From: CHIP P. UNICORN To: SPELLWIND Subject: Debate! Date & Time: 09/13/90 13:59:02 Message Number 8803 SW>I'll restrain myself from 20 full page posts on how much bullshit SW>Judeo/Christianity is...... Actually, I'd find it more interesting if you didn't. =========== From: CHIP P. UNICORN To: BLACK MAGIC Subject: Animalism! Date & Time: 09/13/90 14:02:15 Message Number 8804 > :) It's nice to have you back. Why thank you, Lady! Your smile always brightens my day. Chip P. Unicorn =========== From: CHIP P. UNICORN To: RUFUS Subject: Heinlein Date & Time: 09/13/90 14:04:00 Message Number 8805 >Is anyone interested in purchasing an official Uncle Bob's Alligator >Farm & Tofu Museum T-Shirt? I've got to see them first. Anyway, when are we going to get the RufusCon II shirts? (One of the two prerequisites to RufusCon II. Of course, the other is a place.) Chip P. Unicorn =========== From: CHIP P. UNICORN To: TURTLE Subject: slugs Date & Time: 09/13/90 14:07:43 Message Number 8806 CPU> Propose an alternative... T> I don't see any need to do anything of the sort. There most certainly is a need. Without a form of transportation, people cannot get food. Starvation might be a longer form of death, but it's death nonetheless. (Not many people live close enough to a supermarket that they can walk there. Bicycling in Sarasota is a joke. And the public transportation system here isn't that great.) Chip P. Unicorn =========== From: CHIP P. UNICORN To: TURTLE Subject: mcdonalds Date & Time: 09/13/90 14:11:43 Message Number 8807 >Fries in batter generally taste better than fries without..,. I rest my case. Chip P. Unicorn =========== From: MAX To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: Debate! Date & Time: 09/13/90 14:54:14 Message Number 8809 Why do you believe God has any sex whatsoever? As there's no proof either way, it would seem to be a rather suspect statement. If there were a "supreme being" who created the universe, it would be a great deal more logical to believe that s/he has aspects of both male and female, as s/he would be both mother and father to creation. (There is a fairly long and interesting defense of thinking about god as a male being I've read that argues it from a metaphysical sense, but I have seen defenses of thinking about god as a female that are just as well thought-out.) Why in the world would a supreme being literally have a sex at all? It's not like s/he is going to have another supreme being to have sex with, at least in a monotheistic cosmology.... =========== From: MAX To: MMA Subject: good food Date & Time: 09/13/90 14:58:36 Message Number 8810 >I especially like denny's Grand Slam breakfast. Don't get their nachos >supreme though. It's not supreme in any way at all. (unless you're >a good case of indegestion) Tell me about it. Perkins' nachos are just mediocre; Denny's are out and out vile. But at least they give you LOTS AND LOTS of them. Ordering fast-food pseudo-Mexican dishes anywhere except Taco Bell is usually a lost cause anyway, though. =========== From: MIKE GREENAWALD To: RUFUS Subject: Apple hard driv Date & Time: 09/13/90 16:28:22 Message Number 8811 thanks I will do that. I will just copy the working p-8 Dos on to the HD Just a minute. It works. Thanks Rufus Giving the hard drive to blind project at High School. Oops it just went down. It worked for a little time. Dave is using the Apple. You mean Dave is using the AT and Mike is using the Apple. Sometime I am going to get him to give away thsat Apple. Confusing folks isn't it. There are two of us. We are cousins. We look e alike to fool his boss at Sears. That lady is a viper from the word go. I do not see why he puts up with her. Thed robot is dead. I greased the wheels and the sucker blew its mind. Mike is just about ready to kick me out. Thanks again for the hint asbout the hard drive Rufus. I have to tinker the drive card a little and find the thermal break in it. This is Mike again Dave is out messing with the Robot. He wasted a can of oil on the drive and it dripped on the wheels. I pulled the drive motor connection out. Oops here he come better sign off =========== From: MIKE GREENAWALD To: RUFUS Subject: rufus Date & Time: 09/13/90 16:42:06 Message Number 8812 Data LIne has had a board up for about a decade with few down times. We checked the log and it shows that the machine was down only for a week in thew past two years. It comes down when there is rain in the a air. You should contasct Stu Davis to discover his secrete. =========== From: MIKE GREENAWALD To: SYSOP Subject: sorry Date & Time: 09/13/90 16:47:01 Message Number 8813 Sorry I used Tech Talk for some personal business. I will not do that again. Please forgive my bad manners. Blame it on my youthful exuberance or advanced age, which ever. I will not do it again though =========== From: MIKE GREENAWALD To: MAX Subject: Debate! Date & Time: 09/13/90 16:54:04 Message Number 8814 GOD has male organ identification factor because in culture at time of the writing of the history books called the BIBLE were male dominate force. In Persian society at time female and male were near equal. This caused much trouble and many idols, Greeks were monothesists until their empire grew to include near East. The island of Sophist(misspelled) on the way to Persia helped Greeks adjust to new many God culture. Chief of Greeks Gods was ... (later to be called Zeus). Arthena was added later i n Greek history as the cities were built. She chnged her name to Athena and became patron of Athens. =========== From: MIKE GREENAWALD To: TURTLE Subject: McD's Fries Date & Time: 09/13/90 17:12:03 Message Number 8815 You mean Jim Davie"s place is going to have pizza or rather McPizza? How nurdy to quote my young cousin. You are quoting a real source or wishful thinking? I am a pizza freek! =========== From: SPELLWIND To: MIKE GREENAWALD Subject: Debate! Date & Time: 09/13/90 17:58:47 Message Number 8816 This ain't really to you, but while we're talking about deities, the Judeo/Christian DID evolve from the ancient wargod Marduk. =========== From: BEATLE To: MAX Subject: CD's Date & Time: 09/13/90 18:38:49 Message Number 8819  Oh yeah... I assumed something different with "mixed tapes" (like a bunch of nonsense thrown on a tape or something odd like that). I like putting tapes like that together for my walkman, and I know Ken Ober (er, Ken SABLE) does that for his car... interesting passtime. =========== From: BEATLE To: TURTLE Subject: McD's Fries Date & Time: 09/13/90 18:42:34 Message Number 8820 > test site for McPizza beginning in 1991... And I feel some sort of sickening impulse to be there as it happens and let everyone know my opinion... yes, this stems from having nothing better to do after my homework. =========== From: BEATLE To: CHIP P. UNICORN Subject: Heinlein Date & Time: 09/13/90 18:46:25 Message Number 8821 >...when are we going to get the RufusCon II shirts? When are we going to get the RufusCon II?? I guess the partying will just have to wait 'till Necro... I was hooked after my first furry party. =========== From: BEATLE To: MIKE GREENAWALD Subject: rufus Date & Time: 09/13/90 18:49:39 Message Number 8822 > to discover his secrete... That sounds a bit scary. =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: MMA Subject: good food Date & Time: 09/13/90 21:09:55 Message Number 8823 Yea, I used to get the Grand Slam all the time. Four links of sausage though, I don't like bacon. Y'know who has a really good breakfast for a little money? Jeans, int the college plaza in Bradenton. Right behind the Barnett bank on the corner of 34th and Cortez. They give you massive amounts of food for really, really reasonable prices. Thier pankakes are like half an inch thick and about 9-10 inches round! Now, that's my kind of pancake! =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: CHIP P. UNICORN Subject: Francais Date & Time: 09/13/90 21:12:51 Message Number 8824 Ah, forget it. Lets go back to English. I'm getting tired of one-uppmanship. =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: CHIP P. UNICORN Subject: Dog House Date & Time: 09/13/90 21:13:38 Message Number 8825 Oh, great...make ME feel guilty! Well, don't feel's just that I REALLY would like to have this band thing put together and everyone is DRAGGING THIER F**KING HEELS! 'Scuse me. Like I said, I really would like to see this band get together and play... =========== From: DIONYSUS To: CHIP P. UNICORN Subject: slugs Date & Time: 09/13/90 22:14:08 Message Number 8828 Allowing elderly people (as a group) to retain their independence does not seem too feasible when they are not, in fact, independent. Bodies and minds deteriorate, and the owners just have to come to the realiza- tion that they are just not as capable as they used to be. It's quite obvious to the rest of us out on the road when somebody should no longer be classified as such. =========== From: DIONYSUS To: CHIP P. UNICORN Subject: McDonalds Date & Time: 09/13/90 22:18:30 Message Number 8829 McDonald's fries are both the best and the worst fries I've ever had the pleasure(?) of enjoying. Depending on the franchise, the time, and who happens to be on duty, they are either cooked to perfection or hardly cooked at all. All said, however, I usually am not up to the gamble. I will have to try some of your suggestions (Rallye's, Checker's, and Popeye's). =========== From: DIONYSUS To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: Driving Date & Time: 09/13/90 22:23:22 Message Number 8830 TS>Bravo! Well Spoken! Hear, Hear! Author, Author!! The author, author is Turtle, Turtle. =========== From: DIONYSUS To: MMA Subject: Nachos Date & Time: 09/13/90 22:33:11 Message Number 8831 Anybody know of a good place (preferably 24-hour) that serves huge plates of plain cheese nachos (without having to special-order them)? =========== From: DIONYSUS To: CHIP P. UNICORN Subject: Debate! Date & Time: 09/13/90 22:34:47 Message Number 8832 But if God is in fact male, what a penis and scrotum he must have! And if he is female, just imagine the hooters on her! God, I wish I were a god. =========== From: DIONYSUS To: MAX Subject: Debate! Date & Time: 09/13/90 22:38:16 Message Number 8833 God has no sex? What a dull existence, don't you think? =========== From: DIONYSUS To: ALL Subject: @#!*&%$@! Date & Time: 09/13/90 22:43:30 Message Number 8834 Abortion! Euthanasia! Racism! Capital Punishment! God-given infer- iority of women! Any questions/comments? =========== From: TURTLE To: ALL Subject: --- Date & Time: 09/14/90 02:56:55 Message Number 8837 *Imported from Fido 1:137/111* Date: 08 Sep 90 12:48 From: Chris Grant To: All America's Funniest Home Videos presents...WEEKEND AT CLUB FLED! There's Noriega and Marcos, hamming for the camera...and look! Pinochet on the rooftop, what a silly boy. And the deposed royalty of several dozen MidEast nations...what for are they here? Because they represent a system of government that has no place in modern times? Nah.. for the last 200 years, everyone's loved royalists, right, Mr. Washington? Hey, take a look. Communism, pah. America, believe it or not, comes closest to any Communist role model--at least in the early years. Think about it--a government of The People..for The People..BY THE PEOPLE. Anyone can become president. A leader is elected by popular mandate. America was founded on the ideas of individual freedom and rights and liberty--government interventionism was rebuked. Now we have self-righteous Pharisees running about burning books and records that are "of the devil". They do not hold up to their twisted ideas of "Christianity". When was the last time bands of toughs roamed streets and burned "subversive" material in the name of the Greater Good. A hint: "Heute Detschland, am Morgens die Welt! SIEG HEIL!" Wasn't religious and governmental persecution the original drive behind the American rebellion? A system of kings telling Americans how to run their lives? They wrapped that up in the church as well, to make it seem like thay had divine backing. The Soviet Union is closer to America's original goals than America is. As the gov't encroaches more and more upon our lives, the pressure to conform is obvious. America was not about conformity. It was about breaking away, setting new rules... It used to be about individual initiative and drive and courage, now it's "don't rock the boat, be like the rest". And now, the American poor is going to supply the blood for the princes' baths. While the gov't tells us, "it's okay, it's for the Greater Good". Sieg Heil. =========== From: TURTLE To: ALL Subject: Previous Msg Date & Time: 09/14/90 02:58:14 Message Number 8838 The message you just read was captured from the CandyNet Debate Echo, and was written by Chris Grant, a career military man now in the process of preparing for stationing in Saudi Arabia. I think it raises some fairly interesting points; comments, anyone? =========== From: SPELLWIND To: DIONYSUS Subject: slugs Date & Time: 09/14/90 06:12:30 Message Number 8840 I don't think all elderly should be banned or anything like that. My grandmother is close to 80 and she still drives with a perfect record, knows very well how to order al McD's, and lives alone. She's one of the few elderly drivers that should still drive. =========== From: BEATLE To: ALL Subject: Note Date & Time: 09/14/90 06:37:53 Message Number 8842 I recently came across a news report that said CBS/Fox will have a legitimate home video release of "The Rocky Horror Picture Show" in November for a VERY limited time. I don't know exactly who would want to know this, but I'm sure someone does... the script of the thing is on this board! =========== From: PETER PREFECT To: DIONYSUS Subject: @*&%$$#@! Date & Time: 09/14/90 11:32:56 Message Number 8843 RIGHT ON. YEA, WOMEN ARE CERTAINLY INFERIOR TO THE MALES OF THE SPECIES. REALYY, I DONT THINK THEY CAN USE COMPUTERS) DO YOU AGREE?? =========== From: TURTLE To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: Debate! Date & Time: 09/14/90 14:42:16 Message Number 8844 >But I believe God is male. In what sense of the word? Does he have a divine penis? If so, what does he use it for? After all, you claim to be a monotheist. Debating the masculinity of god is pointless. It is quite obvious that a divine being most likely would have no particular sex as we understand the word. Figure sex exists in the first place as a mechanism for promoting genetic diversity, which is presumably something god doesn't have to worry about. Ascribing sex to god is even farther off-base than ascribing sex to an amoeba. =========== From: TURTLE To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: Debate! Date & Time: 09/14/90 14:46:31 Message Number 8845 >Just throwing clay pigeons. Well, if this is just a skeet shoot, you can ignore my last post. will anyway. =========== From: TURTLE To: MMA Subject: logo 4 JB&b Date & Time: 09/14/90 14:48:18 Message Number 8846 You mean society is long and thin, made out of glass, and won't hold liquids any more? =========== From: TURTLE To: CHIP P. UNICORN Subject: slugs Date & Time: 09/14/90 14:50:42 Message Number 8847 So what you're saying is that if we take driver's licenses away from people who can't drive, they'll starve to death? That's funny; I get it! ....or was that supposed to be serious? It's kinda hard to tell. If that /was/ serious, then it's even funnier, I'm afraid. The premiss that all people who can't drive are incapable of getting food is, to put it mildly, a shaky one, although I'd /love/ to watch you try to defend it. =========== From: TURTLE To: CHIP P. UNICORN Subject: mcdonalds Date & Time: 09/14/90 14:53:17 Message Number 8848 Fries in batter generally taste better than plain, 'tis true, but from what I can tell Checker's fries are an exception. McDonald's fries, properly cooked, defeat Checker's battered fries hands-down in sensory appeal, which is, after all, what french fries are supposed to do. =========== From: TURTLE To: MIKE GREENAWALD Subject: McD's Fries Date & Time: 09/14/90 14:56:40 Message Number 8849 >You are quoting a real source or just wishful thinking? Nope, I have it from the area supervisor that we're supposed to be getting McPizza next year; /he/ has this information from the director of marketing of McDonald's USA. No word on when we're getting it, though. =========== From: TURTLE To: DIONYSUS Subject: Driving Date & Time: 09/14/90 15:01:16 Message Number 8850 >The author, author is Turtle, Turtle. Now, now. =========== From: TURTLE To: DIONYSUS Subject: @#!*&%$@! Date & Time: 09/14/90 15:01:54 Message Number 8851 >Abortion! Euthanasia! Racism! Capital Punishment! God-given infer- >iority of women! > >Any questions/comments? A cat will blink when struck with a hammer. =========== From: DIONYSUS To: SPELLWIND Subject: slugs Date & Time: 09/14/90 16:26:27 Message Number 8852 Ask her about the good old days, when McDonalds made consistenly excellent fries. =========== From: DIONYSUS To: TURTLE Subject: @#!*&%$@! Date & Time: 09/14/90 16:29:29 Message Number 8853 But if it happens to be Schrodinger's cat, how can you tell? Another thing I have often wondered is how they set up that funny random lethal thingy in the box and know for a fact that it works. One can't really stay inside the box and observe, can they? That would be cheating; it would also be frighteningly similar to being trapped in an old refrigerator. Then one couldn't tell whether or not they would die either unless he knew what setting it was on or whether or not it was plugged in, but then it would not really be a random experiment, would it? =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: DIONYSUS Subject: @#!*&%$@! Date & Time: 09/14/90 21:36:55 Message Number 8854 Abortion: within certain limits. Euthanasia: Yes. Racism: No. Capitol Punishment : Yes, Yes, and Yes. God-given inferiority of women: Huh? I doubt it. Homosexuality: abonormal, abberant, perverse, sick, sick, and sick. (in short, no.) An Opinionated Specialist =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: TURTLE Subject: Debate! Date & Time: 09/14/90 21:51:17 Message Number 8857 Uuh huh...yep...sure, sure...*yawn* =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: TURTLE Subject: mcdonalds Date & Time: 09/14/90 21:52:52 Message Number 8858 Look, Turtle, it's good to see that you have pride in your company and in your work, but really, who cares? French Fries are french fries, and if it's any comfort, MacD's fries are what I judge all other fies against. Lets face it, they're the standard for the industry! So let's drop it, huh? Please? =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: TURTLE Subject: @#!*&%$@! Date & Time: 09/14/90 21:55:03 Message Number 8859 DION> ...questions/comments? T> A cat will blink when struck with a hammer. Well, actually, it seems to me that it would depend on how hard you strike it. I have never struck one with a hammer, though, so I wouldn't know. I can, however, tell you that it is a myth that they always land on thier feet. I can also say that when spun and dropped at the same time down a narrow tube (like a laundry chute) that it is possible for them to land on thier heads. In addition to these interesting facts, cats can get dizzy. When rolled laterally, (such as when rolled up in a long narrow carpet and unrolled at high speeds, or when stuck on a Lazy Susan, covered with a pot and spun at high speeds) they have a tendency to run into walls. (Literally: they run away but cannot tell where they're going, thus, into walls.) Hmmm. I'll have to try that Hammer thing. =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: PETER PERFECT Subject: Women Date & Time: 09/14/90 22:03:59 Message Number 8860 Hmmm. I know a woman who uses a computer (and though she is given to violent outbursts of emotion) damn well. In addition, she is a good speller. Well spoken (when speaking logically) and seems to have a sense of humor as well. Come to think of it, I know several women who use computers and all quite well. At least they know where the CAPS LOCK key is.... =========== From: MMA To: MAX Subject: mexican food Date & Time: 09/14/90 22:31:47 Message Number 8861 Aaah,you like taco bell too,eh? Sometimes they put too much lettuce on their stuff,and not enough meat. The prices are reasonable for what you you don't get indegestion there either. MMA I make a good 2-alarm chilli with onions & peppers in it. =========== From: MMA To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: breakfast Date & Time: 09/14/90 22:38:37 Message Number 8862 Thanks for the restaurant name. I miss a GOOD breakfast (I like bacon!). When I was working up north at one of my first jobs,I ate at The Paoli Pancake House. for about $5.60 you would get 3 pancakes,3 pieces of bacon,coffee (I got tea instead at no extra cost),and 2 eggs any way you liked them. OJ was also included. The quality was always really good,and you got your meal HOT. MMA =========== From: MMA To: DIONYSUS Subject: Nachos Date & Time: 09/14/90 22:44:56 Message Number 8863 No,sorry I can't. If you're ever in the venice area,try the nachos at The Crow's Nest. They're the best I've ever tasted. MMA =========== From: MMA To: TURTLE Subject: logo 4 JB&b Date & Time: 09/14/90 22:53:55 Message Number 8864 No,Society isn't a broken glass tube. What I mean is that society has Through action,or inaction has created problems for itself that may be too late to do anything to fix it. A prime example is pollution,water shortages here in Florida,and other large-scale problems that exist. MMA =========== From: MMA To: ALL Subject: commodore 1670 Date & Time: 09/14/90 23:01:43 Message Number 8865 Does anybody know how to set the baud to 1200 from hayes commands? I just got it today. I have looked through the manual,but didn't see any thing that would help. MMA =========== From: SPELLWIND To: PETER PREFECT Subject: @*&%$$#@! Date & Time: 09/14/90 23:38:39 Message Number 8866 Oh Oh. Don't you think women have been inferiorized enough? Damn, since the beginning of time(almost..). =========== From: SPELLWIND To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: Chris Grant. Date & Time: 09/14/90 23:43:11 Message Number 8867 SP>(to Chris) Fuck you. (to SPecialist) Fuck you. =========== From: SPELLWIND To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: Previous Msg Date & Time: 09/14/90 23:44:43 Message Number 8868 Marines are a bunch of mentally abused psycho dorks that get people killed.... =========== From: SNAKEBYTE To: KEN OBER Subject: The Band (JB&B) Date & Time: 09/15/90 00:29:49 Message Number 8869 I guess I haven't.....which one is your new board? Got an appended list of about 15 new boards and don't know which is yours....sorry.... =========== From: TURTLE To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: Previous Msg Date & Time: 09/15/90 01:20:16 Message Number 8870 >Who does he think he is, questioning orders from his Commander in >Cheif? Does the name "Nuremburg" ring a bell, Son? Do you know how many people in Nazi Germany did what they did because they were "just following orders"? Did you learn ANYTHING from your history classes? Seig Heil! =========== From: TURTLE To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: Debate! Date & Time: 09/15/90 01:22:16 Message Number 8871 >Uuh huh...yep...sure, sure...*yawn* This is your way of saying "No, Turtle, I have no particular reason for believing the way I do," isn't it? =========== From: TURTLE To: SPELLWIND Subject: Previous Msg Date & Time: 09/15/90 01:26:22 Message Number 8873 USMC: Uncle Sam's Misguided Children (tm). =========== From: THRUD To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: Turbo Pascal Date & Time: 09/15/90 05:55:40 Message Number 8874 Of the two languages I've made a real effort to learn - German and Turbo Pascal - T.P. was easier. 'Twas a lot more logical, and no one expected me to speak it out loud. On the other hand, being able to order beer and hit on the frauleins for the two and a half years I was defending you guys from communist aggression was also a useful skill. "Capitolizing"? Is that when you speak from the steps of teh Capitol? VafTHRUDner =========== From: THRUD To: SNAKEBYTE Subject: spouses (spice? Date & Time: 09/15/90 06:03:10 Message Number 8875 I've found the solution! We just happen to have had a baby this week, and sleep is getting hard to come by. Since my office (sob) is now a nursery with a computer in the corner, it's quite easy to take the kiddo into the nursery, and sternly tell Min -'get some rest hon, I'll take care of the baby.' Kirsti's first words will probably be 'daddy, when are you gonna put a crowbar in your wallet and get a color monitor' Must be nice to have a modem at work - I still work with Neanderthals that think it's funny that I go to night school, and take pride in not reading anything besides the sports page. When I bought my computer, one guy at work shook his head and said 'damn, you really could have fixed up your truck nice if you hadn't wasted it like that.' oh shit - looks like I just gave the DOS slammers an opening..... THRUD =========== From: THRUD To: CHIP P. UNICORN Subject: German Date & Time: 09/15/90 06:13:29 Message Number 8876 Come here with your socks in your hand? I'm sure he meant to say "Willst du schlaufen mit mein hund, ashenbeckergesiet?" Ya act like he doesnt' know what he's sayin' =========== From: THRUD To: TURTLE Subject: slugs Date & Time: 09/15/90 06:21:23 Message Number 8877 I really don't understand why the argument about driving competence rages on - there's been a simple solution for years. In the army I took a test - simulated drivers seat, red light, green light, gas pedal, brake peddle, speedometer, steering wheel. When the light was green, you accelerated to a given speed. When the light turned red, you hit the brake (tough, huh) If you didn't react in x amount of time, you didn't get a license. If a defensible standard of reflex and reaction times were established, I would give up my license if I could no longer pass the test. 