From: THE SPECIALIST To: MAX Subject: Computer Values Date & Time: 07/27/90 17:02:27 Message Number 9301 M>Don't be a weenie. It bugged me that you were so cocksure, that's all. You should have seen the *first* reply I wrote...I aborted it because I was trying NOT to be a weenie. =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: SPELLWIND Subject: Ugh.... Date & Time: 07/27/90 17:04:57 Message Number 9302 SP>I'm sure the world woud be better...without THEM ruling... Amen! =========== From: MAX To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: Computer Values Date & Time: 07/27/90 18:35:27 Message Number 9305 I *wasn't* being cocksure. It's not like I was saying "99% of X" with factual backup; I thought it was fairly obvious that I was exaggerating and being a bit sarcastic. You're not the only person who completely misses it when I'm not being particularly serious, which is (believe it or not) most of the time. While there's something humorous in knowing I can spit out the wildest claptrap and, if I do it in a somber enough "tone," get back a whole slew of "HOW could you REALLY BELIEVE that!" messages for the next 3,000 or so posts, people should pay a wee bit more attention to the context of my messages. (So sue me for being subtle....) =========== From: BURNEY To: ALL Subject: Conferences Date & Time: 07/27/90 19:47:52 Message Number 9307 As a new user to this bbs, I find it very interesting to see all this chit chat about god knows what. The issues that are discussed are e enlightening and informative (snicker, snicker). How does one get involved by putting in his two cents worth. (kind of answered my own question huh..). As far as Saudi Arabiand Kuwait is concerned, Its almost (uh oh here comes)ARMAGEDON time. This is possibly a new topic of discussion. Also the best branch of the armed forces is all of them. Without one, the others would be like a hand with no thumb. The job would get done but with greater difficulty and greater cost (lives). Last but not least the discussion on computer equipment. I could tell you I have an expensive IBM with all th latest attachments or a TANDY with all the (same as above) attachments but all the SYSOP has to do is look me up and...ta-dah...he knows I'm a liar. For the sake of stupidity, I'll reveal my (chocomputer. I'll prepare for the inevitable bashing now (lowers head in shame). It's a (gulp)Commodore 64. With a little compasion on everyones part, I'll live through (I'm reasonably sure) the bashing that is to come..... =========== From: MMA To: MAX Subject: authors Date & Time: 07/27/90 23:39:09 Message Number 9308 Thanks for letting me know. I've never been too interested in sci-fi, thus mygap in knowledge of authors. The titles peak my interest,so I'll check them out at the library. My literary interests lie un the area of mystery,espionage,and the like. I have learned a lot of what I know through reading. I cannot imagine what it's like to be illiterate. MMA =========== From: MMA To: YNGLING Subject: Clarke Date & Time: 07/27/90 23:43:58 Message Number 9309 Get tha bandages out! Max told me what he wrote. I've never had much interest in Sci-fi,thus my lack of knowledge in that area. As I promised Max,I WILL read some of his books. That way,I can escape your sarcasm and,maybe save your life. :) MMA =========== From: TURTLE To: MAX Subject: Something Date & Time: 07/28/90 15:31:48 Message Number 9316 >Well, I've met yuppies who weren't that bad. Is that like a case of pneumonia that's "not too serious"? :) =========== From: TURTLE To: BURNEY Subject: C64 Date & Time: 07/28/90 15:32:22 Message Number 9317 >Whats wrong with my little C64. The architecture. =========== From: TURTLE To: SPELLWIND Subject: Ugh.... Date & Time: 07/28/90 15:34:13 Message Number 9319 >If 'Christians' don't rule the world, Someone else will..., say (gasp), NON-Christians?? Horrors! Actually, last time I looked, nobody ruled the world, although a lot of people have laid claim to parts of it. Just think, though; if the Communists don't rule the world, someone else will! Same for the fascists, the Muslims, the IBM fanatics... The logic is indisputable, but it's also kind of silly. =========== From: TURTLE To: BURNEY Subject: Conferences Date & Time: 07/28/90 15:41:22 Message Number 9320 >With a little compasion on everyones part, I'll live through (I'm >reasonably sure) the bashing that is to come..... Well, it could be worse. You could have a PS/1. (The number of people on this system who /like/ IBM can just about be counted on the fingers of one thumb...smirk, wince, wait for fallout). =========== From: BURNEY To: TURTLE Subject: Stuff Date & Time: 07/28/90 17:25:41 Message Number 9322 Well its been one day since I left my last message with only one (count'm) one reply to my comments about Saud.Ar./Kuwait, computers, etc I expected more "fallout" than that. I guess its not so bad after all in aLTER rEALITY land. (I did expect more [in fun I hope]). Long live A.R. and all its inhabitants. =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: BURNEY Subject: Conferences Date & Time: 07/28/90 18:40:54 Message Number 9324 B>Also the best branch of the armed forces is all of them. Without one, B>the others would be like a hand with no thumb. Hmmm. As a Army Dog, I can say with conviction that if what you described (one hand washing the other) was actually true, then the armed forces would be *really* kick ass. Unfortunately, there is squabbling at the really high echelons. This I know, because they can't all agree on something as simple as COMMUNICATIONS GEAR! If the Air Force wants in on an Army net, do they train thier Flyboys to operate Army equipment? Hell no, they get a detachment of Army to stay at an AF base and work the equipment for them! (And make the Army pay for it!!) B>...Armageddon... Ha! Have you all been watching the Christian networks? If you listen to them for just 15 minutes you can hear more bullshit than all the networks combined can throw at you (and that includes CNN)! Thay try to make impossible connections between what's going on in Iraq with Armageddon by correlating the happenings there to ambiguous (and I do mean, really ambiguous...the kind of wording that makes *ABSOLUTELY* no sense whatsoever no matter what you connect it with) wording from the bible. And try to say that all the forces there and the whole world ("nations will unite") are all there actually to attack ISRAEL...c'mon! Don't flatter yourselves. =========== From: ODEN To: MMA Subject: C64 Date & Time: 07/28/90 22:32:42 Message Number 9327 Hey.. did I see someone being ashamed of having a commodore 64?!? gee, i .... if ya ask me, its the best computer for under $100 and unless you are at 300 baud, theres nothing to be ashamed of. Commodore 64/128s will never go 'out' (er, all the way... ma> Soylent Green. That was a rediculous movie... I could disagree with you, but the only part of the film I remember is the part where the guy gets squashed by the front of one of them big construction vehicles... things like that stick with ya when you're seven... I should have watched it when WTBS ran it following "Logan's Run" (an inexplicable favorite), but I didn't... =========== From: DIONYSUS To: SPELLWIND Subject: SP FOR PREZ... Date & Time: 07/28/90 23:06:33 Message Number 9328 Hell - in that case, why don't we all chip in and just give him the money? =========== From: DIONYSUS To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: help Date & Time: 07/28/90 23:14:30 Message Number 9329 Roofs are great. They help keep you dry on rainy nights like tonight, and they help keep you cool when the air conditioner is on. Rufus, I suppose, could do the same thing were he positioned right, but roofs do the job much more efficiently. =========== From: DIONYSUS To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: help Date & Time: 07/28/90 23:16:41 Message Number 9330 You know what they say: With a name like Smucker's, it has to be good. =========== From: BEATLE To: KEN SABLE Subject: Computer Values Date & Time: 07/28/90 23:53:48 Message Number 9332 > You actually /want/ people... blah blah **heavy annoyed sigh** I /said/ that the original message clearly said f I asked the people on Beyond Chaos, I would get a lot about how good the Amiga is...". Which would set something off in my head saying: "This person is not interested in hearing about the Amiga"... THINK!!! If he just wanted to know my opinion about the best computer, I would pick the Mac II FX or any Amiga. Maybe he wanted a different type of computer. I don't know. =========== From: BEATLE To: RUFUS Subject: Something Date & Time: 07/29/90 00:01:36 Message Number 9333 > Wrong dude. Sugar is number two on the list of ingredients. By god you're right!!! Burn corn flakes!! Burn corn flakes!! =========== From: BEATLE To: DAVID MILLER Subject: offensive? Date & Time: 07/29/90 00:04:34 Message Number 9334 What????? That message was too odd to make sense of. =========== From: BEATLE To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: Ray Bradbury Date & Time: 07/29/90 00:07:18 Message Number 9335 I think the book you're thinking of is "Something Evil This Way Comes" It was turned into a Disney film about 8 to 10 years ago. > Now, how about Clarke? Arthur C.?? =========== From: BEATLE To: SNAKEBYTE Subject: Barb's Date & Time: 07/29/90 00:10:34 Message Number 9336 That's the same one I go to. Didn't I tell you I lived out that way?? > I could of swore a few were about 15-16 range... Well, are you referring to the blond girl who looks like a bimbo?? And the guy who is thin and is there all the time? =========== From: BEATLE To: TURTLE Subject: Huh, The Sequel Date & Time: 07/29/90 00:16:09 Message Number 9337 And to think, none of that had anything to do with what I said... but that's okay, since "Goo Goo Gjoob" was part of the original concept, and that makes about as much sense as your response... =========== From: BEATLE To: RUFUS Subject: help Date & Time: 07/29/90 00:17:36 Message Number 9338 > Well, what warranted that comment? I'd just like to know what it means. How do you suck a "smuck"?? Does that have something to do with Smucker's (TM) Jelly???? =========== From: BEATLE To: MMA Subject: authors Date & Time: 07/29/90 00:22:29 Message Number 9339 > The Bourne Identity, the bourne Supremacy, and The Bourne Ulimatum. > He has also written a great many other books. Oh, like Bourne Free? **ducking tomatoes and comments about making no sense** =========== From: BEATLE To: RUFUS Subject: Previous Msg Date & Time: 07/29/90 00:25:07 Message Number 9340 > Okay, so she didn't say that, but I suppose she might. Oh, sure, ya just gotta give her some money. She had a lot of free time this week, since she wasn't on ANY episodes of "Tiny Toon Adventures". Strangely enough, Elmira was on ALL of them... sense some odd things going on over at WB?? =========== From: BEATLE To: TURTLE Subject: SP FOR PREZ... Date & Time: 07/29/90 00:28:47 Message Number 9341 > Maybe we could charter a bus... Yeah!! That's a great idea. More and more are seeing the way of the aardvark and going anti-Spellprez... >...could he really be worse than Reagan? What do YOU think? =========== From: YNGLING To: MMA Subject: Clarke Date & Time: 07/29/90 00:38:28 Message Number 9342 Since your tastes lean towards the mystery/espionage genre let me recom- mend "The Brotherhood of the Rose," "The Fraternity of the Stone," & "The League of Night & Fog" by David Morrell. Excellent books! However avoid anything else he has written. Sometimes I'm amazed that an author can be both brilliant and retarded...another example being Clancy's "Cardinal of the Kremlin." Dreck! Which was then followed by a"A Clear and Present Danger" which is probably his best to date. BTW - for those who enjoy good novels re: the Vietnam War: "The Fire Dream" by Franklin Allen Leib recently released in mass market ppbk at $5.95 is /very/ good [so far anyway, I'm 1/2 way thru it]. The Yngling =========== From: THRUD To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: Military Servic Date & Time: 07/29/90 05:47:38 Message Number 9343 How did I get to be a retired specialist? Easy....I broke into hysterical laughter when the re-enlistment NCO said he wanted to talk to me. I'm really glad I did my three years (and three in the reserve), but I'm not a lifer type - seemed a contradictiNothing like that. But True Germans think I'm from Italy when I speak. =========== From: THRUD To: SNAKEBYTE Subject: tact Date & Time: 07/29/90 06:01:29 Message Number 9344 I've made a lifetime hobby out of correcting people, but it took years to learn to do it tactfully - I clearly remember in 6th grade when Sister Mary Margaret congratulated me for saying "Excuse me" before I pointed out her arithmetic mistakes. Most people will completely ignore your advice and wisdom, no matter how right you might be, if they feel they're being attacked. 