" sexual partner. I have met you face to face, and I find it difficult to believe that you could find a decent looking male sexual partner much less one of those "hardbody" types you find on the covers of magazines laying around your room. B&D is pretty kinky to start with. Add homosexuality, and I'm suprised that you haven't been struck dead by lightning. And then you have the AUDACITY to want to TELL us about it! You can take that e experience and...but then you'd probably enjoy that, too! Oh, you're so sick! Just...arrgh! Disgusting! Repugnant! AUGH! This is a vote "no"...don't discuss your B&D experience.... =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: ALL Subject: My last post Date & Time: 08/16/90 02:31:14 Message Number 7763 Hey, everybody ( Hey, everybody ('cept AJ) I apologise for that last post...I was trying not to do that...but when I saw that message from AJ...URRRGGH. It just gets to me. As a matter of fact. O (you can see I'm still a little irate) As a matter of fact, I am trying to drop this HOMO thread. Mind you, I haven't changed my mind, I'm just tired of trying to prove my point. Besides, everybody is sick of the issue, anyway.... A contrite Specialist =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: MIKE GREENAWALD Subject: Profile Date & Time: 08/16/90 02:41:05 Message Number 7764 As for technical stuff, ask Turtle. His roomie has one. As for DOS or ProDOS aspects, ask Rufus. He's pretty good with ProDOS. =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: TURTLE Subject: Defective... Date & Time: 08/16/90 02:49:35 Message Number 7765 I am a bigot. Period. T>It is possible to have no toleration for dissenting views while still T>toleraing homosexuality. Yes, but that's not what you said. You said "no" tolerance. You see, ....ah, screw it. =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: THRUD Subject: Nuke Kids Date & Time: 08/16/90 02:56:05 Message Number 7766 Lemme get this straight (tm) want the NFOTB to present an image for all teens to follow? Now, that IS perverse! =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: AJ-- Subject: Insecurity Date & Time: 08/16/90 02:59:16 Message Number 7767 AJ>...I am NOT insecure, No, just too "shy" to go out with the RIGHT sex AJ>nor am I confused, at least not about myself No? Then you just can't figure out who does the screwing and of what.. AJ>...I am curious though what makes you think you are "secure" Maybe because he's not screwed up in his head? Maybe because he's normal? AJ>...tables turned now. Pathetic. Pathetic. =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: MAX Subject: tolerance Date & Time: 08/16/90 03:08:57 Message Number 7768 Let me define something for you and Turtle. The word "no" as an adjective. No=none. No apples, means you haven't got any apples. UNDERSTOOD? Good. Let us continue. No tolerance means no tolerance. For anything. He didn't say, "limited tolerance", niether did he say, "selective tolerance", he said NO tolerance. UNDERSTAND? Good. Let us continue. (Stop me if you don't understand something.) He said that if he had "NO TOLERANCE" that he would not associate with me. BUT...if he had no tolerance, then he would have no tolerance for gays, because he would have NO TOLERANCE for anything. Is this a rough point? Understand? (Like I said, stop me if I've lost you....) To continue... I said that if he had no tolerance, then we would agree so, so, saying that he would not associate with me would be wrong, because we would be agreed. So, he would associate with me, because we would be in agreement. (Am I making this simple enough?) We would be in agreement because I have no tolerance for gays, and so would he, in that case. THIS was the entire point of my JOKE, yes, it was supposed to be a both took it entirely too seriously.... And I did consider your plea. I am not wrong. End of statement. I will not debate perverse/not perverse with you any more. =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: MAX Subject: Furrys Date & Time: 08/16/90 03:37:48 Message Number 7769 Did I tell you what a great story that was in Mythagoras? I really enjoyed it. You really are a superb writer. I can't wait for the rest. Hmm...but there is one thing that's been nagging at my mind. I have heard you condemn beastiality...because of the abuse of the beast. If you were the character in the story you wrote, tell me...could you have sexual relations with Reli? After all, she would be a consenting partner, yet she would still be a beast. Of course, I probably could understand, either way...with a body like Kim Basinger's (merely covered with fur) I could be sorely tempted to re-examine my views. I think that I would be more interested in her DNA pattern...could children result? How many pairs does she have and what are the differences? Ah, speculation.... And one more she longhair or shorthair...and does she shed? =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: BLACK MAGIC Subject: Hmmm. Date & Time: 08/16/90 03:45:47 Message Number 7770 I had written a nasty note, but I decided to delete it after Max interceded in our (rapidly worsening) arguement. I am not going to discuss (or argue) anything concerning Homosexuality with you anymore. You can be very melodramatic, you know that? (Not critisism, just an observation.) How about if we calm down and call an armistice on this gay issue? =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: *.