'Course the ACLU would see this as a facist plot...... THRUD =========== From: MMA To: TURTLE Subject: commodore 1670 Date & Time: 09/15/90 10:50:00 Message Number 8878 Thanks for the info. The RS-232 doesn't have any settings on it. BTW,I have managed to learn to use the commands. I am at 1200 baud now. One thing I have noticed though,is line noise (characters appearing out of nowhere on the screen). MMA =========== From: KEN OBER To: SNAKEBYTE Subject: The Band (JB&B) Date & Time: 09/15/90 13:08:37 Message Number 8879 The Armdaillo Connection... 813/378-2218 3/12/2400 Baud Sarasota, Fl There we go! =========== From: THRUD To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: Military Servic Date & Time: 09/15/90 14:09:51 Message Number 8880 You got an honorable discharge hanging on your wall bud? I've got one on mine, my older brother is a 1st Sgt in the army, currently in Saudi Arabia, and my youngest brother is in the Navy in the Med, and speaking for the three of us, you obviously don't know a damn thing about being an American fighting man. One of the things that sets our services above others (I hope) is the ability to think, reason, and see the morality of given actions. While in a tactical situation, it's only natural that commands must be obeyed promptly and without question. However, it is incumbent upon good soldiers (and good Americans - -actually, good people) to use their own minds and hearts to determine what is right and wrong - there are MANY provisions within the Uniform Code of Military Justice for disobeying an unlawful order. Turtle said that CG wrote that message prior to deploying overseas. That means he utilized his right and responsibility to analyse his situation or would you rather that we had an army of automatons? I'm sure CG knows what his dutys and obligations are, and will accomplish same while people like you cr You've got a lot of opinions on a lot of subjects that I don't think you think through to the end. I joke with Turtle about liberalism vs. conservatism, but no thinking man should allow himself to be so totaly polarized on the issues as you seem to be. There's a lot of gray area between good and bad. However, if you would like to join the service and be unthinking cannon fodder, go for it. =========== From: RUFUS To: CHIP P. UNICORN Subject: Heinlein Date & Time: 09/15/90 20:06:29 Message Number 8882 >I've got to see them first. That can be arranged. Right now the art department at Bull Moose Productions is working on the design. We should be running off a few test shirts within 10 days, and if all goes well, run off a whole slew after that. Regarding RufusCon II, I have no idea. I thought Max was looking into the shirts. =========== From: RUFUS To: CHIP P. UNICORN Subject: slugs Date & Time: 09/15/90 20:09:48 Message Number 8883 >Without a form of transportation, people cannot get food. Well, Mortons Market delivers (and their prices are not outrageous). And I'm sure they could find someone to shop for them. In fact, there is a lady around town that will do you shopping for you. =========== From: RUFUS To: MIKE GREENAWALD Subject: Apple hard driv Date & Time: 09/15/90 20:15:19 Message Number 8884 WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT??? ...when your almost over the edge, he'll give you that extra push. =========== From: RUFUS To: MIKE GREENAWALD Subject: McD's Fries Date & Time: 09/15/90 20:17:06 Message Number 8885 >I am a pizza freek! I am the egg man, I am the walrus. =========== From: RUFUS To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: good food Date & Time: 09/15/90 20:19:24 Message Number 8886 There's a place on the south end of 301 called "The Waffle Shop" (not to be confused with The Waffle House) that serves mondo amounts of food for very cheap prices. ...nothing has shocked me more than the 5 inch thick french toast I had once. =========== From: RUFUS To: TURTLE Subject: Driving Date & Time: 09/15/90 20:28:09 Message Number 8887 >>The author, author is Turtle, Turtle. > >Now, now. Beep, beep. =========== From: DIONYSUS To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: @#!*&%$@! Date & Time: 09/15/90 22:20:10 Message Number 8888 I see. =========== From: DIONYSUS To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: mcdonalds Date & Time: 09/15/90 22:21:11 Message Number 8889 Unfortunately, it seems that many batches of McDonald's french fries are dropped, but it seems wasteful not to serve them anyway - doesn't it? =========== From: DIONYSUS To: RUFUS Subject: Driving Date & Time: 09/15/90 22:28:29 Message Number 8890 >>>The author, author is Turtle, Turtle. >>Now, now. >Beep, beep. AAAAARGH! AAAAARGH! =========== From: WORDSMITH To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: Cats Date & Time: 09/15/90 23:35:55 Message Number 8891 I've got six or eight cats living in the alley behind my house in "mid-town" Sarasota. Should any of you need additional subjects for this cat-spinning business--please be my guest. They're eating 10 pounds or more of cat food a week now. zq =========== From: RUFUS To: DIONYSUS Subject: Driving Date & Time: 09/16/90 00:19:25 Message Number 8892 >>Beep, beep. > >AAAAARGH! AAAAARGH! No no no, you have that all wrong. The proper response would be: zip BANG! ...sheesh, some people. =========== From: KEN SABLE To: DIONYSUS Subject: Driving Date & Time: 09/16/90 00:59:57 Message Number 8893 > AAAAARGH! AAAAARGH! Stressed are we? What you need is some Dew. Hi! This is Ken Ober under my "Furry" handle... =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: SPELLWIND Subject: Previous Msg Date & Time: 09/16/90 02:03:55 Message Number 8895 SW> Marines are a bunch of mentally abused dorks that get people SW>killed.... Hmm...and I bet they could beat your ass, too. Pretty bad when a DORK can beat your ass, eh? I'd be careful what I said about Marines when they have a habit of "get(ting) people killed". You may end up that way from your comments. Would you like to meet a few of my Marine freinds? I'll bring them to the first jam of JB&'s a date! =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: TURTLE Subject: Debate! Date & Time: 09/16/90 02:10:28 Message Number 8897 Sigh. Yup. Yeah. Uh-huh. Sure.... =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: DIONYSUS Subject: mcdonalds Date & Time: 09/16/90 02:22:41 Message Number 8900 >Seems wasteful not to serve them anyway - doesn't it? Heheh! :) =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: WORDSMITH Subject: Cats Date & Time: 09/16/90 02:23:47 Message Number 8901 that's a neat handle. I don't believe that I'll need the cats for a while...I have to set my lab back up first. (Don't forget, you need a special environment to do this in, like a living room or a kitchen.) =========== From: JOHN WOLAK To: CHIP P. UNICORN Subject: Animalism! Date & Time: 09/16/90 07:28:57 Message Number 8903 Yes, use formaldehyde-laden humans! =========== From: THRUD To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: Military Servic Date & Time: 09/16/90 09:29:12 Message Number 8904 You didn't complain when you were in the service? Seems like that's all we did some days. Joining the army doesn't make you forfeit any of your rights and responsibilities as a citizen. Many people scream about their rights all day long, and never think a thing about payback - the responsibilties. As I read the message, CG was stating his opinion AS HE WAS BEING DEPLOYED. That's the way I'd go - head high, shoulders straight, bitching every inch of the way. If CG refused to go - like the jarhead corp in Texas (not a Marine slam) - sure, court martial his ass. But don But don't condemn a man for voicing an intelligent opinion - I'm not saying he's completely right, but he is more qualified, and obligated, than some of the clowns in the media and on the hill. =========== From: TURTLE To: THRUD Subject: slugs Date & Time: 09/16/90 16:15:14 Message Number 8906 >'Course the ACLU would see this [drivers test] as a facist plot... Probably not. There's nothing in the Constitution guaranteeing /anyone/ a right to drive, so I doubt the ACLU would pay any attention to it. On the other hand, the AARP would have fifteen kinds of screaming fits about it. They already oppose mandatory periodical driving tests on the grounds that the tests are "discriminatory." Why? Because more old people than young people fail the exam, of course, and that's dis- crimination! Has nothing to do with the fact that older people really do lose the faculties necessary to drive, of course... =========== From: TURTLE To: RUFUS Subject: Heinlein Date & Time: 09/16/90 16:20:00 Message Number 8907 I don't know if anyone's actually put any effort into getting some RufusCon II T-shirts made or not. 'Course, it'd be helpful if we could actually find a /place/ to hold RufusCon II before we worry 'bout T- shirts... :) Any volunteers? =========== From: TURTLE To: KEN SABLE Subject: Driving Date & Time: 09/16/90 16:26:43 Message Number 8908 >Stressed are we? What you need is some Dew. Oh, good. Recommend a beverage loaded to the gills (so to speak) with sugar and caffeine to someone who's suffering from stress...yeah, right. =========== From: TURTLE To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: Previous Msg Date & Time: 09/16/90 16:29:25 Message Number 8909 >Orders are orders and they should be followed without question. Get it? You seem to be deviating from the point here. Lawful orders should be obeyed, but that doesn't mean that the person receiving the order doesn't have the right to question them. You seem to be equating expression of skepticism about American policies with mutiny, and that isn't the way it works. Last time I looked, there wasn't anything that says a military man is required to check his brain at the door or no longer has the right to hold and express political views of his own. The fact that Chris doesn't agree with American polocies in the Middle East does not mean that he does not obey orders; nor does it have any bearing whatever on his merits as a soldier. I think the main problem you seem to be having stems not from the fact that he isn't a good soldier but from the fact that he holds an opinion that's different from your own. BTW, the "seig hiel" is perfectly appropriate in the context of this discussion. Why did the atrocities of Nazi Germany take place? Because the Nazi army was overflowing with people who were willing to blindly follow orders without question--the course of action you seem to find appropriate for our military, as well, I would also point out that the orders to exterminate Jews and the like were, in Germany, perfectly lawful. That doesn't make them /right,/ but they were perfectly lawful. I don't need to feed you any "liberal bullshit" about what happens when people behave like sheep--history does that for me. =========== From: TURTLE To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: Military Servic Date & Time: 09/16/90 17:18:47 Message Number 8911 >Obviously the man [Bush] knows what he is doing... ....and is incapable of error? Do you really believe that? >[Chris] enlisted in a peacetime Service and found himself going to >war... No. Chris was in the Reserves when the situation started. He /volunteered/ for active duty. He's going to Saudi Arabia on his own initiative. You have a habit of judging people who disagree with you based on your own prejudice; it's kind of annoying. >He obeys orders...that's what he gets paid for. And that's what he does. Doesn't mean he can't have reservation about their wisdom, though. Not the same thing at all. =========== From: DIONYSUS To: RUFUS Subject: Driving Date & Time: 09/16/90 19:21:34 Message Number 8912 dang Darn! I'm sorry. =========== From: DIONYSUS To: KEN SABLE Subject: Dew Date & Time: 09/16/90 19:23:12 Message Number 8913 I only drink Dew when I happen to be at Turtle's, which, unfortunately, doesn't seem to be very often - only when there's a furry party into which I try to fit or when I just happen to have an extra PDP manual. Normally, I make do with going over to Raven's and dissolving vivarin in toxic shock. =========== From: DIONYSUS To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: Previous Msg Date & Time: 09/16/90 19:27:31 Message Number 8914 USMC - Marines that can't swim. Under the Surface Marine Corpse. Sorry. =========== From: DIONYSUS To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: mcdonalds Date & Time: 09/16/90 19:29:30 Message Number 8915 >>Seems wasteful not to serve them anyway - doesn't it? >Heheh! :) Heheh... COFF COFF! BLELCH! ^ | -------- proper word, please. =========== From: MAX To: DIONYSUS Subject: Debate! Date & Time: 09/16/90 20:35:40 Message Number 8916 > God has no sex? What a dull existence, don't you think? Well, maybe gods do, er, ... other things. The act of creation would be a sex act of some sort, in some sense. In that light, perhaps two gods representing male & female makes a great deal more philosophical sense. =========== From: MAX To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: Previous Msg Date & Time: 09/16/90 20:39:54 Message Number 8917 You realize that if nobody ever questioned orders from higher-ups, there would never have been an America in the first place. If people HAD questioned higher-ups, there would not have been a Nazi Germany. If sent over there, Chris will fight. He just doesn't believe that our goals in this fight are quite as noble as they're being made out. As to your "fuck you" ... I have not seen your post on Uncle Bob's, but I have had it described to me. At the most, I attack your arguments. You have called me an asshole, a pinko liberal faggot, and continually insult my friends -- you did it through the entire "debate" (quite a stretch of the word, considering that you repeated the same thing for six months and refused to listen to ANYTHING that anyone said), and now, you've just done it again. Chris is, incidentally, one of the most conservative people I know, he just doesn't equate it to being brain-dead. He also doesn't equate debate to personal attacks bordering on slander, or just being out-and-out juvenile and nasty. If you want to debate on subjects, fine. I respect your opinions even when I don't agree with them (most of the time, at least), but you show absolutely no respect for anyone else's point or view, or apparently anyone else, period. Quite frankly, you owe several people on this board -- and now, at least one person off of it -- an apology. =========== From: SPELLWIND To: DIONYSUS Subject: Driving Date & Time: 09/16/90 22:53:53 Message Number 8918 >>>>The author, author is Turtle, Turtle. >>>Now, Now. >>Beep, beep. >AAAAARGH! AAAAARGH! Ha, ha. =========== From: SPELLWIND To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: Previous Msg Date & Time: 09/16/90 22:56:39 Message Number 8919 They're probably hired straight from the marines to the 'CIA' to do some dirty work.....(like kill Kennedy?......) =========== From: SPELLWIND To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: Military Servic Date & Time: 09/16/90 22:59:24 Message Number 8920 think because they have higher rank, they're better human beings, and they deserve to order 'lesser' people? HA. If they ever call on me....I'm finding a canadian road map......I take orders from no other human. I'm not a prisoner, I'm a free man. =========== From: SPELLWIND To: TURTLE Subject: slugs Date & Time: 09/16/90 23:03:00 Message Number 8921 I have the Centaur Atlas for my computer, and USA's government system is listed as 'Unknown'...... So, what are we? Democrats? Fascists? ????? =========== From: SPELLWIND To: TURTLE Subject: Previous Msg Date & Time: 09/16/90 23:06:50 Message Number 8922 Have you seen those King Arthur commercials for marine recruitment? The marines: We're looking for a few good destroy. I spent a year in Army JROTC and even then I felt dehumanized. I'm not a soldier to be called to battle to kill and die, I'm a thinker, I prepare, I would NOT kill like I stated before, and I think anyone who believes the crap they're pumped when the US doesn't like someone has to be a marine... Take WWII, they aired alot or crap about how ruthless, destructive, and all around evil the Japanese were, they showed alot of footage and said alot, and some of it was false, to make the 'enemy' look like a demon to be slaughtered. Now, they're showing junk about Hussein, theyX they are doing the same thing....remember, they're of another religion and that'll be enough to spur good little christian soldiers into battle ...... =========== From: SPELLWIND To: TURTLE Subject: Military Servic Date & Time: 09/16/90 23:14:06 Message Number 8923 Bush was a perfect VP, but as a president, he sucks wood filings.... We need someone like........ Say,.....Kennedy, Nixon, and Grant combined (with a little of the naturalness of Carter thrown in.....)Bush is a warmonger just like Reagan was, and for the most important individual seat in america, that's not the kind of person I'll ever vote for. =========== From: SPELLWIND To: MAX Subject: Debate! Date & Time: 09/16/90 23:18:22 Message Number 8924 Of course...... Duotheism... =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: TURTLE Subject: Previous Msg Date & Time: 09/16/90 23:26:04 Message Number 8925 T>They sweat a lot and they're about as interesting conversationalists T>as sea slugs. Why, you unappreciative snot! Those same guys are the ones who would be defending your ass and keeping your ass safe if this country was ever attacked! And you spew condescending bullshit about them! Man, you don't deserve to even talk about them...much less talk to them. You really piss me off. You really have some nerve. I wish that there still was a draft...your ass would learn to appreciate what they go through to for the PRIVILEDGE to SERVE thier country. And for what? Some friggin what? So some college boy could sit back and call them stupid? Man, you really have to come down off your high horse. Those guys are out there fighting for YOU. "Well, I didn't ask them to." That would be about the most selfish reply you could give. And it would be typical, too. =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: TURTLE Subject: Military Servic Date & Time: 09/16/90 23:34:29 Message Number 8926 Bush is well informed. I would say that an error was unlikely. I have been reading Chris's posts...the man is extremly cynical and totally practical. It makes me wonder why he volunteered if he has so much to grouse about... And you have a habit of belittling people who disagree with you... who is more wrong? =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: DIONYSUS Subject: Previous Msg Date & Time: 09/16/90 23:37:39 Message Number 8927 D> USMC - Marines that can't swim. Under the Surface Marine Corpse. D? D> Sorry. About what? Turtle's remark was pure contempt and disdain. Yours seems to be in a joking manner... =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: MAX Subject: Previous Msg Date & Time: 09/16/90 23:41:07 Message Number 8928 It seems to me that I do...(owe several people an apology). But it also seems to me that blatant disrespect for the military deserves an apology. "Pinko-faggot"? "Asshole"? The terms are descriptive. Quite simply, if the shoe fits, wear it. As for questioning orders from superiors, fine for civilians. It has no place in the military. Nuernburg...not relevant. The situation in Nuerenburg cannot paralell current military, because current military are told and trained not to be "automotons" and not to accept orders which are not lawful. Todays military are intelligent thinkers, not blind followers. They know the differnce between right and wrong. As for Chris Grant, my initial reaction to his imported message was knee-jerk (which would better be described as simply jerk), I'll admit. And I have posted to him. (On Armadillo Connection.) I don't know if he'll get the message in time, but I did post., not a debate. But when spoken to in a belittling manner, I get very defensive, illogical, and downright rude. Take it at face value... =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: SPELLWIND Subject: Previous Msg Date & Time: 09/16/90 23:50:39 Message Number 8929 SPW> They're probably hired straight fromt he marines to the 'CIA' to SPW>do some dirty work......