'Tis one of my own biggest problems - little patience for the utterances of fools, and there seems to be a preponderanc of them about.... SSC - Sudden Subject Change - I'm not so sure I want to have another kiddo, even if I was sure it would be a boy. I think the source of many of the worlds problems is that children are born into situations where the resources to feed and rear them properly are inadaquate. With two daughters, my resources and my hair are getting pretty thin. THRUD =========== From: THRUD To: MAX Subject: war movies Date & Time: 07/29/90 06:12:54 Message Number 9345 Yer right, the way the military is presented in movies and on TV has little bearing on reality. Part of the reason for this is that the service can be far more boring than an audience could handle - lots of waiting, maintenence and screwing off. There ar you're seven... I should have watched it when WTBS ran it following "Logan's Run" (an inexplicable favorite), but I didn't... =========== From: RUFUS To: TURTLE Subject: Infinity Date & Time: 07/29/90 10:12:10 Message Number 9346 >Ahem! Lawyers representing Infinity Ltd. will be contacting you soon >about a potential copyright conflict with "Infinity, Inc."... Smart move, dude. And bring the wrath of the Aardvark of Happiness upon your family for generations to come. =========== From: RUFUS To: MAX Subject: Something Date & Time: 07/29/90 10:19:47 Message Number 9347 Yes, fringe yuppies, the tormented souls of the world. They sometimes think twice about buying that $60 dollar tennis shirt, or those $150 dollar shoes. And sometimes think "Gee, why'd I buy this Volvo"? ...and every once in a while they leave the car phone at home! =========== From: RUFUS To: KEN SABLE Subject: Computer Values Date & Time: 07/29/90 10:22:39 Message Number 9348 >I really didn't mean to get you pissed about saying you should rub Opus The rubbing of anthropomorphic penguins is illegal in 23 states! >I'll try not to get you pissed off in the near future, since you are a >good friend and I don't want friends mad at me ... I'm cutting that out and sticking it in my wallet. Hell, maybe Ann Landers should use it as a gem of the day. =========== From: BEATLE To: BEATLE Subject: Ray Bradbury Date & Time: 07/29/90 12:14:22 Message Number 9349 > "Something Evil This Way Comes"... Gee, Beatle, you must have been half asleep last night!!!! That's "Something Wicked This Way Comes".... Grrr... I think I shall tell myself to crawl into a corner or something now. >> Clarke. > Arthur C.?? Yep, now I know that's who was being spoken about. I've only read one of his books tho... =========== From: THRUD To: BURNEY Subject: Stuff Date & Time: 07/29/90 16:44:51 Message Number 9350 Jeez, when you covered so many topics in one message, I just assumed that you didn't have anything else to say. Feel better now? =========== From: THRUD To: TURTLE Subject: Debate! Date & Time: 07/29/90 16:58:38 Message Number 9351 Damn.....I thought the Old Testament was written in assembly language... =========== From: THRUD To: MMA Subject: C64 Date & Time: 07/29/90 17:04:26 Message Number 9352 Smartass at large? Is that anything like a large smartass? =========== From: RUFUS To: BEATLE Subject: Something Date & Time: 07/29/90 18:51:51 Message Number 9353 ME> Wrong dude. Sugar is number two on the list of ingredients. BEATLE> By god you're right!!! BEATLE> Burn corn flakes!! Burn corn flakes!! Why? I like Corn Flakes, if you add sugar or bananas. But if you add bananas, you have to slice 'em real thin, else the milk hits 'em and splatters all over. Now Corn Flakes floating in Mountain Dew... Could be good (or could be vile). =========== From: BURNEY To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: Armag. Date & Time: 07/29/90 20:01:42 Message Number 9355 Just a quick bit of RELIGIOUS trivia, Do you remember the nuclear disaster in the Soviet Union at Cherynobel (not sure of spelling). That word (cherynobel) is translated in either Hebrew or Greek as "wormwood" which is used in the (here comes that word)Bible in the book of Revelations in a description of the judgements of God in the last days. (I heard this from 60 MINUTES, a reputable news organization. Now I'm not saying these are the end times but that is quite a coincidense don't you think? As far as the military is concerned, I'll admit the administration of the armed forces does leave something to be desired, and I do see you r point. Can you imagine how difficult it would be to deal with the Mid East Problem without the Navy to get a great deal of the supplies that  to heavy for planes, over to the desert. TURTLE: >only the architecture yes I'll agree with that but unfortunately at this time, I cannot afford a better system. Besides, I like to write my own programs and that is easy with the C64 =========== From: BURNEY To: DIONYSUS Subject: $ Date & Time: 07/29/90 20:19:25 Message Number 9356 Sounds good to me! =========== From: BURNEY To: YNGLING Subject: Clarke Date & Time: 07/29/90 20:25:05 Message Number 9357 The book "Brotherhood o Rose" was also made into a mini-series that aired either last year or the year before. I didn't read the book, (haven't been able to find it) but going on the premise that most movies that were maFROM a book are never as good AS the book, it should be (im my opinion) very, very good. (But what do I know, I'm just a new user). =========== From: BURNEY To: THRUD Subject: Stuff Date & Time: 07/29/90 20:38:36 Message Number 9358 >Jeez with so many messages.. My apologies for being so type-ative. I was just (sniffle) trying to address most subjects under discussion all at once. Next time I'll take two aspirin and call you in the morning (now I feel better) =========== From: SNAKEBYTE To: RUFUS Subject: Barb's Date & Time: 07/29/90 22:58:00 Message Number 9361 >...count the rings.... Don't know about that, but if you take the gray hairs and divid by the weight of the person and then subtract 4, you will have the number of kids they have. Oooops, just confirmed that by my own head...make that subtract 3 rather then 4 . =========== From: SNAKEBYTE To: TURTLE Subject: Orders, orders Date & Time: 07/29/90 23:00:39 Message Number 9362 >Oh, cut that out. Snip-snip-snip.......clunk. =========== From: SNAKEBYTE To: MAX Subject: German Date & Time: 07/29/90 23:02:15 Message Number 9363 I was definitely NOT putting a/r down for the in-ability to display the IBM character set, just passing the word to a friend that the German special characters are available if required. The idea of ALL character/special functions of ALL PC's, hmmmmmmmmmmm....Das ist eine prima Idee. =========== From: SNAKEBYTE To: BEATLE Subject: Barb's Date & Time: 07/29/90 23:09:03 Message Number 9364 Or the heavier girl with the dark hair and glasses??? Shoot, I don't pay much attention to them anymore. Just get a movie a split before my kids tear the place apart and cost me money I don't have. You say you live out this way???? How far out??? East of 75 or west?? I'm definitely east......SNAKEBYTE =========== From: SNAKEBYTE To: THRUD Subject: tact Date & Time: 07/29/90 23:12:27 Message Number 9365 Diplomatic Tactfulness....the fruit to which the winners of the business world feed upon. I have made a career out of playing office politics and getting myself (and the company I work for) into a situation of technilogical creativity and advancement. The company I'm at is about 45 years old and some of the employees there celibrate anniversaries that started prior to my birth. It's rough to deal with these people, but after many years, I'm learning how to do it. Just got myself into a new postion and purchased about $150K of new 'puter toys for my department. Have the fun is the game. No more THRUDlings, huh? Well, two was enough for us (not just me). I think we could "afford" more, but it would distract too much from the proper raising of the one's we have. But damn-it, I LOVE kids!!! So innocent, so much fun, so little bull.....oh well. You can only be young once, but you can be immature forever. =========== From: DIONYSUS To: BURNEY Subject: Armag. Date & Time: 07/29/90 23:29:19 Message Number 9366 Hey! Look at the subject of this message - Armag. Now, that could stand for something wicked, final, and nasty; or it could stand for something neeto, brand-new, and spiffy - A/R magazine. Think about it. Or don't. Never mind. =========== From: MMA To: BEATLE Subject: authors Date & Time: 07/30/90 02:50:46 Message Number 9368 ***Here they come!*** Surprise! They're eggs! No,not like 'Bourne Free' The book 'born free' is really good though. MMA =========== From: MMA To: YNGLING Subject: authors. Date & Time: 07/30/90 02:53:15 Message Number 9369 Yes,I agree Authors can be brilliant in one book,and then publish a real waste of paper. Have you read 'TheMormon Murders'? It's a true story. Good reading. MMA =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: THRUD Subject: Military Servic Date & Time: 07/30/90 03:18:48 Message Number 9371 Laughing at your Re-Up NCO makes you retired? Then I guess that I'm retired, too. Cept, I always thought that when you were retired you got a pension or something... all I got was this piece of cardboard which said, "Honorable Discharge". If you ain't a 95 Bang-Bang or mail clerk or mess hall then you ain't shit? Hmm. I guess that I'm not shit then! What a good feeling! (Oh, hell...the other side of that is, if you are a 95B or mail clerk or mess hall then you *are* shit!) I was a communicator. 31C20A4V9...Single channel radio opr, NCO tests (I had BNCOC), Morse qualified, Tactical Satellite opr. I worked at a Command Center in Korea, EA qualified (Emergency Action traffic for dissemination of Nuclear Release orders...I held one of the keys). Basically, a glorified RATT operator who got stuck in a high security clearance/personal reliablity slot. So, you can see why I developed the attitude I have about following can't fail or foul up in a position like that. If you do, you are a failure in a critical chain. (And we were like, second in line. We got our orders from CINCPAC, Hawaii.) =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: THRUD Subject: war movies Date & Time: 07/30/90 03:28:58 Message Number 9372 "What do I do next," said the Louie. "Drop, drop, drop," said the Sargeant. "Who's gonna shine my brass?" said the Corporal. "Beer, beer, beer!" said the Privates. I know what you mean, I still have this vestigal respect for my drill, too. Kind of strange, actually. I know that he can't get at me here! Actually, my military time wasn't that boring, at least the two years I spent in Korea weren't. Real world situations kept us pretty busy (scrambles against North Korean aircraft, and reports of DMZ violations, other things which I can't talk about (still!)), and when we weren't doing that, it was train, train, train. Now the time I spent with the 101st was totally different. =========== From: TURTLE To: ODEN Subject: C64 Date & Time: 07/30/90 04:28:26 Message Number 9375 >... if ya ask me, it [C=64] is the best computer for under $100... I dunno. I paid that much for the Lisa (now configured to run Macintosh software) and all the TRS-80's put together, and /none/ of those computers has 40 columns /or/ serial disk I/O... =========== From: TURTLE To: BEATLE Subject: authors Date & Time: 07/30/90 04:35:04 Message Number 9376 >Oh, like Bourne Free? Yes, and Bourne to be Wild, and Bourne Unto a Virgin (a story about comic goings-on amongst the Twelve Apostles), and The First Bourne, and Bourne on the Fourth of July (later made into a movie by Olivers Tone), and his bestseller Bourne Without a Clue. =========== From: RUFUS To: ALL Subject: Night Flight Date & Time: 07/30/90 10:58:15 Message Number 9377 I was chattin' with Beatle last night and he said that Night Flight was back on TV. Now, if you've never seen Night Flight, let's just say it's a /really/ bizarre show. The first thing they showed was something from the Animation Festival last month. The Witches flying around and doing nasty things to each other (forgot the name). Anyways, me being the speedy Rufus I am, ripped open a brand new video tape (which was in the "ShrinkWrap from Hell (tm)"), ran through the house (I store the tapes in my room and the VCR in the family room), popped in the tape, and recorded it! ...letterboxed no less. =========== From: TURTLE To: THRUD Subject: war movies Date & Time: 09/30/90 16:40:42 Message Number 9378 >An enlisted man can make E-6...just by hanging in their... That's kind of funny; my father's been in the Army for 24 years now and he's still E-5. 'Course, he's not real big in the leadership department. =========== From: TURTLE To: RUFUS Subject: Infinity Date & Time: 09/30/90 16:42:25 Message Number 9379 The Aardvark of Happiness doesn't /do/ copyright law, dude. =========== From: TURTLE To: THRUD Subject: Debate! Date & Time: 09/30/90 16:45:03 Message Number 9380 >Damn.....I thought the Old Testament was written in assembly language.. Only if I had written it. (The Old Testament: The Z-System version. 