From: THUMPER 1 To: DRAGONFLY Subject: NO POSTS? Date & Time: 12/06/90 00:35:10 Message Number 10802 No posts from you for about 2 weeks? That's grea...I mean that's really very, un-good-like to hear(heh,heh) What do you mean that some people can't call more than once a week? what do they have thats worth doing? You mean to say that they have a social life? NAAAAAaaaaaaaaAAAWWWW! you can't mean that, can you? Eno RepmuhtthumpeR onE =========== From: DRAGONFLY To: THUMPER 1 Subject: NO POSTS? Date & Time: 12/06/90 17:05:11 Message Number 10803 I don't argue in matters of taste. And I won't let you see my ten- million dollar mansion. And I won't let you come to my next party: you won't see the naked flame dancers. I won't even let you take one sip from the grain alcohol pool. :Dragonfly; =========== From: THUMPER 1 To: DRAGONFLY Subject: Fine Date & Time: 12/06/90 23:22:58 Message Number 10804 DF>I won't let you...I won't let you...I won't let you... Fine! Then I won't let YOU (!) use my hamsters anymore! And I want my weed-whacker back,(And my vaseline amd duct tape AND cattle prod!) NNNNYYYYEEEEEAAAAAA! Thump... ps.Do you remember what we're arguing about? I can't recall... =========== From: THUMPER 1 To: * ALL ) Subject: Board Name! Date & Time: 12/06/90 23:27:05 Message Number 10805 HEY FOLKS!!!!! In case you didn't know, Theres a new board going up soon in the Sarasota area.(If I ever get that damned FOSSIL driver) Any way.. The Board is just about all configured,All it needs is a name! So I'm doing this bit on B/C as well as here and I hope I'll get some good responses... ************************************************************************ * THE OFFICIAL "NAME THE DAMN BOARD" SWEEPSTAKES!!!!!!!!!!!!! * ************************************************************************ I'd like you all to post some of the coolest, most attention getting names you can think of for a board, and from those I will pick 15 semi- finalists who will get KILLER access when the board goes up. Out of the 15 I'll choose 8 who will get MAJOR FARDLIN access. of those 8, 3 will get GOD-LIKE access, and the first place winner will obtain for his or her? effort GOD-LIKE access and a Co-sysop status... (which really doesn't mean much, but the title is nice to have.) They also have the prestige of being able to say that "I named this board!" SO GO TO IT, AND MAKE ME PROUD!!!!!!!! Thumper One =========== From: NIGHT OWL To: BURNEY Subject: hi-tech kodak Date & Time: 12/07/90 00:16:17 Message Number 10807 Not too long ago (1-2 years) a company produced a camera that takes photographs onto a disk. The resulting picture can then be transmitted etc. As you can guess,it was introduced to the media for their use. =========== From: ADAM WOLVERINE To: THUMPER 1 Subject: Board Name! Date & Time: 12/07/90 20:41:39 Message Number 10809 Howabout, "Carrots and Hamsters." Nah... "Dimension X" "Anise Hate Club BBB" "Hamster Heaven" =========== From: BEATLE To: BURNEY Subject: nosedive! Date & Time: 12/07/90 20:57:39 Message Number 10810 In reference to the manipulation of photos by computer... On an episode of "Max Headroom", a similar idea (projected for the early 21st century) was proposed, except it manipulated a whole VIDEO. As an example, an old film of the Trojan horse was changed to show the "Trojan Sheep". If we hve the capability to totally manipulate sound and a still photo, then does manipulation of an entire segment of film seem too far fetched for 2005??? That could open up a world of possibilites. And problems. =========== From: BEATLE To: THUMPER 1 Subject: Board Name! Date & Time: 12/07/90 21:04:56 Message Number 10811 > "NAME THE DAMN BOARD CONTEST!" Oooh! This deserves some real deep thought... I want that GOD-LIKE access!!! =========== From: BEATLE To: ALL Subject: VIDEO! Date & Time: 12/07/90 21:06:54 Message Number 10812 Video News! Today, I recieved two video tapes. One was an addition to my Max Headroom collection. On this tape was the second ever episode titled  "Raking". The other episode involved "Xenobabies", babies created with no parents. I'll be bringing this tape to RufusCon. This episode is particularly interesting because a) it looks sorta good for a multi- generation copy and b) it was NEVER aired on network TV. It's intact with good edits and no network "inserts" such as voice-overs or screen logos superimposed over the screen... The other tape had a letterboxed copy of "Who Framed Roger Rabbit". I know a lot of us are interested in animation... so, if anyone wants to see the letterboxed version, let me know... It's a very good quality tape direct from a CAV laserdisc, and it's actually SHARPER than a commercial copy (in my opinion). Also, if anyone is interested in a letterboxed tape of "Blade Runner" with supplementary material, let me know. I can get you some details. =========== From: THUMPER 1 To: BEATLE Subject: Beatle Date & Time: 12/07/90 22:30:29 Message Number 10813 If sarcasm was intended in you post regarding the "name the damn..." please specify that, if no sarcasm was intended Then gimme some names... And please don't bruise my tender ego... hahahahaHACK! a gagging Thumper One =========== From: THUMPER 1 To: BEATLE Subject: Letterbox Date & Time: 12/07/90 22:33:43 Message Number 10814 I'm interested in the "Bladerunner Version"!!!please Give me more info!! =========== From: CORWYN To: THUMPER 1 Subject: .l Date & Time: 12/08/90 16:35:05 Message Number 10815 You can get away with about anything on this board.. that's why I still drop by here, despite the fact that the phone company loves me for it! - Corwyn =========== From: CORWYN To: THUMPER 1 Subject: BBS Date & Time: 12/08/90 16:36:41 Message Number 10816 If you're running Ms-Dos, get Remote access, you can modify everything but the sign-in prompts effortlessly, and can make sure nobody under- stands your menu strucure if you so wish it. Or you can just make it different but interesting, which is the option I find highly preferable. - Corwyn =========== From: CORWYN To: THUMPER 1 Subject: Beatle Date & Time: 12/08/90 16:49:47 Message Number 10817 The Warren.. something with warren in it... my only idea.. now I'm left without a mind, concept or.. anything! - Corwyn =========== From: MAX To: DRAGONFLY Subject: messages Date & Time: 12/08/90 17:03:20 Message Number 10818 Eating meat and hunting have very little to do with one another unless you are a wolf. The ethics involved with factory farming are quite different than the ethics involved with going out and killing an animal so you can survive; likewise, the ethics involved in killing another creature solely for the sport have very little to do with survival. You should be aware of that. Most deer hunts, or any other type of "sport" hunting, are not conducted for survival, they are conducted for trophies. If I'm not mistaken, that's kind of in the definition of "sport." Incidentally, saying, "Well, you eat meat, don't you?" has always struck me as one of the most reprehensible ways to avoid the issue of human ethics toward animals and the environment that there is. By (incorrectly) implying that if someone does something that could be seen as supporting something ethically questionable, he is no longer fit to comment on the ethics of ANY related topics, it makes it possible to blow off any questions he raises without even stopping to consider what they may have said. It is a fallacy of the worst sort, whose only purpose is to allow its proponents to comfortably avoid questioning their own beliefs -- and it's the sort of misdirection someone who has tried to set himself up as an electronic Socrates, which you apparently would like to be, shouldn't be shoveling out. =========== From: TURTLE To: THUMPER 1 Subject: .l Date & Time: 12/08/90 17:43:00 Message Number 10821 Hmm...I wasn't aware "whaddinthehell" was all that Jewish-sounding... You /can/ get away with using the expression "brain fart," but do you really /want/ to? :> =========== From: TURTLE To: THUMPER 1 Subject: BBS Date & Time: 12/08/90 17:44:34 Message Number 10822 >I got TBBS but it's too lame for me. I don't /believe/ you just said that!! TBBS is not a bulletin board (the initials stand for The Bread Board System); it's a /language/ for writing bulletin boards! There is a lot of potential in TBBS for making it look like absolutely anything you want, although it's not all that have to be a pretty good programmer. =========== From: TURTLE To: BEATLE Subject: C-net Date & Time: 12/08/90 17:52:05 Message Number 10823 The "C" in "C-net" stands for Commodore...hence the number of people who refer to "C-Net Amiga" as "A-net." =========== From: TURTLE To: DRAGONFLY Subject: censorship Date & Time: 12/08/90 17:54:54 Message Number 10824 >I still maintain that it is easier to keep from gender and color >harassmenrs over a phone line... I agree. You missed my point. You originally maintained that harassment is (and I quote) "impossible" on a BBS. *Hmph* =========== From: BEATLE To: THUMPER 1 Subject: Beatle Date & Time: 12/08/90 19:07:14 Message Number 10826 > please don't bruise my tender ego... Ooops. I looked at the message and it sort of looks sort of bad. I was serious. It did deserve thought. It was meant to appear to have a look of childlike enthusiasm. I guess I chose the wrong form. =========== From: THUMPER 1 To: CORWYN Subject: RA Date & Time: 12/08/90 20:16:46 Message Number 10827 I have remote access, but I still need a fossil driver!! AAAAAUUURRGGHH! Turtle, will you please give Amanda a call! =========== From: THUMPER 1 To: TURTLE Subject: Brain Fart Date & Time: 12/08/90 20:18:40 Message Number 10828 Sorry about "brain fart". It's one of those childish phrases that I brought over from Courts Of chaos. =========== From: THUMPER 1 To: TURTLE Subject: tbbs Date & Time: 12/08/90 20:20:11 Message Number 10829 My apologies, I must havesomething strange here. I downloaded a BBS program( not a language) called "TBBS" so I assumed you were speaking of the same thing. Thanx for the correction.