From: THE SPECIALIST To: SAAVIK Subject: Right! Date & Time: 03/02/91 18:56:58 Message Number 13201 S>Mopars make me sick... Ah, yes, I used to get sick every time a Mustang would beat my Camaro. I have the ability to identify any Mustang, make and year from the tailights.... I am rapidly forgetting them, I can identify them from thier headlights...the ones that always receede in my rear view mirror. (And Camaro's too.) My dear lady, perhaps you should obtain a Mopar. Then you can avoid being sick from being defeated. =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: SAAVIK Subject: Friendship Date & Time: 03/02/91 19:00:05 Message Number 13202 Ok, well, if you *still* are in the mind to hug me, make sure that you warn *me* first. And if your husband *does* find, on second thought, lets just avoid the hug, ok? =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: SAAVIK Subject: mouth size Date & Time: 03/02/91 19:01:12 Message Number 13203 And I, personally, never BEG. =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: SAAVIK Subject: Suicide Date & Time: 03/02/91 19:01:34 Message Number 13204 TS>You never hear... S>Only in Hell... Oh, then you have heard someone complain? =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: SAAVIK Subject: Touche' Date & Time: 03/02/91 19:02:18 Message Number 13205 S>Immune? Well, there's nothing I could do about it. [Eyes longsword suspiciously] Uh, yeah. Right. =========== From: JONBOY To: SAAVIK Subject: Faire? Date & Time: 03/02/91 22:04:05 Message Number 13206 SA> let me know ... sounds like a good time... Well - we hope so - Turtle and I plan on kidnapping Lorilei kicking and screaming and ummm finding creative alternate entrances unhindered by pesty people desiring entry bribes to the faire kingdom. It should be fun - hope to see some of y'all there - look for Turtle I'll be around. =========== From: JONBOY To: GROUCHO Subject: Green M&M's Date & Time: 03/02/91 22:07:39 Message Number 13207 G> where ... concept... "Green M&M's" ... sex I seem to recall green M&M's being touted as an aphrodisiac by Danette at Bourns in Utah back in '84. Maybe the word spread. JonBoy =========== From: JONBOY To: SCOTT STEEL Subject: Faire? Date & Time: 03/02/91 22:10:34 Message Number 13208 SS> A very immobilized, and frustrated Scott Steel. Ummm sorry dude - we're on a real loose schedule and booked up for space I think. We kinda cobbled together a time place methodology and screamed an approximate rendezvous as Turtle was heading for work .. There is also a time factor convincing Lorilei she has to come along. Isn't Dave coming? Can't anyone give this man a ride? A-scheduled-JonBoy =========== From: JONBOY To: TURTLE Subject: A/R Band? Date & Time: 03/02/91 22:15:09 Message Number 13209 T> Bad idea. Neighbors, doncha know. Get real - if neighbors were a concern we most assuredly would not be handing out open invites to the crowd on /this/ board to come to a party. Y'know - I /still/ think we ought to reserve a spot at Turtle Beach and really party down.. Somebody HAS to have a battery pack for the damned camcorder... =========== From: JONBOY To: TURTLE Subject: Yoyo?? Date & Time: 03/02/91 22:18:00 Message Number 13210 T>'s late, I'm tired... Hohohoho! You ain't using /that/ old line to cop out. I have to make do with pleadings of insanity and withstand accusations of "good drugs" when a little off the wall humor is in order. Full-moons really do bring out a different set of vibes from me. I start feeling a real burst of romanticism and an absurd desire to stroll the beach with a babe. Cruisin with the sunroof off and just getting a thrill from being alive is the ticket of the time. Aaaaaarrrrroooooooooo!!!!!!! A-moon-dogged JonBoy =========== From: JONBOY To: TURTLE Subject: Faire? Date & Time: 03/02/91 22:22:04 Message Number 13211 T> Me too! Lori may also be persuaded to go. We should make a regular T> party of it, ya know? Whoa! This is assuredly deja' vu! I could have sworn we talked about this earlier.... Doc Smith! We're in a time warp! A wrinkle in the fabric of Space/Time. Quick! Tell that damned Schroedinger to break out his iron and smooth that sucker out. Bweeeeppp! No steam you fool! That's polyester on that seersucker. =========== From: JONBOY To: TURTLE Subject: Scandalized Date & Time: 03/02/91 22:25:43 Message Number 13212 T> its interrupt model (doesn't even take full advantage of the T> processor's only real strong point)... Hell no! They /still/ have to use a priority interrupt controller and the idiots /still/ managed to provide only half of what's really needed in a souped up system. Hell I have to juggle interrupts and I/O addresses on a damn near daily basis because the fools thought that no one could possibly want more than two or three interrupts. Sheeesh! If it weren't for those three damned letters (IBM) it would have never flown. If it weren't for the software /I/ wouldn't have one either. =========== From: JONBOY To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: Freindship Date & Time: 03/02/91 22:31:15 Message Number 13213 TS> If ok? I'll keep you distracted and have her sneak up on you. Be interesting I think. We expected to see you today... carb was a major bitch and Soo-ba-roo's move up a notch on my famous list. I left Dino Brains at Turtles so you can pick it up when you like. Please be careful of the jacket - I like to try and keep them untorn. JonBoy =========== From: JONBOY To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: mouth size Date & Time: 03/02/91 22:34:38 Message Number 13214 SA> Naw, it's not dirty, he changes it too often. TS> I resent that! Or, eh...well, forget it... More like "I resemble that remark..." (Ithought it was great - we really must compile a "Best of Altered Posts some day... JonBoy =========== From: JONBOY To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: M$Ms Date & Time: 03/02/91 22:36:48 Message Number 13215 SA> We share a common intrest in beast of burden TS> Man? JB> *snurk* *snicker* wahahahahahahahahaha! ROFLOL(tm). ain't that a sad-but-truism? JonBoy =========== From: JONBOY To: SAAVIK Subject: A.C.O.A. Date & Time: 03/02/91 22:39:32 Message Number 13216 SA> I warn you, I can whip my weight in wildcats. Now now - wtach your language... this /is/ a furry board and wildcats are considered sentients and deserving of respect. a moderate JonBoy =========== From: JONBOY To: SAAVIK Subject: spe11w1nd Date & Time: 03/02/91 22:48:11 Message Number 13217 SA> what is a SPELLWIND ... enlighten me please... Distantly related to the dreaded Greenawald and doomed to struggle eternally with a terminally malfunctioning keyboard which compliments his terminally malfunctioning brain - we have a user that goes by that name. Actually I haven't seen a post fromn him in quite some time. It was memorable tho... like measles. JonBoy =========== From: SAAVIK To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: Spellbound Date & Time: 03/02/91 23:24:21 Message Number 13218 The name came up on another board earlier in reference to a story board. I didn't get the gist....... Now I think I do. Yeah, Pathetic =========== From: SAAVIK To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: Right! Date & Time: 03/02/91 23:25:56 Message Number 13219 Oh, them there is fighting words!!!!!! I am a die-hard Camaro lover. Trashed my first one, however, (the 69 Super Sport). Sold my second, a 71, and have since been driving compacts. Soooooo, virtualy every thing on the street can pass me in second gear.......except mopeds, that is. I do have a confession about Mopar... I never meet a 'Cuda I didn't like. =========== From: SAAVIK To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: Friendship Date & Time: 03/02/91 23:28:44 Message Number 13220 Deal! I won't hug you. I promise. I'll keep my paws to myself. Saver that way, agree? =========== From: SAAVIK To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: Never Beg Date & Time: 03/02/91 23:30:42 Message