From: MAX To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: Laws of... Date & Time: 08/22/90 15:40:47 Message Number 8001 Reagan increased the deficit he "inherited" from 2 billion dollars to 2 *TRILLION* dollars. Despite what Reagan would like you to believe, that can't be blamed on previous administrations. If he was so great at running things, he would have at least levelled off the sucker. While Carter killed a few defense programs, at least one of which he shouldn't have (the B-1), he hardly sent the military to hell in a handbasket. Reagan gave us new programs, all right -- the resurrected B-1, at about 10x the original cost and half the efficiency, the wonderful Bradley anti-tank gun that shot the reviewing stand on its first roll-out, the Abrams tank that can't fit on tank carriers, and personnel carriers that can be destroyed by a well-placed hand grenade. This is an improvement? =========== From: CHIP P. UNICORN To: MAX Subject: Reagan/Carter Date & Time: 08/22/90 17:14:28 Message Number 8002 Carter had one major fault, one which should have kept him permanently from the presidency: he was a genuinely nice guy. He actually was a born-again Christian who actually believed... (And to all you pagans out there, nyeeeh! The previous statement does not imply you're not nice... nor that all B.A.C.'s are. Just that Carter is.) Reagan on the other hand was... well, uh... not all there. C.P.U. =========== From: CHIP P. UNICORN To: SNAKEBYTE Subject: Animalism! Date & Time: 08/22/90 17:21:24 Message Number 8003 I regret to inform you that the term "animalism" has already been appropriated by George Orwell. ("Beasts of England, beasts of Ireland, beasts of every land and time/ Listen to this joyful singing of the golden future time...") Anyway, about cutting apart formaldehyde-laden animals in schools: do you have any better suggestions on how to teach anatomy, and make it stick? C.P.U. =========== From: CHIP P. UNICORN To: JONBOY Subject: Truth Date & Time: 08/22/90 17:24:35 Message Number 8004 What?!? Another Christian who believes similarly? Sheesh -- don't let the fundamentalists find you... Chip =========== From: CHIP P. UNICORN To: JONBOY Subject: Homosexuality Date & Time: 08/22/90 17:26:15 Message Number 8005 Knowing how this topic gets beaten to death... Pray tell, how can you know (aside from getting propositioned) what kind of sexuality a person is? C.P.U. =========== From: TURTLE To: JONBOY Subject: inane lyrics Date & Time: 08/22/90 21:30:54 Message Number 8007 "Magic Man:" Good music, insipid lyrics. What a waste of musical talent. Jes' another example of the Led Zeppelin "Ramblin'" phenomenon at work, I guess... =========== From: TURTLE To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: Laws of... Date & Time: 08/22/90 21:38:42 Message Number 8008 >The troops in Saudi Arabia are a coordinated, well formed fighting >force. The troops in Saudi Arabia are cannon fodder. Their point in life right now is to die noisily in an Iraqui invasion, to justify a massive counterstrike. >It took a Republican in office to get those in Iran to sit up and >reconsider... And now you do /them/ of all people an injustice. Toward the end they were just sitting tight so they could wait for a new President to release the hostages--saved face, and generated negative publicity for Carter, whom they simply didn't like. The new President was utterly irrelevant--it could've been Howdie Doodie (wait, it /was/ Howdie Doodie could've been, say, the Ti-Di Bowl Man) and the results would've been the same. =========== From: TURTLE To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: Furrys Date & Time: 08/22/90 21:45:53 Message Number 8009 >A cat is a cat. Okay, let's start with that one. A cat is a quadraped; Reli is a biped. A cat has paws; Reli has hands. A cat does not have an opposing thumb; Reli does. Reli is a cat in exactly the same sense that you are a chimpanzee. >The thing that separates us [from chimpanzees] the # of chromosomes No, actually, it's the information coded on the chromosomes. I believe that humans and chimps have the same /number/ of 'em, but they're notr the same chromosomes. >If Reli could be crossed with a housecat... No. She is sufficiently different from cats to indicate that, genetic- ally speaking, she is not a cat. >...Reli could be crossed with a human... Again, almost certainly not. Reli is almost as different, genetically, from a human as she is from a cat. In any event, all of this is probably irrlelvant. I personally would say that the key ingredient in an act of bestiality is the fact that the non-human involved is a /beast/; ie, a non-sapient animal. Reli is no more a beast than George Bush, at least not in any sense of the word that really matters for this sort of thing. =========== From: TURTLE To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: Laws of... Date & Time: 08/22/90 21:55:01 Message Number 8010 >Reagan INHERITED a large defecit. Reagan inherited a large defecit, and turned it into a staggering one. Under his wise leadership, the defecit increased over a hundredfold, and America went from being the largest creditor nation on earth to the largest debtor nation on earty. Yeah, Ronnie! >...built up our defenses after that LIBERAL Carter let them all go to >hell... ....with such amazing peices of hardware as the B-1, the Amazing Bomber With No Mission That Flies Into The Ground. Ooooooooh boy, be still my heart. He also presided over the destruction of HUD and the country's S&L's, both of which had a lot of help from Reagan-era politicians, and evidently simply didn't care enough to do anything other than sit there with his thumb up his ass thinking "Gee, it's Thursday and so far this week only twelve of my political cronies have gone to jail. Good week!" Reagan presided over the most corrupt, disasterously inefficient, and naive Federal government this country has *EVER* seen. =========== From: TURTLE To: BLACK MAGIC Subject: VH-4 Date & Time: 08/22/90 22:00:32 Message Number 8011 >MY CAT DOES NOT LIKE YOU! He does. Last time I was over (and you weren't, I might add), he jumped into my lap and started purring like mad...I think he wants a new home. =========== From: RUFUS To: KEN OBER Subject: cat Date & Time: 08/22/90 22:37:59 Message Number 8012 >the CRT's are the ones for Tennis Cathrode Ray Tubes must be real heavy. I wouldn't want to play tennis in 'em. =========== From: RUFUS To: BEATLE Subject: Nuke Kids Date & Time: 08/22/90 22:43:20 Message Number 8013 > The point is: I don't want to be scum. I'm not scum. Beatle, you must admit that you are scum, then you will overcome your scum like life. Denial will do you no good. =========== From: RUFUS To: BLACK MAGIC Subject: Ziggy Date & Time: 08/22/90 22:46:33 Message Number 8014 >SHoot...... Is that shoot as in: "Darn, I have to give this dolt his three wishes," or: "Okay, what are your three wishes [insert evil laugh]"? =========== From: RUFUS To: TURTLE Subject: cat Date & Time: 08/22/90 22:51:54 Message Number 8015 >...stamp out ridiculous footwear!!! What do you define as "ridiculous footwear"? Other than pump shoes? =========== From: RUFUS To: JONBOY Subject: VH-1 Date & Time: 08/22/90 23:03:32 Message Number 8016 > - if you've seen and recognized a wood nymph - Of course, these wood nymphs were at the Bay Area Ren Fest... I'm just gonna stick my neck out, look stupid, and ask once again. What is the 'wood nymph' look? =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: BLACK MAGIC Subject: S & M Date & Time: 08/22/90 23:32:06 Message Number 8017 BM>DON'T EVER refer to me as being a typical woman. Ok, then how about typcial young lady who says typical woman expressions. (Because you use an awful lot of them, you know!) BM>Don't test me on this on, either. No? (half suprised, half innocent smirk) Why not? Are you going to blast me with another "you heartless asshole" comment? Or perhaps, you'll use another of those typical woman expressions (you know, the one that involves me just dying or and saving everyone a lot of trouble, or something like that). You are SUCH FUN to TEASE!!! Let's keep this thread going for a LONG time. An Amused Specialist =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: ZOT GNOP Subject: Guitars Date & Time: 08/22/90 23:46:56 Message Number 8019 ZG>If I had been praising Bassists, [Geddy Lee] would have gotten ZG>special attention. Thank you...I feel a lot better. He is the best. Dunno who isthe best Lead, but I hear that Eddie Van Halen is really good. =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: MAX Subject: Laws of... Date & Time: 08/22/90 23:50:10 Message Number 8020 MAX>You really do cherish your assumptions, don't you? No fact is going MAX>to get past your blinders, no siree. Nah, I understand what you meant. I just wanted to yank a few chains. (Sir.) Besides, what is more fun than leaping to conclusions? =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: MAX Subject: New fags on... Date & Time: 08/22/90 23:55:10 Message Number 8021 agreed. =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: MAX Subject: How? You see, Date & Time: 08/22/90 23:57:06 Message Number 8022 Fine. If that's what you want to believe, then fine. =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: MAX Subject: Laws of... Date & Time: 08/22/90 23:58:28 Message Number 8023 The things you cited, while not the best, are STILL better than nothing (which is what we would have had with a Democrat in office). As for increasing the debt, you tell me how you would have leveled it off. Taxing the hell out of people? Right, here we have a recovering ecomomy, lets tax the daylights out of it and see how long it takes to lapse back into it's comatose state. Come on, not a whole lot he could have done and still kept America running. (And with defenses.) =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: CHIP P. UNICORN Subject: Homosexuality Date & Time: 08/23/90 00:03:03 Message Number 8024 Chip! Glad you're back...sorry to have to respond to you on this note. There are certain tell-tale signs which by themselves mean nothing, but when all exibited at the same time indicate a possibility of what the sexual preference of the person in question might be. Now, it is also a a hunch. I have been trying to keep out of this thread lately, and we (me & JonBoy) have mutually agreed not to discuss it between us. I got a lot of requests to drop the thread entirely. So, if that answers your question, I'd like to drop it...thanks.... =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: TURTLE Subject: Laws of... Date & Time: 08/23/90 00:08:06 Message Number 8025 T>The troops in Saudi Arabia are cannon fodder. Manifest Bullshit (tm). Where do you getoff criticizing the talents and skills of America's armed forces? Have you ever seen wht they can do? I think that I am qualified to say that they can and will kick ass. American troops are better trained, better equiped, and have better resources and inteligence than any other army in the world. If you think that they are there just to be cannon fodder, then you had better wake up and smell the coffee. Iraq will loose, and Hussien knows it. And you had better become cognizant of that fact, too...instead of deluding yourself otherwise. And Carter and his Democrat congress sat around with thier thumbs up thier arses until we got a new pres in.... Don't try to pass it off. Raven! Some Toxic Shock for this man! =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: TURTLE Subject: Furrys Date & Time: 08/23/90 00:14:51 Message Number 8026 T>...information coded ont he chromosomes... Ok, thank you...I stand corrected. If Reli is not a cat and Reli is not a human, then she would probably qualify as an entirely different lifeform...according to Max, sex with her could not produce offspring. (And we all know what that means!) But...she's female...but...oh, hell. =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: TURTLE Subject: Laws of... Date & Time: 08/23/90 00:19:44 Message Number 8027 As for the deficit and defenses, see my message to Max. T>Reagan presided over the most corrupt...blah, blah...ect, babble... Unless you count Nixon...who was "not a thief." =========== From: TURTLE To: RUFUS Subject: cat Date & Time: 08/23/90 00:38:21 Message Number 8028 Ridiculous footwear: Pump shoes, spike heels, tennis shoes with those velcro thingies that hold 'em shut (you know, the ones that stop working as soon as they get dirty), any shoe that takes over ten minutes to put on or take off, and anything that comes past your knee. =========== From: TURTLE To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: inane lyrics Date & Time: 08/23/90 00:40:41 Message Number 8029 >Ford 462... ....Ford 390, which they stopped making very quickly 'cause the heads warp every time someone looks crosseyed at 'em and they have chronic head gasket problems...but hey, they were powerful engines! >MOPAR RULES Mopar /ruled/. Haven't made anything worth the powder it'd take to blow it to Hell in years. =========== From: TURTLE To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: Laws of... Date & Time: 08/23/90 00:42:53 Message Number 8030 >...nothing...Democrat in office... How silly of me. I forgot that unilateral disarmament was an official Democratic position. Give it a rest: Reagan's expensive disasters are worse than useless. The Bradley will never see action, so it can't possibly be better than nothing by definition, but at least it cost us a few billion dollars. >...not a whole lot he could have done... was totally inevidable that the defecit would increase a /hundred/ times and nobody could stop it? Uh-huh. No offense, Sir, but you seem to be thinking with the wrong head again. Ever occur to you that all the Republican porpaganda you've been listening to is bullshit? Really, you pay far too much attention to those election mailings. =========== From: TURTLE To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: Laws of... Date & Time: 08/23/90 00:47:00 Message Number 8031 Of /course/ we would win a conflict with Iraq. They're in a position that's a logistical nightmare--fighting a desert war with supply lines that cut across a recently subjegated nation, no economic base to support a prolongued war effort, an army plagued by aging and obsolete equipment, surrounded by hostile neighbors...I did not mean to imply we couldn't, er, "kick their asses." What I was trying to say is that the function of the front-line Army units currently stationed on the Saudi border is to act as a human tripwire. They could not withstand the initial thrust of an invasion; they would die dramatically and provide the catalyst for a popular counterattack. Nothing personal against any of 'em, but they're horribly outnumbered and in the SHORT RUN that's what counts. =========== From: TURTLE To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: Laws of... Date & Time: 08/23/90 00:51:48 Message Number 8032 Nixon presided over a corrupt government. However, Nixon didn't end up with a significant number of his underlings in jail, Nixon didn't preside over the sort of open, flagrant criminality that went on in all levels of Reagan's government and even involved entire institutions and industries...and Nixon knew selective expenditure. Reagan, your personal hero and god of the "strong defense" (the overriding consideration that will, to a conservative, excuse absolutely ANYTHING) gave money to every schmuck that walked up to him and said "I have this great idea for a neat new weapon that'll let America kick them Commie asses! Gimme a few billion and I'll prove it!" As a result, we ended up with piles of crap in our armories (like the missile guidance systems that were supposed to end up in the MX that can't tell Moscow from Des Moines), no money in the defense budget, airplanes that fly into the ground, three hundred dollar toilet seats, flammable armored personel carriers that go up like Roman candles when some dipshit with a grenade wanders by... Boy, that Reagan. Strong Defense. I bet our various opponents on the world stage would like to see him in charge of defense for about ten more years. Keep the faith! =========== From: BLACK MAGIC To: TURTLE Subject: VH-4 Date & Time: 08/23/90 01:16:06 Message Number 8034 NOT! My cat loves no one but me! And don't you ever forget that, Mr. T urtle... ....The Lady =========== From: BLACK MAGIC To: RUFUS Subject: Ziggy Date & Time: 08/23/90 01:17:18 Message Number 8035 Hehehehehe...I give. Lacey =========== From: YNGLING To: BLACK MAGIC Subject: Lacey Date & Time: 08/23/90 15:42:13 Message Number 8038 Dearest, Dont you pay attention to the Mailchecker when you log on? Its right there in amber and black, or lime green and black, or whatever...:) The Yngling =========== From: YNGLING To: BLACK MAGIC Subject: Heinlein Date & Time: 08/23/90 15:44:09 Message Number 8039 >I'm in shock Hmmm...should I start with the mouth-to-mouth or the chest compressions? Decisions, decisions...and who would have guessed that I'd actually be /glad/ I had to take those stupid health classes in high school or that CPR could be fun? ;> The Yngling =========== From: YNGLING To: TURTLE Subject: footware Date & Time: 08/23/90 15:58:46 Message Number 8040 >ridiculous footware...anything that comes past your knee Oh great, now, every time I go flycasting in some freezing stream, I'll be all self-concious about how ridiculous my waders, its get- ting to where you can't do anything anymore w/o violating some fashion code........ The Yngling =========== From: THRUD To: ZOT GNOP Subject: Your daughter Date & Time: 08/23/90 16:45:30 Message Number 8041 RE: Zot Gnop the Morally Corrupt Did you know that William F. Buckley's favorite feature in SmartKey is the ability to write "Ted Kennedy is morally bankrupt" with one keystroke? Today's software for today's conservative. THRUD =========== From: THRUD To: MAX Subject: Laws of... Date & Time: 08/23/90 17:01:50 Message Number 8042 Damn! Openmindedness! Ain't that something! (Not a personal bash, just unusual for this thread) Ya, putting all the conservative and liberal BS aside, I think (hope) George is the best guy available. Damn, gotta go, will finish later..... =========== From: MAX To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: Laws of... Date & Time: 08/23/90 17:28:00 Message Number 8044 Gramm-Rudman would have gone a fairly long way to stopping the deficit. If it had been implemented correctly, the deficit would have levelled off by now. If it had been implemented correctly near the beginning of Reagan's administration, it would have been reducing the deficit by now. There is an IMMENSE amount of waste in the federal government. Do you realize that the amount of money spent by all the government branches just PROCESSING FORMS is greater than the GNP of most of the world's countries? A lot of it was in the defense department, and still is. Reagan built up our defenses, all right, but he did it by saying "sure, go ahead" to any contractor who tried to sell the gov't anything. If the DoD ROUTINELY pays over $800 for a PAIR OF PLIERS -- which is what they have been charged by some companies for Milspec tools -- apply the same proportional waste to, say, the Stealth bomber bomber program, and realize that we've bought about 60 of them. One of those bombers costs MORE than the budget of every environmental agency in the Federal government put together... and they're already effectively obsolete (technological advances in Soviet military combined with the fact that the specific missions they're designed for are unlikely to be necessary now that they're not likely to be used against the Soviets when/if they go into combat makes them fast B-52's with about 20% of the B-52's payload capacity). Now figure that that entire program is an insignificant part of the DoD budget. If we revamped our defense system, we could not only make it MORE effective for the types of combat it's likely to go into in the future (guerilla tactics or armies like Hussein's, large but technologically less than impressive, and chem/bio weapons instead of nuclear ones), we could probably spend about 50% what we're spending now. Cutting lots of programs may not be a good answer, but neither is writing blank checks. =========== From: MAX To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: Laws of... Date & Time: 08/23/90 17:38:36 Message Number 8045 The hostages were not freed due to ANY actions of either Carter or Reagan. Most political analysts, including conservative ones, will tell you that. Giving Reagan credit for freeing the Iranian hostages is, well, inaccurate. Carter most certainly did not sit around with his thumbs up his ass; if the desert rescue mission had been executed competently (it was screwed up due to the expert efficiency of the American military, who didn't realize complicated tactical details like DESERTS HAVE SAND IN THEM and SAND GETS IN ENGINES THAT DON'T HAVE SAND SCREENS INSTALLED), Carter would have been a national hero and would have gone on to another term. Because it didn't succeed, he was a national joke, and would have lost no matter who he was running against. I don't agree with Turtle's "the American forces are there as cannon fodder" argument, and yes, the American military is well-trained. I would dispute your claim that they're the best military force in the world (I'd give the Israelis that distinction), but they're certainly pretty high on the list. And no, it's not our war. That should be patently obvious. I said in the message that started this thread, "we're there solely to protect our economic interests." At least this time we do have a vested interest in the region, but we are involved as a third party pretending to come to the rescue of a smaller guy being beaten up by the bully. While that is, in fact, what we're going, rescuing Kuwait is kind of incidental to the issue. By the way, before you spew any more at me, you might have noticed I never said we shouldn't be there. I wish there was a way to avoid it, and I certainly wouldn't WANT us to be there (nor would I want any of my friends going there, although I suspect at least two may be), but it is economically necessary for someone to keep Iraq from controlling too much of the oil in the region. =========== From: MAX To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: Furrys Date & Time: 08/23/90 17:48:18 Message Number 8046 Well, I said sex with her /might/ produce offspring. Writing about the overrated joys of family life, regardless of what race/species/whatever comprises the family, has never appealed to me. Yes, she probably /would/ qualify as a different lifeform; the premise of the story (or one of them) is an alternate earth where the dominant life evolved from felids instead of from primates. There wouldn't be a direct analogy to her people on our planet, by definition. The same could be said for all the anthropomorphic species in Ranean Tales, although a lot of the 'morphs there were originally magically created from the "normal" animals. While I've seen them referred to as animals in stories, and I've probably done it myself, Reli -- and Wezip, Juka, and for that matter, the character Turtle -- are animals in the same sense humans are animals. When people make a distinction between humans and animals, though, all of those 'morphs would probably meet all the metaphysical & philosphical requirements for humans, they'd just be a true different race, like Dungeons & Dragons elves or dwarves. Speculating on the difference language makes is kind of interesting. If you call Juka a fox, the question of bestiality comes up; if you call her an Altani and describe her as a furry alien with vulpine features, then it probably doesn't. (Of course, questions relating to being attracted to aliens would take their place, but at least you'd be discussing two sapient beings responsible for their own actions, not a human making dovy-eyes, or worse, at a confused animal.) =========== From: MAX To: THRUD Subject: Laws of... Date & Time: 08/23/90 18:03:09 Message Number 8047 I identify with the "liberal" banner more closely than "conservative" because of the issues involved. I see far too many people on both sides who haven't really thought about anything and who do, in fact, believe that the ACLU is a bunch of bleeding-heart liberals whose only purpose is to fight conservative thought (despite the fact that they have aided in the defense of both Oliver North and Tammy Faye Bakker), that "Robert Bork's Amerika" would have meant the end of freedom as we know it (he may have been so strict a constitutionalist that instead of reading things into the law that weren't there, he was missing things in the law that were taken for granted, but he still wasn't Satan), or that merely calling someone a "liberal" (or "conservative", albeit in much fewer circles) immediately negates anything they have to say. I don't like a lot of what's going on with social programs under Bush, and I certainly don't think he's going to win any Critics' Choice awards as the best leader of the 20th century; he's just not a crook, a klutz, a smile with nothing to say or an actor riding the crest of the religious right and sound-bite conservatism, which -- sadly -- probably makes him the best president we've had in 20 years. Although the fact that he WANTED Quayle as his VP still disturbs me. =========== From: JONBOY To: MAX Subject: Defective... Date & Time: 08/23/90 20:23:04 Message Number 8048 You're too serious on occasion Max... I should sincerely hope that my personal motives and ideals would be known as a tad higher than what you imply. I was merely trying to wind the whole tedious conversation down with a bit of humor. I "pick" on other people on occasion also. My friend Harold is Jewish and fits the stereotype so perfectly that it is actually humorous. I kid him partly because I would like him to be aware that he is actually contributing to the stereotype and thus doing himself and his fellow Jews no favors. JonBoy =========== From: JONBOY To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: Laws of... Date & Time: 08/23/90 20:30:13 Message Number 8049 TS>Jimmy Carter ...tried to pull off a resue attempt... Actually wasn't that the military that blundered? They are supposed to be ready at any time. Our Commander in Chief told 'em to get their ass over there and rescue hostages. The Chiefs of Staff are supposed to be the real tactical wizards. Instead we (as in all Americans) were let down by shoddy equipment maintenance and even worse planning. Don't blame Carter. JonBoy =========== From: JONBOY To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: inane lyrics Date & Time: 08/23/90 20:39:43 Message Number 8050 >TS>have you noticed how FAT the dark haired one is getting? Bingo - I went brain-dead and had to check to make sure I was wrong. Anyway , yeah she's gone to hell and her frumpy hairdo doesn't help at all. Nancy plays one hell of a 12 string. =========== From: JONBOY To: BLACK MAGIC Subject: Background Date & Time: 08/23/90 20:42:41 Message Number 8051 BM>Feathers, huh? I might be able to get into those...:> Maybe a small bit of background would help. I really disliked this one jerk that I had as a room-mate in California when I was in the Air Force I tried everything that I could to get rid of this guy but he idolized me because I raced cars, played guitar etc etc. In return, I detesd everything about this guy because he made The Specialist look like a flaming liberal and was the epiotome of the Tennessee Hillbilly. TaDa! One day he heard us talking about something mildly kinky and he really went off the deep end about how sick we were and how he couldn't stand to hear people talk like that... hehehehe - my prayers were answered!!! I became somewhat of an authority on kinky behavior just to maintain my edge in keeping this guy away. Then one day it occurred to me to actually try some of this "fun" stuff. ]:> JonBoy =========== From: JONBOY To: ZOT GNOP Subject: Music Date & Time: 08/23/90 20:54:40 Message Number 8053 ya rock-n-roll??? Like to jam??? Know a drummer??? JonBoy with the jammin DT's =========== From: JONBOY To: MAX Subject: Laws of... Date & Time: 08/23/90 20:58:31 Message Number 8054 MAX>If he was so great at running things, he would have at least MAX>levelled off the sucker. Sorry Max - that wins a NonSequitar stamp. The federal deficit is powered in ways that even professionals aren't sure of and to assume that with the limited powers of the President, held in check by the Senate and House, can halt a financial juggernaut of these proportions is silly. Not only that but it is absurd to even contemplate changing the course of something that started rolling long ago and has built up and almost unstoppable inertia in a mere 4 to 8 years. We need LONG term planning and a commitment to action. There are no magic potions and brilliant financial chicanery that will fix the problem in this century (my personal opinion of course). =========== From: JONBOY To: CHIP P. UNICORN Subject: HI!!!! Date & Time: 08/23/90 21:04:53 Message Number 8055 Glad to see ya back Chip!!!! =========== From: JONBOY To: CHIP P. UNICORN Subject: Homosexuality Date & Time: 08/23/90 21:06:01 Message Number 8056 CPU>Pray tell, how can you know...kind of sexuality a person is? Well, not to go into a long-winded explanation but there ARE a lot of non-verbal cues that I learned to pick up on from my friends in S.F. The most prevalent is the lack of a "positive" gender reference when referring to "close" friends. My friend up in Utah was shocked that I had known he was gay from about the second week I knew him. My clue was that in referring to his lovers he would inevitably end up using a neutral phrase such as "this person". He was consious of the fact that in discussing this person that the "beans could get spilled" and was consequently over-careful. Hopefully that's clear. I want to poo-poo any ideas that it had to do with any limp wrists and lisps. My friend is a very masculine person and in fact "takes" a woman on occasion to keep the "image" up. Hell he gets laid more often than I do! :> JonBoy =========== From: JONBOY To: TURTLE Subject: inane lyrics Date & Time: 08/23/90 21:11:57 Message Number 8057 >Good music, insipid lyrics. I have stated that I'm a musician primarily, have I not? I tend to ignore the lyrics in most cases and prefer to just think of the human voice as another instrument playing. =========== From: JONBOY To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: Hot Rods Date & Time: 08/23/90 21:16:46 Message Number 8058 TS> The 426 Hemi was the best dual 4 barrel factory ever built. Ever heard of the Ford 429 Boss? It was a hemi also and rated enough horsepower that they handicapped it so Mopars could run in the same race. Actually now I think about it - it was a 427 they built. No matter... Ford had such an inept racing program (everyone at that time was trying real hard to look like they weren't supporting racing "officially".). =========== From: TURTLE To: THRUD Subject: Your daughter