100% straight 64180 assembly language; runs twice as fast in a quarter of the space of the older version...) The Old Testament version 2.0 (c) 1990 Anarchy Now, Inc. =========== From: TURTLE To: BURNEY Subject: Armag. Date & Time: 09/30/90 16:47:51 Message Number 9381 >...unfortunately at this time, I cannot afford a better system. Well, hey, I have a couple of TRS-80's for sale cheap... :) =========== From: TURTLE To: SNAKEBYTE Subject: Barb's Date & Time: 09/30/90 16:49:03 Message Number 9382 If you take a person's shoe size and divide it by the caliber of a bullet fired at him, you'll get the distance (in centimeters) that person can move before being hit. Similarly, if you take a person's intelligenc and divide it by his blood count, you'll get the "Blood IQ level," which is the liklihood that that person will refuse to do something that will make him bleed... =========== From: TURTLE To: DIONYSUS Subject: Armag. Date & Time: 09/30/90 16:52:04 Message Number 9383 A/R magazine...I /like/ it! Hmm...I'll have to look into porting PageMaker over to LS-DOS... =========== From: TURTLE To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: Military Servic Date & Time: 09/30/90 16:55:41 Message Number 9384 > can't fail or foul up in a position like that. If you do, you may fail to cause the end of human life. =========== From: RUFUS To: TURTLE Subject: Infinity Date & Time: 09/30/90 18:20:57 Message Number 9385 >The Aardvark of Happiness doesn't /do/ the copyright law, dude. I know that, but I am blessed by the Aardvark of Happiness for a number of reasons, one being that I have an Aardvark shrine in my house, and I drink a large amount of Mountain Dew (well, so do you, but the shrine thing clinches it). And I've lost my point under the chair, so I'll just leave now. =========== From: THRUD To: TURTLE Subject: authors Date & Time: 09/30/90 21:36:35 Message Number 9387 Howza bout 'Bourne to be Naked", which has something to do with Jaquline Smith, but I can't talk about it on a family board..... =========== From: THRUD To: ALL Subject: st:ng Date & Time: 09/30/90 21:59:34 Message Number 9389 Damnation, I think the premire sucked. All that waiting, all that buildup, and they feed us some 'Data accesses their files and puts 'em to sleep bullshit' Jeez - the Borg left most of Starfleet a smoking wreck, and we're supposed to believe that Riker and Co. withstood the same assault long enough to pull that weak ass ploy. I think many of us could have done better, and their writers better get with it or those of us with real imaginations will desert ST:ng. I love the show, but I'm really dissapointed. TrekTHRUDner. =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: TURTLE Subject: war movies Date & Time: 09/30/90 22:25:39 Message Number 9390 T>my father's been in the Army for 24 years now and he's still and T>E-5. Is that Spec-5 or Sergeant? What MOS and how many times has be been busted; and what for? =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: TURTLE Subject: Military Servic Date & Time: 09/30/90 22:27:55 Message Number 9391 TS> can't fail or foul up in a position like that. T>If you do, you may fail to cause the end of human life. Hmmph. That's so typical of a response from you. It's clear that you don't understand what the purpose of a retaliatory strike is. (That is, beyond revenge.) =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: Military Servic Date & Time: 09/30/90 22:31:48 Message Number 9392 Hey, are being anal retentive. You attacked a person, and not the concept. But, he made a snide remark at me first! No excuses. =========== From: MIKE GREENAWALD To: TURTLE Subject: McD's Fries Date & Time: 09/30/90 23:00:16 Message Number 9394 No I do not know you Mr. T. And you are a stranger. I can not picture a half shell. Can you say that you know me? We talked one night on the phone when your board went down for about 10 seconds. You told me that you were in distr ess and I offered a computer to you with hard drive. You laughed and sai d goodbye. The offer was real. =========== From: MIKE GREENAWALD To: TURTLE Subject: Huh Date & Time: 09/30/90 23:05:13 Message Number 9395 Reference to private conversation on another bbs. He is a male looking for a female is what the sentence means. =========== From: MIKE GREENAWALD To: TURTLE Subject: Apple hard driv Date & Time: 09/30/90 23:07:28 Message Number 9396 Yes. There are several ways. I just happen to be Davids cousin. He is playing poppa bear to some hurt feelings. David is very emotional. I was feeding kids by gastric tube the other day. David lost his lunch. =========== From: MIKE GREENAWALD To: SPELLWIND Subject: McD's Fries Date & Time: 09/30/90 23:10:24 Message Number 9397 Have not been on line for a number of days or rather weeks. David has been working my line. You would like David. =========== From: MIKE GREENAWALD To: RUFUS Subject: McD's Fries Date & Time: 09/30/90 23:12:55 Message Number 9398 No I have been across the way from you working at the hospital with little kids in medical choas. I met a Rufus look alike at Palms the other day. This kid was as neet as you are (do not feel put down this teen had his problems but he was really interesting to talk to) Parents can really screw kids heads. =========== From: MIKE GREENAWALD To: RUFUS Subject: McD's Fries Date & Time: 09/30/90 23:18:00 Message Number 9399 Rufus the reference is to anatomy. Oops so is yours. Sorry about that I read the hard copy again. This bit with a teletype is not as easy as they make it out to be. =========== From: MIKE GREENAWALD To: RUFUS Subject: Apple hard driv Date & Time: 09/30/90 23:20:35 Message Number 9400 The french fry guy has to idea how a hard drive works either? There is sure a storm somewhere. =========== From: MIKE GREENAWALD To: RUFUS Subject: hard drive Date & Time: 09/30/90 23:25:02 Message Number 9401 Some more good news I just received a 20meg hard drive and clock. The guy was happy to part with them and gave them free of charge. I took care of his youngin for a few days. Is there an Apple bbs program available as share ware? Boy this line is full of static. =========== From: MMA To: THRUD Subject: C64 Date & Time: 10/01/90 01:48:41 Message Number 9402 The only upgrades I have made are to get a 1200 baud modem,a second 1541 a star NX-1000 printer,and some accessories that are useful. I would like to get a RAM expansion unit and a monitor. Maybe one day. The C64 is NOT a game machine! I will defend that. Long live C64!!!!!! You're right though,they're the cheapest worthwhile computer around. Remember the Coleco Adam? It sure died fast...faster than the TI-99. I was only making comparisons to IBM when I talked about the add-ons. MMA May the PS/1 die before X-mas! =========== From: ANGEL To: MAX Subject: ennui Date & Time: 10/01/90 02:08:39 Message Number 9403 Hello dear Donthen/Max/Watts: Hi there! It's two in the morning and I've just finished a run of a play that I've waited fourteen years to do and I'm four sheets to the wind and feeling maudlin and sappy and sentimental and why I'm addressing this message to you, I'm not totally sure. I guess it's because you never cut me any slack. It's a nice change. Anyway, I've just finished a double performance (both a matinee and an evening show) of a play I've always wanted to do. A bunch of us (exhausted as we were) went out for a drink or two, or three, or four .... after the show. We were marvelously mushy and happy and most appropriately proud of our achievement. ....... I felt like an outsider. Strange, I'm talking to someone who is not here and responding, and yet I stayed silent among a group of friends and, supposed, compatriates Hmmmmmmmm. So most strange to finally, after waiting fourteen years, to at last perform a show that was everything you could ever imagine, and to miraculously, have it NOT be a letdown. It was ... I could not express the emotion even to those I shared it with. Unfortunately, my fellow actors knew me, or at least, the me I project to the general world. No one who knows me believes I am a spiritual person. That I believe in those most mundane things like God, and eternity, and how both make a real difference in a view of this most bizarre universe. I am to those who know me, a cynic. How can they know the wonder I feel at ... I'm sorry, I'm babbling. Excuse this most uncharacter- istic jaunt into introspection in this time between work and pleasure that we plebians call the weekend --- Christ, where are these bad cliches coming from? Max/Donthen/Watts, I sense a kindred spirit that rails against .... stop, whoa!!!!!!! Thank you for listening, and indulging this happy, maudlin, most strange wee-hour-of-the-morning musings. Feel the spirit. Enjoy!!! =========== From: YNGLING To: BURNEY Subject: Armag. Date & Time: 10/01/90 16:03:45 Message Number 9404 >60 MINUTES, a reputable news organization [After several minutes of uncontrolled laughter] Oh yeah? Says who? The Yngling "When I was a child I spake as a child..." =========== From: YNGLING To: BURNEY Subject: Clarke Date & Time: 10/01/90 16:06:15 Message Number 9405 "Brotherhood of the Rose" as well as the other Morrell titles I mention- ed, should be available at Waldenbooks or B.F.Dalton Booksellers as they are on both chains "backlists" which means they are /supposed/ to be kept in stock at all times. Re: the miniseries: It was good but the book is much better. I was pleased that they stuck to the original plot line instead of mangling it as TV and movies have a tendency to do. The Yngling (who still hasn't recovered from the film version of "Dune"...weird- ing modules my ass...) =========== From: BURNEY To: DIONYSUS Subject: Armag. Date & Time: 10/01/90 19:02:09 Message Number 9406 Which do you prefer, :evil, nasty, etc. or :neeto, nifty,  =========== From: BURNEY To: RUFUS Subject: Night Flight Date & Time: 10/01/90 19:07:32 Message Number 9407 Sounds like a good show, when does it come on? Or am I the only one that thinks this show really exists? =========== From: BURNEY To: TURTLE Subject: Cheap Computers Date & Time: 10/01/90 19:10:15 Message Number 9408 Unless its free, I cant afford it.My wife and I just bought a house and we got SCREWED by the mrtg. co. Pass the vaseline please.... Not only that MY drive bit the dust last week, the one I'm using is borrowed from a friend who uses an Amiga now. =========== From: BURNEY To: MMA Subject: C64 Date & Time: 10/01/90 19:21:45 Message Number 9409 I need another drive too. Mine bit the big one (plays taps) =========== From: BURNEY To: YNGLING Subject: Armag. Date & Time: 10/01/90 19:23:17 Message Number 9410 Boy! Did I create quite a stir with that Armageddon bit or what. >...oh yeah..says who? my mommy says so thats who! Really folks, can anyone give me PROOF that 60 Min. is just fabricating (with no proof of there own) these stories. =========== From: BURNEY To: YNGLING Subject: Dune Date & Time: 10/01/90 19:28:42 Message Number 9411 I didnt read the book, and if the movie is any indication as to the content of the book, I dont want to. PS thanks for info on where to locate books. =========== From: MAX To: TURTLE Subject: Something Date & Time: 10/01/90 20:53:36 Message Number 9413 > >Well, I've met yuppies who weren't that bad. > Is that like a case of pneumonia that's "not too serious"? :) Not really. Tyler's kind of a yuppie, and he's not that bad. I was going to list more, but the only other yuppie I think I'd like is Reli, and since she doesn't exist (unless one wants to get into odd metaphysics about writing) she might not be a good example. But if I met a yuppie like her (sans fur, before someone says "You mean an anthropomorphic cat?"), I think I'd like her.... :) =========== From: MAX To: RUFUS Subject: Infinity Date & Time: 10/01/90 21:02:19 Message Number 9414 Actually, "Infinity, Inc." is already a trademark of DC, so the point is moot. --- Incidentally, "DC Comics" is the legal name of that particular company. But "DC" stands for their original title, "Detective Comics." Is this kind of like "NCNB National Bank?" You can argue that saying "DC Comics" is grammatically wrong, but legally, it's correct. Of course, legally "TSR" doesn't stand for anything now, either, as the company's official name is just "TSR" (not even "TSR Hobbies"). =========== From: MAX To: SNAKEBYTE Subject: German Date & Time: 10/01/90 21:07:25 Message Number 9415 Well, hey, the Trash-80 has all the "special language" characters built in, plus a complete graphic set which has nothing to do with anything else (or anything useful, for that matter), 64 mysterious "space compression codes" which can occasionally be put to good use over BBS's that support TRS-80 graphics (I know of one in the entire world that does, but there used to be, gosh, five or six!), and a set of kana characters for the tens and tens of Japanese who need to run a TRSDOS compatible machine. At any rate, true ANSI terminals also have