(grin) =========== From: THUMPER 1 To: BEATLE Subject: WRong FOrm Date & Time: 12/08/90 20:22:41 Message Number 10830 >Wrong form... Thats Ok, I hoped you had meant it in a childish way, and I see that yo did so nobody got bent out of shape, all is well in the world, and rabbits may roam free to where ever they desire. Thumper One =========== From: ANTIC FREDDY To: THUMPER 1 Subject: Amanda Date & Time: 12/09/90 01:11:45 Message Number 10832 Who is this Amanda??? Is she cute??? Is she desperate??? Give her my number... 365-3430.... hehehehe... =========== From: THUMPER 1 To: ANTIC FREDDY Subject: Amanda Date & Time: 12/09/90 02:52:44 Message Number 10834 Amanda is the SYSOP of Hotline BBS. And I haven't met her yet, so keep a reign on those hormones bud.(haha) =========== From: DRAGONFLY To: THUMPER 1 Subject: Fine Date & Time: 12/10/90 17:10:04 Message Number 10839 >ps. Do you remember what we're arguing about? I can't recall... How can you debate something without knowing what you're debating? Hmph. As I recall, we were debating the fact that I can't call on a daily basis... and that there will be a three-week period in which I can't call. Does your inability to recall debate topics affect your other messages? /Dragonfly/ =========== From: DRAGONFLY To: THUMPER 1 Subject: Board Name! Date & Time: 12/10/90 17:14:56 Message Number 10840 Applications for board names: Category: Surrealism: Goat Cheese Pizza Category: Slight pun. The Bass Line Category: Furry fandom. The Furocious Furmata; (or the Furtile Furmata) mORE COMING. /Dragonfly/ =========== From: DRAGONFLY To: CORWYN Subject: Beatle Date & Time: 12/10/90 17:26:56 Message Number 10841 >The Warren... something with warren in it... Warren Beastie? (Do joint submissions for a name count?) /Dragonfly/ =========== From: DRAGONFLY To: MAX Subject: messages Date & Time: 12/10/90 17:36:29 Message Number 10842 You seem to have split the debate into two topics. Here are my repsponses to each: The first half of your message merely agreed with what I was implying: that there is a difference between 'butchering' and 'hunting.' But do you really feel that survival is the true difference: do you really feel that every, or even most, cows are butchered for the survival of humans? In other words, do cows die that we may live -- or that we may have a somewhat more compact protein source? Again I ask: what is the difference between 'hunting' and 'butchering'? Your second issue, that of should a morally imperfect man make moral judgements, is a really interesting question in itself. If I answer yes, I would be hard pressed to find a source (that is, a morally perfect Being saying it's okay for us humans to judge by anything but Her standards.) If I answer no, then I would be doing exactly what I said I shouldn't do: make moral judgements. In any case, I apologize for having seemed to make that assumption. However, I don't feel that's a moral fallacy of the worst sort. Looking at it from a strictly pragmatic viewpoint, you say that if everyone believed that idea, some people would ignore the viewpoints of others, those who haven't completely followed the Way. (of whatever diety is currently in vogue.) I say, that any perfect Diety would have a moral standard far above any we humans could reach; if we actually believed that idea, we would agree that morality comes from a source outside of humanity, and we all would tend to agree much more about perfect morality. By the way, thanks for the Socrates analogy! /Gadfly/ =========== From: DRAGONFLY To: TURTLE Subject: censorship Date & Time: 12/10/90 18:07:55 Message Number 10843 >You originally maintained that harassment is (and I quote) "impossible" >on a BBS. Oops. Anyone who registers as "Sally Wong" might get harassed by female-haters and Oriental-haters. And I apologize. But Sally might register as "The Mongoose" and avoid all that. Of course, that doesn't take care of mongoose-haters. /Dragonfly/ =========== From: THUMPER 1 To: THUMPER 1 Subject: ooooops Date & Time: 12/10/90 19:04:31 Message Number 10844 For those of you who noticed my fowl up, "Amanda"'s name is actually Amelia! Sorry Amelia if you ever come to this board! =========== From: THUMPER 1 To: DRAGONFLY Subject: Listen... Date & Time: 12/10/90 19:05:51 Message Number 10845 Listen PUNK!!!! No actually I just don't care for debating... um, oh yes I remember now. Why are you leaving for 3 weeks? =========== From: THUMPER 1 To: DRAGONFLY Subject: Joint submissio Date & Time: 12/10/90 19:07:59 Message Number 10846 Sure They count! I put the Warren down too. I likethat one Corwyn!! =========== From: THUMPER 1 To: ALL Subject: Names Date & Time: 12/10/90 19:10:06 Message Number 10847 That's it!!! The "NAME THE DAMN BOARD CONTEST" IS OVER!!! Those of you who entered name...Thank you, you will be rewarded.... I'll post the winners later tonight! Bye Now! =========== From: BURNEY To: THUMPER 1 Subject: Board Name! Date & Time: 12/10/90 20:15:14 Message Number 10848 How about "Wabbits Lair" or "Rabbits Lair" =========== From: BURNEY To: BEATLE Subject: nosedive! Date & Time: 12/10/90 20:18:23 Message Number 10849 Yes I agree that it will open a world of problems. As far as manipulating a whole movie, That seems pretty unlikely. Even if it was to materialize, it would still be done frAme by frame even thpough it is on tape. So it is still basicallythe same thing, just on a greater scale. =========== From: BURNEY To: THUMPER 1 Subject: Names Date & Time: 12/10/90 20:33:07 Message Number 10850 Wait...WAit...WAIT. You didn't get my submission yet. You'll get it tonight when you post the winner. Please consider mine..pretty please! =========== From: THUMPER 1 To: BURNEY Subject: OK Date & Time: 12/10/90 21:53:20 Message Number 10851 Ok. Burney, I got your submission, and I fins them worthy enough efforts to include them in the finalists category. Read the results presently.. Thumpster =========== From: THUMPER 1 To: ALL Subject: Contest Results Date & Time: 12/10/90 21:55:11 Message Number 10852 Ok! Here are the results of the contest! There Were som minor moral problems that I have resolved by unfairly changing the rules...(Tough, I try to keep every body happy) The Scale of Access is as follows:(Highest to lowest) Rabbit God Allmighty Access Rabbit God-Like Access Demi-Rabbit-God-Like Access Titanic Rabbit Access Immortal Bunny Access Heroic Hare Access Average Rabbit Access Baby-Bunny Access-(New Users) Non-Posting Leech Access Now, All Visiting Sysops get Rabbit-God-Like Access within 24 hours of Logging on for the first time. Most Access levels are based on how you post, (usually, There can be exceptions.) All people will be BABY-BUNNY ACCESS when they first log on. They will be updated to the following levels within 24 hours. AND NOW THE WONDERFUL PEOPLE WHO CONTRIBUTED! (If you think that your entry was misjudged, leave me E-mail here and I may reconsider you position. Fair Enough?) The Name That has Been chosen for the board is "The Warren" By Corwyn. (Sorry Corwyn, but no Co-Sysop access because there is no need for one) (but you do get Rabbit-God-Like Access....) The Following people have Rabbit-God-Like Access: Corwyn, Oden, Random, Turtle, Ender. The folowing people have Demi-Rabbit-God-Like Access: Nobody---You have to earn this by posting. Titanic Rabbit Access: Snakebyte, Max S. Cat. Imortal Bunny Access: Humming Bird, Mystral Milovlee, Night Owl. Heroic Hare Access: Cyberpunk, Coyote, Wolverine, Berlin, Dragon-Fly, Beatle. Every one else will have Baby Bunny access until they post, Then they will be average Rabbits. Leeches know their place. The reason most of my closer friends got lower access levels is because I know that they will post often, and I want them to set a good example for others. (And It's more fun and satisfying to see your access go up Because of what you do, not who you are.) So Thats it folks! The board should be up within 2 weeks, So I'll post the number as soon as it's up! Later And Blessed Be! =========== From: ANTIC FREDDY To: THUMPER 1 Subject: Amanda Date & Time: 12/11/90 01:55:38 Message Number 10853 I thought it was Amelia... huh... =========== From: TURTLE To: THUMPER 1 Subject: Beatle Date & Time: 12/11/90 17:25:58 Message Number 10856 Here's a name idea: Howz about "Deep Thought"? (Reference to "Hitch- Hiker's Guide," of course...) =========== From: TURTLE To: THUMPER 1 Subject: tbbs Date & Time: 12/11/90 17:28:56 Message Number 10857 It's very unlikely you would be able to download a copy of TBBS, since (1) it's an VERY expensive program; (2) Phil Decker (the guy who worte it) seems to know everybody who buys it personally; and (3) he gets very annoyed when he