Number 13221 Ok, so you personally never beg, eh? Sorry, I BEG you're forgivence for even suggesting that you might. Friends? I am Vulcan Sincere, Saavik =========== From: SAAVIK To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: Suicide Date & Time: 03/02/91 23:32:31 Message Number 13222 S: only in hell TS: Oh, then you have heard someone complain? Only the dead, speak to them often, you know. =========== From: SAAVIK To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: Touche' Date & Time: 03/02/91 23:34:00 Message Number 13223 (walking softly but still carrying BIG sword) Honestly, I wouldn't hurt a fly...... =========== From: SAAVIK To: JONBOY Subject: Faire? Date & Time: 03/02/91 23:35:43 Message Number 13224 Ah, sneaking in, eh? Jumping the wall, are we? Better leave Lori outside the gate with BAIL money. =========== From: SAAVIK To: JONBOY Subject: Yoyo?? Date & Time: 03/02/91 23:38:34 Message Number 13225 Are those fangs sprouting from your mouth???? Somebody get a silver bullet, quick!!!!! =========== From: SAAVIK To: JONBOY Subject: A.C.O.A. Date & Time: 03/02/91 23:42:08 Message Number 13226 JB: Watch your language... this is a furry board and wildcats are considered sentients and deserving of respect. Oh, I am "furry" sorry. Sick of apologising, Saavik =========== From: SAAVIK To: SAAVIK Subject: Friendship Date & Time: 03/02/91 23:45:01 Message Number 13227 (talking to myself) Get a life, Saavik. =========== From: TURTLE To: OPUS Subject: ummm.. Date & Time: 03/02/91 23:52:27 Message Number 13228 Well, Turbo's random number generator isn't all that good to start with, but it /shouldn't/ be doing what you describe...if BPowerSuicide is another subject entirely. S>Suicide is another subject eternally. TS>Suicide is another subject *permanently*. Suicide is the most sincere form of self-criticism. =========== From: TURTLE To: KNIGHT OWL Subject: jealousy Date & Time: 03/03/91 00:02:24 Message Number 13230 >No, you aren't getting like Spellwind. [That's impossible...] D0nt c0unt 0n 1t. Ever hear 0f m1ke greenawald? =========== From: TURTLE To: SAAVIK Subject: Wildcats Date & Time: 03/03/91 00:04:24 Message Number 13231 >I warn you, I can whip my weight in wildcats. Just not at the Furry Party. I'm tired of fixing the waterbed. =========== From: TURTLE To: SAAVIK Subject: Spellw1nd Date & Time: 03/03/91 00:05:35 Message Number 13232 >What's a Spellwind? Huh? I R confused. Spellwind is one of those mythic beings like you find in Norse legend; kind of the aLTER rEALITY version of Loki. While his origin is shrouded in myth and mystery, his presence has had a profound effect upon the direction and course of this and many other BBS's for all eternity. I'm sure the Specialist would be /more/ than happy to fill you in on all the details, if you want 'em...I won't disturb you with them because they would, er, disturb you. =========== From: TURTLE To: SAAVIK Subject: Computer Stuff Date & Time: 03/03/91 00:09:20 Message Number 13233 >What's next? The NeXT is Steven Jobs' brainchild; it's a 68000-based UNIX work...oh, you meant that more generally, didn't you? Next is the advent of personal UNIX workstations, of course, as evidenced by the Amiga 3000UX; after that we'll be seeing personal SPARCstations, personal Crays...never mind. My brain hurts. Carburetors and hectic days at work. No Mountain Dew in sight, either. I hate it when that happens. You'd think things'd happen well occasionally, just by accident, but no. While the current quantum electrodynamic model of quantum physics would seem to suggest that Murphy's Law must have an equivalent anti-law (you know, something like "Anything splendid that can happen, will"), this elusive beast still has evaded capture or observation...maybe it's kinda the equivalent of an imaginary number--sure it exists, but you can't catch one and stick it in a jar, even if you punch air holes in the lid first. Weird, huh? =========== From: TURTLE To: SAAVIK Subject: Froidgronk Date & Time: 03/03/91 00:16:43 Message Number 13234 >Best ask her boyfriend first? Yes. >Are you being cute or did I get a name wrong????? No. =========== From: TURTLE To: SAAVIK Subject: Handcuffs & You Date & Time: 03/03/91 00:18:11 Message Number 13235 >You have been cleared of all charges of malpractice. .... Funny thing abvout that message--it was never notarized. How do I know it's REALLY an official document, hmm? =========== From: TURTLE To: SAAVIK Subject: Right! Date & Time: 03/03/91 00:19:24 Message Number 13236 >Mopar make me sick... Oh, my. Shouldn't have said that to the Specialist, nope nope nope. (Covering ears, running for bomb shelter) My, my, my. I can see what's coming... =========== From: TURTLE To: SAAVIK Subject: Suicide Date & Time: 03/03/91 00:22:44 Message Number 13237 >Only in hell. Depends on your theology. Personally, I won't worship a diety that sees fit to keep a private torture chamber for his mistakes, but issues of faith aside, it's not all that logical to assume that any divine being would see fit to consider suicide an unforgivable sin when crimes against other people are generally a trivial matter to absolve. 'Course, you gotta expect that injunction form a faith that preaches life on earth is the misery before the Great Beyond; can't have all the faithful going to their final rewards by their own choosing, can you? Otherwise, you got no faithful left to lead, you know? =========== From: TURTLE To: JONBOY Subject: A/R Band? Date & Time: 03/03/91 00:28:34 Message Number 13238 >Y'Know - I /still/ think we ought to reserve a spot at Turtle Beach >and really party down... Funny you should mention that place; I actually went there for the first time ever last weekend, handcuffed to Lori. I couldn't BELIEVE how crowded it was (or how staggeringly tactless the people there were). I'd rather party at Lido Beach, 'cept they close the beach at night (grr!). Speaking of camcorders, I still don't have a copy of the official RufusCon '90 Furry Tape...Hey, Beatle, you listening? Ken? =========== From: TURTLE To: JONBOY Subject: Faire? Date & Time: 03/03/91 00:31:41 Message Number 13239 >Quick! Tell that damn Schroedinger to break out his iron and smooth >that sucker out! Um...sorry, I think Mr. Schroedinger's busy feeding his cat. =========== From: TURTLE To: JONBOY Subject: Freindship Date & Time: 03/03/91 00:35:36 Message Number 13240 >...Soo-ba-roo's move up a notch on my famous list. Dare I ask what ELSE you gots on that list? Subaru: IBM on wheels. (c) Anarchy Now, Inc. =========== From: TURTLE To: JONBOY Subject: mouth size Date & Time: 03/03/91 00:36:32 Message Number 13241 >...we really must compile a "Best of Altered Posts...["] Well, hey, I gots all the old public messages in a bunch of motherhuge ..LZH wanna do somethin' with 'em? Maybe I should make 'em available for download...A/R on a stick, so to speak. (Sorry, my sense of humor's chained into my motor task handler; whenever I move it go whacka-whacka-whacka.) =========== From: KNIGHT OWL To: SAAVIK Subject: jealousy Date & Time: 03/03/91 02:10:58 Message Number 13244 Spellwind is a former BBSer who most everybody found irritating. On CoC or BC, He's MCI us all to death. His personality left a lot to be desired too. =========== From: KNIGHT OWL To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: M$Ms Date & Time: 03/03/91 02:13:02 Message Number 13245 >KO'd> [Stick 'em up!] TS>But all I've got is Butterfingers! It's not my problem if you keep dropping stuff, now where are those M&M'S? =========== From: KNIGHT OWL To: TURTLE Subject: jealousy Date & Time: 03/03/91 02:25:10 Message Number 13246 Yeah, 1've heard of h1m, but 1 never knew wh0 he was. SEE YA! Knight Owl =========== From: KNIGHT OWL To: TURTLE Subject: soo-ba-roo Date & Time: 03/03/91 02:29:32 Message Number 13247 T> Subaru: IBM on wheels. (c) Anarchy Now, inc. LOOC (c) Knight Owl, inc [Laughing Out Of Control] =========== From: SCOTT STEEL To: TURTLE Subject: Not ACOA Date & Time: 03/03/91 