From: TURTLE To: SCOTT STEEL Subject: Holy Grail Date & Time: 01/19/91 03:34:02 Message Number 11301 >Brave Sir Robin is still mine favorite. When danger reared its ugly head, he bravely turned his tail and fled. Brave, brave, brave Sir Robin! =========== From: TURTLE To: SCOTT STEEL Subject: War Pigs Date & Time: 01/19/91 03:35:02 Message Number 11302 >You should have tried subliminal messages with "Give Peace a Chance." I never liked that song when it was NEW. The remake is rather interesting, in its own sort of warped and peculiar way, but I wouldn't classify it as good music. I wouldn't even call it profound. It's just cute. =========== From: TURTLE To: SCOTT STEEL =========== From: TURTLE To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: BBS Date & Time: 01/19/91 03:42:08 Message Number 11305 >...having only three registers keeps your code more compact... Naah. You gotta spend more time moving shit in and out of memory. Plus you can't do the neat-O nifty one-instruction block moves and block compares and block I/O the Z-80 can do. The Z-80 can dump the entire contents of memory to one port with one instruction... =========== From: TURTLE To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: BBS Date & Time: 01/19/91 03:43:51 Message Number 11306 >Why, Turtle. You *know*...bzzzzzzz........ Hmph. =========== From: TURTLE To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: Arabic Date & Time: 01/19/91 03:45:22 Message Number 11307 I'm glad you are willing to stand for--and fight for--freedom and liberty in foreign countries, as long as they're not more convenient as dictatorships. It's truly touching, the way you fling those noble concepts around. >Perhaps you would care to elaborate on the WILD claim. Saddam Hussein is our monster, remember? There was this thing, a while back, between Iran and Iraq, right? So we decided that the enemy of our enemy is our friend, and provided assistance to Hussein in his battle against the dark forces of Islamic fundamentalism, remember? Gave him money to buy weapons, helped him arrange third-party purchases, that sort of thing? It7s unlikely he would be where he is now without that little boost... =========== From: TURTLE To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: So tell me... Date & Time: 01/19/91 03:48:36 Message Number 11308 >I don't believe that it's going to be like in the movies, "World >War III" nukes and all that other bullshit. Nope, sure isn't. But then, back then nobody figured on the sudden collapse of Communism, the shifting of world power, the breaking of the Cold War, and the rise of Islamic fundamentalism...and this war may yet change the way we think about war period. Who'd of thunk it? =========== From: TURTLE To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: Arabic Date & Time: 01/19/91 03:50:38 Message Number 11309 >I maintain that getting rid of Hussein could only be an improvement. I agree. Personally, between you and me, I'd like to see that asshole get taken out like YESTERDAY, preferably in a dramatic and painful fashion. I think that should have been our objective from the start. If we had targeted him, PERSONALLY, soon enough, we could have avoided some of this unpleasantness altogether...but the longer it takes, the more likely it is that there will be someone else to take his place when he finally gets his. Right now it's pretty much his authority alone that's keeping Iraq going, but that may change soon... =========== From: TURTLE To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: Addictions. Date & Time: 01/19/91 03:53:20 Message Number 11310 >(Cold weather does such wonderful things with nipples.) So does ice. What mother nature doesn't provide, technology does. =========== From: TURTLE To: ALL Subject: Rationality Date & Time: 01/19/91 04:05:07 Message Number 11311 "Patriotism does not mean that you think your country is perfect or blameless, or even particularly likeable on balance; nor does it mean that you serve it blindly, go where it tells you to go and kill whom it tells you to kill. It means that you are committed to keeping it alive and making it better, that you will do whatever seems necessary (up to and including dying) to protect it whenever you, personally, perceive a mortal threat to it, military or otherwise." -- Spider Robinson =========== From: SCOTT STEEL To: TURTLE Subject: Arabic Date & Time: 01/19/91 11:23:26 Message Number 11313 T> what 's your point? Did you miss it! Go back and re-read. Remember, you're the one who said Kuwait could go to hell, not me. Also, before you start jumping on me about continuity in government policies, let remind you that /I/ admitted that people are not perfect. Hence, our elected officials aren't without flaws. I'm sure that when a person gets elected, they don't just automatically become perfect. But I must stand behind their decision to go to war. (not out of blind faith either, so save that attitude for the Specialist) I simply feel that we're doing the right thing. It seems to me that you are just chalking this war up to a "another bad decision" made by Congress. Then you sit there a carefully extract from your memory past bad decisions to support your opinion. But when you get right down it, you have not offered any /real/ reasons, just argumentive one. "well, we did this before..." We did that, and look where it got us."... etc. Give me some concrete reasons of why you think the U.S. have no right at war. But on the other hand, you are right to a point. That the U.S. does like to play MORALITY POLICE. LIKE I said above, Congress and the president are human, and I won't foolishly go on record and say ,see, the U.S. has a perfect track record. We don't, not by a long shot. I think even the biggest war-wonger will agree that Vietanm was a mistake, a very big mistake. One more thing, stay on the topic this time, War In The Gulf Don't wander away, stick to Hussien, Kuwait, and the events of the last six months. If you do I bet you'd have a hard time /not/ agreeing with the decision to go to war. Have a day. Scott Steel =========== From: SCOTT STEEL To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: unprovoked att Date & Time: 01/19/91 11:55:48 Message Number 11314 TS> Eh? What was that UNPROVOKED attack all about? TS> Careful Scott...remember? "Stay down Scott! Stay down!" How could I? You remind me of it on an average of once a week! But to answer your question, if it is any of /your/ business: I just decided to respond, in a derogatory way, to stupid message about sending smurfs in to fight the war. I'm sorry, but a little voice was saying, "Hit me, come on, hit me. I just made a totally ridiculous statement." I couldn't help myself. =========== From: SCOTT STEEL To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: So tell me... Date & Time: 01/19/91 12:06:41 Message Number 11315 TS> Incidentally, I believe the Wild Weasel is an ECM craft. Isn't that one of the things an aircraft equipment with ECM does, fly reconsance? Or are you just showing off your intelligence again? Hey Specialist, your nose is bleeding. Are you allright? (heheheh) Have a day. =========== From: SCOTT STEEL To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: war! Date & Time: 01/19/91 12:10:47 Message Number 11316 SS>(Hahahahahahaha Smart-ass(ed) sneer) TS> Still being anal retentive, I see. Nawh, just carrying the joke for a few extra rounds. So Exxxxxccuse ME. BTW Who are you to call /anyone/ anal retentive? Have a day. =========== From: SCOTT STEEL To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: Earth stuff Date & Time: 01/19/91 12:13:46 Message Number 11317 TS> BZZZT! Wrong, Turtle...Stang..5.0...305ci...200-220 hp...blather TS> blather Now I figure with an engine...rated about 335 hp....spew, TS> spew...440 ci...blather blather spew spew...I'll keep you posted... /Whose/ being anal retentive? Yes you have done some impressive things with that car, repair-wise. But you talk like you're "Mr Joe Fix-it" Have a day. Scott Steel =========== From: SCOTT STEEL To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: Various Date & Time: 01/19/91 12:20:46 Message Number 11318 TS>...the lower species....mating call... That's not just a little bit prejudice, it is? So far, you're known for being a"FAG Basher", "Will shoot a flag-burner on sight.", now, now you want to be known for being like Hitler in wanting to get rid of blacks too? So tell me, what /your/ idea of the master race? A whole world of people just like you? "Specialist, man, your eye looks terrible. What happened?" The Specialist, still dazed,"I got hit again." "Man, you oughta be more careful, those guys play rough." Have a day. Scott Steel =========== From: SCOTT STEEL To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: Arabic Date & Time: 01/19/91 12:30:33 Message Number 11319 TS> ...Or is that only for *our* country ....Oh, yes, that *is* your attitide, isn't it. *yawn* (just the Specialist being very anal retentive) =========== From: SCOTT STEEL To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: Addictions. Date & Time: 01/19/91 12:33:45 Message Number 11320 TS> I dunno, I bet *I* could still get a awful low accomplished. Anally retentive and over-active hormones. Sounds like a serious case. You're beginning to worry me. =========== From: SCOTT STEEL To: BLACK MAGIC Subject: WAR Date & Time: 01/19/91 12:37:35 Message Number 11321 Obviously, you're spewing in ignorance. If you had read the replies, you would have seen that I would go, but I can't. Like the Specialist said I would be medically deferred. Therefore, disqualified. And, to be honest, if I could, yes I would be afraid, but I'd still go. The Man Of Steel Have a Day. The Lady in Black =========== From: SCOTT STEEL To: TURTLE Subject: Give Peace Date & Time: 01/19/91 12:42:27 Message Number 11322 T> It's just cute. Yeah, I'd say that close. Are you sure you're not over-rating it a little? =========== From: SCOTT STEEL To: TURTLE Subject: Earth stuff Date & Time: 01/19/91 12:45:26 Message Number 11323 T> The average "Stang has a 2.4 liter four-banger. It's the Mustung GT's T> you wanna go after. (Yes! Got him on a technicality! Yes! *smirk*) Way to go!!!! Ummmmmm.... Well, I guess that /really/ does say it all. Good job, Turtle. =========== From: SCOTT STEEL To: TURTLE Subject: Arabic Date & Time: 01/19/91 12:51:38 Message Number 11324 T>...provided assistance to Hussein...gave him money to buy weapons... helped him...... Good point, Turtle. You've got him reeling now. You got him again! =========== From: SCOTT STEEL To: TURTLE Subject: Addictions. Date & Time: 01/19/91 12:55:56 Message Number 11325 TS>(cold weather does such wonderful thing with nipples.) T> So does ice. What mother nature doesn't provide, technology does. You're both a couple of perverts. =========== From: SCOTT STEEL To: TURTLE Subject: Rationality Date & Time: 01/19/91 12:58:22 Message Number 11326 T> Quote from Spider Oops... T>Robinson Score another point for the hero-in-a-halfshell! =========== From: MAX To: SCOTT STEEL Subject: Addictions. Date & Time: 01/19/91 16:35:42 Message Number 11327 Yes, I do like Siamese cats. The original message was kind of a joke about anthropomorphic cats, though. > I mean, consider the challenge they love to fight. The issue is becoming a wee bit fuzzy here, if you'll pardon the potential pun. (Reli, from "Travelling Music", and my grandmother's pet Siamese cat, Alexis, could both be called "cute" -- but I'd be using the word in two decidedly different ways, with essentially unrelated connatations.) > Besides, I don't like cats. You mean cats like Alexis, or feline humanoids like Reli? The first way, you're at a loss for it; the second, you aren't (but if they existed, you'd be at an even greater loss for it, again in a decidedly different way.) =========== From: MAX To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: Arabic Date & Time: 01/19/91 16:43:39 Message Number 11328 Kuwait /did/ actually belong to Iraq, as I pointed out; unlike your analogy of Britain trying to reclaim part of the U.S., Kuwait did not fight for independence, it was arbitrarily granted to them by a third party. This doesn't have much bearing on the ethics of Iraq's invasion, but it's worth clearing up. Sorry if you found my response patronizing, but ad hominems piss me off. "Those people" aren't supporting the government because they don't agree with the government's actions. That doesn't mean that they are for Hussein, or against the soldiers we have sent over there. It may mean that they feel "neutralizing" Hussein is not worth the price in American lives it will cost. It may also mean that they felt that the sanctions were not given sufficient time. I am aware you don't agree with these statements. The fact that you disagree with them does NOT make those who DO agree "pinkos." If it is important to neutralize Hussein, why send 500,000 troops to do it? The Iraqi force is effectively being held together by the charisma of one man. Remove that man, remove the driving force behind the invasion. Sending in our entire armed forces to kill him is like the Mafia sending 10,000 crack mercenaries to take out Jimmy Hoffa. If we do NOT go after Hussein directly, there WILL be a long, bloody ground campaign, because the Iraqis will NOT surrender en masse: they will wait to be taken out one by one, dispersed to be as difficult to find as possible and as difficult to remove without causing damage to Kuwait (and preferably innocent bystanders). His biggest weapon is the American fear of repeating Vietnam, and he will follow Ho Chi Minh's strategy: "For every 1 American we kill, you will kill 10 of ours, and in the end, it is you who will tire." --- Of course, this doesn't adequately answer the question of why we are over there at all. The question is moot now, but I do not think it was ever clear-cut. Dictator, schmictator: we don't owe Kuwait anything. =========== From: MAX To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: Arabic Date & Time: 01/19/91 17:02:24 Message Number 11329 > ...any uprising [Hussein] would crush with his military. Dictatorships are the MOST susceptible to military coups; look at your recent history in South America and Africa (and the Middle East, for that matter). I think it's hard to conclusively say one way or another what would have happened if we had kept going with sanctions for six months. It's quite likely the effects would have been a great deal more