Date & Time: 08/23/90 22:36:47 Message Number 8061 Teddy is morally bankrupt? Hell, there's another idol shot down in flames. Next you'll be telling me that Marion Barry is a cokehead or some such nonsense. =========== From: TURTLE To: JONBOY Subject: inane lyrics Date & Time: 08/23/90 22:48:57 Message Number 8062 >I tend to ignore the lyrics in most cases... Aaaigh! The music and the lyrics /together/ make the song--if you follow the one while downplaying the other, you're likely to end up missing something. --A holistic Turtle ....although if it's "Magic Man" whose lyrics you're ignoring, you probably aren't missing much... =========== From: TURTLE To: -ALL- Subject: A/R Date & Time: 08/23/90 22:51:26 Message Number 8063 This system will be running on autopilot from Friday (Aug. 24) to the following Tuesday or Wednsday, since yours truly will be in New York for a spell. Any technical problems will have to be suffered through until such time as I get back...this system is notorious for needing lots O' futzing, so I dunno how this is gonna work out, but I guess we'll see. Keep them fingers crossed! =========== From: BLACK MAGIC To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: Laws of... Date & Time: 08/24/90 01:01:05 Message Number 8065 He probably gets off where you get off criticizing gays. The Lady =========== From: BLACK MAGIC To: YNGLING Subject: Lacey Date & Time: 08/24/90 01:03:46 Message Number 8066 Usually I give it the old control-X...and that's the honest truth! :) T. =========== From: BLACK MAGIC To: YNGLING Subject: Heinlein Date & Time: 08/24/90 01:04:43 Message Number 8067 Usually it helps if you look, listen, and feel - first! :> (I know, I know...what a smartass!) T.L. =========== From: BLACK MAGIC To: MAX Subject: Furrys Date & Time: 08/24/90 01:07:06 Message Number 8068 It's interesting to see how /so/ many people picked your story apart... nothing like good old literary criticisms' (and opinions). Well, I really enjoyed the story, and I do hope that you finish it in the next issue of Mythagoras. -An opinionated Lady =========== From: BLACK MAGIC To: JONBOY Subject: Background Date & Time: 08/24/90 01:10:16 Message Number 8069 :> DONE! That's all I have to say... Lady =========== From: ROSEY1 To: XTEVE Subject: DADS VISIT-AMY Date & Time: 08/24/90 07:33:29 Message Number 8073 AT ST. JOSEPH MI, AMY & KEVINS .... ... HELLO THERE FLORIDA FAMILY ... ... THIS IS DAD VISITING AMY ... GOT HERE YESTERDAY FOR SUPPER AND AM LEAVING AFTER BKFST TODAY HAVING A NICE VISIT ... AND ENJOYING SOME OF AMY'S PERSONALLY MADE STRAWBERRY PRESERVES AND SHORTBREAD. ALSO HAD A NICE WALK ON THE SHORE OF LAKE MICHIGAN AND DISCUSSED ....... THE GUEST ROOM WAS THE COUCH LAST NITE..... ACTUALLY VERY COMFORTABLE. .... HI GUYS, IT'S PRETTY EARLY IN THE A.M. (FOR ME) SO I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO SAY...I'LL BE CALLING YOU SOON, PRESPITICUS AND OGNOROUS. LOVE YA! ... OK .. BREAKFAST TIME WILL LOOK FOR SOMETHING FROM YOU THIS WEEKEND. .... LOVE ... ... DAD & AMY ... ... XTEVE .. GOOD TO HEAR ALL OF YOUR NEWS .. CAPTURED IT TO A FILE `.. WILL READ IT CAREFULLY LATER . CEREAL & TOAST TIME W/AMY NOW .. DAD .. =========== From: ROSEY1 To: LAURA Subject: VISIT TO AMY Date & Time: 08/24/90 07:37:43 Message Number 8074 AT ST. JOSEPH MI, AMY & KEVINS .... ... HELLO THERE FLORIDA FAMILY ... ... THIS IS DAD VISITING AMY ... GOT HERE YESTERDAY FOR SUPPER AND AM LEAVING AFTER BKFST TODAY HAVING A NICE VISIT ... AND ENJOYING SOME OF AMY'S PERSONALLY MADE STRAWBERRY PRESERVES AND SHORTBREAD. ALSO HAD A NICE WALK ON THE SHORE OF LAKE MICHIGAN AND DISCUSSED ....... THE GUEST ROOM WAS THE COUCH LAST NITE..... ACTUALLY VERY COMFORTABLE. .... HI GUYS, IT'S PRETTY EARLY IN THE A.M. (FOR ME) SO I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO SAY...I'LL BE CALLING YOU SOON, PRESPITICUS AND OGNOROUS. LOVE YA! ... OK .. BREAKFAST TIME WILL LOOK FOR SOMETHING FROM YOU THIS WEEKEND. .... LOVE ... ... DAD & AMY ... ... =========== From: SNAKEBYTE To: JONBOY Subject: Zappa Date & Time: 08/24/90 10:02:29 Message Number 8075 Got wrapped up in his stuff in early 70's and haven't put it down since. Some of his instrumentals leave a little to be desired, but all in all, I really love his stuff. Now in my old age , I have to be careful when I play some Zappa around my kids. "I'm gonna ram it, ram it, ram it up your poop shoot...corn hole, fist f*ck, wrist watch, Crisco...." and that kind of stuff.... Billy was a mountain, Ethel was a tree growing off of his shoulder.... =========== From: SNAKEBYTE To: TURTLE Subject: Association Date & Time: 08/24/90 10:06:49 Message Number 8076 >Rumania...AIDS That's really a shame that those kids have to pay for their country's ignorance. Maybe we could get them started on a safer method of treating ill or sickly blood letting with leeches or something. =========== From: SNAKEBYTE To: TURTLE Subject: Animalism? Date & Time: 08/24/90 10:08:58 Message Number 8077 Carolina Biological Supply.....high school frogs Maybe this is tied in to some film studios so that the kids will better appreciate Freddy Kruger, Leatherface, and Jason. I think more sinks in to our kids from these hack-'em movies then hands on learning biology. They're scared to go to sleep 'cause Freddy will get them, but they don't know a lung from a liver. =========== From: SNAKEBYTE To: BEATLE Subject: Moral/Popular Date & Time: 08/24/90 10:13:18 Message Number 8078 >inside looked ANYTHING like the insides of the animals we dissected... I was involved in a brain weight to body ratio and gastrointestinal content study of sharks in Wilmington, NC and we had to cut up several sharks every day for a month. Had to remove the brain (intact) and empty the gastrointestinal tract and check the contents. You CAN learn the stuff hands on if it is presented properly and you are accomplishing something, but most school projects turn into a Veg-O-Matic style of dissection with nothing being accomplished. Oh yeah, you should try to put a surgical knife through the hide of a shark. We usually had to saw through when we had to cut on the back. The belly was softer, but the back was IMPOSSIBLE to stick ANYTHING thru. Remember that if you get attacked.....if you can. =========== From: SNAKEBYTE To: CHIP P. UNICORN Subject: Animalism! Date & Time: 08/24/90 10:20:04 Message Number 8079 >teach anatomy and make it stick? A group of students gathered around one person who knows what they're doing, explaining the parts to the kids would teach them MORE about the anatomy of the creature they're dissecting, and less about how to surgically remove the heart from a frog. Are we attempting to teach anatomy, or surgical techniques? It would also save about 90% of the dissected animals...... =========== From: RUFUS To: TURTLE Subject: cat Date & Time: 08/24/90 10:45:02 Message Number 8080 >Ridiculous footwear: Pump shoes, spike heels, tennis shoes with those >velcro thingies that hold 'em shut...any shoe that takes over ten >minutes to put on or off, and anything that comes past your knee. I can live with that. I myself like the air/gel shoes. They really do cushion your step (unless you happen to get a knife and puncture the bladder holding the gel in, AHEM). Speaking of velcro, have you ever seen Mad Dog velcro? Very scary stuff. =========== From: SPELLWIND To: ALL Subject: ShingenNobunaga Date & Time: 08/24/90 18:35:05 Message Number 8081 A tall man enters, wearing all black save red wristcuffs, belt, and straps on his legs. His legs are chained together with a heavy block connected to the chain. He rips of his face covering to show a young man 's face, beaten, bruised. He leans on a table with one hand and pulls a large pistol from his wrappings with the other. His eyes are almost swollen shut, and his mouth and nose are bleeding. he points the gun to a blurry figure near the bar and says "food... haven't eaten.. weeks" he then passes out, firing a shot as he hits the floor. =========== From: BEATLE To: MAX Subject: Furrys Date & Time: 08/24/90 19:55:22 Message Number 8082 > a human and a feline alien... Any way I can get a copy of that story? =========== From: BEATLE To: CHIP P. UNICORN Subject: Reagan/Carter Date & Time: 08/24/90 19:58:25 Message Number 8083 Hey, Chip! Welcome back! =========== From: BEATLE To: RUFUS Subject: Nuke Kids Date & Time: 08/24/90 20:03:24 Message Number 8084 > then you will overcome your scum like life. Exactly. My life is scum, but I'm not a scum in the way the message said... =========== From: BEATLE To: JONBOY Subject: Music Date & Time: 08/24/90 20:34:37 Message Number 8085 > Know a drummer??? If I tried, I might be able to do at least SOMETHING... I haven't been behind real drums, except for once, but Iwant to try sometime... =========== From: BEATLE To: JONBOY Subject: inane lyrics Date & Time: 08/24/90 20:37:55 Message Number 8086 > I tend to ignore the lyrics in most cases... Yeah, I do, and I believe Zot Gnop does also, but Turtle and Max are firm believers that the music and the lyrics together make the song. =========== From: RAVEN To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: Laws of... Date & Time: 08/24/90 21:11:05 Message Number 8088 >T>The troops in Saudi Arabia are cannon fodder. anifest Bullshit (tm). Where do you getoff criticizing the talents and s of America's armed forces? Have.... ARGH!! BAD QUOTING!!! @ne rate, the troops in Saudi Arabia are well equiped, but chem and bio warfare is _nasty_. The good ol rubber suits are _hot_ (not to mention unwieldly, uncomfortable, and of limited effectiveness), and are not a panacea that works. I fully expect it to take a while for the situation to be resolved (as does Bush, from the approach he has been taking), and am thinking about what to do if the situation escalates. The troop movements have been massive. If the situation was going to end quickly, it would have already been wrapped up (quick bombing attack, direct invasion, or such approach. =========== From: CHIP P. UNICORN To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: Laws of... Date & Time: 08/24/90 21:37:02 Message Number 8089 Whoa, Nellie! Hold me back... First and foremost, do you REALLY think Reagan had anything to do with the Iranian hostage situation? Sure -- it was in his reign that they freed the hostages. But, how few days in? Secondly, you're falling into the same trap Saddam wants the rest of the world to fall into. This is not a war of Iraq against the United States (although we're one of the countries he'd like to bring down.) This is Iraq against the oil-consuming countries of the world. Chip P. Unicorn =========== From: CHIP P. UNICORN To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: Furrys Date & Time: 08/24/90 21:40:56 Message Number 8090 First and foremost, your basing of beast/humanity on the number of chromosones is next to useless. At least some mammals (Ghods -- I've got to look up exactly which ones!) have more chromosones than humans do. Does that make them super-human? Second of all, what makes you so certain that creatures like Reli have genetics based on chromosones? Chip P. Unicorn =========== From: CHIP P. UNICORN To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: Laws of... Date & Time: 08/24/90 21:53:11 Message Number 8091 >Besides, what is more fun than leaping to conclusions? Not getting drenched in shouts of "HOMOPHOBE!" Chip P. Unicorn =========== From: CHIP P. UNICORN To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: Homosexuality Date & Time: 08/24/90 21:54:40 Message Number 8092 >There are certain tell-tale signs which by themselves mean nothing, >but when all exibited at the same time indicate a possibility of >what the sexual preference of the person in question might be. Now, >it is also a a hunch. Hmmm... reminds me of an incident with my parents and someone who's occasionally on these boards. (Call him Igor.) Igor is somewhat shy, he has a fairly high-pitched voice for a male, and he is always quite clean-shaven. When my parents met him, their comment was, "He seems like such a nice boy... you DO know that he's gay, don't you?" Quite far from the truth, in this case. Ya could be misrepresenting someone... Chip P. Unicorn =========== From: CHIP P. UNICORN To: TURTLE Subject: Laws of... Date & Time: 08/24/90 22:01:31 Message Number 8093 >Ever occur to you that all the Republican porpaganda you've been >listening to is bullshit? Really, you pay far too much attention to >those election mailings. I do not neglect to remind you that one of your members was PROUD to bring forth into this world that election porpaganda. And I assure you, it is not mere bullshit. 'Tis much more similar to barns over- flowing with the fecal matter of a wide variety of the finest animals. Chip P. Unicorn =========== From: CHIP P. UNICORN To: THRUD Subject: Laws of... Date & Time: 08/24/90 22:05:54 Message Number 8094 >I think (hope) George is the best guy available. Really? Personally, I'm convinced that neither the Democrats nor the Republicans wanted to win this election. George Bush seems to be excellent with international relations. He's trying to use them to cover up his lack of ability with national matters. Chip P. Unicorn =========== From: CHIP P. UNICORN To: JONBOY Subject: HI!!!! Date & Time: 08/24/90 22:12:35 Message Number 8095 Why, thanks, JonBoy! It's great being back! Again, sometime we need to get together some sort of pick-up, acoustic band. Even if it's just "Chipper's All-Kazoo Orchestra," it seems music is a second current running through some BBS'ers. Chip P. Unicorn =========== From: CHIP P. UNICORN To: JONBOY Subject: Homosexuality Date & Time: 08/24/90 22:15:05 Message Number 8096 The idea of a lack of gender reference when talking about lovers might help pick out pure homosexuals from the rest of people, but it does not give one whit of information about bisexuals. But, seriously -- that is a good idea. And I've noticed it before. (In fact, three or four days ago -- and eventually he tried to bed me. I declined.) Chip P. Unicorn =========== From: CHIP P. UNICORN To: TURTLE Subject: Your daughter Date & Time: 08/24/90 22:18:22 Message Number 8097 >Next you'll be telling me that Marion Barry is a cokehead or >some such nonsense. It's a black thing. You won't understand. =========== From: CHIP P. UNICORN To: SNAKEBYTE Subject: Animalism! Date & Time: 08/24/90 22:21:36 Message Number 8098 I still feel that doing is the only way of really teaching people. Ghods, how I hated dissecting cats! But it helped me pull off a "3" on the A.P. Biology exam. Chip P. Unicorn =========== From: CHIP P. UNICORN To: BEATLE Subject: Reagan/Carter Date & Time: 08/24/90 22:23:30 Message Number 8099 Yip! (tm) Why, thanks, Beatle! Damn good to be back. aLTER rEALITY doesn't seem to have changed that much -- same weire discussions, same obscurity. Love that stuff! Chip P. Unicorn =========== From: TURTLE To: RUFUS Subject: cat Date & Time: 08/24/90 22:43:53 Message Number 8101 Never even heard of Mad Dog velcro. Does it only stick to rabid furry animals or what? And why on /earth/ would anyone start sticking gel bladders in gel tennis shoes with sharp objects, anyway? You been dissecting too many frogs? THIS is why that sort of activity should be prohibited in public schools! Just think: innocent tennis shoes sacrificed by little maniacs with scalpels, rampaging devils educated by the very school systems to attack every tennis shoe that crosses their path! It's a plot of the devil! Aaaaaaaaaaigh! Stop the slaughter of innocent shoes! =========== From: TURTLE To: RAVEN Subject: Laws of... Date & Time: 08/24/90 22:50:55 Message Number 8102 >@ne rate... Hey, there's an interesting typological shortcut! >...the troops in Saudi Arabia are well trained and equiped... And desperately outnumbered. A quick and dirty Iraqui invasion of Saudi Arabia would have certain predictable results: the American and other forces in Saudi Arabia would be steamrollered, there would be a fairly large-scale counter-offensive, the Iraquis would not have the resources or the supplies to dig in and fight a protracted battle, the Iraquis would lose. You could almost make it into a paint-by-numbers thing. The long-term success wouldn't help the poor schmucks on the front lines, though. =========== From: TURTLE To: CHIP P. UNICORN Subject: Laws of... Date & Time: 08/24/90 22:56:05 Message Number 8103 Hey, did you see where the honorable Senator Jesse Helms has publically referred to the supporters of his opponent in this year's Senatorial election "a collection of artists, homosexuals, and every other left- wing group"? That is truly staggering propaganda of the type to make your barnyard-variety Republican crap look like the most insignificant lice on the wolly mammoth of Jesse Helms, or some such badly-constructed metaphor. Anyway, I thought it was pretty funny. =========== From: TURTLE To: CHIP P. UNICORN Subject: Reagan/Carter Date & Time: 08/24/90 22:59:45 Message Number 8104 >aLTER rEALITY doesn't seem to have changed that much... ....unless you count new menus, new (sorta) software (or at least new hacks), and a new, improved fresh scent. Stay tuned, though; A/R may be going Fido (as a point system) in the next coupla months. >...same weire discussions... We here at Anarchy Now, Inc. have always prided ourselves on the weiredom of our discussions. The weire factor is something that will never go away. (Not 'cause we like it, but because we can't get rid of it. Nobody's been able to figure out a way to factor a weire yet, short of integrating the entire thing by partial fractions, and everyone knows partial fractions are mathematical witchcraft. Besides, if you factor the whole thing by weire, you end up with a non-reducable term...never mind.) >...same obscurity. Heaven forbid our weire should be obvious! =========== From: TURTLE To: ALL WYVERNERS Subject: Ranean Tales Date & Time: 08/25/90 00:11:13 Message Number 8105 Now available in the download directory: a text file containing all the AR posts through Message #7300. Ranean Tales posters may want to down- load it for archival purposes. NEW USERS WHO INTEND TO JOIN THE RANEAN TALES STORYBOARD ARE /REQUIRED/ TO DOWNLOAD THIS FILE AND READ IT *FIRST*!! =========== From: RUFUS To: TURTLE Subject: inane lyrics Date & Time: 08/25/90 02:13:24 Message Number 8106 Speaking of inane lyrics and such, Zot made me listen to a NKOTB song tonight just to point out how it was such a rip off on the Beatles' style. Ghods, after one minute I was shaking all over and ready to slam my head against a large spike. Just say NO to NKOTB. =========== From: RUFUS To: BLACK MAGIC Subject: Heinlein Date & Time: 08/25/90 02:16:16 Message Number 8107 No, the first step is to shake them gently and ask if they are okay. If they don't respond, search them for expensive watches, rings, and other such items, then grab their wallet and run. If they do respond, hit 'em over the head untill they don't respond, then steal their stuff. =========== From: RUFUS To: BEATLE Subject: inane lyrics Date & Time: 08/25/90 02:22:47 Message Number 8108 >Yeah, I do [ignore lyrics], and I believe Zot Gnop does... I don't think Zot ignores the lyrics. =========== From: RUFUS To: TURTLE Subject: cat Date & Time: 08/25/90 02:28:15 Message Number 8109 >Never even heard of Mad Dog velcro. Does it only stick to rabid >furry animals or what? Well, from what I've heard of it (I've never bought any, it's $3 for about 3 square inches of the stuff), it will hold a volvo to the underside of a steel I-beam (right next to the guy from the Crazy Glue ad). =========== From: SPELLWIND To: BEATLE Subject: New Subject Date & Time: 08/25/90 07:46:57 Message Number 8115 Yo, I know this is a new reply to an old message, but I have that para too. That's why I have alot of weapons and know how to use lethal force. =========== From: CHIP P. UNICORN To: TURTLE Subject: Laws of... Date & Time: 08/25/90 08:58:19 Message Number 8116 >The long-term success wouldn't help the poor schmucks on the front >lines, though. What front lines? The Iraqis have fantastic (over a million) ground troops -- they're following the blitzkrieg strategy. But -- they have a front line. But, the Americans have extremely few ground troops -- most of their power comes from the air. Any general who'd send American ground troops and expect them to survive is hopeless... We'd need at least twice the number of troops the Iraqis have just for a "fair fight." For some reason, the Americans sent over lots of air-based and sea-based troops; not land-based. Where the heck is our "front lines" in this case? Chip P. Unicorn =========== From: CHIP P. UNICORN To: TURTLE Subject: Laws of... Date & Time: 08/25/90 09:02:28 Message Number 8117 Yup! I heard about it the next day. Ya know, what's really interesting is that the Republican Conference has predicted the fall of Jesse Helms from the Senate... privately, of course. It would be a good thing. From the department of Even Worse: (Note: the following is NOT a TurtleSpew (tm). This is completely serious.) Senator D'Amato (R-NY) has a spiffy new way to cut off drug trafficking. Why not one day just change the color of money? Everybody can then go to the bank, prove the money is theirs, and voila! they get spiffy-keen new-colored money. But if they're a Bad Guy (tm) who sells drugs or can't prove their money was gotten legally, then it disappears. If this is impossible, the senator continued, then why shouldn't we have two forms of currency: one for legal use inside the country, and a second for legal use outside the country? That was if the Mean and Nasty Drug Traffickers tried to use some of Our currency outside the country, they'd be caught instantly. When I first saw his ideas, I noticed at least three major faults with them. What do y'all think? Chip P. Unicorn =========== From: CHIP P. UNICORN To: ALL Subject: Yo! Furry Fen! Date & Time: 08/25/90 12:34:55 Message Number 8120 If you're an animation fan -- or if you just like watching some weird, world-class, strange shorts -- listen up! The XXII International Tourney of Animation, with eighteen world- wide, award winning pieces of animation is coming to Tampa from August 31 through September 16. If you saw last year's program, you understand the strangeness that goes on in these programs... It will be showing at the Tampa Theatre, 711 Franklin St. Mall. I'd love it if we could all get together some night for this strange presentation... Be there or be tofu. =========== From: CHIP P. UNICORN To: TRUE FEN Subject: Life goes on. Date & Time: 08/25/90 12:45:49 Message Number 8121 Meanwhile, back at the Monocerous embassy, the lonely unicorn picked up some of his last things with his mouth, and tossed them into his bag. "Good shot," he muttered to himself. And he didn't have to aim too hard with his horn. The unicorn had seen several games of basketball -- and though he'd be better than most professionals. Volleyball might be another story. Two thuds at the door broke his chain of thought. With a flip of his horn the door unlocked, revealing a young raccoon messenger. Chip recognized him as one who the embassy employed. "Two messages for you," started the raccoon. "The first is that the Wa-Mar'am Explorer Shu-Wen wants to see you before you leave. And the second is that your tickets have arrived. You'll be leaving three days hence, on the starship Picard, at eight chimes." He turned as if to leave. "Wait a second," started the unicorn... what was his name? Oh, Bobby. "Bobby. Wait." The raccoon stopped, glancing at the unicorn strangely. Chip was feeling generous. Looking at the money piled on his desk, he floated a silver coin toward the messenger. Tips were rare on Ranea, but they were appreciated. Bobby caught the coin from the air, and smiled his thanks. He then left for his other rounds. The Wa-Mar'am Shu-Wen? Chip remembered him somewhat. The short, furry fellow was another non-human race -- but he blended in much more easily with the furries around than Chip did. Covered with long, brown hair, he appeared to look more like a beaver or mole than anything else. Another quadraped, but his four paws were all able to act as hands. A great improvement over hooves, Chip thought. The Explorer was in Ranea to try to learn as much as possible about extra-Universal politics -- and to meet as many people as possible. He remembered some of his discussions -- an intelligent fellow. Chip wondered where he had learned about Chip's leaving -- but that would be a good start for conversation. =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: JONBOY Subject: Hemi's Date & Time: 08/25/90 13:42:43 Message Number 8122 JB>Ever hear of the 429 Boss? Yep. Hmmm. It has a record of losses to the 426's. JB>...they handicapped it so Mopars could run in the same race. Must be why. JB>Actually, now that I think about it - it was a 427 they built. No, you're right...429. It was in the 70 Mach's. Beautiful block, *nice* looking power plant, all in orange. (Er, whatever fancy term they used to describe ORANGE.) JB>Ford had a real inept racing progeam... Must be why they lost a majority to MOPAR. (Look it up...if you can't find it, I'll get the books and show it to you.) Actually, I didn't know any of this before this last four months. It has been nescessary to check all of this info out when selecting an engine (I'm rebuilding a 72 Charger). I would have liked to get a 426 but it's too much effort to rebuild one, and parts are too rare and I got a 440 instead. Friggin $1000 for an intake system...sheesh! Nothing personal about that ORANGE remark, Mopar uses blue...but they call it "Chrysler Blue" calling it Chrysler Blue is gonna impress somebody. ("Oooh, you have CHRYSLER BLUE block! Oooh!") Oh, well...just a name, I suppose. =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: BLACK MAGIC Subject: Laws of... Date & Time: 08/25/90 13:56:21 Message Number 8123 BM>He probably gets off where you get off criticizing gays. Ah, yes, but I'm right... So where do you get off? =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: BEATLE Subject: Music Date & Time: 08/25/90 14:13:12 Message Number 8125 Well, can you run a drum machine? =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: BEATLE Subject: inane lyrics Date & Time: 08/25/90 14:14:15 Message Number 8126 B>...but Turtle and Max are firm believers... Yeah, they are...did you ever notice that those two are like, really REALLY similar? I begin to wonder what experiments the government has conducted on CLONING.... Oh, but hell! Then I'd have to suspect Ken and Mike, too! =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: RAVEN Subject: Laws of... Date & Time: 08/25/90 14:18:27 Message Number 8127 R>...but chen and bio warfare is _nasty_. No shit, Sherlock. I TOOK Nuclear/Chemical/Biological training when I was in the Army. I also took additional training as a member of the Chemical Detection Team so I*know* what the hazards of NBC warefare are all about. Your experience? Aside from what you've read? R>The good ol rubber suits Wrong. They are cloth and charcoal. Not rubber. Get your facts down... R> are _hot_ (not to mention unwieldy, uncomfortable and of limited R>effective use), and are not a panacea that works. Yes, they are _hot_ but aside from that they are not uncomfortable and certainly not unwieldy. Given, you couldn't do acrobatics in them, but for the purpose they were designed for (protect while in combat) they are quite effective. Besides, how the hell would you know? YOU ever had to wear one in field conditions? Apparently not, since you don't even know what they are made of.... When used properly (and there ARE proceedures which everybody uses) they are an effective WORKABLE responce to chemical attack. The only effect is that we would be hindered in our efforts, but the idea of a chemical attack (aside from killing men) is to make area unusable for battel. If an area gets gassed, the NBC proceedure is followed, (^SP battle) the unit withdraws to an NBC Decon site, and is re-supplied and ready fr combat again. In the meantime, another Decon crew goes out, sets up markers (NBC markers, to set area limits) so that the area won't be crossed by another unit. Even though Amercian Forces are prepared for such a battle, I don't think that Hussien will use his Chems...remember, he's gotta cross that space, too! Given there's not a lot of space there that'w worth any- thing... =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: CHIP P. UNICORN Subject: Laws of... Date & Time: 08/25/90 14:38:49 Message Number 8128 What country in the world consumes the most oil? =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: CHIP P. UNICORN Subject: Furrys Date & Time: 08/25/90 14:39:34 Message Number 8129 I was corrected by Turtle about the chomosome you are right about that...but I didn't mean number of chomosomes...I meant the information encoded on them. A match of info is what I was looking for. CPU> what makes you so certain that...Reli...based on chromosomes? Hmmm. Good point. It's just that most carbon based lifeforms I've ever encountered have some sort of basic pattern, and I just use chomosomes to describe it. In answer, I'm not certain. =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: CHIP P. UNICORN Subject: Laws of... Date & Time: 08/25/90 14:43:25 Message Number 8130 "Homophobe" is a bullshit term. It is used by sick individuals to turn the tables onto normal individuals. "I'm not sick because I'm gay; _you_ are sick because you are... afraid of gays! Yeah, that's the ticket...and, and..." Sick people who needed to justify themselves made up the term...and then their "supporters" decided to run with it. Get's a bullshit term. =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: CHIP P. UNICORN Subject: Homosexuality Date & Time: 08/25/90 14:46:57 Message Number 8131 CPU>Ya could be misrepresenting someone... True. But if you will take a look at my message, you will see that its pretty nebulous. Not that I used words which were not definite words. I said "possible" an "may indicate". I admit, I'm willing to put up with a lot of things. I would not judge your freind Igor to be gay just because he has a high pitched voide and is shy and clean shaven. These ALONE do not indicate anything. now the timbre of his voice with a high pitch might make me suspicious. I'm not sure that shy is an indicator, exactly. I am shy, but I'm not gay. I don't think that clean shaven is much of an indicator, either. Probably about 80% of what give a gay away is his demeanor. Other clues, like what JB said earlier (non-gender references) make up another 10%. I would give the rest to hunch... God, my typing sucks!!! sorry for all the typos. =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: CHIP P. UNICORN Subject: Homosexuality Date & Time: 08/25/90 14:54:56 Message Number 8132 CPU>But, seriously -- that is a good idea. And I've noticed it before. CPU>(In fact, three of four days ago -- and eventually he tried to bed CPU>me. I declined.) (Withdraws with a strange look on face) (gag!) You declined? (Looks away, still not sure of how to react...repulsion and disgust vie for space and finally reach a compromise, to be replaced by anger a few seconds later) I hope with a painfull (to the offending propositioner) guesture! Grr. I have to admire you, Chip...I'da had to do something extremely violent. (Shakes head and makes face) At least...yes, I amire your self-control. =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: RUFUS Subject: Velcro Date & Time: 08/25/90 15:06:54 Message Number 8133 Oh, fantastic! Where can I get some? =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: CHIP P. UNICORN Subject: Laws of... Date & Time: 08/25/90 15:09:29 Message Number 8134 "Front-lines" is an outdated term. According the the Army, there are to be no front lines because of the "high-mobilty" factor of tdays conflicts. The new army tactical strategy is called "Air/Land Battle" (A/L B). This is where a war is fought on many fronts, all with thier own Air support (which can range from Chinooks to A-10's). Essentially, in A/L B all the fighting is done from the air by area attacks (40 mm grenades from helis, tank attacks and bomb attacks from A-10's). This keeps our troops from harms way while still leaving them there for clean up operations. Clearly, the US has the tactical advantage on air superiority, and with this, we can conduct A/L B all day long. Oh, by the way...while Iraqi troop strength is (over) estimated at about 1 million troops, actually only about 200,000 of them are of any use (trained soldiers). This puts the US in a more favorable light, seeing as how ALL of our troops are well trained. (While not in actual combat...even though they got as close as they could without killing each other.) We can make up the difference with tactical nukes. Heh, heh, heh. =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: Laws of... Date & Time: 08/25/90 15:30:22 Message Number 8135 Well, Dave, are you sure that you meant to say, "all fighting"? No, I meant to say, a great deal of the fighting. Ah, so then, what you mean is that the troops are "closely supported" by air support. Well, yes. You know what I mean!  