10:55:14 Message Number 13248 SS.....perferably the corner of a large waterbed. T> NOT MINE! ....... I was thinking of MY waterbed......SAAVIK? =========== From: SCOTT STEEL To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: Right! Date & Time: 03/03/91 10:56:51 Message Number 13249 TS> (Grand offer to Saavik) RT Charger.....Holly....butterfingers.... Cutting in on me there, Specialist? =========== From: SCOTT STEEL To: KNIGHT OWL Subject: jealousy Date & Time: 03/03/91 11:00:30 Message Number 13250 KO> No, you aren't getting like Spellwind.... Thank you, I'll take that as a compliment. =========== From: SCOTT STEEL To: KNIGHT OWL Subject: M$Ms Date & Time: 03/03/91 11:01:46 Message Number 13251 KO> Saavik & Knight Owl hope that their craving is soon quenched. Perhaps, I'll bring some M & M's to the Furry Party. =========== From: SCOTT STEEL To: SAAVIK Subject: Touche' Date & Time: 03/03/91 11:03:30 Message Number 13252 SA> Ok, (I lower my sword reluctantly) but if you need me, just whistle. SA> You know how to whistle, don't ya?? Yes, I know how to whistle....I like a woman that answers to a whistle. Sorry, I couldn't resist. =========== From: SCOTT STEEL To: SAAVIK Subject: Barbara Dare Date & Time: 03/03/91 11:05:56 Message Number 13253 SA> We are blushing, Good, I love to make woman blush, it's, like, part of the job. =========== From: SCOTT STEEL To: SAAVIK Subject: A.C.O.A. Date & Time: 03/03/91 11:07:27 Message Number 13254 SA> ....I warn you, I can whip my weight in wildcats. "Ding. Ding" SA> Round two. All I can say in reply to that is; I can go for several rounds. hehehe (Blush?) (And no, that's not my confession) (You /still/ don't that, do you) I know that was perverted, but what do you want from a fellow pervert. =========== From: SCOTT STEEL To: SAAVIK Subject: Right! Date & Time: 03/03/91 11:10:25 Message Number 13255 SA> I am partial to tiger skin. SA> ...I'm getting a tan from all this blushing. Why, did you let you imagination run wild and kinky? (ha, I bet you're blushing AGAIN) =========== From: SCOTT STEEL To: SAAVIK Subject: Right! Date & Time: 03/03/91 11:14:36 Message Number 13256 Wait until I get my settlement for the issurance company. I'll make you an offer you can't refuse. (Planning on buying a new car. No this is not an offer of monies, that would be uncalled for.) Besides, I think you want me anyway, no bribes needed. Boy, I'm getting bold. =========== From: SCOTT STEEL To: SAAVIK Subject: Freindship Date & Time: 03/03/91 11:17:08 Message Number 13257 SA>......I'LL be the one to end up handcuffed, to the couch at home. Damn, can I come over and watch? =========== From: SCOTT STEEL To: SAAVIK Subject: jealousy Date & Time: 03/03/91 11:19:12 Message Number 13258 Spellwind is a guy who used to post on this BBS. He was, as we say, PATHETIC. I just loved to fight and his reasoning lacked. Just a bunch of PATHETIC things to say. =========== From: SCOTT STEEL To: JONBOY Subject: Faire? Date & Time: 03/03/91 11:23:41 Message Number 13259 JB> Isn't Dave coming? NO, he's working. JB> Can anyone give this man a ride? I might have on of this Sunday weather clears up. =========== From: SCOTT STEEL To: TURTLE Subject: Suicide Date & Time: 03/03/91 11:29:03 Message Number 13260 T> Suicide is the most sincere form of self-criticism. You're really sick and twisted, ya know that!?! =========== From: SCOTT STEEL To: TURTLE Subject: Right! Date & Time: 03/03/91 11:31:43 Message Number 13261 SA> Mopar make me sick.... T> Oh, my, shouldn't have said that to the Specialist, nope nope nope. T> (covering ears, running for bomb shelter.) I'm with you. Where the hell is the bomb shelter? (No really expecting a reponse, just following Turtle, very quickly) =========== From: JONBOY To: TURTLE Subject: Computer Stuff Date & Time: 03/03/91 11:47:53 Message Number 13262 T> Murphy's Law must have an equivalent anti-law ... Tis true - but you forget that like anti-matter they must be complimentary thus coupled with Heisenbergs uncertainty principle the law becomes: Anything splendid that can happen probably won't I really think that Heinlein summed it up with: ....realises that we live in a malevolent universe ruled by Murphy's Law. A philosophical JonBoy PS: Actually that would have been a neat alternate philosophy to the existentialism that we discussed ... nich war? =========== From: JONBOY To: TURTLE Subject: A/R Band? Date & Time: 03/03/91 11:52:41 Message Number 13263 T> I couldn't BELIEVE ... crowded ... tactless the people were.. We didn't have that problem - of course the old folks that live in the condos across the way called the police on us... maybe we WERE the tactless ones with a live nad and all - it definately wasn't their kind of music... lots-a-beer.... scanty clad girls.... T> handcuffed to Lori. I really am beginning to side with the rest of the folks here in wondering if there may be something deeper here... A feeling-left-out JonBoy =========== From: JONBOY To: TURTLE Subject: Faire? Date & Time: 03/03/91 11:55:52 Message Number 13264 T> Um...sorry, I think Mr. Schroedinger's busy feeding his cat. Yeah, but he can't look to see if it's eating so can we assume that if the food diminishes that in fact the cat is alive still? I really hate meta-physics that tie into the quantum variety y'know... =========== From: JONBOY To: TURTLE Subject: Freindship Date & Time: 03/03/91 11:57:31 Message Number 13265 T> Subaru: IBM on wheels. (c) Anarchy Now, Inc. Hehehe - I dunno if the Subaru was quite that bad... Jonboy =========== From: JONBOY To: TURTLE Subject: mouth size Date & Time: 03/03/91 11:58:37 Message Number 13266 T> A/R on a stick, so to speak. (Sorry, my sense of humor's chained into T> my motor task handler; That's ok - maybe I have a clue as to why mine works the way it does... We really should compile a best of - some of these folks are really deserving of immortality - do we have to obtain a release? Or does your operations guidelines cover non-confidentiality? A publishing JonBoy (watch out McMillian) =========== From: KNIGHT OWL To: SCOTT STEEL Subject: Suicide Date & Time: 03/03/91 12:15:50 Message Number 13267 I was saved from suicide my own procrastination. *]:) =========== From: SAAVIK To: KNIGHT OWL Subject: me Date & Time: 03/03/91 12:59:57 Message Number 13269 Sorry you lost your job. There are times I have to bite my tongue to keep from blowing it at work. But I hold a helm position so I am expected to be just and even tempered..... I am proud to say that I seldom "give into" the beast these days. I wish my sister and I's horses were in better shape. I'd take you riding. You're right about climbing out of the hole. It's dark in there and the light at the top is very pleasant and comforting. Good Luck, Knight. Bye the way, I have been to Fox Lea a few times....very nice place. =========== From: SAAVIK To: TURTLE Subject: Wildcats Date & Time: 03/03/91 13:09:13 Message Number 13272 Don't worry Turtle. I have NO intentions of going nearing any ones waterbed ANYWHERE. You're floatation device is safe from me. =========== From: SAAVIK To: TURTLE Subject: Spellw1nd Date & Time: 03/03/91 13:10:30 Message Number 13273 OK, I'll ask TS. Your comments intrique me. You know, we vulcans have an insatiable curiousity. =========== From: SAAVIK To: TURTLE Subject: Computer Stuff Date & Time: 03/03/91 13:12:12 Message Number 13274 Very weird, Turtle. But doesn't the law of averages dictate that sooner or later, SOMETHING has to go right. (sigh), why can't it be a decent lottery number instead of something as mundain as finding the missing cap on the toothpaste. =========== From: SAAVIK To: TURTLE Subject: Froidgronk Date & Time: 03/03/91 13:14:34 Message Number 13275 No: you weren't being cute or No: I didn't get a name wrong. Oh, I guess no to both. Hmmmm, does her boyfriend have a better set of handcuffs than you??? =========== From: SAAVIK To: TURTLE Subject: Handcuffs & You Date & Time: 03/03/91 13:16:22 Message Number 13276 It was as