* Subject: \_/ Date & Time: 08/16/90 03:52:41 Message Number 7771 Crispan played with his empty bottle. No one seemed to be paying much attention to him, for which he was greatful. They might have thought he was having a heart attack a few minutes ago, though the casual observer probably would have attributed it to the proximity of the bomb detonation. He was sure however, that there had been massive mental energy expended close to him because the sensation of it was like a shotgun (do these people even know what that is?) going off in his head. He looked up, past the haze of lingering pain, and watched the on- going events. Mulligan was evidently perterbed about Rufus fainting, and probably more perturbed by the sudden appearance of a personna non-grata working on his only witness. Crispan debated telling the Captain that he was a special operative, but decided that could wait until the Captain was a little less occupied. Or at least until this headache went away. He raised his hand. "Xon? Xon? Could I please have some pain killer? My ears are still ringing..." So, what the hell WAS a phago- pyschic index, anyway? Hmmm. Phago-PSYCHIC? Nah...still.... =========== From: KEN OBER To: THRUD Subject: Nuke Kids Date & Time: 08/16/90 04:45:30 Message Number 7772 > But kids are supposed to be immature .... The problem is, most of these "kids" are in their early 20s! =========== From: KEN OBER To: BEATLE Subject: Nuke Kids Date & Time: 08/16/90 04:53:04 Message Number 7773 Beatle .... Max and Turtle are the sum of all /useful/ knowledge, and even some /useless/ knowledge ... But you, in fact, are the sum of all /useless/ knowledge about Television and Movies known to man! :) =========== From: KEN OBER To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: dog Date & Time: 08/16/90 04:57:30 Message Number 7774 > bash the Yuppie scum.... Hold it! You're allowed to bash Gays ... You're allowed to bash Nuke Kids, but watch the Yuppie bashing!!!!!!!!! :) =========== From: KEN OBER To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: New fags on... Date & Time: 08/16/90 05:00:15 Message Number 7775 And not to mention the fact that one of the NKOTB is a fag..... =========== From: KEN OBER To: *.* Subject: What I Need.... Date & Time: 08/16/90 05:06:58 Message Number 7776 Hey all, I'm looking for a DB-23 (Like the 25-Pin RS-232 type, just 1 column less....) connector ... Not an entire cable ... Just a connector. If anyone comes across one, please tell me ... tanks... Oh, BTW, Specialist, You asked the question to Max concerning Travelling Music on my board ... And there is a reply waiting there (If it hasen't scrolled by yet...) -TRR- =========== From: THRUD To: KEN OBER Subject: Nuke Kids Date & Time: 08/16/90 06:02:54 Message Number 7777 Ghods! The last thing I want to do is defend Jordan Knight and his band of traveling pimples. Especially now, cause my coffee pot refuses to work and I'm drinking my wife's instant decaf . However, each generation seems to despise the music of following generations, and each new generation strives to make their's as different from their parents as possible. My grandmother did not approve of my mothers infatuation with Frank Sinatra. Then she went bugshit when Elvis came along. Damn few mothers encouraged their daughters to fall for Paul McCartney. And what about the poor souls who had the misfortune to be teenagers when the BeeGees and John Revolta were hot? I am not comparing musical talant here - 'cause each generation will determine their own taste. What I'm saying is that silly little girls will fall for whatever "greatest new sensation" comes along. I have thought of locking my daughter in her room and making her listen to Pink Floyd and Jethro Tull til she sees the light, but I don't think it will help, anymore than when my father sneered at my Zepplin and Yes tunes way back when. Hopefully, NKOTB will go the same way as the BeeGees and anyone think of some big disco stars? =========== From: RUFUS To: KEN OBER Subject: dog Date & Time: 08/16/90 11:04:49 Message Number 7778 Yuppie bashing, it's not just for breakfast. =========== From: RUFUS To: THRUD Subject: Nuke Kids Date & Time: 08/16/90 11:06:01 Message Number 7779 >I have thought of locking my daughter in her room and making her >listen to Pink Floyd and Jethro Tull til she sees the light... Well, why don't ya do it? I've been thinking of doing that to my sister, but she's never around. She's a Janet Jackson fan, not to mention she and her boyfriend both listen to...ugh...rap. Of course, my dad puts down