noticeable, but the only way it would have seriously helped is if the effects were so bad there WAS a military coup. (Of course, with governments run entirely on the strength of one man, as soon as he looks weak his days are numbered, no matter how strong his supporters are.) =========== From: SCOTT STEEL To: MAX Subject: Addictions. Date & Time: 01/19/91 17:25:17 Message Number 11330 Well, on the subject of cats. I don't like real cats. I think I would like feline humaniods. =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: BLACK MAGIC Subject: WAR Date & Time: 01/20/91 04:27:20 Message Number 11331 Typical. Will you call him a "heartless asshole" now? Or maybe a "cold bastard"? "Heartless Asshole" and "Cold Bastard" are tradmarks of Typical Women, Inc., 1989-91. =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: TURTLE Subject: Arabic Date & Time: 01/20/91 04:30:27 Message Number 11332 T>Wherever it's convenient... Eh? T>If an ALLY of ours ... we don't give two shits. Perhaps you would care to explain *this* wild claim? =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: TURTLE Subject: Holy Grail Date & Time: 01/20/91 04:31:39 Message Number 11333 Did not! =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: TURTLE Subject: Give Peace agin Date & Time: 01/20/91 04:32:11 Message Number 11334 T>It's just cute. No, not even cute. Corny. Dull. Trite. Outdated. =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: TURTLE Subject: Earth stuff Date & Time: 01/20/91 04:34:07 Message Number 11335 The average 'Stang has a 5.0 liter engine. The 2.4 is not enough of a car to be called a 'Stang. (Granted, they do make 'em that way...but *I* don't call em 'Stangs...I call 'em pathetic. Course, I used that word for a lot of things...and people.) =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: TURTLE Subject: BBS Date & Time: 01/20/91 04:36:15 Message Number 11336 So what? The Assembler I worked with had a move subroutine, too! It was built into the ROM. =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: TURTLE Subject: BBS Date & Time: 01/20/91 04:37:13 Message Number 11337 >Why Turtle. You *know* ...buzzzzzzzzzz..... > T>Hmph. Feeling a little persecuted, are we? =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: TURTLE Subject: Arabic Date & Time: 01/20/91 04:38:21 Message Number 11338 T>Saddam Hussein is our monster, remember? ...we...provided assistance T>to [him]. Gave him money...helped him... Facts, Turtle. Not hearsay. I believe it was the sloppy civilians who sold him that stuff, and not the government per se. =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: TURTLE Subject: So tell me... Date & Time: 01/20/91 04:40:33 Message Number 11339 T>But then, blah, blah, blah... T>...and this war may yet change the way we think about war period. Figger the odds. =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: TURTLE Subject: Arabic Date & Time: 01/20/91 04:41:50 Message Number 11340 Let me get this support sanctions, yet you want to do something about Hussein right away? VOOP VOOP VOOP! NS ALERT! =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: TURTLE Subject: Rationality Date & Time: 01/20/91 04:43:05 Message Number 11341 So, who the hell is Spider Robinson? =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: SCOTT STEEL Subject: unprovoked att Date & Time: 01/20/91 04:45:24 Message Number 11342 SS> I just made a totally ridiculous remark. Yep. =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: SCOTT STEEL Subject: war! Date & Time: 01/20/91 04:46:28 Message Number 11343 SS>(Hahahah Smart ass[ed] sneer) TS>Still being anal retentive, I see. SS>Naw, just carring the joke on for a few extra rounds. What joke? Wait, did you make a joke? Oh, it's always so hard to tell. Usually you just pick up someone elses line and pound it into the ground (embarrassingly, usually). (Ya wanna play nasty, eh?) =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: SCOTT STEEL Subject: Earth stuff Date & Time: 01/20/91 04:49:38 Message Number 11344 TS> blah, blah, blah, blather blather, spew, ...I'll keep you posted. SS> You talk like you're "Mr. Joe Fix-it"... mumble, mumble...sputter. Oh, you're just pissed off cause *you* can't understand it, either. As a matter of fact, blather blather blather spew spew! And further more, mumble mumble blater glumble blamemem.... =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: SCOTT STEEL Subject: WAR Date & Time: 01/20/91 04:53:34 Message Number 11345 Obviously, you're spewing in ignorance. Takes one to know one... SS>Like the Specialist said, I would be medically deffered. No, I said, DISQUALIFIED.... Excuses, excuses. =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: TURTLE. Subject: Scot Steele Date & Time: 01/20/91 04:56:33 Message Number 11346 Seems like you have yourself a new cheerleading section. My, you must be proud to have *Scott Steele* on your side! Hey, do you think I could like, stand next to you two and say that I know you and like that? =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: MAX Subject: Arabic Date & Time: 01/20/91 05:01:53 Message Number 11347 Great. I'm open to your ideas; what do you have in mind to kill Hussein? Perhaps you can come up with some workable idea. If we send in assassins and kill him, his press releases the statement he has gone into hiding, and things continue as planned. If we kill him outright, he becomes a martyr and some other cockroach pops up to take his place. =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: MAX Subject: Arabic Date & Time: 01/20/91 05:04:14 Message Number 11348 Yes, but you ignored my first point. While we wait, he develops nastier weapons. If the sanctions don't wait, we have to go in against what he didn't have months ago. =========== From: SCOTT STEEL To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: unprovoked att Date & Time: 01/20/91 05:11:34 Message Number 11349 SS?> I just made a totally ridiculous remark. TS> Yep. I bet when you did color-by-number you went outside the lines too. You purposely mis-quoted that just to attack me. And /you/ say *I* make unprovoked attacks. Gimme a break. =========== From: SCOTT STEEL To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: war! Date & Time: 01/20/91 05:14:47 Message Number 11350 TS> Usually you just pick up someone else's line.... Maybe so but I do get credit to you for the joke. Besides I think it pisses you off no end when *I* get laughs with your jokes. Just to remind you of one statistic (facts, we know how much you like facts) it takes an average of eight days for a /new/ joke to get from one side of this country to the other. I mean, what good is a joke if it isn't passed on. And *just* try, please, I'm begging you, try to tell me *you* use 100% original material. I'm sorry but I won't buy that for one minute. You do the same thing, steal other people's jokes. As usually your just spewing again. Typical. More to the point, pathetic. =========== From: SCOTT STEEL To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: Earth stuff Date & Time: 01/20/91 05:21:30 Message Number 11351 TS> Oh, you're just pissed off cause *you* can't understand it, either. Yeah, right I keep forgetting that your /so/ much smarter than the rest of us. My apologies. =========== From: SCOTT STEEL To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: WAR Date & Time: 01/20/91 05:23:27 Message Number 11352 SS> Like the Specialist said, I would be medically deffered. TS> NO, I said, DISQUALIFIED... Excuses, escuses. Oh, excuse me for mis-quoting you. Like you didn't just /do/ that to me about five minutes ago? Hypocrite. =========== From: SCOTT STEEL To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: WAR Date & Time: 01/20/91 05:34:27 Message Number 11353 TS> They wouldn't take him. He's a cripple. "medical Profile", they call TS> 'em. Back injury, don't you know. I did a little research. Reread message #11282. You said neither. You didn't say "Disqualified" or "Deffered" I know, let me guess that's what medical profile means, right? I hope you feel stupid now. Oh my God, the Specialist attacking from a incorrect premise. Ooooops. =========== From: SCOTT STEEL To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: Scot Steele Date & Time: 01/20/91 05:41:23 Message Number 11354 That's Scott Steel, Specialtits! I'm not anyone's side, at least not for long. I prefer to stand alone. If someone cares to join me fine. On the other hand, I'll join someone else if I can argee with them on a certain point. I'm not Turtle's "cheerleading section" anymore than you like being around homosexuals. =========== From: NIGHT OWL To: BEATLE Subject: So tell me... Date & Time: 01/20/91 12:17:14 Message Number 11355 >> This situation is ALREADY a world war. >Yes, possibly, BUT, will this really go down in the record books as the third world war? I very much doubt it, despite the # of countries involved. It would be interesting to see a comparison of the number of countries involved in WW II and the number participating in Operation Desert Storm .. SEE YA! Night Owl =========== From: THUMPER 1 To: RUFUS Subject: PF the Wall Date & Time: 01/20/91 13:20:09 Message Number 11356 >When is it plating? ^ Y I dunno, but Dark side of Da' Moony, is comming in a few weeks, So you remembered Brain Dead Weasels eh? How about this, There is a band called Tangerine Dream, who are a synth duo(trio depending on what album you see) they have this album called Lily on the Beach, and it contains a great song called "To Hot For My Chinchilla" Cool song... Thumper One =========== From: THUMPER 1 To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: Cover music Date & Time: 01/20/91 13:26:07 Message Number 11357 >Cover Music... Actually you already know this but... YES And RUSH!!!!!! But I go for all kinds of things as Rufus Saw at Pentacon. =========== From: THUMPER 1 To: SCOTT STEEL Subject: My handle.... Date & Time: 01/20/91 13:35:14 Message Number 11358 >Where did you get your handle? Why do you people keep asking me that? Ok there is the real version of how I got my handle a few messages back, here's the way it might have been though... I get my handle when I was walking through the Selby Gardens, Look- ing through the Herb garden therein. My friends had said that they would meet me at the bookstore there at 1:00pm. It was 12:20. I was feelin' a little "Uppity" And happened across this wounded Hamster. He seemed to have been mauled by a cat. Pittying(SP?) the poor thing,(An also having an alterior(SP? AGAIN) Motive) I took it into the bathroom to tend it's little wounds. After bandaging it, I was amazed to hear it say these words...: "Let Me repay you the only way I can." I then found out that this was no Ordinary hamster, It was in fact the sacred Hamster Whore Goddess, Whoz prompt metamorphosis into Vanna White left me breathless, and shirtless, and pantless, and after about 30 sec. of complete bliss, my friends walked into the john and caught us in flagrante delicto. Hence my Nickname, Thumper One. Sound Better? Thumper One =========== From: THUMPER 1 To: SCOTT STEEL Subject: humming bird Date & Time: 01/20/91 13:44:41 Message Number 11359 Not Returned, She is My sister, and has been scared away by the raucous Raunch on the other boards, She does in fact wish to return, but she has not had the time. Thumper One =========== From: THUMPER 1 To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: New Weapons Date & Time: 01/20/91 13:49:21 Message Number 11360 >F-4 Wild Weasle >F-111 Aardvark >A-10 Warthog How bout the B-4 Stealth Hamster, Also called the Rampaging Rodent. =========== From: RUFUS To: BURNEY Subject: I'm baaaaaack Date & Time: 01/20/91 14:52:32 Message Number 11361 > Hello Hello, and a double hello. =========== From: RUFUS To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: WAR Date & Time: 01/20/91 15:00:53 Message Number 11362 >They wouldn't take him. He's a cripple. Well, I didn't know he had a bad back before I posted that message. =========== From: RUFUS To: THUMPER 1 Subject: PF the Wall Date & Time: 01/20/91 15:19:22 Message Number 11363 >There is a band called Tangerine Dream... Love 'em! Turtle is a good influence on my musical tastes (I wouldn't say influence, but he introduced me to groups I probably wouldn't have listened to otherwise). >"To Hot For My Chinchilla" Cool song... Aargh...bad pun. =========== From: RUFUS To: THUMPER 1 Subject: Cover music Date & Time: 01/20/91 15:21:33 Message Number 11364 >But I got for all kinds of things as Rufus Saw at Pentacon. Yep...and almost all of it was really good. I was kinda disappointed to see ya had no Vanilla Ice (ducking large objects). =========== From: RUFUS To: THUMPER 1 Subject: My handle.... Date & Time: 01/20/91 15:23:33 Message Number 11365 >name...hamster...Vanna White... > > Sound Better? No. =========== From: THUMPER 1 To: RUFUS Subject: Vanilla Ice Date & Time: 01/20/91 16:54:15 Message Number 11366 >I was kinda disappointed to see ya had no Vanilla Ice (Ducking large... He's a rip off artist.