sees pirate TBBS boards running (and yes, he does lok for them). So the net result is: People who buy it don't give it to other people, even if they are otherwise pirates. TBBS has the potential to be very lame if the sysop can't program or doesn't know what he's doing. It can also be a pretty impressive system. It all depends on the amount of work the sysop is willing to put into it. =========== From: TURTLE To: ANTIC FREDDY Subject: Amanda Date & Time: 12/11/90 17:31:53 Message Number 10858 Amanda is actually Amelia. Amelia is rather cute, has a very sexy British accent, is engaged, and is way too old for you. She is also a pretty damn nice person, but I like her anyway. =========== From: TURTLE To: DRAGONFLY Subject: messages Date & Time: 12/11/90 17:34:22 Message Number 10859 Why oh why oh why oh why oh why do you INSIST on dragging theology into every issue that even remotely involves morals or ethics??? As far as your "butchering vs. hunting" question, here is the answer: When you butcher a cow, you turn it into food. When you hunt for sport, you turn your victim into a trophy. That is the difference. Arguments about being able to find food from other sources are irrelevant. In the first case, you are eating the animal; in the second, you are killing for fun. Clear? =========== From: TURTLE To: DRAGONFLY Subject: censorship Date & Time: 12/11/90 17:36:59 Message Number 10860 >Of course, that doesn't take care of the mongoose-haters. Or the haters of handles in general, or the Christians who believe that anything concerning talking animals is of the devil. =========== From: BEATLE To: TURTLE Subject: Amanda Date & Time: 12/11/90 19:30:53 Message Number 10861 > a very sexy British accent... Well, I can help fill the void left by nobody named Amanda... watch "The Flash"... Amanda Pays stars, and she also has a very sexy British accent... =========== From: MAX To: DRAGONFLY Subject: messages Date & Time: 12/11/90 20:34:53 Message Number 10862 > What is the difference between hunting and butchering? In the context of the original question, the difference is between sport hunting, i.e., killing creatures for fun, and killing animals for survival. I'm fairly sure I answered that -- in fact, I think I've answered it at least twice. If the question is pushed into the form of, "what is the difference between killing free-ranging animals for food when necessary and factory farming them," I think that it, too, would be patently obvious. The practice of factory farming, and the associated cruelties perpetuated on animals by treating them as a product rather than living beings with the ability to suffer, is the main reason many "animal rights nuts" are vegetarians -- not because eating meat is, in itself, a horrible sin. As for whether or not a "morally imperfect" person has the right to make moral judgements, your soliliquoy seemed to imply that morality must come from an outside source. My original attack was against those who say, "you must have benefitted at some point some time from something that caused an animal to suffer," and dismiss the argument entirely. Abstracting this to the philosophical level, as you've done, is a nice intellectual exercise, but doesn't seem to serve a practical point. By most religious systems of morality, we are all imperfect. If you say nobody who is morally imperfect can make any judgement, then we're all reduced to Jello. This is the opposite extreme of the type of argument I was protesting, and they're both patently absurd to anyone who isn't engaging in the mental masturbation beloved of philosophers. Incidentally, while there are things to be said for the Socratic dialogue, not all of them are good. It's possible to abstract things to a level so wonderfully philosophical and intellectual that it has no use in practical living -- which, to me, makes any such argument moot. =========== From: THUMPER 1 To: ANTIC FREDDY Subject: Amelia Date & Time: 12/11/90 21:35:09 Message Number 10863 Ask me again later, It's a long story... =========== From: THUMPER 1 To: MAX Subject: Butchering Date & Time: 12/11/90 21:37:56 Message Number 10864 Then of course there are those of us who go out and put little gerbils into zip-lock bags just to watch them asphixiate(sp?) but then we're just a little different crowd. Would that be hunting or eating? I liketo call it "prime time entertainment". Sorry, I just get these little, "Voices" that make me say these things...and put on that mask...and eat bark... Thumper "I'll get over it" One =========== From: RUFUS To: BEATLE Subject: RufusCon II Date & Time: 12/11/90 22:14:53 Message Number 10865 >> Tiny Toons... > Yay! Another sing along!! I've been singing that more at school. WeMe and my friend circle around people singing it, and they usually run in fear. Of course, by the third verse we run out of breath, and have to stop and rest. That is a long theme song. =========== From: RUFUS To: THUMPER 1 Subject: Frag... Date & Time: 12/11/90 22:17:37 Message Number 10866 Aaaaarghh...yes, this time of year is so bad. Shrub asuse at its worst. How would you like if someone wrapped you in lights, and hung ornaments on your arms and legs and ears, and nose, and other body parts that stick out? I hate when shrubs get abused like that. Sheesh.... =========== From: RUFUS To: ADAM WOLVERINE Subject: RufusCon II Date & Time: 12/11/90 22:20:15 Message Number 10867 >...Piccard gets changed into a half robot/half human and starts going >about killing peoples abord the ever-famous USS Enterprise??? I'd like to see that episode. Just wish it existed. =========== From: RUFUS To: TURTLE Subject: toons Date & Time: 12/11/90 22:22:59 Message Number 10868 I /think/ the English version of Akira should be out within one or two months. Or just buy it from any dealer at a Con. :) =========== From: RUFUS To: DRAGONFLY Subject: Herbs Date & Time: 12/11/90 22:31:38 Message Number 10869 >...I know almost nothing about herbology. Herb, wasn't he the star of about 16 Burger King commercials some years back? =========== From: RUFUS To: DIRTY WRAT Subject: black heads Date & Time: 12/11/90 22:43:07 Message Number 10871 >P.S. Howya doin' Ruf? AAAAAAARRRGGGHHHHHH!!!!! AAAAARRRGGGGHH!!!! AAACCKKK!!!! GRR!!!! Brain exploding...aaaarggh....eeeeckk....demons from hell. Purple gold fish sucking at my eye balls. Sea urchins eating my flesh. =========== From: RUFUS To: TURTLE Subject: Amanda Date & Time: 12/11/90 23:04:28 Message Number 10872 >...has a very sexy British accent... It is sexy, isn't it. Except when she has a very bad cold and is in a bad mood and stomps around cursing. (But that's kinda cute) =========== From: THUMPER 1 To: RUFUS Subject: Shrub Abuse Date & Time: 12/12/90 00:07:58 Message Number 10874 My mother is REALLY guilty of shrub abuse. And I don't even count the fake shrubbery in the house!(She's got lights there to) Our House is a beacon to all aircraft! =========== From: BURNEY To: THUMPER 1 Subject: Contest Results Date & Time: 12/12/90 19:17:47 Message Number 10875 Booo...Raspberries....expression of disapointment....cry...cry...wimper. =========== From: ANTIC FREDDY To: THUMPER 1 Subject: how? Date & Time: 12/12/90 21:36:28 Message Number 10876 ok... its later... who the hell are you? =========== From: THUMPER 1 To: BURNEY Subject: Boo hisss Date & Time: 12/12/90 23:53:06 Message Number 10877 Send me some E-mail and I might be able to help your little misery... =========== From: THUMPER 1 To: ANTIC FREDDY Subject: It's later. Date & Time: 12/12/90 23:54:37 Message Number 10878 I come from a planet, far away, where a great adventure took place... We used to maim hamsters, and rape compost heaps, and for an encore we would takw small inquisitive people, and give them Vinegar and baking soda enamas till their ears foamed.... ...and my name is Luke. Thumper One =========== From: BEATLE To: RUFUS Subject: RufusCon II Date & Time: 12/13/90 07:04:30 Message Number 10879 > that is a long theme song. Yes, and so are a lot of others, but Tiny Toons crams more lyrics in than any song I can think of (except that McDonalds promotion from a while back and the song it was based on)... If you don't get out of breath, then you should be a professional something or other. =========== From: BEATLE To: RUFUS Subject: Herbs Date & Time: 12/13/90 07:07:59 Message Number 10880 > wasn't he the star of...Burger King commercials some years back? Yeah, and he started showing up at random Burger Kings where if you spotted him, you would get some sort of monetary compensation to stand there with the idiot while they made all sorts of promotions. It was also voted the most annoying promotion. Not to mention stupid, since Herb was not the only one who never ate a Whopper. =========== From: BEATLE To: RUFUS Subject: black heads Date & Time: 12/13/90 07:11:15 Message Number 10881 > [paraphrased] AAARRGGHHH!! AAAARRGGHHH! AAAACCKKK!!! GRR!!!.. [quote] > Brain exploding...aaaarggh....eeeeckk....demons from hell. Purple gold > fish sucking at my eye balls. Sea urchins eating my flesh. I think it sounds like a hit song. Those lyrics would produce one cool video... maybe we can make it and get it into MTV rotation and they'll play "Hey, Ruf" between Madonna's last new video and Warrant's "Cherry Pie" and right before "Ice Ice Baby". =========== From: BEATLE To: THUMPER 1 Subject: It's later. Date & Time: 12/13/90 07:17:07 Message Number 10882 >... a great adventure took place... and my name is Luke. Alright, that's the last time we let you listen to "The Story of Star Wars" while you're on hallucinogenic drugs!!! =========== From: ANTIC FREDDY To: THUMPER 1 Subject: It's later. Date & Time: 12/13/90 18:07:06 Message Number 10883 Are you Mark or Mike? =========== From: ANTIC FREDDY To: ALL Subject: FINNALLY!! Date & Time: 12/13/90 18:08:21 Message Number 10884 IT'S HOOKED UP!!!!!!! I Cant believe it! and it works... Only about 15 hours to hook up my hard drive!!! a record (esp. cause its my first installation!) Today hard drives... tommorrow RAM upgrades... or. .... CD-ROM!!!! ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha...... IT'S ALIVE!!!! =========== From: CRYSTAL To: BEATLE Subject: It's later. Date & Time: 12/13/90 19:33:25 Message Number 10885 No, no, his name really is Luke. Believe me, It's true. * CRYSTAL * =========== From: THUMPER 1 To: BEATLE Subject: Star wars Date & Time: 12/13/90 23:16:22 Message Number 10886 >hallucinogenic drugs!!! Not Drugs man, It the herbs and incense and the little men in puce tweed boxer shorts(scrape!) who wear those neon green wingtips... They MAKE me type that kind of stuff! Really! I swear! Well no, notoften SCOUTS HONER! Ok, so I was never a scout and I can't spell honnerr. By for now! Thumper One =========== From: THUMPER 1 To: ANTIC FREDDY Subject: It's later. Date & Time: 12/13/90 23:21:12 Message Number 10887 >Are you Mark or Mike? Actually I'm a Luke, (really.)(No Star Wars Trips Here This Time.) Is Mark or Mike the name of the guy who used the handle "Thumper"? I Didn't want to use his handle, so I added the "One". I'm just a peace loving Herbalist-Bassist-Midi fanatic Who happens to be computer literat -e,(even the I can't spell), And has an Affinity for Bunnies, (and--- ---Hamsters!!!)(But we wont get into them...ahhh, I mean That!)Sick :) So who are you? Have you been around the board long? (I think maybe you have...) No names needed if you don't feel open, just tell me,(and every one else who reads your post,) a little about your frame of mind. :) A Barely Bearable Bunyip, beyond belief, and by far, The Best Bouncing Bunny, Boisterous, and blunt, bound for better things, Like Boppin' on the Bass! Bye, Bye! Thumper One! =========== From: THUMPER 1 To: CRYSTAL Subject: Ah HA! Date & Time: 12/13/90 23:32:34 Message Number 10888 >His name really is Luke... Could it be? A blindingly bright and beautiful star appears on the blue screen before me! It could only be that radiantly wonderous Crystal, for whom we all yearn,(or lust after, what ever.) Gee! Looks like we know who maintains and updates the BBS now! Your secret is out Turtle! You Have White woman Slave! Bwana Bwana Cowabunga! OOngowa! HHHHHMmmmmmmmmmMMMMMMmmm!!!! Know where I can rent one! (No sick remarks please...) Thumper =========== From: CRYSTAL To: THUMPER 1 Subject: Ah HA! Date & Time: 12/14/90 01:20:00 Message Number 10889 Thanks, I think. :) * CRYSTAL * =========== From: BEATLE To: CRYSTAL Subject: It's later. Date & Time: 12/14/90 06:55:37 Message Number 10890 > his name really is Luke. Believe me... Okay, I believe you. It was just a little joke anyway. =========== From: BEATLE To: THUMPER 1 Subject: Star wars Date & Time: 12/14/90 06:57:10 Message Number 10891 >...little men in puce tweed boxer shorts... I had no idea tweed came in puce. That's gotta be weird. Then again, tweed ANYTHING is weird. "Honey, it's coming for us! Get the tweed whacker!" =========== From: BEATLE To: THUMPER 1 Subject: Ah HA! Date & Time: 12/14/90 07:00:31 Message Number 10892 Are you coming to RufusCon?? =========== From: DIRTY WRAT To: RUFUS Subject: GOTCHA! Date & Time: 12/14/90 21:22:44 Message Number 10893 Speaking of some bad-tempered fish... I, mister I hate fish with a passion that makes me shake, had to lovingly coddle two of the pissed-off buggers for someone on the way here (yes, I'm mooching time off of Turtle's 'puter again) ... it was really funny because one of them changes color with it's mood. The darker it's markings, the happier the fish. (Premise to joke, paying attention? Good.) ... by the time we hauled His Blubness to his home, the poor sucker was about pure white... Does this have relevence? No. Does Rufus really care? Probably not - BUT, again I made him read another pointless message by me in hopes of finding something worth the 13 or so seconds it takes to read. I love POWER. AAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA aha, aha, aha... (guess where the laugh came from ... it 's a movie) (bet you're wondering about the falling text... it's a curb; the sentence is wandering aimlessly in the street even now.) Good day. DW =========== From: TURTLE To: RUFUS Subject: yellow ideas Date & Time: 12/14/90 23:06:16 Message Number 10895 I hate when purple gold fish suck at my eyeballs! It's not too big a problem, though, if you have a flamethrower... =========== From: TURTLE To: RUFUS Subject: Amanda Date & Time: 12/14/90 23:07:06 Message Number 10896 Amelia would be kinda cute if she were screaming "Die for Allah!" and machine-gunning small villages. (I can just imagine her with that cute British accent saying "Die, you heathen dogs!") I've never actually seen her in a bad mood, truth be told. I didn't know she was capable of them. =========== From: TURTLE To: THUMPER 1 Subject: Ah HA! Date & Time: 12/14/90 23:12:39 Message Number 10897 Sorry, Crystal is only available for lease, and right now I have the lease locked up pretty tight... :) She doesn't really maintain the BBS, although God knows I don't either...I just got around to fixing an error in the message base that has been there for more than a week. Oh well. --A lazy Turtle =========== From: BEATLE To: DIRTY WRAT Subject: GOTCHA! Date & Time: 12/14/90 23:46:14 Message Number 10898 > Good day. What have you been doing?? Every time I see oryou or read something you wrote, you just get weirder... And the curbing text is just one more splotch in the record. Have you been hanging around Turtle a lot lately? Will you be at RufusCon? Will The Flash be cancelled? Will I ever find true happiness in life? I don't have answers, nor do I expect you to. I am just filling up space in much the same manner as yourself. -- An Ack!ing Beatle... =========== From: BEATLE To: TURTLE Subject: yellow ideas Date & Time: 12/14/90 23:49:10 Message Number 10899 > I hate when purple gold fish suck at my eyballs! It's not too big a > problem, though, if you have a flamethrower... How then, dare I ask, do you avoid disfigurement and blindness??? Enquiring minds want to know! =========== From: BEATLE To: ALL Subject: RufusCon Date & Time: 12/14/90 23:51:59 Message Number 10900 I have a few things to suggest: PopTarts! Pancakes! French Toast! Ken Sable! Yes, take it to mean what you will, and it just don't mean a list of breakfast food. It's what I expect. I have an itching for the Sable's semi-legendary pancakes (both varieties!) and another itching for those milk choclate pop tarts (sounds like an oxymoron to me)... The RufusCon crowd needs an official food, and I want to vote for Sable's french toast, unless the pancakes are better. In case you haven't noticed, I'm babbling. It comes from moving the modem right next to my bed... -- A RufusCon loving Beatle =========== From: THUMPER 1 To: BEATLE Subject: rufcon][ Date & Time: 12/15/90 04:36:57 Message Number 10901 obviously not, I must've been workin.(sob) I'll be at the bbs meeting though... =========== From: THUMPER 1 To: TURTLE Subject: glitch Date & Time: 12/15/90 04:41:11 Message Number 10902 >I just got around to fixing a bug in the messgae bases... Was that the bug where you would read about half of a post, and then , oh, I don't know, about halfway throught it It word just erase or die or something like that? It happened to me ab =========== From: DIRTY WRAT To: BEATLE Subject: Happiness.... Date & Time: 12/15/90 13:37:54 Message Number 10903 Happiness is: 10)Snuggling up to a warm mainframe 9)Drawing and quartering Buccaneer players/coaches 8)Playing Russian Roulette with all the bullets loaded 7)Letting somebody else play #8. 