official as anything else in here. If it's any consolation, I'll be a witness to your sanity. On second thought, better leave my name out of it. On a serious note, just how far can a Sysop be held responcible for the things posted on his board? =========== From: SAAVIK To: TURTLE Subject: Right! Date & Time: 03/03/91 13:18:09 Message Number 13277 (desparately seeking my sword again) But I told him I like Barracuda's. I mean, that's gotta count for something, doesn't it???? =========== From: SAAVIK To: TURTLE Subject: Suicide Date & Time: 03/03/91 13:20:16 Message Number 13278 A good point. But something that we will never know. Heaven, hell. Is it really "better" in the Great Beyond? Did you see Flatliner's? I often wonder how there came to be so many interpretations of heaven and hell. Look at the Johova (sp?) Witness's. They think Heaven will be here on Earth. =========== From: SAAVIK To: KNIGHT OWL Subject: jealousy Date & Time: 03/03/91 13:24:53 Message Number 13279 So Spellwind was obnoxious, eh? More like Breakwind. (ouch) Sorry, I couldn't help it. Every board has it's irritating visitors. I mean, Alter Reality has me, doesn't it??? I am Vulcan Obnoxious sometimes, Saavik =========== From: SAAVIK To: SCOTT STEEL Subject: Not ACOA Date & Time: 03/03/91 13:27:30 Message Number 13280 Like I told Turtle, Saavik stays AWAY from waterbeds..... whether they are in a corner or not!! =========== From: SAAVIK To: SCOTT STEEL Subject: M$Ms Date & Time: 03/03/91 13:29:23 Message Number 13281 SS>Perhaps, I'll bring some M & M's to the Furry Party. Like your first grade teachers might have said, "Did you bring enough for everyone???? =========== From: SAAVIK To: SCOTT STEEL Subject: Touche' Date & Time: 03/03/91 13:31:48 Message Number 13282 SS>I like a woman that answers to a whistle. Then find yourself a nice collie and have puppies. SS>Sorry I couldn't resist that. Sorry, I couldn't resist that either. =========== From: SAAVIK To: SCOTT STEEL Subject: Barbara Dare Date & Time: 03/03/91 13:34:34 Message Number 13283 SS>Good, I love to make woman blush, it's, like, part of the job. (sigh) A stud-puppet's work is never done, is it? =========== From: SAAVIK To: SCOTT STEEL Subject: A.C.O.A. Date & Time: 03/03/91 13:36:30 Message Number 13284 SS>I can go for several rounds. Until you are "down" for the count???? SS>(blush?) Deep red!!! SS:You still don't that, do you??? ?????????????Huh????????? SS>What do you want from a fellow pervert? Green M & M's and a 69 Super Sport Camaro. =========== From: SAAVIK To: SCOTT STEEL Subject: Right! Date & Time: 03/03/91 13:39:24 Message Number 13285 SS>Why, did you let your imagination run wild and kinky? (Deep sigh) I may be married, but my imagination is not. SS>Bet you're blushing AGAIN Not again......., Still. =========== From: SAAVIK To: SCOTT STEEL Subject: Right! Date & Time: 03/03/91 13:41:25 Message Number 13286 SS> I think you want me anyway, no bribes needed. Dear Mr. Studly, I must speak to you about your ego. If you don't get a handle on it, you may find you'll have to pin your ears back to get through your bedroom door. You aren't concieted, you are convinced. I think you are very "broad minded", you seem to think of nothing else. You treat all women as "sequels". You are a "big dame hunter". Sorry, out of insults. Still love me???? SS>getting bold. VERY bold. =========== From: SAAVIK To: SCOTT STEEL Subject: Freindship Date & Time: 03/03/91 13:50:23 Message Number 13287 SA>I'll be the one to end up handcuffed. SS> Damn, can I come over and watch? Sure, I'll ask my husband. (cupping hand over phone) Hey honey, can Scott Steel come over and watch tonight???? =========== From: SAAVIK To: SCOTT STEEL Subject: jealousy Date & Time: 03/03/91 13:52:00 Message Number 13288 SS>Spellwind......pathetic. Gee, sorry I missed him. (sarcasm intended). =========== From: SAAVIK To: SCOTT STEEL Subject: Suicide Date & Time: 03/03/91 13:53:18 Message Number 13289 Hey, on a serious note, I think suicide is a topic to discuss. (not as an option, but as a topic of discussion). I had a friend who jumped off the skyway bridge. I'll never understand it. People just don't talk about "why" other people resort to taking their own lives. After my friend died, the whole thing was just swept under the rug. No one wanted to delve into the whys. =========== From: TURTLE To: KNIGHT OWL Subject: soo-ba-roo Date & Time: 03/03/91 14:19:34 Message Number 13290 >LOOC (c) Knight Owl, Inc. What, they've gone and turned you into a corporation?? =========== From: TURTLE To: JONBOY Subject: Existentialism Date & Time: 03/03/91 14:24:21 Message Number 13291 Did you ever see a movie called "Dark Star," by any chance? In it, this guy ends up teaching existentialism to a smart bomb in an effort to keep it from exploding while it's still attached to the ship; the bomb is convinced that its purpose in life is to explode, and the guy is saying "How do you know? How do you know there's anything out there to even give you a purpose?" Great movie. =========== From: TURTLE To: JONBOY Subject: Not A/R Band? Date & Time: 03/03/91 14:29:49 Message Number 13293 >I really am beginning to side with the rest of the folks here in >wondering if there may be something deeper here... Not at all. Jill's birthday and Lori's birthday fall almost exactly one week apart. I was responsible for the goings-on at both parties, both of which were not anticipated by the birthdayees. Well, I believe no birthday should go unnoticed, and if that means kidnapping the recipient... =========== From: TURTLE To: JONBOY Subject: Publishing A/R? Date & Time: 03/03/91 14:34:14 Message Number 13294 > we have to obtain a release? I don't think so; if something's posted in a public forum that's owned by a third party and obviously intended for public consumption, I don't think you need special permission to reprint it (so to speak). I don't think the copyright courts have addressed this one, though. =========== From: TURTLE To: SAAVIK Subject: Computer Stuff Date & Time: 03/03/91 14:38:00 Message Number 13295 >But doesn't the law of averages dictate that sooner or later, SOMETHING >has to go right. Not really. Things do occasionally go right, but only so they can go wrong more dramatically at a later date, plunging the entire world into gloom and chaos (kinda like Newark, NJ) where it's impossible to find a good parking space. =========== From: TURTLE To: SAAVIK Subject: Froidgronk Date & Time: 03/03/91 14:39:53 Message Number 13296 >Hmmmm, does her boyfriend have a better set of handcuffs than you? Nope...his tastes are much too pedestrian. =========== From: TURTLE To: SAAVIK Subject: On a serious.. Date & Time: 03/03/91 14:41:00 Message Number 13297 >On a serious note, just how far can a Sysop be held responcible for >the things posted on his board? Legally, a sysop is absolutely responsible for anything appearing on his system. If any messages of an illegal nature (credit card numbers, TeleNet access codes, whatever) appears on his board, the sysop is likel to be arrested and find his computer confiscated. =========== From: TURTLE To: SAAVIK Subject: Heaven & Hell Date & Time: 03/03/91 14:43:45 Message Number 13298 >Heaven, Hell. Is it really "better" in the Great Beyond? No; when you're in the "Great Beyond" you are in precisely the same state you were in before your birth. >Look at Johova (sp?) Witness's. They think Heaven will be here on >Earth. They're not the only Christians who believe that. The Jehovah's Witnesses also do not accept the existance of Hell at all (taking their cue from a verse in Romans: "The wages of sin is death.") They also don't believe in the Trinity, blood transfusions, or coming over to my apartment any more after I damn near converted one of their numbers away from the faith. =========== From: TURTLE To: SAAVIK Subject: Not ACOA Date & Time: 03/03/91 14:47:17 Message Number 13299 >Like I told Turtle, Saavik stays AWAY from waterbeds... At furry parties or as a general rule?? I