(Theif Theif Baby) I don't like rap that much really, sorry. It's the only musical form that does nothing for me. (Kinda like It's the Jerry Louis Of Medern music) And I really Shouldn't be typing since I can't spell---^^^^^^ Thumper One =========== From: THUMPER 1 To: ALL Subject: Warren Peace Date & Time: 01/20/91 16:57:59 Message Number 11367 Hello folk, I was hoping to get a little plug in here, so here goes... It's been up for about a month, so I have all the bugs worked out of it, and I just finished setting up A twin message base, so that the kiddies can play in their own little raunchy area, and you all who are a little more adult (?) can have some areas for you without da distraction of garbage posts, and Really rude people. When you call you will have little access to messages for no longer than 24 hours, I will then Verify you and put you in the according area. For those of you who may be a little twisted, you can also have access to the Kids area, where you can scrap with the rats. SO!!! Call Warren Peace BBS 378-1328 N,8,1 300/1200/2400 24 hours For the Off kilter-Furrite-New aged-Techno-MIDI'ed-REAL POSTING-user Chat me 24 hours a day-I might answer... **************** * Warren Peace * * 378-1328 * **************** Sysop- Thumper One Thanks =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: SCOTT STEEL Subject: unprovoked att Date & Time: 01/20/91 17:18:52 Message Number 11368 SS>Gimme a break. Ok, hold out your neck. =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: SCOTT STEEL Subject: war! Date & Time: 01/20/91 17:19:53 Message Number 11369 Yep. =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: SCOTT STEEL Subject: Earth stuff Date & Time: 01/20/91 17:20:16 Message Number 11370 SS>...I keep forgetting that your /so/ much smarter than the rest of SS>us. My apologies. Accepted. =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: SCOTT STEEL Subject: WAR Date & Time: 01/20/91 17:21:18 Message Number 11371 SS> Oh, excuse me for mis-quoting you. Like you didn't just /do/ that SS> about five minutes ago? Hypocrite. On the contrary...I never mis-quoted you. I took the quote out of c context, yes, but it was an accurate quote. Yes, I'm a hypocrite. And I'm a bigot, too...what's your point? Besides...don't change the subject. Excuses, excuses. =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: SCOTT STEEL Subject: WAR Date & Time: 01/20/91 17:23:25 Message Number 11372 Oh, picky, picky. My statement, "They wouldn't take him." says it all. DISQUALIFIED. SS>Oh, my God, the Specialist attacking from a [sic] incorrect premise. Wrong agian, Scot. SS> Ooooops. Exactly. =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: THUMPER 1 Subject: PF the Wall Date & Time: 01/20/91 17:25:54 Message Number 11373 "Tangerine Dream" mean that someone else actually listens to that? My roomate used to listen to thier stuff...oh, man...way mellow. "Fall Asleep" type stuff. He loves it, though. =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: THUMPER 1 Subject: New Weapons Date & Time: 01/20/91 17:29:15 Message Number 11374 What is it with you and Hamsters? =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: RUFUS Subject: WAR Date & Time: 01/20/91 17:29:45 Message Number 11375 TS>...cripple. R>Well, I didn't know he had a back back before I posted that message. Well, to watch him, you wouldn't know. Luckily, workmans comp doesn't watch him too closely. =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: RUFUS Subject: Cover music Date & Time: 01/20/91 17:33:56 Message Number 11376 R> dissapointed...ya had no Vanilla Ice (duckin large objects). (Taking careful aim with large pointed object....) =========== From: TURTLE To: SCOTT STEEL Subject: Arabic Date & Time: 01/20/91 17:44:04 Message Number 11377 >Go ahead, give some concrete reasons of why NOT to go to war. Um...because it's not our war and not our country, and for that matter not even an ally of ours? I don't see where every act of agression the world over is our problem, even if the aggressor is Hussein. It also doesn't help that we're in this for the wrong reasons. If Kuwait had been a generic third-world country, nobody in this country would care what hapened to it. The only thing that invoked our interest in the situation was the fact that Kuwait produces a lot of oil. Don't EVEN drag issues of freedom and liberty into this; freedom and liberty only seem to be an issue when the country being oppressed has something we need and its leadership isn't convenient. Does that answer your question? =========== From: TURTLE To: SCOTT STEEL Subject: Addictions. Date & Time: 01/20/91 17:50:44 Message Number 11378 >Anally retentive and over-active hormones. >Sounds like a serious case. >You're beginning to worry me. Hey! What's wrong with over-active hormones?? You sayin' that if Nastassia Kinski presented herself to YOU on an iceberg you wouldn't be able to (pardon) rise to the occasion? Man, I'm sorry. You should see a doctor. =========== From: TURTLE To: SCOTT STEEL Subject: Give Peace Date & Time: 01/20/91 17:53:04 Message Number 11379 >Are you sure you're not over-rating it a little? 'bout "cute and cliched"? =========== From: TURTLE To: SCOTT STEEL Subject: Earth stuff Date & Time: 01/20/91 17:54:11 Message Number 11380 >Good job, Turtle. (Turtle takes a bow) =========== From: TURTLE To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: Arabic and You Date & Time: 01/20/91 17:58:07 Message Number 11381 >Perhaps you would care to explain *this* wild claim? If you insist. The United States has a long history of working itself into a moral outrage over the slightest human rights transgressions only when it's convenient to do so. We tolerate the most outrageous types of abuse whenever we stand to gain from it; look at the shit we put up with from the likes of Chile's dictatorship because they say they're anti-Communist. Who cares of Pinochet enjoys doing things like machine-gunning villages? Hey,he's anti-Communist, and everyone knows that if you're anti-Communist you must be good! Look at the outrageous behavior we let Israel get away with in the occupied territories 'cause they're on our side. If someone else--Grenada, say, pulled that sort of crap, we'd be on their backs so fast they'd never know what hit 'em--and we'd feel GOOD about it, too. It bothers me that this country is as hypocritical as it is about human rights issues, and it pisses me off that NOBODY ELSE SEEMS TO CARE. Don't EVEN talk to me about human-rights abuses in Kuwait. Kuwait didn't have that good a track record /before/ they got invaded, but they were a valuable source of oil before so it didn't matter. Moral outrage just doesn't cut it with me, especially when it isn't consistent. =========== From: TURTLE To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: Give Peace agin Date & Time: 01/20/91 18:08:32 Message Number 11382 >No, not even cute. Corny. Dull. Trite. Outdated. Cute. =========== From: TURTLE To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: BBS Date & Time: 01/20/91 18:09:44 Message Number 11383 >So what? The assembler I worked with had a move subroutine, too! >It was built into the ROM. Addimg more code: setup, call, ROM routine, return...Z-80 does it with one *instruction*. Hmph. =========== From: TURTLE To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: BBS Date & Time: 01/20/91 18:10:53 Message Number 11384 >Feeling a little persecuted, are we? Hmph. =========== From: TURTLE To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: Arabic Date & Time: 01/20/91 18:12:22 Message Number 11385 VOOP! VOOP! VOOP! NS ALERT! And just where, pray tell, did you see anything from /me/ indicating that I supported the sanctions? I believe this message is the first one I have typed that even contains the word. Sanctions, schmanctions. I have always favored simply assassinating Hussein. His entire war effort is being held together by him alone. Remove him, and you've solved half the problem already, without using two hundred thousand troops and thousands of tons of high explosives. The simplest solution is usually the best. =========== From: TURTLE To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: Rationality Date & Time: 01/20/91 18:15:00 Message Number 11386 >So, who the hell is Spider Robinson? A Canadian writer. Why? =========== From: TURTLE To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: Scot Steele Date & Time: 01/20/91 18:16:44 Message Number 11387 >New cheerleading section...blather, blather...stand next to you... >blah, blah, blather... Cheerleading schmeerleading. He just recognizes when I'm right, (Sneer) =========== From: TURTLE To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: PF the Wall Date & Time: 01/20/91 18:24:39 Message Number 11388 Hey, *I* like Tangerine Dream, and don't fall asleep either. I can see where someone without the ability to appreciate the subtlty and depth of a pure musical form might lose interest and wander away, though. =========== From: TURTLE To: TURTLE Subject: Blargh Date & Time: 01/20/91 18:26:12 Message Number 11389 This is not a reply. Fingers slipped. =========== From: RICHARD D To: TURTLE Subject: messages Date & Time: 01/20/91 18:35:51 Message Number 11390 If I was going after a prize buck the best weapon to use is what I used in the past, which is a old fashio n 50 cal. black powder mussel loader, hell you only get one shotif you miss the deer he gets away with out being hurt, if you hit him I don't care were he is coming down, You have very short range so weapon is safe in areas were there may be homes and it also gives the deer a half a change, now that is sport and one hell of a challenge!!!! =========== From: RICHARD D To: TURTLE Subject: messages Date & Time: 01/20/91 18:43:09 Message Number 11391 torturing is not morally wrong and is enjoyed very much if you are doing it to HUSSIEN of IRAQ!!! =========== From: TIBERIUS To: SCOTT STEEL Subject: yellow snow Date & Time: 01/20/91 19:53:37 Message Number 11392 Well, I'm from the suburbs in Pennsylvania myself. We had two qualifiers built upon the "Yellow Snow" theory that determined your IQ. If you happened to eat yellow snow, you were "Just a Dummy". But, if you ate yellow snow that actually spelled out something, you were "Beyond Salvation". Think about it. T =========== From: TIBERIUS To: SCOTT STEEL Subject: trivia Date & Time: 01/20/91 19:59:07 Message Number 11393 Jeez, you have me at a disadvantage, there. I vaguely remember the episode, but can only remember the name of the challenge, I think. Was that called the Pawn Far, or something similar? I do remember the high priestess officiating, and remember she was in one or more of the ST movies, too. About the only other thing I remember from that episode was that the air was real thin, and Bones had to give Jim a shot of tri-ox compound to make him breathe better, but didn't tell him that he also laced it with a drug to make it appear that Kirk died in the attempt to fight Spock. LLAP _\\// T =========== From: TIBERIUS To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: ok Date & Time: 01/20/91 20:06:35 Message Number 11394 >T>I like it! Precise, to the point, succint, says it all! Thanks! >Welcome. Whoa! Deja-vu! Have you been in this place before, or in a previous life? T =========== From: SINDAR To: THUMPER 1 Subject: your handle Date & Time: 01/20/91 21:31:25 Message Number 11395 So Thumper, what are you trying to say? You have this 'hamster' with you now? Oh, right, I remember, you said your hamster died. No wonder! After the way you ate at Wags you probably scarfed(or snarfed) all its food and it stareved to death. Sindar =========== From: SINDAR To: THUMPER 1 Subject: Vanilla Ice Date & Time: 01/20/91 21:34:59 Message Number 11396 I agree Thump, so far, I have noticed a lot of the rap songs have used other performers songs and just added their voice to them but in no form on the cassette(That I have noticed) do I see any credit given to the true performer. TRUE, a lot of the songs sound better the second time around but still... the first performer DID make the song so credit should be given. Thats my point and I'm outta here. Sindar =========== From: SINDAR To: TURTLE Subject: Arabic Date & Time: 01/20/91 21:38:58 Message Number 11397 I dont know... my brother is in this war so my comments may be predejuce(sp?) but I feel that Bush want control over Kuwait with the same form of government that the UN has put over Germany. A multi- ruled country by free countries. Bush figures that even if he gets part of Kuwait or even Traq then he will be set. Welp buddy, ,if it means losing my brother for some oil, then I would rather pay the $1.20 I have to now. We did not vote this war dictator into office to bring us into war. We didn't even have a poll or vote to see if we wanted to go to war. If this is a country by the people and for the people, then I think the government best start thinking OF the people. Sindar =========== From: SINDAR To: RICHARD D Subject: messages Date & Time: 01/20/91 21:47:01 Message Number 11398 I do agree if I got my hands on Hussien that indeed I would rip out variuos major organs but still... the Americans have done their own type of tourtering to Iraqi POW already. They have not feed them or given them water and medical attention. But, th eAmericans POW's are b begin treated with better respect. Have we become a country of "Tourter first before you get tourted" or have we NO respect for any type of war "rules" set by the UN. If the Iraqis DO start using their gas warfare, then I'll disagree with myself and think they should get tourtered but now? No. Sindar =========== From: BEATLE To: BLACK MAGIC Subject: WAR Date & Time: 01/21/91 00:16:57 Message Number 11399 The Lady In Black is back! Long time no see... You just keep popping in and out all the time. Are you sticking around from now on? =========== From: BEATLE To: TURTLE Subject: War Pigs Date & Time: 01/21/91 00:19:41 Message Number 11400 > It's just cute. At least a lot of interesting celebrities are on the song, despite the fact that the sentiment doesn't fit today. And as you know, I like John Lennon. I can imagine someone like Tyler sitting there with mock shock on his face... oh well. It was cute when it was NEW too. At least its the onlyrecord I've ever heard with the word "masturbation" on it. =========== From: BEATLE To: SCOTT STEEL Subject: Various Date & Time: 01/21/91 00:27:07 Message Number 11401 > That's not just a little bit prejudiced, it is? Woah! The last thing I thought I'd ever do was defend The Specialist, but could it be YOU who have misinterpreted the comment? He never said anything about blacks. He just said he thought the music was a mating call for the "lower species" (I believe that's correct). I don't think that he meant to impl anything about black people. I've seen quite a number of white people with those ghod-awful booming radios on wheels. Maybe he did mean something along your lines, but I'm just suggesting that you should give him the benefit of the doubt. =========== From: BEATLE To: RUFUS Subject: I'm baaaaaack Date & Time: 01/21/91 00:40:45 Message Number 11402 > Hello >> Hello and a double hello. Another hello and a reverse layered quote. =========== From: BEATLE To: THUMPER 1 Subject: Vanilla Ice Date & Time: 01/21/91 00:42:17 Message Number 11403 > It's the only musical form that does nothing for me. Rap is okay sometimes, but it doesn't do much for me. Maybe a little minute iota of something somewhere... what really does nothing for me is country music. Ooops, it does do something, it bores me to death. Some of it isn't bad, its just I can't stand it for extended periods of time. =========== From: BEATLE To: TURTLE Subject: Give Peace Date & Time: 01/21/91 00:47:02 Message Number 11404 > 'bout "cute and cliched"? Sounds about right. At least the good parts of the song that have