(like kill Kennedy?.......) Hmmm. Maybe. But if they HAD hired a marine to kill Kennedy, you never would have known it...he would have been dead, and no one to know who did it. =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: SPELLWIND Subject: Military Servic Date & Time: 09/16/90 23:52:58 Message Number 8930 SPW> think because they have higher rank, they're better SPW>human being, No, got nothing to do with it. You don't respect the human, you respect the rank. I've known some higher rankers that I hated thier guts...but I did what they said and didn't question their orders. SPW>and they deserve to order 'lesser' people? No, lesser ranks. SPW>HA. If they ever call on me....I'm finding a canadian road map.... Good. Go now. Don't come back. You don't deserve the rights of an American if you won't take up the responsibilities of an American. SPW> I won't take orders from an other human. I'm not a prisoner, I'm SPW>a free man. If there weren't people out there "taking orders" you wouldn't be a free man for long.... Put that in your hippie pipe and smoke it. =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: SPELLWIND Subject: Previous Msg Date & Time: 09/16/90 23:59:21 Message Number 8931 Pathetic. =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: SPELLWIND Subject: Military Servic Date & Time: 09/17/90 00:00:57 Message Number 8932 Kennedy was a joke. Nixon was a crook. Why do you like Grant? And Carter was a wimp. =========== From: MMA To: SPELLWIND Subject: armed services Date & Time: 09/17/90 02:20:50 Message Number 8934 We're looking for a few good men. The two we had just quit. MMA =========== From: SPELLWIND To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: Previous Msg Date & Time: 09/17/90 04:01:10 Message Number 8935 >"Well, I didn't ask them to." That would be the least typical reply to come from him... =========== From: SPELLWIND To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: Military Servic Date & Time: 09/17/90 04:05:53 Message Number 8936 Kennedy was an inspiration, Nixon was a genious(NOT a crook), and if you can't figure out why Grant's on the list, look him up. Carter had a certain 'knowledge' of america..... =========== From: SNAKEBYTE To: THRUD Subject: spouses (spice? Date & Time: 09/17/90 12:10:24 Message Number 8937 I know a guy here at work that has a ton of software stacked up in his house and keeps getting more all the time. Has the most expensive HP calculators available and talks computer all day at work....but he has never bought one for home..."Don't have the money". But then he'll turn around and blow $1000 on a new gun and $500 black chroming old gun parts and then whine about not having a 'puter. Not being into guns (at ALL) I just don't get the idea of a house full of guns (with little kids) and that rather then a 'puter.....twisted minds???? Mine or his???? Oh yeah, you grow imune to DOS-slamming after a few years.... =========== From: SNAKEBYTE To: KEN OBER Subject: The Band (JB&B) Date & Time: 09/17/90 12:14:48 Message Number 8938 >Armdaillo ???? I hope that's the same as The Armadillo Connection I've already got listed in auto-dial......I figured that was yous but wasn't sure... =========== From: SNAKEBYTE To: TURTLE Subject: 1200 problems Date & Time: 09/17/90 12:17:53 Message Number 8939 Just want to butt in here with a modem problem. I've a friend with a Tandy PC comp. and a Tandy 1200 modem, he was on Jo's for a long time (I think Steve runs on a US Modem top of the line stuff), and when they put there new modem on line, some of the games sections would just give him garabage and lock him up. I never saw it happen, but the other day I dialed them up from work (Racal Vadic 1200 modem) and when I went in t to the game area that he would lock up in, it did it to me. Sends a line of trash across the top of the screen and then locks you up tight!! Jo's says its not their end, but the modems work on all other boards and in most of theirs...any ideas on what gives????...thanx, SNAKEBYTE . . =========== From: SNAKEBYTE To: THRUD Subject: German Date & Time: 09/17/90 12:22:32 Message Number 8940 Our company was recently purchased by a German corporation and our Management decided it would be nice if some of us learned the language of our mother company, so they provided us with (practically) free German courses on site. I took it (being from German decent, I always wanted to), and found it quite interesting. It was rough, especially with some of the people that were in the class...but it was nice to know about bier and wein for when necessary.... =========== From: SNAKEBYTE To: THRUD Subject: Military Servic Date & Time: 09/17/90 12:31:29 Message Number 8941 Hey Thrud ol' buddy, you stated that good soldiers use their minds and their hearts to determine what is right and wrong....just curious here, but with all the stuff out (ie movies like Casualties of War), what can a "good" soldier do if what he feels is right goes against what he has been "ordered" to do??? a curiousssssssss SNAKEBYTE (: =========== From: SNAKEBYTE To: RUFUS Subject: Shirt Date & Time: 09/17/90 12:35:31 Message Number 8942 You any connections with a good screen print shop? I do side line logo and shirt designs (camera ready artwork) and the screen shop I used to deal with just folded up a few months ago. Let me know.... =========== From: SNAKEBYTE To: WORDSMITH Subject: Cats Date & Time: 09/17/90 12:38:43 Message Number 8943 I hear cats really dig a sip of antifreeze after a good meal.... =========== From: SNAKEBYTE To: SPELLWIND Subject: Military Servic Date & Time: 09/17/90 12:47:12 Message Number 8944 >I take orders from no other human.... What do you tell that cop when he tells you to turn left and you want to turn right? Or that jugde that sentences you to 5 years for running over those bystanders beside that accident? Or the 350lb axe murderer who's "ordering" you to bend over during exercise break in prison? Or that doctor "ordering" you to drop your drawers and cough. Be free....?? =========== From: BEATLE To: RUFUS Subject: Driving Date & Time: 09/17/90 19:52:34 Message Number 8945 > Beep, beep. Beep beep, mm, beep beep, yeah! =========== From: BEATLE To: RUFUS Subject: McD's Fries Date & Time: 09/17/90 19:53:43 Message Number 8946 > I am the egg man, I am the walrus. Goo goo goo joob =========== From: BEATLE To: DIONYSUS Subject: Driving Date & Time: 09/17/90 19:55:05 Message Number 8947 >> Now, now. > Beep, beep. >> AAAAARGH! AAAAARGH! spit spit =========== From: BEATLE To: RUFUS Subject: Driving Date & Time: 09/17/90 19:56:31 Message Number 8948 > zip BANG! > ...sheesh, some people. Or, in Zot Gnop's case: [stand up in theatre] BANG!!!!!!!! =========== From: BEATLE To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: Military Servic Date & Time: 09/17/90 20:00:08 Message Number 8949 > Too fucking bad! Been living in a peacetime environment, sponding off > Uncle Sam, now go and earn your living! Oh, and what are YOU doing?? And we haven't go to war yet, and we may not, you know. =========== From: BEATLE To: TURTLE Subject: Driving Date & Time: 09/17/90 20:02:46 Message Number 8950 > yeah, right. "Surrender to the Dew side of the Force!" I want one of those (you know what I mean) =========== From: BEATLE To: SPELLWIND Subject: Military Servic Date & Time: 09/17/90 20:09:26 Message Number 8951 > warmonger just like Reagan... Well, I don't really see how that is really important. So far, I haven't heard or seen much to say he's majorly screwing up in the Kuwait situation... give him some time. I on't think he's that bad a President (at least nothing really bad has happened yet)... =========== From: BEATLE To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: Previous Msg Date & Time: 09/17/90 20:13:58 Message Number 8952 > disrespect for the military... appology... If you show disrespect for the military, there is not neccesarily a need to appologize. I agree that spewing off bad comments about those who fight our battles is kind of rude, but if people have a) a valid point (usually) and b) a right to say what they wan, then no appology is needed... =========== From: BEATLE To: BEATLE Subject: Driving Date & Time: 09/17/90 20:20:04 Message Number 8953 >>>> Now, now. >>> Beep, beep. >> AAAAARGH! AAAAARGH! > spit spit Wow, we just feel really intelectually stimulated today, eh? (I don't want any complaints, I'm in there too, ya know!) =========== From: SPELLWIND To: SNAKEBYTE Subject: The Band (JB&B) Date & Time: 09/17/90 20:26:34 Message Number 8954 No, that's Ken's new BBS, set in a spanish fort..... =========== From: SPELLWIND To: SNAKEBYTE Subject: Military Servic Date & Time: 09/17/90 20:28:51 Message Number 8955 I take orders from a couple humans, and I don't drive, I'm against too many cars on the road....already too many cars... =========== From: JONBOY To: TURTLE Subject: friends Date & Time: 09/17/90 20:50:51 Message Number 8956 T>I'll stop ranting now before I REALLY get going. I have to agree with absolutely everything that you said. I have personally been the victim of two "marriages" in which the females involved demonstrated nearly every point that you brought up. My first was absolutely convinced that I was having an affair with a fellow airman(woman) in the service and filed for divorce when I was overseas. I discovered when I returned that she had become quite the party animal while I was away and had several affairs. While I was of sufficient committment to try further - she was not. The second acted as though as soon as the vows were spoken I was personal property and accorded the same rights as the pet cat - less actually. The one thing I asked for my own sanity was a 30 minute wakeup with a cup of coffee and silence. Could I have just this brief respite from the bustle of the day? Hell no! She started nagging from the word go about what all *I* had to do that day which usually involved doing 75% of her chores in addition to my 14 credit college schedule and working a full 12 hour day. And, yes in theory the chores were split and I helped with groceries, laundry etc In a nutshell, now I play by fisherman's rules. I catch 'em and if they aren't worth the effort, I throw 'em back in the hope that someday they'll grow up and be a fine catch for some lucky fisherman. A single, sensible JonBoy =========== From: JONBOY To: TURTLE Subject: friends Date & Time: 09/17/90 21:02:25 Message Number 8957 T>In a society where sex outside of wedlock is more common than sex T> within wedlock, ... Now /there/ is a truth that most men I know can relate to! =========== From: JONBOY To: RUFUS Subject: dog house? Date & Time: 09/17/90 21:09:08 Message Number 8958 R>JonBoy, I'd jump on Turtle's shell about him copying that show ** POUNCE ** Ok Turtle - cough it up bud or we rehearse at yer place next!! Heh heh heh... =========== From: JONBOY To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: The Band (JB&B) Date & Time: 09/17/90 21:12:59 Message Number 8959 TS: It's up to JonBoy...he is de facto the leader of the band. I prefer Ipso to De Facto by a large margin. Consumer Reports is in total agreement... =========== From: JONBOY To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: The Band (JB&B) Date & Time: 09/17/90 21:15:02 Message Number 8960 YNG>I volunteer to be the designated drinker... TS > Wow. Y'know, I don't believe that we have filled that position yet We'll have to sit down for an on hand demo of capability seeing how it's such an important position. =========== From: JONBOY To: THRUD Subject: dog house? Date & Time: 09/17/90 21:20:57 Message Number 8961 T>Sounds like Yngling's designated drinker table might be more fun Wrong Bucko! *We* can visit the table and enjoy making fools of ourselves on stage in two easy moves! =========== From: JONBOY To: YNGLING Subject: spouses (spice? Date & Time: 09/17/90 21:38:26 Message Number 8962 YNG>some good natured flirting Seems that this is a very common thing. My best friend has a "hot" post going with a frustrated housewife in San Antonio who is originally from here and calls for "old time sakes". I think that we can be more of who we would like to be over the modem because lacking eye contact, you can be a bit more brash and daring. Now if I could get Black Magic to go out to dinner... :) =========== From: JONBOY To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: Turbo Pascal Date & Time: 09/17/90 21:42:55 Message Number 8963 TS>I HaveNot quite got the Format down yet...apitolizing in the MidDle TS> of a word... Actually that particular programming style was started by Modula 2 programmers. Pascal was originally (stil is?) case-INsensitive. Modula is case sensitive and thus some way to delineate long identifiers was needed. It is a proven fact that long words that are all upper or lower case cause erroneous readings with humans. The Upper case letters break up the monotony. I use this style exclusively now with my C programs instead of the infinitely ugly and error prone underscores. =========== From: JONBOY To: CHIP P. UNICORN Subject: German Date & Time: 09/17/90 21:49:48 Message Number 8964 >>> in der hande, bitte. Not to mention "in THE hand????" Fraulein, kommen sie hier mit der hosen im ihrer hande, bitte? (at least she's carrying HER socks!) =========== From: JONBOY To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: German Date & Time: 09/17/90 21:52:32 Message Number 8965 TS> Slang. .. "Hosen"= undergarments. I never heard that. It is used to refer to certain undergarments ( to be distinguished between actual underwear) =========== From: JONBOY To: CHIP P. UNICORN Subject: Debate! Date & Time: 09/17/90 22:04:11 Message Number 8966 CPU>God has neither gender -- Actually, several of the OT names of God contain both male and female gender components. I know of more than one Jew who were not knowledgabl enough in their faith and thought these were "translation errors". Trick is - what do we make of this (if anything). The Mormons believe that God has a wife and bears Him spiritual children who must be born into a mortal body to progress. (of course I endorse this theory with my M.B. stamp) =========== From: JONBOY To: RUFUS Subject: mcdonalds Date & Time: 09/17/90 22:08:12 Message Number 8967 R>What will the fries be judged on? Let's get a panel of Judges! I put forth the very tasty and absolutely wonderful curly fries from the DogHouse... =========== From: JONBOY To: ANGEL Subject: ballads Date & Time: 09/17/90 22:13:15 Message Number 8968 A>My stuff tends to blues and ballads. I loke it - I play mostly blues and ballads and have a few tunes that need prodding here and there and some words to flesh 'em out. Are you interested? =========== From: JONBOY To: SPELLWIND Subject: Debate! Date & Time: 09/17/90 22:15:30 Message Number 8969 SW>I'll restrain myself from 20 full page posts on how much bullshit SW> Judeo/Christianity is...... Thank you. That horse (sorry Chip) was beat long ago. Actually - hell no I'm not sory Chip - YOU started this mess again di'nt ya! Let's stick to french fry fanaticism for now... =========== From: JONBOY To: THRUD Subject: spouses (spice? Date & Time: 09/17/90 22:41:24 Message Number 8970 THRUD> I still work with Neanderthals ...reading anything besides THRUD> the sports page. I think me & you need to have a few pitchers. I used to cringe when doing my homework because the millwrights would ask me what I was doing. If I tell 'em then I'm a smartass. If I try to water it down then I'm talking down to them. If I tell them it's boringh and they don't really wanna know then I think they are too stupid to understand. I got sick to death of their childishness. Finally one day My Favorite Moron (not to be confused with My Favorite Martian [he's sentient]) comes up and says "is that all you do is read books?" I looked at him and said "That's because they don't scare me!". Needless to say the die was cast... A trying to edumacated JonBoy =========== From: DIONYSUS To: SPELLWIND Subject: Military Servic Date & Time: 09/17/90 23:34:29 Message Number 8971 Good. Then go to Canada. See if I care. May your penis be mistaken for one of the Banana tribe. =========== From: DIONYSUS To: SPELLWIND Subject: Military Servic Date & Time: 09/17/90 23:36:47 Message Number 8972 Nixon was a genius (Not a crook), and I suppose so are you. How do you spell wind? F L A T U L E N C E . =========== From: DIONYSUS To: ALL Subject: Advertisement Date & Time: 09/17/90 23:39:30 Message Number 8973 Ever troubled by clogged bodily passageways? Ever wish that you could breathe through your nose or go to the bathroom in under twenty minutes? Are you arfaid that your attempts are in vain? Well not to worry - now there's Alka-Seltzer Nasal Pellets for your sinus needs. Just pop two tablets, drink some milk real fast, and feel them go to work right at the source of the problem. Also, for your constipation needs, try the Teledyne Suppository Pic. It forces the issue, so you don't have to. =========== From: TURTLE To: SPELLWIND Subject: Military Servic Date & Time: 09/18/90 01:25:42 Message Number 8974 >I take orders from no other human. You pay taxes? Pull over for flashing blue lights? If you don't obey /anything/ except your own whims, society falls apart. =========== From: TURTLE To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: Previous Msg Date & Time: 09/18/90 01:29:50 Message Number 8975 > liberal pinko faggot... ========= > unappreciative snot! ... You really piss me off. And you, sir, really piss me off. Whatever evils you may consider me guilty of, I do not wander around bulletin boards calling you an "asshole," a "faggot," a "snot," and similar juvenile epithets. I generally make it a point to attack the /idea/ rather than the /person/ who states it; you, Sir, do not. These ad hominems will cease on my bulletin board, NOW. Name-calling is out of line. Period. =========== From: TURTLE To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: Previous Msg Date & Time: 09/18/90 01:35:26 Message Number 8976 >"Pinko-faggot?" "Asshole?" The terms are descriptive. The terms are ad hominem, and are most certainly not descriptive. You applied the term "faggot" to myself and Watts; neither of us is gay; therefore, you are simply wrong. >If the shoe fits... ....hit someone with it? I will assume that Black Magic thought the shoe fit /you/ fairly well when she called you an asshole; it was out of line when she did it, and it's out of line now. Kindly can the personal abuse. Now. I mean it. =========== From: TURTLE To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: Military Servic Date & Time: 09/18/90 01:39:32 Message Number 8977 >You don't deserve the rights of an American if you won't take up the >responsibilities of an American. That much, at least, we agree on. =========== From: TURTLE To: SNAKEBYTE Subject: 1200 problems Date & Time: 09/18/90 01:42:03 Message Number 8978 If the problem's only happening on Jos' board, it has to be a problem on his end. If he just installed an HST modem, that might be part of the problem; those things are notorious for having all sorts of bizzare problems with almost every non-HST modem in existance. Have Steve Joselson try sending an AT&M command to his HST (it disables all the HST's proprietary weirdness) and then try things out; see if that helps. =========== From: TURTLE To: BEATLE Subject: Dew Date & Time: 09/18/90 01:46:13 Message Number 8979 >I want one of those (you know what I mean) The one we have now is slated for special delivery to Amelia Hudson (of Hotline fame) in retribution for a crack she made about Mountain Dew being absolutley ghastly or some such nonsense, but if you'd like I'm sure we can arrange to have a strange man in a trenchcoat show up on your doorstep and give you one too... =========== From: TURTLE To: JONBOY Subject: friends Date & Time: 09/18/90 01:50:13 Message Number 8980 Funny you should mention being accorded the same rights as a housecat; friend of mine was married for a grand total of two weeks. She had a fairly large circle of friends, about half of whom were male (which her boyfriend-to-be-husband was well aware of for quite a while); the day they were married he turned to her and said "Okay, now that we're married I'd better not see those guys talking to you any more." She filed for a divorce the same day... =========== From: TURTLE To: JONBOY Subject: dog house? Date & Time: 09/18/90 01:52:32 Message Number 8981 (plonk!) (Stand up, dust off shell) Actually, I did make an effort to copy the tapes tonight, no kidding. Went up to the media lab; immediately noticed that (a) there was a brand-new Amiga 2000 with a very snazzy genlock in the video editing booth and (b) it wasn't connected to anything; the rest of the editing/duplication equipment was AWOL. I was rather annoyed. Anyway, I'll make the attempt again at the end of the week when all the stuff should (gods be willing) be back. If it isn't, I guess it'll be up to Tyler & Rufus to do the old patch- two-VCR's-together-and-Devil-take-the-chroma-signal thing. =========== From: TURTLE To: JONBOY Subject: spouses (spice? Date & Time: 09/18/90 01:56:36 Message Number 8982 >Now if I could get Black Magic to go out to dinner... :) Careful; her boyfriend's in town (smirk). =========== From: TURTLE To: DIONYSUS Subject: Military Servic Date & Time: 09/18/90 01:59:39 Message Number 8983 >Nixon was a genius (Not a crook)... No, Nixon was a /genious/. It's Latin for "small, striped furry mammal that runs very fast." =========== From: SNAKEBYTE To: SPELLWIND Subject: The Band (JB&B) Date & Time: 09/18/90 10:09:34 Message Number 8984 How many fortnights baud rate does he run?....... I can handle about 2400 bits per fortnight...... =========== From: SNAKEBYTE To: SPELLWIND Subject: Military Servic Date & Time: 09/18/90 10:11:23 Message Number 8985 My wife, my departmental director, my supervisor, my kids, my parents, the cops, the IRS, my mortgage company, Peace River electric co-op, D.O.T., my doctor(s), my lawyer, Paragon cable, Barb's Video, Comp-U-Serve, the homeowners association (deed restrictions...yuck), Manatee County Animal Control, Roy Leap and Turtle.....yup, that's some of who I take orders from (maybe not in that order). Free???, not me ..... =========== From: SNAKEBYTE To: TURTLE Subject: 1200 problems Date & Time: 09/18/90 10:17:06 Message Number 8986 I'll give it a shot...he has been checking in to it on his end for a couple weeks now, I need to check with him and see if maybe he has found it yet...thanx =========== From: MAX To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: Previous Msg Date & Time: 09/18/90 12:46:34 Message Number 8987 The "face value" of attacking people rather than their arguments is to make you look like a schmuck, no two ways about it. I honestly think you need to get off Turtle's case; when he disagrees with somebody, he tells them in a direct, blunt (and often tactless) way. That does not make him an "asshole" or a "Pinko-faggot" and you know it. Especially the last one. Believing in the first amendment rights of ALL Americans, including the ones in the military, and occasionally being cynical about the government and its motivations, does not make one a communist sympathizer ("pinko") and it certainly has no bearing on one's sexual orientation ("faggot"). If disagreeing with someone makes you an "asshole," so be it, but it's a specious claim and one that makes the name-caller look a lot worse than the, er, name-callee. And you hit what Turtle has been trying to say when you said, "Todays military are intelligent people, not blind followers. They know the difference between right and wrong." EXACTLY. Someone in the military should be intelligent enough to question authority. Not doing that DOES lead to situations like Nazi Germany. (I disagree with your contention that the two are not related. Does that make me an asshole?) =========== From: MAX To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: Previous Msg Date & Time: 09/18/90 12:51:28 Message Number 8988 > If they HAD hired a marine to kill Kennedy, you never would have > known it...he would have been dead, and no one to know who did it. If they tried to hire ANY military person, he should have immediately reported it to the highest-up person he could get to, either in the military if the "employer" was civilian or in the civil government if the "employer" was another soldier. Marines are also not trained as assassins. A battle situation is not the same thing by any stretch of the imagination. A Special Forces trained soldier, possibly, but the paragraph above still applies. Incidentally, if today's military people are bright enough to question illegal orders, they should be bright enough not to quibble about which branch of the armed services is the most gung-ho.... :> =========== From: MAX To: SPELLWIND Subject: Military Servic Date & Time: 09/18/90 12:56:08 Message Number 8989 Nixon was a genius AND a crook. The two are not mutually exclusive. Also, he was really only a "genius" at international relations. As for Carter having a certain "knowledge" of America, so does Charles Kuralt. What's your point? Kennedy was inspiring, yes, but so is Jesse Jackson -- that doesn't qualify him as a good leader. A lot of analysts don't think Kennedy was any great shakes, although it looked like he was actually getting a great deal better (which could, in some way, be responsible for getting him killed -- a disquieting thought). =========== From: ODEN To: SPELLWIND Subject: Driving Date & Time: 09/18/90 15:17:02 Message Number 8991 >>>>>The author, author is Turtle, Turtle. >>>>Now, Now. >>>Beep, beep. >>AAAAAARGH! AAAAAARGH! >Ha, ha. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>.... uh, does this mean that I said this first? and.... its Beep-beep Zip BANG.... get it straight. ha! =========== From: ODEN To: KNOWING PEOPLES Subject: Computer Values Date & Time: 09/18/90 15:39:35 Message Number 8992 Ok... My older brother works at Radio Dump, and (for about a week so far ) and now he thhinks that the Tandy 2500 XL is like sooooooo much better than anyother computer we chould get. The catch is that he gets a discount. instead of $2598 it'd be $1380 ..... it comes with a 286 CPU and a VGM Monitor and a 52MB HD and 1 meg of ram. The reason I ask you people on here is because I expect all of you to give me all the exact reasons... (If I asked on my BBS, they would just reply that Amiga is better, and Tandy sucks... so there.... and thats not what I'm looking f for) can you help? =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: BEATLE Subject: Military Servic Date & Time: 09/18/90 16:21:47 Message Number 8993 B>And what are you doing?? And we haven't go[ne] to war yet, and we B>may not, you know. I'm waiting to get called back! And I'd go, too! And I"M not sponging off of Uncle Sam...I am finished doing that. Besides, after reading some more of the man's messages, I can see that my initial reaction was knee-jerk (better described simply as jerk)... "Sponging" may have been a harsh term...but I've seen guys who do do that..."PROFILE"! Happy as hell to get thier paycheck but when it comes time to do some WORK...well, I can't do that, I have a MEDICAL PROFILE SLIP. Or, I'M GONNA GO ON LEAVE DURING THAT FIELD EXERCISE. I hate that kind of "soldier" (and I use the term loosely). Obviously, CG is not that kind of soldier...if what I have heard is true. But it burns me that he questions proper orders. =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: BEATLE Subject: Previous Msg Date & Time: 09/18/90 16:27:58 Message Number 8994 In that case, I have a right to say what I wan[t]. And a valid point is determined by the individual, too. So...natch! =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: JONBOY Subject: Wives/Girlfrens Date & Time: 09/18/90 16:30:07 Message Number 8995 [I know how to spell...but I ran out of room on the subject line...] Hear hear hear! Bravo, bravo, bravo. Author, author, author! The Author, Author, Author is JonBoy, JonBoy, JonBoy. Now, now, now. Beep Beep Beep. ARRGH ARRGH ARRGH Spit, Spit, Spit... (Did I miss any?) :) =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: JONBOY Subject: Ipso/de Facto Date & Time: 09/18/90 16:33:13 Message Number 8996 Yes, but nine out of ten dentists recommend defacto. (and the tenth just sits there...) =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: JONBOY Subject: German Date & Time: 09/18/90 16:35:55 Message Number 8997 TS> Slang..."hosen"= undergarments JB>..never heard it [for] certain undergarments...? I dunno. But I *do* know that it got a buddy of mine slapped and laid more often that he could count... =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: MAX Subject: Previous Msg Date & Time: 09/18/90 16:54:17 Message Number 8999 Ok, IMOBO (in my own biased opinon) OWIHM (I'll let you all figure that out), the Marines are the best service. This from an Army guy. (Ex-Army). What do you mean that Marines are not trained as assassins? Ever heard of Search and Destroy? Or Snipers? And good point...if a Soldier offered a job to off the prez, they probably would report it. Unless they were Ex with an attitude. An a highly trained Ex-Sniper with an attitude would make a great assassin, don't you think? =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: MAX Subject: Kennedy Date & Time: 09/18/90 16:58:08 Message Number 9000 Yes, I have heard all the stories about JFK's killing were a plot... (er, said that wrong) Not the stories, but the killing was a plot... Wasn't Harvey an Ex-Marine? Or whatever his name was? =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: ODEN Subject: Computer Values Date & Time: 09/18/90 17:00:19 Message Number 9001 What speed is the system. What dot pitch is the monitor. What type of monitor is it (chassis). What interface is the drive. What is the transfer rate of the drive. What interleave. What speed RAM. How many ports included. What degree of compatibility with IBM. How much are upgrades (memory, another port, modem, another hardrive). What kind of warranty. How easy is it to get serviced. Who do you call for software or hardware support? Is it really worth it? I doubt it. =========== From: BIG LEW To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: Debate! Date & Time: 09/18/90 19:28:50 Message Number 9003 You don't believe in either, do you? I missed out on how this debate got started AGAIN, but it seems we went this route about a month ago. =========== From: BIG LEW To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: humor? Date & Time: 09/18/90 19:40:59 Message Number 9004 Your comments usually make my day!! Bravo! =========== From: BIG LEW To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: Previous Msg Date & Time: 09/18/90 19:43:18 Message Number 9005 "ALL"? Excuse me, but could you correct and exclude us that are certainly NOT (I'm shouting!) pinko liberal fags!??!?? =========== From: BIG LEW To: TURTLE Subject: quoting Date & Time: 09/18/90 19:53:23 Message Number 9006 Turtle, Can you tell me how to quote from an existing message? Do I just retype what I'm responding to or is there an "automatic" way to do it? Since a lot of my responses are "one-liners", I sometimes wonder if the person I'm responding to knows what I'm referring to!?! Thanks for any help you can give me. =========== From: DIONYSUS To: ODEN Subject: Driving Date & Time: 09/18/90 20:15:02 Message Number 9007 Thathathathathathathathathathatha that's all, folks. =========== From: JOHN WOLAK To: ODEN Subject: Computer Values Date & Time: 09/18/90 21:18:22 Message Number 9008 Well, I have a Commodore 128 and an IBM XT and I use the Coomodore for most of the things I do with my computers. Now, this may change, due to the fact that I just got the IBM about a week ago and I'm still trying to find my way around MS-DOS. =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: BIG LEW Subject: Debate! Date & Time: 09/18/90 22:31:48 Message Number 9009 BL>...seems we went this route about a month ago... Yes, you are right. But CPU brought it up again...doens't matter, I just threw that out for a clay pigeon. I think you & I got it straightened out between ourselves...we're good on that subject. Say, where ya been? =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: BIG LEW Subject: Previous Msg Date & Time: 09/18/90 22:34:19 Message Number 9010 BL>"ALL"? Excuse me, but could you correct and exclude us that are BL>certainly NOT (I'm shouting!) piko liberal fags!??!?? Aplolgies to anyone that term did not refer to. I hereby exclude Big Lew from that stupid post that I made. I wonder if I could go back and delete it? =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: TURTLE Subject: Previous Msg Date & Time: 09/18/90 23:08:27 Message Number 9011 You attack the idea instead of the person, eh? So, if I refrain from direct attacks like "asshole" or "liberal pinko faggot-lover" then I can use snide remarks instead with words like "wander" right? ("I do not wander around bulletin boards..." which would imply that I'm lost and don't know what I'm doing; generally incapable of any intelligent actions...) Or I could use other indirectly belittling remarks like "you poor unfortunate individual, if you really believe that" (which would imply that the person in question really knows nothing, since he believes what is *obviously* wrong.). Or how about "the word you are so desperately seeking" [implied "you illiterate moron"] "is..." Now, there's a winner. Well, everybody, make sure that you all know THIS guy doesn't even know the simplest of words! Hah! And he had the nerve to debate with me! No, you are do refrain from direct attacks. But your indirect attacks are still pretty bad. If it's any comfort, I went back and deleted all the stupid posts I put up. (Stupid, unjustifiably rude, directed obscene attacks, ect...). I didn't delete the spew about "what an ingrateful snot", (I don't remember now, I might have) but attacking the Marine Corps was totally uncalled for. (Ok, so were excuse.) And that message was true. I can't believe that you don't appreciate them. I can't believe that you put them down. They "amuse" you? (Shakes head) Those same guys...defend this country. And you don't appreciate that. It's just *so* *hard* to believe. =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: MAX Subject: Previous Msg Date & Time: 09/18/90 23:28:30 Message Number 9012 M>[I think you need to get off of Turtles case, when he disagrees M>he usually tells them in a blunt (and often tactless] Yes, so do I...'cept I add rude, personal, nasty and offensive. Turtle occasionally is belittling in his "blunt and tactless" way. I compensate by turning into an asshole and acting like one, usually calling him inaccurate (to say the LEAST!) "juvenile epithets". You are right...that doesn't make him a pinko-faggot lover or an asshole (those words! ooh!)...but he sure seemed like one at the time! Seemed like he brought in CG's commentary for the simple purpose of saying "See, everyone in the military doesn't think we should be there, and I'm sure that CG's opinion is more prevalent in the military than yours, Specialist. Isn't it neat how his opinion happens to be the same as mine?" And that opinion is *not* more common! It can't be, because everyone in the military has been WAITING for a war! They train and train and train just for this eventuality! At least most of the guys that I know want to be "fight for thier country" (if you'll pardon the time honored cliche') and WIN! Any way, it seemed it was what he was doing, and I took the message out of context, and lost it...Jerk reaction. But, damn, that pissed me off! Of course, since then, I've read more of his messages...he's quite an enigma, this CG! =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: MAX Subject: Previous Msg Date & Time: 09/18/90 23:42:41 Message Number 9013 M>Incidentally, if today's military people are bright enough...they M>should be bright enough not to quibble about which branch of the M>armed services is the most gung-ho. True...but they do anyway. The Air Force for the most part pretends not to care, offering thier own watered-down version of special services (I mean Special Services) who (ooh!) "went to Army Special Forces school". Woopie. The Navy offers thier Seals, and the Army offers Airborne Forces & Special Forces. The Marines are one big bunch of Bad Asses (if you ask any Marine) because they have the toughest training. So, (with the exception of the Air Force, like I said) each service is convinced that it has the best soldiers.... Personally (like I've said) I think the Marines *are* the baddest, followed by Army Airborne Special Forces, followed by Seals, and then...Air Force Special Forces. Course, if I was in combat, I'd prefer to have ANY of them protecting MY site. (Well, except maybe for Air Force...they have a rep for being soft.) =========== From: ANGEL To: JONBOY Subject: ballads Date & Time: 09/19/90 00:52:45 Message Number 9014 >have a few tunes that need prodding ... are you interested? Always interested in hearing a good tune. Play it again, Jonboy. =========== From: TURTLE To: SNAKEBYTE Subject: Orders, orders Date & Time: 09/19/90 01:48:58 Message Number 9016 >...and Tuirtle... Yikes! How'd I make it into that list??? =========== From: TURTLE To: ODEN Subject: Computer Values Date & Time: 09/19/90 01:51:57 Message Number 9017 A 286-based machine with VGA and a 52MB HD for $1300 is a pretty damn good buy, even if it does run Mush. It's not exactly top on my list, but you can certainly do worse than Tandy machines, and that price is a real big plus. If it were me, of course, I'd likely spend the money on some other computer (most likely an Amiga or something obscure like a PC-Z), but you aren't going to find a machine with a decent hard drive in that price range for that much money. If it's worth it to you to have a lot of mass storage (and a wide base of programs), I'd say go for it. If the hard drive and program base isn't that important, go with an Amiga 500 (and possibly a smaller HD). =========== From: TURTLE To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: Not Previous Date & Time: 09/19/90 01:57:56 Message Number 9018 >An a highly-trained Ex-Sniper with an attitude would make a great >assassin, don't you think? Unfortunately, yes. Lee Harvey Oswald was an ex-Marine, in fact; dishonorable discharge. =========== From: TURTLE To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: Computer Values Date & Time: 09/19/90 01:59:52 Message Number 9019 Tandy machines are easily serviced, widely supported, and 100% IBM compatible. They're not cheap Taiwanese clones; they are, in fact, generally considered to be about the best PC-architecture machines on the market, at least for the home market (Tandy doesn't make anything along the lines of the Compaq Systempro). All things considered I'd say a Tandy machine is probably worth the money, at least as far as any IBM compatible is... =========== From: TURTLE To: BIG LEW Subject: quoting Date & Time: 09/19/90 02:03:44 Message Number 9020 PBBS doesn't have any built-in provision for quoting, so it's kind of up to your terminal program. If you have a scrollback buffer with an automatic quoting feature, you're set. If you have a scrollback buffer WITHOUT a quoting feature, you just type in by hand whatever you want to quote. If you don't have a scrollback buffer, well, just trust to memory and type in whatever you remember of what you want to quote. =========== From: TURTLE To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: Previous Msg Date & Time: 09/19/90 02:08:09 Message Number 9021 Whoa! Dude! Calm down! I didn't really import Chris' message for the sole purpose of inciting you to flame; for that matter, I didn't even import it to suggest that everyone (or most people (or for that matter ANYONE other than Chris)) holds all these ideals to be true. I imported it because I think the message raised some pretty damn good points in an interesting (and very literate) way, and I wanted to see if anyone had any reaction to the /ideas/ he expressed. Of course, to date nobody's said word one about the CONTENT of that message; sure, there's a lot of flaming going on as to whether or not Chris has the right to express any opinion that isn't his commanding officer's, but not word one about whether or not there might be some valid reasons for the United States to stay OUT of the Middle East. All in all, I must confess to a certain amount of disappointment at the course of events leading from that import. =========== From: SPELLWIND To: TURTLE Subject: Previous Msg Date & Time: 09/19/90 04:15:17 Message Number 9023 As I've said on every BBS that brings up this subject, it's very doubtful he even wanted to attack Saudi Arabia. I think his attack's sole purpose of attacking and recapturing Kuwait. =========== From: BIG LEW To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: I'm Back! Date & Time: 09/19/90 13:41:06 Message Number 9024 You're right - course you know I wanted to jump in on it, but thought, naw, borrrrrrrring!! Thanks for noticing I wasn't around. I went up north to check on my sis (remember the "crisis" I was dealing with a couple of weeks ago?) But, I'm back and so glad to be! I had with- drawals from lack of "conversation" with you and the others. =========== From: BIG LEW To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: Previous Msg Date & Time: 09/19/90 13:45:13 Message Number 9025 Unnecessary apology accepted, of course. I was just sensitive that day. =========== From: BIG LEW To: ALL Subject: hammertime! Date & Time: 09/19/90 13:53:07 Message Number 9026 I do not have any ideas on why the US should stay out of Saudi Arabia; however, I do believe it is time for us to retaliate and UNDO Hussein's position in Kuwait. As bad as this may sound, the main issue is not the rescue of hostages, but to bring into force the international community against a "man" who could alter the map by violent means. The best way to stop this bully is an international mobilization against him. =========== From: YNGLING To: MAX Subject: Debate! Date & Time: 09/19/90 15:39:17 Message Number 9028 >Why do you believe God has any sex whatsoever? I'd like to /think/ he gets some at least once in a while. I mean he IS God. It'd be a real bitch if even God can't get laid........ The Yngling =========== From: YNGLING To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: Dog House Date & Time: 09/19/90 15:44:24 Message Number 9029 >...I really would like to see this band ge together and play... And as the Designated Drinker I REALLY would like to perform the duties of my office ASAP. The Yngling =========== From: YNGLING To: TURTLE Subject: Previous Msg Date & Time: 09/19/90 15:49:21 Message Number 9030 Which branch of the military has Chris Grant made a career out of? From his ramblings he sounds like an Air Farce puke, but then again he could be a squid...but I'm willing to bet its the Air Farce. Am I right? I'd like to know before I comment on his babblings. The Yngling =========== From: YNGLING To: TURTLE Subject: @#!*&%$@! Date & Time: 09/19/90 15:53:34 Message Number 9031 >A cat will blink when struck with a hammer Howinthehell do you know?!? =========== From: SPELLWIND To: BIG LEW Subject: hammertime! Date & Time: 09/19/90 17:15:24 Message Number 9033 You mean 're-alter the map....' How do you think we'll be looked at if we went in there by countries like China.... (Have we heard anything from them yet?) =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: TURTLE Subject: Not Previous Date & Time: 09/19/90 23:09:49 Message Number 9034 TS> Highly trained...make a great assassin... T>Yes, Harvey Oswald...dishonorable... Ah, I thought as much! =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: BIG LEW Subject: I'm Back! Date & Time: 09/19/90 23:12:58 Message Number 9035 Yes, it's always nice to be missed...I *wondered* where you'd been. By the way, was that a play on words? "Cri-sis"? I hope everything worked out okay for you & sis...I was rootin' for ya! BL>I had witdrawals from lack of "conversation" wit you and the others. Oh, you are SUCH a flatterer! :) =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: BIG LEW Subject: hammertime! Date & Time: 09/19/90 23:15:33 Message Number 9036 Well said. "Nuff said"... =========== From: TURTLE To: SPELLWIND Subject: Previous Msg Date & Time: 09/19/90 23:44:47 Message Number 9038 >I think his attack's sole purpose of attacking and recapturing Kuwait. /Recapturing/ Kuwait? Iraq has never captured Kuwait to begin with, and in any event posessed part of what is now Kuwait long enough ago that it doesn't really matter. That'd be rather like Britian "recapturing" the United States. =========== From: TURTLE To: YNGLING Subject: Previous Msg Date & Time: 09/19/90 23:47:10 Message Number 9039 Chris is in the Army, and has been for a /long/ time. If you're interested, I can reply in more detail farther down the message base. =========== From: SPELLWIND To: TURTLE Subject: Previous Msg Date & Time: 09/20/90 02:00:06 Message Number 9040 I didn't mean 'recapturing in a war-sense way, I meant like reunif- ying... =========== From: MAX To: ODEN Subject: Computer Values Date & Time: 09/20/90 12:24:39 Message Number 9042 For what it is, the 2500XL is a very good computer. $1380 is a fairly reasonable price for a 286 (still a little high, but you do get a 1-yr warranty and it's from a company that's everywhere instead of in one small building in Korea), especially with the hard drive. You wouldn't be able to beat that price with a comparable Amiga system unless you had another brother who worked for Commodore. So what you need to do is ask yourself, is running Amiga stuff, and having the extras the Amiga has that the 2500XL doesn't (stereo sound, better animation, a considerably more powerful operating system), worth the extra money? The MS-DOS world's strongpoint is business programs and even there, you can find programs that do the same thing for other systems. Generally I wouldn't recommend MS-DOS machines to people unles they have a need to run specific applications that ONLY exist for MS-DOS and it's necessary (say, for compatibility with their office) that they be running the real McCoy instead of a "workalike" for another computer. I would like to have an 8-MHz 8086 (not 8088) machine myself, but mostly just so I can (1) read other people's MS-DOS disks easily, (2) have a better machine than the Intertec Superbrain for modeming & word processing (actually, the Superbrain is a better computer than a lot of low-end MS-DOS machines, but it has a lot of pecularities I'd rather live without), and (3) run Aladdin, the GEnie front-end program that's the best argument for owning a PC compatible I've seen. ("I use a TRS-80 for all the serious stuff, the PC is just there so I can call GEnie and download LS-DOS and Z-System programs more efficiently.") =========== From: MAX To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: Previous Msg Date & Time: 09/20/90 12:33:02 Message Number 9043 Most Marines aren't trained as assassins. Although, yes, Snipers come close. (That's not the only thing a trained assassin would have to know, though.) Yes, a highly trained ex-sniper would make a great assassin, as he'd probably fill in the 'gaps' of training. My original point was that an AVERAGE soldierguy isn't an assassin type. I'd much rather see a few Marines, or SEALs, Delta Force or whomever (normally it seems they use SEALs and give Delta Force credit, although they've stopped trying to pretend the SEALs don't exist -- which they were up until about two years ago, kind of like pretending the Stealth bomber was top-secret at the same time there were plastic models of them available at Eckerd's) go in and try to assassinate Hussein and key Iraqi military leaders than the "blitzkrieg" method of "bomb everything and hope he gets hit" that a lot of people are talking about now... including the now-fired Air Force Chief of Staff. =========== From: MAX To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: Kennedy Date & Time: 09/20/90 12:38:22 Message Number 9044 I don't know enough about Lee Harvey Oswald to say whether or not he was an Ex- anything. There's a lot of theories about the CIA being behind JFK's assassination, but there's nothing there to link them, or anyone except Oswald, with the crime. The fact that Oswald was himself killed as soon as he was taken into custody suggests that somebody didn't want him telling everything he knew to the police, though. =========== From: MAX To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: Previous Msg Date & Time: 09/20/90 12:43:59 Message Number 9045 People in the military are training for a war, but not (hopefully) wishing for one. CG's opinion on a lot of things most assuredly does not reflect either mine or Turtle's -- Chris and I have had some rousing debates about all sorts of subjects on the now-defunt Rowrbrazzle BBS in California. You do need to call Armadillo more often, as Chris has responded to your messages and you haven't received them yet. Actually, several people have responded to them, and one of them pointed out that the trials at Nuremburg held the soldiers directly responsible for NOT questioning orders. Gosh, there's that name again, from someone who isn't me or Turtle this time.... The wisdom of Turtle's importing CG's message over here not withstanding, the point was questioning our motivations for being over in the Middle East, and the justification for putting American lives on the line so that we can have lower prices at the gas pump. You really should call TAC fairly often (say at least every other day?) now that you're a participant in that debate. I don't think Chris is a complete enigma, although there are some things I don't understand about him -- but I'm sure the reverse is also true. The first part of a graphic novel by Chris will be the cover feature for Mythagoras #4 (not the upcoming issue, but the one after that). =========== From: KEN SABLE To: TURTLE Subject: Computer Values Date & Time: 09/20/90 13:08:47 Message Number 9046 > If the hard drive and program base isn't that important go with an > Amiga 500... HHmm -- Amy 500 w/ 1Meg o' RAM ... $600 1084 Monitor ... #275 40 Meg HD w/ another 512K of RAM .... $600 That's only $1475 ... GREAT DEAL ... ANd can get down to around $1300 if you buy it all as a package ... Not to mention that it's faster than and IBM and can multitask ... ALSO the Amy has a HUGE supply of software out there that is (A) Better, and (B) Cheaper and you can also run all Macintosh and IBM and Atari ST and Commie 64 software on it with some modestly priced enhancements ... Turtle ... You don't give the Amiga enough credit for seemingly being an "Amiga Supporter"... =========== From: KEN SABLE To: YNGLING Subject: Previous Msg Date & Time: 09/20/90 13:15:14 Message Number 9047 You should acll my board and ask HIM on the echos ... ::Hint:: ::Hint:: T.A.C. -- 813/378-2218 -- 3/12/2400 Baud -- Sarasota, Fl =========== From: BEATLE To: SNAKEBYTE Subject: Military Servic Date & Time: 09/20/90 20:56:33 Message Number 9048 > Barb's Video You take orders from them?? This puzzles me. I only had to take an order from them once. Pay a late fee. They didn't even force me too either... They have a nice place tho, don't they. I wanna work there... unfortunately, they claim you must be 18 to work in a video store... **grumble grumble** Nobody within walking/biking distance of my home wants to hire me.. =========== From: BEATLE To: ODEN Subject: Computer Values Date & Time: 09/20/90 21:01:05 Message Number 9049 I'm not really sure about the 2500 version of a Tandy, but I have a like/hate relationship with a Tandy 1000... It's good for some things, but real crappy in some respects. =========== From: BEATLE To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: Military Servic Date & Time: 09/20/90 21:02:45 Message Number 9050 > But it burns me that he questions proper orders... Forgive me, I missed the original message. Did he verbally or mentally question the orders?? And just when can you know that orders are "proper"?? I mean, a perfect sounding order could have an alterior motive.... =========== From: BEATLE To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: Previous Msg Date & Time: 09/20/90 21:04:35 Message Number 9051 > So then I have the right to say what I want... I never said anything otherwise... I just said there was no need to appologize for an opinion. I do think, however, that Spellwind's attitude is quite, well, lacking in thought and intelligence... =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: TURTLE Subject: Previous Msg Date & Time: 09/20/90 21:29:47 Message Number 9052 T> /Recapturing/ Kuwait? ... That'd be rather like Brittan T>"recapturing" the United States. Nice point. =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: BEATLE Subject: Military Servic Date & Time: 09/20/90 21:36:54 Message Number 9053 some other time. =========== From: SPELLWIND To: Y'ALL Subject: -- Date & Time: 09/20/90 22:09:57 Message Number 9054 Aerosmith UNPLUGGED..... good stuff here. =========== From: CHIP P. UNICORN To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: Francais Date & Time: 09/20/90 23:27:00 Message Number 9055 TS>Ah, forget it. Lets go back to English. I'm getting tired of TS>one-upmanship. Damn! I was just going to get to Fortran. Chip P. Unicorn =========== From: CHIP P. UNICORN To: DIONYSUS Subject: @#!