LIKE waterbeds! =========== From: TURTLE To: ALL Subject: Message Date & Time: 03/03/91 14:50:51 Message Number 13300 This is message #13300. HA! I got a good one and Saavik didn't! Ha! =========== From: KEN SABLE To: HA! Subject: HA! Date & Time: 03/03/91 14:54:03 Message Number 13301 Well ... I have the message right after Turtle's message" I'm bbbbaaacccckkkk! (Wow! This is heavy, doc ...) // Sable =========== From: SCOTT STEEL To: JONBOY Subject: Freindship Date & Time: 03/03/91 16:01:35 Message Number 13304 T> Subaru: IBM on wheels. (c) Anarchy Now, Inc. You know that the Specialist is going to have something to say about that. And I know you two won't agree on that. =========== From: SCOTT STEEL To: KNIGHT OWL Subject: Suicide Date & Time: 03/03/91 16:03:27 Message Number 13305 KO> I was saved from suicide my own procrastination. And you lived to tell about it.....Wow! hehehehehehe Have a day. (tm) =========== From: SCOTT STEEL To: SAAVIK Subject: Suicide Date & Time: 03/03/91 16:07:11 Message Number 13306 One piece of advice, don't get me started on the Jehovah Witnesses. =========== From: SCOTT STEEL To: SAAVIK Subject: jealousy Date & Time: 03/03/91 16:08:09 Message Number 13307 SA> So Spellwind was obnoxious, eh? More like Dreakwind. The Specialist and I used to call him Lettwind. hehehehe =========== From: SCOTT STEEL To: SAAVIK Subject: Not ACOA Date & Time: 03/03/91 16:09:12 Message Number 13308 What do you have against waterbeds? I love waterbeds, I know how to keep rtythm on them. I should have kept that girl I told you about around. My hormones are running wild, and I'm bring them in force to the boards. hehehehe An under-sexed, overly-perverted, Scott Steel I guess, it now Sucks To Be Me. (tm) =========== From: SCOTT STEEL To: SAAVIK Subject: M$Ms Date & Time: 03/03/91 16:12:02 Message Number 13309 With any luck I'll be able to bring tons of M & M's. I figure five pounds is sufficient. Y'know between the Dew and the M & M's we'll all be hyper. Tons of sugar and caffiene. =========== From: SCOTT STEEL To: SAAVIK Subject: Touche' Date & Time: 03/03/91 16:13:44 Message Number 13310 SS> I like a woman that answers to a whistle. SA> Then find yourself a nice collie and have puppies. That's gross. SS> Sorry I couldn't resist. SA> Sorry, I couldn't resist either. (ouch) Hey, I tought you were on my side! =========== From: SCOTT STEEL To: SAAVIK Subject: Barbara Dare Date & Time: 03/03/91 16:15:52 Message Number 13311 SA> Astud-puppet's work is never done, is it? Hey, now, Turtle's are resident stud-puppet, stud-muffin, or woman- slayer, or babe-magnet. Not me. =========== From: SCOTT STEEL To: SAAVIK Subject: A.C.O.A. Date & Time: 03/03/91 16:17:50 Message Number 13312 SA> Until you're "down" for the count. SA> (Blush) Nope, not blushing, I've heard of too many guys who are "down" after the first round. SS> You still don't that, do you? That was supposed to be: You still don't know that, do you? (I was referring to my confession about keeping more control in a relationship, instead of allowing the woman to dominate. =========== From: SCOTT STEEL To: SAAVIK Subject: Blushing Date & Time: 03/03/91 16:21:38 Message Number 13313 I bet you'll blush when we first meet. Just thinking of everything we've written to each other. SA> (Deep sigh) I may be married, but my imagination is not. Do you care to elaborate on those imaginative thoughts? I know you blushing (heheheheheheeheheheheheh) =========== From: SCOTT STEEL To: SAAVIK Subject: Right! Date & Time: 03/03/91 16:24:13 Message Number 13314 SA> You are a "big dame hunter" Unforunately you struck a harass chord with that one, remember the "Stalker" label hung on me? (this a private thing between me and Saavik, no explanation will be given, period. She knows what I'm taling about and that's sufficient.) SA> Still love me????? Yes, if not more, I love a woman with spunk, you heart-breaker. =========== From: SCOTT STEEL To: SAAVIK Subject: Freindship Date & Time: 03/03/91 16:27:26 Message Number 13315 SS> Dman, can I can over and watch? SA> Sure, I'll ask my husband. I'm not into vonyeurism(sp?) But, I could be presuaded. hehehehehe God, I'm really getting bad. I've almost been reduced to BBS sex, I guess it's the next best thing to phone sex. BLUSH =========== From: SCOTT STEEL To: ALL Subject: message numbers Date & Time: 03/03/91 16:36:38 Message Number 13316 I seem to recall that Saavil wanted message number 13333. Well, I'm gonna post until I get. Ha! Saavik, you can't have it. =========== From: SCOTT STEEL To: SCOTT STEEL Subject: message numbers Date & Time: 03/03/91 16:38:31 Message Number 13317 I've got 16 messages to go, boy this is going to be an endeavor. =========== From: SCOTT STEEL To: SCOTT STEEL Subject: message numbers Date & Time: 03/03/91 16:39:21 Message Number 13318 About suicide, I agree with you Saavik. Too many won't allow people to show their true emotions. Therefore, people can't express their need for help. I've tried to make sure my friends know that they can call me at any time for any reason, just so they know they've got someone to talk to when they're hurting. =========== From: SCOTT STEEL To: SCOTT STEEL Subject: The quest Date & Time: 03/03/91 16:41:58 Message Number 13319 Yes, the quest for #13333 continues........ =========== From: SCOTT STEEL To: SCOTT STEEL Subject: message numbers Date & Time: 03/03/91 16:42:39 Message Number 13320 And no Saavik, you won't get it. s =========== From: SCOTT STEEL To: SCOTT STEEL Subject: message numbers Date & Time: 03/03/91 16:43:03 Message Number 13321 Yep, I'm stubborn. =========== From: SCOTT STEEL To: SCOTT STEEL Subject: message numbers Date & Time: 03/03/91 16:43:24 Message Number 13322 Yes, it is your tough shit. =========== From: SCOTT STEEL To: SCOTT STEEL Subject: message numbers Date & Time: 03/03/91 16:43:53 Message Number 13323 And no I'm not going to be sorry about.....suffer! =========== From: SCOTT STEEL To: SCOTT STEEL Subject: message numbers Date & Time: 03/03/91 16:44:32 Message Number 13324 Getting close, and frustrated. I'm having second thoughts. NO, I can't let Saavik or anyone else for that matter, have it. I want it. =========== From: SCOTT STEEL To: SCOTT STEEL Subject: message numbers Date & Time: 03/03/91 16:45:28 Message Number 13325 What did everyone think of the Fair this year? I was able to find a ride, but we decided against due to the weather. =========== From: SCOTT STEEL To: SCOTT STEEL Subject: message numbers Date & Time: 03/03/91 16:47:16 Message Number 13326 Message #13326 getting close. =========== From: SCOTT STEEL To: SCOTT STEEL Subject: message numbers Date & Time: 03/03/91 16:47:39 Message Number 13327 Topics....topics.....ummmmmm....what about think of the end of the war. =========== From: SCOTT STEEL To: SCOTT STEEL Subject: message numbers Date & Time: 03/03/91 16:48:49 Message Number 13328 The Specialist just told me that he just saw a six-pack for his car. Oh, shit, look out. If he can get it he'll really be loaded for bear. And I don't care. =========== From: SCOTT STEEL To: SCOTT STEEL Subject: message numbers Date & Time: 03/03/91 16:50:15 Message Number 13329 Did anyone notice that the last message rhymed? I was intentional. =========== From: SCOTT STEEL To: SCOTT STEEL Subject: closer Date & Time: 03/03/91 16:51:02 Message Number 13330 Almost there. Almost there. =========== From: SCOTT STEEL To: SCOTT STEEL Subject: closer Date & Time: 03/03/91 16:51:53 Message Number 13331 God this is a pain, and yes this is immature, deal with it. =========== From: SCOTT STEEL To: SCOTT STEEL Subject: Even closer. Date & Time: 03/03/91 16:52:32 Message Number 13332 Yes, I got it now, the next message # is mine, (as long as I don't get kicked out line) I'm sure you all would find that amusing. =========== From: TURTLE To: ALL Subject: Yoyos Date & Time: 03/03/91 16:55:46 Message Number 13333 Anyone figured out who owns that yoyo yet? =========== From: SCOTT STEEL To: TURTLE Subject: Yoyos