anything I listen to. He likes making up (and singing) yodel-operas. NOT A PRETTY SOUND! =========== From: BIG LEW To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: OPINIONS Date & Time: 08/16/90 11:38:48 Message Number 7780 I crack YOU up? Interesting.....I'm disappointed in your messages today lots of one-liners! Are you pouting? I doubt it, but don't. You are one of the reasons I log on to this board. Ralph Waldo Emerson keenly observed, "In every man there is something of which I may learn of him, and in that he is my teacher." I believe that and I think it is true even in our worst critics. You may be prejudiced and may (I said MAY) miss the mark by overstating your case. Your remarks may arouse a natural antagonism (as Turtle's did to me yesterday,BTW). Yet most of your messages contain more than a grain of truth. Maybe criticism should remind us all that PERHAPS our actions and motives do not appear as pure and worthy to others as we think they are (after some contem- plation last night, I think that is what was directed at me yesterday). =========== From: BIG LEW To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: Gays Date & Time: 08/16/90 11:49:57 Message Number 7781 Thank you for your words of comfort. Now I know you're human - you have feelings, too. My heart is broken over this - how in the world could she? I have prayed, of course, and I do find it odd that you would recommend it. I guess you also understand that we find solace in that (we meaning "believers"). I know I'LL be alright, but will my little sis? nope. =========== From: BIG LEW To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: Truth Date & Time: 08/16/90 11:55:04 Message Number 7782 Ahhhhhhhhh, but you might - someday. Never say never (oh, you didn't!) See, I might be praying for you, too. But, in all due respect, I don't in the same breath as for my sis - I KNOW that might upset you! Hey, my sense of humor is coming back............ =========== From: BEATLE To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: Innovation Date & Time: 08/16/90 13:55:04 Message Number 7785 > what is Steve Vai? If I'm correct, then I believe he's a heavy metal guitarist. =========== From: BEATLE To: KEN OBER Subject: Nuke Kids Date & Time: 08/16/90 14:03:37 Message Number 7788 > But you, in fact, are the sum of all /useless/ knowledge about > Television and movies known to man! :) Well, that's a quite an exaggeration, but I am proud of my store of useless knowlege (and you must admit I have a pretty fair storage of useful knowledge!) =========== From: BEATLE To: ALL Subject: some thoughts Date & Time: 08/16/90 14:09:42 Message Number 7789 Well, the lazy days of summer are almost over (back to school soon, bummer)... I was just sitting here flipping through the useless programs on our 50 channels of cable TV, and a couple thoughts occurred durring commercials. First of all, I saw a commercial for a program called MS-DOS Literacy that you could order. Isn't "MS-DOS Literacy" a contradiction in terms?? Then, I saw the red haired guy who does the Montgomery Ward ads... I wonder if he ever looks back on his carrer and wonders. I mean, he was kissing Michelle Pfifer 12 years ago on a cancelled TV series, and look where she is. He's doing Montgomery Ward ads... =========== From: MAX To: BEATLE Subject: Nuke Kids Date & Time: 08/16/90 15:04:00 Message Number 7790 All right, then I had the two (B&tB and Max) reversed in their time slots -- B&tB came on at 10. I could have sworn it was the other way around, though; I believe both Miami Vice and Dallas were on at 10, and Dallas was /after/ B&tB -- and Max was competing with both M.V. and the ten-gallon soap opera for ratings (in fact, there was a reference to that in the last regularly-aired episode, after they learned they had been cancelled). =========== From: MAX To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: Laws of... Date & Time: 08/16/90 15:10:31 Message Number 7791 I have no idea whether or not Dukakis would have "backed down". The idea of liberals that most conservatives have is truly more offbase than the idea of conservatives that most liberals have. They are supposed to be political ideals, not ways of life; this country was founded in a liberal tradition. In fact, the founding fathers were, by the standards of the time, radically left-wing. Yet obviously they weren't afraid to fight. Don't paint the US involvement with Irag in glorious "defending the world" colors. If we hadn't gone over there, it wouldn't have been backing down, because we weren't attacked. We're there to defend economic interests -- nothing more, nothing less. I suspect Dukakis would have sent in troops, as well, since they are there to be a deterrent. Bush doesn't particularly want to use them, either; it doesn't take a liberal to be worried about involving U.S. troops in a war that isn't ours after Vietnam. =========== From: MAX To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: tolerance Date & Time: 08/16/90 