special graphics sets. So in theory, a BBS could translate from its own system's terminal codes to those of the remote user "on the fly." I have seen this in limited use on C-Net, which supports Commodore, Skypic and ANSI graphics, but the only boards that actually seem to put this to use (except for mainframe operating systems) are remote Z-System boards, which usually know 50 or so different terminal types and let you do neat things like "point and shoot" at the files in the current directory that you want to download, because it knows your terminal's movement, highlighting, and usually arrow-key commands. Of course, there are only about 50 Remote Z boards out there and most of them have absolutely useless BBS programs (you think the TRS-80 version of PBBS needs help, you should see the CP/M program that goes by the same name). any rate, MS-DOS bashing aside, you'd think that if a BBS could do that on a computer with 64K running an 8K DOS and a 20K BBS program on a 4 MHz Z80A, that the 600K+ Remote Access BBS could figure it out, too... considering that on Z, that's a function of the 8K DOS, not the bloody BBS program!!! =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: MAX Subject: Something Date & Time: 10/01/90 21:50:11 Message Number 9416 M>Tyler's kind of a yuppie, and he's not that bad. Hmmm. Ask Rufus.... Besides, who do you think we've been making fun of, all this time? (Pumps, Mach allowances, etc...) >:) =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: MAX Subject: German Date & Time: 10/01/90 21:55:49 Message Number 9417 M>Well, hey, the TRS80 has...a set of kana characters for ... "kana" characters? What are those? =========== From: MAX To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: Military Servic Date & Time: 10/02/90 17:15:17 Message Number 9419 Actually, it would seem if you foul up in a position like the one you and Turtle are talking about, the strike still goes through and you get shot on the spot for insubordination. (You have to figure that at the point when a retaliatory strike was deemed "necessary," the end of human life -- especially if your particular life happens to be at a military base with nuclear armaments -- is already given.) As for the purpose of a retaliatory strike, in a very real sense, the purpose of it is to never happen. (That does make sense even if it doesn't sound like it on the surface: the idea is that side "A" won't fire on side "B" if they can assume the retaliatory strike will be equally devastating and unavoidable, which was the entire premise of the nuclear arms race. I think it's reached a point where it's kind of moot -- at this point, we literally have so many missiles that some of them are targeted at /individual people/ in the USSR: any one missile could level Moscow, and while redundancy may be a good thing, there are over 260 aimed there in the current "worst case" plan. When you're talking numbers like that, it really doesn't matter if side "B" has twice the number of warheads -- it means they can blow up all of your cities 20 times over whereas you can only blow theirs up 10 times over.) =========== From: MAX To: YNGLING Subject: Armag. Date & Time: 10/02/90 17:26:01 Message Number 9421 Oh, posh. CBS News is pretty reliable as far as networks go. Dan Rather may be a pompous twit, but that doesn't mean he's not a good reporter. (Not a great anchor, mind you.) =========== From: MAX To: BURNEY Subject: Dune Date & Time: 10/02/90 17:27:58 Message Number 9422 The movie of DUNE isn't a terribly good indication of the content of the book -- it's kind of like a Readers' Digest condensed version rewritten by someone on drugs (David Lynch). The full movie was about 3 and a half hours long, but it was edited to 90-odd minutes by the studio who didn't think audiences would have the patience for an "epic" movie. =========== From: MAX To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: German Date & Time: 10/02/90 17:30:42 Message Number 9423 The kana are 64 Japanese characters that are a subset of the actual language, developed to make life easier for typists and computer operators (not to mention computer programmers). The TRS-80 is the only computer I know of that has them built in, and to this day nobody knows WHY they're there, either. =========== From: KEN SABLE To: MAX Subject: Something Date & Time: 10/02/90 17:54:50 Message Number 9425 /. Tyler's kind of a yuppie... Grrr.... I am /NOT/ a Yuppie!!!!!!!!!!!!! =========== From: TURTLE To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: war movies Date & Time: 10/02/90 18:08:20 Message Number 9426 Ya wanna hear something funny? He's never been busted; he's just never been promoted. He /has/ been shuffled all the hell over the place, though; he was in some sort of artillery division for a while; then they moved him to maintenance of some sort or other; then to cargo handling; and during all this he's been stationed in more places than I have fingers and toes. Right now he's spending his time loading cargo onto transport aircraft, for what that's worth. =========== From: TURTLE To: MIKE GREENAWALD Subject: McD's Fries Date & Time: 10/02/90 18:11:17 Message Number 9427 >Can you say that you know me? Hell no, and the fact that you don't use a handle doesn't change that. >We talked one night on the phone...I offered a computer with a hard >drive. You laughed and said goodbye. Nope. You obviously have me confused with someone else; I have never spoken to you, and you have CERTAINLY never offered me a hard drive (if you had, I assure you I most certainly would not have laughed). =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: MAX Subject: German Date & Time: 10/02/90 22:38:18 Message Number 9428 Reminds me of an Apple clone in Korea called the Banana (no joke) which had a full set of Korean characters in it... =========== From: BURNEY To: MAX Subject: Dune Date & Time: 10/02/90 23:14:42 Message Number 9429 Well I can see why they edited it to such a short movie. Now on the other hand and to change movies mid typing, They sure cut up Shogun from the original 5 pt mini series to a 2hr tv movie. I've read the book, saw the mini series and saw the 2hr movie. The latter is the biggest disapointment. I think the motion picture industry did that to a couple of other movies as well. =========== From: MMA To: MAX Subject: dead 'puters Date & Time: 10/03/90 01:52:31 Message Number 9431 There was a column in COMPUTER SHOPPER for both the TI-99/4A and the ADAM. I'm not sure if they still do though. MMA =========== From: THRUD To: TURTLE Subject: heavy sorrow Date & Time: 10/03/90 04:57:01 Message Number 9432 Durn, Shellhead, sorry to see you go down. This was one of the last places I could go and be immature when the pressure got too intense. See ya in the echos. THRUD =========== From: BEATLE To: RUFUS Subject: Something Date & Time: 10/03/90 07:12:58 Message Number 9433 > Could be good (or could be vile). I'd choose the latter. =========== From: BEATLE To: SNAKEBYTE Subject: Barb's Date & Time: 10/03/90 07:15:00 Message Number 9434 > East of 75 or west?? West. But pretty close to I-75. It's up past the Dennys, across from the Site, near the post office... =========== From: BEATLE To: TURTLE Subject: Barb's Date & Time: 10/03/90 07:19:35 Message Number 9435 >'ll get the distance...that person can more before being hit. "If you can imagine the impact on your chest of three bowling balls dropped from the height of about nine feet, you might begin to approx- imate the sensation [of being shot]"... =========== From: BEATLE To: BURNEY Subject: Night Flight Date & Time: 10/03/90 07:25:13 Message Number 9436 turxD{_f Saturday nights at 1 AM on Channel 44 =========== From: KEN SABLE To: TURTLE Subject: Damn You! Date & Time: 10/03/90 14:25:46 Message Number 9437 Putting all of us through an emotional roller-coaster like that saying that your BBS was going down and now saying it will still be around for atleast another month! Thank ghods ... I thought I was about to lose on e of my favorite BBSes! ANyways, where U going to run it from? =========== From: RUFUS To: MIKE GREENAWALD Subject: McD's Fries Date & Time: 10/03/90 15:50:09 Message Number 9439 That was me you talked to! And I remember you offering me the LOAN of a computer. And I didn't laugh. At least you got some of the facts right. =========== From: RUFUS To: MIKE GREENAWALD Subject: hard drive Date & Time: 10/03/90 15:52:59 Message Number 9440 >Is there an Apple bbs program available as share ware? Yes. Where, I don't know. =========== From: RUFUS To: BURNEY Subject: Night Flight Date & Time: 10/03/90 15:54:46 Message Number 9441 >Sounds like a good show, when does it come on? Uhh, check your TV guide. It should be Friday or Saturday night at 1 a.m. =========== From: YNGLING To: BURNEY Subject: Armag. Date & Time: 10/03/90 16:39:56 Message Number 9442 60 MINUTES is just another member of the liberal news media which distorts the facts to support their own contentions. The Yngling "Provin' aint necessary. Sometimes knowin' is enough." -Robert B. Parker (I forget which Spenser novel its from) =========== From: YNGLING To: MAX Subject: Armag. Date & Time: 10/03/90 16:45:18 Message Number 9443 We weren't discussing CBS News, we were talking about 60 Minutes. This doesn't mean I /agree/ with what you said about CBS News - although I do agree with what you said about Dan Rather re: his being a pompous twit. The Yngling =========== From: YNGLING To: TURTLE Subject: A/R Date & Time: 10/03/90 16:52:16 Message Number 9444 Turtle, I missed the bulletin - what's this about A/R going down for the count? Why (if one may ask)? Is it a financial or logistical problem (or is it just becoming a pain in the ass?)? The Yngling =========== From: BURNEY To: RUFUS Subject: Night Flight Date & Time: 10/03/90 21:01:55 Message Number 9445 Thanks dude... =========== From: BURNEY To: YNGLING Subject: 60 Min. Date & Time: 10/03/90 21:04:25 Message Number 9446 I suppose you do like 48 HOURS or maybe even HARD COPY. my personal favorite is: CURRENT AFFAIR :) :) :) =========== From: BEATLE To: MAX Subject: Dune Date & Time: 10/03/90 21:20:58 Message Number 9447 > ...rewritten by someone on drugs (David Lynch). Well, if "Twin Peaks" is any indicator, anything from David Lynch seems drug induced. I would, however like to see the film version of "Dune" sometime (and if someone actually brings it back, I'll check it out of my school library!)... after all, it's got Kyle MacLachlan and Patrick Stewart. =========== From: BEATLE To: KEN SABLE Subject: Something Date & Time: 10/03/90 21:23:50 Message Number 9448 > I am /NOT/ a Yuppie!!!!!!!!!!! Oh, right, and Benji isn't a dog. Relax anyway, they mean it in a kind way... =========== From: BEATLE To: BURNEY Subject: Dune Date & Time: 10/03/90 21:26:41 Message Number 9449 > I think the motion picture industry did that to a couple of other > movies as well. A film called "The Longest, Most Meaningless Film In the World" was cut down from a number of hours to one and a half hours. Also, in a pretty lame example of changes, the film "The Goonies" was eventually brought down to about 1/3 of the original screenplay after 2/3 of it was actually filmed. The theatrical version lies somewhere between 1 and 2 thirds. Also, on the subject of "Dune", the TV version was "restored" to a 2 1/2 hour length for TV. =========== From: SNAKEBYTE To: TURTLE Subject: Barb's Date & Time: 10/03/90 22:47:49 Message Number 9452 ......and calories is the measure of how good a food tastes when sampled from one of the four basic food groups...salt, sugar, fat and beer. (BTW- Do you know if a Magnetic Peripherals 40Mb, 977Cyl, 5 head, P/N 40300 hard disk is RLL??? How can I find out???) sssssssSNAKEBYTE . . =========== From: SNAKEBYTE To: MAX Subject: German Date & Time: 10/03/90 22:53:42 Message Number 9453 It almost appears that software (and hardware for that matter) developers didn't seem to have BBS compatibility in mind when they developed their product ......damn them! They were probably chugging along with "making a profit" in mind or something silly like that. =========== From: SNAKEBYTE To: BEATLE Subject: Barb's Date & Time: 10/03/90 22:55:59 Message Number 9454 .....the Site??? I know the post office, the First Florida, Peridia, the new quicky shop (across from the closed down Circle-K), the Forrestry place...pass by there at least twice a day, where's the Site? or maybe "what's" the Site? Is that where the new W-D is supposed to be built in "late 1989"?..... =========== From: MMA To: BURNEY Subject: tv mags Date & Time: 10/04/90 00:25:20 Message Number 9455 TV tabeloid is just a ratings gimmick. Icompare most of them with the rags you see at the check-outs in supermarkets. I think 'A current affa' is right up there with 'The National Examiner'. MMA =========== From: SPELLWIND To: YNGLING Subject: Dune Date & Time: 10/04/90 06:26:15 Message Number 9457 I just watched Dune the other night (for the 