Date & Time: 03/03/91 16:59:24 Message Number 13334 That was a cheap shot!!!!!!!!! Why you little so-and-so. I worked for that message number damnit. And you stole it. Bum. Thief. =========== From: SAAVIK To: TURTLE Subject: soo-ba-roo Date & Time: 03/03/91 18:06:36 Message Number 13337 Knight Owl, Inc. A corporation? Gee, I think I saw that on one of those late night commercials. You know the ones...... "Talk to me, Baby. Dial 1-900-444-999. I dare you!" (Gorgeous female winks and licks her lips on the screen). =========== From: SAAVIK To: TURTLE Subject: Computer Stuff Date & Time: 03/03/91 18:09:40 Message Number 13338 T>Gloom and chaos where it's impossible to find a good parking space. Ah, getcha. You mean like Main street in Sarasota. I've always been a firm believer of Murphey's Law. If you always expect the worst, you're never disappointed. =========== From: SAAVIK To: TURTLE Subject: On a serious.. Date & Time: 03/03/91 18:11:48 Message Number 13339 But that's not fair. (A sysop being arrested for the antics of his users Would the sysop be prosecuted or would he just be required to turn over his user information to avoid legal prosecution. I mean, there are so many boards out there and there are bound to be jerks posting. =========== From: SAAVIK To: TURTLE Subject: Heaven & Hell Date & Time: 03/03/91 18:14:24 Message Number 13340 I don't like to say bad things about any religion but those Jehovah Witness's are the worst. They knock on your door, they blather their heads off and if you are the least bit polite to them, they come back again and again. How do you get rid of them without being rude????? Also, how'd you almost convert one?? =========== From: SAAVIK To: TURTLE Subject: Not ACOA Date & Time: 03/03/91 18:16:19 Message Number 13341 Oh, I have nothing about waterbeds in general. But as a rule, I go to parties without my other half...., sooooooo, to insure my future freedom in this relationship, avoiding waterbeds and simular situations is a priority. If ya know what I mean... =========== From: SAAVIK To: TURTLE Subject: Message Date & Time: 03/03/91 18:18:18 Message Number 13342 T>Message 13300. Ha I got a good one and Saavik didn't. Ha. Doesn't count. You are the sysop. You don't have to dial and redial seventeen times to log on. (sniff) S'not fair. You can have any message you want......( sigh ) but I am a good sport. Just keep your paws offa 13333. 'Kay???? =========== From: SAAVIK To: KEN SABLE Subject: HA! Date & Time: 03/03/91 18:20:28 Message Number 13343 Welcome bbbbaaaacccckkkk! Aren't you the sysop over at, er, uh, someone help me out here, I'm drawing serious blanks...... =========== From: SAAVIK To: SCOTT STEEL Subject: Suicide Date & Time: 03/03/91 18:22:00 Message Number 13344 Ohhhh, then don't read the message I posted to Turtle. Grrrrr. They piss me off, too. =========== From: SAAVIK To: SCOTT STEEL Subject: Not ACOA Date & Time: 03/03/91 18:23:10 Message Number 13345 GET A GRIP!!!!!! I don't "hold" anything against waterbeds (especially strange men). And you, Scott, are getting stranger by the moment. Somebody quick call the love doctor. Scott needs a fix. Find this man some Love!!! Or was that just Sex!!! =========== From: SAAVIK To: SCOTT STEEL Subject: M$Ms Date & Time: 03/03/91 18:26:01 Message Number 13346 Tons of M & M's and Dew. Great! We'll all be up all night. Bouncing off the cieling. Talking to Turtle's Yo Yo. =========== From: SAAVIK To: SCOTT STEEL Subject: Touche' Date & Time: 03/03/91 18:27:20 Message Number 13347 ss: I thought you were on my side. Are we taking sides here? Is it us against them??? Are we getting paranoid???? I am on your side, Scott. Like I said, I just couldn't resist it. =========== From: SAAVIK To: SCOTT STEEL Subject: Barbara Dare Date & Time: 03/03/91 18:28:44 Message Number 13348 SS: Not a stud puppet, stud muffin, or babe magnet. Oh, I'm sorry, Mr. Studly, I was momentarily confused. But Turtle never makes me blush, now does he??? =========== From: SAAVIK To: SCOTT STEEL Subject: A.C.O.A. Date & Time: 03/03/91 18:31:57 Message Number 13349 This may seem chauvinistic (sp?) to you, but I believe a man should dominate a relashionship to a certain degree. Not like a tyrant or Fred Flinstone, hehe, but women, whether we like to admit it or not, admire strong men. No, I'm not just talking muscles here. My husband and I have a relationship built on trust and respect. But in the end, he is the boss. He wouldn't make a major decision without me, and he respects my opinion. But, I look to him for help more than he looks to me. Maybe not every one would agree, (specially not other women), but that's how it is. =========== From: SAAVIK To: SCOTT STEEL Subject: Blushing Date & Time: 03/03/91 18:38:35 Message Number 13350 Yes, I'm going to blush when we meet, no doubt. And no, I don't care to elaborate. Use YOUR imagination on that one. (sly grin) =========== From: SAAVIK To: SCOTT STEEL Subject: Right! Date & Time: 03/03/91 18:40:02 Message Number 13351 Sorry about the big dame hunter. I didn't mean to pinch a sensative chord. I was just trying to knock some of the macho bullshit out of you. (sigh) I should have known it would never work. You heartbreaker??????? Yeah, I'm a heartbreaker, soul taker, love taker, don't cha mess around with me. (Pat Benatar) =========== From: SAAVIK To: SCOTT STEEL Subject: Freindship Date & Time: 03/03/91 18:42:28 Message Number 13352 YOU BLUSHED, YOU BLUSHED!!!!!!!! Gosh, it's a Kodak moment. You gotta stop watching late night television, Scott. I think all that "Talk to me, talk to me" 900 number bullshit is getting to you. BBS is cheaper anyway. (quoting Poison) ....oh, baby, Talk dirty to me. "CC pick up that guitar and talk to me." Good song. =========== From: SAAVIK To: SCOTT STEEL Subject: Not on yer life Date & Time: 03/03/91 18:45:35 Message Number 13353 Keep yer mits off my number!!!!!!!!! =========== From: SAAVIK To: SCOTT STEEL Subject: message numbers Date & Time: 03/03/91 18:46:37 Message Number 13354 About suicide and friends. Yeah, I told my friend to call me, too. She tried taking pills one time and after a short trip to 5 north, she seemed to get her life together. Then she tried again. This time, she was diognosed as a manic depressive and given medication. Again, she seemed to get her life together. She didn't call me for a long time. When I called her, she sounded cheerful and had nothing but good things to say. Then, not much later..... a got a call from a mutual friend telling me she was in the hospital after jumping off the Skyway. She never regained conciousness. She just wouldn't open up to me after she started taking the medication. I felt so........., helpless. =========== From: SAAVIK To: SCOTT STEEL Subject: The quest Date & Time: 03/03/91 18:50:40 Message Number 13355 OH, you've got to be kidding. You aren't seriously going to post until you get it, are you?? =========== From: SAAVIK To: SCOTT STEEL Subject: message numbers Date & Time: 03/03/91 18:52:11 Message Number 13356 You realize, don't you. THIS IS WAR> =========== From: SAAVIK To: TURTLE Subject: Yoyos Date & Time: 03/03/91 18:53:33 Message Number 13357 Mohahahahahah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you Turtle!!!! Ohhhhh, Scott, i thought you were pretty smart, eh???? Well, behold the Turtle. Next I want 13456. Bids anyone? =========== From: JONBOY To: SAAVIK Subject: jealousy Date & Time: 03/03/91 21:22:00 Message Number 13358 SA> So Spellwind was obnoxious, eh? More like Breakwind. Lady , you'e a gem... where in hell were you when we *needed* you? An Impressed JonBoy =========== From: JONBOY To: SAAVIK Subject: Right! Date & Time: 03/03/91 21:23:51 Message Number 13359 SS>Why, did you let your imagination run wild and kinky? SA>(Deep sigh) I may be married, but my imagination is not. That's good! Imagination is one of those things that needs to be exercised (not exorcised) so that it doesn't go away... More more... =========== From: JONBOY To: SAAVIK Subject: Right! Date & Time: 03/03/91 21:25:35 Message Number 13360 SA> If you don't get a handle on it,... I think the "handle" on it is the source of the problem. *]:> An evil-evil JonBoy =========== From: JONBOY To: TURTLE Subject: Existentialism Date & Time: 03/03/91 21:27:34 Message Number 13361 T> movie called "Dark Star," ... teaching existentialism to a smart bomb The plot sounds like a short story by hmmm, Phillip K. Dick (???) his kind of weirdness anyway... Sounds neat. JonBoy =========== From: JONBOY To: TURTLE Subject: Not A/R Band? Date & Time: 03/03/91 21:29:03 Message Number 13362 T> Jill's birthday and Lori's birthday fall almost exactly one week T> apart. I was responsible ... Shame on you! You should at least came up with a varient so that the thought was "unique" :> =========== From: JONBOY To: TURTLE Subject: Message Date & Time: 03/03/91 21:31:51 Message Number 13363 T> This is message #13300. HA! I got a good one and Saavik didn't! Ha! Nahhhhhh the next "good" one will be 13333 or 13131 or 13812 or 13579 or .... figure 'em out. A fibonacci JonBoy running on sequencer logic =========== From: JONBOY To: TURTLE Subject: Yoyos Date & Time: 03/03/91 21:38:34 Message Number 13364 T>Anyone figured out who owns that yoyo yet? Wahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaaha!!! That's the sneakiest underhandedest lowest rotten thing I've ever seen someone pull "rank" to do - ------ ******* I love it!. =========== From: JONBOY To: SAAVIK Subject: Heaven & Hell Date & Time: 03/03/91 21:40:38 Message Number 13365 SA> How do you get rid of them without being rude????? My dear, who in the world told you that being rude was not allowed by th the rules? They are most assuredly inserting themselves into your life with no other purpose than to attempt a subtle reoraganizing of your cognizant thought processes into something resembling oatmeal. Rude is definately called for... A mean-rotten-nasty JW hating JonBoy =========== From: JONBOY To: TURTLE Subject: Faire Date & Time: 03/03/91 21:48:04 Message Number 13366 Damn! It cleared up after all right when I had committed myself to some cleanup chores. Did you at least go anyway? I thought about dropping everything and boogiing over to check out but.... duty called I did get to play raquetball tonite tho... I had to get nasty with one of the jerks I played partners with. He's one of those morons that starts screaming everytime you screw up and rants about winning. I finally lost it and said that /I/ was here for fun. He wasn't winning and I wasn't having any fun so the hell with it! He decided to cool off and we finished anyway -- I just thought I'd share that since Lori and I were discussing that sort of thing and it's precisely that sort of thing that discourages people from wanting to do stuff like play a sport on a non-combat level. Sighhhh why can't people learn to RELAX - you know like actually do something because it's fun to share a moment without trying to capture it at someone elses expense? Ulcers, medication, insomnia, personal realtionship disorders... who needs 'em. a zen JonBoy =========== From: TURTLE To: SCOTT STEEL Subject: Residency Date & Time: 03/03/91 23:55:57 Message Number 13367 >Hey, now, Turtle's are resident [mucous-laced mumblings]. Nice grammar. =========== From: TURTLE To: SCOTT STEEL Subject: Yoyos Date & Time: 03/03/91 23:59:17 Message Number 13368 >That was a cheap shot!!!!!!! Yep, sure was. >Why you little so-and-so. Well, yeah. A victorious so-and-so. >I worked for that message damnit. You did. >And you stole it. I did. >Bum. Naah; I work much too hard to be a bum. >Theif. Well, that depends. What, exactly, was stolen here? I don't think you can, rightly speaking, /own/ a message number... BTW, that was sheer, unadulterated coincidence. If you had been sixty seconds faster, I'd have lost... =========== From: TURTLE To: SAAVIK Subject: soo-ba-roo Date & Time: 03/04/91 00:03:08 Message Number 13369 >"Talk to me, Baby. Dial 1-900-444-999. I dare you!" Beep beep BWEEP. If you'd like to make a call, please hang up and try again, or ask your operator to help you. Nine zero zero. =========== From: TURTLE To: SAAVIK Subject: On a serious.. Date & Time: 03/04/91 00:04:35 Message Number 13370 >But that's not fair. Nope, but it's the law. There have been cases of sysops who have been arrested and prosecuted for information left on their systems. Legally speaking, if you run a BBS you are liable for it, period. In fact, on my advice another BBSer recently did a little research about BBSes and the law and produced a list of all applicable Federal and state laws that apply (the two most restrictive states? Florida and Pennsylvania-- the two states in which I have run BBSes). Turned out to be a LARGE text file. For example, did you know a sysop can be prosecuted under obscenity laws if the information on his system (including, but not limited to, text, machine-readable graphic images, etc) can be construed as being obscene? Or that a sysop can be held accountable if a user who is a minor runs into anything remotely questionable? Or that electronic mail left on a BBS to another user /must/ be made accessable to that user, and the sysop may read such mail but may not disclose its contents or refuse access to it? (Believe it or not, there actually has been a court case to test this one, but not in this state.) Cool stuff. =========== From: TURTLE To: SAAVIK Subject: Heaven & Hell Date & Time: 03/04/91 00:10:33 Message Number 13371 I generally welcome Jehovah's Witnesses with open arms (so to speak) and am more than happy to invite them in for protracted periods of time. I can argue theology with the best of them, and have the advantage of formal instruction in logic and philosophy (or, 1,001 Ways To Shoot Down the 'Argument From Design' Proof of God's Existance)--and I'm just nasty enough that if someone barges into my house with the intent of persuading me that whatever view I have of the cosmos is wrong and I must be converted, I feel any moral obligation on my part to respect the beliefs of others is null and void. There was one person in particular who returned (with several others) several times for these little discussions, and for all the arguments they produced in favor of their rather peculiar cosmology I was able to produce a rebuttal or a counterexample. She actually started wavering--which prompted the quick termination of the discussion and a refusal on the part of the Witnesses to return. They'll still leave me with various bits of propoganda, which I add to my collection (I now have over a thousand pages of religious propoganda on file, mostly Fundamentalist, Southern Baptist, and Jehovah's Witnesses) but they won't come inside or talk to me. *sniff* I guess my soul just isn't worth redemption. =========== From: TURTLE To: SAAVIK Subject: Message Date & Time: 03/04/91 00:17:05 Message Number 13372 >Just keep your paws offa 13333. 'Kay???? Uh.... =========== From: TURTLE To: SAAVIK Subject: HA! Date & Time: 03/04/91 00:17:33 Message Number 13373 >...someone help me out here, I'm drawing serious blanks..... The Armadillo Connection, Florida's Furry HQ (*snort*), an MSTF Member System, No-net Central BIG BOARD. (Sysops: Tyler Robinson and Death Fennec. Sarasota national echo moderators: Watts Martin and Turtle.) =========== From: TURTLE To: SAAVIK Subject: A.C.O.A. Date & Time: 03/04/91 00:20:35 Message Number 13374 >...I believe a man should dominate a relationship to a certain degree. Whyizzat? >...women, whether they will admit it or not, admire strong men. Want some counterexamples? I would state that as a general rule a stable relationship should have two equal partners, but that's just me. I will also state that in most of the relationships I've seen which have one dominant member, it's usually an ego thing or (more often) an insecurity thing rather than a "mutual trust and respect" thing. But then again, I think jealousy is one of the greatest forces for evil known to man, so what do I know? =========== From: TURTLE To: SAAVIK Subject: Friendship Date & Time: 03/04/91 00:23:39 Message Number 13375 >BBS is cheaper anyway. But can't really hold a candle to real conversation when discussing sensitive subjects, yesno? The bandwidth is too small (no body language, no tone of voice information), there's too much chance for misinterpretation, and unless you're in real-time chat it lacks a certain sence of immediacy. Not to say that chat mode can't be an interesting thing...