6)Logging on to bulletin boards and confusing Rufus 5)confusing Rufus in person 4)confusing Rufus without even being around him 3)confusing Rufus without even knowing him 2)confusing Rufus without being in the same species as him... .... it is interesting to note that Turtle just popped his face over here & quoted #2 to me before I could type it (I had thought of it independantly no moments before.... ARGH... maybe I AM hanging around Turtl too much...) And the number one way to achieve happiness, my son... Playing back-up for Rufus as he sings the TINY TOON RAP to 150,000 NAACP members in an outdoor stadium extravaganza! .... You game? DW =========== From: ODEN To: BEATLE Subject: RufusCon Date & Time: 12/15/90 16:26:44 Message Number 10904 Um, I was wondering if some of those yummies will show up at Turtles house even tho the pre-RufisCon gathering (fooding) is (was?) happening at Ken Stables house? hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm..... I wonder... =========== From: DRAGONFLY To: THUMPER 1 Subject: Listen... Date & Time: 12/15/90 21:58:18 Message Number 10906 Listen RABBIT!!!! I won't argue about matters of taste!!! Vacation is coming up, and I'm visiting relatives and pseudo-relatives in Washington D.C. and New York. /Dragonfly/ =========== From: DRAGONFLY To: THUMPER 1 Subject: Joint submissio Date & Time: 12/15/90 21:59:55 Message Number 10907 Oh yeah... one other idea. How about Warren Peace? /Dragonfly/ =========== From: DRAGONFLY To: THUMPER 1 Subject: Contest Results Date & Time: 12/15/90 22:03:07 Message Number 10908 Access names mean very little to me. What, exactly, does "Heroic Hare" access have that, say, the average rabbit doesn't have? And the other levels? And can I take the bunny ears off, now? /Dragonfly/ =========== From: DRAGONFLY To: TURTLE Subject: messages Date & Time: 12/15/90 22:06:56 Message Number 10909 T>When you butcher a cow, you turn it into food. When you hunt for T>sport, you turn your victim into a trophy. That is the difference. And in every deer hunt I've ever heard of, the hunters ate the venison. Although they might put deer heads on the walls, what precisely is done with cow heads that much more moral? Cows brains are not a common food... Agreed: most hunting is not for food. But I still find the position "No hunting should be allowed" to be extreme, and I also feel that if eating meat is moral, hunting is also moral. Simply, if one says one is morally allowed to eat animals, one says that animals are lower than humans (unless, of course, one also says one is morally allowed to eat humans.) In our own culture, we do all we can to keep our own deceased "looking natural" as long as possible; it is considered more moral to keep a dead person looking alive as long as possible than it is to eat him. (Take a look at some of Western culture's more strange religious relics.) Why does that not apply to animals? /Dragonfly/ If that doesn't make much sense, I'm writing this in the middle of RufusCon II. =========== From: DRAGONFLY To: TURTLE Subject: censorship Date & Time: 12/15/90 22:17:37 Message Number 10910 >Or the Christians who believe that anything concerning talking >animals is of the devil. Really? A syllogism develops: Anything concerning talking animals is of the Devil. The Bible contains talking animals. ---------------------------------------------------- The Bible is of the Devil. More seriously, there's at least two stories of talking animals I can think of: the serpent in the garden, and that of Balaam's ass. Add a few more from the book of Revelations. Not all are of the Devil. /Dragonfly/ =========== From: DRAGONFLY To: MAX Subject: messages Date & Time: 12/15/90 22:25:36 Message Number 10911 You misunderstood my original question. My question was "What is the moral difference between hunting animals FOR FUN -- especially when they're eaten later -- and factory farming them?" Neither is for a person's survival. I find it innately humorous that you say the Socratic dialogue is bad because it abstracts things to heavily philosophical levels -- by using the Socratic method and abstracting the dialogue to one level higher. /Dragonfly/ =========== From: DRAGONFLY To: THUMPER 1 Subject: Butchering Date & Time: 12/15/90 22:29:59 Message Number 10912 It would be eating the hamsters if you fry them in a light butter- lemon-garlic sauce afterwards, and add a sprig of parsley. It would be hunting them if you used a small bow-and-arrow, a .45, or a LAW to catch the hamster in the first place. Have a nice day. /Dragonfly/ =========== From: DRAGONFLY To: DIRTY WRAT Subject: GOTCHA! Date & Time: 12/15/90 22:34:57 Message Number 10913 Mister Dirty Wratt, master of the trenchcoat and Fedora hat, the one with the whip-like tail and constantly beady eyes, expressionable whiskers, and formerly buck-toothed, O Great and Wise One... Damn. I forgot what I was going to say. /Dragonfly/ =========== From: DRAGONFLY To: DIRTY WRAT Subject: Happiness.... Date & Time: 12/15/90 22:38:57 Message Number 10914 I refuse to comment on that one. /Dragonfly/ =========== From: P.WHIPPED To: DRAGONFLY Subject: hamsters Date & Time: 12/15/90 23:04:43 Message Number 10915 Hamsters taste pretty good if you roast them and then smother them in bar-b-q sauce. =========== From: P.WHIPPED To: ANYONE Subject: ??????? Date & Time: 12/15/90 23:07:17 Message Number 10916 Overheard..... Women, can't live with them, can't shoot them and get away with it. =========== From: ODEN To: P.WHIPPED Subject: ??????? Date & Time: 12/15/90 23:32:45 Message Number 10917 Now, THAT was uncalled for. I mean, I was wondering what it was like to live with one. heh. or even talk to one once in a while. and you are thi thinking about shooting them!! aaah! life is so unfair to me! (haha) and RufusCon II is a dangerous place to hangout after 10pm. real bad influence.... =========== From: THUMPER 1 To: DRAGONFLY Subject: Warrenpeace Date & Time: 12/16/90 00:32:49 Message Number 10918 >Warrenpeace... Ugh, why not rip my heart right out you manly, um insectly hunk of man hood! Warrenpeace is a Killer name! I love it! Hmmmmmmmmm Maybe Corwyn will take a 2nd place seat! Yeah I think he will! A Very Unfair Thumper One =========== From: THUMPER 1 To: DRAGONFLY Subject: Heroic Hare. Date & Time: 12/16/90 00:35:08 Message Number 10919 The higher the level the more time you have as well as the more clout your opinion has when deciding matters of board policy. Happy? =========== From: THUMPER 1 To: ALL Subject: Hmmm Date & Time: 12/16/90 00:38:26 Message Number 10920 This is being written from my home while Rufuscon ][ is going on at the Boards house. Any one who is reading this as I write it please go get Oden, he needs to see this. ok? I am sitting in this room feeling rather glum, One, because I can't get to Rufuscon II without a ride (sigh), but the REAL reason is because I have Stopped posting on Beyond Chaos until The Sysop realizes that the board he runs and should be proud of,(It's a wonderful board Oden) ...The board should not be a haven for racial epitaphs(SP?) and other racial let's say, problems. Regardless of what has happened to a person in the past, The Board is not a place for it. My deepest regrets to Oden, but I cannot continue to post or call the board until you resolve the problem. I'm not the first person to stop calling your board Cheif was the first, I kept calling because I thought that It might stop with time, but it just gets worse. (sigh) So long Oden, I'll talk to you on this board and others, But I will NOT call your board. A very sad, and choked-up rabbit. =========== From: DIONYSUS To: ALL (ESP. CHIP) Subject: Garry Date & Time: 12/16/90 02:40:10 Message Number 10921 Talked with Garry - he sends his love. Of course he won game 20, although Anatoly did try to yank the victory out of his hands by playing the Zaitzov variation against Kasparov's Ruy Lopez. However, Garry sacked a pawn on his 27th move in a truly Marshallesque style, and won the game (well, Karpov resigned) on the 42nd move. Just thought you might like to know. =========== From: ODEN To: THUMPER 1 Subject: wrong. Date & Time: 12/16/90 03:30:06 Message Number 10922 Hey, Thumper, uh, about what is on my BBS, was just a topic that came about from what I dont know. But, anyway, after reading them, I made sure that it had a non-racial idea. Infact, where I posted, I didnt even use the word that you are all having a fit about. I agree that it should of been in the 'Old Chaos' area where things that are not always accepted are posted, and talked about, but I made sure I only was saying fact! and just because it offended you, I'd like you to see that it offened me more! duh.. (fact, what I cannot say, just because.) but its not something that should be cause my BBS to be boycotted. I'll rid the board of it as soon as I can. No more mush be said, and I will not bring it up again. sorry about that. =========== From: THUMPER 1 To: ODEN Subject: Wrong Date & Time: 12/16/90 13:40:48 Message Number 10923 I understand your point of view, it's just that I can't really read a post, (or series of them) when they are mostly....(blah blah blah nigger big bull nigger, blah stupid nigger.) I'm sorry if I'm touchy, but that shouldn't be in the general base. (If at all any where.) I'm happy that you chose to move it. Thanks for fixing my problem, Thumper One =========== From: ODEN To: THUMPER 1 Subject: blah blah Date & Time: 12/16/90 23:18:11 Message Number 10924 Well, its fixed, and it wont happen again. how about a change of subject ? hmmmmmm anyone planing to come to the BBS Meeting on the 5th? it should be a good turnout. oh, and how about RufusCon ][ ? I LOVED it! I cant wait till RC]I[! haha. -Oden =========== From: THUMPER 1 To: ODEN Subject: Good things 3 Date & Time: 12/16/90 23:22:32 Message Number 10925 YAHOOOOOOOOOIE! Good things come in threes!!! ******************************************************* **** 1. I can make it to the BBS meetin on the 5th! **** **** **** **** 2. I Am Grateful to Oden for Resolving etc... **** **** **** **** #. I GOT MY BOARD GOING AHEAD OF SCHEDULE!!!!!!**** ******************************************************** Yes Boys and Girls The board will be up ahead of schedule, I had thought it would be a few weeks, but thanks to the help of some caring people, that length has been reduced by half! (at Least!) I'll keep you all posted! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! A bunny bouncing off the WALLS!!!!!!!! =========== From: P.WHIPPED To: ALL Subject: The Fuzz Date & Time: 12/17/90 16:29:48 Message Number 10927 Yes kiddies it's just in time for the holidays, SPEEDWATCH. The massive amount of brain power in charge of the police forces between Tampa and Fort Myers has decided that since the holiday season is the busiest for robbers due to the extra amount of goodies in peoples homes, they are spending more time and money in order to try to catch speeders. Yes be on lookout for the next month for anal retentive police officers looking to spread fifty dollars of holiday cheer for anyone who cares to exceed the speed limit. So this holiday season rest assured that while someone may be breaking into your home, they will show up as soon as they meet their new quotas. Happy holidays P.Whipped =========== From: ODEN To: THUMPER 1 Subject: Thump's BBS Date & Time: 12/17/90 23:26:15 Message Number 10928 Hey you. uh, do you have a realese date on your BBS? and can I call it? could you give a summary of what type of BBS its gonna be? huh huh huh?? -Oden =========== From: NIGHT OWL To: BURNEY Subject: Contest Results Date & Time: 12/18/90 00:35:54 Message Number 10929 Nyah nyah, I made it into the finals! Night Owl =========== From: NIGHT OWL To: THUMPER 1 Subject: ... Date & Time: 12/18/90 00:37:35 Message Number 10930 >...give them vinegar & baking soda enemas till their ears foamed. Hahahahahahahahahahah........ I like that!I'll have to threaten someone with that some time. Night Owl =========== From: NIGHT OWL To: BEATLE Subject: Where! Date & Time: 12/18/90 00:41:48 Message Number 10931 >...while you're on hallucinogenic drugs!!! Drugs? Where?! Where?! Night Owl =========== From: TURTLE To: BEATLE Subject: yellow ideas Date & Time: 12/18/90 01:27:34 Message Number 10933 >How then, dare I ask, do you avoid disfigurment and blindness? Mirrored shades. =========== From: TURTLE To: BEATLE Subject: RufusCon Date & Time: 12/18/90 01:28:40 Message Number 10934 Sable's pancakes ARE the Official Food Item of the Florida furry crowd. Other official Things Of Note: Official passtime: Driving all over Florida picking up and depositing far-flung furries. Official Motto: "Planning is a crutch for the uncreative" Official God-Like Figure of Awe and Admiration: Rufus Official TV Show: "Tiny Toons" Official Object of Harassment: Rufus Official Sport: Tickling people senseless Runner-Up Official Sport: "Innocent Bystander" Official Attitude: "Anything official is to be viewed with distrust" =========== From: TURTLE To: DRAGONFLY Subject: messages Date & Time: 12/18/90 01:39:51 Message Number 10935 I have two major quibbls with your message. (1) Nobody so far has said "All hunting is immoral." Once again, you seem to be missing the point of the message. (2) Not all deer hunters turn their prizes into food. In my experience (recall that I grew up in the midwest, and that my father is a hunter), most hunts are for trophies period. In addition, this discussion is not limited to deer hunts; people hunt elk, pronghorn antelope, and the like for sport with no particular consideration given to eating the animal in question. =========== From: TURTLE To: DRAGONFLY Subject: messages Date & Time: 12/18/90 01:43:32 Message Number 10936 >I find it innately humorous that you say the Socratic dialogue is >bad because it abstracts things to heavenly philosophical levels... Hehehe. I find it innately humorous that you think the statement "someone who's trying to pass as an electronic Socrates shouldn't be making those mistakes" is flattering. :P =========== From: TURTLE To: P.WHIPPED Subject: ??????? Date & Time: 12/18/90 01:45:50 Message Number 10937 Women: Can't live with 'em, can't fit 'em in the slots on top of the toaster. =========== From: TURTLE To: ODEN Subject: ??????? Date & Time: 12/18/90 01:46:46 Message Number 10938 >...and RufusCon II is a dangerous place to hangout after 10pm. real >bad influence.... Whyizzat? =========== From: KEN SABLE To: TURTLE Subject: RufusCon Date & Time: 12/18/90 13:19:34 Message Number 10939 Pancakes? I thought everyone loved my French Toast? (Or is it just my breakfast food in general...) =========== From: BEATLE To: TURTLE Subject: RufusCon Date & Time: 12/19/90 06:48:43 Message Number 10940 > Sable's pancakes ARE the official food... Wahhhh! I haven't had anything but his french toast. But I've heard some nice stories about his pancakes... =========== From: BEATLE To: TURTLE Subject: ??????? Date & Time: 12/19/90 06:51:47 Message Number 10941 >> ...RufusCon II is a dangerous place to hangout after 10pm. > Whyizzat? Maybe because the neighbors were coming VERRRRRY close to calling some police. Although, I don't think Oden really cared about that. He didn't really mind when the manager of McDonalds yelled at us to leave the drive through. =========== From: BEATLE To: ALL Subject: RufusCon story Date & Time: 12/19/90 06:56:37 Message Number 10942 Okay, brace yourselves. You won't believe this one. A person, who shall remain nameless to save much embarrassment, was going to come to RufusCon. He asked me for directions. I told him to go to Sarasota on New 301, and drive until he came to Shadowood Appartment just before the Super America. Anyway, the FIRST mistake he made was deciding to WALK. He wanted to make a journey fro part of Bradenton to part of Sarasota. The second mistake he made was walking NORTH, since he had no sense of direction. A usual deterrant for those wanting to go south, he interpreted DOWNtown Bradenton as being south. He walked right over another clue, THE GREEN BRIDGE. Now being in Palmetto, he realized he was in the wrong place and spent all of his money getting a cab ride home after WALKING 30 miles IN THE WRONG DIRECTION... =========== From: TURTLE To: ALL Subject: Pancakes Date & Time: 12/19/90 17:31:03 Message Number 10943 In the previous messages regarding Florida furry officiality, please change all references to Ken Sable's pancakes to read Ken Sable's /French toast./ Thank you. =========== From: ODEN To: BEATLE Subject: ??????? Date & Time: 12/19/90 23:46:11 Message Number 10944 >didnt really mind when the manager of McDonalds yelled at us to leave the drive through. hahahaha... that was really funny, and if you wernt there (if you are not Beatle,Radagast,or me) then you should watch the taped version. should get a good laugh. The dude just yelled at us, and I sat there and smiled while recording him. haha -Oden =========== From: TURTLE To: ODEN Subject: ??????? Date & Time: 12/20/90 00:14:46 Message Number 10945 Hey, did I miss something? I hope you all didn't get yelled at at /my/ McD' boss was somewhat perplexed when I dragged about half of RufusCon in there on Sunday. (For those who are interested, RufusCon II finally wound down to an end at about 6pm Monday evening, at which time I ran Fox and Wratt back to Tampa, and it was determined that Max and I have distinctive voices in part because both of us pronounce the letter "l" non-laterally, which is kind of unusual... that particular letter is the only lateral sound in English.) =========== From: THUMPER 1 To: ODEN Subject: BBS Date & Time: 12/20/90 01:38:39 Message Number 10946 Sure: Release date: Friday the 21rst (if Allah be pleased) BBS type: Hmmmmmm. tough one there, call and find out! "Can I call it?" Yuppers, So can any one else who cares to call. Online Friday the 21rst, at 1:00 am. 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. 300/1200/2400 baud N,8,1 Handles Preferred Sysop Thumper One It's The WarrenPeace BBS, and May you all come and join. Some Sections may or may not be under construction(like Storyboards) But I will do my best to get it all in working order! See ya there! Warren Peace BBS---8,N,1----300/1200/2400--- ****************** * 378-1328 * ****************** =========== From: THUMPER 1 To: TURTLE Subject: Women Date & Time: 12/20/90 01:48:07 Message Number 10947 >Slots in the top of the toaster... As For women: 1.Remotes have no effect. 2.Pms is a myth. They like to be cranky some times. 3.P.M.S. is NOT a myth, It stands for Putting up with Mens Sh**! 4.Toaster OVENS(!) work better Turtle. 5.To quote Jimmy Buffet: I want a smart woman in a real short skirt! =========== From: THUMPER 1 To: ALL Subject: DA BODE ID UP! Date & Time: 12/20/90 23:23:44 Message Number 10949 The Board is up!!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! After all those stinking hours of configuration and calling around for help, It's finally up! YEAH!!!!!!!!! Call me!(WarrenPeace-378-1328) It odd! It Mod! If you don't your a clod!(I'm a little excited!)yahhhhhoooooooie! Gimme a call, Thumper One 378-1328 300/1200/2400 =========== From: ODEN To: TURTLE Subject: ????