a nice message had NOTHING to do with the theme song. I guess that's what happens when you take a spontaneously written song and rewrite the lyrics intentionally. =========== From: BEATLE To: TIBERIUS Subject: trivia Date & Time: 01/21/91 00:50:45 Message Number 11405 > Pawn Far. No, Pon Phar is the name of the Vulcan mating urge every seven years. I'm not sure what the name of the CHALLENGE was, but I do remember the name of the officiator, she was T'Pring. =========== From: BEATLE To: BEATLE Subject: Give Peace Date & Time: 01/21/91 00:55:25 Message Number 11406 > ...had NOTHING to do with the theme song. Didn't you mean to say theme OF the song? I knew you did. Didn't you steal this idea from Turtle? I knew you did. =========== From: SCOTT STEEL To: THUMPER 1 Subject: My handle.... Date & Time: 01/21/91 01:05:02 Message Number 11407 Yeah. Right. BULLSHIT!!! I find that awfully hard to swallow. (choke, cough, gag, cough, cough, gag,gag, choke, gag, cough, gag,choke,choke, gag, choke....any of this sinking it?....choke, gag, cough... spit.. whew! finally can breath again.) =========== From: SCOTT STEEL To: THUMPER 1 Subject: humming bird Date & Time: 01/21/91 01:13:14 Message Number 11408 That's too bad. I hope to see her again around here. It would be nice to get a woman's point of view on some of the things discussed here. =========== From: SCOTT STEEL To: RUFUS Subject: WAR Date & Time: 01/21/91 01:15:19 Message Number 11409 R> Well, I didn't know that he a bad back before I posted that message. Hey, don't worry about it. No offense taken. Scum... =========== From: SCOTT STEEL To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: unprovoked att Date & Time: 01/21/91 01:21:02 Message Number 11410 SS> Gimme a break. TS> Ok, hold out your neck. I've heard you use that joke at least a hundred times. Now /that/ joke is embarassingly old. =========== From: SCOTT STEEL To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: war! Date & Time: 01/21/91 01:26:46 Message Number 11411 Bullshit. =========== From: SCOTT STEEL To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: Earth stuff Date & Time: 01/21/91 01:27:24 Message Number 11412 Ego! Ego Alert! Watch The Specialist's head is swelling! =========== From: SCOTT STEEL To: TURTLE Subject: Arabic Date & Time: 01/21/91 01:35:19 Message Number 11413 T>Freedom and libery...isue when the country being oppressed has something we need....Does that answer your question? No. We still bought oil from Hussien, so if he take over Kuwait then we would still be getting oil. Instead of two countries to purchase from we'd have one ruler over one(?) country, or one country and it's providence. =========== From: SCOTT STEEL To: TURTLE Subject: Addictions. Date & Time: 01/21/91 01:38:41 Message Number 11414 T> Nastassia Kinski presented herself to YOU on an iceberg you wouldn't T> be able to rise to the occasion? I would. But I don't discuss sexual fantasies in detail on a BBS. You never know who's reading this. A little healthy paranoia. =========== From: SCOTT STEEL To: TURTLE Subject: Earth stuff Date & Time: 01/21/91 01:42:09 Message Number 11415 SS> GOOd job Turtle. T> (Turtle takes a bow) And the crowd goes wild! Except for the Specialist that is. =========== From: SCOTT STEEL To: TIBERIUS Subject: yellow snow Date & Time: 01/21/91 01:49:53 Message Number 11416 Nothing to think about. You're right. =========== From: SCOTT STEEL To: TIBERIUS Subject: trivia Date & Time: 01/21/91 01:51:16 Message Number 11417 Poor attempt for such a big Trekkie. I'm disappointed. Pawn Far was the name of the Vulcan Fever. The name of the challenge was The Califee The name of the Vulcan official was Da-pow. Spock's wife-to-be was De-pring. The man she wanted was named Ston. Ring /any/ bell? Pleas say that it does, reassure me that you have some redeeming qualities. =========== From: SCOTT STEEL To: BEATLE Subject: Various Date & Time: 01/21/91 01:58:45 Message Number 11418 B> could it be YOU who have misinterpreted the comment? NO. I live with him. I know him much better than you. B> I'm just suggesting that you should give him the benefit of the doubt No, again. He IS talking about black people, but I don't totally blame him for /that/ attitude. His dad drilled it into him. =========== From: SCOTT STEEL To: BEATLE Subject: Vanilla Ice Date & Time: 01/21/91 02:03:06 Message Number 11419 B> country music... Oh man, I wished you hadn't written those two words. Now the Specialist is never going to stop spewing. He hates that stuff with a passion. =========== From: SCOTT STEEL To: BEATLE Subject: trivia Date & Time: 01/21/91 02:05:37 Message Number 11420 Thanks for the correction on the spelling of Pon Phar. B> I do remember the name of the officiator, she was T'Pring. Wrong. That's was T'pau (I think that's correct, this time.) T'Pring was Spock's bride-to-be. Besides, I don't ask for the name of the Vulcan seven-year urge. But, again, thanks for the correct spelling. =========== From: RUFUS To: THUMPER 1 Subject: Vanilla Ice Date & Time: 01/21/91 14:04:36 Message Number 11421 >It's the only musical form that does nothing for me. I find all of two rap songs moderatly interesting, and I forgot which ones. Of course, I do love thge musak version of "Pump Up the Volume," which I heard in a Publix some while back... =========== From: RUFUS To: SCOTT STEEL Subject: war! Date & Time: 01/21/91 14:17:20 Message Number 11422 >Bullshit. And a dog's spleen on your head! =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: TURTLE Subject: Give Peace agin Date & Time: 01/21/91 18:50:03 Message Number 11423 >No, not even cute. Corny. Dull. Trite. Outdated. >Cute. No, not even cute. Corny, dull, trite and outdated. =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: TURTLE Subject: Arabic Date & Time: 01/21/91 18:51:42 Message Number 11424 Oh, good. Perhaps you should take over the war effort. =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: TURTLE Subject: Rationality Date & Time: 01/21/91 18:52:14 Message Number 11425 >{dull quote...blah, blah] > Spider Robinson. TS> So, who the hell is Spider Robinson? >A Canadian writer. Why? Who the heck cares what some CANADIAN WRITER thinks?! =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: TURTLE Subject: Scot Steele Date & Time: 01/21/91 18:54:21 Message Number 11426 >Cheerleading schmeerleading... My, what an original comeback! >He just recognizes when I'm right. (Sneer) So do I. Do ya suppose I could get him to cheer for me, too? =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: TURTLE Subject: PF the Wall Date & Time: 01/21/91 18:56:20 Message Number 11427 T>Hey, *I* like Tangering Dream, Figures. T>...subtly and depth of a pure musical form... What has that got to do with what we're talking about? Stick to the subject. =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: TIBERIUS Subject: yellow snow Date & Time: 01/21/91 18:58:35 Message Number 11428 Hey, Pennsylvania! I'm from Erie, and I lived in Pittsburgh...what side are you from? =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: TIBERIUS Subject: ok Date & Time: 01/21/91 18:59:48 Message Number 11429 Vuja de - The feeling you've never been here before. =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: BEATLE Subject: War Pigs Date & Time: 01/21/91 19:02:48 Message Number 11430 It was stupid when it came out...designed by freaks with no inclination to be creative. B>its the onlyrecord I've ever heard with the word "masterbation" on it. Does this hold some significant meaning for you? =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: BEATLE Subject: Various Date & Time: 01/21/91 19:04:27 Message Number 11431 SS>...predjudiced... B> could it be you who misinterpreted ...? Correct. I simply was trying to put down the mentality that likes to listen to loud booming music while simultaneously trying to show off. In a similar fashion for Heavy Metal or Rap. (Course, I would rather listen to Heavy Metal, but then again, I'd rather have my eyeballs peeled and have to stare into bright lights for weeks than listen to either.) =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: BEATLE Subject: Vanilla Ice Date & Time: 01/21/91 19:09:24 Message Number 11432 I'm afraid my attempt at a pun was taken seriously... oh well. =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: BEATLE Subject: trivia Date & Time: 01/21/91 19:11:39 Message Number 11433 Gimme forty of 'em. =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: SCOTT STEEL Subject: Earth stuff Date & Time: 01/21/91 19:15:50 Message Number 11434 E.T. was, in fact a sequel. What did that stand for anyway? Oh yeah - The Extra Testicle. I think it was number three in the series. =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: SCOTT STEEL Subject: Various Date & Time: 01/21/91 19:17:54 Message Number 11435 Okay. You have a right to say that IBMs are really trashy computers. But don't expect me to share that view. Sure, there are better systems on the market, some prices a hell of a lot more reasonably, I might add. But IBM still sets a lot of precedents, are still VERY well respected (at least among SOME), and really deserve credit for being what they are in the computer world. 2 Live Crew is the worst thing you've ever heard called music? Well, Manatee Bar Association had lunch last week listening to 2 Live Crew, and actually didn't think they were all that bad. Of course, the lyrics were dubbed out. =========== From: MAX To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: Rationality Date & Time: 01/21/91 21:07:38 Message Number 11438 Spider Robinson is an extremely good science fiction and fantasy author, considered by many to be in a league with Isaac Asimov, Arthur Clarke and Robert Heinlein. Since he writes more short stories than novels, he isn't as famous outside the sf field. I'm not sure that's a terribly useful comment on the quote from him, though. =========== From: MAX To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: Arabic Date & Time: 01/21/91 21:10:40 Message Number 11439 > If we kill him outright, he becomes a martyr and some other cockroach > pops up to take his place. That argument is a bit of a red herring. The last "cockroach" over there was Khomeini; before (and after) him there there was Arafat. Considering Kuwait's absolutely abysmal human rights record, it is not unlikely that if Hussein had not moved, the Kuwaiti Emir might have been considered the next roach. If Hussein's military power is broken, he will be taken down by his own people. A decade from that, a new dictator appears somewhere else in the Middle East. It can be argued that killing him outright won't free Kuwait. It can also be argued that having Kuwait and Iraq as one country isn't any big skin off our noses. We get 5% of our oil from the region; there's no reason for 90% of the forces to be ours. And "fighting dictators" is a pretty damn silly argument, considering the Kuwaiti monarchy is just as anti-democratic as Iraq. Fighting to restore them makes as much sense as fighting on Hitler's side in WW II would have if Japan had attacked them. "Ooh, Japan is a nasty imperialistic dictatorship, and it's up to America, as the Bastion of Fredom , to protect the Fuerher from their naked anti-democractic aggression." This is logical? =========== From: MAX To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: Arabic Date & Time: 01/21/91 21:21:49 Message Number 11440 > While we wait, he develops nastier weapons. If the sanctions don't > work, we have to go in against what he didn't have months ago. He didn't get most of the weapons he's using against us currently by building them, he got them by buying them from the Soviets (and some other countries, including defense firms in Germany and the U.S.) The threat of nuclear weapons being developed by him in the next six months is greatly exaggerated -- especially if, during sanctions, he has no way to import technological items from other countries. There is no indication they've progressed at /all/ in Iraq making "the bomb," and it's not something you can whip up in a few weeks if you don't have ready access to materials. (Recall that the only nuclear power plant in Iraq was bombed by Israel about a decade ago.) =========== From: MAX To: SCOTT STEEL Subject: Arabic Date & Time: 01/21/91 21:36:10 Message Number 11441 > We still bought oil from Hussein, so if he takes over Kuwait then we > would still be getting oil. Instead of two countries to purchase > from we'd have one ruly over one country ... Okay, granted. This certainly isn't an argument FOR going to war with Iraq. =========== From: MAX To: SCOTT STEEL Subject: trivia Date & Time: 01/21/91 21:37:47 Message Number 11442 Actually, the Vulcan official's name was T'Pau (not "Da-pow"). You only get half-credit if you can't spell the words correctly. :> =========== From: MAX To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: Rationality Date & Time: 01/21/91 21:39:21 Message Number 11443 > Who the heck cares what some CANADIAN WRITER thinks?! Oh, silly me. Patriotism is an entirely American concept, and nobody who is not American can have anything worthwhile to say about it. Look, dude, why don't you go back and READ the damn message before spewing (and I use that word advisedly) on purpose. I find discussions, and even debates, fun, but your statements in this chain are just silly. =========== From: CYBERPUNK To: ALL Subject: bbs Date & Time: 01/22/91 15:30:36 Message Number 11444 What used to be NeuroMantics, is now.... The Grimoire! 