*ahem*. =========== From: KNIGHT OWL To: SAAVIK Subject: jealousy Date & Time: 03/04/91 00:36:58 Message Number 13378 No, you're not obnoxious at all. You're very well recieved here by all (that I know of). =========== From: KNIGHT OWL To: SAAVIK Subject: Suicide Date & Time: 03/04/91 00:40:53 Message Number 13379 Sorry to hear of your friend's death. I myself have contemplated suicide when things were really bad. Sometimes people feel that there's no end to the misery they endure, whether it be the loss of a loved one or the hardships that life throws at them. My reason to continue is because I have a sister that I love very much and that things would eventually get better. I have learned of the self-preservation that is so necessary to continue living. It helps to talk about your problems, no matter what they are. I've done it before, and it has always made me feel better, and sometimes has given me a new perspective of the problem at hand. I do, however, believe in euthanasia when there is no chance for recovery. (a whole separate subject for further debate if you wish) SEE YA! Knight Owl =========== From: KNIGHT OWL To: TURTLE Subject: soo-ba-roo Date & Time: 03/04/91 01:00:09 Message Number 13380 T> What, they've gone and turned you into a corporation?? Yup! Strictly fly-by-night. =========== From: KNIGHT OWL To: SAAVIK Subject: M$Ms Date & Time: 03/04/91 01:16:13 Message Number 13381 S> Tons of M & M's and Dew. Great! We'll all be up all night. Bouncing off the cieling and talking to Turtle's yo yo. Count me in, I'm a Knight Owl that loves to be wide-eyed with insomnia. =========== From: SCOTT STEEL To: SAAVIK Subject: Not ACOA Date & Time: 03/04/91 01:40:04 Message Number 13383 Sorry, I guess I was over-stepping my bounds. And, yes I'd like a love, not just sex. =========== From: SCOTT STEEL To: SAAVIK Subject: A.C.O.A. Date & Time: 03/04/91 01:42:12 Message Number 13384 SA> (talking about men leading more than women in a relationship.) Yes, I agree, now only if I could find a woman who also agreed. Dammit why did you have to get married. =========== From: SCOTT STEEL To: SAAVIK Subject: Blushing Date & Time: 03/04/91 01:43:41 Message Number 13385 SA> And no, I don't care to elaborate. Use YOUR imagination on that one That was an easy way out. If I've ever seen one. I'll tell, if you will. (Meet you in E-mail?) =========== From: SCOTT STEEL To: SAAVIK Subject: Right! Date & Time: 03/04/91 01:45:27 Message Number 13386 SA> ...I was trying to knock some of the macho bullshit out of you. You know it won't work, because, in reality, it's not there. And you know that. =========== From: SCOTT STEEL To: SAAVIK Subject: Freindship Date & Time: 03/04/91 01:47:00 Message Number 13387 SA> YOU BLUSHED!!!! YOU BLUSHED!!!! Ummm, sorry, but there was suppose to be a ? after that. I was asking a one word question. (Are you) Blushing? I didn't blush. But yes, I'm sure I'll blush too when I meet you. =========== From: SCOTT STEEL To: SAAVIK Subject: Not on yer life Date & Time: 03/04/91 01:49:05 Message Number 13388 SA> Keep yer mits off my number!!!! Well, as you have seen Turtle stole it from me. He kicked me off line just before I saved to message. It was a /very/ dirty trick. I had just gotten finished type, "it's mine, all mine. As long as I don't get kicked off line" Next thing I know, NO CARRIER I said " Shit, Turlte kicked me off. That #@!#@$%%^$&$##@##!!!!!!! =========== From: SCOTT STEEL To: SAAVIK Subject: suicidal friend Date & Time: 03/04/91 01:52:06 Message Number 13389 Ouch, boy I wish I didn't know that experience. I had a friend call me up to tell me that she had just taken 72 aspirins. She's fine now, but we had several last night/early morning talks. =========== From: SCOTT STEEL To: SAAVIK Subject: Yoyos Date & Time: 03/04/91 01:54:21 Message Number 13390 SA> message numbers.....13456..Bids anyone? Nope, if Turtle is going to play by those rules, I'll gonna stay out of this one. An underhandedly defeated, Scott Steel =========== From: SCOTT STEEL To: TURTLE Subject: Yoyos Date & Time: 03/04/91 01:59:40 Message Number 13391 Thanks for making me that laughing stock of the BSS. A pissed off Scott Steel =========== From: SCOTT STEEL To: KNIGHT OWL Subject: Suicide Date & Time: 03/04/91 02:04:49 Message Number 13392 Just for the record, if you need someone to talk to give me a call. Let me if you want it. If you do, I'll leave in E-mail for you. Suicide attempts are not unfamiliar to me either. Actually it was more like self-mutalation. =========== From: JONBOY To: TURTLE Subject: Heaven & Hell Date & Time: 03/09/91 19:51:19 Message Number 13393 T> *sniff* I guess my soul just isn't worth redemption. Ahhhhh cheer up! They were just told that reptiles have no soul and so they cheerfully decided that it was not necessary or polite to discuss something that you don't possess. JonBoy =========== From: JONBOY To: TURTLE Subject: Friendship Date & Time: 03/09/91 19:54:29 Message Number 13394 T> there's too much chance for misinterpretation,(with BBS chat) Like, there's no chance for misunderstandings when face to face? Actually I think that people tend to express themselves more truthfully when presented with a certain degree of anoniminity via the BBS chat coupled with our illustrious host encouraging aliases. I mean - you don't really HAVE to meet these people if you don't wanna. I would cite a few examples but I'm sure the gist is apparent to you. A cloaked-in-secrecy JonBoy =========== From: JONBOY To: SCOTT STEEL Subject: suicidal friend Date & Time: 03/09/91 20:00:29 Message Number 13395 SS> up to tell me that she had just taken 72 aspirins. Most assuredly a simple bid for attention and not a serious act of self-annihilation. I read somewhere that true suicides research the subject very carefully so that they /will not fail/. I have also been told by a homicide (forensics) expert that a true suicide inevitably leaves a suicide note. Scariest thing I ever went through was my buddy called one night (from three states away) and told me that he had been sleeping with his .357 magnum but couldn't find the guts to pull the trigger. Ahhhhh sheeeeyut!!! Now what do you do when you really might make a difference? As I recall I said something like; "Gee I would think that it's obvious".. (buddy) "what's obvious?" (me)"You weren't looking for courage - you were attempting stupidity which is out of reach for a person of your great inner strength" (or some such crapola that apparently worked or helped). Scared the shit right out of me because I *couldn't* get to him on a personal level - just that friggin phone and the sound of him twirling the cylinder... JonBoy =========== From: JONBOY To: SCOTT STEEL Subject: Yoyos Date & Time: 03/09/91 20:07:37 Message Number 13396 SS> Thanks for making me that laughing stock of the BSS. SS> A pissed off Scott Steel Ever see the movie "History of the World" in which he plays a french king? He hollers "Oh piss boy!" , releives himself in the bucket and sighs.... "it's great to be the king!". Hehehehehehehehe. A kick-'em-while-they're-down JonBoy PS(all in fun ya unnerstand!) =========== From: SAAVIK To: JONBOY Subject: jealousy Date & Time: 03/09/91 20:31:15 Message Number 13400 Yeah, I wish I could have had a "Piece" of that Spellwind dude. Someone to take my hostilities out on. Ah, well, if I stick around long enough, (and I will), maybe some other obnoxious jerk will come along and we'll ALL send him back to his Momma. =========== .