*????? Date & Time: 12/20/90 23:58:40 Message Number 10950 Hmmmmmmmmm >I hope you didnt get yelled at at /my/ McDs weeeeeeeeeellllll.... heh. yeah we did.. and er, it wasnt our fault ( Beatle should back this up. -maybe-) we were just walking through the drivethrough with a camcorder and MR MANAGER got all steemed up about something to do with 'dangerous', and 'not what the drive through is for ' etc. so, I dont feel all that guilty, he probally had a bad day or something. you know. heh. :) =========== From: MAX To: DRAGONFLY Subject: messages Date & Time: 12/21/90 00:27:29 Message Number 10951 I said the Socratic dialogue could lead to confusion because it is too often used to play devil's advocate. Also, the "dialogue" often ends up being less about the issues at hand and more about the words being used by one of the debaters. The one with a greater command of the language, or simply with more experience at word games, pounces on the letter of what someone said when there is a possibility of twisting it away from that person's meaning and ends up "disproving" the other's argument on linguistic grounds. This is the sort of abstraction I am talking about and it's something a lot of New Collegians, both in and out of the philosophy department, take a great deal of pleasure in, for reasons I can't comprehend. It doesn't convince anyone of anything, once the argument has ended and the person realizes he's been the victim of word play rather than logic -- and it often ends up leading people into being devil's advocates when they see the chance to trap their opponent in these shenanigans. This is something I think you are guilty of quite a lot. And as a matter of fact, your original question was NOT "what is the difference between hunting for fun and factory farming." For one thing, factory farming wasn't mentioned until my last message; for another, the original issue was the morality involved in sport hunting taken by itself, not in comparison with other animal exploitation. If you want to modify the issue -- fine. The difference between the two should be patently obvious, as are the similarities. Unlike factory farming, the argument that sport hunting does have some survival value (i.e., providing food, leaving aside the argument of whether that method of obtaining it is necessary) simply cannot be made. =========== From: BEATLE To: TURTLE Subject: ??????? Date & Time: 12/21/90 01:03:46 Message Number 10952 > at /my/ McD's... Ummm, that all depends. Which one is yours? I have a feeling, though, that it was yours. The boss was pretty good with it until we walked up to the window and convinced the guy ttake an order. =========== From: BEATLE To: ODEN Subject: ????*????? Date & Time: 12/21/90 01:08:10 Message Number 10953 > ...he probably had a bad day or somethin. Or maybe Mike's treatment of the "Place Order Here" box as Allah or something just struck him wrong. They must have some lovely security camera footage of that. =========== From: NIGHT OWL To: P.WHIPPED Subject: hamsters Date & Time: 12/22/90 00:28:42 Message Number 10955 > Hamsters taste pretty good if you roast them and then smother them in bar-b-q sauce. I prefer sweet & sour sauce myself. =========== From: SNAKEBYTE To: TURTLE Subject: Work??? Date & Time: 12/22/90 23:35:52 Message Number 10958 Sorry for the long delay in response...."tis the season....". I could get in touch with some friends I've got at Sorbus and I have some good guys that service some of our computer stuff (from mains to PC's) from Hewlett-Packard (personally think you'd fit in well around those guys). I'll check around and see what the market's year . =========== From: SNAKEBYTE To: TURTLE Subject: NOSEDIVE! Date & Time: 12/22/90 23:39:41 Message Number 10959 "Friendship, like marriages, are dependent on avoiding the unforgivable" "All marriages are happy. It's the living together afterward that causes all the trouble." "I shall marry in haste and repeat at leasure." "Back of every achievement is a proud wife and a surprised mother-in-law .......more-more-more =========== From: SNAKEBYTE To: BURNEY Subject: nosedive! Date & Time: 12/22/90 23:43:06 Message Number 10960 Sorry for the looooooong delay in resonding about the CopyGuard stuff. Do the copy guard busters really work? Seen a few advertised but am hesitant about mail-order. As far as being an audio/viodeophile...I usually put 3 or more flicks on one tape.....I'll say no more. =========== From: SNAKEBYTE To: DRAGONFLY Subject: NOSEDIVE! Date & Time: 12/22/90 23:45:03 Message Number 10961 For the 1.25614 E+24 tiem tonight, "I'm sorry for the loooong delay" in responding....holidays are sooooooo much phun. Anyway, we were talking about Life of Brian. Saw a special on Monty Python the other night...and you stated their thoughts perfectly. Life of Brian is on my renatl list over the holidays.....near the top . =========== From: SNAKEBYTE To: DRAGONFLY Subject: NOSEDIVE! Date & Time: 12/22/90 23:47:50 Message Number 10962 You ever look up at a message and see that there were several thousand typ-O's on the screen right as you're pressing the key to save and really didn't feel like re-typing the message but then typed an apology that was almost as long?.....well, I just did. =========== From: SNAKEBYTE To: BEATLE Subject: Looooong time Date & Time: 12/22/90 23:49:58 Message Number 10963 WOW...has it been that long since I've been on here????? Geeeeze!!! Anyway, you may run into me down at Barb's on a more regular basis next year. We just got our billing for cable from Paragon and Showtime and HBO are running us over $30 a month just for them. So we decided we would can 'em and just rent movies instead....probably much cheaper and a better least until I get a dish =========== From: SNAKEBYTE To: BEATLE Subject: Funny, no? Date & Time: 12/22/90 23:54:59 Message Number 10964 aLTER rEALITY...the place for quotes.... "My life has no purpose, no direction, no aim, no meaning, and yet I'm happy. I can't figure it out. What am I doing right?" -Charles M. Schulz (sub-written): Happiness is liking what you do as well as doing what you like..... (and): "What a wonderful life I've had! I only wish I'd realized it sooner." -Colette and..... =========== From: THUMPER 1 To: NIGHT OWL Subject: Sweet and sour Date & Time: 12/23/90 19:52:00 Message Number 10965 >Sweet and sour... Hamsters are great with tofu, and bean sprouts. of course the alter(reality)native--is very shall we say " Biologically messy." =========== From: THUMPER 1 To: ALL Subject: um..excuse me b Date & Time: 12/23/90 19:57:15 Message Number 10966 ....ut..(continued from the subject) I love you all dearly, and those of you who have taken the extra key strokes to put 378-1328 into your auto-dialer, I'm very glad you made it! The rest of you may miss out on the hamster in the fanbelt type of fun we have on the board! (in case you missed it Call------ 378-1328 WarrenPeace BBS 300/1200/2400 24 hours ------You to can learn the fine art of hamster prostate draining.) The board had a good reception, but more users.(posters) would be nice! Gimme a call! Call before the 26th if you can! Christmas gifts of access to posting users! Thanks! =========== From: OPUS To: ALL Subject: hey! Date & Time: 12/23/90 21:09:24 Message Number 10967 You've seen Wildcat!, Opus, RA, Telegard, C-Net.. but now there is a NEW BBS.. Evad the ultimate Bulletin Board Program.. should be availbe to the general public in about 6 months.. but BETA testers (callers) are needed!! If interested call 922-6317 (voice) and ask for Greg.. Beta testers will be needed as of NOW! Opus! =========== From: NIGHT OWL To: THUMPER 1 Subject: hamsters Date & Time: 12/24/90 00:50:36 Message Number 10969 >Hamsters are great with tofu and bean sprouts. Of course the alter (reality)native--is very shall we say"biologically messy" Hahahahaha... hamsters chinese style. As for the messy part, that's half of the fun. Hamsters...they grow on you... SEE YA! Night Owl (hamster hair's a pain to pick outta your teeth when you're done :). ) =========== From: NIGHT OWL To: THUMPER 1 Subject: phone # in... Date & Time: 12/24/90 00:55:56 Message Number 10970 Thanks for the reminder... I still have your # on a scrap of paper. Well, on to bigger and better (?) things....guinea pigs... :) from an adventurous Night Owl =========== From: MAX To: ALL Subject: Hamsters... Date & Time: 12/25/90 23:01:45 Message Number 10971 The stuff about hamster abuse didn't particularly impress me on Beyond Chaos, but here I feel more comfortable asking people -- what the hell is so goddamn funny about torturing small, furry animals that compels you to have spent the last month talking about it? Yes, I realize all the messages are meant as jokes. I'm sure it's also possible to make jokes about torturing and killing human beings, but I don't think anybody here would be particularly tolerant of "Holocaust Humor." (If anyone feels like trying to make an Auschwitz joke in response, I'll save myself the trouble and tell you to go to Hell now.) If anyone thinks I'm a "killjoy," so be it. I asked this on BC and didn't get any response (at least any that I saw), so I'll propose it again. A joke or two is fine, although I might personally feel they're in poor taste. But an ongoing joke for over a month on two BBS's that concentrates on the joy of killing little animals in creative ways is just downright sick. How can any of you (supposedly) rational and intelligent people find it this humorous? =========== From: RUFUS To: TURTLE Subject: Amanda Date & Time: 12/26/90 00:37:23 Message Number 10972 Amelia seems to be kinda binary. Good mood, or bad mood. I suppose this could make for interesting computer hardware. Of course, when she's in a bad mood, and has a nasty cold, she has this voice which would scare Satan. Kinda like James Earl Jones singing the blues. ...but I digest. =========== From: RUFUS To: TURTLE Subject: RufusCon Date & Time: 12/26/90 00:47:56 Message Number 10973 >Official God-Like Figure of Awe and Admiration: Rufus Thanks... >Official