*&%$@! Date & Time: 09/20/90 23:30:13 Message Number 9056 >Abortion! Euthenasia! Racism! Capital Punishment! God-given infer- >iority of women! General feelings: Abortion: I believe every programmer has the right to abort their programs. Euthenasia: I feel sorry for 'em, but not as much as I do for the Euthenafrica. Racism: a) The breaking apart of a ray? b) ...and it's Santa's Little Helper in the lead... Capital Punishment: The Capitol deserves all the punishment it can get. God-given inferiority of women: Now, why would She do a thing like that? Chip P. Unicorn =========== From: CHIP P. UNICORN To: TURTLE Subject: mcdonalds Date & Time: 09/20/90 23:36:35 Message Number 9057 >McDonald's fries, properly cooked, defeat Checker's battered fries >hands-down in sensory appeal... Hmmm... the only way we can resolve this is a taste-test. With as many "impartial" (and hungry!) judges as we can find. Can anyone stand a fry taste-test? (And bring in other fries -- not just Checker's and Mikkie D's.) Chip P. Unicorn =========== From: CHIP P. UNICORN To: THRUD Subject: spouses (spice? Date & Time: 09/20/90 23:43:43 Message Number 9058 Congratulations on the child!!!! He looks just like you! Chip P. Unicorn =========== From: CHIP P. UNICORN To: KEN SABLE Subject: Driving Date & Time: 09/20/90 23:48:00 Message Number 9059 >Hi! This is Ken Ober under my "Furry" handle... Oh, hiya, Ken! The tail looks good on you. Oh, by the way... could you get out from under the "Furry" handle? I need to get into the "Furry" drawer of the "Furry" desk... Chip P. Unicorn =========== From: CHIP P. UNICORN To: JOHN WOLAK Subject: Animalism! Date & Time: 09/20/90 23:50:20 Message Number 9060 >Use formaldehyde-laden humans! What a wonderful idea! Humans aren't much good for anything except breeding and warring among themselves. I'm sure they won't mind if just a few million are taken away for biology experiments throughout the galaxy... Chip P. Unicorn =========== From: CHIP P. UNICORN To: TURTLE Subject: Previous Msg Date & Time: 09/20/90 23:53:21 Message Number 9061 What is lawful is not always right. What is right is not always lawful. Chip P. Unicorn Ye Ghods! I'm becoming Spellwindish! =========== From: CHIP P. UNICORN To: JONBOY Subject: German Date & Time: 09/21/90 00:07:05 Message Number 9062 Forgive me, Jonboy. We haven't gotten to the accusative case yet. Chip P. Unicorn =========== From: CHIP P. UNICORN To: JONBOY Subject: Debate! Date & Time: 09/21/90 00:08:05 Message Number 9063 >I know of more than one Jew who were not knowledgabl enough in their >faith and thought these were "translation errors". Trick is - what do >we make of this (if anything). Slap it between two slices of bread and make a hoagie? Come, come, now... do you really think the OT was originally written in Hebrew? Give me the Bible Paul used -- the King James Version! Chip P. Unicorn =========== From: CHIP P. UNICORN To: JONBOY Subject: Debate! Date & Time: 09/21/90 00:10:53 Message Number 9064 >hell no I'm not sory Chip - YOU started this mess again di'nt ya! I confess. I did done it. But the butler payed me to. Honest. >Let's stick to fench fry fanaticism for now... Ahh... but the best thing to go with french fries are milkshakes. And the best of THOSE came from the sadly defunct Patrick's Ice Cream. (I just loved the chocolate peanut butter ones!) Chip P. Unicorn =========== From: CHIP P. UNICORN To: TURTLE Subject: friends Date & Time: 09/21/90 00:16:23 Message Number 9065 Hmmm... reminds me of something really strange that happened one summer. A man who I had met once before walked up to me and said, "Hey -- ya know what? I met this girl, married her, got her pregnant, and divorced her -- all within three weeks. What do you think of that?" What really shocked me was the fact that his current girlfriend (and a good friend of mine) was there at the time... Chip P. Unicorn To be honest, I don't recall whatmy response was... =========== From: CHIP P. UNICORN To: BIG LEW Subject: Previous Msg Date & Time: 09/21/90 00:26:20 Message Number 9066 >...and exclude us that are certainly NOT (I'm shouting!) pinko >liberal fags!??!?? Of course not. Everyone on this board are pinko liberal fags. Didn't you realize this? Not only are we all pinko liberal fag fascist constitutional monarchist para-military green sicko hippies, but not one of us has taken a shower in... oh, two or three hours. Chip P. Unicorn =========== From: SPELLWIND To: CHIP P. UNICORN Subject: mcdonalds Date & Time: 09/21/90 06:19:16 Message Number 9067 Yo. =========== From: SPELLWIND To: CHIP P. UNICORN Subject: Debate! Date & Time: 09/21/90 06:24:38 Message Number 9068 Twas a pity when Steak & Shake closed.....There's still Steak & Ale! =========== From: TURTLE To: KEN SABLE Subject: Computer Values Date & Time: 09/21/90 15:58:05 Message Number 9069 Like I said, if MS-DOS applications aren't terribly important I'd recommend spending the money on an Amiga with a smaller HD. I give the Amiga plenty of credit--but you also aren't going to find a machine with the mass storage he was talking about for $1300. (Yes, I would go with the Amiga, but that doesn't mean there are no reasons to buy any other machine.) =========== From: TURTLE To: CHIP P. UNICORN Subject: Francais Date & Time: 09/21/90 16:01:15 Message Number 9070 >Damn! I was just going to get to Fortran. I thought you didn't know FORTRAN... =========== From: TURTLE To: CHIP P. UNICORN Subject: friends Date & Time: 09/21/90 16:04:41 Message Number 9071 >To be honest, I don't really recall whatmy response was... Something along the lines of "I hope you die horribly," I trust. =========== From: TURTLE To: ALL Subject: Something Date & Time: 09/21/90 16:05:59 Message Number 9072 Here's something I'd really like to see: A 1963 Rolls-Royce Silver Spirit with a bumper sticker reading "Don't laugh, it's paid for!" Twilight Zone-snobbism: it's not just for breakfast any more. =========== From: BEATLE To: KEN SABLE Subject: Computer Values Date & Time: 09/21/90 17:39:04 Message Number 9073 To import a popular phrase: Dip!! Turtle responded to a message in which the author did not want to hear about how good the Amiga is. Think about it. =========== From: BEATLE To: CHIP P. UNICORN Subject: mcdonalds Date & Time: 09/21/90 17:41:25 Message Number 9074 /I/ certainly wouldn't mind a taste test of French Fries! I like French Fries quite a bit, and I'm pretty impartial. =========== From: BEATLE To: ALL Subject: offensive? Date & Time: 09/21/90 17:45:03 Message Number 9075 Something has been puzzling me for a while. I never noticed anything wrong with a couple words until they were censored on TV. This puzzled me quite a bit. Can someone tell me why the words "putz" and "schmuck" are not allowed on television?? =========== From: MAX To: CHIP P. UNICORN Subject: Debate! Date & Time: 09/21/90 18:18:36 Message Number 9076 > Give me the Bible Paul used -- the King James Version! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGHHH! YOWL! YOWL! Hiss! Spit! Ptooi! =========== From: MAX To: SPELLWIND Subject: Debate! Date & Time: 09/21/90 18:29:10 Message Number 9077 > Twas a pity when Steak & Shake closed.... Steak & Shake is still open in Bradenton, aren't they? =========== From: MAX To: BEATLE Subject: offensive? Date & Time: 09/21/90 18:30:52 Message Number 9078 "Putz" and "schmuck" are both Yiddish for "penis," I believe (fairly sure that's what schmuck translates as, not as sure about putz). They've been in common enough usage for the past, well, several decades that I wouldn't think many people would get sensitive over them, but I suppose you can always find a few worrywarts out there in TV-land. =========== From: SPELLWIND To: TURTLE Subject: Something Date & Time: 09/21/90 20:36:52 Message Number 9079 Speaking of the Twilight Zone, can you believe this? Twilight Zone Cereal! =========== From: SPELLWIND To: MAX Subject: Debate! Date & Time: 09/21/90 20:40:17 Message Number 9080 Dude, I meant the sarasota one.... Well, I think I'll head to the beach tomorrow and play frisbee in the 'designated' area for that stuff. =========== From: JONBOY To: SPELLWIND Subject: Grant? Date & Time: 09/21/90 21:29:47 Message Number 9081 SW>exyou can't figure out why Grant's on the list, look him up. Well as a southern boy with 0 respect for them ol' Yankee generals Grant was an over-rated drunkard and inept would be counted as a kind word. Better put forth a true gentleman, statesman, warrior and leader of men - General Robert E. Lee CSA of course. SW>Nixon was a genious(NOT a crook), Wa hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! A /thoroughly/ amused JonBoy =========== From: JONBOY To: TURTLE Subject: T'anks Date & Time: 09/21/90 21:45:00 Message Number 9082 Thnkyewvewymuch! =========== From: JONBOY To: TURTLE Subject: spouses (spice? Date & Time: 09/21/90 21:45:54 Message Number 9083 T> Careful; her boyfriend's in town (smirk). Hey! Read yer message two back (about yer friend that filed for divorce). I'm wit her! Dinner with a modem buddy should be no call for alarm for a sentient male of the species. If he ain't - well.... that's her decision. =========== From: JONBOY To: TURTLE Subject: Military Servic Date & Time: 09/21/90 21:47:59 Message Number 9084 T> It's Latin for "small, striped furry mammal that runs very fast." Tch tch... sloppy homework. You forgot the fact that it is a member of the rodent family. =========== From: JONBOY To: MAX Subject: Previous Msg Date & Time: 09/21/90 21:50:53 Message Number 9085 MAX> should be bright enough not to quibble about which branch ... gung- MAX> ho.... Wrong - they are drilled with the idea that esprit de corps overrides anything else. All branches of the military is capable of gross stupidity. Almost all members are discouraged from individual thought. The ones that refuse to be submerged are at best unhappy as they fight for air in a sea of repression. You are told that you should obey orders without question. They are casual about making the delineation between lawful and not - and imply that any questions in a war situation should be brought up later. Battlefield require immediate and un- questioned obedience. This is what they are told. Common sense returns to most folks that have gone through the initial brainwash but there are a few that having no spine ofg their own, incorporate the rigidity of the military as the prop in their life. =========== From: JONBOY To: ODEN Subject: Driving Date & Time: 09/21/90 21:59:11 Message Number 9086 OD> and.... its Beep-beep Zip BANG.... get it straight. ha! No no! That's Balla-Walla Bing-Bang! =========== From: JONBOY To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: Ipso/de Facto Date & Time: 09/21/90 22:01:40 Message Number 9087 TS> (and the tenth just sits there...) Nah - he's happily sucking on his Ipso and doesn't care. BTW - I haven't forgotten you - I got yer call but work is an absolute zoo. The damned MetraByte people neglected to clarify an implication that led to a rewiring job on my interface panel. I work with a guy that has training in /electrical/ work - he feeds me 24 volts DC and 5 VDC. He used red & black for the 24 VDC but only had white and black available for 5 vdc. Not bad except that he reverted to AC color code and I hooked the 5 volts up backward and fried a few thousand dollars in interface boards. Sighhhhhh. Behind schedule now and I had to totally rewrite the user interface because the graphics library that I used has some sort of conflict with either the network drivers (likely) or dies from being too much of a memory pig. In any case this damned thing locked up even the new Borland Debugger. THEN the assembly interface for the DtoA card fails to clean up the stack (leaves the passed parameters on the stack) so I have to send for the source and modify it for the large memory model (A big fuck you to Intel and their twisted joke of segmented architecture!!!!) so the poor brain dead thing knows that it is talking to C now and not (!gag! GWBASIC). Wow today was a milestone as my computer successfully shook hands with the Allen Bradley SLC500 for the first time (oh yeah - I had to design an interface board because the friggin digital card that reads the switches thinks that an open is a valid high ). Anyway... then I had problems with the windowing library because the idiot implemented a simple taskin scheme whereby a function can be called in the keyboard loop. He wrote it into the windowed menueing functions and * failed* to allow for someone else to open a window while in the menu. Shit! I had to write what amounts to a small task switcher that watches resources while in the task loop. It's been a week! =========== From: JONBOY To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: German Date & Time: 09/21/90 22:17:59 Message Number 9088 TS> got a buddy of mine slapped and laid more often that he could count. Hmmm - was this concurrent or which came first? I never knew any of the ladies to fall for lines like that. Of course I hung out with some "different" people there. One of my friends was Ushi (probably /not/ her real name) who was a prostitute. She showed me the side of the business that usually only the girls see. Afer that I could never see myself as a customer. But anyway - we were quite a partying crowd. =========== From: JONBOY To: TURTLE Subject: Computer Values Date & Time: 09/21/90 22:29:48 Message Number 9089 T> generally considered to be about the best PC-architecture machines... Ummmmmm - I sure hope that you aren't including the infamous 1000 as part of the illustious entourage that you are touting there. A true junker. Also - has Tandy dispensed with their propensity to make their machines slightly non-standard so that all the peripherals must be Tandy ones? A good indicator in my book to stay away from a machine is if it has a special entry in a software installation. Look at most games and you must buy a Tandy version. AT&T screwed up that way with non-standard video (also the Tandy 2000 and professionals) You can still build your own clone fer cheap. 386 SX motherboards are now down to about $350 with a couple meg of RAM. 286's can be had for $250 at Amelia's. Cases are $150, Super VGA cards and monitors are down to about $450 for he pair. A 85 meg SCSI drive w/controller can be had for $550. A TinkerToy JonBoy =========== From: JONBOY To: TURTLE Subject: Previous Msg Date & Time: 09/21/90 22:37:30 Message Number 9090 T> but not word one about whether or not there might be some valid reaso T> for the United States to stay OUT of the Middle East. I proposed a few *before* the post as did a few others. I object to a country being invaded because they threaten to kick you in the balls economically. I just cannot equate dollars and cents with human life. I think that the flames about economic upheaval and world economic collapse are Manifest Bullshit (tm). We have plenty of reserves right now and we have capacity in our offshore rigs. Temporarily we would be pressed really hard. My blood runs cold when I hear people talk about sending soldiers over to participate in a war that is not our own for the sake of maintaining the status quo with regards to the world economy (read US interests). Those soldiers are human beings and are being asked to give their lives for a monetary system that is over- burdened with excesses, balanced to favor the wealthy and in desperate need of radical surgery. Hardly the noble cause of freedom and/or human rights is it? =========== From: JONBOY To: CHIP P. UNICORN Subject: mcdonalds Date & Time: 09/21/90 22:54:21 Message Number 9091 CPU> CPU> Can anyone standa fry taste-test? As long as there's beer to wash it down and good company - YES! Let's go for it. =========== From: JONBOY To: CHIP P. UNICORN Subject: German Date & Time: 09/21/90 22:56:09 Message Number 9092 CPU> We haven't gotten to the accusative case yet. Ummmmm - do I gotta take the stand? =========== From: JONBOY To: CHIP P. UNICORN Subject: Debate! Date & Time: 09/21/90 22:57:08 Message Number 9093 CPU> do you really think the OT was originally written in Hebrew? Well the text that the Jews use is derived from the same sources that we get ours with te exception of the NT of course. There is an ancient form of Hebrew that has a few phrases and such that are a minor mystery to even Hebrew scholars. Not to mention that Babylonian tablets are consulted to verify the historical record (cuniform). Thus the "errors" like the male/female components of the texts is wondered at by modern Jewish scholars - all the ones I have talked to can't/won't guess at anything. Not to mention the actual name of God is NEVER written or spoken (so how in heck does it get passed down? I've heard in a special cerimony in the temple) All of the other names are really titles and descriptive names for God. =========== From: JONBOY To: CHIP P. UNICORN Subject: Previous Msg Date & Time: 09/21/90 23:03:23 Message Number 9094 CPU > green sicko hippies, Turtle is the only one can lay claim to /that/ fame! =========== From: JONBOY To: BEATLE Subject: offensive? Date & Time: 09/21/90 23:05:19 Message Number 9095 BE>Can someone tell me why the words "putz" and "schmuck" A lot of Yiddish pithy saying are pretty graphic sexually speaking. putz is better know to you as "dick" or "prick" and involves the person's character - not his tool. Also it seems that most Yiddish sayings are very denigrating of the victim. Call someone a prick and there can still be some machismo salvaged - a putz however is beneath contempt. I honestly don't know what a schmuck is. =========== From: CHIP P. UNICORN To: SPELLWIND Subject: Debate! Date & Time: 07/22/90 01:25:33 Message Number 9096 Steak & Shake closed? You mean the one up in Bradenton, or the entire Steak & Shake company closed? Chip P. Unicorn =========== From: CHIP P. UNICORN To: TURTLE Subject: Francais Date & Time: 07/22/90 01:26:29 Message Number 9097 T>I thought you didn't know FORTRAN... I did know it. Took a second-term course in it at Duke University. Even got an 'A-' in the course... Whether or not I still know FORTRAN is completely up in the air. Chip P. Unicorn =========== From: CHIP P. UNICORN To: BEATLE Subject: offensive? Date & Time: 07/22/90 01:31:59 Message Number 9098 I know that "Schmuck" in Yiddish means "penis" (even though in German it means "jewel") and THAT'S still a censored word... I'm not sure where "putz" comes from... But, speaking about meaningless censorship: at one elementary school, a kid wanted to read the poem "Trees." Anyway, the school banned it immediately. Not only did it make reference to God, but the words "breast" and "bosom" both appear in it! Scandalous. Seriously, what do y'all think about teaching religion in the public schools? Should it be completely left out? Or is it possible to teach about religion without implicitly nudging students toward a state religion? Chip P. Unicorn =========== From: CHIP P. UNICORN To: SPELLWIND Subject: Something Date & Time: 07/22/90 01:39:47 Message Number 9099 >Twilight Zone Cereal! I would hate to imagine how it advertises itself... "Have you been noticing strange things happening lately? Have things just not been right for you? Have you noticed hoofprints on your ceiling? Or clothing re-arranging itself in your closet? Have weird and startling objects been hovering right at the edge of your vision? Have hands reached out of your television set recently? No? Then you haven't been eating Twilight Zone Cereal! It's the cereal that's truly out of this world." Chip P. Unicorn =========== From: CHIP P. UNICORN To: JONBOY Subject: German Date & Time: 07/22/90 01:48:08 Message Number 9100 CPU> We haven't gotten to the accusative case yet. JB>Ummmmm - do I gotta take the stand? Where were you the night of February 30th? Chip P. Unicorn =========== From: CHIP P. UNICORN To: JONBOY Subject: Debate! Date & Time: 07/22/90 01:49:57 Message Number 9101 JB> Well the text that the Jews use is derived from the same sources JB> that we get ours...Thus the "errors" like the male/female components JB> of the texts is wondered at by modern Jewish scholars.. Believe it or not, I was trying to build up to that last line, and I wasn't being serious about wondering what language the OT was really written in. To be specific, it was Aramaic -- a branch of Hebrew. Except for a small portion of a few of the OT books (I believe Daniel has a few lines in Persian, and the oft-quoted phrase "How shall we worship the Lord in a foreign land?" was also in another tongue.) Personally, I believe any errors in the OT were due to scribes and copiers -- not from any translation. (But they were doing amazingly well. It used to be the earliest copies of the OT were from the seventh or eighth century -- until the Dead Sea Scrolls. And they were remarkably close to what we have now.) Chip P. Unicorn =========== From: BIG LEW To: CHIP P. UNICORN Subject: offensive? Date & Time: 07/22/90 02:15:17 Message Number 9102 Religion should be taught in home, if so desired. Teaching /about/ religion is usually taught in "history" class, if my memory serves me right. =========== From: BIG LEW To: TURTLE Subject: quoting Date & Time: 07/22/90 02:20:05 Message Number 9103 Did I ask a dumb question about how to quote from another's message into my reply? I'm considering an off-line reader. Any advice would be much appreciated.................. =========== From: MMA To: CHIP P. UNICORN Subject: banned books Date & Time: 07/22/90 02:41:52 Message Number 9104 I'm against censorship in the school system. Among the banned books are Catcher in the rye,Huckleberry finn,and ...