Yes, but you know that they'll sharpshoot you on that. I know, I know... =========== From: SPELLWIND To: BEATLE Subject: Music Date & Time: 08/25/90 16:02:15 Message Number 8136 Same here, dude. (Re: Drummer) =========== From: RUFUS To: CHIP P. UNICORN Subject: Yo! Furry Fen! Date & Time: 08/25/90 16:26:32 Message Number 8138 I picked up the flyer for it yesterday at Time Machine. I know a few non-bbsers, semi-furry, anime folks are going, probably two weekends from now. The more the merrier. And the Tampa Theatre is an amazing place. The inside looks like the outside more than the outside does. And even better, if you buy 10 tickets, it's only $2 each, as opposed to $4 each. What a deal. =========== From: RUFUS To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: Velcro Date & Time: 08/25/90 16:35:48 Message Number 8139 >Oh, fantastic! Where can I get some? Well, I know West Coast Hobby World in Sarasota has it. Other than there, I'm not really sure. I should go out and invest in some. =========== From: CHIP P. UNICORN To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: Laws of... Date & Time: 08/25/90 19:21:46 Message Number 8140 Which country consumes the most oil? The U.S. But it's fairly likely that Japan or West Germany import more. Chip P. Unicorn =========== From: CHIP P. UNICORN To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: Laws of... Date & Time: 08/25/90 19:23:41 Message Number 8141 >Homophobe is a bullshit term. It is used by sick individuals to >turn the tables onto normal individuals. No, the term happens to have been more of a psychological term, similar to Anglophobe, agoraphobe, or pedophobe -- without reference to the morality (or immorality) of homosexuality, English people, wide open spaces, or children. Yes, it was taken by the homosexual community to describe their attackers; but it remains a good psychological term. Even if you were a forthright individual, and morally opposed say... computer criminals, there is no need to be afraid of them. Even if you fulfilled all of the Ten Commandments, there is no need to fear covetous people. That, sir, is the difference between a "morally upright" person and a "homophobe." Chip P. Unicorn =========== From: CHIP P. UNICORN To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: Homosexuality Date & Time: 08/25/90 19:35:43 Message Number 8142 Don't worry about the typos. You're doing fine. First and foremost, I don't want to debate the morality (or immorality) of homosexuality. What I have found disturbing about you is that you seem to feel that homosexuality immediately negates any "good points" for a person. That is, a man or woman might be a wonderful member of the community, giving generously to churches and civic organizations, be a wonderful speaker and an easy person to get along with, be unselfishly devoted to children and pets, and yet keeps up the schedule necessary for a doctor in the emergency ward -- and be homosexual -- therefore, the person is scvm. That, my friend, seems to be homophobia. Prove me wrong. Say that one's sexual preference is not the most important thing about oneself. Chip P. Unicorn =========== From: CHIP P. UNICORN To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: Homosexuality Date & Time: 08/25/90 19:46:06 Message Number 8143 >You declined?...I hope with a painfull guesture! It's happened before to me; it may happen again. I'm not interested in the "homosexual lifestyle" -- but I don't see how it's my place to try to change others away from it. The first time I declined with, "My girlfriend wouldn't like that." and last time, I simply said I was hetero. Period. What was I doing with him in the first place? His brother died; he desperately needed to talk with someone. And that shakes the boundaries of sexual preference. Chip P. Unicorn =========== From: CHIP P. UNICORN To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: Laws of... Date & Time: 08/25/90 19:53:53 Message Number 8144 Thank you very much for the information. Though I disagree with you on some topics, your military knowledge is first-rate. Tactical nukes? Heck -- go for the big stuff first, and create the Iraqi sea. THAT'll teach 'em to go against the U.S! Chip P. Unicorn =========== From: CHIP P. UNICORN To: RUFUS Subject: Yo! Furry Fen! Date & Time: 08/25/90 19:57:04 Message Number 8145 I think we could manage to scrape up ten fen -- especially if we include your "non-bbsers, semi-furry, anime" friends. But, the big question is: can the Tampa Theatre deal with having more than ten furries in the same place at once? Yip!, Chip P. Unicorn =========== From: RAVEN To: TURTLE Subject: Laws of... Date & Time: 08/25/90 20:26:35 Message Number 8146 >And desperately outnumbered... 1. Being outnumbered is of little consequence in the type of battle that will probably occur (hit fast, and don't clean up afterwards). The Afgahn rebels admirably demonstrated the ability of small fanatic forces to fight a prolonged battle, even if dramatically outnumbered and outclassed (with regard to weaponry), neither of which apply to the Iraquis. The length of the fighting depends entirely on how long S.H. wants it to. 2. The Afgahns had significantly fewer resources and supplies (but were admittedly fighting on home territory, wheras the soviets were not) than the Iraquis do. The Iraquis are more familiar with the area, and the military tactics that desert fighting requires than the US or allied forces. 3. I believe that Nam was considered a 'paint by numbers thing' as well. This is too close a conflict for the outcome to be determined before the fact. I ferverantly hope that the Iraquis back down (thus avioding the other neccesities of a prolonged war), but I do not feel that predictions can be accurately made at this point. -a where-the-hell-is-my-other-passport Raven- =========== From: RAVEN To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: Laws of... Date & Time: 08/25/90 20:49:45 Message Number 8147 A freely admit that I did not know the SOP for dealing with chem/bio attack. The figure I have for the effectiveness of the suit (30min for intrusive agents) is what I was told by one friend who rescently left the military, and verified by another who rescentley rejioned. No I have never worn one in field conditions, and if the rest of the suit is anywhere as stifiling as the mask (one of which I own), then I can only say thank the gods, and pray that I never have to. =========== From: RAVEN To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: Laws of... Date & Time: 08/25/90 20:55:17 Message Number 8148 phobe := fear As you are definately afraid of gays (or so your attitude has lead us to believe) homophobe is an accurate description. I thought you were dropping this thread? =========== From: SPELLWIND To: CHIP P. UNICORN Subject: Laws of... Date & Time: 08/25/90 21:49:36 Message Number 8149 Come now... I hate war in any way, shape, or form... if they drafted me I wouldn't kill. =========== From: JONBOY To: TURTLE Subject: inane lyrics Date & Time: 08/25/90 22:10:54 Message Number 8150 T> you're likely to end up missing something. Actually - yes. Usually what the name of the song is! As far as the lyrics go - I learned my lesson again when I took the time to read the lyrics in Van Halen's OU812. Sorry! The music can do quite well with- out understanding the word. I ain't made up my mind whether Sammy is a good thing or not yet - but he has the fact that DL Roth was a dweeb is a point in his favor. =========== From: JONBOY To: SNAKEBYTE Subject: Zappa Date & Time: 08/25/90 22:19:32 Message Number 8151 SB>I have to be careful when I play some Zappa around my kids. I took the "Joes' Garage" tape into work (some fabulous synth guitar work!) and one of the guys cranked it in the song Cyborg where he is having sex with Gay Bob - a miniature plasticized homo-replica and shorts out Cy with a golden shower. Just so happened that some, ahhhh sensistive people were in the area.... =========== From: JONBOY To: SNAKEBYTE Subject: Moral/Popular Date & Time: 08/25/90 22:22:42 Message Number 8152 SB>sharks in Wilmington, NC Wow! When were you there? I used to be stationed at Fort Fisher at the south end of Kure Beach. I used to really bug the gals at the research station. Finally they figured out I was sincere (I used to take 'em weird stuff I caught snorkeling and in my nets) and used to take me out in the boat on collection trips. I remember cutting up my first shark. Not only did the damned thing resist being cut open - it dulled my Buck knife to the point I couldn't cut at all with it. We used the skin to make some Japanese sanders. =========== From: JONBOY To: BEATLE Subject: Music Date & Time: 08/25/90 22:27:50 Message Number 8153 I just wanna jam with somebody. I miss my buddy Billy Bell. We used to have Rum-n-coke jam sessions at least once a month (that's where you drink rum and cokes and play loud obnoxious music until all you can do is hit the strings and giggle). Sighhh... =========== From: JONBOY To: CHIP P. UNICORN Subject: HI!!!! Date & Time: 08/25/90 22:33:18 Message Number 8154 CPU>Again, sometime we need to get together some sort of pick-up, acoust CPU>band. Well let's do a poll and have a get together or something. I was trying to get some of these dead-beats sown to the Dog House (Mulcahey's) on Taco night or whatnot 'cause the owner was thoughtless enough to place a drum set, an acoustic 6 string w/pickup, an Ibanez electric and a bass guitar and a Casio keyboard complete with mikes and amps. However - maybe it would be best to deafen somebodies neighbors first? =========== From: JONBOY To: CHIP P. UNICORN Subject: Homosexuality Date & Time: 08/25/90 22:37:40 Message Number 8155 CPU>does not give one whit of information about bisexuals. Hmmm . I've known two bisexual people and both were females. I really can't remember how they referred to their lovers. Oh well. =========== From: JONBOY To: TURTLE Subject: weire Date & Time: 08/25/90 22:41:05 Message Number 8156 T> but because we can't get rid of it. Do what the big boys do... call it a feature. =========== From: JONBOY To: CHIP P. UNICORN Subject: Yo! Furry Fen! Date & Time: 08/25/90 22:46:34 Message Number 8157 Drool ! Count me in! I *love* animation festivals. I've been trying to get the European animation festivals on VHS (yes they're available - but where?). =========== From: JONBOY To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: Hemi's Date & Time: 08/25/90 22:50:09 Message Number 8158 Nope - the 429 BOSS that I'm referring to was only produced for 2 years and was a twin overhead cam. They produced a limitd number for NASCAR but then the rules changed. It was too expensive to re-tool for NASCAR so it became somewhat of an orphan. Two boys in Tennessee run these things in ProStock and have great success. You misunderstand handicaps. They let the Mopar leave /first/ and the Ford has to try and pass it. =========== From: YNGLING To: BLACK MAGIC Subject: Heinlein Date & Time: 08/26/90 00:47:05 Message Number 8160 >Usually it helps if you look, listen, and feel - first! And /then/ can I do mouth-to-mouth? ;> The Yngling [gee, if this thread continues much longer I'm gonna need a cold shower] =========== From: SPELLWIND To: JONBOY Subject: inane lyrics Date & Time: 08/26/90 10:07:24 Message Number 8166 Van Hagar sucks. at least with Roth there was a solidness there and action in the songs, not like the now whimpering Hagar, who was once ver y good. =========== From: CHIP P. UNICORN To: RAVEN Subject: Laws of... Date & Time: 08/26/90 10:52:35 Message Number 8167 There's one thing you're leaving out: food. The Iraqis are most certainly not self-sufficient. (Neither are the Kuwaitis.) IF the economic blockade is successful (which it may not be), then the Iraqis will have to stop fighting once their reserves of food run out. We can survive without the Iraqi oil (though it will hurt!), but they can't survive without our food. Chip P. Unicorn =========== From: CHIP P. UNICORN To: SPELLWIND Subject: War! Date & Time: 08/26/90 10:56:09 Message Number 8168 >I hate war in any way, shape, or form... if they drafted me I >wouldn't kill. How strong are those ideals, Spellwind? Would you kill in self- defense? If someone was torturing you to death, and the only way to stop him would be by killing him (which, it's assumed, you have the capability of doing...), would you? What if you're thrown into a "kill or be killed" situation, similar to what happened with many of our troops in Vietnam? All I'm saying: thank God I'm 4-F -- and that I can get Mexican citizenship really easily. Chip P. Unicorn =========== From: CHIP P. UNICORN To: JONBOY Subject: Music Date & Time: 08/26/90 11:00:46 Message Number 8169 If ya don't mind an acoustic guitar player (or you've got a spare electric one -- and don't mind waiting while I figure out the changes), I'd love to jam with ya sometime. And I won't bring my cloak. Chip P. Unicorn =========== From: CHIP P. UNICORN To: JONBOY Subject: Bisexuality Date & Time: 08/26/90 11:02:39 Message Number 8170 >Both [bisexuals] were females. I really can't remember how they >referred to their lovers. If male, "he". If female, "she". Simple, no? :> Chip P. Unicorn =========== From: KEN OBER To: KEN OBER Subject: Lacey Date & Time: 08/26/90 11:54:26 Message Number 8172 Which reminds me ... I saw William Shatner as "The Big Kahoona" (SP!?) In some surfer movie ... Anyone