Object of Harassment: Rufus Well, harassment is next to godliness, right? Or is that cleanliness? Speaking of that, some Witness' o' Jehovah gave me a book on how clean to keep my car, bathroom, and house. Too clean and your showing vain, not clean enough and your a bad model for other would be JWs. And if I may add: Official Non-Alcoholic Drink: Mountain Dew Official Religion: The Way of the Aardvark =========== From: BEATLE To: SNAKEBYTE Subject: NOSEDIVE! Date & Time: 12/26/90 01:39:43 Message Number 10974 Speaking of Monty Python... I set the VCR for "Monty Python and the Holy Grail" last week on Ch. 28... so, I shall watch the rest of the film and see if it was as amusing as the opening credits... =========== From: BEATLE To: SNAKEBYTE Subject: Looooong time Date & Time: 12/26/90 01:41:19 Message Number 10975 > at least until I get a dish... I'm waiting for OURS to get fixed... =========== From: BEATLE To: SNAKEBYTE Subject: Funny, no? Date & Time: 12/26/90 01:43:07 Message Number 10976 I like that Charles Schultz quote... Hopefully I'll be able to think like that someday... I'd /like/ having no aim in life, just doing what makes me happy. =========== From: P.WHIPPED To: NIGHT OWL Subject: drugs Date & Time: 12/26/90 17:05:19 Message Number 10978 You shouldn't mess with drugs.....once I had one too many Dinos and had to have all those Freds and Barnies pumped out. =========== From: P.WHIPPED To: TURTLE Subject: ??????? Date & Time: 12/26/90 17:08:21 Message Number 10979 You can if you chop them up into little tiny bits first, but I wouldn't recommend tends to make the inside of the toaster really messy =========== From: P.WHIPPED To: ALL Subject: women,hamsters Date & Time: 12/26/90 17:23:07 Message Number 10980 In all honesty, neither chopping up women or downing furry animals is too much fun, of course I cannot speak from experience, but that's o.k. I'll pass on them for my list of "Things to do on a Boring Sat. Night". =========== From: SNAKEBYTE To: BEATLE Subject: NOSEDIVE! Date & Time: 12/26/90 18:20:56 Message Number 10981 >>>Monty Python...."amusing"??? I think once you watch it you will find it more then amusing. I just watched "Life of Brian" last night and if I remember from the way that was, Holy Grail may be hacked up pretty good. They tend to use a lot of profanity, but in a very classy, comical fashion. Let me know when you've seen it, I'm interested in your opinion of it. =========== From: SNAKEBYTE To: BEATLE Subject: Looooong time Date & Time: 12/26/90 18:23:34 Message Number 10982 Just ordered a mail order device called a Digital Video Stabilizer and claims to "Removes ALL video copyguards". This will be interesting. Runs on a 9-volt battery and claims that the battery will last for 1-2 years. I'll let you know. =========== From: SNAKEBYTE To: BEATLE Subject: Funny, no? Date & Time: 12/26/90 18:25:37 Message Number 10983 >>doing what makes me happy..... Man, what a way to live life. I can recall a comic clip from a guy named Kliben (author of CATS) in a book (I think) entitled "Never Eat Anything Bigger Then Your Head" or "Wack Your Porcupine", but anyway, this had a divided page that had a picture of a balding man on the left in a white shirt, black tie, under a time clock working like crazy on a report. On the right was a picture of a scraggly man in ragged clothes lying under a palm on the beach with an empty bottle of rum and his feet in the surf with a BIG smile on his face. At the top of the page was written "Wasted and useful lives". Only thing is it didn't tell you which was which. Slick! =========== From: SNAKEBYTE To: P.WHIPPED Subject: women,hamsters Date & Time: 12/26/90 18:31:33 Message Number 10984 Chopping up women can be amusing if you use the right thing as an axe. Hack-hack? The right tools for the right job =========== From: TURTLE To: SNAKEBYTE Subject: NOSEDIVE! Date & Time: 12/26/90 20:10:27 Message Number 10985 >.........more-more-more A marriage is a master, a mistress, and two slaves, making, in all, two. Do we /really/ want to keep thins up?? =========== From: STEVE HALL To: ALL Subject: whazit? Date & Time: 12/26/90 20:36:49 Message Number 10986 Billiards will never replace sex, or even tomatoes. =========== From: BEATLE To: SNAKEBYTE Subject: NOSEDIVE! Date & Time: 12/27/90 00:40:06 Message Number 10988 > They tend to use a lot of profanity, but in a very classy, comical > fashion... "Monty Python and the Holy Grail" was their only PG rated film that I saw on the video racks. Plus, I don't think they hacked it up that bad. For one thing, Ch. 28 was working from an actual print of the film (usually a good sign in having a complete film, but not a good one for transfer quality) and for another thing, they kept running "mature subject matter" warnings. I once saw "1941" on WGN from Chicago, and they "silenced" out a lot of "shit"s and left in a lot of "goddamns" (which I usually find are BIG taboos on the networks)... You can get away with a lot more at 1 AM. Speaking of this Monty Python stuff, I have a film I bet you haven't seen. Eric Idle did a film in the late '70's for NBC called "The Rutles" in which he totally ripped apart the Beatles in a documentary form. It ran on TV, but somehow they snuck an "asshole" in there... It has Eric Idle, Michael Palin, Neil Innes (who was in "Holy Grail" I believe, and who writes some pretty weird songs) and a nice selection of the Saturday Night Live original crew. I have loved this film ever since I first saw it, and I've got the soundtrack (which was just re-released a few months ago) and I finally found a video tape of it, which was on sale at Tracks where all the used videos were being sold for $9.95... Besides that, the video is out of production. Let me know if you're interested in seeing it (or if you have!) =========== From: BEATLE To: SNAKEBYTE Subject: Looooong time Date & Time: 12/27/90 00:51:20 Message Number 10989 > Just ordered a mail order device... Hey, let me know if I can borrow that sometime!! =========== From: TURTLE To: OPUS Subject: hey! Date & Time: 12/27/90 15:28:37 Message Number 10990 >Evad the ultimate Bulletin Board Program... Will it be FIDO-capable? Multi-line capable? =========== From: TURTLE To: RUFUS Subject: Amanda Date & Time: 12/27/90 15:29:45 Message Number 10991 I'm sorry, but I still can't really picture Amelia in a bad mood. She's, nice. What does she do, bite the heads off small children or what? =========== From: TURTLE To: RUFUS Subject: RufusCon Date & Time: 12/27/90 15:30:56 Message Number 10992 And... Official Alcoholic Drink: Hot Horny Foxes. Official musical group: "Information Society" Official Public Amusement: "Beep Beep Zip BANG!" =========== From: TURTLE To: BEATLE Subject: Funny, no? Date & Time: 12/27/90 15:32:32 Message Number 10993 >I'd /like/ having no aim in life, just doing what made me happy. That's what I do now! All you have to do is be prepared for the inevitable barrage of "What are you going to do with your life? When are you going to grow up and stop fooling around? When will you realize that mature adults aren't SUPPOSED to be happy?!?!" =========== From: SCOTT STEEL To: TURTLE Subject: Drugs Date & Time: 12/27/90 16:01:59 Message Number 10994 Now, now Turtle I will clarify. Not all drugs should be legalized. But maybe some sort of standards could be put into action. Something like people not being allowed on to drive. Rigidly enforce that, but legalized the actual use and availability. The last thing I'd like to see is a bunch of spaced-out people driving. =========== From: SCOTT STEEL To: THUMPER 1 Subject: Addictions. Date & Time: 12/27/90 16:19:26 Message Number 10995 T> Cats.....I'm addicted to cats too. (Take it any way you want to.) Like in a sexual way. You,re disgusting. =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: TURTLE Subject: words of wisdom Date & Time: 12/27/90 16:28:36 Message Number 10996 T>Laz Long...philosophy...was rather silly, though. AHHCH! Blasphemer! =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: DIONYSUS Subject: Never mind Date & Time: 12/27/90 16:31:10 Message Number 10997 D>My, that was cute. Thank you. p Perhaps my greatest art achievment yet. And so accurate!! =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: RUFUS Subject: RUFUSCON Date & Time: 12/27/90 16:36:08 Message Number 10998 What a drag. I missed RUFUSCON '90. On the better side of things, I finally got that 440 put into my Dodge. Can you say "Gas hog?" I knew you could. Can you say, "Mustang Eater?" Don't bother... Although, as soon as I get the 3x2 (Six Pack) intake put on, then, by gosh...then, well, then I'll REALLY be able to waste gas.... Actually, it sounds really healthy. Headers, don't ya know... Think globally, pollute locally. =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: TURTLE Subject: RufusCon Date & Time: 12/27/90 16:43:42 Message Number 10999 Bastard! I'll kill you for that! WatermellonCantaloupeWatermellonCantaloupeWatermellonCantaloupe... PIZZA. Copyright 1990 (why, I dunno) Specialty Steel, Inc. =========== From: MAX To: SCOTT STEEL Subject: Addictions. Date & Time: 12/27/90 17:33:35 Message Number 11000 > Cats... I'm addicted to cats too. (Take it any way you want to.) > Like in a sexual way. You're disgusting. Depends on the cat in question. Big difference between Sylvester and Omaha. =========== .