3rd time), and Lifeforce ... I was surprised to see Patrick Stewart in Liveforce...check it out.. =========== From: SPELLWIND To: MAX Subject: Infinity Date & Time: 10/04/90 06:30:29 Message Number 9458 Actually, DC stands for Dynamic Comics, according to their old advertisements (in the comics)... =========== From: SPELLWIND To: BURNEY Subject: Shogun Date & Time: 10/04/90 06:36:10 Message Number 9459 2 Hours????????????? Shogun was 589 minutes! Or was that 598 minutes =========== From: BEATLE To: SNAKEBYTE Subject: Barb's Date & Time: 10/04/90 19:42:47 Message Number 9462 > Is that where the new W-D is supposed to be built in "late 1989"? No, it's that "quicky mart" across from the has-been Circle K. Look at the sign!! I live in that neighborhood right behind that big field bounded by the Circle K and the First Florida. =========== From: TURTLE To: KEN SABLE Subject: Damn You! Date & Time: 10/04/90 19:50:54 Message Number 9463 >Putting all of us through an emotional roller-coaster... So how do you think /I've/ been feeling, hmm? >ANyways, where U going to run it from? From here, for at least another month. if I do go down, everything here 'cept the storyboard will be migrating over to Uncle Bob's Alligator Farm & Tofu Museum, though. =========== From: TURTLE To: YNGLING Subject: A/R Date & Time: 10/04/90 19:53:07 Message Number 9464 A/R was about to go down due to severe financial difficulties on this end. We m,anaged to squeak by, and it'll be up for at least another month; possibly indefinitely, if things work out. =========== From: TURTLE To: BEATLE Subject: Something Date & Time: 10/04/90 19:54:18 Message Number 9465 >...they mean it in a kind way... Is there a kind way to call someone a yuppie?? =========== From: TURTLE To: SNAKEBYTE Subject: Barb's Date & Time: 10/04/90 19:55:10 Message Number 9466 No I don't (know about the Magnetic Peripherals HD), although I'd suggest trying to get in contact w/Magnetic Peripherals if you haven't already. 977 cylinder, 5 head, 40 meg doesn't /sound/ RLL somehow, but that's a guess. =========== From: RUFUS To: BURNEY Subject: 60 Min. Date & Time: 10/04/90 20:51:04 Message Number 9467 48 Hours-Good Hard Copy-bad A Current Affair-I thought we were talkin' about News shows. =========== From: RUFUS To: BEATLE Subject: Dune Date & Time: 10/04/90 20:52:02 Message Number 9468 You can borrow my copy of Dune (the book) if you want. =========== From: RUFUS To: TURTLE Subject: Damn You! Date & Time: 10/04/90 20:55:01 Message Number 9469 >From here, for at least another month. if I do go down, everything >here 'cept the storyboard will be migrating over to Uncle Bob's >Alligator Farm & Tofu Museum, though. Wow, neat, a non-hostile take-over. (Don't tell anyone, but within two weeks I'm going for Compu$erve) =========== From: BURNEY To: BEATLE Subject: Dune Date & Time: 10/04/90 22:16:03 Message Number 9470 I was unaware that Dune was even made into a tv movie. I saw it on or theater I'm not sure which( it was quite a while ago). In any case, I was not that impressed with it. Now Star Trek Next Gen. on the other hand is pretty good. (for a made for tv show) I like sci-fi (new stuff not twilight zone crap) like Star Trek movie(s) , Terminator, Predator (really high quality junk). BTW have you seen the ORIGINAL 'Something Is Out There' pilot for the series that aired last year. The pilot was good but the series was lousy. In all cases above, its all just mindless entertainment. =========== From: BURNEY To: SPELLWIND Subject: Shogun Date & Time: 10/04/90 22:29:15 Message Number 9471 Which version a,b,c or d. The orig was a 5 pt mini series, then they made TWO (2) videos one was complete, the other wasS+ , last but not to be left out was the Saturday Night Movie version running two hrs minus commercials. (or was that Friday Night Movie) =========== From: BURNEY To: RUFUS Subject: 60 Min. Date & Time: 10/04/90 22:37:09 Message Number 9472 >I thought we were talkin' about News shows. Well I just thought because he's married to Connie its gotta be news. Although by his own admission its tabloid tv. so strike Current Affair. =========== From: MIKE GREENAWALD To: ALL Subject: letter Date & Time: 10/04/90 23:27:16 Message Number 9473 Have got a young man I would like to see you write to. He is Ray (Milton ) VanMeter He is in room 481 at Sarasota Memorial Hospital. Ray is a dia dialysis patient and is in rather critical condition. I met him once whi taking a tour of dialysis units in the area. A letter would cheer him up A post card would make him estatic. Please show him that YOU care! This would be good therapy for the both of you. =========== From: MIKE GREENAWALD To: TURTLE Subject: hard drive Date & Time: 10/04/90 23:39:50 Message Number 9474 David commented that you might need a hard drive to keep the bbs going. I have a store of materials. I mean a number of idems that you are welco me to borrow if that will keep your bbs going. idems=items =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: SNAKEBYTE Subject: Barb's Date & Time: 10/05/90 00:48:10 Message Number 9475 How many sectors? If it's 26, then it's RLL. If it's 17, then it's MFM. If it's 34, it could be SCSI. If it's 36, it might be ESDI. =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: TURTLE Subject: MP Date & Time: 10/05/90 00:51:38 Message Number 9476 It sounds like a translation, if you ask me. =========== From: SPELLWIND To: BURNEY Subject: Shogun Date & Time: 10/05/90 07:46:06 Message Number 9477 I mean the one that needs 4 (count 'em four) videocassettes to hold the whole movie... =========== From: KEN SABLE To: BEATLE Subject: Something Date & Time: 10/05/90 22:31:36 Message Number 9478 Dip. =========== From: MAX To: YNGLING Subject: Armag. Date & Time: 10/05/90 22:39:04 Message Number 9479 You know, the attitude that "the media is responsible for all evil" is one that has really ticked me off through the late '80s. Perhaps the reason reporters are often of a liberal political bent is that they've been exposed to a lot more of the real inner workings of politics and don't have anything to gain from playing PAC-type games like politicians do. At any rate, the media has a bias because the media is controlled by human beings with their own opinions. The conservatives who rail against how much better things would be with the news programs, papers, magazines, etc. if they weren't so liberal -- and the liberals who say the same things in reverse -- are missing something very important. The alternative to media without political opinions isn't a mythical "neutral"'s no media at all. Personally, I'd rather have CBS News, Dan Rather and all, than Radio Moscow. =========== From: MAX To: BEATLE Subject: Dune Date & Time: 10/05/90 22:46:29 Message Number 9480 The TV version of "Dune" cut out some of the scenes actually in the theatrical one (not just simple editing for TV censors, but whole scenes); it added some of the footage, but basically it was just under 2 hours of actual film in "Dune: The Long Version" when you cut out all the commercials. As to the quality of the TV one compared with the original, unreleased movie, it's perhaps telling that David Lynch removed his name from the credits.... =========== From: MAX To: SPELLWIND Subject: Infinity Date & Time: 10/05/90 22:52:03 Message Number 9481 "Dynamic Comics" was an advertising slogan. Originally they were "National Publications," and their sole comic title was "Detective Comics." When National ceased publishing anything but comics and added several other titles, they became "DC." They were never called "Dynamic Comics" as a corporate name, though. =========== From: BURNEY To: SPELLWIND Subject: Shogun Date & Time: 10/05/90 23:07:21 Message Number 9482 Ummm, whatever that message was, it just turned up blank. I dunno if it's you or Turtle's screwy software. . Grr, I wonder how bad it just maimed that line since I hit delete. ....screwy software, are you insane. It's perfect, if you enjoy sear =========== From: BEATLE To: RUFUS Subject: Dune Date & Time: 10/06/90 16:36:17 Message Number 9484 > You can borrow my copy of Dune... Thanks, dude. I should do that right away before I end up with some big report or something. If it's a book report, however, I could do it on "Dune". I was going to do "Farenheit 451" until my teacher told me about a "literary criticism" type paper where you review someone ELSE'S view of what the author is saying and write about it... so I've put that aside until December or so. =========== From: BEATLE To: KEN SABLE Subject: Something Date & Time: 10/06/90 16:43:12 Message Number 9485 > Dip. Alright, I'm sorry if I keep saying things that get you upset, but it doesn't help anything at all if you can't think of anything else to say when you've been insulted. =========== From: MMA To: ALL Subject: auto-dial Date & Time: 10/06/90 23:51:37 Message Number 9486 Does anyone know of any software that will auto-dial for a 'master modem' for a C64? I tried touchterm,but it doesn't work. When I go to either Ascii or graphics,the modem will pick up the phone. It won't pick up the phone in auto-dial though. Any help would be greatly appreciated. MMA =========== From: THRUD To: MAX Subject: news Date & Time: 10/07/90 09:13:50 Message Number 9487 It is interesting to watch Peter Jennings followed by Dan Rather - it sometimes seems like they're covering completely different stories. And folks will watch the one that suits them - I accept as fact 90% of what Jennings says, while my mother swears by Dan Blather. Likewise she really believes what she reads in Time - mouthpiece of liberals the world over. I used to like US News &WP, but gradually recognized for the conservative propaganda that it is. I agreed with many things there but disliked being spoonfed Reaganism no matter what the man did or didnt do. I think Turtle reads Ms. =========== From: SPELLWIND To: THRUD Subject: news Date & Time: 10/07/90 22:07:00 Message Number 9488 National Review...... you should get that. =========== From: BEATLE To: ALL Subject: Hmmm. Date & Time: 10/08/90 07:00:21 Message Number 9489 Looks as if the message traffic has slowed WAY down since the new hours went into effect. Instead of a few hundred messages over a few days, we have only a few this weekend. =========== From: BURNEY To: BEATLE Subject: Hmmm. Date & Time: 10/08/90 19:44:17 Message Number 9490 Yeah kinda disapointing isn't it. Hopefully things will get better for the sysop. I'd like to see him stay around. As far as I'm concerned, this is one of the best BBS's around. =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: TURTLE Subject: Well? Date & Time: 10/08/90 20:01:27 Message Number 9492 So, then, where is a person supposed to post for Ranea? I mean, now that you are going to stay up, might as well keep it here, right? =========== From: TURTLE To: THRUD Subject: news Date & Time: 10/09/90 16:26:58 Message Number 9494 >I think Turtle reads Ms. Turtle reads Time and Insight, between them the most liberal and the most conservative of the mainstream news publications, and generally gets a good idea of what's going on (it's sometimes more telling to see what magazines /don't/ write about than to look at what they /do/...). Of the magazines I'm familiar with, Time generally strikes me as being one of the best, along with Newsweek. I wouldn't touch Useless News & World Distort for half the money that's being wasted on the SDI thing. (Well, actually I WOULD; I am, after all, perfectly willing to sell out for sufficient monetary incentive...) =========== From: TURTLE To: BEATLE Subject: Hmmm. Date & Time: 10/09/90 16:36:51 Message Number 9495 >Looks as if the message traffic has slowed WAy down since the new >hours went into effect. Yep, sure looks that way...things are lookin' a mite cobwebby here- abouts. The system's still getting a significant number of calls, but I guess people only post between 9 and 5.... =========== From: TURTLE To: BURNEY Subject: Hmmm. Date & Time: 10/09/90 16:38:56 Message Number 9496 Well, hey, thanks for the vote of confidence... =========== From: TURTLE To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: Well? Date & Time: 10/09/90 16:39:27 Message Number 9497 I don't know what's going on with Ranean Tales right now; you'll have to talk to Max. There's a Ranean Tales area on Tyler's board right now, but it's getting even less use than the one over here. Beats me what's goin' on...nobody ever tells me anything... :) =========== From: RUFUS To: TURTLE Subject: Well? Date & Time: 10/09/90 19:10:08 Message Number 9499 >...nobody ever tells me anything... Which is more than what I get told. =========== From: RUFUS To: RUFUS Subject: Well? Date & Time: 10/09/90 19:10:52 Message Number 9500 Well, I was thinking to myself "Gee, that's message 9499, maybe I'll post message 9500 just for the heck of it." Then I hit R, not thinking of what I was doing...sigh.. =========== From: DIONYSUS To: BURNEY Subject: Armag. Date & Time: 10/09/90 22:22:00 Message Number 9501 I think neeto, nifty would be quite spiffy, thank you. =========== From: ANGEL To: *.