know what it is? =========== From: KEN OBER To: BEATLE Subject: Nuke Kids Date & Time: 08/26/90 12:00:29 Message Number 8173 (L)ucy in the (S)ky with (D)iamonds .... NEED ANY MORE PROOF!?!?!?!? :) I'm bbbbbbbbaaaaaaaccccccccccccccckkkkkkkkkkkk!!!!!!!!!! =========== From: KEN OBER To: RUFUS Subject: cat Date & Time: 08/26/90 12:01:37 Message Number 8174 > Cathrode Ray Tubes must be read heavy. Really? That's what CRT stands for? Anyways, I didn't come up with the name for the shoes ... It must be an acronym for something different... =========== From: KEN OBER To: #?.INFO Subject: HI! Date & Time: 08/26/90 12:03:25 Message Number 8175 Hi all ... Just here to say I'm back alive in one piece! Good, eh? =========== From: RAVEN To: CHIP P. UNICORN Subject: Laws of... Date & Time: 08/26/90 12:16:52 Message Number 8176 Hmm....Probably true. -R- =========== From: BEATLE To: RUFUS Subject: inane lyrics Date & Time: 08/26/90 15:07:53 Message Number 8177 > I don't think Zot ignores the lyrics. I should have put in the word "sometimes". He's told me that he often listens to just the base line or just the music of a song. =========== From: BEATLE To: RUFUS Subject: cat Date & Time: 08/26/90 15:09:50 Message Number 8178 > (right next to the guy from the Crazy Glue ad). Ghee! He's still there? =========== From: BEATLE To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: Music Date & Time: 08/26/90 15:17:41 Message Number 8181 > Well, can you run a drum machine? Ghods! Don't say things like that! I wouldn't WANT to run a drum machine. If its not something you can play, then keep it away from me. =========== From: BEATLE To: RUFUS Subject: Yo! Furry Fen! Date & Time: 08/26/90 15:23:32 Message Number 8182 > if you buy 10 tickets, it's only $2 each, as opposed to $4 each. Sounds nice and dandy. Who's going to drive? I'm interested in going if nothing is prohibiting me from leaving here... =========== From: BEATLE To: KEN OBER Subject: Nuke Kids Date & Time: 08/26/90 15:33:34 Message Number 8183 > NEED ANY MORE PROOF!?!?!?!? :) Yes. The spelling of a song title does nothing to advocate drug use. Turtle, is this pretty much a given, or what? I think Ken here is grabbing for something to support himself... =========== From: BEATLE To: TURTLE Subject: help Date & Time: 08/26/90 15:47:16 Message Number 8184 Turtle, I know you work good with the inards of computers, but do you know anything about VCRs? Something odd just happened to ours... I need to find someone who might know what's wrong with it who won't charge a fee to say "VCR fall down and go boom. I can do something for ya if you give me five hundred dollars and don't sue me when it breaks next month" =========== From: YNGLING To: JONBOY Subject: HI!!!! Date & Time: 08/26/90 15:55:00 Message Number 8185 RE: Jam Session @ The Dog House The only thing I can play is the radio but I'd be happy to show up & lend moral support (and help fight off the other patrons if ya'll offend anyone with your playing - been too long since I was in a good bar brawl anyhow). Let me know when you all plan to show. The Yngling =========== From: YNGLING To: JONBOY Subject: weire Date & Time: 08/26/90 15:58:50 Message Number 8186 > it a feature Hell yeah, and charge us double the normal admission price too! I say somebody needs to start paying Turtle for all the weire he's providing. Or maybe it would be best to hold a telethon or something...... The Yngling =========== From: YNGLING To: SPELLWIND Subject: inane lyrics Date & Time: 08/26/90 16:03:45 Message Number 8187 Hagar was /never/ any good. The Yngling =========== From: BLACK MAGIC To: CHIP P. UNICORN Subject: Animalism! Date & Time: 08/26/90 16:42:51 Message Number 8189 :> Only you...welcome back. Missed you... Lady =========== From: BLACK MAGIC To: RUFUS Subject: Heinlein Date & Time: 08/26/90 16:49:53 Message Number 8190 Naughty - naughty...didn't you learn anything? ;) Lace =========== From: BLACK MAGIC To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: Laws of... Date & Time: 08/26/90 16:53:57 Message Number 8191 You'll never know. =========== From: BLACK MAGIC To: YNGLING Subject: Heinlein Date & Time: 08/26/90 17:00:14 Message Number 8192 Yes, /then/ you do the mouth-to-mouth.). Lady =========== From: BLACK MAGIC To: YNGLING Subject: HI!!!! Date & Time: 08/26/90 17:05:21 Message Number 8193 JONBOY...If you need a violinist, I could help...I fool around with the drums a bit...a good friend of mine is in a band...really excellent drummer....if you'd like, I'll give him a call. LADY =========== From: RUFUS To: CHIP P. UNICORN Subject: Yo! Furry Fen! Date & Time: 08/26/90 21:17:01 Message Number 8194 Well, for "Akira" we had, lesse, nine furry folks, plus some other weird folks. =========== From: RUFUS To: KEN OBER Subject: cat Date & Time: 08/26/90 21:26:30 Message Number 8195 >It [CRT] most be an acronym for something different... Crappy Reebok Tennis shoes. Yep, just like (L)ucy in the (S)ky with (D)iamonds. yep, yep, yep... =========== From: RUFUS To: BEATLE Subject: cat Date & Time: 08/26/90 21:28:20 Message Number 8196 > Ghee! He's [the Crazy Glue guy] still there? Yea, seems the glue seeped into his head. They can't move him. =========== From: RUFUS To: BLACK MAGIC Subject: Heinlein Date & Time: 08/26/90 21:31:25 Message Number 8197 >Naughty - naughty... Boy, you know how to flatter (sp?) a guy. Your sooooo sweet (and cute). Yes, tommorow, I'm going to catch hell. =========== From: RUFUS To: ALL Subject: Iggmawaulder Date & Time: 08/26/90 21:33:52 Message Number 8198 Few patrons notice the man who enters the bar. When I see him pull out a gun I say "Nuuhh...Huuh....GUN!" Mulligan spins around to face the man just in time to have the bullet graze his right hip. After making a nasty mess of Mulligan's hip, the bullet goes through my coat, the bar behind, and stops with a shattering of glass. Mulligan, with a trickle of blood running down his uniform, ignores the minor wound and heads toward the rude guest. Turtle comments, "He sure doesn't look happy. You know, this reminds me of a heavy metal song." "Arrghh! My coat, my nice coat" I say, adding "They need some gun control around here." Looking down, I notice a dwarf. "ZOT! It's ZOT!" =========== From: SPELLWIND To: BEATLE Subject: Nuke Kids Date & Time: 08/26/90 21:48:52 Message Number 8199 Next he'll use, "I get high with a little help from my friends" Which, of course, means High on life. =========== From: SPELLWIND To: YNGLING Subject: inane lyrics Date & Time: 08/26/90 21:50:37 Message Number 8200 I don't know.... I liked (the song) I can't drive 55.. =========== From: SPELLWIND To: ALL Subject: My-Mytha-hmm Date & Time: 08/26/90 21:54:23 Message Number 8201 Where can I get a Mythag Myth Mythagosomethingorother?? =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: CHIP P. UNICORN Subject: Laws of... Date & Time: 08/27/90 00:03:00 Message Number 8202 Sir... I am aware of the origin of "-phobe" anyone else who uses the English language is. To use the expression "bullshit term" is rather of a crude way of saying that the term described (in this case 'homophobe') is a nonsense word. The word has little semantic value...other than what the gay community can glean from it. Let me elaborate on what I mean. The word was made up with the specific intent to make those who oppose abnormality (in this case the normal people) look like there was something mentally wrong with them, rather than the ones who were morally devoid and mentally deficient to start with. I don't even know why you brought that word (for lack of a better expression) up. =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: CHIP P. UNICORN Subject: Homosexuality Date & Time: 08/27/90 00:11:11 Message Number 8203 Oh, we go again. The lifestyle you described is an admirable one, indeed. If you can find me a gay who lives like that, then I will not call him scum. As a matter of fact I don't recall using the word scum. Although, if I have, I probably was describing another type of individual. CPU>Prove me wrong. Say that one's sexual preference is not the most important thing about oneself. What? How would that be proving you wrong? I see that you are attempting to class me into the nonsense term you used earlier. The term means nothing. I think that you have been reading too much of "The Jabberwocky" again.... =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: CHIP P. UNICORN Subject: Homosexuality Date & Time: 08/27/90 00:16:35 Message Number 8204 CPU>...I don't see how it's my place to try to change others away from CPU>it. What's your point? What has that got to do with my post to you? CPU>What was I doing with him in the first place? His brother died; he CPU>desperately needed to talk with someone. "Talk"? He needed to "bed" you...the guy was really in mourning. Yeah, bullshit. Scum. If my brother died, I wouldn't invite some chick over on the pretenses of "I need to talk to someone" and then try to screw her. That's pretty low. CPU>...that shakes the boundaries... Yeah, it sure does. Scum. =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: RAVEN Subject: Laws of... Date & Time: 08/27/90 00:27:29 Message Number 8205 1. The Afghan rebels were outnumbered and outclassed Yes, they were. But they were also cohesive. All of them were on the same side. Let me remind you that S.H. is not a popular leader. R>the lenght of the battle depends on how long S.H. wants More garbage. If we go to war, there will be no extended war. We will invade, and we will take the country. The war will be on OUR terms. 2. Afghans had significantly fewer resources and were fighting on home territory. Again, yees. But they got their resources from the Soviets, were wer who were careless. R>Iraqis are more familiar with...the military tactics that desert fighting requires more than the US or Allied forces. So what are you saying, that the US will lose more scirmishes because they don't know desert tactics? Wrong. The US military trains everywhere. They are as prepared as the Iraqis (if not more) and can handle them on "thier own turf". R>Nam was considered a "paint by numbers" thing... Where are you getting your information? We actually did very well in Viet Nam. We could have won the war except for POLITICAL considerations (we didn't want to rile the USSR). As a matter of fact, the Tet offensive was more of a loss for the VC because they lost more troops than we did! As a matter of fact, casualties of the VC side were more than all of our injuries and casualties combined! Honestly, I don't know where you get your info.... =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: RAVEN Subject: Laws of... Date & Time: 08/27/90 00:38:38 Message Number 8206 Do you know what SOP stands for? Actually, the figure for intrusive agents is a little higher than that, (about 100 min) but thats plent of time to get out of a contaminated area. And I don't know what type of mask you have but if it's an M17 then you have old, obsolete equipment. The new masks are much more comfortable, and you can see much more through them. Also, they are easier to chage the filter on, and better sealing. And I hope that you never have to wear one, either. Really. You oughta check your info first... =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: RAVEN Subject: Laws of... Date & Time: 08/27/90 00:41:39 Message Number 8207 R>As you are deinately afraid of gays (or so your attitude has lead R>us to believe) homophobe is an accurate discription. And you, sir, are also full of shit. (Proved by your trying to distribute misinformation on military information.) I don't understand why you use the word afraid? That is why "homophobe" is such a misnomer. It makes no sense! How can anyone be "afraid" of a faggot? Pansy assed cock suckers. (or pussy lickers, take your choice.) R>I thought you were dropping this thread? I tried. I did try. You (plural) won't let me. Between you & Chip, I have to pick the damn thing up again. =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: SPELLWIND Subject: Laws of... Date & Time: 08/27/90 00:46:10 Message Number 8208 SW>Come now...I hate war in any way, shape or form... if they drafted SW>me I wouldn't kill. Then you would die. And in the process would be responsible for someone elses death. But if you wanted to die, no one could stop you. Nah, you'd kill. I'd bet any money. You would. =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: JONBOY Subject: HI!!!! Date & Time: 08/27/90 00:49:47 Message Number 8209 Lemme get this straight...the guy over at the Dog House will let you use the equipment on the stage? Awesome! When do you want to Jam, I'll be there!!!!!!!!!!! =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: SPELLWIND Subject: inane lyrics Date & Time: 08/27/90 01:04:22 Message Number 8211 OH, man, are you forgetting "Heavy Metal"? Oh, PU-Leeese! =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: BLACK MAGIC Subject: Appearances Date & Time: 08/27/90 01:23:21 Message Number 8212 BM>You'll never know. Ah, that'd make me one of the few, then... Promiscu =========== From: AJ-- To: BIG LEW Subject: Gays Date & Time: 08/27/90 02:56:42 Message Number 8213 Well Big Lew, I tell you, some people are just sometimes just as scared about telling their "family or friends" as them finding out before they found the "right moment" to tell them... My advice to you is to just do your normal day to day things and not worry about it..Apparently your Sis is feeling the same way you are right now..(confused, what should I say..etc.)