300/1200/2400 baud!!! 813-371-0888 Sysop: Cyberpunk!!! Now with lot's of Message bases ranging from World Conflict Debate, to Furry, to Feetsball!!! Call now!! Running off of Remote Access v0.04a!!! =========== From: TURTLE To: BEATLE Subject: War Pigs Date & Time: 01/22/91 16:13:31 Message Number 11446 >At least its the onlyrecord I've ever heard with the word >"masturbation" on it. How 'bout Prince's "Purple Rain?" There's a song on it that starts "I met a girl named Nikki, I guess you could say she was a sex feind/I met her in a hotel lobby masturbating with a magazine." Good song, I don't think so. Doesn't even rhyme. Anyway, it's not technically the same word, but it's pretty close. =========== From: TURTLE To: SCOTT STEEL Subject: Arabic Date & Time: 01/22/91 16:18:13 Message Number 11447 >Instead of two countries to purchase from we'd have one ruler over >one(?) country... Yeah, but who wants to buy oil from an asshole like Hussein? I say again: If Kuwait didn't have something we wanted, we'd pay about as much attention to it as we do to Lebanon. =========== From: TURTLE To: SCOTT STEEL Subject: Addictions. Date & Time: 01/22/91 16:20:03 Message Number 11448 >But I don't discuss sexual fantasies in detail on a BBS. Hey, *YOU* came up with the iceberg, dude! =========== From: TURTLE To: SCOTT STEEL Subject: Vanilla Ice Date & Time: 01/22/91 16:21:19 Message Number 11449 >Now the Specialist is never going to stop spewing. He hates [country >music] with a passion. So he **DOES** have some redeeming qualities after all! =========== From: TURTLE To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: Arabic Date & Time: 01/22/91 16:25:29 Message Number 11450 >Oh, good. Perhaps you should take over the war effort. If I took over, there would BE no war effort. Saddam would have an accident and that would be the end of it. No missiles raining down on Tel Aviv, no American POW's. This madman needs to catch a bullet. =========== From: TURTLE To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: Rationality Date & Time: 01/22/91 16:27:18 Message Number 11451 >Who the heck cares what some CANADIAN WRITER thinks?! The message is valid regardless of the source. =========== From: TURTLE To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: Scot Steele Date & Time: 01/22/91 17:26:16 Message Number 11452 >Do ya suppose I could get him to cheer for me, too? I dunno. Try being right about something. :> =========== From: TURTLE To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: PF the Wall Date & Time: 01/22/91 17:27:12 Message Number 11453 T>...subtlety and depth of a pure musical form... SP>What has that got to do with what we7re talking about? My point is made. =========== From: TURTLE To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: Various Date & Time: 01/22/91 17:28:57 Message Number 11454 Hey, watch that metal bashing. Heavy metal is God's gift to us mere mortals as an apology for permitting rap upon his creation. ....but we've already established the depth of your musical appreciation. =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: MAX Subject: protesters Date & Time: 01/22/91 18:56:01 Message Number 11455 Y'know, I wonder what Hussein thinks when he sees all the US news about protesters in the streets, trying to keep us from fighting this war. Do you think that he might feel hopeful that the protesters would have an effect on the US govnt like they did in Vietnam? Do you think that he might believe that if he keeps fighting long enough, that he might be able to get us out, just because the protesters put pressure on the govnt? And with this hope in mind, he will continue to fight. On the other hand, if we all get behind this war movement, he might get the impression that this country is that it is unlikely that there will be any pressure from home to STOP fighting. Protesting in the streets gives a mixed view of what America's goals are. It boosts Hussiens morale. That is the last thing we need. THAT is why protesting is damaging the war effort. On a related note, what do you think it does to the soldiers over there when they see people protesting what they are doing? They don't see people saying, "Get the Commander In Chief to stop this war!" They see, "Stop fighting! Get out of the Middle East!" Don't you think that hurts thier morale? Grrr. By not supporting the war effort, you are hindering the soldier, and helping Hussein. The US Govnt is going to continue to fight, and if Hussien thinks that he can wear us down, he will continue to fight longer...and your protesting is what is giving him that hope! GET IT? =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: MAX Subject: Rationality Date & Time: 01/22/91 19:05:33 Message Number 11456 It wasn't a "terribly useful" quote to start with. =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: MAX Subject: Dictators Date & Time: 01/22/91 20:40:36 Message Number 11457 M>Having Iraq and Kuwait as one country isn't any skin off our noses, Ok. Probably not. But how about having Iraq/Kuwait annex Saudi Arabia? And then having Iraq/Kuwait/SaudiArabia annex Jordan? and then Israel? and then who would be next? I'm sure that Hussien would not have stopped with Kuwait. And having that madman in charge of the middle east is definately against the best intrests of the US. (Oil not withstanding...) =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: MAX Subject: Weapons Date & Time: 01/22/91 20:43:47 Message Number 11458 How do you know? Importing technology or other materials while sanctions are in effect. Don't tell me that there aren't people out there who aren't willing to sell him such resources, and that there is no way for him to get them. Just because that "there is not any indication they have progressed at /all/" doesn't mean that they haven't. If *I* was a potential aggressor, *I* certainly wouldn't let on that I had developed any weapons. Also, why did the Israelis try to destroy all nuclear power in Iraq? They must have had SOME reason. Besides, till this point we've been talking about simply NUCLEAR weapons and not CHEMICAL weapons. Ah, now, there's a whole 'nother can of worms to open. And last but certainly not least, BIOLOGICAL weapons. Never know WHAT you're going to come up with there. So don't tell me that he couldn't have come up with some other nasty suprises within 6 months. Plenty of time. =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: TURTLE Subject: Oil Date & Time: 01/22/91 20:52:54 Message Number 11459 So, ok, then you're saying that oil is totally unimportant? =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: TURTLE Subject: Arabic Date & Time: 01/22/91 20:54:13 Message Number 11460 What, and leave all his forces intact for the next cockroach to take over? No way. Destroy them all. =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: TURTLE Subject: Rationality Date & Time: 01/22/91 20:57:03 Message Number 11461 Interesting how you believe a message is valid regaurdless of the source when it simply states what you already believe. Personnally, I agree with what that man said, I simply didn't need to hear it. Who cares what some canadian writer thinks? Who cares what I think? Echo answers in a like fashion. =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: TURTLE Subject: Scot Steele Date & Time: 01/22/91 20:59:22 Message Number 11462 T>I dunno. Try being right about something. :> What the heck does that have to do with anything? =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: TURTLE Subject: PF the Wall Date & Time: 01/22/91 21:00:19 Message Number 11463 Your point is made on what? Oh, never mind. =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: TURTLE Subject: Various Date & Time: 01/22/91 21:01:11 Message Number 11464 Or how shallow yours is. =========== From: SCOTT STEEL To: RUFUS Subject: war! Date & Time: 01/23/91 17:49:56 Message Number 11466 R> And a dog's spleen on your head. What was that for? That wasn't even directed towards you. So butt out. =========== From: SCOTT STEEL To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: Give Peace agin Date & Time: 01/23/91 17:51:38 Message Number 11467 >No, not even cute. Corny, dull, trite, and outdated. >Cute >No. not even cute. Corny, dull, trite, and outdated. Cute. =========== From: SCOTT STEEL To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: Various Date & Time: 01/23/91 17:59:33 Message Number 11468 TS> I'd rather have my eyeballs peeled and have to stare into bright lights for weeks than listen to either. That could be arranged. Any volunteers to assist? =========== From: SCOTT STEEL To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: Various Date & Time: 01/23/91 18:04:14 Message Number 11469 My apologies, I just assumed that with your dad's opinions and the fact you never challenged him on them. On top of that, you /have/ slammed black people. I drew the wrong conclusion. =========== From: SCOTT STEEL To: MAX Subject: Arabic Date & Time: 01/23/91 18:07:22 Message Number 11470 Spew..Spew...Spew... Spew...*Yawn*] =========== From: SCOTT STEEL To: MAX Subject: trivia Date & Time: 01/23/91 18:09:52 Message Number 11471 M> Actually, the Vulcan official's name was T'Pau (not Da-Pow). You M> only get half-credit if you can't spell the words correctly. I /ask/ the question, and I stated that spelling didn't count. Who elected you referee? Besides, at the time of psting that message, my brain was working at half-power. (Very late and very tired.) =========== From: SCOTT STEEL To: TURTLE Subject: Addictions. Date & Time: 01/23/91 18:17:16 Message Number 11472 T> iceberg. That, by far, is not a sexual fantasy of mine. I merely suggested that situation to see to what extent you'd go to get laid by Nastassia Kinski =========== From: TURTLE To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: protesters Date & Time: 01/23/91 23:33:49 Message Number 11474 Hussein is an egomaniac. He believes he can win this war, because God is on HIS side. If he saw this entire country unified against him, assuming he (a) speaks English and (b) watches American TV in his copious spare time (I ferget, does paragon Cable serve Iraq?), it won't change diddly-squat. He will still believe he can win. If you truly believe a show of unification is all it'd take to get him out of the war, I suggest that your view of the war is somewhat naive. Of course, if you take away people's right to protest as you suggest then we would have no business being in the war at all, since it would be clear that your ideals of freedom and democracy are irrelevant. =========== From: TURTLE To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: Oil Date & Time: 01/23/91 23:37:09 Message Number 11475 >So, ok, then you're saying that oil is totally unimportant? I'm saying that concern for 5% of our oil supply is no reason to go to war. Next question? =========== From: TURTLE To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: Arabic Date & Time: 01/23/91 23:38:15 Message Number 11476 >What, and leave all his forces intact for the next cockroach to take >over? Hussein is not a typical Middle East dictator. He is the sort of man who combines intelligence, ego, shrewdness, aggressiveness, and ability in a way that doesn't come along every day. If you killed him, it's rather dubious that another person of Hussein's intelligence and aggressiveness would just walk in off the street to replace him, just like had Hitler been taken out in 1938 it's very unlikely that someone would have walked in off the street to fill HIS shoes. Get rid of Hussein, and his war effort falls apart. It's as easy as that. =========== From: TURTLE To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: Rationality Date & Time: 01/23/91 23:41:41 Message Number 11477 >Personnally, I agree with what that man said, I simply don't >need to hear it. You are a most unusual man; most people are reluctant to listen to any- thing that contradicts what they already believe, while you seem to be unwilling to listen to anything. =========== From: TURTLE To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: Various Date & Time: 01/23/91 23:43:46 Message Number 11478 >Or how shallow yours is. Waitaminit...I am willing to listen to a broader range of musical forms than you are, and patient enough not to wander away from anything that happens to be relatively subtle, and that gives me SHALLOW musical taste? would you classify your OWN musical taste, then? Diverse? Rich? Enquiring minds want to know. =========== From: TURTLE To: SCOTT STEEL Subject: Addictions. Date & Time: 01/23/91 23:46:34 Message Number 11479 >I merely suggested that situation to see to what extent you'd go to >get laid by Nastassia Kinski. Oh. You mean the iceberg was supposed to pose a challenge or something? =========== From: NIGHT OWL To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: hamsters Date & Time: 01/24/91 02:44:25 Message Number 11481 >What is it with you and hamsters? Sex. =========== From: NIGHT OWL To: TIBERIUS Subject: PA Date & Time: 01/24/91 02:50:17 Message Number 11482 I'm from West Chester PA (just outside of Philadelphia). What part of the state are you from? SEE YA! Night Owl =========== From: NIGHT OWL To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: PA Date & Time: 01/24/91 12:11:34 Message Number 11483 Hey Dude! That makes 3 of us from PA. I'm from the southeastern area near philly in a place called West Chester. Pennsylvania....The pothole capitol of the world. SEE YA! Night Owl =========== From: CYBERPUNK To: ALL Subject: grimoire Date & Time: 01/24/91 18:06:23 Message Number 11484 Call now!! the Grimoire!!! home of PentaCon ][!!!! 813-371-0888!! 