* Subject: Add another Date & Time: 10/10/90 00:34:35 Message Number 9502 Gee, Rufus always grabs the neat message numbers. Unfair!! =========== From: MMA To: ANGEL Subject: Add another Date & Time: 10/10/90 03:27:02 Message Number 9503 For Sale: Message # 2100. an auction will be held this friday. Sorry,cash only. MMA =========== From: TURTLE To: RUFUS Subject: Well? Date & Time: 10/10/90 03:55:39 Message Number 9505 >Which is more than what I get told. Yes, but in your case it's well-deserved. You have been working /much/ too hard lately on trivial things of which the Great Aardvark would not approve. =========== From: TURTLE To: MMA Subject: Add another Date & Time: 10/10/90 03:59:02 Message Number 9506 >For Sale: Message # 2100. That's an old model; one of last year's, in fact. No resale value. Me, I'm still waiting for message #10, former activity levels it would've happened last week. *Sigh* =========== From: RUFUS To: ANGEL Subject: Add another Date & Time: 10/10/90 17:00:11 Message Number 9507 >Gee, Rufus always grabs the neat message numbers. Unfair!! That's what ya get for being absent from the board, my dearest lady. BTW, just where have you been? Not that dreaded work thing I hope. =========== From: RUFUS To: TURTLE Subject: Well? Date & Time: 10/10/90 17:01:35 Message Number 9508 >You have been working /much/ too hard lately on trivial things of which >the Great Aardvark would not approve. I know that, but my parents subscribe to the Great School Religion, so until I get outta there, I have to please them. Then I can serve the Great Aardvark to my fullest powers. Actually, my next English project involves things that require my imagination, not a silly, stuff, boring research paper. BTW, think we could crank out "The Way of the Aardvark" before Necro? It would be fun to hand them out... =========== From: RUFUS To: TURTLE Subject: Add another Date & Time: 10/10/90 17:04:15 Message Number 9509 >That's an old model; one of last year's, in fact. Sheesh, talk about pollution. We at Uncle Bob's recycle our message numbers, cutting down on some 3 billion tons of message numbers pumped into the land fills EVERY year. Uncle Bob's-CFC Free. =========== From: MAX To: THRUD Subject: news Date & Time: 10/10/90 18:44:07 Message Number 9510 I can't stand US News & World Report -- it's only slightly better than getting your international coverage from "Soldier of Fortune." I still like "Newsweek" more than either Time or US&WR, although I think Time's reputation as unnewsworthy because of the glitz & "left" bent is greatly exaggerated. =========== From: TURTLE To: RUFUS Subject: Add another Date & Time: 10/10/90 19:33:02 Message Number 9511 We here at A/R are quite pleased with the fact that all our message numbers are 100% biodegradable and contain no additives or preser- vatives. In addition, we are a primary source of recycled message numbers, and we're commpitted to doing our part to enI have a 23lb. orange mackeral tabby named "Spike" that likes to be dust-busted. Strange.... =========== From: BURNEY To: DIONYSUS Subject: Armag. Date & Time: 10/10/90 19:48:48 Message Number 9512 You7re7're a poet and didn't know it... Another bit of religous trivia for all those reading this. The land of IRAGQ is the same geographical location as the BABYLONIAN empire refered to in the (here it comes again)Bible. =========== From: BURNEY To: ALL Subject: Altr/Rlty Date & Time: 10/10/90 20:04:20 Message Number 9514 Well now that all of have calmed down from the'emotional roller coaster' of the possible crash of this sysBBS, lets see some more (hey batter, heybatter) chatterr. I realize the hours of operation are curtailed somewhat but co pleeease (bit of sarcasm). I've been thinking.... Some possible NEW topics of discussion could be... 1. The disgraceful loss of the Boston Red Sox to Atthe A's. 2. More Ranean Tales 3. Computer equipment bashing (the last round was to short). 4. How scientists now say coregular coffee is now good for you and decaf is bad. (I saw that on tonights news) 5. I'm sure all of can come up with something. Noew enoI'll get off my soap box now, to prepare for the inundation of new remarks. (both good and slanderous). =========== From: SPELLWIND To: BURNEY Subject: Armag. Date & Time: 10/10/90 20:47:47 Message Number 9515 UGH! Can't you people leave the damn place alone (Not Iraq of curse.) What's the death toll without a shot fired now??? =========== From: OMNI To: MMA Subject: curr affa Date & Time: 10/10/90 21:54:14 Message Number 9516 I disagree. A current affair is informative, not a bunch of bullshit for scandalous sales and ugly backstabs. =========== From: OMNI To: TURTLE Subject: A/R Date & Time: 10/10/90 22:03:45 Message Number 9517 Well good luck and best wishes. =========== From: RAVEN To: BURNEY Subject: CAFFINE Date & Time: 10/10/90 22:29:47 Message Number 9518 >4. How scientists now say coregular coffee is now good for you >and decaf is bad. Yep, Harvard came up with a good piece o' ammo to use against all those anti-coffee reptiles. Caffinated coffee tastes better than decaf, and thus is naturally better. :) "Life is like a sewer. . . what you get out of it depends on what you put into it" -- Tom Lehrer -Raven- =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: BURNEY Subject: Altr/Rlty Date & Time: 10/11/90 00:23:59 Message Number 9519 Boston Red Sox...Hmmm. Do they still have Mr. Rice? Ranean tales...I keep telling them that! NOBODY LISTENS! Computer Equipment Bashing...Apple tops the 8-bits. Regular vs. Unleaded...I want my high octane back!!!! Pick Yur Own topic: Bash the Homos. (tm). So, like, are we going to start a new BBS thing? Sensationalism for the computer age? Oughta be careful...might get hit in the nose by a stray chair.... =========== From: ANGEL To: MMA Subject: Add another Date & Time: 10/11/90 02:11:13 Message Number 9520 >Sorry, cash only. What, no credit cards?!!! That's un-American. =========== From: ANGEL To: RUFUS Subject: Add another Date & Time: 10/11/90 02:12:22 Message Number 9521 >just where have you been? Not that dreaded work thing I hope. Nope, that dreaded play thing again. Just finished a show at Manatee Players. Now I'm foot-loose, fancy-free and BBSing once again. =========== From: SCOTT STEEL To: BURNEY Subject: STAR TREK Date & Time: 10/11/90 19:52:30 Message Number 9522 This is to the person who wrote about Star Trek:TNG. My personal opinion is they should have stayed with the original Star Trek. You can keep the next generation. Like I say "Classic Star Trek; Who needs a next generation? ". It seems to me that all they did was gut the original and refilled with new lower quality characters. "Same shit;different day." == "same scripts; different cast" IE: In Star Trek III: The Search for Spock Kirk used the self- destruct mechanism to defeat the Klingons. Now would anyone want to tell me how many times Capt. Piccard has used(Stolen) that ideas? HMMMMMMMM. Character replacement time: Capt James T. Kirk = Capt. Piccard and Commander Riker Spock = Data & Troy Scotty =Jordy Chekov = Wesley (The worst replacement I've ever seen) Uhura = Worf Dr. Leonard 'Bones' McCoy = Dr. Crusher Point being Riker is a pompous idiot who holds his chest out too far. They simply can't replace the original cast. Troy is probably the only saving grace of the show. She does add a nice touch to a very dissapointing cast. I think the producers were just too cheap to pay the salaries of the ori ginal cast. Poor excuse for no giving the public what they really want. =========== From: BURNEY To: SPELLWIND Subject: Armag. Date & Time: 10/11/90 22:05:33 Message Number 9523 I THINK ITS 18 NOW =========== From: BURNEY To: RAVEN Subject: CAFFINE Date & Time: 10/11/90 22:08:09 Message Number 9524 I THINK SO TOO. THE CHEMS THEY USE TO DECAF THE COFFEE IS WORSE THAN T HE CAF TO BEGIN WITH.(UNLESS OF COURSE IT'S NATURALLY DECAFINATED) I PERSONNALY LIKE 'BOSTON COFFEE'. 1 PART COFFEE TO 1 PART HALF/HALF. ( WHICH BY THE WAY CANT REALLY BE CALLED COFFEE ANYWAY) =========== From: BURNEY To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: Altr/Rlty Date & Time: 10/11/90 22:13:41 Message Number 9525 I THINK MR RICE IS DEAD. BASH THE HOMOS (TM) IS GOOD.. APPLES ARE FOR PEOPLE WHO DONT LIKE GOOD PROGRAMS & THE REST WAS GIBERISH ON MY TERMINAL. =========== From: BURNEY To: SCOTT STEEL Subject: STAR TREK Date & Time: 10/11/90 22:19:17 Message Number 9526 WELL TO BEGIN WITH, OF COURSE YOU STILL HAVE THE SAME POSITIONS TO FILL. YOU STILL NEED A CREW TO RUN THE BKLAMED SHIP. THE SPECIAL EFFECTS ARE FAR SUPERIOR TO THE ORIGINAL SHOW, COUNSELOR TROY IS A CREW MEMVER THAT SHPOULD MIND HER OWN BUSINESSAND NOT STICK HER NOSE INTO THE RUNNIN G OF THE SHIP WHICH SHE DOES CONSTANTLY. DATA IS A BIT MUCH I ADMIT THO UGH. WESLEY IS A YOUNG ACTOR THAT NEEDS CULTIVATION BUT OTHERWISE DOES A GOOD JOB. THE STORY LINES ARE FAR AND AWAY BETTER THAN THE ORIGI NAL SERIES, MIND YOU THERE WERE SOME CLASSICS THOUGH. THE MOVIES (SRCH / SPK; WRTH KHN; ETC) WERE GOOD UP UNTIL THE LAST ONE .. (WHALE TIME TRAVEL IS TOO FAR INTO THE FUTURE EVEN FOR KIRK) I THINK A BBS VOTE IS IN ORDER. ALL THOSE IN FAVOR OF THE OLD SERIES SAY 'I('; ALL THOSE IN FAVOR OF TH E NEW SERIES SAY 'I' TOO. =========== From: RUFUS To: TURTLE Subject: Add another Date & Time: 10/11/90 22:37:43 Message Number 9527 >aLTER rEALITY: We're politically correct. Uncle Bob's: We're anatomically correct. =========== From: RUFUS To: BURNEY Subject: Altr/Rlty Date & Time: 10/11/90 22:40:05 Message Number 9528 > 4. How scientists now say coregular coffee is now good for you >and decaf is bad. Baah...all coffee is bad for you, and bad for the endangered coffee plant. Having all those offspring (read:beans) yanked away everyday is an emotional scar, which causes plant depression and suicide. ...people don't understand animals. Carnivore and damned proud. =========== From: RUFUS To: OMNI Subject: curr affa Date & Time: 10/11/90 22:43:02 Message Number 9529 >I disagree. A current affair is informative, not a bunch >of bullshit for scandalous sales and ugly backstabs. They may give you true information, but the way it is presented makes me ill. "Right after we finish up our trendy murder story we'll be re-running our steamy bit on T-Backs." "Gee, isn't that the third time this week Maury?" "So what, they like it." =========== From: RUFUS To: ANGEL Subject: Add another Date & Time: 10/11/90 22:46:23 Message Number 9530 >Now I'm foot-loose... You should have that checked out. If it falls off, your in big trouble. >...fancy-free... Come now, you must have just a wee bit of fancy in you. >...and BBSing once again. And it's good to have ya back. May the Aardvark of Happiness lick your toes. =========== From: RUFUS To: BURNEY Subject: STAR TREK Date & Time: 10/11/90 22:49:59 Message Number 9531 >ALL THOSE IN FAVOR OF THE OLD SERIES SAY 'I('; ALL THOSE IN FAVOR OF TH >E NEW SERIES SAY 'I' TOO. All those in favor of letting each show stand on it's own merits and faults say "Weasel on my nose, lookin' at my toes, who knows, where will it go?" =========== From: RUFUS To: ALL Subject: Message 9528 Date & Time: 10/11/90 22:53:41 Message Number 9532 That last line should have read: ...people don't understand plants. Silly, silly Rufus. =========== From: RUFUS To: SCOTT STEEL Subject: STAR TREK Date & Time: 10/11/90 22:54:58 Message Number 9533 1) I'm sure that using the self-destruct is SOP if your ship is about to, or has been, captured by enemies. I'll admit that Captain Picard would probably use self-destruct is a stray dog was found on-board. 2) Captain Kirk does not = Captain Picard and Riker. Picard isn't as rash as Kirk, and Riker isn't as daring as Kirk. Kirk: "Okay, everyone who is important beam down to this very dangerous planet." Riker: "Hmm...we'll only beam down half of the bridge crew." 3) Spock is no where close to Data. Data want to be human, which makes his character very interesting. [Insert S ---^] Troi has four things going for her that Spock never had. 1) She's female. 2) She has a decent haircut. 3) Her costume is /much/ better than Spock's. 4) She's got two very nice...eyes. :) 5) Scotty=Geordi. Well, it's a damned big (and complicated ship). You can't just say "Gee, we had an engineer in the last series, let's not use him again." Scotty had better lines, and usually pulled off more amazing things. "Captain, I've wired the matter-anti-matter through my bagpipes, we can use warp now." 6) Chekov=Wesley. I'm not fond of Wes, but at least he doesn't save the ship as often as last season, and having someone younger on the show can be interesting. 7) Crusher has /nothing/ on Bones, except maybe being better looking. Bones had neat lines like "Spock, your a doof" and "Damn it Jim, I'm a doctor not a UNIX hacker." 