(can't think of any offhand right now) I do know I do own 2 banned books. One is the bible (yes,ask a librarian) and Uncle tom's cabin. There are a great many well known books that have been banned. There is a "banned book week" sponsored by the county library system. I' m not sure when it is though. Our freedom of speech is slowly being eroded by these people that think they know what's "good" & "bad". I love to read,there's a whole world in books,They take you many places and you can "live" the story as you read it. I'm waiting for Robert Ludlum's "The Bourne Ultimatum" to come out in paperback. I enjoy his books as well as Tom Clancy's,and many others. MMA =========== From: MMA To: CHIP P. UNICORN Subject: Something Date & Time: 07/22/90 02:55:34 Message Number 9105 I liked your "ad" for Twilight Zone cereal. What will they come out with next? Among the rediculous things I've seen are fake cellular phone antennas, Pump sneakers..... You think it's bad now,Just wait until the christmas season hits. =========== From: MIKE GREENAWALD To: TURTLE Subject: McD's Fries Date & Time: 07/22/90 07:55:52 Message Number 9106 Since I do not know you I gather that you either eat often or are in th e food business. Which is true? Jim Davie is a friend I gather? I know J im from selling products to him. How strange it is that handles keep us as strangers in a strange world. =========== From: MIKE GREENAWALD To: RUFUS Subject: Apple hard driv Date & Time: 07/22/90 08:00:53 Message Number 9107 Sorry I have been working and the reference is lost. Please state message that #8884 refers to and I will recap its meaning =========== From: MIKE GREENAWALD To: RUFUS Subject: McD's Fries Date & Time: 07/22/90 08:03:15 Message Number 9108 Please leave sexual references out. I know that you are a key looking for a lock! =========== From: MIKE GREENAWALD To: RUFUS Subject: Apple hard driv Date & Time: 07/22/90 08:09:58 Message Number 9109 Hard drive died. The computer no longer polls the seventh port Got any idea as to what is up with the hard drive? An anxious patron I feel like a parent again waiting for David to show up. The man is a pest but you have to like him at least I do . I am his cousin by descent. Sorry I have two problems today. That are naging me. =========== From: DIRTY WRAT To: MAX Subject: Steak & Shake Date & Time: 07/22/90 13:08:09 Message Number 9110 Uhm, I know this is a little late, but Steak & Shake is still alive in Tampa, too. ...sorry to but in like that. DW =========== From: DIRTY WRAT To: CHIP P. UNICORN Subject: Religion Date & Time: 07/22/90 13:15:56 Message Number 9111 Chip -- Religion should be taught in schools, but only in as many forms as it exists, and with no particular bias. ... In other words, probably not, cuz I don't know a single person who can teach that subject (or any) without their biases naturally coming through. Maybe they could convince the kids to look past it, but then how many people WANT to teach young kids to ignore their philosophies. .... but kids really do need to know the variety out there. It would help, I think. (Maybe if it were taught in private, not public schools - so the state would not be responsible, or could be blamed...) DW BTW - I'll see you guys about 10 months from now on the board (I never can afford these jaunts...) =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: CHIP P. UNICORN Subject: Milkshakes Date & Time: 07/22/90 13:47:01 Message Number 9112 I dunno, I thought the best I'd had so far was a toss up bewtween two places...the Baskin Robbins in Korea, Yongsan Compound South post (I knew the guy there and he also make alcoholic drinks...highly illegal but excellent in a milkshake) and the Grafittis over here on Cortez Road. They'll make it out of any of the Ice Creams they got. =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: JONBOY Subject: Grant? Date & Time: 07/22/90 13:53:52 Message Number 9113 Lemme see now...Lee was the one that got his ass kicked, right? Oh, sorry, I mean that he lost miserably. Or, he was a loser...hmmm. There just doesn't seem to be a good way to say that! Heheh....couldn't resist pulling your chain! Hehehe. :) =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: JONBOY Subject: Previous Msg Date & Time: 07/22/90 13:56:52 Message Number 9114 JB>That is what they are told. Common sense returns to most folks that JB>have gone through the initial brainwash but there are a few that JB>having no spine of thier own, incorporate the rigidity of the JB>military as the prop in their life. Hmm. Better than never having had an example and developed your basic civilian soft spine. Almost invertebrate. Hey! I thought we had a treaty! =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: JONBOY Subject: GermanY Date & Time: 07/22/90 14:02:07 Message Number 9115 It was iether-or...meaning slapped or laid. Should have known better to use the word "and" to a man who works with digital. And, when were you there? =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: JONBOY Subject: Previous Msg Date & Time: 07/22/90 14:06:03 Message Number 9116 Let me get this straight. You object to a country being invaded just because of economoic reasons, but you object to our being there because you believe that liberating the country is not a "noble cause of freedom and/or human rights"? What about the rights of those poor citizens in Kuwait? Oh, you say, "not our war". Oh, right, they aren't actually HUMAN, those camel jockeys over there in Kuwiat. You believe (from what I gathered from your message) that because there are implications of US intrests that we should not be there, and devil take the poor suckers in Kuwait, because that "not our war". Who cares about THIER "freedom and/or human rights"? =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: CHIP P. UNICORN Subject: Teach Religion Date & Time: 07/22/90 14:13:42 Message Number 9117 I think that if the basics of religion are combined with courtroom proceedures that you could teach it effectively. "And in the alleged Garden of Eden, there were supposedly tow people, who were reputed to be Adam and Eve. Now, circumstancial evidence shows... Or something like that. But I would hate to see religion taught by a preist or rabbi or something like that. "YEYESS! Can you hear me students! And so GOD came down from HEYEVEN and said to HIS PROPHET MOSES...I AYAM that I AYAM." I wouldn't take a class like that...utter bullshit. If religion cou; could be taught on an informational basis, with all sides looked at, (Muslim, Hinduism, Judism, Catholisicm, Confusianism, Buddhism) then it would be a good learning experience. (Plus it would allow students to learn religion without all the extra slanted bullshit they pump into you at a church or synagogue...and let them make an intelligent choice about a religion. None of this, "If you believe it in your heart..." bullshit...that leaves too much to the emotional part of the mind and not enough to intelligent decision. Besides, if you believe enough with your heart, you can believe any bullshit, because you simply don't have a grip on reality anymore.) =========== From: CHIP P. UNICORN To: MMA Subject: banned books Date & Time: 07/22/90 15:13:04 Message Number 9118 Actually, if you're interested in what happens when a society goes to extremes banning books, you might enjoy "Fahrenheit 451." (Ghods! I love that book!) Actually, any banning of books -- no matter how "crackpot" the ideas inside -- seems to go against my concept of the "freedom of speech" clause of the First admendment. But, heck -- what do I know? Chip P. Unicorn =========== From: CHIP P. UNICORN To: MMA Subject: Something Date & Time: 07/22/90 15:15:24 Message Number 9119 >I liked your "ad" for Twilight Zone cereal. Thank you. >What will they come out with next? Uh.. Chip & Dale's Rescue Rangers Cereal? Chip P. Unicorn =========== From: CHIP P. UNICORN To: DIRTY WRAT Subject: Steak & Shake Date & Time: 07/22/90 15:17:29 Message Number 9120 >..sorry to but in like that. No problem. Ain't seen you since the animation festival. What's up? Chip P. Unicorn =========== From: CHIP P. UNICORN To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: Milkshakes Date & Time: 07/22/90 15:19:09 Message Number 9121 >I thought the best I'd had so far was a toss up bewtween two places... >the Baskin Robbins in Korea, Yongsan Compound South post... Hmmm... kind of hard even for furries to drive on over to taste-test them. The guy's probably left by now, huh? (Actually, if you simply want to talk about amazing ice creams anywhere in the world, next time you're in San Miguel de Allende, Mexico -- stop in at La Dolce Vita. Their ice creams are obviously home-made, the day before, and their coffee ice cream is out of this world. Their cappucino has spoiled me for life. And if you want simply amazing food there -- try la Bugambilla, a taste of real Southern Mexican cooking. It has nothing to do with "hot" foods -- but the dishes range from the good to the superior. <*SIGH!*> Can't wait to get back to Old Mexico. Just don't drink the water.) >...and the Graffittis over here on Cortez road. Hmmmm... Gotta try it. Chip P. Unicorn =========== From: CHIP P. UNICORN To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: Teach Religion Date & Time: 07/22/90 15:27:05 Message Number 9122 TS> If religion could be taught on an informational basis, with all TS> sides looked at (Muslim, Hinduism, Judaism, Catholicism, Confusian- TS> ism, Buddhism) then it would be a good learning experience. Point of message: Those are not all the religions of the world, nor is it a listing of all major religions of the world. Those are simply NOT "all sides" looked at. First of all, you missed Protestantism -- the religion most people of this board would probably call themselves (if not simply "agnostic.") Protestantism was as much of a branching off from Catholicism as Christianity was from Judaism. (Luckily, Catholicism shifted toward Protestantism.) The Southern Baptist Coalition is still either the largest or second largest denomination in the U.S. Secondly, in order to get "all" the viewpoints, one must catalogue "all" the religions. Not only is this a nearly impossible task (I have the view that every person in this world has a slightly different view of God -- or the Gods. Even athiests.) but it's insurmountable. Religions change with time slowly or quickly, and what was once fashionable fades. Point of message, pt. 2: A proposed solution. Instead of trying to teach every religion in public schools, teach students means of critiquing religion. Teach students how to think for themselves -- and how to apply this freedom to religions. All religions make assumptions about the world: teach students to critically examine those assumptions (as well as find them!) Only a "few" religions would need to be taught under those circumstances. =========== From: DIRTY WRAT To: CHIP P. UNICORN Subject: Up Date & Time: 07/22/90 16:35:02 Message Number 9123 I decided to crash your fair city... not an entirely uncommon event, then decided to actually attempt BBSing again (it's been a while) Believe it or not, there hasn't been a good conversation board in Tampa for a while (OKOK, so I stopped looking...) anyway, tis a shame I can't call more often, so this is kind of a treat for me... BTW... "Balance" kicked some big-time butt!! DW =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: CHIP P. UNICORN Subject: Teach Religion Date & Time: 07/22/90 23:45:11 Message Number 9125 Good idea (teaching them to critique religions). But a little back ground would be a good idea, too. Of course it would be difficult to cover *all* the religions, but howabout the most major ones. (Nine out of ten Christians worship God...but that last one...) Sort of like that...the different geographies which worship (or in the middle ease, WAR-ship) the different prophets or gods, whathaveyou. =========== From: TURTLE To: MAX Subject: Debate! Date & Time: 07/23/90 01:15:15 Message Number 9126 >Hiss! Spit! Ptooi! Hey, isn't "Ptooi" Yiddish for something obscene involving aardvarks? =========== From: TURTLE To: JONBOY Subject: Ipso/de Facto Date & Time: 07/23/90 01:21:29 Message Number 9127 >A bug Fuck you to Intel and their twisted joke of segmented >architecture! You'll be pleased to know that Intel's new 64-bit microprocessor, the 80860, does not use segmented memory addressing. It /does/ however have a floating-point instruction pipeline that must be kept full in order to work, so if you execute a single floating-point operation you have to do three floating-point NOP's immediately afterward to get the result out the other end. No, I'm *not* making this up. =========== From: TURTLE To: JONBOY Subject: Computer Values Date & Time: 07/23/90 01:24:11 Message Number 9128 Tandy actually learned from the 1000 and is now in the habit of making real honest-to-God PC architecture machines, at least in every aspect save video (the Tandy line actually emulates the PCjr in video modes; its standard is CGA resolution but with more colors). The Tandy 2000 was a special case; it was an 80186-based machine that was designed to be MS-DOS compatible but *not* PC compatible (in a lot of ways, it was what the IBM PC-AT /should/ have been--Tandy looked at the PC bus and said "fuck that noise, we'll design our own"). Since PC architecture caught on, though, there isn't really much call for MS-DOS machines that aren't standard architecture, even though the standard architecture is /slow/. Guess people want a home computer they can plug their new 2400 baud Zoom modem into, and forget decent design. Personally, if I were to design an MS-DOS machine, it'd probably be a 186 computer; it has the same instruction set that the 286 does, minus some special multitasking modes that you can't get to in PC architecture for various arcane reasons, plus a whole bunch of neat-O high-speed I/O functions the rest of the iAPX-86 family just doesn't have. =========== From: TURTLE To: JONBOY Subject: Debate! Date & Time: 07/23/90 01:31:32 Message Number 9129 >All the other names are really titles and descriptive names for God. With the exception of YHVH, which is never written with the vowel marks. Makes sense, though, in a culture that believed that to name a thing was to have power over that thing; if you name God, are you claiming power over him/her? =========== From: TURTLE To: JONBOY Subject: Previous Msg Date & Time: 07/23/90 01:33:07 Message Number 9130 Turtle is most definitely *not* green; he's actually brown, with reddish markings on his back shell. =========== From: TURTLE To: BIG LEW Subject: quoting Date & Time: 07/23/90 01:35:22 Message Number 9131 Can't help you with advice about an off-line reader, since we're running different hardware and I don't find myself calling out with anything other than DTerm (for LS-DOS) or TERMIII (for Z-System). =========== From: TURTLE To: MIKE GREENAWALD Subject: McD's Fries Date & Time: 07/23/90 01:37:04 Message Number 9132 I work at McDonald's, and I don't know anyone named Jim Davie. What makes you think handles keep us as strangers? You know my name! =========== From: TURTLE To: MIKE GREENAWALD Subject: Huh Date & Time: 07/23/90 01:38:13 Message Number 9133 RUFUS>I am the egg man, I am the walrus. MIKE>Please keep the sexual references out. I know that you are a key MIKE>looking for a lock! What???!!! =========== From: TURTLE To: MIKE GREENAWALD Subject: Apple hard driv Date & Time: 07/23/90 01:39:35 Message Number 9134 >I am his cousin by descent. Is there another way to be one's cousin? =========== From: TURTLE To: DIRTY WRAT Subject: Religion Date & Time: 07/23/90 01:40:19 Message Number 9135 >...but kids really do need to know the variety out there. It slays me when people claim to have "found God" and know absolutely nothing of any religion save their own--I usually tell 'em, Well gosh, you've looked pretty hard, huh? =========== From: TURTLE To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: Kuwait Date & Time: 07/23/90 01:43:16 Message Number 9136 Freedom and human rights? FREEDOM AND HUMAN RIGHTS? Hey, this country has /never/ had much interest in freedom and human rights--lookit all the bloddy friggin' dictators and tyrants that got where they are by American support! Idi Amin was one of ours, and /he/ wasn't very big on freedom and human rights; nor were Marcos, or Pinochet, or Good ol' Manuel Noriega, who was propped up by the United States before we got tired of him fueling our social problems. Kuwait was NOT a democracy before Iraq invaded; the Emir of Kuwait was an absolute monarch, and women were second-class citizens. This is what we want to put back? =========== From: MMA To: CHIP P. UNICORN Subject: banned books Date & Time: 07/23/90 03:02:48 Message Number 9138 Yes, I've read Farenheit 451. 451 degrees is the temperature at which paper burns. Have you read 'the illustrated man',also by Ray Bradbury? It's a good book! In russia,somsone can get thrown in jail for referring Gorbechav as an ass. In this country,we don't have to look over our shoulder when talk- ing. MMA Don't torch our flag! (the burning nylon stinks!) =========== From: MMA To: CHIP P. UNICORN Subject: Something Date & Time: 07/23/90 03:10:22 Message Number 9139 I wouldn't be surprised if they did. They already have Smurfberry crunch and other rediculous stuff like that. MMA What ever happened to good ole corn flakes? =========== From: MMA To: CHIP P. UNICORN Subject: Teach Religion Date & Time: 07/23/90 03:19:56 Message Number 9140 >point of msg. pt 2........ In doing that,aren't you restricting their choices? I understand where you're coming from. Granted, it is a big task to show all sides. There's no easy way around it. Personally,I belive that religeon should be taught at home. When you mix church & state (school),it can be a big mess. MMA =========== From: MMA To: CHIP P. UNICORN Subject: bibles Date & Time: 07/23/90 03:29:24 Message Number 9141 After the individual has made his choice of religeon,then he has to choose a bible. There are so many versions out there. I own the KJV. There's also the New amplified version,the english revised version,the revised standard version,The New american bible.......and the list goes on. What are the differences in all of these? Oh,and don't forget Mary Baker Eddy's key to the scriptures,which christian scientist followers belive to be a bible itself. MMA =========== From: THRUD To: SPELLWIND Subject: Military Servic Date & Time: 07/23/90 05:29:40 Message Number 9142 I know I'm late jumping into this but....Kennedy is an inspiration NOW, due partly to his immortalization and canonization upon his unfortunate death. However, had he lived, we might have seen what 'warmonger' really means, and there's no telling where we'd be now. Nixon was a genius - kind of like Lex Luthor. Lot's to like there, but genius without guiding morality can be dangerous. Grant ? Get serious. He was an good soldier, had the good fortune to be in charge when the northern industrial machin was getting into high gear and the south was starving. But was a truly dreadful president - cronyism and corruption at it's worst. And the only redeeming factor I can see in Jimmy Carter is that he seems a truly sincere Christian and do-gooder - that doesn't equate to being a leader of men. =========== From: THRUD To: SNAKEBYTE Subject: spouses (spice? Date & Time: 07/23/90 05:39:31 Message Number 9143 After the two hobbies I already have (this 'puter, and raising daughters) I don't have two nickles to rub together for guns or anything else. Bought a rifle when I was in the Army. Shot the hell out of paper targets for a few years, then got bored and swapped it for a tuner. Bitch of it was, the tuner got if I'd only had a gun...... =========== From: THRUD To: SNAKEBYTE Subject: German Date & Time: 07/23/90 05:43:32 Message Number 9144 Madchen, ich mocht eine groBe weiss bier bitte, und viellict sie kann schlaufen mit mir? I traveled around Europe quite a bit when I was stationed in Germany, and found that three important words are almost the same in most languages - so I always got by. beer, bier, biere, bira - always got something to drink special, especiale, specis - always got something to eat toilet, toiletten, toilita - disposed of the beer and special =========== From: THRUD To: SNAKEBYTE Subject: Military Servic Date & Time: 07/23/90 05:49:08 Message Number 9145 If a good soldier is given an order he feels is wrong, he has several options - the first and best is to say "Sir, with all due respect..." and then voice your objection - respectfully. I don't mean attack an officers decision and get belligerant - that'll get you nowhere. But officers are not omniscent, and a good one will accept intelligent input. If this fails, and you think the order is illegal, you may refuse an unlawful order (murdering civilian, eg) However, you better be ready to prove it was an unlawful order at your court martial - and if you do, you can testify at his court martial. There are other options for dealing with truly poor leaders, who might endanger my life unnecessarily, or go on felonous binges - but that would be a tactical decision, and we're talking stategy here.... Spec4 Thrud (retired) =========== From: THRUD To: JONBOY Subject: spouses (spice? Date & Time: 07/23/90 05:59:24 Message Number 9146 The 'what would I do if I won the lottery' conversation came up last week, and I said that I would go back to school fulltime, perhaps to a prestige school like Duke. One caveman looked at me like I was crazy, wanted to know what the hell I needed school for if I had all that money. I tried to tell him that 90% of school is fun, accomplishment, knowledge, etc. That got a condecending snort disbelief - from a guy who takes twenty minutes to read a paint label. His plan was to buy a desert island and stock it with pretty women. Not a bad idea, but after 300 hours of wild sex, I'd want my 'puter. I occasionly bring homework to do at lunch - some of the comments are to stupid for humans to make. I'm earning that degree in more ways than one.... =========== From: THRUD To: CHIP P. UNICORN Subject: spouses (spice? Date & Time: 07/23/90 06:09:29 Message Number 9147 At her last diaper change, I noted that in at least one respect, she more closely resembles her mother than myself. Actually, everbody tells me she looks just like me. Poor kid. Fortunately, she gives me an excuse to be up and posting at inhuman hours - rock with one hand, type with the other. =========== From: SPELLWIND To: MIKE GREENAWALD Subject: McD's Fries Date & Time: 07/23/90 07:18:42 Message Number 9148 I take it you haven't gotten the drift yet that he works at McD's... =========== From: SPELLWIND To: MMA Subject: banned books Date & Time: 07/23/90 07:31:49 Message Number 9149 MMA>In this country, we don't have to look over our shoulder when talk- MMA>ing. Don't be too sure.... MMA>Don't torch our flag! MMA>(the burning nylon stinks!) Hmm... =========== From: SPELLWIND To: MMA Subject: bibles Date & Time: 07/23/90 07:36:04 Message Number 9150 You sound like they're all going to pick (or only be allowed to pick) Judeo/Christian.... Give a kid a choice, he/she can usually pick the right one... =========== From: SPELLWIND To: THRUD Subject: spouses (spice? Date & Time: 07/23/90 07:41:30 Message Number 9151 If I won the lottery (100,000,000) I'd become president in 16 years... =========== From: BEATLE To: MAX Subject: offensive? Date & Time: 07/23/90 08:24:03 Message Number 9152 > a few worrywarts out there in TV-land. True. I don't think the censors are really sure about what they want on TV. They evidently weren't paying attention to what was going on when editing "Little Shop of Horrors" since they substitued something else for "up yours" that didn't rhyme correctly in the song... It's odd too, since "up yours" has been said on television. Then there are times when "damn" is replaced by "darn". Only thing I can think of is that a film with violence has to tone down the language... other than that, the censors' policies puzzle me. =========== From: BEATLE To: SPELLWIND Subject: Something Date & Time: 07/23/90 08:27:38 Message Number 9153 > ...can you believe this? In a word, no. =========== From: BEATLE To: JONBOY Subject: Driving Date & Time: 07/23/90 08:29:37 Message Number 9154 > No no! That's Balla-Walla Bing-Bang! Don't forget Ooh-e Ooh Ah-ah... Yes, isn't phonetic spelling FUN??? =========== From: BEATLE To: CHIP P. UNICORN Subject: offensive? Date & Time: 07/23/90 08:38:29 Message Number 9155 I think speaking of or any other such activity involving religion in schools is fine, as long as the students are not made to choose anything. I don't wish to have any push in school to worship or such, but discussion of it is fine. A student should not be forced to listen to it, orbe forced to not talk about it. If it would come to making kids feel guilty for having or not having something to do with religion, that would be wrong. I remember going to church with some friends years ago, and this guy laid a guilt trip on someone for missing church for a family outing. Anyways, I felt that was quite stupid. =========== From: BEATLE To: CHIP P. UNICORN Subject: Something Date & Time: 07/23/90 08:51:13 Message Number 9156 > Chip & Dale's Rescue Rangers Cereal? Who knows, they've already got a Nintendo game. =========== From: BEATLE To: TURTLE Subject: Huh Date & Time: 07/23/90 08:58:13 Message Number 9157 Hehehe! I cracked up at that! Since Mike didn't quote, I had no idea what he was talking about. Evidently Mike has never heard the song "I Am The Walrus". Rufus would probably claim he was all the better for it anyway. =========== From: BEATLE To: MMA Subject: Something Date & Time: 07/23/90 09:01:31 Message Number 9158 > What ever happened to good ole corn flakes? Kellogs left the color, sugar, and free toy out. =========== From: BEATLE To: THRUD Subject: spouses (spice? Date & Time: 07/23/90 09:05:47 Message Number 9159 I agree somewhat with your comments. It's a shame many people in the world today just don't give a damn about knowledge and such. I don't like the pressure of school, and I certainly don't think it's too much fun, but I am discovering this year more than before that learning things is pleasurable. I have written stories, and I'd like to learn more about how to write better. Then again, I don't really like literary criticism and poetry. I spoke with a person once. After this conversation, I felt real sorry for him. It went like this: Him: (looking at me reading "The Resaurant at the End of the Universe") You reading that for school? Me: No. Him: What are you reading it for? Me: Because I like reading it. Him: I don't read anything unless my teacher makes me. Me: Haven't you ever read anything because you wanted to? Him: Yeah, I read a book on the Rolling Stones once. What's the world coming to? =========== From: BEATLE To: SPELLWIND Subject: spouses (spice? Date & Time: 07/23/90 09:11:48 Message Number 9160 > I'd become the president in 16 years... I'd leave the country. =========== From: KEN SABLE To: BEATLE Subject: Computer Values Date & Time: 07/23/90 09:42:22 Message Number 9161 Beatle is being hostile! Beatle is being hostile! What's the problem? You actually /want/ people to buy MessyDog machines Is everyone turing into a Mush-Dos weenie!? Maybe Turtle would like to start running Opus now since he likes IBM so much ... He can Fido and stuff and look like every Opus board in the world, but this is good, because IBM is god ... All others suck, and IBM should /always/ be reccomended even though there are other systems that are /much/ better that can do at least ten-times as much for a fairly close price on the global scale ... But I guess Turtle and You /like/ using Mush-Dos.... Have a day. =========== From: RUFUS To: TURTLE Subject: Heinlein Date & Time: 07/23/90 11:56:28 Message Number 9162 >'d be helpful if we could actually find a /place/ to hold >RufusCon II before we worry 'bout T-shirts... :) What? What? Planning something? Aaarrgh...don't be silly. Oh, me and Beatle were scarfing down cheap food and stale french fries at Rax yesterday, and on came Bambi. We figured if they keep that up, we could hold a furry party there. Just pay $4 for all you can eat and drink and enjoy a fine Disney film. =========== From: RUFUS To: JONBOY Subject: dog house? Date & Time: 07/23/90 12:12:06 Message Number 9163 >Ok Turtle - cough it up bud or we rehearse at yer place next!! It'd be better if you said "We hop up and down when you have your HD on." bounce-bounce-fault =========== From: RUFUS To: TURTLE Subject: Dew Date & Time: 07/23/90 12:18:07 Message Number 9164 >I'm sure we can arrange to have a strange man in a trenchcoat show up >on your doorstep and give you one too... Speaking of that, we need to set a day to do that. And I need to go buy some more Dew. =========== From: RUFUS To: SPELLWIND Subject: Debate! Date & Time: 07/23/90 12:43:20 Message Number 9165 Err, sorry to end your pity, but there is still a Steak n Shake open. It is near DeSoto Square mall. In fact, I recall doing an article on it for our school paper. =========== From: ODEN To: MAX Subject: Computer Values Date & Time: 07/23/90 13:34:48 Message Number 9166 Well, Hmmmmm (in case you re wondering what I'm about to talk about, now it seems to be a message about Amiga vs MuSH-Dos... ) being an Amiga fan, and supporter, the real reason I asked you people about how good the Tandy (whatever the numbers and letters that are suppose to follow that name there... I've forgotten) is is (weird wording there) because I was looking for a reason to get an Amiga and not the Tandy.. well, the mush people say that IBM has the most software support, but how many word processors can a person have? and seems to me that Amiga has just about every kinda program that IBM has.... (cept for the ones that certain people hire programmers to write them up a special mush prgram) soooooooooooo, given thhat and the fact that the Amiga can run real fast and can do so much stuf that the IBM (and clones) cant do, is this enough reason to get an Amiga? =========== From: ODEN To: BEATLE Subject: Computer Values Date & Time: 07/23/90 13:48:37 Message Number 9167 >I have a like/hate relatioinship with a Tandy 1000... It's good for some things, but real crappy in some respects. Well, I've got a hate/HATE relatioinship with Tandys... ffirst off, I just hate them for no reason, secondly, the things they are good for, (like word processing) you can do on a Commodore 64... and the things that they arn't good for are: (hahaha, you hink I'm gonna list THAT list ????? hahahahhaha.. yeah RIGHT theres not enough space here !!!) oh well.. enough raggin on that computer.. Its never done anything bad to/for me... infact, its never done ANYTHING for me.. hehehe... =========== From: RUFUS To: MMA Subject: banned books Date & Time: 07/23/90 16:23:22 Message Number 9168 As a senior gift two years ago (I think), the seniors bought a bookcase and each senior picked/bought a book to go in the bookcase. I know there is at least one copy of the bible in there. =========== From: RUFUS To: MMA Subject: Something Date & Time: 07/23/90 16:25:14 Message Number 9169 >Among the rediculous things I've seen are fake cellular phone antennas, >Pump sneakers..... How about fake pump sneakers? "For those who want to look like a yuppie, but can't afford to." ...running of in the distance. =========== From: RUFUS To: MIKE GREENAWALD Subject: McD's Fries Date & Time: 07/23/90 16:26:59 Message Number 9170 >Since I do not know you I gather you either eat often or... Well, I hope he eats often. If he didn't he'd die, start to de-compose, and he wouldn't be as interesting as he is now. >How strange it is that handles keep us as strangers in a strange world. Are you starting the "Handles are like Asian goats, you hide behind them" debate again. And if you got your head out of the paint can, you would probably know Turtle's legal name. =========== From: RUFUS To: MIKE GREENAWALD Subject: McD's Fries Date & Time: 07/23/90 16:31:12 Message Number 9171 >Please leave the sexual references out. The only thing close to be a sexual reference is if some inane brain cells spoke up and said "He's the egg man! Hey, that's like an egg and a sperm! Wow!" >I know you are a key looking for a lock! Mike, you don't know diddly. ...Mike, a key in a world full of combination locks. =========== From: RUFUS To: MIKE GREENAWALD Subject: Apple hard driv Date & Time: 07/23/90 16:34:58 Message Number 9172 >The computer no longer polls the seventh port >Got any idea as to what is up with the hard drive? I have no idea. I told you, multiple times, I don't know that much about hardware problems. Call up some local store, or leave a message on Dataline. =========== From: RUFUS To: DIRTY WRAT Subject: Religion Date & Time: 07/23/90 16:37:11 Message Number 9173 We offer a "World Religions" class at our school, and I think the teacher can teach it without any bias. Of course, this teacher is a fairly amazing teacher. =========== From: RUFUS To: DIRTY WRAT Subject: Up Date & Time: 07/23/90 16:42:45 Message Number 9174 GHHHHHHHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHH! [toss large object, hit head on hard surfaces, have an emotional breakdown] Thank you and good day... =========== From: RUFUS To: TURTLE Subject: Debate! Date & Time: 07/23/90 16:44:24 Message Number 9175 >Hey, isn't "Ptooi" Yiddish for something obscene involving aardvarks? Only if you consider flirting obscene. =========== From: RUFUS To: TURTLE Subject: Computer Values Date & Time: 07/23/90 16:46:14 Message Number 9176 >Guess people want a home computer they can plug their new 2400 baud >Zoom modem into... May the aardvark of happiness piddle on your toes. =========== From: RUFUS To: TURTLE Subject: Apple hard driv Date & Time: 07/23/90 16:48:05 Message Number 9177 MIKE>I am his cousin by descent. TURTLE>Is there another way to be one's cousin? Why, yes there is. With the cousin-o-matic, you can be a cousin with anyone and anything. Just clip to red and green wires to your nostrils, and wrap the velcro strap around the cousin to be, and hit the button on the unit. In 60 seconds, you have yourself a new cousin. Infinity, Inc. Bringing you more relatives than you ever dreamed of. =========== From: RUFUS To: BEATLE Subject: Something Date & Time: 07/23/90 16:56:57 Message Number 9178 MMA) What ever happened to good ole corn flakes? Beatle>Kellogs left the color, sugar, and free toy out. Wrong dude. Sugar is number two on the list of ingredients. =========== From: RUFUS To: BEATLE Subject: spouses (spice? Date & Time: 07/23/90 16:59:50 Message Number 9179 >Me: Because I like reading it. >Him: I don't read anything unless my teacher makes me. Funny, when I have to read book X, I usually don't. I did like "The Inferno" and "Candide," but I didn't like "The Iliad." ...but that guy Cliff takes really great notes. =========== From: RUFUS To: BEATLE Subject: spouses (spice? Date & Time: 07/23/90 17:02:00 Message Number 9180 Spellwind>I'd become the president in 16 years... Beatle>I'd leave the country. Wait for me. =========== From: RUFUS To: KEN SABLE Subject: Computer Values Date & Time: 07/23/90 17:03:03 Message Number 9181 >Some message about IBM and Turtle and Beatle blown out of proportion. Here we go again. Sigh... =========== From: DAVID MILLER To: RUFUS Subject: cousin Date & Time: 07/23/90 21:21:36 Message Number 9182 So that is what you think of me. Well here I thought that Roofs made goo d protectors but I guess this roof has some hole in it. Could this be a character defect. I guess all genus' have a defect or two. I am just s sorry that you defected on me. I am ashamed that I confided in you my fe elings about roofs and shingles. Hum I shall not do that again. =========== From: DAVID MILLER To: BEATLE Subject: offensive? Date & Time: 07/23/90 21:29:51 Message Number 9183 Names referred to people parts and religious organization in the old day Is what I understand. =========== From: DAVID MILLER To: MAX Subject: offensive? Date & Time: 07/23/90 21:32:51 Message Number 9184 I thought that a smuck was a term used by Milton Burel to refer to people who were somewhat less than of the genus statue. It is like the polish jokes today. Puts was a rear end. The DeSoto commercials when they were live had an announcer who used that term for the rear of a car. The girl who modelled the car got offended and sued. She thought the anouncer was referring to her rear end. =========== From: DAVID MILLER To: GREAT PHILOSOPHER Subject: help Date & Time: 07/23/90 21:46:35 Message Number 9185 What does one do when a confidence is unsecured? I mean a jerk spoke out on a foreign issue that he knew nothing about. I am innocent of all guilt or knowledge even by association. I am real as Turtle will discover when he confirms me. Dad would not be the same if he discovered that I wasn't for real. He would be sure that he was throwing money down a rat hole if I was not for real. My wife back in Parma Heights would not be my wife. I wonder if she would b e a widow or just available if I weren't for real. If she is available I would like to go back and do it all over. Boy what fun!! If she is a widow I think that I would woo her again as Ghost Dave(like Ghost Dad). Rufus go suck your smuck. =========== From: SPELLWIND To: RUFUS Subject: Debate! Date & Time: 07/23/90 22:21:53 Message Number 9186 AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHH HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!! THE ONE IN SARASOTA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! =========== From: ANGEL To: CHIP P. UNICORN Subject: Debate! Date & Time: 07/23/90 23:09:26 Message Number 9187 I thought the Pentateuch and most of the older books of the OT were written in Hebrew, but only the later books of the prophets were written in Aramaic. (It's been a long time since I took RN 200, the details start to fuzz). =========== From: ANGEL To: TURTLE Subject: Kuwait Date & Time: 07/23/90 23:19:58 Message Number 9188 > Kuwait was NOT a democracy before Iraq invaded; the Emir of Kuwait was > an absolute monarch, and women were second-class citizens. Maybe I've lost the train of this message string, but did anyone actually claim that Kuwait WAS a democracy? Besides the U.S.'s dubious record of propping up dictatorships, we also have a history of bailing out monarchies. For being a society that supposedly is proud of our "title-less" freedom, we sure are impressed by other nation's royalty. Gosh, was there a point here? I wish I could remember what it was... =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: TURTLE Subject: Kuwait Date & Time: 07/24/90 00:13:42 Message Number 9189 "Better to go with the Evil you know than the Evil you don't know." Stated in the United States as: "Better to put back Evil you know and can control than go with the Evil you know and can't control." Which is to say, yeah, you are right...and yes, put back the former government. Because it is what was was the status quo, and I'm all for maintaining the status quo. Besides, who would YOU rather have in charge of Kuwait...given the choice of Saddam or the Monarchy that was there? =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: MMA Subject: Ray Bradbury Date & Time: 07/24/90 00:17:27 Message Number 9190 Yes, he's an excellent author! What was that book he wrote about the carnival...Something Evil This Way Blows, or something like that? Now, that was a good book. I used to own a copy of Illustrated Man. Now, how about Clarke? =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: THRUD Subject: Military Servic Date & Time: 07/24/90 00:21:46 Message Number 9191 Well spoken! did you get to be a retired specialist? ANd what MOS? =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: KEN SABLE Subject: MuSh-DOS Date & Time: 07/24/90 00:26:33 Message Number 9192 Hmmm. It seems that the inferior machine of IBM has quite a hold on the business world. If Amiga would lower thier prices (even more than thier already low, low prices) and make their machines like the MS-DOS machines, then more people would buy them. Hmmm. Course, they would have to have a big advertising blitz. Don't ge me good as the Amiga is, too many people just don't care...they don't know the difference, so they buy IBMs and the line propogates. They don't know any better, and they don't care to. If it does what they need and it's as good as the Jones machine, they buy it. WHat a shame. Of course, it keeps money in my pocket! As long as they buy them, and don't know how to fix them, I'm working. =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: RUFUS Subject: Something Date & Time: 07/24/90 00:34:11 Message Number 9193 Who in the HECK would *want* to look like a yuppie? Nuke the YUPPIES! (And their larvae, too.) =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: RUFUS Subject: SP FOR PREZ... Date & Time: 07/24/90 00:37:36 Message Number 9194 SPELLWIND> I'd become the president in 16 years... BEATLE> I'd leave the country. RUFUS> Wait for me. Hey, you guys need a roomate? =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: ALL Subject: Ranea Date & Time: 07/24/90 00:42:52 Message Number 9195 Ok, ok...did I do somehtng wrong agian? No one is posting in the Ranean Tales section...NOt Rufus, not Turtle, not Max, not even Spellwind (and he posts more than the rest!). If no one is gonna post then why have the spot? Everyone has signed on. =========== From: MMA To: RUFUS Subject: banned books Date & Time: 07/24/90 02:19:25 Message Number 9196 What other books did they put there? There's a bible in every crowd. (I'm not athiest,just stating a fact). I wish that I had my books here,but there isn't enough room. =========== From: MMA To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: authors Date & Time: 07/24/90 02:29:34 Message Number 9197 I'm not sure who you're referring to as 'clarke'. Have you read any of Robert Ludlum's or Tom Clancy's books? They're great! MMA =========== From: SPELLWIND To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: SP FOR PREZ... Date & Time: 07/24/90 03:14:02 Message Number 9198 OK!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'd donate it to the united negro college fund and kill myself!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! =========== From: SNAKEBYTE To: TURTLE Subject: Orders, orders Date & Time: 07/24/90 07:52:05 Message Number 9199 >onto that list??? Simple....Sysop's have "certain" abilities that make you either obey, or loose your access......y'sm massa' Turtle-son =========== From: SNAKEBYTE To: BEATLE Subject: Barb's Date & Time: 07/24/90 07:54:26 Message Number 9200 Which Barb's are you referring to? I go to the one on S.R. 70, not the one on Manatee Ave. or where ever that other one is...even thou I have accidentally called the wrong number and reserved some movies at the wrong store....oooops. Oh yeah...the orders "Get down here and pick up your movies, they've come in"....If I don't immediately obey, I face untold consequences from my family (who the movies are generally for). Wait, you tellin' me that all those people in that place are over 18? WOW, I could of swore a few were about 15-16 range.....hmmmmmm, I must be loosing my ability to judge "kid's" ages..... =========== From: SNAKEBYTE To: THRUD Subject: spouses (spice? Date & Time: 07/24/90 07:59:06 Message Number 9201 >raising daughters... Ah-ha!!! Another poor soul who knows what being "out voted" all the time feels like!!! I went thru that for about 6 years, until my son was born and evened things up again....but I swear somehow my wife and daughter always seem to win the ties....hmmmmmmmm =========== From: SNAKEBYTE To: THRUD Subject: German Date & Time: 07/24/90 08:03:52 Message Number 9202 Madchen, ich mocht zwanzig groBe weiss bier bitte. Well, after being out last night 'til 1am and going to the Buc's game, I think bier is the last thing on my mind this I'll save that for the weekend. Usually will get you the ess-tset, but I guess a/r don't allow the full IBM character set.... =========== From: SNAKEBYTE To: THRUD Subject: Military Servic Date & Time: 07/24/90 08:08:31 Message Number 9203 It does appear that the same rules for objections to an order, go for the business world as well as the military. Diplomacy is always required, even during times of "peace". So many of my fellow engineers have bit the big one because they felt THEY were right and their BOSS was wrong, and rather then playing office politics , they ATTACKED the decision and ended up working somewhere else. One person CAN make a difference, as long as they know how to apply their political strength to obtain their goals and don't get macho and foolish and think management will do what is RIGHT....HA! It's a game only in the sense of the amount of strategy that goes into getting ahead or at least, surviving...... =========== From: MAX To: JONBOY Subject: Previous Msg Date & Time: 07/24/90 13:22:51 Message Number 9204 >Almost all members are discouraged from individual thought. >The ones that refuse to be submerged are at best unhappy as they >for air in a sea of repression. You are told that you should obey >orders without question. Oddly enough, this is exactly the /opposite/ argument that the Chris Grant the Specialist & Yngling were reviling made recently -- that one of the advantages of our military structure & training is that our soldiers are a great deal more flexible than most, and that soldiers are often rewarded for taking the initiative in a situation that requires it. And as has been pointed out several times in this discussion, the Nuremburg trials completely discounted the "I was just following orders" line as a valid excuse for doing things you could intuit are morally or ethically bankrupt. At any rate, the military people I know have never been "submerged" and out of six (counting the Specialist), only one of them came away from the military with bad impressions -- not as much because of a "sea of repression," but because of bureaucratic incompetence through the chain of command. I am sure there are many who /do/ fit the description you gave, and there are probably far too many who believe that following orders really does equate to turning off one's brain. Saying that everyone believes that, and that they are all "trained" to believe that, is stretching things. The few COs I have spoken with briefly all gave me the impression that the higher up one goes, the more likely one is to have demonstrated personal initiative -- which seems to be a strong argument against the "you are rewarded for being an idiot" picture. Chris and I had a discussion about perception of the military, and it seems a lot of people's ideas come from two schools -- typified by the movies "Top Gun" and "Platoon." According to a lot of soldiers, they ar BOTH equally unrealistic. =========== From: MAX To: JONBOY Subject: Computer Values Date & Time: 07/24/90 13:35:06 Message Number 9205 Tandy peripherals have never been non-standard on the IBMs -- the Tandy specific cards are ones that are shorter, as a lot of the Tandy models don't accept full-length IBM cards. Most of the 1000 series except for the originals (1000 and 1000A) aren't all that bad, just not all that good... :) > A good indicator in my book to stay away from a machine is if it has > a special entry in a software installation. Look at most games and you > must buy a Tandy version. Not true. The reason that most games have specific Tandy switches is that the Tandy CGA mode supports 16 colors instead of 4, and a lot of games will have improved color if you tell them you're running on a Tandy. Also, most Tandy machines have a built-in 3-voice music synthesizer, and some games (although far too few) will also take advantage of that if you tell them to. If you buy an IBM version and run it on the Tandy, or run them without specifying a command-line switch to tell it you're a Tandy machine, they'll still run, but they'll lose the extra graphics & sound capabilities. You don't HAVE to buy a Tandy version ... but given a choice, you should. > You can still build your own clone for cheap. This is Raven's argument, too. The proper response is, "No, YOU can still build your own clone for cheap" -- 99% of the people in the world would rather have it come ready-to-run out of the box, a brand name they know on the case and a 1-year warranty supported by a company that has stores on every street corner, even if it means paying 40% more for the product. If that wasn't the case, Heathkit would be the world's largest electronic/computer chain.... =========== From: MAX To: DIRTY WRAT Subject: Steak & Shake Date & Time: 07/24/90 13:48:54 Message Number 9206 > ...Steak & Shake is still alive in Tampa, too. Yes, I know, and it's 24 hours there, too, instead of "open when the mood strikes us" like the Bradenton one is now. By the way, I thought "Wrat(t)" had two "t"'s in it -- at least it did when you drew the wizard in Lance Rund's sketchbook (yesterday was the first time I saw that picture, oddly enough). =========== From: MAX To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: Previous Msg Date & Time: 07/24/90 13:51:42 Message Number 9207 Actually, the most valid reasons for being over there may be to (a) protect our allies, and (b) to contain Saddam Hussein. Kuwait was never a great friend of America, although they weren't antagonistic, and they had the sort of monarchy that America was founded to get away from. If Saudi Arabia wasn't in danger of being invaded, and Kuwait wasn't a significant source of oil for the Western world, I sincerely doubt we would be over there. The risk is obviously NOT minimal, despite what some people would like to think (hell, it's still a battlefield situation even if shots haven't been fired yet), and despite what OTHERS would like to believe about President Bush, I don't think he would send troops into a situation where the potential return for the risk of war is essentially neglible. (That's the biggest argument against our involvement in Vietnam, IMHO -- people can argue about whether or not we could have won or what we should have done differently until time ends, but even if everything had gone splendidly, we still would have lost thousands of soldiers merely to uphold the image of America as Champion Of The Oppressed, regardless of the fact that neither side in Vietnam was particularly admirable.) =========== From: MAX To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: Teach Religion Date & Time: 07/24/90 13:59:47 Message Number 9208 There are comparative religion classes -- one could theoretically take a few of those, along with some more in-depth classes. I'd add a class in Paganism to the major religions, just to round things out (and because the various Pagan religions are really some of the more interesting ones out there, and in some ways more logical, or at least consistent, than any of the major, established ones). Of course, from my own experience and from talking with others, taking a few good courses in comparative religion generally leads people to atheism or agnosticism, or occasionally to a religion that does not demand believers follow it as "the one true path to salvation." It's very difficult to "know" something completely and utterly in your heart when you realize there are a lot of other people out there who know something completely and utterly CONTRADICTORY with the same degree of certainty. =========== From: MAX To: TURTLE Subject: quoting Date & Time: 07/24/90 14:09:50 Message Number 9209 >I don't find myself calling out with anything >other than DTerm (for LS-DOS) or TERMIII (for Z-System). I hope you never find yourself calling out with Term III. I'll see if there's an IMP overlay for the COMM-180 (I just saw a MEX overlay for the ON! ... so anything's possible). =========== From: TURTLE To: THRUD Subject: spouses (spice? Date & Time: 07/24/90 17:06:45 Message Number 9211 >...after 300 hours of wild sex, I'd want my 'puter. I'd want my MTV. =========== From: TURTLE To: BEATLE Subject: Huh, The Sequel Date & Time: 07/24/90 17:11:40 Message Number 9213 >Rufus would probably claim he was all the better for it anyway. In the grand scheme of things, foorsooth, it is better to be a lock than a key, for verily, a key without a lock serves no useful purpose but a lock without a key can still function. Locking a directory entry should be a standard DOS function, since verily doth it make a file you are writing less prone to farklement. A farkled file is a thing of wonder, but not a joy forever. May the Force be with you. =========== From: RUFUS To: DAVID MILLER Subject: cousin Date & Time: 07/24/90 18:07:54 Message Number 9214 >So that is what you think of me. I didn't say a damned thing about what I think of you. >Well here I thought that Roofs made good protectors... I am not a Roof. >Could this be a character defect. Your character, yes. My character, no. >I am ashamed that I confided in you my feelings about roofs and >shingles. I shall not do that again. Oh darn. =========== From: RUFUS To: DAVID MILLER Subject: help Date & Time: 07/24/90 18:11:49 Message Number 9215 >Rufus go suck your smuck. Well, what warranted that comment? =========== From: RUFUS To: SPELLWIND Subject: Debate! Date & Time: 07/24/90 18:13:31 Message Number 9216 >AAA...RRR...GGG...HHH...!!! So, you've had a bad week also? Luckily I woke up this morning, and realized it was winterish, so I'm happy. =========== From: RUFUS To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: Something Date & Time: 07/24/90 18:16:07 Message Number 9217 >Who in the HECK would *want* to look like a yuppie? Ghods only knows. >Nuke the YUPPIES! (And their larvae, too.) Yeah, damned right! More power to ya! And may the aardvark of happiness lick your toes. =========== From: RUFUS To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: SP FOR PREZ... Date & Time: 07/24/90 18:17:23 Message Number 9218 SPELLWIND> I'd become the president in 16 years... BEATLE> I'd leave the country. RUFUS> Wait for me. THE SPECIALIST> Hey, you guys need a roomate? Sure. Say, you think you'll have your car done by then? The faster we get out, the better off we'll be. And do you think it'll still do 170 with a U-Haul in back? :) =========== From: RUFUS To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: Ranea Date & Time: 07/24/90 18:19:25 Message Number 9219 >NOt Rufus... Hey, I'm collecting all the messages, sorting them out, then realizing I've gotta identify 16 trillion body parts, do 50 math problems, and figure out why I can buy more wheat than greebies.... =========== From: RUFUS To: MMA Subject: banned books Date & Time: 07/24/90 18:20:47 Message Number 9220 What books? Err, I know there were two copies of something like "The Big Book of Baseball stats for 1988" or something like that. I'll look tommorow and see what else they have. Of course, if we did something like that, I'd probably donate "The Watchmen" or some William Gibson books. =========== From: RUFUS To: SPELLWIND Subject: SP FOR PREZ... Date & Time: 07/24/90 18:22:44 Message Number 9221 >OK!!!!!!!!!! I'd donate it to the united negro college fund and > kill myself!