300/1200/2400 open 48 hours a day!! sysop Cyberpunk =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: SCOTT STEEL Subject: Give Peace agin Date & Time: 01/24/91 18:10:30 Message Number 11485 SS>Cute. Repetitive. Pathetic. Predictable. =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: SCOTT STEEL Subject: Various Date & Time: 01/24/91 18:11:41 Message Number 11486 SS> SS>That could be arranged. Thank you. It would, as I said, be preferrable. =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: SCOTT STEEL Subject: Various Date & Time: 01/24/91 18:12:34 Message Number 11487 "I'm not prejudiced. I hate everybody." - ??? No body can challenge my father's opinions and not be subjected to one of his mad harrangues. So, I let him rant. I hate everybody, but especially the fags. =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: TURTLE Subject: protesters Date & Time: 01/24/91 18:16:06 Message Number 11488 I was merely implying that protesting does */absolutely/* NOTHING to STILL didn't address what that poor soldier must think. =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: TURTLE Subject: Oil Date & Time: 01/24/91 18:17:38 Message Number 11489 T>I'm saying that concern for 5% of our oil supply is no reason to go to war. Ok, if it was *that simple*, I would agree with you 100%!! BUT IT AINT! There are a myriad of reasons for us to go over there, and you insist on taking one and defeating it, and ignoring all the others! =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: TURTLE Subject: Arabic Date & Time: 01/24/91 18:20:26 Message Number 11490 T>Get rid of Hussien, and his war effort falls apart. It's as easy as T>that. Ah, no...I doubt it. If you really believe that, then I suggest that *your* view of the war is "naiive". =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: TURTLE Subject: Rationality Date & Time: 01/24/91 18:21:53 Message Number 11491 T>You are a most unusual man; This from Franklin Veaux? Hmmm.... =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: TURTLE Subject: Various Date & Time: 01/24/91 18:22:56 Message Number 11492 Ok, aren't shallow. That was a very bad choice of wording. Your depth of musical appreciation know no bounds. Better? I would describe my own as narrow, selective, and biased. I only like the things that I can listen to. If I fall asleep, then I can't listen to it, obviously. Or, if I develop a headache (or earache) from listening to it and have to leave the room for an asprin, I can't listen to it. If I get just plain disgusted with the lyrics and have to shut it off, well, echo - "I can't listen to it." Hmmm. Did I miss anything? =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: NIGHT OWL Subject: hamsters Date & Time: 01/24/91 18:27:32 Message Number 11493 Y'know, this topic came up just a while back, (last year) about some sort of wierd homopevertual practice of stuffing one in a glove (or other rubber container) and stuffing it into an anal cavity... so, I'd be carefull how I associate hamsters with sex.... =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: NIGHT OWL Subject: PA Date & Time: 01/24/91 18:30:09 Message Number 11494 NOx> PA...pothole capitol of the world. And armpit of America. =========== From: SCOTT STEEL To: TURTLE Subject: Addictions. Date & Time: 01/24/91 20:21:30 Message Number 11495 T> Oh. You mean the iceberg was supposed to pose a challenge or T> something What? Would you move mountains, too? Well, Turtle, I'm a reasonable man and I have an offer for you. /You/ move a mountain (a real one, named on a map) and I'll get you a date with Nastassia Kinski. Turtle brightens with joy, then reality sets in...ah, man, what a bummer =========== From: SCOTT STEEL To: NIGHT OWL Subject: hamsters Date & Time: 01/24/91 20:27:26 Message Number 11496 TS> What is it with you and hamsters? NO> Sex Do you do gerbil-stuffing too? =========== From: SCOTT STEEL To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: protesters Date & Time: 01/24/91 20:30:17 Message Number 11497 TS> you STILL didn't address what that poor soldier must think. If I was that poor soldier, I want my country to stand behind me. Everybody feels sorry for the P.O.W.'s wife when their crying on TV. But everybody seems to forget about all the other soldiers already over they're too busy protesting Bush. =========== From: RUFUS To: SCOTT STEEL Subject: war! Date & Time: 01/24/91 21:50:26 Message Number 11498 R> And a dog's spleen on your head. R> SS> What was that for? That wasn't even directed towards you. SS> So butt out. What was that for? said bullshit and I said "dog's spleen..." It was just a fit of sillyness. I'll stop being silly. =========== From: RUFUS To: SCOTT STEEL Subject: Give Peace agin Date & Time: 01/24/91 21:52:28 Message Number 11499 >Cute. All I am saaaying is give me a break... Ack...I HATE THAT SONG. Call me silly but what does acid rain and house rock have to do with world peace? =========== From: TURTLE To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: protesters Date & Time: 01/25/91 00:46:03 Message Number 11500 > STILL didn't address what the poor soldier must think. News flash--you can protest the WAR while still supporting the PEOPLE involved. If I were the "poor soldier," I would think, Hey, these people don't want to see me and my compatriots get killed. =========== From: TURTLE To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: Oil Date & Time: 01/25/91 00:47:32 Message Number 11501 Oh, I quite agree there are a number of reasons why we're over there, most of them bad. There's the economic imperative (we have to protect a small fragment of our oil supply!), the peace and justice imperative (this war is for peace, honest!), the liberty imperative (we have to liberate a country with the worst human rights record in the area, so that the Emir can come back and set up his secret police again and start oppressing his subjects, particularly women, again!), the lost face imperative (hey, what's more important, a few thousand lives or America's pride?)...why, I could go on and on. =========== From: TURTLE To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: Various Date & Time: 01/25/91 00:50:58 Message Number 11502 >Hmmm. Did I miss anything? 'If the singer is moaning about how his wife left him and took his dog and his truck, in a nasal, twangy voice, I can't listen to it.' How'z that? =========== From: TURTLE To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: hamsters Date & Time: 01/25/91 00:52:00 Message Number 11503 >...homopervertual... What an AMAZING word! You have a gift. =========== From: TURTLE To: ALL Subject: This BBS Date & Time: 01/25/91 00:53:39 Message Number 11504 enduring the wrenching trauma of software hacking, as you've all probably noticed. I'm in the process of writing an new front-end and a FidoNet mailer for the system, hence the small technical difficulties of late. The system may be unavailable during modification, most particularly on weekends when I have time to work on it, and may have a few small problems until I get everything finished and working. Until then, bear with it, please... Procedural note: When you connect, you don't get a Press Return right away; the system spends fifteen seconds waiting for the start of a netmail session. If you start hitting Return as soon as you connect you will still get through OK; or, you can wait for the Press Return message and hit return then. Either way, it'll work. =========== From: BLACK MAGIC To: SCOTT STEEL Subject: WAR Date & Time: 01/25/91 01:27:06 Message Number 11505 I think YOU most definitely understood me! I never accused you of ducking armed service. Spewing in ignorance is something I tend never to do. You "have a Day" The Lady =========== From: BLACK MAGIC To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: WAR Date & Time: 01/25/91 01:28:43 Message Number 11506 It's nice to see you again, too...I come back and woooosh...hit by all the original assholes! :> How I missed you.... The Lady =========== From: TIBERIUS To: BEATLE Subject: trivia Date & Time: 01/25/91 16:27:34 Message Number 11508 That's right about the Pon Phar. But that's WHY they were there in the first place, to take care of Spock's mating urge. Now, I remember! The name of the episode was "Amok Time". And you're right about T'Pring. She was in that episode and I think the first movie, where we saw Spock taking his "final vows" as a true Vulcan, when something came into his consciousness about being needed by the Enterprise and Star Fleet. =========== From: TIBERIUS To: SCOTT STEEL Subject: trivia Date & Time: 01/25/91 16:32:44 Message Number 11509 > reassure me that you have some redeeming qualities. Geez! I was told when I first signed on here to attack ideas, not people Guess us latter day signers-on don't get the priveleges of those of you before us. Yes, I remember the Califee and Ston, and as I wrote just now to Beatle, the name of the episode was "Amok Time". And I think we are all a little off on the two women. One was T'Pow and the other D'Pring, just which was which?? =========== From: TIBERIUS To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: where Date & Time: 01/25/91 16:37:33 Message Number 11510 >from Erie, and I lived in Pittsburgh... Boy, you just split the difference and I'm there!! I'm from Hermitage, Exit One on I-80. About halfway from either Erie or Pittsburgh. I know Pittsburgh a bit better than Erie, though. Used to visit a computer repair center there quite often when we got our first TeleVideo system. Boy! We thought we were hot stuff with 40 megs, C/PM operating system, and 5 terminals, two of which actually did graphics!! Oooooo!! Fancy- dancy!! Eh? =========== From: TIBERIUS To: NIGHT OWL Subject: PA Date & Time: 01/25/91 16:43:37 Message Number 11511 West Chester, eh? I've been there, too. But as you might have seen in the reply to The Specialist, I'm from Hermitage, Exit One on I-80. About 3 miles from the Ohio border. I DO remember a long weekend with a redhead in Philly, though........... ..........Hmm? Oh, sorry. Lost my train of thought there for a moment. She was from Houston, TX and had NEVER even HEARD of cheese steaks. Can you believe it?? =========== From: THUMPER 1 To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: Tangerine Drm Date & Time: 01/25/91 17:54:10 Message Number 11512 >Fall asleep type stuff... Not anymore. Go get one of their last two albums. Now its "Keep you awake and jittery" music. I like 'em. And I also have a little thingy for Yanni, and Vangelis, and John Tesh, Flim And The BB's, Sting, I dunno, that's just the off the wall stuff. I REALLY go for Rush and Yes. =========== From: THUMPER 1 To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: Hamsters. Date & Time: 01/25/91 17:56:48 Message Number 11513 >What is it with you and Hamsters? Dunno, tey're kinda cute, an' fuzzy. I just like Hamster Jokes( The Sicker the better :) That's just me. You like Weapons. I like hamsters. Nice Analogy no? (please don't take it wrong. I don't want another "Ooops WRong person" Session.) Heh heh :) =========== From: THUMPER 1 To: SINDAR Subject: Hamster Snarfin Date & Time: 01/25/91 18:01:58 Message Number 11514 I do NOT snarf Hamster. Their Fur Irritates... =========== From: THUMPER 1 To: SCOTT STEEL Subject: Vulcan Bastige Date & Time: 01/25/91 18:05:58 Message Number 11515 Wasn't her favorite Game Show Wheel Of Vulcan? No no, that's not it, um Ok, here's a sick one. She's on the rag, and( SORRY! I don't know how to state that in a polte way! Can't spell that damn word... mens ,ems menst what ever. And besides, this board NEEDS a little insensitive MACHOness on it. So there.) And she asks Ston to go to the Vulcan drug store and buy her some Tam-Pon Fars!!! Ok I'll hang my head in shame. I hope you can forgive me.....(grovel grovel) =========== From: RUFUS To: THUMPER 1 Subject: Tangerine Drm Date & Time: 01/25/91 23:09:16 Message Number 11517 I need to stop by one day and give you about 100 blank audio tapes so you can alter the magnetic bits for me. Copy? Who said copy? =========== From: RUFUS To: TURTLE Subject: Model 100 Date & Time: 01/25/91 23:12:37 Message Number 11518 Good morning, I'm now the lucky owner of a TRS-80 model 100 computer and I'm using it to call your BBS since someone is on my other line using the BBS. Talk about your nice 40x8 line displays. But, it has a scrollback of EIGHT lines. Wow! Now all I need is to get Raven's accoustic modem and I'll be all set for BBS fun at the local 7-11. =========== From: BEATLE To: SCOTT STEEL Subject: trivia Date & Time: 01/26/91 00:10:05 Message Number 11519 > T'Pring.... Wrong. That's was T'pau... thank... And thanks go back to you. You're right. I got those two mixed up. Some of my only trivia tidbits from the original show that I remember and I screwed them up! By the way, T'pau was spelled correctly. Who spelled it Da- something a few messages ago? I was going by the theory that all Vulcan males had names that begin with S (Sarek, Spock, Ston) and all females began with T' (T'Pring, T'Pau), but that idea was shattered when they introduced a female Vulcan doctor on TNG named Dr. Selar (sp?) =========== From: BEATLE To: RUFUS Subject: Vanilla Ice Date & Time: 01/26/91 00:14:31 Message Number 11520 > ...musak version of "Pump Up the Volume,"... For a minute there, I thought you said "Pump Up the Jam", which would have been much funnier. Actually, "Pump Up the Volume" probably does sound reasonably good as musak, as long as its not orchestrated. =========== From: BEATLE To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: Give Peace agin Date & Time: 01/26/91 00:16:22 Message Number 11521 > No, not even cute. Corny, dull, trite and outdated. Okay, I'll give you outdated any time, but dull and trite don't fly that easily. Corny is borderline. You have to give credit that these people had good intentions when they set out to do this. =========== From: BEATLE To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: Rationality Date & Time: 01/26/91 00:18:46 Message Number 11522 > Who the heck cares what some CANADIAN WRITER thinks?! Who the heck cares what some EX-ARMY SPECIALIST thinks?! =========== From: BEATLE To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: War Pigs Date & Time: 01/26/91 00:20:13 Message Number 11523 > Does this hold some significant meaning for you? Not really, but you must admit it's unique. Do you hold things often? =========== From: BEATLE To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: Various Date & Time: 01/26/91 00:21:14 Message Number 11524 > I'd rather have my eyeballs peeled and have to stare into bright > lights for weeks than listen to either. I have yet to hear what music you DO like. Please enlighten us. =========== From: BEATLE To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: trivia Date & Time: 01/26/91 00:24:42 Message Number 11525 > Gimme forty of 'em. Forty what? Forty licks? Forty Pon Phars? Naw, not Pon Phars, that would make you 280 years old... then again, are YOU a Vulcan? They live to be much older than that... =========== From: BEATLE To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: Earth stuff Date & Time: 01/26/91 00:26:06 Message Number 11526 > E.T. was, in fact a sequel. Didn't we see that before?? =========== From: BEATLE To: MAX Subject: Arabic Date & Time: 01/26/91 00:28:17 Message Number 11527 > theres no reason for 90% of the forces to be ours... I was thinking about that. Surely, someone is bound to pop up and say "But someone had to do something!" Yeah, sure, but aren't there other countries that would have more problems with the situation? Why does our country have to be big and bol? Why doesn't someone else do something? =========== From: BEATLE To: TURTLE Subject: War Pigs Date & Time: 01/26/91 00:32:03 Message Number 11528 > Anyway, it's not technically the same word, but it's pretty close. Okay, so there's another record out there with a word form of that particular word. It doesn't qualify under my statement though since I've never heard that record (or anyting much by Prince at all) =========== From: BEATLE To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: protesters Date & Time: 