8) Uhura=Worf. I think not. Uhura sang every now and then, and she was strictly communications, where Worf fires the big weapons and tells guys that weigh 100 pounds to go beat up the bad guy. Having the old crew back on would be a bad idea. "Ha, I've got you now Klingon scum...ouch, my back, my back...ouch." Scotty: "Captain, she can't take much more." Jim: "Is the ship breaking up!?" Scotty: "No Captain, it's yer hairpiece, it's losin' it's hair." Sigh, that's all I've got to say. ...this from the person who just a few messages back said "We shouldn't compare them." =========== From: DIONYSUS To: RAVEN Subject: CAFFINE Date & Time: 10/12/90 00:33:19 Message Number 9534 Somehow I knew that your first message upon return would involve caffeine. The relationship of life to a sewer is sort of like that of the body and toxic shock, don't you think? (or maybe Dew.) =========== From: DIONYSUS To: BURNEY Subject: CAFFINE Date & Time: 10/12/90 00:37:04 Message Number 9535 My, my. Too much caffeine coupled with an inability to spell, overwhel- ming line noise, and a broken caps-lock key. A tragic combination. =========== From: DIONYSUS To: RUFUS Subject: Add another Date & Time: 10/12/90 00:39:44 Message Number 9536 Ya know, if you and Turtle sabotaged each other's boards, you'd both be co-wrecked. =========== From: SCOTT STEEL To: RUFUS Subject: STAR TREK Date & Time: 10/12/90 01:05:02 Message Number 9537 Cute rhyme. The Specialist says "Weasel on my nose, lookin' at my tose, who knows, where will it go?" =========== From: SCOTT STEEL To: BURNEY Subject: STAR TREK Date & Time: 10/12/90 01:07:57 Message Number 9538 I definitely agree with Counselor Troy being a bit much. As far as Wesley goes lack of experience is no excuses, they should have cast somebody else for the part. I like the idea of a vote. Star Trek VS> Star Trek:TNG Conceded the special effects are better and some of the plots are better but some of them should have been scrapped. Now, imagine, if you will, the original cast and crew with the modern day special effects and well as today's writer. If you ask me that definitely qualities for a smash series. Any questions? =========== From: SCOTT STEEL To: RUFUS Subject: curr affa Date & Time: 10/12/90 01:16:56 Message Number 9539 BTW Rufus I wrote that under the name of Omni. Sorry for any confusion. Yes A Current Affair is a bit trendy, but hardly comparable to that trash on newsstands. The Examiner, Enquirer, The Star, Sun Magazine, and etc, should be burned and the editors along with the writers should be shot gangster-style. =========== From: SCOTT STEEL To: RUFUS Subject: STAR TREK Date & Time: 10/12/90 01:28:11 Message Number 9540 R> "Ha, I've got you now you Klingon scum...ouch, my back, my back... R> ouch." What in the world did you mean by that statement? =========== From: CORWYN To: RAVEN Subject: CAFFINE Date & Time: 10/12/90 02:41:59 Message Number 9541 1. All coffee tastes like shit, and can only be improved by large quantities of sweet alchol, (Cream de Minthe etc) 2. Caffiene is kid's stuff, go for coke (interpret how you like) Hi folks.. I'd like you all to complain to Turtle, that, simply because I was unable to call for four months, he nuked my logon. I'm hurt. Oh well. I'm afraid I can not at this moment be a resident ghoul of A/R, I'm (no, don't say it!) Long-Distance. - Ouch! That hurt to say. Any- way, believe me, never start drinking coffee. Stick with with alcohol at night, and a hangover to wake you up in the morning. Who needs a cup of coffee when they can have a nice throbbing headache. Much Later, Corwyn =========== From: MMA To: DIONYSUS Subject: co-wrecked Date & Time: 10/12/90 03:54:00 Message Number 9542 >'d both be co-wrecked. Sheesh! There's always a wise guy in the crowd. I like it though. MMA WWV (mirror image of above) =========== From: MMA To: RUFUS Subject: Add another Date & Time: 10/12/90 03:56:39 Message Number 9543 >>aLTER rEALITY: We're politically correct. >Uncle Bob's: We're anatomically correct. The Users: We're crazy! There coming to take me away hehe,hoho,haha to the funny farm,where life is beautiful all the time. And I like to see the nice young men in their clean white coats. And they're coming to take me away ha... (crazed laughter) vroo(GRIND)oom... [truck pulling away] MMA =========== From: MMA To: BURNEY Subject: Altr/Rlty Date & Time: 10/12/90 04:08:46 Message Number 9544 Coffee? YECH! Who in their right mind would drink that stuff? It's high-priced,bitter tasting and nasty smelling. =========== From: MMA To: ANGEL Subject: Add another Date & Time: 10/12/90 04:13:00 Message Number 9545 >What,no credit cards?!!! That's un-American. Not if you can't afford one. I believe in the pay-as-you-go principal. MMA DON'T BURN THE FLAG! (the burning nylon stinks!) =========== From: MMA To: BURNEY Subject: caps Date & Time: 10/12/90 04:19:27 Message Number 9546 Did you log on in graphics mode? or did you hit the caps-lick? MMA WWV (nice reflection,huh?) =========== From: BEATLE To: RUFUS Subject: Well? Date & Time: 10/12/90 06:39:26 Message Number 9547 T>...nobody ever tells me anything... R> Which is more what I get told. Which is pretty bad, since you're a student. =========== From: BEATLE To: TURTLE Subject: Add another Date & Time: 10/12/90 06:43:55 Message Number 9548 I see a campaign here: "Vote for Veaux! He's politically correct!" =========== From: BEATLE To: BURNEY Subject: Altr/Rlty Date & Time: 10/12/90 06:45:42 Message Number 9549 I've got a topic for ya. What the hell are those things in your message that look like the stripes on a barricade at a construction site?? =========== From: BEATLE To: BURNEY Subject: Armag. Date & Time: 10/12/90 06:47:14 Message Number 9550 > The land of [Iraq] is the same geographical location as the BABYLONIAN > empire... Yes, but hopefully most of us would remember that from not the Bible, but World History, since Babylonia was one of the earlycivilizations of the world,in the Tigris-Euphrates river valley... =========== From: BEATLE To: OMNI Subject: curr affa Date & Time: 10/12/90 06:50:32 Message Number 9551 > A current affair is informative, not a bunch of bullshit for > scandalous sales and ugly backstabs. Did you watch the same show? I have NEVER seen a "news" story on "A Current Affair". They do storys on stockbrokers who go broke hiring hookers, a dog that calls 900 numbers on the phone, a guy who claims he is Buckwheat, and (last, and certainly least) a story on a scandal where a mayor is having an affair with a country singer. Do you /really/ think this is not bullshit? =========== From: BEATLE To: SCOTT STEEL Subject: STAR TREK Date & Time: 10/12/90 06:56:00 Message Number 9552 > how many times has Picard stolen that idea? Well, if you count the actual destruction of the ship, none. If you count activation of self-destruct, only one. > why do we need a next generation? So that those of us who like the show with better special effects and new characters can have fun. Not to mention most of the shows in the third season and the shows so far this season have been MORE than well- written, they've been spectacular. And this week's show looks like a big event, since we get to meet Data's character. Just to tell you. When TNG started out, some of it was blatant rip-off but now, it's become its own entity. It's a well-done show, and it's the highest rated one hour syndicated program out there (behind "Wheel Of Fortune" and "Jeopardy" for higest all)... Some people don't like it, but then again, some people don't like Twin Peaks, either. That doesn't change anyone's opinion of it. All that your message shows is tht you haven't given the show much of a chance since it started. =========== From: BEATLE To: BURNEY Subject: Altr/Rlty Date & Time: 10/12/90 07:03:53 Message Number 9553 > BASH THE HOMOS (TM) IS GOOD. Oh, shit, there goes the board. > APPLES ARE PEOPLE WHO DONT LIKE GOOD PROGRAMS I belive there's a rule on this board about system bashing. > THE REST WAS GIBBERISH ON MY TERMINAL. Why doesn't that surprise me. =========== From: BEATLE To: BURNEY Subject: STAR TREK Date & Time: 10/12/90 07:06:41 Message Number 9554 > TROY [should stop sticking her nose into ship's business...] Umm, first of all it's TROI... Second of all, her job is to make sure the crew is not having any problems psychologically. Confering with Captian Picard and Commander Riker about thier opinions on ship's business is very important to her job and the safety of the whole crew. =========== From: BEATLE To: RUFUS Subject: STAR TREK Date & Time: 10/12/90 07:10:38 Message Number 9555 Weasel on my nose, lookin' at my toes, who knows, where will it go? =========== From: BEATLE To: RUFUS Subject: STAR TREK Date & Time: 10/12/90 07:13:26 Message Number 9556 > "Dammit, Jim, I'm a doctor, not a UNIX hacker!" Can we put that in "Overheard"??? =========== From: BEATLE To: SCOTT STEEL Subject: STAR TREK Date & Time: 10/12/90 07:16:30 Message Number 9557 > Conceded...the plots are better but some of them should have been > scrapped. Yeah, but look at some of the original series' plots, like the "Space Hippies Take Over the Enterprise" (which I bet Ken Sable loved, hehe), and the episode with the really BADnegative vision effects. =========== From: BEATLE To: SCOTT STEEL Subject: STAR TREK Date & Time: 10/12/90 07:18:58 Message Number 9558 > What in the world did you mean by that statement? Almost the whole crew of the original series is over 50 years old. Imagine a ship with a crew of senior citizens. "Sir, I canna roon the engines!" "But, why, Scotty!?" "Because I canna get rid of my back paiiin!" =========== From: SCOTT STEEL To: BEATLE Subject: STAR TREK Date & Time: 10/12/90 17:45:41 Message Number 9559 R> you haven't given the show much of a chance since it started. Maybe so, I only watched the first season, was dissapointed, and stopped watching it. Maybe I tune in again. BTW, not to sound ingorant, but I've watched Twin Peaks. What is it about? My mother told me it was good but since I don't have cable right now I haven't been able to see it. OOooooops, I made a boo-boo I meant to write I've never seen Twin Peaks, not that I have seen it. Anyway, I would appreciate anything you could tel me about it. Thanks. =========== From: SCOTT STEEL To: BEATLE Subject: STAR TREK Date & Time: 10/12/90 17:54:27 Message Number 9560 R> Imagine a crew of senior citizens. Yes the original cast is getting up there in age but I still prefer the original cast. I personally can't stand Piccard's statement "Make it so." It so sounds phony, plastic, if you will. I mean how many people in real life talk like /that/? =========== From: SCOTT STEEL To: BEATLE Subject: curr affa Date & Time: 10/12/90 18:14:55 Message Number 9563 Did you /read/ my entry? I said it was informative, not necessarily news worthy. I just think it shouldn't be compared to tabloids. Again, the show may not be news worthy /but/ it /is/ informative and interesting. Personally I liked to know how that "dog got that 900 number"? =========== From: BEATLE To: SCOTT STEEL Subject: STAR TREK Date & Time: 10/12/90 19:00:31 Message Number 9564 Twin Peaks is a really odd show about a town in the nortwest US. In this small town, there are small scandals and all sorts of odd things going on. The main focus of the show so far has been "Who killed Laura Palmer?" and that should be ending soon... The main character /I/ watch the show for is Special Agent Dale Cooper, quirky FBI agent. He's "the whole show" in the words of someone in TV Guide... =========== From: BEATLE To: SCOTT STEEL Subject: STAR TREK Date & Time: 10/12/90 19:03:11 Message Number 9565 > How many people in real life talk like that? Now, probably not many. In four hundred years, who knows?? =========== From: BEATLE To: SCOTT STEEL Subject: Add another Date & Time: 10/12/90 19:04:31 Message Number 9566 > ...burn the flag over it or leave... Wait.. are you against or for the right to burn the flag I personally wouldn't do it, but it serves the purpose flag-burners set out to accomplish, the beuracrats pay attention. =========== From: BEATLE To: SCOTT STEEL Subject: curr affa Date & Time: 10/12/90 19:07:44 Message Number 9567 > I just think it shouldn't be compared to tabloids. I don't see how it SHOULDN'T be compared to tabloids. Sure the show is "informative", but so are IBM manuals and late-night 1-900 number ads, but that doesn't mean they're good for anything more than the Enquirer is... =========== From: BEATLE To: ALL Subject: stuff Date & Time: 10/12/90 19:10:39 Message Number 9568 Well, everyone, listen up. It seems that in order to persue some of my current collections, I've got to unload some of the stuff from m previous ones... So, the following two collections are fair game if you wish to ask if I'll part with some items. 1) I have the entire 36-issue run of Marvel Comics' "The Thing" if someone is remotely interested in it. The Time Machine didn't want them (big surprise...they're pretty recent). 