..Give it time. (smile)..Yes its ok that you prefer to remain your ananimity (sp)..Chat anytime or if you have some questions..I am very open and never feel uncomfortable about someone asking personal questions about my lifestyle. =========== From: AJ-- To: SNAKEBYTE Subject: LUV Connection Date & Time: 08/27/90 03:04:02 Message Number 8214 The LUV Connection XXX BBS Online 24 Hours 300/1200/2400 813-755-3289 =========== From: CRYSTAL To: SPELLWIND Subject: Mythagoras Date & Time: 08/27/90 14:28:41 Message Number 8215 You can get a copy at the Time Machine. It will cost you $3.50. * CRYSTAL * =========== From: RAVEN To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: Laws of... Date & Time: 08/27/90 18:59:56 Message Number 8216 S> S>And you, sir, are also full of shit. Hmm. My 'misinformation' is obtained through _very_ reliable sources. I do really enjoy watching you get reduced to incoherent babbeling, as it means that you are no longer able to find a logical support for your stand. S>How can anyone be "afraid" of a faggot? That's _exactly_ what we have been trying to find out! =========== From: BLACK MAGIC To: RUFUS Subject: Heinlein Date & Time: 08/28/90 16:08:40 Message Number 8217 Yeah, well, I gave you some hell today...I guess I'll really have to get you tomorrow! :> Lacey =========== From: BLACK MAGIC To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: Appearances Date & Time: 08/28/90 16:09:31 Message Number 8218 If you are insinuating that I sleep around, my dear, you are quite don't know me well enough to even comment on my personal life. Black Magic =========== From: YNGLING To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: Vietnam Date & Time: 08/28/90 17:01:46 Message Number 8220 We did NOT do "very well" in Vietnam - despite what your D.I.'s or T.O. or whatever the hell the Army calls them these days told you. We got our asses kicked for many reasons ( including political considerations ) the most important of which was the 365 day rotation policy. We kept reinventing the wheel every 365 days. Just when our troops became accustomed to the situation and figured out how to fight the damn war (oops! that's "police action") we sent them home and shipped in a new bunch of cherries who couldnt cross a rice paddy w/o stepping on their dicks. Of course there was also the problem of inept officers who were more concerned with getting their CIB than getting the job done...and a civilian population that hated our guts...and the fact that we were sup- porting a corrupt government...and then there was the ARVN...well, let's just say that to blame the final outcome of the Vietnam conflict on political considerations alone is about as informed as Raven's comparing the current Middle East situation with Vietnam. The Yngling "They called in the Air Farce to clear out Hue City, The Air Farce arrived on the scene. They bombed out three ridges, Two villes, and some bridges, And seven platoons of Marines!" =========== From: YNGLING To: CRYSTAL Subject: ... Date & Time: 08/28/90 17:15:51 Message Number 8221 Crystal, I realized the other afternoon ( after I hung up ) that I hadnt wished you "good luck" re: the phone call you were waiting for. Sorry, and Good Luck. :) The Yngling =========== From: KEN OBER To: BEATLE Subject: Music Date & Time: 08/28/90 18:49:05 Message Number 8222 You lie! You would LOVE a drum machine ... Remember how much you liked the one at Jon's house? Drum machines are just bigger and have about 20 or so drum pads on 'em instead of 10 keys.... =========== From: KEN OBER To: BEATLE Subject: Nuke Kids Date & Time: 08/28/90 18:50:57 Message Number 8223 You're obviously just a babbling relative of Mike Greenwald... :) =========== From: KEN OBER To: RUFUS Subject: cat Date & Time: 08/28/90 18:53:14 Message Number 8224 Dip. Dip. Dip. Dip. Dip. Dip. Dip. Di p. D i p . D i p \*/ =========== From: KEN OBER To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: Laws of... Date & Time: 08/28/90 18:56:59 Message Number 8225 > ... rather than the ones who were morally devoid and mentally > deficient to start with. SO you are saying people who aren't homophobic of gay people are "morally devoid" and "mentally deficient"!?!?!?! Naughty naughty naughty ... That's not nice, Dave... =========== From: BEATLE To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: Laws of... Date & Time: 08/28/90 19:28:13 Message Number 8226 > trying to distribute misinformation on... What someone does or doesn't know about the millitary has NOTHING to do with their ability to argue about homosexuality. > How can you be afraid...? Voop! Voop! Voop! Non-sequitur alert! Sure, I see what YOU mean. You don't think they are a part of life as we know it, so they aren't going to be a part of your life period. That's manifest bullshit (tm). There can be someone who is a perfectly fine person, and their sexual preference has nothing to do with it... Do you hate people because they might be an alcoholic?? That goes by your way of pegging homosexuality as a sickness... And about dropping the thread. I don't mind reading these messages. I LIKE reading these messages. Chip is still willing to debate this topic also... I suppose you are the one who wants to drop it, right? I guess that's up to you, I guess. But I don't want you to feel you must drop it because NOONE wants to see it. I /do/. =========== From: BEATLE To: KEN OBER Subject: Music Date & Time: 08/28/90 19:38:01 Message Number 8227 > have about 20 or so pads on 'em... Yeah, but you can PLAY that. You don't just turn it on and say "Oh, I'll let it play this beat every four seconds for the next two hours." =========== From: BEATLE To: KEN OBER Subject: dip? Date & Time: 08/28/90 19:40:00 Message Number 8228 > Dip. > Dip. > Dip. > ...etc. Is the only thing you can tink of when you can't support your position an insult?? =========== From: RUFUS To: BLACK MAGIC Subject: Heinlein Date & Time: 08/28/90 21:54:29 Message Number 8229 >Yeah, well, I gave you some hell today... When, where? I didn't notice any hell. >I guess I'll really have to get you tommorow! :> Well, there's /one/ thing to look forward to tommorow. =========== From: RUFUS To: ALL Subject: Uncle Bob's Date & Time: 08/28/90 21:58:43 Message Number 8230 Welp, Uncle Bob's Alligator Farm and Tofu Museum will be down untill Wednesday night. The Great Aardvark found it fit to piss on my hard disk (ie, the hard drive crashed, big time). I can restore the BBS, but the backups are from August 16th. Sigh....... =========== From: YNGLING To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: Homosexual Date & Time: 08/28/90 22:29:32 Message Number 8231 Specialist, I left this message on Rufus' Bbs but since it crashed I'm leaving it here also to make sure you get it. You made a comment on Uncle Bob's that said "homos arent human." For the last couple weeks you've been arguing that homosexuality is an illness. With that comment, I can't help but wonder if you would also say that epileptics are not human or that cancer patients are not human? Or has your insistence that homosexuality is a "sickness" been merely manifest bullshit (tm) ? If you are saying that anyone who suffers from an illness doesnt qualify as "human," well then bud you just joined the ranks of Saddam Hussein in the "Pissing Off The Wrong People Dept." If it was merely bullshit manifested in an attempt to lend legitimacy to your arguements then I guess maybe you are just another ignorant homophobe. The Yngling P.S. In case you're wondering - do I like homosexuals? Not particularly . Do I persecute them? Nope, I just keep my distance as long as they keep theirs. Personally they turn my stomach but I don't tell other people what to do in the privacy of their own homes. I'm willing to bet there's people that would be outraged at some of the things I've done in my bedroom but as long as I don't force 'em to watch or do it on the concourse at Desoto Square Mall its none of their fucking business (no pun intended). T.Y. =========== From: SPELLWIND To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: Laws of... Date & Time: 08/28/90 23:03:24 Message Number 8232 Alright, I've heard about enough. Who are you to say what's ? I believe there's no such thing as , and even if I did, I wouldn't follow YOUR Bigoted, Conceited way. Black, White, Red , Yellow, Green, Straight, Bi, Gay..... HUMAN. =========== From: SPELLWIND To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: Homosexuality Date & Time: 08/28/90 23:07:26 Message Number 8233 You're no 'Homophobe', you're just bigoted. =========== From: SPELLWIND To: RAVEN Subject: Laws of... Date & Time: 08/28/90 23:14:21 Message Number 8234 Hmm, Ya'all think, The Specialist is Mike Greenwald? =========== From: SPELLWIND To: YNGLING Subject: Vietnam Date & Time: 08/28/90 23:16:41 Message Number 8235 Dedicated to: The Women of Ireland I'll taaake you hoome agaain cathleeeeen.... =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: BLACK MAGIC Subject: Appearances Date & Time: 08/28/90 23:31:27 Message Number 8236 Actually, I must apologise...sorry. I read my message when I logged on and found that part of a word that I wanted to leave out was still included.... The only reason that I even posted that was because I was trying to make a joke...again, sorry if I implied the wrong thing. You are quite right...I don't know you well enough to comment on your personal life. It just strikes me as humorous that you have such a good flirtatious rappore with a lot of the guys. By the way, the sentence that I was going to write was: "Promiscuity is not what I am referring to." But my backspace key and my return key are close together, and I hit the return by mistake so I just decided to leave the line out (it was late and I didn't fell like (SP FEEL) like messing with it). "Please understand...I hold you in the highest respect." P.S. to all the guys: Look guys, don't jump on my case about was an honest mistake. I'm sure that many of you will come to BM's defence... =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: KEN OBER Subject: deficient Date & Time: 08/28/90 23:39:19 Message Number 8237 No, I was not. =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: YNGLING Subject: Homosexual Date & Time: 08/28/90 23:41:56 Message Number 8238 No, just homos. And where do people get the idea that I'm trying to tell them what to do? I NEVER said, "Ok, all you homos, STOP THAT!" They can do what they damnwell please...I think they are sick, but (AS ALWAYS) THATS JUST MY OPINION!!! =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: SPELLWIND Subject: Laws of... Date & Time: 08/28/90 23:43:54 Message Number 8239 OK. That's it. EVERBODY LISTEN UP. (THis includes Beatle, Ken, Chip, Max, Turtle, Spellwind, BM, Raven and every other ASSHOLE who's been on my case!) 1. I am not a homophobe. 2. I do not like homos. I think that they qualify for the "less than human award" for acting less than human (in ways which I will not bother to describe in detail). 3. I have never TOLD any GAY *not* to be gay...I have told them what I think of thier actions (and everybody else) and will CONTINUE to do so. 3. I am sick and FUCKING tired of having to argue my position, which is based on OPINION and EMOTION. (Not on logic, mind you, because my position SURE as HELL is not LOGICAL. So stop trying to pick it apart with logic; you can't argue with a crazy man!) 4. I am not going to change my OPINION in the future, so stop trying to "explain "explain" your respective points of view to me! (Explain-hah! You are badgering me to death!) PS: Raven, did you enjoy this particular blather? I hope so, because it is the last time I will say anything further about the issue of homosexuality. Period. 5. So if you guys like the term, homophobe, use it to your hearts desire. I am confident in the knowledge that I am not. Have fun! =========== From: CHIP P. UNICORN To: KEN OBER Subject: HI! Date & Time: 08/29/90 00:02:35 Message Number 8240 >Just here to say I'm back alive in one piece! If you want, we can solve that problem for you... :) Seriously, Ken, welcome back! Good to see ya again (methaphorically speaking, of course.) Chip P. Unicorn =========== From: CHIP P. UNICORN To: BEATLE Subject: Music Date & Time: 08/29/90 00:04:57 Message Number 8241 >If its not something you can play, then keep it away from me. Hmm... this opens up a new line of thought. What's the difference between 'playing' an instrument and just 'running' one? For example, you said you just 'run' a drum machine. What about synthesizer? Most of 'em (Well, the good ones, anyway) have one-key "harmony" sections where they keep a moving base line, play chords in the rhythm you choose, and usually keep a full percussion sound afterwards. Are you really 'playing' anything there? Chip P. Unicorn, who plays a guitar made by 16th-century methods. =========== From: CHIP P. UNICORN To: BEATLE Subject: Yo! Furry Fen! Date & Time: 08/29/90 00:08:48 Message Number 8242 Beatle- If you give me directions, the Green B*tch and I will pick you up. Anyway, y'all -- which weekend is best for the movie? Chip P. Unicorn =========== From: CHIP P. UNICORN To: BEATLE Subject: help Date & Time: 08/29/90 00:10:20 Message Number 8243 I might (big might) be able to help. I've worked at a video store for five or six years. (My parents'.) What's wrong with it? Chip P. Unicorn =========== From: CHIP P. UNICORN To: BLACK MAGIC Subject: Animalism! Date & Time: 08/29/90 00:11:43 Message Number 8244 My beautiful Lady, 'Seeing but the flicker of thine eye has made my months of modem deprivation worthwhile. Thank thee! Chip P. Unicorn =========== From: CHIP P. UNICORN To: BLACK MAGIC Subject: HI!!!! Date & Time: 08/29/90 00:13:32 Message Number 8245 The only questions: How well can you improvise? Personally, I'm interested in any kind of band, but I prefer acoustic music to electrical... Chip P. Unicorn Oh, yeah -- the other question. Has anyone told you today that you have beautiful eyes? =========== From: CHIP P. UNICORN To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: Laws of... Date & Time: 08/29/90 00:18:10 Message Number 8246 First and foremost, the term 'homophobe' is neither a bullshit term, nor does it lack semantic value. For this, I refer you to my original letter. Second, it was not created by the homosexual community. It was appropriated by the homosexual community (much as the word "furry" has been by ours), but the original, psychological meaning still lies at its root. (That is, one who fears homosexuals.) For this, I refer you to my original letter. Third, as a psychological term (which is how I wish to use it), it makes no value judgements about either homosexuality or the fear thereof. For this, I refer you to my original letter. Fourth, some moralities in the world condemn homosexuality. But, so far as I know, none literally fear it. That is, if you were a perfectly moral person, it would still be morally proper to be acquaintences -- even friends -- with a homosexual, in the same manner as being acquaintences with those who break laws, are disrespectful to their parents, or disagree with the prevailing opinion. For this, I refer you back to my original letter. Yours truly, Chip P. Unicorn =========== From: AJ-- To: SPELLWIND Subject: Specialist Date & Time: 08/29/90 02:34:29 Message Number 8249 You think that the Specialist is Mike Greenawald?? No, he is not =========== From: AJ-- To: ALL Subject: NEW BBS Date & Time: 08/29/90 02:40:50 Message Number 8250 Grand Re-Opening...THE LUV CONNECTION XXX BBS 300/1200/2400 24hours (except Natnl Mail Hours) Call today.....813-755-3289 =========== From: CRYSTAL To: YNGLING Subject: Thanks. Date & Time: 08/29/90 10:50:48 Message Number 8252 Well thank you, it is now Wednesday, and I am still awaiting the call. This is the part I hate most. I do thank you for the wish, I have been told she (the business manager) wants to hire me, and they are in need of someone soon, but that can also be the problem, not enough time to go through the formalities of a new hire, due to so much work to do. Again thank you and I do hope the board will not have to be down during the day too much longer, for my sake and all of the faithful users on this system. * CRYSTAL * =========== From: MAX To: BEATLE Subject: Furrys Date & Time: 08/29/90 17:11:32 Message Number 8253 The story (with the human and feline alien) is called "Only With Thine Eyes." I can give you a copy of the most recent version of the story (about a year and a half old at this point), from FurVersion 14.... =========== From: MAX To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: Laws of... Date & Time: 08/29/90 17:25:37 Message Number 8254 NBC suits are expected to withstand 30-60 minutes of "intense" exposure to chemical weapons, so it'd be closer to what Raven is saying, not what you're saying. /This/ information comes from Dwight Dutton, a chemical warfare engineer with Special Forces who's on his way out to Saudi Arabia now. 100 minutes is possible, but it sounds decidedly optimistic. Of course, gas would be likely to dissipate within an hour after use anyway, so it's not (necessarily) as bad as it sounds. Also, of course, a caveat is that those suits have never been tested against BIOLOGICAL weapons, and the Pentagon doesn't really think they offer any serious protection against germ warfare (this according to the newest issue of Newsweek). =========== From: MAX To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: Furrys Date & Time: 08/29/90 17:29:20 Message Number 8255 I'd assume that Reli /is/ based