01/26/91 00:35:59 Message Number 11529 Your point is taken about the anti-war protests lowering the troops' morales, but I don't buy the idea about Hussein. Granted, that's very likely, but neither you or I have any idea how anything thats going on affects Sadaam. =========== From: BEATLE To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: Various Date & Time: 01/26/91 00:40:41 Message Number 11530 > Or how shallow yours is. I can't comment on your musical tastes, since you've never mentioned what you actually like, but I can agree somewhat with what you said about Turtle. I say somewhat because I haven't got too much insight into what he listens to. I do know that a lot of his tape collection is pretty much the same type of music, but I've noticed that he tends to like the best of that category. A lot of heavy metal that Turtle listens to actually sounds good to me, which is pretty odd since I generally hate it... =========== From: BEATLE To: SCOTT STEEL Subject: Various Date & Time: 01/26/91 00:44:17 Message Number 11531 > Any volunteers to assist? I would consider it, but I'd much rather be paid minimum wage. =========== From: BEATLE To: SCOTT STEEL Subject: trivia Date & Time: 01/26/91 00:45:28 Message Number 11532 > Who elected you referee? It was a joke. Didn't you notice the :> at the end of his message? =========== From: BEATLE To: TURTLE Subject: protesters Date & Time: 01/26/91 00:47:25 Message Number 11533 > I ferget, does paragon Cable serve Iraq? I like that. Then again, every time I post an "I like that" message, it goes unnoticed, so I guess this one will too. =========== From: BEATLE To: TURTLE Subject: Addictions. Date & Time: 01/26/91 00:50:47 Message Number 11534 > You mean the iceberg was supposed to pose a challenge or something? Or something. (Gee, aren't I in a bad mood tonight)... =========== From: BEATLE To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: Give Peace agin Date & Time: 01/26/91 00:52:55 Message Number 11535 > Repetitive. Mmmm, somewhat. > Pathetic. In a small sense. Maybe for Cindi Lauper. > Predictable. Not really. Won't this thread be fun when we've forgotten what we're talking about ????? =========== From: BEATLE To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: Oil Date & Time: 01/26/91 00:55:39 Message Number 11536 > There are a myriad of reasons for us to go over there... And he wasn't addressing them at that time because you asked him why oil wasn't a good enough reason to go to war. =========== From: BEATLE To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: Arabic Date & Time: 01/26/91 00:57:02 Message Number 11537 > Ah, no...I doubt it. Then what is your view on the war so I may contrast it with Turtle's. =========== From: BEATLE To: RUFUS Subject: Give Peace agin Date & Time: 01/26/91 01:00:31 Message Number 11538 > ...what does acid rain and house rock have to do with world peace? Absoulutely NOTHING. Nobody addressed the fact of "inconsitency" yet. The original had nothing to do with peace except the chorus. This version is a bit more socially conscious, though. I do like it for one nice reason: They put the lyric "New Kids dance on MTV," among REALLY bad things. :) =========== From: BEATLE To: RUFUS Subject: Tangerine Drm Date & Time: 01/26/91 01:08:09 Message Number 11539 > Copy? Who said copy? Not I. And that Gremlin didn't drink the brain potion. (Okay, that made no sense, but I liked it anyway). =========== From: NIGHT OWL To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: hamsters Date & Time: 01/26/91 11:35:58 Message Number 11540 Thanks for the warning. Somebody asked about 'em and that was the best answer I could think of (in jest of course). SEE YA! Night Owl =========== From: NIGHT OWL To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: PA Date & Time: 01/26/91 11:37:50 Message Number 11541 >> PA...pothole capitol of the world. > And armpit of the world. Hey... watch it, I like PA. There's some beautiful country up there. The fall season's the best. Night Owl =========== From: NIGHT OWL To: SCOTT STEEL Subject: hamsters Date & Time: 01/26/91 11:40:55 Message Number 11542 TS> What is it with you and hamsters? NO> Sex. SS> Do you do gerbil stuffing too? I plead the fifth ammendment... Night Owl =========== From: NIGHT OWL To: TIBERIUS Subject: near the border Date & Time: 01/26/91 11:47:46 Message Number 11543 Was it possible to avoid taxes on anything by going to Ohio for your shopping? Deleware doesn't have a state tax. My parents got all sortsa stuff there .. Never heard of a cheesesteak? Sheesh! That's one of my favorite foods! SEE YA! Night Owl =========== From: TIBERIUS To: NIGHT OWL Subject: near the border Date & Time: 01/26/91 14:29:34 Message Number 11544 >Was it possible to avoid taxes Yes, it's quite nice on some things, but difficult on others. For example, Booze is quite inexpensive in Ohio as compared to the state stores in Pa. But in Ohio, you PAY taxes on things like clothes and some foodstuffs not taxed in Pa. Also, when I was growing up, you could get low-powered beer in Ohio at 18 as opposed to 21 in Pa. =========== From: TIBERIUS To: NIGHT OWL Subject: PA Date & Time: 01/26/91 14:38:50 Message Number 11545 >> PA...pothole capital of the world >> And armpit of the world. I'll agree with the first statement about the potholes, but as far as armpits go, it has always been "Newark, NJ - Armpit of the universe" And you're right about the fall season, but I like late February and March. "Cause then I can go back in the woods and dtart tapping maple trees for sap. Nothin' like homemade maple syrup. Even if it does take forever. =========== From: SNAKEBYTE To: BURNEY Subject: nosedive! Date & Time: 01/26/91 19:14:40 Message Number 11546 And you say you don't respond on a regular basis. We were talking about copy guard busters about two weeks ago. Geeeze.....busy-busy-busy. Anyway....what's new???? Probably everything...hehe =========== From: SNAKEBYTE To: SCOTT STEEL Subject: Holy Grail Date & Time: 01/26/91 19:16:45 Message Number 11547 >Brave Sir Robin is still mine favorite. Welp, I'm tossed between the rabbit and the Black Knight. "It's only a scratch." "No it's not! I've cut your bloody arm off!!! "No you didn't!!!" "Yes I did!!" "Did not!!!" "Well, then what's that lying there?" "Well...I've been hurt worse." Great flick!!!!! =========== From: SNAKEBYTE To: SCOTT STEEL Subject: marriage Date & Time: 01/26/91 19:19:33 Message Number 11548 >"Some men are fools, the rest are bachelors." Oh well...guess that puts me in my place. I always liked a friend of mine's coffee mug at work: "If you love something, let it go. If it doesn't come back to you, hunt it down and kill it." Good stuff. My mug just has teeny-tiny-small lettering on one side that if you squint real hard you can read saying: "Nosey little fucker aren't you?" Oh each his own. =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: RUFUS Subject: Give Peace agin Date & Time: 01/26/91 21:14:54 Message Number 11549 R>Ack...I HATE THAT SONG. Call me silly but what does acid rain and R>house rock have to do with world peace? Absolutely nothing. It was a pathetic attempt at dressing up an outdated song for the sole purpose of protesting, not to mention that it made money for the artists involved. Altruism...bullshit. =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: TURTLE Subject: protesters Date & Time: 01/26/91 21:17:42 Message Number 11550 T>News flash--you can protest the WAR while still supporting the T T>PEOPLE involved. Yeah, yeah, I heard you the first 12 times. Your needle's stuck. Get off it and address my point! That soldier doesn't get an adequate news report while he's in the field. He can't tune into CNN. I don't think that he would get the impression that people were concerned about his health. All he sees is "Get out of the Middle East! Stop fighting!" And even if he *did* manage to get the message that you were concerned for him, it isn't going to do him any good, when you want him to come home, he wants to come home, but his CO says to stay. All your noise that your protesting makes isn't gonna do diddly squat for the govnt's opinion, so might as well stop bothering people. =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: TURTLE Subject: Oil Date & Time: 01/26/91 21:23:18 Message Number 11551 T>Oh, I quite agree there are a number of reasons... T>spew, spew, distorted view, inaccurate summation, spew, spew.... =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: TURTLE Subject: Various Date & Time: 01/26/91 21:24:21 Message Number 11552 T>'If the singer is moaning truck...nasal, T>twangy voice, I can't listen to it.' Ah, yes, but one more thing...rain, jail, trains. =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: TURTLE Subject: hamsters Date & Time: 01/26/91 21:26:22 Message Number 11553 TS>...homopervertual... T>What an AMAZING word! You have a gift. Yes, for expression. Thank you. Did I mention my gift for accurate speaking? =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: BLACK MAGIC Subject: WAR Date & Time: 01/26/91 21:29:17 Message Number 11554 BM> ...hit by all the original assholes! :> How I missed you... Aye, and I thee, m'lady. I am touched, indeed. Hmmm. Somehow, I wonder if that statement was going to end, "How I missed you...with that bazooka, I'll never figure out." =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: TIBERIUS Subject: where Date & Time: 01/26/91 21:35:40 Message Number 11555 Conneaut Lake Park! Exit 36, I-79 (?) Used to go there all the time for the school functions. Hermatige. Hmmm...sounds so familiar. Yep, you *were* hot stuff...back then. Ooh, graphics? Wow! I used t to think I was pretty cool with my Apple...Top of the line in 1983. Beat the TRS-80's all hollow as far as graphics went. As a matter of fact, nothing comes to mind that was better. =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: BEATLE Subject: Give Peace agin Date & Time: 01/26/91 21:46:08 Message Number 11556 These people had good intentions...bullshit. Wonder how much they got paid for thier appearances. Corny. Superfluous. What does acid rain have to do with peace? Bull. Dull, trying to tell me that the song was fascinating or interesting? That the concept behind it was new and exciting? No. No. Corny, dull, trite and outdated. =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: BEATLE Subject: Rationality Date & Time: 01/26/91 21:51:55 Message Number 11557 B>Who cares... My point exactly. His words are no more than mine. The answer to both is identical. =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: BEATLE Subject: War Pigs Date & Time: 01/26/91 21:53:18 Message Number 11558 B> must admit it's unique. I'll admit it's perverted. B>Do you hold things often? Can you be a bit more specific? =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: BEATLE Subject: Various Date & Time: 01/26/91 21:55:10 Message Number 11559 B> I have yet to hear...enlighten us. Changed pronouns there, Beatle. =========== From: NIGHT OWL To: TIBERIUS Subject: booze Date & Time: 01/26/91 20:50:02 Message Number 11560 Deleware was a great place to buy booze, no taxes. What is 'low-powered' beer? SEE YA! Night Owl =========== From: NIGHT OWL To: TIBERIUS Subject: good things Date & Time: 01/26/91 20:53:33 Message Number 11561 yeah, newark NJ is the armpit of the world. I don't particularly care for maple syrup, but I know what you mean by good things from the earth. I used to live about 6 miles from the Brandywine river, where there was a spring. Mmmmmmmm talk about good water!! Even on hot days, the water was ice cold. I also liked to buy honey from one of the local beekeepers. -- a 100% natural Night Owl =========== From: CHAZ To: ALL Subject: SCBBS PICNICK! Date & Time: 01/26/91 21:41:06 Message Number 11562 Join us at our Sarasota Monthly Indoor... PPPPP IIII CCCCC NN NN IIII CCCCC KK KK !! PP PP II CC CC NNN NN II CC CC KK KK !! PP PP II CC NNNN NN II CC KK KK !! PPPPP II CC NN NNNN II CC KKKK !! PP II CC NN NNN II CC KK KK !! PP II CC CC NN NN II CC CC KK KK PP IIII CCCCC NN NN IIII CCCCC KK KK !! Sponsored by Suncoast City BBS and Wyvern's Den BBS (Wyvern's Den 'in absentia' temporarily) When? Saturday, Feb. 9th, 10 AM to Noon Where? Chef Paul's, Tamiami Trail (Rt 41) at 16th ST (Gulf side) Who? ALL callers, sysops, friends, spouses, etc. Why? Because there will be great giveaways, great conversation and an inexpensive fun time!! Dozens of Books, lots of Software, Hardware, Electronics, even... F O O D ! ...will be GIVEN AWAY at the Picnick - Join us....enjoy.... =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: BEATLE Subject: trivia Date & Time: 01/27/91 07:59:42 Message Number 11563 Hell if I know. I traced that back to 11433, and hell if I know what I asked for. =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: BEATLE Subject: Earth stuff Date & Time: 01/27/91 08:00:51 Message Number 11564 ??> E.T. was, in fact a sequel. ??