15:17:13 Message Number 7792 > I am not wrong. Yes, you are. You quite obviously didn't consider my plea for a minute. I can understand your reticence to continue the thread. But through the entire thing you have never ONCE defended your belief that it's wrong to associate with homosexuals and bisexuals on the grounds of their sexual preference. You've made it abudantly clear that you don't LIKE their sexual preference, yes, and that you think the act(s) in question is sick. I've come to the conclusion that you CAN'T defend this part of your argument. It's more comfortable to drop the discussion, blaming everyone ELSE, after you realize you're in a logical dead-end. It's much easier to hide your head in the sand than allow the possibility that YOU might be wrong. > I will not debate perverse/not perverse with you any more. That ISN'T WHAT I'M DEBATING with you. It HASN'T been what I'm debating with you for a very long time. What I am debating are your reasons for deciding that, say, a friend whom you've known for quite some time and like a great deal becomes a leper outcast unclean if you discover he's bisexual. I'm not talking about ACTS, I'm talking about PEOPLE. I don't like the ACT either. Some of the people who do it, I happen to like very much. Some of them you might like, too, but you wouldn't be willing to give them a chance, even knowing that they weren't going to make a "pass" at you or act like a Saturday Night Live caricature of a gay person. THAT'S what I've been trying to debate with you. I'm not ASKING you to approve of the act, or even to stop thinking it's sick. I'm asking you to explain why that instantly negates anything else good about a person. =========== From: MAX To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: Furrys Date & Time: 08/16/90 15:27:00 Message Number 7793 Actually, this message was responded to in some detail on Tyler's board, the Armadillo Connection. My argument would be that Reli isn't a beast any more than an elf in a Dungeons & Dragons world would be; she is a cat, yes, but not significantly closer to a "real" cat than humans are to other primates. I have assumed they don't shed very much, probably no more than a normal 12-pound cat does, simply because it would make life a lot easier if they evolved that way. Reli is a short-hair cat, although her fur is very soft. =========== From: YNGLING To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: Heinlein Date & Time: 08/16/90 16:00:39 Message Number 7794 Specialist - "Grumbles From The Grave" is a collection of RAH's letters edited by his wife Ginny that was published, oh, about a year ago. Pretty inter- esting stuff if A) you are a Heinlein fanatic, or B) you are interested in the personalities and politics of the publishing world during the "golden age" of science fiction. Of course you can borrow it as long as you swear on your mother's soul to take good care of it and return it within a years time. And /ignore/ any remarks Black Magic makes about my promises to loan books...its /her/ fault she never got "A Box Full Of Hell" and she can STILL borrow it if she wants to. The Yngling =========== From: TURTLE To: THRUD Subject: Laws of... Date & Time: 08/16/90 21:26:53 Message Number 7797 How 'but the most famous and liberal Jesse and the most famous and conservative Jesse spend about six or seven days chained together? /That's/ what I want to see... So, who's the bigger embarassment to his political organization, Mikey Dukakis or Jesse Helms, hmm? Frankly, it's people like Jesse Helms make me glad I'm a pinko liberal. =========== From: TURTLE To: THRUD Subject: Nuke Kids Date & Time: 08/16/90 21:30:51 Message Number 7798 Hmm. I'm not sure encouraging a nationwide obsession with the New Kids for the purpose of separating young girls from their money is all that wholesome an alternative to letting said young children learn how to interact with real people. Plus it absolutely makes me sick that the New Kids are being raved about as though they're absolutely the greatest thing that ever happened to musical expression when they wouldn't know music if it bit their choreographed asses. Incidentally, you absolutely sure the New Kids are as Godawful perfect as their press releases make 'em out to be? No temper tantrums, no bad habits, and they help little old ladies across the street, right? And what, pray tell, is wrong with atheists??? =========== From: TURTLE To: THRUD Subject: Nuke Kids Date & Time: 08/16/90 21:35:14 Message Number 7799 >...I preferred it when my daughter liked the unreachable guy. Tryin' to prevent her from learning things like social interaction fer as long as possible, hmm? =========== From: TURTLE To: RUFUS Subject: Ziggy Date & Time: 08/16/90 22:00:10 Message Number 7800 Me, I always make a point to hang around with the noble gasses. Much more intellectually stimulating than the more reactive elements; much less prone to blowing up at you for trivial reasons. I like stability in any relationship. =========== .