2) And I may part with some items from my collection of Kenner Star Wars items...if there's something you are interested in, let me know... Now, I can post about this stuff in some other places and count the non-responses that come in... I think the chances of selling some of this are about as good as the chances of hell freezing over.. =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: RUFUS Subject: curr affa Date & Time: 10/12/90 19:27:54 Message Number 9569 "Point!" "Advantage : Rufus." =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: MMA Subject: coffee Date & Time: 10/12/90 19:36:55 Message Number 9570 MMA>It's high-priced, bitter tasting, and nasty smelling. Yes, yes, and only on my girlfreinds breath. But seriously, (streches) this reminds me of the time that I was going accross country (driving from KS to FL) and I stopped at a roadhouse for some coffee (I used to drink it, when I was younger). I sat at the counter (next to this trucker dude) and I ordered "Coffee, with cream and sugar." The trucker next to me looked over and said, "Why order the coffee?" What he meant was if I was going to get cream and sugar in it, why bother to get the coffee (it covers the taste, y'know?). =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: MMA Subject: Add another Date & Time: 10/12/90 19:41:31 Message Number 9571 MMA> I believe in pay-as-you-go principal. "Right ON!" Yup. Cash is the only way to fly. MMA>DON'T BURN THE FLAG! MMA>(the burning nylon stinks!) And so do the scum who burn it. They are revolting. =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: BEATLE Subject: Altr/Rlty Date & Time: 10/12/90 19:45:49 Message Number 9572 B>What the hell are those things... I dunno what they are on *your* system, but on mine they come out as Paragraph Markers. =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: BEATLE Subject: Armag. Date & Time: 10/12/90 19:46:54 Message Number 9573 B>...but most of us would remember that from...History... Ooooh! Applied knowledge! Almost impressive! (Golf clap....) =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: BEATLE Subject: ST:TNG Date & Time: 10/12/90 19:50:27 Message Number 9574 Ok, Beatle...down, boy. DOWN! Hmm. Scott, looks like he tore you a new .ss..le. Well, that'll cure your constipation, anyway. So, Scott, don't feel bad. They tried to put me down when I tried to enlighten them about how mentally abberant homos were, too. Oh, well. LIve and be repressed. =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: SCOTT STEEL Subject: STAR TREK Date & Time: 10/12/90 19:55:56 Message Number 9575 SS>I personnally can't stand PIccard's statement "Make it so." Hahah, really. I would like *JUST ONCE* for Data to turn around and say "Fuck you! Can't you come up with something a little more original?" =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: BEATLE Subject: curr affa Date & Time: 10/12/90 20:14:34 Message Number 9576 B>...but so are IBM manuals Wrong...IBM manuals don't really tell you anything. Ask Turtle, he's familiar with the concept. B>...and late-night 1-900 number ads, Jeez, the guy is new! Try not to shred him too much...we don't want to run him off! "Scott, stay down! Stay down!" "No, " burble..burble..."Adrienne! Adrienne!" Blsble, blruble. (Rises incrementally to his feet, stumbles...burlble "And furthermore... =========== From: SCOTT STEEL To: BEATLE Subject: STAR TREK Date & Time: 10/12/90 20:26:19 Message Number 9577 Ok BEATLE, is that Beatle Bailey or Beatlejuice? Look, pal I'm entitled to my opinion and you're entitled to yours. I like Star Trek the original. Period. I still feel that if the original cast(at the same age they were when Star Trek was first broadcast with today's special effects and writers) would be better then the cast they have now. Thank you very much. =========== From: SCOTT STEEL To: BEATLE Subject: Star Trek Date & Time: 10/12/90 20:31:49 Message Number 9578 B. Probably, not many. But four hundred years from now, who knows. Yeah, who knows maybe four hundred years from now there will be a planet of hippies that could take over the Enterprise. Ever thought of that? Hmmmm. =========== From: SCOTT STEEL To: BEATLE Subject: Add another Date & Time: 10/12/90 20:35:00 Message Number 9579 I deleted the message on flag burning because I wrote it under mistaken impression. I was scanning messages, saw the "BURN THE FLAG" and replied without reading carefully. My mistake. Just for clarification I'm strongly against flag burning and those who do it. That's amazing we /do/ agree on /something/. =========== From: SCOTT STEEL To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: ST:TNG Date & Time: 10/12/90 20:42:33 Message Number 9580 Thanks for the support Specialist. It seems you're the only person on this board who has befriended me. Both RUFUS and Beatle and merrily pounded the dayslight out of me. For some unknown reason it seems I have two new sworn enemies. P>S> Rufus I still would rather watch a Current Affair then read a Tabloid. So There. =========== From: SCOTT STEEL To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: STAR TREK Date & Time: 10/12/90 20:45:48 Message Number 9581 S> *JUST ONCE* for Data.... Yes, that would be interesting, an emotional outburst from an android. =========== From: SCOTT STEEL To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: curr affa Date & Time: 10/12/90 20:47:30 Message Number 9582 The man of STEEL with never go down for the count. I may be inexperienced at this but I SHALL NOT GIVE UP as my hero Arny says I'LL BE BACK! (Strong Austrian accent). =========== From: TURTLE To: BURNEY Subject: Armag. Date & Time: 10/12/90 21:23:24 Message Number 9583 >Another bit of religious trivia for all those reading this. >The land of IRAQ is the same geographic location as the BABYLONIAN >empire refere to in the (here it comes again)Bible. Well, sort of. At its peak (c. 635-529 BC) the New Babylonian Empire extended from what is now the western part of Iraq through Syria and into the southern portion of what is now Turkey. It also covered a small part of northern Iran and a portion of what is now the USSR. However, it only reached this extent /before/ the Jewish Exile (at around 597 BC). During the Exile, the New Babylonian Empire extended eastward only about halfway into Iraq. Your point? =========== From: TURTLE To: RAVEN Subject: CAFFINE Date & Time: 10/12/90 21:32:14 Message Number 9584 >Life is like a sewer. . . what you get out of it depends on what >you put into it And coffee is a foul, nasty thing indeed to put into it. It stands to reason that caffeinated coffee is better than the decaf kind, but that's rather like saying roasted cockroaches with chocolate sauce are better than the ones without. Caffeine is, after all, the only reason a sane person would drink coffee to begin with. =========== From: TURTLE To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: Altr/Rlty Date & Time: 10/12/90 21:34:19 Message Number 9585 >Apple rules the 8-bits. Only if it's got a Z-80 or 64180 card installed...although I'd say the On! Systems computer and the PC-Z both top the Apple hands-down in the realm of eight-bitters. =========== From: TURTLE To: BURNEY Subject: Altr/Rlty Date & Time: 10/12/90 21:37:08 Message Number 9586 >BASH THE HOMOS (TM) IS GOOD.. Not you, too! My bulletin board is being overrun with the intolerant. *MOST* disappointing. =========== From: TURTLE To: BURNEY Subject: STAR TREK Date & Time: 10/12/90 21:38:38 Message Number 9587 I used to be an ardent fan of the old Trek and didn't care too much for the Next Generation, until I really started watching ST:TNG. The production qualities on the new one are better, of course; but the new show generally shows a bit more thought going into the scripts than Classic Trek did. For example: You do /not/ send your entire command crew (Captain, First Officer, Chief Medical Officer, Chief Engineer, and frequently Chief Navagator and Helmsman) down into a hostile situatin together. Dumb, dumb, dumb; oh my yes. Captain Kirk is a good brawler but not a terribly effective /captain,/ and he violated the Prime Directive and his own professed ideals on a more or less routine basis. I also haven't seen any really /boneheaded/ ST:TNG episodes yet to compare with Original Trek's "Hippies overrun the Enterprise and take control," or "A bunch of kids overrun the Enterprise and take control," or "A bunch of 20's gangsters steal the captain and first officer." Even the new Enterprise seems to be more logically laid out than the old--and more habitable, too. =========== From: SCOTT STEEL To: TURTLE Subject: STAR TREK Date & Time: 10/12/90 22:19:09 Message Number 9588 Thanks, TURTLE> (As I fell to the mat once again, groan in pain. ARGHH) One question, is there anyone out there (besides the Specialist ) that's on my side? If not, I'll take you all on (one at a time, please) Boy, I never knew that BBSing could be so bloody and violent, or otherwise I would have started sooner. (snicker, snicker!) =========== From: SCOTT STEEL To: ALL Subject: Survival in BBS Date & Time: 10/12/90 23:08:21 Message Number 9590 Take it easy guys. Rufus, Turtle and Beatle especially. Turtle according to Rule 4 in your Show System (recommended to new users) it says your users don't bite. Well, maybe not, but sure do poke, punch, hit, kick, spindle, mangle, mutilate, rip new -ss-oles, slap around, pick on, scratch, nail to the wall, crucify, hammer into the ground, annihilate, rebuke, reprove, correct, tear up, presecute,execute, torture, draw-and-quarter,beat up, flog, and in every sense of the word (That is if I left anything out) (Probably shouldn't have said that because I'm sure at least one of you will point a few that I left out) .... and in every sense of the word leave new users for dead!! =========== From: SPELLWIND To: OMNI Subject: curr affa Date & Time: 10/12/90 23:29:03 Message Number 9591 HAhaahahahahah. A joke, right? Do you read the Enquirer too? =========== From: SPELLWIND To: SCOTT STEEL Subject: STAR TREK Date & Time: 10/12/90 23:33:49 Message Number 9592 HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA ahahahahahahahahahahhaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah haHAHahA!!!!! I Quote Max (When he was Donthen) 'Kirk and the Land of the Dippy Hippies' Patrick Stewart surpasses William Shatner.... Don't just think of Troi as a sex object..... (You all read that she wants to play Morgaine in the movie for The) (Mists of Avalon right?) She's a great actress, if she's not a good shrink. Spock.... I'm kinda torn now.. I would've liked a Vulcan as 2nd in command, BUT, this IS an Next Generation, and Spock was of the old generation. (Not enough money) HAHAHA Those special effects AREN'T Cheap, besides, the others were too old for another series.... I used to feel the same way, but this is a Next Generation, and I think it really IS for the better. =========== From: SPELLWIND To: BURNEY Subject: STAR TREK Date & Time: 10/12/90 23:44:27 Message Number 9593 It's Troi's JOB to 'stick her nose' in the running of the ship. =========== From: SPELLWIND To: RUFUS Subject: STAR TREK Date & Time: 10/12/90 23:47:29 Message Number 9594 Weasel on my nose, lookin' at my toes, who knows, where will it go? =========== From: RAVEN To: DIONYSUS Subject: CAFFINE Date & Time: 10/13/90 01:04:28 Message Number 9595 Toxic Shock (tm) merely looks like a cup o' raw sewage (and tastes worse to the uneducated), but it is the drink of the gods. You'd be omniscient too if you did not sleep for a few hundred years or so. Dew merely resembles camel piss, and does not have the full aroma, taste or consistancy of Toxic Shock (tm). Toxic Shock (tm) Ten times the caffine, and twice the sugar!!! -R- =========== From: RAVEN To: SCOTT STEEL Subject: Survival in BBS Date & Time: 10/13/90 01:28:18 Message Number 9596 Quite true, but what's your point? =========== From: MMA To: RAVEN Subject: CAFFINE Date & Time: 10/13/90 02:47:52 Message Number 9597 Is JOLT cola still made? I haven't seen it around for a while. How can I get some of that 'toxic shock (tm)' ? Give us this day our daily caffine. MMA =========== From: CORWYN To: BEATLE Subject: Altr/Rlty Date & Time: 10/13/90 05:20:58 Message Number 9598 Escaped killer catipillars masquerading as pieces of old women. - Corwyn =========== From: CORWYN To: BEATLE Subject: Altr/Rlty Date & Time: 10/13/90 05:23:45 Message Number 9599 > I belive there's a rule on this board about system bashing. Oh goody.. more rules!! - Anybody see the Washington Wives around, the Censors for American Dignity?? No rules, anarchy.. after all, it's close to Lennon's 50th birthday. - Corwyn (Imagining) =========== From: CORWYN To: SCOTT STEEL Subject: STAR TREK Date & Time: 10/13/90 05:33:03 Message Number 9600 More Vareity = Better. Weirder = Better. Whorf (Klingon) = Variety Troi = Weirder Any conservative trekkie is going to hate any replacement for the old crew.. read my lips.. the new crew offers more variety, even if Riker and Wesley bite. - Corwyn =========== .