> b> Didn't we see that before? Look, I don't know what the hell's going on, but I KNOW *I* didn't post that message. You sure you are addressing your mail to the correct individual? =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: BEATLE Subject: protesters Date & Time: 01/27/91 08:03:57 Message Number 11565 B> neither you or I have any idea how anything thats goin on B>affects Sadaam. Ok, ya got me. But, I would like to see anything that encourages him eliminated. Period. =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: BEATLE Subject: Various Date & Time: 01/27/91 08:05:17 Message Number 11566 B> A lot of heavy metal that Turtle listens to actually sounds good to B> me, which is pretty odd since I generally hate it... Hmmm? Really? Perhaps you could suggest something for me to sample? =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: BEATLE Subject: trivia Date & Time: 01/27/91 08:06:48 Message Number 11567 >Who elected you referee? B>It was a joke. Didn't you notice the :> at the end of his message? I'm not sure that Scot (being a relative newcomer to BBSing) is familiar with all the conventions we use, e.g. smiley faces, or abbreviations (ROFLSC- Rolling On Floor Laughing Scaring Cat) or TANSTAAFL - There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch)... Either that or he did and just felt like getting viscious (SP?). =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: BEATLE Subject: Give Peace agin Date & Time: 01/27/91 08:10:32 Message Number 11568 I don't think that it will be forgotten, besides, I was replying to Scot, I meant those words to describe his actions, not the song. It was predictable that he would try to continue that thread, using the same tact that Turtle took. Say, how come you aint on the Storyboards? =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: NIGHT OWL Subject: PA Date & Time: 01/27/91 08:13:48 Message Number 11569 NOx> There is some beautiful country up there. The fall season's the NOx> best. Agreed. Did I say armpit of the world? Actually, I believe that Korea is the armpit of the world, I meant that PA was the armpit of the country. It was just a passing remark anyway. What prompted you to move to Florida? I moved here when I got out of the service, because my parents moved here. (They moved here because my dad was an apartment complex manager, and couldn't stand one more day of unfreezing pipes under buildings.)] =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: NIGHT OWL Subject: hamsters Date & Time: 01/27/91 08:17:27 Message Number 11570 TS>> What is it with you and hamsters? NOx> Sex. SS>> DO you do gerbil stuffing too? NOx> I plead the fith amendment... ::"I refuse to say anything on the grounds that it might incriminate me":: Ah, no, I wouldn't plead the fifth amendment if I were you, I would give a solid "NO." =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: SNAKEBYTE Subject: Holy Grail Date & Time: 01/27/91 08:21:10 Message Number 11571 "You can't hurt me! I'm the Black Knight!" "You're a loon." "I am a great wizard, known all over." "What shal we call you, oh great wizard?" "Some call me...Tim." ShhhhhBOOM!" "Very well, then, have at you!" =========== From: THE GRUNT To: THRUD Subject: AK's Date & Time: 01/27/91 09:24:03 Message Number 11572 Problems with AK's? AK which stands for Automatish Kalashinikov, after the soviets famed weapons engineer Kalashinikov. He was wounded (lost both legs) in a famous tank battle, and later became a weapons designer. He pioneered the "above gas return tube" now implemented by all soviet designed weapons. AK's are not a bad weapon. They will stand up in all types of weather, and under all types of adverse conditions! Do not get me wrong, I am very partial to U.S. Weapons, but as a member of the U.S. Army's Long Range Surveillance Detachment, I was issued an AKMS, and had to Qualify with a wide variety of soviet weapons. They are stamped metal, not machined. They are mass produced for quantity, not quality, however, I have never seen any of the AK series weapons malfunction! Show me a weapon that can lie underwater, in mud, for over a week, and all you have to do is let the water run out of the barrel and it will fire! You'll only be able to show me an AK! Which is why, the U.S. Army's special units are issued the weapon! If you have any questions or comments on particular armament, let me know. Happy hunting, whatever it may be! Remember, Why did the GRUNT cross the road? Why to kill something on the other side, of course! The Grunt =========== From: THE GRUNT To: THUMPER 1 Subject: Joke! Date & Time: 01/27/91 09:35:37 Message Number 11573 The joke, as it is, came from the original: Why did the GRUNT cross the road? To kill something on the other side ! Had to put that in there! The Grunt =========== From: TIBERIUS To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: where Date & Time: 01/27/91 10:03:16 Message Number 11574 Conneaut Lake Park!!! Wow! Oh, WOW!! I used to go there every Wednesday afternoon. We did a remote broadcast from there when I was in radio. 'Member things like the Stoneboro Fair, Crawford County Fair?? We did remotes from all of them as well. Used to call it the "Hot Sausage Circuit" 'cause we would get all the hot sausage sandwich vwndors to compete by giving us free sandwiches and drinks for a mention on the air Never ate do many sandwiches as then!! To this day, I can't go to a county, city, state or other fair without getting a hot sausage sandwich all covered in onions and peppers. =========== From: TIBERIUS To: NIGHT OWL Subject: booze Date & Time: 01/27/91 10:09:03 Message Number 11575 Used to be, (I don't know if it still is) that low-powered beer was 3.2% alcohol, and hi-test was anything over 6%. You could get low stuff if you were under 21, usually out of the tap, but bottled was hi-test and was off limits till 21. =========== From: TIBERIUS To: NIGHT OWL Subject: good things Date & Time: 01/27/91 10:11:35 Message Number 11576 Spring water is my favorite, too. Used to be a guy with a long beard that I know that would go to several springs around my place and pick up water for you for a buck. Icy cold is right. Nowadays, I gotta pay 69 cents for a liter and a half of North Country Spring water from Canada at Phar-Mor. Sheesh! =========== From: TURTLE To: OPUS Subject: Uhh... Date & Time: 01/27/91 10:20:47 Message Number 11577 >...didn't know a TSR80 could compile programs either... Say what? A compiler is a program, just like any other program. Why SHOULDN'T a TRS-80 be able to run a compiler? I will have you know that I have Borland Turbo Pascal 3.2 on this computer...and Borland Turbo Modula-2, which **only** exists for CP/M and Z-System (they never made an MS-DOS version). =========== From: TURTLE To: TIBERIUS Subject: where Date & Time: 01/27/91 10:24:06 Message Number 11578 >Boy! We thought we were hot stuff with 40 megs, C/PM operating >system, and 5 terminals, two of which actually did graphics! Not a bad setup, even by today's standards--MS-DOS is a direct descendant of CP/M, and isn't even as powerful as the more recent CP/M derivatives (TurboDOS and Z-System). Although if you were running five terminals, you were probably running MP/M (the multiuser, multitasking version of CP/M). Come to think of it, I don't think I've ever seen an MS-DOS machine running multiple terminals... =========== From: TURTLE To: THUMPER 1 Subject: Vulcan Bastige Date & Time: 01/27/91 10:27:47 Message Number 11579 >And besides, this board NEEDS a little insenmsitive MACHOness >on it. Why? =========== From: TURTLE To: RUFUS Subject: Model 100 Date & Time: 01/27/91 10:28:35 Message Number 11580 You have a Model 100? Where did you get it? Can I have one? I want one real bad, yes I do! I love those things. Can I get one, can I, can I, huh? =========== From: TURTLE To: BEATLE Subject: protesters Date & Time: 01/27/91 10:31:28 Message Number 11581 >I like that. Then again, every time I post an "I like that" messagh&&x db%zNO CARRIER =========== From: TURTLE To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: protesters Date & Time: 01/27/91 10:35:13 Message Number 11582 >All your noise that your protesting makes isn't gonna do diddly squat >for the govnt's opinion,... Time for a history lesson. Open your textbooks to the chapter on America's involvement in Viet Nam, and read what it says... Seriously, though, you have a real problem with people who express opinions you don't like, don't you? =========== From: TURTLE To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: Oil Date & Time: 01/27/91 10:42:48 Message Number 11583 >spew, spew, distorted view, inaccurate summation, spew, spew.... How enlightening. You addressed all of my points quite clearly. Care to bring any REAL viewpoints into the discussion, or are you just going to mock those of others while conveniently sidestepping addressing any of the points they raise? =========== From: TURTLE To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: hamsters Date & Time: 01/27/91 10:44:31 Message Number 11584 >Did I mention my gift for accurate speaking? No. Do you have one? =========== From: TURTLE To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: where Date & Time: 01/27/91 10:45:30 Message Number 11585 >As a matter of fact, nothing comes to mind that was better. How 'bout the Televideo 802? 640x480 resolution in (I believe) 128 colors, not bad for 1982. 'Course, the TRS-80's graphics always did suck shit, 'ceptin if you were one of the three or four people on earth who bought a hi-res graphics card for it. The hi-res card gives you monochrome (black and green) graphics at a resolution just a hair better than the Macintosh's, and if you have one you can run all two or three programs that were ever written to use it. =========== From: TURTLE To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: protesters Date & Time: 01/27/91 11:36:18 Message Number 11586 >But, I would like to see anything that encourages him eliminated. >Period. Even if by doing so the United States of America becomes no better than Iraq? How curious. =========== From: TURTLE To: THE GRUNT Subject: AK's Date & Time: 01/27/91 11:39:07 Message Number 11587 The AK-47 is a good weapon, yes, but I still wouldn't try to use one to hunt deer... =========== From: NIGHT OWL To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: PA Date & Time: 01/27/91 11:45:48 Message Number 11588 Ok on the passing remark about Pa being the armpit of the country/ world .. Why did you say that though, just curious. I moved here because of a job offer a couple of years after my mother moved from PA. It didn't work out though (the job). SEE YA! Night Owl =========== From: NIGHT OWL To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: hamsters Date & Time: 01/27/91 11:48:29 Message Number 11589 yeah, you're right, I should have said NO. (but I just hate lying :) :) :) ) SEE YA! Night Owl =========== From: NIGHT OWL To: TIBERIUS Subject: water Date & Time: 01/27/91 11:52:13 Message Number 11590 Bottled water shouldn't even be considered natural in most cases 'cause it's treated in one way on another. Even if it isn't, it tastes like plastic from sittin' in the bottle for so long. SEE YA! Night Owl =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: TURTLE Subject: MS-DOS Date & Time: 01/28/91 09:10:40 Message Number 11591 T>Come to think of it, I don't think I've ever seen an MS-DOS machine T>running multiple terminals... Never seen a Novell setup? For shame! =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: TURTLE Subject: protesters Date & Time: 01/28/91 09:12:26 Message Number 11592 Lemme telya somethin about Viet wasn't just the war protesters that got us out of Viet was also the civil rights movement which turned it's power against Viet Nam. Also, the police were responsible for CREATING new protesters with they way they treated the original protesters. A great many of the people out there weren't protesting the war, they were protesting the way the anti-war hippies were treated. The rest of it was civil rights activists. So don't tell *me* that it was only people who were protesting war that got the war stopped. A great multitude were just there to cause havoc. Again...your protesting ain't gonna do diddly squat for what the govnt does. =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: TURTLE Subject: Oil Date & Time: 01/28/91 09:16:23 Message Number 11593 T>How enlightening. You addressed all of my points quite clearly. And described what you said very accurately. T>Care to bring any REAL viewpoints into the discussion, Not when you refuse to discuss them in any form of coherence. =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: TURTLE Subject: hamsters Date & Time: 01/28/91 09:17:46 Message Number 11594 >>Did I mention my gift for accurate speaking? T>No. Do you have one? Why, yes, shall I demonstrate? Homosexuality is sick, sick, sick. There. =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: TURTLE Subject: where Date & Time: 01/28/91 09:18:53 Message Number 11595 I never saw the Televideo 802. That's why I used the expression, "Nothing comes to mind" rather than a blunt "There simply wasn't any". Y'know, I remember when that upgrade for the TRS-80 came was for the model IV, wasn't it? Not color, though. 'Course, then, niether was the Mac... =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: TURTLE Subject: protesters Date & Time: 01/28/91 09:21:10 Message Number 11596 You certainly do have a gift for exaggerating everything I say and do, don't you? Just because I would like to see all Americans united behind the war effort, you misconstrue that I would like to see all protesters suppressed. (Which, failing to have all united, strikes me as somewhat of a good idea...) =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: NIGHT OWL Subject: PA Date & Time: 01/28/91 09:22:53 Message Number 11597 NOx>...on the passing remark... Well, I just happen to believe that Florida beats Pennsylvania all hollow.... Just an opinion. I'm sorry if I had offended you. Actually I've been to or through all 50 states (lived in Hawaii two years and went through Alaska on my way to Korea) and the one I disliked the most hadda be South Carolina. Maybe it's just because that's where I took BASIC training. Or maybe it's because of that horrible twang they all talk in.... Y'ahhhll gowwwin' ta thuh stowwer? Owr ah meeen thuh Pee Ehx? Arrrrgh! SHUT UP! Course, if you want to talk the most boring, that's Kansas...all the way across. "Land of *yawn*zzzzzz" (Sound it'll see what I mean.) =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: NIGHT OWL Subject: hamsters Date & Time: 01/28/91 09:29:49 Message Number 11598 NOx>(But I hate lying :) :) :) ) "Yer makin' me ner- I say, Nervous, boy." =========== From: NIGHT OWL To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: PA Date & Time: 01/28/91 11:11:02 Message Number 11599 No offense on the remark about PA. All things considered, I think PA is better than florida (Then what am I doin' here?). The fall season is the one thing I miss the most. Also, the state parks have a lot more to offer than those here in FL. As for Florida, ya just can't beat the climate. I'd like to be rich so that I can be a snowbird and enjoy the best of both worlds. :) I've also been to Colorado briefly for my brother's graduation from the Colorado school of mines. It's in the Golden area. Have you ever been to Loveland pass? It's really nice there. Hmmm.... I've been to NJ, my parents had a house st the shore, and my gr andparents lived in new Hamphsire. Hanover is really nice in the wintertime. Oh, I used to ride my 10-speed to Deleware every now & then too. Whelp, th's all the places I've been. SEE YA! Night Owl =========== From: NIGHT OWL To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: hamsters Date & Time: 01/28/91 11:18:55 Message Number 11600 TS>"Yer makin' me ner- I say, Nervous, boy." Hahahahahahaha...... SEE YA! Night Owl =========== .