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now now, don't get hasty. Give me the money...then do whatever you want with your life. Just kidding. What would BBSing be like without Spellwind? =========== From: RUFUS To: SNAKEBYTE Subject: Barb's Date & Time: 07/24/90 18:24:27 Message Number 9222 >I must be loosing my ability to judge "kid's" ages... Well, ya get a cross section of em, and count the rings. Each ring is one year. ....or is that for trees? =========== From: YNGLING To: TURTLE Subject: Previous Msg Date & Time: 07/24/90 18:36:31 Message Number 9223 >If you're interested, I can reply in more detail Please do. =========== From: YNGLING To: KEN SABLE Subject: Previous Msg Date & Time: 07/24/90 18:40:07 Message Number 9224 >You should acll my board... Sure, and if I did everyone would point at me and whisper "/He's/ the one who aclled The Armadillo Connection!" I have enough to burden my conscience and screw up my karma thank you. The Yngling =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: MMA Subject: authors Date & Time: 07/24/90 19:54:38 Message Number 9225 Arthur C. Clarke? Y'know, "Space Oddessy" and all that? Robert Ludlum sounds familiar, as does Tom Clancy...what did they write? =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: MAX Subject: Previous Msg Date & Time: 07/24/90 19:59:11 Message Number 9226 Actually, the impression he gave you (obey or be repressed) is sometimes depends largely on what field you are in and who your CO is.... Also, personal initiative is rewarded only when it is along military lines. (Re-structuring to streamline, which benifits the military is a world apart from debating the wisdom of troop movements with your CO, or ordering your troops to a different positions in contradiction to the CO without a damn good reason [like endangerment of life and limb].) =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: MAX Subject: Computer Values Date & Time: 07/24/90 20:04:31 Message Number 9227 M>The proper response is, "No, ... Is this to say that any response other than this would be improper, ie, wrong? M>99% of the people in the world would rather have it come ready Hmmm. 99%? You certainly do sound very sure of your figures. M>...Heathkit would be the world's largest electronic/computer chain.... Oh, I don't know...Turtle likes 'em. (Can't wait to see the replies to this one...) =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: MAX Subject: Previous Msg Date & Time: 07/24/90 20:09:29 Message Number 9228 I agree with you. =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: MAX Subject: Teach Religion Date & Time: 07/24/90 20:10:42 Message Number 9229 Again, I agree with you. This is a disturbing trend. =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: TURTLE Subject: Banded bobcats Date & Time: 07/24/90 20:11:50 Message Number 9230 T>Funny you should mention that; my phone line is still tapped (and it's T>doing Bad Things to my phone service quality...) What? Your phone line is tapped? How do you know? When did this start? =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: RUFUS Subject: help Date & Time: 07/24/90 20:14:05 Message Number 9231 DM>Rufus go suck your shmuck. DM> R> Well, what warranted that comment? R> Maybe he's fustrated because he can't tell you what he thinks of Roofs anymore. =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: RUFUS Subject: SP FOR PREZ... Date & Time: 07/24/90 20:16:13 Message Number 9232 SP>...prez... B>...leaving... R>...hey, wait... TS>...roomate? R> 170 with a U-Haul in back? Uh, sure. But you guys gotta pay for the gas...we'll be stopping every 30 miles or so. Hmmm. Wait, lemme hook up a blower. =========== From: MMA To: TURTLE Subject: wild sex Date & Time: 07/24/90 22:51:47 Message Number 9234 >>...after 300 hours of wild sex, I'd want my 'puter. >I'd want my MTV I'd want a cigarette. =========== From: MMA To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: authors Date & Time: 07/24/90 23:05:53 Message Number 9238 I'll have to check one of his books out, I've never read his work before .. Tom Clancy wrote the book "The Hunt For Red October" and others. Robert Ludlum wrote The Bourne Identity,The bourne Supremacy,and The Bourne Ultimatum. He has also written a great many other books. MMA =========== From: MAX To: ODEN Subject: Computer Values Date & Time: 07/25/90 14:52:53 Message Number 9240 Personally, I'd get an Amiga as my next computer if I was going to spend over $1K on a machine. (You can get Amigas for less than that, I know, but if I got an Amiga I would want it to be an Amiga 3000 -- the stuff I'd want to use it for would require several megs of memory and a 68030 w/math coprocessor.) There are a few programs I'd like to be able to run that so far only exist on the IBM, like a text editor called VEDIT (actually, VEDIT also exists for Z-System machines -- not for Amigas, though) and GEnie's "front door" program, Aladdin, and WordStar, my favorite word processor next to AllWrite. However, those programs aren't sufficient justification to not get an Amiga -- I'd learn to make do with Excellence 2.0 for word processing, and live without Aladdin. (Or just see if I could get a used XT for $200 or so just to run WordStar & Aladdin on it, which would probably blow a few fuses 'round the IBM boards in Sarasota. I already told somebody at Computerland that I only use MS-DOS for modeming, and do everything serious on a TRS-80 or CP/M machine. He looked at me like I had just flown here from Pluto.) At any rate, unless you have to give price a significantly higher weight over performance, or you need to run programs that only exist in the MS-DOS world, I'd still suggest going with the Amiga. =========== From: TURTLE To: ODEN Subject: Computer Values Date & Time: 07/25/90 15:15:45 Message Number 9241 Get the Amiga, dude. =========== From: TURTLE To: RUFUS Subject: Mike Date & Time: 07/25/90 15:17:40 Message Number 9242 >Mike, you don't know diddly. But Rufus knows electron spin! =========== From: YNGLING To: CHIP P. UNICORN Subject: offensive? Date & Time: 07/25/90 18:21:59 Message Number 9243 Which religion were you planning to teach in the public schools? Therein lies the rub. If we include one shouldnt we include them all? Now I see no problem with a "Religions of the World" type course as long as it is elective. The Yngling =========== From: YNGLING To: THRUD Subject: Military Servic Date & Time: 07/25/90 18:32:29 Message Number 9244 Much as I dislike the Kennedy dynasty...those involved in his admin- istration (JFK's of course) have revealed that he actually planned to pull out of Vietnam much to the dismay of Lyndon B. "Just Call Me Mr. Escalation" Johnson. Had he lived, I think history would have called JFK many things, but I doubt Warmonger would have been one of them. The Yngling =========== From: RUFUS To: YNGLING Subject: Previous Msg Date & Time: 07/25/90 18:56:21 Message Number 9245 Re: Calling the Armadillo Connection >I have enough to burden my conscience and screw up my karm thank you. Well then, why don't you call Uncle Bob's? Listen to what Shirly the Loon has to say: "Like, lunchmeat, call Uncle Bob's. It's good for your karma. It's, like, almost as good as an out of body experience." Okay, so she didn't say that, but I suppose she might. =========== From: RUFUS To: MMA Subject: banned books Date & Time: 07/25/90 19:02:48 Message Number 9247 Well, I was in the library this morning and went to check out the Senior bookcase. Seems they decided to put all the books somewhere in the library in order, and replace them with every damned issue of National Geographic. =========== From: TURTLE To: RUFUS Subject: Infinity Date & Time: 07/25/90 22:47:33 Message Number 9249 >Infinity, Inc. Bringing you more relatives than you ever dreamed of. Ahem! Lawyers representing Infinity Ltd. (a subsidiary of Anarchy Now, Inc.) will be contacting you soon about a potential copyright conflict with "Infinity, Inc."... =========== From: TURTLE To: DAVID MILLER Subject: cousin Date & Time: 07/25/90 22:50:13 Message Number 9250 Personal attacks are out of line. I would appreciate if you would cease harassing Rufus--and, for that matter, any other user on this system. Thank you. =========== From: TURTLE To: DAVID MILLER Subject: help Date & Time: 07/25/90 22:52:12 Message Number 9251 >I am real as Turtle will discover when he confirms me. In case you slept through the new-user logon procedure, here's a quick recap: This is an open system. There are no new-user verification procedures, no applications for user accounts, and no validation. =========== From: TURTLE To: ANGEL Subject: Debate! Date & Time: 07/25/90 22:53:43 Message Number 9252 >I thought the Pentateuch and most of the older books of the OT were >written in Hebrew... Yes. Actually, the first seven books of the Old Testament were written in Hebrew, I believe (can't locate my reference book so I can't verify that at this moment). I believe (again not sure) that the first section of the Apocrypha (Tobit and Judith) were also originally written in Hebrew. ....just some more trivia from your friendly neighborhood godless heathen reptile. =========== From: TURTLE To: ANGEL Subject: Kuwait Date & Time: 07/25/90 23:01:59 Message Number 9253 >Gosh, was there a point here? Yes. Point being: Defending U.S. involvement in the Middle East on the grounds that we are there to protect freedom and human rights is a dubious proposition. =========== From: TURTLE To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: Kuwait Date & Time: 07/25/90 23:03:07 Message Number 9254 >...who would YOU rather have in charge of Kuwait... Almost anybody /but/ Saddam, truth be known. I'm not saying we absolutely shouldn't be there; I'm saying that American involvement in Kuwait is based on a desire to restore freedom to the area doesn't wash. =========== From: TURTLE To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: Ray Bradbury Date & Time: 07/25/90 23:05:34 Message Number 9255 "Something Wicked This Way Comes" is the name of Bradbury's carnival story--/excellent/ story. (Good movie, too.) Ray Bradbury in general is usually quite good, although I've read some Bradbury that wasn't all that impressive. =========== From: TURTLE To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: Something Date & Time: 07/25/90 23:11:05 Message Number 9256 >Who in the HECK would *want* to look like a yuppie? Um...someone who wanted to marry one for his/her money and then kill that person in some appropriate fashion? Hmm...I wonder if you could consider that to be a criminal activity. =========== From: TURTLE To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: SP FOR PREZ... Date & Time: 07/25/90 23:12:37 Message Number 9257 SPELLWIND>I'd become the president in 16 years... BEATLE>I'd leave the country. RUFUS>Wait for me. SPECIALIST>Hey, you guys need a roommate? I'm with you. Maybe we could charter a bus... ....but then again, could he really be worse than Reagan? =========== From: TURTLE To: SNAKEBYTE Subject: Orders, orders Date & Time: 07/25/90 23:15:17 Message Number 9258 >y'sm massa' Turtle-son Oh, cut that out. =========== From: TURTLE To: MAX Subject: Steak & Shake Date & Time: 07/25/90 23:19:51 Message Number 9259 Wrat /does/ have two "T"'s, if it's written by hand. On a typewriter, computer, or similar device, the extra "T" goes away; something about electromagnetic interference that causes a mutual consonant repulsion, or something. =========== From: TURTLE To: MAX Subject: quoting Date & Time: 07/25/90 23:22:33 Message Number 9260 >I just saw a MEX overlay for the ON! You mean people actually, well, like, own ON!s and, like, use them and stuff? I always looked at them with this sort of mythical awe; figure anyone who'd own one would also likely be the kind of person to write his own combination database/expert system/terminal/space shuttle control problem in straight assembly. Scary scary scary... =========== From: TURTLE To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: Military stuff Date & Time: 07/25/90 23:27:57 Message Number 9261 MAX>...the higher up one goes...the more likely one is to have MAX>shown initiative... SPECIALIST>Actually, the impression he gave you (obey or be repressed) SPECIALIST>is sometimes true... Now THERE'S an exchange I never thought I'd see! =========== From: TURTLE To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: Banded bobcats Date & Time: 07/25/90 23:30:31 Message Number 9262 My phone line's been tapped (on and off) since shortly after A/R went up. I've verified it several ways: by experiencing several dozen muting failures on my line, by doing a remote phone sweep, and by noticing the fact that whenever I experience a rash of muting failures, there's always this pecuiliar 60Hz hum in the phone line, kinda like, say, a ground fault...Anyway, I don't know who's doing it, but it pisses me off. =========== From: TURTLE To: MMA Subject: Banded bobcats Date & Time: 07/25/90 23:33:30 Message Number 9263 Yes, I was always under the impression that tapping a phone required a court order...and I'm already on AT&T. =========== From: TURTLE To: RUFUS Subject: Previous Msg Date & Time: 07/25/90 23:36:05 Message Number 9264 >Okay, so she didn't say that, but I suppose she might. If you pay her enough money, sure. =========== From: MMA To: RUFUS Subject: Nat. Geographic Date & Time: 07/26/90 04:35:32 Message Number 9269 Hmmm.... Maybe they've been saving them too long,like many families do, and they wanted to circulate them in the hopes that they won't be return ed. keep a few,and you might see some books reappear. :) MMA =========== From: YNGLING To: TURTLE Subject: help Date & Time: 07/26/90 16:03:44 Message Number 9271 >This is an open validation What?! You mean I can't get my parking ticket validated? Well damn. See if I shop here again. =========== From: YNGLING To: TURTLE Subject: Banded bobcats Date & Time: 07/26/90 16:07:37 Message Number 9272 A /legal/ tap recquires a court order if initiated by an outside agency. I BELIEVE the phone cops can tap at will. Not unlike asking the operator to verify conversation on a line - she/he doesnt ask permission of the customer, she just listens in. =========== From: TURTLE To: YNGLING Subject: authors Date & Time: 07/26/90 17:52:07 Message Number 9273 >WHO IS "CLARKE!?" * gasp * choke * shudder * Thank you. I'm glad I wasn't the only one who fell out of my chair when I saw that... =========== From: TURTLE To: YNGLING Subject: Banded bobcats Date & Time: 07/26/90 17:53:17 Message Number 9274 Hmm...I think that if the phone company were tapping my line, they'd probably do a better job of it. This phone line hum is getting /real/ annoying. Figure that leaves out GTE, and probably any real law enforcement agency as well (you'd think the cops'd be able to do a competent job as well), so who does that leave??? A private citizen probably wouldn't have access to a modem tap...grr. =========== From: MAX To: SNAKEBYTE Subject: German Date & Time: 07/26/90 18:00:40 Message Number 9275 > I guess a/r don't allow the full IBM character set.... I certainly wouldn't. Only full IBMs can display them, and writing a TCAP driver for a BBS that knows the extended characters for most terminals and does two-way translation would be a great deal more trouble than it's worth. (Being an egalitarian weenie, I figure that if everyone on the system who has a terminal capable of doing an action isn't allowed to do it by the BBS software, the BBS software isn't doing its job. PBBS gets around this, of course, by knowing absolutely nothing about any terminals at all, and treats everyone equally badly.) =========== From: MAX To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: Previous Msg Date & Time: 07/26/90 18:07:43 Message Number 9276 Well, obviously flouting your CO most of the time, usurping his orders and looking for ways to nitpick on everything isn't going to get you lots of warm accolades. This is not exclusively military; in civilian life, you merely get fired rather than court-martialed, but the same rule of thumb is at work. But presumably, that wasn't the sort of thing people were talking about; there's a significant difference between "I don't think raping those villagers is a good idea" and "no, you idiot, that's all wrong -- let me run the unit and show you how it's done." =========== From: MAX To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: Computer Values Date & Time: 07/26/90 18:12:24 Message Number 9277 Don't be a weenie. =========== From: MAX To: TURTLE Subject: Something Date & Time: 07/26/90 18:16:44 Message Number 9278 Well, I've met yuppies who weren't that bad. Of course, they were kind of "fringe yuppies" instead of the die-hard, Michael Milken-loving types who still can't believe "The Donald" fell down & went boom. =========== From: BURNEY To: ODEN Subject: C64 Date & Time: 07/26/90 19:18:00 Message Number 9281 Whats wrong with my little C64. It got me on this thing. =========== From: MMA To: YNGLING Subject: Clarke Date & Time: 07/27/90 01:56:45 Message Number 9284 Well, Who is he? MMA =========== From: MMA To: TURTLE Subject: authors Date & Time: 07/27/90 01:58:26 Message Number 9285 Ok,wiseguy. I hope you didn't hurt yourself falling out of your chair. I recognise book titles better than authors. What did he write? mma =========== From: MMA To: BURNEY Subject: C64 Date & Time: 07/27/90 02:03:23 Message Number 9286 >What's wrong with my little C64. It got me on this thing. It's name is over 3 letters long,and it's not big or blue. See ya 'round. MMA (smartass at large) =========== From: SPELLWIND To: ... Subject: Ugh.... Date & Time: 07/27/90 11:07:46 Message Number 9288 Guess what I heard on a 700 Club commercial? If 'Christians' don't rule the world, Someone else will... (belch) I'm sure the wolrd would be better...without THEM ruling.. =========== From: MAX To: MMA Subject: authors Date & Time: 07/27/90 13:03:00 Message Number 9289 Arthur C. Clarke won the Hugo and Nebula awards for the novels RENDEZVOUS WITH RAMA and CHILDHOOD'S END, and also wrote the short story "The Sentinel," which Stanley Kubrick based the movie "2001: A Space Odyssey" on. Clarke also wrote the novel for 2001, along with two sequels (a third and final one is in the works), and most recently wrote RAMA II and CRADLE, co-authored with Gentry Lee. He is also considered, along with Isaac Asimov and Robert Heinlein, to be one of the "old masters" of science fiction, which is probably why Turtle and the Yngling were astounded at your knowledge gap. =========== From: KEN SABLE To: TURTLE Subject: Computer Values Date & Time: 07/27/90 14:53:34 Message Number 9290 Thank You Turtle ... You have finally seen the light! :) Actually, I really didn't mean to get you pissed about saying you should rub Opus .. I'll try not to get you pissed off in the near future, since you are a good friend and I don't want friends mad at me ... ::Sniff:: ::Sniff:: How ROMANTIC!!!!! :) =========== From: KEN SABLE To: TURTLE Subject: SP FOR PREZ... Date & Time: 07/27/90 14:59:02 Message Number 9291 > ...but then again, could he really be worse than Reagan? Yes -- Reagan had the ability to choose a good staff, which took over when he fell asleep at meetings =========== From: YNGLING To: TURTLE Subject: Banded bobcats Date & Time: 07/27/90 16:04:57 Message Number 9292 Now let's examine this closely: >if the phone company...they'd probably do a better job of it Do you obtain your phone service from the /same/ GTE that I do? Man, that's like a quantum leap in logic. The poor quality of the tap in- dicates that it's /probably/ the Phone Police. >you'd think the cops'd be able to do a competent job... Yes, you'd think so - but we know better don't we? But unless you're involved in some illegal activity I'm unaware of, I can't see locals maintaining the tap for so long. Again, assuming you're not a Soviet dupe or an Iraqui, I can't see the Feds maintaining interest in A/R or your private conversations for this long. And for a private concern to attempt a tap, let alone maintain it for so long, especially since it would involve monitoring a carrier wave, would be awfully expensive. This leaves two probabilities: 1) GTE 2) You are not the interest of the monitoring agency. Perhaps the interest is in someone who uses this bbs regularly - which might also explain why other local bbs'es appear to be monitored on a regular basis. And one possiblity: 1) A smartass who's just doing it for kicks, for practice, or as part of a personal vendetta against you. Of course, there are always options which I might have overlooked. The Yngling =========== From: YNGLING To: MMA Subject: Clarke Date & Time: 07/27/90 16:21:46 Message Number 9293 *snick* *snick* *dripdripdripdripdripdripdrip, ad infinitum. [the sounds you have just heard are of The Yngling cutting his wrists] =========== From: YNGLING To: MAX Subject: authors Date & Time: 07/27/90 16:24:47 Message Number 9294 I was /not/ astounded at MMA's "knowledge gap." Apalled, dismayed,sad- denned,sickened,shocked, and surprised...but not /astounded./ I havent been /astounded/ since I was about 10 years old and found a VERY hard core pornographic magazine by the side of the road, the very title of which is enough to either arouse or repulse (depending on the individual of course) the average male American. The Yngling =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: TURTLE Subject: Kuwait Date & Time: 07/27/90 16:44:19 Message Number 9295 T>Defending US involvement...on grounds...protect freedom and human T>rights...dubious proposition. Well said, except I would have said "on the *sole* grounds". Believe it or not, we aren't there just because we want the oil. =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: TURTLE Subject: Ray Bradbury Date & Time: 07/27/90 16:47:32 Message Number 9296 I agree, but most of his stuff is good enough that I can say that I like most of his work... but no one ever answered my question about how they liked Arthur C. Clarke! =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: TURTLE Subject: Yuppie Scum Date & Time: 07/27/90 16:48:45 Message Number 9297 TS>Who in the HECK would *want* to look like a yuppie? TS> T>...someone who would marry [them for thier money] and then kill [them] T> Hmmm. Possible, but who could *stand* being married to one? Ugh! Scarred for life. T> T>...I wonder if you could consider that to be a criminal activivy. T> Seems to me it would depend on who was in the jury. Course, I guess that it wouldn't matter, are supposed to be tried by "a jury of your peers". There is not a yuppie alive who is "peer" to me, so I'd probably get off free on it. ....unless the judge was a yuppie...Oh, NO! =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: TURTLE Subject: SP FOR PREZ... Date & Time: 07/27/90 16:53:39 Message Number 9298 T>...but then again, could he really be worse than Reagan? Uh.... =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: TURTLE Subject: Military stuff Date & Time: 07/27/90 16:56:25 Message Number 9299 T>Now THERE'S an exchange I never thought I'd see! ??? Huh? I don't understand why you said that. =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: MAX Subject: Previous Msg Date & Time: 07/27/90 17:01:15 Message Number 9300 I only used that for an example...did you get the idea I was trying to put across? =========== .