on chromosomes, as I can't imagine any life form being that close to humans (especially seeing as how we're talking about an alternate earth story) yet possessing a completely alien structure. Chip's argument makes a good devil's advocate line, but the best response is still, "the author says she ain't a big housecat, even if she looks like one." It's easier to think of her as a cat, just like it's easier to think of Vincent from Beauty & the Beast as a cat-person (or a whatever-person) than to wrack your brains trying to work out what his relations to humans, and felines, really is at a chromosome level. =========== From: MAX To: SPELLWIND Subject: inane lyrics Date & Time: 08/29/90 17:37:56 Message Number 8256 With Roth there was dribble. With Sammy Hagar, we get "Love Walks In" and "Dreams." With Roth, we get... "Jamie's Cryin'". It may be telling that the best songs VH did with Roth were covers of other peoples' tunes... =========== From: MAX To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: Okay. Date & Time: 08/29/90 17:53:58 Message Number 8257 A long and very nasty spew I wrote to you on Uncle Bob's crashed with the hard drive. This is probably just as well. You got off your parting rant -- allow me the courtesy of saying something, in a non- ranting, and hopefully non-offensive way, that hasn't occurred to you. Some of my friends are gay and bisexual. Every time you posted some absolute bullshit about "faggots," as far as I was concerned you were insulting them. You say you didn't call them "scum," but you pretty much implied it, didn't you? You said point blank that you KNEW that nothing good could come from "them." All my point is that unless you /are/ willing to talk to "them," to see whether or not your point is right, you don't have any business making it. Whether you choose to believe it or not, I /did/ have the same attitude you did, and I know from experience that a refusal to challenge your own assumptions is a kind of fear -- it's easier to hate than to admit that maybe, just maybe, you're overstating things a bit. If I kept your attitude, I wouldn't have some of the friends I have now. Some of them mean a lot to me. If I have seemed personally offended by some of the things you say, it's only because I was. I know for a fact you're more intelligent than you've been acting. Quite frankly, your "homos aren't human" comment pissed me off a great deal because the "homos" that I know act a great deal more human than you have been through this little spew. Continue in your blindness if you like, but do NOT continue insulting friends of mine whom you are unwilling to meet because they are (gasp) different from you. They deserve better. =========== From: RUFUS To: RUFUS Subject: Uncle Bob's Date & Time: 08/29/90 18:07:09 Message Number 8258 Yes, I'm talking to myself. Todays magic words are: recent backups back-ups of all your files working hardware I wish I had just one of those, but, alas, I don't. This means the BBS will be down for a few days. BTW, does anyone have a working Apple // SCSI card I could borrow for ONE day? It'd be real nice. =========== From: RUFUS To: SPELLWIND Subject: Laws of... Date & Time: 08/29/90 18:10:25 Message Number 8259 > Hmm, Ya'all think, The Specialist is Mike Greenwald? The Specialist is not Mike Greenawald. =========== From: RUFUS To: CHIP P. UNICORN Subject: Yo! Furry Fen! Date & Time: 08/29/90 18:14:37 Message Number 8260 Ahh, the Green B*tch, the one car you don't want to call 'shotgun' for. Actually, there is an Anime meeting tommorow night. There won't be any anime, but there will be coke and poptarts, and discusion about the magazine. I suppose we can make this a group thing of some sorts... =========== From: RUFUS To: CHIP P. UNICORN Subject: HI!!!! Date & Time: 08/29/90 18:16:31 Message Number 8261 >Has anyone told you today that you have beautiful eyes? Your just gonna get her real angry. Have you seen her shoulder? Now, that is what I call cute. =========== From: SPELLWIND To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: Laws of... Date & Time: 08/29/90 19:28:14 Message Number 8264 Specialist, I'll never call you a Homophobe.....Just a bigot. =========== From: SPELLWIND To: CHIP P. UNICORN Subject: Laws of... Date & Time: 08/29/90 19:31:10 Message Number 8265 But he's not afraid of them, he just hates them....and that makes him a BIGOT. =========== From: SPELLWIND To: MAX Subject: inane lyrics Date & Time: 08/29/90 19:35:13 Message Number 8266 PANAMA! PANAMA-A! With Hagar there were whiney please songs. With Roth at least the music fit the Rock category... =========== From: SPELLWIND To: MAX Subject: Okay. Date & Time: 08/29/90 19:37:58 Message Number 8267 If his way is right..Why is everyone against him....... Specialist : Bigot =========== From: SPELLWIND To: RUFUS Subject: Yo! Furry Fen! Date & Time: 08/29/90 19:39:47 Message Number 8268 COKE AND POPTARTS!!!!!!!!!!!!! Can I Go????? =========== From: BEATLE To: CHIP P. UNICORN Subject: Music Date & Time: 08/29/90 20:44:59 Message Number 8270 In my opinion, when you sit down and tell a machine to play something over and over, that is not so great, and I don't /really/ care for it. It can be useful, but I don't want to do it. If you can get a thing to play back rhythms or melodies and you physically do something to play accompaniment, then you are playing an instrument. I don't want to program a drum machine. I don't consider some types of electronic drums "drum machines." While they may literally be machines, they have drum pads, and you can hit them with drumsticks. On a computer, you "play" the drums by hitting the keys. -- An "I wanna be a drummer" Beatle =========== From: BEATLE To: CHIP P. UNICORN Subject: help Date & Time: 08/29/90 20:49:16 Message Number 8271 No need. I can't believe my cheapskate parents actually PAID someone to look at it. I just hope that it works when we get it back. The first VCR we ever had was worked on, and then it never worked properly again. We took it back six or seven times before we just said "screw it" and kept it "as is". It's now a pile in the living room... (my father was tinkering with it a few weeks back) =========== From: MAX To: RUFUS Subject: Yo! Furry Fen! Date & Time: 08/29/90 21:31:39 Message Number 8272 The anime meeting is at Perkins. No Coke and Pop-Tarts. =========== From: MAX To: SPELLWIND Subject: inane lyrics Date & Time: 08/29/90 21:34:32 Message Number 8273 "Panama" was an awful song, and avery typical Roth one.... =========== From: RUFUS To: SPELLWIND Subject: Yo! Furry Fen! Date & Time: 08/29/90 22:13:01 Message Number 8274 > COKE AND POPTARTS!!!!!!!!!!!!! Can I Go????? Well, change of plans. There will be no Coke, and no pop-tarts. ....well, maybe some Coke, and I'm not stopping you from going. =========== From: RUFUS To: MAX Subject: Yo! Furry Fen! Date & Time: 08/29/90 22:15:12 Message Number 8275 >The anime meeting is at Perkins. No Coke and Pop-Tarts. I posted that message before I found out it was changed to Perkins. You know, the anime group is much more organized than the furry group. The anime folk warn you the day before of changes. The furry group might mention it an hour before. The anime group ORGANIZES things, the furry group doesn't. It's a wonder Mythagoras gets off the ground. Just how do you do it? Lemme guess, Bart's not in charge? And Mike Greenawald, don't tell me I'm putrid scum and should kill myself because of the "Bart in charge" comment. =========== From: TERRY To: ALL Subject: HD/controller Date & Time: 08/29/90 22:44:41 Message Number 8276 Hey does any one know where I can get a hd/controller/used preferred. also if any one needs vcr/tv/monitors/computers/steroes/ worked on call me I give free estimates most repaires done in home or offices. leave me e-mail. terry =========== From: TERRY To: BLACK MAGIC Subject: VH-1 Date & Time: 08/29/90 22:49:45 Message Number 8277 Hi 'Lady' how are you doing I thought i'd pop in and say high. =========== From: AJ-- To: MAX Subject: Letter Date & Time: 08/29/90 23:14:41 Message Number 8278 I just read your letter on your "stance" on gay friends, I must say it was well written... Thank you... =========== From: SPELLWIND To: BEATLE Subject: Hutchinson's Date & Time: 08/30/90 17:35:06 Message Number 8280 We took our VCR To Curtis Mathes, They were going to charge us $160. We took it to Hutchinsons who held it like 2 days and charged $40, and it works perfectly. =========== From: SPELLWIND To: MAX Subject: inane lyrics Date & Time: 08/30/90 17:37:32 Message Number 8281 But it was 'Fun'. Music by commie basher Hagar is Crying nowadays, Whimpering is better. =========== From: SPELLWIND To: RUFUS Subject: Yo! Furry Fen! Date & Time: 08/30/90 17:39:36 Message Number 8282 Where and When? =========== From: CHIP P. UNICORN To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: Laws of... Date & Time: 08/30/90 20:05:43 Message Number 8283 If you're really interested in stopping the "homophobe" discussions, which you seem to be, then simply don't answer any mail about it. Including this one. Right now, you seem to be the only person (with your opinion. Chip P. Unicorn =========== From: CHIP P. UNICORN To: RUFUS Subject: Green b*tch Date & Time: 08/30/90 20:12:25 Message Number 8284 Ah... what's wrong with calling 'shotgun' in my car? Knees can't take it? Seriously, my father has fixed (kinda sorta -- jurry rigged something ) that fixes the problem. Chip P. Unicorn =========== From: CHIP P. UNICORN To: SPELLWIND Subject: Laws of... Date & Time: 08/30/90 20:14:28 Message Number 8285 >But he's not afraid of them, he jut hates them... That's the same thing as a pedophobe. Chip P. Unicorn =========== From: CHIP P. UNICORN To: RUFUS Subject: Yo! Furry Fen! Date & Time: 08/30/90 20:17:31 Message Number 8286 >The anime folk warn you the day before of changes. The furry group >might mention it an hour before. Yes, but do you see how much more relaxed the furry group actually is? Chip P. Unicorn =========== From: JONBOY To: CHIP P. UNICORN Subject: Music Date & Time: 08/30/90 20:23:04 Message Number 8287 Gotta call from The Specialist today - we ought to figure a time and place. Maybe after I get the carpet cleaned... =========== From: JONBOY To: YNGLING Subject: HI!!!! Date & Time: 08/30/90 20:26:45 Message Number 8288 YNG>I'd be happy to show up & lend moral support Awrighhhtttt!!! Now if we can get more - heck with it we party down! How many of y'all wanna get together and party? =========== From: JONBOY To: YNGLING Subject: weire Date & Time: 08/30/90 20:28:36 Message Number 8289 YNG>start paying Turtle for all the weire he's providing... hold a YNG>telethon or something...... Ummmm - how does "Support Turtle's Weire" with a smiling Yngling holding up a keyboard and an modem. BTW - I saw a book, "The Search for Turtle's Navel" (no shit!) at B.Dalton this weekend. I was absolutely blown away... (besides - I thought he knew where it was). =========== From: JONBOY To: BLACK MAGIC Subject: HI!!!! Date & Time: 08/30/90 20:32:40 Message Number 8290 BM>If you need a violinist, I could help...I fool around ... Can ya sing? And about that fooling around part ... =========== From: JONBOY To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: Laws of... Date & Time: 08/30/90 20:37:03 Message Number 8291 TS>As a matter of fact, casualties of the VC side weremore than ... Well, to set the record straight, for the most part we got our asses kicked but good the *duration* of the war. Matter of fact = we were so humiliated and upset by our staggering losses in this little "police action" that a special committee was established to find out why. To put it bluntly we A) Put too much faith in our technology and got our butt kicked by weaponry that was modified from the Korean war and we passed off as "obsolete". B) We thought that we were hot shit and had the best damned army/air force around. Our /attitude/ lost us a lot of good men. We have fixed a lot of these problems but still must guard against the fallacy of being the best. Those people sincerely believe that if the war is declared a holy war, then if they die in a heroic fashion they are /guaranteed/ a spot in heaven. They are acknowledged to be one of the most fervent followers of any religion on the planet. I would be awed by the committment alone. Besides, even with what the other Arab leaders say now, what happens when they get told by their religious leaders that we are bad for what we did? Hell, it's no secret that we are doing this for economic reasons. Personally, think about it... we are invading another country because we lust after a mineral that happens to lie under their particular soil and /economically/ it would be bad for us if they wouldn't let us have any. One hell of a reason to throw away thousands if not maybe millions of lives, eh? BTW - as for where I'm at... I spent 8 years in the Air Force, my dad spent 25, my uncles spent 25 each in both the Marines and Army. I love this country and will go to war for it and the /freedom/ to say I think that we are warring for a bullshit reason. A patriotic JonBoy =========== From: JONBOY To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: HI!!!! Date & Time: 08/30/90 20:50:44 Message Number 8292 TS>at the Dog House will let you use the equipment on the stage? Aweso Yup, it's just there for the folks that go there. Hell Sometimes I just go up to pick something and they try to turn the mikes on and turn off the PA system! I gotta say"no no no... I'm just dinkin around..." I know most of the people that work there. Scott screws around with me up there every now and then... We ougtta do it. I'd like to get a group of us there and just have fun... =========== From: JONBOY To: CRYSTAL Subject: Thanks. Date & Time: 08/30/90 21:04:39 Message Number 8293 C> wants to hire me, Is this the one with Black Magic's mom? Good luck! (probably late by now but oh well!) =========== From: JONBOY To: MAX Subject: Van Hagar Date & Time: 08/30/90 21:06:38 Message Number 8294 I really like Van Halen since they teamed up with Sammy. I do wish he would quit trying to /sound/ like DLR tho... I undersatnd that it is probably in the interest of maintaining a somewhat trademark sound but you can hear him coming apart on the loud high ones... =========== From: YNGLING To: JONBOY Subject: HI!!!! Date & Time: 08/30/90 21:47:39 Message Number 8295 Jonboy - I'll even buy the first pitcher! The Yngling =========== From: YNGLING To: JONBOY Subject: weire Date & Time: 08/30/90 21:51:41 Message Number 8296 Jonboy, As the former manager of B. Dalton please refer to it as B.F.D. in my presence ( I think you can figure out what the "f" stands for ). The Yngling =========== From: RUFUS To: SPELLWIND Subject: Hutchinson's Date & Time: 08/30/90 22:08:25 Message Number 8297 We always go there to get our TV's and VCR. Very good service. =========== From: RUFUS To: SPELLWIND Subject: Yo! Furry Fen! Date & Time: 08/30/90 22:09:21 Message Number 8298 >Where and When? When was an hour ago, making where a moot point. =========== From: RUFUS To: CHIP P. UNICORN Subject: Green b*tch Date & Time: 08/30/90 22:10:11 Message Number 8299 I could also fix your glove compartment. ...GE, we bring good things to life and stick them together. =========== From: SPELLWIND To: CHIP P. UNICORN Subject: Mr.Ed Dimension Date & Time: 08/30/90 22:43:36 Message Number 8300 Chip! A place for you! My latest Storyboard creation. The Mr. Ed Dimension! Horses are the dominating race! (Actually, more evolved hor- ses and other humans) Beyond Chaos =========== .